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Deploying Global HR Management Systems:
                                                   Benefits, Issues and Latest Thinking

                                                                                                    Cezanne Software White Paper

Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·

   •         Introduction                                                                               3

   •         A Strategic Approach                                                                       4

   •         Winning Hearts And Minds                                                                   6

   •         Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right                                                8

   •         Global HR Competencies                                                                  10

   •         Joining The Dots                                                                        12

   •         Working In Partnership                                                                  15

   •         About Cezanne                                                                           16

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Introduction - 3


                   The past decade has seen a                            It means that the HR function can be
                   huge increase in the number                           released from much of the ‘transactional’
                                                                         activity it has traditionally dealt with, and
                   of businesses operating on an
                                                                         be freed to focus on the capability and
                   international stage.                                  business development roles that add
                                                                         value to the business.
                   Thanks to technology, and in particular the
                   Internet, global business is no longer the
                                                                         Cezanne Software’s experience suggests that
                   preserve of just the largest corporates.
Julie Windsor,                                                           organizations are almost universally enthusiastic
                   Even the smallest companies are now trading,
Cezanne Software                                                         about the concept of global HR systems, but
                   collaborating and forging partnerships with
                                                                         often nervous about taking the plunge and
                   their customers and counterparts overseas.
                                                                         moving into full-scale implementation. It’s
                                                                         a project that tends to get put on the “too
                   This shift has led to huge challenges – but           difficult” pile, because of concerns about
                   also opportunities – for HR. HR functions             cost and the many practical obstacles they
                   have had to develop new strategies for                perceive will have to be overcome.
                   managing the complexities of an international
                   workforce. They have had to do this against
                                                                         This report aims to highlight some of
                   the backdrop of an uncertain and rapidly
                                                                         the issues and latest thinking associated
                   changing environment.
                                                                         with implementing a global HR system.
                                                                         It also provides practical advice on
                   It’s no longer the case, for example, that a          the key stages, as well as case studies
                   business ‘becomes’ international’ over time           demonstrating how a range of organizations
                   as part of its natural growth. Today, many            have benefited from adopting a unified,
                   new businesses are international from day             technology-enabled approach.
                   one. In some cases, HR can find itself
                   plunged into a global scenario overnight
                   as a result of a merger or acquisition.
                                                                             “I think we are seeing a division of
                   An effective global HR function can, however,              rhetoric versus reality. Companies
                   make an enormous contribution to the success               are talking a lot about a global
                   of an international business. Research from                approach and there are good
                   the CIPD suggests one of the key ways it                   intentions, but less implementation
                   can add value is by using information and                  and action”.
                   communication technology to ‘e-enable’
                                                                                                     Arno Haslberger,
                   Human Resource Management (HRM).
                                                                                              Director of the Ashridge
                                                                                           Strategic Human Resource
                   A common HR system gives organizations                                   Management Programme.
                   the ability to extract and interpret data about
                   everything from salaries to succession from
                   across the business in a simple, consistent
                   way. This not only gives the board the real-
                   time information it needs to make critical
                   decisions, but also gives managers access
                   at the click of a mouse to the operational
                   detail they need to manage their teams.

                           Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
4 - A Strategic Approach

                             A Strategic Approach

                             A global HRM system can deliver                              •   Some organizations may be under
                             huge benefits to an international                                pressure to cut costs and have
                                                                                              recognised that significant savings
                             organization. It can speed
                                                                                              can be made from an integrated, web
                             up decision-making, improve                                      enabled approach.
                             connectivity and provide real-time
                             information at manager’s finger-tips.                        What Do You Want the System to Do?

                             International HR systems can also give HR                    In its Executive Briefing ‘Globalising HR’
                             a global overview of their talent, improve                   the CIPD suggests that global HR activities
                             communication and engagement and help                        tend to fall into one of three main areas:
                             to create a transnational mindset across
                             the business.                                                •   Transactional
                                                                                              (i.e. payroll, sickness, absence)
                             But the system will only deliver its full
                             potential if the organization is clear from the              •   Capability Development (i.e. talent
                             outset about exactly what it wants to achieve.                   management, succession planning)

                             Where Are You Now?                                           •   Business Development
                                                                                              (strategic direction)
                             Organizations enter the journey towards
                             global HRM at different stages of                            Organizations need to consider what their
                             development and readiness.                                   existing systems are delivering, where the
                                                                                          gaps are and what needs to be treated
                             •   Some organizations may have well-                        as a priority.
                                 established processes within independent
                                 business units, but realise the need for                 It’s vital to ask yourself questions at the
                                 a new group-wide HR system.                              outset about what you want the system
                                                                                          to actually deliver.
                             •   An organization may be expanding
                                 into new territories and needs a better                  •   Is the objective to have a single database
                                 system to support this.                                      with the capability for global, regional and
                                                                                              local reporting?
                             •   The business may be going through
                                 a merger or acquisition which takes it                   •   Are you looking to improve the consistency
                                 into a global HR environment.                                of HR processes across the business?

                                                                                          •   Are you looking to get a better view
                                                                                              of your talent? If so, what data do you
                                                                                              need to support your decisions?

                                                                                          •   Do you want to shift some of the
                                                                                              ‘transactional’ HR processes into the
                                                                                              line or to allow employees to self-
                                                                                              manage their own data?

                                                                                          •   What are the strategic plans of your
                                                                                              business? Are you looking to expand
                                                                                              rapidly, in which case is the objective to
                                                                                              identify and fast track leaders from within
                                                                                              the business or recruit externally?

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A Strategic Approach - 5

How ‘Ready’ is Your Organization?                  •   Senior Management Support: Are your
                                                       senior management team convinced
It’s also important to think about the                 by the business case for a global HR
backdrop of your organization and the                  system and willing to provide the
underlying factors that will influence the             necessary support and resources?
speed and style of any new system you
are planning to bring in.                          •   The skills and standing of your team:
                                                       Does your HR team have the credibility
Key points to consider might include:                  and competencies to support the project
                                                       (see ‘Global HR Competencies’, p10)
•   The culture of the organization: How
    willing will your people be to embrace         •   Compatibility: Will a global HR system be
    the change and support implementation              in tune with the way the business
    of a new system? (See ‘Winning Hearts              operates on a wider scale?
    and Minds’, p6)

    Case Study: Renishaw
    Growing Global HR
    Alongside The Business
    Renishaw has used its global HR system to
    support significant change and growth in its
    business over the past 18 years.

    The organization designs, manufactures and sells precision measuring equipment used in industries
    ranging from aviation and engineering to pharmaceuticals and dentistry. It’s a world leader in its field,
    with a workforce of 1,200 in the UK and a further 680 based in 32 subsidiaries around the world.

    Renishaw has long used Cezanne’s global HR software to streamline HR administration in areas such
    as absence management and recruitment management.

    The business has found one of the key advantages of the system is its ability to produce the accurate
    and up-to-date data needed to support strategic business decisions.

    The company has grown significantly and has undergone a number of restructuring exercises over the
    past 10 years. Easy access to information about available talent, divisional headcount and salary costs,
    for example, have informed a number of critical business decisions.

    Accurate information on areas such as employee performance and diversity has also helped the business
    ensure it is complying with the raft of new employment legislation that has been introduced in recent years.

