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ne of the first things you
will notice at the entry
of Cafe Marcel is Chef
Brian Chu – the head
chef of the French-
style restaurant chain
Marcel and Café Marcel –working
from the kitchen window. Having
interacted with French cuisine from
his very young age, Chef Brian has
been in the profession for over 13
years, without having been to any
culinary school.
Fresh ingredients found in
Vietnam are the sources
of creativity and the
foundation of our Chef’s
personal culinary style
Making authentic French
dishes with Vietnamese
fresh ingredients. This
has always been the
principle of Chef Brian
and the Café Marcel
team. Organic and
seasonal local products
are carefully selected
among trusted
Vietnamese suppliers.
The team even goes
as far as making their
We’re Café Marcel
Hi, haven’t met you before!
From the sun-filled and
breezy cafés of southern
France, Café Marcel has
arrived in Saigon, bringing
the homemade and fresh
Western taste to the
hustle and bustle city
own ingredients when they cannot
find standard products. Only in
Café Marcel can foodies find freshly
rolled pasta, newly baked buns, fully
stuffed sausages, etc.
As Chef Brian stated, “I don’t
want to be too rigid in combining
ingredients and using too many
imported products. Instead, I like to
take advantage of fresh ingredients
available in Vietnam to combine
with cooking techniques in French
cuisine. This not only helps support
Vietnamese agriculture and farmers,
but also makes me more comfortable
in creating and building a personal
culinary style.”
Always in a search for a further
“twist” to already delicious
homemade-standard recipes
At Café Marcel, the emphasis
is placed on harmony and
delicacy from taste to color
in each dish, making
your day with the
brunches. A lot of Da
Lat grown vegetables
and fruits have
been used to make
the dishes healthier
yet still tasty. Chef
Brian believes,
“In today’s world,
where the quality of
the environment is
decreasing, I want
my guests to have as
many opportunities as
possible to enjoy the
healthiest food.”
The story behind
every garish and
flavorful dish lies in the
art of using various
unique combinations
and cooking
One of the most
harmonious tastes
recommended by Chef
Brian is his sea-and-land
combination: pan-fried scallops
and smashed avocado. The Chef’s
favorite cooking technique is slow-
cook method, serving you the soft
and flavorful meat, but still
juicy while retaining its shape.
“La Marcel Family”: one
team, one spirit.
Brought to Vietnam in 2017
by a small team of French
food connoisseurs, Café
Marcel carries over the
homemade and fresh
philosophy, with twisted
brunch menu and
story-driven concept.
6 | Introduction on Café Marcel
From sunrise to sunset,
familiar confamiliar brunch
dishes in French cuisine are served
in a little sun-bathed corner of
Saigon. When the night comes, this
place transforms into a rooftop bar
with signature cocktails relieving the
stress that has accumulated throughout
the day.
Behind this significant concept is “La
Marcel Family”, who is like-minded to put
all their effort in the kitchen and go an
extra mile in the service. The team is driven
by bringing homemade recipes to a better
level and create memorial tastes in every dish.
They love to give their customers advices to
customize brunch in their way and bring them
good time when enjoying in the restaurant. Here
in Café Marcel, good vibes are what the team
can always offer you, whenever you need a
break in the bustling city.
7 | Introduction on Café Marcel
8 | Introduction on Café Marcel
9 | Introduction on Café Marcel
As the backbone and the symbol of Café Marcel, eggs and
the sides are what you will be recommended when looking
for a brunch twist. Because here in menu, the team spares
you a space to play around and build your own “Eggs
and Sides” plate. With your favorite combination of fresh
ingredients and the team’s dedication in cooking technique,
you will be surprised how brunch can turn out flavorfully
yet excitingly
Having no idea how
to order?
“mouillettes” (sodiers) – the bread with
butter, often recommended with the
sourdough. The eggs are seasoned
directly and dressed up with some
paprika and spring onions.
Scrambled eggs: cooked
in the French way, with
no ingredients added
except the butter.
The secret to the
really moist texture
is to whisk it properly
before cooking it
slowly with low heat.
can always ask the Chef to
cook it your way, even when it’s not in
the menu.
Then, move on to the homemade breads.
Sourdough for the sour and crunchy
lovers, which is made from homemade
yeast with some pumpkin and
sunflower seeds.
Muffins to pamper the fluffy and
floury addicts.
Bagels bringing the crunchy and
chewy taste, which is creatively boiled
in the water, not cooked in the oven.
Pain au lardon and emmemtal are
served as white bread base, with some
ememntal cheese and bacon on top.
Feeling the temptation yet? But
hang on! What are heroes without
sidekicks! It’s time you level up your
brunch with creative sides.
Like the ham to the burger, the
sides spice up and perfect your
The free-range eggs from Mekong Delta
are carefully chosen to meet the standard
of being the stars in your dish. The team
comes up with 4 different ways to inspire
you with eggs.
Sunny-side up eggs: as known as
the one-side-fried-
eggs, these still
remain the liquid
yolk and the
barely-set white
surface. If you
prefer, you can
also order fried
eggs, or even over-
easy eggs.
Eggs parfaits: or referred to as
a 63° egg. In Café Marcel’s version of
poached eggs, they are cooked at 65°C.
The egg is placed in a water bath at
63°C for around 40-
45 minutes, to the
point at which
the egg white
is just cooked
but the yolk is
still deliciously
creamy. This
technique keeps
the texture a bit
more moist and
runnier than usual.
Oeufs à la coque: literally
means “eggs in the shell”.
This is the Frenchiest
way to eat eggs: soft
boiled eggs served with
eggs. Brunchers at Café Marcel are
offered to indulges in many different
homemade sides:
Sauteed mushrooms and grilled
tomatoes is the “go-to” side. Who
doesn’t want to add a bit of veggies and
some freshness to their eggs?
Cheese hashbrown satisfies your
potato cravings. The potatoes are
thinly sliced and pan-fried to keep
its crunchy and crispy texture, final-
touched with some emmental cheese.
Everything is better with cheese, right?
Smashed avocado
is always favored by
healthy brunchers.
As it’s not always
the right season
for avocado, the
team choose to
smash it so they
can correct when
the avocado’s
texture is not right.
Bacon and sausage
are recommended for homemade-
recipe lovers. The bacon is
cured with soy sauce, bay
leaves, and juniper berry,
while the sausage is
made with pork belly, pork
shoulder, pork fat, fennel
seed and paprika.
Salmon gravlax is also
homemade. The gravlax is
cured with salt, pepper, sugar,
dill, and sunflower oil, serving you
the Mediterranean taste to the
fresh salmon.
Cannot decide which are your
besties yet? No worries. Keep pairing
until you find your perfect harmony.
A tasty dressing is a must to perfect
the Eggs and Sides. Café Marcel
gives you various sauces, from
sweetness to savory, to choose from:
The hollandaise is the heaviest
yet most famous sauce, with egg yolk
emulsion and melted butter, twisted
with lime.
The yogurt is the lightest
sauce, with homemade yogurt,
added with some red onions and
sweet basils.
The burrata sauce is a
mixture of stracciatella cheese
and whipped cream, with a bit of
The mushroom sauce is
made with shiitake, garlic, onion
and cream.
