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Even in a saturated cosmetics market, Mary Kay is unique.
Loved, respected, and successful for over 50 years, the
company offers desirable, quality products and puts forth
an empowering business model with a strong sense of
Today’s 18-25 year old American women have much in
common with Mary Kay Ash when she was starting her
company, but our research shows they just don’t know it.
This massive, educated, and diverse segment is still trying to
find fresh, quality brands that truly speak to them, but are
not hearing that Mary Kay has what they want most.
We found that young adult
women know of Mary Kay, they
just don’t know about Mary Kay.
Research 2
Target Profiles 10
Creative 12
Media Plan 22
The Big Idea
Creative Brief
Social Media/PR/Digital
Conclusion 25
After extensive primary and secondary research,
our focus was clear...
What was it that was preventing them from
knowing more about Mary Kay?
What was the connection that would unite these
women and Mary Kay?
responses 28 states
10 IBC
Our research showed that, with a strong desire to
challenge the norm, 18-25 year old women have a
“do-it-all” attitude. More educated, confident, and
self-expressive with firm values, they’re complex and
cannot be consistently defined.
These women crave flexibility, individuality and
opportunities for growth. Wanting to feel a part of
something bigger, they often choose brands that
support social causes.
Moms that are Millennials
Live with parents
as creative
Do not believe women
should return to their
“traditional role” in society
Own homes
Paradoxically, these women long for independence...
This generation, its all about bold women who
are not afraid of challenging the norm.” - Drea, 23
...and seek the advice of those closest around them.
My friends and my mom have a big influence
on the makeup I buy...I’ll try anything they want
me to.” - Kate, 20
While they may vary in their approach to life, these
women have a consistent desire for fresh, clean and
quality cosmetics. They seek advice when buying
cosmetics yet want to feel empowered and independent
in the process.
They love trying something new and are searching
for brands and products that reflect their lifestyle and
personality. Don’t mistake their confidence for arrogance
and don’t expect them to reach too far into their pockets.
Affordability is key.
said wearing makeup
makes them feel
Above all, they look for makeup brands
that make them feel confident.
To describe their favorite makeup brands, women used
words like “quality,” “fresh,” and “natural.”
I’m attracted to fresh and natural looks, I like
to look like myself.” - Shelby, 22
Makeup is an extension of how you feel, I
always match my makeup to my mood.” - Angie, 20
I like something natural looking that I can
wear during the day or night.” - Maddy, 18
are willing to try new
brands when shopping
for makeup
With a comprehensive understanding of Millennials’
relationship with cosmetics, we set out to discover their
exposure to the Mary Kay brand.
The Mary Kay At Play ad is
very ‘teeny bopper.’ It looks like
they target 12 year old girls
who have never worn
makeup before.” - Krissy, 21
Meanwhile, Millennials in our focus groups felt
that Mary Kay At Play ads skewed too young.
Many of these women described Mary Kay products positively,
but overwhelmingly viewed the brand as older.
I kind of think of Mary Kay as old people
makeup. I don’t know why, I just do. It kinda has
that vibe.” - Sammi, 21
They seem like an old brand. It’s the kind of
thing my mom gets invited to, but not me.” - Taryn, 22
Eventually, it became clear. Mary Kay’s messaging has
a millennial-sized gap. Millennials view Mary Kay
as a brand of two extremes: either for mom or little sister.
Regarding the direct selling model, most of the women
had an initial aversion to makeup parties, without ever
having tried them.
I would never buy from a direct seller.
I feel like it’s really inconvenient.” - Kate, 20
Usually I’ve seen it marketed to older
people. So, I’ve never been to a cosmetics
party before.” - Rio, 23“
In exit interviews after our cosmetic parties we learned that,
much to their surprise, our guests enjoyed the experience
and loved trying the products.
I would recommend my friends to have a
direct selling party because its a different way to
get together and have a fun night.” - Diana, 20
I was surprised at the range of
products they had available - so many
different shades of colors.” - Tausha, 22
Would you consider continuing a relationship with your IBC?
Definitely. Easy, simple and reliable.” - Alex, 20
I feel like the products are actually better.
The parties are intimate so you can talk to
someone in detail about them.” - Tausha, 22
		 The party was so cool because it
was super social, better than I expected.
I even bought two foundations that I got
to try right then and there.” - Maria, 18
IBCs Linda and Georgina work with
Ashley at our second MK party
Morgan, Kristin, and Sheira trying
out new skin care products
After experiencing a Mary Kay party, our target went from
skeptics to believers. Their opinion of the direct selling
model changed and they loved the products. But getting
them to a party is a hurdle. Their current perception of
the brand is holding them back.
Our challenge is to help them see that Mary Kay provides
women with the quality products necessary to instill self
confidence with the tools to succeed in life. The IBCs we
met prized the power of women-to-women guidance and
individuality. The support and community Mary Kay offers
is an answer to one half of the paradox we observed in
our 18-25 year old millennial target.
Mary Kay has always stood out to me
because we teach the customers how to use
it, not just how to buy it. We’re supposed to be
educating the women and that was something
that really drew me to that job in the first
place.” - Terri, IBC
At the same time, the Mary Kay model--built for
independence and designed with the freedom to run a
business--is the perfect answer to the second half of the
observed millennial paradox.
Plus, Mary Kay Ash’s story is one of empowerment and
inspiration--qualities these women desire most!
God didn’t have time to make a nobody,
only a somebody. I believe that each of us
has God-given talents within us waiting to be
brought to fruition.” - Mary Kay Ash
Our research unearthed clear common ground
between Mary Kay and our target that these
18-25 year old millennials couldn’t see...yet.
Fresh, quality, affordable products
Independence with Guidance (Paradox)
Breaking free of traditional roles
Being part of something bigger
Doing-it-all with meaning
They desire...
World class, affordable products
Community of women helping women
Socially responsible
Empowerment & support
Forward thinking & innovative
Faith. Family. Career
Company with heart
Meaningful experience
You are...
Tradition is the passing down of customs and beliefs
from one generation to the next. The conventional
understanding of being a “traditional woman” carries the
weight of both strong principles and defined roles that
these women do not readily accept. Our recommended
New Traditional approach recognizes that many millennial
women embrace diverse and empowered roles, but don’t
want to abandon all traditional values to achieve success.
Sound familiar? Mary Kay Ash blazed that path in 1963
by necessity, defying what everyone told her she couldn’t
do. We need to let these women know that Mary Kay
IBCs can connect them with world-class products and a
community of women that share their values and support
them. This extends Mary Kay Ash’s empowering torch to
the next generation of users and consultants.
