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...a proud partner in the McGill University Health Centre
Th e Do n o r Bu l l e t i n
Building our Future by Honouring our Past
From the Chairman of the Board
Building our future,honouring our past
Not many hospitals the size and scope of the Royal Victoria find themselves in as privileged a position as we now find
ourselves. In October of 2008, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Yves Bolduc – in company with Finance
Minister, Monique Jérôme-Forget, and the Honourable Doctor Arthur Porter – announced in a press conference held
at the Vic the words that our community has anxiously anticipated for over a decade: the construction of the new
hospital site will move forward; the train has left the station; the Royal Victoria Hospital will be rebuilt
in the Glen Yards.
And I will share with you candidly that at times the negativity of the media coverage has weighed heavily on the
morale of the selfless individuals who continue to dedicate themselves tirelessly to serve this community at the
Royal Victoria Hospital. At times it has been difficult, at times discouraging. But we are blessed to have a core of
supporters whose determination always exceeded their apprehension. And it is through their efforts that we now
find ourselves on the precipice of one of the most exciting eras in the history of our hospital.
The Royal Victoria Hospital will build a brilliant future in state-of-the-art premises, while honouring our past through
the preservation of our name, and by fulfilling our promise to this community for the finest medical facility this
province has ever known.
Facing the economic crisis with donor-focused performance
And all of this in spite of the challenging economic times we have all faced since the fall of 2008. In a time when
many charities have met with overwhelming hardship – many of them even forced to close their doors as a result –
the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation has never been stronger. In fact, we are very proud to announce that in the
fiscal year 2008/2009, ending March 31st, 2009, the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation realized a net increase of
more than $1.74 million over the previous fiscal year through our fundraising programs (see page 9 under Revenue;
“Donations & grants” and “Estates”).
How did we do it? By focusing our efforts on our most important asset: our donors. And it was easy, really,
because 100% of our volunteer Board members and Foundation team members are donors to the Royal Victoria
Hospital Foundation. So we simply asked ourselves: as donors, what are our expectations for accountability from
the charitable organization we support?
And we determined that donor-focused accountability would necessitate concentrating on: enhancing our clarity
and transparency; listening to and implementing industry “best practices”; and ensuring optimal
workplace effectiveness by investing in our precious human resources.
Clarity and transparency
The more clarity we can afford in everything that we do, the more effective we will be and the more efficiently we
will use donor dollars. And the more transparent we are, the more confidence we will gain from our donors, who
are not simply an element of our Foundation, but our cornerstone. Foundation team members are encouraged to
challenge the status quo in every aspect of their daily work to increase clarity and bring greater transparency to
our organization. In examining and revising the way in which we process donations from the moment they are
received all the way to the relationship we create and nurture with our donors, we were able to identify and address
opportunities for development, and adopt strategies for improvement.
As a result, a greater proportion of the work we do – from mundane tasks to major projects – adds direct value to
the Foundation, making your charitable donation go further than ever.
Industry “best practices”
Fundraising is one of the fastest growing industries in North America, and the RVH Foundation is committed to
keeping abreast of the “best practices” of the fundraising industry. Team members attend regular conferences where
they are encouraged to network with their peers and learn about what other organizations are doing well, and how
we can learn from their example. Industry best practices are shared with the volunteer Board members through
regular offsite workshops, so that the people who make the decisions governing the Foundation are knowledgeable
about industry standards, trends in philanthropy, and how to make good even better.
Paying attention to industry best practices is what inspired us to return to a more personal approach to donor
recognition through our thank you calls. Every day, each of our Foundation team members, and many of our Board
members, take the time to call as many donors as possible just to thank them for their thoughtfulness and support.
There are many very worth charities out there, and thank you calls are our way of expressing our gratitude that you
have included us in your charitable giving.
Revamping our Board Roles and Responsibilities is another example of our response to industry best practices – and
to our commitment to enhanced clarity and transparency. Unanimously adopted by the dedicated individuals who
constitute our volunteer Board, the revamped Board Roles and Responsibilities reflect the exemplary leadership of
our Board members in their philanthropic support of the mission of our Foundation.
As a natural outcome of our commitment to enhanced clarity and transparency and to industry best practices,
the RVH Board formally adopted the Donor Bill of Rights in September 2008. Developed by leading international
fundraising and philanthropy organizations, and endorsed by charitable organizations worldwide, the ten principles
outlined in the Donor Bill of Rights define ethical practices on how we raise money, manage funds, and assure
transparent governance of the contributions entrusted to us by our donors.
