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               WORD 2007

         Rafael Alejandro romero rojas

         Instructor: Alfonzo caro portillo
                   Bogotá d.c
               1 de enero de 2010

    2. Understand the installation and use of the tool.

    3. Provide recognition for the reader of the work environment of the MS
       tool. Word 2007

    4. Make brief description of the tabs located in the Ribbon

    5. Generate general objectives and specific objectives of the manual

     6. Descriptive statistics (Graphics Tools):

           a. Steps to enter and exit Word 2007
           b. Steps to save or open a file
           c. Steps to insert style Wordart
           d. Steps for working with office button
           e. Steps to work with the format box
           f. Steps to insert bullets and symbols
           g. Steps to set type, font style, size, color,
           Underline style and effects to text
          h. Steps to format a table
          i. Steps to Change Case
          j. Steps to set up a page
          k. Steps to insert equations
          l. Steps for working with forms and style formatting

           m. Steps to insert chart
           n. Steps to print a file
           o. Steps to insert watermarks and frames to

           p. steps to insert comments to document
           q. steps for working with text boxes

      7. Conduct research on software that can replace
       MS. Word and understand their strengths and weaknesses

A text processor is a computer science program that allows the
creation, modification and impression of documents,
fundamentally of text. The present text processors allow to very
create drafted and complex documents with the inclusion in such
of diverse tables, graphs, images and other objects. Also, they
incorporate tools outposts for the orthographic correction,
customized letter creation, letters model, groups and other many
applications that allow to maximize the yield of any work that
requires the document creation of type text.

2.   Understand the installation and utility of the tool
First and Student 2007 in the unit of DVD or CD inserts the CD of installation of
Office Home.

                                                           Now you click with the right

                                                           button of mouse in Beginning

                                                           and select the option to


        Click in the button


     We give to
     double click
     in the DVD
     unit or CD.

                              Double click in the file setup.exe.

                                                          It will appear the
                                                          window Control of
                                                          user accounts. We
                                                          will Click in
3.                                                        Continuing

In order to install the program,
                                        two options exist: “To install
                                        Microsoft Office with a product
                                        key” and “To install Microsoft
                                        Office without the product key.

                                    We will leave the space in soft
                                    where it requests the key to us
                                    and we will give a click him in

                                             It will appear a message in
                                             which one will notice to you
                                             that you will be able to use
                                             the program a limited number
                                             of times and we will give a
                                             click him in no.

                                       Here we read the terms
                                       of license for software of

                                         And we will give a click
     We will give to click in            him in the option to
     Acceptance the terms him            continue.
     of the contract. In order to
                                       In the window It chooses the
                                       installation that wishes, selects
                                       the option To install now and we
                                       will give a click him to continue
                                       the installation.
                                                  Next, it will appear the
                                                  window process of
                                                  installation and we waited
                                                  for approximate mind of 20
                                                  to 25 minutes while the
                                                  program settles.

                                                When the process has
                                                culminated we will give him
7.                                              to close and our program
                                                will be installed in our
                                                operating system

     8. When finalizing the previous steps we can use our ofimáticas
              tools like Word, Excel, already power point etc.
3. To make the recognition for the reader of the surroundings of
             work of the work tool MS Word 2007

             Description of the screen of Word

•   When we opened the application of Word is observed a typical window
    of Windows that contains a document in target that automatically
    opens by defect when opening the program.
• Menus of control, title and bellboys to maximize, to
  diminish and to close
  This menu has the function to control the window of Word

                 In the title of the
                 window of Word it
                 appears the name of
                 the present document

 Bar of fast access:                                    •    bellboys to
 With this bar, the                                          maximize, to
 program allows us to                                        diminish and to
 place at sight and
 more by hand those
 tools than we are
 going to use of
 habitual way in our
 daily work.

• Bellboys to maximize, to diminish and to close
To maximize: when
                                       maximizing we do that the
                                       window of the program
                                       occupies of way
                                       completes the screen of
                                       our computer.

                                           To diminish: when diminishing
                                           the window this one
                                           disappears of our Vista in the
                                           screen of the computer, being
                                           reduced to an icon in the bar
                                           of beginning of Windows.

                                            To close: in order to close a
                                            document we can choose to
                                            press the cross that appears
                                            straight in the superior end of
                                            the title bar.

              • Bar of Tools of Fast Accesses
With this bar, the program allows us to place at sight and more by hand those
tools than we are going to use of habitual way in our daily work.
•   Office Button
    The button of Microsoft Office such contains commandos available in
    previous versions of Microsoft Office like New, to open, to keep, to
    print, to prepare, to publish and to close.
• Cinta de opciones

         The tape of options has been designed to help to find the
         commandos easily him necessary to complete a task. The
         commandos organize themselves in logical groups that they meet in
         cards. Each card is related to a type of activity (like writing or
         designing a page). In order to reduce the confusion, some cards
         only are when it is necessary

•   Document window
    1.    Rule

    In our visual route on the screen of the program, we see
    immediately underneath the bellboys, the call regulates. One is a
    graduated scale that allows us to govern the margins, the drains
    and the tabulators.

              They allow to make drags, to move us by the
              document, basically above and down in real time. The
              superior piquito “raises to us” in the document, the
              inferior piquito “lowers to us” and the gray square,
              “the elevator” is del that we can drag to move in the
              document to see its different zones.

                                                The bar of inferior displacement
                                                allows to move us to visualize all
                                                the document when the width of
                                                he himself surpasses the one of
                                                the window of the program.

   •      Status Bar
The state bar that shows useful information on the state of the document in

 In this we will know in which page of the
 document is located the cursor, whichever
 words has our document, as it is the
 language of the active dictionary
2.          ZOOM

                                                           This application is going to
                                                           allow to us to approach and
                                                           to move away the Vista of
                                                           the document.

  3. bellboys of Vista way

                                              These icons serve us to visualize our
                                              document of different forms.

