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ModuleCode: B7MN100
Vladislav Avgustionok 10333074
Daniel Bresnan 10266332
Kamila Lekki 10328734
Stephen Waters 10265499
Word Count 4078
1 | P a g e
Table of Contents
Questions & Answers & Evaluations..........................................................................................................................4
Questions & Answers & Evaluations..........................................................................................................................6
Questions & Answers & Evaluations..........................................................................................................................8
Questions & Answers & Evaluations.......................................................................................................................10
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................13
Supervisor background...................................................................................................................................................15
Meeting Minutes......................................................................................................................17
Contribution to assignment .........................................................................................................................................21
Confirmation of the own work.......................................................................................22
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As a part of Management course we were required to plan, implement and evaluate an interview with a
manager of our choice. We were asked to create our set of questions for manager based on 4 functions of the
management (Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling). By implementing, reviewing and evaluating of
the interview we will be able to compare and understand how theory works in real world on practice. We will
understand the role, responsibilities, importance of meeting deadlines, motivation or leading. How it is
achievable on the daily basis. How knowledge on theory helping to the manager.
We interviewed Debbie she is a supervisor/manager in St Helens family resource centre. It is CE Centre
(working under Community Employment scheme) she is supervising group of 20 employees, managing in-
house coffee shop, classes for elderly and people within the community. Debbie currently hold following
management qualifications: Train the trainer course (FETAC Level 6) and Supervisory Management course
(FETAC Level 7, major award).
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“Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.” - Tom Peters
Management is the science of governance. Management is a process of achieving the desired goals.
Management functions includes: setting up a goals/targets, solutions in achieving those goals/targets,
planning, organising, leading, controlling and motivating.
Management hosts all processes were work is organised not chaotically but in order to achieve the set of
goals/targets/objectives and in the accordance to a plan.
“Game management, game decisions, adjustments,seeing things during games - it's all important.” - Bill
“Life is what happensto you while you're busy making other plans.” ― Allen Saunders
Planning in my opinion is essential for the successfulmanaging of an organization. It enables a manager to
accurately focus their resources on the most important issues it faces. A plan is born out of what needs to be
done and how to successfully meet this objective. Good decision making is critical in the planning process.
Management need to be aware of all internal and external threats and opportunities facing the organisation. By
successfully forecasting future conditions management can successfully steer the organisation to better
success and minimise potential problems in the future.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin
Why do Managers need to plan?
1: Planning provides a clear course of direction for the company. When managers and employees know what
the company wants to achieve they contribute to reach this universal goal. If junior management and staff are
informed and encouraged to reach targets overall morale and productivity increases.
2: Planning reduces uncertainty by forcing the company to look ahead to anticipate. Uncertainty is inevitable
in the business world and nothing stays the same.
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3: Planning reduces wastefulactivities and maximises an organisations assets.
4: Planning provides a common goal for an organisation. If you don’t know what is to be accomplished there
is no clear direction or destination for the organisation.
Organisations that plan always outperform those that do not. A proper planning system results in higher
profits and greater utilisation of assets. Plans can be short term and long term. In the planning process an
external and internal analysis must be completed.
Managers in every organization need to do an external analysis. Competition, pending legislation, changing
consumer trends and the external labour market must be examined and analysed. This combined internal and
external analysis is called a SWOT Analysis. A SWOT analyse an organisation’s Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats. A SWOT analysis can identify a strategic niche the organisation can exploit.
A PESTAL analysis is also a tool used by managers to examine an organisations external environment. It
includes political, economic, socio- economic, technological, environmental and legal issues facing an
I will now move onto the second part of the planning section of the project. We decided to interview Debbie
who is a CE supervisor at Saint Helena’s Family resource Centre. I will ask her a number of questions in
relating to planning based on her experience and compare it to text book studies.
Questions & Answers & Evaluations
Do you implement a planning process in the everyday management?
Yes I do. It is very important to have a plan. We are in the process of a lot of changes. Staffs needs to be
trained to keep up with ever changing health and safety and educational legislation. We must schedule up and
coming events. The coffee shop is also due for an upgrade soon which will improve our clients experience
when they visit us.
Organisations are much more successful when planning is enforced.It is important that employees are
focused on achieving a common goal for the organisation. If you have a plan in place that is written down and
involves all employees an organisation strives to succeed.
Do you use planning on your personal level regarding your professional career?
I have always planned to better myself by progressing with my career. This involved lots of study by
completing numerous courses and working very hard day to day.
By having a career goal Debbie achieved where ambitions by improving herCV and keeping up to date with
ever changing new educational and health & safety requirements. When you are educated and have relevant
qualifications youremployment prospects improve.
Where would you like to see your organisation in the near future?
I would like to offer more adult education classes to the community. I plan to continue to work hard and
improve this service to be the best CE scheme in the area.
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As the CE scheme is a government scheme Debbie must adapt to external forces regarding government policy
which is out of hercontrol. However she can try to dictate policy by voicing herconcerns to higher.
Do you encounter obstacles/barriers to your planning objectives?
Government funding would be our main barrier. The CE scheme was funded by DSP so we are limited in
what we do.
All organisations are influenced by political and external factors. However Debbie might be able to voice her
concerns to higher management could make a difference.
Do you have a plan in place to secure additional funding from the government?
I have asked senior management for additional funding to improve the services we offer. I also think staff
could benefit with extra training. I know things are difficult at the moment due to the cut backs within the
public service. We might see extra funding in the next few years with the improving government finances and
changing political environment.
It is helpful to know what yourorganisation wants to achieve. If you have a detailed plan down on paperand
it is communicated properly the chances of securing additional funding will be greater.
“Fail to plan, plan to fail.” ― Hillary Clinton
“Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the entire process and establishing the
authority and relationship among them” - Heo Haimann
Organisation in generalis the realisation of something, combination and structured. The meaning of
management is design of equipment from available materials, it is soldering the structure from HR resources,
and it is continuous improvement of management skills and functions.
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If we imagine organisation (business plan) as a vehicle or as an engine of the vehicle. Where Planning is an
effort which engineers putted in creation of the drawings and testing it. Leading is a production of those
engines. Controlling as a financial part of all works which were carried out etc. But if you look at Organising
part as on engine itself, were a decisions on choosing cheap parts and on decisions to put in place not
competent staff or choose wrong structure model, can cause engine failure.
Three characteristics of organising:
 Purpose (varies from circumstances in which organisations currently standing in order to achieve
 People (HR,the quality/success of organisation largely determined by the quality of the employees of
organisation, )
 Structure (departmentalization, communication from top to bottom in organisation, selected by top
manager in order to achieve their goal in most effective way with minimum effort)
Questions & Answers & Evaluations
How you organise your work force (HR)?
I would match best person to best work. I would identify skills whey already have, and arrange training to
improve them. I would make sure the rosters are fair.
Fromthe answer given we can understand what interviewee has academic background in management.
Understands the importance of supply & demand in HR, hascritical judgment ability, can analyse and make a
fair decisions. Organising of right training for right person is one of important functions of HR.
“You will never be completely ready.Start fromwhereveryou are” - C.J. Hayden
Describe a time when you had several deadlines failing at the same time. How did you organise your time
to get them all done?
While running two pro-groups (inside house courses “momentum” – “groups at the same time) and both have
deadlines at the same time and either have priority over other. Basically I would write a list of what should be
done and how long it will take to do each task. I will focus on what I am doing. I will not answer to telephone
calls or emails if they are not related to the tasks I am focusing on. Sometimes I start to work earlier and finish
later then normally. I would delegate some part of work to the colleagues.
Fromthis answer we can understand what interviewee is working in Strong Cultures organisation.Where
values are deeply held and widely spread. The employees understand the way of managers’ planning,
organising,leading and controlling.The interviewee knows how much autonomy should be designed into
employees’ jobs and however the task should be done by individual or collectively. She is able to prioritise
tasks in order to achieve a goal.
“Once you have a clear idea of yourpriorities – that is yourvalues, goals and high leverage activities,
organize around them” – Stephen Covey
How you organise your working day,week in order to achieve goal?
Look at my diary and prioritise what is most important. I would stroke out tasks which are completed.
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Interviewee are using one of most common organising technics among all typesof the managers,which allow
to be on the track,to be productive, helps effectively coordinate, record,asses the task.
“Organising is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up” - A. A.
As we know Ireland has many employment laws, acts and legislations, with which you must be Compliant
on daily basis. What impact it have on organising and achieving goals in your business?
For us as a CE Scheme we are very much guided by the employment laws, acts and legislations of Department
of Social Protection (Example eligibility, extensions) this can be really challenging for example vacancies are
not occupied etc.
Interviewees are working as a highly qualified manager in accordance with Irish and European Laws.
Understands the rules and guidesemployees in lawful manners.Diversity is one of the business disciplines
together with ethics, leadership and quality. Equality act is one of the main acts which drive diversity in work
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned” - Benjamin Franklinca
What effect on your business have current financial situation. What you will be changing in organising of
your business if you would have more finances? What if less?
If we would have more finance we could employ full time staff, if we would have less money we would not
exist anymore.
Fromthis answer we can understand what Economic/Finance is one of main the external forces which can
create a need to change in organisation. CE scheme is government based organisation. It is not profit
orientated, were main source of finance is government funds.Current financial climate contribute to
financing of such organisations.
“Less is more” - Mies Van Der Rohe
"Leading is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals"- Richard Daft
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After Planning & Organising, Leading is our next basic function within the management process.
SuccessfulLeaders must be able to motivate their staff to want to participate in achieving their company’s
goals. There are 3 components that make up the Leading function:
• Motivating employees
• Influencing employees
• Forming effective groups
There are three leadership styles:
First we have Autocratic. This is where the manager in charge has total control over everything and where
he/she watches all the staff very closely to monitor how the work is being done.
Second we have Laissez Faire. This is where the manager puts his trust in the employees to get the work done
and on time. He/she wouldn’t be as controlling as the Autocratic manager
Third we have Situational Style which breaks down into four parts:
• Telling:Where the manager explains the job to be done and supervises them until they can do it
properly themselves. This can be suited to new employees.
• Selling: Where the manager still defines and assigns roles and tasks but he/she is open to ideas and
suggestions from the employees. This can be suited to less experienced employees.
• Participating: Where the manager explains the job to be done leaves the employee to get the job done
but the manager is there to help and check in from time to time.
• Delegating: Where the manager explains the job to be done but the employee can be left to get the job
done on time and correctly. This is for experienced employees who can be trusted.
As our project is based on a Manager from here on in, we will refer to the leader as the Manager. There is a
difference and we will explain this next with the questions & answers we asked our Manager we will also
compare their answers to what the text books say.
Questions & Answers & Evaluations
What is the difference between a leader and a manager?
Leaders lead people, managers manage there. Leaders can be more dominant. Managers will nurture there
staff. I (Debbie) would see skills in people and try to improve this skill. Leaders have goals and just want to
the company to gain.
The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them
while managers have people who work forthem. A successful businessowner needs to be both a
strong leader and manager to get their teamon board to follow themtowards theirvision of success.
“The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes” - Tony Blair
How should a managercommunicate with their staff verbal or written?
Verbal- you have to verbalise with your staff as most people take different meaning from what they read.
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Communication skills – whether verbal orwritten – are core competenciesexpected in virtually any position
within the workplace. The ability to communicate with employeesat every level in the organization is
especially important for supervisorswho want to improve department operationsand the performance and
productivity of the employeesundertheir supervision.
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” - Bill Gates
How often do you feel it’s necessary to meet with your team?
Once a month individually and daily with the team.
Depending on the company – as needed or monthly. Managersshould hold employee development meetings
as needed to ensure that their employees are engaged and knowledgeable about performing their jobs in the
most efficient and productive manner. It also helpswhen managers provide ongoing feedback,training and
development to ensure that performance expectations get met.
“Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.” - Bill Bradley
What are the important values you demonstrate as a manager?
My important values are being really fair but I would be also very firm. I wouldn’t say ask someone to do
something I wouldn’t do myself.
Good managers are essential to any successful organisation. An exceptionally good manager achieves a
hardworking,productive and effective workforce that punches above its weight in its performance.
Good managers attract exceptional staff; they make the organisation a preferred employer; they help to
increase market share; add to profits and surpluses, and reduce costs.Their staff are engaged, committed and
‘go the extra mile’.
“Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts.” - Erskine Bowles
How do you go about resolving workplace conflict?
Identify the issue, if it’s between 2 staff I would sit down and listen to both sides separately. Then bring both
together with me and try to resolve and then ask each how we can move on rather than dictating to them to sort
it out.
There are 4 main steps to successfully negotiating the resolution of a conflict:
 Understand the conflict - It is important for you to define clearly your own position and interests in
the conflict,and to understand those of your opponent
 Communicate with the opposition - Now that you have thought through your own interests and those
of the other party, you can begin to communicate directly with your opposition.
 Brainstormpossible resolutions - Now that you know what the interests of both parties are, and how
to better communicate with the opposition, you can start thinking about solutions.
 Choose the best resolution - Star the best resolutions,these are what you will work with during the
conflict resolution process.Set a time to discuss themand determine which idea is the best.
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In conflict resolution, the best solution is the solution that is best for both sides.
“You cannot control what happensto you, but you can control your attitude toward what happensto you, and
in that, you will be mastering change ratherthan allowing it to master you.” - Brian Tracy
Controlling is the final management function, after planning where goals are set,organising and
hiring/training people to be leaders/managers. Last but not least. Controlling function is to identify the
differences between the expected result of control and its actualstate. Of all the management functions control
is regarded as the ugly duckling. Why is this happening? Probably because controls shows short comings pure
human communication and empathy. Managers must use power in a fair and respectfulmanner which is often
difficult. Control should not be treated with neglect it can be critical determinant of company success. This
management function should not be confused with control in the behavioural or manipulative sense. It does
not mean that manager should control/manipulate the personalities, values, emotions or attitudes of their
employees. This function mean that manager needs to take actions to make sure that work related activities of
employees are as planned and bring expected results.
Questions & Answers & Evaluations
What is control, is it needed and why?
Control of staff, their performance, it is important because I (Debbie) can make sure that the tasks are
completed as I expected. If not control task wouldn’t be completed/finished and organisation wouldn’t work
Control is one of the functions of management; it is final step to make sure if planning, organising and
leading (choosing leaders) gave expected results. Through this function manager will know if theiremployee
performed correctly.
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Control is very important cause by controlling manager knowsif goals were met, and if they weren’t manager
need to look for reasons and errors in previous steps.
“One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” - Vladimir Lenin
What sources of information to measure actual performance do you think is the best for your organisation?
Personalobservations, I find myself a good observer so it is best source for me. When you are watching your
staff you can learn their weaknesses and strengths,you can find out what training or advices they need. You
can also see if work is going as planned or is there something wrong.
Personal observations provide information about work and staff with first-hand knowledge of real activity -
information that is not changed by others. This allows the managers fortheir own interpretations of the
behaviourof employees. This kind of management is called “Management by walking around”. By walking
around in a work place, interacting directly with employees and the exchange of information manager getsall
the information which helpswith controlling. MBWA can pick errors straight away. Managerwatches facial
expressionsand tone of voice that can be missed by othersources and could be very important. Unfortunately,
this source might be good forone manager, but other can miss important information.
“Control what you can control.Don't lose sleep worrying about things that you don't have control over
because, at the end of the day, you still won't have any control over them.” - Cam Newton
What challenges do managersface in controlling the workplace?
Resistance, staff doesn’t like change and sometimes for better results manager need to make changes.
Negativity - when staff doesn’t want to learn new things and again they don’t want changes. Also usage of
social media (Facebook) on work computers, and using computers in general as it would be privet computer.
Today’s workplaces present considerable control challenges formanagers. Frommonitoring employees’
computer usage at work to protecting the workplace against disgruntled employee’s intent on doing harm, a
manager needs controls to ensure that work can be done efficiently and effectively as planned.
"The best time to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something orbust." - Josh Billings
Problems avoidance, control of specific actions, control of results, control of personnel – which is most
effective in your organisation?
Problem avoidance, you can stop problem to happen, you can adjust plan before problem appears. When you
will put actions in place you will have to answer them.
In most situations, managers can avoid some control problems by allowing no opportunities forimproper
behaviour. One possibility is automation. Computers and othermeansof automation reduce the
organization's exposure to control problems because they can be set to performappropriately,and they will
performmore consistently than do human beings.Anotheravoidance possibility is centralization, such as that
which takes place with very critical decisions at most organization levels.If a manager makes all the
decisions in certain areas, those areas cease to be control problems in a managerial sense because no other
persons are involved. A third avoidance possibility is risk-sharing with an outside body, such as an insurance
company. Finally,some control problems can and should be avoided by elimination of a business or an
operation entirely.
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"No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself." - William Penn
Do you think planning and controlling is linked?
Yes it is vital, every company/organisation need to have plans and also need to control those plans.
There is a deep relationship between the controlling and planning functions of management.Showing the
importance of theirrelationship, it is generally said that planning is meaningless without controlling and
controlling is blind without planning. If the processof controlling is taken away frommanagement, no person
working will take it seriously to work according to the plans and consequently,the planswill fail.
“Juggling is sometimes called the art of controlling patterns, controlling patterns in time and space.” -
Ronald Graham
13 | P a g e
Today the business world is changing and evolving faster than ever due to changing technology and greater
globalisation. Successful management is always done for the future and the future is uncertain. Resources are
limited and managers must successfully plan to reach the organisation’s potential. Goal setting is a wakeup
call for managers to anticipate future problems/opportunities and have a successfulplan in place to
successfully adapt accordingly. Our manager Debbie works in a non- profit organisation so her key tasks are
to maximise her assigned resources efficiently. She must also motivate and manage her 19 staff as
successfully as possible. The services she offers must meet and exceed her client’s expectations as well. She
must also keep a note on improving the services she offers. All managers must have excellent communication
skills in dealing with the external environment. If Debbie seeks additional funding in the future she must have
a clear detailed vision where she wants her organisation wants to go. In our opinion Debbie is a successful
manager she uses and utilises classic management practices along with her own experience by running and
leading a successfulorganisation.
14 | P a g e
Robbins, S.P.,DeCenzo, D.A. and Coulter, M. (2015) Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and
Applications, 9th
Edition (Global Edition), USA: Courier Kendalville
Robbins, S.P.,DeCenzo, D.A. and Coulter, M., Anderson, I. (2013) Fundamentals of Management, 7th
(Canadian Edition), Toronto: Pearson
Dublin Business School Management Module Guide 2015/2016
Merchant, K.A.,1982 ‘The Control Function of Management’, Summer 1982, 15 July. Available at: [12 March 2016]
Pujari, S., ‘What is the Relationship Between Planning and Controlling?’ Business. Available at:
[12 March 2016]
Unknown, ‘Control Quotes’,Available at: [09
March 2016]
Unknown, ‘Control & Power Quotes’,Motivational Quotes. Available at: [15 March 2016]
Admin, 2015 ‘Hierarchy of management’, Management, 29 December. Available at: [14 March 2016]
Unknown, ‘Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling’, Flatworld knowledge. Available at:
ma/planning-organizing-leading-an/3029. [16 March 2016]
Barnett, T.,‘Management Functions’, Encyclopaedia of Management. Available at:
[10 March 2016]
Unknown, ‘Organization Theory’, Inc. Available at:
theory.html. [14 March 2016]
Unknown, ‘Organization theory’, Definition. Available at: [13 March 2016]
15 | P a g e
Leading involves the social and informal sources of influence that you use to inspire action taken by others. If
managers are effective leaders,their subordinates will be enthusiastic about exerting effort to attain
organizational objectives. The behavioural sciences have made many contributions to understanding this
function of management. Personality research and studies of job attitudes provide important information as to
how managers can most effectively lead subordinates. For example, this research tells us that to become
effective at leading, managers must first understand their subordinates’ personalities, values, attitudes, and
emotions. Studies of motivation and motivation theory provide important information about the ways in which
workers can be energized to put forth productive effort. Studies of communication provide direction as to how
managers can effectively and persuasively communicate. Studies of leadership and leadership style provide
information regarding questions, such as, “What makes a manager a good leader?” and “In what situations are
certain leadership styles most appropriate and effective?”
Leading involves influencing others toward the attainment of organizational objectives. Effective leading
requires the manager to motivate subordinates, communicate effectively, and effectively use power. If
managers are effective leaders,their subordinates will be enthusiastic about exerting effort toward the
attainment of organizational objectives.
To become effective at leading, managers must first understand their subordinates' personalities, values,
attitudes, and emotions. Therefore,the behavioural sciences have made many contributions to the
understanding of this function of management. Personality research and studies of job attitudes provide
important information as to how managers can most effectively lead subordinates.
Studies of motivation and motivation theory provide important information about the ways in which workers
can be energized to put forth productive effort. Studies of communication provide direction as to how
managers can effectively and persuasively communicate. Studies of leadership and leadership style provide
information regarding questions such as,"What makes a manager a good leader?" and "In what situations are
certain leadership styles most appropriate and effective?"
Supervisor background
Debbie started work after inter-cert,when she was 15 years of age. She worked as general operative and after
a year she got promoted to be supervisor of 6 staff members. Worked there for 3 years. After leaving company
she was employed in few more factories as general operator.
Her next step in management career was when she commenced employment in Symantec, after few months
she was promoted to be a training instructor and employer sent her to do train the trainer (FETAC level 6)
course. After over a year great performance she was promoted to be a supervisor and sent back to college -
Supervisory Management course (7 modules -FETAC level 7 - major award). Worked with company for 7
years. When financial crash started in Ireland she was done redundant and was unemployed for few years.
After 3 years she eventually decided to come back to work force. She started with CE Scheme first as an
administration assistant, then transferred to different CE Centre and worked as directors PA. After a year in
Centre was opened CE supervisor assistant position, she applied and was successful. After a year she become
CE supervisor. She worked within the centre for 4 years, and supervised over 40 CE participants. In August
last year she was offered CE Supervisor position in St. Helens family resource centre,where supervising 20
staff, managing also in-house coffee shop and classes for elderly and people within the community.
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Study of organizational designs and organizational structures,relationship of organizations with their external
environment, and the behavior of managers and technocrats within organizations. It suggests ways in which an
organization can cope with rapid change.
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Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Information
Date: 22.02.2016
Time: 8:00 PM
Called By: Group
Minute Taker: Kamila
Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel
Preparation for Meeting
Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management”
Please Bring:Interview questions for each management function
Minutes ofprevious Meeting
 First meeting
Action Items From Previous Meeting
 None
Agenda Items
NewAction Items
Please bring final questions for interview
Other Notes or Information
Interview’s date will be schedule for first week of March
18 | P a g e
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Information
Date: 29.02.2016
Time: 8:00 PM
Called By: Group
Minute Taker: Stephen
Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel
Preparation for Meeting
Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management”
Please Bring: Final questions for interview
Minutes ofprevious Meeting
 Discussed all the questions
 Final decision of choice of manager
Action Items from Previous Meeting
 Final preparing of questions and form of assignment
NewAction Items
Please bring final questions for interview
Other Notes or Information
Interview’s date is 04.03.2016
19 | P a g e
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Information
Date: 18.03.2016
Time: 5:00 PM
Called By: Group
Minute Taker: Vladislav
Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel
Preparation for Meeting
Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management”
Please Bring: Final draft of your part of assignment
Minutes ofprevious Meeting
 Conclusions about book and manager’s answers
 Introduction to assignment – final form
Action Items from Previous Meeting
 Introduction of assignment ready
NewAction Items
 Completing and putting all parts of assignment together
 Comparing conclusions on each part
 Deciding on final conclusions
Other Notes or Information
All agreed to communicate through email and finish assignment through google shared document.
20 | P a g e
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Information
Date: 07.03.2016
Time: 8:00 PM
Called By: Group
Minute Taker: Daniel
Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel
Preparation for Meeting
Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management”
Please Bring: Text book answers to your questions
Minutes ofprevious Meeting
 Discussed final form of assignment
 Introducing manager
Action Items from Previous Meeting
 Final preparing of questions and form of assignment
NewAction Items
Compering manager’s answer and text book answers
Other Notes or Information
21 | P a g e
Contribution to assignment
Member of the group contributed equally to assignment.
Each member did one part of Management functions (Planning, Organising, Leading and Control).
All another parts and edition of the word document was implemented by all members with equal contribution
to it.
22 | P a g e
Confirmation of the own work
I Vladislav Avgustionok, student card number 10333074, confirm that this is my own work and that I
have not plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the
assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments.
20 - 03 - 2016
I Daniel Bresnan, student card number 10266332, confirm that this is my own work and that I have
not plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the assessment
criteria and pass mark for assignments.
20 - 03 - 2016
I Kamila Lekki, student card number 10328734, confirm that this is my own work and that I have not
plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the assessment
criteria and pass mark for assignments.
20 - 03 - 2016
I Stephen Waters, student card number 10265499, confirm that this is my own work and that I have
not plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the assessment
criteria and pass mark for assignments.
20 - 03 - 2016

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Management assignment 10265499

  • 1. REAL WORLD MANAGEMENT Module:Management ModuleCode: B7MN100 Vladislav Avgustionok 10333074 Daniel Bresnan 10266332 Kamila Lekki 10328734 Stephen Waters 10265499 Word Count 4078
  • 2. 1 | P a g e Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................2 Management.................................................................................................................................3 Planning..........................................................................................................................................................................................3 Questions & Answers & Evaluations..........................................................................................................................4 Organising.....................................................................................................................................................................................5 Questions & Answers & Evaluations..........................................................................................................................6 Leading............................................................................................................................................................................................7 Questions & Answers & Evaluations..........................................................................................................................8 Controlling.................................................................................................................................................................................10 Questions & Answers & Evaluations.......................................................................................................................10 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................13 Bibliography..............................................................................................................................14 Appendices.................................................................................................................................15 Supervisor background...................................................................................................................................................15 Meeting Minutes......................................................................................................................17 Contribution to assignment .........................................................................................................................................21 Confirmation of the own work.......................................................................................22
  • 3. 2 | P a g e Introduction As a part of Management course we were required to plan, implement and evaluate an interview with a manager of our choice. We were asked to create our set of questions for manager based on 4 functions of the management (Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling). By implementing, reviewing and evaluating of the interview we will be able to compare and understand how theory works in real world on practice. We will understand the role, responsibilities, importance of meeting deadlines, motivation or leading. How it is achievable on the daily basis. How knowledge on theory helping to the manager. We interviewed Debbie she is a supervisor/manager in St Helens family resource centre. It is CE Centre (working under Community Employment scheme) she is supervising group of 20 employees, managing in- house coffee shop, classes for elderly and people within the community. Debbie currently hold following management qualifications: Train the trainer course (FETAC Level 6) and Supervisory Management course (FETAC Level 7, major award).
  • 4. 3 | P a g e Management “Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.” - Tom Peters Management is the science of governance. Management is a process of achieving the desired goals. Management functions includes: setting up a goals/targets, solutions in achieving those goals/targets, planning, organising, leading, controlling and motivating. Management hosts all processes were work is organised not chaotically but in order to achieve the set of goals/targets/objectives and in the accordance to a plan. “Game management, game decisions, adjustments,seeing things during games - it's all important.” - Bill Belichick Planning “Life is what happensto you while you're busy making other plans.” ― Allen Saunders Planning in my opinion is essential for the successfulmanaging of an organization. It enables a manager to accurately focus their resources on the most important issues it faces. A plan is born out of what needs to be done and how to successfully meet this objective. Good decision making is critical in the planning process. Management need to be aware of all internal and external threats and opportunities facing the organisation. By successfully forecasting future conditions management can successfully steer the organisation to better success and minimise potential problems in the future. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin Why do Managers need to plan? 1: Planning provides a clear course of direction for the company. When managers and employees know what the company wants to achieve they contribute to reach this universal goal. If junior management and staff are informed and encouraged to reach targets overall morale and productivity increases. 2: Planning reduces uncertainty by forcing the company to look ahead to anticipate. Uncertainty is inevitable in the business world and nothing stays the same.
  • 5. 4 | P a g e 3: Planning reduces wastefulactivities and maximises an organisations assets. 4: Planning provides a common goal for an organisation. If you don’t know what is to be accomplished there is no clear direction or destination for the organisation. Organisations that plan always outperform those that do not. A proper planning system results in higher profits and greater utilisation of assets. Plans can be short term and long term. In the planning process an external and internal analysis must be completed. Managers in every organization need to do an external analysis. Competition, pending legislation, changing consumer trends and the external labour market must be examined and analysed. This combined internal and external analysis is called a SWOT Analysis. A SWOT analyse an organisation’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. A SWOT analysis can identify a strategic niche the organisation can exploit. A PESTAL analysis is also a tool used by managers to examine an organisations external environment. It includes political, economic, socio- economic, technological, environmental and legal issues facing an organisation. I will now move onto the second part of the planning section of the project. We decided to interview Debbie who is a CE supervisor at Saint Helena’s Family resource Centre. I will ask her a number of questions in relating to planning based on her experience and compare it to text book studies. Questions & Answers & Evaluations Do you implement a planning process in the everyday management? Yes I do. It is very important to have a plan. We are in the process of a lot of changes. Staffs needs to be trained to keep up with ever changing health and safety and educational legislation. We must schedule up and coming events. The coffee shop is also due for an upgrade soon which will improve our clients experience when they visit us. Organisations are much more successful when planning is enforced.It is important that employees are focused on achieving a common goal for the organisation. If you have a plan in place that is written down and involves all employees an organisation strives to succeed. Do you use planning on your personal level regarding your professional career? I have always planned to better myself by progressing with my career. This involved lots of study by completing numerous courses and working very hard day to day. By having a career goal Debbie achieved where ambitions by improving herCV and keeping up to date with ever changing new educational and health & safety requirements. When you are educated and have relevant qualifications youremployment prospects improve. Where would you like to see your organisation in the near future? I would like to offer more adult education classes to the community. I plan to continue to work hard and improve this service to be the best CE scheme in the area.
  • 6. 5 | P a g e As the CE scheme is a government scheme Debbie must adapt to external forces regarding government policy which is out of hercontrol. However she can try to dictate policy by voicing herconcerns to higher. Do you encounter obstacles/barriers to your planning objectives? Government funding would be our main barrier. The CE scheme was funded by DSP so we are limited in what we do. All organisations are influenced by political and external factors. However Debbie might be able to voice her concerns to higher management could make a difference. Do you have a plan in place to secure additional funding from the government? I have asked senior management for additional funding to improve the services we offer. I also think staff could benefit with extra training. I know things are difficult at the moment due to the cut backs within the public service. We might see extra funding in the next few years with the improving government finances and changing political environment. It is helpful to know what yourorganisation wants to achieve. If you have a detailed plan down on paperand it is communicated properly the chances of securing additional funding will be greater. “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” ― Hillary Clinton Organising “Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the entire process and establishing the authority and relationship among them” - Heo Haimann Organisation in generalis the realisation of something, combination and structured. The meaning of management is design of equipment from available materials, it is soldering the structure from HR resources, and it is continuous improvement of management skills and functions.
  • 7. 6 | P a g e If we imagine organisation (business plan) as a vehicle or as an engine of the vehicle. Where Planning is an effort which engineers putted in creation of the drawings and testing it. Leading is a production of those engines. Controlling as a financial part of all works which were carried out etc. But if you look at Organising part as on engine itself, were a decisions on choosing cheap parts and on decisions to put in place not competent staff or choose wrong structure model, can cause engine failure. Three characteristics of organising:  Purpose (varies from circumstances in which organisations currently standing in order to achieve objectives/goal)  People (HR,the quality/success of organisation largely determined by the quality of the employees of organisation, )  Structure (departmentalization, communication from top to bottom in organisation, selected by top manager in order to achieve their goal in most effective way with minimum effort) Questions & Answers & Evaluations How you organise your work force (HR)? I would match best person to best work. I would identify skills whey already have, and arrange training to improve them. I would make sure the rosters are fair. Fromthe answer given we can understand what interviewee has academic background in management. Understands the importance of supply & demand in HR, hascritical judgment ability, can analyse and make a fair decisions. Organising of right training for right person is one of important functions of HR. “You will never be completely ready.Start fromwhereveryou are” - C.J. Hayden Describe a time when you had several deadlines failing at the same time. How did you organise your time to get them all done? While running two pro-groups (inside house courses “momentum” – “groups at the same time) and both have deadlines at the same time and either have priority over other. Basically I would write a list of what should be done and how long it will take to do each task. I will focus on what I am doing. I will not answer to telephone calls or emails if they are not related to the tasks I am focusing on. Sometimes I start to work earlier and finish later then normally. I would delegate some part of work to the colleagues. Fromthis answer we can understand what interviewee is working in Strong Cultures organisation.Where values are deeply held and widely spread. The employees understand the way of managers’ planning, organising,leading and controlling.The interviewee knows how much autonomy should be designed into employees’ jobs and however the task should be done by individual or collectively. She is able to prioritise tasks in order to achieve a goal. “Once you have a clear idea of yourpriorities – that is yourvalues, goals and high leverage activities, organize around them” – Stephen Covey How you organise your working day,week in order to achieve goal? Look at my diary and prioritise what is most important. I would stroke out tasks which are completed.
  • 8. 7 | P a g e Interviewee are using one of most common organising technics among all typesof the managers,which allow to be on the track,to be productive, helps effectively coordinate, record,asses the task. “Organising is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up” - A. A. Milne As we know Ireland has many employment laws, acts and legislations, with which you must be Compliant on daily basis. What impact it have on organising and achieving goals in your business? For us as a CE Scheme we are very much guided by the employment laws, acts and legislations of Department of Social Protection (Example eligibility, extensions) this can be really challenging for example vacancies are not occupied etc. Interviewees are working as a highly qualified manager in accordance with Irish and European Laws. Understands the rules and guidesemployees in lawful manners.Diversity is one of the business disciplines together with ethics, leadership and quality. Equality act is one of the main acts which drive diversity in work place. “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned” - Benjamin Franklinca What effect on your business have current financial situation. What you will be changing in organising of your business if you would have more finances? What if less? If we would have more finance we could employ full time staff, if we would have less money we would not exist anymore. Fromthis answer we can understand what Economic/Finance is one of main the external forces which can create a need to change in organisation. CE scheme is government based organisation. It is not profit orientated, were main source of finance is government funds.Current financial climate contribute to financing of such organisations. “Less is more” - Mies Van Der Rohe Leading "Leading is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals"- Richard Daft
  • 9. 8 | P a g e After Planning & Organising, Leading is our next basic function within the management process. SuccessfulLeaders must be able to motivate their staff to want to participate in achieving their company’s goals. There are 3 components that make up the Leading function: • Motivating employees • Influencing employees • Forming effective groups There are three leadership styles: First we have Autocratic. This is where the manager in charge has total control over everything and where he/she watches all the staff very closely to monitor how the work is being done. Second we have Laissez Faire. This is where the manager puts his trust in the employees to get the work done and on time. He/she wouldn’t be as controlling as the Autocratic manager Third we have Situational Style which breaks down into four parts: • Telling:Where the manager explains the job to be done and supervises them until they can do it properly themselves. This can be suited to new employees. • Selling: Where the manager still defines and assigns roles and tasks but he/she is open to ideas and suggestions from the employees. This can be suited to less experienced employees. • Participating: Where the manager explains the job to be done leaves the employee to get the job done but the manager is there to help and check in from time to time. • Delegating: Where the manager explains the job to be done but the employee can be left to get the job done on time and correctly. This is for experienced employees who can be trusted. As our project is based on a Manager from here on in, we will refer to the leader as the Manager. There is a difference and we will explain this next with the questions & answers we asked our Manager we will also compare their answers to what the text books say. Questions & Answers & Evaluations What is the difference between a leader and a manager? Leaders lead people, managers manage there. Leaders can be more dominant. Managers will nurture there staff. I (Debbie) would see skills in people and try to improve this skill. Leaders have goals and just want to the company to gain. The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them while managers have people who work forthem. A successful businessowner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their teamon board to follow themtowards theirvision of success. “The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes” - Tony Blair How should a managercommunicate with their staff verbal or written? Verbal- you have to verbalise with your staff as most people take different meaning from what they read.
  • 10. 9 | P a g e Communication skills – whether verbal orwritten – are core competenciesexpected in virtually any position within the workplace. The ability to communicate with employeesat every level in the organization is especially important for supervisorswho want to improve department operationsand the performance and productivity of the employeesundertheir supervision. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” - Bill Gates How often do you feel it’s necessary to meet with your team? Once a month individually and daily with the team. Depending on the company – as needed or monthly. Managersshould hold employee development meetings as needed to ensure that their employees are engaged and knowledgeable about performing their jobs in the most efficient and productive manner. It also helpswhen managers provide ongoing feedback,training and development to ensure that performance expectations get met. “Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.” - Bill Bradley What are the important values you demonstrate as a manager? My important values are being really fair but I would be also very firm. I wouldn’t say ask someone to do something I wouldn’t do myself. Good managers are essential to any successful organisation. An exceptionally good manager achieves a hardworking,productive and effective workforce that punches above its weight in its performance. Good managers attract exceptional staff; they make the organisation a preferred employer; they help to increase market share; add to profits and surpluses, and reduce costs.Their staff are engaged, committed and ‘go the extra mile’. “Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts.” - Erskine Bowles How do you go about resolving workplace conflict? Identify the issue, if it’s between 2 staff I would sit down and listen to both sides separately. Then bring both together with me and try to resolve and then ask each how we can move on rather than dictating to them to sort it out. There are 4 main steps to successfully negotiating the resolution of a conflict:  Understand the conflict - It is important for you to define clearly your own position and interests in the conflict,and to understand those of your opponent  Communicate with the opposition - Now that you have thought through your own interests and those of the other party, you can begin to communicate directly with your opposition.  Brainstormpossible resolutions - Now that you know what the interests of both parties are, and how to better communicate with the opposition, you can start thinking about solutions.  Choose the best resolution - Star the best resolutions,these are what you will work with during the conflict resolution process.Set a time to discuss themand determine which idea is the best.
  • 11. 10 | P a g e In conflict resolution, the best solution is the solution that is best for both sides. Controlling “You cannot control what happensto you, but you can control your attitude toward what happensto you, and in that, you will be mastering change ratherthan allowing it to master you.” - Brian Tracy Controlling is the final management function, after planning where goals are set,organising and hiring/training people to be leaders/managers. Last but not least. Controlling function is to identify the differences between the expected result of control and its actualstate. Of all the management functions control is regarded as the ugly duckling. Why is this happening? Probably because controls shows short comings pure human communication and empathy. Managers must use power in a fair and respectfulmanner which is often difficult. Control should not be treated with neglect it can be critical determinant of company success. This management function should not be confused with control in the behavioural or manipulative sense. It does not mean that manager should control/manipulate the personalities, values, emotions or attitudes of their employees. This function mean that manager needs to take actions to make sure that work related activities of employees are as planned and bring expected results. Questions & Answers & Evaluations What is control, is it needed and why? Control of staff, their performance, it is important because I (Debbie) can make sure that the tasks are completed as I expected. If not control task wouldn’t be completed/finished and organisation wouldn’t work efficiently. Control is one of the functions of management; it is final step to make sure if planning, organising and leading (choosing leaders) gave expected results. Through this function manager will know if theiremployee performed correctly.
  • 12. 11 | P a g e Control is very important cause by controlling manager knowsif goals were met, and if they weren’t manager need to look for reasons and errors in previous steps. “One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” - Vladimir Lenin What sources of information to measure actual performance do you think is the best for your organisation? Personalobservations, I find myself a good observer so it is best source for me. When you are watching your staff you can learn their weaknesses and strengths,you can find out what training or advices they need. You can also see if work is going as planned or is there something wrong. Personal observations provide information about work and staff with first-hand knowledge of real activity - information that is not changed by others. This allows the managers fortheir own interpretations of the behaviourof employees. This kind of management is called “Management by walking around”. By walking around in a work place, interacting directly with employees and the exchange of information manager getsall the information which helpswith controlling. MBWA can pick errors straight away. Managerwatches facial expressionsand tone of voice that can be missed by othersources and could be very important. Unfortunately, this source might be good forone manager, but other can miss important information. “Control what you can control.Don't lose sleep worrying about things that you don't have control over because, at the end of the day, you still won't have any control over them.” - Cam Newton What challenges do managersface in controlling the workplace? Resistance, staff doesn’t like change and sometimes for better results manager need to make changes. Negativity - when staff doesn’t want to learn new things and again they don’t want changes. Also usage of social media (Facebook) on work computers, and using computers in general as it would be privet computer. Today’s workplaces present considerable control challenges formanagers. Frommonitoring employees’ computer usage at work to protecting the workplace against disgruntled employee’s intent on doing harm, a manager needs controls to ensure that work can be done efficiently and effectively as planned. "The best time to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something orbust." - Josh Billings Problems avoidance, control of specific actions, control of results, control of personnel – which is most effective in your organisation? Problem avoidance, you can stop problem to happen, you can adjust plan before problem appears. When you will put actions in place you will have to answer them. In most situations, managers can avoid some control problems by allowing no opportunities forimproper behaviour. One possibility is automation. Computers and othermeansof automation reduce the organization's exposure to control problems because they can be set to performappropriately,and they will performmore consistently than do human beings.Anotheravoidance possibility is centralization, such as that which takes place with very critical decisions at most organization levels.If a manager makes all the decisions in certain areas, those areas cease to be control problems in a managerial sense because no other persons are involved. A third avoidance possibility is risk-sharing with an outside body, such as an insurance company. Finally,some control problems can and should be avoided by elimination of a business or an operation entirely.
  • 13. 12 | P a g e "No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself." - William Penn Do you think planning and controlling is linked? Yes it is vital, every company/organisation need to have plans and also need to control those plans. There is a deep relationship between the controlling and planning functions of management.Showing the importance of theirrelationship, it is generally said that planning is meaningless without controlling and controlling is blind without planning. If the processof controlling is taken away frommanagement, no person working will take it seriously to work according to the plans and consequently,the planswill fail. “Juggling is sometimes called the art of controlling patterns, controlling patterns in time and space.” - Ronald Graham
  • 14. 13 | P a g e Conclusions Today the business world is changing and evolving faster than ever due to changing technology and greater globalisation. Successful management is always done for the future and the future is uncertain. Resources are limited and managers must successfully plan to reach the organisation’s potential. Goal setting is a wakeup call for managers to anticipate future problems/opportunities and have a successfulplan in place to successfully adapt accordingly. Our manager Debbie works in a non- profit organisation so her key tasks are to maximise her assigned resources efficiently. She must also motivate and manage her 19 staff as successfully as possible. The services she offers must meet and exceed her client’s expectations as well. She must also keep a note on improving the services she offers. All managers must have excellent communication skills in dealing with the external environment. If Debbie seeks additional funding in the future she must have a clear detailed vision where she wants her organisation wants to go. In our opinion Debbie is a successful manager she uses and utilises classic management practices along with her own experience by running and leading a successfulorganisation.
  • 15. 14 | P a g e Bibliography Robbins, S.P.,DeCenzo, D.A. and Coulter, M. (2015) Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications, 9th Edition (Global Edition), USA: Courier Kendalville Robbins, S.P.,DeCenzo, D.A. and Coulter, M., Anderson, I. (2013) Fundamentals of Management, 7th Edition (Canadian Edition), Toronto: Pearson Dublin Business School Management Module Guide 2015/2016 Merchant, K.A.,1982 ‘The Control Function of Management’, Summer 1982, 15 July. Available at: [12 March 2016] Pujari, S., ‘What is the Relationship Between Planning and Controlling?’ Business. Available at: [12 March 2016] Unknown, ‘Control Quotes’,Available at: [09 March 2016] Unknown, ‘Control & Power Quotes’,Motivational Quotes. Available at: [15 March 2016] Admin, 2015 ‘Hierarchy of management’, Management, 29 December. Available at: [14 March 2016] Unknown, ‘Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling’, Flatworld knowledge. Available at: ma/planning-organizing-leading-an/3029. [16 March 2016] Barnett, T.,‘Management Functions’, Encyclopaedia of Management. Available at: [10 March 2016] Unknown, ‘Organization Theory’, Inc. Available at: theory.html. [14 March 2016] Unknown, ‘Organization theory’, Definition. Available at: [13 March 2016]
  • 16. 15 | P a g e Appendices Leading involves the social and informal sources of influence that you use to inspire action taken by others. If managers are effective leaders,their subordinates will be enthusiastic about exerting effort to attain organizational objectives. The behavioural sciences have made many contributions to understanding this function of management. Personality research and studies of job attitudes provide important information as to how managers can most effectively lead subordinates. For example, this research tells us that to become effective at leading, managers must first understand their subordinates’ personalities, values, attitudes, and emotions. Studies of motivation and motivation theory provide important information about the ways in which workers can be energized to put forth productive effort. Studies of communication provide direction as to how managers can effectively and persuasively communicate. Studies of leadership and leadership style provide information regarding questions, such as, “What makes a manager a good leader?” and “In what situations are certain leadership styles most appropriate and effective?” Leading involves influencing others toward the attainment of organizational objectives. Effective leading requires the manager to motivate subordinates, communicate effectively, and effectively use power. If managers are effective leaders,their subordinates will be enthusiastic about exerting effort toward the attainment of organizational objectives. To become effective at leading, managers must first understand their subordinates' personalities, values, attitudes, and emotions. Therefore,the behavioural sciences have made many contributions to the understanding of this function of management. Personality research and studies of job attitudes provide important information as to how managers can most effectively lead subordinates. Studies of motivation and motivation theory provide important information about the ways in which workers can be energized to put forth productive effort. Studies of communication provide direction as to how managers can effectively and persuasively communicate. Studies of leadership and leadership style provide information regarding questions such as,"What makes a manager a good leader?" and "In what situations are certain leadership styles most appropriate and effective?" (Barnett, Supervisor background Debbie started work after inter-cert,when she was 15 years of age. She worked as general operative and after a year she got promoted to be supervisor of 6 staff members. Worked there for 3 years. After leaving company she was employed in few more factories as general operator. Her next step in management career was when she commenced employment in Symantec, after few months she was promoted to be a training instructor and employer sent her to do train the trainer (FETAC level 6) course. After over a year great performance she was promoted to be a supervisor and sent back to college - Supervisory Management course (7 modules -FETAC level 7 - major award). Worked with company for 7 years. When financial crash started in Ireland she was done redundant and was unemployed for few years. After 3 years she eventually decided to come back to work force. She started with CE Scheme first as an administration assistant, then transferred to different CE Centre and worked as directors PA. After a year in Centre was opened CE supervisor assistant position, she applied and was successful. After a year she become CE supervisor. She worked within the centre for 4 years, and supervised over 40 CE participants. In August last year she was offered CE Supervisor position in St. Helens family resource centre,where supervising 20 staff, managing also in-house coffee shop and classes for elderly and people within the community.
  • 17. 16 | P a g e Study of organizational designs and organizational structures,relationship of organizations with their external environment, and the behavior of managers and technocrats within organizations. It suggests ways in which an organization can cope with rapid change. (Unknown,
  • 18. 17 | P a g e Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes Meeting Information Objective: Date: 22.02.2016 Time: 8:00 PM Called By: Group Minute Taker: Kamila Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel Preparation for Meeting Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management” Please Bring:Interview questions for each management function Minutes ofprevious Meeting  First meeting Action Items From Previous Meeting  None Agenda Items NewAction Items Please bring final questions for interview Other Notes or Information Interview’s date will be schedule for first week of March
  • 19. 18 | P a g e Meeting Minutes Meeting Information Objective: Date: 29.02.2016 Time: 8:00 PM Called By: Group Minute Taker: Stephen Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel Preparation for Meeting Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management” Please Bring: Final questions for interview Minutes ofprevious Meeting  Discussed all the questions  Final decision of choice of manager Action Items from Previous Meeting  Final preparing of questions and form of assignment NewAction Items Please bring final questions for interview Other Notes or Information Interview’s date is 04.03.2016
  • 20. 19 | P a g e Meeting Minutes Meeting Information Objective: Date: 18.03.2016 Time: 5:00 PM Called By: Group Minute Taker: Vladislav Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel Preparation for Meeting Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management” Please Bring: Final draft of your part of assignment Minutes ofprevious Meeting  Conclusions about book and manager’s answers  Introduction to assignment – final form Action Items from Previous Meeting  Introduction of assignment ready NewAction Items  Completing and putting all parts of assignment together  Comparing conclusions on each part  Deciding on final conclusions Other Notes or Information All agreed to communicate through email and finish assignment through google shared document.
  • 21. 20 | P a g e Meeting Minutes Meeting Information Objective: Date: 07.03.2016 Time: 8:00 PM Called By: Group Minute Taker: Daniel Attendees: Kamila, Vladislav, Stephen, Daniel Preparation for Meeting Please Read: Appropriate chapters in book “Fundamentals of Management” Please Bring: Text book answers to your questions Minutes ofprevious Meeting  Discussed final form of assignment  Introducing manager Action Items from Previous Meeting  Final preparing of questions and form of assignment NewAction Items Compering manager’s answer and text book answers Other Notes or Information
  • 22. 21 | P a g e Contribution to assignment Member of the group contributed equally to assignment. Each member did one part of Management functions (Planning, Organising, Leading and Control). All another parts and edition of the word document was implemented by all members with equal contribution to it.
  • 23. 22 | P a g e Confirmation of the own work I Vladislav Avgustionok, student card number 10333074, confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments. 20 - 03 - 2016 I Daniel Bresnan, student card number 10266332, confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments. 20 - 03 - 2016 I Kamila Lekki, student card number 10328734, confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments. 20 - 03 - 2016 I Stephen Waters, student card number 10265499, confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarised any part of it, except where indicated by referencing. I have also noted the assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments. 20 - 03 - 2016