Investing in our human resources
The best way to increase value in an organization is from the inside out. In an environment where the need
consistently exceeds available talent, concentrating on the professional development of our own team has permitted
the RVH Foundation to attract and retain some of the most capable fundraising professionals in the field. Every
member of our Foundation team is a professional fundraiser, and all of them are given rigorous training to enhance
their professional experience and enrich the Foundation with their increased knowledge.
As members in good standing of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), our team members recognize
and adhere to AFP’s Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice. And as active members of
the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), our team has access to an important network of fellow hospital
foundation professionals with whom they can share vital knowledge and resources.
Led by two seasoned Certified Fund Raising Executives (of which there are only 21 in the entire province!), the
RVH Foundation encourages and supports team members to pursue their professional certification through increased
We are building on a good foundation to ensure a great Foundation. Which directly parallels what our hospital is
doing: not just building a state-of-the-art facility, but relying on what we’ve built in the past – on our rich history
of medical excellence in patient care, research and education – to shape our future. The Glen Yards will offer the
Royal Victoria Hospital a long-awaited home in an environment that will facilitate brilliant patient care, and will
prove instrumental to our capacity to attract and retain the best and the brightest that healthcare has to offer. But
the facility itself would be only a collection of beautiful walls were it not for everyone who has and does constitute
the heart and soul of the Royal Victoria Hospital. And of these, none more important than you, our donors – without
whom no past would ever have been so proud, and no future so hopeful.
September 2009 marks the completion of my term as Chairman of the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation. I have
been very pleased and honoured to witness and be part of the evolution of this Foundation. And I have been
privileged to work alongside of some very exceptional leaders in our community who serve and have served as the
volunteer members of our Board. Luckily, I will continue to work with these people as a member and Past-Chairman
of the Board, and know the Foundation will continue to flourish under new leadership.
These past few years have proven to be very decisive for the evolution of our Foundation, as the dream of our new
site became more and more of a reality. And if I could leave on one parting note, it would be that we never forget
the single-minded courage of those community leaders who defied the popular cynicism of the past decade and
forged faithfully onward to secure the future of the Royal Victoria Hospital on the Glen site.
In September 2008, our Board officially adopted the Donor Bill of Rights.
The 10 principles outlined in the Donor Bill of Rights
define ethical practices on how we raise money, manage funds,
and assure transparent governance of the contributions entrusted to us by our donors.
To be informed of the organization’s mission, of
the way the organization intends to
use donated resources, and of its capacity to use
donations effectively for their intended purposes.
To be informed of the identity of those serving
on the organization’s governing board,
and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgement
in its stewardship responsibilities.
To have access to the organization’s
most recent financial statements.
To be assured their gifts will be used for
the purposes for which they were given.
To receive appropriate
acknowledgement and recognition.
To be assured that information about
their donations is handled with respect and with
confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
To expect that all relationships with
individuals representing organizations of interest
to the donor will be professional in nature.
To be informed whether those seeking
donations are volunteers, employees of the
organization or hired solicitors.
To have the opportunity for their
names to be deleted from mailing lists that
an organization may intend to share.
To feel free to ask questions when making
a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and
forthright answers.
A Donor Bill of Rights
PHILANTHROPY is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradi-
tion of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that phi-
lanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and
prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and
causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AAFRC)
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
(in formation)
Independent Sector
National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC)
National Committee on Planned Giving (NCPG)
Council for Resource Development (CRD)
United Way of America
Donors who give over $250 a year
are included in the Honour Roll.
In 2008 we welcomed 133 new
Honour Roll members.
From left to right: Peter Dunn, Valerie Laidley-Price, Kerry Lanthier and Jacques Genest, M.D
From left to right: Wilson McLean, Sophie Perron, and Richard C. Pattee
To help us illustrate our excitement about the building of the new Hospital – which will begin in earnest in the
new year – our dedicated Board members of 2008/2009 are pictured in the following pages,
ready to roll up their sleeves and get the job done!
Who we are
The Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation exists to support the
McGill University Health Centre’s (MUHC) Royal Victoria Hospital –
its mission,its projects,its aspirations and its most ambitious objectives.
As a charitable organization supporting one of Montreal’s largest and most reputable healthcare
institutions, our first priority is the responsible handling of charitable donations and the dedicated
stewardship of our donors. Whether you are a first-time donor, a longstanding supporter, a
major donor, or making a modest gift, we are committed to your experience as a valued part of
this Foundation, and to ensuring that your gift is handled responsibly.
Ethics is not an optional practice in the world of charitable giving, it is the only acceptable
code of conduct. In our leadership role as professional fundraisers supporting a vital Montreal
institution, we acknowledge and assume responsibility for our actions, products, decisions and
policies. We strive for transparency and clarity in all that we communicate and all that we do.
Performance in fundraising is not solely about how much money is raised. It’s about how the
money was raised, what strategies were employed to raise the money, and how the money is
used to the fullest advantage of the cause. In responsible, ethical fundraising, the ends do not
justify the means – the means are the most important part.
From left to right: Glenn R. Rourke, Barry Scott, Paul R. Marchand, and Gregory Menzies 7
Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation		
For the year ended March 31 	 2009	 2008
Fund balances, beginning of year	 89,070,698 	 91,748,742
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses	 2,498,653 	 2,316,163
Unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale
financial assets during the year	 (10,323,855)	 (4,994,207)
Fund balances - end of year	 81,245,496 	 89,070,698
Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation		
Statement of financial position		
March 31	 2009	 2008
Cash 	 4,529,812 	 1,851,959
Accrued income on invested funds 	 -	 8,201
Other receivables 	 8,849 	 -
Prepaid expenses 	 5,829	 5,829 	
	 4,544,490 	 1,865,989
Investments 	 79,269,603 	 91,701,876
Land and building 	 41,000,000	 41,000,000
	 124,814,093 	 134,567,865
Liabilities and capital		
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 	 213,827 	 404,008
Due to the muhc 	 2,354,769 	 4,093,159
	 2,839,342 	 4,497,167
Mortgage on land and building 	 41,000,000	 41,000,000
	 43,568,596 	 45,497,167
Fund balances 	 73,697,161 	 80,873,689
Funds held by trustees		
Lord Mount Stephen and Lord		
Strathcona Donations 	 6,176,136 	 6,699,675
Sir Herbert S. Holt Foundation 	 1,372,200 	 1,497,334
	 81,245,497 	 89,070,698
	 124,814,093 	 134,567,865
From left to right: Gwen A. Nacos and Sam Reda
Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation		
Statement of Operations		
For the year ended March 31 	 2009	 2008
Donations and grants	 7,088,576 	 5,257,584
Estates	 1,182,045 	 1,272,331
Investment income	 4,081,088 	 6,197,231
Net proceeds from activities	 1,359,869 	 1,589,939
Miscellaneous revenue	 138,794 	 191,761
Total revenue	 13,850,372 	 14,508,846		
Administrative and fundraising costs	 2,100,403 	 1,975,412
Investment management fees	 311,600 	 356,814
Total expenses	 2,412,002 	 2,332,226
Excess (deficiency) of revenue
over expenses	 11,438,368 	 12,176,620
Distributions for the benefit
of the MUHC	 (8,939,715)	 (9,860,457)
Excess of revenue over expenses
for the year	 2,498,653 	 2,316,163
From left to right: Mary Vanaselja, Algis Janusauskas and France Denis-Royer
In 2008 alone, we welcomed
1019 additional contributors,
whose gifts are hard at work
to provide the patient care
that we have come to know
and expect from the Royal
Victoria Hospital.
Projects 2008
In 2008 alone, the Foundation raised money to fund…
	 •	 An ER pharmaceutical cabinet to safeguard narcotics for enhanced patient care
	 •	 A mental health conference for professional education for our nurses
	 •	 A new database software for our gynaecological oncology clinic
	 •	 Vital signs monitors that allow continuous observation of patients and the ability to track several vital signs at once
	 •	 A chronic disease self-management program that improves the quality of life of our chronically ill patients
	 •	 Renovations to the Cardiac Surgical Ward on S8
	 •	 A grant for the Cancer Nutrition Rehabilitation Program
	 •	 New equipment for the heart failure clinic
	 •	 Mobile insulin pumps permitting increased patient independence
	 •	 A labour and delivery system for our neonatal unit
	 •	 Modern testing equipment for our pathology department for greater accuracy, and faster results
	 •	 Triple channel infusion pumps for transplant patients
	 •	 Transport stretchers to facilitate the work of our staff
	 •	 An electric gynecological examination table especially configured for pregnant women
	 •	 An ultrasound machine for our otorhinolaryngology department
	 •	 A National Mechanical Heart Symposium
From left to right: John Kalaydjian and Mattie Chinks10
Executive Committee	
Glenn R. Rourke
Richard C. Pattee
Vice-President of Finance
Mattie Chinks
Avmor Ltd.
