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Remember; when disaster strikes,
the time to prepare has passed. --
                      Steven Cyros
   Generally speaking, a Preppers List is a list of
    items that you will need to be able to survive in
    cases of emergencies and other severe natural or
    man-made disasters. In other words, a Preppers
    List is a survival list.
   It refers to food and water supplies and other
    equipments that are especially stocked for
    possible worst-case scenarios, where there is
    nothing or no one to seek help from.
   A Preppers List is an advance preparation for any
    catastrophe that may strike your place any time.
   The goal of a Preppers List is none other than survival. In the
    face of whatever disaster, the worst thing that could possibly
    happen to you is to breathe your last. A Preppers List is designed
    to safeguard life.
   Whether the best choice is to bug out or bug in (depending on
    the situation and considering your location and its
    circumstances), a Preppers List is still of foremost importance
    because it contains everything that would sustain your existence
    while waiting for rescue operations or while moving to a much
    safer area, while hiking or while holing up, while quickly
    evacuating or while sheltering in one place.
   During severe disasters, relief usually arrives 3 days later. Within
    which, there is absolutely no electric and water supplies, public
    services, convenience stores, etc. The aftermath of disasters can
    be as deadly as the disaster itself. A Preppers List is designed for
    these possibilities.
   Everyone! As everyone must be prepared at all
    times for any calamity, everyone should come up
    with a Preppers List. Never forget to include in
    your preparation your little kids and old family
   Getting ready in advance for whatever kinds of
    disaster is everyone’s business regardless of
    country, age, or religion. After all, everyone
    values life.
   Disaster strikes anywhere at any random time.
    Anyone who is caught unprepared can be an
    additional fatality.
   Now! As indicated in the title page of this
    slideshow, “when disaster strikes, the time to
    prepare has passed.” You will never ever be given
    even a short minute to prepare for your needs
    when a disaster is already knocking at your door.
   The word “advance” is always indispensable in
    every Preppers List. After all, nobody knows when
    a serious disaster strikes. It surprisingly strikes
   And remember, it wasn’t raining (in fact, it was a
    beautiful day) when Noah built the ark.
   Dec. 2011- Tropical storm Washi hit the
    Southern Philippines killing almost 1000
   Mar. 2011- An 8.9-magnitude earthquake
    immediately followed by a tsunami killed
    more than 15,000 Japanese.
   Jan. 2010- A 7.0-magnitude earthquake in
    Haiti took more than 230,000 lives.
   Aug. 2005- Hurricane Katrina has almost
    2000 Americans dead.

An act of preparation could have greatly
 changed the fatality figure above. Coming up
 with a Preppers List is not a bad start at all.
I.   A bag or pack
     To begin with, you got to have a bag or any other kind of
     pack which is portable enough to be quickly grabbed in
     just a matter of seconds before darting off in case of
     emergency situations. Before moving on to choose your
     contents, it is important to seriously consider your
     choice of bug out bag. A reliable bug out bag is one
     which has enough space to accommodate all your items.
     Disaster relief and management organizations
     recommend that a bug out bag should contain
     emergency supplies good for at least three days.
     Further, it should be durable enough to withstand
     extreme punishment, comfortable to wear while moving,
     waterproof, and should have a lot of helpful features.
     Here is a short video that introduces you to a BOB or bug
     out bag:
II.   Contents
      The contents of a bug out bag may vary depending on your specific location
      and its circumstances, and your personal need. Take into consideration the
      climate of your place and the terrain. Determine whether your area is prone to
      earthquake, hurricane, wildfire, flood, tornado, etc. This will matter a lot when
      you set up your bug out bag. Nevertheless, every bug out bag should contain
      the basics. Regardless of your location, make sure to include in your bug out
      bag the following:
         1. Food and Water
         2. Shelter
         3. Hygiene and Sanitation
         4. Clothing
         5. First Aid Kit
         6. Basic Tools and other Equipments
         7. Communication
         8. Security
         9. Important Documents
         10. Money
         11. Stress Relievers
      When setting up, take note of the 72-hour self-contained survival that your
      bug out bag is basically designed for. But also bear in mind to carry only what
      you can comfortably carry. You might get exhausted by your bug out bag even
      before your reach your destination.