Michelle, a recent high school graduate, decided to
focus on her passion for music instead of taking the
college route. Living with her parents, producing
tracks, working two part-time jobs, and finding time
to hangout with friends, it’s safe to say Michelle is
busy. She loves to switch up her look for her shows,
but doesn’t always know how to get the look she’s
going for. She knows exactly what she wants and
will do whatever it takes to pursue her dreams. She’s
working hard to save money for her own place but finds it
difficult to balance her jobs and music schedule.
Olivia is a college student actively involved on campus.
Feeling independent since her transition from home,
but still financially supported by her parents, Olivia
tends to be a savvy shopper. With a love for
makeup, she turns to drug and convenience
stores. She wants her makeup to look natural
and fresh, and keeps skin care her main priority.
Olivia finds that she keeps going back to
the same brands, but is always on the
lookout for one she feels matches her
personality and lifestyle.
Our extensive research showed that 18-25 year old millennial women are not easily “bucketed.” From college students
to new moms, Millennials are complex in their lifestyles, yet clearly want to pursue their own definition of success.
Michelle, 18
Ivory 3: “Still-at-Home”
Olivia, 20
Beige 2: “College Student”
Sara, a recent college graduate, is making
a big transition: moving from a small town
to a big city. Ready for this new chapter,
she wants to update her look, but has
never had the confidence to follow
through. With student loans and a rent
payment over her head, Sara decided
to revamp her look with cosmetics.
The new wardrobe will have to wait. For inspiration
she looks through magazines, Tumblr and YouTube
for makeup tutorials.
Sara, 23
Bronze 6: “Newly Independent”
Tiffany’s life with her husband, newborn, and full-time job
can be a bit overwhelming. Between changing diapers
and catching up on work emails, she finds it hard to make
time for herself and her long lost social life. When the free
time comes around, Tiffany enjoys flipping through
magazines, searching Pinterest, and reminiscing
on girls’ night out. Feeling a bit isolated, Tiffany
is looking for a way to reconnect with friends
she’s lost touch with and a chance to form new
relationships with other women.
Tiffany, 25
Ivory 5: “Newly Mother”
But how do we reach them?
For millennial women 18-25 that are taking charge
of their lives on their own terms, Mary Kay is the
only cosmetics brand that engages the
“whole woman” with a value set and business
model that fosters empowerment.
Role of Communications
To show millennial women that Mary Kay is built for their
diverse and busy lifestyles, and understands their “do-it-
all” approach to life.
For New Traditional Women
Millennial women, 18-25, who are chasing their dreams,
but still respect traditional values.
So We Must Say
Mary Kay offers women the opportunity to build and
fulfill their lives without forgetting their values.
Who Will Believe It Because
Mary Kay supports the ‘whole woman’ with timeless
values, quality products, and a flexible business model
that provides Millennials with the opportunity to fulfill their
own definition of success as pioneered by Mary Kay Ash.
Which Will Make Them Feel
Engaged in making a positive difference in
themselves, their relationships, and their communities.
Which will make them do
New traditional women want to attend a Mary Kay
party, thus establishing a relationship with the
brand, increasing purchase intent and consideration
of a career as an IBC.
Brand Personality
Empowering, Motivational, Virtuous, Trustworthy,
Supportive, Relatable.
Our research showed that millennial women maintain the
perception that Mary Kay is dated and they don’t consider
purchasing cosmetics through an IBC to be a relevant
option. But there are some real opportunities to change that
perception with the right positioning and creative execution.
Mary Kay needs a strong and accessible message that will speak to New Traditional women in their
language and give them an accurate view of the quality, community, and values the brand represents.
Our message is a call to action that recognizes the New Traditional woman’s adventurous spirit and
“do-it-all” attitude. We considered several concepts and landed on an initial approach: “Take On The World.”
It represented the ambition of the Millienial woman, but something was still missing. Taking on THE world is the
mantra of the 20th century: succeed at what society tells you is worth pursuing.
But our research showed that these women have varied and unique aspirations.
Yes, they want to change the world, but it has to be on their terms.
For some, taking on their world is about landing the
next gig. And for others, it’s about starting a family
or becoming a CEO.
Everyone has dreams to conquer, they’re just all
different. There’s power and beauty in that diversity.
No one dream is more important than the next.
Our message encourages 18-25 year old millennial
women to Re-explore Beauty. This approach will
inspire women to take a fresh look at Mary Kay.
But how?
	 With a stroke of lipstick.
Our target identified magazines as their favorite way to
keep up with makeup trends, so we created a campaign
to convey our Take On Your World theme.
To convey their “do-it-all” attitude, women are shown
standing confidently in front of “their world” with Mary
Kay At Play lipstick marks under their eyes, a new playful
twist on the eye-black used by athletes. Each contains a
headline that illustrates the typical duality of a millennial
woman’s world.
Long and short form videos feature our New Traditional Women
as they take on their world. They apply lipstick marks under
their eyes and walk confidently into the distance to take on
their world, on their own terms. In addition to a :30 television
spot, a 3 minute video on YouTube will develop the full stories
of each of these women, who reflect our research-based
profiles. Involved in activities using all Mary Kay millennial
lines (At Play, Botanical Effects, and Clear Proof), they find
their unique successes with Mary Kay at their side. Viewers
are reminded to Re-explore Beauty and encouraged to
visit the Mary Kay website and use #TakeOnYourWorld.
:30 spot - “Define Your Success” - Tone: Empowering and Bold
Audio: Remix of Beyoncé’s “Flawless”begins >
Recruit 100 College Ambassadors from six select markets
to champion Mary Kay on campus. The Ambassadors will
promote the #BelieveInYourSelfie contest and distribute
Mary Kay At Play samples. In exchange, local Independent
Sales Directors will provide them with a startup sample kit
and makeup bag.
Independent Sales Directors will mentor and support the
Ambassadors as they plan and execute “Pop-Up Parties”
on campus for their friends. This program is a win-win.
Independent Sales Directors benefit by gaining access to a
new audience and the College Ambassadors gain valuable
insights into the business world with the possibility of
becoming an IBC.
- Top retail millennial sales
- Strong college presence
- Key media markets
Using #TakeOnYourWorld, women can share stories,
photos and videos of how they fearlessly take on their
world on Mary Kay’s Twitter and Instagram pages. Posts
will showcase inspirational stories of empowered millennial
women supporting the causes most important to them.
Women with the most retweets/reposts will be selected
and featured on special digital billboards in our select
markets. Then, photos of the billboards will be sent to
winning participants through social media and be hosted
on Mary Kay’s website under the “Stay Inspired” section.
Sharing how they take on their world and make a
difference, four consumers, two IBCs, and two
College Ambassadors will have the chance
to win an all expense paid service
trip of a lifetime. Women will submit
inspiring videos about who they are,
what they do and how they take on their
world via Twitter or Instagram tagged
with #TakeOnYourWorld. Winners will have
their trip posted on the Mary Kay YouTube
channel as representatives of the values
shared by women in the Mary Kay community.
This contest is designed to generate interest
among young women and inform them of Mary
Kay’s commitment to CSR. The boldest and most
inspiring submissions will win a service trip for two
to their desired location.
Encourage women to upload selfies showcasing their
beauty inside and out, and how they fearlessly take on
their world. Submitted photos can range from: women
wearing their daily makeup, cleansing products, going
natural, or working our campaign’s signature lipstick
marks. These photos should portray the power and
confidence Mary Kay instills in its customers. Every
month, a winner will be featured on the Mary Kay
website, Instagram, and Facebook, sharing their story of
confidence and success.
Lipstick drawn stickers of hearts, lips, and the phrase,
“Re-explore Beauty” will be placed on the ground in
select high-traffic areas in our select markets across
the country, leading women to an eye catching “mirror”
with the caption reading “Go ahead, take a selfie!”.
These mirrors will have the signature lipstick marks and
“#BelieveInYourSelfie”. As the physical representation
of #BelieveInYourSelfie, they will attract attention and
generate word-of-mouth.
Research shows that millennial women welcome brand
involvement via social media. To engage with the target,
Mary Kay will purchase a spot on Twitter’s Trending
Topics behind the launch of the #TakeOnYourWorld
and #BelieveInYourSelfie social media campaigns.
Additionally, promoted tweets, sponsored posts, and
promoted pins on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest,
respectively, will keep the conversation going.
1) Tips & Trends from Mary Kay IBCs
Encourage IBCs to post YouTube
makeup tutorials, beauty tips and
share their favorite makeup/skin care
products. Monthly, specialty makeup
tutorials that align with occasions and
seasons will be posted to generate
interest. The most viewed videos will be
promoted on the website on the “Tips
and Trends”section and Mary Kay’s
YouTube chanel.
I prefer a blogger over a
celebrity. They’re more reliable
with a more ideal and reasonable
budgets.” - Maddi, 19
2) MaryKay Blog - Beauty That Counts
- The Mary Kay Blog: Sheryl Adkins-
Green, Mary Kay CMO, to guest write
for The Mary Kay Beauty That Counts
Blog. The blog post will welcome and
encourage millennial women to join
the Mary Kay community and the
“Take On Your World” movement.
3) Take On Your World Tour Experience:
Engages the top beauty vloggers and
bloggers to promote the contest and
the benefits of joining the “Take On Your
World” movement. It also encourages
these influencers to share their own
stories of how they take on their world.
The top influencers will be sent Mary Kay
product samples as a special thank you.
4) Product Promotions/Reviews:
Utilize top 10 beauty blog/vlog as
brand ambassadors, by sending them
samples of all Mary Kay product lines -
encouraging them to post reviews and
testimonials about the products via
blogs. These ambassadors can share
where and how to purchase the products
while highlighting the benefits of Mary
Kay’s customized buying experience.
Knowing our target’s preference for
magazines, ad placements in Elle,
Cosmopolitan, US Weekly, Essence
and People StyleWatch our campaign
and begin the Take on Your World
movement. At launch, create buzz by
purchasing 3 consecutive right hand
pages in 4 of our target publications,
followed the next month by full page ads
with 1/3 page placements on the adjacent
page describing the Take on Your World
Tour contest. This will direct our target
audience to the #TakeOnYourWorld social
media initiative.
YouTube homepage takeovers at two
key strategic points in the campaign
will promote our 3-minute promotional
video and Take On Your World Tour
video series. 30-second pre-rolls placed
on YouTube videos of makeup vloggers
will continue to attract our target to
Mary Kay’s YouTube channel.
Digital billboards will be placed in
our select cities featuring photo
submissions for the duration of the
#TakeOnYourWorld social media
campaign. Photos of the billboards will
be sent to winning participants through
social media, initiating a potentially viral
campaign as the target shares these
photos with friends.
Premium mirrored posters will be
placed in the same 6 cities during the
second half of the campaign to attract
our target to the #BelieveInYourSelfie
:30 ads on Project Runway All Stars will
enhance the existing sponsorship and
make a major impact with our target.
The same spots will be featured on Hulu,
reaching the target watching television
Social Media
A 3-minute video on Mary Kay’s
YouTube channel will kick off the
campaign. In the second half of the
campaign, winners of the Take On Your
World Tour contest will be featured in
a YouTube video series documenting
their experience. Promoted trends,
tweets, posts, and pins on Twitter,
Facebook, and Pinterest, respectively,
will keep the conversation going
about our #TakeOnYourWorld and
#BelieveInYourSelfie initiatives
throughout the year.
3 Successive RHPs
Full Page
3 Successive RHPs
Full Page
People Stylewatch
3 Successive RHPs
Full Page
3 Successive RHPs
Full Page
Us Weekly
3 Successive RHPs
Full Page
Project Runway ALLSTARS
Promoted Tweets
Promoted Trends
:30 pre-rolls
Homepage Takeover
Promoted Posts
Promoted Pins
Digital Billboards
& Premium Posters
New York, NY
Austin, TX
Dallas, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Denver, CO
Atlanta, GA
#TakeOnYourWorld Campaign
Take On Your World Tour Contest
Take On Your World Video Series
#BelieveInYourSelfie Campaign
Blogger/Vlogger Testimonials
College Ambassadors
Free Samples
TOTAL $9,998,911
Increase views, followers,
likes, subscriptions by 25%,
500 contest submissions
from consumers, IBCs,
and Ambassadors
Website traffic,
social media metrics,
contest entries
Take On Your World print,
broadcast/digital, CSR
contest, social media
Contextualize Brand
Brand relevancy
among target, Mary
Kay as evoked
set, retain current
customer base
Post testing:
surveys and reviews
of products and
parties, attitude
and usage studies,
ad recall
messaging, IBC and
campus events,
product sampling
Create Positive
Increase total sales
to millennial women
by 8%
New sales and
reorders of Mary
Kay, Mary Kay At
Play, Botanicals,
and Acne Prone
Skin System
Get Millennials to
the party, College
pop-up parties and
Increase sales
Increase Millennial IBC
recruitment by 5% year
over year
100 new College
Ambassadors per year
and retention of
IBC and College
Millennial customer
to IBC conversion
Recruit IBCs
- Stand by the values that have allowed it to thrive for half a century,
and partner with women who embrace that philosophy. Let the
competition continue their tired and expected approach. Mary
Kay is the brand of uncompromising quality, timeless values, and
supportive community. With our recommendations, the brand will
be well-equipped to meet the New Traditional woman and her “do-it-all” lifestyle.
- Fully recognize and utilize the full potential an Independent Beauty Consultant plays in attracting and
developing this newly defined target.
- “Take On Your World” addresses the inconsistent perception our target has of the brand by revealing
the common ground they already share. It’s all about getting them to a party--reinforcing and validating
our new messaging. And, it’s the perfect way to introduce the prospect of being an IBC.
- Complex times demand new thinking. Young women today face more uncertainty and choices than
their mothers and grandmothers ever did. Now is the time for Mary Kay to invite these New Traditional
women to re-explore beauty as they take on their world .
Team Members:
Joe Avellino
Christina Caruana
Kyle Conlon
Julia Evans
Zsofia Fath
Rachel Hoffman
Gabriel Iath
Alicia Lewandowski
Sheira Mahadeo
Mike Morettoni
Kristin Sluyk
Morgan Smith
Junior Vale
Yana Vavdiyuk
Dr. Joan Ball
Professor Steven Jarmon
Special Thanks to:
Dr. Ryall Carroll
Dr. Amber Chenevert
Dr. Noel Doherty
Alan Garcia
Asia Hauter
Professor George Maggiore
Dean Kathleen MacDonald
Dr. Linda Sama
Dean Victoria Shoaf
Professor John Swan
Mary Kay IBCs:
Wilma Berrios
Linda Rosenthal
Georgina Smith
Joanne Thompson
(1) Mary Kay (2014). Find an Independent Beauty Consultant. [ONLINE] Available at: http:// [Last Accessed 20 March 2014]
Supports Pg. 3 – Our Foundation – Beauty Consultant Parties
(2) U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (2014). Millennial Generation Research. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 3 - The
Target – “Often choose brands that support social causes” and “self expressive” and Pg. 4 – “seek advice and
counsel during cosmetic purchase”
(3) Green Book (2014). The Millennial Generation [ONLINE] Available at:
marketing-research/millennial-cause-study [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports anywhere we mention
Gen Y being independent/caring/creative/open-
minded/intelligent/curious/ do-it-alls – specifically Pg. 3 – The Target “Have a do-it-
all attitude” and “These women long for independence” and Pg. 4 – Natural Beauty “want to feel empowered
and independent in the process” and any social campaigns we have
(4) Urban Land Institute (2014). Generation Y: Shopping and Entertainment in the Digital Age. [ONLINE]
Available at:
Entertainment-in-the-Digital-Age.pdf. [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] 32% of female millennials live with
their parents – Meet the new traditional women
(5) Millennial Marketing (2014). Marketing to Millennial Moms. [ONLINE] Available at: http://
the-eye/ [ Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Millennial Moms make up 22% of the mom population – Profiles:
(6) Pew Research (2014). Social and Demographic Trends. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. [Last Accessed
20 March 2014] In 2012, 25% of millennials were married – Profiles: Tiffany
(7) Forbes (2014). What Being a Gen Y Woman is Really About. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.forbes.
what-being-a-gen-y-woman-is-really-all-about/2/ [Last Accessed 20 March 2014]
(8) Getty Images (2014). 154917489, 126165600, 187138081, 97766254, 475333249. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 March 2014]
(9) Gen BuY (2014). How Tweens, Teens and Twenty-Somethings Are Revolutionizing Retail. [BOOK] Kit
Yarrow and Jayne O’Donnell [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 1 At First Blush – “This massive,
educated, and diverse segment is still trying to find the fresh, quality brands that truly speak to them, but
are not hearing that Mary Kay has what they want most.”
(10) Mary Kay (2014). The Story of America’s Most Dynamic Businesswoman. [BOOK] Mary Kay Ash [Last
Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 1: At First Blush – “Mary Kay remains unique. Loved, respected, and
successful for over 50 years, the company offers desirable, quality products” AND Pg. 6: So what’s the right
approach? – “Plus, Mary Kay Ash’s story is one of empowerment and inspiration, qualities these women
desire most!”
(11) Forbes (2014). She Takes on the World. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supporrts Pg. 6: So what’s the right approach? “At the same time, the Mary
Kay model--built for independence and designed with the freedom to run a business anyway a woman
wants--is the perfect answer to the second half of the observed millennial paradox.”
(12) Youtube (2014). Discover What You Love – Mary Kay. [ONLINE] Available at:
watch?v=jIp5ivO9g5E#t=16 [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 6 – So What’s the right approach?
“Mary Kay provides women with the quality products necessary to instill self confidence and tools to
succeed in life.” and anywhere we discuss Mary Kay’s values
(13) Direct Selling News (2014). The Top Direct Selling Companies in the World. [ONLINE] Available at:
world/P6#.UysOMvldWa9 [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 6 – So what’s the right approach
– “At the same time, the Mary Kay model--built for independence and designed with the freedom to run
a business anyway a woman wants--is the perfect answer to the second half of the observed millennial
paradox.” and anywhere we discuss IBCs or direct selling
(14) Temptalia (2014). Series: How to Start Beauty Blogging. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.temptalia.
money-how-to-get-press-samples [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports are blogging campaigns OR
youtube tutorials
(15) Advertising Age (2014). Makeup Giant Mary Kay Ramps Up Social, Mobile Efforts. [ONLINE] Available
at: [Last Accessed 20
March 2014] Supports any social media campaigns we have
(16) Newsweek (2014). Small Business: Why is Mary Kay Thriving in China? [ONLINE] Available at: http:// [Last
Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg 5. – What they think of Mary Kay: “Again, this is not an issue of
product quality, but brand perception.”
Deepest appreciation to Jackie Herro, her inspirational mother
Lynn Herro, and in memory of Christopher Giraldo

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  • 2. 1 Even in a saturated cosmetics market, Mary Kay is unique. Loved, respected, and successful for over 50 years, the company offers desirable, quality products and puts forth an empowering business model with a strong sense of values. Today’s 18-25 year old American women have much in common with Mary Kay Ash when she was starting her company, but our research shows they just don’t know it. This massive, educated, and diverse segment is still trying to find fresh, quality brands that truly speak to them, but are not hearing that Mary Kay has what they want most. AT FIRST BLUSH We found that young adult women know of Mary Kay, they just don’t know about Mary Kay. INGREDIENTS Research 2 9 Target Profiles 10 11 Creative 12 16 Media Plan 22 The Big Idea Creative Brief Social Media/PR/Digital 24 Conclusion 25 Evaluation 1
  • 3. 2 After extensive primary and secondary research, our focus was clear... What was it that was preventing them from knowing more about Mary Kay? What was the connection that would unite these women and Mary Kay? OUR FOUNDATION 775 survey responses 28 states 32 in-depth consumer interviews 20states 3cosmetic parties 48party attendees 10 IBC interviews 312 secondary research articles 7 focus group participants 2
  • 4. 3 Our research showed that, with a strong desire to challenge the norm, 18-25 year old women have a “do-it-all” attitude. More educated, confident, and self-expressive with firm values, they’re complex and cannot be consistently defined. These women crave flexibility, individuality and opportunities for growth. Wanting to feel a part of something bigger, they often choose brands that support social causes. THE TARGET 80% 75% 62% 35% 32% 25% 22% Moms that are Millennials Live with parents Described themselves as creative Do not believe women should return to their “traditional role” in society Own homes Married Full-time students Paradoxically, these women long for independence... This generation, its all about bold women who are not afraid of challenging the norm.” - Drea, 23 ...and seek the advice of those closest around them. My friends and my mom have a big influence on the makeup I buy...I’ll try anything they want me to.” - Kate, 20 “ “
  • 5. 4 While they may vary in their approach to life, these women have a consistent desire for fresh, clean and quality cosmetics. They seek advice when buying cosmetics yet want to feel empowered and independent in the process. They love trying something new and are searching for brands and products that reflect their lifestyle and personality. Don’t mistake their confidence for arrogance and don’t expect them to reach too far into their pockets. Affordability is key. TARGET INSIGHTS said wearing makeup makes them feel confident “ Above all, they look for makeup brands that make them feel confident. To describe their favorite makeup brands, women used words like “quality,” “fresh,” and “natural.” “ I’m attracted to fresh and natural looks, I like to look like myself.” - Shelby, 22 Makeup is an extension of how you feel, I always match my makeup to my mood.” - Angie, 20 I like something natural looking that I can wear during the day or night.” - Maddy, 18 “ 74% are willing to try new brands when shopping for makeup 79%
  • 6. 5 WHAT THEY THINK OF MARY KAY HAVE HEARD OF MARY KAY 88% 75% HAVE NEVER USED BUT With a comprehensive understanding of Millennials’ relationship with cosmetics, we set out to discover their exposure to the Mary Kay brand. The Mary Kay At Play ad is very ‘teeny bopper.’ It looks like they target 12 year old girls who have never worn makeup before.” - Krissy, 21 “ Meanwhile, Millennials in our focus groups felt that Mary Kay At Play ads skewed too young. Many of these women described Mary Kay products positively, but overwhelmingly viewed the brand as older. I kind of think of Mary Kay as old people makeup. I don’t know why, I just do. It kinda has that vibe.” - Sammi, 21 They seem like an old brand. It’s the kind of thing my mom gets invited to, but not me.” - Taryn, 22 “ “ Eventually, it became clear. Mary Kay’s messaging has a millennial-sized gap. Millennials view Mary Kay as a brand of two extremes: either for mom or little sister. Regarding the direct selling model, most of the women had an initial aversion to makeup parties, without ever having tried them. I would never buy from a direct seller. I feel like it’s really inconvenient.” - Kate, 20 Usually I’ve seen it marketed to older people. So, I’ve never been to a cosmetics party before.” - Rio, 23“ “
  • 7. 6 THEY LOVE A MARY KAY PARTY In exit interviews after our cosmetic parties we learned that, much to their surprise, our guests enjoyed the experience and loved trying the products. I would recommend my friends to have a direct selling party because its a different way to get together and have a fun night.” - Diana, 20 I was surprised at the range of products they had available - so many different shades of colors.” - Tausha, 22 Would you consider continuing a relationship with your IBC? Definitely. Easy, simple and reliable.” - Alex, 20 “ I feel like the products are actually better. The parties are intimate so you can talk to someone in detail about them.” - Tausha, 22 The party was so cool because it was super social, better than I expected. I even bought two foundations that I got to try right then and there.” - Maria, 18 IBCs Linda and Georgina work with Ashley at our second MK party “ “ “ “ Morgan, Kristin, and Sheira trying out new skin care products 6
  • 8. 7 BUT THEIR PERCEPTION OF THE BRAND IS HOLDING THEM BACK After experiencing a Mary Kay party, our target went from skeptics to believers. Their opinion of the direct selling model changed and they loved the products. But getting them to a party is a hurdle. Their current perception of the brand is holding them back. Our challenge is to help them see that Mary Kay provides women with the quality products necessary to instill self confidence with the tools to succeed in life. The IBCs we met prized the power of women-to-women guidance and individuality. The support and community Mary Kay offers is an answer to one half of the paradox we observed in our 18-25 year old millennial target. Mary Kay has always stood out to me because we teach the customers how to use it, not just how to buy it. We’re supposed to be educating the women and that was something that really drew me to that job in the first place.” - Terri, IBC At the same time, the Mary Kay model--built for independence and designed with the freedom to run a business--is the perfect answer to the second half of the observed millennial paradox. Plus, Mary Kay Ash’s story is one of empowerment and inspiration--qualities these women desire most! “ “ God didn’t have time to make a nobody, only a somebody. I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition.” - Mary Kay Ash Our research unearthed clear common ground between Mary Kay and our target that these 18-25 year old millennials couldn’t see...yet. “
  • 9. 8 WHERE THEY COME TOGETHER Fresh, quality, affordable products Independence with Guidance (Paradox) Confidence Breaking free of traditional roles Being part of something bigger Doing-it-all with meaning Authenticity They desire... RESULT World class, affordable products Community of women helping women Socially responsible Empowerment & support Forward thinking & innovative Faith. Family. Career Company with heart Meaningful experience WHERE THEY COME TOGETHER: QUALITY COMMUNITY VALUES CONTEXTUALIZE BRAND AWARENESS INCREASE SALES POSITIVE BRAND PERCEPTION IBC RECRUITMENT You are...
  • 10. 9 NON-TRADITIONAL THE NEW TRADITIONAL Tradition is the passing down of customs and beliefs from one generation to the next. The conventional understanding of being a “traditional woman” carries the weight of both strong principles and defined roles that these women do not readily accept. Our recommended New Traditional approach recognizes that many millennial women embrace diverse and empowered roles, but don’t want to abandon all traditional values to achieve success. THENEWTRADITIONAL Sound familiar? Mary Kay Ash blazed that path in 1963 by necessity, defying what everyone told her she couldn’t do. We need to let these women know that Mary Kay IBCs can connect them with world-class products and a community of women that share their values and support them. This extends Mary Kay Ash’s empowering torch to the next generation of users and consultants. TRADITIONAL
  • 11. 10 MEET THE NEW TRADITIONAL WOMEN Michelle, a recent high school graduate, decided to focus on her passion for music instead of taking the college route. Living with her parents, producing tracks, working two part-time jobs, and finding time to hangout with friends, it’s safe to say Michelle is busy. She loves to switch up her look for her shows, but doesn’t always know how to get the look she’s going for. She knows exactly what she wants and will do whatever it takes to pursue her dreams. She’s working hard to save money for her own place but finds it difficult to balance her jobs and music schedule. Olivia is a college student actively involved on campus. Feeling independent since her transition from home, but still financially supported by her parents, Olivia tends to be a savvy shopper. With a love for makeup, she turns to drug and convenience stores. She wants her makeup to look natural and fresh, and keeps skin care her main priority. Olivia finds that she keeps going back to the same brands, but is always on the lookout for one she feels matches her personality and lifestyle. Our extensive research showed that 18-25 year old millennial women are not easily “bucketed.” From college students to new moms, Millennials are complex in their lifestyles, yet clearly want to pursue their own definition of success. Michelle, 18 Ivory 3: “Still-at-Home” Olivia, 20 Beige 2: “College Student” Sara, a recent college graduate, is making a big transition: moving from a small town to a big city. Ready for this new chapter, she wants to update her look, but has never had the confidence to follow through. With student loans and a rent payment over her head, Sara decided to revamp her look with cosmetics. The new wardrobe will have to wait. For inspiration she looks through magazines, Tumblr and YouTube for makeup tutorials. Sara, 23 Bronze 6: “Newly Independent” Tiffany’s life with her husband, newborn, and full-time job can be a bit overwhelming. Between changing diapers and catching up on work emails, she finds it hard to make time for herself and her long lost social life. When the free time comes around, Tiffany enjoys flipping through magazines, searching Pinterest, and reminiscing on girls’ night out. Feeling a bit isolated, Tiffany is looking for a way to reconnect with friends she’s lost touch with and a chance to form new relationships with other women. Tiffany, 25 Ivory 5: “Newly Mother” But how do we reach them?
  • 12. 11 GETTING CREATIVE Positioning For millennial women 18-25 that are taking charge of their lives on their own terms, Mary Kay is the only cosmetics brand that engages the “whole woman” with a value set and business model that fosters empowerment. Role of Communications To show millennial women that Mary Kay is built for their diverse and busy lifestyles, and understands their “do-it- all” approach to life. For New Traditional Women Millennial women, 18-25, who are chasing their dreams, but still respect traditional values. So We Must Say Mary Kay offers women the opportunity to build and fulfill their lives without forgetting their values. Who Will Believe It Because Mary Kay supports the ‘whole woman’ with timeless values, quality products, and a flexible business model that provides Millennials with the opportunity to fulfill their own definition of success as pioneered by Mary Kay Ash. Which Will Make Them Feel Independent Supported Confident Empowered Understood Engaged in making a positive difference in themselves, their relationships, and their communities. Which will make them do New traditional women want to attend a Mary Kay party, thus establishing a relationship with the brand, increasing purchase intent and consideration of a career as an IBC. Brand Personality Empowering, Motivational, Virtuous, Trustworthy, Supportive, Relatable. Our research showed that millennial women maintain the perception that Mary Kay is dated and they don’t consider purchasing cosmetics through an IBC to be a relevant option. But there are some real opportunities to change that perception with the right positioning and creative execution.
  • 13. 12 THE APPROACH Mary Kay needs a strong and accessible message that will speak to New Traditional women in their language and give them an accurate view of the quality, community, and values the brand represents. Our message is a call to action that recognizes the New Traditional woman’s adventurous spirit and “do-it-all” attitude. We considered several concepts and landed on an initial approach: “Take On The World.” It represented the ambition of the Millienial woman, but something was still missing. Taking on THE world is the mantra of the 20th century: succeed at what society tells you is worth pursuing. But our research showed that these women have varied and unique aspirations. Yes, they want to change the world, but it has to be on their terms. For some, taking on their world is about landing the next gig. And for others, it’s about starting a family or becoming a CEO. Everyone has dreams to conquer, they’re just all different. There’s power and beauty in that diversity. No one dream is more important than the next. Our message encourages 18-25 year old millennial women to Re-explore Beauty. This approach will inspire women to take a fresh look at Mary Kay. But how? With a stroke of lipstick.
  • 14. 13 THIS IS MARY KAY Our target identified magazines as their favorite way to keep up with makeup trends, so we created a campaign to convey our Take On Your World theme. To convey their “do-it-all” attitude, women are shown standing confidently in front of “their world” with Mary Kay At Play lipstick marks under their eyes, a new playful twist on the eye-black used by athletes. Each contains a headline that illustrates the typical duality of a millennial woman’s world.
  • 16. 15 ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS Long and short form videos feature our New Traditional Women as they take on their world. They apply lipstick marks under their eyes and walk confidently into the distance to take on their world, on their own terms. In addition to a :30 television spot, a 3 minute video on YouTube will develop the full stories of each of these women, who reflect our research-based profiles. Involved in activities using all Mary Kay millennial lines (At Play, Botanical Effects, and Clear Proof), they find their unique successes with Mary Kay at their side. Viewers are reminded to Re-explore Beauty and encouraged to visit the Mary Kay website and use #TakeOnYourWorld. :30 spot - “Define Your Success” - Tone: Empowering and Bold Audio: Remix of Beyoncé’s “Flawless”begins > >|
  • 17. 16 MARY KAY @ CAMPUS Recruit 100 College Ambassadors from six select markets to champion Mary Kay on campus. The Ambassadors will promote the #BelieveInYourSelfie contest and distribute Mary Kay At Play samples. In exchange, local Independent Sales Directors will provide them with a startup sample kit and makeup bag. Independent Sales Directors will mentor and support the Ambassadors as they plan and execute “Pop-Up Parties” on campus for their friends. This program is a win-win. Independent Sales Directors benefit by gaining access to a new audience and the College Ambassadors gain valuable insights into the business world with the possibility of becoming an IBC. 16 - Top retail millennial sales - Strong college presence - Key media markets ATLANTA DENVER AUSTIN LA DALLASNYC SELECT MARKETS
  • 18. 17 #TakeOnYourWorld Using #TakeOnYourWorld, women can share stories, photos and videos of how they fearlessly take on their world on Mary Kay’s Twitter and Instagram pages. Posts will showcase inspirational stories of empowered millennial women supporting the causes most important to them. Women with the most retweets/reposts will be selected and featured on special digital billboards in our select markets. Then, photos of the billboards will be sent to winning participants through social media and be hosted on Mary Kay’s website under the “Stay Inspired” section.
  • 19. 18 TAKE ON YOUR WORLD TOUR Sharing how they take on their world and make a difference, four consumers, two IBCs, and two College Ambassadors will have the chance to win an all expense paid service trip of a lifetime. Women will submit inspiring videos about who they are, what they do and how they take on their world via Twitter or Instagram tagged with #TakeOnYourWorld. Winners will have their trip posted on the Mary Kay YouTube channel as representatives of the values shared by women in the Mary Kay community. This contest is designed to generate interest among young women and inform them of Mary Kay’s commitment to CSR. The boldest and most inspiring submissions will win a service trip for two to their desired location. 18
  • 20. 19 #BelieveInYourSelfie Encourage women to upload selfies showcasing their beauty inside and out, and how they fearlessly take on their world. Submitted photos can range from: women wearing their daily makeup, cleansing products, going natural, or working our campaign’s signature lipstick marks. These photos should portray the power and confidence Mary Kay instills in its customers. Every month, a winner will be featured on the Mary Kay website, Instagram, and Facebook, sharing their story of confidence and success. MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL Lipstick drawn stickers of hearts, lips, and the phrase, “Re-explore Beauty” will be placed on the ground in select high-traffic areas in our select markets across the country, leading women to an eye catching “mirror” with the caption reading “Go ahead, take a selfie!”. These mirrors will have the signature lipstick marks and “#BelieveInYourSelfie”. As the physical representation of #BelieveInYourSelfie, they will attract attention and generate word-of-mouth.
  • 21. 20 ONLINE/MOBILE Research shows that millennial women welcome brand involvement via social media. To engage with the target, Mary Kay will purchase a spot on Twitter’s Trending Topics behind the launch of the #TakeOnYourWorld and #BelieveInYourSelfie social media campaigns. Additionally, promoted tweets, sponsored posts, and promoted pins on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, respectively, will keep the conversation going.
  • 22. 21 PUBLIC RELATIONS 1) Tips & Trends from Mary Kay IBCs Encourage IBCs to post YouTube makeup tutorials, beauty tips and share their favorite makeup/skin care products. Monthly, specialty makeup tutorials that align with occasions and seasons will be posted to generate interest. The most viewed videos will be promoted on the website on the “Tips and Trends”section and Mary Kay’s YouTube chanel. I prefer a blogger over a celebrity. They’re more reliable with a more ideal and reasonable budgets.” - Maddi, 19 2) MaryKay Blog - Beauty That Counts - The Mary Kay Blog: Sheryl Adkins- Green, Mary Kay CMO, to guest write for The Mary Kay Beauty That Counts Blog. The blog post will welcome and encourage millennial women to join the Mary Kay community and the “Take On Your World” movement. 3) Take On Your World Tour Experience: Engages the top beauty vloggers and bloggers to promote the contest and the benefits of joining the “Take On Your World” movement. It also encourages these influencers to share their own stories of how they take on their world. The top influencers will be sent Mary Kay product samples as a special thank you. 4) Product Promotions/Reviews: Utilize top 10 beauty blog/vlog as brand ambassadors, by sending them samples of all Mary Kay product lines - encouraging them to post reviews and testimonials about the products via blogs. These ambassadors can share where and how to purchase the products while highlighting the benefits of Mary Kay’s customized buying experience. “
  • 23. 22 MEDIA PLAN Print Knowing our target’s preference for magazines, ad placements in Elle, Cosmopolitan, US Weekly, Essence and People StyleWatch our campaign and begin the Take on Your World movement. At launch, create buzz by purchasing 3 consecutive right hand pages in 4 of our target publications, followed the next month by full page ads with 1/3 page placements on the adjacent page describing the Take on Your World Tour contest. This will direct our target audience to the #TakeOnYourWorld social media initiative. Online YouTube homepage takeovers at two key strategic points in the campaign will promote our 3-minute promotional video and Take On Your World Tour video series. 30-second pre-rolls placed on YouTube videos of makeup vloggers will continue to attract our target to Mary Kay’s YouTube channel. Outdoor Digital billboards will be placed in our select cities featuring photo submissions for the duration of the #TakeOnYourWorld social media campaign. Photos of the billboards will be sent to winning participants through social media, initiating a potentially viral campaign as the target shares these photos with friends. Premium mirrored posters will be placed in the same 6 cities during the second half of the campaign to attract our target to the #BelieveInYourSelfie initiative. Cable/Digital :30 ads on Project Runway All Stars will enhance the existing sponsorship and make a major impact with our target. The same spots will be featured on Hulu, reaching the target watching television online. Social Media A 3-minute video on Mary Kay’s YouTube channel will kick off the campaign. In the second half of the campaign, winners of the Take On Your World Tour contest will be featured in a YouTube video series documenting their experience. Promoted trends, tweets, posts, and pins on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, respectively, will keep the conversation going about our #TakeOnYourWorld and #BelieveInYourSelfie initiatives throughout the year.
  • 24. 23 MEDIA FLOWCHART AND BUDGET FEB/15 MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB/16 MAGAZINES Elle 3 Successive RHPs Full Page 1/3Page Cosmopolitan 3 Successive RHPs Full Page 1/3Page People Stylewatch 3 Successive RHPs Full Page 1/3Page Essence 3 Successive RHPs Full Page 1/3Page Us Weekly 3 Successive RHPs Full Page TELEVISION Hulu Project Runway ALLSTARS ONLINE Twitter Promoted Tweets Promoted Trends YouTube :30 pre-rolls Homepage Takeover Facebook Promoted Posts Pinterest Promoted Pins OUTDOOR Digital Billboards & Premium Posters New York, NY Austin, TX Dallas, TX Los Angeles, CA Denver, CO Atlanta, GA NON-TRADITIONAL EVENTS #TakeOnYourWorld Campaign Take On Your World Tour Contest Take On Your World Video Series #BelieveInYourSelfie Campaign PUBLIC RELATIONS Blogger/Vlogger Testimonials College Ambassadors Free Samples COST $4,596,930 392,370 392,370 70,635 867,330 867,330 144,555 273,300 273,300 41,800 342,900 342,900 51,500 444,116 92,524 $1,237,480 1,000,000 237,480 $3,525,445 102,000 800,000 1,223,445 1,000,000 300,000 100,000 $519,056 372,806 146,250 $80,000 80,000 $40,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 TOTAL $9,998,911
  • 25. 24 EVALUATION OUTCOMEMEASUREMENTAPPROACHOBJECTIVE Increase views, followers, likes, subscriptions by 25%, 500 contest submissions from consumers, IBCs, and Ambassadors Website traffic, social media metrics, contest entries Take On Your World print, broadcast/digital, CSR contest, social media engagement Contextualize Brand Awareness Brand relevancy among target, Mary Kay as evoked set, retain current customer base Post testing: surveys and reviews of products and parties, attitude and usage studies, ad recall Value-centered messaging, IBC and blogger/vlogger testimonials, campus events, product sampling Create Positive Perception Increase total sales to millennial women by 8% New sales and reorders of Mary Kay, Mary Kay At Play, Botanicals, and Acne Prone Skin System Get Millennials to the party, College pop-up parties and sampling Increase sales Increase Millennial IBC recruitment by 5% year over year 100 new College Ambassadors per year Recruitment and retention of IBC and College Ambassadors Millennial customer to IBC conversion College Ambassador Program Recruit IBCs
  • 26. 25 HOW CAN MARY KAY CONNECT WITH THIS TARGET? - Stand by the values that have allowed it to thrive for half a century, and partner with women who embrace that philosophy. Let the competition continue their tired and expected approach. Mary Kay is the brand of uncompromising quality, timeless values, and supportive community. With our recommendations, the brand will be well-equipped to meet the New Traditional woman and her “do-it-all” lifestyle. - Fully recognize and utilize the full potential an Independent Beauty Consultant plays in attracting and developing this newly defined target. - “Take On Your World” addresses the inconsistent perception our target has of the brand by revealing the common ground they already share. It’s all about getting them to a party--reinforcing and validating our new messaging. And, it’s the perfect way to introduce the prospect of being an IBC. - Complex times demand new thinking. Young women today face more uncertainty and choices than their mothers and grandmothers ever did. Now is the time for Mary Kay to invite these New Traditional women to re-explore beauty as they take on their world .
  • 27. 26 END NOTES Team Members: Joe Avellino Christina Caruana Kyle Conlon Julia Evans Zsofia Fath Rachel Hoffman Gabriel Iath Alicia Lewandowski Sheira Mahadeo Mike Morettoni Kristin Sluyk Morgan Smith Junior Vale Yana Vavdiyuk Professors: Dr. Joan Ball Professor Steven Jarmon Special Thanks to: Dr. Ryall Carroll Dr. Amber Chenevert Dr. Noel Doherty Alan Garcia Asia Hauter Professor George Maggiore Dean Kathleen MacDonald Dr. Linda Sama Dean Victoria Shoaf Professor John Swan Mary Kay IBCs: Wilma Berrios Linda Rosenthal Georgina Smith Joanne Thompson (1) Mary Kay (2014). Find an Independent Beauty Consultant. [ONLINE] Available at: http:// [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 3 – Our Foundation – Beauty Consultant Parties (2) U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (2014). Millennial Generation Research. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 3 - The Target – “Often choose brands that support social causes” and “self expressive” and Pg. 4 – “seek advice and counsel during cosmetic purchase” (3) Green Book (2014). The Millennial Generation [ONLINE] Available at: marketing-research/millennial-cause-study [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports anywhere we mention Gen Y being independent/caring/creative/open- minded/intelligent/curious/ do-it-alls – specifically Pg. 3 – The Target “Have a do-it- all attitude” and “These women long for independence” and Pg. 4 – Natural Beauty “want to feel empowered and independent in the process” and any social campaigns we have (4) Urban Land Institute (2014). Generation Y: Shopping and Entertainment in the Digital Age. [ONLINE] Available at: Entertainment-in-the-Digital-Age.pdf. [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] 32% of female millennials live with their parents – Meet the new traditional women (5) Millennial Marketing (2014). Marketing to Millennial Moms. [ONLINE] Available at: http:// the-eye/ [ Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Millennial Moms make up 22% of the mom population – Profiles: Tiffany (6) Pew Research (2014). Social and Demographic Trends. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] In 2012, 25% of millennials were married – Profiles: Tiffany (7) Forbes (2014). What Being a Gen Y Woman is Really About. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.forbes. com/sites/jmaureenhenderson/2012/03/06/beyond-slut-and-shopaholic- what-being-a-gen-y-woman-is-really-all-about/2/ [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] (8) Getty Images (2014). 154917489, 126165600, 187138081, 97766254, 475333249. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] (9) Gen BuY (2014). How Tweens, Teens and Twenty-Somethings Are Revolutionizing Retail. [BOOK] Kit Yarrow and Jayne O’Donnell [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 1 At First Blush – “This massive, educated, and diverse segment is still trying to find the fresh, quality brands that truly speak to them, but are not hearing that Mary Kay has what they want most.” (10) Mary Kay (2014). The Story of America’s Most Dynamic Businesswoman. [BOOK] Mary Kay Ash [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 1: At First Blush – “Mary Kay remains unique. Loved, respected, and successful for over 50 years, the company offers desirable, quality products” AND Pg. 6: So what’s the right approach? – “Plus, Mary Kay Ash’s story is one of empowerment and inspiration, qualities these women desire most!” (11) Forbes (2014). She Takes on the World. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supporrts Pg. 6: So what’s the right approach? “At the same time, the Mary Kay model--built for independence and designed with the freedom to run a business anyway a woman wants--is the perfect answer to the second half of the observed millennial paradox.” (12) Youtube (2014). Discover What You Love – Mary Kay. [ONLINE] Available at: watch?v=jIp5ivO9g5E#t=16 [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 6 – So What’s the right approach? “Mary Kay provides women with the quality products necessary to instill self confidence and tools to succeed in life.” and anywhere we discuss Mary Kay’s values (13) Direct Selling News (2014). The Top Direct Selling Companies in the World. [ONLINE] Available at: world/P6#.UysOMvldWa9 [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg. 6 – So what’s the right approach – “At the same time, the Mary Kay model--built for independence and designed with the freedom to run a business anyway a woman wants--is the perfect answer to the second half of the observed millennial paradox.” and anywhere we discuss IBCs or direct selling (14) Temptalia (2014). Series: How to Start Beauty Blogging. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.temptalia. com/series-how-to-start-beauty-blogging-monetization-making- money-how-to-get-press-samples [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports are blogging campaigns OR youtube tutorials (15) Advertising Age (2014). Makeup Giant Mary Kay Ramps Up Social, Mobile Efforts. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports any social media campaigns we have (16) Newsweek (2014). Small Business: Why is Mary Kay Thriving in China? [ONLINE] Available at: http:// [Last Accessed 20 March 2014] Supports Pg 5. – What they think of Mary Kay: “Again, this is not an issue of product quality, but brand perception.” Deepest appreciation to Jackie Herro, her inspirational mother Lynn Herro, and in memory of Christopher Giraldo