Sophie Perron
Irving Mitchell Kalichman L.L.P.
Chair, Nominating & Governance Committee
Robert Cowling
Chair, Fundraising Committee
Peter Duffield
Chair, Audit Committee
Peter Dunn
Holden Asset Management
Chair, Investment Committee
Russell Hiscock
President and Chief Executive Officer
CN Investment Division
Chair, Grants Committee
Algis Janusauskas
Manager – Pension Investment,
Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.
Chair, Human Resources
Kerry Lanthier
France Denis-Royer
Chief Clinical Perfusionist,
Jacques Genest, M.D.
Director, Division of Cardiology,
John Kalaydjian
Portfolio Manager,
The Shapiro Group
Valerie Laidley-Price
Wilson McLean
Gregory Menzies
President, MINGUS Inc.
Paul R. Marchand
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Gwen A. Nacos
Natural Furs International Inc.
Sam Reda
Vice Chairman,
Fiera Capital
Barry Scott
Melissa Sonberg
Aeroplan LP
Mary Vanaselja
RVH Auxiliary
The Donor Bulletin is presented to you by the Board of Directors of the
Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation 2008-2009
Board Members
Board members regretfully not present for pictures : Peter Duffield, Melissa Sonberg, Russell Hiscock, and Robert Cowling.
Photographs taken by MUHC - Pierre Dubois 11
To inspire and engage the community to actively participate
in the support of the McGill University Health Centre’s
Royal Victoria Hospital.
The Foundation uses a variety of fundraising strategies. We capitalize on the strengths of our team members to
ensure that our financial goals are met, and that our community members and generous supporters are properly
recognized for the significant role they play in the future of our hospital, and the face of Montreal healthcare.
Our Foundation is a melting pot of diverse professionals. The team brings an eclectic blend of proficiency, including
two Certified Fund Raising Executives and over 50 years combined experience in professional fundraising. We
continually trade innovative ideas on better ways to raise money, in a stronger, more timely fashion. Our mission
is not only a statement but a passionate, daily commitment. We raise over $8 million a year to meet the stated
priorities of the MUHC, and endeavour to keep administrative costs well within acceptable fundraising parameters.
687 Pine Avenue West, Room A1.07, Montreal (Quebec) H3A 1A1 Tel.: (514) 843-1543
Our Mission
Thank Youfor being the most important part of everything we do.

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Donor Bulletin 08-09

  • 1. 2008-2009 ...a proud partner in the McGill University Health Centre Th e Do n o r Bu l l e t i n Building our Future by Honouring our Past
  • 2. A MESSAGE From the Chairman of the Board GLENN R. ROURKE Building our future,honouring our past Not many hospitals the size and scope of the Royal Victoria find themselves in as privileged a position as we now find ourselves. In October of 2008, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Yves Bolduc – in company with Finance Minister, Monique Jérôme-Forget, and the Honourable Doctor Arthur Porter – announced in a press conference held at the Vic the words that our community has anxiously anticipated for over a decade: the construction of the new hospital site will move forward; the train has left the station; the Royal Victoria Hospital will be rebuilt in the Glen Yards. Sincethattime,themediahasbeenabuzzwithremarks,opinions,criticismsandconcernsaboutthenewconstruction. And I will share with you candidly that at times the negativity of the media coverage has weighed heavily on the morale of the selfless individuals who continue to dedicate themselves tirelessly to serve this community at the Royal Victoria Hospital. At times it has been difficult, at times discouraging. But we are blessed to have a core of supporters whose determination always exceeded their apprehension. And it is through their efforts that we now find ourselves on the precipice of one of the most exciting eras in the history of our hospital. The Royal Victoria Hospital will build a brilliant future in state-of-the-art premises, while honouring our past through the preservation of our name, and by fulfilling our promise to this community for the finest medical facility this province has ever known. Facing the economic crisis with donor-focused performance And all of this in spite of the challenging economic times we have all faced since the fall of 2008. In a time when many charities have met with overwhelming hardship – many of them even forced to close their doors as a result – the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation has never been stronger. In fact, we are very proud to announce that in the fiscal year 2008/2009, ending March 31st, 2009, the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation realized a net increase of more than $1.74 million over the previous fiscal year through our fundraising programs (see page 9 under Revenue; “Donations & grants” and “Estates”). How did we do it? By focusing our efforts on our most important asset: our donors. And it was easy, really, because 100% of our volunteer Board members and Foundation team members are donors to the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation. So we simply asked ourselves: as donors, what are our expectations for accountability from the charitable organization we support? 2