Let me mention water first because second to oxygen, it is
  the most important nutrient the human body needs. You
  can survive for about 3 weeks without food but you can
  only make it 3-4 days without water. If properly hydrated,
  you can even go beyond 3 weeks without food. So, you got
  to have at least 3 liters of water in your bug out bag. A
  liter per day is good enough to keep you going. However,
  as you must make sure the water you drink from other
  sources is safe, always keep with you water filters and
  water purifiers. Besides, there are many uses of water
  when bugging out. Aside from drinking, you may also use
  a certain amount of your 3 liters for washing and cooking.
  You have to find a source of clean water. With your 3 liters,
  you can hydrate yourself properly enough until you get to
  a clean source of water.
Even if you can survive for weeks without food, it is best to stay in
  good shape. Food is very important when bugging out. You really
  need to have the energy and the strength to carry on. An ideal
  choice of a bug out bag food is that which is very high in calories
  and protein, has a long storage life, very easy and quick to
  prepare, compact and lightweight. MRE’s, energy bars, snack
  bars, crackers, noodles, tuna boxes, etc are great bug out bag
  food choices. Also, Mountain House Freeze Dried Food is one of
  the best. The great thing about their products is that they make
  really delicious meals outside your home. Mountain House has a
  wide variety of choices that would satisfy your personal taste and
  preferences of a bug out bag food. Try to go over some of their
  flavorful products here:
When we talk of survival, it has many aspects.
 Basically, food and water are not enough for you
 to be able to make it to your destination. You
 also got to have a good shelter. This is to provide
 you a warm place for a good rest after an
 exhausting day, and protection from external
 elements such as cold and rain and some creepy
 insects. You can have a tent, a tarp, or a sleeping
 bag. It would also be a good thing to have an
 emergency blanket and hand and body warmers.
 And to keep you dry and comfortable in your
 sleep all night long, you can have a pad
 underneath your shelter or a ground tarp.
In times of severe calamities, it is a big survival factor
  to stay healthy. If your body will give up, survival may
  be a hard aim to reach. That is why hygiene and
  sanitation is a must in every bug out bag. This
  includes soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, wet wipes,
  sanitizers, toilet papers, tissue, gloves, sanitary
  napkins for women, diapers for babies, razor for
  men, and other toiletry stuff. Maintaining good
  hygiene and proper sanitation is greatly needed in
  times of calamities to prevent yourself from
  contacting diseases and infections. Keeping yourself
  healthy and your body strong is one way to survive.
  So even in the absence of running water and toilets,
  you got to keep yourself clean in some ways.
This is another bodily need you have to prepare. When
  serious disasters strike, the weather can be very ruthless
  that it might be dangerous to the extent that it is life
  threatening. You have to have protection for your body
  from strong winds, rain, cold, and burning heat from the
  sun. This is another survival step to keep your body in
  good shape. Bug out bag clothing includes several pairs of
  socks, extra shirts, shorts or pants, gloves, jacket, poncho,
  rain coat, bandanna, hat, and several extra under wears.
  Wet and dirty clothes may cause your body to weaken, so
  it is very important to wear fresh and dry clothes. As much
  as possible, your choice of clothing should be those that
  are made from synthetic fibers or wool. Avoid cotton as it
  takes the heat away from your body when it becomes wet.
  Of course, when preparing for your bug out bag clothing,
  take note of your specific climate.
In whatever disaster, it is critical to maintain your physical
  well-being. Any injury or sickness not attended
  immediately can turn into a life threatening situation.
  Remember, there are no medical professionals to seek
  help from, absolutely no 911 to call; you only have
  yourself to treat yourself. The only aid that is available to
  you during severe calamities is first aid. So keeping a first
  aid kit in your bug out bag is very much needed. The best
  first aid kit is that which you personally make. Also,
  consider having first aid lessons and manuals. Try to store
  medicines for simple sickness such as colds and fever, as
  well as antibiotics and pain relievers. To avoid infections
  from bites, wounds, and scratches have some bandages,
  disinfectants, antiseptic sprays, and other dressing
  materials. Tweezers, scissors, gloves, and other first aid
  tools are also helpful.
Basically, your bug out bag should contain several tools
  and other equipments that you may need while
  bugging out. Tools and equipments are more general
  terms I am using here to cover several bug out bag
  gears. Basically, these are grouped into cooking
  tools, fire-making tools, cutting tools, lighting tools,
  and other tools and equipments. Many of these tools
  have several functions. For example, you can use
  your knife for cutting firewood or for preparing your
  shelter. You can use your fire-making materials for
  cooking or for making bonfire to heat up during cold
  nights. And who knows what’s in store for you while
  bugging out? It is always better to come with extra
  preparation than falling short of preparation. It
  matters a lot when it comes to survival.
   Cooking Tools- While cooking is not encouraged while bugging
    out, you still need some cooking materials especially for your
    meal. A small stove or burner with fuel, a pot for boiling water,
    spoon, fork, and knife- that’s all you basically need for your
    cooking materials.
   Fire-making Tools- Make sure to have at least three different
    fire-making tools in your bug out bag. This will see to it that you
    can still manage to make fire even if the other tools are not
    working or are not anymore available. Make sure to have boxes
    of waterproof matches, waterproof and windproof lighters plus a
    refill fluid, magnesium stick, firesteel, ferrocerium rod, or other
    fire-starting tool.
   Cutting Tools- This may include an axe or hatchet, folding and
    fixed-blade knives of different sizes, a folding saw, a multi-tool,
    foldable shovel, and a knife sharpener to make sure your knives
    have sharp edges.
   Lighting Tools- For this, you must have at least 2 flashlights with
    extra batteries, lantern and fuel, hand-crank light, glow sticks,
    road flares, or even candles.
   Other Tools and Equipments- It is also a good thing to have at
    least 50 feet of durable rope or cord, rolls of duct tape, wires, or
    a sewing kit.
During disasters, it is very important to constantly monitor
 updates on the situation. There is a great need to be well-
 informed of the current status of things. This is another
 survival factor when bugging out as you really need
 guiding information about the weather, evacuation routes,
 dangerous and safe areas, government announcements,
 and so on and so forth. However, expect no electricity
 when bugging out. News bulletins and other information
 can only be accessed through hand-crank emergency
 radio, battery-powered or solar-powered radio. Make sure
 you have one of these kinds of portable AM/FM radio in
 your bug out bag. If you prefer a battery-powered portable
 radio, see to it that you have an ample supply of extra
 batteries. You may also bring cell phones. The network
 may be functioning and you can use it to call for
 assistance. Whistles and flares may also be useful to
 attract attention.
There is always a need to protect yourself and your loved
  ones during disasters, both from people and from
  dangerous animals. Usually, when severe disasters strike,
  a lot of people go into panic. Especially when supplies are
  already exhausted, there is a great possibility that some
  individuals will try to assault another. This is about
  survival, expect that others will go as far as taking another
  person’s water supply to quench their thirst. Severe
  disasters often result into an absence of the rule of law.
  Other people will simply go crazy and you have to defend
  yourself. So you have to include in your bug out bag a
  pistol, a rifle, a long gun with scope, or a pepper gun.
  Your gun can also be used for hunting if a need arises.
  Make sure to include an ample supply of ammunition and
  several rounds of magazines. Your survival knife can also
  be used as a security weapon. Other weapons include
  clubs, sticks, slingshots, and so on.
Important documents for your bug out bag include
  copies of your birth certificate, identification
  cards, insurance forms, list of phone numbers,
  marriage license, wills and testaments, credit
  card information, driver’s license, and gun
  license. Also include different maps of your area
  showing the trails and routes that may be used
  when evacuating. Important documents also
  include a survival handbook, a disaster plan, and
  various emergency manuals. If possible, have
  your maps and your disaster plan laminated so
  that you can still make use of it even it is wet.
A certain amount of cash may be of great help
 during severe disasters. Although it may happen
 that other people prefer to barter items during
 disasters, there may still have instances when
 your money is needed. Some people might prefer
 cash when you need something from them such
 as their services or some particular items. You
 may also come across vending machines or
 phone booths; you definitely need a a few bucks
 and quarters for those. Your money may also be
 needed when you try getting a ride. Otherwise,
 you may also bring with you gold and silver coins
 or jewelries in case the currency does not have
 value anymore.
When a disastrous phenomenon strikes your place, the
 impact will definitely go beyond the rubbles and
 wreckages that you can immediately observe around
 you. The experience itself will surely be traumatic and
 stressful. There is therefore a need to confront the
 psychological factor in every emergency event if you
 want to survive well and good through all the ordeals.