    Renishaw is currently experiencing a period of rapid growth in China and India, and is planning to develop
    its global HR system to support the expansion. The package is already being used by managers within the
    Chinese subsidiary, with longer term plans to possibly look at a self-service, Chinese language version.

    As the business becomes increasingly international, there are plans to eventually roll the system out to the
    majority of overseas subsidiaries. “Our staff overseas are primarily sales and service personnel and virtually
    everyone has access to a PC, so I think we are likely to move more and more towards a self-service system
    over time,” says Personnel Manager Gwyn Jones.

                                 Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
6 - Winning Hearts And Minds

                               Winning Hearts And Minds

                               Successful roll-out of a global                            Global Engagement
                               HR system is not just about the
                                                                                          “If you want to introduce an international
                               nuts and bolts of implementing
                                                                                          HR system you have to involve the local
                               the technology.                                            HR people right from the start, not just for
                                                                                          the roll-out, but also for the design,” says
                               The best and most advanced system in the
                                                                                          Arno Haslberger, director of the Ashridge
                               world won’t deliver the goods if the people
                                                                                          Strategic HRM Programme.
                               using it are not on board.
                                                                                          The ideal, he suggests, is that the business
                               A consultative, partnership approach to the
                                                                                          creates project teams or work groups that are
                               project will help you win ‘hearts and minds’
                                                                                          truly representative of the entire organization.
                               – and the key is to plan ahead for how you
                               are going to achieve that buy-in.
                                                                                          “You have to resist the temptation to divvy
                                                                                          the work up by what is convenient in terms
                               Vested Interests                                           of geographic location, because if you do
                                                                                          that, what tends to happen is that people
                               It’s important to recognise that, particularly
                                                                                          develop strong ‘in-group’ feelings in their
                               in larger organizations, there may be many
                                                                                          local, national groups.”
                               vested interests in maintaining the status
                               quo. A regional HR director, for example,                  If these ‘fault lines’ are allowed to deepen,
                               may not be keen on the idea of a centralised               it can cause the project to stall or even fail,
                               system if they perceive it could reduce their              as people become more focused on their
                               power, influence and status. Hard-pressed                  own, local concerns and lose sight of the
                               line managers may feel that HR is delegating               overall objective.
                               (or dumping) yet another responsibility,
                               which will cause them more work.                           Of course there may be occasions when
                                                                                          there just simply isn’t time to go through a
                                                                                          long consultative process – but even when
    “The technology enables but does not cause the required                               the pressure is on, it’s important to allow at
     connections and sharing.”                                                            least some level of involvement with the
                                                                                          people concerned.
                          (CIPD Executive Briefing, Globalising HR)
                                                                                          “A lot of these things are driven in rather
                                                                                          than consulted in, and there are dangers
                                                                                          attached to that,” says Peter Reilly of the
                               How easy it will be to get engagement with                 Institute for Employment Studies.
                               the project will depend on the nature – and
                               the culture - of the organization. Those                   Getting People Involved
                               organizations who have worked hard to
                               create a shared vision and values may                      So how can you get people involved at
                               have a head start over those who have                      the early stages and win their support?
                               a more autocratic approach.
                                                                                          Here are some ideas that might work in
                               A business that already has strong formal,                 your organization:
                               informal and cross-departmental networks
                               will also be able to move more quickly                     •   Share the business case. Make sure
                               than organizations whose communication                         everyone involved is clear about the
                               mechanisms are less well developed.                            objectives and advantages of the new
                                                                                              system. Don’t just focus on cost savings

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Winning Hearts And Minds - 7

    – explain how a global HR system will          •   Include key stakeholders in process
    provide better data, make managers                 design workshops. This will create
    lives easier and free their time to focus          early engagement and will also help
    on more strategic tasks. Sometimes                 you ensure the resulting system meets
    something as simple as a company-wide              everyone’s information needs.
    organization chart will help managers feel
    more connected. For others, standardizing      •   Identify project champions. Ask for
    and automating core processes to reduce            volunteers to help pilot the system in
    administrative overheads and provide               their departments or regions. Get them
    access to up to date management reports            to act as ‘ambassadors’ for the project
    is important.                                      throughout the business.

•   Have an internal project launch meeting        •   Look for quick wins. Try and identify parts
    to generate a sense of excitement and              of the project or areas of the business
    explain how people can get involved.               where you can get the system off the
                                                       ground quickly. Demonstrating early
•   Ask local managers what would make the             success will help maintain momentum and
    most difference to them, and ensure that           keep interest and excitement levels high.
    the system delivers their key requirements
                                                   •   Be prepared to take decisions. While
•   Involve the wider HR team in the                   collaboration is important, you won’t be
    procurement process. Ask potential                 able to please every body all of the time.
    suppliers to organise a demonstration              Start with those areas that share your
    so people can get a real sense of what             vision, and bring the others on board later.
    a global HR system can deliver.                    A phased implementation is always best.

    Snapshot Case Study: Bakkavor
    Leading food manufacturer Bakkavor Group used
    its global HR conference as the platform to launch
    a new international HR system.

    The business, which has headquarters in the UK and Iceland, operates 57 factories and employs over
    19,000 people in ten countries.

    The group is using Cezanne’s software to manage key HR processes across its international operations,
    encompassing everything from absence management and reward to performance management and
    succession planning.

    Bakkavor felt its annual HR conference presented an ideal opportunity to highlight the benefits of the new
    international HR system and get early buy-in from the people who would be using it.

    Representatives from Cezanne attended the conference to demonstrate the system and explain how it
    would streamline time-consuming HR processes and make managers’ jobs easier on the front line.

    Response to the presentation was overwhelmingly positive, with HR teams from across the business keen
    to get involved in the early stages of implementation.

    “The global HR conference was attended by all of Bakkavor’s HR management team and the feedback from
    the presentation of the software was really positive, with almost every site wanting to participate in the pilot
    stage,” said Katie Heath, Bakkavor HR Systems Manager.

                                 Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
8 - Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right

                             Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right

                             One of the big challenges                                    Ashridge’s Arno Haselburger cites the
                             organizations face is getting                                example of an American-owned company
                                                                                          who tried to introduce a standardised
                             the right balance between HR                                 performance management system across
                             processes that are delivered                                 its global operations. They managed to
                             globally – and those which are                               implement the process fairly swiftly and
                             managed with local variations.                               painlessly in the UK, carefully negotiated
                                                                                          its introduction in Germany over a period
                             There are some processes – like talent                       of months - and a year down the line still
                             management and succession planning for                       hadn’t managed to make any progress at all
                             example – which can clearly be handled on                    in Italy. When the system had been up and
                             a global basis, while others, such as payroll,               running in the US for a year, the business
                             need to have a local focus.                                  decided it wanted to make some changes –
                                                                                          and had to start the whole negotiation and
                             That leaves a whole raft of HR processes                     consultation process all over again.
                             in the middle – which could potentially be
                             handled either way and are often the cause                   Cultural Sensitivities
                             of heated debate between corporate HR
                             and local HR teams.                                          Attempts to standardise HR processes can
                                                                                          also be derailed if cultural sensitivities are
                             Legal Issues                                                 not taken into account. A reward system,
                                                                                          for example, which is centred round team
                             Of course the legal backdrop of the countries                performance is likely to go down well in
                             you are operating in may influence what can                  some of the highly collectivist cultures that
                             realistically be delivered globally. Local laws,             are found in Asia, where being ‘singled out’
                             for example, covering the level of employee                  for praise could be perceived as a bad thing.
                             involvement in HR issues, vary greatly.                      That approach is less likely, however, to
                                                                                          motivate employees in some Anglo-American
                             In some European countries Works                             cultures where there is traditionally a strong
                             Councils have to be consulted before a                       emphasis on individual performance.
                             process such as an appraisal system can
                             be introduced or amended. In the US,                         Approaches to decision-making in different
                             where union representation is sporadic and                   culture also need to be borne in mind.
                             often only covers manual grades, changes                     Countries like Sweden or Germany,
                             can generally be made faster and without                     for instance, are used to a consensual
                             the need for protracted negotiations.                        approach while Anglo-American countries
                                                                                          may be more autocratic in their style.

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Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right - 9

                                                        “To expect countries to operate similarly seems simple-
The consensus among the experts seems                    minded as they are all so different in terms of history,
to be that the best approach is to build HR
                                                         culture and traditions. Internet technology, however, is
policies that have global intent, but which also
                                                         bringing Western culture throughout the world and is
allow room for local variation where necessary.
                                                         affecting styles, cultures and aspirations.”
“The best organizations recognise cultural
differences,” says Paul Turner of Ashcroft
International Business School. “So you
say as an organization, our intention is to
manage a particular HR practice in this way –
and here’s the variation you can have within
that. The challenge of course is making sure
you don’t get too flexible, because then you
completely undermine the whole thing.”

Ashridge’s Haselburger likens the process
to creating a job specification. “If you hire
someone you have a few essential criteria,
and then you have desirables – but you don’t
need to raise the bar to an extent where you
have nobody complying,” he says. “So I think
companies need to be very sensitive to the
needs of the various cultures and local
country systems and to focus on the
essentials in terms of standardisation.”

                                  Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
10 - Global HR Competencies

                              Global HR Competencies

                              A strong HR function is critical
                              to the success of a global HR
                              programme. An effective HR
                              business partner can combine
                              their knowledge of best practice
                              with an in-depth understanding
                              of the business challenges on
                              the front line. They can help build
                              international HR policies and
                              practices which fit with strategic
                              objectives – and are workable
                              on the ground.

                              The reality, however, is that many HR
                              professionals still lack solid international
                              experience. They are certainly aware of the
                              impact of globalisation – but have had scant
                              opportunity to put the theory into practice.

                              “With the exception of some of the most
                              senior HR people who may have had
                              a stint abroad, I think most middle level
                              and junior HR professionals do not have
                              international experience,” says Ashridge’s
                              Arno Haselburger. “This in itself creates a
                              more HQ-centric attitude, because people
                              don’t understand the international detail and
                              they don’t have the experience to draw on.
                                                                                         The picture is gradually changing. In a
                                                                                         survey conducted last year by CIPD, 87
                              “The diversity in the HR department needs
                                                                                         per cent of HR professionals said keeping
                              to reflect the diversity in the organization –
                                                                                         up with global developments was important
                              organizations need to transfer HR people
                                                                                         to them. Around 30 per cent of the 4,000
                              from different countries and across regions,
                                                                                         respondents said their current role
                              so that people get the opportunity to gain
                                                                                         encompassed international responsibilities.
                              more international experience.”

                                                                                         The CIPD’s Vanessa Robinson says the
                                                                                         challenge for HR professionals operating
                “HR people are very keen on sending others out                           on a global stage is two-fold. “They need
                 on international assignments, but they tend not                         to make sure they understand the wider
                 to send themselves.”                                                    business context and the specific context
                                           Arno Haselburger, Ashridge.                   their organization is operating in – and they
                                                                                         need to get their minds on an international
                                                                                         or global frame,” she says.

              Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
Global HR Competencies - 11

The CIPD is actively developing its                  “The whole issue of cultural awareness is a
professional standards to make them more             big piece and some of that you have to get
business-focused for the new generation              from experience – from seeing it and feeling
of HR people coming through. ‘Technical’             it – because reading about it doesn’t make
training and advice is also available from a         you realise what the scale of the differences
variety of sources to help people understand         really are. It’s talking and having experience
the legalities and minutae of operating              with people that gives you that extra insight,”
in China, India or wherever might be                 says Robinson.
appropriate for the individual organization.
An international mind-set, however, is
something that individuals have to gradually
develop through personal experience.

   Key Skills for the Global HR Professional
   •   Being a strategic thinker

   •   Possession of strong personal networks inside and outside the organization

   •   Being a provider of information and advice within this business network

   •   Becoming a broker of appropriate knowledge, learning and ideas across
       a loose connection of people

   •   Capacity for and tolerance of the ambiguities and uncertainties inherent in new
       business situations

   •   Being a resource negotiator

   •   Being a process facilitator, with diplomatic sensitivity to complex organizational
       politics and power struggles

   •   Mobilising the energy and engagement behind ideas

   •   Having a respect for the countries and communities being dealt with

   •   Showing an appreciation of the ways in which culture influences core
       organization behaviours

   •   The ability to work virtually.

                                                                                     Courtesy of CIPD

                                   Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
12 - Joining The Dots

                             Joining The Dots

                             Of course any global HR system will                          the grading structure consistent across the
                             only be as good as the information                           business? Are job titles the same or do they
                             the organization puts into it. That’s                        differ from region to region? If you want to
                             why it’s important to be clear from                          be able make comparisons, you’ll need to
                                                                                          make sure that your HR system can link
                             the start about what you want the
                                                                                          all of the pieces together for you.
                             system to achieve – and how people
                             are going to input and access the                            Data Gathering
                             information on a day-to-day basis.
                                                                                          How much data do you already have in your
                             Requirements will vary enormously from                       existing system or systems? What will need
                             business to business, but there are some                     to be transferred across to a new system –
                             key questions you might like to consider:                    and what will need to be collected from
                                                                                          scratch? How accurate is your existing data?
                             Group V Local Requirements                                   Will it need cleansing before you import it into
                                                                                          your new system? Can this system help you
                             Organizations typically need to access key
                                                                                          by validating data during import, for example
                             information, such as labour costs, attendance,
                                                                                          by checking your existing data against new
                             organization charts, talent pool, succession
                                                                                          data validation tables?
                             plans, high performers, under performers, skill
                             gaps, position blockages, development needs                  Data Protection
                             and employee turnover, at different levels.
                             So what metrics does the business need                       Data protection regulations may differ across
                             a helicopter view of to help make critical                   the various countries you are operating in. In
                             decisions? What data might HR teams need                     some instances, there may be issues around
                             to pull off regionally to help with recruitment              storing data on nationals outside their own
                             strategy or succession planning? What kind                   country. A good supplier will be able to help
                             of operational information do line managers                  you ensure your system complies with all the
                             need to access locally? Can your HR system                   relevant legislation.
                             flex to allow you to reflect local requirements?
                             – perhaps by letting you rename existing fields              Security
                             or adding new fields to screens – while still                How will you undertake a systematic
                             enabling company wide consistency.                           approach to managing sensitive corporate
                                                                                          information and ensuring data security? Are
                             Visibility                                                   you confident that you have all the necessary
                             Who needs to be able to see what                             measures and internal procedures in place to
                             information? Do your regional HR managers                    protect your data and minimize any potential
                             need access to information about their local                 security risks. Make sure that you take the
                             territory, or would it be beneficial for them to be          time to talk to your vendor to ensure that their
                             able to compare with neighbouring regions?                   product is architected to protect your data
                             Do line managers need access to detailed                     and if you are using SaaS as a service,
                             employee data across their department or                     check to see if they’ve got ISO 27001
                             business unit – or is it enough for them to                  certification. This shows that a vendor’s
                             be able to drill down into the data for their                information management security processes
                             own team? You’ll also need to check that your                have been independently certified.
                             HR system can handle all of the different roles
                             and data access requirements that you have.                  User Interface / Self-service
                                                                                          How will people in the organization input,
                             Organizational Structure                                     view and retrieve information from the
                             How will the system need to be designed to                   system? In a knowledge-based business
                             ‘fit’ with your organizational structure? How                where everyone has access to a computer,
                             many levels are there in your hierarchy? Is                  employee self-service is relatively easy

