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Marketing Strategy for Small
        Businesses: 2012
            Richard Masters

1                              11/10/2012
Marketing Strategy
    Whether or not digital marketing is right for your
    depends on if it fits in with a clearly thought out
    Marketing Strategy

2                                                         11/10/2012
Why Marketing Strategy?
     Marketing tends to be dominated by a considerations
        of marketing tactics.
       Digital Marketing is, in essence, just a host of new
        tactics enabled by the internet.
       It is patently useless, for example, to pursue a
        Facebook marketing strategy if none of your
        customers are not present on Facebook!
       Similarly, the best tactics available to a major
        multinational brand are very different to those of a
        small business!
       To be able to select the most appropriate tactics to
        deploy it is therefore essential to develop an
3       appropriate Marketing Strategy as a framework.11/10/2012
The principles of marketing
    The best place to start with developing a marketing
    strategy for your business is with a basic understand of
    what marketing is all about.

4                                                      11/10/2012
Principles of marketing
     Most marketing discussions are about marketing
      tactics. These can be very complex and
      expensive experts abound
     It is my contention that the principles of marketing
      are in fact very simple- especially for small
     To develop a successful marketing strategy
      (combinations of tactics) you have to get the
      basics right.
     This section looks at the basic principles as they
      apply to small businesses.
5                                                  11/10/2012
Definitions of Marketing
     Heidi Cohen asked eminent marketers for a less
      than 5 line definition of marketing.
     She got 72 very different responses ranging from
      the very simple to impenetrable, buzz word filled
     I have selected the few that, i think, are most
      relevant to small businesses. These are shown
      on the next slide......

6                                                11/10/2012
My 4 best definitions!
     “Marketing is defined as: we help people sell
      more stuff.” Joey Iazzetto
     “Marketing is helping people buy your product or
      service.” Jason Falls
     “Marketing is helping your customers understand
      how much they need something they never knew
      they needed”. Doreen Moran
     “Marketing is discovering what the prospect
      wants and demands and delivering it more
      efficiently and effectively than the
      competition”. Paul Kulavis
7                                                11/10/2012
Core Elements
     The forgoing identify that there are 3 key
         elements that are core to marketing.
         Understanding these is therefore vital to
         developing a successful marketing strategy:

    1. Your Products and Services
    2. Customers and Clients
    3. Markets and Competitors

         How to approach the analysis of each of these
          for your business is covered in the subsequent
8                                                   11/10/2012
          sections below.
Marketing Strategy: Key Drivers

9                               11/10/2012
1. Products and Services
     Understanding your products and services from a
     customer perspective is vital to a successful strategy

10                                                     11/10/2012
The Customer Perspective
      Most businesses perceive their products/services
       from a components and features point of view.
       This is understandable because this is how they
       design and put them together!
      The customers perception of your products can
       be very different because they see them from a
       different perspective!
      Customers view product/services from the
       perspective of what benefits they will bring to
      It is vital to turn this through 180 degrees and get
       a customer centric view of your                11/10/2012
Customer benefits
      Traditionally, it was assumed , ultimately, there
        were only two real customer benefits:
     1.    Saving Time
     2.    Saving Money

       More recently, it was acknowledged that some
        people get genuine utility from being associated
        with brands/groups and a third has been added:
     3.   Image

12                                                   11/10/2012
Articulating benefits
      A simple tool exists for small businesses to help
         with identifying customer benefits: FAB Analysis
        This involves converting Features. firstly into
         Advantages, and then into Benefits
        A link to download it are contained in the
         resources section
        Clearly, all of your marketing messages should
         look to demonstrate how your
         products/services provide these customer
         benefits ( and are better than the competitions!)
        If you have different groups of customers then
         you may require different sets of marketing
         messages!                                     11/10/2012
Customer Value
      A useful way of summarising and understanding your
       customer benefits is to construct a Customer Value
       Proposition (CVP).
      This describes the unique mix of product and/or
       service attributes, customer relations and
       corporate image that a business offers.
      A downloadable pro forma for a CVP is contained in
       the resources section
      In conjunction with an analysis of your competitors
       market positioning (see 3 below), this allows the
       identification of which benefit messages to use in your
       marketing activities. This is called your Unique
       Selling Proposition (USP) (see below).           11/10/2012
2. Customers and Clients
     Once you have fully understood your own products and
     services, it is vital to gain an in-depth understanding of
     your potential clients.

15                                                        11/10/2012
Types of Customers/Clients
      In order to be effective in marketing you have to
       target your marketing activities at certain groups
       of individuals.
      This is often refereed to as Target Marketing and
       the groups identified as Target Markets
      For small businesses it is useful to look at four
       types of target marketing:
     A. Personas
     B. Socio Demographic Groups
     C. Hybrid Types
     D. Local
16                                                  11/10/2012
Customer Types: Schematic

17                               11/10/2012
A. Personas
      Personas are “fictional representations of your
       ideal customers” ( Wikipedia)
      They help you build a picture of your ideal
       customer in terms of understanding his needs
       ,wants and behaviours; and therefore, how to
       present your products/services benefits to
       greatest effect
      I find it useful to imagine these as Cluedo like
       characters, where the characters embody all sorts
       of assumptions about their behaviours......

18                                                 11/10/2012
Personas as Cluedo Characters!
      Colonel Mustard                       Miss Scarlett

Colonel Mustard is the stock character of   Miss Scarlett is the resident femme
a great white hunter and colonial           fatale in Cluedo. She is typically
imperialist. He is usually a military man   portrayed as young, cunning, and
both dignified and dangerous.               highly attractive.
19                                                                   11/10/2012
Personas: Typical profile Info.
      Demographics
      Needs/Wants/ “Pain” points
      Behaviours
      Where they typically “hang out” (frequent)
      Where they typically get their
       information/influence from
      How computer literate they are ( important for
       digital marketing)
      See an example below....

20                                                  11/10/2012
Example- Social Media Persona

21                                                   11/10/2012
How to use personas in your
     marketing strategy
      Decide which of your benefits are likely to be
         most important for each persona type
        Tailor your marketing messages to be most
         relevant to them
        Select the most appropriate tactics! If your target
         clients are not online then Digital Marketing is a
         waste of time & effort!
        Target the media they use to find out about things
        Persona types are particularly important if you
         want to target new customers for your products.
         It helps you to understand them and what
22       messages are most relevant.                   11/10/2012
B. Socio Demographic Groups
      Before Personas became popular targeting was
       often done by reference to Socio Demographic
      The logic behind these types were that they were
       classifications of people into groups who showed
       similar patterns of behaviour.
      Classically these have been classifications such
       as Social Class or Social Economic Groups
      More recently Generational Groups have
       become more widely used. These are outlined
       below.                                      11/10/2012
Generational Groups
      This is recent approach based on the premise
       that birth date is a key behavioural determinant.
      This believed to be the case due to the rapid, and
       increasing, pace of change in society leading to
       successive generations showing different
      These Generation Groups are believed to be
       differentiated particularly in the attitude to, and
       use of, technology. This is because the sheer
       pace of technological developments and its
       implications over the recent past.
      The table below summarises the various
       generation groups and their characteristics from a
24                                                      11/10/2012
       marketing perspective.
Generational Groups

25                         11/10/2012
C. Hybrid Types
      These are neither pure groups nor individuals but,
       more, ad hoc groups (or typologies), defined for
       target marketing purposes . These tend to be
       based upon a combination of demographics and
      The most famous example is the first Obama
       presidential campaign who identified “Soccer
       Moms” and “Nascar Dads” as key groups to
       develop specific messages for.
      More recently groups such as “Smartphone
       Moms” , “Social Junkies” and “Techno Geeks”
       have been used to effect.
26                                                11/10/2012
Use of Hybrid Types
      Hybrid types have been proved effective in target
       marketing- especially where it has not been
       possible to identify ideal personas. However there
       are some limitations:
     1. By their more general nature they allow less
         specific message targeting.
     2. They are not comprehensive like socio
         demographic groups.
     3. They tend to be very geographically and
         culturally specific. Are Smartphone Moms or
         Nascar Dads relevant outside the US?
27                                                11/10/2012
      Local, can be regarded as a particular “persona”,
         rather than a type of its own. I treat it separately, as it
         is a very important and distinctive customer type.
        Generally speaking, if your business caters for mainly
         local customers/clients, then you approach to
         marketing is dominated by this fact.
        Examples of businesses where local is pre-eminent
         includes: local shops, coffee bars, restaurants and
         other local service providers.
        A list of potential marketing tactics are on the next
        This is a very specialist area and a link to an
28       introductory resource paper appears at the end 11/10/2012
Local Marketing tactics
     Traditional              Digital
      Word of Mouth           Local search listings
      Local Networking        Google Places/G+
      Local Advertising       Online Directories
      Leaflets & Flyers       Foursquare
      Local Newspapers        Local deals (Groupon)
      Support local events    Location specific
      Physical directories     adverts.
                               Mobile website/offers

29                                              11/10/2012
Summary on Customers &
      This section has presented a number of different
       methods of looking at clients in order to
       understand their characteristics in order to target
       your marketing messages.
      Generally, the more specific and personal you
       can get the more focussed and effective your
       messages can be. Personas are therefore the
       preferred method.
      Generation groups provide a useful context and
       Hybrid groups can be useful in some contexts.
       Beware national cultural differences
      Where Local is the overriding factor, this largely
       determines your approach to marketing.
30                                                  11/10/2012
3. Markets and Competition.
     Marketing is not undertaken in a vacuum but in a highly
     dynamic environment. It is vital to understand this to
     develop an effective marketing strategy.

31                                                     11/10/2012
Importance of Market Intelligence
       In my experience this is the area that a large
        number of marketing strategies fall down
      Marketing strategy cannot be constructed in
        isolation. Understanding the wider context,
        such as the dynamics in the marketplace, and in
        particular of the activities of your competitors, is
        absolutely vital
      Market Intelligence is looked at below under two
     1. Markets
32   2. Competitors                                  11/10/2012
1. Markets
      It is vital to understand what is happening in your
       overall marketplace as context to setting marketing
      Generally growing markets provide more
       opportunities as the number of potential customers is
       growing and competition is less.
      Declining markets are the reverse with falling
       demand where a number of legacy suppliers are
       competing for less business. Price is likely to be more
      A third important market type is a market where a
       major change is occurring- often called a market
       discontinuity- as this provides an opportunity for11/10/2012
       new products and services to succeed.
Marketing Opportunity

34                           11/10/2012
Marketing Information
      Perhaps the simplest, and most overlooked,
       method is to simply ask your potential customers
       what they want. Alternatively you can describe
       your product and ask them if they would buy it.
      Over and above this, there are many publishes
       sources of information. These provide invaluable
       information and intelligence on markets.
      The table below summarises some of the main
       sources and the resources paper contains further
       more in depth information and links etc.

35                                               11/10/2012
Markets: Information Sources

36                                  11/10/2012
2. Competitors
      Understanding who your competitors are, and
         their competitive positioning, is vital to arriving
         at your own.
        It is also useful to try and anticipate their future
         strategies as well. Never forget that they are
         actively planning at the same time you are!
        I suggest you try and pull together an implied
         marketing plan for each of your major
        Fortunately, in most industries, information on
         competitors is fairly easy to come by!
        The next few slides looks at some sources of
         competitive information.
37                                                       11/10/2012
Sources Of Competitive

38                            11/10/2012
Social Media as a Competitive
      Twitter
        Follow to identify: Marketing messages and tactics, Customers:
          who they are what they are saying, hash tags (#) used etc.
      Facebook
        Identify Company Pages: Key messages and promotions,
          numbers and characteristics of followers, customers views of
      LinkedIn.
        Company Pages. Identify the core products and services and the value
          proposition. Contains numbers and roles of employees, marketing
          messages and blog posts. Slide Share presentations
      Google+ Local( ex Places)
        Location (Maps), opening hours, Customer Reviews, Customer
      YouTube.
        Identify video marketing strategy
      Pinterest
        Identify image marketing strategy

39                                                                    11/10/2012
Marketing Grader
      Tool provided free by Hub Spot
      Very valuable for assessing you own digital
         marketing strategy
        In addition it can compare your online presence
         with your competitors.
        Number of pages, numbers of inbound links and
         where from.
        Summary of social media activity on major
        Assessment of comparative weaknesses and
         strengths of inbound marketing strategy
40                                                   11/10/2012
        More information in resource doc.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
      The culmination of the marketing strategy process
       described above is the formulation of your USP’s
      Your CVP may well be similar to your competitors.
       The USP attempts to capture what makes you
       different from your competitors. A definition is:
       “The factor or consideration presented by a seller
       as the reason that one product or service is
       different from and better than that of the
      This is the driving force for all of your marketing
      The resources document contains guidance
       details on how to put these together.          11/10/2012
Summary: Marketing Strategy
      Marketing strategy need not be complicated for small
      You do need to have an understanding of:
        Your products and services and their customer benefits.
        Your customers, and potential customers, needs and
        The wider marketplace trends and your competitors
         strategies and tactics.
      Based upon the above you can select your USP’s and
       the marketing tactics most likely to be successful for
       your business.
      Digital Marketing tactics may, may not, or have only
       limited applicability to your business.         11/10/2012
Downloadable Resources
     Document                        Link
     Products & Services Resource

     FAB Analysis Pro Forma

     CVP Pro Forma         

     Customers & Clients Resource

     Markets & Competitors 
     Resource Doc.                   k

     Competitor Analysis Pro Forma
43                                                                    11/10/2012
     Localisation Resources Doc.
Further Information/Contact
      Email:
      Website:
      Linkedin:
      G+
      Facebook:
      Twitter:

44                                                   11/10/2012

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Marketing for small businesses 2012

  • 1. Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses: 2012 Richard Masters 1 11/10/2012
  • 2. Marketing Strategy Whether or not digital marketing is right for your depends on if it fits in with a clearly thought out Marketing Strategy 2 11/10/2012
  • 3. Why Marketing Strategy?  Marketing tends to be dominated by a considerations of marketing tactics.  Digital Marketing is, in essence, just a host of new tactics enabled by the internet.  It is patently useless, for example, to pursue a Facebook marketing strategy if none of your customers are not present on Facebook!  Similarly, the best tactics available to a major multinational brand are very different to those of a small business!  To be able to select the most appropriate tactics to deploy it is therefore essential to develop an 3 appropriate Marketing Strategy as a framework.11/10/2012
  • 4. The principles of marketing The best place to start with developing a marketing strategy for your business is with a basic understand of what marketing is all about. 4 11/10/2012
  • 5. Principles of marketing  Most marketing discussions are about marketing tactics. These can be very complex and expensive experts abound  It is my contention that the principles of marketing are in fact very simple- especially for small businesses  To develop a successful marketing strategy (combinations of tactics) you have to get the basics right.  This section looks at the basic principles as they apply to small businesses. 5 11/10/2012
  • 6. Definitions of Marketing  Heidi Cohen asked eminent marketers for a less than 5 line definition of marketing.  She got 72 very different responses ranging from the very simple to impenetrable, buzz word filled gobbledegook!  I have selected the few that, i think, are most relevant to small businesses. These are shown on the next slide...... 6 11/10/2012
  • 7. My 4 best definitions!  “Marketing is defined as: we help people sell more stuff.” Joey Iazzetto  “Marketing is helping people buy your product or service.” Jason Falls  “Marketing is helping your customers understand how much they need something they never knew they needed”. Doreen Moran  “Marketing is discovering what the prospect wants and demands and delivering it more efficiently and effectively than the competition”. Paul Kulavis 7 11/10/2012
  • 8. Core Elements  The forgoing identify that there are 3 key elements that are core to marketing. Understanding these is therefore vital to developing a successful marketing strategy: 1. Your Products and Services 2. Customers and Clients 3. Markets and Competitors  How to approach the analysis of each of these for your business is covered in the subsequent 8 11/10/2012 sections below.
  • 9. Marketing Strategy: Key Drivers 9 11/10/2012
  • 10. 1. Products and Services Understanding your products and services from a customer perspective is vital to a successful strategy 10 11/10/2012
  • 11. The Customer Perspective  Most businesses perceive their products/services from a components and features point of view. This is understandable because this is how they design and put them together!  The customers perception of your products can be very different because they see them from a different perspective!  Customers view product/services from the perspective of what benefits they will bring to them  It is vital to turn this through 180 degrees and get 11 a customer centric view of your 11/10/2012 products/services.
  • 12. Customer benefits  Traditionally, it was assumed , ultimately, there were only two real customer benefits: 1. Saving Time 2. Saving Money  More recently, it was acknowledged that some people get genuine utility from being associated with brands/groups and a third has been added: 3. Image 12 11/10/2012
  • 13. Articulating benefits  A simple tool exists for small businesses to help with identifying customer benefits: FAB Analysis  This involves converting Features. firstly into Advantages, and then into Benefits  A link to download it are contained in the resources section  Clearly, all of your marketing messages should look to demonstrate how your products/services provide these customer benefits ( and are better than the competitions!)  If you have different groups of customers then you may require different sets of marketing 13 messages! 11/10/2012
  • 14. Customer Value Proposition(CVP)  A useful way of summarising and understanding your customer benefits is to construct a Customer Value Proposition (CVP).  This describes the unique mix of product and/or service attributes, customer relations and corporate image that a business offers.  A downloadable pro forma for a CVP is contained in the resources section  In conjunction with an analysis of your competitors market positioning (see 3 below), this allows the identification of which benefit messages to use in your marketing activities. This is called your Unique 14 Selling Proposition (USP) (see below). 11/10/2012
  • 15. 2. Customers and Clients Once you have fully understood your own products and services, it is vital to gain an in-depth understanding of your potential clients. 15 11/10/2012
  • 16. Types of Customers/Clients  In order to be effective in marketing you have to target your marketing activities at certain groups of individuals.  This is often refereed to as Target Marketing and the groups identified as Target Markets  For small businesses it is useful to look at four types of target marketing: A. Personas B. Socio Demographic Groups C. Hybrid Types D. Local 16 11/10/2012
  • 18. A. Personas  Personas are “fictional representations of your ideal customers” ( Wikipedia)  They help you build a picture of your ideal customer in terms of understanding his needs ,wants and behaviours; and therefore, how to present your products/services benefits to greatest effect  I find it useful to imagine these as Cluedo like characters, where the characters embody all sorts of assumptions about their behaviours...... 18 11/10/2012
  • 19. Personas as Cluedo Characters! Colonel Mustard Miss Scarlett Colonel Mustard is the stock character of Miss Scarlett is the resident femme a great white hunter and colonial fatale in Cluedo. She is typically imperialist. He is usually a military man portrayed as young, cunning, and both dignified and dangerous. highly attractive. 19 11/10/2012
  • 20. Personas: Typical profile Info.  Demographics  Needs/Wants/ “Pain” points  Behaviours  Where they typically “hang out” (frequent)  Where they typically get their information/influence from  How computer literate they are ( important for digital marketing)  See an example below.... 20 11/10/2012
  • 21. Example- Social Media Persona Types 21 11/10/2012
  • 22. How to use personas in your marketing strategy  Decide which of your benefits are likely to be most important for each persona type  Tailor your marketing messages to be most relevant to them  Select the most appropriate tactics! If your target clients are not online then Digital Marketing is a waste of time & effort!  Target the media they use to find out about things  Persona types are particularly important if you want to target new customers for your products. It helps you to understand them and what 22 messages are most relevant. 11/10/2012
  • 23. B. Socio Demographic Groups  Before Personas became popular targeting was often done by reference to Socio Demographic groups  The logic behind these types were that they were classifications of people into groups who showed similar patterns of behaviour.  Classically these have been classifications such as Social Class or Social Economic Groups (SEG’s)  More recently Generational Groups have become more widely used. These are outlined 23 below. 11/10/2012
  • 24. Generational Groups  This is recent approach based on the premise that birth date is a key behavioural determinant.  This believed to be the case due to the rapid, and increasing, pace of change in society leading to successive generations showing different behaviours  These Generation Groups are believed to be differentiated particularly in the attitude to, and use of, technology. This is because the sheer pace of technological developments and its implications over the recent past.  The table below summarises the various generation groups and their characteristics from a 24 11/10/2012 marketing perspective.
  • 26. C. Hybrid Types  These are neither pure groups nor individuals but, more, ad hoc groups (or typologies), defined for target marketing purposes . These tend to be based upon a combination of demographics and behaviours.  The most famous example is the first Obama presidential campaign who identified “Soccer Moms” and “Nascar Dads” as key groups to develop specific messages for.  More recently groups such as “Smartphone Moms” , “Social Junkies” and “Techno Geeks” have been used to effect. 26 11/10/2012
  • 27. Use of Hybrid Types  Hybrid types have been proved effective in target marketing- especially where it has not been possible to identify ideal personas. However there are some limitations: 1. By their more general nature they allow less specific message targeting. 2. They are not comprehensive like socio demographic groups. 3. They tend to be very geographically and culturally specific. Are Smartphone Moms or Nascar Dads relevant outside the US? 27 11/10/2012
  • 28. 4.Local  Local, can be regarded as a particular “persona”, rather than a type of its own. I treat it separately, as it is a very important and distinctive customer type.  Generally speaking, if your business caters for mainly local customers/clients, then you approach to marketing is dominated by this fact.  Examples of businesses where local is pre-eminent includes: local shops, coffee bars, restaurants and other local service providers.  A list of potential marketing tactics are on the next slide.  This is a very specialist area and a link to an 28 introductory resource paper appears at the end 11/10/2012
  • 29. Local Marketing tactics Traditional Digital  Word of Mouth  Local search listings  Local Networking  Google Places/G+  Local Advertising  Online Directories  Leaflets & Flyers  Foursquare  Local Newspapers  Local deals (Groupon)  Support local events  Location specific  Physical directories adverts.  Mobile website/offers 29 11/10/2012
  • 30. Summary on Customers & Clients  This section has presented a number of different methods of looking at clients in order to understand their characteristics in order to target your marketing messages.  Generally, the more specific and personal you can get the more focussed and effective your messages can be. Personas are therefore the preferred method.  Generation groups provide a useful context and Hybrid groups can be useful in some contexts. Beware national cultural differences  Where Local is the overriding factor, this largely determines your approach to marketing. 30 11/10/2012
  • 31. 3. Markets and Competition. Marketing is not undertaken in a vacuum but in a highly dynamic environment. It is vital to understand this to develop an effective marketing strategy. 31 11/10/2012
  • 32. Importance of Market Intelligence  In my experience this is the area that a large number of marketing strategies fall down upon  Marketing strategy cannot be constructed in isolation. Understanding the wider context, such as the dynamics in the marketplace, and in particular of the activities of your competitors, is absolutely vital  Market Intelligence is looked at below under two headings: 1. Markets 32 2. Competitors 11/10/2012
  • 33. 1. Markets  It is vital to understand what is happening in your overall marketplace as context to setting marketing strategy  Generally growing markets provide more opportunities as the number of potential customers is growing and competition is less.  Declining markets are the reverse with falling demand where a number of legacy suppliers are competing for less business. Price is likely to be more important.  A third important market type is a market where a major change is occurring- often called a market 33 discontinuity- as this provides an opportunity for11/10/2012 new products and services to succeed.
  • 35. Marketing Information  Perhaps the simplest, and most overlooked, method is to simply ask your potential customers what they want. Alternatively you can describe your product and ask them if they would buy it.  Over and above this, there are many publishes sources of information. These provide invaluable information and intelligence on markets.  The table below summarises some of the main sources and the resources paper contains further more in depth information and links etc. 35 11/10/2012
  • 37. 2. Competitors  Understanding who your competitors are, and their competitive positioning, is vital to arriving at your own.  It is also useful to try and anticipate their future strategies as well. Never forget that they are actively planning at the same time you are!  I suggest you try and pull together an implied marketing plan for each of your major competitors!  Fortunately, in most industries, information on competitors is fairly easy to come by!  The next few slides looks at some sources of competitive information. 37 11/10/2012
  • 38. Sources Of Competitive Information 38 11/10/2012
  • 39. Social Media as a Competitive Source  Twitter  Follow to identify: Marketing messages and tactics, Customers: who they are what they are saying, hash tags (#) used etc.  Facebook  Identify Company Pages: Key messages and promotions, numbers and characteristics of followers, customers views of offerings.  LinkedIn.  Company Pages. Identify the core products and services and the value proposition. Contains numbers and roles of employees, marketing messages and blog posts. Slide Share presentations  Google+ Local( ex Places)  Location (Maps), opening hours, Customer Reviews, Customer References  YouTube.  Identify video marketing strategy  Pinterest  Identify image marketing strategy 39 11/10/2012
  • 40. Marketing Grader  Tool provided free by Hub Spot  Very valuable for assessing you own digital marketing strategy  In addition it can compare your online presence with your competitors.  Number of pages, numbers of inbound links and where from.  Summary of social media activity on major platforms  Assessment of comparative weaknesses and strengths of inbound marketing strategy 40 11/10/2012  More information in resource doc.
  • 41. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)  The culmination of the marketing strategy process described above is the formulation of your USP’s  Your CVP may well be similar to your competitors. The USP attempts to capture what makes you different from your competitors. A definition is: “The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition”  This is the driving force for all of your marketing messages  The resources document contains guidance 41 details on how to put these together. 11/10/2012
  • 42. Summary: Marketing Strategy  Marketing strategy need not be complicated for small businesses.  You do need to have an understanding of:  Your products and services and their customer benefits.  Your customers, and potential customers, needs and wants  The wider marketplace trends and your competitors strategies and tactics.  Based upon the above you can select your USP’s and the marketing tactics most likely to be successful for your business.  Digital Marketing tactics may, may not, or have only 42 limited applicability to your business. 11/10/2012
  • 43. Downloadable Resources Document Link Products & Services Resource Doc. FAB Analysis Pro Forma CVP Pro Forma Customers & Clients Resource Doc. Markets & Competitors Resource Doc. k Competitor Analysis Pro Forma o 43 11/10/2012 Localisation Resources Doc.
  • 44. Further Information/Contact  Email:  Website:  Linkedin:  G+ : d  Facebook:  Twitter: 44 11/10/2012

Editor's Notes

  1. I have been giving this presentation for 3 years now. I laugh when i look at the original version “effective websites for small businesses”Such is the rapid changeCome complete circle on some issuesOnly an Introduction – not a how to!Small Businesses perspective onlyRe engineered it in the light of past comments and made it an overview only. Taken out a lot of detail to get within 1.5 hoursAbout apprcistion “know what you dont know” rather than “how to” education.