 You therefore have to include in your bug out bag
 some sort of stress relievers. This may include
 several games, toys, pocket books, magazines, and
 other inspirational reading materials. A deck of cards,
 paper and pens, or even candies and sweet desserts
 can be great ways of temporarily liberating yourself
 from the psychological impact of the calamity. This is
 especially needed when you have little kids with you.
Make no mistake, a BOB or Bug Out Bag, a 72-hour
 kit, a Go Bag, a Get Home Bag, an EDC or Every
 Day Carry, a GOOD or Get Out OF Dodge, a Ditch
 Kit, etc all mean the same thing. The sad reality
 and irony about it is that along with its myriad of
 names is the fact that 99% of the people do not
 have it. Perhaps that explains why disasters and
 calamities always claim a great toll of human
 lives every time they strike, and why the
 aftermath seems to be as ruthless as the disaster
 itself. There is no better way to face such cruel
 possibilities than to be prepared at all times. And
 the best time to come up with your own Preppers
 List is now. Be among the 1% that has confidence
 of their survival in the face of inevitable disasters
 of this world.
There are unwritten rules when setting up a bug out
 bag. Avoid weight. Avoid Bulk. Avoid unnecessary
 items. The goal is to come up not just with a reliable
 bug out bag but an ultra lightweight and compact
 bug out bag. Always remember, bugging out is a very
 quick response to a need to evacuate. Especially if
 there is no available bug out vehicle, you really have
 to trim down your Preppers List only to what is really
 necessary. There might be a lot of hiking and
 climbing when bugging out, so make sure you are
 very comfortable with your pack even after a long
 day’s walk. Never allow yourself to be worn out by
 your pack even before arriving at your destination.
 You might have survived the disaster itself but if you
 fail to make it to your safe destination, you might still
 be an additional fatality. Use your strength and
 energy wisely to survive.
If you have come this far, you must have learned
   something about Preppers List from the previous
   slides. The next thing for you to do now is to start
   setting it up. Try to consider the places where you
   usually spend the long hours of your day. Most
   probably, when disaster strikes, heaven forbid, you
   will find yourself in those areas. It may be in your
   workplace, or in your home, or in your car. So the
   best way to be prepared at all times is to have a bug
   out bag ready in all those places. Put them in a
   specific place where you can easily and quickly reach
   for it. Any minute a disaster strikes, you can easily
   grab it off and look for a much safer place. This will
   critically increase the possibility of your survival.
So there you have it! Always pray for the best
 but prepare for the worst! Remember,
 survival is not free. You have to spend for it,
 prepare for it, and fight for it.

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                      Listen to Podcast:
                    Politics and Preppers

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Preppers List

  • 1. Remember; when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed. -- Steven Cyros
  • 2. Generally speaking, a Preppers List is a list of items that you will need to be able to survive in cases of emergencies and other severe natural or man-made disasters. In other words, a Preppers List is a survival list.  It refers to food and water supplies and other equipments that are especially stocked for possible worst-case scenarios, where there is nothing or no one to seek help from.  A Preppers List is an advance preparation for any catastrophe that may strike your place any time.
  • 3. The goal of a Preppers List is none other than survival. In the face of whatever disaster, the worst thing that could possibly happen to you is to breathe your last. A Preppers List is designed to safeguard life.  Whether the best choice is to bug out or bug in (depending on the situation and considering your location and its circumstances), a Preppers List is still of foremost importance because it contains everything that would sustain your existence while waiting for rescue operations or while moving to a much safer area, while hiking or while holing up, while quickly evacuating or while sheltering in one place.  During severe disasters, relief usually arrives 3 days later. Within which, there is absolutely no electric and water supplies, public services, convenience stores, etc. The aftermath of disasters can be as deadly as the disaster itself. A Preppers List is designed for these possibilities.
  • 4. Everyone! As everyone must be prepared at all times for any calamity, everyone should come up with a Preppers List. Never forget to include in your preparation your little kids and old family members.  Getting ready in advance for whatever kinds of disaster is everyone’s business regardless of country, age, or religion. After all, everyone values life.  Disaster strikes anywhere at any random time. Anyone who is caught unprepared can be an additional fatality.
  • 5. Now! As indicated in the title page of this slideshow, “when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed.” You will never ever be given even a short minute to prepare for your needs when a disaster is already knocking at your door.  The word “advance” is always indispensable in every Preppers List. After all, nobody knows when a serious disaster strikes. It surprisingly strikes anytime.  And remember, it wasn’t raining (in fact, it was a beautiful day) when Noah built the ark.
  • 6. Dec. 2011- Tropical storm Washi hit the Southern Philippines killing almost 1000 people.  Mar. 2011- An 8.9-magnitude earthquake immediately followed by a tsunami killed more than 15,000 Japanese.  Jan. 2010- A 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti took more than 230,000 lives.  Aug. 2005- Hurricane Katrina has almost 2000 Americans dead. An act of preparation could have greatly changed the fatality figure above. Coming up with a Preppers List is not a bad start at all.
  • 7. I. A bag or pack To begin with, you got to have a bag or any other kind of pack which is portable enough to be quickly grabbed in just a matter of seconds before darting off in case of emergency situations. Before moving on to choose your contents, it is important to seriously consider your choice of bug out bag. A reliable bug out bag is one which has enough space to accommodate all your items. Disaster relief and management organizations recommend that a bug out bag should contain emergency supplies good for at least three days. Further, it should be durable enough to withstand extreme punishment, comfortable to wear while moving, waterproof, and should have a lot of helpful features. Here is a short video that introduces you to a BOB or bug out bag:
  • 8. II. Contents The contents of a bug out bag may vary depending on your specific location and its circumstances, and your personal need. Take into consideration the climate of your place and the terrain. Determine whether your area is prone to earthquake, hurricane, wildfire, flood, tornado, etc. This will matter a lot when you set up your bug out bag. Nevertheless, every bug out bag should contain the basics. Regardless of your location, make sure to include in your bug out bag the following: 1. Food and Water 2. Shelter 3. Hygiene and Sanitation 4. Clothing 5. First Aid Kit 6. Basic Tools and other Equipments 7. Communication 8. Security 9. Important Documents 10. Money 11. Stress Relievers When setting up, take note of the 72-hour self-contained survival that your bug out bag is basically designed for. But also bear in mind to carry only what you can comfortably carry. You might get exhausted by your bug out bag even before your reach your destination.
  • 9. Let me mention water first because second to oxygen, it is the most important nutrient the human body needs. You can survive for about 3 weeks without food but you can only make it 3-4 days without water. If properly hydrated, you can even go beyond 3 weeks without food. So, you got to have at least 3 liters of water in your bug out bag. A liter per day is good enough to keep you going. However, as you must make sure the water you drink from other sources is safe, always keep with you water filters and water purifiers. Besides, there are many uses of water when bugging out. Aside from drinking, you may also use a certain amount of your 3 liters for washing and cooking. You have to find a source of clean water. With your 3 liters, you can hydrate yourself properly enough until you get to a clean source of water.
  • 10. Even if you can survive for weeks without food, it is best to stay in good shape. Food is very important when bugging out. You really need to have the energy and the strength to carry on. An ideal choice of a bug out bag food is that which is very high in calories and protein, has a long storage life, very easy and quick to prepare, compact and lightweight. MRE’s, energy bars, snack bars, crackers, noodles, tuna boxes, etc are great bug out bag food choices. Also, Mountain House Freeze Dried Food is one of the best. The great thing about their products is that they make really delicious meals outside your home. Mountain House has a wide variety of choices that would satisfy your personal taste and preferences of a bug out bag food. Try to go over some of their flavorful products here:
  • 11. When we talk of survival, it has many aspects. Basically, food and water are not enough for you to be able to make it to your destination. You also got to have a good shelter. This is to provide you a warm place for a good rest after an exhausting day, and protection from external elements such as cold and rain and some creepy insects. You can have a tent, a tarp, or a sleeping bag. It would also be a good thing to have an emergency blanket and hand and body warmers. And to keep you dry and comfortable in your sleep all night long, you can have a pad underneath your shelter or a ground tarp.