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Joining The Dots - 13

to achieve. If you are a manufacturing
company with a significant number of ‘shop
floor’ workers, how, when and where will
                                                           Delivery Methods
they be able to input their data into the system?          Will the system be in-house, hosted or Software as a
                                                           Service (SaaS)? Deploying the system in-house will involve
What processes do you want them to
                                                           the traditional licensing option, which means a high up front
complete? When is a good time to roll-out
employee self service? Do you have any                     capital cost and investment in IT infrastructure. This can often
process deadlines, for example to fit around               be a significant barrier to adopting new global HR software.
your performance management review
                                                           With hosting, clients benefit from having someone else take
process? What if any training will be required?
                                                           care of their IT infrastructure for them – but usually at high
It’s usually best to start with a pilot, so that you
                                                           cost and with all of the traditional issues associated with
can test the system first. It’s even better if you
can include some of these stakeholders in the              implementing new software releases.
early stages of the implementation of the
                                                           With SaaS, products are architected in such a way that
project, so that you can work with them to
                                                           organizations benefit from lower costs - and a continuous
overcome any issues.
                                                           program of system updates, which are provided for free as
It’s also good to consider reporting                       part of the service. New features are delivered on a regular
requirements early on so you can make                      basis, and it’s seamless. Once the update has been applied,
sure you are capturing the right information.              organizations simply log on to their system and the new
What reports will local HR or managers                     features are immediately available to them. In fact, the
need to see? Are dashboards available that                 benefits are so significant that today most organizations
present key metrics in a visual and easy to                are choosing SaaS as their preferred method of delivery.
understand format.

What will the user inter-face look like and
how intuitive is it? Will the end user be able         will the process be for updating currency
to navigate around the system and identify             conversion rates? Again, check how your
information pertinent to them quickly and              new system can help you manage this.
easily? Does the system include dashboards
that present key HR metrics in a visual and            The list of questions can seem daunting,
easy to understand format? Does employee               but a reputable supplier will be able to help
self-service include a home page that                  you work through your practical requirements
provides the end user with key information?            and design a system that meets individual
                                                       organizational needs.
Language/Calendar Requirements
                                                       The key is to start small and simple –
Do you need to provide the system in a variety         and then plan to ‘grow’ the system over
of local languages? Will training need to be run       a realistic timescale.
in local languages too? Do you need a system
that can support local country calendars               A global HR system that brings everything
(i.e. different public holidays) and different         together and provides people information in
date and number formats? Do you need all               real-time can have a real impact on the
text – prompts, messages, dropdown lists,              bottom line.
commands, email notifications - to be displayed
in the employee’s preferred language? Check            “A lot of good HR practice comes out of
that the new system can manage all of this for         having accurate information,” says Paul
you. If they don’t support all of the languages        Turner, Professor of Management, Ashcroft
you need, look at their translation tools. Is it       International Business School. “Technology
easy for you to manage – and upgrade – your            is the bedrock on which a global HR
own translations if you want to?                       programme can work or flounder – and you
                                                       need to get as many processes enabled as
Multi-Currencies                                       possible, so there is less to do in the centre.”
Do you need a system that covers multiple
currencies? How are your individual country
payroll systems going to interface? What

                                     Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
14 - Joining the Dots

    Case Study: TSYS – Managing and Developing People Around the Globe
    Leading payment services company TSYS is managing
    and developing its people across the globe with the help
    of Cezanne’s global HR system.

    TSYS provides outsourced payment services for financial
    institutions and retail organizations around the world. It has
    grown rapidly in recent years and currently has over 7,600
    employees globally in countries including the UK, US, India,
    CIS, Malaysia and Dubai.

    The business recognized it needed a global HR solution that would help it manage all aspects of HR,
    ranging from pay and benefits and absence management to recruitment and performance.

    It chose to work with Cezanne because of its partnership approach and ability to deliver a product that
    would operate across international boundaries.

    The new global HR system was introduced in an extremely tight timescale. The first users, from the HR
    team, went live on the system just seven months after the decision to go ahead was made. Once HR were
    comfortable with the system, it was rolled-out to line managers. Just a year on, and it is now being used
    on a self-service basis by employees across the business.

    The system has had an immediate impact. Line managers report that it has enabled them to streamline
    and speed up key HR processes and that it is easy to use.

    The appraisal system, for example, which was previously entirely paper-based, is now conducted on-line,
    leading to a more dynamic process, saving an estimated 5K tonnes of paper each year and a significant
    amount of money.

    The process of awarding annual salary increases has also been significantly improved. Line managers
    now submit their recommendations on-line to HQ, who are able to run off reports giving them an overview
    of each division. Once approved, decisions about reward are communicated to employees via the system
    and implemented seamlessly through the payroll function.

    “It’s critical for us to be able to hold salaries, allowances and bonuses in Sterling, Euros, US Dollars,
    Roubles and Rupees, which the software will allow us to do. We will also be able to report all salaries
    and allowances in Sterling or US dollars, so that we have a standard framework for comparing HR costs
    across the business,” says HR manager Kate Lingham.

    The global HR system has also helped the business significantly improve its talent management capability.
    Personal development plans are held on the system, which allows managers to request and book specific
    training. Individual team members are encouraged to submit their own data about personal capabilities the
    business might not otherwise be aware of, such as a level of expertise in a particular language, for example.

    Recruitment is also handled through the system, which has helped to improve speed and efficiency of
    handling current vacancies, but also meant that details of potential candidates are easily to hand when
    future opportunities arise.

    “Our people and values are vital to our success, especially as we continue to grow rapidly, and our aim
    is to become an employer of choice. We needed a system that would help support our people objectives
    across all of our operations, so identifying the right HR software solution with international capabilities was
    an extremely important decision for the business,” says Kate Lingham.

               Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
Working in Partnership - 15

Working in Partnership

Implementing a global HR system                        •   Identify risks and plan how to manage them
can seem like a daunting task.
There are so many strategic,                           •   Build a project plan with milestones
                                                           and realistic timescales
practical and technical issues
to consider that it’s sometimes
                                                       •   Design a process that is tailored to
difficult to know where to start.                          your organization’s specific needs

A good supplier will work in partnership with          •   Plan how to manage integration of a new
you from day one to make sure the process                  system with your existing processes
is as seamless and painless as possible. An
experienced supply partner should be able
                                                       •   Plan how to launch and communicate
to help you:
                                                           the new system to your employees

•   Define the objectives of your system
                                                       •   Understand how you can expand and
    and what you need it to achieve
                                                           adapt the system as your organization
                                                           changes and grows
•   Identify and involve the right
    stakeholders in the project
                                                       •   Assess and evaluate the processes on
                                                           a regular basis and continually work out
•   Identify the core data you will need and plan          ways of how to improve them
    how this will be collected and managed
                                                       •   Be able to provide you with the
•   Think through key legal issues, such                   necessary support when required.
    as data storage and security

         Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
16 - About Cezanne

                             About Cezanne

                             Cezanne Software is a leading supplier of global HRC and Talent
                             Management software systems delivered on both a Software as
                             a Service (SaaS) and on premise basis. Headquartered in the UK,
                             Cezanne Software has over 20 years’ experience of working with
                             some of the world’s leading organizations. Today, it supports over
                             700 organizations, including companies as diverse as Vodafone,
                             HM Prison Service, Swarovski, TNT, Heineken, LINPAC, & TSYS Europe.

                             The company’s integrated suite of Human Resource systems include solutions for people
                             management, succession and career planning, employee performance management,
                             survey, training administration, recruitment, salary analysis, pay review and budgeting,
                             and reflect many years’ experience of working with clients, independent consultants and
                             academics at the forefront of best practice in HR, talent and compensation management.
                             Designed around modern web technologies, Cezanne’s HR systems offer extensive
                             support for manager and employee self-service and can be deployed in house or on
                             a Software as a Service basis, providing significant benefits in terms of both cost and
                             speed of deployment.

                             Cezanne Software’s focus is to provide flexible, people-centred Human Resource systems
                             that improve the day-to-day execution of HR and business strategies, help drive critical
                             employee performance and reward processes and enable companies to achieve and
                             sustain a competitive talent advantage.

 Further Information

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email     France - Cezanne Software S.a.r.l.
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                             Greece - Cezanne Software Hellas SA
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                             T: +39 080 549 84 11
                             Portugal - Cezanne Software Ibérica S.A.
                             T: +351 21 3562024
                             Spain - Cezanne Software Ibérica S.A.U.
                             T: +34 91 7684080
                             USA - Cezanne Software, Inc.
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                             Venezuela - Cezanne Solutions C.A.
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Managing Global HR

  • 1. Deploying Global HR Management Systems: Benefits, Issues and Latest Thinking Cezanne Software White Paper Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 2. Contents • Introduction 3 • A Strategic Approach 4 • Winning Hearts And Minds 6 • Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right 8 • Global HR Competencies 10 • Joining The Dots 12 • Working In Partnership 15 • About Cezanne 16 Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 3. Introduction - 3 Introduction The past decade has seen a It means that the HR function can be huge increase in the number released from much of the ‘transactional’ activity it has traditionally dealt with, and of businesses operating on an be freed to focus on the capability and international stage. business development roles that add value to the business. Thanks to technology, and in particular the Internet, global business is no longer the Cezanne Software’s experience suggests that preserve of just the largest corporates. Julie Windsor, organizations are almost universally enthusiastic Even the smallest companies are now trading, Cezanne Software about the concept of global HR systems, but collaborating and forging partnerships with often nervous about taking the plunge and their customers and counterparts overseas. moving into full-scale implementation. It’s a project that tends to get put on the “too This shift has led to huge challenges – but difficult” pile, because of concerns about also opportunities – for HR. HR functions cost and the many practical obstacles they have had to develop new strategies for perceive will have to be overcome. managing the complexities of an international workforce. They have had to do this against This report aims to highlight some of the backdrop of an uncertain and rapidly the issues and latest thinking associated changing environment. with implementing a global HR system. It also provides practical advice on It’s no longer the case, for example, that a the key stages, as well as case studies business ‘becomes’ international’ over time demonstrating how a range of organizations as part of its natural growth. Today, many have benefited from adopting a unified, new businesses are international from day technology-enabled approach. one. In some cases, HR can find itself plunged into a global scenario overnight as a result of a merger or acquisition. “I think we are seeing a division of An effective global HR function can, however, rhetoric versus reality. Companies make an enormous contribution to the success are talking a lot about a global of an international business. Research from approach and there are good the CIPD suggests one of the key ways it intentions, but less implementation can add value is by using information and and action”. communication technology to ‘e-enable’ Arno Haslberger, Human Resource Management (HRM). Director of the Ashridge Strategic Human Resource A common HR system gives organizations Management Programme. the ability to extract and interpret data about everything from salaries to succession from across the business in a simple, consistent way. This not only gives the board the real- time information it needs to make critical decisions, but also gives managers access at the click of a mouse to the operational detail they need to manage their teams. Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
  • 4. 4 - A Strategic Approach A Strategic Approach A global HRM system can deliver • Some organizations may be under huge benefits to an international pressure to cut costs and have recognised that significant savings organization. It can speed can be made from an integrated, web up decision-making, improve enabled approach. connectivity and provide real-time information at manager’s finger-tips. What Do You Want the System to Do? International HR systems can also give HR In its Executive Briefing ‘Globalising HR’ a global overview of their talent, improve the CIPD suggests that global HR activities communication and engagement and help tend to fall into one of three main areas: to create a transnational mindset across the business. • Transactional (i.e. payroll, sickness, absence) But the system will only deliver its full potential if the organization is clear from the • Capability Development (i.e. talent outset about exactly what it wants to achieve. management, succession planning) Where Are You Now? • Business Development (strategic direction) Organizations enter the journey towards global HRM at different stages of Organizations need to consider what their development and readiness. existing systems are delivering, where the gaps are and what needs to be treated • Some organizations may have well- as a priority. established processes within independent business units, but realise the need for It’s vital to ask yourself questions at the a new group-wide HR system. outset about what you want the system to actually deliver. • An organization may be expanding into new territories and needs a better • Is the objective to have a single database system to support this. with the capability for global, regional and local reporting? • The business may be going through a merger or acquisition which takes it • Are you looking to improve the consistency into a global HR environment. of HR processes across the business? • Are you looking to get a better view of your talent? If so, what data do you need to support your decisions? • Do you want to shift some of the ‘transactional’ HR processes into the line or to allow employees to self- manage their own data? • What are the strategic plans of your business? Are you looking to expand rapidly, in which case is the objective to identify and fast track leaders from within the business or recruit externally? Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 5. A Strategic Approach - 5 How ‘Ready’ is Your Organization? • Senior Management Support: Are your senior management team convinced It’s also important to think about the by the business case for a global HR backdrop of your organization and the system and willing to provide the underlying factors that will influence the necessary support and resources? speed and style of any new system you are planning to bring in. • The skills and standing of your team: Does your HR team have the credibility Key points to consider might include: and competencies to support the project (see ‘Global HR Competencies’, p10) • The culture of the organization: How willing will your people be to embrace • Compatibility: Will a global HR system be the change and support implementation in tune with the way the business of a new system? (See ‘Winning Hearts operates on a wider scale? and Minds’, p6) Case Study: Renishaw Growing Global HR Alongside The Business Renishaw has used its global HR system to support significant change and growth in its business over the past 18 years. The organization designs, manufactures and sells precision measuring equipment used in industries ranging from aviation and engineering to pharmaceuticals and dentistry. It’s a world leader in its field, with a workforce of 1,200 in the UK and a further 680 based in 32 subsidiaries around the world. Renishaw has long used Cezanne’s global HR software to streamline HR administration in areas such as absence management and recruitment management. The business has found one of the key advantages of the system is its ability to produce the accurate and up-to-date data needed to support strategic business decisions. The company has grown significantly and has undergone a number of restructuring exercises over the past 10 years. Easy access to information about available talent, divisional headcount and salary costs, for example, have informed a number of critical business decisions. Accurate information on areas such as employee performance and diversity has also helped the business ensure it is complying with the raft of new employment legislation that has been introduced in recent years. Renishaw is currently experiencing a period of rapid growth in China and India, and is planning to develop its global HR system to support the expansion. The package is already being used by managers within the Chinese subsidiary, with longer term plans to possibly look at a self-service, Chinese language version. As the business becomes increasingly international, there are plans to eventually roll the system out to the majority of overseas subsidiaries. “Our staff overseas are primarily sales and service personnel and virtually everyone has access to a PC, so I think we are likely to move more and more towards a self-service system over time,” says Personnel Manager Gwyn Jones. Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
  • 6. 6 - Winning Hearts And Minds Winning Hearts And Minds Successful roll-out of a global Global Engagement HR system is not just about the “If you want to introduce an international nuts and bolts of implementing HR system you have to involve the local the technology. HR people right from the start, not just for the roll-out, but also for the design,” says The best and most advanced system in the Arno Haslberger, director of the Ashridge world won’t deliver the goods if the people Strategic HRM Programme. using it are not on board. The ideal, he suggests, is that the business A consultative, partnership approach to the creates project teams or work groups that are project will help you win ‘hearts and minds’ truly representative of the entire organization. – and the key is to plan ahead for how you are going to achieve that buy-in. “You have to resist the temptation to divvy the work up by what is convenient in terms Vested Interests of geographic location, because if you do that, what tends to happen is that people It’s important to recognise that, particularly develop strong ‘in-group’ feelings in their in larger organizations, there may be many local, national groups.” vested interests in maintaining the status quo. A regional HR director, for example, If these ‘fault lines’ are allowed to deepen, may not be keen on the idea of a centralised it can cause the project to stall or even fail, system if they perceive it could reduce their as people become more focused on their power, influence and status. Hard-pressed own, local concerns and lose sight of the line managers may feel that HR is delegating overall objective. (or dumping) yet another responsibility, which will cause them more work. Of course there may be occasions when there just simply isn’t time to go through a long consultative process – but even when “The technology enables but does not cause the required the pressure is on, it’s important to allow at connections and sharing.” least some level of involvement with the people concerned. (CIPD Executive Briefing, Globalising HR) “A lot of these things are driven in rather than consulted in, and there are dangers attached to that,” says Peter Reilly of the How easy it will be to get engagement with Institute for Employment Studies. the project will depend on the nature – and the culture - of the organization. Those Getting People Involved organizations who have worked hard to create a shared vision and values may So how can you get people involved at have a head start over those who have the early stages and win their support? a more autocratic approach. Here are some ideas that might work in A business that already has strong formal, your organization: informal and cross-departmental networks will also be able to move more quickly • Share the business case. Make sure than organizations whose communication everyone involved is clear about the mechanisms are less well developed. objectives and advantages of the new system. Don’t just focus on cost savings Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 7. Winning Hearts And Minds - 7 – explain how a global HR system will • Include key stakeholders in process provide better data, make managers design workshops. This will create lives easier and free their time to focus early engagement and will also help on more strategic tasks. Sometimes you ensure the resulting system meets something as simple as a company-wide everyone’s information needs. organization chart will help managers feel more connected. For others, standardizing • Identify project champions. Ask for and automating core processes to reduce volunteers to help pilot the system in administrative overheads and provide their departments or regions. Get them access to up to date management reports to act as ‘ambassadors’ for the project is important. throughout the business. • Have an internal project launch meeting • Look for quick wins. Try and identify parts to generate a sense of excitement and of the project or areas of the business explain how people can get involved. where you can get the system off the ground quickly. Demonstrating early • Ask local managers what would make the success will help maintain momentum and most difference to them, and ensure that keep interest and excitement levels high. the system delivers their key requirements • Be prepared to take decisions. While • Involve the wider HR team in the collaboration is important, you won’t be procurement process. Ask potential able to please every body all of the time. suppliers to organise a demonstration Start with those areas that share your so people can get a real sense of what vision, and bring the others on board later. a global HR system can deliver. A phased implementation is always best. Snapshot Case Study: Bakkavor Leading food manufacturer Bakkavor Group used its global HR conference as the platform to launch a new international HR system. The business, which has headquarters in the UK and Iceland, operates 57 factories and employs over 19,000 people in ten countries. The group is using Cezanne’s software to manage key HR processes across its international operations, encompassing everything from absence management and reward to performance management and succession planning. Bakkavor felt its annual HR conference presented an ideal opportunity to highlight the benefits of the new international HR system and get early buy-in from the people who would be using it. Representatives from Cezanne attended the conference to demonstrate the system and explain how it would streamline time-consuming HR processes and make managers’ jobs easier on the front line. Response to the presentation was overwhelmingly positive, with HR teams from across the business keen to get involved in the early stages of implementation. “The global HR conference was attended by all of Bakkavor’s HR management team and the feedback from the presentation of the software was really positive, with almost every site wanting to participate in the pilot stage,” said Katie Heath, Bakkavor HR Systems Manager. Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
  • 8. 8 - Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right One of the big challenges Ashridge’s Arno Haselburger cites the organizations face is getting example of an American-owned company who tried to introduce a standardised the right balance between HR performance management system across processes that are delivered its global operations. They managed to globally – and those which are implement the process fairly swiftly and managed with local variations. painlessly in the UK, carefully negotiated its introduction in Germany over a period There are some processes – like talent of months - and a year down the line still management and succession planning for hadn’t managed to make any progress at all example – which can clearly be handled on in Italy. When the system had been up and a global basis, while others, such as payroll, running in the US for a year, the business need to have a local focus. decided it wanted to make some changes – and had to start the whole negotiation and That leaves a whole raft of HR processes consultation process all over again. in the middle – which could potentially be handled either way and are often the cause Cultural Sensitivities of heated debate between corporate HR and local HR teams. Attempts to standardise HR processes can also be derailed if cultural sensitivities are Legal Issues not taken into account. A reward system, for example, which is centred round team Of course the legal backdrop of the countries performance is likely to go down well in you are operating in may influence what can some of the highly collectivist cultures that realistically be delivered globally. Local laws, are found in Asia, where being ‘singled out’ for example, covering the level of employee for praise could be perceived as a bad thing. involvement in HR issues, vary greatly. That approach is less likely, however, to motivate employees in some Anglo-American In some European countries Works cultures where there is traditionally a strong Councils have to be consulted before a emphasis on individual performance. process such as an appraisal system can be introduced or amended. In the US, Approaches to decision-making in different where union representation is sporadic and culture also need to be borne in mind. often only covers manual grades, changes Countries like Sweden or Germany, can generally be made faster and without for instance, are used to a consensual the need for protracted negotiations. approach while Anglo-American countries may be more autocratic in their style. Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 9. Global or Local – Getting The Balance Right - 9 ‘Globalisation’ “To expect countries to operate similarly seems simple- The consensus among the experts seems minded as they are all so different in terms of history, to be that the best approach is to build HR culture and traditions. Internet technology, however, is policies that have global intent, but which also bringing Western culture throughout the world and is allow room for local variation where necessary. affecting styles, cultures and aspirations.” “The best organizations recognise cultural differences,” says Paul Turner of Ashcroft International Business School. “So you say as an organization, our intention is to manage a particular HR practice in this way – and here’s the variation you can have within that. The challenge of course is making sure you don’t get too flexible, because then you completely undermine the whole thing.” Ashridge’s Haselburger likens the process to creating a job specification. “If you hire someone you have a few essential criteria, and then you have desirables – but you don’t need to raise the bar to an extent where you have nobody complying,” he says. “So I think companies need to be very sensitive to the needs of the various cultures and local country systems and to focus on the essentials in terms of standardisation.” Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
  • 10. 10 - Global HR Competencies Global HR Competencies A strong HR function is critical to the success of a global HR programme. An effective HR business partner can combine their knowledge of best practice with an in-depth understanding of the business challenges on the front line. They can help build international HR policies and practices which fit with strategic objectives – and are workable on the ground. The reality, however, is that many HR professionals still lack solid international experience. They are certainly aware of the impact of globalisation – but have had scant opportunity to put the theory into practice. “With the exception of some of the most senior HR people who may have had a stint abroad, I think most middle level and junior HR professionals do not have international experience,” says Ashridge’s Arno Haselburger. “This in itself creates a more HQ-centric attitude, because people don’t understand the international detail and they don’t have the experience to draw on. The picture is gradually changing. In a survey conducted last year by CIPD, 87 “The diversity in the HR department needs per cent of HR professionals said keeping to reflect the diversity in the organization – up with global developments was important organizations need to transfer HR people to them. Around 30 per cent of the 4,000 from different countries and across regions, respondents said their current role so that people get the opportunity to gain encompassed international responsibilities. more international experience.” The CIPD’s Vanessa Robinson says the challenge for HR professionals operating “HR people are very keen on sending others out on a global stage is two-fold. “They need on international assignments, but they tend not to make sure they understand the wider to send themselves.” business context and the specific context Arno Haselburger, Ashridge. their organization is operating in – and they need to get their minds on an international or global frame,” she says. Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 11. Global HR Competencies - 11 The CIPD is actively developing its “The whole issue of cultural awareness is a professional standards to make them more big piece and some of that you have to get business-focused for the new generation from experience – from seeing it and feeling of HR people coming through. ‘Technical’ it – because reading about it doesn’t make training and advice is also available from a you realise what the scale of the differences variety of sources to help people understand really are. It’s talking and having experience the legalities and minutae of operating with people that gives you that extra insight,” in China, India or wherever might be says Robinson. appropriate for the individual organization. An international mind-set, however, is something that individuals have to gradually develop through personal experience. Key Skills for the Global HR Professional • Being a strategic thinker • Possession of strong personal networks inside and outside the organization • Being a provider of information and advice within this business network • Becoming a broker of appropriate knowledge, learning and ideas across a loose connection of people • Capacity for and tolerance of the ambiguities and uncertainties inherent in new business situations • Being a resource negotiator • Being a process facilitator, with diplomatic sensitivity to complex organizational politics and power struggles • Mobilising the energy and engagement behind ideas • Having a respect for the countries and communities being dealt with • Showing an appreciation of the ways in which culture influences core organization behaviours • The ability to work virtually. Courtesy of CIPD Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
  • 12. 12 - Joining The Dots Joining The Dots Of course any global HR system will the grading structure consistent across the only be as good as the information business? Are job titles the same or do they the organization puts into it. That’s differ from region to region? If you want to why it’s important to be clear from be able make comparisons, you’ll need to make sure that your HR system can link the start about what you want the all of the pieces together for you. system to achieve – and how people are going to input and access the Data Gathering information on a day-to-day basis. How much data do you already have in your Requirements will vary enormously from existing system or systems? What will need business to business, but there are some to be transferred across to a new system – key questions you might like to consider: and what will need to be collected from scratch? How accurate is your existing data? Group V Local Requirements Will it need cleansing before you import it into your new system? Can this system help you Organizations typically need to access key by validating data during import, for example information, such as labour costs, attendance, by checking your existing data against new organization charts, talent pool, succession data validation tables? plans, high performers, under performers, skill gaps, position blockages, development needs Data Protection and employee turnover, at different levels. So what metrics does the business need Data protection regulations may differ across a helicopter view of to help make critical the various countries you are operating in. In decisions? What data might HR teams need some instances, there may be issues around to pull off regionally to help with recruitment storing data on nationals outside their own strategy or succession planning? What kind country. A good supplier will be able to help of operational information do line managers you ensure your system complies with all the need to access locally? Can your HR system relevant legislation. flex to allow you to reflect local requirements? – perhaps by letting you rename existing fields Security or adding new fields to screens – while still How will you undertake a systematic enabling company wide consistency. approach to managing sensitive corporate information and ensuring data security? Are Visibility you confident that you have all the necessary Who needs to be able to