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the dream
                               We’re growing. Together.   M a r k h a m   S t o u f f v i l l e   H o s p i t a l   F o u n d a t i o n   R e p o r t   t o   D o n o r s   2 0 1 0
“It all started with a vision and the generous donation
Emergency Care                                  3         of 50 acres of land in 1967. Markham Stouffville Hospital opened its doors in 1990,
Your donations have a daily impact
                                                     and this past March we celebrated our 20th anniversary. The vision and momentum continues
MSHeroes                                        4         as we move ahead with the next significant milestone – the expansion of our hospital.
A force to be reckoned with
Giving with Passion and Pride                   5    Building a hospital is a partnership between the government and the community – each plays a
Community Events                                6
                                                     significant role. All medical equipment, such as MRIs and new patient beds, is funded through
Making a difference together                            donations from the community. Markham Stouffville Hospital has to raise $50 million in
Our Community                                   7     the next few years so we can continue providing excellent quality care for our community. We
Great Wall Group commits $500,000 to MSH                           continue to count on your generosity to achieve our fundraising goal.

                                                             can continue to provide the care our growing community needs, close to home.”
Donor Wall                                      8     Thank you for making our expansion possible. Because of you, Markham Stouffville Hospital

   becomes reality.
Symbolizes pride of community in our hospital
Report to the Community                         9
Our donors helping lives                                            Janet M. Beed                                    Suzette Strong
Our Commitment to You                           16   PReSIdenT & CeO MARkHAM STOuffvIlle HOSPITAl    CeO MARkHAM STOuffvIlle HOSPITAl fOundATIOn                                                                                                                         2
Your Donations have a
               DAiLY iMpACt fOR pAtiENts
               in the Emergency Department
Dr. Andrew Arcand is Chief of
Emergency Medicine at Markham
Stouffville Hospital and has been a
physician at MSH for the last nine years.            triaged,	placed	on	a	cardiac	monitor	and	      needing	to	be	admitted	often	have	to	wait	

                                                                                                                                                            “Many of my patients
He is one of the key people working                  moved	to	our	urgent	care	area.	The	monitor	    until	beds	become	available	in	our	current	
to improve patient care and manage                   as	well	as	the	actual	urgent	care	space	are	   space.	We	continue	to	focus	on	delivering	
the high volumes in the Emergency                    also	courtesy	of	the	Foundation’s	annual	      safe,	high-quality	care.	Whether	you	are	a	
Department (ED). We sat down with him                fundraising	efforts.		                         nurse,	a	physician,	a	volunteer	or	a	donor	             tell me it is tremendously
to hear more about how your donations                	 Many	people	do	not	realize	that	the	         who	supports	our	hospital,	know	that	
make a difference in his daily work.                 government	does	not	fund	everything.	The	      what	you	do	to	support	us	                             rewarding to give to MSH.
                                                     government	and	community	work	together	        makes	a	difference	in	the	                              It helps to ensure patients
Dr. Arcand, you deal with all kinds of               in	partnership	to	fund	our	hospital.	For	      care	we	provide	every	day.	
medical emergencies on a daily basis.                example,	if	you	need	new	beds,	you	have	to	                                                             receive the health care
Why are donations needed for your                    raise	the	funds	yourself.	We	depend	on	the	
department?                                          Foundation	to	support	our	urgent	needs.
                                                                                                                                                             they need by having an

	 We	rely	on	donations	to	buy	the	medical	                                                                                                                 outstanding, well-equipped
                                                     What role can we play as a
equipment	we	use	in	Emergency.	We	need	

                                                                                                                                                              in our community.”
                                                     community and as individuals?                                                                         facility available right here
it	to	diagnose	and	care	for	our	patients.	My	
department	is	incredibly	tight	for	physical	space	   	 In	addition	to	our	ongoing	equipment	
based	on	the	patients	we	see.	For	example	our	       needs,	the	Foundation	is	focused	on	
emergency	was	built	for	28,000	visits	a	year	        raising	money	for	our	expansion	that	will	
and	today	we	are	seeing	closer	to	60,000.	The	       help	the	hospital	accommodate	the	huge	                                                                   Dr. John DiCostanza
peak	is	up	to	190	patient	visits	a	day.		                                                                                                                        CHIef of Surgery
                                                     growth	in	Markham	and	Stouffville.	The	                                                                     and Co-CHaIr of
                                                     new	building	will	be	the	home	of	our	brand	                                                              MSH PHySICIan CaMPaIgn
Can you give us an example of how                    new	Emergency	Department.	Because	the	
donations are put to good use in                     hospital’s	inpatient	beds	are	often	full,	
the Emergency Department?                            patients	who	come	through	the	Emergency	
                                                                                                                                      Dr. Andrew Arcand
	 Yes.	A	patient	in	his	50s	recently	arrived	
complaining	of	abdominal	pain	that	radiated	
to	his	chest.	In	the	few	hours	he	was	in	                     physicians Understand Need for Giving Back                                                   MSH FACTS&FIGURES
Emergency,	all	our	beds	and	stretchers	
were	full	and	so	we	used	our	new	portable	
                                                          It is often said that Markham Stouffville Hospital has a unique culture of caring               EMERGENCY ROOM visits
                                                                          and compassion for our patients and their families.
ultrasound	unit	to	further	assess	the	
situation.	His	vital	signs	were	also	taken	with	           It is our people who forge that reputation. We are fortunate to have a team of                 YEARLY         60,000
a	monitor	purchased	by	the	Foundation.                     physicians who are as committed to the hospital as they are to their patients.

What happened next?                                               They dedicate their skills and expertise to improving patient care.                     MONtHLY
	 We	knew	there	was	a	history	of	diabetes	
controlled	with	medication.	The	patient	was
                                                           Our physicians understand that giving opens the door for receiving and have
                                                          committed to their own personal fundraising campaign for the MSH expansion.
                                                                                                                                                          WEEKLY  1,250
MALviNA KEAY was a force to be reckoned with
                                                                                                                  Hilary was a player in the Markham women’s        how she would affect our lives years later.”
                                                                                                                  soccer league, which Eira has been managing       Hilary showed her so much compassion that
                                                                                                                  since 1987.                                       evening that Malvina was actually spending
                                                                                                                    Hilary soon realized she had her hands full     her final hours enjoying herself with a
                                                                                                                  with her strong-willed patient, as Malvina        complete stranger – a person whom she had
                                                                                                                  kept insisting she had to go for a walk and       just met but was an immediate friend to her.

    Ninety-eight will, Malvina’s passion forspirit
    and strength of
                    pounds of indomitable
                                                                Eira then decided she should move into their
                                                                home, where a hospital-style bed was set up
                                                                                                                  that she needed a new bed. But Hilary wasn’t
                                                                                                                  deterred by this “character” and stayed by her
                                                                                                                  side. “She made quite a dance that night,”
                                                                                                                                                                      “Hilary let her live her final hours with
                                                                                                                                                                    dignity and laughter. She allowed a 91-year-
                                                                                                                                                                    old to be herself and bow out on her terms.
    her family, and gardens was deep. She was a                 for her in the master bedroom for the eight       says Eira with a grin.                            What more can one ask of a nurse than to
    survivor — of war, of divorce, of leukemia, of              months before her death.                            Seeing she was in good hands, John returned     take care and treat a patient as if she was
    life.                                                         The house whirled with activity — “it was a     home at about 10:30 p.m., as his mother had       her family? That is what Hilary did over the
                                                                revolving door” — with visits from nurses and                                                       evening.”
                                                                other home support workers. “We decided one                                          Malvina Keay
                                                                                                                                                                           Compassionate Care in
                                                                of us would be with her 24/7,” recalls Eira, a                                                           Markham Stouffville Hospital
                                                                deep and abiding affection and respect for her
                                                                mother-in-law still evident .                                                                          The family’s roots are deep in Markham,
                                                                  Surrounded by the lovely gardens in the                                                           and with Markham Stouffville Hospital as
                                                                shaded back yard of the house in which they                                                         well, and the compassionate care given to a
                                                                have lived since moving to Markham in 1980,                                                         beloved family member at the end has only
                                                                Eira grins while sharing stories about the                                                          strengthened that bond. After short stints in
                                                                senior who remained feisty and determined                                                           Don Mills and North York after emigrating
                                                                despite being hospitalized for pneumonia the                                                        from Wales in 1970, the Keays moved to their
                       Eira Keay and her Hero, Hilary Klassen
                                                                year prior.                                                                                         new home with sons Christopher and Matthew
                                                                  She remembers when Malvina asserted her                                                           — now a Markham firefighter — before the
                                                                independence after moving into their home.                                                          hospital was built.
       But last February, at the age of 91, the                 She had made her way out of bed and down          insisted. The call came early the next morning,      In preschool, Christopher walked around
    longtime Markham resident decided she was                   the stairs and was at the front door, declaring   at 3 a.m., with the news that Malvina had died.   a tennis court 25 times to help build the
    ready to end “a good run”.                                  she was “running away from home”.                 The Keays hadn’t expected to lose Malvina that    community’s first hospital. He raised $100 of
       She had still been living on her own — “she                                                                night, but knowing a caring nurse such as         the $700 Box Grove Co-op presented in 1984.
    was very capable” — at age 90, until she had a              Malvina Decided to go to the Hospital             Hilary was with her in her final hours made       The Keays’ four grandchildren were born at
    fall that fractured her hip, daughter-in-law Eira             She seemed to be recovering well, although      it easier.                                        the hospital that is literally at their doorstep.
    Keay says. John, Malvina’s only child, and                  the onset of dementia had added some                 To express their gratitude, the family         Malvina lives on strong in the memories of
                                                                challenges.                                       nominated Hilary as an MSHero in                  her family, John, Eira, grandsons Matthew and
                                                                  Suddenly, on Feb. 13, she declared she          recognition of her compassion, and also           Christopher and great grandchildren. And in
  MSH FACTSFIGURES                                             wanted to go to the hospital. Eira tried to put   made a donation to support the hospital’s         Hilary’s memory, too.

        235 337
                                                                her off, but after a bit of convincing, John      expansion, which includes a brand new                Hilary, a goalkeeper, told Eira she recently
                                                                declared he would take her. It was, indeed,       Emergency Department, triple the size of the      had an opportunity to “play out”. She scored a
                                                                hard to say no to Malvina when she had her        existing department.                              goal. “That was for Malvina, she told me later,”
           BEDs         pHYsiCiANs                              mind set on something. Needing oxygen, she           “I met Hilary several years ago playing        Eira says. Hilary was holding Malvina’s hand
                                                                was admitted to the hospital. Malvina was         soccer in Markham. She was a friendly person,     when she died peacefully in her sleep. “She

1,000                         1,768
                                                                soon greeted by nurse Hilary Klassen, who was     full of life, with a great sense of humour,”      went her own way,” Eira says, “on her
                                                                quick to tell her she knew her daughter-in-law.   writes Eira. “I was not prepared, however, for    own terms, when she was ready to go.”

                                                                          “While the hospital is the cornerstone for a healthy community, the community’s giving is at the heart.

 vOLUNtEERs                   HOspitAL stAff

                                                                                                         quality care right here, close to home.”
                                                                           Such commitment and generosity is making the difference in the lives of patients and families who rely on

                                                                                             Mayor Wayne Emmerson Town of whiTchurch-STouffville
GivinG with Pride and Passion                                                                                         How A Young FAMilY
                                                                                                                      pLANs fOR tHE fUtURE
A    woman with an engaging smile, and a deeply
caring man, Lara and Brad are passionate about life
                                                            hospital actually reaches even deeper. All generations
                                                            of his and Lara’s extended family have been touched
                                                                                                                      business partners how important it is to give back,”
                                                                                                                      says Brad. “We do understand the twists and turns that
and their family. As a young family, they are still         by Markham Stouffville Hospital. They rely on it          life can take and certainly appreciate how fragile life
some time away from even contemplating retirement.          extensively for their family’s daily and special health   is,” adds Lara, thinking about her husband who, at the
So you wonder what inspires this couple to make a           care needs and are so thankful to have it, providing      age of 13, was involved in a serious accident when hit
gift in their wills to support the future needs of                                                                          by a car while riding to school.
Markham Stouffville Hospital. Brad and Lara                                                                                      “Looking back at this experience helps me
support a number of causes. It is Markham                                                                                   keep my perspective. I know that planning ahead is
Stouffville Hospital that is at the centre of their                                                                         important because you never know what is beyond
giving – and their hearts.                                                                                                  the next curve,” Brad explains passionately. “I also
     “Both of our daughters, Hannah and Erica                                                                               believe that your health should never be taken for
were born at Markham Stouffville and we                                                                                     granted. I owe this perspective to my kids, my wife,
will never forget the outstanding care that we                                                                              my family and my community.”
received,” Brad says. “Not every experience at                                                                                   Brad and Lara have been inspired to leave the
the hospital is so joyous. Our family has also                                                                              hospital a bequest in their wills. “Providing for
had some very sad moments there,” continues                                                                                 your family is number one, but this gift will help
Lara, telling the story when her mother Joan was                                                                            future generations of families in our community
diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor.                                                                                      who will rely on Markham Stouffville Hospital,”
     In life’s celebrations and its trials, Markham                                                                         explains Lara as their youngest daughter, Erica,
Stouffville Hospital plays a central role in the                                                                            chimes in that she is one of her school’s top
lives of every family in our community. As Brad                                                                             fundraisers for this year’s Legacy Run - an annual
puts it: “Our local hospital is for everybody –whether      quality care close to home. “As a young, active family    Foundation fundraising event. “It does not matter
you or your family has had to rely on it yet, one day       we appreciate it now,” Brad says.                         how much you give, it’s more important to teach your
you will need it.”                                              For Brad and Lara, it’s about leading by example.     children that giving comes from the heart,” says Lara
     Brad’s family and his successful business are firmly   “We believe that giving is the most meaningful way        “and that is why we feel privileged and are proud to
rooted in Markham. In fact, his connection to our           of showing our kids, our friends, our family and our      support our hospital.”

                  “You allow us into your lives – when you give birth, when your child needs a cast,
                                                                                                                                            MSH FACTSFIGURES
                                                                                                                                                    BABiEs BORN

         when your parents need an Mri, and when you walk through the doors of our emergency Department.
                You allow us to share some very important moments with you – and for that we thank you.
       we also appreciate your overwhelming support. The kind words you have for our staff, the letters of support,
                                       the e-mails you send – we appreciate all of them.”
                                                            Janet M. Beed                                                               258/Month
                                                                                                                                        72 /week
                                          PreSIdent  Ceo MarkHaM StouffvIlle HoSPItal
Making a Difference together. Every Event Counts!
                                                     Angus Glen                       Celebration
  thank you to all                                   Half Marathon                    of Hope
                                                     Angus Glen continues to          Luncheon
  our 2009-2010                                      invest in our community’s
                                                     health through a series of
                                                                                      Presented by Mary

  Event Organizers for                                community events: Angus
                                                                                      Kay Cosmetics,
                                                                                      over 1,150 guests
  making MsH your                                     Glen Half Marathon, 5K and
                                                      10K; Angus Glen Canada
                                                                                      attended and had
                                                                                      the opportunity
  charity of choice.                                  Day Five Miler; Culinary Arts
                                                       Golf Classic; and the Angus
                                                                                      to hear from the
                                                                                      inaugural Hope
  Here is a snapshot                                   Glen Harvest Ride.             Award Recipients
                                                                                      — Classical 96.3 FM
  of some of the ways                                                                 host, Libby Znaimer; Q107 personality,
  you have put fun                                                                    Maureen Holloway; Citytv anchor, Mark
                                                                                      Dailey; co-host of Canada AM, Beverly
  into your fundraising                                                               Thompson; author, Carol Ann Cole;
                                                                                      CTV health and medical contributor,
  activities.                                                                         Dr. Marla Shapiro (not shown).