The pesto sauce is vegetables
base, including spinach, long
coriander, Vietnamese mint, spring
onions, vinegar, sunflower seed,
sunflower oil and olive oil.
Have you smelled your brunch yet?
Last but not least, name your Eggs
and Sides and Instagram it!
The journey is promised
to be worthy.
12 | Introduction on Café Marcel
Café Marcel got you, lazy brunchers!
Whenever you don’t feel like putting
effort in your Eggs and Sides, just
simply pick an “Everything on a Toast”.
Scramble eggs is the star of the
dish. It’s the team’s favorite in terms
of taste and texture.
Sourdough bread is
accompanied, obviously.
The sides are a combination of
a mushroom duxelle (diced shiitake
and shallot with a bit of cream), crispy
oven-baked Bayonne ham, a bit of
truffle paste and truffle oil, and a lot
of shaved parmesan.
Finally, they top it off with some
hollandaise sauce.
FYI, it’s not for the fainted heart!
Too lazy?
Get a “Everything
on a Toast”
13 | Introduction on Café Marcel
njoying the lingering after
taste from the first of the
day sip of Espresso while
waiting for a dish of eggs
& sides, one’s mind begins
to wander away from the sun-filled
rooftop to a lot of things, but never
the origin of this wonderful meal that
you’re waiting for. But that’s
going to change because
today we’ll explore
together just that topic.
First, we must
discuss why this
wonderful meal is called
what it is: “Brunch”. With
just a few taps on the
screen asking our favorite
know-it-all, Mr. Google,
and you’ll know right away it’s
a playful blend between the word
“breakfast” and “lunch”. And as the
name suggests, brunch is usually
enjoyed late in the morning, from 11
AM until 3 or 4 PM in the afternoon,
You might or might not
admit it, but brunch is no
doubt addicted, and it’s
growing on you like how
it’s fast becoming the next
trendy way to spend your
weekend morning. Brunch
is officially the new black,
but have you ever bothered
yourself about since when
was this amazing Sunday
delight born?
indicates that this meal is indeed
tailored made for us lazy bunch who
rarely have any ideas about what
the morning sun looks like. For many
years, brunch has become a staple
meal for American and British families
and it dates back to as far as the
early 19th Century. But from where
did it originate?
While many historians and food
experts are still in heated debates
about where brunch came from,
its true origin might have already
been known...
Like most dishes in the
world, Brunch doesn’t
have a clear, concrete
origin. But as you
indulge your palate in
the freshly made portion
of sunny side eggs
with sourdough bread
and homemade sauteed
mushrooms - now that’s a
mouthful, and wordplay intended
- you don’t really feel the urge to
find out. You only feel a deep grateful
sense that such a brilliant meal was
ever bought to the table.
Still, we must know at least some
ideas about when this
meal was invented so
we can be the ones to
enlighten our friends
the next time we take them to brunch.
As you’re savoring pancakes from our
sun-filled rooftop, somewhere else
in the world food historians are still
in heated debates about its origin.
Some contend that they first began
as hunt meals in England, eaten after
a successful hunt by local nobles.
Others determine that they began
as midday meals after a
fasting period. There are
even those who argue
that brunch started to
bloom as the number of
dining spots in the city
of New York bloomed,
subtly implement that
it is of American origin.
Anyhow, we can safely say that the
first mentions of brunch started to be
circulated in the 1890s in England.
‘’Brunch is cheerful, sociable and
inciting,’’ says British author Guy
Beringer in “Brunch: A Plea.” ‘’It is
talk-compelling. It puts you in a
good temper, it makes you satisfied
with yourself and your fellow beings,
it sweeps away the worries and
cobwebs of the week.’’ So although
the exact origin of brunch is still not
yet clear, we can most definitely
confirm that it came from our
desires for good food,
good times and good
vibes, especially when
you just finished
your hearty eggs
and sides.
Brunch has evolved continuously
throughout history, but its spirits
and values stay the same and are
upheld every day here at Café Marcel
Brunch has come a long way from
when it was first eaten. From simple
hunt breakfasts consist of just eggs,
stews, fruits, and sweets, we now see
an explosion of brunch restaurants
with lavish brunch buffets and more
luxurious dishes like lobsters and
smoked sturgeon. The introduction
of alcohol into brunch menus also
brought to this already
wonderful meal a distinct
style and vibe: Sipping a
glass of Mimosa on a cozy
rooftop while glancing
down the bustling streets,
imaging yourself as Ms.
Hepburn in her iconic
black dress as you put on
your sunglasses, and maybe light a
cigarette or two. Now that’s THE way
to enjoy your lazy Sunday morning!
Although brunch has changed
significantly, at Café Marcel we still
believe and hold up to the values
that had made brunch to become
such a staple meal. All of our
ingredients are purchased from the
best local Vietnamese suppliers, and
when we can’t find products to our
standards, we make them on our
own! Embracing the free-spiritedness
and the casualness of brunch, Café
Marcel strives to bring you the spirits
of brunch through our simple and
traditional Eggs and Sides, but with a
little modern twist by Chef Brian Chu
to keep you surprised.
‘‘Brunch is
sociable &
17 | Introduction on
Café Marcel
Are you ready
for Café Marcel,
because we are
eager to go the
distance to give
you a good time at
our café?
Saigon Tourist Attractions:
f you’ve done your
proper research
before coming
here, you’ll surely
know where to get
a decent sim card,
applications to book transportation
or deliver foods, how to get around to
some of the iconic tourist attractions,
and all sorts of fundamental yappity
yap. But aside from that basic
knowledge, Saigon is still a place
to be discovered. Littered around
the city are interesting nooks and
crannies even the typical Saigonese
might not have even heard of before.
Of course, we French foodies dare
not compete with the residents of
this wonderful city but let us share
with you the little knowledge that
we’ve managed to pick up from living
among the locals of “Sai Town”.
With the countless traveling articles
and blogs written about this
wonderful country, surely you’ve
heard or read about how crazy the
traffic is in Saigon - not even the
holy sanctuary of the pavement can
save you from the massive horde of
rampaging motorcycles! That’s their
territory, how dare you even walk on
it! Dangerous though it might be,
crossing the streets in Saigon is
a must-try activity for newcomers
to get a first impression of this
bustling town. But if you’re looking
to be immersed in a truly local vibe,
try cutting through the alleys and
Local Saigonese has a habit
of cutting through alleys and
backstreets to travel quickly between
the districts. We can even say that
this common practice serves as
a scale to grade your knowledge
about Saigon: The more backstreets
and alleys you know in the back of
your head, the closer you are to the
local’s way of life. While the busy
streets reflect the fast living pace
of Saigon, the alleys will show you
a much more peaceful and relaxed
side of this city: shirtless old folks
smoking and playing Chinese chess
while others watch and discuss,
old noodle selling carts that attract
people’s attention by the unique
snipping sounds of scissors, or if
you’re really lucky, a fight between
the neighbors living in that area. Now
that’s a Saigon specialty right there,
but be careful though, sometimes
a simple shouting contest
between the neighbored
housewives can quickly
turn into a no hold barred fight,
and weapons included!
You might even come across the
backstreet markets - marketplaces
that the local started-up
themselves to
trade goods
with other
people living in the neighborhood.
If you’re a newcomer in the game of
cutting through backstreets, you can
start practicing in central D1 where
the alleys are still somewhat easy
to navigate, interesting shops and
corners are plentiful and most people
there know how to speak English. But
if you want a decent challenge, try the
spider web network of back alleys in
D4 or Binh Thanh district where even
Saigon residents get lost sometimes!
While you’re in the alleys, why not
explore the street markets? Big
markets such as Ben Thanh market
or Tan Dinh market are all famous
tourist attractions now, which means
the “local vibes” that you’ll get from
these places are going to be a bit
“artificial”. So while you’re exploring
the nooks and crannies, and happen
to come across a back alley local
market, do not hesitate to explore it!
It’s where you’ll truly feel the local’s
way of living life in Saigon.
The things that you can buy there
will also be cheaper, but get warm-up
on your bargaining skills just in case.
Because these places are not tourist
attractions so you might not find
anything that can serve as souvenirs
there - items for sale are often
just daily necessities or common
Vietnamese dishes for people living
in the area. But a bowl of locally
flavored “Banh Canh” that we know
for sure you will enjoy is still better
than any wooden Ao Dai
figurine, right?
But still, just
wandering around and feeling
the local vibe is a fun experience.
If you have an interest in street
photography and want to have some
impressive close-up shots of the way
of life in Saigon, this is your chance!
Street foods in Saigon are also
must-tries! But similar to what we’ve
written above, instead of going to
tourist attractions, try a street called
Ton Dan in D4!
From basic Vietnamese foods like
Pho, Bun, and Com Tam, there are
also dim sum, dumplings, “Banh Trang
Nuong” - rice paper with a bunch
of toppings, “Banh Trang Tron” -
rice papers cut into small pieces
and mix with other ingredients like
dry beef, quail eggs, and different
sauces. There are expats-oriented
restaurants that have Vietnamese
street foods in their menus now. But
a glass of smoothie drank in a bar
can’t be compared to a cup of the
same thing but enjoyed from the
pavement of a crowded street.
The reason as to why street foods
are tasty is mainly because of the
atmosphere - an unexpected yell for
“Em oi, tinh tien” mixed with buzzing
chatters from a group of youngsters
sitting next to you and topped with
blaring sirens from people riding
around looking for something to fill
their night cravings. Those are the
unique ingredients that no fancy
restaurants can ever offer, and
street foods are more memorable
because of so! So take our advice
and Google Map your way to Ton Dan
street in D4 now to enjoy some of the
best local dishes that Saigon has to
offer. A few other places that you can
also give a try: Van Kiep street,
Binh Thanh district, Phan
Xich Long street.
But in order to do all the things above,
you’ll need a way to get around the
city. Ridesharing mobile apps are
quick ways to book your vehicles for
a cheaper price. But if you have some
spare time and are not in a rush, try
the traditional “Xe Om”.
To your surprise, most
“Xe Om” drivers know how
to communicate in English,
especially those in D1 and D3.
More than one occasion
have we seen a Western
tourist excitedly converse
with a “Xe Om” driver on the
streets. While most drivers
for ridesharing apps are young
people, “Xe Om” drivers are mostly
people from the last generations,
which means they will have a deeper
knowledge about the city and can
guide you to some interesting spots
that are not tourist-filled and give
explanations about some interesting
corners along the ride. But before
booking a “Xe Om” remember to
bargain! If both you and the driver
can come to a happy agreement, the
ride will be much more enjoyable!
Saigon is an exciting and fun city
to explore. Sure, its traffic might be
a bit chaotic and the streets might
be cacophonic at times, but when all
of those elements come together, it’s
simply one wild and amazing Saigon,
waiting for you to explore.
22 | Introduction on Café Marcel
Saigon is in its best when the sun almost
sets. Have you ever enjoyed this very
moment of the city in a sunny rooftop
corner? That’s how things are preferred
in Café Marcel. Imagine your group of
besties, playing cards and making jokes
while sipping cocktails in the sun-bathed
tables. You have pictured Café Marcel
right in its happy hour – 4 to 8 PM
23 | Introduction on Café Marcel
hen you reached this
sentence, you are
probably thinking
about being well-
seated at one of the
southern French-
inspired tables. All happiness comes
with a hefty price, but not at Café
Marcel, where happiness always
comes banging in with a whopping
50% discount! Yeah, you heard it
right! Café Marcel is giving away all
of their cocktails at half price every
day from 4 PM to 8 PM (except for
Monday because that’s their lazy
day), and even more:
Order any cocktail, glass of wine,
or beer, you will get any appetizer for
80k, or any side for 60k.
With any bottle of wine, get
a complimentary basket of
Savory Pastry.
But that’s not what this
article is all about. It is here
to let you in on how to get
the most out of the Happy Hour
promotion: what to order, what food to
pair with what drink so that you don’t
have to risk your palate, and your
ahem...purse...ahem, exploding trying
different combinations. At this
point, you may ask:
“So you’re showing
us how to take
advantage of Café
Marcel?” Sounds
crazy, right? But
that’s just how they
do it here, always
go the extra miles to
satisfy all those who
Ventoux, 2016
+ Homemade
Terrine, or
Polenta &
If you’re a fan
of dry and
smooth red wine,
try the Ventoux
2016 and pair it
with Homemade
Terrine, a paté vmade with pork
belly, chicken and pork liver, perfect
to entrance your taste buds. Or if
you prefer a creamier dish, Chef
Brian Chu’s signature Polenta &
Mushrooms is also a fine choice
with oysters, enoki and shiitake
mushrooms, added together with
some swiss chard and shave
parmesan to further enhance
the flavors with your glass of
Rioja, 2017 + Cold Cuts and
Cheese Platter
This is a perfect combination for
all cheese lovers. Café Marcel
recommends a bold and tannic drink
to pair with their Comté cheese,
Camembert cheese and cold cuts: Rioja
2017, which is a Tempranillo from Spain.
Not-A-Banh-Mi + Savory Pastry
Another interesting combination that
you can try if you prefer
to go with small bites:
one set of Savory
Pastry with a glass of
sweet cocktail, preferable the
Not-A-Banh-Mi - a mixture of
tequila, triple sec, cucumber,
24 | Introduction on Café Marcel
coriander, lime juice and a touch of kimchi syrup
for some spiciness to stimulate your palate!
Thyme Tonic + Melon, Ham and Mozzarella Bites
With melon from Da Lat, Bayonne ham, and local
mozzarella, these fresh bites would go well with
one of the fresh cocktails: Thyme Tonic. This
drink is a twist on gin and tonic, with thyme
syrup and thyme garnish.
Chardonnay, Moulin de Gassac, 2017 +
In the mood to go green? They have a
suggestion for that as well: try pairing the light
and dry white wine – Chardonnay, Moulin de
Gassac, 2017 – with Asparagus, Hollandaise,
another dish of Chef Brian’s creation. This is a
green vegetable starter with egg parfait in the
middle, dressed with butter sauce.
Pomelove + Stracciatella & Orange
If you choose to go a fruitier path, the
Stracciatella & Orange paired with Pomelove
cocktail is the direction you should head for.
The Stracciatella is the creamiest part inside
the burrata, added with some juicy oranges
and lavender oil. This goes perfectly with
a sweet cocktail and citrus notes:
Pomeloooooove, which includes pomelo
and Cointreau.
There is no better way to spend a
late afternoon, isn’t there? Grab your
besties and book a table now, while
the sun still shines.
25 | Introduction on Café Marcel
26 | Introduction on Café Marcel
Remember the
2017 Oscar?
Remember the surprising
looks on everyone’s faces
when the hosts announce
the wrong winners? The
audience was booing,
everyone was confusing,
and Jimmy was, like, what
the fudge? Yeah, that’s
how we reacted as well
when we found out that
Café Marcel doesn’t have a
freezer to store food.
ll of our dishes are made
with products bought
from local suppliers to
support them, and also
for us to have fresh food
every day”, said chef Brian Chu. “The
only food that I keep frozen in my
kitchen is beef. Other than that, I don’t
use a freezer to store any of my other
ingredients. We try hard to differentiate
from other restaurants by not having
pre-prepared dishes, and keep
ingredients for a maximum of only 3
days to always guarantee freshness.”
It was a lovely Sunday morning
that we got this chance to sit with
the man behind Marcel Gourmet
Burger, and now Café Marcel to
converse with him about some of his
finest creations. In this article, we’ll
share with you just what chef Brian
has enlightened us with: five most
noteworthy brunch dishes at Café
Marcel that you must try at least
once, and then many times more!
-known by many, loved by all!
Terrine can be understood
as a type of paté. In
Vietnamese, it can be
compared to a popular
dish called “Thit Đông”.
The Terrine’s base is
made from pork, but at
Café Marcel chef Brian
also mixes it with pig liver,
bacon, mushrooms,
chicken liver to bring a
more layered flavor. It’s
often served cold with
a salad or pickle side and
27 | Introduction on Café Marcel
sourdough bread to
counter the fattiness
of the pork base.
The perfectly
executed Terrine
according to chef
Brian, is that it
must retain a nice
pink color when
cut open, which
indicates a perfect
balance between fat,
meat, and other ingredients.
To achieve this, first, chef Brian uses
a bain-marie, a specifically made
pottery mold to cook terrine. Then the
next trick is to use a thermometer
to measure the heat inside the oven
while cooking. Once the heat reaches
60 degrees Celsius, the terrine will
have achieved his desired pinkish
shade. “At that heat, the natural
gelatin within the pork’s fat will have
been all extracted,” said chef Brian.
“Other restaurants sometimes add
extra gelatin into the dish, but at
Café Marcel I prefer to keep it
fresh and natural because after
all, it’s a traditional dish!”
take on a favored classic
The original idea for the
French Toast, or pain
perdu in French, comes
from the practice of
creating another meal
from leftover bread. The
bread would be dipped in
a mixture of eggs, milk,
cream, and honey and
then fried. It’s not just great
as a starter but also as a
nice dessert to wind up
your meal.
At Café Marcel, not
only does chef Brian
use homemade brioche,
the same type of buns
used at Marcel Gourmet
Burger, for the French
Toast, he also incorporates
Kusmi tea into the dish. The
“twist” here is that chef Brian
will infuse the Kusmi tea within the
milk and leave it for one day to fully
extract the herby and flowery flavor
into the milk, which will then be
used to make the whipped cream for
the dish. To go the extra mile and
add another Marcel certified touch,
chef Brian also adds into the dish
fresh Raspberries from Da Lat and
Raspberry coulis, which are marinated
with sugar and lime peels to add “a
kick” of freshness and balance out
the sweet and buttery flavor of the
brioche buns.
“The sugar crust of the French
Toast is really hard to get right,” said
chef Brian. “But its golden color goes
really well with the whipped cream
and raspberries.” And we knew that
is indeed true when a kind waiter
placed a dish of French Toast that we
ordered earlier on our table.
SPICY SHAKSHUKA: Mediterranean’s
finest with a local twist
Originally, this eggs-
sauce dish
was popular
28 | Introduction on Café Marcel
among Arabians and Morrocans as
breakfast, but without the spiciness.
The spicy touch was added in during
menu creation to bring the dish closer
to Vietnamese people’s taste.
For this dish, chef Brian uses red
and green peppers among other
ingredients like onions, cumin,
smashed avocado, and Feta cheese.
But instead of cooking the peppers
within the sauce, he would put them
with the salad topping. “When cooked
over a long period, the peppers
will lose their crunchiness, so I put
them with the salad instead. The
twist in this dish is how we
combine the ingredients to
still bring a very authentic
Mediterranean taste to our
Homemade Chorizo
by Café Marcel is
also used, and it’s
the source of the
spiciness found in this dish. To go
even further and bring a touch of
herbiness and freshness, our chef
adds a bit of parsley and mint to
the Shakshuka, which then will be
dressed in Tahini yogurt to enhance
the nutty and creamy flavor.
CROQUE-MARCEL: the Frenchiest
French dish at Café Marcel
But at Café Marcel, this dish
is called Croque-Marcel,
indicating a certain
twist right from how
it is named! Croque-
Marcel is made from
sourdough bread,
with Bayonne ham,
Emmental cheese, and
a béchamel sauce
made with butter, milk,
and flour.
The Marcel twist
lies in the béchamel
sauce, which is added
with a touch of truffle
to enhance its quality
as well as flavor. The
sauce is then filled
inside the sandwich
and an espuma - a cooking
technique to create a “foam-like”
quality for sauce and make it lighter
- of the béchamel is also served on
the side. “Traditionally, the béchamel
sauce is very sour and creamy,”
said chef Brian. “So when serving
the sauce separately, you won’t feel
like the sauce is too much or too
fatty.” The sunny side egg on top of
the Croque-Marcel is also special,
as it is gathered from
29 | Introduction on Café Marcel
naturally raised chickens in Vietnam,
which further reinforces our chef’s
philosophy of using fresh ingredients
from local suppliers.
ingredients for elaborate flavors
The trick in cooking the Truffle
Tagliatelle, as chef Brian revealed,
is similar to what any Italian would
tell you about cooking pasta: keep it
al dente - which literally means “to
the teeth”, a satisfying feeling when
you bite on food. The tagliatelle at
Café Marcel is also homemade
from eggs, flour, and olive oil
without any preservatives, so
they can only be used within
three days. At this point, we
totally understand why chef
Brian doesn’t use or need a
freezer in his kitchen.
As simple as this
dish might look, it
actually consists of
many different flavors:
creaminess from the
butter sauce, then
a bit of nuttiness
from hazelnut, and
some earthly scent from the
highly valued summer truffle.
Summer truffle also serves
as the twist in this dish, as it
enhances the overall quality
of the tagliatelle with its prized
nature. “The purpose of this dish
is for Vietnamese customers to
be able to experience a high-class
cuisine,” said the c hef. “But overall,
this dish looks really friendly, as I
also want to create a ‘welcome home’
feeling for everyone who steps foot
into Café Marcel.”
Our little chit chat came to an end
as the sun hit the mid-day mark to
allow chef Brian to go back to his
hungry customers. Are we satisfied?
Definitely, with both the dishes the
little knowledge we gained! As for you,
which dish will you choose for your
next brunch at Café Marcel? A creamy
Croque Marcel, a spicy Shakshuka, or
something Italian like the Tagliatelle?
Whichever dish that you might choose
afterward, you can
rest assured it didn’t
come overnight from
a freezer!

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Marcel magazine with cover

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. O ne of the first things you will notice at the entry of Cafe Marcel is Chef Brian Chu – the head chef of the French- style restaurant chain Marcel and Café Marcel –working from the kitchen window. Having interacted with French cuisine from his very young age, Chef Brian has been in the profession for over 13 years, without having been to any culinary school. Fresh ingredients found in Vietnam are the sources of creativity and the foundation of our Chef’s personal culinary style Making authentic French dishes with Vietnamese fresh ingredients. This has always been the principle of Chef Brian and the Café Marcel team. Organic and seasonal local products are carefully selected among trusted Vietnamese suppliers. The team even goes as far as making their We’re Café Marcel Hi, haven’t met you before! From the sun-filled and breezy cafés of southern France, Café Marcel has arrived in Saigon, bringing the homemade and fresh Western taste to the hustle and bustle city 4
  • 5. own ingredients when they cannot find standard products. Only in Café Marcel can foodies find freshly rolled pasta, newly baked buns, fully stuffed sausages, etc. As Chef Brian stated, “I don’t want to be too rigid in combining ingredients and using too many imported products. Instead, I like to take advantage of fresh ingredients available in Vietnam to combine with cooking techniques in French cuisine. This not only helps support Vietnamese agriculture and farmers, but also makes me more comfortable in creating and building a personal culinary style.” Always in a search for a further “twist” to already delicious homemade-standard recipes At Café Marcel, the emphasis is placed on harmony and delicacy from taste to color in each dish, making your day with the homemade-standard brunches. A lot of Da Lat grown vegetables and fruits have been used to make the dishes healthier yet still tasty. Chef Brian believes, “In today’s world, where the quality of the environment is decreasing, I want my guests to have as many opportunities as possible to enjoy the healthiest food.” The story behind every garish and flavorful dish lies in the art of using various unique combinations and cooking techniques. One of the most harmonious tastes recommended by Chef Brian is his sea-and-land combination: pan-fried scallops and smashed avocado. The Chef’s favorite cooking technique is slow- cook method, serving you the soft and flavorful meat, but still juicy while retaining its shape. “La Marcel Family”: one team, one spirit. Brought to Vietnam in 2017 by a small team of French food connoisseurs, Café Marcel carries over the homemade and fresh philosophy, with twisted brunch menu and story-driven concept. 5
  • 6. 6 | Introduction on Café Marcel From sunrise to sunset, familiar confamiliar brunch dishes in French cuisine are served in a little sun-bathed corner of Saigon. When the night comes, this place transforms into a rooftop bar with signature cocktails relieving the stress that has accumulated throughout the day. Behind this significant concept is “La Marcel Family”, who is like-minded to put all their effort in the kitchen and go an extra mile in the service. The team is driven by bringing homemade recipes to a better level and create memorial tastes in every dish. They love to give their customers advices to customize brunch in their way and bring them good time when enjoying in the restaurant. Here in Café Marcel, good vibes are what the team can always offer you, whenever you need a break in the bustling city.
  • 7. 7 | Introduction on Café Marcel
  • 8. 8 | Introduction on Café Marcel
  • 9. 9 | Introduction on Café Marcel BEHOLDthe EGGS AND SIDES As the backbone and the symbol of Café Marcel, eggs and the sides are what you will be recommended when looking for a brunch twist. Because here in menu, the team spares you a space to play around and build your own “Eggs and Sides” plate. With your favorite combination of fresh ingredients and the team’s dedication in cooking technique, you will be surprised how brunch can turn out flavorfully yet excitingly Having no idea how to order?
  • 10. “mouillettes” (sodiers) – the bread with butter, often recommended with the sourdough. The eggs are seasoned directly and dressed up with some paprika and spring onions. Scrambled eggs: cooked in the French way, with no ingredients added except the butter. The secret to the really moist texture is to whisk it properly before cooking it slowly with low heat. *DON’T FORGET: you can always ask the Chef to cook it your way, even when it’s not in the menu. Then, move on to the homemade breads. Sourdough for the sour and crunchy lovers, which is made from homemade yeast with some pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Muffins to pamper the fluffy and floury addicts. Bagels bringing the crunchy and chewy taste, which is creatively boiled in the water, not cooked in the oven. Pain au lardon and emmemtal are served as white bread base, with some ememntal cheese and bacon on top. Feeling the temptation yet? But hang on! What are heroes without sidekicks! It’s time you level up your brunch with creative sides. Like the ham to the burger, the sides spice up and perfect your The free-range eggs from Mekong Delta are carefully chosen to meet the standard of being the stars in your dish. The team comes up with 4 different ways to inspire you with eggs. Sunny-side up eggs: as known as the one-side-fried- and-never-flipped eggs, these still remain the liquid yolk and the barely-set white surface. If you prefer, you can also order fried eggs, or even over- easy eggs. Eggs parfaits: or referred to as a 63° egg. In Café Marcel’s version of poached eggs, they are cooked at 65°C. The egg is placed in a water bath at 63°C for around 40- 45 minutes, to the point at which the egg white is just cooked but the yolk is still deliciously creamy. This technique keeps the texture a bit more moist and runnier than usual. Oeufs à la coque: literally means “eggs in the shell”. This is the Frenchiest way to eat eggs: soft boiled eggs served with
  • 11. eggs. Brunchers at Café Marcel are offered to indulges in many different homemade sides: Sauteed mushrooms and grilled tomatoes is the “go-to” side. Who doesn’t want to add a bit of veggies and some freshness to their eggs? Cheese hashbrown satisfies your potato cravings. The potatoes are thinly sliced and pan-fried to keep its crunchy and crispy texture, final- touched with some emmental cheese. Everything is better with cheese, right? Smashed avocado is always favored by healthy brunchers. As it’s not always the right season for avocado, the team choose to smash it so they can correct when the avocado’s texture is not right. Bacon and sausage are recommended for homemade- recipe lovers. The bacon is cured with soy sauce, bay leaves, and juniper berry, while the sausage is made with pork belly, pork shoulder, pork fat, fennel seed and paprika. Salmon gravlax is also homemade. The gravlax is cured with salt, pepper, sugar, dill, and sunflower oil, serving you the Mediterranean taste to the fresh salmon. Cannot decide which are your besties yet? No worries. Keep pairing until you find your perfect harmony. A tasty dressing is a must to perfect the Eggs and Sides. Café Marcel gives you various sauces, from sweetness to savory, to choose from: The hollandaise is the heaviest yet most famous sauce, with egg yolk emulsion and melted butter, twisted with lime. The yogurt is the lightest sauce, with homemade yogurt, added with some red onions and sweet basils. The burrata sauce is a mixture of stracciatella cheese and whipped cream, with a bit of seasonings. The mushroom sauce is made with shiitake, garlic, onion and cream. The pesto sauce is vegetables base, including spinach, long coriander, Vietnamese mint, spring onions, vinegar, sunflower seed, sunflower oil and olive oil. Have you smelled your brunch yet? Last but not least, name your Eggs and Sides and Instagram it! The journey is promised to be worthy.
  • 12. 12 | Introduction on Café Marcel Café Marcel got you, lazy brunchers! Whenever you don’t feel like putting effort in your Eggs and Sides, just simply pick an “Everything on a Toast”. Scramble eggs is the star of the dish. It’s the team’s favorite in terms of taste and texture. Sourdough bread is accompanied, obviously. The sides are a combination of a mushroom duxelle (diced shiitake and shallot with a bit of cream), crispy oven-baked Bayonne ham, a bit of truffle paste and truffle oil, and a lot of shaved parmesan. Finally, they top it off with some hollandaise sauce. FYI, it’s not for the fainted heart! Too lazy? Get a “Everything on a Toast”
  • 13. 13 | Introduction on Café Marcel
  • 14.
  • 15. E njoying the lingering after taste from the first of the day sip of Espresso while waiting for a dish of eggs & sides, one’s mind begins to wander away from the sun-filled rooftop to a lot of things, but never the origin of this wonderful meal that you’re waiting for. But that’s going to change because today we’ll explore together just that topic. First, we must discuss why this wonderful meal is called what it is: “Brunch”. With just a few taps on the screen asking our favorite know-it-all, Mr. Google, and you’ll know right away it’s a playful blend between the word “breakfast” and “lunch”. And as the name suggests, brunch is usually enjoyed late in the morning, from 11 AM until 3 or 4 PM in the afternoon, You might or might not admit it, but brunch is no doubt addicted, and it’s growing on you like how it’s fast becoming the next trendy way to spend your weekend morning. Brunch is officially the new black, but have you ever bothered yourself about since when was this amazing Sunday delight born? indicates that this meal is indeed tailored made for us lazy bunch who rarely have any ideas about what the morning sun looks like. For many years, brunch has become a staple meal for American and British families and it dates back to as far as the early 19th Century. But from where did it originate? While many historians and food experts are still in heated debates about where brunch came from, its true origin might have already been known... Like most dishes in the world, Brunch doesn’t have a clear, concrete origin. But as you indulge your palate in the freshly made portion of sunny side eggs with sourdough bread and homemade sauteed mushrooms - now that’s a mouthful, and wordplay intended - you don’t really feel the urge to find out. You only feel a deep grateful sense that such a brilliant meal was ever bought to the table. Still, we must know at least some
  • 16. ideas about when this meal was invented so we can be the ones to enlighten our friends the next time we take them to brunch. As you’re savoring pancakes from our sun-filled rooftop, somewhere else in the world food historians are still in heated debates about its origin. Some contend that they first began as hunt meals in England, eaten after a successful hunt by local nobles. Others determine that they began as midday meals after a fasting period. There are even those who argue that brunch started to bloom as the number of dining spots in the city of New York bloomed, subtly implement that it is of American origin. Anyhow, we can safely say that the first mentions of brunch started to be circulated in the 1890s in England. ‘’Brunch is cheerful, sociable and inciting,’’ says British author Guy Beringer in “Brunch: A Plea.” ‘’It is talk-compelling. It puts you in a good temper, it makes you satisfied with yourself and your fellow beings, it sweeps away the worries and cobwebs of the week.’’ So although the exact origin of brunch is still not yet clear, we can most definitely confirm that it came from our desires for good food, good times and good vibes, especially when you just finished your hearty eggs and sides. Brunch has evolved continuously throughout history, but its spirits and values stay the same and are upheld every day here at Café Marcel Brunch has come a long way from when it was first eaten. From simple hunt breakfasts consist of just eggs, stews, fruits, and sweets, we now see an explosion of brunch restaurants with lavish brunch buffets and more luxurious dishes like lobsters and smoked sturgeon. The introduction of alcohol into brunch menus also brought to this already wonderful meal a distinct style and vibe: Sipping a glass of Mimosa on a cozy rooftop while glancing down the bustling streets, imaging yourself as Ms. Hepburn in her iconic black dress as you put on your sunglasses, and maybe light a cigarette or two. Now that’s THE way to enjoy your lazy Sunday morning! Although brunch has changed significantly, at Café Marcel we still believe and hold up to the values that had made brunch to become such a staple meal. All of our ingredients are purchased from the best local Vietnamese suppliers, and when we can’t find products to our standards, we make them on our own! Embracing the free-spiritedness and the casualness of brunch, Café Marcel strives to bring you the spirits of brunch through our simple and traditional Eggs and Sides, but with a little modern twist by Chef Brian Chu to keep you surprised. ‘‘Brunch is cheerful, sociable & inciting’’
  • 17. 17 | Introduction on Café Marcel Are you ready for Café Marcel, because we are eager to go the distance to give you a good time at our café?
  • 18. A 101 GUIDE Saigon Tourist Attractions: f you’ve done your proper research before coming here, you’ll surely know where to get a decent sim card, applications to book transportation or deliver foods, how to get around to some of the iconic tourist attractions, and all sorts of fundamental yappity yap. But aside from that basic knowledge, Saigon is still a place to be discovered. Littered around the city are interesting nooks and crannies even the typical Saigonese might not have even heard of before. Of course, we French foodies dare not compete with the residents of this wonderful city but let us share with you the little knowledge that we’ve managed to pick up from living among the locals of “Sai Town”. CROSSING THE STREETS IS SO LAST SEASON… CUTTING THROUGH BACK ALLEYS IS THE NEW BLACK NOW! With the countless traveling articles and blogs written about this wonderful country, surely you’ve heard or read about how crazy the traffic is in Saigon - not even the holy sanctuary of the pavement can save you from the massive horde of rampaging motorcycles! That’s their territory, how dare you even walk on it! Dangerous though it might be, crossing the streets in Saigon is a must-try activity for newcomers to get a first impression of this bustling town. But if you’re looking to be immersed in a truly local vibe, try cutting through the alleys and backstreets. Local Saigonese has a habit of cutting through alleys and backstreets to travel quickly between the districts. We can even say that this common practice serves as I
  • 19. ON HOW TO STAY AWAY FROM THEM! a scale to grade your knowledge about Saigon: The more backstreets and alleys you know in the back of your head, the closer you are to the local’s way of life. While the busy streets reflect the fast living pace of Saigon, the alleys will show you a much more peaceful and relaxed side of this city: shirtless old folks smoking and playing Chinese chess while others watch and discuss, old noodle selling carts that attract people’s attention by the unique snipping sounds of scissors, or if you’re really lucky, a fight between the neighbors living in that area. Now that’s a Saigon specialty right there, but be careful though, sometimes a simple shouting contest between the neighbored housewives can quickly turn into a no hold barred fight, and weapons included! You might even come across the backstreet markets - marketplaces that the local started-up themselves to trade goods with other people living in the neighborhood. If you’re a newcomer in the game of cutting through backstreets, you can start practicing in central D1 where the alleys are still somewhat easy to navigate, interesting shops and corners are plentiful and most people there know how to speak English. But if you want a decent challenge, try the spider web network of back alleys in D4 or Binh Thanh district where even Saigon residents get lost sometimes! FORGET TOURIST ATTRACTIONS, WHY NOT VISIT THE “LOCAL ATTRACTIONS” INSTEAD? While you’re in the alleys, why not explore the street markets? Big markets such as Ben Thanh market or Tan Dinh market are all famous tourist attractions now, which means
  • 20. the “local vibes” that you’ll get from these places are going to be a bit “artificial”. So while you’re exploring the nooks and crannies, and happen to come across a back alley local market, do not hesitate to explore it! It’s where you’ll truly feel the local’s way of living life in Saigon. The things that you can buy there will also be cheaper, but get warm-up on your bargaining skills just in case. Because these places are not tourist attractions so you might not find anything that can serve as souvenirs there - items for sale are often just daily necessities or common Vietnamese dishes for people living in the area. But a bowl of locally flavored “Banh Canh” that we know for sure you will enjoy is still better than any wooden Ao Dai figurine, right? But still, just wandering around and feeling the local vibe is a fun experience. If you have an interest in street photography and want to have some impressive close-up shots of the way of life in Saigon, this is your chance! EXPLORE SAIGON’S MOST EXCITING STREET FOOD HUB! DISCOVER THE SPECIAL INGREDIENT IN EVERY LOCAL’S FAVORITES Street foods in Saigon are also must-tries! But similar to what we’ve written above, instead of going to tourist attractions, try a street called Ton Dan in D4! From basic Vietnamese foods like Pho, Bun, and Com Tam, there are also dim sum, dumplings, “Banh Trang Nuong” - rice paper with a bunch of toppings, “Banh Trang Tron” - rice papers cut into small pieces and mix with other ingredients like
  • 21. dry beef, quail eggs, and different sauces. There are expats-oriented restaurants that have Vietnamese street foods in their menus now. But a glass of smoothie drank in a bar can’t be compared to a cup of the same thing but enjoyed from the pavement of a crowded street. The reason as to why street foods are tasty is mainly because of the atmosphere - an unexpected yell for “Em oi, tinh tien” mixed with buzzing chatters from a group of youngsters sitting next to you and topped with blaring sirens from people riding around looking for something to fill their night cravings. Those are the unique ingredients that no fancy restaurants can ever offer, and street foods are more memorable because of so! So take our advice and Google Map your way to Ton Dan street in D4 now to enjoy some of the best local dishes that Saigon has to offer. A few other places that you can also give a try: Van Kiep street, Binh Thanh district, Phan Xich Long street. EXPERIENCE A LOCAL DRIVE AROUND LIKE NO OTHER But in order to do all the things above, you’ll need a way to get around the city. Ridesharing mobile apps are quick ways to book your vehicles for a cheaper price. But if you have some spare time and are not in a rush, try the traditional “Xe Om”. To your surprise, most “Xe Om” drivers know how to communicate in English, especially those in D1 and D3. More than one occasion have we seen a Western tourist excitedly converse with a “Xe Om” driver on the streets. While most drivers for ridesharing apps are young people, “Xe Om” drivers are mostly people from the last generations, which means they will have a deeper knowledge about the city and can guide you to some interesting spots that are not tourist-filled and give explanations about some interesting corners along the ride. But before booking a “Xe Om” remember to bargain! If both you and the driver can come to a happy agreement, the ride will be much more enjoyable! Saigon is an exciting and fun city to explore. Sure, its traffic might be a bit chaotic and the streets might be cacophonic at times, but when all of those elements come together, it’s simply one wild and amazing Saigon, waiting for you to explore.
  • 22. 22 | Introduction on Café Marcel WHEN HAPPINESS COMES AT HALF PRICE APPY HOU H R Saigon is in its best when the sun almost sets. Have you ever enjoyed this very moment of the city in a sunny rooftop corner? That’s how things are preferred in Café Marcel. Imagine your group of besties, playing cards and making jokes while sipping cocktails in the sun-bathed tables. You have pictured Café Marcel right in its happy hour – 4 to 8 PM
  • 23. 23 | Introduction on Café Marcel W hen you reached this sentence, you are probably thinking about being well- seated at one of the southern French- inspired tables. All happiness comes with a hefty price, but not at Café Marcel, where happiness always comes banging in with a whopping 50% discount! Yeah, you heard it right! Café Marcel is giving away all of their cocktails at half price every day from 4 PM to 8 PM (except for Monday because that’s their lazy day), and even more: Order any cocktail, glass of wine, or beer, you will get any appetizer for 80k, or any side for 60k. With any bottle of wine, get a complimentary basket of Savory Pastry. But that’s not what this article is all about. It is here to let you in on how to get the most out of the Happy Hour promotion: what to order, what food to pair with what drink so that you don’t have to risk your palate, and your ahem...purse...ahem, exploding trying different combinations. At this point, you may ask: “So you’re showing us how to take advantage of Café Marcel?” Sounds crazy, right? But that’s just how they do it here, always go the extra miles to satisfy all those who come! Ventoux, 2016 + Homemade Terrine, or Polenta & Mushrooms If you’re a fan of dry and smooth red wine, try the Ventoux 2016 and pair it with Homemade Terrine, a paté vmade with pork belly, chicken and pork liver, perfect to entrance your taste buds. Or if you prefer a creamier dish, Chef Brian Chu’s signature Polenta & Mushrooms is also a fine choice with oysters, enoki and shiitake mushrooms, added together with some swiss chard and shave parmesan to further enhance the flavors with your glass of Ventoux. Rioja, 2017 + Cold Cuts and Cheese Platter This is a perfect combination for all cheese lovers. Café Marcel recommends a bold and tannic drink to pair with their Comté cheese, Camembert cheese and cold cuts: Rioja 2017, which is a Tempranillo from Spain. Not-A-Banh-Mi + Savory Pastry Another interesting combination that you can try if you prefer to go with small bites: one set of Savory Pastry with a glass of sweet cocktail, preferable the Not-A-Banh-Mi - a mixture of tequila, triple sec, cucumber,
  • 24. 24 | Introduction on Café Marcel coriander, lime juice and a touch of kimchi syrup for some spiciness to stimulate your palate! Thyme Tonic + Melon, Ham and Mozzarella Bites With melon from Da Lat, Bayonne ham, and local mozzarella, these fresh bites would go well with one of the fresh cocktails: Thyme Tonic. This drink is a twist on gin and tonic, with thyme syrup and thyme garnish. Chardonnay, Moulin de Gassac, 2017 + Asparagus In the mood to go green? They have a suggestion for that as well: try pairing the light and dry white wine – Chardonnay, Moulin de Gassac, 2017 – with Asparagus, Hollandaise, another dish of Chef Brian’s creation. This is a green vegetable starter with egg parfait in the middle, dressed with butter sauce. Pomelove + Stracciatella & Orange If you choose to go a fruitier path, the Stracciatella & Orange paired with Pomelove cocktail is the direction you should head for. The Stracciatella is the creamiest part inside the burrata, added with some juicy oranges and lavender oil. This goes perfectly with a sweet cocktail and citrus notes: Pomeloooooove, which includes pomelo and Cointreau. There is no better way to spend a late afternoon, isn’t there? Grab your besties and book a table now, while the sun still shines.
  • 25. 25 | Introduction on Café Marcel
  • 26. 26 | Introduction on Café Marcel 5 FANTASTIC DISHES BRUNCH THAT DIDN’T COME FROM THE FREEZER Remember the 2017 Oscar? Remember the surprising looks on everyone’s faces when the hosts announce the wrong winners? The audience was booing, everyone was confusing, and Jimmy was, like, what the fudge? Yeah, that’s how we reacted as well when we found out that Café Marcel doesn’t have a freezer to store food. “A ll of our dishes are made with products bought from local suppliers to support them, and also for us to have fresh food every day”, said chef Brian Chu. “The only food that I keep frozen in my kitchen is beef. Other than that, I don’t use a freezer to store any of my other ingredients. We try hard to differentiate from other restaurants by not having pre-prepared dishes, and keep ingredients for a maximum of only 3 days to always guarantee freshness.” It was a lovely Sunday morning that we got this chance to sit with the man behind Marcel Gourmet Burger, and now Café Marcel to converse with him about some of his finest creations. In this article, we’ll share with you just what chef Brian has enlightened us with: five most noteworthy brunch dishes at Café Marcel that you must try at least once, and then many times more! HOMEMADE TERRINE: well -known by many, loved by all! Terrine can be understood as a type of paté. In Vietnamese, it can be compared to a popular dish called “Thit Đông”. The Terrine’s base is made from pork, but at Café Marcel chef Brian also mixes it with pig liver, bacon, mushrooms, chicken liver to bring a more layered flavor. It’s often served cold with a salad or pickle side and
  • 27. 27 | Introduction on Café Marcel sourdough bread to counter the fattiness of the pork base. The perfectly executed Terrine according to chef Brian, is that it must retain a nice pink color when cut open, which indicates a perfect balance between fat, meat, and other ingredients. To achieve this, first, chef Brian uses a bain-marie, a specifically made pottery mold to cook terrine. Then the next trick is to use a thermometer to measure the heat inside the oven while cooking. Once the heat reaches 60 degrees Celsius, the terrine will have achieved his desired pinkish shade. “At that heat, the natural gelatin within the pork’s fat will have been all extracted,” said chef Brian. “Other restaurants sometimes add extra gelatin into the dish, but at Café Marcel I prefer to keep it fresh and natural because after all, it’s a traditional dish!” FRENCH TOASTS & RASPBERRIES: a modern take on a favored classic The original idea for the French Toast, or pain perdu in French, comes from the practice of creating another meal from leftover bread. The bread would be dipped in a mixture of eggs, milk, cream, and honey and then fried. It’s not just great as a starter but also as a nice dessert to wind up your meal. At Café Marcel, not only does chef Brian use homemade brioche, the same type of buns used at Marcel Gourmet Burger, for the French Toast, he also incorporates Kusmi tea into the dish. The “twist” here is that chef Brian will infuse the Kusmi tea within the milk and leave it for one day to fully extract the herby and flowery flavor into the milk, which will then be used to make the whipped cream for the dish. To go the extra mile and add another Marcel certified touch, chef Brian also adds into the dish fresh Raspberries from Da Lat and Raspberry coulis, which are marinated with sugar and lime peels to add “a kick” of freshness and balance out the sweet and buttery flavor of the brioche buns. “The sugar crust of the French Toast is really hard to get right,” said chef Brian. “But its golden color goes really well with the whipped cream and raspberries.” And we knew that is indeed true when a kind waiter placed a dish of French Toast that we ordered earlier on our table. SPICY SHAKSHUKA: Mediterranean’s finest with a local twist Originally, this eggs- cooked-in-tomato- sauce dish was popular
  • 28. 28 | Introduction on Café Marcel among Arabians and Morrocans as breakfast, but without the spiciness. The spicy touch was added in during menu creation to bring the dish closer to Vietnamese people’s taste. For this dish, chef Brian uses red and green peppers among other ingredients like onions, cumin, smashed avocado, and Feta cheese. But instead of cooking the peppers within the sauce, he would put them with the salad topping. “When cooked over a long period, the peppers will lose their crunchiness, so I put them with the salad instead. The twist in this dish is how we combine the ingredients to still bring a very authentic Mediterranean taste to our customers.” Homemade Chorizo by Café Marcel is also used, and it’s the source of the spiciness found in this dish. To go even further and bring a touch of herbiness and freshness, our chef adds a bit of parsley and mint to the Shakshuka, which then will be dressed in Tahini yogurt to enhance the nutty and creamy flavor. CROQUE-MARCEL: the Frenchiest French dish at Café Marcel But at Café Marcel, this dish is called Croque-Marcel, indicating a certain twist right from how it is named! Croque- Marcel is made from sourdough bread, with Bayonne ham, Emmental cheese, and a béchamel sauce made with butter, milk, and flour. The Marcel twist lies in the béchamel sauce, which is added with a touch of truffle to enhance its quality as well as flavor. The sauce is then filled inside the sandwich and an espuma - a cooking technique to create a “foam-like” quality for sauce and make it lighter - of the béchamel is also served on the side. “Traditionally, the béchamel sauce is very sour and creamy,” said chef Brian. “So when serving the sauce separately, you won’t feel like the sauce is too much or too fatty.” The sunny side egg on top of the Croque-Marcel is also special, as it is gathered from
  • 29. 29 | Introduction on Café Marcel naturally raised chickens in Vietnam, which further reinforces our chef’s philosophy of using fresh ingredients from local suppliers. TRUFFLE TAGLIATELLE: simple ingredients for elaborate flavors The trick in cooking the Truffle Tagliatelle, as chef Brian revealed, is similar to what any Italian would tell you about cooking pasta: keep it al dente - which literally means “to the teeth”, a satisfying feeling when you bite on food. The tagliatelle at Café Marcel is also homemade from eggs, flour, and olive oil without any preservatives, so they can only be used within three days. At this point, we totally understand why chef Brian doesn’t use or need a freezer in his kitchen. As simple as this dish might look, it actually consists of many different flavors: creaminess from the butter sauce, then a bit of nuttiness from hazelnut, and some earthly scent from the highly valued summer truffle. Summer truffle also serves as the twist in this dish, as it enhances the overall quality of the tagliatelle with its prized nature. “The purpose of this dish is for Vietnamese customers to be able to experience a high-class cuisine,” said the c hef. “But overall, this dish looks really friendly, as I also want to create a ‘welcome home’ feeling for everyone who steps foot into Café Marcel.” Our little chit chat came to an end as the sun hit the mid-day mark to allow chef Brian to go back to his hungry customers. Are we satisfied? Definitely, with both the dishes the little knowledge we gained! As for you, which dish will you choose for your next brunch at Café Marcel? A creamy Croque Marcel, a spicy Shakshuka, or something Italian like the Tagliatelle? Whichever dish that you might choose afterward, you can rest assured it didn’t come overnight from a freezer!