see what measures and internal procedures in place to information? Do your regional HR managers protect your data and minimize any potential need access to information about their local security risks. Make sure that you take the territory, or would it be beneficial for them to be time to talk to your vendor to ensure that their able to compare with neighbouring regions? product is architected to protect your data Do line managers need access to detailed and if you are using SaaS as a service, employee data across their department or check to see if they’ve got ISO 27001 business unit – or is it enough for them to certification. This shows that a vendor’s be able to drill down into the data for their information management security processes own team? You’ll also need to check that your have been independently certified. HR system can handle all of the different roles and data access requirements that you have. User Interface / Self-service How will people in the organization input, Organizational Structure view and retrieve information from the How will the system need to be designed to system? In a knowledge-based business ‘fit’ with your organizational structure? How where everyone has access to a computer, many levels are there in your hierarchy? Is employee self-service is relatively easy Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 13. Joining The Dots - 13 to achieve. If you are a manufacturing company with a significant number of ‘shop floor’ workers, how, when and where will Delivery Methods they be able to input their data into the system? Will the system be in-house, hosted or Software as a Service (SaaS)? Deploying the system in-house will involve What processes do you want them to the traditional licensing option, which means a high up front complete? When is a good time to roll-out employee self service? Do you have any capital cost and investment in IT infrastructure. This can often process deadlines, for example to fit around be a significant barrier to adopting new global HR software. your performance management review With hosting, clients benefit from having someone else take process? What if any training will be required? care of their IT infrastructure for them – but usually at high It’s usually best to start with a pilot, so that you cost and with all of the traditional issues associated with can test the system first. It’s even better if you can include some of these stakeholders in the implementing new software releases. early stages of the implementation of the With SaaS, products are architected in such a way that project, so that you can work with them to organizations benefit from lower costs - and a continuous overcome any issues. program of system updates, which are provided for free as It’s also good to consider reporting part of the service. New features are delivered on a regular requirements early on so you can make basis, and it’s seamless. Once the update has been applied, sure you are capturing the right information. organizations simply log on to their system and the new What reports will local HR or managers features are immediately available to them. In fact, the need to see? Are dashboards available that benefits are so significant that today most organizations present key metrics in a visual and easy to are choosing SaaS as their preferred method of delivery. understand format. What will the user inter-face look like and how intuitive is it? Will the end user be able will the process be for updating currency to navigate around the system and identify conversion rates? Again, check how your information pertinent to them quickly and new system can help you manage this. easily? Does the system include dashboards that present key HR metrics in a visual and The list of questions can seem daunting, easy to understand format? Does employee but a reputable supplier will be able to help self-service include a home page that you work through your practical requirements provides the end user with key information? and design a system that meets individual organizational needs. Language/Calendar Requirements The key is to start small and simple – Do you need to provide the system in a variety and then plan to ‘grow’ the system over of local languages? Will training need to be run a realistic timescale. in local languages too? Do you need a system that can support local country calendars A global HR system that brings everything (i.e. different public holidays) and different together and provides people information in date and number formats? Do you need all real-time can have a real impact on the text – prompts, messages, dropdown lists, bottom line. commands, email notifications - to be displayed in the employee’s preferred language? Check “A lot of good HR practice comes out of that the new system can manage all of this for having accurate information,” says Paul you. If they don’t support all of the languages Turner, Professor of Management, Ashcroft you need, look at their translation tools. Is it International Business School. “Technology easy for you to manage – and upgrade – your is the bedrock on which a global HR own translations if you want to? programme can work or flounder – and you need to get as many processes enabled as Multi-Currencies possible, so there is less to do in the centre.” Do you need a system that covers multiple currencies? How are your individual country payroll systems going to interface? What Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
  • 14. 14 - Joining the Dots Case Study: TSYS – Managing and Developing People Around the Globe Leading payment services company TSYS is managing and developing its people across the globe with the help of Cezanne’s global HR system. TSYS provides outsourced payment services for financial institutions and retail organizations around the world. It has grown rapidly in recent years and currently has over 7,600 employees globally in countries including the UK, US, India, CIS, Malaysia and Dubai. The business recognized it needed a global HR solution that would help it manage all aspects of HR, ranging from pay and benefits and absence management to recruitment and performance. It chose to work with Cezanne because of its partnership approach and ability to deliver a product that would operate across international boundaries. The new global HR system was introduced in an extremely tight timescale. The first users, from the HR team, went live on the system just seven months after the decision to go ahead was made. Once HR were comfortable with the system, it was rolled-out to line managers. Just a year on, and it is now being used on a self-service basis by employees across the business. The system has had an immediate impact. Line managers report that it has enabled them to streamline and speed up key HR processes and that it is easy to use. The appraisal system, for example, which was previously entirely paper-based, is now conducted on-line, leading to a more dynamic process, saving an estimated 5K tonnes of paper each year and a significant amount of money. The process of awarding annual salary increases has also been significantly improved. Line managers now submit their recommendations on-line to HQ, who are able to run off reports giving them an overview of each division. Once approved, decisions about reward are communicated to employees via the system and implemented seamlessly through the payroll function. “It’s critical for us to be able to hold salaries, allowances and bonuses in Sterling, Euros, US Dollars, Roubles and Rupees, which the software will allow us to do. We will also be able to report all salaries and allowances in Sterling or US dollars, so that we have a standard framework for comparing HR costs across the business,” says HR manager Kate Lingham. The global HR system has also helped the business significantly improve its talent management capability. Personal development plans are held on the system, which allows managers to request and book specific training. Individual team members are encouraged to submit their own data about personal capabilities the business might not otherwise be aware of, such as a level of expertise in a particular language, for example. Recruitment is also handled through the system, which has helped to improve speed and efficiency of handling current vacancies, but also meant that details of potential candidates are easily to hand when future opportunities arise. “Our people and values are vital to our success, especially as we continue to grow rapidly, and our aim is to become an employer of choice. We needed a system that would help support our people objectives across all of our operations, so identifying the right HR software solution with international capabilities was an extremely important decision for the business,” says Kate Lingham. Cezanne Software Ltd · T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 · F: +44 (0)20 7202 9321 · E: ·
  • 15. Working in Partnership - 15 Working in Partnership Implementing a global HR system • Identify risks and plan how to manage them can seem like a daunting task. There are so many strategic, • Build a project plan with milestones and realistic timescales practical and technical issues to consider that it’s sometimes • Design a process that is tailored to difficult to know where to start. your organization’s specific needs A good supplier will work in partnership with • Plan how to manage integration of a new you from day one to make sure the process system with your existing processes is as seamless and painless as possible. An experienced supply partner should be able • Plan how to launch and communicate to help you: the new system to your employees • Define the objectives of your system • Understand how you can expand and and what you need it to achieve adapt the system as your organization changes and grows • Identify and involve the right stakeholders in the project • Assess and evaluate the processes on a regular basis and continually work out • Identify the core data you will need and plan ways of how to improve them how this will be collected and managed • Be able to provide you with the • Think through key legal issues, such necessary support when required. as data storage and security Cezanne Software Ltd · Deploying Global HR Management Systems
  • 16. 16 - About Cezanne About Cezanne Cezanne Software is a leading supplier of global HRC and Talent Management software systems delivered on both a Software as a Service (SaaS) and on premise basis. Headquartered in the UK, Cezanne Software has over 20 years’ experience of working with some of the world’s leading organizations. Today, it supports over 700 organizations, including companies as diverse as Vodafone, HM Prison Service, Swarovski, TNT, Heineken, LINPAC, & TSYS Europe. The company’s integrated suite of Human Resource systems include solutions for people management, succession and career planning, employee performance management, survey, training administration, recruitment, salary analysis, pay review and budgeting, and reflect many years’ experience of working with clients, independent consultants and academics at the forefront of best practice in HR, talent and compensation management. Designed around modern web technologies, Cezanne’s HR systems offer extensive support for manager and employee self-service and can be deployed in house or on a Software as a Service basis, providing significant benefits in terms of both cost and speed of deployment. Cezanne Software’s focus is to provide flexible, people-centred Human Resource systems that improve the day-to-day execution of HR and business strategies, help drive critical employee performance and reward processes and enable companies to achieve and sustain a competitive talent advantage. Further Information International UK & Benelux (Headquarters) Cezanne’s Case Studies Cezanne Software Limited Contact Details T: +44 (0)20 7202 9300 Knowledge Bank Latest News and Press Releases E: For other locations please email France - Cezanne Software S.a.r.l. Cezanne Online Newsletter or visit T: +33 (0)1 44 09 71 21 E: Free Webinars Greece - Cezanne Software Hellas SA T: +30 210 6895 625 E: Italy - Cezanne Software S.p.A. T: +39 080 549 84 11 E: Portugal - Cezanne Software Ibérica S.A. T: +351 21 3562024 E: Spain - Cezanne Software Ibérica S.A.U. T: +34 91 7684080 E: USA - Cezanne Software, Inc. T: +1 617 418-3945 (from USA 1 800 CEZANNE) E: Venezuela - Cezanne Solutions C.A. T: +58 212 959 87 16 E: