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RFP Response
(Client) RFP Requirements
1.	 SEO for full site and mobile optimized site (when applicable)
	 a. (Client).com – full and mobile site 	
	 b. (Client) – full site only
2.	 Architectural review of (Client) websites
	 a. (Client).com
	 b. (Client)
3.	 SEO support for International sites
	 a. (Client).com and future UK, Canada and Australia sites
	 b. Content may be the same on International sites as (Client)
4.	 Provide list of recommended keywords for (Client).com 		
	 a. Segment keywords based on audience
	 b. Which terms should we target for members/consumers, 		
	 benefits managers (clients), brokers or doctors?
	 c. Which keywords should pertain to all audiences?
5.	 Keyword and Meta data review of (Client).com
	 a. Review keywords and meta data on current pages
	 b. If a more relevant keyword is identified, provide 			
	 recommendations for alternative keywords.
6.	 Content optimization
	 a. Option 1: SEO training is provided by the SEO vendor
	 b. Option 2: The vendor optimizes all (Client) content.
7.	 Link building
	 a. Identify specific opportunities for internal link building within 	
	 (Client) web assets
	 b. Identify specific opportunities for external link building with 		
	 (Client) social media channels
	 c. Identify specific opportunities for external link building with 		
	 industry partners, bloggers, etc.
8.	 Duplicate content review
	 a. Review (Client) web assets, including blogs and social media 		
	 channels to determine duplicate
9.	Implementation
	 a. Vendor responsible for implementation of: meta data, URLs, 		
	 linking building, and
	 keyword integrated content
	 b. Vendor will be responsible for Google Webmaster 			
	 Tools maintenance, canonical taimplementation due to
	 duplicate content, XML sitemap, diagnosis of crawling or 		
	 indexing issues
(Agency) Alignment to RFP Requirements
(Agency) Offerings
RFP Requirements
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
Website and Mobile Architecture
Analysis/ Audit
Audience Intent Analysis X
Content Personality Profile X X
Content Audit X X
On Page Keyword Optimization X X
Ongoing Web Presence Optimization X X X X X X X X X
Content Framework Templates X X X
Content Creation- Train (Client) to
Create Content Internally
Content Creation Done by (Agency) X X
•	 Content Strategy
•	Content Personality Profile
•	Content Audit
•	Content Framework/Templates
•	Content Creation
Our Strategic Solutions for (Client):
Addresses 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A,
8A, 8B, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
(Agency) conducted high-level site architecture and
content analyses of the www.(Client).com website.
Two overarching needs emerged from the findings,
the need for: clear, concise content that speaks to the
users intent and target specific calls to action; and a
better understanding of the target audiences’ online
behavior, intent and digital touchpoints where (Client)
should be present.
•	 Website and Mobile Architecture
•	 Web Presence Optimization
•	Audience Intent Analysis
•	Onpage Keyword Optimizaiton
The strategic solutions outlined below will act as
a roadmap to reaching (Client) company goals.
(Agency)’s strategic approach aligns to three digital
initiatives- web presence optimization, content
strategy and audience intent. Each digital initiative
aligns with (Agency) strategic solutions.
Executive Summary
Search engine optimization (SEO) as we know it is
dead. With Google’s Penguin, Panda and Farmer
updates, individuals attempting to outsmart the
system incur tremendous brand and equity risk.
Algorithms and human beings now work hand in hand
to ensure content is relevant, fresh and engaging.
This is why (Client) has a tremendous opportunity to
refresh content, not only so its domain stays relevant
within the index, but so it can provide real value to
brokers, members, doctors, job applicants and all
target audiences, leading to conversions for (Client).
(Agency) uses a Forrester Research tried and tested
methodology for evaluating and making technology
recommendations. We are often asked by clients
about what technology needs to be implemented in
order to leapfrog competitors — the problem is, this
is the wrong question.
Our Methodology & Process
Who is our target
audience &
what are their
What are we
(and the audi-
ence) trying to
How will we
accomplish our
Which tactics
will we deploy
to meet our
How will we
measure our
•	Reach audiences on their terms with the most
relevant information possible.
•	Which tactics/tools/technologies will we deploy
to meet our strategic objectives?
•	How do we define success? Awareness? Senti-
ment? E-mail sign-ups? Shares? +1s? Likes? Fans?
All of the above?
•	How will we measure our success?
•	Develop deep understanding of decision-makers
across the current audience.
•	Who is our target audience and what are their
•	How do our objectives differ across audiences?
What are we (and the audience) trying
to accomplish?
•	How do we communicate our message effectively?
•	How will we accomplish our objectives?
Put simply, it’s all about how people find and
interact with your website through the power of
Search, how site design and good usability lead
users down the path of Conversion, and how a
Brand experience is created online that extends
your brand promise and encourages people to
talk about you.
•	Who is our target audience & what are their needs/wants?
•	What digital channels do they use?
•	What information related to vision plans do they seek?
•	What do they say about (Client), (Client) competitors or the
vision care industry as a whole?
•	How can we engage the familiar customer while
attempting to attract the attention of those
unfamiliar with the brand?
•	What are we (and the audience) trying to accomplish?
•	How will we accomplish our objectives?
•	What conversations can we initiate with HR managers and
brokers to help us achieve our business goals?
•	How can we get target audiences involved?
•	Which tactics/tools/technologies will we deploy to meet our
strategic objectives?
•	How will existing properties need to be optimized or edited
to make them more effective?
•	How will we measure our success?
Methodological Approach: (Client)
Fact: 90% of online
Americans search the
internet for health resources.
— Harris Poll, 2010.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
as we know it is dead.
Being effective online means more than just
having a website. It even means more than
just having a website that ranks well in search
engines. It’s about creating a presence that
promotes a consistent and interconnected
experience for customers and prospects. It’s
about helping you Be Found.
A quality web presence strategy helps
reinvigorate low sales, staves off expensive
ad campaigns and can be the stepping stone
needed to play against larger competition.
It’s not about chasing the latest tricks and
tactics, or striving for a possibly unattainable
number one ranking. (Agency) has never been
about that. We look beyond the obvious,
beyond even existing web properties.(Agency)
creates complete web presence optimization
plans that not only get web content found by
discovery engines, but make sure that content
is properly displayed. Once found and easily
accessed, (Agency) works with you clients to
create such valuable content that authority,
trust and loyalty are the result.
Technical Architecture
On-page Optimization
Remarkable Content
Link Cultivation
SEO Best
Tactics Objectives
Less control
More control
Web presence optimization has a single goal:
attract a higher volume of relevant users to key
pages of the website dependent on audience
intent. In today’s world, that requires a mixture
of enhancing site performance, optimizing key
elements and improving the overall relevance
and usefulness of the site as a whole.