• the bar of tasks

 In this bar we can see the right the clock with the hour, the left the
 button of Beginning and in its central zone, the programs that we
 have in execution at that moment in the computer.
4. To make brief description of the located eyelashes in the
   tape of options

    Description of the eyelashes
    Cinta de options

     The tape of options has been designed to help to find the
     commandos easily him necessary to complete a task. The
     commandos organize themselves in logical groups, that they meet
     in cards. Each card is related to a type of activity (like writing or
     designing a page). In order to reduce the confusion, some cards
     only are when it is necessary

   1.   Pestaña Inicio.

We found boxes as it carries papers, source, paragraph, styles, edition In that
document styles are generated, forms, sizes source colors text Modifications
directions of the text (source) viñetas, enumerations, negrilla, cursiva elaboration of
mathematical functions thanks to the tools subscript and superscript to add drains
along with other little accidental functions at the time of text elaboration.
2.   Pestaña insertar

     In this box we will find different tools between which they are most
     important like creating or drawing tables to insert drawings
     anagrams, useful forms to say to things of interest, creating along
     with headed footer for works and letters, adding to him numbers to
     each page of an extensive work, modifying the style of the source,
     creating text pictures, equations and symbols that are a form to
     insert elements, wished (in if adding, putting, to redesign it is the
     function to insert)

3.   Eyelash Design of page

     The menu of page design is used to make changes of
     styles to the pages of our document. These changes
     include change of margins, direction of the paper,
     creation of columns periodic type, to assign to color of
     page and edges to the page
4.   Pestaña referencias

        The menu of references we used it to
        create documents that include content
        table, notes to wears, appointments
        and reference sheet in format APA

5.   Pestaña revisar

       The eyelash To review we used many important
       functions like publishing a work in group and assigning
       the language so that the dictionary indicates possible
       orthographic and grammar errors to us in the
General objetive

To create a manual in which we learn to handle the Word program, to know it
and to know its parts.

Specific objetives
- To know the functions the tape of options.

- To know the eyelashes the tape of options and their boxes.

- To use the tools that to us the program offers
Descriptive procedures (Graphical Tools):

       In order to enter Word we will follow the following steps:

 1. Being in our writing-desk we give to Click on the button Beginning him of
    the bar of tasks of Windows.

The menu
beginning is an
element of the
user interface in
the line of
products Microsoft
Windows, that
works like central
point for the
launching of
applications and,
additionally, to
place direct
access of frequent
use there.
2. When we give him click to the button beginning unfolds a menu in which
   we will give to the option all the programs him.

     In this option we will

3. After having dice to him click in all the programs it will appear another menu
   where we will locate Microsoft office and in this a submenu unfolds we will find
   the application Microsoft Word 2007

  Microsoft Office is
  a package of
  programs for
  office developed
  for the systems
Microsoft Word is a software
destined to the word processing
and to this we will give a click him
to begin to work.
4. And when giving him click to our application Microsoft Word 2007 will appear
   to us a window like this:

  •    But we very used the followed program, it will appear us of one more a
       faster and direct way when doing click on the menu of Beginning. For

    We will give click him to
    the application and
    followed this it will
    appear to us the window
    of Word.

      writin eing in th
             g-des         e
     give          k we
           click          will
    begin        him a
           ni           t
   menu ng and th
           w             e
  in wh ill be ope
         ich w          ned
  Word         ew
         in the ill find to
 part o         supe
       f like        ri
acce          faste or
     ss            r
•   Or also there is another option to enter more express Microsoft Word
    2007 is making a direct access to Word in the writing-desk. like the
    following one:

    Direct access to
    Microsoft Word
    2007: when giving it
    doubles click him
    took us screen to the
    main of the program

1.   In order to keep a file that tangamos open what we plow is to
         go to the bar of tools of fast access and we will give click him
         to the option to keep.

We will give click
him in this tool to
keep our file or

     •   Also we can give to a click in the button of Microsoft office
         and of this a menu unfolds in which we will give him in the
         option to keep like.

This button located in the
     bar of title of the window of
     the application, gives access
     us to a menu which we will
     find the option to keep like


                                     To keep like: it
                                     keeps a
                                     document on
                                     which there are
                                     been working. If
                                     the document is
                                     of new creation it
                                     will ask the
                                     program to us as
                                     it is going to be its
                                     name and its
• When giving him click to an a the option to keep as it
        appears to us a window like this:

                                                                  In this option
Place of your                                                     we will give
computer                                                          type him of
where you                                                         document
wish to keep                                                      that we want
your file.                                                        that it is kept

      Here we will
      give the
      name him to

                                                            Here we will
                                                            give click him to
                                                            keep our
•   Beam click in the button to keep will appear in the bar of the title the name
    that we have given the document.

•   Also it is we can use the F12 key. And we will see the window keep like.


1. In order to insert style of wortart we will go to the tape of tools and we will
   give him in the eyelash to insert.

                                We will give
                                Click him in
2. When selecting the eyelash to insert appears several types of boxes of which
   we will go to the text box and will select to the tool wordart.

                                                           Tex box

        Click in the tool
3. When giving him click to the tool wordart appears to us a menu with different
       type from styles for our sources in which we will choose the one that more we
       like or the one that we need.

                                            Wordart styles

    4. When choosing our style of wordart our program shows a window to us where
       we can write the text which we also want we can change type of fuete, size,
       negrita and cursiva.
                                                                           With this
                                                                           we can put
With this                                                                  to him so
we can                                                                     large,
change                                                                     negrilla
the                                                                        and cursiva
source                                                                     to our text.
Here we will
have to write

                                                                   In this part we will give
                                                                   click him to finalize and
                                                                   our text already to be

       When doing click in
       the button of
    1. Microsoft Office, we Microsoft Office replaces the menu File and is located
          The button of
       will see the same
          in the left superior corner of these programs of Microsoft Office.
       basic applications
       available in
       previous versions
       of Microsoft Office
       to open, to keep
       and to print the file.
2. We will go to the button of office and we will give click to see its
             content him, which this offers to us and what we can do with himl

Here we can create a new

In this option we can open a

Document that already we have kept

This option is for keeping the

Changes that we do to

Him to our document.

This it kept the document

t to us in which we are working.

With this we can issue the

Order to him to print our document.
It prepares our document and

Last ones I am called on to him
to complete it.

It helps us share our
Document to more people

This it is for closing our file

And to take step one new one


One of the greatest advantages of the word processing with the computer, is
its capacity to at any time change to the format of the text and document.
Barra de Formato contains bellboys and lists that unfold for all the things that
people more often change on the aspect of her text, like the color, size and

           1. Then we go to the appointment of tools and give to click in the
              eyelash beginning and will see the tools that helped to give format
              us to our text.

It unfolds one list with all the sources that are installed in their computer. The
top of the list the sources used more recently are seen.

Size of the Source
It shows a list of sizes of the sources from 8 to 72 points. In order to change
the size of the source of the text it selects to he himself and it writes or it
selects the wished size. (If it writes it, it tightens TO ENTER so that that size
is applied.) If first it changes the size of the source and later it writes, will be
only affected the new text.

               Bold, Italic, Underline
Establish styles of sources. These bellboys exchange their styles with himself or no. It can get
to have all in S.A. same time.

In order to apply a source style, it selects the text and it clicks in the button for the style that it
wants. The button is pressed. In order to remove the style, it selects the text and it clicks in
the pressed button. The style is removed and the button returns to its starting point..

Fit the way in which their paragraphs will be aligned in the page, this is the form in which they
will be justified. Their options are: Flush left, Flush right and To justify. The lines in each
button show as it is the effect of he himself. In order To justify, the spaced one between the
words will have to change, to obtain both even margins, left and the right. This can be little
attractive unless it has long paragraphs.

         Numbering & Bullets

To create lists that are numbered or established automatically with viñetas.
These bellboys are applied with their styles by defect, as he is such in bellboys,
single until he has used a different style for numeration or viñetas. From then
they will be applied with the style used more recently.

 In order to use a style in addition del that appears by defect, uses the menu
Format Numeration and Viñetas. Several formats are available standard
from the box of dialogue, or can create one of same you.

The arrow in the right of the button opens a list of elections of
espaciamiento of line. It serves to give space between each line.
Diminish or you increase the drain of the paragraph (s) selected with a
shutdown of the tabulator by each click. These bellboys include the
shutdowns of the tabulator by defect for as well as that you create. It is
confuses when you do not wait for this conduct.

It changes the type of edge shown with himself and it does
not stop the selected item. There the arrow opens a list to
be able to choose the wished edge.

It does just like it makes a good resaltador. It applies color
upon its text. This is frequently used when the marking
documents so that others review them or to indicate where it
has made changes. The dark colors are good only if the text
outside a clear color. The arrow opens a list with the trowel of
colors to be able to choose, even No. A bar shows the name of
the chosen color.

      Font color
It fits the color of the text selected with the color of the
bar underneath the A. The arrow shows a trowel of
colors to choose. This trowel can be dragged to float. A
bar indicates the name of the color of each square of
the trowe.

1. first which everything we selected the text that we want to modify with
viñetas or symbols.

                                                    The text must be selected
                                                    to be able to add or viñetas
                                                    to him or any type of

   1. When the text that we needed to be modified this selecting we will go to
      the tape of options and we will give to the eyelash beginning him and
      we will look for viñetas in the box paragraph.

            To create lists that are numbered or established
            automatically with viñetas. These bellboys are
            applied with their styles by defect

   2. When giving him click to our option viñetas automatically the text was
       ordered, we can organize it by symbols, numbers or letters.
If we give click here
    him it ordered the
    text to us with

  3. The text was ordered with viñetas

g. Steps to place type, styles of source, size, color,

       Style of emphasized and effects to the text.

  1. First we selected the word or the text to which we want to modify soon
     we will go to the tape of options and in her we will use the box of
                                  Box of source this serves to give format to
                                  our text and is the one that we will use to
                                  make this point.

                                                                       This it is the
                                                                       text that we
                                                                       will modify
                                                                       with the tools
                                                                       of the box of
                                                                       necessary to
                                                                       selecionar it.

    2. when text is selected will start to modify it follows we will click Font
        and select the desired option such as font (letter), font style, size,
        font color, underline style, and effects such as : strikethrough,
        double strikethrough, superscript, subscript, shadow, contour,
        embossed, engraved, small caps, uppercase, hidden.

Negrita: it applies                                          It reduces and
the negrita format             This there am is              it increases the
  It changes the
to the selected                the one that                  size of the
  source style
text                           changes the size of           source
                               the source
Cursiva: it applies                                                 It changes the
the cursiva format                                                  color of the
to the selected                                                     source
Effects to the text:

                       Erased: it draws up a line in
                       the middle of the selected
                       text.                              It changes the
It is that tool that                                      aspect of the
                        Subscript: it creates very
emphasizes the         small letters underneath the       text as if he was
text that we           line of the text base.             noticeable with
select.                                                   a marker.
                       Superscript: it creates very
                       small letters on the line of the
                       text base.

                        To change to small letters or
                       CAPITAL LETTERS: it
                       changes to the subject
                       selected to capital letter or
                       small letters

       The tape of options, is a component of the User
       interface of Word Microsoft Office, has been
       designed to help to find the commandos
       easily him necessary to complete a task. In
       order to reduce the agglomeration in

h. Steps to give format to a table.

  1. In order to give him to format to a table table we will have to go to the
     tape of options and selected the beginning eyelash in which we found
     types from boxes with its tools different and of them we will choose the
     box paragraph and we will give the option embroiders and with this we
     will be able to give format him to a table.

                             When giving him click to this option will not
     Ejemplo:                give a serious one of functions with the q we
                             can give format to our table.
•    In order to give format to a table first we will have to create a
        table in the tape of options, inserted eyelash of and going to the
        box of tables.


Boxes: The tables
are made up of rows
and columns of cells
that can be filled up
with text and
graphs. The tables
are often used to
                        And when giving him click to this tool aprese a menu in
organize the
                        which it will say to us as we want our table that is to say,
                        with whichever columns and whichever rows.
2. When giving him click in the option embroiders appears to us a menu with
   different types from modifications for a table.

                                                                These are the
                                                                wild options
                                                                that the tool
                                                                offers us to
                                                                give format to
                                                                our table
3. When giving him Click in EDGES: It allows to define the style of the
   line of the edge, color of the edge, wide and to clear and to put line.
   when having selected a table and we give him in some of the following
   options we will be giving format this.