  • 3. And we determined that donor-focused accountability would necessitate concentrating on: enhancing our clarity and transparency; listening to and implementing industry “best practices”; and ensuring optimal workplace effectiveness by investing in our precious human resources. Clarity and transparency The more clarity we can afford in everything that we do, the more effective we will be and the more efficiently we will use donor dollars. And the more transparent we are, the more confidence we will gain from our donors, who are not simply an element of our Foundation, but our cornerstone. Foundation team members are encouraged to challenge the status quo in every aspect of their daily work to increase clarity and bring greater transparency to our organization. In examining and revising the way in which we process donations from the moment they are received all the way to the relationship we create and nurture with our donors, we were able to identify and address opportunities for development, and adopt strategies for improvement. As a result, a greater proportion of the work we do – from mundane tasks to major projects – adds direct value to the Foundation, making your charitable donation go further than ever. Industry “best practices” Fundraising is one of the fastest growing industries in North America, and the RVH Foundation is committed to keeping abreast of the “best practices” of the fundraising industry. Team members attend regular conferences where they are encouraged to network with their peers and learn about what other organizations are doing well, and how we can learn from their example. Industry best practices are shared with the volunteer Board members through regular offsite workshops, so that the people who make the decisions governing the Foundation are knowledgeable about industry standards, trends in philanthropy, and how to make good even better. Paying attention to industry best practices is what inspired us to return to a more personal approach to donor recognition through our thank you calls. Every day, each of our Foundation team members, and many of our Board members, take the time to call as many donors as possible just to thank them for their thoughtfulness and support. There are many very worth charities out there, and thank you calls are our way of expressing our gratitude that you have included us in your charitable giving. Revamping our Board Roles and Responsibilities is another example of our response to industry best practices – and to our commitment to enhanced clarity and transparency. Unanimously adopted by the dedicated individuals who constitute our volunteer Board, the revamped Board Roles and Responsibilities reflect the exemplary leadership of our Board members in their philanthropic support of the mission of our Foundation. As a natural outcome of our commitment to enhanced clarity and transparency and to industry best practices, the RVH Board formally adopted the Donor Bill of Rights in September 2008. Developed by leading international fundraising and philanthropy organizations, and endorsed by charitable organizations worldwide, the ten principles outlined in the Donor Bill of Rights define ethical practices on how we raise money, manage funds, and assure transparent governance of the contributions entrusted to us by our donors. 3
  • 4. Investing in our human resources The best way to increase value in an organization is from the inside out. In an environment where the need consistently exceeds available talent, concentrating on the professional development of our own team has permitted the RVH Foundation to attract and retain some of the most capable fundraising professionals in the field. Every member of our Foundation team is a professional fundraiser, and all of them are given rigorous training to enhance their professional experience and enrich the Foundation with their increased knowledge. As members in good standing of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), our team members recognize and adhere to AFP’s Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice. And as active members of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), our team has access to an important network of fellow hospital foundation professionals with whom they can share vital knowledge and resources. Led by two seasoned Certified Fund Raising Executives (of which there are only 21 in the entire province!), the RVH Foundation encourages and supports team members to pursue their professional certification through increased education. We are building on a good foundation to ensure a great Foundation. Which directly parallels what our hospital is doing: not just building a state-of-the-art facility, but relying on what we’ve built in the past – on our rich history of medical excellence in patient care, research and education – to shape our future. The Glen Yards will offer the Royal Victoria Hospital a long-awaited home in an environment that will facilitate brilliant patient care, and will prove instrumental to our capacity to attract and retain the best and the brightest that healthcare has to offer. But the facility itself would be only a collection of beautiful walls were it not for everyone who has and does constitute the heart and soul of the Royal Victoria Hospital. And of these, none more important than you, our donors – without whom no past would ever have been so proud, and no future so hopeful. September 2009 marks