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Freedom of
     An Annual Review by
  	 4	 Foreword

  	 5	 Malaysia’s	Media	Landscape

  	 6	 The	Crisis	in	Perak

  	 8	 Police	partiality	and	freedom	of	assembly

  	 10	 Racialisation	of	issues	vs	ethical	reporting

  	 12	 Threats	against	online	media	and	bloggers

  	 14	 Intolerance	of	diversity

  	 16	 Conclusion

  	 18	 Timeline	of	Events
        • The Perak Crisis
        • Right to Assembly
        • ISA and the release of Hindraf leaders
        • The “Allah” issue
        • Restrictions against discourse of Islam
        • Online censorship
        • Raja Petra Kamarudin
        • Restriction of campaigning at by-elections
        • Others
                    ourteen	dasy	after	the	fireworks	ushering	2010,	a	number	of	
                    places	of	worship	were	attacked,	one	with	paints,	most	others	with	
                    firebombs.	No	one	was	injured,	but	this	came	after	days	of	protest	
               by	Muslim-Malay	oressure	groups	against	the	court	ruling	allowing	the	
               Catholics	to	use	the	word	“Allah”	in	their	publication.

               Sectarian	violence	is	rare	in	multi-ethnic	Malaysia,	but	when	the	State	
               and	non-State	actors	champion	the	cause	of	narrowly-defined	rights	and	
               privileges	for	a	specific	group	over	the	rights	of	all	citizens,	this	foments	
               fear	and	ignorance,	and	encourages	intolerance	in	interactions	between	
               and	within	ethnic	communities.	

               To	stoke	the	fire,	there	is	also	unprecendented	partisanship	on	the	issue	
               in	a	certain	media-	a	worrying	subversion	of	the	media’s	potential	in	
               promoting	peace	and	understanding	in	our	multi-ethnic	setting.	

               That	is	the	message	that	Centre	for	Independent	Journalism	(CIJ)	is	
               conveying	in	our	freedom	of	Expression	in	Malaysia	2009	Annual	Review.	
               The	Review	presented	a	trajectory	of	how	events	were	re-interpreted	to	
               tension	level,	with	challengers	being	removed	or	marginalized,	once	again,	
               through	legal	but	unlawful	means.	

               As	we	critically	revisit	the	events	documented	in	the	Review,	CIJ	is	
               compelled	to	sound	a	warning	bell	on	the	danger	of	messages	of	
               partisanship	based	on	ethnicity	and	religion.	The	current	climate	makes	
               itall	the	more	urgent	for	Malaysians	to	reclaim	their	right	to	freedom	of	
               expression,	and	to	demand	their	media	to	provide	sufficient	and	equal	
               spaces	for	meaningful	discussion,	not	foment	cleavages	and	siege	

               As	we	commemorate	the	World	Press	Freedom	Day	in	2010,	let	us	be	clear	
               that	the	freedom	to	express	is	synonymous	with	the	desire	for	peace	and	

               Masjaliza Hamzah
               on behalf of the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)

Malaysia’s Media Landscape:
Race, religion stoking policy
    n	2009,	perceived	political	crisis	and	increasing	strain	between	various	religious	
    and	ethnic	groups,	were	used	as	excuses	for	political	leaders	to	leave	demands	for	
    political	and	democratic	reform	in	abeyance.

Following	the	2008	general	election,	the	winning	but	badly	shaken	party	as	well	as	
other	ethno-religious	groups	have	used	for	political	mileage	the	perception	that	the	
special	position	of	the	‘natives’	enshrined	in	the	Constitution	has	been	undermined.	
An	authoritarian	brand	of	Islam	has	also	been	propagated	by	the	state	and	individuals	
more	vocally	since	2008.	In	2009,	these	groups	have	increased	their	visibility	by	actively	
censuring	and	invoking	the	threat	of	violence	against	remarks	discussing	affirmative	
action,	the	monarchy	and	Islam.	Their	cause	was	aided	by	the	Malay	media	owned	by	
the	United	Malays	National	Organisation	(UMNO)	taking	up	their	battle-cry,	fuelled	by	
routine	depictions	of	the	opposition	pact	Pakatan	Rakyat	(Pakatan)	as	a	threat	to	the	
‘Malay	race’.

Thus	2009	saw	aggressive	ethno-religious	expression	becoming	the	dominant	theme	in	
the	media,	with	intolerance	and	contempt	colouring	discourse.	This	contradicts	the	new	
Prime	Minister	Najib	Razak’s	vision	of	“1Malaysia”,	which	includes	as	its	aims	a	freer	
media.	Speaking	to	journalists	and	editors	three	days	after	becoming	Prime	Minister	in	
April	2008,	Najib	said	he	wanted	the	media	to	“hold	the	government	and	public	officials	
accountable”	and	to	“report	without	fear	and	favour”,	but	the	tough	laws	governing	the	
media	have	remained	unchanged.	Further,	editors	have	spoken	about	the	government’s	
plan	to	revive	Media	Council	legislation	on	top	of	the	existing	laws,	and	at	the	end	of	
last	year,	they	were	being	told	to	implement	additional	and	stricter	publishing	guidelines.	

There	have	been	a	few	welcome	gestures	for	democratic	rights.	Some	detainees	being	
held	under	the	dreaded	Internal	Security	Act	1960	(ISA)	were	freed	and	the	2008	
amendments	to	the	Universities	and	University	Colleges	Act	1971,	were	gazetted	in	
early	2009	to	reverse	a	ban	on	students’	freedom	of	association	and	expression.	But	
these	pale	in	comparison	to	the	ongoing	punitive	actions	against	government	opponents	
and	critics,	and	fall	far	short	of	acceptable	standards.

The	continual	dwelling	on	and	inciting	of	issues	of	ethnicity	and	religion	directly	affects	
the	prospect	of	freedom	of	expression.	Ethnic	and	religious	tensions	are	being	used	by	
the	state	to	rationalise	the	maintenance	of	the	restrictive	laws.	More	positively,	these	
laws	are	also	being	seen	by	some	as	the	tools	that	facilitate	tension,	due	to	restricting	
discourse	and	debate,	and	privileging	voices	that	are	incendiary.	

While	the	prospect	of	meaningful	reform	for	democratic	spaces	looks	dismal,	this	comes	
with	a	political	cost	to	the	government	–	of	alienating	progressive	voices	within	Malaysia	
and	jeopardising	the	country’s	image	abroad.	The	Najib	administration	will	have	to	
evaluate	these	risks,	for	both	the	short	and	the	long	terms,	in	at	worst	using,	and	at	
least	tolerating,	this	move	towards	greater	authoritarianism	in	the	name	of	religious	
intolerance	and	racial	‘unity’.

A protest by Pakatan supporters in February to demand for the dissolution of the Perak state
assembly to pave way for fresh elections, after three lawmakers left the Pakatan government.

Crisis in Perak
       he	country	was	rocked	at	the	beginning	of	       later,	authorities,	invoking	the	Printing	Presses	
       the	year	with	a	crisis	in	the	state	of	Perak.	   and	Publications	Act	1984,	confiscated	thousands	
       The	crisis	revealed	that	the	government	         of	copies	of	two	opposition	newspapers	–	Suara	
is	bent	on	securing	political	interests	and	getting	    Keadilan,	by	Parti	Keadilan	Rakyat	(PKR,	or	the	
ahead	of	its	political	rival,	the	Pakatan	opposition	   People’s	Justice	Party),	and	Harakah,	published	
alliance,	regardless	of	the	cost	to	good	               by	the	Islamic	party	PAS.	We	believe	this	is	
governance	and	democracy.	                              because	of	their	coverage	of	the	Perak	crisis.	
                                                        The	following	month,	the	two	newspapers	were	
Perak	was	won	by	PR	in	the	2008	elections.	             ordered	to	shut	down	for	three	months	by	the	
However,	in	February	2009,	elected	members	of	          government.	This	was	not	only	shortly	after	this	
Pakatan	defected	to	become	‘Barisan	Nasional	           crisis,	but	immediately	prior	to	the	new	Prime	
(BN)-friendly	independents’.	In	the	resulting	          Minister	being	sworn	in	and	the	three	crucial	by-
political	vacuum,	the	Sultan	of	Perak	Azlan	Shah	       elections	in	Kedah,	Perak	and	Sarawak.	The	ban	
acted	by	appointing	lawmakers	from	the	BN	and	          was	lifted	on	3	April,	on	Najib’s	first	day	in	office.	
sacking	the	existing	state	government	before	
a	vote	of	no-confidence	could	be	held	in	the	           However,	the	chairperson	of	the	Democratic	
legislature.	This	was	both	unpopular	and	legally	       Action	Party	(DAP)	and	MP	for	Bukit	Gelugor	
controversial.                                          Karpal	Singh,	was	charged	under	the	Sedition	
                                                        Act	1948	for	questioning	the	legality	of	the	
At	the	swearing-in	of	Perak’s	new	Menteri	Besar	        Sultan’s	actions.	If	found	guilty,	Karpal	faces	
in	February,	police	fired	tear	gas	on	an	estimated	     up	to	three	years	in	prison	or	a	fine	of	up	to	
3,000	to	5,000	protesters,	arresting	nine.	Days	        RM5,000	(US$1,400)	or	both.	
Then PKR information chief Tian Chua (right)          Attempt by activists lead by PKR Supreme
and Suara Keadilan editor, Zunar (left) reveal that   Council member, Badrul Hisham Shaharin
the party organ was confiscated by the authority.     (left) to deliver a cake to the PM on the late
Pic courtesy of Malaysiakini                          Altantuya’s birthday, is met with police arrest,
                                                      on the same day as the arrest of PAS vice
                                                      president, Mat Sabu. Pic courtesy of Amin

Actions	were	also	taken	against	members	of	           a	candlelight	vigil	for	Wong	in	front	of	a	police	
the	public	in	Perak	who	voiced	dismay	over	the	       station	in	Kuala	Lumpur.	PAS	vice	president	
crisis.	Police	arrested	six	online	commentators	      Mat	Sabu	was	arrested	because	he	called	for	
for	criticising	the	Sultan	of	Perak’s	role	in	the	    a	gathering	at	a	mosque	in	Perak	on	the	first	
power	struggle.	They	were	charged	under	              day	that	the	assembly	was	to	meet	following	the	
Section	233(1)	of	the	Communications	and	             crisis.	Police	also	raided	the	DAP	office	on	two	
Multimedia	Act	1998,	and	Section	34	of	the	           separate	occasions,	seizing	electronic	equipment,	
Penal	Code	for	“insulting”	the	Perak	royalty	         publications	and	DVDs	about	the	crisis.
in	various	blogs.	The	broadly	worded	Section	
233(1)	penalises	the	“improper	use	of	facilities	     Nationally,	the	Perak	crisis	was	framed	by	some	
or	network	service,	etc.”	and	provides	for	a	jail	    of	the	mainstream	media	as	a	matter	of	treason	
term	of	one	year	and	a	fine	of	up	to	RM50,000	        against	the	monarchy	and	–	stretching	the	limits	
(approximately	US$13,500).	Two	bloggers,	             of	credulity	–	as	being	ethnically	motivated,	
Jed	Yoong	and	Ahiruddin	Attan,	are	also	being	        with	the	possibility	of	leading	to	inter-ethnic	
investigated	by	the	police	for	content	and	           clashes.	Though	the	former	Menteri	Besar	Nizar	
comments	on	their	blogs	about	the	crisis.	            Jamaluddin	is	a	Malay	Muslim,	he	was	accused	
                                                      of	running	a	puppet	government	for	the	Chinese-
In	May,	when	the	assembly	in	Perak	resumed,	          majority	DAP	and	of	committing	treason	against	
police	again	implemented	a	crackdown.	In	the	         the	Sultan	by	refusing	to	resign	or	to	accept	the	
span	of	three	weeks,	police	arrested	a	total	of	      legality	of	the	Sultan’s	actions.	Some	of	those	
146	people,	including	opposition	lawmakers,	          who	were	charged	for	criticising	the	Sultan	
writers,	activists	and	lawyers,	stirring	public	      online	were,	following	their	arrests,	depicted	
concern	that	this	would	be	a	reenactment	of	the	      as	remorseful,	implying	that	the	monarchy	is	
1987	Operasi	Lallang	crackdown.	However,	most	        sacrosanct.	Karpal,	as	well	as	being	investigated,	
of	those	arrested	were	either	released	the	same	      was	also	targeted	at	public	rallies	staged	by	
day	or	remanded	for	up	to	four	days.                  UMNO,	and	accused	of	being	sacrilegious.	

Writer,	academic	and	chairperson	of	the	Writers’	     The	mainstream	media	also	spun	the	legally	
Alliance	for	Media	Independence	(WAMI)	Wong	          dubious	take-over	as	being	“tit-for-tat”	against	
Chin	Huat	was	remanded	for	four	days	simply	          Pakatan	for	its	failed	attempt	to	take	over	the	
because	he	tried	to	rally	people	to	wear	black	       Federal	government	through	the	defection	of	
on	the	assembly	day,	to	mourn	the	death	of	           BN	parliamentarians	in	2008.	In	such	spins,	
democracy	in	Perak.	Political	columnist	for	          the	public	has	been	told	by	the	controlled	press	
leading	online	news	service	Malaysiakini	Josh	        that	the	Perak	crisis	is	a	party-political	one,	not	
Hong	and	the	editor	of	Suara	Keadilan	Law	Teck	       a	crisis	of	democracy	in	which	they	are	the	true	
Hao	were	among	those	arrested	while	attending	        stakeholders.	
Police partiality and freedom of assembly

       he	Perak	crisis	is	just	one	of	several	        rally,	the	highlight	of	which	was	the	display	of	
       issues	that	drove	Malaysians	to	the	           a	recently-decapitated	cow’s	head,	which	was	
       streets.	Some	of	the	others	were	              later	kicked	by	some	protesters.	There	were	no	
ethnocentric	in	their	cause,	for	which	the	police	    arrests	at	the	time,	and	the	Home	Minister	later	
took	delayed	(if	any)	action	against	organisers	      came	out	with	a	statement	supporting	the	rally,	
and	participants,	while	for	assemblies	that	were	     causing	public	outcry.	On	9	September,	the	
more	ethnically	diverse	but	anti-BN	in	tone,	         government	charged	six	of	the	protesters	under	
protesters	were	met	with	immediate	repression.	       the	Sedition	Act	1948.

As	mentioned	in	the	previous	section,	the	            There	was	also	public	outcry	as	a	result	of	
statement	by	Karpal	prompted	UMNO	to	                 the	government’s	harassment	of	news	site	
organise	a	public	rally	against	him.	Not	only	        Malaysiakini,	when	videos	of	the	‘cow-head’	
were	there	no	arrests	among	the	200-strong	           protest	and	the	Minister’s	press	conference,	
crowd,	police	also	belatedly	declared	that	it	had	    including	his	defense	of	that	protest,	were	posted	
no	permit.	While	applauding	the	lack	of	police	       online.	The	Malaysian	Communications	and	
action	in	this	instance,	CIJ	calls	for	the	need	to	   Multimedia	Commission	(MCMC)	deemed	these	
ensure	that	similar	freedoms	are	enjoyed	by	all,	     videos	offensive	and	asked	Malaysiakini	to	take	
not	just	by	those	connected	to	the	government,	       them	down,	invoking	the	Communications	and	
or	those	opposing	Pakatan.                            Multimedia	Act	1998.	Malaysiakini	refused,	and	
                                                      the	MCMC	sent	officers	to	question	its	Editor-in-
In	contrast,	during	the	anti-ISA	rally	in	early	      Chief	Steven	Gan	and	CEO	Premesh	Chandran.	
August	2009	attended	by	5,000	or	15,000	
(depending	on	which	source),	police	used	             Police	also	arrested	14	Burmese	nationals	for	
tear	gas,	water	cannons	and	roadblocks,	and	          taking	part	in	a	gathering	organised	by	the	Selangor	
arrested	close	to	600	people.	The	anti-ISA	rally	     state	government	to	celebrate	the	64th	birthday	of	
almost	had	to	face	a	pro-ISA	rally	organised	         Burmese	activist	Aung	San	Suu	Kyi	in	June.		
on	the	same	day	by	various	NGOs	under	the	
umbrella	group	Pewaris.	At	the	eleventh	hour	         On	the	anniversary	day	of	the	formation	of	
–	apparently	after	realising	there	would	be	a	        Malaysia,	15	indigenous	people	from	tribes	of	
meagre	turnout	–	Pewaris	cancelled	the	rally	         Penan,	Kayan,	Kenyah	and	Iban	were	arrrested	
and	decided	instead	to	have	a	representative	         in	Kuching	for	submitting	a	memorandum	of	
submit	a	memorandum	to	the	palace.	While	             protest	against	the	construction	of	two	dams	
the	slew	of	arrests	and	clampdown	operations	         that	will	be	affecting	the	people	in	the	area	of	
against	the	anti-ISA	protesters	were	happening,	      Baram	and	Murum.
the	Pewaris	representative	was	allowed	by	
police	to	submit	his	memorandum.                      The	inconsistency	of	enforcement	shows	that	
                                                      freedom	of	assembly	remains	a	barely	tolerated	
One	of	the	year’s	most	notorious	incidents,	the	      right.	As	the	police	force	is	not	obliged	to	be	
‘cow-head	protest’	exposes	even	more	glaringly	       accountable	to	the	public	and	is	answerable	only	
police	inconsistency	in	controlling	the	right	to	     to	the	Home	Ministry,	the	public	have	not	been	
assembly.	The	protest	was	sparked	when	a	             given	any	explanation	for	the	inconsistency.	
Hindu	temple	was	to	be	relocated	to	a	Muslim	         As	a	constitutionally	enshrined	right,	freedom	
populated	area	in	Shah	Alam,	Selangor,	a	move	        of	assembly	should	never	be	subject	to	the	
linked	to	the	Pakatan	state	government.	On	28	        interests	of	the	government	or	other	groups,	but	
August,	some	Muslim	residents	held	a	protest	         upheld	for	all	equally	and	impartially.	

The act of stamping on a cowhead by
protesters who are against the relocation
of a Hindu temple to a mostly Malay
populated area, ignites public outcry and
give the protest the name “cowhead”.
Picture courtesy of The Malaysian Insider.

                                             Police cracks down on the
                                             anti-ISA mass rally using water
                                             cannon (left) and tear gas
                                             (below). Picture courtesy of
                                             Merdeka Review.

Racialisation of issues vs
ethical reporting

        he	role	of	the	media	in	these	events	was,	   wanting.	The	coalition	banned	Utusan	Malaysia	
        sadly,	not	that	of	a	neutral	bystander.	     and	the	BN-owned	New	Straits	Times	from	
        Some	issues	were	deliberately	given	         their	events.	Their	reaction	raised	the	question	
an	ethnic	spin	by	some	media.	Since	2008,	           of	how	press	freedom	can	be	practised	when	
UMNO-owned	daily	Utusan	Malaysia	has	been	           ethical	standards	are	not	being	upheld.	Pakatan	
championing	“Malay	unity”,	a	thinly	disguised	       state	governments	in	Selangor	and	Penang	
call	for	‘Malays’	to	be	politically	united	under	    have	set	up	their	online	and	print	organs,	but	
UMNO.	A	political	unity	among	Malays	is	             maintained	a	ban	on	these	two	dailies	and	their	
argued	to	be	fundamental	to	the	ethnic	group’s	      reporters.
collective	survival	vis-a-vis	other	communities,	
as	well	as	to	the	country’s	security.	The	idea	      The	racialisation	of	reporting	is	not	limited	
follows	from	the	concept	of	“Ketuanan	Melayu”	       to	demonising	the	Federal-level	opposition.	
commonly	interpreted	as	perpetual	privileges	        The	underlying	concept	of	“Ketuanan	Melayu”	
for	the	‘native’	majority	ethnic	group.	With	        entails	the	viewing	of	the	‘non-native’	with	
UMNO’s	electoral	setback	and	Pakatan’s	gain,	        suspicion,	thus	the	newspapers	dwell	on	the	
Pakatan	partners	PKR	and	PAS	have	been	              immigrant	origin	of	the	Other.	This	suspicion	
often	portrayed	–	through	statements	from	           of	other	ethnic	groups	was	also	the	underlying	
UMNO	officials	as	well	as	the	Malay-based	           issue	inadvertently	highlighted	by	the	magazine	
groups	mentioned	earlier	–	as	a	threat	to	that	      Al-Islam,	which	is	published	by	the	Utusan	
unity,	while	DAP	was	represented	as	a	threat	        group.	The	magazine	sent	a	reporter	to	go	
from	the	supposedly	economically	powerful	           undercover	at	a	church	mass	in	order	to	
‘ethnic	Chinese’.			                                 “expose”	the	alleged	conversion	of	Muslims.	
                                                     The	reporter	found	out	that	the	allegation	was	
The	anti-ISA	mass	rally	in	August,	for	example,	     not	true,	but	his	method	of	investigation	–	taking	
was	painted	by	Utusan	as	a	betrayal	by	              part	in	the	holy	communion	under	disguise	as	
those	Malays	who	were	organising	the	rally	          a	Christian,	then	spitting	out	the	holy	wafer	
(alongside	others),	as	well	as	the	minority’s	       for	photo-taking	–	raised	protests,	particularly	
threat	to	the	dominant	race.		                       by	Catholics,	on	the	reporter’	lack	of	religious	
Earlier	in	July,	calls	to	investigate	the	
suspicious	death	of	opposition	political	aide	       Critics	of	the	magazine	have	pointed	out	that	
Teoh	Beng	Hock	while	being	held	overnight	for	       the	government	would	have	unleashed	the	
questioning	at	the	Malaysian	Anti-Corruption	        full	power	of	the	law	if	it	had	been	an	act	that	
Commission’s	(MACC)	offices	were	given	an	           violated	the	sanctity	of	Islam.	CIJ,	however,	
ethnic	twist	–	about	the	‘Chinese’	attempting	       recognises	and	emphasises	that	the	only	way	
to	undermine	the	‘Malay’	staff	at	the	MACC.	         to	encourage	tolerance	is	by	allowing	all	media	
It	was,	apparently,	irrelevant	that	calls	for	an	    to	operate	on	an	equal	and	free	footing,	and	to	
impartial	investigation	were	being	made	from	a	      revoke	all	repressive	media	laws.	The	Al-Islam	
broad	cross-section	of	Malaysian	society.            case	merely	demonstrates	the	arbitrary	nature	
The	response	of	Pakatan,	however,	was	also	          of	the	laws	and	their	enforcement.

From left to right: Lawyer
Annou Xavier, Sundhagaran
Stanley and Joachim Francis
Xavier, from the Diocesan
Migrant Ministry at the Dang
Wangi Police station to follow
up on a report they lodged
against Al-Islam magazine
(right) for publishing an article
by a reporter deemed to have
desecrated the Church. Pic
courtesy of Sundhagaran

Threats against online
     media and bloggers

     Reporters Without Borders (RSF) campaign logo on cyber censorship

         s	early	in	the	year	as	March,	during	the	     In	November,	blogger	Bernard	Khoo	was	
         annual	UMNO	general	assembly,	online	         questioned	by	the	police	over	the	posting	of	
         media	Malaysiakini,	The	Malaysian	            a	modified	image	of	the	police	emblem.	No	
Insider,	Siasah,	Merdeka	Review	and	The	Nut	           charge	was	filed	against	him.
Graph	were	barred	from	the	event,	supposedly	
over	questions	of	ethics.                              Although	it	may	appear	that	the	online	content	
                                                       is	not	being	subject	to	regulations	as	rigorous	
Less	than	a	month	later,	a	photographer	and	a	         and	as	effective	as	their	print	counterpart,	
reporter	from	MerdekaReview	were	barred	from	          two	cases	demonstrate	that	the	Malaysian	
covering	the	Prime	Minister’s	announcement	            government	does	not	lack	any	legal	means	to	
of	his	Cabinet	lineup.	The	Chinese	portal	had	         prosecute	online	writers.	The	first,	mentioned	
been	publishing	commentaries	criticising	pro-          earlier,	is	the	prosecution	against	commentators	
Najib	articles	from	other	publications.                of	the	Perak	crisis	under	Section	233(1)	of	the	
                                                       Communications	and	Multimedia	Act	1998,	
In	August,	the	government	plan	to	further	             which	is	found	to	be	similar	to	the	Sedition	Act	
control	the	Internet	through	the	use	of	filters	       in	terms	of	scope	and	wording.	
was	exposed	by	the	online	and	foreign	media,	
triggering	a	public	outcry.	According	to	news	site	    The	second	case	is	a	criminal	defamation	
The	Malaysian	Insider,	a	call	for	tender	had	been	     suit	against	prominent	blogger	Raja	Petra	
issued	to	companies	to	submit	proposals	to	assist	     Kamarudin.	He	was	charged	in	2008	for	an	
the	communications	regulator	MCMC	evaluate	            article	and	a	statutory	declaration	containing	
the	feasibility	of	an	Internet	filter.	The	Ministry	   allegations	against	the	Prime	Minister’s	wife	
of	Information,	Communications	and	Culture	            Rosmah	Mansor	and	was	scheduled	to	go	on	
expected	the	study	to	be	completed	by	December	        trial	in	2009.	However,	Raja	Petra	has	gone	
and	a	decision	to	be	made	by	the	National	             into	hiding,	claiming	that	he	was	tipped	off	that	
Security	Council	headed	by	the	Prime	Minister.	        he	would	be	arrested	under	the	ISA	for	the	
                                                       third	time.	
Responding	to	public	opposition,	Information	          	
Minister	Rais	Yatim	confirmed	the	reports	but	         Critics	have	questioned	why	criminal	
defended	the	filter	as	necessary	for	curbing	          defamation	was	used,	instead	of	civil	
pornography.	Nevertheless,	just	two	days	              defamation,	as	Rosmah	is	not	a	government	
later,	the	Prime	Minister	scrapped	the	plan,	          official.	
reiterating	the	promise	of	no	Internet	censorship	
as	outlined	in	the	Communications	and	                 Two	arrest	warrants	have	been	issued	against	
Multimedia	Act	1998.	                                  Raja	Petra	after	he	failed	to	turn	up	in	court	
                                                       on	23	April	and	23	May.	As	the	police	were	
Rais	has	signaled	that	he	agreed	with	                 unable	to	serve	the	warrant	of	arrest	on	him,	
conservatives	wanting	greater	control	of	the	          the	Sessions	Court	granted	him	a	discharge	not	
Internet.	Having	the	MCMC	under	his	ministry’s	        amounting	to	an	acquittal	on	11	November	–	for	
purview,	he	made	it	known	that	the	Ministry	was	       his	sedition	case-	and	another	discharge	two	
actively	monitoring	and	investigating	websites.	       days	later-	for	his	criminal	defamation	case,	but	
The	Prime	Minister	himself,	in	an	answer	to	           the	police	effort	to	track	him	down	is	ongoing.	
parliamentarians’	questions	in	June,	said	that	
civil	servants	were	barred	from	visiting	39	           While	he	continues	to	run	his	website	in	hiding,	
sites	deemed	seditious,	offensive	or	obscene,	         the	government	should	make	good	its	promise	
adding	that	several	of	the	sites	were	under	           of	no	Internet	censorship	by	dropping	the	case	
investigation.	                                        against	him.	

Muslims in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur protest against the High Court ruling on 31 December
allowing Christians to use the word “Allah” for denoting God. Pic courtesy of The Malaysian Insider.

Intolerance of diversity

         riticism	of	the	Malaysian	government	          to	the	case.	The	ban	extended	to	the	media	
         has	long	been	ill-tolerated.	The	              as	well.	Malaysiakini	reported	that	television	
         Malaysian	public	might	occasionally	           stations	were	ordered	not	to	name	one	of	the	
find	in	the	mainstream	media	criticism	of	the	          accused	–	the	Prime	Minister’s	aide	Abdul	
civil	service,	but	not	direct	criticism	of	the	Prime	   Razak	–	and	to	ignore	his	background	when	
Minister	of	the	day.	This	remains	unchanged	            reporting	the	judgment	of	the	murder	trial	in	
under	the	current	administration.	Having	               April.	(Abdul	Razak	was	eventually	acquitted.)
assumed	office	at	a	time	of	global	economic	
trouble,	weakened	support	for	UMNO	and,	                Suara	Keadilan,	the	PKR	organ,	continued	
more	personally,	while	being	linked	to	the	trial	       to	be	confiscated	or	its	distributors	harassed	
of	his	aide	Abdul	Razak	Baginda	for	murder,	            although	Najib	had	lifted	the	ban	on	the	paper	
Najib	forwent	the	spell	of	openness	that	had	           when	he	became	Prime	Minister.
marked	the	beginning	of	his	two	immediate	
predecessors’	ascent	to	power.	                         In	July,	a	TV	host	was	demoted	to	field	reporter	
                                                        status	after	she	asked	her	guests	to	rate	Najib’s	
Shortly	after	Najib	assumed	office,	three	              performance	on	the	occasion	of	his	100th	day	
by-elections	–	seen	as	tests	of	his	legitimacy	–	       in	office.
were	held	simultaneously	in	the	states	of	Perak,	
Kedah	and	Sarawak.	There	was	also	a	test	for	           On	25	August,	officials	from	the	Publication	
the	new	Prime	Minister’s	openness,	in	which	he	         Control	Unit	of	the	Home	Ministry	seized	copies	
did	not	fare	well.	First,	the	police	issued	a	ban	      of	the	inaugural	issues	of	cartoon	magazine	
against	any	mention	of	the	case	of	a	murdered	          Gedung	Kartun	from	the	publisher’s	office	in	
Mongolian	woman	Altantuya	Shaariibuu	in	                Kuala	Lumpur.	According	to	its	editor-in-chief	
campaign	speeches,	as	Pakatan	and	by	various	           Zulkiflee	Anwar	Haque,	better	known	as	Zunar,	
bloggers	had	connected	the	Prime	Minister	              more	than	400	copies	were	seized.	Authorities	

claimed	Zunar	had	not	secured	a	permit	for	             statement	by	SIS	and	other	women’s	groups,	
the	publication,	as	mandated	by	the	Printing	           and	SIS’s	decision	for	legal	intervention,	the	
Presses	and	Publications	Act	1984.	Observers	           UMNO	women’s	wing	in	Johor	and	14	other	
said,	however,	that	Zunar’s	political	cartoons	         Muslim	groups	called	on	the	government	to	
criticising	the	Prime	Minister	and	his	policies	        cancel	the	NGO’s	registration.	The	Muslim	
were	the	real	reason	for	the	confiscation.              groups	also	lodged	police	reports	against	SIS.	

The	Home	Ministry	confiscated	Malaysian	                Meanwhile,	PAS	Youth	asked	for	a	public	
Maverick:	Mahathir	Mohamad	in	Turbulent	                boycott	of	SIS	for	“being	insolent”.	Earlier	in	
Times	on	24	December,	as	the	books	were	                June,	during	the	PAS	general	assembly	or	
brought	in	to	the	country	through	a	Port	Klang	         muktamar,	a	resolution	was	passed	calling	for	
checkpoint,	putting	a	gag	on	the	circulation	of	        SIS	to	be	banned.	However,	the	party	soon	
the	book.	Authored	by	Asian	Wall	Street	Journal	        claimed	that	the	resolution	was	a	mistake,	
former	editor	Barry	Wain,	the	book	contends,	           after	running	into	disagreement	with	other	
among	other	things,	that	the	fourth	Prime	              Pakatan	partners	and	drawing	criticism	from	the	
Minister	was	responsible	for	a	loss	of	RM100	           public,	especially	given	that	the	resolution	was	
billion	(US$28.6	billion)	during	his	term	in	office.	   sponsored	by	the	branch	headed	by	a	politician	
Besides	reining	in	critical	views	about	                previously	known	for	his	comparatively	
Malaysia’s	Prime	Ministers,	both	Federal	and	           progressive	stand.	
state	institutions	have	been	actively	controlling	
the	discourses	on	Islam.	The	preaching	of	Islam	        A	crucial	incident	highlighting	the	impact	of	
other	than	in	the	country’s	officially	sanctioned	      such	intolerance	to	diverse	religious	discourse	
Sunnah	Wal	Jamaah	ideology	is	disallowed.	              has	been	the	so-called	“Allah”	controversy.	
                                                        The	government	has	in	March	rescinded	its	
An	example	of	the	extent	of	this	control	is	that	       February	permission	for	the	Catholic	weekly,	
the	state	Islamic	council	prepares	the	Friday	          The	Herald	to	use	of	four	Arabic	words	–	
sermons	to	be	preached	by	the	mosque	imam	              “Allah”,	“Kaabah”,	“Baitullah”	and	“solat”–	by	
throughout	each	state.	The	power	of	these	              non-Muslims.	The	Catholic	Church	revealed	
institutions	was	brought	to	the	fore	by	the	            that	the	Home	Ministry	seized	thousands	of	
arrest	of	Muslim	scholar	Mohd	Asri	Zainul	              copies	of	translated	Bibles	which	use	the	word	
Abidin	in	November.	A	former	mufti	in	Perlis	           “Allah”	from	the	customs	checkpoints	in	March	
and	known	for	his	outspokenness,	Asri	was	              and	September,	while	a	petition	for	judicial	
arrested	by	the	Selangor	religious	authority	           review	filed	by	the	churches	was	ongoing.
for	preaching	unauthorised	sermons	and	was	
accused	of	spreading	“Wahabbism”.	Despite	              In	March,	religious	authorities	in	Selangor	
the	arrest	drawing	criticism	from	the	opposition	       threatened	the	Bar	Council	with	legal	action	for	
parliamentarians	and	the	Prime	Minister,	               holding	an	online	poll	on	the	issue	of	the	usage	
charges	were	filed	against	Asri.	In	the	same	           of	the	word	“Allah”	by	non-Muslims.	The	court	
month,	the	same	religious	authority	also	barred	        eventually	ruled	in	favor	of	the	Catholic	Church	
PAS	parliamentarian	Khalid	Abdul	Samad	from	            in	December,	but,	following	an	appeal	from	the	
preaching.	The	reason	given	was	that	Khalid’s	          government	as	well	as	protests	from	several	
sermons	were	too	“political”.                           Muslim	groups,	a	stay	order	was	issued,	meaning	
                                                        that	the	ban	was	to	remain	in	place.	The	Muslim	
Women’s	group	Sisters	in	Islam	(SIS)	also	raised	       groups	proceeded	to	organise	demonstrations	
the	ire	of	both	the	ruling	and	opposition	parties	      in	various	parts	of	the	capital	city	airing	their	
for	opposing	the	caning	of	Muslim	women.	In	            demand	for	“Allah”	to	be	made	exclusive	for	
July,	the	Shari’ah	court	in	Pahang	sentenced	           Muslims.	Although	the	police	deemed	the	
a	woman,	Kartika	Sari	Dewi	Shukarno,	to	                demonstrations	illegal,	no	arrests	were	made.	
the	maximum	sentence	of	six	strokes	of	the	             As	the	world	entered	into	2010,	several	Christian	
cane	and	a	fine	of	RM5,000	(US$1,430)	for	              churches	were	attacked	with	firebombs,	believed	
drinking	beer	in	public	in	2007.	Following	a	joint	     to	be	connected	to	this	issue.


             iven	the	government’s	political	control	over	the	media,	it	is	
             hard	not	to	speculate	on	their	role	in	the	prominence	of	ethno-
             religious	discourse,	and	in	the	resulting	tension.	Malaysians	
     have	limited	and	unequal	access	to	alternative	views,	discourse	and	
     information,	which	are	available	largely	online	and	predominantly	in	
     English.	Such	limited	circulation	of	alternative	views	cannot	effectively	
     challenge	the	ethno-religious	dogma	being	circulated	through	the	
     mainstream	media.	

     For	many	years,	the	policy	of	controlling	information	and	expression	
     has	been	justified	explicitly	on	security	reason,	or	implicitly	as	
     necessary	to	the	social	engineering	project	harboured	upon	the	hope	of	
     nation-building:	unity	and	prosperity.	It	is	time	for	Malaysians	to	realise	
     that	both	reasons	have	expired,	if	they	were	ever	legitimate.	Rather,	the	
     inconsistent	employment	of	the	repressive	laws	is	having	a	dangerous	
     impact	on	the	unity,	economy	and	security	of	Malaysians.	

     Despite	progressive	rhetoric,	the	government	has	been	taking	half-
     measures	to	improve	transparency	and	thus	boost	the	country’s	
     competitiveness.	This	is	not	good	enough,	and	the	tensions	and	
     violence	that	we	have	seen	erupting	are	a	direct	result	of	repressive	
     legislations.	Through	2009	and	into	2010,	CIJ	continues	to	contend	
     that	the	Printing	Presses	and	Publications	Act	1984,	Sedition	Act	1948,	
     Official	Secrets	Act	1972	and	Section	233(1)	of	the	Communications	
     and	Multimedia	Act	1998	form	a	major	impediment	to	transparency	and	
     good	governance.	These	laws	must	be	repealed	for	any	true	reform	to	

Timeline of Events
Chronology of the crisis in Perak
Arrest of Demonstrators and Assemblymen                19 May	DAP	parliamentarians	Teo	Nie	Ching	
6 Feb	Tear	gas	was	fired	at	3000-5000	                 and	Jenice	Lee	were	among	11	people	arrested	
demonstrators	who	had	gathered	to	protest	             in	a	candlelight	vigil	calling	for	fresh	elections	
the	swearing-in	of	the	new	Chief	Minister	from	        in	Perak.
Barisan	Nasional.	Nine	were	arrested.
                                                       21 May The	third	protest	to	by	the	Pakatan	saw	
4 May	Police	warned	supporters	of	BN	                  17	people	including	Jenice	Lee	being	detained	
and	Pakatan	not	to	gather	near	the	State	              by	police	in	Ampang.	Jenice	Lee	was	remanded	
Secretariat	building	when	the	State	Assembly	          for	two	days.
meeting	convened.	Civil	society	activist	Wong	
Chin	Huat,	also	a	spokesman	for	Bersih,	was	           23 May	Police	raided	the	DAP	headquarters	in	
detained	by	police	for	alleged	sedition.	His	          Selangor	and	confiscated	computers	and	flyers	
arrest	was	linked	to	a	press	conference	he	had	        about	the	Perak	political	crisis.
called	a	day	before,	where	he	urged	the	public	
to	wear	black	the	following	day	to	protest	the	        26 May	Police	arrested	21	people	including	
change	in	administration	in	Perak.                     eight	elected	representatives	for	taking	part	in	
                                                       a	hunger	strike	calling	for	fresh	election,	being	
6 May	Wong’s	remand	order	was	extended	two	            held	at	the	DAP	headquarters.	Among	those	
more	days.	PAS	vice-president	Mohamad	Sabu	            arrested	were	assemblymen	Chang	Lih	Kang	
was	detained	by	police.	Police	also	arrested	          (Teja),	Chan	Ming	Kai	(Simpang	Pulai),	Thomas	
three	others	who	attempted	to	present	a	cake	          Su	(Pasir	Pinji),	Lim	Pek	Har	(Menglembu),	
and	letter	to	the	Prime	Minister	on	the	birthday	of	   Leong	Mee	Meng	(Jalong),	Keshvinder	Singh	
the	murdered	Mongolian,	Altantuya	Shaaribuu.           (Malim	Nawar),	former	Speaker	V.	Sivakumar,	
                                                       Ipoh	Barat	Member	of	Parliament	M.	
7 May	The	day	of	the	State	Assembly	sitting            Kulasegaran	and	six	supporters.

According	to	media,	police	arrested	sixty-five	        Karpal Singh tried for sedition
at	the	Perak	state	assembly,	including	Pakatan	        11 Feb	DAP	Chairman,	Karpal	Singh	gave	a	
leaders,	parliamentarians	and	activists.	Any	          statement	to	the	police	regarding	police	reports	
person	wearing	black	was	immediately	detained.	        made	against	him	because	he	said	in	a	press	
Later	that	night,	police	arrested	thirty	two	          conference	that	the	Sultan	can	be	sued	for	his	
protesters	who	gathered	for	candlelight	vigils	in	     decision	to	remove	Nizar	Jamaluddin	as	Perak	
protest	of	Wong’s	arrest	and	the	events	in	Perak.	     Chief	Minister.	According	to	the	police,	89	police	
The	protesters	were	arrested	in	Kuala	Lumpur,	         reports	were	lodged	against	Karpal,	including	
Penang	and	Sarawak.	Among	those	arrested	              from	UMNO	members.	On	the	same	day,	
were	five	lawyers	who	were	there	as	counsel	           Selangor	Umno	Youth	chief	Abdul	Shukur	Idrus	
for	those	who	had	been	detained	earlier.	Home	         led	600	people	from	Umno	Youth,	Puteri	Umno	
Minister	Datuk	Seri	Hishammuddin	Tun	Hussein	          and	other	NGOs	in	a	protest	march	from	the	
praised	the	police	crackdown.                          state	Umno	building	to	the	Shah	Alam	police	
                                                       station	to	lodge	a	report	Singh.
9 May	Police	on	Saturday	stopped	a	DAP	dinner	
at	a	school	and	seized	audiovisual	equipment	          16 March	Singh	is	charged	with	sedition.
that	was	being	used	to	play	a	video	about	the	
Perak	assembly	sitting.	The	technician	handling	       29 April The	High	Court	rejected	Singh’s	
the	equipment	was	also	detained.                       application	to	get	himself	discharged	from	

his	sedition	case.	The	Court	held	that	his	             13 May	Malaysiakini	reported	that	media	
speech	in	the	press	conference	can	be	taken	            conglomerate,	Media	Prima,	had	banned	the	
in	totality	as	the	basis	for	the	charge	without	        airing	of	footage	showing	the	Pakatan	assembly	
having	to	specify	the	words	or	parts	that	are	          Speaker	Sivakumar	being	dragged	out	of	the	
seditious.                                              sitting	on	7	May.	Media	Prima	owns	four	free-to-
                                                        air	television	stations	and	is	affiliated	with	UMNO.
12 August	An	Utusan	journalist,	the	first	
prosecution	witness,	told	the	High	Court	that	          Police action and intimidation against
he	wrote	an	article	for	his	newspaper	based	on	         bloggers
a	partial	understanding	of	the	press	statement	         23 Feb	Police	investigated	blogger,	Jed	Yoong	
and	mistaken	the	meaning	of	the	words	“ultra	           Yui	Foong	for	posting	a	translation	of	another	
vires”	in	the	statement	to	mean	“to	insult”.            blogger’s	posting	criticizing	the	Perak	Sultan.

9 December	Another	prosecution	witness,	an	             24 Feb	Police	questioned	blogger	Ahiruddin	
RTM	deputy	news	director,	said	the	television	          Attan	(Rocky	Bru)	over	comments	left	on	his	
station	had	labeled	Singh	as	having	committed	          blog	about	the	role	of	the	monarchy	by	known	
treason	in	the	station’s	reporting	of	the	press	        and	annoymous	commentators.
                                                        13 March	In	an	unprecedented	move,	six	
14 December	A	prosecution	witness	from	                 people	were	charged	for	having	“insulted”	
a	student	NGO,	Gabungan	Pelajar	Melayu	                 Sultan	of	Perak	through	a	website.	A	lab	
Semenanjung	Perak,	said	he	lodged	a	police	             assistant	was	fined	RM	10000	in	default	5	
report	because	he	was	not	‘satisfied’	that	Singh	       months’	jail	for	the	same	offence.
had	questioned	the	legality	of	the	BN	state	
government	in	Perak.                                    16 March	A	husband	and	wife	were	charged	in	
                                                        the	Sessions	Court	for	posting	comments	on	
Media control																																								   the	Sultan	of	Perak’s	website,	disagreeing	with	
12 Feb	10000	to	20000	copies	of	political	party	        the	Royals’	role	in	the	Perak	crisis.
organs	Suara	Keadilan	and	Harakah	were	
reported	confiscated	in	various	parts	of	the	           15 April	A	housewife	was	charged	in	a	
country	since	January.                                  Sessions	Court	with	forwarding	comments	
                                                        against	the	Sultan	of	Perak.	Her	husband	was	
23 March	The	Home	Ministry	suspended	                   among	the	six	charged	on	13	March.	Both	
Harakah	and	Suara	Keadilan	for	three	months.	           of	them	later	claimed	to	have	received	death	
The	ban	was	lifted	by	Najib	Razak	on	April	3	           threats	via	email.
when	he	sworn	in	as	Prime	Minister	but	PKR	
complained	that	government	officials	continued	         22 April	Gagasan	Melayu	Perak	(GMP)	lodged	
to	harass	distributors	and	confiscate	the	paper.        a	police	report	against	Malaysiakini	for	an	article	
                                                        allegedly	insulting	Sultan	Azlan	Shah	of	Perak	
3 May	BN	Perak	State	Secretary	Dr	Abdul	                and	the	Raja	Muda	of	Perak,	Raja	Nazrin	Shah.
Rahman	Hashim	barred	a	number	of	media	
organizations,	including	online	news	sites,	            21 October	A	total	of	11	people	were	
from	covering	the	state	assembly	sitting,	due	          charged	under	Section	211	and	233	of	the	
to	begin	on	7	May.	However,	the	Pakatan	                Communication	and	Multimedia	Act	which	
assembly	Speaker	V.	Sivakumar	lifted	the	ban.	          involve	a	fine	of	up	to	RM	24,500,	for	insulting	
BN	appointed	Chief	Minister	Zambry	Abdul	Kadir	         the	Sultan	of	Perak,	revealed	the	Minister	of	
denied	that	he	had	issued	the	ban.                      Information.

Timeline of Events
Right to Assembly                                     Teoh	Beng	Hock.	Pakatan	parliamentarians	S.	
                                                      Manikavasagam	and	Xavier	Jayakumar	were	
7 March	Riot	police	fired	teargas	at	thousands	       among	those	arrested,	while	MP	Gan	Pei	Nei	
of	people	who	tried	to	march	towards	the	Istana	      and	a	state	assembly	aide,	Loo	Chuan	Boon	
Negara	(National	Palace),	to	protest	against	the	     were	injured	during	a	scuffle	with	the	riot	police.
policy	of	using	English	to	teach	Science	and	
Mathematics.	124	were	arrested.                       17 July Three	were	arrested	for	submitting	a	
                                                      memorandum	of	against	the	killings	of	Muslims	
17 April	Seven	people,	including	four	lawyers,	       in	southern	Thailand	to	the	Thai	embassy.
were	acquitted	and	discharged	for	taking	part	
in	a	walk	to	mark	World	Human	Rights	Day	in	          23 July	Police	detained	10	people,	including	
2007.                                                 MIC	Youth	coordinator	T.	Mohan,	when	about	
                                                      50	people	were	to	march	towards	Komtar	
19 May	Batu	MP	Tian	Chua	was	ordered	by	a	            to	hand	over	a	memorandum	to	the	Chief	
magistrate’s	court	to	enter	his	defence	against	      Minister’s	office	on	an	eviction	issue.
a	charge	of	injuring	a	policeman	in	December	
2007,	during	a	Bersih	rally.                          28 July	Police	warned	that	they	will	take	stern	
                                                      action	against	any	party	that	participates	in	
24 May	1000	supporters	of	the	Sri	Lankan	             any	assembly	in	the	capital	on	1	August.	The	
separatist	group	Tamil	Tigers	assembled	              warning	came	as	two	rallies	had	been	planned	
at	Sri	Subramaniar	temple	in	Jalan	Besar,	            for	that	day,	by	groups	with	opposing	stands	on	
Batu	Caves,	Gombak.	Despite	not	having	               the	ISA.
a	police	permit,	it	was	attended	by	Deputy	
Minister	M.	Saravanan	and	two	opposition	             1 August	Police	arrested	589	people,	fired	tear	
parliamentarians.	No	arrests	were	made.               gas	and	water	cannons	at	numerous	locations	
                                                      in	the	city	after	thousands	of	people	took	to	
15 June	Police	fired	tear	gas	to	disperse	700	        the	streets	calling	for	a	repeal	of	the	ISA.	
Iranians,	mostly	university	students,	outside	        Thousands	were	blocked	from	reaching	the	
Wisma	UN	in	Jalan	Semantan.	They	were	                venue,	as	the	capital	city	was	practically	sealed	
protesting	the	results	of	the	Iranian	presidential	   off.	Media	reported	that	the	crowd	consisted	of	
elections.                                            between	5,000	and	15,000	protesters.

18 June	Five	people	who	were	students	at	             2 August	Najib	Razak	said	the	government	will	
the	time	of	their	arrest	were	fined	RM	3,900	or	      allow	future	mass	rally	in	stadiums	and	urged	
three	months’	jail	by	the	magistrate’s	court	for	     the	people	not	to	take	to	the	streets.
attending	an	anti-ISA	assembly	in	2001	.	They	
had	been	suspended	from	their	undergraduate	          2 August	Police	released	560	out	of	589	
studies	when	charged	in	2001.                         people	detained	the	previous	day.	Those	
                                                      released	included	a	13	year	old.
19 June	Police	arrested	14	Burmese	nationals	
for	taking	part	in	a	gathering	organized	by	the	      3 August	29	people	claimed	trial	to	the	charge	
Selangor	state	government	to	celebrate	the	           of	illegal	assembly,	having	been	arrested	during	
64th	birthday	of	activist	Aung	San	Suu	Kyi.           protests	calling	for	the	abolition	of	the	ISA.

17 July	Seven	were	arrested	at	the	former	            13 August	The	Public	Service	director-general	
MACC	Selangor	headquarters	at	Plaza	                  Ismail	Adam	issued	a	circular	warning	that	civil	
Masalam	for	gathering	to	demand	an	                   servants	found	participating	in	illegal	gatherings	
investigation	into	the	death	of	political	aide,	      or	“causes”	would	be	demoted	or	sacked.

19 August The	Home	Minister	said	the	                still	has	a	sedition	case	pending,	as	he	failed	to	
government	is	to	amend	the	Police	Act	to	allow	      get	the	Sessions	Court	to	strike	out	the	charge.	
public	assemblies	in	certain	locations,	without	     Seven	foreigners	detained	under	the	ISA	were	
the	need	for	a	police	permit.                        also	released.

16 September	15	indigenous	people,	including	        19 May	Former	ISA	detainee	P.	Uthayakumar	
two	indigenous	rights	leaders	were	arrested	         failed	to	appear	before	an	advisory	panel	
for	submitting	a	memorandum	to	the	Sarawak	          meeting	at	the	Kamunting	detention	camp	near	
chief	minister,	Taib	Mahmud,	protesting	the	         here,	for	which	the	Home	Minister	Datuk	Seri	
construction	of	the	Murum	Dam.	They	were	            Hishammuddin	Hussein	said	no	action	will	be	
released	on	the	same	day.	                           taken	against	him.

October 11	All	those	charged	with	illegal	           27 May	Alleged	JI	militant	Mas	Selamat	Kastari	
assembly	at	the	Kesas	Highway	in	2000,	where	        is	detained	under	the	ISA.
police	action	was	condemned	by	the	Malaysian	
human	rights	commission	as	being	excessive,	         16 June	The	Home	Minister	said	the	ISA	
were	acquitted.	No	police	investigation	has	         may	be	used	to	crush	the	‘Federal	Special	
taken	place	into	the	incident.                       Forces	of	Malaysia	(FSFM)’,	believed	to	be	
                                                     a	fraud	organization	modeled	as	a	civilian	
ISA and the release of Hindraf
leaders                                              25 June	Home	Minister	Hishammuddin	
                                                     Hussein	said	in	reply	to	question	in	parliament	
5 April	13	people	including	Hindraf	leaders	         that	there	were	only	12	ISA	detainees	left	in	
V.	Ganabatirau,	and	R.	Kengadharan	were	             Kamunting,	comprising	6	Malaysians	and	6	
released	from	the	ISA	detention	centre	in	           foreigners.	He	said	they	were	under	detention	
Kamunting,	Taiping.	Ganabatirau	later	claimed	       for	either	involvement	in	militant	activities	or	for	
he	was	prevented	from	speaking	to	the	media	         forging	documents.
for	a	year	as	one	of	the	conditions	for	his	
release.                                             25 June	Hussein	said	the	Government	is	
                                                     looking	into	a	proposal	to	reduce	the	detention	
17 April	Inspector	General	Police,	Musa	             period	under	ISA	from	60	to	28	days.
Hassan	confirmed	the	arrest	of	three	men	in	
Johor	under	the	ISA.                                 19 October	The	government	maintained	its	
                                                     stance	that	it	will	not	scrap	the	ISA.
20 April	Malaysiakini	reported	that	the	police	
has	been	pressuring	the	family	members	of	ISA	       22 October The	Home	Ministry	announced	
detainee	Agus	Salim	to	stop	them	from	seeking	       that	the	review	of	ISA	will	be	on	five	areas	:	the	
help	or	getting	their	plight	heard.	Agus	was	        treatment	accorded	to	ISA	detainees:	their	living	
detained	on	5	March	allegedly	due	to	suspected	      conditions,	meals	and	other	basic	needs;	the	
links	with	Islamic	fundamentalists.                  duration	of	their	sentence,	that	is	the	initial	60	
                                                     days’	detention	for	investigations	and	the	two-
8 May	The	three	remaining	Hindraf	leaders,	          year	detention	order;	the	powers	of	the	Home	
P.	Uthayakumar,	M.Manoharan	and	Vasantha	            Minister	in	invoking	the	act	and	the	abuse	of	
Kumar	were	released	from	the	Kamunting	              such	powers	he	holds;	the	perception	that	the	
detention	centre,	after	514	days	of	incarceration	   ISA	is	or	may	be	exploited	for	political	reasons;	
under	the	ISA.	On	16	April,	the	trio	had	failed	     and	the	provisions	in	the	ISA	which	allow	for	
in	their	habeas	corpus	appeal.	P.	Uthayakumar	       detention	without	trial.

Timeline of Events

The “Allah” issue                                    13 March	The	song	Allah	Peduli	by	Indonesian	
                                                     artist	Agnes	Monica	has	been	banned	in	
26 Feb Home	Ministry	lifted	a	ban	on	the	word	       Selangor,	as	Allah	in	the	lyrics	pertains	to	Jesus	
“Allah”,	which	had	been	restricted	to	Muslim	        Christ.
publications,	provided	non-Muslim	religious	
publications	using	the	word	state	prominently	       5 September Catholic weekyly The	Herald	
that	the	publication	is	for	non-Muslims	only.	       received	a	letter	from	the	Home	Ministry	stating	
Catholic	weekly	Herald	had	applied	for	a	judicial	   that	it	has	not	approved	the	publishing	permit	
review	of	the	ban	in	2008.	The	application	          for	2010,	although	in	August	it	had	approved	
was	deemed	academic	when	the	Herald’s	               it	to	print	in	four	out	of	the	five	languages	they	
publication	permit	expired	in	Dec	2008,	so	the	      had	requested,	excluding	the	KadazanDusun	
Herald	reapplied	for	a	judicial	review	on	16	Feb.    language.

2 March	The	government	rescinded	its	earlier	        4 November The	Council	of	Churches	
decision	to	lift	the	ban	on	the	use	of	the	word	     revealed	that	15,000	Bahasa	Malaysia	Bibles	
“Allah”.					                                        were	prevented	from	being	distributed	by	the	
                                                     Home	Ministry	in	March	and	in	September	for	
5 March	Religious	adviser	in	the	PM	                 containing	‘banned’terminology.		The	Christian	
department,	Abdullah	Md	Zin	said	10	states	          Federation	of	Malaysia	(CFM)	called	for	the	
with	Sultans	have	gazetted	the	ban	on	the	           immediate	release	of	    the	Bibles.
usage	of	“Allah”,	“Kaabah”,	“Solat”	and	
“Baitullah”	by	non	Muslims,	while	a	fatwa	           14 November The	             Home	Minister	
on	a	similar	ban	had	been	issued	to	the	             held	a	meeting	with	         representatives	of	
remaining	four	states,	none	of	which	have	           the	Catholic	Church	         explaining	that	the	
a	Sultan.                                            August	permit	was	           valid	and	that	they	
                                                      are	to	ignore	the	          September	letter.
12 March	The	Selangor	Islamic	Religious	
Council	(Mais)	threatened	legal	action	              31 December The	             High	Court	allowed	
against	the	Bar	Council	over	its	poll	on	the	        The	Herald	to	use	           the	word		“Allah”	for	
use	of	the	word	Allah	by	non-Muslims.                Christians.	

Restrictions against discourse                       caning	of	women	under	the	Islamic	law.	The	
of Islam                                             NGOs	demanded	SIS	“apologize	for	having	
                                                     insulted	Islamic	law	and	the	Shar’iah	court”.
Call to ban SIS
                                                     6 October	UMNO	Wanita	Johor	called	on	the	
7 June	PAS	passed	a	resolution	urging	that	          government	to	cancel	the	registration	of	SIS,	
women	rights	group	Sisters	in	Islam	(SIS)	           the	Joint	Action	Group	for	Gender	Equality	
be	banned	and	called	for	the	National	Fatwa	         (JAG)	and	the	Womens’	Aid	Organization	
Council	to	investigate	SIS.	On	the	same	day,	        (WAO),	in	the	light	of	the	group’s	statement	
PAS’s	partner	in	Pakatan,	PKR	issued	a	              against	the	whipping	of	a	former	model.
statement	disagreeing	with	the	resolution.
                                                     The Former Perlis mufti
9 June	MP	Teresa	Kok	of	DAP	and	the	Minister	
for	Women,	Family	and	the	Community	                 2 November While	conducting	a	religious	class	
Shahrizat	Abdul	Jalil	criticized	PAS’s	resolution.   in	a	private	home,	former	Perlis	mufti	Dr	Mohd	
                                                     Asri	Zainul	Abidin	was	arrested	by	the	Selangor	
10 June	Former	PM	Tun	Dr	Mahathir	Mohamad	           Religious	Affairs	Department	(JAIS),	on	the	
criticized	PAS	for	its	call	to	ban	SIS.              grounds	of	preaching	without	certification.	His	
                                                     arrest	was	questioned	by	parliamentarians,	
11 June	PKR	MP	Zulkifli	Noordin	wants	the	           including	the	Prime	Minister,	but	JAIS	defended	
Companies	Commission	(CCM)	to	stop	SIS	              its	actions,	and	revealed	that	it	had	been	
from	using	the	word	“Islam”	in	its	title.	The	CCM	   monitoring	Asri’s	preaching	for	three	years.
said	it	is	unable	to	do	so.
                                                     18 November Abidin	was	charged	for	
14 June	PAS	said	its	resolution	calling	for	the	     preaching	without	certification	at	the	Shari’ah	
banning	of	women’s	group,	SIS,	was	a	mistake	        Court	under	Section	119	of	the	Islamic	
and	that	the	‘correct’	resolution	called	for	        Administration	of	Selangor.	If	convicted,	
engagement	with	the	women’s	group.                   Asri	can	be	fined	up	to	RM3,000	and	faces	
                                                     imprisonment	of	up	to	two	years.
16 June	Wanita	Gerakan	urged	PAS	to	
withdraw	its	resolution.                             25 November	Opposition	MP	Khalid	Abdul	
                                                     Samad’s	authorization	to	preach	Islam	was	
2 October	Fourteen	Muslim	NGOs	lodged	               revoked	by	JAIS,	on	the	ground	that	his	
police	reports	against	SIS	for	questioning	the	      preaching	is	too	political.

Timeline of Events
Online censorship                                     temple.	The	second	video	was	the	Home	
                                                      Minister’s	press	conference	in	defence	of	the	
16 June	The	Prime	Minister	told	Parliament	           protesters.
that	civil	servants	are	banned	from	visiting	
39	websites	and	blogs	containing	“offensive,	         4 November	Blogger	Bernard	Khoo	Teng	
obscene	or	seditious	elements”.                       Swee,	who	writes	zorro-unmasked.blogspot.
                                                      com,	was	questioned	by	police	over	a	posting	
7 July The	Information	Minister,	Rais	Yatim	          in	2008	of	a	photo	which	carried	the	emblem	
revealed	that	special	units	have	been	set	            of	the	Royal	Malaysian	Police,	on	which	was	
up	under	both	the	Home	and	Information	               superimposed	the	image	of	a	dog.
Ministries	to	monitor	blogs,	adding	that	the	
regulation	of	bloggers	comes	under	both	the	          19 November	The	Information	Minister	told	the	
Printing	Presses	and	Publications	Act	and	the	        Parliament	that	the	MCMC	had	charged	eight	
Communications	and	Multimedia	Act.                    website	operators	under	the	CMA.	Seven	of	
                                                      the	websites	were	said	to	have	insulted	Islam.	
8 July	The	Deputy	Minister	of	Science	and	            A	total	of	seventy-one	investigations	had	been	
Technology	revealed	that	the	Malaysian	               carried	out	by	the	MCMC.
Communications	and	Multimedia	Commission	
(MCMC)	had	shut	down	33	websites	said	to	             Raja Petra Kamarudin
contain	pornographic	materials,	and	that	a	
further	15	similar	websites	had	been	asked	to	        23 April The	Sessions	Court	issued	a	warrant	
shut	down.                                            of	arrest	against	Petra	Kamarudin	and	a	
                                                      show-cause	notice	to	his	wife,	Marina,	because	
6 August	AFP,	quoting	an	anonymous	source,	           the	former	failed	to	show	up	at	his	criminal	
reported	that	the	government	was	considering	         defamation	trial.	The	blogger	claimed	on	his	
imposing	an	internet	filter	to	block	“undesirable”	   website,	Malaysia	Today,	that	he	is	in	self-exile	
websites,	on	the	grounds	of	maintaining	racial	       and	fears	another	arrest	under	the	ISA.
harmony.	Local	portal	The	Malaysian	Insider	
reported	that	the	government	had	called	for	          26 June	Second	arrest	warrant	out	for	
proposals	from	companies	for	internet	content	        Kamarudin	after	he	failed	to	attend	his	criminal	
filtering	systems.                                    defamation	trial	at	the	Sessions	Court.

7 August	Yatim	confirmed	that	an	internet	            11 November	Kamaruddin’s	Sedition	case	was	
filtering	system	would	be	set	up	to	filter	           suspended	because	the	police	were	unable	to	
pornography.	Civil	societies,	opposition	             track	him	down.
members	and	bloggers	cried	foul.
                                                      13 November	Kamarudin’s	criminal	defamation	
8 August,	The	Prime	Minister	refuted	the	             case	was	suspended	because	the	police	was	
Information	Minister’s	statements	about	the	          unable	to	track	him	down.	
internet	filter	and	said	that	the	Government	will	
not	impose	any	censorship	on	the	internet.            On the media

4	September The	MCMC	ordered	Malaysiakini	            16 Jan	Two	journalists	from	Merdeka	Review	
to	remove	from	its	website	two	videos.	The	           lodged	a	police	report	for	have	been	given	cash	
first	video	depicted	protesters	stomping	a	cow	       at	the	Barisan	Nasional	common	media	centre	
head,	a	symbol	of	the	Hindu	religion,	while	          during	the	Kuala	Terengganu	by-election.	
agitating	against	the	relocation	of	a	Hindu	          Opposition	parliamentarian	Teo	Nie	Ching’s	

question	to	the	Prime	Minister	on	the	issue	        24 June	Home	Minister	Hishammuddin	
during	the	next	day’s	Parliament	sitting	was	       Hussein	said	the	government	has	no	plan	to	
rejected.	The	anti-corruption	commission	also	      abolish	the	Printing	Presses	and	Publications	
decided	to	drop	the	case	on	20	Jan	despite	         Act	or	the	ISA.
informing	the	reporters	that	it	would	launch	an	
investigation.                                      13 July	Police	have	started	investigating	
                                                    a	police	report	on	an	article	published	by	
24 March	Six	online	media	organizations	-	          magazine	Al-Islam.	The	article,	written	by	
Malaysiakini,	The	Malaysian	Insider,                a	Muslim	reporter	who	went	undercover	to	
Siasah,	Merdeka	Review	and	The	Nut	Graph	-	         participate	in	a	church	mass	was	deemed	
were	barred	from	covering	proceedings	of	the	       offensive	to	Christians.
UMNO	general	assembly.	The	reason	given	by	
the	UMNO	sec-general	Tengku	Adnan	was	that	         15 July	A	journalist	with	private	television	
the	media	were	not	“ethical”.                       channel	ntv7,	Florence	Looi,	was	issued	a	memo	
                                                    and	her	talkshow	program	shelved	after	she	
31 March	In	his	blog,	the	Penang	Chief	Minister	    asked	her	panel	guests	to	rate	the	performance	
Lim	Guan	Eng	said	the	state	has	banned	the	         of	the	Prime	Minister	in	his	first	100	days.
New	Straits	Times	from	the	state’s	functions	
until	the	paper	provides	the	administration	        25 August	The	newspaper	vendors	association	
with	the	right	of	reply.	Lim	said	that	the	paper	   and	MIC	members	lodged	a	police	report	against	
has	carried	inaccurate	reports	about	his	           the	Malay	Mail	for	publishing	an	article	discussing	
administration.                                     the	party’s	internal	politics,	pictures	of	MIC	
                                                    leaders	labelled	as	belonging	to	lower	castes.	The	
18 April	Malaysiakini	reported	that	Media	Prima	    Malay	Mail	responded	with	a	clarification	and	took	
Berhad	–	the	owner	of	the	four	TV	stations	TV3,	    down	the	pictures	from	its	web	edition.
ntv7,	8TV	and	tv9	-	had	ordered	the	stations	not	
to	name	political	analyst	and	defendant	Abdul	      25 November	A	reporter	from	Utusan	Malaysia,	
Razak	Baginda	when	reporting	the	judgement	         Yazid	Aliaz	was	asked	to	leave	a	press	
of	the	Altantuya	Shaariibuu	murder	case.            conference	organized	by	Pakatan	Rakyat	in	
8 May	MCA	President	Ong	Tee	Keat	lodged	
a	police	report	against	Chinese	language	           14 December	Vice	Chairman	of	DAP	M.	
magazine	Hao	Wai	(Special	Weekly)	for	              Kulasegaran	made	a	police	report	against	
defamation	under	the	Printing	Presses	and	          “Awang	Selamat”	for	suggesting	that	the	DAP	
Publication	Act	and	criminal	defamation.	The	       would	abolish	the	monarchy	if	it	came	to	power.
magazine	editor	and	two	staff	were	questioned	
by	police.                                          17 December	Malaysiakini	reported	that	a	
                                                    meeting	was	called	by	the	Home	Ministry	with	
3 June	The	MIC	urged	the	Government	to	take	        newspaper	editors	to	discuss	the	adoption	
action	against	columnist	“Awang	Selamat”	for	       of	a	new	set	of	publishing	guidelines.	The	
referring	to	the	Chinese	and	Indians	Malaysians	    elaborate	but	ambiguously	worded	guidelines	
in	Malaysia	as	immigrants.                          were	framed	as	“self-regulation”.	Among	others,	
                                                    they	were	not	to	give	detailed	descriptions	
5 June	A	reporter	from	Utusan	Malaysia,	            of	criminal	offences	such	as	rape,	murder,	
Hasnurul	Mohamd	was	barred	from	covering	           robbery;	nothing	about	cohabitation,	adultery,	
the	swearing	in	of	the	Seberang	Perai	Municipal	    homosexuality,	counter-culture;	and	no	graphics	
Council	President	in	Penang.                        of	human	genitalia	and	G-strings.

Timeline of Events

Restriction of campaigning                  Others
at by-elections
                                            9 March	Two	students,	Choo	Kok	Wei	and	Medecci	
6 January	Police	arrested	six	PKR	          Lineil	Repong	from	Universiti	Utara	Malaysia	in	Sintok,	
members	for	putting	up	posters	of	          Kedah,	were	charged	by	the	university	with	breaching	
the	murdered	Mongolian,	Altantuya	          the	Universities	and	University	Colleges	Act	(UUCA).	
Shaariibuu,	at	Kuala	Terengganu,	           They	had	issued	statements	to	the	media	condemning	
during	a	by-election	campaigning	           an	increase	in	bus	fares	and	started	an	online	petition.	
period.                                     The	students	and	others	presented	a	memorandum	
                                            to	the	office	of	the	vice	chancellor	for	student	affairs,	
23 March	Thirty-one	were	arrested	at	       Ahmad	Faiz	Hamid,	on	Jan	19.
a	PKR	ceramah	in	Sungai	Petani.	The	
crowd,	reported	to	be	around	1,000	         21 July	The	Home	Ministry	issued	a	prohibition	order	
strong,	had	assembled	to	listen	to	         on	13	publications	with	“immoral	content”	and	deemed	
Anwar	Ibrahim’s	campaign	speech	for	        unsuitable	for	the	reading	public.
the	Bukit	Selambau	by-election.	They	
were	met	with	tear	gas	and	water	           8 August	The	Home	Ministry	banned	22	books	in	the	
cannon	from	the	police.                     seven	months	to	July	this	year	said	the	Publications	
                                            Control	Division	and	Al-Quran	Text	Division	principal	
27 March	Police	banned	all	political	       assistant	secretary	Abdul	Razak	Abdul	Latif
parties	from	giving	talks	in	open	areas	
throughout	the	Bukit	Selambau	by-           9 September	Six	men	were	charged	with	sedition	
election.	Election	watchdog	‘Malaysians	    in	the	Sessions	Court	for	their	involvement	in	the	
for	Free	and	Fair	Elections’	(Mafrel)	      “cowhead”	protest.
said	there	was	heavy,	unjustified	police	
presence	during	three	by-elections	in	      14 September	A	protest	was	held	against	the	Malaysian	
Bukit	Gantang,	Bukit	Selambau	and	          Communication	and	Multimedia	Commission	(MCMC)’s	
Batang	Ai.                                  investigation	of	online	news	website	Malaysiakini,	which	
                                            had	been	accused	of	fanning	racial	tension.
31 March	Topics	such	as	the	
Shaariibuu	murder	and	the	Perak	            28 September	Bruno	was	banned	by	the	National	Film	
political	crisis,	as	well	as	race	and	      Censorship	Board
religion,	were	banned	from	campaign	
speeches	in	the	triple	by-elections	        13 October 8	students	from	University	Malaya	were	
of	Bukit	Gantang,	Bukit	Selambau	           charged	under	the	UUCA	for	inviting	an	opposition	
and	Batang	Ai.	The	topic	restrictions	      politician,	Exco	of	Selangor	state	Teresa	Kok	to	
were	made	specific	as	conditions	of	        be	part	of	their	panel	judges	for	an	on-campus	
obtaining	a	police	permit	for	public	       debate	competition,	despite	amendments	to	the	law	
speeches.                                   which	allows	students	interaction	with	politicians	on	
                                            academic	occasion.
30 May	The	police	said	they	are	            	
investigating	three	Pakatan	leaders	        24 Dec	Copies	of	Malaysian	Maverick:	Mahathir	
including	DAP	adviser	Lim	Kit	Siang,	       Mohamad	in	Turbulent	Times	were	confiscated	from	
in	relation	their	public	speeches	          the	Port	Klang	checkpoint	for	“content	study”	by	the	
during	the	Penanti	by-election.             Home	Ministry.

About CIJ
The	Centre	for	Independent	Journalism	(CIJ)	is	a	non-profit	organization	which	
aspires	to	create	a	society	that	is	democratic,	just	and	free,	where	all	people	
will	enjoy	free	media	and	the	freedom	to	express,	seek	and	impart	information.	

CIJ	was	started	in	response	to	the	political	crisis	of	1998	as,	a	
website	that	attempted	to	give	broad	analysis	to	current	events.	Today	we	
have	expanded	our	effort	to	advocacy	of	freedom	of	expression	(FOE)	and	
information	(FOI)	and	to	encourage	proffesional	journalism	practices	
and	media	freedom	in	Malaysia.	

Our objectives;
•	 Promote	and	defend	the	exercise	of	FOE
•	 Raise	public	awareness	on	FOE/FOI	to	mobilize	support	for	
	 media	freedom,	expression	and	access	to	information.
•	 Ensure	good	policies	and	advocating	legislative	change
•	 Facilitating	marginalized	voice	through	community	radio

Contact Us
27C	Jalan	Sarikei,	off	Jalan	Pahang
53000	Kuala	Lumpur
Tel:	03	4023	0772
Fax:	03	4023	0769

The Centre for Indepedent Journalism (CIJ)
would like to thank,
The Malaysian Insider, Merdeka Review,
Amin Iskandar, and Sundhagran Stanley for providing
and allowing us to use the photographs in this report.
Individual credits are in the photograph captions.

Cover picture by Amin Iskandar
Published by Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) 2010
ISBN: 983 44026

Writer/ Researcher: Yip Wai Fong
Editor: Sonia Randhawa, Chuah Siew Eng


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Malaysia: Freedom of Expression in 2009- Annual Review by Centre for Independent Journalism

  • 1. Freedom of Expression in Malaysia 2009 An Annual Review by
  • 2. contents 4 Foreword 5 Malaysia’s Media Landscape 6 The Crisis in Perak 8 Police partiality and freedom of assembly 10 Racialisation of issues vs ethical reporting 12 Threats against online media and bloggers 14 Intolerance of diversity 16 Conclusion 18 Timeline of Events • The Perak Crisis • Right to Assembly • ISA and the release of Hindraf leaders • The “Allah” issue • Restrictions against discourse of Islam • Online censorship • Raja Petra Kamarudin • Restriction of campaigning at by-elections • Others
  • 3. F FOREWORD ourteen dasy after the fireworks ushering 2010, a number of places of worship were attacked, one with paints, most others with firebombs. No one was injured, but this came after days of protest by Muslim-Malay oressure groups against the court ruling allowing the Catholics to use the word “Allah” in their publication. Sectarian violence is rare in multi-ethnic Malaysia, but when the State and non-State actors champion the cause of narrowly-defined rights and privileges for a specific group over the rights of all citizens, this foments fear and ignorance, and encourages intolerance in interactions between and within ethnic communities. To stoke the fire, there is also unprecendented partisanship on the issue in a certain media- a worrying subversion of the media’s potential in promoting peace and understanding in our multi-ethnic setting. That is the message that Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is conveying in our freedom of Expression in Malaysia 2009 Annual Review. The Review presented a trajectory of how events were re-interpreted to tension level, with challengers being removed or marginalized, once again, through legal but unlawful means. As we critically revisit the events documented in the Review, CIJ is compelled to sound a warning bell on the danger of messages of partisanship based on ethnicity and religion. The current climate makes itall the more urgent for Malaysians to reclaim their right to freedom of expression, and to demand their media to provide sufficient and equal spaces for meaningful discussion, not foment cleavages and siege mentality. As we commemorate the World Press Freedom Day in 2010, let us be clear that the freedom to express is synonymous with the desire for peace and democracy. Masjaliza Hamzah on behalf of the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) 4
  • 4. Malaysia’s Media Landscape: Race, religion stoking policy I n 2009, perceived political crisis and increasing strain between various religious and ethnic groups, were used as excuses for political leaders to leave demands for political and democratic reform in abeyance. Following the 2008 general election, the winning but badly shaken party as well as other ethno-religious groups have used for political mileage the perception that the special position of the ‘natives’ enshrined in the Constitution has been undermined. An authoritarian brand of Islam has also been propagated by the state and individuals more vocally since 2008. In 2009, these groups have increased their visibility by actively censuring and invoking the threat of violence against remarks discussing affirmative action, the monarchy and Islam. Their cause was aided by the Malay media owned by the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) taking up their battle-cry, fuelled by routine depictions of the opposition pact Pakatan Rakyat (Pakatan) as a threat to the ‘Malay race’. Thus 2009 saw aggressive ethno-religious expression becoming the dominant theme in the media, with intolerance and contempt colouring discourse. This contradicts the new Prime Minister Najib Razak’s vision of “1Malaysia”, which includes as its aims a freer media. Speaking to journalists and editors three days after becoming Prime Minister in April 2008, Najib said he wanted the media to “hold the government and public officials accountable” and to “report without fear and favour”, but the tough laws governing the media have remained unchanged. Further, editors have spoken about the government’s plan to revive Media Council legislation on top of the existing laws, and at the end of last year, they were being told to implement additional and stricter publishing guidelines. There have been a few welcome gestures for democratic rights. Some detainees being held under the dreaded Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) were freed and the 2008 amendments to the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971, were gazetted in early 2009 to reverse a ban on students’ freedom of association and expression. But these pale in comparison to the ongoing punitive actions against government opponents and critics, and fall far short of acceptable standards. The continual dwelling on and inciting of issues of ethnicity and religion directly affects the prospect of freedom of expression. Ethnic and religious tensions are being used by the state to rationalise the maintenance of the restrictive laws. More positively, these laws are also being seen by some as the tools that facilitate tension, due to restricting discourse and debate, and privileging voices that are incendiary. While the prospect of meaningful reform for democratic spaces looks dismal, this comes with a political cost to the government – of alienating progressive voices within Malaysia and jeopardising the country’s image abroad. The Najib administration will have to evaluate these risks, for both the short and the long terms, in at worst using, and at least tolerating, this move towards greater authoritarianism in the name of religious intolerance and racial ‘unity’. 5
  • 5. A protest by Pakatan supporters in February to demand for the dissolution of the Perak state assembly to pave way for fresh elections, after three lawmakers left the Pakatan government. Crisis in Perak T he country was rocked at the beginning of later, authorities, invoking the Printing Presses the year with a crisis in the state of Perak. and Publications Act 1984, confiscated thousands The crisis revealed that the government of copies of two opposition newspapers – Suara is bent on securing political interests and getting Keadilan, by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR, or the ahead of its political rival, the Pakatan opposition People’s Justice Party), and Harakah, published alliance, regardless of the cost to good by the Islamic party PAS. We believe this is governance and democracy. because of their coverage of the Perak crisis. The following month, the two newspapers were Perak was won by PR in the 2008 elections. ordered to shut down for three months by the However, in February 2009, elected members of government. This was not only shortly after this Pakatan defected to become ‘Barisan Nasional crisis, but immediately prior to the new Prime (BN)-friendly independents’. In the resulting Minister being sworn in and the three crucial by- political vacuum, the Sultan of Perak Azlan Shah elections in Kedah, Perak and Sarawak. The ban acted by appointing lawmakers from the BN and was lifted on 3 April, on Najib’s first day in office. sacking the existing state government before a vote of no-confidence could be held in the However, the chairperson of the Democratic legislature. This was both unpopular and legally Action Party (DAP) and MP for Bukit Gelugor controversial. Karpal Singh, was charged under the Sedition Act 1948 for questioning the legality of the At the swearing-in of Perak’s new Menteri Besar Sultan’s actions. If found guilty, Karpal faces in February, police fired tear gas on an estimated up to three years in prison or a fine of up to 3,000 to 5,000 protesters, arresting nine. Days RM5,000 (US$1,400) or both. 6
  • 6. Then PKR information chief Tian Chua (right) Attempt by activists lead by PKR Supreme and Suara Keadilan editor, Zunar (left) reveal that Council member, Badrul Hisham Shaharin the party organ was confiscated by the authority. (left) to deliver a cake to the PM on the late Pic courtesy of Malaysiakini Altantuya’s birthday, is met with police arrest, on the same day as the arrest of PAS vice president, Mat Sabu. Pic courtesy of Amin Iskandar. Actions were also taken against members of a candlelight vigil for Wong in front of a police the public in Perak who voiced dismay over the station in Kuala Lumpur. PAS vice president crisis. Police arrested six online commentators Mat Sabu was arrested because he called for for criticising the Sultan of Perak’s role in the a gathering at a mosque in Perak on the first power struggle. They were charged under day that the assembly was to meet following the Section 233(1) of the Communications and crisis. Police also raided the DAP office on two Multimedia Act 1998, and Section 34 of the separate occasions, seizing electronic equipment, Penal Code for “insulting” the Perak royalty publications and DVDs about the crisis. in various blogs. The broadly worded Section 233(1) penalises the “improper use of facilities Nationally, the Perak crisis was framed by some or network service, etc.” and provides for a jail of the mainstream media as a matter of treason term of one year and a fine of up to RM50,000 against the monarchy and – stretching the limits (approximately US$13,500). Two bloggers, of credulity – as being ethnically motivated, Jed Yoong and Ahiruddin Attan, are also being with the possibility of leading to inter-ethnic investigated by the police for content and clashes. Though the former Menteri Besar Nizar comments on their blogs about the crisis. Jamaluddin is a Malay Muslim, he was accused of running a puppet government for the Chinese- In May, when the assembly in Perak resumed, majority DAP and of committing treason against police again implemented a crackdown. In the the Sultan by refusing to resign or to accept the span of three weeks, police arrested a total of legality of the Sultan’s actions. Some of those 146 people, including opposition lawmakers, who were charged for criticising the Sultan writers, activists and lawyers, stirring public online were, following their arrests, depicted concern that this would be a reenactment of the as remorseful, implying that the monarchy is 1987 Operasi Lallang crackdown. However, most sacrosanct. Karpal, as well as being investigated, of those arrested were either released the same was also targeted at public rallies staged by day or remanded for up to four days. UMNO, and accused of being sacrilegious. Writer, academic and chairperson of the Writers’ The mainstream media also spun the legally Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI) Wong dubious take-over as being “tit-for-tat” against Chin Huat was remanded for four days simply Pakatan for its failed attempt to take over the because he tried to rally people to wear black Federal government through the defection of on the assembly day, to mourn the death of BN parliamentarians in 2008. In such spins, democracy in Perak. Political columnist for the public has been told by the controlled press leading online news service Malaysiakini Josh that the Perak crisis is a party-political one, not Hong and the editor of Suara Keadilan Law Teck a crisis of democracy in which they are the true Hao were among those arrested while attending stakeholders. 7
  • 7. Police partiality and freedom of assembly T he Perak crisis is just one of several rally, the highlight of which was the display of issues that drove Malaysians to the a recently-decapitated cow’s head, which was streets. Some of the others were later kicked by some protesters. There were no ethnocentric in their cause, for which the police arrests at the time, and the Home Minister later took delayed (if any) action against organisers came out with a statement supporting the rally, and participants, while for assemblies that were causing public outcry. On 9 September, the more ethnically diverse but anti-BN in tone, government charged six of the protesters under protesters were met with immediate repression. the Sedition Act 1948. As mentioned in the previous section, the There was also public outcry as a result of statement by Karpal prompted UMNO to the government’s harassment of news site organise a public rally against him. Not only Malaysiakini, when videos of the ‘cow-head’ were there no arrests among the 200-strong protest and the Minister’s press conference, crowd, police also belatedly declared that it had including his defense of that protest, were posted no permit. While applauding the lack of police online. The Malaysian Communications and action in this instance, CIJ calls for the need to Multimedia Commission (MCMC) deemed these ensure that similar freedoms are enjoyed by all, videos offensive and asked Malaysiakini to take not just by those connected to the government, them down, invoking the Communications and or those opposing Pakatan. Multimedia Act 1998. Malaysiakini refused, and the MCMC sent officers to question its Editor-in- In contrast, during the anti-ISA rally in early Chief Steven Gan and CEO Premesh Chandran. August 2009 attended by 5,000 or 15,000 (depending on which source), police used Police also arrested 14 Burmese nationals for tear gas, water cannons and roadblocks, and taking part in a gathering organised by the Selangor arrested close to 600 people. The anti-ISA rally state government to celebrate the 64th birthday of almost had to face a pro-ISA rally organised Burmese activist Aung San Suu Kyi in June. on the same day by various NGOs under the umbrella group Pewaris. At the eleventh hour On the anniversary day of the formation of – apparently after realising there would be a Malaysia, 15 indigenous people from tribes of meagre turnout – Pewaris cancelled the rally Penan, Kayan, Kenyah and Iban were arrrested and decided instead to have a representative in Kuching for submitting a memorandum of submit a memorandum to the palace. While protest against the construction of two dams the slew of arrests and clampdown operations that will be affecting the people in the area of against the anti-ISA protesters were happening, Baram and Murum. the Pewaris representative was allowed by police to submit his memorandum. The inconsistency of enforcement shows that freedom of assembly remains a barely tolerated One of the year’s most notorious incidents, the right. As the police force is not obliged to be ‘cow-head protest’ exposes even more glaringly accountable to the public and is answerable only police inconsistency in controlling the right to to the Home Ministry, the public have not been assembly. The protest was sparked when a given any explanation for the inconsistency. Hindu temple was to be relocated to a Muslim As a constitutionally enshrined right, freedom populated area in Shah Alam, Selangor, a move of assembly should never be subject to the linked to the Pakatan state government. On 28 interests of the government or other groups, but August, some Muslim residents held a protest upheld for all equally and impartially. 8
  • 8. The act of stamping on a cowhead by protesters who are against the relocation of a Hindu temple to a mostly Malay populated area, ignites public outcry and give the protest the name “cowhead”. Picture courtesy of The Malaysian Insider. Police cracks down on the anti-ISA mass rally using water cannon (left) and tear gas (below). Picture courtesy of Merdeka Review. 9
  • 9. Racialisation of issues vs ethical reporting T he role of the media in these events was, wanting. The coalition banned Utusan Malaysia sadly, not that of a neutral bystander. and the BN-owned New Straits Times from Some issues were deliberately given their events. Their reaction raised the question an ethnic spin by some media. Since 2008, of how press freedom can be practised when UMNO-owned daily Utusan Malaysia has been ethical standards are not being upheld. Pakatan championing “Malay unity”, a thinly disguised state governments in Selangor and Penang call for ‘Malays’ to be politically united under have set up their online and print organs, but UMNO. A political unity among Malays is maintained a ban on these two dailies and their argued to be fundamental to the ethnic group’s reporters. collective survival vis-a-vis other communities, as well as to the country’s security. The idea The racialisation of reporting is not limited follows from the concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” to demonising the Federal-level opposition. commonly interpreted as perpetual privileges The underlying concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” for the ‘native’ majority ethnic group. With entails the viewing of the ‘non-native’ with UMNO’s electoral setback and Pakatan’s gain, suspicion, thus the newspapers dwell on the Pakatan partners PKR and PAS have been immigrant origin of the Other. This suspicion often portrayed – through statements from of other ethnic groups was also the underlying UMNO officials as well as the Malay-based issue inadvertently highlighted by the magazine groups mentioned earlier – as a threat to that Al-Islam, which is published by the Utusan unity, while DAP was represented as a threat group. The magazine sent a reporter to go from the supposedly economically powerful undercover at a church mass in order to ‘ethnic Chinese’. “expose” the alleged conversion of Muslims. The reporter found out that the allegation was The anti-ISA mass rally in August, for example, not true, but his method of investigation – taking was painted by Utusan as a betrayal by part in the holy communion under disguise as those Malays who were organising the rally a Christian, then spitting out the holy wafer (alongside others), as well as the minority’s for photo-taking – raised protests, particularly threat to the dominant race. by Catholics, on the reporter’ lack of religious sensitivity. Earlier in July, calls to investigate the suspicious death of opposition political aide Critics of the magazine have pointed out that Teoh Beng Hock while being held overnight for the government would have unleashed the questioning at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption full power of the law if it had been an act that Commission’s (MACC) offices were given an violated the sanctity of Islam. CIJ, however, ethnic twist – about the ‘Chinese’ attempting recognises and emphasises that the only way to undermine the ‘Malay’ staff at the MACC. to encourage tolerance is by allowing all media It was, apparently, irrelevant that calls for an to operate on an equal and free footing, and to impartial investigation were being made from a revoke all repressive media laws. The Al-Islam broad cross-section of Malaysian society. case merely demonstrates the arbitrary nature The response of Pakatan, however, was also of the laws and their enforcement. 10
  • 10. From left to right: Lawyer Annou Xavier, Sundhagaran Stanley and Joachim Francis Xavier, from the Diocesan Migrant Ministry at the Dang Wangi Police station to follow up on a report they lodged against Al-Islam magazine (right) for publishing an article by a reporter deemed to have desecrated the Church. Pic courtesy of Sundhagaran Stanley. 11
  • 11. Threats against online media and bloggers Reporters Without Borders (RSF) campaign logo on cyber censorship 12
  • 12. A s early in the year as March, during the In November, blogger Bernard Khoo was annual UMNO general assembly, online questioned by the police over the posting of media Malaysiakini, The Malaysian a modified image of the police emblem. No Insider, Siasah, Merdeka Review and The Nut charge was filed against him. Graph were barred from the event, supposedly over questions of ethics. Although it may appear that the online content is not being subject to regulations as rigorous Less than a month later, a photographer and a and as effective as their print counterpart, reporter from MerdekaReview were barred from two cases demonstrate that the Malaysian covering the Prime Minister’s announcement government does not lack any legal means to of his Cabinet lineup. The Chinese portal had prosecute online writers. The first, mentioned been publishing commentaries criticising pro- earlier, is the prosecution against commentators Najib articles from other publications. of the Perak crisis under Section 233(1) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, In August, the government plan to further which is found to be similar to the Sedition Act control the Internet through the use of filters in terms of scope and wording. was exposed by the online and foreign media, triggering a public outcry. According to news site The second case is a criminal defamation The Malaysian Insider, a call for tender had been suit against prominent blogger Raja Petra issued to companies to submit proposals to assist Kamarudin. He was charged in 2008 for an the communications regulator MCMC evaluate article and a statutory declaration containing the feasibility of an Internet filter. The Ministry allegations against the Prime Minister’s wife of Information, Communications and Culture Rosmah Mansor and was scheduled to go on expected the study to be completed by December trial in 2009. However, Raja Petra has gone and a decision to be made by the National into hiding, claiming that he was tipped off that Security Council headed by the Prime Minister. he would be arrested under the ISA for the third time. Responding to public opposition, Information Minister Rais Yatim confirmed the reports but Critics have questioned why criminal defended the filter as necessary for curbing defamation was used, instead of civil pornography. Nevertheless, just two days defamation, as Rosmah is not a government later, the Prime Minister scrapped the plan, official. reiterating the promise of no Internet censorship as outlined in the Communications and Two arrest warrants have been issued against Multimedia Act 1998. Raja Petra after he failed to turn up in court on 23 April and 23 May. As the police were Rais has signaled that he agreed with unable to serve the warrant of arrest on him, conservatives wanting greater control of the the Sessions Court granted him a discharge not Internet. Having the MCMC under his ministry’s amounting to an acquittal on 11 November – for purview, he made it known that the Ministry was his sedition case- and another discharge two actively monitoring and investigating websites. days later- for his criminal defamation case, but The Prime Minister himself, in an answer to the police effort to track him down is ongoing. parliamentarians’ questions in June, said that civil servants were barred from visiting 39 While he continues to run his website in hiding, sites deemed seditious, offensive or obscene, the government should make good its promise adding that several of the sites were under of no Internet censorship by dropping the case investigation. against him. 13
  • 13. Muslims in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur protest against the High Court ruling on 31 December allowing Christians to use the word “Allah” for denoting God. Pic courtesy of The Malaysian Insider. Intolerance of diversity C riticism of the Malaysian government to the case. The ban extended to the media has long been ill-tolerated. The as well. Malaysiakini reported that television Malaysian public might occasionally stations were ordered not to name one of the find in the mainstream media criticism of the accused – the Prime Minister’s aide Abdul civil service, but not direct criticism of the Prime Razak – and to ignore his background when Minister of the day. This remains unchanged reporting the judgment of the murder trial in under the current administration. Having April. (Abdul Razak was eventually acquitted.) assumed office at a time of global economic trouble, weakened support for UMNO and, Suara Keadilan, the PKR organ, continued more personally, while being linked to the trial to be confiscated or its distributors harassed of his aide Abdul Razak Baginda for murder, although Najib had lifted the ban on the paper Najib forwent the spell of openness that had when he became Prime Minister. marked the beginning of his two immediate predecessors’ ascent to power. In July, a TV host was demoted to field reporter status after she asked her guests to rate Najib’s Shortly after Najib assumed office, three performance on the occasion of his 100th day by-elections – seen as tests of his legitimacy – in office. were held simultaneously in the states of Perak, Kedah and Sarawak. There was also a test for On 25 August, officials from the Publication the new Prime Minister’s openness, in which he Control Unit of the Home Ministry seized copies did not fare well. First, the police issued a ban of the inaugural issues of cartoon magazine against any mention of the case of a murdered Gedung Kartun from the publisher’s office in Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu in Kuala Lumpur. According to its editor-in-chief campaign speeches, as Pakatan and by various Zulkiflee Anwar Haque, better known as Zunar, bloggers had connected the Prime Minister more than 400 copies were seized. Authorities 14
  • 14. claimed Zunar had not secured a permit for statement by SIS and other women’s groups, the publication, as mandated by the Printing and SIS’s decision for legal intervention, the Presses and Publications Act 1984. Observers UMNO women’s wing in Johor and 14 other said, however, that Zunar’s political cartoons Muslim groups called on the government to criticising the Prime Minister and his policies cancel the NGO’s registration. The Muslim were the real reason for the confiscation. groups also lodged police reports against SIS. The Home Ministry confiscated Malaysian Meanwhile, PAS Youth asked for a public Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent boycott of SIS for “being insolent”. Earlier in Times on 24 December, as the books were June, during the PAS general assembly or brought in to the country through a Port Klang muktamar, a resolution was passed calling for checkpoint, putting a gag on the circulation of SIS to be banned. However, the party soon the book. Authored by Asian Wall Street Journal claimed that the resolution was a mistake, former editor Barry Wain, the book contends, after running into disagreement with other among other things, that the fourth Prime Pakatan partners and drawing criticism from the Minister was responsible for a loss of RM100 public, especially given that the resolution was billion (US$28.6 billion) during his term in office. sponsored by the branch headed by a politician Besides reining in critical views about previously known for his comparatively Malaysia’s Prime Ministers, both Federal and progressive stand. state institutions have been actively controlling the discourses on Islam. The preaching of Islam A crucial incident highlighting the impact of other than in the country’s officially sanctioned such intolerance to diverse religious discourse Sunnah Wal Jamaah ideology is disallowed. has been the so-called “Allah” controversy. The government has in March rescinded its An example of the extent of this control is that February permission for the Catholic weekly, the state Islamic council prepares the Friday The Herald to use of four Arabic words – sermons to be preached by the mosque imam “Allah”, “Kaabah”, “Baitullah” and “solat”– by throughout each state. The power of these non-Muslims. The Catholic Church revealed institutions was brought to the fore by the that the Home Ministry seized thousands of arrest of Muslim scholar Mohd Asri Zainul copies of translated Bibles which use the word Abidin in November. A former mufti in Perlis “Allah” from the customs checkpoints in March and known for his outspokenness, Asri was and September, while a petition for judicial arrested by the Selangor religious authority review filed by the churches was ongoing. for preaching unauthorised sermons and was accused of spreading “Wahabbism”. Despite In March, religious authorities in Selangor the arrest drawing criticism from the opposition threatened the Bar Council with legal action for parliamentarians and the Prime Minister, holding an online poll on the issue of the usage charges were filed against Asri. In the same of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims. The court month, the same religious authority also barred eventually ruled in favor of the Catholic Church PAS parliamentarian Khalid Abdul Samad from in December, but, following an appeal from the preaching. The reason given was that Khalid’s government as well as protests from several sermons were too “political”. Muslim groups, a stay order was issued, meaning that the ban was to remain in place. The Muslim Women’s group Sisters in Islam (SIS) also raised groups proceeded to organise demonstrations the ire of both the ruling and opposition parties in various parts of the capital city airing their for opposing the caning of Muslim women. In demand for “Allah” to be made exclusive for July, the Shari’ah court in Pahang sentenced Muslims. Although the police deemed the a woman, Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, to demonstrations illegal, no arrests were made. the maximum sentence of six strokes of the As the world entered into 2010, several Christian cane and a fine of RM5,000 (US$1,430) for churches were attacked with firebombs, believed drinking beer in public in 2007. Following a joint to be connected to this issue. 15
  • 15. Conclusion G iven the government’s political control over the media, it is hard not to speculate on their role in the prominence of ethno- religious discourse, and in the resulting tension. Malaysians have limited and unequal access to alternative views, discourse and information, which are available largely online and predominantly in English. Such limited circulation of alternative views cannot effectively challenge the ethno-religious dogma being circulated through the mainstream media. For many years, the policy of controlling information and expression has been justified explicitly on security reason, or implicitly as necessary to the social engineering project harboured upon the hope of nation-building: unity and prosperity. It is time for Malaysians to realise that both reasons have expired, if they were ever legitimate. Rather, the inconsistent employment of the repressive laws is having a dangerous impact on the unity, economy and security of Malaysians. Despite progressive rhetoric, the government has been taking half- measures to improve transparency and thus boost the country’s competitiveness. This is not good enough, and the tensions and violence that we have seen erupting are a direct result of repressive legislations. Through 2009 and into 2010, CIJ continues to contend that the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984, Sedition Act 1948, Official Secrets Act 1972 and Section 233(1) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 form a major impediment to transparency and good governance. These laws must be repealed for any true reform to materialise. 16
  • 16. 17
  • 17. Timeline of Events Chronology of the crisis in Perak Arrest of Demonstrators and Assemblymen 19 May DAP parliamentarians Teo Nie Ching 6 Feb Tear gas was fired at 3000-5000 and Jenice Lee were among 11 people arrested demonstrators who had gathered to protest in a candlelight vigil calling for fresh elections the swearing-in of the new Chief Minister from in Perak. Barisan Nasional. Nine were arrested. 21 May The third protest to by the Pakatan saw 4 May Police warned supporters of BN 17 people including Jenice Lee being detained and Pakatan not to gather near the State by police in Ampang. Jenice Lee was remanded Secretariat building when the State Assembly for two days. meeting convened. Civil society activist Wong Chin Huat, also a spokesman for Bersih, was 23 May Police raided the DAP headquarters in detained by police for alleged sedition. His Selangor and confiscated computers and flyers arrest was linked to a press conference he had about the Perak political crisis. called a day before, where he urged the public to wear black the following day to protest the 26 May Police arrested 21 people including change in administration in Perak. eight elected representatives for taking part in a hunger strike calling for fresh election, being 6 May Wong’s remand order was extended two held at the DAP headquarters. Among those more days. PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu arrested were assemblymen Chang Lih Kang was detained by police. Police also arrested (Teja), Chan Ming Kai (Simpang Pulai), Thomas three others who attempted to present a cake Su (Pasir Pinji), Lim Pek Har (Menglembu), and letter to the Prime Minister on the birthday of Leong Mee Meng (Jalong), Keshvinder Singh the murdered Mongolian, Altantuya Shaaribuu. (Malim Nawar), former Speaker V. Sivakumar, Ipoh Barat Member of Parliament M. 7 May The day of the State Assembly sitting Kulasegaran and six supporters. According to media, police arrested sixty-five Karpal Singh tried for sedition at the Perak state assembly, including Pakatan 11 Feb DAP Chairman, Karpal Singh gave a leaders, parliamentarians and activists. Any statement to the police regarding police reports person wearing black was immediately detained. made against him because he said in a press Later that night, police arrested thirty two conference that the Sultan can be sued for his protesters who gathered for candlelight vigils in decision to remove Nizar Jamaluddin as Perak protest of Wong’s arrest and the events in Perak. Chief Minister. According to the police, 89 police The protesters were arrested in Kuala Lumpur, reports were lodged against Karpal, including Penang and Sarawak. Among those arrested from UMNO members. On the same day, were five lawyers who were there as counsel Selangor Umno Youth chief Abdul Shukur Idrus for those who had been detained earlier. Home led 600 people from Umno Youth, Puteri Umno Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and other NGOs in a protest march from the praised the police crackdown. state Umno building to the Shah Alam police station to lodge a report Singh. 9 May Police on Saturday stopped a DAP dinner at a school and seized audiovisual equipment 16 March Singh is charged with sedition. that was being used to play a video about the Perak assembly sitting. The technician handling 29 April The High Court rejected Singh’s the equipment was also detained. application to get himself discharged from 18
  • 18. his sedition case. The Court held that his 13 May Malaysiakini reported that media speech in the press conference can be taken conglomerate, Media Prima, had banned the in totality as the basis for the charge without airing of footage showing the Pakatan assembly having to specify the words or parts that are Speaker Sivakumar being dragged out of the seditious. sitting on 7 May. Media Prima owns four free-to- air television stations and is affiliated with UMNO. 12 August An Utusan journalist, the first prosecution witness, told the High Court that Police action and intimidation against he wrote an article for his newspaper based on bloggers a partial understanding of the press statement 23 Feb Police investigated blogger, Jed Yoong and mistaken the meaning of the words “ultra Yui Foong for posting a translation of another vires” in the statement to mean “to insult”. blogger’s posting criticizing the Perak Sultan. 9 December Another prosecution witness, an 24 Feb Police questioned blogger Ahiruddin RTM deputy news director, said the television Attan (Rocky Bru) over comments left on his station had labeled Singh as having committed blog about the role of the monarchy by known treason in the station’s reporting of the press and annoymous commentators. conference. 13 March In an unprecedented move, six 14 December A prosecution witness from people were charged for having “insulted” a student NGO, Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Sultan of Perak through a website. A lab Semenanjung Perak, said he lodged a police assistant was fined RM 10000 in default 5 report because he was not ‘satisfied’ that Singh months’ jail for the same offence. had questioned the legality of the BN state government in Perak. 16 March A husband and wife were charged in the Sessions Court for posting comments on Media control the Sultan of Perak’s website, disagreeing with 12 Feb 10000 to 20000 copies of political party the Royals’ role in the Perak crisis. organs Suara Keadilan and Harakah were reported confiscated in various parts of the 15 April A housewife was charged in a country since January. Sessions Court with forwarding comments against the Sultan of Perak. Her husband was 23 March The Home Ministry suspended among the six charged on 13 March. Both Harakah and Suara Keadilan for three months. of them later claimed to have received death The ban was lifted by Najib Razak on April 3 threats via email. when he sworn in as Prime Minister but PKR complained that government officials continued 22 April Gagasan Melayu Perak (GMP) lodged to harass distributors and confiscate the paper. a police report against Malaysiakini for an article allegedly insulting Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak 3 May BN Perak State Secretary Dr Abdul and the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah. Rahman Hashim barred a number of media organizations, including online news sites, 21 October A total of 11 people were from covering the state assembly sitting, due charged under Section 211 and 233 of the to begin on 7 May. However, the Pakatan Communication and Multimedia Act which assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar lifted the ban. involve a fine of up to RM 24,500, for insulting BN appointed Chief Minister Zambry Abdul Kadir the Sultan of Perak, revealed the Minister of denied that he had issued the ban. Information. 19
  • 19. Timeline of Events Right to Assembly Teoh Beng Hock. Pakatan parliamentarians S. Manikavasagam and Xavier Jayakumar were 7 March Riot police fired teargas at thousands among those arrested, while MP Gan Pei Nei of people who tried to march towards the Istana and a state assembly aide, Loo Chuan Boon Negara (National Palace), to protest against the were injured during a scuffle with the riot police. policy of using English to teach Science and Mathematics. 124 were arrested. 17 July Three were arrested for submitting a memorandum of against the killings of Muslims 17 April Seven people, including four lawyers, in southern Thailand to the Thai embassy. were acquitted and discharged for taking part in a walk to mark World Human Rights Day in 23 July Police detained 10 people, including 2007. MIC Youth coordinator T. Mohan, when about 50 people were to march towards Komtar 19 May Batu MP Tian Chua was ordered by a to hand over a memorandum to the Chief magistrate’s court to enter his defence against Minister’s office on an eviction issue. a charge of injuring a policeman in December 2007, during a Bersih rally. 28 July Police warned that they will take stern action against any party that participates in 24 May 1000 supporters of the Sri Lankan any assembly in the capital on 1 August. The separatist group Tamil Tigers assembled warning came as two rallies had been planned at Sri Subramaniar temple in Jalan Besar, for that day, by groups with opposing stands on Batu Caves, Gombak. Despite not having the ISA. a police permit, it was attended by Deputy Minister M. Saravanan and two opposition 1 August Police arrested 589 people, fired tear parliamentarians. No arrests were made. gas and water cannons at numerous locations in the city after thousands of people took to 15 June Police fired tear gas to disperse 700 the streets calling for a repeal of the ISA. Iranians, mostly university students, outside Thousands were blocked from reaching the Wisma UN in Jalan Semantan. They were venue, as the capital city was practically sealed protesting the results of the Iranian presidential off. Media reported that the crowd consisted of elections. between 5,000 and 15,000 protesters. 18 June Five people who were students at 2 August Najib Razak said the government will the time of their arrest were fined RM 3,900 or allow future mass rally in stadiums and urged three months’ jail by the magistrate’s court for the people not to take to the streets. attending an anti-ISA assembly in 2001 . They had been suspended from their undergraduate 2 August Police released 560 out of 589 studies when charged in 2001. people detained the previous day. Those released included a 13 year old. 19 June Police arrested 14 Burmese nationals for taking part in a gathering organized by the 3 August 29 people claimed trial to the charge Selangor state government to celebrate the of illegal assembly, having been arrested during 64th birthday of activist Aung San Suu Kyi. protests calling for the abolition of the ISA. 17 July Seven were arrested at the former 13 August The Public Service director-general MACC Selangor headquarters at Plaza Ismail Adam issued a circular warning that civil Masalam for gathering to demand an servants found participating in illegal gatherings investigation into the death of political aide, or “causes” would be demoted or sacked. 20
  • 20. 19 August The Home Minister said the still has a sedition case pending, as he failed to government is to amend the Police Act to allow get the Sessions Court to strike out the charge. public assemblies in certain locations, without Seven foreigners detained under the ISA were the need for a police permit. also released. 16 September 15 indigenous people, including 19 May Former ISA detainee P. Uthayakumar two indigenous rights leaders were arrested failed to appear before an advisory panel for submitting a memorandum to the Sarawak meeting at the Kamunting detention camp near chief minister, Taib Mahmud, protesting the here, for which the Home Minister Datuk Seri construction of the Murum Dam. They were Hishammuddin Hussein said no action will be released on the same day. taken against him. October 11 All those charged with illegal 27 May Alleged JI militant Mas Selamat Kastari assembly at the Kesas Highway in 2000, where is detained under the ISA. police action was condemned by the Malaysian human rights commission as being excessive, 16 June The Home Minister said the ISA were acquitted. No police investigation has may be used to crush the ‘Federal Special taken place into the incident. Forces of Malaysia (FSFM)’, believed to be a fraud organization modeled as a civilian army. ISA and the release of Hindraf leaders 25 June Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said in reply to question in parliament 5 April 13 people including Hindraf leaders that there were only 12 ISA detainees left in V. Ganabatirau, and R. Kengadharan were Kamunting, comprising 6 Malaysians and 6 released from the ISA detention centre in foreigners. He said they were under detention Kamunting, Taiping. Ganabatirau later claimed for either involvement in militant activities or for he was prevented from speaking to the media forging documents. for a year as one of the conditions for his release. 25 June Hussein said the Government is looking into a proposal to reduce the detention 17 April Inspector General Police, Musa period under ISA from 60 to 28 days. Hassan confirmed the arrest of three men in Johor under the ISA. 19 October The government maintained its stance that it will not scrap the ISA. 20 April Malaysiakini reported that the police has been pressuring the family members of ISA 22 October The Home Ministry announced detainee Agus Salim to stop them from seeking that the review of ISA will be on five areas : the help or getting their plight heard. Agus was treatment accorded to ISA detainees: their living detained on 5 March allegedly due to suspected conditions, meals and other basic needs; the links with Islamic fundamentalists. duration of their sentence, that is the initial 60 days’ detention for investigations and the two- 8 May The three remaining Hindraf leaders, year detention order; the powers of the Home P. Uthayakumar, M.Manoharan and Vasantha Minister in invoking the act and the abuse of Kumar were released from the Kamunting such powers he holds; the perception that the detention centre, after 514 days of incarceration ISA is or may be exploited for political reasons; under the ISA. On 16 April, the trio had failed and the provisions in the ISA which allow for in their habeas corpus appeal. P. Uthayakumar detention without trial. 21
  • 21. Timeline of Events The “Allah” issue 13 March The song Allah Peduli by Indonesian artist Agnes Monica has been banned in 26 Feb Home Ministry lifted a ban on the word Selangor, as Allah in the lyrics pertains to Jesus “Allah”, which had been restricted to Muslim Christ. publications, provided non-Muslim religious publications using the word state prominently 5 September Catholic weekyly The Herald that the publication is for non-Muslims only. received a letter from the Home Ministry stating Catholic weekly Herald had applied for a judicial that it has not approved the publishing permit review of the ban in 2008. The application for 2010, although in August it had approved was deemed academic when the Herald’s it to print in four out of the five languages they publication permit expired in Dec 2008, so the had requested, excluding the KadazanDusun Herald reapplied for a judicial review on 16 Feb. language. 2 March The government rescinded its earlier 4 November The Council of Churches decision to lift the ban on the use of the word revealed that 15,000 Bahasa Malaysia Bibles “Allah”. were prevented from being distributed by the Home Ministry in March and in September for 5 March Religious adviser in the PM containing ‘banned’terminology. The Christian department, Abdullah Md Zin said 10 states Federation of Malaysia (CFM) called for the with Sultans have gazetted the ban on the immediate release of the Bibles. usage of “Allah”, “Kaabah”, “Solat” and “Baitullah” by non Muslims, while a fatwa 14 November The Home Minister on a similar ban had been issued to the held a meeting with representatives of remaining four states, none of which have the Catholic Church explaining that the a Sultan. August permit was valid and that they are to ignore the September letter. 12 March The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) threatened legal action 31 December The High Court allowed against the Bar Council over its poll on the The Herald to use the word “Allah” for use of the word Allah by non-Muslims. Christians. 22
  • 22. Restrictions against discourse caning of women under the Islamic law. The of Islam NGOs demanded SIS “apologize for having insulted Islamic law and the Shar’iah court”. Call to ban SIS 6 October UMNO Wanita Johor called on the 7 June PAS passed a resolution urging that government to cancel the registration of SIS, women rights group Sisters in Islam (SIS) the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality be banned and called for the National Fatwa (JAG) and the Womens’ Aid Organization Council to investigate SIS. On the same day, (WAO), in the light of the group’s statement PAS’s partner in Pakatan, PKR issued a against the whipping of a former model. statement disagreeing with the resolution. The Former Perlis mufti 9 June MP Teresa Kok of DAP and the Minister for Women, Family and the Community 2 November While conducting a religious class Shahrizat Abdul Jalil criticized PAS’s resolution. in a private home, former Perlis mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin was arrested by the Selangor 10 June Former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Religious Affairs Department (JAIS), on the criticized PAS for its call to ban SIS. grounds of preaching without certification. His arrest was questioned by parliamentarians, 11 June PKR MP Zulkifli Noordin wants the including the Prime Minister, but JAIS defended Companies Commission (CCM) to stop SIS its actions, and revealed that it had been from using the word “Islam” in its title. The CCM monitoring Asri’s preaching for three years. said it is unable to do so. 18 November Abidin was charged for 14 June PAS said its resolution calling for the preaching without certification at the Shari’ah banning of women’s group, SIS, was a mistake Court under Section 119 of the Islamic and that the ‘correct’ resolution called for Administration of Selangor. If convicted, engagement with the women’s group. Asri can be fined up to RM3,000 and faces imprisonment of up to two years. 16 June Wanita Gerakan urged PAS to withdraw its resolution. 25 November Opposition MP Khalid Abdul Samad’s authorization to preach Islam was 2 October Fourteen Muslim NGOs lodged revoked by JAIS, on the ground that his police reports against SIS for questioning the preaching is too political. 23
  • 23. Timeline of Events Online censorship temple. The second video was the Home Minister’s press conference in defence of the 16 June The Prime Minister told Parliament protesters. that civil servants are banned from visiting 39 websites and blogs containing “offensive, 4 November Blogger Bernard Khoo Teng obscene or seditious elements”. Swee, who writes zorro-unmasked.blogspot. com, was questioned by police over a posting 7 July The Information Minister, Rais Yatim in 2008 of a photo which carried the emblem revealed that special units have been set of the Royal Malaysian Police, on which was up under both the Home and Information superimposed the image of a dog. Ministries to monitor blogs, adding that the regulation of bloggers comes under both the 19 November The Information Minister told the Printing Presses and Publications Act and the Parliament that the MCMC had charged eight Communications and Multimedia Act. website operators under the CMA. Seven of the websites were said to have insulted Islam. 8 July The Deputy Minister of Science and A total of seventy-one investigations had been Technology revealed that the Malaysian carried out by the MCMC. Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had shut down 33 websites said to Raja Petra Kamarudin contain pornographic materials, and that a further 15 similar websites had been asked to 23 April The Sessions Court issued a warrant shut down. of arrest against Petra Kamarudin and a show-cause notice to his wife, Marina, because 6 August AFP, quoting an anonymous source, the former failed to show up at his criminal reported that the government was considering defamation trial. The blogger claimed on his imposing an internet filter to block “undesirable” website, Malaysia Today, that he is in self-exile websites, on the grounds of maintaining racial and fears another arrest under the ISA. harmony. Local portal The Malaysian Insider reported that the government had called for 26 June Second arrest warrant out for proposals from companies for internet content Kamarudin after he failed to attend his criminal filtering systems. defamation trial at the Sessions Court. 7 August Yatim confirmed that an internet 11 November Kamaruddin’s Sedition case was filtering system would be set up to filter suspended because the police were unable to pornography. Civil societies, opposition track him down. members and bloggers cried foul. 13 November Kamarudin’s criminal defamation 8 August, The Prime Minister refuted the case was suspended because the police was Information Minister’s statements about the unable to track him down. internet filter and said that the Government will not impose any censorship on the internet. On the media 4 September The MCMC ordered Malaysiakini 16 Jan Two journalists from Merdeka Review to remove from its website two videos. The lodged a police report for have been given cash first video depicted protesters stomping a cow at the Barisan Nasional common media centre head, a symbol of the Hindu religion, while during the Kuala Terengganu by-election. agitating against the relocation of a Hindu Opposition parliamentarian Teo Nie Ching’s 24
  • 24. question to the Prime Minister on the issue 24 June Home Minister Hishammuddin during the next day’s Parliament sitting was Hussein said the government has no plan to rejected. The anti-corruption commission also abolish the Printing Presses and Publications decided to drop the case on 20 Jan despite Act or the ISA. informing the reporters that it would launch an investigation. 13 July Police have started investigating a police report on an article published by 24 March Six online media organizations - magazine Al-Islam. The article, written by Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider, a Muslim reporter who went undercover to Siasah, Merdeka Review and The Nut Graph - participate in a church mass was deemed were barred from covering proceedings of the offensive to Christians. UMNO general assembly. The reason given by the UMNO sec-general Tengku Adnan was that 15 July A journalist with private television the media were not “ethical”. channel ntv7, Florence Looi, was issued a memo and her talkshow program shelved after she 31 March In his blog, the Penang Chief Minister asked her panel guests to rate the performance Lim Guan Eng said the state has banned the of the Prime Minister in his first 100 days. New Straits Times from the state’s functions until the paper provides the administration 25 August The newspaper vendors association with the right of reply. Lim said that the paper and MIC members lodged a police report against has carried inaccurate reports about his the Malay Mail for publishing an article discussing administration. the party’s internal politics, pictures of MIC leaders labelled as belonging to lower castes. The 18 April Malaysiakini reported that Media Prima Malay Mail responded with a clarification and took Berhad – the owner of the four TV stations TV3, down the pictures from its web edition. ntv7, 8TV and tv9 - had ordered the stations not to name political analyst and defendant Abdul 25 November A reporter from Utusan Malaysia, Razak Baginda when reporting the judgement Yazid Aliaz was asked to leave a press of the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case. conference organized by Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor. 8 May MCA President Ong Tee Keat lodged a police report against Chinese language 14 December Vice Chairman of DAP M. magazine Hao Wai (Special Weekly) for Kulasegaran made a police report against defamation under the Printing Presses and “Awang Selamat” for suggesting that the DAP Publication Act and criminal defamation. The would abolish the monarchy if it came to power. magazine editor and two staff were questioned by police. 17 December Malaysiakini reported that a meeting was called by the Home Ministry with 3 June The MIC urged the Government to take newspaper editors to discuss the adoption action against columnist “Awang Selamat” for of a new set of publishing guidelines. The referring to the Chinese and Indians Malaysians elaborate but ambiguously worded guidelines in Malaysia as immigrants. were framed as “self-regulation”. Among others, they were not to give detailed descriptions 5 June A reporter from Utusan Malaysia, of criminal offences such as rape, murder, Hasnurul Mohamd was barred from covering robbery; nothing about cohabitation, adultery, the swearing in of the Seberang Perai Municipal homosexuality, counter-culture; and no graphics Council President in Penang. of human genitalia and G-strings. 25
  • 25. Timeline of Events Restriction of campaigning Others at by-elections 9 March Two students, Choo Kok Wei and Medecci 6 January Police arrested six PKR Lineil Repong from Universiti Utara Malaysia in Sintok, members for putting up posters of Kedah, were charged by the university with breaching the murdered Mongolian, Altantuya the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA). Shaariibuu, at Kuala Terengganu, They had issued statements to the media condemning during a by-election campaigning an increase in bus fares and started an online petition. period. The students and others presented a memorandum to the office of the vice chancellor for student affairs, 23 March Thirty-one were arrested at Ahmad Faiz Hamid, on Jan 19. a PKR ceramah in Sungai Petani. The crowd, reported to be around 1,000 21 July The Home Ministry issued a prohibition order strong, had assembled to listen to on 13 publications with “immoral content” and deemed Anwar Ibrahim’s campaign speech for unsuitable for the reading public. the Bukit Selambau by-election. They were met with tear gas and water 8 August The Home Ministry banned 22 books in the cannon from the police. seven months to July this year said the Publications Control Division and Al-Quran Text Division principal 27 March Police banned all political assistant secretary Abdul Razak Abdul Latif parties from giving talks in open areas throughout the Bukit Selambau by- 9 September Six men were charged with sedition election. Election watchdog ‘Malaysians in the Sessions Court for their involvement in the for Free and Fair Elections’ (Mafrel) “cowhead” protest. said there was heavy, unjustified police presence during three by-elections in 14 September A protest was held against the Malaysian Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)’s Batang Ai. investigation of online news website Malaysiakini, which had been accused of fanning racial tension. 31 March Topics such as the Shaariibuu murder and the Perak 28 September Bruno was banned by the National Film political crisis, as well as race and Censorship Board religion, were banned from campaign speeches in the triple by-elections 13 October 8 students from University Malaya were of Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau charged under the UUCA for inviting an opposition and Batang Ai. The topic restrictions politician, Exco of Selangor state Teresa Kok to were made specific as conditions of be part of their panel judges for an on-campus obtaining a police permit for public debate competition, despite amendments to the law speeches. which allows students interaction with politicians on academic occasion. 30 May The police said they are investigating three Pakatan leaders 24 Dec Copies of Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir including DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, Mohamad in Turbulent Times were confiscated from in relation their public speeches the Port Klang checkpoint for “content study” by the during the Penanti by-election. Home Ministry. 26
  • 26. About CIJ The Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is a non-profit organization which aspires to create a society that is democratic, just and free, where all people will enjoy free media and the freedom to express, seek and impart information. CIJ was started in response to the political crisis of 1998 as, a website that attempted to give broad analysis to current events. Today we have expanded our effort to advocacy of freedom of expression (FOE) and information (FOI) and to encourage proffesional journalism practices and media freedom in Malaysia. Our objectives; • Promote and defend the exercise of FOE • Raise public awareness on FOE/FOI to mobilize support for media freedom, expression and access to information. • Ensure good policies and advocating legislative change • Facilitating marginalized voice through community radio Contact Us 27C Jalan Sarikei, off Jalan Pahang 53000 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03 4023 0772 Fax: 03 4023 0769 The Centre for Indepedent Journalism (CIJ) would like to thank, The Malaysian Insider, Merdeka Review, Amin Iskandar, and Sundhagran Stanley for providing and allowing us to use the photographs in this report. Individual credits are in the photograph captions. Cover picture by Amin Iskandar Published by Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) 2010 ISBN: 983 44026 Writer/ Researcher: Yip Wai Fong Editor: Sonia Randhawa, Chuah Siew Eng 4