                                                                                      tim Hortons
  From garage sales to backyard                                                       smile Cookie Campaign
  barbecues, to bake sales and                                                        Dedicated staff and enthusiastic
  sporting events, there is a wide                                                    customers certainly gave MSH
                                                                                      something to smile about as they
  variety of possibilities for you to                                                 donated proceeds of the “Smile
  consider when hosting an event in                                                   Cookie” program from all 19
  support of our hospital.                                                            Tim Hortons locations in Markham.

  Host Your Own Community
  Event to Benefit Markham                                                            Brother André
  stouffville Hospital                             Unionville                         High school’s BandAid
                                                   Ladies Golf                        Students from Brother André
  For more information call natasha                tournament                         present Dan Amadori, Past Chair,
  at 905-472-7373 ext. 6647 or email               Unionville ladies support          MSH Foundation with funds raised in                              MSH’s Breast Health Centre.        support of the hospital’s expansion.

 sURGiCAL pROCEDUREs                       “I realize what an important part the hospital has played and will continue

    YEARLY         19,000                          to play in my life and that of my family, friends and neighbours.
                                           from birth to end of life, the medical milestones of our lives are marked there….

  MONtHLY          1,583                         as it grows and changes along with the community it serves so well.”
                                        it is the least i can do to acknowledge all of the caring professionals and the institution

    WEEKLY         395                                                        Eileen Rees MArKhAM
a Mangroup CoMMitS $5OO,OOO difference with his vision
greAt wAll
           who Makes a to tHe
                                                                                                                                    a key leadership role in supporting Markham Stouffville
                                    MArkHAM StouFFville HoSpitAl expAnSion                                                          Hospital, the primary provider of health care to newcomers

I  t was a busy week for Danny Leung, nothing out of the desire to give back to his community hospital. As his own
ordinary for this local businessman. He was planning to take vision was saved, he developed a broader vision - to support a
                                                                                                                                    and long-time residents alike,” continues David Tsubouchi,
                                                                                                                                    Honorary Chair of the Great Wall Group.
                                                                                                                                        “You know,” Danny says passionately, “our mission is right
work home for the weekend after returning from a business truly vital hospital and encourage others to do so, too.                  and there are a lot of people out there who
trip to Hong Kong. Surrendering to jet lag or having a leisurely       “You have to lead by example, as a community member,         believe in having excellent health
weekend is not his style. He opened the door, dropped his a businessman and as a father”, explains Danny, who with                  care close to home. With our goal
bag and walked straight into his home office to check phone the encouragement of long-time friend MPP Michael Chan                  of raising $500,000, believe me, I
messages and go through some numbers.                                                                                               am not afraid to ask.”
    “I was sitting at my desk, when all of a                                                                                            In Danny’s office there is a
sudden, I had blurry vision in one eye,” Danny                                                                                      large picture of a lotus flower,
says. He blamed it on fatigue from his travels                                                                                      one of the most ancient symbols
and finished going through his papers before                                                                                        in Asia. “The lotus grows in
going to bed.                                                                                                                       muddy water and rises above the
    “When I awoke the next morning, I couldn’t                                                                                      surface to bloom with remarkable
see anything out of that same eye. My son took                                                                                      beauty. At night, the flower closes
me straight to Emergency at the Markham                                                                                             and sinks below water, only to
Stouffville Hospital,” Danny remembers.                                                                                             rise and open again at
    Dr. Shobana Ananth was one of the doctors                                                                                       dawn.” For Danny,
on duty. She diagnosed a partially detached                                                                                         this symbolizes the
retina and her fast, accurate diagnosis and                                                                                         opportunity we
timely treatment plan helped save 80 per cent Great Wall Group with Mayor Frank Scarpitti                                           have with each new
of Danny’s eyesight.                                                                                                                day, as human
    “The care and treatment that I received at Markham founded the Great Wall Fundraising Group, together with                      beings to offer
Stouffville Hospital was outstanding. Dr. Ananth was kind, David Tsubouchi and Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti. The                   something and
respectful and so compassionate,” says Danny. “I really Group has pledged $500,000 to support the much needed                       to give back.
appreciated her open, honest communication and the expansion of Markham Stouffville Hospital.
swift follow-up arrangements. I owe my vision to Markham               Danny is also joined by a number of tireless volunteers
Stouffville Hospital.”                                             – Esther Wong, Angela Chiu, Joey Lee, Gladys Mak, Christy
 You Always Need Your Community Hospital Wei andthe hospitalCouncillorvision Chiu – all so that it can
                                                                               Markham                Alex           dedicated to
                                                                   helping                realize its      to expand                                       MSH FACTSFIGURES
    As a successful entrepreneur in the travel industry – founder continue delivering safe, high-quality care for our growing
and CEO of DSL Group - Danny is proud of his achievements communities.                                                                                         pAtiENts tREAtED

                                                                                                                                                        307,000                              per
in Canada. As an immigrant, he believes that newcomers, at             “We need to show the larger Canadian society that we, as
large, need to do more to support their Canadian communities, immigrants, are proud to be Canadians, and that we want to
especially their local hospital because “everybody will need to give back. We work hard to create jobs and do good things that                                                              year

take care of their health at some point and having a community support our community.” He often tells his grateful patient
hospital close by is important”.                                   story and reminds friends and clients that whether they plan                                                              per
    Danny Leung’s eyesight was saved through swift medical to stay in Canada forever or for just a few years, they will need                                                              month

intervention at Markham Stouffville Hospital. He is fortunate their hospital and one day will appreciate having good care
he did not have to drive downtown to get the urgent care he close to home.
needed. This life-defining moment triggered in Danny the               “We want to encourage the Asian Community to take on
“Our success is a
   testament to you, our donors,
        who clearly make

       Markham Stouffville
        Hospital a priority.
    It truly is a virtuous circle,
    from great care to generous
       giving that supports
         more great care.
                                            Wall                                              A

       Our heartfelt thanks                      Symbolizes
                                                    Pride of
     to all of you for making
       the circle complete.”

          Suzette Strong                        Community
                                             in our Hospital
     CEO MarkhaM StOuffvillE
       hOSpital fOundatiOn
                                                                                              B                                              C

                                           like our hospital, our new Donor Wall has a
                                              story deeply rooted in the community.
                                     Our story reflects our history, the present and the future of Markham Stouffville Hospital. The Wall
  MSH FACTSFIGURES                  is prominently located in the hallway that links our main lobby and Emergency Department with
                                     Diagnostic Imaging. Depending on which direction you are walking you may notice there is not
 DIaGnoSTIC  laB EXaMS              necessarily a beginning or end to this wall, and that is because our story begins with you.             D

 2.2 Million
           PEr YEar
                                     At one end we recognize those who have supported Markham Stouffville Hospital from our humble
                                     beginnings, and at the other, we acknowledge the individuals, families and businesses who have
                                     given generously to our Campaign for Expansion. Both symbolize the pride our community has in
                                     its hospital. And over the next few years, with your support, this story will continue.
                                                                                                                                            Together with our donors we celebrated
                                                                                                                                            the unveiling of the Donor Wall
                                                                                                                                            A.	(from	left	to	right)	Bill	Crothers,	
                                                                                                                                            	 Johanna	and	Doug	Meharg,	Peter	Mason,	
                                                                                                                                            	 Drew	and	Karen	Gerrard,	Dennis		Fortnum,	

                                                                                                                                            	 Eric	Tappenden,	Suzette	Strong,	Mark	Young
                                     We look forward to adding the new names of our generous supporters as we continue with the

                                                                                                                                            B.	 (from	left	to	right)	Neil	Walker,	Reg	Grey,	
                                     largest fundraising campaign York Region has ever seen – our goal is to raise $50 million.             	 Eileen	and	James	Beierl

                                                                                                                                            C.	 (from	left	to	right)	Jeanne	Major,	
                                                                                                                                            	 Allan	Bell,	Dr.	Christyne	Peters
                                                                                                                                            D.	 Shirley	Sommers,	Reg	Gray
It Has Begun – $100,000 PLUS                                                                       report to tHe CoMMunitY
      The following individuals and organizations have made commitments in support
      of Markham Stouffville Hospital’s expansion. Thank you for building the future.
      Carlo  Angela Baldassarra Family                                        $1,000,000.00

      John Kaptyn                                                              $1,000,000.00
      Doug  Johanna Meharg                                                    $1,000,000.00

      John  Diane Gibson and Family                                            $00,000.00
      Herman  Marya Grad                                                       $00,000.00
      Marc  Ashley Wade                                                        $00,000.00
      Carman Lewis                                                              $20,000.00
      Fred Wang                                                                 $20,000.00              The following individuals and corporations
      Tom  Irene Shadlock                                                      $1,000.00              have supported the MSH Foundation helping
      Russell Beare                                                             $10,000.00              lives through gifts and pledges.
      Altaf Soorty  Family                                                     $100,000.00
                                                                                                          Our Loyal Friends–
      ORGANIZATIONS:                                                                                                                         Audrey	Brown
                                                                                                          10 years and
      Canadians of Pakistani Origin                                            $1,000,000.00              counting!                          Eleanor	Brown
      PowerStream Inc.                                                         $1,000,000.00                                                 Richard		Karla	Bryan
                                                                                                         Our	heartfelt	thanks	to	those	      Brian		Jane	Buckles
      TACC Contruction Ltd.                                                    $1,000,000.00             generous	and	far-sighted	donors	    Earl	Bulger
      Fieldgate Group of Companies                                              $00,000.00              who	have	made	gifts	every	year      Chris	Burchell
                                                                                                         for	the	past	ten	years	(April	1,	   Marianne		Bob	Burrell
      Great Wall Fundraising Group                                              $00,000.00              2000	to	March	31,	2010).            Arnold		Phyllis	Burton
      HR/Lindvest Developments                                                 $00,000.00              Your	commitment	inspires	us.        Bruce		Bunny	Burton
      RBC Foundation                                                            $00,000.00                                                  Bryan	Burton                  Violet	Datzeff              Roger		Kathleen	Glazin
                                                                                                         John		Mary	Jane	Aiken              Louis	Cagnin                  Joanne	Davis-Greenlaw       Andrew	Gledhill
      Scotiabank Group                                                          $00,000.00              Robert		Sylvia	Alexander           Audrey	Cain                   William		Cynthia	Dawson    John		Alice	Gordon
      Times Group Corporation                                                   $00,000.00              Peter		Coleen	Allum                Antonio		Maria	Cammisuli     Gerald		Andrea	De	Waal     Loraine	Gore
      Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation                                      $20,000.00              Elfrida	Alves		Monica	Alves        Gillian	Campbell              Wilbert	Dean                Gordon		Alice	Greig
                                                                                                         John		Carol	Ann	Anderson           Robert	W.	Campbell            Pasquale		Anna	Di	Ruscio   John	Greig
      Monarch Corporation                                                       $12,000.00              W.	Andrews                          Walter		Yvonne	Campbell      James		Nancy	Dickin        Betty	Grove
      IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund                                            $10,000.00              Anastacia	Arcinas                   Marilyn	Cargill               Raul		Celeste	Dionisio     Herbert		Elsie	Guenther
                                                                                                         William	Avis                        Ida	Cariglia                  Arthur	Dixon                Herb	Guttman
      Laurier Homes and Paradise Homes                                          $100,000.00              Stephen		Natalie	Bakowsky          Malcolm	Carter                Lawrence		Alice	D’Mello    George		Audrey	Haley
      Sunny Crunch Foods Ltd.                                                   $100,000.00              Elizabeth	Baldaro                   Kevin		Susan	Cash            James		Joan	Doble          Dr.	Jerry	J.	Halik
      York Region Media Group                                                   $100,000.00              John		Juanita	Balmer               Kenneth		Mary	Chalk          Lloyd	Dodgson               Lloyd		Helen	Ham
                                                                                                         Steven		Maria	Bankovich            Jimmy	Chan                    Velma	Douglas               Maura	Harrington
                                                                                                         Douglas	G.	Barnes                   Fonda	Chau                    Mary	Drewery                John	Harrison
    Reaching Deep -                     $10,000 PLUS                                                     Donald		Frances	Bartlett           Basil		Inez	Cheong           Ronald	Duckworth            Betty	Hastings
    Strong community leadership is essential to the success of our hospital. The following individuals   Edward		Ellen	Batten               Jeremy	Cheung                 Adrianne	Easton             Allan		Nadia	Hawkins
    and organizations have made cumulative gifts of $10,000 or more from April 1, 200 to March 1,      Fred	Baxter                         Albert	Chin                   Byron		Marie	Edney         Art		Donna	Hayden
    2010. Thank you – you have touched the lives of thousands with your generosity and vision.           Russell	Beare                       David		Irene	Chiu            Urich		Eulice	Ferdinand    Gordon		Agnes	Hemms
                                                                                                         Robert		Rosemary	Beckett           Richard	Chung                 David		Sharon	Fieghen      Lindsay	Hemms
    Saeid	Aghaei                      Mark		Lori	Lievonen              Acuity	Innovative	Solutions      James		Eileen	Beierl               C.	D.	Clark                   Robert		Dianne	Fisher      Hilda	Herdman
    Dan		Barbara	Amadori             John	Livey                        Alex	Chiu	Golf	Tournament        Jean		Alexander	Bell               David		Dorothy	Clark         William		Elizabeth	Fitz    James		Isabel	Hewlett
    Asif	Ameer                        Peter		Dorothy	Mason             Angus	Glen	Golf	Club             William		Margaret	Benson           Dennis	Cline                  Sam	Foote                   Dan		Sherri	Holden
    Dr.	David	Austin                  David		Sanysa	Merkel             Dr.	Shahida	R.	Khan	Medicine	    Dr.	Ron		Gail	Beveridge            William		Janet	Cockwell      Donald		Joan	Forbes        Sylvia	Houghton
    Janet	Beed                        William	E.		Willa	Norton            Professional	Corporation      Mary	Bicko                          Douglas		Sydney	Conant       Andrew		Joyce	Fordyce      William		Helen	Ilott
                                                                                                         Pamela	Bird                         Margaret	Conner               Robert		Rosie	Forget       Robert		Florence	Inkster
    Kathleen	P.	Carrick               Tom		Irene	Shadlock              Ellesmere	Fabricators	Ltd.
                                                                                                         Arnheit	Blauert                     Jennifer	Cook-Spanton         Floyd	Forsyth               Frank	Jago
    Linda	Chambers	                   Gerry		Anita	Smith               Flato	Developments	Inc.          Marion		Lorne	Boadway              Wayne		Vicki	Copp            Martin		Joyce	Fredricks    N.	C.	James
    Michael	Chan		Elaine	Yu          Frank		Freda	Spain               IBM	Employees’	                  Imre		Elizabeth	Boroczi            Roger		Patricia	Correia      Anna	Fretz                  Doris	Jerome
    Angela	Chiu                       David		Cynthia	Stead             	 Charitable	Fund                Milton		Solange	Boyle              Bruce		Mona	Couperthwaite    Judith	Friedl               Henry	Johnson
    Howard		Muriel	Fairty            Gordon		Judy	Stollery            Islamic	Foundation	of	Toronto    William		Ruth	Boynton              Ernest	Cozens                 Keith		Debbie	Gammie       Ray		Irene	Johnson
    Hashem	Ghadaki                    Suzette	Strong                    The	Village	Grocer               Harry		Helen	Brain                 J.A.	Craig                    Pat		Rogers	Gardham        Eva		Adam	Johnstone
    Mohammad	Ghadaki                  Eric		Susanne	Tappenden	         Unionville	Ladies	               Leigh	Brain                         William		June	Cresswell      Lloyd		Dorothy	George      George	Jones
    Larry	Grove                       Dr.	Abida	Usman                   	 Golf	Tournament                Frank	Braun                         Reg	Crozier                   Edward	George               Violet	Jones
                                                                                                         Edmund		Alice	Bredin               Don		Lynn	Crymble            Karen		Drew	Gerrard        Yatishkumar	Karia
    Warren		Deborah	Jestin           John		Tess	Van	Netten            York	Region	
                                                                                                         David		Shirley	Brennan             Margaret	Curtis               D.	Gilbert                  Joan	Kaufman
    Farzana	Jiwani		Aly	Virji        Dr.	Ralph	Watt                    	 Breast	Cancer	Friends          Margaret	Briggs                     Americo	Da	Silva              Barbara	Gill                Norma	Kennedy
    Danny	Leung                       Whiteside	-	Henderson	Family                                       Leonard		Barbara	Bristow           Jack		M.	Elizabeth	Daniels   Ted		Lillian	Given         Dr.	James		June	Kerr
Thelma	Kidd                     John	McCreight                  Tony	Omotani                  Dorothy	Smith                     Geraldine	Turner
Trevor	Kimpton                  Donald		Noreen	McDonough       Wayne	Owen                    Harold		Gwen	Smith               Gwendolyne	Turnpenny
Nelson		Betty	King             Clifford		Nancy	McGill         Catherine	Paglialunga         Pat	Solary                        William		Eileen	Underhill
John	Klecker                    Hugh		Lois	McGinn              Murray		Jean	Painter         Shirley	Sommers                   Kalju		Lea	Vahi
Walter		Margo	Knecht           John		Kathleen	McKay           James		Belinda	Pang          Adriana	Spaargaren                John		Tess	Van	Netten
Gerald		Margaret	Knee          Jeffrey	McKechnie               Perry	Pang                    Frank		Freda	Spain               Dr.	Zul		Almas	Verjee
A.	David		Irene	Kneeshaw       John		Noreen	McKenna           Patricia	Pantin               James		Doris	Spencer             Ralph		Valerie	Viegas
William		Miriam	Knowles        Mary	McLean                     Doreen	Parker                 Kenneth		Eva	Spiece              Frank	Vysoki
Frank		Mila	Koclik             Winifred	McLeod                 Victor		Helen	Parr           Catherine	Helen	St.	John          Josephine	Wagner
Armin		Christa	Kratel          Bonnie	McMaster                 Alicia	Parry                  Ruth	St.	John                     Laura	Wallace
Rudolf		Brigitte	Kroen         Jean	McNab                      Marian	Passant                Pier		Susan	Steffan              Doris	Wallen
Sangarapillai	Kumarasamy        Melvin	McNeil                   Harold		Nellie	Pearson       Cecilia	Steirman                  Al		Grace	Wallis
Sig	Kusatz                      Thomas	Meacock                  Patricia	Peterkin             Evelyn	Stephens                   Gord	Walter
Gordon		Doreen	Lak             Roy		Barbara	Megarry           Domenic		Antonietta	Petta                                      Helen	Walton
Robert		Agnes	Langille         Jasper		Mary	Megelink                                                                          George		Agatha	Wang
Al		Anne	Lanning               Doug		Johanna	Meharg                                                                           Dr.	Siek	Wassenaar               Invar	Building	Corporation
John		Jennifer	Lanyon          Joseph		Vonda	Melanson                                                                         Robert		Alma	Watt               Johnson		Johnson	                    Allan	J.	Bell
Angelo		Francesca	Lauretta     Betty	Melville                                                                                  Constance	Weaver                 	 Medical	Products                    William		Margaret	Benson
Philip		Loretta	Lavell         Michael	Meras                                                                                   Dorothy	Webb                     Markham	Fair                          Jan	Black
William		Hazel	Leal            Deborah	Mervin                                                                                  Robert	Webber                    Markham	Lions	Club                    Dr.	Bob		Julie	Boadway
Dr.	Avrom		Susan	Lebovic       Stephen		Marilyn	Michna                                                                        Victor		Lorraine	Wells          Markham	Radiologists                  Gustav	Boehringer
Peter		King	Cheung	Lee         Frank	Miller                                                                                    Ernst		Ilona	Welmers            Miller	Thomson	LLP                    Nick	Borgh
Phyllis	Lee                     Rena	Mingay                                                                                     Waltraut	Weprajetzki             Morley,	Sanderson,	Millard	           Deborah	Bouchard
Laura	Leger                     Peter		Helen	Mitchell                                                                          John		Elizabeth	Westbrook       	 	Foster	LLP                        Bernice	Bowers
Gordon	Leier                    Alfred		Bertha	Mohl                                                                            Lena	White                       OPG	Employees’		Pensioners’	         Michael	Browne
Robert		Diane	LeMottee         John		Margaret	Moment                                                                          Walter		Shirley	Whitham           Charity	Trust                       Howard	Burkholder
Alvine	Lestal                   James		Dianne	Monnot                                                                           Joan	Whittaker                   Paracom	Realty	Corporation            Ismat	Butt
Helen	Leung                     Alan		Leona	Moore                                                                              Jacqueline	Wilfert               Schaeffer		Associates	Ltd.           Robert	W.	Campbell
P.		L.	Leung                   Eric		Doreen	Moore                                                                             Stephen		Jackie	Wilkinson       Scotiabank	Group                      Ellie	Cannon
Joan	Lewis                      A.	George	Moreton                                                                               Paul		Edith	Williams            Skelton	Truck	Lines	Ltd.              Malcolm	Carter
Fraser		Marijan	Lindsay        Lionel	J.	Mousseau                                                                              Reta	Williams                    Stantec	Inc.                          John		April	Chamberlain
Cameron	Linton                  Bernice	Moxley                                                                                  Douglas		M.	Phyllis	Willson     TACC	Contruction	Ltd.                 April	Chan
                                                                                                                                Earl		Marie	Wilson              The	Manchee	Foundation                Robert	Chin
                                                                                              Constance	Stephenson              Gerald		Joan	Winters            The	Village	Grocer                    Tracy	Clegg		Tim	White
   “on behalf of the weeks family we would like to              Louis	Phillips                Eleanor	Stephenson                Anton		Maria	Wolf               Town	of	Markham                       Gordon		June	Collins
                                                                Maurice	Pilkey                John		Joyce	Storey               Frank		Nina	Wolfe               Town	of	Whitchurch	-	Stouffville      Jack	Comella
    thank the Markham Stouffville hospital for the              Dora	Poon                     Terry	Coughlin		Marlene	Storry   Albert	Wai	Keung		Hilda	Wong                                          Bill	Crothers
                                                                                                                                                                 Welcome	Wagon	Ltd.
  care afforded to violet. in particular we would like          Dr.	Robert		Shirley	Price    Perry		Janet	Stover              Anne	Wong                                                              Dr.	Shahnaz	Dar
   to recognize Dr. T. cheang, and the nursing staff            Mavis	Yee	Quee                John	Stradling                    Josephine	Wong
                                                                                                                                                                  The Power
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Joanne	Davis-Greenlaw
  at 3 centre. Also, Dr. A. Patterson, Dr. h. currie            	Aladino		Maria	Quilici      Kathryn	Stupar                    Marina	Wong                                                            Bill	Dawson
                                                                Joan	Quinlan                  Daniel		Kay	Sum                  Carl		Eleanor	Wride
                                                                                                                                                                  of Community                         Jean	Deverill
    and the nursing staff of the palliative care ward.          Jim		Shirley	Rehill          Ernest		Terezija	Svetanic        Teresa	Wu                        We	offer	our	heartfelt	thanks	to	     Guang	Di		Jueqiang	Cai
      i would also like to thank the social workers             Lothar		Renate	Renters       Eric		Susanne	Tappenden	         William	Philip	Yarn              everyone	who	contributed	during	      Donna		Wayne	Doherty
       Tanya and Jennifer who helped us through                 Bruce		Isabel	Risebrough     Glen	Taun                         Dorothy	Young                    the	past	year,	including	those	       Mary	Francis	Drudge
                 this difficult period.”                        Susan	Robinson                Elizabeth	Taylor                  Stella	Yusko                     who	wish	to	remain	anonymous.	        Peter		Margaret	Faye
                                                                Bernard		Rita	Rochford       Marjory	Taylor                    Christos		Maria	Zanis           We	are	enormously	proud	that	         Thomas		Vanessa	Filosa
                     Peter Weeks ToronTo                        Michael		Christina	Roseman                                                                                                            Dennis		Ruth	Fortnum
                                                                                              Ruth	Taylor                                                        Markham	Stouffville	Hospital	
                                                                Reg		Nancy	Rowe              Herman		Diena	Ten-Donkelaar      Allstate	Insurance	              receives	contributions	from	so	       Mario	Frocione
Bob		Judy	Liptrott             Emily	Mulholland                Ernest		Jean	Ryman           Joy	Tetlaw                        	 Company	of	Canada              many	members	of	our	community.	       Joseph	Gan		Jennifer	Chen
James		Ilene	Lyall             Ian		Lynne	Munro               Fred		Eva	Salb               Donald	Thomas                     Angus	Glen	Golf	Club             It	is	a	testament	to	the	excellent	   Pat		Rogers	Gardham
H.	E.	Lyon                      Edward		Audrey	Mynahan         Malcolm		Joelle	Sanderson    Donald		Nora	Thompson            Ballantry	Homes	                 care	provided	by	our	physicians	      Stephen		Paula	Gardner
Dorothy	MacAloney               Linda	Nesbitt                   Marjorie	Sayeau               Douglas		Helen	Thompson          Bazil	Developments	Inc.          and	staff.                            Karen		Drew	Gerrard
Gordon	MacBride                 James		Doreen	Nevison          George		Lori	Schnarr         Mary	J.	Thompson                  BMO	Employee	                                                          Grace	Graham
Domenic		Guiseppina	Maduri     Gerald	New                      Roy		Dianne	Schreyer         Victor		Isobel	Thompson          	 Charitable	Foundation           $1,000 – $9,999                      Gaetan	Gravel
Rajeshkumar		Maya	Magan        Donald	Newman                   Albert		Eileen	Schwartz      Jim		Fran	Thomson                Borden	Ladner	Gervais	LLP        We	are	pleased	to	list	the	donors	    Reginald	Gray
Chris		Anastasia	Mak           Ken	Nicholls                    Tom		Irene	Shadlock          John		Jill	Thomson               Buckley	Insurance	Brokers	Ltd.   with	cumulative	giving	of	$1,000	-	   Yan	Guo
Stephen		Joanne	Marino         Norman	Nigh                     Murray		Mary	Shantz          Alma	Timbers                      Cattanach	Hindson	Sutton	        $9,999	from	April	1,	2009	–	March	    Lloyd		Helen	Ham
Frank	Marshall                  Joan	Nishikawa                  Muhamad		Bebe	Shariff        Eileen	Tobin                        VanVeldhuizen	Barristors	      31,	2010.	                            Ione	Hardcastle
John		Kathryn	Marshall         Greig	Nishio		Carolynne	Mori   James		Sandra	Sharples       Lisa		Mark	Tomjenovic            	 	Solicitors                                                         Maura	Harrington
David		Bianca	Mason            Kaz		Sachi	Nishio              Alfred	Shenfield              Harry	Tonogai                     CGB	Group	Inc.                  Marcel	Aitoro                         Wan	Yau	Hau
Jean	Mastin                     Innis	Nolan                     Mildred	Sherwood              Andre	Tremblay                    Dale’s	Pharmacy                  Othmar		Gloria	Altmann               Jayprakash	Ravjee	Hira
Peter		Judy	Mateer             Bruce	Nord                      Joan	Shorey                   Helen	Treml                       DST	Output	Canada	Inc.           Jeanette	Anbinder                     Jackie	Hodgson
Barbara	McBride                 Ruby	Norton                     Laurence		Marion	Short       Ralph		Lois	Trimble              Emerson	Electric	Canada	Ltd.     Annette	Atkinson                      Mary	Holloway
John		Grace	McCall             William	E.		Willa	Norton       Aldine	Sinclair               Louise	E.	Trott                   E-T-A	Circuit	Breakers	Ltd.      Nigel	Barton		Mary	Jane	DeKort       Alan		Lynne	Holt
Lachlan	McCallum                Emily	Oates                     Ioanis		Agapi	Sinikas        Florence	Tsai                     Honeywell	Limited                Melissa	Beauchamp		                  Ron	Hulse		Karen	Chadwick
George	McCowan                  Toshi	Oikawa                    Dennis		Jean	Smith           Robert		Marilyn	Tunnicliff       IBM	Employees’	Charitable	Fund   	 Andrew	Dow                          Imran		Humera	Hussain                                                                                                                                                                                                        10
Maxwell	Jackson               Anne		Matthew	Tomljenovic         La	Difference	Time	Centre            Brian		Helen	Allen           Urah	Bryan		Sharon	Williams   Clarence		Barbara	Fockler   Sylvia	Houghton
Craig		Natalie	James         Eric		Josephine	Traugott          Le	Goyeau	Holdings	Ltd.              Peter		Coleen	Allum          Wayne	Bryson                   Patricia	Forrestall          Elizabeth		David	Howard
Farzana	Jiwani		Aly	Virji    John	Troyer                        Leung	Lam		Company	                 L.D.		Rhoda	Almack           Brian		Jane	Buckles           Linda	Forster                Kim	Tuyet	Hua-Duong
Jean		Denise	Joubert         Phuong	Truong                      	 Chartered	Accountants              James	Anderson                Dorothy	Bull                   Glenn	Fortin                 Nancy	Fung	Yee	Hui
Paul	Kamphuys                 Lai	Kiu	Tsang                      Lillian		Leroy	Page	Foundation      John		Carol	Ann	Anderson     Chris	Burchell                 Thomas	Fox                   Terry	Hui
Prem	Kapur                    Dr.	Zul		Almas	Verjee             M.	J.	Lawson	Real	Estate	Ltd.        Peter	Anderson                Jane	Burchell                  Martin		Joyce	Fredricks     Ronald	Huisman
Joan	Kaufman                  Ralph		Valerie	Viegas             Markham	Fair                         W.	Andrews                    Paul	Burchell                  Keith		Debbie	Gammie        Lorne		Yvonne	Hurst
Michael	Kavanagh              Ramandeep	Kaur	Virk                Markham	Garden	Society               Asif	Ansari                   Richard	Burkholder             Joseph	Gariup                Mubashar		Nuzhat	Hussain
Jannes		Mary	Kerr            John		Sharon	Wallace              Mary	Ferraro	Foundation              Atif	Ansari                   Arnold		Phyllis	Burton        Madeline	Gibson              Donald		Helen	Huxtable
Dr.	Mobashsher	Khan           Ip-Sum		Wai	Fong	Wan              Mary	Kay	Ash	                        Ellen	Appleton                John		Lisa	Cabrelli           Brian		Eugenia	Gilchrist    David		Myrna	Ingalls
Harry	Kleingeld               Ernst		Ilona	Welmers              	 Charitable	Foundation              Angelo	Argiro                 Jack	Campbell                  Bevers		May	Gill            Ranny	Ip
Gene		Cathy	Kosmyna          Joan	Whittaker                     Masdel	Group	Inc.                    Helen	Argiro                  Walter		Yvonne	Campbell       Daniel		Claudia	Gilligan    Osman	Ishaq
Chris	Kwong                   Mike		Gayle	Whittamore            Midas	Safety	Inc.                    Kim	Art                       William	Carnaghan              William		Mary	Graber        Maurice		Dawn	Jack
Paul	Lai                                                         Molise	Kleinburg	Estate	Inc.         Winsome	Ashman                Annabelle	Case                 Richard		Victoria	Grant     Karim		Shehnila	Jadavji
Ting	Nam	Lau                                                     Naam	Group	Inc.                      Shirley	Ashurst               Gordon		Betty	Case            Dennis		S.	Lillian	Green    Werner		Verena	Jaeger
William		Hazel	Leal                                             Nonnodesto	Income	Inc.               Michael		Elizabeth	Baillie   Joanne	Cermak                  Gordon		Alice	Greig         Syed	Jafry
Chris		Denise	Lee                                               Northbridge	Financial	Corp.          Patricia	Bain                 Dr.	Alex	Chan                                               Allan		Pauline	Jeffries
Wai-Fong	Lee                                                     OPG	Employees’		                    Eileen	Baker                  Sui	Chau	Chan
Danny	Leung                                                      	 Pensioners’	Charity	Trust          Reginald		Eileen	Baker       Wing	Chan
Joyce	Li                                                         Razaque	Ltd.                         Stephen		Natalie	Bakowsky    Yau	Lee	Chan
An	Yuan	Lin                                                      Reusse	Properties                    Elizabeth	Baldaro             Fonda	Chau
Ken	Liu                                                          Scotiabank	Group                     John		Juanita	Balmer         Mai	Jue	Cheng
Elaine	Ma                                                        Sherman	Foundation                   Darren		Claudette	Banks      Donovan	Chung
George	McCowan                                                   St.	Augustine	                       Krishan	Bansal                Elaine	Chung
Stephanie	Melnyk                                                 	 Catholic	High	School               Peter	Bar                     Vernal	Chung
Joanne	Mercer                                                    Steeles	Memorial	Chapel              Ernest		Wilma	Bardocz        Tammy	Clements
Ali	Mesgarzadeh               Douglas		M.	Phyllis	Willson       Super	Mind	Computer                  Leonore	Barnard               Erma	Collins
Evelyn	Metcalfe               Heather	Willson                    	 Services	Company                   Rob	Bates                     George	Comisso
Carol	Miller		Graham	Knope   George		Leone	Wilson              TD	Bank	Financial	Group              Paul	Baxter                   Ann	Conely
Paula	Mills                   Eric	C.		Cheryl	Wright            TELUS	Corp.                          George		Patricia	Beatty      Lorne		Jean	Cook
Rena	Mingay                   Xiao	Ying	Wu                       The	Buddhist	Association	of	         Greg	Beehler                  Jennifer	Cook-Spanton
James		Maureen	Mitchell      Dr.	Allan	Yee                         Canada	-	Cham	Shan	Temple         James		Eileen	Beierl         Bruce		Mona	Couperthwaite
James		Dianne	Monnot         Stella	Yusko                       The	Manchee	Foundation               Doris	W.	Bell                 Glenda	Cox
Kenneth	Moon                  Bruce	Zaworski                     Tyco	Electronics	Canada	Ltd.         Jean		Alexander	Bell         Robert	Cressatti
A.	George	Moreton                                                Valecon	Properties	Partnership       Joe		Isobel	Bell             Joan	Crist
Nikola	Mracic		Family        A		M	Heat	Treating	Ltd.           Walmart                              Dr.	Ron		Gail	Beveridge      Reg	Crozier
Arifa	Muzaffer                AAA	Coach	Services	Inc.                                                                               Mark	Cucco
Donald	Newman                 Abstax	Tax	Services                      “we wish to express our sincere appreciation                 Dino	D’Alessandro
Dr.	Ken		Emily	Ng            Access	Rehab	Inc.                                                                                     Victor	D’Alfonso
Ruth	Nichols                  Ahmadiyya	Muslim	                         to len Pierce, a crisis doctor at Markham                   Arooj	Darr
Robert		Carolyn	Nicholson    	 Community	Canada                    Stouffville hospital. i was so impressed to see such            Raymond		Irene	Davies         Anna	Greig
Joan	Nishikawa                Allstate	Insurance	                       sincere devotion to help a patient in need.                 Christie	Day                   Anne		Bruce	Grubbe          Ning	Yang	Jia
Ruth	Ogino                    	 Company	of	Canada                   The support we received from doctors, nurses and                P.	Jane	De	Guerre              Dr.	Jerry	J.	Halik           Geraldine	Johnson
Charles		Lore	Ormrod         Ansar	Development	Corp.                                                                               Gerald		Andrea	De	Waal        Hugh		Winnifred	Hall        Ray		Irene	Johnson
Naren		Pravina	Patel         BMO	Employee	                            care givers of Markham Stouffville hospital                  Wilbert	Dean                   John		Alice	Hamilton        Neil		Noreen	Johnston
Denise		Andrew	Pickett       	 Charitable	Foundation                           will always be remembered.“                         Joseph	DeMarco                 Ruth	Hamilton                Beverley	Jones
Craig		Adela	Pinnock         C		Y	Co	Ltd                                       Gary and Janet Carr MarkhaM                        Rick		Linda	Dennis            Elmer	Harding                Cal	Jones
F.	W.		Judy	Powell           C	G	Management	and	                                                                                   Chris		Paula	DeNure           Garry		Antonia	Harding      George	Jones
Dale	Rae                        Communications	Inc.              Welfoods	Ltd.                        Stanley	Boote                 Arthur		Susan	Dickinson       Lisette		Michael	Harding    Violet	Jones
Bruce		Isabel	Risebrough     Canadian	Dawn	Inc.                 Zoom	Imports	Inc.                    John		Melanie	Boscariol      Tara		Robert	Donaghey         Cassie	Harkness              Samira	Kanji
Lucille	Ross                  Castlepoint	Investment	Inc.        1602979	Ontario	Ltd.                 Maria	Bosnjak                 Dan		Petra	Donnelly           Lois	Harris                  Colin	Kelly
Michael	J.		Sandra	Rozario   Condor	Properties	Ltd.             444255	Ontario	Ltd.                  Ross		Wendy	Bowser           Gilles		Dolores	Dore          John	Harrison                Alexander	Kelman
Deborah	Rushton               Daimler	Buses	North	America	Ltd.   707371	Ontario	Ltd.                  William		Ruth	Boynton        Cynthia	Duncan                 Averil	Harvey                Dr.	James		June	Kerr
Reginald	Russell              Daley,	Byers                       843772	Ontario	Ltd.                  Vincent		Karen	Brady         Robert	Durnford                Betty	Hastings               Basith	Khan
Robert		Beryl	Sanderson      Dapasoft	Inc.                                                           Ruth	Braithwaite              Henry		Shirley	Edamura        David		Barbara	Hencher      Patrick		Alison	King
Joan		George	Sands           Deja	Vu	Boutique                    $250 - $999                         William		Doreen	Brant        Thomas		Kathleen	Edgerton     Robert		Marie	Henderson     Walter		Margo	Knecht
James		Nancy	Scott           DST	Output	Canada	Inc.             We	are	pleased	to	list	the	          Sandra	Bratty                 Dr.	Khalid	Enver               Arthur		Clarice	Henschel    Karen	Ko
Mildred	Sherwood              Focus	Financial	Centre	Inc.        donors	with	cumulative	giving	of	    Frank	Braun                   Richard		Lynda	Evans          Greg	Hergott                 Stephanie	Koufes-MacMillan
Jainaraine	Singh              Golder	Associates	Ltd.             $250	-	$999	from	April	1,	2009	      David		Shirley	Brennan       Ytske	Eyre                     Ken	Hillcoff                 Joseph		Zlatica	Kozich
Sharon	Smith                  Great	Wall	Fundraising	Group       to	March	31,	2010.	We’d	also	like	   Art		Carol	Brooker           Linda	Facchini                 Claudette	Ho                 Dr.	Steven	Kranc
Dr.	Henry	Solow               Harrah’s	Operating	Company,	Inc.   to	thank	all	those	who	gave	under	   Helmut		Elizabeth	Brosz      Grant		Joyce	Farrier          Timothy	Ho                   Sig	Kusatz
Kathryn	Stupar                Humanity	First	Canada              $250	(not	listed	in	this	report).	   Laura	Brown                   David		Sharon	Fieghen         Norbert	Hoeller              Lisa	Kustin
David	Subotic                 Jasco	Holdings	Ltd.                Every	penny	counts.                  Margery	Brown		              Dr.	Barbara	Findlay            Brian	Holling                Amin	Mohammed	Ladak
Dr.	Wai	Chung	Tai             Joyce	Beauty	Centre                                                     	 Richard	Higham              James		Susan	Fisher           Brian	Holmes                 Rowena	Lam
Rong	Lan	Tian                 Knights	of	Columbus,	              Malik	Ahmad                          Sari	Brown                    William		Elizabeth	Fitz       Christina	Holmes             Susan	Lam
Ross		Cindy	Todd             	 Council	No.	11708                Jeff		Catherine	Albin               Glen		Elizabeth	Brubacher    Brian	Fleming                  Douglas		Nancy	Hortin       Giuseppe	Lamanna

Charles		Mary	Shasky       Lester		Bonnie	Weatherill           Markham	Lions	Club                    Anne	Barootes
                                                                                                 Gary		Sharron	Shumski      Robert	Webber                        Markham	Stouffville	Hospital	         Isobel	Ann	Audrey	Billingsley
                                                                                                 Mohd	Azim	Siddiqui          Soma	Weerasinghe                      -	OBS/	Gyn	Associates                Jean	M.	Brillinger
                                                                                                 Raymond	Simmons             Victor		Lorraine	Wells              Metal	Door	Ltd.                       Kathryn	Marcella	Brookman
                                                                                                 Panos		Anneta	Skamis       Waltraut	Weprajetzki                 Miller	Thomson	LLP                    Russell	Burr
                                                                                                 Larry		Barbara	Skelton     Joshua		Esther	West                 Mitsubishi	Electric	                  Jean	Louise	Crosby
                                                                                                 Roy	Smiley                  Chris	White
                                                                                                 Barry	Smith                 Jacqueline	Wilfert                        “i just wanted to thank and commend the staff
                                                                                                 David	Smith                 David	Wilson                            and directors at Markham Stoufville hospital, for
                                                                                                 Dennis		Jean	Smith         Gerald		Joan	Winters                     easing the anxiety that my 1 year old son had.
                                                                                                 Earl	Smith                  Frank		Nina	Wolfe
                                                                                                 Julia	Smith                 Jeffrey		Li	Wong
                                                                                                                                                                     i was very impressed with the Dr. Bear program,
                                                                                                 Ronald		Sharon	Smith       Norma	Wong                               the staff, and volunteers during our recent stay.”
                                                                                                 Chia	Ling	Soung             Samuel	Wong                                              Elaine Dubyna MarkhaM
                                                                                                 Marcus	Spain                Stanford		Joyce	Wong
                                                                                                 Tim		Connie	Spark          Teresa	Wu                            	 Sales	Canada	Inc.                   Lucile	R.	Davies
                                                                                                 Barbara	Spencer             Yi	Liao	Yang                         Old	Firehall	Confectionery            Vera	Elizabeth	Davis
                                                                                                 Catherine	Helen	St.	John    William	Philip	Yarn                  PACE	Savings		Credit	Union	Ltd.      Donald	Demontmorency
                                                                                                 Richard	Stainsby            Shih	Wen	Yeh                         Pal	Benefits	Inc.                     William	Hugh	Devlin
                                                                                                 Kathryn	Stephens            Tzu-Mei	Yit                          Pharma	D	Drugs                        Evelyn	Mildred	Dishley
Jeff		Sonya	Lang           Scott	McKay                        Murray		Isobel	Pipher            Eleanor	Stephenson          Talat	Yusuf                          Pinnacle	Transport	Ltd.               Nora	Ethel	Elliott
Ted		Lynda	Langdon         Bonnie	McMaster                    George	Plumb                      Nancy	Storton               Ralph	Zarboni                        The	Private	Giving	Foundation         Margaret	B.	Fockler
Jeffrey	Lau                 Jean	McNab                         Irene	Poon                        Mits	Sumiya                 Edward	Ziraldo                       R.S.	Sheldon	Professional	Corp.       Hazel	Marion	Graham
Remanna	Lau                 Roy		Barbara	Megarry              Russell		Margaret	Porter         Dr.	Daniel		Patricia	Sun                                        Ralph		Maureen	Phillips	             Frederick	Lorne	Grove
Philip		Loretta	Lavell     Albino		Janet	Metauro             Rana	Preemesh                     Will	Sung                   Adalan	Development	Corp.             	 Family	Foundation                   Helen	Heaney
Ray	Lavitt                  Philina	Milanczak                  Peter	Puhl                                                    Airline	Limousine                    Richard	Robbins	International	Inc.    Roy	E.	Heise
Man	Ying	Law                Thomas	Millar                      Harold		Betty	Quon                                           Anatolia	Tile	Inc.                   RN	Design	Limited                     Lottie	Hemingway
Keith	Lee                   B.	L.	Miller                       Yahya	Qureshi                                                 The	Co-Operators,	                   Rogers	TV                             William	L.	Hood
Phyllis	Lee                 Donald		Debra	Miller              Annie	Rafferty                                                	 Arlene	Gonzales	Agency	Ltd.        Sayal	Charitable	Foundation           Edna	Houck
Donald		Jennifer	Lee-Sue   Frank	Miller                       Zarar	Rana                                                    Automatic	Coating	Ltd.               Seafood	Delight	Chinese	Cuisine       Maria	Ivey
Nancy	Leonard               Leonard	Miller                     Clifford		Diane	Randall                                      Bell	Canada	                         Select	Comfort	Corp.                  Charles	Robert	Ivey
Chee	Wung	Leong             Karnail		Joginder	Minhas          Tharmalingham	                                                	 Employee	Giving	Program            Skelton	Truck	Lines	Ltd.              John	Kaptyn
Teresa	Leung                Evagelos		Magda	Mitskopoulos         Rasaratinam                                                Canadian	Mar	Thoma	Church	           Soil	Engineers	Ltd.                   Alan	M.	Keith
Gordon		Joan	Lever         Bhupinder	Modi                     Margaret	Reaume                                                  Toronto                           Southwire	Canada	Inc.                 Kenneth	Kirby
Chris	Li                    John		Margaret	Moment             Maile	Loweth	Reeves                                           Cassels	Brock		Blackwell	LLP        St.	Benedict	Catholic	School          Kathleen	Knox
Ricky		Julia	Li            Brad		Lara	Morris                 Diana	Regendanz                                               Celestica                            St.	Michael’s	Hospital	-	             Ronnel	Kwok	Ching	Lam
Robert	Liang                Ian		June	Morrison                Donald		Linda	Regier                                         Charlie’s	Meat	and	                  	 Staff	of	Pre-Admission	Facility     Carman	Lewis
Mei-Na	Liao                 Anita	Mui                          Ursula	Reiter                                                 	 Seafood	Supply	Ltd.                Strategies	4	IMPACT!	Inc.             Aileen	Lunau
Cecile	Lillie               Edward		Audrey	Mynahan            Brian		Ellen	Relph                                           Comteq	Instruments	Corporation       Sunrise	Senior	Living	of	Unionville   Hazel	MacDonald
An	Yuan	Lin                 Amtul	Nadirsheikh                  Herb		Janice	Rempel                                          Cresthaven	Golf	Club	                Tamarack	Lumber	Inc.                  Jean	Mary	Mann
Fraser		Marijan	Lindsay    Omair	Naeem                        Jerry		Shirley	Renwick           Lidia	Sylvestre             CTVglobemedia	Inc.                   TD	Canada	Trust		                     Cyril	R.	Matthews
Kevin		Teresa	Liu          William		Anne	Nahr                Beverley	Reynolds                 Thomas		Ruth	Talbot        D		L	Crane	Service	Ltd.             	 GTA	Suburban	Region                 Vera	McDermott
Carmen	Llewellyn            Arnold	Naiman                      Jeffrey	Reynolds                  Gary		Angelina	Tam         Dell	Direct	Giving	Campaign          The	Dragon	Buffet	King	Inc.           Margaret	McKay
Mary	Logan                  Linda	Nesbitt                      Phyllis	Ritchie                   Dora	Tam                    Dr.	Syed	Haider	Medicine	            The	Regional	Municipality	of	York     Otto	McQuay
Brian		Violet	Lount        Bruce		Francette	Nethercott       Reza	Rizvi                        Betty	Taylor                   Professional	Corporation          Times	Group	Corporation               Marie	Miller
Dr.	David	Lovejoy           Johnny	Ng                          Lloyd		Nancy	Robertson           Elizabeth	Taylor            Dymin	Steel	Inc.                     Torce	Financial	Group	Inc.            Myrtle	Isabel	Milligan
James		Isabel	Lyle         Norman	Nigh                        Jan	Rogers                        Ruth	Taylor                 E		M	Roofing	Ltd.                   Unique	Contractors	Ltd.               Carrie	Newman
Jeanette	Lynch              Kin	Bing	Ellayne	Nip               Bruce	Rose                        Scott		Heather	Tippin      Emerson	Electric	Canada	Ltd.         Upper	Canada	Mall                     Lois	J.	Nobbs
H.	E.	Lyon                  Rick	Nishikawa                     Martin	Rosenthal                  Kent	Tomasik                Fidelity	Investments	Canada          Wilkens	Contracting	Inc               Florence	Penny
Winnie	Ma                   Greig	Nishio		Carolynne	Mori      Reg		Nancy	Rowe                  Lisa		Mark	Tomjenovic      Forward	Signs	Inc.                   WS		Company	Ltd.                     Harold	Percy
Elwood	MacDonald            Kaz		Sachi	Nishio                 Eric	Rumsby                       Cheuk-Wa	Kendy	Tong         Fred	T.	Reisman		Associates	Ltd.    Very	Fair	Chinese	Restaurant          Kathleen	Powell
Sarah	MacDonald             Ruby	Norton                        Ernest		Jean	Ryman               Harry	Tonogai               G	H	Built-In	Security	Systems	Ltd.   Skin		Beatue	Spa                     Frank	D.	Pringle
Charles	MacInnes            Hans		Priska	Nussbaumer           Dr.	Shehla	Sadiq                  Cang	Vuong	Tram             Grote	Industries,	Co.                Korean	Barbecue	Restaurant            Alice	Reesor
Chris		Anastasia	Mak       Dr.	Ronald		Norma	Oda             Lorne	Samuel                      Myra	Truscott               Hydro	One	Employees’	and	            Genghis	Khan	Mongolian	Grill          Russel	Nelson	Reesor
Constance	Mak               Hyman	Orfus                        Patricia	Savage                   Gwendolyne	Turnpenny           Pensioners’	Charity	Trust	Fund    Manley	Sales                          Norman	Rae	Reid
Terry	Malone                Stephen	Orr                        Percy		Dorothy	Schell            Earl	Tyndale                Inmet	Mining	Corp.                   901357	Ontario	Inc.                   Joyce	Eleanor	Reynolds
Jeanne	Manchee              Charles		Mary	Painter             Marianne	Schiml                   Joseph	Verbancic            IDRF	(International	Development	                                           Ross	McFarlane	Risebrough
Lorraine	Mann               David		Jean	Painter               George		Lori	Schnarr             R.	Vian		Family               	Relief	Foundation)                                                    Edith	Georgena	Ritchie
John	McCallum               Donna	Palmer                       John		Michelle	Scott             Franco	Villa                J.	Jenkins		Son	                     A Legacy of Caring                   John	Edgar	Rodick
Robert		Betty	McCulloch    Julie	Pang                         Ruthven	Seepersad                 Frank	Vysoki                	 Landscape	Contractors              We	are	deeply	grateful	to	the	        Haralambos	Sarros
Todd	McDowell               Sarwan	Singh	Parmar                Dr.	Shawn	Seit                    Walter	Walker               JL	Pound	Consulting                  following	individuals	who	made	       Harold	Schmidt
Deborah	McEvenue            Dr.	Deepti		Rajeev	Pasricha       William		Joanne	Selby            Gord	Walter                 JustLabour	Temporary	Help            generous	contributions	through	       Joyce	Shadlock
David	McGill                Elwood		Audrey	Pattenden          Giancarlo		Nicoletta	Serrafero   George		Agatha	Wang        Kwok	Shing	Enterprises	Ltd.          their	estates.                        Harvey	Spang
David	McGinnis              Dr.	Elaine	Meinig		Thomas	Payne   Ben	Seto                          Brenda	Wareham              Lakehead	University                                                        Howard	Francis	Stiver
Anne	McIntosh               Roy		Anne	Pearce                  Neelo	Majid	Shad                  Dr.	Siek	Wassenaar          Lee	Kum	Kee	(USA),	Inc.              Stewart	Anderson                      Barbara	A.	Thomas
John		Kathleen	McKay       Alan		Arlene	Pink                 Murray		Mary	Shantz              Ruth	Watson                 Lexus	On	The	Park                    Pearl	Violena	Barkey                  Elva	Tiffin                                                                                                                                                                                                            12
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2010
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2010
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2010
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2010
Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2010
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Markham Stouffville Foundation Annual Report 2010

  • 1. the dream We’re growing. Together. M a r k h a m S t o u f f v i l l e H o s p i t a l F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t t o D o n o r s 2 0 1 0
  • 2. “It all started with a vision and the generous donation CONTENTS Emergency Care 3 of 50 acres of land in 1967. Markham Stouffville Hospital opened its doors in 1990, Your donations have a daily impact and this past March we celebrated our 20th anniversary. The vision and momentum continues MSHeroes 4 as we move ahead with the next significant milestone – the expansion of our hospital. A force to be reckoned with Giving with Passion and Pride 5 Building a hospital is a partnership between the government and the community – each plays a Community Events 6 significant role. All medical equipment, such as MRIs and new patient beds, is funded through Making a difference together donations from the community. Markham Stouffville Hospital has to raise $50 million in Our Community 7 the next few years so we can continue providing excellent quality care for our community. We Great Wall Group commits $500,000 to MSH continue to count on your generosity to achieve our fundraising goal. can continue to provide the care our growing community needs, close to home.” Donor Wall 8 Thank you for making our expansion possible. Because of you, Markham Stouffville Hospital becomes reality. Symbolizes pride of community in our hospital Report to the Community 9 Our donors helping lives Janet M. Beed Suzette Strong Our Commitment to You 16 PReSIdenT & CeO MARkHAM STOuffvIlle HOSPITAl CeO MARkHAM STOuffvIlle HOSPITAl fOundATIOn 2
  • 3. Your Donations have a DAiLY iMpACt fOR pAtiENts in the Emergency Department Dr. Andrew Arcand is Chief of Emergency Medicine at Markham Stouffville Hospital and has been a physician at MSH for the last nine years. triaged, placed on a cardiac monitor and needing to be admitted often have to wait “Many of my patients He is one of the key people working moved to our urgent care area. The monitor until beds become available in our current to improve patient care and manage as well as the actual urgent care space are space. We continue to focus on delivering the high volumes in the Emergency also courtesy of the Foundation’s annual safe, high-quality care. Whether you are a Department (ED). We sat down with him fundraising efforts. nurse, a physician, a volunteer or a donor tell me it is tremendously to hear more about how your donations Many people do not realize that the who supports our hospital, know that make a difference in his daily work. government does not fund everything. The what you do to support us rewarding to give to MSH. government and community work together makes a difference in the It helps to ensure patients Dr. Arcand, you deal with all kinds of in partnership to fund our hospital. For care we provide every day. medical emergencies on a daily basis. example, if you need new beds, you have to receive the health care Why are donations needed for your raise the funds yourself. We depend on the department? Foundation to support our urgent needs. they need by having an We rely on donations to buy the medical outstanding, well-equipped What role can we play as a equipment we use in Emergency. We need in our community.” community and as individuals? facility available right here it to diagnose and care for our patients. My department is incredibly tight for physical space In addition to our ongoing equipment based on the patients we see. For example our needs, the Foundation is focused on emergency was built for 28,000 visits a year raising money for our expansion that will and today we are seeing closer to 60,000. The help the hospital accommodate the huge Dr. John DiCostanza peak is up to 190 patient visits a day. CHIef of Surgery growth in Markham and Stouffville. The and Co-CHaIr of new building will be the home of our brand MSH PHySICIan CaMPaIgn Can you give us an example of how new Emergency Department. Because the donations are put to good use in hospital’s inpatient beds are often full, the Emergency Department? patients who come through the Emergency Dr. Andrew Arcand Yes. A patient in his 50s recently arrived complaining of abdominal pain that radiated to his chest. In the few hours he was in physicians Understand Need for Giving Back MSH FACTS&FIGURES Emergency, all our beds and stretchers were full and so we used our new portable It is often said that Markham Stouffville Hospital has a unique culture of caring EMERGENCY ROOM visits and compassion for our patients and their families. ultrasound unit to further assess the situation. His vital signs were also taken with It is our people who forge that reputation. We are fortunate to have a team of YEARLY 60,000 5,000 a monitor purchased by the Foundation. physicians who are as committed to the hospital as they are to their patients. What happened next? They dedicate their skills and expertise to improving patient care. MONtHLY We knew there was a history of diabetes controlled with medication. The patient was Our physicians understand that giving opens the door for receiving and have committed to their own personal fundraising campaign for the MSH expansion. WEEKLY 1,250 patients
  • 4. MALviNA KEAY was a force to be reckoned with Hilary was a player in the Markham women’s how she would affect our lives years later.” soccer league, which Eira has been managing Hilary showed her so much compassion that since 1987. evening that Malvina was actually spending Hilary soon realized she had her hands full her final hours enjoying herself with a with her strong-willed patient, as Malvina complete stranger – a person whom she had kept insisting she had to go for a walk and just met but was an immediate friend to her. Ninety-eight will, Malvina’s passion forspirit and strength of pounds of indomitable life, Eira then decided she should move into their home, where a hospital-style bed was set up that she needed a new bed. But Hilary wasn’t deterred by this “character” and stayed by her side. “She made quite a dance that night,” “Hilary let her live her final hours with dignity and laughter. She allowed a 91-year- old to be herself and bow out on her terms. her family, and gardens was deep. She was a for her in the master bedroom for the eight says Eira with a grin. What more can one ask of a nurse than to survivor — of war, of divorce, of leukemia, of months before her death. Seeing she was in good hands, John returned take care and treat a patient as if she was life. The house whirled with activity — “it was a home at about 10:30 p.m., as his mother had her family? That is what Hilary did over the revolving door” — with visits from nurses and evening.” other home support workers. “We decided one Malvina Keay Compassionate Care in of us would be with her 24/7,” recalls Eira, a Markham Stouffville Hospital deep and abiding affection and respect for her mother-in-law still evident . The family’s roots are deep in Markham, Surrounded by the lovely gardens in the and with Markham Stouffville Hospital as shaded back yard of the house in which they well, and the compassionate care given to a have lived since moving to Markham in 1980, beloved family member at the end has only Eira grins while sharing stories about the strengthened that bond. After short stints in senior who remained feisty and determined Don Mills and North York after emigrating despite being hospitalized for pneumonia the from Wales in 1970, the Keays moved to their Eira Keay and her Hero, Hilary Klassen year prior. new home with sons Christopher and Matthew She remembers when Malvina asserted her — now a Markham firefighter — before the independence after moving into their home. hospital was built. But last February, at the age of 91, the She had made her way out of bed and down insisted. The call came early the next morning, In preschool, Christopher walked around longtime Markham resident decided she was the stairs and was at the front door, declaring at 3 a.m., with the news that Malvina had died. a tennis court 25 times to help build the ready to end “a good run”. she was “running away from home”. The Keays hadn’t expected to lose Malvina that community’s first hospital. He raised $100 of She had still been living on her own — “she night, but knowing a caring nurse such as the $700 Box Grove Co-op presented in 1984. was very capable” — at age 90, until she had a Malvina Decided to go to the Hospital Hilary was with her in her final hours made The Keays’ four grandchildren were born at fall that fractured her hip, daughter-in-law Eira She seemed to be recovering well, although it easier. the hospital that is literally at their doorstep. Keay says. John, Malvina’s only child, and the onset of dementia had added some To express their gratitude, the family Malvina lives on strong in the memories of challenges. nominated Hilary as an MSHero in her family, John, Eira, grandsons Matthew and Suddenly, on Feb. 13, she declared she recognition of her compassion, and also Christopher and great grandchildren. And in MSH FACTSFIGURES wanted to go to the hospital. Eira tried to put made a donation to support the hospital’s Hilary’s memory, too. 235 337 her off, but after a bit of convincing, John expansion, which includes a brand new Hilary, a goalkeeper, told Eira she recently declared he would take her. It was, indeed, Emergency Department, triple the size of the had an opportunity to “play out”. She scored a hard to say no to Malvina when she had her existing department. goal. “That was for Malvina, she told me later,” BEDs pHYsiCiANs mind set on something. Needing oxygen, she “I met Hilary several years ago playing Eira says. Hilary was holding Malvina’s hand was admitted to the hospital. Malvina was soccer in Markham. She was a friendly person, when she died peacefully in her sleep. “She 1,000 1,768 soon greeted by nurse Hilary Klassen, who was full of life, with a great sense of humour,” went her own way,” Eira says, “on her quick to tell her she knew her daughter-in-law. writes Eira. “I was not prepared, however, for own terms, when she was ready to go.” “While the hospital is the cornerstone for a healthy community, the community’s giving is at the heart. support vOLUNtEERs HOspitAL stAff quality care right here, close to home.” Such commitment and generosity is making the difference in the lives of patients and families who rely on Mayor Wayne Emmerson Town of whiTchurch-STouffville
  • 5. GivinG with Pride and Passion How A Young FAMilY pLANs fOR tHE fUtURE A woman with an engaging smile, and a deeply caring man, Lara and Brad are passionate about life hospital actually reaches even deeper. All generations of his and Lara’s extended family have been touched business partners how important it is to give back,” says Brad. “We do understand the twists and turns that and their family. As a young family, they are still by Markham Stouffville Hospital. They rely on it life can take and certainly appreciate how fragile life some time away from even contemplating retirement. extensively for their family’s daily and special health is,” adds Lara, thinking about her husband who, at the So you wonder what inspires this couple to make a care needs and are so thankful to have it, providing age of 13, was involved in a serious accident when hit gift in their wills to support the future needs of by a car while riding to school. Markham Stouffville Hospital. Brad and Lara “Looking back at this experience helps me support a number of causes. It is Markham keep my perspective. I know that planning ahead is Stouffville Hospital that is at the centre of their important because you never know what is beyond giving – and their hearts. the next curve,” Brad explains passionately. “I also “Both of our daughters, Hannah and Erica believe that your health should never be taken for were born at Markham Stouffville and we granted. I owe this perspective to my kids, my wife, will never forget the outstanding care that we my family and my community.” received,” Brad says. “Not every experience at Brad and Lara have been inspired to leave the the hospital is so joyous. Our family has also hospital a bequest in their wills. “Providing for had some very sad moments there,” continues your family is number one, but this gift will help Lara, telling the story when her mother Joan was future generations of families in our community diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. who will rely on Markham Stouffville Hospital,” In life’s celebrations and its trials, Markham explains Lara as their youngest daughter, Erica, Stouffville Hospital plays a central role in the chimes in that she is one of her school’s top lives of every family in our community. As Brad fundraisers for this year’s Legacy Run - an annual puts it: “Our local hospital is for everybody –whether quality care close to home. “As a young, active family Foundation fundraising event. “It does not matter you or your family has had to rely on it yet, one day we appreciate it now,” Brad says. how much you give, it’s more important to teach your you will need it.” For Brad and Lara, it’s about leading by example. children that giving comes from the heart,” says Lara Brad’s family and his successful business are firmly “We believe that giving is the most meaningful way “and that is why we feel privileged and are proud to rooted in Markham. In fact, his connection to our of showing our kids, our friends, our family and our support our hospital.” “You allow us into your lives – when you give birth, when your child needs a cast, MSH FACTSFIGURES BABiEs BORN 3,100/Year when your parents need an Mri, and when you walk through the doors of our emergency Department. You allow us to share some very important moments with you – and for that we thank you. we also appreciate your overwhelming support. The kind words you have for our staff, the letters of support, the e-mails you send – we appreciate all of them.” Janet M. Beed 258/Month babies 72 /week PreSIdent Ceo MarkHaM StouffvIlle HoSPItal
  • 6. Making a Difference together. Every Event Counts! Angus Glen Celebration thank you to all Half Marathon of Hope Angus Glen continues to Luncheon our 2009-2010 invest in our community’s health through a series of Presented by Mary Event Organizers for community events: Angus Kay Cosmetics, over 1,150 guests making MsH your Glen Half Marathon, 5K and 10K; Angus Glen Canada attended and had the opportunity charity of choice. Day Five Miler; Culinary Arts Golf Classic; and the Angus to hear from the inaugural Hope Here is a snapshot Glen Harvest Ride. Award Recipients — Classical 96.3 FM of some of the ways host, Libby Znaimer; Q107 personality, you have put fun Maureen Holloway; Citytv anchor, Mark Dailey; co-host of Canada AM, Beverly into your fundraising Thompson; author, Carol Ann Cole; CTV health and medical contributor, activities. Dr. Marla Shapiro (not shown). tim Hortons From garage sales to backyard smile Cookie Campaign barbecues, to bake sales and Dedicated staff and enthusiastic sporting events, there is a wide customers certainly gave MSH something to smile about as they variety of possibilities for you to donated proceeds of the “Smile consider when hosting an event in Cookie” program from all 19 support of our hospital. Tim Hortons locations in Markham. Host Your Own Community Event to Benefit Markham Brother André stouffville Hospital Unionville High school’s BandAid Ladies Golf Students from Brother André For more information call natasha tournament present Dan Amadori, Past Chair, at 905-472-7373 ext. 6647 or email Unionville ladies support MSH Foundation with funds raised in MSH’s Breast Health Centre. support of the hospital’s expansion. MSH FACTSFIGURES sURGiCAL pROCEDUREs “I realize what an important part the hospital has played and will continue YEARLY 19,000 to play in my life and that of my family, friends and neighbours. from birth to end of life, the medical milestones of our lives are marked there…. MONtHLY 1,583 as it grows and changes along with the community it serves so well.” it is the least i can do to acknowledge all of the caring professionals and the institution surgery WEEKLY 395 Eileen Rees MArKhAM
  • 7. a Mangroup CoMMitS $5OO,OOO difference with his vision greAt wAll who Makes a to tHe a key leadership role in supporting Markham Stouffville MArkHAM StouFFville HoSpitAl expAnSion Hospital, the primary provider of health care to newcomers I t was a busy week for Danny Leung, nothing out of the desire to give back to his community hospital. As his own ordinary for this local businessman. He was planning to take vision was saved, he developed a broader vision - to support a and long-time residents alike,” continues David Tsubouchi, Honorary Chair of the Great Wall Group. “You know,” Danny says passionately, “our mission is right work home for the weekend after returning from a business truly vital hospital and encourage others to do so, too. and there are a lot of people out there who trip to Hong Kong. Surrendering to jet lag or having a leisurely “You have to lead by example, as a community member, believe in having excellent health weekend is not his style. He opened the door, dropped his a businessman and as a father”, explains Danny, who with care close to home. With our goal bag and walked straight into his home office to check phone the encouragement of long-time friend MPP Michael Chan of raising $500,000, believe me, I messages and go through some numbers. am not afraid to ask.” “I was sitting at my desk, when all of a In Danny’s office there is a sudden, I had blurry vision in one eye,” Danny large picture of a lotus flower, says. He blamed it on fatigue from his travels one of the most ancient symbols and finished going through his papers before in Asia. “The lotus grows in going to bed. muddy water and rises above the “When I awoke the next morning, I couldn’t surface to bloom with remarkable see anything out of that same eye. My son took beauty. At night, the flower closes me straight to Emergency at the Markham and sinks below water, only to Stouffville Hospital,” Danny remembers. rise and open again at Dr. Shobana Ananth was one of the doctors dawn.” For Danny, on duty. She diagnosed a partially detached this symbolizes the retina and her fast, accurate diagnosis and opportunity we timely treatment plan helped save 80 per cent Great Wall Group with Mayor Frank Scarpitti have with each new of Danny’s eyesight. day, as human “The care and treatment that I received at Markham founded the Great Wall Fundraising Group, together with beings to offer Stouffville Hospital was outstanding. Dr. Ananth was kind, David Tsubouchi and Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti. The something and respectful and so compassionate,” says Danny. “I really Group has pledged $500,000 to support the much needed to give back. appreciated her open, honest communication and the expansion of Markham Stouffville Hospital. swift follow-up arrangements. I owe my vision to Markham Danny is also joined by a number of tireless volunteers Stouffville Hospital.” – Esther Wong, Angela Chiu, Joey Lee, Gladys Mak, Christy You Always Need Your Community Hospital Wei andthe hospitalCouncillorvision Chiu – all so that it can Markham Alex dedicated to helping realize its to expand MSH FACTSFIGURES As a successful entrepreneur in the travel industry – founder continue delivering safe, high-quality care for our growing and CEO of DSL Group - Danny is proud of his achievements communities. pAtiENts tREAtED 307,000 per in Canada. As an immigrant, he believes that newcomers, at “We need to show the larger Canadian society that we, as large, need to do more to support their Canadian communities, immigrants, are proud to be Canadians, and that we want to especially their local hospital because “everybody will need to give back. We work hard to create jobs and do good things that year 25,583 take care of their health at some point and having a community support our community.” He often tells his grateful patient hospital close by is important”. story and reminds friends and clients that whether they plan per Danny Leung’s eyesight was saved through swift medical to stay in Canada forever or for just a few years, they will need month patients 6,396 intervention at Markham Stouffville Hospital. He is fortunate their hospital and one day will appreciate having good care he did not have to drive downtown to get the urgent care he close to home. needed. This life-defining moment triggered in Danny the “We want to encourage the Asian Community to take on per week
  • 8. “Our success is a testament to you, our donors, who clearly make Donor Markham Stouffville Hospital a priority. It truly is a virtuous circle, from great care to generous giving that supports more great care. Wall A Our heartfelt thanks Symbolizes Pride of to all of you for making the circle complete.” Suzette Strong Community in our Hospital CEO MarkhaM StOuffvillE hOSpital fOundatiOn B C like our hospital, our new Donor Wall has a story deeply rooted in the community. Our story reflects our history, the present and the future of Markham Stouffville Hospital. The Wall MSH FACTSFIGURES is prominently located in the hallway that links our main lobby and Emergency Department with Diagnostic Imaging. Depending on which direction you are walking you may notice there is not DIaGnoSTIC laB EXaMS necessarily a beginning or end to this wall, and that is because our story begins with you. D 2.2 Million PEr YEar At one end we recognize those who have supported Markham Stouffville Hospital from our humble beginnings, and at the other, we acknowledge the individuals, families and businesses who have given generously to our Campaign for Expansion. Both symbolize the pride our community has in its hospital. And over the next few years, with your support, this story will continue. Together with our donors we celebrated the unveiling of the Donor Wall A. (from left to right) Bill Crothers, Johanna and Doug Meharg, Peter Mason, Drew and Karen Gerrard, Dennis Fortnum, 183,333/MonTH Eric Tappenden, Suzette Strong, Mark Young We look forward to adding the new names of our generous supporters as we continue with the exams B. (from left to right) Neil Walker, Reg Grey, largest fundraising campaign York Region has ever seen – our goal is to raise $50 million. Eileen and James Beierl 45,833/WEEK C. (from left to right) Jeanne Major, Allan Bell, Dr. Christyne Peters D. Shirley Sommers, Reg Gray
  • 9. It Has Begun – $100,000 PLUS report to tHe CoMMunitY The following individuals and organizations have made commitments in support compassion CoUraGe of Markham Stouffville Hospital’s expansion. Thank you for building the future. INDIVIDUALS: Carlo Angela Baldassarra Family $1,000,000.00 commitment John Kaptyn $1,000,000.00 Doug Johanna Meharg $1,000,000.00 Community John Diane Gibson and Family $00,000.00 Herman Marya Grad $00,000.00 Marc Ashley Wade $00,000.00 Carman Lewis $20,000.00 Fred Wang $20,000.00 The following individuals and corporations Tom Irene Shadlock $1,000.00 have supported the MSH Foundation helping Russell Beare $10,000.00 lives through gifts and pledges. Altaf Soorty Family $100,000.00 Our Loyal Friends– ORGANIZATIONS: Audrey Brown 10 years and Canadians of Pakistani Origin $1,000,000.00 counting! Eleanor Brown PowerStream Inc. $1,000,000.00 Richard Karla Bryan Our heartfelt thanks to those Brian Jane Buckles TACC Contruction Ltd. $1,000,000.00 generous and far-sighted donors Earl Bulger Fieldgate Group of Companies $00,000.00 who have made gifts every year Chris Burchell for the past ten years (April 1, Marianne Bob Burrell Great Wall Fundraising Group $00,000.00 2000 to March 31, 2010). Arnold Phyllis Burton HR/Lindvest Developments $00,000.00 Your commitment inspires us. Bruce Bunny Burton RBC Foundation $00,000.00 Bryan Burton Violet Datzeff Roger Kathleen Glazin John Mary Jane Aiken Louis Cagnin Joanne Davis-Greenlaw Andrew Gledhill Scotiabank Group $00,000.00 Robert Sylvia Alexander Audrey Cain William Cynthia Dawson John Alice Gordon Times Group Corporation $00,000.00 Peter Coleen Allum Antonio Maria Cammisuli Gerald Andrea De Waal Loraine Gore Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation $20,000.00 Elfrida Alves Monica Alves Gillian Campbell Wilbert Dean Gordon Alice Greig John Carol Ann Anderson Robert W. Campbell Pasquale Anna Di Ruscio John Greig Monarch Corporation $12,000.00 W. Andrews Walter Yvonne Campbell James Nancy Dickin Betty Grove IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund $10,000.00 Anastacia Arcinas Marilyn Cargill Raul Celeste Dionisio Herbert Elsie Guenther William Avis Ida Cariglia Arthur Dixon Herb Guttman Laurier Homes and Paradise Homes $100,000.00 Stephen Natalie Bakowsky Malcolm Carter Lawrence Alice D’Mello George Audrey Haley Sunny Crunch Foods Ltd. $100,000.00 Elizabeth Baldaro Kevin Susan Cash James Joan Doble Dr. Jerry J. Halik York Region Media Group $100,000.00 John Juanita Balmer Kenneth Mary Chalk Lloyd Dodgson Lloyd Helen Ham Steven Maria Bankovich Jimmy Chan Velma Douglas Maura Harrington Douglas G. Barnes Fonda Chau Mary Drewery John Harrison Reaching Deep - $10,000 PLUS Donald Frances Bartlett Basil Inez Cheong Ronald Duckworth Betty Hastings Strong community leadership is essential to the success of our hospital. The following individuals Edward Ellen Batten Jeremy Cheung Adrianne Easton Allan Nadia Hawkins and organizations have made cumulative gifts of $10,000 or more from April 1, 200 to March 1, Fred Baxter Albert Chin Byron Marie Edney Art Donna Hayden 2010. Thank you – you have touched the lives of thousands with your generosity and vision. Russell Beare David Irene Chiu Urich Eulice Ferdinand Gordon Agnes Hemms Robert Rosemary Beckett Richard Chung David Sharon Fieghen Lindsay Hemms Saeid Aghaei Mark Lori Lievonen Acuity Innovative Solutions James Eileen Beierl C. D. Clark Robert Dianne Fisher Hilda Herdman Dan Barbara Amadori John Livey Alex Chiu Golf Tournament Jean Alexander Bell David Dorothy Clark William Elizabeth Fitz James Isabel Hewlett Asif Ameer Peter Dorothy Mason Angus Glen Golf Club William Margaret Benson Dennis Cline Sam Foote Dan Sherri Holden Dr. David Austin David Sanysa Merkel Dr. Shahida R. Khan Medicine Dr. Ron Gail Beveridge William Janet Cockwell Donald Joan Forbes Sylvia Houghton Janet Beed William E. Willa Norton Professional Corporation Mary Bicko Douglas Sydney Conant Andrew Joyce Fordyce William Helen Ilott Pamela Bird Margaret Conner Robert Rosie Forget Robert Florence Inkster Kathleen P. Carrick Tom Irene Shadlock Ellesmere Fabricators Ltd. Arnheit Blauert Jennifer Cook-Spanton Floyd Forsyth Frank Jago Linda Chambers Gerry Anita Smith Flato Developments Inc. Marion Lorne Boadway Wayne Vicki Copp Martin Joyce Fredricks N. C. James Michael Chan Elaine Yu Frank Freda Spain IBM Employees’ Imre Elizabeth Boroczi Roger Patricia Correia Anna Fretz Doris Jerome Angela Chiu David Cynthia Stead Charitable Fund Milton Solange Boyle Bruce Mona Couperthwaite Judith Friedl Henry Johnson Howard Muriel Fairty Gordon Judy Stollery Islamic Foundation of Toronto William Ruth Boynton Ernest Cozens Keith Debbie Gammie Ray Irene Johnson Hashem Ghadaki Suzette Strong The Village Grocer Harry Helen Brain J.A. Craig Pat Rogers Gardham Eva Adam Johnstone Mohammad Ghadaki Eric Susanne Tappenden Unionville Ladies Leigh Brain William June Cresswell Lloyd Dorothy George George Jones Larry Grove Dr. Abida Usman Golf Tournament Frank Braun Reg Crozier Edward George Violet Jones Edmund Alice Bredin Don Lynn Crymble Karen Drew Gerrard Yatishkumar Karia Warren Deborah Jestin John Tess Van Netten York Region David Shirley Brennan Margaret Curtis D. Gilbert Joan Kaufman Farzana Jiwani Aly Virji Dr. Ralph Watt Breast Cancer Friends Margaret Briggs Americo Da Silva Barbara Gill Norma Kennedy Danny Leung Whiteside - Henderson Family Leonard Barbara Bristow Jack M. Elizabeth Daniels Ted Lillian Given Dr. James June Kerr
  • 10. Thelma Kidd John McCreight Tony Omotani Dorothy Smith Geraldine Turner Trevor Kimpton Donald Noreen McDonough Wayne Owen Harold Gwen Smith Gwendolyne Turnpenny Nelson Betty King Clifford Nancy McGill Catherine Paglialunga Pat Solary William Eileen Underhill John Klecker Hugh Lois McGinn Murray Jean Painter Shirley Sommers Kalju Lea Vahi Walter Margo Knecht John Kathleen McKay James Belinda Pang Adriana Spaargaren John Tess Van Netten Gerald Margaret Knee Jeffrey McKechnie Perry Pang Frank Freda Spain Dr. Zul Almas Verjee A. David Irene Kneeshaw John Noreen McKenna Patricia Pantin James Doris Spencer Ralph Valerie Viegas William Miriam Knowles Mary McLean Doreen Parker Kenneth Eva Spiece Frank Vysoki Frank Mila Koclik Winifred McLeod Victor Helen Parr Catherine Helen St. John Josephine Wagner Armin Christa Kratel Bonnie McMaster Alicia Parry Ruth St. John Laura Wallace Rudolf Brigitte Kroen Jean McNab Marian Passant Pier Susan Steffan Doris Wallen Sangarapillai Kumarasamy Melvin McNeil Harold Nellie Pearson Cecilia Steirman Al Grace Wallis Sig Kusatz Thomas Meacock Patricia Peterkin Evelyn Stephens Gord Walter Gordon Doreen Lak Roy Barbara Megarry Domenic Antonietta Petta Helen Walton Robert Agnes Langille Jasper Mary Megelink George Agatha Wang Al Anne Lanning Doug Johanna Meharg Dr. Siek Wassenaar Invar Building Corporation John Jennifer Lanyon Joseph Vonda Melanson Robert Alma Watt Johnson Johnson Allan J. Bell Angelo Francesca Lauretta Betty Melville Constance Weaver Medical Products William Margaret Benson Philip Loretta Lavell Michael Meras Dorothy Webb Markham Fair Jan Black William Hazel Leal Deborah Mervin Robert Webber Markham Lions Club Dr. Bob Julie Boadway Dr. Avrom Susan Lebovic Stephen Marilyn Michna Victor Lorraine Wells Markham Radiologists Gustav Boehringer Peter King Cheung Lee Frank Miller Ernst Ilona Welmers Miller Thomson LLP Nick Borgh Phyllis Lee Rena Mingay Waltraut Weprajetzki Morley, Sanderson, Millard Deborah Bouchard Laura Leger Peter Helen Mitchell John Elizabeth Westbrook Foster LLP Bernice Bowers Gordon Leier Alfred Bertha Mohl Lena White OPG Employees’ Pensioners’ Michael Browne Robert Diane LeMottee John Margaret Moment Walter Shirley Whitham Charity Trust Howard Burkholder Alvine Lestal James Dianne Monnot Joan Whittaker Paracom Realty Corporation Ismat Butt Helen Leung Alan Leona Moore Jacqueline Wilfert Schaeffer Associates Ltd. Robert W. Campbell P. L. Leung Eric Doreen Moore Stephen Jackie Wilkinson Scotiabank Group Ellie Cannon Joan Lewis A. George Moreton Paul Edith Williams Skelton Truck Lines Ltd. Malcolm Carter Fraser Marijan Lindsay Lionel J. Mousseau Reta Williams Stantec Inc. John April Chamberlain Cameron Linton Bernice Moxley Douglas M. Phyllis Willson TACC Contruction Ltd. April Chan Earl Marie Wilson The Manchee Foundation Robert Chin Constance Stephenson Gerald Joan Winters The Village Grocer Tracy Clegg Tim White “on behalf of the weeks family we would like to Louis Phillips Eleanor Stephenson Anton Maria Wolf Town of Markham Gordon June Collins Maurice Pilkey John Joyce Storey Frank Nina Wolfe Town of Whitchurch - Stouffville Jack Comella thank the Markham Stouffville hospital for the Dora Poon Terry Coughlin Marlene Storry Albert Wai Keung Hilda Wong Bill Crothers Welcome Wagon Ltd. care afforded to violet. in particular we would like Dr. Robert Shirley Price Perry Janet Stover Anne Wong Dr. Shahnaz Dar to recognize Dr. T. cheang, and the nursing staff Mavis Yee Quee John Stradling Josephine Wong The Power Joanne Davis-Greenlaw at 3 centre. Also, Dr. A. Patterson, Dr. h. currie Aladino Maria Quilici Kathryn Stupar Marina Wong Bill Dawson Joan Quinlan Daniel Kay Sum Carl Eleanor Wride of Community Jean Deverill and the nursing staff of the palliative care ward. Jim Shirley Rehill Ernest Terezija Svetanic Teresa Wu We offer our heartfelt thanks to Guang Di Jueqiang Cai i would also like to thank the social workers Lothar Renate Renters Eric Susanne Tappenden William Philip Yarn everyone who contributed during Donna Wayne Doherty Tanya and Jennifer who helped us through Bruce Isabel Risebrough Glen Taun Dorothy Young the past year, including those Mary Francis Drudge this difficult period.” Susan Robinson Elizabeth Taylor Stella Yusko who wish to remain anonymous. Peter Margaret Faye Bernard Rita Rochford Marjory Taylor Christos Maria Zanis We are enormously proud that Thomas Vanessa Filosa Peter Weeks ToronTo Michael Christina Roseman Dennis Ruth Fortnum Ruth Taylor Markham Stouffville Hospital Reg Nancy Rowe Herman Diena Ten-Donkelaar Allstate Insurance receives contributions from so Mario Frocione Bob Judy Liptrott Emily Mulholland Ernest Jean Ryman Joy Tetlaw Company of Canada many members of our community. Joseph Gan Jennifer Chen James Ilene Lyall Ian Lynne Munro Fred Eva Salb Donald Thomas Angus Glen Golf Club It is a testament to the excellent Pat Rogers Gardham H. E. Lyon Edward Audrey Mynahan Malcolm Joelle Sanderson Donald Nora Thompson Ballantry Homes care provided by our physicians Stephen Paula Gardner Dorothy MacAloney Linda Nesbitt Marjorie Sayeau Douglas Helen Thompson Bazil Developments Inc. and staff. Karen Drew Gerrard Gordon MacBride James Doreen Nevison George Lori Schnarr Mary J. Thompson BMO Employee Grace Graham Domenic Guiseppina Maduri Gerald New Roy Dianne Schreyer Victor Isobel Thompson Charitable Foundation $1,000 – $9,999 Gaetan Gravel Rajeshkumar Maya Magan Donald Newman Albert Eileen Schwartz Jim Fran Thomson Borden Ladner Gervais LLP We are pleased to list the donors Reginald Gray Chris Anastasia Mak Ken Nicholls Tom Irene Shadlock John Jill Thomson Buckley Insurance Brokers Ltd. with cumulative giving of $1,000 - Yan Guo Stephen Joanne Marino Norman Nigh Murray Mary Shantz Alma Timbers Cattanach Hindson Sutton $9,999 from April 1, 2009 – March Lloyd Helen Ham Frank Marshall Joan Nishikawa Muhamad Bebe Shariff Eileen Tobin VanVeldhuizen Barristors 31, 2010. Ione Hardcastle John Kathryn Marshall Greig Nishio Carolynne Mori James Sandra Sharples Lisa Mark Tomjenovic Solicitors Maura Harrington David Bianca Mason Kaz Sachi Nishio Alfred Shenfield Harry Tonogai CGB Group Inc. Marcel Aitoro Wan Yau Hau Jean Mastin Innis Nolan Mildred Sherwood Andre Tremblay Dale’s Pharmacy Othmar Gloria Altmann Jayprakash Ravjee Hira Peter Judy Mateer Bruce Nord Joan Shorey Helen Treml DST Output Canada Inc. Jeanette Anbinder Jackie Hodgson Barbara McBride Ruby Norton Laurence Marion Short Ralph Lois Trimble Emerson Electric Canada Ltd. Annette Atkinson Mary Holloway John Grace McCall William E. Willa Norton Aldine Sinclair Louise E. Trott E-T-A Circuit Breakers Ltd. Nigel Barton Mary Jane DeKort Alan Lynne Holt Lachlan McCallum Emily Oates Ioanis Agapi Sinikas Florence Tsai Honeywell Limited Melissa Beauchamp Ron Hulse Karen Chadwick George McCowan Toshi Oikawa Dennis Jean Smith Robert Marilyn Tunnicliff IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Andrew Dow Imran Humera Hussain 10
  • 11. Maxwell Jackson Anne Matthew Tomljenovic La Difference Time Centre Brian Helen Allen Urah Bryan Sharon Williams Clarence Barbara Fockler Sylvia Houghton Craig Natalie James Eric Josephine Traugott Le Goyeau Holdings Ltd. Peter Coleen Allum Wayne Bryson Patricia Forrestall Elizabeth David Howard Farzana Jiwani Aly Virji John Troyer Leung Lam Company L.D. Rhoda Almack Brian Jane Buckles Linda Forster Kim Tuyet Hua-Duong Jean Denise Joubert Phuong Truong Chartered Accountants James Anderson Dorothy Bull Glenn Fortin Nancy Fung Yee Hui Paul Kamphuys Lai Kiu Tsang Lillian Leroy Page Foundation John Carol Ann Anderson Chris Burchell Thomas Fox Terry Hui Prem Kapur Dr. Zul Almas Verjee M. J. Lawson Real Estate Ltd. Peter Anderson Jane Burchell Martin Joyce Fredricks Ronald Huisman Joan Kaufman Ralph Valerie Viegas Markham Fair W. Andrews Paul Burchell Keith Debbie Gammie Lorne Yvonne Hurst Michael Kavanagh Ramandeep Kaur Virk Markham Garden Society Asif Ansari Richard Burkholder Joseph Gariup Mubashar Nuzhat Hussain Jannes Mary Kerr John Sharon Wallace Mary Ferraro Foundation Atif Ansari Arnold Phyllis Burton Madeline Gibson Donald Helen Huxtable Dr. Mobashsher Khan Ip-Sum Wai Fong Wan Mary Kay Ash Ellen Appleton John Lisa Cabrelli Brian Eugenia Gilchrist David Myrna Ingalls Harry Kleingeld Ernst Ilona Welmers Charitable Foundation Angelo Argiro Jack Campbell Bevers May Gill Ranny Ip Gene Cathy Kosmyna Joan Whittaker Masdel Group Inc. Helen Argiro Walter Yvonne Campbell Daniel Claudia Gilligan Osman Ishaq Chris Kwong Mike Gayle Whittamore Midas Safety Inc. Kim Art William Carnaghan William Mary Graber Maurice Dawn Jack Paul Lai Molise Kleinburg Estate Inc. Winsome Ashman Annabelle Case Richard Victoria Grant Karim Shehnila Jadavji Ting Nam Lau Naam Group Inc. Shirley Ashurst Gordon Betty Case Dennis S. Lillian Green Werner Verena Jaeger William Hazel Leal Nonnodesto Income Inc. Michael Elizabeth Baillie Joanne Cermak Gordon Alice Greig Syed Jafry Chris Denise Lee Northbridge Financial Corp. Patricia Bain Dr. Alex Chan Allan Pauline Jeffries Wai-Fong Lee OPG Employees’ Eileen Baker Sui Chau Chan Danny Leung Pensioners’ Charity Trust Reginald Eileen Baker Wing Chan Joyce Li Razaque Ltd. Stephen Natalie Bakowsky Yau Lee Chan An Yuan Lin Reusse Properties Elizabeth Baldaro Fonda Chau Ken Liu Scotiabank Group John Juanita Balmer Mai Jue Cheng Elaine Ma Sherman Foundation Darren Claudette Banks Donovan Chung George McCowan St. Augustine Krishan Bansal Elaine Chung Stephanie Melnyk Catholic High School Peter Bar Vernal Chung Joanne Mercer Steeles Memorial Chapel Ernest Wilma Bardocz Tammy Clements Ali Mesgarzadeh Douglas M. Phyllis Willson Super Mind Computer Leonore Barnard Erma Collins Evelyn Metcalfe Heather Willson Services Company Rob Bates George Comisso Carol Miller Graham Knope George Leone Wilson TD Bank Financial Group Paul Baxter Ann Conely Paula Mills Eric C. Cheryl Wright TELUS Corp. George Patricia Beatty Lorne Jean Cook Rena Mingay Xiao Ying Wu The Buddhist Association of Greg Beehler Jennifer Cook-Spanton James Maureen Mitchell Dr. Allan Yee Canada - Cham Shan Temple James Eileen Beierl Bruce Mona Couperthwaite James Dianne Monnot Stella Yusko The Manchee Foundation Doris W. Bell Glenda Cox Kenneth Moon Bruce Zaworski Tyco Electronics Canada Ltd. Jean Alexander Bell Robert Cressatti A. George Moreton Valecon Properties Partnership Joe Isobel Bell Joan Crist Nikola Mracic Family A M Heat Treating Ltd. Walmart Dr. Ron Gail Beveridge Reg Crozier Arifa Muzaffer AAA Coach Services Inc. Mark Cucco Donald Newman Abstax Tax Services “we wish to express our sincere appreciation Dino D’Alessandro Dr. Ken Emily Ng Access Rehab Inc. Victor D’Alfonso Ruth Nichols Ahmadiyya Muslim to len Pierce, a crisis doctor at Markham Arooj Darr Robert Carolyn Nicholson Community Canada Stouffville hospital. i was so impressed to see such Raymond Irene Davies Anna Greig Joan Nishikawa Allstate Insurance sincere devotion to help a patient in need. Christie Day Anne Bruce Grubbe Ning Yang Jia Ruth Ogino Company of Canada The support we received from doctors, nurses and P. Jane De Guerre Dr. Jerry J. Halik Geraldine Johnson Charles Lore Ormrod Ansar Development Corp. Gerald Andrea De Waal Hugh Winnifred Hall Ray Irene Johnson Naren Pravina Patel BMO Employee care givers of Markham Stouffville hospital Wilbert Dean John Alice Hamilton Neil Noreen Johnston Denise Andrew Pickett Charitable Foundation will always be remembered.“ Joseph DeMarco Ruth Hamilton Beverley Jones Craig Adela Pinnock C Y Co Ltd Gary and Janet Carr MarkhaM Rick Linda Dennis Elmer Harding Cal Jones F. W. Judy Powell C G Management and Chris Paula DeNure Garry Antonia Harding George Jones Dale Rae Communications Inc. Welfoods Ltd. Stanley Boote Arthur Susan Dickinson Lisette Michael Harding Violet Jones Bruce Isabel Risebrough Canadian Dawn Inc. Zoom Imports Inc. John Melanie Boscariol Tara Robert Donaghey Cassie Harkness Samira Kanji Lucille Ross Castlepoint Investment Inc. 1602979 Ontario Ltd. Maria Bosnjak Dan Petra Donnelly Lois Harris Colin Kelly Michael J. Sandra Rozario Condor Properties Ltd. 444255 Ontario Ltd. Ross Wendy Bowser Gilles Dolores Dore John Harrison Alexander Kelman Deborah Rushton Daimler Buses North America Ltd. 707371 Ontario Ltd. William Ruth Boynton Cynthia Duncan Averil Harvey Dr. James June Kerr Reginald Russell Daley, Byers 843772 Ontario Ltd. Vincent Karen Brady Robert Durnford Betty Hastings Basith Khan Robert Beryl Sanderson Dapasoft Inc. Ruth Braithwaite Henry Shirley Edamura David Barbara Hencher Patrick Alison King Joan George Sands Deja Vu Boutique $250 - $999 William Doreen Brant Thomas Kathleen Edgerton Robert Marie Henderson Walter Margo Knecht James Nancy Scott DST Output Canada Inc. We are pleased to list the Sandra Bratty Dr. Khalid Enver Arthur Clarice Henschel Karen Ko Mildred Sherwood Focus Financial Centre Inc. donors with cumulative giving of Frank Braun Richard Lynda Evans Greg Hergott Stephanie Koufes-MacMillan Jainaraine Singh Golder Associates Ltd. $250 - $999 from April 1, 2009 David Shirley Brennan Ytske Eyre Ken Hillcoff Joseph Zlatica Kozich Sharon Smith Great Wall Fundraising Group to March 31, 2010. We’d also like Art Carol Brooker Linda Facchini Claudette Ho Dr. Steven Kranc Dr. Henry Solow Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. to thank all those who gave under Helmut Elizabeth Brosz Grant Joyce Farrier Timothy Ho Sig Kusatz Kathryn Stupar Humanity First Canada $250 (not listed in this report). Laura Brown David Sharon Fieghen Norbert Hoeller Lisa Kustin David Subotic Jasco Holdings Ltd. Every penny counts. Margery Brown Dr. Barbara Findlay Brian Holling Amin Mohammed Ladak Dr. Wai Chung Tai Joyce Beauty Centre Richard Higham James Susan Fisher Brian Holmes Rowena Lam Rong Lan Tian Knights of Columbus, Malik Ahmad Sari Brown William Elizabeth Fitz Christina Holmes Susan Lam Ross Cindy Todd Council No. 11708 Jeff Catherine Albin Glen Elizabeth Brubacher Brian Fleming Douglas Nancy Hortin Giuseppe Lamanna 11
  • 12. Charles Mary Shasky Lester Bonnie Weatherill Markham Lions Club Anne Barootes Gary Sharron Shumski Robert Webber Markham Stouffville Hospital Isobel Ann Audrey Billingsley Mohd Azim Siddiqui Soma Weerasinghe - OBS/ Gyn Associates Jean M. Brillinger Raymond Simmons Victor Lorraine Wells Metal Door Ltd. Kathryn Marcella Brookman Panos Anneta Skamis Waltraut Weprajetzki Miller Thomson LLP Russell Burr Larry Barbara Skelton Joshua Esther West Mitsubishi Electric Jean Louise Crosby Roy Smiley Chris White Barry Smith Jacqueline Wilfert “i just wanted to thank and commend the staff David Smith David Wilson and directors at Markham Stoufville hospital, for Dennis Jean Smith Gerald Joan Winters easing the anxiety that my 1 year old son had. 1 Earl Smith Frank Nina Wolfe Julia Smith Jeffrey Li Wong i was very impressed with the Dr. Bear program, Ronald Sharon Smith Norma Wong the staff, and volunteers during our recent stay.” Chia Ling Soung Samuel Wong Elaine Dubyna MarkhaM Marcus Spain Stanford Joyce Wong Tim Connie Spark Teresa Wu Sales Canada Inc. Lucile R. Davies Barbara Spencer Yi Liao Yang Old Firehall Confectionery Vera Elizabeth Davis Catherine Helen St. John William Philip Yarn PACE Savings Credit Union Ltd. Donald Demontmorency Richard Stainsby Shih Wen Yeh Pal Benefits Inc. William Hugh Devlin Kathryn Stephens Tzu-Mei Yit Pharma D Drugs Evelyn Mildred Dishley Jeff Sonya Lang Scott McKay Murray Isobel Pipher Eleanor Stephenson Talat Yusuf Pinnacle Transport Ltd. Nora Ethel Elliott Ted Lynda Langdon Bonnie McMaster George Plumb Nancy Storton Ralph Zarboni The Private Giving Foundation Margaret B. Fockler Jeffrey Lau Jean McNab Irene Poon Mits Sumiya Edward Ziraldo R.S. Sheldon Professional Corp. Hazel Marion Graham Remanna Lau Roy Barbara Megarry Russell Margaret Porter Dr. Daniel Patricia Sun Ralph Maureen Phillips Frederick Lorne Grove Philip Loretta Lavell Albino Janet Metauro Rana Preemesh Will Sung Adalan Development Corp. Family Foundation Helen Heaney Ray Lavitt Philina Milanczak Peter Puhl Airline Limousine Richard Robbins International Inc. Roy E. Heise Man Ying Law Thomas Millar Harold Betty Quon Anatolia Tile Inc. RN Design Limited Lottie Hemingway Keith Lee B. L. Miller Yahya Qureshi The Co-Operators, Rogers TV William L. Hood Phyllis Lee Donald Debra Miller Annie Rafferty Arlene Gonzales Agency Ltd. Sayal Charitable Foundation Edna Houck Donald Jennifer Lee-Sue Frank Miller Zarar Rana Automatic Coating Ltd. Seafood Delight Chinese Cuisine Maria Ivey Nancy Leonard Leonard Miller Clifford Diane Randall Bell Canada Select Comfort Corp. Charles Robert Ivey Chee Wung Leong Karnail Joginder Minhas Tharmalingham Employee Giving Program Skelton Truck Lines Ltd. John Kaptyn Teresa Leung Evagelos Magda Mitskopoulos Rasaratinam Canadian Mar Thoma Church Soil Engineers Ltd. Alan M. Keith Gordon Joan Lever Bhupinder Modi Margaret Reaume Toronto Southwire Canada Inc. Kenneth Kirby Chris Li John Margaret Moment Maile Loweth Reeves Cassels Brock Blackwell LLP St. Benedict Catholic School Kathleen Knox Ricky Julia Li Brad Lara Morris Diana Regendanz Celestica St. Michael’s Hospital - Ronnel Kwok Ching Lam Robert Liang Ian June Morrison Donald Linda Regier Charlie’s Meat and Staff of Pre-Admission Facility Carman Lewis Mei-Na Liao Anita Mui Ursula Reiter Seafood Supply Ltd. Strategies 4 IMPACT! Inc. Aileen Lunau Cecile Lillie Edward Audrey Mynahan Brian Ellen Relph Comteq Instruments Corporation Sunrise Senior Living of Unionville Hazel MacDonald An Yuan Lin Amtul Nadirsheikh Herb Janice Rempel Cresthaven Golf Club Tamarack Lumber Inc. Jean Mary Mann Fraser Marijan Lindsay Omair Naeem Jerry Shirley Renwick Lidia Sylvestre CTVglobemedia Inc. TD Canada Trust Cyril R. Matthews Kevin Teresa Liu William Anne Nahr Beverley Reynolds Thomas Ruth Talbot D L Crane Service Ltd. GTA Suburban Region Vera McDermott Carmen Llewellyn Arnold Naiman Jeffrey Reynolds Gary Angelina Tam Dell Direct Giving Campaign The Dragon Buffet King Inc. Margaret McKay Mary Logan Linda Nesbitt Phyllis Ritchie Dora Tam Dr. Syed Haider Medicine The Regional Municipality of York Otto McQuay Brian Violet Lount Bruce Francette Nethercott Reza Rizvi Betty Taylor Professional Corporation Times Group Corporation Marie Miller Dr. David Lovejoy Johnny Ng Lloyd Nancy Robertson Elizabeth Taylor Dymin Steel Inc. Torce Financial Group Inc. Myrtle Isabel Milligan James Isabel Lyle Norman Nigh Jan Rogers Ruth Taylor E M Roofing Ltd. Unique Contractors Ltd. Carrie Newman Jeanette Lynch Kin Bing Ellayne Nip Bruce Rose Scott Heather Tippin Emerson Electric Canada Ltd. Upper Canada Mall Lois J. Nobbs H. E. Lyon Rick Nishikawa Martin Rosenthal Kent Tomasik Fidelity Investments Canada Wilkens Contracting Inc Florence Penny Winnie Ma Greig Nishio Carolynne Mori Reg Nancy Rowe Lisa Mark Tomjenovic Forward Signs Inc. WS Company Ltd. Harold Percy Elwood MacDonald Kaz Sachi Nishio Eric Rumsby Cheuk-Wa Kendy Tong Fred T. Reisman Associates Ltd. Very Fair Chinese Restaurant Kathleen Powell Sarah MacDonald Ruby Norton Ernest Jean Ryman Harry Tonogai G H Built-In Security Systems Ltd. Skin Beatue Spa Frank D. Pringle Charles MacInnes Hans Priska Nussbaumer Dr. Shehla Sadiq Cang Vuong Tram Grote Industries, Co. Korean Barbecue Restaurant Alice Reesor Chris Anastasia Mak Dr. Ronald Norma Oda Lorne Samuel Myra Truscott Hydro One Employees’ and Genghis Khan Mongolian Grill Russel Nelson Reesor Constance Mak Hyman Orfus Patricia Savage Gwendolyne Turnpenny Pensioners’ Charity Trust Fund Manley Sales Norman Rae Reid Terry Malone Stephen Orr Percy Dorothy Schell Earl Tyndale Inmet Mining Corp. 901357 Ontario Inc. Joyce Eleanor Reynolds Jeanne Manchee Charles Mary Painter Marianne Schiml Joseph Verbancic IDRF (International Development Ross McFarlane Risebrough Lorraine Mann David Jean Painter George Lori Schnarr R. Vian Family Relief Foundation) Edith Georgena Ritchie John McCallum Donna Palmer John Michelle Scott Franco Villa J. Jenkins Son A Legacy of Caring John Edgar Rodick Robert Betty McCulloch Julie Pang Ruthven Seepersad Frank Vysoki Landscape Contractors We are deeply grateful to the Haralambos Sarros Todd McDowell Sarwan Singh Parmar Dr. Shawn Seit Walter Walker JL Pound Consulting following individuals who made Harold Schmidt Deborah McEvenue Dr. Deepti Rajeev Pasricha William Joanne Selby Gord Walter JustLabour Temporary Help generous contributions through Joyce Shadlock David McGill Elwood Audrey Pattenden Giancarlo Nicoletta Serrafero George Agatha Wang Kwok Shing Enterprises Ltd. their estates. Harvey Spang David McGinnis Dr. Elaine Meinig Thomas Payne Ben Seto Brenda Wareham Lakehead University Howard Francis Stiver Anne McIntosh Roy Anne Pearce Neelo Majid Shad Dr. Siek Wassenaar Lee Kum Kee (USA), Inc. Stewart Anderson Barbara A. Thomas John Kathleen McKay Alan Arlene Pink Murray Mary Shantz Ruth Watson Lexus On The Park Pearl Violena Barkey Elva Tiffin 12