the completion of my term as Chairman of the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation. I have been very pleased and honoured to witness and be part of the evolution of this Foundation. And I have been privileged to work alongside of some very exceptional leaders in our community who serve and have served as the volunteer members of our Board. Luckily, I will continue to work with these people as a member and Past-Chairman of the Board, and know the Foundation will continue to flourish under new leadership. These past few years have proven to be very decisive for the evolution of our Foundation, as the dream of our new site became more and more of a reality. And if I could leave on one parting note, it would be that we never forget the single-minded courage of those community leaders who defied the popular cynicism of the past decade and forged faithfully onward to secure the future of the Royal Victoria Hospital on the Glen site. 4
  • 5. In September 2008, our Board officially adopted the Donor Bill of Rights. The 10 principles outlined in the Donor Bill of Rights define ethical practices on how we raise money, manage funds, and assure transparent governance of the contributions entrusted to us by our donors. I. To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes. II. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgement in its stewardship responsibilities. III. To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements. IV. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given. V. To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition. VI. To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law. VII. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature. VIII. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors. IX. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share. X. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers. A Donor Bill of Rights PHILANTHROPY is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradi- tion of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that phi- lanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights: D E V E L O P E D B Y American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AAFRC) Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) E N D O R S E D B Y (in formation) Independent Sector National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC) National Committee on Planned Giving (NCPG) Council for Resource Development (CRD) United Way of America 5
  • 6. Donors who give over $250 a year are included in the Honour Roll. In 2008 we welcomed 133 new Honour Roll members. Fact From left to right: Peter Dunn, Valerie Laidley-Price, Kerry Lanthier and Jacques Genest, M.D From left to right: Wilson McLean, Sophie Perron, and Richard C. Pattee To help us illustrate our excitement about the building of the new Hospital – which will begin in earnest in the new year – our dedicated Board members of 2008/2009 are pictured in the following pages, ready to roll up their sleeves and get the job done! 6
  • 7. Who we are The Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation exists to support the McGill University Health Centre’s (MUHC) Royal Victoria Hospital – its mission,its projects,its aspirations and its most ambitious objectives. Governance As a charitable organization supporting one of Montreal’s largest and most reputable healthcare institutions, our first priority is the responsible handling of charitable donations and the dedicated stewardship of our donors. Whether you are a first-time donor, a longstanding supporter, a major donor, or making a modest gift, we are committed to your experience as a valued part of this Foundation, and to ensuring that your gift is handled responsibly. Accountability Ethics is not an optional practice in the world of charitable giving, it is the only acceptable code of conduct. In our leadership role as professional fundraisers supporting a vital Montreal institution, we acknowledge and assume responsibility for our actions, products, decisions and policies. We strive for transparency and clarity in all that we communicate and all that we do. Performance Performance in fundraising is not solely about how much money is raised. It’s about how the money was raised, what strategies were employed to raise the money, and how the money is used to the fullest advantage of the cause. In responsible, ethical fundraising, the ends do not justify the means – the means are the most important part. From left to right: Glenn R. Rourke, Barry Scott, Paul R. Marchand, and Gregory Menzies 7
  • 8. FINANCIAL Report Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES For the year ended March 31 2009 2008 Fund balances, beginning of year 89,070,698 91,748,742 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses 2,498,653 2,316,163 Unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale financial assets during the year (10,323,855) (4,994,207) Fund balances - end of year 81,245,496 89,070,698 Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation Statement of financial position March 31 2009 2008 Assets Current Cash 4,529,812 1,851,959 Accrued income on invested funds - 8,201 Other receivables 8,849 - Prepaid expenses 5,829 5,829 4,544,490 1,865,989 Investments 79,269,603 91,701,876 Land and building 41,000,000 41,000,000 124,814,093 134,567,865 Liabilities and capital Current Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 213,827 404,008 Due to the muhc 2,354,769 4,093,159 2,839,342 4,497,167 Mortgage on land and building 41,000,000 41,000,000 43,568,596 45,497,167 Capital Fund balances 73,697,161 80,873,689 Funds held by trustees Lord Mount Stephen and Lord Strathcona Donations 6,176,136 6,699,675 Sir Herbert S. Holt Foundation 1,372,200 1,497,334 81,245,497 89,070,698 124,814,093 134,567,865 From left to right: Gwen A. Nacos and Sam Reda 8
