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                       Report to Donors

                                	 Your	Hospital

                                                          > t o g e t h e r <
                        It is hard to imagine that        With the groundbreaking ceremony taking place in December 2010, it
                        two decades ago, Markham          has been a crucial year. This is our first major expansion project since

                                                          we opened our doors more than 20 years ago. While the construction
                        Stouffville Hospital had a        is on track, it is the milestones we share with our families that are our
                        surplus of inpatient beds and     motivation for expanding. From celebrating the birth of a little one,
                        there was no waiting line in      to a visit to our emergency department, to the illness or loss of a loved
                                                          one; we hope we have been here for you when you needed us. We
                        the emergency department.         know that you have been there when we needed you.

                        Today our beds are full and       The next few years will be very exciting. We expect to complete our new
                        there is usually a wait in        building in early 2013 and then begin extensive renovations to our
                        our emergency department,         existing building. Our team has already started working to make our
                                                          move to the new building seamless and safe and this will require the
                        except for our most acutely ill   expansion of our services to be carried out over a number of months.
                        patients. We have grown and       Just as our new building is going up, brick by brick, floor by floor, we
                        changed while continuing to       are also seeing the early results of fundraising efforts come together.

                        support the health-care needs     None of this progress would be possible without the generous support
                                                          from our community – the individuals, organizations, corporate
                        of our patients and their         partners and event sponsors who have come together to support
                        families in a facility that is    compassionate, patient-centered care at Markham Stouffville Hospital.
                        simply not big enough.            Our generous donors are the key to achieving our vision of providing
                                                          excellent care to everyone who comes through our doors.
                                                          As you read through this year’s report, we hope that you will share
                                                          in our excitement and gratitude for those who have led the way with
                                                          pace-setting donations, combined with the collective commitment of
                                                          the thousands of other donors who have made gifts of all sizes. The
                                                          stories in this report show that our donors have very personal reasons
                                                          for supporting Markham Stouffville Hospital, but all share in their
                                                          compassion and dedication. Your spirit of generosity is inspiring.
                                                          On behalf of our physicians, staff and both the hospital and
                                                          foundation board of directors, a heartfelt thanks for the difference you
                                                          are making.
                                                          With thanks and sincere appreciation,

                                                          Janet M. Beed      Suzette Strong

                                                          P.S. You may notice QR Codes throughout the report.
                                                          Scan the QR Codes with your smartphone to see videos
                                                          related to the articles.                                       scan to see a
                                                                                                                         preview of the
                                                                                                                         new Markham
                                                                                                                         stouffville hospital.
                                                          L to R:
                                                          Janet M. Beed, President & CeO, MarkhaM stOuffville hOsPital
                                                          suzette strong, CeO, MarkhaM stOuffville hOsPital fOundatiOn
Report to                                                                                                                    > awa re n e s s <
  Donors                                     COnquering	mental	illness	
                                             a	spiritual	trip	to	the	summit                                                                            3

  Mental Illness
  Let’s Celebrate
  Building a Healthier
                                             of Mount Kilimanjaro
  Now!                          4            In July of 2011, a dedicated group of individu-
                                             als, community members and staff at Markham
                                                                                                   tHe	spirit	Of	maC	B.	Was	WitH	me
                                             Stouffville Hospital began their journey to raise    I took many things with me on my climb, but
  Diabetes is the                            awareness for child and adolescent mental illness    the most significant was the spirit of Mac B.
  Least Interesting                                                                               Mac was a young teen who committed suicide
  Thing About                                while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania,
  Emma                          6            Africa. The group raised close to $500,000 to sup-
                                             port the expansion of mental health. This is an
                                                                                                  four years ago. I did not know Mac. I met his
                                                                                                  mom Donna in the community while fund-
                                                                                                  raising for the climb, and until then I did not
  The Healing                                excerpt from the diary of Margaret Mackie, RN at
  Power of Play                              MSH, and one of the climbers.                        know she had a son who had committed sui-
  & Imagination                 8            Slowly and slowly, pole, pole (in Swahili).
                                                                                                  cide. Hearing a mother share the story of her
                                                                                                  son’s suicide was extremely moving. I cried
  Report to the                              That was the pace up the mountain. This was          with her, sharing her grief, for a young person
  Community                   10             not a race, there was no prize for getting to the
                                             top first – the reward was in the journey.
                                                                                                  that I had never met. The purpose of the climb
                                                                                                  became so clear to me. Mac’s spirit led me in
  Update                      19             Throughout the climb, there were some won-
                                             derful moments spent with the other climbers
                                                                                                  the climb to openly discuss suicide and men-
                                                                                                  tal illness at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro; to
                                             - magical, transforming and reassuring. I was        help kids feel as if they could have options in
  MSH Foundation                                                                                  their life as opposed to death; that they could
  Board of                                   with people who understood mental illness,
  Directors                   19             who were representing the people you and I           feel support as opposed to stigma.
                                                                                                    Helping	WHile	tHe	ClOuds	pass
                                                                                                  When I was approaching Kibo Hut at the
                                                                                                  mountain’s base, I watched as dark clouds
                                                                                                  quickly moved in and shrouded a mountain
                                                                                                  that is 5,685 metres at summit peak. I was
                                                                                                  standing directly in front of it, yet could not
                                                                                                  see a trace of its craggy intimidating features.
                                                                                                  Had I told you it was there behind the clouds
                                                                                                  you might not have believed me. But the
                                                                                                  mountain hadn’t moved or changed, only the
                                                                                                  clouds. Mental illness works in similar ways.
                                                                                                  The clouds are like symptoms; our crisis of
                                                                                                  confidence, emotions, thoughts, actions and
                                                                                                  barriers – they all change and move through
  the Climb to Conquer team                                                                       us. We all have a part to play or a way to partic-
  during their ascent to kibo hut.           know and will come to know who have strug-
                                                                                                  ipate within our communities – to help one
                                             gled in so many ways. I was sitting alongside
                                                                                                  another, while the clouds pass.
                                             a group who cared and put this mission of
                                             awareness for child and adolescent mental            This experience has been more profoundly
                                             health first before anything else in their lives.    rewarding than I could have ever imagined.
                                                                                                  Coming back down the mountain and re-
                                                                                                  turning to my familiar life – I have kept the
                                                                                                  spirit of Mac with me. The motivation that I
                                                                                                  found on the mountain also stays with me.
                                                                                                  I have only one voice to support others but
                                                                                                  collectively, with the voices of others, I know
                                                                                                  we will accomplish great things for our young
                                                                                                  people. As a community we can remove the
                                                                                                  stigma of mental illness if we climb moun-
           scan to learn more about our                                                           tains together.
           climb to the summit of kilimanjaro.
                        CeleBrate Building
                        > a Healthier Community Now! <

                        On      Saturday, September 17,
                        the Markham Stouffville Hospital
                        Foundation celebrated the expan-
                        sion project and fundraising cam-

                        paign. A large group of hospital
                        supporters gathered including
                        Mayor Frank Scarpitti who an-
                        nounced that the foundation has
                        successfully reached 70 per cent
                        ($35 million) of the $50 million ex-

                        pansion goal!

                        Michael Landsberg, Canadian Sports
                        Journalist and Host of Off the
                        Record on TSN, joined the celebra-
                        tion and spoke of the importance
                        of expanding facilities like MSH’s
                        Mental Health Clinic to ensure

                        that families receive the care they
                        need close to home.

                        Guests took photos with construc-
                        tion vehicles, signed a beam that
                        will be used to help build the new
                        hospital and learned from health
                        and wellness experts. Kids also
                        had the chance to visit the teddy           hamat Bhana and his son aiden are making their mark on
                                                                    Markham stouffville hospital as they sign the beam that
                        bear clinic and take home their             will be installed on the 2nd floor west-facing wall.
                        very own MSH bear.

                                                Mark lievonen,
                                                     Chair of the
                                          foundation’s Board of
                                           directors, welcomes                                                 sarwin Parmar,
                                          hospital supporters at                                            one of our donors.
                                         the donor Celebration
                                             on september 17.

                                                       Top Left:                                           Jenny Yang and kevin Chen
                                                       health for all Clinic nurse Brenda Wilson                  with their son ryder.
                                                       takes Joan tunney’s blood pressure.
                                                       Joan is a lifelong donor and volunteer
                                                       at Markham stouffville hospital.

                                                       keynote speaker,
                                                       Michael landsberg,
                                                       tsn host of Off the
                                                       record, with
                                                       suzette strong, CeO,
                                                       Markham stouffville
                                                       hospital foundation.

                                                                                                   Mayor frank scarpitti
                                                                                                   and Peter Mason, Co-Chairs of the
                                                                                                   $50 million Campaign for expansion.

L to R:
kellie stajer, suzanne vanderlip and sandi lofgren
from Markham stouffville hospital Professional
Practice leaders at the healthy heart-Blood Pressure
testing booth.
                        >co n f i d e n ce<


                        pa e d i at r i C 	 d i a B e t e s

                        As a young mom, Shana Betz thought

                        her daughter’s crankiness, restless sleep and
                        constant thirst were normal. Then, one Friday

                                                                                  is the Least Interesting
                        afternoon, two years ago, 10-month-old Emma’s
                        lips turned blue and her breathing became rapid.

                                                                                 thing about
                        After several stressful hours in the emergency
                        department at Markham Stouffville Hospital,

                        a doctor put her arm around
                        Shana and said, “Emma has Type
                        1 diabetes. It’s nothing you did.
                        It’s not your fault.”
                        “She wouldn’t have survived
                        the night,” says Shana. “Doctor

                        Deepa Grewal explained every-
                        thing so compassionately.”
                        After spending some time in the
                        hospital, Emma came home. The
                        Betz family then began to learn
                        how to live with diabetes. Since
                        Shana and her husband Scott

                        had no experience with the
                        condition - their four-year-old son Zachary does
                        not have diabetes - they turned to the caregivers
                        at Markham Stouffville Hospital.
                                                                                number continues to grow as the community
                        “Dr. Robert Ehrlich was on speed dial,” she says of
                                                                                grows. Upon diagnosis, children like Emma and
                        the founding Medical Director of the Paediatric
                                                                                their families have a series of visits where they
                        Diabetes Clinic at Markham Stouffville Hospital.
                                                                                learn how to manage their condition, including
                        “He checked in every day, and would call if he
                                                                                medication and nutritional education. This unique          scan to learn more
                        didn’t hear from me. Such a kind man. The most                                                                          about how to
                                                                                service is very helpful to the families that need to   “stand up to diabetes”.
                        wonderful man alive.”
                                                                                make adjustments to their lifestyle to manage
                         Longest Running Diabetes Clinic                        diabetes and ensure their child’s well-being.
                                 in York Region
                                                                                As part of the hospital’s redevelopment, the new
                        The Paediatric Diabetes Clinic at Markham               state-of-the art Diabetes Clinic will be relocated
                        Stouffville Hospital is the longest running             in our newly renovated facility following the
                        diabetes program in the region. Currently the           expansion. It will be named in honour of one
                        clinic has over 1,450 patient visits a year, and that   Dr. Ehrlich’s former patients, Tracey Rubinoff,

                         marKHam	stOuffVille	HOspital	patient	CatCHment	area
                         markham		                                       51.5%
                         stouffville		                                    11.0%
                         uxbridge	                                       10.5%
                         durham (excluding Uxbridge) 	                   10.3%
                         York	region	(excluding Markham & Stouffville) 	  6.7%
                         toronto		                                        6.7%
                         Other		                                           3.3%
pa e d i at r i C 	 d i a B e t e s
                                           shana Betz,
                                           mother of emma

                                           Today Shana and her blonde, curly-haired      diabetes. There are about 7,000 kids in
                                           three-year-old walk over together for         Ontario schools with diabetes, whose
                                           Emma’s regular check-ups and blood tests.     parents, in some cases, have to come into
                                           “Her family physician, Jeff Weissberger, is   the schools to test their levels and manage
                                           at the hospital, so we spend a considerable   their insulin.”
                                           amount of time here. The care we get is
                                           personal. I’m not a number.”                  “I’ve thrown myself into the diabetes
                                                                                         community to help myself and help
                                           “Diabetes is the least interesting thing      others,” she says.
                                           about Emma. She loves to dance and
                                           listen to music. You’d never have a           Inspired by the compassion and assistance
                                           clue she has a condition that needs           of Markham Stouffville Hospital and
                                           managing,” Shana says, referring to the       others, Shana is giving back.
                                           careful measuring and weighing of
who battled diabetes throughout her        Emma’s food, and the insulin pump she
life with determination and courage.       wears on a strap around her waist.
Tracey’s family and friends, through an
                                           Emma’s mother is also inspired to help
annual Family Skateathon, established      others. She co-founded a grassroots                  YEAR 2010/2011
the Tracey Rubinoff Foundation. So         advocacy group committed to helping
far they have raised over half a million
dollars toward programs for adolescents
                                           children with diabetes receive the support        LAB & DIAGNOSTIC
living with diabetes. In recognition of
                                           they require in schools, called Diabetes           IMAGING EXAMS

                                           in Ontario Schools. “We are about 500
the generous support of our hospital,      parents from across the province who
the new clinic will be named the Tracey    lobby government for consistent policies
Rubinoff Paediatric Diabetes Clinic.       and support for children with Type 1


                                     New Baby Wall
                                                                Honour the special babies in your life
                                                                on our new Baby Wall.
                                                                Call 905.472.7373 ext. 6341

                                                                We’re Growing. Together.
                          >co n f i d e n ce<

                          CHild	and	adOlesCent	serViCes

                        The healing power of


                        Every two weeks, seven-year-old Josh
                        walks into a room at Markham Stouffville
                        Hospital, selects figurines from a shelf
                        and arranges them in a sandbox. With

                        miniature people, animals, trees and
                        other objects, he is telling a story to the
                        therapist with him. Quietly, Josh reveals
                        his anxieties and fears as a child with
                        Asperger’s Disorder, an Autism Spectrum
                        “When Josh was three, he suffered from
                        severe anxiety,” says his mother, Claire.

                        “Crowds and noise upset him. He started
                        to scratch and hurt himself. After one of
                        his panic attacks, he even passed out. I
                        didn’t know what was happening, but I
                        knew he needed help.”
                        Claire came to Markham Stouffville
                        Hospital where Josh was diagnosed
                        with Asperger’s. Children with this
                        mild form of Autism can begin to show
                        signs of isolation and social impair-
                        ments by the age of three. They will
                        find social interaction difficult for the
                        rest of their lives.
                                                                                                                   image has no reference to patient mentioned in this article.
                        Through the hospital’s Child and Ado-
                        lescent Mental Health Services, Josh be-      “Our kids create a three dimensional           Maria realized he was not reflecting
                        gan Sandplay Therapy. This is a relatively    scene or draw in the sand,” says Sand-         feelings toward his sister, rather he was
                        new therapy in Canada that recognizes         play Therapist Maria Iosue. “These pic-        acknowledging his new role as an older
                        that by playing in the sand and using         tures help us understand their concerns,       brother. Josh was no longer the baby in
                        their imagination, young kids bring their     strengths, potential outcomes and how          the family.
                        inner and outer worlds together. It is a      the child is progressing with this treat-
                                                                                                                     Lately, Josh plays with a figure of him-
                        creative and effective way for Josh to ex-    ment.” Maria is one of Canada’s top Sand-
                                                                                                                     self in a kayak, all alone. As he begins
                        press what he can’t express with words.       play Therapists who is training others in
                                                                                                                     to overcome his difficulty interacting
                                                                      this specialized form of care.
                                                                                                                     socially, Claire expects he will eventu-
                                                                      Just after his sister was born, Josh chose     ally move the kayak to shore where he
                                                                      a baby figurine from the shelf and bur-        has placed other figures. Some other
                                      scan to learn more about        ied it in the sand. By talking to him,         programs available to support Josh and
                                      our Child and adolescent
                                      Mental health services.
                  CHild	and	adOlesCent	serViCes

other children with anxiety through the       with children like Josh. Recently, to help     dr. rustom sethna, Chief of Psychiatry (left) with some
                                                                                             of the team in the Mental health department.
Mental Health Clinic are yoga, creative       raise awareness for Markham Stouffville
arts and other group therapies.               Hospital’s Child and Adolescent Mental
                                              Health Programs and Services and en-
“Josh will always face challenges and find
                                              courage others to reach out for help, a
social interaction difficult. We’re fortu-
nate to have this specialized care at our
                                              team of dedicated community members,                    Year	2010/2011
                                              hospital physicians and staff embarked
community hospital,” says Claire. “He’s
                                              on their own journey to the top of Mount          patients	treated

very articulate, but his inner feelings are
                                              Kilimanjaro (see page 3).
hard for him to understand and express.”
                                              Proceeds from the Climb to Conquer sup-
Josh is working hard at the therapy he        port the construction currently underway
is doing at Markham Stouffville Hospital      at Markham Stouffville Hospital. Specifi-
and has come a long way. Recently, when       cally, the event helped raise funds for the

Claire reminded him that it was sand day,     hospital’s Mental Health Department
he said, “Thank goodness. I need it to-       that will have an entire floor dedicated to
day. I need to work through a few more        patients and families suffering with men-                                 Beds

It’s been a journey for Josh and Claire to
                                              tal illnesses. The new area will include in-
                                              viting spaces where children and adoles-        1,446                   	 VOlunteers

get where they are today.                     cents are supported, not judged. Kids like
                                              Josh, who deal with mental illness each
At the leading mental health treat-           and every day, will be better able to fight                       	       pHYsiCians
ment facility in York Region, Markham
Stouffville Hospital staff empathizes
                                              past the stigma of mental disorders and
                                              reach their own peaks.                          1,821                 	 staff

 Where There’s a Will
 make	a	difference.	leave	a	Bequest.	
 support	markham	stouffville	Hospital.
 Jan Black at 905.472.7394 or visit:                                                                         We’re Growing. Together.
                          Campaign	fOr	expansiOn.	Building	Our	future!
                         Celebrating our most recent Campaign donors (L to R):
 F O U N D A T I O N

                         Joyce & elson Miles, Brendan Murphy, latif fazel and fred darvish of liberty development, rosina & sam Cesaroni, Peter Gilgan of Mattamy homes and friends presenting to Msh team.

                           Your Hospital. Our Future.                                                                Building a Hospital is a Partnership
                                                                                                                     Your enthusiasm is vital to the hospital. Thanks to our donors who have given
                           Your dedication and support are the pillars of our success.                               between $10,000 – $99,999.

                           The Stollery Family                                               $5,000,000              Dan & Barbara Amadori                         Dr. Christyne & Mark Peters
                           The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Foundation                           $2,500,000              Asif Ameer                                    Denise & Andrew Pickett
                           Liberty Development Corporation                                   $2,000,000              Andrew & Sarah Arcand                         Dr. Cristina Popa
 H O S P I T A L

                           Carlo & Angela Baldassarra Family                                 $1,000,000              Mohammad & Samina Ashraf                      Vivienne Poy
                           Canadians of Pakistani Origin                                     $1,000,000              Dr. David Austin                              Patricia Preston
                           John Kaptyn                                                       $1,000,000              Evelyn Bailey-Semeniuk                        Dr. Michal Selucky
                           Mattamy Homes                                                     $1,000,000              Nigel Barton & Mary Jane DeKort               Dr. Rustom Sethna
                           Doug & Johanna Meharg                                             $1,000,000              Janet Beed                                    Dr. Hemant Shirali
                           Elson & Joyce Miles                                               $1,000,000              Dr. Mark Berber                               Dr. Gita Singh
 S T O U F F V I L L E

                           PowerStream Inc.                                                  $1,000,000              Donald Brodie                                 Gerry & Anita Smith
                           Deborah Rotta-Loria & Family                                      $1,000,000              Neil, Martin, Mitchell & Aaron Brown          Frank & Freda Spain
                           TACC Contruction Ltd.                                             $1,000,000                and Family                                  David & Cynthia Stead
                           York Region Breast Cancer Friends                                 $1,000,000              Carruthers Family                             Suzette Strong
                           Kathleen P. Carrick                                                $535,000               Michael Chan & Elaine Yu                      Belinda Tang
                           Fieldgate Group of Companies                                       $500,000               Dr. Neil Chang                                Eric & Susanne Tappenden
                           John & Diane Gibson and Family                                     $500,000               Dr. Joan Cheng                                Dr. Michael J. Taylor
                           Herman & Marya Grad                                                $500,000               Jose Danobeitia                               Dr. Brian Ticoll
 M A R K H A M

                           Great Wall Fundraising Group                                       $500,000               Dr. John A. Di Costanzo                       Khalid & Dr. Abida Usman
                           H&R/Lindvest Developments                                          $500,000               Tom Ehrlich                                   John & Tess Van Netten
                           HealthWithCare Medical Centre                                      $500,000               Richard & Lynda Evans                         Dr. Phillip Wade
                                                                                                                     Howard & Muriel Fairty                        Neil E. Walker
                           RBC Foundation                                                     $500,000
                                                                                                                     Dr. Bertram &                                 Zarina & Dr. Zul Wallani
                           Scotiabank Group                                                   $500,000
                                                                                                                       Dr. Monique Forse                           Dr. Ron & Dawn Wallman
                           TD Bank Group                                                      $500,000
                                                                                                                     Dennis & Ruth Fortnum                         Dr. Ralph Watt
                           Times Group Corporation                                            $500,000
                                                                                                                     Margaret M. Frith                             Ernst & Ilona Welmers
                           Tracey Rubinoff Foundation                                         $500,000
                                                                                                                     Dr. Caroline Geenen                           Dr. Jeffrey Werger
                           Marc & Ashley Wade                                                 $500,000
                                                                                                                     Karen & Drew Gerrard                          Dr. P. J. Whelan
                           Gale & Graham Wright                                               $500,000
                                                                                                                     Janice & Gerard Gervais                       Whiteside - Henderson Family
                           Ken & Carol Wildgoose and Family                                   $350,000
                                                                                                                     Dr. Jeffrey & Alison Gilmour
                           Sam & Rosina Cesaroni Family                                       $250,000
                                                                                                                     Larry Grove                                   Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc.
                           Carman Lewis                                                       $250,000
                                                                                                                     Dr. Jerry J. Halik                            CIBC World Markets Inc. -
                           Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation                               $250,000
                                                                                                                     Dr. Robert Hall &                               CIBC Children’s Foundation
                           Fred Wang                                                          $250,000
                                                                                                                       Herbert Charles                             Dr. Shahida R. Khan Medicine
                           Tom & Irene Shadlock                                               $222,800
                                                                                                                     John & Bill Hollings                            Professional Corporation
                           The Frank Scarpitti Charitable Foundation                          $200,000
                                                                                                                     Mollie Hood                                   Ellesmere Fabricators Ltd.
                           York Downs Golf & Country Club                                     $200,000
                                                                                                                     Dr. Alan F. M. Ing                            Flato Developments Inc.
                           North Markham 404 Partnership                                      $150,000
                                                                                                                     Dr. Wendy Iseman                              Greenpark Group of Companies
                           Monarch Corporation                                                $125,000
                                                                                                                     Ronald & Mildred James                        Haladner Family
                           Russell Beare                                                      $107,000
                                                                                                                     Warren & Deborah Jestin                       Mandarin Box Grove
                           IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund                                     $107,000
                                                                                                                     Scott & Jennifer Lawrence                     Metrus Development Inc.
                           Alex Chiu Golf Tournament                                          $100,000
                                                                                                                     Mark & Lori Lievonen                          MSH Directors & Clinical Directors
                           Islamic Foundation of Toronto                                      $100,000
                                                                                                                     John Livey                                    National Homes
                           Laurier Homes and Paradise Homes                                   $100,000               Peter & Dorothy Mason                         Sherman Foundation
                           Markham Radiologists                                               $100,000               George McCowan                                The Rockport Group
                           Primont Homes                                                      $100,000               David & Sanysa Merkel                         The Village Grocer
                           Altaf Soorty & Family                                              $100,000               Carole Moore & Peter van den Berg             Unionville Ladies Golf Tournament
                           Sunny Crunch Foods Ltd.                                            $100,000               William E. & Willa Norton                     Welfoods Ltd.
                           York Region Media Group                                            $100,000               Dr. Andrew & Ruth Patterson
Dr. Daryl Lougheed             Dr. Monique Villanueva       Elaine Goulbourne
                                                                                       Dr. Eileen Lougheed              Arquint                    Jo-Anne Gray
                                                                                       Dr. Charles &                  Dr. Michael Virro            Dan Greene
                                                                                         Dr. Beverly Lynde            Dr. Phillip Wade             Debra Grove
                                                                                       Dr. Gopal Makan                Zarina & Dr. Zul Wallani     Mim Harder
                                                                                       Dr. Jeff & Gila Martow         Dr. Ron & Dawn Wallman       Christina Hazell
                                                                                       Dr. John M. Maxted             Dr. Jeffry Wang              Craig & Natalie James           11
                                                                                       Dr. Michael McLennan           Dr. Patrick Wat              Mary-Lou & John James
                                                                                       Dr. Mitesh Mehta               Dr. V. Moss Weinstock        Christine Joe & William Lew