  • 12. In times of severe calamities, it is a big survival factor to stay healthy. If your body will give up, survival may be a hard aim to reach. That is why hygiene and sanitation is a must in every bug out bag. This includes soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, wet wipes, sanitizers, toilet papers, tissue, gloves, sanitary napkins for women, diapers for babies, razor for men, and other toiletry stuff. Maintaining good hygiene and proper sanitation is greatly needed in times of calamities to prevent yourself from contacting diseases and infections. Keeping yourself healthy and your body strong is one way to survive. So even in the absence of running water and toilets, you got to keep yourself clean in some ways.
  • 13. This is another bodily need you have to prepare. When serious disasters strike, the weather can be very ruthless that it might be dangerous to the extent that it is life threatening. You have to have protection for your body from strong winds, rain, cold, and burning heat from the sun. This is another survival step to keep your body in good shape. Bug out bag clothing includes several pairs of socks, extra shirts, shorts or pants, gloves, jacket, poncho, rain coat, bandanna, hat, and several extra under wears. Wet and dirty clothes may cause your body to weaken, so it is very important to wear fresh and dry clothes. As much as possible, your choice of clothing should be those that are made from synthetic fibers or wool. Avoid cotton as it takes the heat away from your body when it becomes wet. Of course, when preparing for your bug out bag clothing, take note of your specific climate.
  • 14. In whatever disaster, it is critical to maintain your physical well-being. Any injury or sickness not attended immediately can turn into a life threatening situation. Remember, there are no medical professionals to seek help from, absolutely no 911 to call; you only have yourself to treat yourself. The only aid that is available to you during severe calamities is first aid. So keeping a first aid kit in your bug out bag is very much needed. The best first aid kit is that which you personally make. Also, consider having first aid lessons and manuals. Try to store medicines for simple sickness such as colds and fever, as well as antibiotics and pain relievers. To avoid infections from bites, wounds, and scratches have some bandages, disinfectants, antiseptic sprays, and other dressing materials. Tweezers, scissors, gloves, and other first aid tools are also helpful.
  • 15. Basically, your bug out bag should contain several tools and other equipments that you may need while bugging out. Tools and equipments are more general terms I am using here to cover several bug out bag gears. Basically, these are grouped into cooking tools, fire-making tools, cutting tools, lighting tools, and other tools and equipments. Many of these tools have several functions. For example, you can use your knife for cutting firewood or for preparing your shelter. You can use your fire-making materials for cooking or for making bonfire to heat up during cold nights. And who knows what’s in store for you while bugging out? It is always better to come with extra preparation than falling short of preparation. It matters a lot when it comes to survival.
  • 16. Cooking Tools- While cooking is not encouraged while bugging out, you still need some cooking materials especially for your meal. A small stove or burner with fuel, a pot for boiling water, spoon, fork, and knife- that’s all you basically need for your cooking materials.  Fire-making Tools- Make sure to have at least three different fire-making tools in your bug out bag. This will see to it that you can still manage to make fire even if the other tools are not working or are not anymore available. Make sure to have boxes of waterproof matches, waterproof and windproof lighters plus a refill fluid, magnesium stick, firesteel, ferrocerium rod, or other fire-starting tool.  Cutting Tools- This may include an axe or hatchet, folding and fixed-blade knives of different sizes, a folding saw, a multi-tool, foldable shovel, and a knife sharpener to make sure your knives have sharp edges.  Lighting Tools- For this, you must have at least 2 flashlights with extra batteries, lantern and fuel, hand-crank light, glow sticks, road flares, or even candles.  Other Tools and Equipments- It is also a good thing to have at least 50 feet of durable rope or cord, rolls of duct tape, wires, or a sewing kit.
  • 17. During disasters, it is very important to constantly monitor updates on the situation. There is a great need to be well- informed of the current status of things. This is another survival factor when bugging out as you really need guiding information about the weather, evacuation routes, dangerous and safe areas, government announcements, and so on and so forth. However, expect no electricity when bugging out. News bulletins and other information can only be accessed through hand-crank emergency radio, battery-powered or solar-powered radio. Make sure you have one of these kinds of portable AM/FM radio in your bug out bag. If you prefer a battery-powered portable radio, see to it that you have an ample supply of extra batteries. You may also bring cell phones. The network may be functioning and you can use it to call for assistance. Whistles and flares may also be useful to attract attention.
  • 18. There is always a need to protect yourself and your loved ones during disasters, both from people and from dangerous animals. Usually, when severe disasters strike, a lot of people go into panic. Especially when supplies are already exhausted, there is a great possibility that some individuals will try to assault another. This is about survival, expect that others will go as far as taking another person’s water supply to quench their thirst. Severe disasters often result into an absence of the rule of law. Other people will simply go crazy and you have to defend yourself. So you have to include in your bug out bag a pistol, a rifle, a long gun with scope, or a pepper gun. Your gun can also be used for hunting if a need arises. Make sure to include an ample supply of ammunition and several rounds of magazines. Your survival knife can also be used as a security weapon. Other weapons include clubs, sticks, slingshots, and so on.
  • 19. Important documents for your bug out bag include copies of your birth certificate, identification cards, insurance forms, list of phone numbers, marriage license, wills and testaments, credit card information, driver’s license, and gun license. Also include different maps of your area showing the trails and routes that may be used when evacuating. Important documents also include a survival handbook, a disaster plan, and various emergency manuals. If possible, have your maps and your disaster plan laminated so that you can still make use of it even it is wet.
  • 20. A certain amount of cash may be of great help during severe disasters. Although it may happen that other people prefer to barter items during disasters, there may still have instances when your money is needed. Some people might prefer cash when you need something from them such as their services or some particular items. You may also come across vending machines or phone booths; you definitely need a a few bucks and quarters for those. Your money may also be needed when you try getting a ride. Otherwise, you may also bring with you gold and silver coins or jewelries in case the currency does not have value anymore.
  • 21. When a disastrous phenomenon strikes your place, the impact will definitely go beyond the rubbles and wreckages that you can immediately observe around you. The experience itself will surely be traumatic and stressful. There is therefore a need to confront the psychological factor in every emergency event if you want to survive well and good through all the ordeals. You therefore have to include in your bug out bag some sort of stress relievers. This may include several games, toys, pocket books, magazines, and other inspirational reading materials. A deck of cards, paper and pens, or even candies and sweet desserts can be great ways of temporarily liberating yourself from the psychological impact of the calamity. This is especially needed when you have little kids with you.
  • 22. Make no mistake, a BOB or Bug Out Bag, a 72-hour kit, a Go Bag, a Get Home Bag, an EDC or Every Day Carry, a GOOD or Get Out OF Dodge, a Ditch Kit, etc all mean the same thing. The sad reality and irony about it is that along with its myriad of names is the fact that 99% of the people do not have it. Perhaps that explains why disasters and calamities always claim a great toll of human lives every time they strike, and why the aftermath seems to be as ruthless as the disaster itself. There is no better way to face such cruel possibilities than to be prepared at all times. And the best time to come up with your own Preppers List is now. Be among the 1% that has confidence of their survival in the face of inevitable disasters of this world.
  • 23. There are unwritten rules when setting up a bug out bag. Avoid weight. Avoid Bulk. Avoid unnecessary items. The goal is to come up not just with a reliable bug out bag but an ultra lightweight and compact bug out bag. Always remember, bugging out is a very quick response to a need to evacuate. Especially if there is no available bug out vehicle, you really have to trim down your Preppers List only to what is really necessary. There might be a lot of hiking and climbing when bugging out, so make sure you are very comfortable with your pack even after a long day’s walk. Never allow yourself to be worn out by your pack even before arriving at your destination. You might have survived the disaster itself but if you fail to make it to your safe destination, you might still be an additional fatality. Use your strength and energy wisely to survive.
  • 24. If you have come this far, you must have learned something about Preppers List from the previous slides. The next thing for you to do now is to start setting it up. Try to consider the places where you usually spend the long hours of your day. Most probably, when disaster strikes, heaven forbid, you will find yourself in those areas. It may be in your workplace, or in your home, or in your car. So the best way to be prepared at all times is to have a bug out bag ready in all those places. Put them in a specific place where you can easily and quickly reach for it. Any minute a disaster strikes, you can easily grab it off and look for a much safer place. This will critically increase the possibility of your survival.
  • 25. So there you have it! Always pray for the best but prepare for the worst! Remember, survival is not free. You have to spend for it, prepare for it, and fight for it. Visit Best Bug Out Bag Contents Blog: Listen to Podcast: Politics and Preppers