  • 9. FINANCIAL Report Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation Statement of Operations For the year ended March 31 2009 2008 REVENUE Donations and grants 7,088,576 5,257,584 Estates 1,182,045 1,272,331 Investment income 4,081,088 6,197,231 Net proceeds from activities 1,359,869 1,589,939 Miscellaneous revenue 138,794 191,761 Total revenue 13,850,372 14,508,846 EXPENSES Administrative and fundraising costs 2,100,403 1,975,412 Investment management fees 311,600 356,814 Total expenses 2,412,002 2,332,226 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses 11,438,368 12,176,620 Distributions for the benefit of the MUHC (8,939,715) (9,860,457) Excess of revenue over expenses for the year 2,498,653 2,316,163 From left to right: Mary Vanaselja, Algis Janusauskas and France Denis-Royer In 2008 alone, we welcomed 1019 additional contributors, whose gifts are hard at work to provide the patient care that we have come to know and expect from the Royal Victoria Hospital. Fact 9
  • 10. Projects 2008 In 2008 alone, the Foundation raised money to fund… • An ER pharmaceutical cabinet to safeguard narcotics for enhanced patient care • A mental health conference for professional education for our nurses • A new database software for our gynaecological oncology clinic • Vital signs monitors that allow continuous observation of patients and the ability to track several vital signs at once • A chronic disease self-management program that improves the quality of life of our chronically ill patients • Renovations to the Cardiac Surgical Ward on S8 • A grant for the Cancer Nutrition Rehabilitation Program • New equipment for the heart failure clinic • Mobile insulin pumps permitting increased patient independence • A labour and delivery system for our neonatal unit • Modern testing equipment for our pathology department for greater accuracy, and faster results • Triple channel infusion pumps for transplant patients • Transport stretchers to facilitate the work of our staff • An electric gynecological examination table especially configured for pregnant women • An ultrasound machine for our otorhinolaryngology department • A National Mechanical Heart Symposium From left to right: John Kalaydjian and Mattie Chinks10
  • 11. Executive Committee Chairman Glenn R. Rourke Vice-Chairman Richard C. Pattee Vice-President of Finance Mattie Chinks President, Avmor Ltd. Secretary Sophie Perron Partner, Irving Mitchell Kalichman L.L.P. Members Chair, Nominating & Governance Committee Robert Cowling Chair, Fundraising Committee Peter Duffield CIO, Estracure Chair, Audit Committee Peter Dunn Director, Holden Asset Management Chair, Investment Committee Russell Hiscock President and Chief Executive Officer CN Investment Division Chair, Grants Committee Algis Janusauskas Manager – Pension Investment, Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd. Chair, Human Resources Kerry Lanthier France Denis-Royer Chief Clinical Perfusionist, RVH Jacques Genest, M.D. Director, Division of Cardiology, MUHC John Kalaydjian Portfolio Manager, The Shapiro Group RBC Valerie Laidley-Price Wilson McLean Gregory Menzies President, MINGUS Inc. Paul R. Marchand Counsel, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Gwen A. Nacos President, Natural Furs International Inc. Sam Reda Vice Chairman, Fiera Capital Barry Scott Melissa Sonberg Vice-President, Aeroplan LP Mary Vanaselja President, RVH Auxiliary The Donor Bulletin is presented to you by the Board of Directors of the Royal Victoria Hospital Foundation 2008-2009 Board Members Board members regretfully not present for pictures : Peter Duffield, Melissa Sonberg, Russell Hiscock, and Robert Cowling. Photographs taken by MUHC - Pierre Dubois 11
  • 12. To inspire and engage the community to actively participate in the support of the McGill University Health Centre’s Royal Victoria Hospital. The Foundation uses a variety of fundraising strategies. We capitalize on the strengths of our team members to ensure that our financial goals are met, and that our community members and generous supporters are properly recognized for the significant role they play in the future of our hospital, and the face of Montreal healthcare. Our Foundation is a melting pot of diverse professionals. The team brings an eclectic blend of proficiency, including two Certified Fund Raising Executives and over 50 years combined experience in professional fundraising. We continually trade innovative ideas on better ways to raise money, in a stronger, more timely fashion. Our mission is not only a statement but a passionate, daily commitment. We raise over $8 million a year to meet the stated priorities of the MUHC, and endeavour to keep administrative costs well within acceptable fundraising parameters. 687 Pine Avenue West, Room A1.07, Montreal (Quebec) H3A 1A1 Tel.: (514) 843-1543 Our Mission Thank Youfor being the most important part of everything we do.