Campaign	fOr	expansiOn	                                                                Dr. James Meindok
                                                                                       Dr. Elaine Meinig
                                                                                                                      The Weissberger Family
                                                                                                                      Dr. Jeffrey Werger
                                                                                                                                                     and Family
                                                                                                                                                   Lisa Joyce
marKHam	stOuffVille	                                                                   David Milovanovic &
                                                                                         Dr. Cinda Dyer
                                                                                                                      Dr. P. J. Whelan
                                                                                                                      Dr. Jennifer Wilson
                                                                                                                                                   Melanie Kaplanis &
                                                                                                                                                     Robert Cook
HOspital	familY                                                                        Dr. Lorraine Mingie
                                                                                       Dr. Joseph Minkowitz
                                                                                                                      Dr. Yishai Wise
                                                                                                                      Dr. Richard Wong
                                                                                                                                                   Anne Kennie
                                                                                                                                                   Sharon Kenny
Our heartfelt thanks to the members of our Markham Stouffville                         Dr. Bernice Mitelman           Dr. Allan J. Yee             Gail Knaggs
Hospital family. Thanks for building our future together.                              Dr. Gail Morris                Dr. Sheila Yuen              Dwaine & Debbie Knight
                                                                                       Dr. Patricia                                                Jonathan Kwan
Hospital and                Young Park                  Dr. Terry Chung                  Mousmanis-Tsotsos            Dr. Syed Haider Medicine     Marjorie Lyn
                            Denise & Andrew Pickett     Dr. Elizabeth J. Cryer         Dr. Vijay Nandal                 Professional Corporation   Winnie Ma
Foundation                  Frank Pinguet               Dr. David Dancey               Dr. Bill Newton & Sharon       Deepti Pasricha Medicine     Joanne MacKenzie
Board Members               Dr. Cristina Popa           Dr. Carlos DeSequeira            Omotani-Newton                 Professional Corp.         Margie Mackie
Susan Acton                 Patricia Preston            Dr. John A. Di Costanzo        Dr. Ken & Emily Ng             Markham Radiologists         Gay Magrath
Dan & Barbara Amadori       Frank & Nancy Scarpitti     Dr. Anand Doobay               Dr. Ronald & Norma Oda         Markham Stouffville          Sandy Marangos
Mohammad & Samina           John & Michelle Scott       Dr. & Mrs. Ronald              Dr. Crystal Pallister            Anesthesia Association     Shellyna Moledina
  Ashraf                    Dr. Rustom Sethna             Esterbauer                   Dr. Larry & Pat Pancer         McLaren Medicine             Carole Moore &
Dr. David Austin            Bob Shepherd                The Faulds Family              Dr. Andrew & Ruth                Professional Corporation     Peter van den Berg
Evelyn Bailey-Semeniuk      David & Cynthia Stead       Dr. Catherine Feuer              Patterson                                                 David Morris
                            Cailey Stollery             Dr. Thomas & Vanessa Filosa    Dr. Emmanuel Persad                                         Justin Musclow
Phil Bannon
Peter Bar                   Suzette Strong              Dr. Monique Fitch              Dr. Christyne & Mark Peters    Our Staff Family             Fernando & Catherine Ortiz
Nigel Barton &              Belinda Tang                Dr. Bertram &                  Dr. Jane Philpott              Ruth Allen                   Timothy Pemberton
  Mary Jane DeKort          Eric & Susanne Tappenden      Dr. Monique Forse            Dr. Cristina Popa              Cheryl & Dain Andrews        Nadia Ramlogan
Janet Beed                  Lisa & Mark Tomjenovic      Dr. Caroline Geenen            Dr. Colette Pyselman and       Clayton Antliff              Joachim Ravoth
Mario Belanger              David & Elaine Tsubouchi    Dr. Jeffrey & Alison Gilmour     Dr. Peter Haw                Brian & Jane Barrow          Simone Reali
Brian Bentz                 Khalid & Dr. Abida Usman    Dr. Rusty Goodman              Dr. Menaka Rajasingham         Melissa Beauchamp &          Reshma Rego
Maria Bosnjak               Whiteside - Henderson       Dr. Deepa Grewal & Family      Dr. Sonia Sabir                  Andrew Dow                 Magda Rigo and Fred,
Christopher Bratty            Family                    Dr. Jerry J. Halik             Dr. Obodai Sai                 Janet Beed                     Courtney & Jeffrey
Carruthers Family           Ken & Carol Wildgoose       Dr. Robert Hall & Herbert      Dr. Gweneth Sampson            Allan J. Bell                  Mottashed
Silvio DeGasperis             and Family                  Charles                      Dr. Leonard Schwartz           Jan Black                    Tira Roilos
Jack Eisenberger                                        Dr. Karen Held                 Dr. Michal Selucky             Robert & Sian Bull           Maureen Rose
                                                        Dr. Roberta Hood               Dr. Rustom Sethna              Lynne & Bob Campkin          Eileen Russell
Wayne Emmerson
Richard & Lynda Evans
                            Our Physicians              Dr. Elhadi Hussein             Dr. Anoosh Sharif              Emma Castro                  Julia Scott
Dennis & Ruth Fortnum       Dr. Michelle Allain         Dr. Alan F. M. Ing             Dr. Hemant Shirali             Aileen Chan                  Susan Sheffield
Tyrone & Hilda Gan          Dr. Isabel Alvarez          Dr. Wendy Iseman               Mr. Samy & Dr. Phoebe          Jean-Marie Chan Kin          Don Shields
Karen & Drew Gerrard        Dr. Shobana Ananth          Dr. Douglas Jang                 Shokry                       Jennifer Chen &              Keith Simms
Janice & Gerard Gervais     Dr. Neil Applebaum          Dr. Julio Kan                  Dr. David Shulman                Joseph Gan                 Julia Smith
Herman & Marya Grad         Dr. Andrew & Sarah Arcand   Dr. Vimal Scott Kapoor &       Dr. Irving & Isabel Siegel     Diane Chin Yee               Kari Smith
Warren & Deborah Jestin     Dr. George M. Arnold          Dr. Brij Mohan Kapoor        Dr. Sara Sigal Schwartz        Tracy Clegg & Tim White      Michael Steirman
Debora Kelly                Dr. David Austin            Dr. David H. Kim               Dr. Gita Singh                 Jennifer & Mac Cosburn       Suzette Strong
Joseph Lebovic              Dr. Sarah Barclay           Dr. Barbara King               Dr. Munesh Singh               Suzanne Couture              Julie Sullivan
Danny Leung                 Dr. Luke Bearss             Dr. Felice Lackman &           Dr. Astrid Sjodin              Madeline Cuadra              Kathy Tallidis
Mark & Lori Lievonen        Dr. Mark Berber               Sheldon Caplin               Dr. Crystal A. Smith           Danef Family                 Melissa & Alessandra Tucci
John Livey                  Dr. Avidis Boudakian        Dr. Ho-Yin Lau                 Dr. Henry Solow                Nancy Day                    Neil E. Walker
Peter & Dorothy Mason       Dr. Hedy Boutros            Dr. Khoa Le                    Dr. Michael Steirman           Donna & Wayne Doherty        Joshua & Esther West
Blair McArthur              Dr. Margaret Bugdahn        Dr. Ambrose Lee                Dr. Christopher Stephen        Adam Erwood                  Jenny T. Yang
George & Carolina Moretti   Dr. Shehbaz Butt            Dr. T-Y Joseph Lee             Dr. Sam Sue                    Natasha & Mark Fieldman      Sharon & Sander Yiu
Nikola Mracic & Family      Dr. & Mrs. James Carson     Dr. Anastasios T. Leventis     Dr. Kenneth Tang               Cheryl Flaherty              Facilities & Support Services
Gerri Lynn O’Connor         Dr. Neil Chang              Dr. Jody Lewtas                Dr. Michael J. Taylor          Nancy Fletcher               Maternal Child Leadership
Avo Oudabachian             Dr. Kelly Chapman           Dr. Janice Li                  Dr. Joseph Telch               Julie Gauthier                 Group
Jane E. Pagel               Dr. Lily Chen               Dr. Edith Linkenheil           Dr. Brian Ticoll               Cathy Gell                   MSH Directors &
Dr. Crystal Pallister       Dr. Joan Cheng              Dr. Paul Lokoff                Dr. Padmini N. Turlapati       Denis Godbout                  Clinical Directors

Our	COmmunitY	COming	tOgetHer	tO	Build	Our	HOspital
Our thanks and appreciation to those who have given between April, 1 2010 and March 31, 2011.

Brick by Brick              Saeid Aghaei                Dr. Mark Berber                Dr. Bertram &                  Dr. Jerry J. Halik           Peter & Dorothy Mason
                            Dan & Barbara Amadori       Donald Brodie                    Dr. Monique Forse            Dr. Robert Hall &            George McCowan
Our Hospital is             Asif Ameer                  Carruthers Family              Dennis & Ruth Fortnum            Herbert Charles            Dr. Andrew &
Growing                     Andrew & Sarah Arcand       Michael Chan & Elaine Yu       Dr. Caroline Geenen            Mollie Hood                    Ruth Patterson
$10,000 – $99,999           Mohammad & Samina           Dr. Neil Chang                 Karen & Drew Gerrard           Dr. Alan F. M. Ing           Dr. Christyne & Mark Peters
                              Ashraf                    Dr. Joan Cheng                 Janice & Gerard Gervais        Dr. Wendy Iseman             Denise & Andrew Pickett
                            Evelyn Bailey-Semeniuk      Angela Chiu                    Hashem Ghadaki                 Warren & Deborah Jestin      Dr. Cristina Popa
                            Nigel Barton &              Dr. John A. Di Costanzo        Dr. Jeffrey & Alison Gilmour   Dr. Barbara King             Patricia Preston
                              Mary Jane DeKort          Tom Ehrlich                    Herman & Marya Grad            Paul Lai                     Dr. Rustom Sethna
                            Janet Beed                  Richard & Lynda Evans          Larry Grove                    Danny Leung                  Dr. Hemant Shirali
Dr. Najmul Siddiqui          Gustav Boehringer             Brian Johnston                 Magda Rigo and Fred,          William Webb                Larry Kinlin &
                         Gerry & Anita Smith          Nick Borgh                    Walter Jones                     Courtney & Jeffrey          Peter & Lucienne Weeks        Associates Inc.
                         Altaf Soorty & Family        Maria Bosnjak                 Jean & Denise Joubert            Mottashed                   Whiteside - Henderson       Leung Lam & Company
                         Frank & Freda Spain          Deborah Bouchard              Samira Kanji                   Bruce & Isabel Risebrough       Family                      Chartered Accountants
                         Belinda Tang                 Bernice Bowers                Dr. Vimal Scott Kapoor & Dr.   Lloyd & Nancy Robertson       Dr. Mitchell Whyne          Lillian & Leroy Page
                         Dr. Michael J. Taylor        Michael Browne                   Brij Mohan Kapoor           Jan Rogers                    Kent & Judy Wideman           Foundation
12                       Dr. Brian Ticoll             Peter Browne                  Yash Kapur                     John & Marcia Rosenthal       Peter Williamson            Mandarin Box Grove
                         John & Tess Van Netten       Robert & Sian Bull            Joan Kaufman                   Lucille Ross                  George & Leone Wilson       Manor Hill Fine Art
                         Dr. Phillip Wade             Howard Burkholder             Nancy Keays                    Michael J. & Sandra Rozario                               Markham Fair
                                                                                                                                                 Ron Wilson
                         Neil E. Walker               Robert W. Campbell            Debora Kelly                   Gary Rubinoff                                             Markham Stouffville
 F O U N D A T I O N

                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Allan J. Yee
                         Zarina & Dr. Zul Wallani     Lynne & Bob Campkin           Anne Kennie                    Mel Rubinoff                                                Anesthesia Association
                                                                                                                                                 Sharon & Sander Yiu
                         Dr. Ron & Dawn Wallman       Dr. James & Denise Carson     Dr. James & June Kerr          Carl Rush                                                 Mark’s Choice Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                 Stella Yusko
                         Ernst & Ilona Welmers        Malcolm Carter                Khalid Khokhar                 Reginald Russell                                          McLaren Medicine
                         Dr. Jeffrey Werger           Allen Cawfield                Harry Kleingeld                Dr. Sonia Sabir                                             Professional Corporation
                         Dr. P. J. Whelan             Linda Chambers                Marla & David Korman and       Larry Saltsman                Allstate Insurance          Moses & Temara Tobe
                         Joan Whittaker               Kwok Ming Chan                   Family                      Robert & Beryl Sanderson        Company of Canada           Foundation Inc.
                                                      Gwen Cheung                   Gene & Cathy Kosmyna           Joan & George Sands           Ansar Financial Group       Northbridge Financial Corp.
                         Alex Chiu Golf Tournament    Jeff & Shawna Citron          Jonathan Kwan                  Maryann Schiml                Aspen Ridge Homes           Novo Plastics Inc.
                         CIBC World Markets           Dr. Michael Clarfield         Ting Nam Lau                   Harold Schmidt                Atlantic Group              OPG Employees’ &
                           Inc - CIBC Children’s      Jeffrey Cohen                 Philip & Loretta Lavell        David Schwartz                BEA Transit Solutions         Pensioners’ Charity Trust
 H O S P I T A L

                           Foundation                 Terry Coughlin &              Dr. Khoa Le                    John & Michelle Scott         BMO Employee Charitable     Partnership Holdings Ltd.
                         Dr. Syed Haider Medicine       Marlene Storry              William & Hazel Leal           Julia Scott                     Foundation                Precise ParkLink
                           Professional Corporation   Bill Crothers                 Danny Leung
                         Greenpark Group of           Dr. Elizabeth Cryer           Dr. Anastasios T. Leventis
                           Companies                  Ken Crystal                   David Lever
                         Grote Industries             Danef Family                  Mark & Lori Lievonen
                         H&R/Lindvest                 Dr. Shahnaz Dar               R. & C. Lillie
                           Developments               Glenn Daurio, Rhonda          Dr. Edith Linkenheil
 S T O U F F V I L L E

                         Haladner Family                Franklin & Family           John Livey
                         Interlynx Relocation         Raymond & Irene Davies        Dr. Eileen Lougheed
                           Management                 Joanne Davis-Greenlaw         Hazel M. Ludlow
                         Krylov & Company             Jean Deverill                 Eddie & Gladys Mak
                           Barristers                 Mehboob Dhalla                Robert Mandel
                         Laurier Homes and            Mary Francis Drudge           Sandy Marangos
                           Paradise Homes             Norman & Mary Drudge          Mohan Markandaier
                         Longo’s Family Charitable    Margaret Elliott              Paul & Avril Martin
                           Foundation                 Dr. & Mrs. Ronald             Peter & Dorothy Mason
                         Metrus Development Inc.        Esterbauer                  Roy & Barbara Megarry
 M A R K H A M

                         Monarch Corporation          Peter & Margaret Faye         Dr. Elaine Meinig
                         National Homes               Dr. Thomas & Vanessa          Peter Menkes
                         Scotiabank Group               Filosa                      Joanne Mercer
                         Sherman Foundation           Dr. Bertram &                 Mr. Ali Mesgarzadeh
                         Sunny Crunch Foods Ltd.        Dr. Monique Forse           Evelyn Metcalfe
                         The Rockport Group           Glenn Fortin                  Philina Milanczak              William & Mary Ann Scott      Box Grove Community         RE/MAX Realtron
                         The Toronto and Region       Nick Foster                   Carol Miller &                 Dr. Shivani Sharma              Centre                    RegalCraft Homes
                           Conservation Authority     John & Susan Francis             Graham Knope                Susan Sheffield               Brookfield Asset            SIOR
                         Welfoods Ltd.                Mario Frocione                Shellyna Moledina              Mildred Sherwood                Management Inc.           Spring Air Sommex Corp.
                         York Region Breast Cancer    Faith Futter                  James & Dianne Monnot          Dr. Munesh Singh              Canada-HK New Horizon       St. Augustine C.E.S.
                           Friends                    Kevin & Delma Gaffney         Louise Ferri & Brian Monti     J. Grace & Allan Singleton      Lions Club                St. Brother André C.H.S.
                                                      Tyrone & Hilda Gan            A. George Moreton              Sharon Smith                  Carson & Weeks Insurance    Steeles Memorial Chapel
                                                      Pat & Rogers Gardham          Miles Nadal                    Julia Smith                     Brokers Inc.              TELUS Corp.
                                                      Stephen & Paula Gardner       Omar & Yasmin Nazir            Barry Smith                   Casino Rama                 The Garden Basket
                                                      Madeline Gibson               Dr. Bill Newton & Sharon       Dr. Crystal A. Smith          Conceptwave                 The Manchee Foundation
                         We’re Building.              Dorothy Gilbert                  Omotani-Newton              Gerry & Anita Smith           Cora Marham                 The Naomi and Gerald
                         Together                     Bill Goold                    Ruth Nichols                   Dr. Henry Solow               Cover-All Computer            Goldenberg and Family
                         $1,000 – $9,999              Elaine Goulbourne             Joan Nishikawa                 Shirley Sommers                 Services Corp.              Charitable Foundation
                                                      Gaetan Gravel                 Kaz & Sachi Nishio             David & Cynthia Stead         DST Output Canada Inc.      Tyco Electronics
                         Mrs. Donald B. Acton         Reginald Gray                 William E. & Willa Norton      Gary Stern                    Father Michael McGivney       Canada Ltd.
                         Marcel Aitoro                Bram Green                    Ruth Ogino                     Suzette Strong                  Catholic Academy          Upper Canada
                         Sajid Alimohamed             Dan Greene                    Charles & Lore Ormrod          Dr. Sam Sue                   FCT                           Specialty Hardware
                         Dr. Michelle Allain          Lloyd & Helen Ham             Dr. Crystal Pallister          Susanna Tang                  Flato Developments Inc.     707371 Ontario Ltd.
                         Othmar & Gloria Altmann      Ione Hardcastle               Naren & Pravina Patel          Eric & Susanne Tappenden      Goodmans LLP                843772 Ontario Ltd.
                         Jeanette Anbinder            Garry & Antonia Harding       Ed & Sherilyn Pearce           John & Michelle Tidball       Guild Electric Charitable
                         Shirley Ashurst              Maura Harrington              Dr. Jane Philpott              Anne & Matthew                  Foundation
                         Annette Atkinson             Dr. Karen Held                Frank Pinguet                     Tomljenovic                Havana Nights Supper Club
                         Dr. David Austin             Robert & Marie Henderson      Craig & Adela Pinnock          John Troyer                   Industrial Alliance
                         Phil Bannon                  Timen Ho                      F. W. & Judy Powell            Khalid & Dr. Abida Usman        Insurance and Financial
                         Robert & Carolyn Barber      Jackie Hodgson                Tsolmon Purevjav               Robert Vallee                   Services Inc.
                         Michael Barrack              Mary Holloway                 Dr. Colette Pyselman &         Dr. Zul & Almas Verjee        J & J Shared Services -
                         Russell Beare                Christina Holmes                 Dr. Peter Haw               Ralph & Valerie Viegas          A Division of
                         Greg Beehler                 Douglas & Nancy Hortin        Yahya Qureshi                  Dr. Monique Villanueva          Janssen-Ortho Inc.
                         Mario Belanger               Maxwell Jackson               Dale Rae                          Arquint                    Jasco Holdings Ltd.
                         Stephen Belgne               Mary-Lou & John James         Annie Rafferty                 Fred Wang                     JustLabour Temporary Help
                         William & Margaret Benson    Warren & Deborah Jestin       Vennila Raja                   Trevor Watson                 KPMG Enterprise
                         Dr. Paul & Cathy             Farzana Jiwani & Aly Virji    Bernard Reesor                 Dr. Ralph Watt
                           Binhammer                  Christine Joe & William Lew   John Reesor                    Dr. Donald & Elizabeth Way    Korman Associates,
                         Dr. Bob & Julie Boadway        and Family                  Robert & Susan Reid            Donald J. Way                  Barristers & Solicitors
Every Penny                  Glen & Elizabeth           Christie Day                Richard Henwood             Jilly Lee                   Brad & Lara Morris
                                Brubacher               P. Jane De Guerre           Donald & Sandra Hewson      Dr. Joseph Lee              Bernice & Cyril Moxley
Counts                       Urah Bryan &               Gerald & Andrea De Waal     John & Joyce Hiatt          Phyllis Lee                 Nikola Mracic & Family
$250 – $999                     Sharon Williams         Wilbert Dean                Ken Hillcoff                Susanna Lee                 Anita Mui
Thank you.                   Darshan Bugeaud            Joseph DeMarco              Craig Hind                  John Lehman                 Herbert Murray
Due to space limitations     Richard Burkholder         Lionel DeMercado            Joanna Ho                   Nancy Leonard               John Musso
we could not list everyone   Marianne & Bob Burrell     Rick & Linda Dennis         Norbert Hoeller             Royle Leung                 Edward & Audrey Mynahan      13
who gave under $250.         Arnold & Phyllis Burton    Chris & Paula DeNure        Lorna Hogg                  Gordon & Joan Lever         Amtul Nadirsheikh
                             Michael Cammalleri         Guang Di & Jueqiang Cai     Nancy Fung Yee Hui          Dean Levitt                 Betty Nelson-French
Terence Akerman              Jack Campbell              John Di Poce                Ronald Huisman              Joseph Levy                 Linda Nesbitt
Jeff & Catherine Albin       Walter & Yvonne Campbell   Arthur & Susan Dickinson    Lorne & Yvonne Hurst        Robert Lewocz               Donald Newman
Brian & Helen Allen          Douglas Cannon             Carmen Di-Paola             Dr. Irene Hussain           Yvonne Li                   Hoa Ngo
Dustin Allen                 William Carnaghan          Tara & Robert Donaghey      Nuzhat & Maha Hussain       Mei-Na Liao                 Robert & Carolyn Nicholson
Peter & Coleen Allum         Nancy Carroll              Dan & Petra Donnelly        Donald & Helen Huxtable     Cecile Lillie               Norman Nigh
Dr. Shobana Ananth           Gordon & Betty Case        Gilles & Dolores Dore       Bao Minh Huynh &            R. & C. Lillie              Kin Bing Ellayne Nip
John & Carol Ann Anderson    Joanne Cermak              Ronald Dornan                 Loan Tran                 An Yuan Lin                 Rick Nishikawa
Peter Anderson               Alan Chan                  Baris & Evelina Dortok      Ralph Hyatt                 Fraser & Marijan Lindsay    Greig Nishio &
Jean Andrews                 Sui Chau Chan              Ronald Duckworth            Corrado Iacono              Joyce Liu                      Carolynne Mori
Asif Ansari                  Charles Chang
                                                        Maureen Dudley              Arlene Ide                  Kevin & Teresa Liu          Ruby Norton
Atif Ansari                  Brent Chapman
                                                        Cynthia Duncan              Ahmed Ijaz                  Sam Lo                      Dr. Ronald & Norma Oda
Irina Antipova &             Fonda Chau
                                                        Deborah Dunphy              Maria Ilari                 Frank & Sylvia Loewen       Ian Oliver
   Serge Holmberg            Iftikhar Cheema
                                                        Robert Durnford             David & Myrna Ingalls       Dr. Paul Lokoff             Hyman Orfus
                                                        Larry Durst                 Ranny Ip                    Jackson Loong               Stephen and Megan Orr
                                                        Henry & Shirley Edamura     Maurice & Dawn Jack         James & Isabel Lyle         Ferat Osmani
                                                        Thomas & Kathleen           Karim & Shehnila Jadavji    Jeanette Lynch              Jane E. Pagel
                                                           Edgerton                 Werner & Verena Jaeger      Dr. Charles &               Charles & Mary Painter
                                                        Darryl Edwards              Eric Jaffer                    Dr. Beverly Lynde        David & Jean Painter
                                                        Colleen Evans-Lavadan       Wenqing Jiang               H. E. Lyon                  Julie Pang
                                                        Robert & Barbara Everist    Neil & Noreen Johnston      Elaine Ma                   Doreen Parker
                                                        Ytske Eyre                  Ian & Sandra Joiner         John MacDonald              Sarwan Singh Parmar
                                                        Jiang Jing Fan              Cal Jones                   Murray Macfarlane           Rick Pasternac
                                                        Grant & Joyce Farrier       Violet Jones                Charles MacInnes            Ashvin & Hansa Patel
                                                        Elizabeth Fevreau           Tom & Indu Joseph           Joanne MacKenzie            Elwood & Audrey Pattenden
                                                        David & Sharon Fieghen      Robert Kam &                Phyllis Major               Roy & Anne Pearce
                                                        Natasha & Mark Fieldman       Sharon Cheung             Constance Mak               Timothy Pemberton
                                                        Dr. Gerald W. Filgiano      Muhunthan Kanagaratnam      Yu Sun Mak                  Domenic & Antonietta Petta
                                                        Sally Filosa                Akira Kawai                 Terry Malone                Jacques Philosophe
                                                        William & Elizabeth Fitz    Colin Kelly                 Linda Marr                  Alan & Arlene Pink
                                                        Paul Flexman                Alexander Kelman            Bruce & Patricia Marshall   George Plumb
                                                        Patricia Forrestall         Donna Kemp                  Joseph & Elizabeth          Michael Polzler
                                                        Vince Forrestall            Melanie Kendal                 Marshall                 Dr. Carl Porter
                                                        Dr. Anne Forsythe Moore,    Patrick Kennelly            Cristine Martin             Russell & Margaret Porter
Gordon Armstrong             Jennifer Chen &               Ph.D.                    Michael & Lorraine Kenney   Ronald Mattacott            Elizabeth Price
Nirmala Armstrong              Joseph Gan               Marc Fortin                 Abdul Khan                  Dr. John & Louise Maxted    Jill Prior
Lisa Atkinson                Lily Chen                  Thomas Fox                  Eldred & Beulah King        George McCowan              John Prsa
Lila Bain                    Bob & Claire Chester       Martin & Joyce Fredricks    Patrick & Alison King       Blair McCreadie             Peter Puhl
Sivanandachelvan             Ellen Cheung               Jack Frieberg               John Klecker                Robert & Betty McCulloch    Peter Quinn
  Balaraman                  George Christoffer         Wayne Gambell               Walter & Margo Knecht       David McGill                Preemesh Rana
Elizabeth Baldaro            William Christofilos       Keith & Debbie Gammie       Ranbir Kohli                Bill McGilvray              Clifford & Diane Randall
Jordan & Faith Banks         Victor Chu                 Sugumar Ganesan             Richard & Rita Kong         Frederick McGuire           Serafino & Rosa Raponi
Ernest & Wilma Bardocz       Donald Chubbuck            Joseph Gariup               Dr. Mark & Frances          Sylvia McGuire              Tharmalingham
Lesley Barnett               Elaine Chung               Edward George                 Kortschot                 Anne McIntosh                  Rasaratinam
Real Bedard &                Ka Liung Chung             Ted & Lillian Given         Stephanie                   Douglas & Cathy McIntosh    Joachim Ravoth
  Elizabeth Blakley          H. Chung-Chum-Lam          Lynn & Larry Glazer           Koufes-MacMillan          John & Kathleen McKay       Stanley & Myrtle Rayner
James & Eileen Beierl        David & Dorothy Clark      Roger & Kathleen Glazin     Joseph & Zlatica Kozich     Bonnie McMaster             Margaret Reaume
Doris W. Bell                Tammy Clements             Marty & Avra Goldhar        Dr. Steven Kranc            Jean McNab                  Dr. Carol Redmond
Jean & Alexander Bell        Dennis Cline               Kathryn & Chris Goldsmith   David & Irena Kurtz         Colomba Melino              Peter Reesor
Joe & Isobel Bell            Paul Clinton               Alan Goldstein              Sig Kusatz                  Patrick Meneley             Joanna Reesor-McDowell
Dr. Ron & Gail Beveridge     Erma Collins               William & Mary Graber       Cliff & June Labbett        Michael Meras               Diana Regendanz
Jan Black                    Ann Conely                 Doreen Graham               Dr. Felice Lackman &        Mel Mezzarobba              Donald & Linda Regier
John & Melanie Boscariol     Murray Conrad              William & Darlene Graham      Sheldon Caplin            Ugo Micone                  Ursula Reiter
Dr. Russell & Jean Boyd      Lorne & Jean Cook          Richard & Victoria Grant    John Ladouceur              Donald & Debra Miller       Brian & Ellen Relph
William & Ruth Boynton       Jennifer Cook-Spanton      Dennis & S. Lillian Green   Kitty Lai                   Jim Miller                  Herb & Janice Rempel
Vincent & Karen Brady        Jennifer & Mac Cosburn     Gordon & Alice Greig        Connie Lam                  Leonard Miller              Jerry & Shirley Renwick
Ruth Braithwaite             Bram Costin                Anne & Bruce Grubbe         Kitty Lam                   Edgar & Dorothy Mills       Phyllis Ritchie
Frank Braun                  Robert Cressatti           Kassim Haji                 Rowena Lam                  David Milovanovic &         Victoria Ritchie
David & Shirley Brennan      Reg Crozier                John & Alice Hamilton       Katherine Landell              Dr. Cinda Dyer           Colvin Riviere
Bruce Brocklebank            Cosimo Crupi               Jim Handy                   John & Marjorie Lang        Risa Mintz                  Richard Robbins
Art & Carol Brooker          Madeline Cuadra            Elmer Harding               Ted & Lynda Langdon         Farooq Mir                  Neil & Nancy Roberts
Charles Brown                Mark Cucco                 Lois Harris                 Gary Langlands              Evagelos & Magda            Lise Robertson
Laura Brown                  John Currie                Averil Harvey               Al & Anne Lanning              Mitskopoulos             Brian Roman &
Margery Brown &              Patricia Czetyrbok         Betty Hastings              Barbara Lanys               Yiu-Hing Mok                   Carol Trattner
  Richard Higham             Victor D’Alfonso           Don Haynes                  Phil & Loretta Lavell       John & Margaret Moment      Bruce Rose
Nancy Brown                  Dr. David Dancey           David & Barbara Hencher     Ray Lavitt                  Kenneth Moon                Reg & Nancy Rowe
Sari Brown                   Satya Dash                 Robert Henderson            Catherine Lee               George & Kay Morishita      Ernest & Jean Ryman
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011

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Report to Donors 2011
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Report to Donors 2011

Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2011

  • 1. MARKHAM STOUFFVILLE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Report to Donors 2011 Building Your Hospital nOW!
  • 2. 2 Building F O U N D A T I O N > t o g e t h e r < It is hard to imagine that With the groundbreaking ceremony taking place in December 2010, it two decades ago, Markham has been a crucial year. This is our first major expansion project since H O S P I T A L we opened our doors more than 20 years ago. While the construction Stouffville Hospital had a is on track, it is the milestones we share with our families that are our surplus of inpatient beds and motivation for expanding. From celebrating the birth of a little one, there was no waiting line in to a visit to our emergency department, to the illness or loss of a loved one; we hope we have been here for you when you needed us. We the emergency department. know that you have been there when we needed you. S T O U F F V I L L E Today our beds are full and The next few years will be very exciting. We expect to complete our new there is usually a wait in building in early 2013 and then begin extensive renovations to our our emergency department, existing building. Our team has already started working to make our move to the new building seamless and safe and this will require the except for our most acutely ill expansion of our services to be carried out over a number of months. patients. We have grown and Just as our new building is going up, brick by brick, floor by floor, we changed while continuing to are also seeing the early results of fundraising efforts come together. M A R K H A M support the health-care needs None of this progress would be possible without the generous support from our community – the individuals, organizations, corporate of our patients and their partners and event sponsors who have come together to support families in a facility that is compassionate, patient-centered care at Markham Stouffville Hospital. simply not big enough. Our generous donors are the key to achieving our vision of providing excellent care to everyone who comes through our doors. As you read through this year’s report, we hope that you will share in our excitement and gratitude for those who have led the way with pace-setting donations, combined with the collective commitment of the thousands of other donors who have made gifts of all sizes. The stories in this report show that our donors have very personal reasons for supporting Markham Stouffville Hospital, but all share in their compassion and dedication. Your spirit of generosity is inspiring. On behalf of our physicians, staff and both the hospital and foundation board of directors, a heartfelt thanks for the difference you are making. With thanks and sincere appreciation, Janet M. Beed Suzette Strong P.S. You may notice QR Codes throughout the report. Scan the QR Codes with your smartphone to see videos related to the articles. scan to see a preview of the new Markham stouffville hospital. L to R: Janet M. Beed, President & CeO, MarkhaM stOuffville hOsPital suzette strong, CeO, MarkhaM stOuffville hOsPital fOundatiOn
  • 3. Building Report to > awa re n e s s < Donors COnquering mental illness contents Conquering a spiritual trip to the summit 3 Mental Illness Let’s Celebrate Building a Healthier 3 of Mount Kilimanjaro Community Now! 4 In July of 2011, a dedicated group of individu- als, community members and staff at Markham tHe spirit Of maC B. Was WitH me Stouffville Hospital began their journey to raise I took many things with me on my climb, but Diabetes is the awareness for child and adolescent mental illness the most significant was the spirit of Mac B. Least Interesting Mac was a young teen who committed suicide Thing About while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Emma 6 Africa. The group raised close to $500,000 to sup- port the expansion of mental health. This is an four years ago. I did not know Mac. I met his mom Donna in the community while fund- raising for the climb, and until then I did not The Healing excerpt from the diary of Margaret Mackie, RN at Power of Play MSH, and one of the climbers. know she had a son who had committed sui- & Imagination 8 Slowly and slowly, pole, pole (in Swahili). cide. Hearing a mother share the story of her son’s suicide was extremely moving. I cried Report to the That was the pace up the mountain. This was with her, sharing her grief, for a young person Community 10 not a race, there was no prize for getting to the top first – the reward was in the journey. that I had never met. The purpose of the climb became so clear to me. Mac’s spirit led me in Building Update 19 Throughout the climb, there were some won- derful moments spent with the other climbers the climb to openly discuss suicide and men- tal illness at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro; to - magical, transforming and reassuring. I was help kids feel as if they could have options in MSH Foundation their life as opposed to death; that they could Board of with people who understood mental illness, Directors 19 who were representing the people you and I feel support as opposed to stigma. Helping WHile tHe ClOuds pass When I was approaching Kibo Hut at the mountain’s base, I watched as dark clouds quickly moved in and shrouded a mountain that is 5,685 metres at summit peak. I was standing directly in front of it, yet could not see a trace of its craggy intimidating features. Had I told you it was there behind the clouds you might not have believed me. But the mountain hadn’t moved or changed, only the clouds. Mental illness works in similar ways. The clouds are like symptoms; our crisis of confidence, emotions, thoughts, actions and barriers – they all change and move through the Climb to Conquer team us. We all have a part to play or a way to partic- during their ascent to kibo hut. know and will come to know who have strug- ipate within our communities – to help one gled in so many ways. I was sitting alongside another, while the clouds pass. a group who cared and put this mission of awareness for child and adolescent mental This experience has been more profoundly health first before anything else in their lives. rewarding than I could have ever imagined. Coming back down the mountain and re- turning to my familiar life – I have kept the spirit of Mac with me. The motivation that I found on the mountain also stays with me. I have only one voice to support others but collectively, with the voices of others, I know we will accomplish great things for our young people. As a community we can remove the stigma of mental illness if we climb moun- scan to learn more about our tains together. climb to the summit of kilimanjaro.
  • 4. 4 CeleBrate Building > a Healthier Community Now! < F O U N D A T I O N On Saturday, September 17, the Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation celebrated the expan- sion project and fundraising cam- H O S P I T A L paign. A large group of hospital supporters gathered including Mayor Frank Scarpitti who an- nounced that the foundation has successfully reached 70 per cent ($35 million) of the $50 million ex- S T O U F F V I L L E pansion goal! Michael Landsberg, Canadian Sports Journalist and Host of Off the Record on TSN, joined the celebra- tion and spoke of the importance of expanding facilities like MSH’s Mental Health Clinic to ensure M A R K H A M that families receive the care they need close to home. Guests took photos with construc- tion vehicles, signed a beam that will be used to help build the new hospital and learned from health and wellness experts. Kids also had the chance to visit the teddy hamat Bhana and his son aiden are making their mark on Markham stouffville hospital as they sign the beam that bear clinic and take home their will be installed on the 2nd floor west-facing wall. very own MSH bear. Mark lievonen, Chair of the foundation’s Board of directors, welcomes sarwin Parmar, hospital supporters at one of our donors. the donor Celebration on september 17.
  • 5. 5 Top Left: Jenny Yang and kevin Chen health for all Clinic nurse Brenda Wilson with their son ryder. takes Joan tunney’s blood pressure. Joan is a lifelong donor and volunteer at Markham stouffville hospital. keynote speaker, Michael landsberg, tsn host of Off the record, with suzette strong, CeO, Markham stouffville hospital foundation. Mayor frank scarpitti and Peter Mason, Co-Chairs of the $50 million Campaign for expansion. L to R: kellie stajer, suzanne vanderlip and sandi lofgren from Markham stouffville hospital Professional Practice leaders at the healthy heart-Blood Pressure testing booth.
  • 6. Building >co n f i d e n ce< 6 Diabetes pa e d i at r i C d i a B e t e s As a young mom, Shana Betz thought F O U N D A T I O N her daughter’s crankiness, restless sleep and constant thirst were normal. Then, one Friday is the Least Interesting afternoon, two years ago, 10-month-old Emma’s lips turned blue and her breathing became rapid. thing about Emma After several stressful hours in the emergency department at Markham Stouffville Hospital, H O S P I T A L a doctor put her arm around Shana and said, “Emma has Type 1 diabetes. It’s nothing you did. It’s not your fault.” “She wouldn’t have survived the night,” says Shana. “Doctor S T O U F F V I L L E Deepa Grewal explained every- thing so compassionately.” After spending some time in the hospital, Emma came home. The Betz family then began to learn how to live with diabetes. Since Shana and her husband Scott M A R K H A M had no experience with the condition - their four-year-old son Zachary does not have diabetes - they turned to the caregivers at Markham Stouffville Hospital. number continues to grow as the community “Dr. Robert Ehrlich was on speed dial,” she says of grows. Upon diagnosis, children like Emma and the founding Medical Director of the Paediatric their families have a series of visits where they Diabetes Clinic at Markham Stouffville Hospital. learn how to manage their condition, including “He checked in every day, and would call if he medication and nutritional education. This unique scan to learn more didn’t hear from me. Such a kind man. The most about how to service is very helpful to the families that need to “stand up to diabetes”. wonderful man alive.” make adjustments to their lifestyle to manage Longest Running Diabetes Clinic diabetes and ensure their child’s well-being. in York Region As part of the hospital’s redevelopment, the new The Paediatric Diabetes Clinic at Markham state-of-the art Diabetes Clinic will be relocated Stouffville Hospital is the longest running in our newly renovated facility following the diabetes program in the region. Currently the expansion. It will be named in honour of one clinic has over 1,450 patient visits a year, and that Dr. Ehrlich’s former patients, Tracey Rubinoff, marKHam stOuffVille HOspital patient CatCHment area markham 51.5% stouffville 11.0% uxbridge 10.5% durham (excluding Uxbridge) 10.3% York region (excluding Markham & Stouffville) 6.7% toronto 6.7% Other 3.3%
  • 7. pa e d i at r i C d i a B e t e s shana Betz, mother of emma 7 Today Shana and her blonde, curly-haired diabetes. There are about 7,000 kids in three-year-old walk over together for Ontario schools with diabetes, whose Emma’s regular check-ups and blood tests. parents, in some cases, have to come into “Her family physician, Jeff Weissberger, is the schools to test their levels and manage at the hospital, so we spend a considerable their insulin.” amount of time here. The care we get is personal. I’m not a number.” “I’ve thrown myself into the diabetes community to help myself and help “Diabetes is the least interesting thing others,” she says. about Emma. She loves to dance and listen to music. You’d never have a Inspired by the compassion and assistance clue she has a condition that needs of Markham Stouffville Hospital and managing,” Shana says, referring to the others, Shana is giving back. careful measuring and weighing of who battled diabetes throughout her Emma’s food, and the insulin pump she life with determination and courage. wears on a strap around her waist. Tracey’s family and friends, through an Emma’s mother is also inspired to help annual Family Skateathon, established others. She co-founded a grassroots YEAR 2010/2011 the Tracey Rubinoff Foundation. So advocacy group committed to helping far they have raised over half a million dollars toward programs for adolescents children with diabetes receive the support LAB & DIAGNOSTIC living with diabetes. In recognition of they require in schools, called Diabetes IMAGING EXAMS 1,593,313 in Ontario Schools. “We are about 500 the generous support of our hospital, parents from across the province who the new clinic will be named the Tracey lobby government for consistent policies Rubinoff Paediatric Diabetes Clinic. and support for children with Type 1 INTRODUCING OUR New Baby Wall Honour the special babies in your life on our new Baby Wall. Call 905.472.7373 ext. 6341 Email We’re Growing. Together.
  • 8. Building >co n f i d e n ce< 8 CHild and adOlesCent serViCes The healing power of F O U N D A T I O N play&imagination H O S P I T A L Every two weeks, seven-year-old Josh walks into a room at Markham Stouffville Hospital, selects figurines from a shelf and arranges them in a sandbox. With S T O U F F V I L L E miniature people, animals, trees and other objects, he is telling a story to the therapist with him. Quietly, Josh reveals his anxieties and fears as a child with Asperger’s Disorder, an Autism Spectrum Disorder. “When Josh was three, he suffered from severe anxiety,” says his mother, Claire. M A R K H A M “Crowds and noise upset him. He started to scratch and hurt himself. After one of his panic attacks, he even passed out. I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew he needed help.” Claire came to Markham Stouffville Hospital where Josh was diagnosed with Asperger’s. Children with this mild form of Autism can begin to show signs of isolation and social impair- ments by the age of three. They will find social interaction difficult for the rest of their lives. image has no reference to patient mentioned in this article. Through the hospital’s Child and Ado- lescent Mental Health Services, Josh be- “Our kids create a three dimensional Maria realized he was not reflecting gan Sandplay Therapy. This is a relatively scene or draw in the sand,” says Sand- feelings toward his sister, rather he was new therapy in Canada that recognizes play Therapist Maria Iosue. “These pic- acknowledging his new role as an older that by playing in the sand and using tures help us understand their concerns, brother. Josh was no longer the baby in their imagination, young kids bring their strengths, potential outcomes and how the family. inner and outer worlds together. It is a the child is progressing with this treat- Lately, Josh plays with a figure of him- creative and effective way for Josh to ex- ment.” Maria is one of Canada’s top Sand- self in a kayak, all alone. As he begins press what he can’t express with words. play Therapists who is training others in to overcome his difficulty interacting this specialized form of care. socially, Claire expects he will eventu- Just after his sister was born, Josh chose ally move the kayak to shore where he a baby figurine from the shelf and bur- has placed other figures. Some other scan to learn more about ied it in the sand. By talking to him, programs available to support Josh and our Child and adolescent Mental health services.
  • 9. 9 CHild and adOlesCent serViCes other children with anxiety through the with children like Josh. Recently, to help dr. rustom sethna, Chief of Psychiatry (left) with some of the team in the Mental health department. Mental Health Clinic are yoga, creative raise awareness for Markham Stouffville arts and other group therapies. Hospital’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Programs and Services and en- “Josh will always face challenges and find courage others to reach out for help, a social interaction difficult. We’re fortu- nate to have this specialized care at our team of dedicated community members, Year 2010/2011 hospital physicians and staff embarked community hospital,” says Claire. “He’s on their own journey to the top of Mount patients treated 286,941 very articulate, but his inner feelings are Kilimanjaro (see page 3). hard for him to understand and express.” Proceeds from the Climb to Conquer sup- Josh is working hard at the therapy he port the construction currently underway is doing at Markham Stouffville Hospital at Markham Stouffville Hospital. Specifi- and has come a long way. Recently, when cally, the event helped raise funds for the 235 Claire reminded him that it was sand day, hospital’s Mental Health Department he said, “Thank goodness. I need it to- that will have an entire floor dedicated to day. I need to work through a few more patients and families suffering with men- Beds things.” It’s been a journey for Josh and Claire to tal illnesses. The new area will include in- viting spaces where children and adoles- 1,446 VOlunteers 366 get where they are today. cents are supported, not judged. Kids like Josh, who deal with mental illness each At the leading mental health treat- and every day, will be better able to fight pHYsiCians ment facility in York Region, Markham Stouffville Hospital staff empathizes past the stigma of mental disorders and reach their own peaks. 1,821 staff Where There’s a Will THERE’S A WAy! make a difference. leave a Bequest. support markham stouffville Hospital. Jan Black at 905.472.7394 or visit: We’re Growing. Together.
  • 10. 10 Campaign fOr expansiOn. Building Our future! Celebrating our most recent Campaign donors (L to R): F O U N D A T I O N Joyce & elson Miles, Brendan Murphy, latif fazel and fred darvish of liberty development, rosina & sam Cesaroni, Peter Gilgan of Mattamy homes and friends presenting to Msh team. Your Hospital. Our Future. Building a Hospital is a Partnership Your enthusiasm is vital to the hospital. Thanks to our donors who have given Your dedication and support are the pillars of our success. between $10,000 – $99,999. The Stollery Family $5,000,000 Dan & Barbara Amadori Dr. Christyne & Mark Peters The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Foundation $2,500,000 Asif Ameer Denise & Andrew Pickett Liberty Development Corporation $2,000,000 Andrew & Sarah Arcand Dr. Cristina Popa H O S P I T A L Carlo & Angela Baldassarra Family $1,000,000 Mohammad & Samina Ashraf Vivienne Poy Canadians of Pakistani Origin $1,000,000 Dr. David Austin Patricia Preston John Kaptyn $1,000,000 Evelyn Bailey-Semeniuk Dr. Michal Selucky Mattamy Homes $1,000,000 Nigel Barton & Mary Jane DeKort Dr. Rustom Sethna Doug & Johanna Meharg $1,000,000 Janet Beed Dr. Hemant Shirali Elson & Joyce Miles $1,000,000 Dr. Mark Berber Dr. Gita Singh S T O U F F V I L L E PowerStream Inc. $1,000,000 Donald Brodie Gerry & Anita Smith Deborah Rotta-Loria & Family $1,000,000 Neil, Martin, Mitchell & Aaron Brown Frank & Freda Spain TACC Contruction Ltd. $1,000,000 and Family David & Cynthia Stead York Region Breast Cancer Friends $1,000,000 Carruthers Family Suzette Strong Kathleen P. Carrick $535,000 Michael Chan & Elaine Yu Belinda Tang Fieldgate Group of Companies $500,000 Dr. Neil Chang Eric & Susanne Tappenden John & Diane Gibson and Family $500,000 Dr. Joan Cheng Dr. Michael J. Taylor Herman & Marya Grad $500,000 Jose Danobeitia Dr. Brian Ticoll M A R K H A M Great Wall Fundraising Group $500,000 Dr. John A. Di Costanzo Khalid & Dr. Abida Usman H&R/Lindvest Developments $500,000 Tom Ehrlich John & Tess Van Netten HealthWithCare Medical Centre $500,000 Richard & Lynda Evans Dr. Phillip Wade Howard & Muriel Fairty Neil E. Walker RBC Foundation $500,000 Dr. Bertram & Zarina & Dr. Zul Wallani Scotiabank Group $500,000 Dr. Monique Forse Dr. Ron & Dawn Wallman TD Bank Group $500,000 Dennis & Ruth Fortnum Dr. Ralph Watt Times Group Corporation $500,000 Margaret M. Frith Ernst & Ilona Welmers Tracey Rubinoff Foundation $500,000 Dr. Caroline Geenen Dr. Jeffrey Werger Marc & Ashley Wade $500,000 Karen & Drew Gerrard Dr. P. J. Whelan Gale & Graham Wright $500,000 Janice & Gerard Gervais Whiteside - Henderson Family Ken & Carol Wildgoose and Family $350,000 Dr. Jeffrey & Alison Gilmour Sam & Rosina Cesaroni Family $250,000 Larry Grove Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc. Carman Lewis $250,000 Dr. Jerry J. Halik CIBC World Markets Inc. - Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation $250,000 Dr. Robert Hall & CIBC Children’s Foundation Fred Wang $250,000 Herbert Charles Dr. Shahida R. Khan Medicine Tom & Irene Shadlock $222,800 John & Bill Hollings Professional Corporation The Frank Scarpitti Charitable Foundation $200,000 Mollie Hood Ellesmere Fabricators Ltd. York Downs Golf & Country Club $200,000 Dr. Alan F. M. Ing Flato Developments Inc. North Markham 404 Partnership $150,000 Dr. Wendy Iseman Greenpark Group of Companies Monarch Corporation $125,000 Ronald & Mildred James Haladner Family Russell Beare $107,000 Warren & Deborah Jestin Mandarin Box Grove IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund $107,000 Scott & Jennifer Lawrence Metrus Development Inc. Alex Chiu Golf Tournament $100,000 Mark & Lori Lievonen MSH Directors & Clinical Directors Islamic Foundation of Toronto $100,000 John Livey National Homes Laurier Homes and Paradise Homes $100,000 Peter & Dorothy Mason Sherman Foundation Markham Radiologists $100,000 George McCowan The Rockport Group Primont Homes $100,000 David & Sanysa Merkel The Village Grocer Altaf Soorty & Family $100,000 Carole Moore & Peter van den Berg Unionville Ladies Golf Tournament Sunny Crunch Foods Ltd. $100,000 William E. & Willa Norton Welfoods Ltd. York Region Media Group $100,000 Dr. Andrew & Ruth Patterson
  • 11. Dr. Daryl Lougheed Dr. Monique Villanueva Elaine Goulbourne Dr. Eileen Lougheed Arquint Jo-Anne Gray Dr. Charles & Dr. Michael Virro Dan Greene Dr. Beverly Lynde Dr. Phillip Wade Debra Grove Dr. Gopal Makan Zarina & Dr. Zul Wallani Mim Harder Dr. Jeff & Gila Martow Dr. Ron & Dawn Wallman Christina Hazell Dr. John M. Maxted Dr. Jeffry Wang Craig & Natalie James 11 Dr. Michael McLennan Dr. Patrick Wat Mary-Lou & John James Dr. Mitesh Mehta Dr. V. Moss Weinstock Christine Joe & William Lew Campaign fOr expansiOn Dr. James Meindok Dr. Elaine Meinig The Weissberger Family Dr. Jeffrey Werger and Family Lisa Joyce marKHam stOuffVille David Milovanovic & Dr. Cinda Dyer Dr. P. J. Whelan Dr. Jennifer Wilson Melanie Kaplanis & Robert Cook HOspital familY Dr. Lorraine Mingie Dr. Joseph Minkowitz Dr. Yishai Wise Dr. Richard Wong Anne Kennie Sharon Kenny Our heartfelt thanks to the members of our Markham Stouffville Dr. Bernice Mitelman Dr. Allan J. Yee Gail Knaggs Hospital family. Thanks for building our future together. Dr. Gail Morris Dr. Sheila Yuen Dwaine & Debbie Knight Dr. Patricia Jonathan Kwan Hospital and Young Park Dr. Terry Chung Mousmanis-Tsotsos Dr. Syed Haider Medicine Marjorie Lyn Denise & Andrew Pickett Dr. Elizabeth J. Cryer Dr. Vijay Nandal Professional Corporation Winnie Ma Foundation Frank Pinguet Dr. David Dancey Dr. Bill Newton & Sharon Deepti Pasricha Medicine Joanne MacKenzie Board Members Dr. Cristina Popa Dr. Carlos DeSequeira Omotani-Newton Professional Corp. Margie Mackie Susan Acton Patricia Preston Dr. John A. Di Costanzo Dr. Ken & Emily Ng Markham Radiologists Gay Magrath Dan & Barbara Amadori Frank & Nancy Scarpitti Dr. Anand Doobay Dr. Ronald & Norma Oda Markham Stouffville Sandy Marangos Mohammad & Samina John & Michelle Scott Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Dr. Crystal Pallister Anesthesia Association Shellyna Moledina Ashraf Dr. Rustom Sethna Esterbauer Dr. Larry & Pat Pancer McLaren Medicine Carole Moore & Dr. David Austin Bob Shepherd The Faulds Family Dr. Andrew & Ruth Professional Corporation Peter van den Berg Evelyn Bailey-Semeniuk David & Cynthia Stead Dr. Catherine Feuer Patterson David Morris Cailey Stollery Dr. Thomas & Vanessa Filosa Dr. Emmanuel Persad Justin Musclow Phil Bannon Peter Bar Suzette Strong Dr. Monique Fitch Dr. Christyne & Mark Peters Our Staff Family Fernando & Catherine Ortiz Nigel Barton & Belinda Tang Dr. Bertram & Dr. Jane Philpott Ruth Allen Timothy Pemberton Mary Jane DeKort Eric & Susanne Tappenden Dr. Monique Forse Dr. Cristina Popa Cheryl & Dain Andrews Nadia Ramlogan Janet Beed Lisa & Mark Tomjenovic Dr. Caroline Geenen Dr. Colette Pyselman and Clayton Antliff Joachim Ravoth Mario Belanger David & Elaine Tsubouchi Dr. Jeffrey & Alison Gilmour Dr. Peter Haw Brian & Jane Barrow Simone Reali Brian Bentz Khalid & Dr. Abida Usman Dr. Rusty Goodman Dr. Menaka Rajasingham Melissa Beauchamp & Reshma Rego Maria Bosnjak Whiteside - Henderson Dr. Deepa Grewal & Family Dr. Sonia Sabir Andrew Dow Magda Rigo and Fred, Christopher Bratty Family Dr. Jerry J. Halik Dr. Obodai Sai Janet Beed Courtney & Jeffrey Carruthers Family Ken & Carol Wildgoose Dr. Robert Hall & Herbert Dr. Gweneth Sampson Allan J. Bell Mottashed Silvio DeGasperis and Family Charles Dr. Leonard Schwartz Jan Black Tira Roilos Jack Eisenberger Dr. Karen Held Dr. Michal Selucky Robert & Sian Bull Maureen Rose Dr. Roberta Hood Dr. Rustom Sethna Lynne & Bob Campkin Eileen Russell Wayne Emmerson Richard & Lynda Evans Our Physicians Dr. Elhadi Hussein Dr. Anoosh Sharif Emma Castro Julia Scott Dennis & Ruth Fortnum Dr. Michelle Allain Dr. Alan F. M. Ing Dr. Hemant Shirali Aileen Chan Susan Sheffield Tyrone & Hilda Gan Dr. Isabel Alvarez Dr. Wendy Iseman Mr. Samy & Dr. Phoebe Jean-Marie Chan Kin Don Shields Karen & Drew Gerrard Dr. Shobana Ananth Dr. Douglas Jang Shokry Jennifer Chen & Keith Simms Janice & Gerard Gervais Dr. Neil Applebaum Dr. Julio Kan Dr. David Shulman Joseph Gan Julia Smith Herman & Marya Grad Dr. Andrew & Sarah Arcand Dr. Vimal Scott Kapoor & Dr. Irving & Isabel Siegel Diane Chin Yee Kari Smith Warren & Deborah Jestin Dr. George M. Arnold Dr. Brij Mohan Kapoor Dr. Sara Sigal Schwartz Tracy Clegg & Tim White Michael Steirman Debora Kelly Dr. David Austin Dr. David H. Kim Dr. Gita Singh Jennifer & Mac Cosburn Suzette Strong Joseph Lebovic Dr. Sarah Barclay Dr. Barbara King Dr. Munesh Singh Suzanne Couture Julie Sullivan Danny Leung Dr. Luke Bearss Dr. Felice Lackman & Dr. Astrid Sjodin Madeline Cuadra Kathy Tallidis Mark & Lori Lievonen Dr. Mark Berber Sheldon Caplin Dr. Crystal A. Smith Danef Family Melissa & Alessandra Tucci John Livey Dr. Avidis Boudakian Dr. Ho-Yin Lau Dr. Henry Solow Nancy Day Neil E. Walker Peter & Dorothy Mason Dr. Hedy Boutros Dr. Khoa Le Dr. Michael Steirman Donna & Wayne Doherty Joshua & Esther West Blair McArthur Dr. Margaret Bugdahn Dr. Ambrose Lee Dr. Christopher Stephen Adam Erwood Jenny T. Yang George & Carolina Moretti Dr. Shehbaz Butt Dr. T-Y Joseph Lee Dr. Sam Sue Natasha & Mark Fieldman Sharon & Sander Yiu Nikola Mracic & Family Dr. & Mrs. James Carson Dr. Anastasios T. Leventis Dr. Kenneth Tang Cheryl Flaherty Facilities & Support Services Gerri Lynn O’Connor Dr. Neil Chang Dr. Jody Lewtas Dr. Michael J. Taylor Nancy Fletcher Maternal Child Leadership Avo Oudabachian Dr. Kelly Chapman Dr. Janice Li Dr. Joseph Telch Julie Gauthier Group Jane E. Pagel Dr. Lily Chen Dr. Edith Linkenheil Dr. Brian Ticoll Cathy Gell MSH Directors & Dr. Crystal Pallister Dr. Joan Cheng Dr. Paul Lokoff Dr. Padmini N. Turlapati Denis Godbout Clinical Directors Our COmmunitY COming tOgetHer tO Build Our HOspital Our thanks and appreciation to those who have given between April, 1 2010 and March 31, 2011. Brick by Brick Saeid Aghaei Dr. Mark Berber Dr. Bertram & Dr. Jerry J. Halik Peter & Dorothy Mason Dan & Barbara Amadori Donald Brodie Dr. Monique Forse Dr. Robert Hall & George McCowan Our Hospital is Asif Ameer Carruthers Family Dennis & Ruth Fortnum Herbert Charles Dr. Andrew & Growing Andrew & Sarah Arcand Michael Chan & Elaine Yu Dr. Caroline Geenen Mollie Hood Ruth Patterson $10,000 – $99,999 Mohammad & Samina Dr. Neil Chang Karen & Drew Gerrard Dr. Alan F. M. Ing Dr. Christyne & Mark Peters Ashraf Dr. Joan Cheng Janice & Gerard Gervais Dr. Wendy Iseman Denise & Andrew Pickett Evelyn Bailey-Semeniuk Angela Chiu Hashem Ghadaki Warren & Deborah Jestin Dr. Cristina Popa Nigel Barton & Dr. John A. Di Costanzo Dr. Jeffrey & Alison Gilmour Dr. Barbara King Patricia Preston Mary Jane DeKort Tom Ehrlich Herman & Marya Grad Paul Lai Dr. Rustom Sethna Janet Beed Richard & Lynda Evans Larry Grove Danny Leung Dr. Hemant Shirali
  • 12. Dr. Najmul Siddiqui Gustav Boehringer Brian Johnston Magda Rigo and Fred, William Webb Larry Kinlin & Gerry & Anita Smith Nick Borgh Walter Jones Courtney & Jeffrey Peter & Lucienne Weeks Associates Inc. Altaf Soorty & Family Maria Bosnjak Jean & Denise Joubert Mottashed Whiteside - Henderson Leung Lam & Company Frank & Freda Spain Deborah Bouchard Samira Kanji Bruce & Isabel Risebrough Family Chartered Accountants Belinda Tang Bernice Bowers Dr. Vimal Scott Kapoor & Dr. Lloyd & Nancy Robertson Dr. Mitchell Whyne Lillian & Leroy Page Dr. Michael J. Taylor Michael Browne Brij Mohan Kapoor Jan Rogers Kent & Judy Wideman Foundation 12 Dr. Brian Ticoll Peter Browne Yash Kapur John & Marcia Rosenthal Peter Williamson Mandarin Box Grove John & Tess Van Netten Robert & Sian Bull Joan Kaufman Lucille Ross George & Leone Wilson Manor Hill Fine Art Dr. Phillip Wade Howard Burkholder Nancy Keays Michael J. & Sandra Rozario Markham Fair Ron Wilson Neil E. Walker Robert W. Campbell Debora Kelly Gary Rubinoff Markham Stouffville F O U N D A T I O N Dr. Allan J. Yee Zarina & Dr. Zul Wallani Lynne & Bob Campkin Anne Kennie Mel Rubinoff Anesthesia Association Sharon & Sander Yiu Dr. Ron & Dawn Wallman Dr. James & Denise Carson Dr. James & June Kerr Carl Rush Mark’s Choice Ltd. Stella Yusko Ernst & Ilona Welmers Malcolm Carter Khalid Khokhar Reginald Russell McLaren Medicine Dr. Jeffrey Werger Allen Cawfield Harry Kleingeld Dr. Sonia Sabir Professional Corporation Dr. P. J. Whelan Linda Chambers Marla & David Korman and Larry Saltsman Allstate Insurance Moses & Temara Tobe Joan Whittaker Kwok Ming Chan Family Robert & Beryl Sanderson Company of Canada Foundation Inc. Gwen Cheung Gene & Cathy Kosmyna Joan & George Sands Ansar Financial Group Northbridge Financial Corp. Alex Chiu Golf Tournament Jeff & Shawna Citron Jonathan Kwan Maryann Schiml Aspen Ridge Homes Novo Plastics Inc. CIBC World Markets Dr. Michael Clarfield Ting Nam Lau Harold Schmidt Atlantic Group OPG Employees’ & Inc - CIBC Children’s Jeffrey Cohen Philip & Loretta Lavell David Schwartz BEA Transit Solutions Pensioners’ Charity Trust H O S P I T A L Foundation Terry Coughlin & Dr. Khoa Le John & Michelle Scott BMO Employee Charitable Partnership Holdings Ltd. Dr. Syed Haider Medicine Marlene Storry William & Hazel Leal Julia Scott Foundation Precise ParkLink Professional Corporation Bill Crothers Danny Leung Greenpark Group of Dr. Elizabeth Cryer Dr. Anastasios T. Leventis Companies Ken Crystal David Lever Grote Industries Danef Family Mark & Lori Lievonen H&R/Lindvest Dr. Shahnaz Dar R. & C. Lillie Developments Glenn Daurio, Rhonda Dr. Edith Linkenheil S T O U F F V I L L E Haladner Family Franklin & Family John Livey Interlynx Relocation Raymond & Irene Davies Dr. Eileen Lougheed Management Joanne Davis-Greenlaw Hazel M. Ludlow Krylov & Company Jean Deverill Eddie & Gladys Mak Barristers Mehboob Dhalla Robert Mandel Laurier Homes and Mary Francis Drudge Sandy Marangos Paradise Homes Norman & Mary Drudge Mohan Markandaier Longo’s Family Charitable Margaret Elliott Paul & Avril Martin Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Peter & Dorothy Mason Metrus Development Inc. Esterbauer Roy & Barbara Megarry M A R K H A M Monarch Corporation Peter & Margaret Faye Dr. Elaine Meinig National Homes Dr. Thomas & Vanessa Peter Menkes Scotiabank Group Filosa Joanne Mercer Sherman Foundation Dr. Bertram & Mr. Ali Mesgarzadeh Sunny Crunch Foods Ltd. Dr. Monique Forse Evelyn Metcalfe The Rockport Group Glenn Fortin Philina Milanczak William & Mary Ann Scott Box Grove Community RE/MAX Realtron The Toronto and Region Nick Foster Carol Miller & Dr. Shivani Sharma Centre RegalCraft Homes Conservation Authority John & Susan Francis Graham Knope Susan Sheffield Brookfield Asset SIOR Welfoods Ltd. Mario Frocione Shellyna Moledina Mildred Sherwood Management Inc. Spring Air Sommex Corp. York Region Breast Cancer Faith Futter James & Dianne Monnot Dr. Munesh Singh Canada-HK New Horizon St. Augustine C.E.S. Friends Kevin & Delma Gaffney Louise Ferri & Brian Monti J. Grace & Allan Singleton Lions Club St. Brother André C.H.S. Tyrone & Hilda Gan A. George Moreton Sharon Smith Carson & Weeks Insurance Steeles Memorial Chapel Pat & Rogers Gardham Miles Nadal Julia Smith Brokers Inc. TELUS Corp. Stephen & Paula Gardner Omar & Yasmin Nazir Barry Smith Casino Rama The Garden Basket Madeline Gibson Dr. Bill Newton & Sharon Dr. Crystal A. Smith Conceptwave The Manchee Foundation We’re Building. Dorothy Gilbert Omotani-Newton Gerry & Anita Smith Cora Marham The Naomi and Gerald Together Bill Goold Ruth Nichols Dr. Henry Solow Cover-All Computer Goldenberg and Family $1,000 – $9,999 Elaine Goulbourne Joan Nishikawa Shirley Sommers Services Corp. Charitable Foundation Gaetan Gravel Kaz & Sachi Nishio David & Cynthia Stead DST Output Canada Inc. Tyco Electronics Mrs. Donald B. Acton Reginald Gray William E. & Willa Norton Gary Stern Father Michael McGivney Canada Ltd. Marcel Aitoro Bram Green Ruth Ogino Suzette Strong Catholic Academy Upper Canada Sajid Alimohamed Dan Greene Charles & Lore Ormrod Dr. Sam Sue FCT Specialty Hardware Dr. Michelle Allain Lloyd & Helen Ham Dr. Crystal Pallister Susanna Tang Flato Developments Inc. 707371 Ontario Ltd. Othmar & Gloria Altmann Ione Hardcastle Naren & Pravina Patel Eric & Susanne Tappenden Goodmans LLP 843772 Ontario Ltd. Jeanette Anbinder Garry & Antonia Harding Ed & Sherilyn Pearce John & Michelle Tidball Guild Electric Charitable Shirley Ashurst Maura Harrington Dr. Jane Philpott Anne & Matthew Foundation Annette Atkinson Dr. Karen Held Frank Pinguet Tomljenovic Havana Nights Supper Club Dr. David Austin Robert & Marie Henderson Craig & Adela Pinnock John Troyer Industrial Alliance Phil Bannon Timen Ho F. W. & Judy Powell Khalid & Dr. Abida Usman Insurance and Financial Robert & Carolyn Barber Jackie Hodgson Tsolmon Purevjav Robert Vallee Services Inc. Michael Barrack Mary Holloway Dr. Colette Pyselman & Dr. Zul & Almas Verjee J & J Shared Services - Russell Beare Christina Holmes Dr. Peter Haw Ralph & Valerie Viegas A Division of Greg Beehler Douglas & Nancy Hortin Yahya Qureshi Dr. Monique Villanueva Janssen-Ortho Inc. Mario Belanger Maxwell Jackson Dale Rae Arquint Jasco Holdings Ltd. Stephen Belgne Mary-Lou & John James Annie Rafferty Fred Wang JustLabour Temporary Help William & Margaret Benson Warren & Deborah Jestin Vennila Raja Trevor Watson KPMG Enterprise Dr. Paul & Cathy Farzana Jiwani & Aly Virji Bernard Reesor Dr. Ralph Watt Binhammer Christine Joe & William Lew John Reesor Dr. Donald & Elizabeth Way Korman Associates, Dr. Bob & Julie Boadway and Family Robert & Susan Reid Donald J. Way Barristers & Solicitors
  • 13. Every Penny Glen & Elizabeth Christie Day Richard Henwood Jilly Lee Brad & Lara Morris Brubacher P. Jane De Guerre Donald & Sandra Hewson Dr. Joseph Lee Bernice & Cyril Moxley Counts Urah Bryan & Gerald & Andrea De Waal John & Joyce Hiatt Phyllis Lee Nikola Mracic & Family $250 – $999 Sharon Williams Wilbert Dean Ken Hillcoff Susanna Lee Anita Mui Thank you. Darshan Bugeaud Joseph DeMarco Craig Hind John Lehman Herbert Murray Due to space limitations Richard Burkholder Lionel DeMercado Joanna Ho Nancy Leonard John Musso we could not list everyone Marianne & Bob Burrell Rick & Linda Dennis Norbert Hoeller Royle Leung Edward & Audrey Mynahan 13 who gave under $250. Arnold & Phyllis Burton Chris & Paula DeNure Lorna Hogg Gordon & Joan Lever Amtul Nadirsheikh Michael Cammalleri Guang Di & Jueqiang Cai Nancy Fung Yee Hui Dean Levitt Betty Nelson-French Terence Akerman Jack Campbell John Di Poce Ronald Huisman Joseph Levy Linda Nesbitt Jeff & Catherine Albin Walter & Yvonne Campbell Arthur & Susan Dickinson Lorne & Yvonne Hurst Robert Lewocz Donald Newman Brian & Helen Allen Douglas Cannon Carmen Di-Paola Dr. Irene Hussain Yvonne Li Hoa Ngo Dustin Allen William Carnaghan Tara & Robert Donaghey Nuzhat & Maha Hussain Mei-Na Liao Robert & Carolyn Nicholson Peter & Coleen Allum Nancy Carroll Dan & Petra Donnelly Donald & Helen Huxtable Cecile Lillie Norman Nigh Dr. Shobana Ananth Gordon & Betty Case Gilles & Dolores Dore Bao Minh Huynh & R. & C. Lillie Kin Bing Ellayne Nip John & Carol Ann Anderson Joanne Cermak Ronald Dornan Loan Tran An Yuan Lin Rick Nishikawa Peter Anderson Alan Chan Baris & Evelina Dortok Ralph Hyatt Fraser & Marijan Lindsay Greig Nishio & Jean Andrews Sui Chau Chan Ronald Duckworth Corrado Iacono Joyce Liu Carolynne Mori Asif Ansari Charles Chang Maureen Dudley Arlene Ide Kevin & Teresa Liu Ruby Norton Atif Ansari Brent Chapman Cynthia Duncan Ahmed Ijaz Sam Lo Dr. Ronald & Norma Oda Irina Antipova & Fonda Chau Deborah Dunphy Maria Ilari Frank & Sylvia Loewen Ian Oliver Serge Holmberg Iftikhar Cheema Robert Durnford David & Myrna Ingalls Dr. Paul Lokoff Hyman Orfus Larry Durst Ranny Ip Jackson Loong Stephen and Megan Orr Henry & Shirley Edamura Maurice & Dawn Jack James & Isabel Lyle Ferat Osmani Thomas & Kathleen Karim & Shehnila Jadavji Jeanette Lynch Jane E. Pagel Edgerton Werner & Verena Jaeger Dr. Charles & Charles & Mary Painter Darryl Edwards Eric Jaffer Dr. Beverly Lynde David & Jean Painter Colleen Evans-Lavadan Wenqing Jiang H. E. Lyon Julie Pang Robert & Barbara Everist Neil & Noreen Johnston Elaine Ma Doreen Parker Ytske Eyre Ian & Sandra Joiner John MacDonald Sarwan Singh Parmar Jiang Jing Fan Cal Jones Murray Macfarlane Rick Pasternac Grant & Joyce Farrier Violet Jones Charles MacInnes Ashvin & Hansa Patel Elizabeth Fevreau Tom & Indu Joseph Joanne MacKenzie Elwood & Audrey Pattenden David & Sharon Fieghen Robert Kam & Phyllis Major Roy & Anne Pearce Natasha & Mark Fieldman Sharon Cheung Constance Mak Timothy Pemberton Dr. Gerald W. Filgiano Muhunthan Kanagaratnam Yu Sun Mak Domenic & Antonietta Petta Sally Filosa Akira Kawai Terry Malone Jacques Philosophe William & Elizabeth Fitz Colin Kelly Linda Marr Alan & Arlene Pink Paul Flexman Alexander Kelman Bruce & Patricia Marshall George Plumb Patricia Forrestall Donna Kemp Joseph & Elizabeth Michael Polzler Vince Forrestall Melanie Kendal Marshall Dr. Carl Porter Dr. Anne Forsythe Moore, Patrick Kennelly Cristine Martin Russell & Margaret Porter Gordon Armstrong Jennifer Chen & Ph.D. Michael & Lorraine Kenney Ronald Mattacott Elizabeth Price Nirmala Armstrong Joseph Gan Marc Fortin Abdul Khan Dr. John & Louise Maxted Jill Prior Lisa Atkinson Lily Chen Thomas Fox Eldred & Beulah King George McCowan John Prsa Lila Bain Bob & Claire Chester Martin & Joyce Fredricks Patrick & Alison King Blair McCreadie Peter Puhl Sivanandachelvan Ellen Cheung Jack Frieberg John Klecker Robert & Betty McCulloch Peter Quinn Balaraman George Christoffer Wayne Gambell Walter & Margo Knecht David McGill Preemesh Rana Elizabeth Baldaro William Christofilos Keith & Debbie Gammie Ranbir Kohli Bill McGilvray Clifford & Diane Randall Jordan & Faith Banks Victor Chu Sugumar Ganesan Richard & Rita Kong Frederick McGuire Serafino & Rosa Raponi Ernest & Wilma Bardocz Donald Chubbuck Joseph Gariup Dr. Mark & Frances Sylvia McGuire Tharmalingham Lesley Barnett Elaine Chung Edward George Kortschot Anne McIntosh Rasaratinam Real Bedard & Ka Liung Chung Ted & Lillian Given Stephanie Douglas & Cathy McIntosh Joachim Ravoth Elizabeth Blakley H. Chung-Chum-Lam Lynn & Larry Glazer Koufes-MacMillan John & Kathleen McKay Stanley & Myrtle Rayner James & Eileen Beierl David & Dorothy Clark Roger & Kathleen Glazin Joseph & Zlatica Kozich Bonnie McMaster Margaret Reaume Doris W. Bell Tammy Clements Marty & Avra Goldhar Dr. Steven Kranc Jean McNab Dr. Carol Redmond Jean & Alexander Bell Dennis Cline Kathryn & Chris Goldsmith David & Irena Kurtz Colomba Melino Peter Reesor Joe & Isobel Bell Paul Clinton Alan Goldstein Sig Kusatz Patrick Meneley Joanna Reesor-McDowell Dr. Ron & Gail Beveridge Erma Collins William & Mary Graber Cliff & June Labbett Michael Meras Diana Regendanz Jan Black Ann Conely Doreen Graham Dr. Felice Lackman & Mel Mezzarobba Donald & Linda Regier John & Melanie Boscariol Murray Conrad William & Darlene Graham Sheldon Caplin Ugo Micone Ursula Reiter Dr. Russell & Jean Boyd Lorne & Jean Cook Richard & Victoria Grant John Ladouceur Donald & Debra Miller Brian & Ellen Relph William & Ruth Boynton Jennifer Cook-Spanton Dennis & S. Lillian Green Kitty Lai Jim Miller Herb & Janice Rempel Vincent & Karen Brady Jennifer & Mac Cosburn Gordon & Alice Greig Connie Lam Leonard Miller Jerry & Shirley Renwick Ruth Braithwaite Bram Costin Anne & Bruce Grubbe Kitty Lam Edgar & Dorothy Mills Phyllis Ritchie Frank Braun Robert Cressatti Kassim Haji Rowena Lam David Milovanovic & Victoria Ritchie David & Shirley Brennan Reg Crozier John & Alice Hamilton Katherine Landell Dr. Cinda Dyer Colvin Riviere Bruce Brocklebank Cosimo Crupi Jim Handy John & Marjorie Lang Risa Mintz Richard Robbins Art & Carol Brooker Madeline Cuadra Elmer Harding Ted & Lynda Langdon Farooq Mir Neil & Nancy Roberts Charles Brown Mark Cucco Lois Harris Gary Langlands Evagelos & Magda Lise Robertson Laura Brown John Currie Averil Harvey Al & Anne Lanning Mitskopoulos Brian Roman & Margery Brown & Patricia Czetyrbok Betty Hastings Barbara Lanys Yiu-Hing Mok Carol Trattner Richard Higham Victor D’Alfonso Don Haynes Phil & Loretta Lavell John & Margaret Moment Bruce Rose Nancy Brown Dr. David Dancey David & Barbara Hencher Ray Lavitt Kenneth Moon Reg & Nancy Rowe Sari Brown Satya Dash Robert Henderson Catherine Lee George & Kay Morishita Ernest & Jean Ryman