Improving your site’s reputation within search
engines can have a dramatic impact on your
business. According to ComScore, 78% of users
click on organic search results; 70% of searchers
do not go beyond the first page of listings
provided by a search engine (Jupiter Research),
underscoring the need for a solid strategy to
obtain first-page rankings on a vast and varied
range of key terms.
With a lack of optimized content, it’s difficult
to find sustainable traffic from organic search,
increasing the reliance on paid media initiatives.
Onsite Web Presence Optimization
•	Does your content match the way people are
searching for information?
•	Is the information you provide useful and remark-
•	Does your content present a cohesive message
and provide an excellent experience?
•	Do the links to your site represent an opportunity
or a liability?
•	 Is your content accessible to everyone on every
•	Do local searches find your local relevant con-
•	Are people engaging with and sharing elements
of your brand with their own network?
Website and Mobile Architecture
Addresses 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A,
8A, 8B of RFP Requirements
The single most important owned media property
of a company is their own website and mobile site.
(Agency) has developed a proprietary process for
analyzing and modifying the structure and content
of your website to maximize discoverability for web
searchers. This approach goes much further than
typical SEO shops and leads to sustainable traffic
from search engines, social properties and other
referring sites.
The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation
of a client’s web presence domestic and/or
international site and can include mobile sites:
•	Is the site error-free, lightning-fast and conducive
to indexing?
•	Were current best-practices followed for key on-
page items?
•	How are you represented on engines today, and
how can that be improved?
(Agency) will document all challenges and
opportunities from the analyses, identifying those
that will have the greatest impact for the client’s web
presence. After conferring with appropriate
client-side contacts (technical, content, business,
etc.), a strategic plan may be developed that covers
specific instructions on corrective actions.
•	Comprehensive web optimization overview and
prioritized list of opportunities
•	Meeting to discuss priorities and realities
•	Recommendations on initial set of corrective
actions and best-practices
•	Mobile Technical Architecture Analysis/ Audit
■■ Addresses 2B of RFP Requirements
•	$
•	$
*Investment is per domain (URL), depending on the
total number of domains the per domain investment
can be negotiated.
•	(Agency) will provide a high-level mapping of
intent to existing site content, identifying
imbalances and uncovering gaps between
intent and content.
•	Access to site analytics
•	Webmaster tool validation
•	Next steps
The Audience Intent Analysis provides valuable
insight to existing site structure, primarily in the
form of navigational flow, sitemaps and cross-linking
within a domain. It also adds clarity to future content
creation decisions as the imbalance is corrected.
•	$
In order to gain organic search visibility for a specific
subject matter, a site must first own content that
is relevant to this subject matter. (Agency) has
developed a proprietary system that analyzes the
express intent of the potential audience, mapping
back to existing on-site content.
•	(Agency), with guidance from the client, will
conduct extensive research around search
phrases related to your industry or business.
This includes actual traffic as well as available
terms that may not currently drive traffic.
•	(Agency), with guidance from the client, will
identify and categorize all analyzed phrases
with up to three attributes. These attributes are
best selected after the analysis phase is
completed, rather than making assumptions.
Example attributes are member/non-member,
city/state, benefits manager/broker,
qualified/unqualified, etc.
Audience Intent Analysis
Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C of RFP Requirements
still have - short-term success, they generally are
no longer effective. Google’s Panda, Penguin and
Farmer updates has ensured that these tactics (such
as acquiring links from non quality and irrelevant
sources, spamming content farms with low-quality
article marketing, unnatural volume of exact match
anchor text, etc.) will be recognized as an attempt to
alter the performance of Google. In 2011, JCPenny, and Sears found out all too quickly
how black hat link building techniques could damage
their ranking, traffic and overall brand.
•	Included in the Website and Mobile Architecture
Analysis/ Audit*
*Addresses 6A, 6B, 6C of the RFP requirements
Offsite Web Presence Optimization:
Link Building
Addresses 6A, 6B, 6C of RFP Requirements
(Agency) does not engage in hands-on link building
services. (Agency) believes that creating truly
remarkable content (created through strategic front-
end research, content personality profile creation and
audience intent analysis) will lead to an exceptional
user experience and as a result, will naturally attract
users to link to, share and review content. However,
there are many opportunities to implement
cross-linking strategies and tactics across other
Owned Media properties, such as location-based
services, social properties, images, videos and more.
A final word of caution on link building as it is
often implemented by SEO firms: be wary. Many
companies that market themselves as “link builders”
focus on black hat or unethical link building tactics.
While these tactics may have had - and sometimes
Long-tail keywords (eye care insurance, eye care
insurance providers, eye care insurance quotes, eye
care insurance military, etc.) are often more specific,
lead to better conversion rates, are less popular
than general types on a one-off basis, and when
compared in aggregate can be more popular than
the general types.
For example, over one million searches each month
contain the keyword phrase “eye care.” However,
only 3,600 of those are looking for that exact phrase.
Most of the time (99.996% of the time, to be exact)
the phrase “eye care” is searched in conjunction with
other words. This clearly calls for a long-tail keyword
strategy, where we try and attract as many of these
phrases as possible. It’s part of a comprehensive
content strategy where we first build quality content
around the types of things people are actually
looking for.
Our Insights for (Client) Keyword
Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B of RFP Requirements
Targeting high-level general keyword phrases (e.g.,
eye care, vision care, vision insurance, etc.) is a
critical component to a comprehensive organic
search strategy. Obtaining visibility in search engines
for these keyword types allows a domain to achieve
significant reach for some of the industry’s most
popular keywords. Increased visibility can lead to a
lift in brand awareness, relevant traffic and in the end,
conversions and loyalty. A general keyword strategy
is often deemed most critical as part of a
comprehensive search strategy, but in doing so, many
marketers overlook the importance of the long-tail.
A long-tail keyword is more specific in nature. Users
insert additional modifiers into a phrase, making the
keyword not only longer in length but more detailed,
better specifying the true intent of the searcher.
After determining business goals and web success
metrics, a robust keyword strategy unique to those
goals is developed to study search behavior and
learn how users are really searching for products or
services offered by the client. While search volume
is critical, intent leads to conversion. A keyword
strategy focusing on relevance as well as search
volume is a key factor in meeting business objectives.
Not only is keyword strategy critical to the search
process (organic and paid search), but it is also critical
to developing a robust and relevant content strategy.
By generating content that speaks in the language of
the user, a website conveys trust and allows users to
personally identify with the presented web content.
Keyword Strategy
Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B of RFP Requirements
•	Included in the Audience Intent Analysis
•	Included in the Website and Mobile
Architecture Analysis/ Audit
•	Refer to Audience Intent Analysis (page 13)
•	Refer to Website and Mobile Architecture
Analysis/Audit (page 15)
Implementation of (Agency)’s recommendations has
resulted in positive outcomes across the board.
The following example shows paid search campaign
improvement from a client currently using landing
pages that did not follow best practices. After
implementing in-depth recommendations, the
campaign had improved conversion rates.
Actual pre and post conversion rate data –
Improvement of existing landing pages:
In the case where landing pages do not exist,
(Agency) will provide recommendations on what
types of pages and content would be beneficial
to a campaign.
Conversion Optimization
Addresses 1A, 1B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
It is critical to note that each of the previously
mentioned strategies are essential for successful web
presence optimization. Without great content that
speaks in the user’s language and elicits the reaction
to share and link, a search engine friendly site that
encompasses best practices in on-page optimization,
and a site that promotes smooth usability and ease
of conversion process, it is impossible to own a
successful search strategy.
It is critical to compliment organic search efforts
(Web Presence Optimization) with a strong paid
search plan. When paid and organic search are
working together, the sum of their performance is
greater than their performance individually. Examples
of optimization recommendations may include:
•	Benefit focused copy
•	Audience specific content
•	Trust building content
•	Value based collateral
•	Appropriate and compelling call to action
•	Right number of offers
•	Number of optional and require fields
•	Placement on page
Ongoing Management & Maintenance
Addresses 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A, 8A,
8B, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
Depending on the needs of (Client), resources
available and the findings of the Website and Mobile
Architecture Analysis/Audit, next steps may include:
•	Timeline and roadmap for ongoing
•	Specific page-level recommendations
•	Templated modifications that can be applied
•	Regularly scheduled maintenance within search
engine indexes
•	Content creation
•	Social engagement strategies and tactics
•	Continued cross-linking strategies/execution
•	Local presence optimization
Successful web optimization requires a tailored
working relationship, including tactics, schedules
and deliverables. Monthly management costs will be
established upon completion of the assessment.
•	$
•	$
•	$
•	Template (in initial stages)
•	Manual (as next step)- dependent on how deep
their site is, this one task alone could fill up quarters
of work.
•	Social media strategy
•	Social content creation
•	Social management
•	Integration into site
•	Copywriting could comprise as a solo task for
months and months of work. Depending on what
a content strategy /plan/audience intent analysis
tells us, there may be a strong need to create new,
recraft, remove content from the domain.
•	Link structure cleanup if necessary
•	Internal Linking Recommendations
(Client)’s Current Web Presence:
High-Level Analysis
(Agency) conducted an analysis of
www.(Client).com which revealed a number of
issues that can negatively impact performance,
search rankings and user experience. The issues
and what areas the issues impacts include:
•	Causes delays in performance.
•	Leads to lower search rankings
•	Slows down page load time
■■ Home page takes 10 seconds to load and
it should take one second
•	Negatively effects search engine rankings
•	The Description Element is rarely used.
■■ This causes Google to guess what content
to display on the search result page as op-
possed to being told.
■■ Results in wrong or irrelevant
content being displayed in search results.
•	The title tag is often too long and
lacks context.
■■ This causes Google to guess what content
to display on the search results page as op-
possed to being told.
■■ Results in wrong or irrelevant content be-
ing displayed in search results.
•	This causes Google to guess what content to
display on the search results page as oppossed
to being told.
•	Results in wrong or irrelevant content being
displayed in search results.
•	The causes Google to guess what pages of the
site to crawl and how to crawl the site opposed
to being told.
“With search acting as the gateway
to influence on today’s consumer,
creative content creation is
essential within earned and
owned media channels to boost a
brand’s organic search relevancy.”
— The Science of Sharing, MBooth Communications.
Content Strategy
The (Agency) Content Team has vast
experience in SEO content writing. Whether
working from a provided list of keywords
researched by the (Agency) Media Team or
writing from a themed approach, content is
always written with search engines and the
end-user in mind. With the increased focus
on quality content over keyword stuffing,
(Agency) has evolved with these changes,
advocating quality, well-written, useful
content that users will find valuable and want
to share. This is the new face of SEO and an
approach that (Agency) practices during any
content creation project.
Content Strategy uncovers what
a brand needs to say, how it
needs to say it and where/when
it is best said.
Content Strategy uncovers what a brand
needs to say and how to say it. Content can
no longer be thought of as just text on a page
(or webpage). Content includes infographics,
images, whitepapers, videos and more. Content
Strategy sets out to create a framework for new
content creation — all in an effort to bring value to
customers while meeting brand goals.
As customers enter an increasingly noisy web
space it has become imperative to create
consistent, findable, shareable and valuable
content. Having a clear understanding of what
content you have, how it maps to your brand
goals, how it helps answer customer pain points
and how it can best be presented is key.
Content Strategy pushes brands to think more
like publishers and less like marketers. A strategic
approach begs the questions:
•	What content do you have?
•	Is it consistent?
•	How are people finding it?
Content Strategy Process
Content Strategy
Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
The Content Personality Profile provides the guidance and
usage standards for all digital content as it relates to a
brand, outlining the messaging architecture and target au-
dience segments. Additionally, it acts as a foundation for
content auditing and creation, ensuring the brand voice
is accurately communicated across all content channels,
contributing to brand coherency.
The (Agency) Content Team and a brand’s employees/
executives responsible for content planning, creation
or ideation will meet for one (1) intake session of six (6)
hours or less. The (Agency) Content Team will facilitate
brainstorming exercises. The exercises are meant to
help define content challenges, establish content goals,
and get consensus around key elements (audience,
voice, point-of-view, etc.) necessary to create the Core
Messaging Statement.The information gathered during
the brainstorm session will be used to create a Content
Personality Profile document.
•	$
Every successful brand has a strong, clear point-of-
view; the promise they offer that creates affinity, drives
loyalty and spurs advocacy. Brands that truly “get it”
start with audience needs, making certain their goals
and unique requirements are reflected in the overall
promise. (Agency) refers to this “promise” as the Core
Messaging Statement:
That Client/Brand’s
Target Audience #2
promise #1
promise #2
promise #3
The “Promise”:
Strong, clear
that creates
promise #4
The Audience The Promise
The Goal
Content Strategy for (Client)
Contents Vital Role in Web Presence Optimization
Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 7A, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
Addresses 7A, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
Develop templates to guide the content creation
process, each page template may include: questions
the page should answer for target audiences, web
presence optimization requirements, calls to action
and recommendation for video and/or imagery.
Content Templates use the information and insights
gathered from the Content Personality Profile,
Content Audit, Website and Mobile Architecture
Analysis/Audit and web presence optimization best
practices to guide the creation of the templates for
original content creation. The frameworks can be
handed off to the client to create content or used by
(Agency) to perform the content creation.
•	$
Addresses 7A, 8A, 8B, 9A of RFP Requirements
The Content Audit is intended to indentify web
content that is 1) of quality and can exist as-is or
can be repurposed, 2) out-dated, inaccurate or off-
message and needs to be updated/enhanced, and
3) not mapping back to any brand goals or any piece
of the Core Messaging Statement and needs to be
deleted or removed. Once the content is audited with
these three categories in mind, it provides a roadmap
for content creation.
A Website Content Audit features quantitative and
qualitative analyses of existing web content. It is
dependent on the Content Personality Profile, which
serves as a baseline with which to measure the
effectiveness and accuracy of existing content. The
audit identifies what content exists, provides details
on how valuable/relevant/accurate that content
is, and delivers a roadmap for fixing/enhancing
existing content, and/or creating new content with an
informed approach.
•	$
(9B RFP Requirement)
(Agency) delivers the Content Audit and conducts
a training session with the internal content creators,
outlining next steps and how to read/use the Content
Audit to create needed content using web presence
optimization (SEO) best practices.
•	$
Addresses 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
(9A RFP Requirement)
Based on the information and recommendations
outlined in the Content Audit, (Agency) would
identify the pages that need to be updated and/or
the pages that need to be added for content creation
and create content for the agreed upon amount of
•	$
*Depending on the type of content
(Agency) conducted a high-level content analysis of
the www.(Client).com site. The key take-aways (listed
below) reflect a similar need- to better understand
the target audience(s) and develop content tailored
to their intent/needs. Key take-aways:
•	Content needs to be clear, concise and crafted to
speak to the target audiences
•	Lack of context provided for the login
feature. Why do they need a login? What informa-
tion lives behind the login? What is the benefit to
the user?
•	The tabs at the top of the page are a great way
to path users to the most useful, relevant content
for them; however, providing a bit of context and
helping users identify what type of customer they
are might be helpful.
•	Homepage content speaks to the Members. The
Benefits Managers and Brokers are offered no
clear calls to action or engaging content.
•	Valuable, informative content is buried in the site.
(Client)’s Current Content:
High-Level Analysis
•	“Get Fit Tool” offers valuable resources (articles
and tools) but it is four clicks deep into the site
(refer to the screenshots on this page).
•	Unclear or hard to find calls to action
■■ For example: “Get Fit Tools” landing page,
the only call to action appearing as an in-text
link at the end (“Get Fit tools”). (Refer to the
screenshot below)
■■ website content: content types/ formats
•	Links are presented in both web page and PDF
format. As a general rule, PDFs are not as useful
for web presence optimization purposes; if there
is good content in a PDF, consider repurposing it
to live on the website in some way.
•	Confusion of content type: there are journals,
check-lists and “tools,” as well as articles with
links and further information.
•	Lacking visual language. Compelling images,
infographics or video can help make this content
more valuable and worthy of social sharing.
Paid Media increases relevance and
decreases wasted money.
As we enter into a reality of highly targeted advertising, ads will
stop being seen as ads at all. Rather, they will simply become
highly relevant and useful content. That’s the goal, and it’s an
attainable one.
People are constantly blind-sided by ads that
aren’t relevant to them, and for brands, every
wasted impression is a wasted dollar. While there’s
something to be said for a branding campaign,
digital paid media works to eliminate ambiguous
ad performance, wasted ad dollars, low awareness
and traffic, and marketplace misconceptions, all
contributing to a more relevant and strategic
(Agency) doesn’t just rely on Google properties.
While the major publishers are highly useful, a
whole range of paid media opportunities exist in
the digital space that (Agency) leverages on our
clients’ behalf. And managing to business goals
is always a priority. Impressions and clicks pale
in comparison to the importance of meeting CPA
goals at volume, or exceeding ROI goals with
every dollar spent. (Agency) also recognizes the
interconnectedness of it all. Paid media and earned
media complement one another. Big product
pushes lead to more searches. More searches lead
to increased awareness. Increased awareness leads
to third-party editorial and commentary – which
lead right back to increasing awareness. And all of
it, in one form or another, has a paid ad component
attached. In addition, (Agency) utilizes end-to-end
management of all paid media placements to help
tailor campaigns that better achieve your business
goals with a more efficient spend.
Paid Search
A key benefit to (Client) will be the ability to explicitly
direct traffic based on keywords used by searchers.
Further refinement can be more granular, driving
“informational” keywords to appropriate pages and
those with a stronger “buy-intent” being driven
directly to conversion pages.
Organic Search
Paid Search
Using paid search campaigns, (Agency) is able to
select individual keywords and keyword phrases used
by searchers that indicate a strong desire to purchase
or obtain more information on particular product
lines offered by (Client).
•	Google and Bing both allow for segmentation of
desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices.
Performance on mobile devices is reliant on the
optimal mobile experience for the end-user. This
means developing dedicated mobile landing
pages to prioritize site function and
accommodate finger touch over mouse click.
•	Location targeting is more than just
restricting campaigns to a certain geographic
region. Google Places integration and custom
campaigns make the most of targeting each
appropriate location. For example, users in
Florida may search differently than users in
Colorado. By altering campaigns with location
specific keywords and ad creative, paid search
efforts align more closely with the end-user,
providing a better experience and ultimately
increasing conversion rate.
Though each implementation is unique, there are
some standard elements to the (Agency) approach.
•	Paid search is completely dependent on click
pricing and volume. Pricing is auction-based and
volume is largely demand-driven. However,
(Agency) has systems in place to predict spend
levels and manage budgetary constraints over
time. Media can either be pre-paid through
(Agency) or billed directly to the client.
•	Paid search campaigns can be restricted to
certain geographies and devices. These
options are ever-changing. Note that targeting
can impact volume, performance and
management resources.
Education/ Training Rebate: Value Add
Project Timeline
(Agency) Services Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
Website and Mobile Architecture
Analysis/ Audit
Audience Intent Analysis
Content Personality Profile
Content Audit
On Page Keyword Optimization
Ongoing Web Presence Optimization
Content Framework Templates
Content Creation- Train (Client) to
Create Content (9A RFP Requirement)
Content Creation Done by (Agency)
(9B RFP Requirement)
Web Presence Optimization
Content Strategy
Ongoing Management

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Mandy RFP WorkFINAL1

  • 2. 2 (Client) RFP Requirements 1. SEO for full site and mobile optimized site (when applicable) a. (Client).com – full and mobile site b. (Client) – full site only 2. Architectural review of (Client) websites a. (Client).com b. (Client) 3. SEO support for International sites a. (Client).com and future UK, Canada and Australia sites b. Content may be the same on International sites as (Client) 4. Provide list of recommended keywords for (Client).com a. Segment keywords based on audience b. Which terms should we target for members/consumers, benefits managers (clients), brokers or doctors? c. Which keywords should pertain to all audiences? 5. Keyword and Meta data review of (Client).com a. Review keywords and meta data on current pages b. If a more relevant keyword is identified, provide recommendations for alternative keywords. 6. Content optimization a. Option 1: SEO training is provided by the SEO vendor b. Option 2: The vendor optimizes all (Client) content. 7. Link building a. Identify specific opportunities for internal link building within (Client) web assets b. Identify specific opportunities for external link building with (Client) social media channels c. Identify specific opportunities for external link building with industry partners, bloggers, etc. 8. Duplicate content review a. Review (Client) web assets, including blogs and social media channels to determine duplicate 9. Implementation a. Vendor responsible for implementation of: meta data, URLs, linking building, and keyword integrated content b. Vendor will be responsible for Google Webmaster Tools maintenance, canonical taimplementation due to duplicate content, XML sitemap, diagnosis of crawling or indexing issues
  • 3. (Agency) Alignment to RFP Requirements (Agency) Offerings RFP Requirements #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/ Audit X X X X X X X X Audience Intent Analysis X Content Personality Profile X X Content Audit X X On Page Keyword Optimization X X Ongoing Web Presence Optimization X X X X X X X X X Content Framework Templates X X X Content Creation- Train (Client) to Create Content Internally X X Content Creation Done by (Agency) X X
  • 4. 4 (AGENCY) SOLUTIONS: • Content Strategy • Content Personality Profile • Content Audit • Content Framework/Templates • Content Creation Our Strategic Solutions for (Client): Addresses 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements (Agency) conducted high-level site architecture and content analyses of the www.(Client).com website. Two overarching needs emerged from the findings, the need for: clear, concise content that speaks to the users intent and target specific calls to action; and a better understanding of the target audiences’ online behavior, intent and digital touchpoints where (Client) should be present. WEB PRESENCE OPTIMIZATION (THE NEW ERA SEO) TARGET AUDIENCE INTENT (RELEVANT CONTENT) CONTENT STRATEGY (THE FOUNDATION) (AGENCY) SOLUTIONS: • Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/Audit • Web Presence Optimization • Audience Intent Analysis • Onpage Keyword Optimizaiton The strategic solutions outlined below will act as a roadmap to reaching (Client) company goals. (Agency)’s strategic approach aligns to three digital initiatives- web presence optimization, content strategy and audience intent. Each digital initiative aligns with (Agency) strategic solutions.
  • 5. 5 Executive Summary Search engine optimization (SEO) as we know it is dead. With Google’s Penguin, Panda and Farmer updates, individuals attempting to outsmart the system incur tremendous brand and equity risk. Algorithms and human beings now work hand in hand to ensure content is relevant, fresh and engaging. This is why (Client) has a tremendous opportunity to refresh content, not only so its domain stays relevant within the index, but so it can provide real value to brokers, members, doctors, job applicants and all target audiences, leading to conversions for (Client).
  • 6. 6 (Agency) uses a Forrester Research tried and tested methodology for evaluating and making technology recommendations. We are often asked by clients about what technology needs to be implemented in order to leapfrog competitors — the problem is, this is the wrong question. Our Methodology & Process People Who is our target audience & what are their needs/wants? Objectives What are we (and the audi- ence) trying to accomplish? Strategies How will we accomplish our objectives? Tactics Which tactics will we deploy to meet our strategic objectives? Measurement How will we measure our success? TECHNOLOGY/TACTICS • Reach audiences on their terms with the most relevant information possible. • Which tactics/tools/technologies will we deploy to meet our strategic objectives? MEASUREMENT • How do we define success? Awareness? Senti- ment? E-mail sign-ups? Shares? +1s? Likes? Fans? All of the above? • How will we measure our success? PEOPLE • Develop deep understanding of decision-makers across the current audience. • Who is our target audience and what are their needs/wants? OBJECTIVES • How do our objectives differ across audiences? What are we (and the audience) trying to accomplish? STRATEGIES • How do we communicate our message effectively? • How will we accomplish our objectives? Put simply, it’s all about how people find and interact with your website through the power of Search, how site design and good usability lead users down the path of Conversion, and how a Brand experience is created online that extends your brand promise and encourages people to talk about you.
  • 7. 7 PEOPLE • Who is our target audience & what are their needs/wants? • What digital channels do they use? • What information related to vision plans do they seek? • What do they say about (Client), (Client) competitors or the vision care industry as a whole? • How can we engage the familiar customer while attempting to attract the attention of those unfamiliar with the brand? OBJECTIVES • What are we (and the audience) trying to accomplish? STRATEGY • How will we accomplish our objectives? • What conversations can we initiate with HR managers and brokers to help us achieve our business goals? • How can we get target audiences involved? TACTICS • Which tactics/tools/technologies will we deploy to meet our strategic objectives? • How will existing properties need to be optimized or edited to make them more effective? MEASUREMENT • How will we measure our success? Methodological Approach: (Client)
  • 8. 8 Fact: 90% of online Americans search the internet for health resources. — Harris Poll, 2010.
  • 9. 9 WEB PRESENCE OPTIMIZATION Search engine optimization (SEO) as we know it is dead. . Being effective online means more than just having a website. It even means more than just having a website that ranks well in search engines. It’s about creating a presence that promotes a consistent and interconnected experience for customers and prospects. It’s about helping you Be Found. A quality web presence strategy helps reinvigorate low sales, staves off expensive ad campaigns and can be the stepping stone needed to play against larger competition. It’s not about chasing the latest tricks and tactics, or striving for a possibly unattainable number one ranking. (Agency) has never been about that. We look beyond the obvious, beyond even existing web properties.(Agency) creates complete web presence optimization plans that not only get web content found by discovery engines, but make sure that content is properly displayed. Once found and easily accessed, (Agency) works with you clients to create such valuable content that authority, trust and loyalty are the result. Technical Architecture On-page Optimization Remarkable Content Link Cultivation Actively Engaged Remove Obstacles SEO Best Practices Conversion Optimization Content Marketing Social Planning Optimize Consumerize Humanize Relevant-eyes Tactics Objectives Less control More control
  • 10. 10 Web presence optimization has a single goal: attract a higher volume of relevant users to key pages of the website dependent on audience intent. In today’s world, that requires a mixture of enhancing site performance, optimizing key elements and improving the overall relevance and usefulness of the site as a whole. Improving your site’s reputation within search engines can have a dramatic impact on your business. According to ComScore, 78% of users click on organic search results; 70% of searchers do not go beyond the first page of listings provided by a search engine (Jupiter Research), underscoring the need for a solid strategy to obtain first-page rankings on a vast and varied range of key terms. With a lack of optimized content, it’s difficult to find sustainable traffic from organic search, increasing the reliance on paid media initiatives. Onsite Web Presence Optimization
  • 11. 11 CONTENT/KEYWORD MATCHING • Does your content match the way people are searching for information? QUALITY OF CONTENT • Is the information you provide useful and remark- able? CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS • Does your content present a cohesive message and provide an excellent experience? LINK CULTIVATION ANALYSIS • Do the links to your site represent an opportunity or a liability? DEVICE COMPATIBILITY • Is your content accessible to everyone on every device? LOCAL APPEAL • Do local searches find your local relevant con- tent? SOCIAL LANDSCAPE • Are people engaging with and sharing elements of your brand with their own network? Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/Audit Addresses 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A, 8A, 8B of RFP Requirements The single most important owned media property of a company is their own website and mobile site. (Agency) has developed a proprietary process for analyzing and modifying the structure and content of your website to maximize discoverability for web searchers. This approach goes much further than typical SEO shops and leads to sustainable traffic from search engines, social properties and other referring sites. The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation of a client’s web presence domestic and/or international site and can include mobile sites: TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE • Is the site error-free, lightning-fast and conducive to indexing? OPTIMIZATION ELEMENTS • Were current best-practices followed for key on- page items? APPLIED RANKING FACTORS • How are you represented on engines today, and how can that be improved?
  • 12. 12 (Agency) will document all challenges and opportunities from the analyses, identifying those that will have the greatest impact for the client’s web presence. After conferring with appropriate client-side contacts (technical, content, business, etc.), a strategic plan may be developed that covers specific instructions on corrective actions. DELIVERABLES: • Comprehensive web optimization overview and prioritized list of opportunities • Meeting to discuss priorities and realities • Recommendations on initial set of corrective actions and best-practices • Mobile Technical Architecture Analysis/ Audit (MTAAA) ■■ Addresses 2B of RFP Requirements INVESTMENT: WEB ARCHITECTURE ANALYSIS/AUDIT • $ MOBILE TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE ANALYSIS/AUDIT • $ TIMEFRAME: *Investment is per domain (URL), depending on the total number of domains the per domain investment can be negotiated.
  • 13. 13 CONTENT MAPPING • (Agency) will provide a high-level mapping of intent to existing site content, identifying imbalances and uncovering gaps between intent and content. REQUIREMENTS • Access to site analytics • Webmaster tool validation • Next steps The Audience Intent Analysis provides valuable insight to existing site structure, primarily in the form of navigational flow, sitemaps and cross-linking within a domain. It also adds clarity to future content creation decisions as the imbalance is corrected. INVESTMENT: • $ TIMEFRAME: In order to gain organic search visibility for a specific subject matter, a site must first own content that is relevant to this subject matter. (Agency) has developed a proprietary system that analyzes the express intent of the potential audience, mapping back to existing on-site content. THE ANALYSIS IS A THREE-PHASE PROCESS: SEARCH PHRASE ANALYSIS • (Agency), with guidance from the client, will conduct extensive research around search phrases related to your industry or business. This includes actual traffic as well as available terms that may not currently drive traffic. CATEGORIZATION • (Agency), with guidance from the client, will identify and categorize all analyzed phrases with up to three attributes. These attributes are best selected after the analysis phase is completed, rather than making assumptions. Example attributes are member/non-member, city/state, benefits manager/broker, qualified/unqualified, etc. Audience Intent Analysis Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C of RFP Requirements
  • 14. 14 still have - short-term success, they generally are no longer effective. Google’s Panda, Penguin and Farmer updates has ensured that these tactics (such as acquiring links from non quality and irrelevant sources, spamming content farms with low-quality article marketing, unnatural volume of exact match anchor text, etc.) will be recognized as an attempt to alter the performance of Google. In 2011, JCPenny, and Sears found out all too quickly how black hat link building techniques could damage their ranking, traffic and overall brand. INVESTMENT: • Included in the Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/ Audit* *Addresses 6A, 6B, 6C of the RFP requirements Offsite Web Presence Optimization: Link Building Addresses 6A, 6B, 6C of RFP Requirements (Agency) does not engage in hands-on link building services. (Agency) believes that creating truly remarkable content (created through strategic front- end research, content personality profile creation and audience intent analysis) will lead to an exceptional user experience and as a result, will naturally attract users to link to, share and review content. However, there are many opportunities to implement cross-linking strategies and tactics across other Owned Media properties, such as location-based services, social properties, images, videos and more. A final word of caution on link building as it is often implemented by SEO firms: be wary. Many companies that market themselves as “link builders” focus on black hat or unethical link building tactics. While these tactics may have had - and sometimes
  • 15. 15 KEY INSIGHT: (CLIENT) NEEDS LONG-TAIL Long-tail keywords (eye care insurance, eye care insurance providers, eye care insurance quotes, eye care insurance military, etc.) are often more specific, lead to better conversion rates, are less popular than general types on a one-off basis, and when compared in aggregate can be more popular than the general types. For example, over one million searches each month contain the keyword phrase “eye care.” However, only 3,600 of those are looking for that exact phrase. Most of the time (99.996% of the time, to be exact) the phrase “eye care” is searched in conjunction with other words. This clearly calls for a long-tail keyword strategy, where we try and attract as many of these phrases as possible. It’s part of a comprehensive content strategy where we first build quality content around the types of things people are actually looking for. Our Insights for (Client) Keyword Strategy Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B of RFP Requirements GENERAL VS. LONG-TAIL Targeting high-level general keyword phrases (e.g., eye care, vision care, vision insurance, etc.) is a critical component to a comprehensive organic search strategy. Obtaining visibility in search engines for these keyword types allows a domain to achieve significant reach for some of the industry’s most popular keywords. Increased visibility can lead to a lift in brand awareness, relevant traffic and in the end, conversions and loyalty. A general keyword strategy is often deemed most critical as part of a comprehensive search strategy, but in doing so, many marketers overlook the importance of the long-tail. A long-tail keyword is more specific in nature. Users insert additional modifiers into a phrase, making the keyword not only longer in length but more detailed, better specifying the true intent of the searcher.
  • 16. 16 After determining business goals and web success metrics, a robust keyword strategy unique to those goals is developed to study search behavior and learn how users are really searching for products or services offered by the client. While search volume is critical, intent leads to conversion. A keyword strategy focusing on relevance as well as search volume is a key factor in meeting business objectives. Not only is keyword strategy critical to the search process (organic and paid search), but it is also critical to developing a robust and relevant content strategy. By generating content that speaks in the language of the user, a website conveys trust and allows users to personally identify with the presented web content. Keyword Strategy Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B of RFP Requirements INVESTMENT: 4A, 4B, 4C OF RFP REQUIREMENTS • Included in the Audience Intent Analysis 5A, 5B OF RFP REQUIREMENTS • Included in the Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/ Audit TIMEFRAME: • Refer to Audience Intent Analysis (page 13) • Refer to Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/Audit (page 15)
  • 17. 17 Implementation of (Agency)’s recommendations has resulted in positive outcomes across the board. The following example shows paid search campaign improvement from a client currently using landing pages that did not follow best practices. After implementing in-depth recommendations, the campaign had improved conversion rates. Actual pre and post conversion rate data – Improvement of existing landing pages: In the case where landing pages do not exist, (Agency) will provide recommendations on what types of pages and content would be beneficial to a campaign. Conversion Optimization Addresses 1A, 1B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements It is critical to note that each of the previously mentioned strategies are essential for successful web presence optimization. Without great content that speaks in the user’s language and elicits the reaction to share and link, a search engine friendly site that encompasses best practices in on-page optimization, and a site that promotes smooth usability and ease of conversion process, it is impossible to own a successful search strategy. It is critical to compliment organic search efforts (Web Presence Optimization) with a strong paid search plan. When paid and organic search are working together, the sum of their performance is greater than their performance individually. Examples of optimization recommendations may include: CONTENT • Benefit focused copy • Audience specific content • Trust building content DECISION MAKING INFO • Value based collateral • Appropriate and compelling call to action • Right number of offers FORM OPTIMIZATION • Number of optional and require fields • Placement on page
  • 18. 18 Ongoing Management & Maintenance Addresses 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7A, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements Depending on the needs of (Client), resources available and the findings of the Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/Audit, next steps may include: • Timeline and roadmap for ongoing enhancements • Specific page-level recommendations • Templated modifications that can be applied site-wide • Regularly scheduled maintenance within search engine indexes • Content creation • Social engagement strategies and tactics • Continued cross-linking strategies/execution • Local presence optimization Successful web optimization requires a tailored working relationship, including tactics, schedules and deliverables. Monthly management costs will be established upon completion of the assessment. MONTHLY INVESTMENT RANGES: MINIMAL OPTIMIZATION • $ MODERATE OPTIMIZATION • $ INTENSE OPTIMIZATION • $ ONGOING TACTICS (MAY INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TOO) ON PAGE OPTIMIZATION • Template (in initial stages) • Manual (as next step)- dependent on how deep their site is, this one task alone could fill up quarters of work. SOCIAL • Social media strategy • Social content creation • Social management • Integration into site COPYWRITING • Copywriting could comprise as a solo task for months and months of work. Depending on what a content strategy /plan/audience intent analysis tells us, there may be a strong need to create new, recraft, remove content from the domain. LINK QUALITY ANALYSIS • Link structure cleanup if necessary • Internal Linking Recommendations CONVERSION OPTIMIZATION VIDEO OPTIMIZATION
  • 19. 19 (Client)’s Current Web Presence: High-Level Analysis (Agency) conducted an analysis of www.(Client).com which revealed a number of issues that can negatively impact performance, search rankings and user experience. The issues and what areas the issues impacts include: 1. ENTIRE SITE IS SERVED IN HTTPS • Causes delays in performance. • Leads to lower search rankings • Slows down page load time ■■ Home page takes 10 seconds to load and it should take one second 2. REDIRECTS ARE TEMPORARY (302) • Negatively effects search engine rankings 3. MISSING DESCRIPTION ELEMENTS • The Description Element is rarely used. ■■ This causes Google to guess what content to display on the search result page as op- possed to being told. ■■ Results in wrong or irrelevant content being displayed in search results. 4. UNOPTIMIZED META ELEMENTS • The title tag is often too long and lacks context. ■■ This causes Google to guess what content to display on the search results page as op- possed to being told. ■■ Results in wrong or irrelevant content be- ing displayed in search results. 5. MISSING H1 TAGS • This causes Google to guess what content to display on the search results page as oppossed to being told. • Results in wrong or irrelevant content being displayed in search results. 6. ROBOTS.TXT FILE DOES NOT REFERENCE XML SITEMAP, IF IT EXISTS. • The causes Google to guess what pages of the site to crawl and how to crawl the site opposed to being told.
  • 20. 20 “With search acting as the gateway to influence on today’s consumer, creative content creation is essential within earned and owned media channels to boost a brand’s organic search relevancy.” — The Science of Sharing, MBooth Communications.
  • 21. 21 Content Strategy The (Agency) Content Team has vast experience in SEO content writing. Whether working from a provided list of keywords researched by the (Agency) Media Team or writing from a themed approach, content is always written with search engines and the end-user in mind. With the increased focus on quality content over keyword stuffing, (Agency) has evolved with these changes, advocating quality, well-written, useful content that users will find valuable and want to share. This is the new face of SEO and an approach that (Agency) practices during any content creation project. Content Strategy uncovers what a brand needs to say, how it needs to say it and where/when it is best said.
  • 22. 22 Content Strategy uncovers what a brand needs to say and how to say it. Content can no longer be thought of as just text on a page (or webpage). Content includes infographics, images, whitepapers, videos and more. Content Strategy sets out to create a framework for new content creation — all in an effort to bring value to customers while meeting brand goals. As customers enter an increasingly noisy web space it has become imperative to create consistent, findable, shareable and valuable content. Having a clear understanding of what content you have, how it maps to your brand goals, how it helps answer customer pain points and how it can best be presented is key. Content Strategy pushes brands to think more like publishers and less like marketers. A strategic approach begs the questions: • What content do you have? • Is it consistent? • How are people finding it? Content Strategy Process Content Strategy Personality Audit Plan Creation Governance
  • 23. 23 CONTENT PERSONALITY PROFILE Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements PURPOSE The Content Personality Profile provides the guidance and usage standards for all digital content as it relates to a brand, outlining the messaging architecture and target au- dience segments. Additionally, it acts as a foundation for content auditing and creation, ensuring the brand voice is accurately communicated across all content channels, contributing to brand coherency. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE The (Agency) Content Team and a brand’s employees/ executives responsible for content planning, creation or ideation will meet for one (1) intake session of six (6) hours or less. The (Agency) Content Team will facilitate brainstorming exercises. The exercises are meant to help define content challenges, establish content goals, and get consensus around key elements (audience, voice, point-of-view, etc.) necessary to create the Core Messaging Statement.The information gathered during the brainstorm session will be used to create a Content Personality Profile document. INVESTMENT: • $ TIMEFRAME: CORE MESSAGING STATEMENT (PART OF PERSONALITY PROFILE DELIVERABLE) Every successful brand has a strong, clear point-of- view; the promise they offer that creates affinity, drives loyalty and spurs advocacy. Brands that truly “get it” start with audience needs, making certain their goals and unique requirements are reflected in the overall promise. (Agency) refers to this “promise” as the Core Messaging Statement: That Client/Brand’s Convince TargetAudience #1 Target Audience #2 TargetAudience#3 Thereby Brand promise #1 Brand promise #2 Brand promise #3 The “Promise”: Strong, clear point-of-view that creates affinity Brand promise #4 The Audience The Promise The Goal Content Strategy for (Client) Contents Vital Role in Web Presence Optimization Addresses 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 7A, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements
  • 24. 24 CONTENT FRAMEWORK/ TEMPLATES Addresses 7A, 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements PURPOSE Develop templates to guide the content creation process, each page template may include: questions the page should answer for target audiences, web presence optimization requirements, calls to action and recommendation for video and/or imagery. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Content Templates use the information and insights gathered from the Content Personality Profile, Content Audit, Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/Audit and web presence optimization best practices to guide the creation of the templates for original content creation. The frameworks can be handed off to the client to create content or used by (Agency) to perform the content creation. INVESTMENT: • $ TIMEFRAME: CONTENT AUDIT Addresses 7A, 8A, 8B, 9A of RFP Requirements PURPOSE The Content Audit is intended to indentify web content that is 1) of quality and can exist as-is or can be repurposed, 2) out-dated, inaccurate or off- message and needs to be updated/enhanced, and 3) not mapping back to any brand goals or any piece of the Core Messaging Statement and needs to be deleted or removed. Once the content is audited with these three categories in mind, it provides a roadmap for content creation. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE A Website Content Audit features quantitative and qualitative analyses of existing web content. It is dependent on the Content Personality Profile, which serves as a baseline with which to measure the effectiveness and accuracy of existing content. The audit identifies what content exists, provides details on how valuable/relevant/accurate that content is, and delivers a roadmap for fixing/enhancing existing content, and/or creating new content with an informed approach. INVESTMENT: • $ TIMEFRAME:
  • 25. 25 OPTION #2 (9B RFP Requirement) (Agency) delivers the Content Audit and conducts a training session with the internal content creators, outlining next steps and how to read/use the Content Audit to create needed content using web presence optimization (SEO) best practices. INVESTMENT: • $ TIMEFRAME: CONTENT CREATION Addresses 9A, 9B of RFP Requirements OPTION #1 (9A RFP Requirement) Based on the information and recommendations outlined in the Content Audit, (Agency) would identify the pages that need to be updated and/or the pages that need to be added for content creation and create content for the agreed upon amount of pages. INVESTMENT: • $ TIMEFRAME: *Depending on the type of content
  • 26. 26 (Agency) conducted a high-level content analysis of the www.(Client).com site. The key take-aways (listed below) reflect a similar need- to better understand the target audience(s) and develop content tailored to their intent/needs. Key take-aways: WEBSITE CONTENT: HOME PAGE • Content needs to be clear, concise and crafted to speak to the target audiences • Lack of context provided for the login feature. Why do they need a login? What informa- tion lives behind the login? What is the benefit to the user? • The tabs at the top of the page are a great way to path users to the most useful, relevant content for them; however, providing a bit of context and helping users identify what type of customer they are might be helpful. • Homepage content speaks to the Members. The Benefits Managers and Brokers are offered no clear calls to action or engaging content. WEBSITE CONTENT: EASE-OF-USE AND CALLS TO ACTION • Valuable, informative content is buried in the site. (Client)’s Current Content: High-Level Analysis • “Get Fit Tool” offers valuable resources (articles and tools) but it is four clicks deep into the site (refer to the screenshots on this page). • Unclear or hard to find calls to action ■■ For example: “Get Fit Tools” landing page, the only call to action appearing as an in-text link at the end (“Get Fit tools”). (Refer to the screenshot below) ■■ website content: content types/ formats • Links are presented in both web page and PDF format. As a general rule, PDFs are not as useful for web presence optimization purposes; if there is good content in a PDF, consider repurposing it to live on the website in some way. • Confusion of content type: there are journals, check-lists and “tools,” as well as articles with links and further information. • Lacking visual language. Compelling images, infographics or video can help make this content more valuable and worthy of social sharing.
  • 27. 27 Paid Media increases relevance and decreases wasted money. As we enter into a reality of highly targeted advertising, ads will stop being seen as ads at all. Rather, they will simply become highly relevant and useful content. That’s the goal, and it’s an attainable one. PAID MEDIA MANAGEMENT People are constantly blind-sided by ads that aren’t relevant to them, and for brands, every wasted impression is a wasted dollar. While there’s something to be said for a branding campaign, digital paid media works to eliminate ambiguous ad performance, wasted ad dollars, low awareness and traffic, and marketplace misconceptions, all contributing to a more relevant and strategic approach. (Agency) doesn’t just rely on Google properties. While the major publishers are highly useful, a whole range of paid media opportunities exist in the digital space that (Agency) leverages on our clients’ behalf. And managing to business goals is always a priority. Impressions and clicks pale in comparison to the importance of meeting CPA goals at volume, or exceeding ROI goals with every dollar spent. (Agency) also recognizes the interconnectedness of it all. Paid media and earned media complement one another. Big product pushes lead to more searches. More searches lead to increased awareness. Increased awareness leads to third-party editorial and commentary – which lead right back to increasing awareness. And all of it, in one form or another, has a paid ad component attached. In addition, (Agency) utilizes end-to-end management of all paid media placements to help tailor campaigns that better achieve your business goals with a more efficient spend.
  • 28. 28 Paid Search A key benefit to (Client) will be the ability to explicitly direct traffic based on keywords used by searchers. Further refinement can be more granular, driving “informational” keywords to appropriate pages and those with a stronger “buy-intent” being driven directly to conversion pages. Organic Search Paid Search Paid Search Using paid search campaigns, (Agency) is able to select individual keywords and keyword phrases used by searchers that indicate a strong desire to purchase or obtain more information on particular product lines offered by (Client).
  • 29. 29 DEVICE • Google and Bing both allow for segmentation of desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices. Performance on mobile devices is reliant on the optimal mobile experience for the end-user. This means developing dedicated mobile landing pages to prioritize site function and accommodate finger touch over mouse click. LOCATION • Location targeting is more than just restricting campaigns to a certain geographic region. Google Places integration and custom campaigns make the most of targeting each appropriate location. For example, users in Florida may search differently than users in Colorado. By altering campaigns with location specific keywords and ad creative, paid search efforts align more closely with the end-user, providing a better experience and ultimately increasing conversion rate. APPROACH Though each implementation is unique, there are some standard elements to the (Agency) approach. MEDIA BUDGET • Paid search is completely dependent on click pricing and volume. Pricing is auction-based and volume is largely demand-driven. However, (Agency) has systems in place to predict spend levels and manage budgetary constraints over time. Media can either be pre-paid through (Agency) or billed directly to the client. TARGETING • Paid search campaigns can be restricted to certain geographies and devices. These options are ever-changing. Note that targeting can impact volume, performance and management resources.
  • 31. 31 Project Timeline (Agency) Services Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Website and Mobile Architecture Analysis/ Audit Audience Intent Analysis Content Personality Profile Content Audit On Page Keyword Optimization Ongoing Web Presence Optimization Content Framework Templates Content Creation- Train (Client) to Create Content (9A RFP Requirement) Content Creation Done by (Agency) (9B RFP Requirement) Web Presence Optimization Content Strategy Ongoing Management