                                                      As for example we
                                                      give click him to
                                                      the option wild
                                                      external the table
                                                      that we have
                                                      selected was with
                                                      an edge around

                       SMALL LETTER
1. In order to vice versa turn a text of small letter to capital letter or first
   we will have to select the text that we want is changed.

                                                                In order to
                                                                change to
                                                                capital letters
                                                                and small
                                                                letters it is
                                                                necessary to
                                                                select the text
2. After selecting the text we will go to the tape options, eyelash of beginning
   and in this we will go to the box source and we selected the option to change
   to small letters and capital letters and will change our text selecting that to
   necessary for this.

                                                        This it is the option to
                                                        vice versa give a change
                                                        to our text or of small
                                                        letter to capital letter or

                                                             With this menu we
                                                             can change our
                                                             selected text. Of
                                                             small letter to
                                                             capital letter that is
                                                             the option that is
                                                             used almost always
                                                             in this case
j. Steps to form a page

This becomes so that at the time of printing the document we do not have
problems with the configuration of he himself and lose the formats that we
have established.


                           We activated the card Design of page.

It allows to apply and to form the
margins direction of the paper and
size of paper.

It allows to apply and to form the space
of the drain and the document.

                                     It allows to add page a
                                     wild water mark and to
                                     change the color of the
2. In agreement with the previous description we can define a configuration
   to our pages as we wish.

k. Steps to insert equations

         We will go to the eyelash to insert

                  Tin-plate the eyelash to insert we will go to
                  the box symbol and we selected equation.

     And we selected of a list of equations with previous or
     frequently used format.
l. Steps to work with forms and to give format to style of


               We will go to the eyelash to insert

                                                     In the eyelash to
                                                     insert we will look for
                                                     the box illustrations
                                                     and we choose the
                                                     option forms


                                       This option shows the different
                                       forms to us that are used in
                                       Word and in this we will choose
                                       the one that seems necessary to
                                       us for our document.


m. Steps to insert organizational chart

The organizational charts: they are graphical compounds, which are grouped
in agreement with a level of hierarchy to represent the parts that integrate a

                 We will go to the eyelash to insert


                                In l box illustrations we will go to esmartart
                                and we will give click him you exceed this and
                                this it will open the following window to us.

                                          In this window we can choose the
                                          type of organizational chart that we
                                          need according to the form which
                                          we want that it is organized our

n. Steps to print a file

 1. In order to print our document we will go to the button of office and we will
    give click him in the option to print.

    Click in the

  We will give a click him
  to the option to print
  and it will open a
  window to us where
  him it will give several
  options us to print our

                          Here we choose the printer

 In this
 option we
 can choose
 the option to
 print all the
 the present                                                             Here we
 page or can                                                             choose
 choose the                                                              whichever
 leaves that                                                             copies we
 we want to                                                              want of the
 print                                                                   document
                                                                         that we are
                                                                         going to
                 Here we can choose the size of the
                 paper that we want for our
                 document either letter or office
                 and other options

                                           And finally we will give click in
                                           the option to accept to print the
                                           agreement document since we
                                           have formed it..
o. Steps to insert mark of water and marks to
                 the document

  1.        In order to insert water mark we will have q to go to the eyelash page
           design and to locate the option water mark in the box page bottom

                   Click in the eyelash page design

                    And in the box of page bottom we choose the
                    option water mark.


  With this option
  we can give a                                                                Here we can
  water mark that
                                                                               some of the
  is to say, we can
  choose an image
                                                                               options that
  that we must in                                                              to us the
  our computer                                                                 program
  and use it as                                                                offers
  water frame                 In this option we can clear the water mark
                              that we have inserted previously
3. And to insert marks to the document we will again go to the eyelash to insert
   and in the box bottom of wild page we choose the page option

        Click in the eyelash page design

                                     In the box bottom of wild page we choose the page
                                     tool and it showed the following window to us

                                                       Here we have a previous Vista of
                                                       the frame according to the options
                       Aquí escogemos el               that we choose of the window.
                       estilo del marco

   Here we can
   choose the                                                           In this option it will
   type of the                                                          not allow to only put
                                                                             And after to
                                                                        the frame to him to
   frame of the                                                              have taken our
                                                                        all the document or
   document.                                                                 options from
                                                                        to the page where we
                                                                        are frame we will
                                                 In this option we         give click in
                                                 will be able to give      accepting and
                                                 one more a more           the page will
 This option                                     customized form           appear with the
 allows to give                                  him to our frame          frame that we
 color us to our                                 like with images.         selected
This it will be able to
              give a wide one us to
              our frame or will be
              able to leave the
              margin thinnest

 p. Steps to insert commentaries to the
1. For inserted commentary we must to locate in document to that
we want to add commentaries and to select the part where we
wished to add it, later we go to the eyelash to review and selected to
add commentary.

                                First we did not locate in the document and
                                we selected the part to which we wished to
                                add a commentary.

       2 soon we were located in the eyelash to review and we give
       a click him in new commentary that is in the box
                                              We give click
                                              him in the
And being in the box commentaries we give a click him in new
            commentary and this automatically will give a space us to write
            our commentary to the right of the document.


  This is the part of the                   Here we will write our
  document to which we                      commentary.
  wished him to comment out
                                            We can comment out many.

Q. steps to work with text pictures

1. In order to create a text picture we will have to open the eyelash to
   insert and later to look for the option of text picture in the box text.

     Click in the eyelash page design
And in the box text we will give to click
                            to the tool text picture him, and this it
                            will give several options us of pictures

                                 Tool of text picture


    Here they
    are the
    options of
    text pictures
    that the
    offers to us.

                    In this option the program
                    will allow us to draw our text
7. To make the investigation of Software that can replace
      to MS. Word and to include/understand its advantages
      and weaknesses. Writer
This program can be a good choice to replace Word 2007 and this is a word
processor office suite. Writer can export text files to PDF and HTML formats
without additional software, which allows it to be used as a WYSIWYG editor
to create and edit pages

© For the nonexpert user it offers
  the following advantages:

          •   He is free, is possible to be unloaded gratuitously of Internet,
              to be copied and to be redistributed, all this of completely
              legal form.
•   With time all the programs expire, remain obsolete;, not: you always can gratuitously go to its
      page Web and descargarte the last updated and improved

  •   With you have complete freedom to choose
      the operating system that you wish. If you are very of you
      hang of Windows and you look for them the simplicity of use
      of a Mac or the adventure and innovation of Linux, there is
      no problem: you buy the Mac or you install Linux, unloading
      ready the corresponding version of and.

  •   Of the same, with you are in favor out of
      danger if you have necessity to publish your documents in a
      computer that works with an operating system different from
      yours. You can survive (computer science speaking) in
      diverse surroundings.

  •   He is very compatible with Microsoft Office: the text
      documents, spreadsheets and presentations of MS Office can
      be opened, be published satisfactorily and be kept with

© Winter also has its disadvantages:
  •   That it is not Microsoft Office and it must purify some aspects

  •   It does not include a servant email nor does one authenticate
      data base.

  •   The users of Microsoft missed a program of mail and data base.

  •   Something slow, few functions, compared with other similar
      programs, something erratic in the operation.

  •   Lack customary Lacks mail manager and the spelling is poor

  •   Mutual incompatibility from Word to its archives

  •   you it installs it like predetermined

  •   in order to draw he is bad
•   It does not include data base, it requires Java and the interface is

•   It takes much in loading


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Manual of functions step by step microsoft word 2007

  • 1. MANUAL OF FUNCTIONS STEP BY STEP MICROSOFT WORD 2007 Rafael Alejandro romero rojas Sena Instructor: Alfonzo caro portillo Bogotá d.c 1 de enero de 2010
  • 2. CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION 2. Understand the installation and use of the tool. 3. Provide recognition for the reader of the work environment of the MS tool. Word 2007 4. Make brief description of the tabs located in the Ribbon 5. Generate general objectives and specific objectives of the manual 6. Descriptive statistics (Graphics Tools): a. Steps to enter and exit Word 2007 b. Steps to save or open a file c. Steps to insert style Wordart d. Steps for working with office button e. Steps to work with the format box f. Steps to insert bullets and symbols g. Steps to set type, font style, size, color, Underline style and effects to text . h. Steps to format a table i. Steps to Change Case j. Steps to set up a page k. Steps to insert equations l. Steps for working with forms and style formatting Wordart m. Steps to insert chart n. Steps to print a file o. Steps to insert watermarks and frames to Document p. steps to insert comments to document q. steps for working with text boxes 7. Conduct research on software that can replace MS. Word and understand their strengths and weaknesses
  • 3. Introduction A text processor is a computer science program that allows the creation, modification and impression of documents, fundamentally of text. The present text processors allow to very create drafted and complex documents with the inclusion in such of diverse tables, graphs, images and other objects. Also, they incorporate tools outposts for the orthographic correction, customized letter creation, letters model, groups and other many applications that allow to maximize the yield of any work that requires the document creation of type text. 2. Understand the installation and utility of the tool
  • 4. Installation: First and Student 2007 in the unit of DVD or CD inserts the CD of installation of Office Home. 1. Now you click with the right button of mouse in Beginning and select the option to explore. Click in the button beginning 2. We give to double click in the DVD unit or CD. Double click in the file setup.exe. It will appear the window Control of user accounts. We will Click in 3. Continuing 4.
  • 5. In order to install the program, two options exist: “To install Microsoft Office with a product key” and “To install Microsoft Office without the product key. We will leave the space in soft where it requests the key to us and we will give a click him in continuing. It will appear a message in which one will notice to you that you will be able to use the program a limited number of times and we will give a click him in no. 5. Here we read the terms of license for software of Microsoft. And we will give a click We will give to click in him in the option to Acceptance the terms him continue. of the contract. In order to continue In the window It chooses the installation that wishes, selects the option To install now and we will give a click him to continue the installation.
  • 6. 6. Next, it will appear the window process of installation and we waited for approximate mind of 20 to 25 minutes while the program settles. When the process has culminated we will give him 7. to close and our program will be installed in our operating system 8. When finalizing the previous steps we can use our ofimáticas tools like Word, Excel, already power point etc.
  • 7. 3. To make the recognition for the reader of the surroundings of work of the work tool MS Word 2007 Description of the screen of Word • When we opened the application of Word is observed a typical window of Windows that contains a document in target that automatically opens by defect when opening the program.
  • 8. • Menus of control, title and bellboys to maximize, to diminish and to close This menu has the function to control the window of Word In the title of the window of Word it appears the name of the present document Bar of fast access: • bellboys to With this bar, the maximize, to program allows us to diminish and to place at sight and close more by hand those tools than we are going to use of habitual way in our daily work. • Bellboys to maximize, to diminish and to close
  • 9. To maximize: when maximizing we do that the window of the program occupies of way completes the screen of our computer. To diminish: when diminishing the window this one disappears of our Vista in the screen of the computer, being reduced to an icon in the bar of beginning of Windows. To close: in order to close a document we can choose to press the cross that appears straight in the superior end of the title bar. • Bar of Tools of Fast Accesses With this bar, the program allows us to place at sight and more by hand those tools than we are going to use of habitual way in our daily work.
  • 10. Office Button The button of Microsoft Office such contains commandos available in previous versions of Microsoft Office like New, to open, to keep, to print, to prepare, to publish and to close.
  • 11. • Cinta de opciones The tape of options has been designed to help to find the commandos easily him necessary to complete a task. The commandos organize themselves in logical groups that they meet in cards. Each card is related to a type of activity (like writing or designing a page). In order to reduce the confusion, some cards only are when it is necessary • Document window 1. Rule In our visual route on the screen of the program, we see immediately underneath the bellboys, the call regulates. One is a graduated scale that allows us to govern the margins, the drains and the tabulators.
  • 12. SCROLL BARS They allow to make drags, to move us by the document, basically above and down in real time. The superior piquito “raises to us” in the document, the inferior piquito “lowers to us” and the gray square, “the elevator” is del that we can drag to move in the document to see its different zones. The bar of inferior displacement allows to move us to visualize all the document when the width of he himself surpasses the one of the window of the program. • Status Bar The state bar that shows useful information on the state of the document in use. In this we will know in which page of the document is located the cursor, whichever words has our document, as it is the language of the active dictionary
  • 13. 2. ZOOM This application is going to allow to us to approach and to move away the Vista of the document. 3. bellboys of Vista way These icons serve us to visualize our document of different forms. • the bar of tasks In this bar we can see the right the clock with the hour, the left the button of Beginning and in its central zone, the programs that we have in execution at that moment in the computer.
  • 14. 4. To make brief description of the located eyelashes in the tape of options Description of the eyelashes Cinta de options The tape of options has been designed to help to find the commandos easily him necessary to complete a task. The commandos organize themselves in logical groups, that they meet in cards. Each card is related to a type of activity (like writing or designing a page). In order to reduce the confusion, some cards only are when it is necessary 1. Pestaña Inicio. We found boxes as it carries papers, source, paragraph, styles, edition In that document styles are generated, forms, sizes source colors text Modifications directions of the text (source) viñetas, enumerations, negrilla, cursiva elaboration of mathematical functions thanks to the tools subscript and superscript to add drains along with other little accidental functions at the time of text elaboration.
  • 15. 2. Pestaña insertar In this box we will find different tools between which they are most important like creating or drawing tables to insert drawings anagrams, useful forms to say to things of interest, creating along with headed footer for works and letters, adding to him numbers to each page of an extensive work, modifying the style of the source, creating text pictures, equations and symbols that are a form to insert elements, wished (in if adding, putting, to redesign it is the function to insert) 3. Eyelash Design of page The menu of page design is used to make changes of styles to the pages of our document. These changes include change of margins, direction of the paper, creation of columns periodic type, to assign to color of page and edges to the page
  • 16. 4. Pestaña referencias The menu of references we used it to create documents that include content table, notes to wears, appointments and reference sheet in format APA 5. Pestaña revisar The eyelash To review we used many important functions like publishing a work in group and assigning the language so that the dictionary indicates possible orthographic and grammar errors to us in the document.
  • 17. General objetive To create a manual in which we learn to handle the Word program, to know it and to know its parts. Specific objetives - To know the functions the tape of options. - To know the eyelashes the tape of options and their boxes. - To use the tools that to us the program offers
  • 18. Descriptive procedures (Graphical Tools): a. STEPS TO ENTER AND TO LEAVE DE WORD 2007. In order to enter Word we will follow the following steps: 1. Being in our writing-desk we give to Click on the button Beginning him of the bar of tasks of Windows. The menu beginning is an element of the user interface in the line of products Microsoft Windows, that works like central point for the launching of applications and, additionally, to place direct access of frequent use there.
  • 19. 2. When we give him click to the button beginning unfolds a menu in which we will give to the option all the programs him. In this option we will 3. After having dice to him click in all the programs it will appear another menu where we will locate Microsoft office and in this a submenu unfolds we will find the application Microsoft Word 2007 Microsoft Office is a package of programs for office developed for the systems Microsoft Windows
  • 20. MICROSOFT WORD Microsoft Word is a software destined to the word processing and to this we will give a click him to begin to work.
  • 21. 4. And when giving him click to our application Microsoft Word 2007 will appear to us a window like this: • But we very used the followed program, it will appear us of one more a faster and direct way when doing click on the menu of Beginning. For example: We will give click him to the application and followed this it will appear to us the window of Word. Whe nb writin eing in th g-des e give k we click will begin him a ni t menu ng and th w e in wh ill be ope ich w ned Word ew in the ill find to part o supe f like ri acce faste or ss r
  • 22. Or also there is another option to enter more express Microsoft Word 2007 is making a direct access to Word in the writing-desk. like the following one: Direct access to Microsoft Word 2007: when giving it doubles click him took us screen to the main of the program a. STEPS TO KEEP OR TO OPEN A FILE
  • 23. 1. In order to keep a file that tangamos open what we plow is to go to the bar of tools of fast access and we will give click him to the option to keep. We will give click him in this tool to keep our file or document. • Also we can give to a click in the button of Microsoft office and of this a menu unfolds in which we will give him in the option to keep like. Example:
  • 24. This button located in the bar of title of the window of the application, gives access us to a menu which we will find the option to keep like 2. To keep like: it keeps a document on which there are been working. If the document is of new creation it will ask the program to us as it is going to be its name and its
  • 25. • When giving him click to an a the option to keep as it appears to us a window like this: In this option Place of your we will give computer type him of where you document wish to keep that we want your file. that it is kept saved Here we will give the name him to our document. Here we will give click him to keep our document
  • 26. Beam click in the button to keep will appear in the bar of the title the name that we have given the document. • Also it is we can use the F12 key. And we will see the window keep like. b. STEPS TO INSERT WORTART STYLE 1. In order to insert style of wortart we will go to the tape of tools and we will give him in the eyelash to insert. We will give Click him in inserting
  • 27. 2. When selecting the eyelash to insert appears several types of boxes of which we will go to the text box and will select to the tool wordart. Tex box Click in the tool wordart..
  • 28. 3. When giving him click to the tool wordart appears to us a menu with different type from styles for our sources in which we will choose the one that more we like or the one that we need. Wordart styles . 4. When choosing our style of wordart our program shows a window to us where we can write the text which we also want we can change type of fuete, size, negrita and cursiva. With this we can put With this to him so we can large, change negrilla the and cursiva source to our text. style
  • 29. Here we will have to write text. In this part we will give click him to finalize and our text already to be ready c. STEPS TO WORK WITH BUTTON OFFICE When doing click in the button of 1. Microsoft Office, we Microsoft Office replaces the menu File and is located The button of will see the same in the left superior corner of these programs of Microsoft Office. basic applications available in previous versions of Microsoft Office to open, to keep and to print the file.
  • 30. 2. We will go to the button of office and we will give click to see its content him, which this offers to us and what we can do with himl . Here we can create a new Document In this option we can open a Document that already we have kept This option is for keeping the Changes that we do to Him to our document. This it kept the document t to us in which we are working. With this we can issue the Order to him to print our document.
  • 31. It prepares our document and Last ones I am called on to him to complete it. It helps us share our Document to more people . This it is for closing our file And to take step one new one E. STEPS TO WORK WITH THE BOX FORMAT One of the greatest advantages of the word processing with the computer, is its capacity to at any time change to the format of the text and document. Barra de Formato contains bellboys and lists that unfold for all the things that people more often change on the aspect of her text, like the color, size and source. 1. Then we go to the appointment of tools and give to click in the eyelash beginning and will see the tools that helped to give format us to our text. Fountain
  • 32. It unfolds one list with all the sources that are installed in their computer. The top of the list the sources used more recently are seen. Size of the Source It shows a list of sizes of the sources from 8 to 72 points. In order to change the size of the source of the text it selects to he himself and it writes or it selects the wished size. (If it writes it, it tightens TO ENTER so that that size is applied.) If first it changes the size of the source and later it writes, will be only affected the new text. Bold, Italic, Underline Establish styles of sources. These bellboys exchange their styles with himself or no. It can get to have all in S.A. same time. In order to apply a source style, it selects the text and it clicks in the button for the style that it wants. The button is pressed. In order to remove the style, it selects the text and it clicks in the pressed button. The style is removed and the button returns to its starting point.. Aligned Fit the way in which their paragraphs will be aligned in the page, this is the form in which they will be justified. Their options are: Flush left, Flush right and To justify. The lines in each button show as it is the effect of he himself. In order To justify, the spaced one between the
  • 33. words will have to change, to obtain both even margins, left and the right. This can be little attractive unless it has long paragraphs. Numbering & Bullets To create lists that are numbered or established automatically with viñetas. These bellboys are applied with their styles by defect, as he is such in bellboys, single until he has used a different style for numeration or viñetas. From then they will be applied with the style used more recently. In order to use a style in addition del that appears by defect, uses the menu Format Numeration and Viñetas. Several formats are available standard from the box of dialogue, or can create one of same you. Interline The arrow in the right of the button opens a list of elections of espaciamiento of line. It serves to give space between each line.
  • 34. Sangría Diminish or you increase the drain of the paragraph (s) selected with a shutdown of the tabulator by each click. These bellboys include the shutdowns of the tabulator by defect for as well as that you create. It is confuses when you do not wait for this conduct. Edges It changes the type of edge shown with himself and it does not stop the selected item. There the arrow opens a list to be able to choose the wished edge. Resalte It does just like it makes a good resaltador. It applies color upon its text. This is frequently used when the marking documents so that others review them or to indicate where it has made changes. The dark colors are good only if the text outside a clear color. The arrow opens a list with the trowel of colors to be able to choose, even No. A bar shows the name of the chosen color. Font color
  • 35. It fits the color of the text selected with the color of the bar underneath the A. The arrow shows a trowel of colors to choose. This trowel can be dragged to float. A bar indicates the name of the color of each square of the trowe. F.STEPS TO INSERT VIÑETAS AND SYMBOLS 1. first which everything we selected the text that we want to modify with viñetas or symbols. The text must be selected to be able to add or viñetas to him or any type of symbol. 1. When the text that we needed to be modified this selecting we will go to the tape of options and we will give to the eyelash beginning him and we will look for viñetas in the box paragraph. To create lists that are numbered or established automatically with viñetas. These bellboys are applied with their styles by defect 2. When giving him click to our option viñetas automatically the text was ordered, we can organize it by symbols, numbers or letters.
  • 36. If we give click here him it ordered the text to us with viñetas. 3. The text was ordered with viñetas g. Steps to place type, styles of source, size, color, Style of emphasized and effects to the text. 1. First we selected the word or the text to which we want to modify soon we will go to the tape of options and in her we will use the box of source.
  • 37. Example Box of source this serves to give format to our text and is the one that we will use to make this point. This it is the text that we will modify with the tools of the box of source therefore necessary to selecionar it. 2. when text is selected will start to modify it follows we will click Font and select the desired option such as font (letter), font style, size, font color, underline style, and effects such as : strikethrough, double strikethrough, superscript, subscript, shadow, contour, embossed, engraved, small caps, uppercase, hidden. Negrita: it applies It reduces and the negrita format This there am is it increases the It changes the to the selected the one that size of the source style text changes the size of source the source Cursiva: it applies It changes the the cursiva format color of the to the selected source text.
  • 38. Effects to the text: Erased: it draws up a line in the middle of the selected text. It changes the It is that tool that aspect of the Subscript: it creates very emphasizes the small letters underneath the text as if he was text that we line of the text base. noticeable with select. a marker. Superscript: it creates very small letters on the line of the text base. To change to small letters or CAPITAL LETTERS: it changes to the subject selected to capital letter or small letters
  • 39. Ejemplo The tape of options, is a component of the User interface of Word Microsoft Office, has been designed to help to find the commandos easily him necessary to complete a task. In order to reduce the agglomeration in screen, SOME CARDS ONLY ARE WHEN THEY ARE NECESSARY. h. Steps to give format to a table. 1. In order to give him to format to a table table we will have to go to the tape of options and selected the beginning eyelash in which we found types from boxes with its tools different and of them we will choose the box paragraph and we will give the option embroiders and with this we will be able to give format him to a table. When giving him click to this option will not Ejemplo: give a serious one of functions with the q we can give format to our table.
  • 40. In order to give format to a table first we will have to create a table in the tape of options, inserted eyelash of and going to the box of tables. Ejemplo: Boxes: The tables are made up of rows and columns of cells that can be filled up with text and graphs. The tables are often used to And when giving him click to this tool aprese a menu in organize the which it will say to us as we want our table that is to say, information. with whichever columns and whichever rows.
  • 41. 2. When giving him click in the option embroiders appears to us a menu with different types from modifications for a table. These are the wild options that the tool offers us to give format to our table
  • 42. 3. When giving him Click in EDGES: It allows to define the style of the line of the edge, color of the edge, wide and to clear and to put line. when having selected a table and we give him in some of the following options we will be giving format this. As for example we give click him to the option wild external the table that we have selected was with an edge around this.
  • 43. EJEMPLO I. STEPS TO CHANGE CAPITAL LETTER AND SMALL LETTER 1. In order to vice versa turn a text of small letter to capital letter or first we will have to select the text that we want is changed. In order to change to capital letters and small letters it is necessary to select the text
  • 44. 2. After selecting the text we will go to the tape options, eyelash of beginning and in this we will go to the box source and we selected the option to change to small letters and capital letters and will change our text selecting that to necessary for this. This it is the option to vice versa give a change to our text or of small letter to capital letter or With this menu we can change our selected text. Of small letter to capital letter that is the option that is used almost always in this case
  • 46. j. Steps to form a page This becomes so that at the time of printing the document we do not have problems with the configuration of he himself and lose the formats that we have established. 1. We activated the card Design of page. •
  • 47. It allows to apply and to form the margins direction of the paper and size of paper. It allows to apply and to form the space of the drain and the document. It allows to add page a wild water mark and to change the color of the page.
  • 48. 2. In agreement with the previous description we can define a configuration to our pages as we wish. k. Steps to insert equations We will go to the eyelash to insert 1.
  • 49. 2. Tin-plate the eyelash to insert we will go to the box symbol and we selected equation. And we selected of a list of equations with previous or frequently used format.
  • 50. l. Steps to work with forms and to give format to style of Wordart 3. We will go to the eyelash to insert 4. In the eyelash to insert we will look for the box illustrations and we choose the option forms 5. This option shows the different forms to us that are used in Word and in this we will choose the one that seems necessary to us for our document.
  • 51. Ejemplo: Formas m. Steps to insert organizational chart The organizational charts: they are graphical compounds, which are grouped in agreement with a level of hierarchy to represent the parts that integrate a whole. We will go to the eyelash to insert 1.
  • 52. 2. In l box illustrations we will go to esmartart and we will give click him you exceed this and this it will open the following window to us. In this window we can choose the type of organizational chart that we need according to the form which we want that it is organized our information. n. Steps to print a file 1. In order to print our document we will go to the button of office and we will give click him in the option to print. Click in the buttonoffice We will give a click him to the option to print and it will open a window to us where him it will give several options us to print our document.
  • 53. 2. Here we choose the printer In this option we can choose the option to print all the document, the present Here we page or can choose choose the whichever leaves that copies we we want to want of the print document that we are going to print Here we can choose the size of the paper that we want for our document either letter or office and other options And finally we will give click in the option to accept to print the agreement document since we have formed it..
  • 54. o. Steps to insert mark of water and marks to the document 1. In order to insert water mark we will have q to go to the eyelash page design and to locate the option water mark in the box page bottom Click in the eyelash page design And in the box of page bottom we choose the option water mark. 2 With this option we can give a Here we can customized choose water mark that some of the is to say, we can choose an image options that that we must in to us the our computer program and use it as offers water frame In this option we can clear the water mark that we have inserted previously
  • 55. 3. And to insert marks to the document we will again go to the eyelash to insert and in the box bottom of wild page we choose the page option Click in the eyelash page design In the box bottom of wild page we choose the page tool and it showed the following window to us 4. Here we have a previous Vista of the frame according to the options Aquí escogemos el that we choose of the window. estilo del marco Here we can choose the In this option it will type of the not allow to only put And after to the frame to him to frame of the have taken our all the document or document. options from to the page where we are frame we will In this option we give click in will be able to give accepting and one more a more the page will This option customized form appear with the allows to give him to our frame frame that we color us to our like with images. selected frame
  • 56. This it will be able to give a wide one us to our frame or will be able to leave the margin thinnest p. Steps to insert commentaries to the document 1. For inserted commentary we must to locate in document to that we want to add commentaries and to select the part where we wished to add it, later we go to the eyelash to review and selected to add commentary. First we did not locate in the document and we selected the part to which we wished to add a commentary. 2 soon we were located in the eyelash to review and we give a click him in new commentary that is in the box commentaries. We give click him in the eyelashrevisar
  • 57. And being in the box commentaries we give a click him in new commentary and this automatically will give a space us to write our commentary to the right of the document. 3. This is the part of the Here we will write our document to which we commentary. wished him to comment out We can comment out many. Q. steps to work with text pictures 1. In order to create a text picture we will have to open the eyelash to insert and later to look for the option of text picture in the box text. Click in the eyelash page design
  • 58. And in the box text we will give to click to the tool text picture him, and this it will give several options us of pictures Tool of text picture 2 Here they are the options of text pictures that the program offers to us. In this option the program will allow us to draw our text picture.
  • 59. 7. To make the investigation of Software that can replace to MS. Word and to include/understand its advantages and weaknesses. Writer This program can be a good choice to replace Word 2007 and this is a word processor office suite. Writer can export text files to PDF and HTML formats without additional software, which allows it to be used as a WYSIWYG editor to create and edit pages © For the nonexpert user it offers the following advantages: • He is free, is possible to be unloaded gratuitously of Internet, to be copied and to be redistributed, all this of completely legal form.
  • 60. With time all the programs expire, remain obsolete;, not: you always can gratuitously go to its page Web and descargarte the last updated and improved version. • With you have complete freedom to choose the operating system that you wish. If you are very of you hang of Windows and you look for them the simplicity of use of a Mac or the adventure and innovation of Linux, there is no problem: you buy the Mac or you install Linux, unloading ready the corresponding version of and. • Of the same, with you are in favor out of danger if you have necessity to publish your documents in a computer that works with an operating system different from yours. You can survive (computer science speaking) in diverse surroundings. • He is very compatible with Microsoft Office: the text documents, spreadsheets and presentations of MS Office can be opened, be published satisfactorily and be kept with © Winter also has its disadvantages: • That it is not Microsoft Office and it must purify some aspects • It does not include a servant email nor does one authenticate data base. • The users of Microsoft missed a program of mail and data base. • Something slow, few functions, compared with other similar programs, something erratic in the operation. • Lack customary Lacks mail manager and the spelling is poor • Mutual incompatibility from Word to its archives • you it installs it like predetermined • in order to draw he is bad
  • 61. It does not include data base, it requires Java and the interface is somewhat • It takes much in loading THIS IS THE WINDOW OF Writer: