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J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 pp. 27-39 ? M CB U N IVERSITY PRESS. 0736-3761

                                                                                               M arketing on the
cutive summary for managers and executive readers can be found at the end of this article      Internet
                                                                                               Pal ab Paul

s market opportunities
                                                                   With increased globalization of the world economies, for most enterprises,
                                                                   market opportunities seem to be endless these days. This in turn, of course,
                                                                   causes heightened competition among the players in order to achieve better
                                                                   performance. Consequently, departing from the traditional commercial
                                                                   strategies and tactics, innovative managers are looking for unique ways to
                                                                   compete more effectively on a local, regional and global basis. The
                                                                   information superhighway is what many business leaders say will make
                                                                   these visions a reality in everyday business.

                                                                   The information superhighway is being shaped by advances in digital
                                                                   telephone networks, interactive cable television, personal computers, online
                                                                   services and, finally, the Internet. These technological advances will
                                                                   inevitably change the face of business as we know it today. For most
                                                                   organizations, the information superhighway offers an abundance of
                                                                   opportunity. The Internet, in particular, provides corporate America with a
                                                                   broad and vast communications network that is driving the formation of a
                                                                   huge global electronic marketplace. The purpose of this article is to narrate
                                                                   the impact of the Internet on the marketing aspects of businesses as of today,
                                                                   its future, and how businesses can use its unlimited potential to their
rk connection

                                                                   The Internet, also known as the “International electronic network,” began in
                                                                   1968 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of
                                                                   Defense. Originally, known as the ARPAnet, the Internet was started as an
                                                                   experimental network connecting different university computer centers
                                                                   throughout the country. In the 1 980s, ARPAnet was broken into two distinct
                                                                   networks called Milnet and NSFnet. Milnet was used primarily for
                                                                   government purposes, while NSFnet, funded by the National Science
                                                                   Foundation (NSF), was used to support education and research. The NSF
                                                                   promoted NSFnet’s use within the realm of higher education institutions and
                                                                   succeeded in establishing more than 3,000 institutional inter-networks by

                                                                                                                        Its beginning as a not-for-profit
                                                                                                                        facility intended to support the
                                                                                                                        educational community has
                                                                                                                        evolved into a global enterprise.
                                                                                                                        The NSF continues to fund and
                                                                                                                        promote the academic backbone
                                                                                                                        which is now managed by
                                                                                                                        Advanced Network Services, a
                                                                                                                        consortium comprised of IBM,
                                                                                                                        MCI and Merit. However, as a
                                                                                                                        government agency, its charter
                                                                                                                        makes it inappropriate for NSF to
                                                                                                                        condone use of the NSFnet for the
purposes of private business. This
has resulted in a number of
private concerns forming
commercial network backbones.
These network backbones
provide access to the NSFnet but
do not rely on it for connectivity.
Commercial network backbones
provided by

The author wishes to thank Bridgid
Roderick for her contribution to this
Internet         J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996

                                      UUNET Technologies International, Performance Systems, and General
                                      Atomics, are but a few of the providers in the USA through which
                                      companies may access backbone services that permit and promote business

                                      The combination of NSFnet and commercially available backbone services
                                      forms what the Internet is today – the world’s largest collection of
                                      decentralized computer networks. There are over 30,000 estimated computer
                                      networks connecting more than 1.5 million computers to one another.
                                      Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is used by all of
                                      these networks as the standard communication protocol through which data
                                      communication is accomplished. At least 20 million people (actually
                                      estimated at 30 million) in 135 countries send and receive information
                                      through the Internet (Direct Marketing Magazine, 1995).

                                      This international nonprofit network mainly links educational, research and
Marketing on the Internet             government facilities, but also increasingly ties in corporate research and
                                      development sites. The Internet is the model for the information highway of
                                      the future. It is relatively open, costs little, and provides information on
                                      everything imaginable. The Internet is said to be the most “democratic part
                                      of the cyberspace” and is a linkage between the user and every other
                                      computer in the world, containing information on every existing subject. The
                                      Internet represents the new wave of technological communication that has,
                                      according to some analysts, become the next best communications medium,
                                      second only to telecommunications.

                                      The Net represents a $300 billion market. Over 30 million companies and
                                      households around the world use the Internet as a communications link
                                      through e-mail, interactive advertisement, bulletin boards, research and
                                      online discussion groups. At its most basic level, the Internet serves as a
                                      seemingly endless catalog of marketing messages and advertising in an
                                      interactive fashion. Only two years ago, one would have to be a computer
                                      veteran even to contemplate using the Internet for anything but e-mail, but
                                      today even small businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and are
                                      investing in their own personal gateway to marketing on the Internet.
                                      Marketing analysts are calling the Internet a tool for “guerrilla marketing.”
                                      Even large computer software companies, like IBM, Apple, AT&T,
                                      Microsoft, and Lotus Development are investing millions of dollars to
                                      develop new state-of-the-art tools and services aimed at helping companies
                                      expand electronic business through the Internet.

                                                                 Future growth and opportunity
                                                                                   In December 1993, only $100
                                                                                   million worth of goods were sold
                                                                                   over the Internet. But by 1995, the
                                                                                   Internet market had grown to over
                                                                                   $300 billion in goods sold
                                                                                   (Boisseau, 1995). Business is
                                                                                   rapidly adopting the Internet as the
                                                                                   means through which it can
                                                                                   efficiently and economically
                                                                                   conduct marketing, research and
                                                                                   support. This process is being
                                                                                   facilitated by the proliferation of
                                                                                   software that is more user-
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                                                                friendly and makes information
                                                                easily accessible to the users.
                                                                With the number of users
                                                                growing monthly at an estimated
                                                                rate of 10 per cent and an
                                                                average of one million people,
                                                                the Internet is the fastest growing
                                                                global telecommunications
                                                                network in the world. Analysts
                                                                have projected that 100 million
                                                                will be using the Internet by the
                                                                year 2000 (Direct Marketing,
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              Registered networks

                                             Nearly 75 percent of this astonishing growth is derived from the business
                                             community. More importantly, of the networks registered within the Internet
                                             worldwide, 63 percent are owned by businesses. The rate at which
                                             businesses are connecting to the Internet is accelerating – 2,000 per month
                                             and an increase of more than 260 percent between April 1994 and April
                                             1995 (Kirkpatrick, 1995). The fact that the Net is relatively unregulated by
                                             the government and businesses do not need a license from the Federal
                                             Communications Commission (FCC) to go online helps the proliferation of
                                             its usage. This helps reduce costs and cuts the red tape normally involved in

                                             Large and small companies are embracing the Internet as a fundamental
                                             communication tool used to conduct daily business. Fortune 500 companies
                                             such as Xerox, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, Intel, Digital Equipment,
                                             Sun, and Hewlett Packard, are using the Internet as an important tool
                                             through which they communicate internally with their business partners and
                                             with their customers. Smaller businesses are also discovering the Internet to
                                             be a cost-effective communications means through which they can conduct
                                             research activities relating to their products, customers, and markets, as well
Growing business communication               as conduct efficient product sales transactions. By the year 2000, a projected
                                             60 percent of large companies and 30 percent of midsize companies around
                                             the world will use the Internet or its equivalent for marketing and business
                                             purposes (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1994).

                                             User demographics
                                             The demographics of the Internet population lend further support to the fact
                                             that it is now an accepted and growing business communications means. Of
                                             the 20 to 30 million Internet subscribers, approximately 50 percent are 25
                                             years of age or younger. This is due to a large educational community using
                                             the Internet. It is important to note that even with such a large number of
                                             relatively young subscribers, a meaningful number of subscribers (30
                                             percent) use the Internet as a tool for supporting business endeavors, as well
                                             as for finding information on certain products and services the user may be
                                             interested in. Even those who are 45 and over use the Internet, though on a
                                             much smaller scale, with approximately five million users.

                                                                                                    Furthermore, 31 percent of
                                                                                                    households owned PCs (personal
                                                                                                    computers) in 1995. That figure
                                                                                                    continues to grow as more and
                                                                                                    more people are investing in
                                                                                                    home offices so that they can
                                                                                                    work at home. Analysts have
                                                                                                    predicted that of the 31 percent
                                                                                                    of household PCs, 85 percent or
                                                                                                    9.6 million households will use
                                                                                                    online services by the year 2000
                                                                                                    (Kirkpatrick, 1995). In addition,
                                                                                                    catalog and home shopping sales,
                                                                                                    now a $60 billion market, could
                                                                                                    quintuple by 2000 due to sales
                                                                                                    through the Internet (Computer
                                                                                                    World, 1994).
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                                                                Growth problems
                                                                Despite its phenomenal growth,
                                                                not everything looks bright for
                                                                the Internet. The online industry
                                                                is growing less quickly than the
                                                                likes of the VCR and cable
                                                                industries when they were
                                                                introduced to the market.
                                                                Furthermore, the industry is
                                                                suffering from a high turnover. For
                                                                instance, 40 percent of online
                                                                customers discontinue service
                                                                from the Internet each year
                                                                (Kirkpatrick, 1995).
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        Internet pros and cons

                                                      Businesses are also catching on relatively slowly to the Net. Only 1 percent
                                                      of worldwide advertising dollars were spent on the Internet in 1994
                                                      (Lipowitz, 1995). But forecasters are quick to point out that the Net is a
                                                      growing media form and, as technology advances, businesses and
                                                      households will use it for advertising and home shopping, respectively.

                                                       Major issues in using the Internet
                                                       There are several pros and cons associated with using the Internet for
                                                       marketing purposes. Some primary advantages to businesses using the Net
                                                       are described next.

                                                       Global opportunities
                                                       The Net access delivers a company with an opportunity to implement highly
                                                       cost-effective vehicles not only for their own marketing and customer
                                                       support needs, but also for positioning themselves globally. It is especially
                                                       beneficial to smaller companies who want to expand their businesses
                                                       globally, but do not have the capital and resources to do so. In addition, the
                                                       Internet helps ease the red tape surrounding the prospect of doing business
                                                       overseas, thus avoiding regulations and restrictions that companies must
                                                       follow who are physically present in other countries and who advertise in
                                                       international journals. More and more businesses are discovering that they
                                                       have the ability to reach and communicate with current and potential
                                                       customers abroad through the Internet with the same cost and ease as in the

Business on a global spectrum                          The Net is also growing in popularity in other countries. Singapore, for
                                                       example, promotes itself as the “Intelligent Island,” with a plan called
                                                       IT2000 supported by its National Computer Board. The objective of this
                                                       plan is to become Asia’s center for information technology with the Internet
                                                       as its heart. The Net is therefore promoted heavily within Singapore as an
                                                       essential resource for every business. PIPEX in the UK and Internet
                                                       Initiative in Japan, are two examples of commercial Internet providers that
                                                       are prospering tremendously in countries other than in the USA (Business
                                                       Europe, 1995; Ohmae, 1995).

                                                      Companies who use the Internet, not only for advertising, but for e-mail and
                                                      customer ordering, increase their hours of business on a global spectrum.
                                                      Instead of a typical eight-hour day, businesses have increased their
                                                      opportunities by providing 24-hour access for branch offices, business
                                                      contacts, and shoppers – access that is important in conducting business
                                                      across different time zones or internationally. Expanding access indeed
                                                      increases the number and coverage of potential customers.

                                                                                                   Providing appropriate form, place
                                                                                                   and time utility (i.e. giving
                                                                                                   customers the opportunity to
                                                                                                   decide what they want, where
                                                                                                   and when) may result in a
                                                                                                   competitive advantage for the
                                                                                                   marketers. Especially, the Net
                                                                                                   furnishes product and service
                                                                                                   information to current and
                                                                                                   potential customers when they
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                                                                want it (instead of bombarding
                                                                and annoying them with mass
                                                                marketing, direct marketing or
                                                                telemarketing), and hence
                                                                increasing the chances of
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                                                    Advertisement effectiveness
                                                    Traditionally, advertising has been one of the major forms of communication
    Major form of communication
                                                    between a firm and its clients. Wells et al. (1995) reported eight basic types
                                                    of advertising (brand, retail, political, directory, direct-response, business-to-
                                                    business, institutional, and public service) designed to reach a diverse
                                                    audience with varied objectives. In order to serve the desired role and
                                                    function most effectively, advertisements may use many different types of
                                                    media and vehicle for different target groups. For example, the media used
                                                    for typical brand advertising may not be appropriate for business-to-business
                                                    advertisements (see Table I).

                                                                                                  With the advent of technology,
                                                                                                  the Internet posits itself as one
                                                                                                  of the very few media
                                                                                                  alternatives that can be used for
                                                                                                  almost all advertising purposes
                                                                                                  across all possible market
                                                                                                  s can create and transmit
                                                                                                  advertisements on the Internet
                                                                                                  that can be accessed by anybody
                                                                                                  with a computer equipped with
                                                                                                  appropriate software. Such a
                                                                                                  convenience and marketing
                                                                                                  efficiency, both for the advertiser
                                                                                                  and the target audience, is
                                                                                                  making the Net popular for
                                                                                                  marketing practices all over the

                                                                                                  In addition, the Net has the
                                                                                                  capability to compile statistics
                                                                                                  regarding how many people
                                                                                                  viewed each advertisement on an
                                                                                                  hourly, daily, and monthly basis
                                                                                                  (reach), and for how long each
                                                                                                  viewer actually looked at an
                                                                                                  advertisement (exposure time).
                                                                                                  This helps companies track down
                                                                                                  the effectiveness of their
                                                                                                  advertisements in terms of the
                                                                                                  number of direct purchases – a
                                                                                                  much more effective mechanism
                                                                                                  than the existing ones for
                                                                                                  magazine advertisements or
                                                                                                  television commercials. Most of
                                                                                                  the Internet providers collect this
                                                                                                  information for companies who
                                                                                                  pay an extra fee. Furthermore,
                                                                                                  advertising on the Net is, on an
                                                                                                  average, costs merely a third of
                                                                                                  what it costs in the magazines
                                                                                                  and business journals, and a
                                                                                                  fraction of the price associated
                                                                                                  with television ads. This opens up
                                                                                                  avenues, particularly for smaller
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                                                                firms, to reach their potential
                                                                clients more cost-effectively
                                                                (with a lower cost per million).



                                                                                          Direct action
                                                                                          (primary or
                                                                                              Indirect action
                                                                                          (primary or
                                                                                          commercial or
                                                                                          commercial or
                                                               Types of advertising       noncommercial)

                                                               Brand (national   Newspaper, magazine,
                                                               television, Newspaper, magazine,
                                                               consumer)               radio         radio
                                                               Retail Newspaper, Yellow Pages, direct
                                                               Newspaper, television, radio
                                                                                       mail, television,
                                                               Political                 Television, radio
                                                                                         Television, radio
                                                               Directory                 Yellow Pages
                                                               Direct response          Direct mail, catalog
                                                               Business to business       Direct mail,
                                                               catalog, individual        Business
                                                                                         journal, magazine
                                                               Institutional          Newspaper, magazine,
                                                               (Corporate)                      radio
                                                               Public service    Newspaper, magazine,
                                                               television, Newspaper, magazine,
                                                                                      radio     radio

                                                                Table I. A framework of
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                                                                   commonly-used media for
                                                                   different types of advertising to
                                                                   serve various functions
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     Internet drawbacks

                                    Market research and analysis
                                    Although marketing on the Net can benefit companies of all sizes, smaller
                                    organizations may have the maximum gain. Small- to medium-sized
                                    enterprises across Europe, the USA, and the Far East have rushed to connect
                                    to the Net and should be able to communicate within the “global village” as
                                    effectively as major transnational corporations. The Internet furnishes direct
                                    customer contact, combined with the appropriate market and technical
                                    reference material, which gives organizations greater ability to identify
                                    earlier shifts in product and customer trends and to test new value
                                    propositions in response. This enables managers to recognize product and
                                    market opportunities sooner and to adopt more effective product, price,
                                    distribution and further promotion strategies relative to the customers’
                                    needs. Ultimately, this ensues increased company revenue through
                                    elimination of uncompetitive product offerings and launching of new
                                    products better suited for the marketplace.

                                    As the above benefits suggest, there are several reasons why a company
                                    should advertise and/or market its products/services on the Internet.
                                    However, there are also several drawbacks to using the Net. Some of these
                                    disadvantages are described next.
                                    The Net has very little security and any company using the Net risks
                                    disclosure of proprietary information. The Internet was originally designed
                                    for a free flow of communications – regulation and security were not
                                    considered when it was conceived and developed. However, with its
                                    increasing use for marketing and advertising, there is ample concern for
                                    security in terms of copyrights and other proprietary information. Because
                                    millions of users access the Internet everyday, it is a hot spot for computer
                                    hackers, pranksters and viruses. Anyone can go into the Net and change,
                                    manipulate or discard information, including advertisements.

                                    Although there are some basic safeguards to prevent this sort of practice, at
                                    best it can be described as inadequate. Even more threatening is that users
                                    can access businesses’ internal computer systems (if they are connected to
                                    the Net) and can find out classified information. Copyright protection is also
                                    in jeopardy when the creation of intellectual property and the upload of
                                    information, transmission, access and use of content occurs (Business
                                    Europe, 1995).

                                    Sheraton Hotels, for instance, learned the hard way when computer hackers
                                    booked every room in the world for them. The hotel chain lost millions of
                                    dollars in lost customers and in downtime to straighten the problem out. On
                                    another occasion, the Sheraton found that many of its customers’
                                    reservations had been canceled by the pranksters on the Net. Since then, the
                                    hotel chain has taken significant measures in protecting its online security
                                    (Seal, 1995).

                                                                                           Besides being successful in
                                                                                           accessing businesses’ internal
                                                                                           networks, computer hackers
                                                                                           have also been known to access
                                                                                           customers’ personal information
                                                                                           (e.g. addresses and credit card
                                                                                           numbers). As a consequence,
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                                                                   shoppers are wary of making
                                                                   financial transactions over the
                                                                   Internet. Both sellers and buyers
                                                                   are uncertain about the security of
                                                                   this process. Although there are
                                                                   no published cases that the
                                                                   hackers have accessed and used
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                                    shoppers’ credit card numbers, analysts say that it is fairly common when
                                    sellers do not implement adequate security for their clients (Dedy, 1995).

                                    How the Internet will be regulated for security purposes is unclear to date.
Securityand regulation
                                    At the recent Internet World Conference in 1994, security and regulation
                                    were the primary topics. Attendees discussed the rapid development of
                                    commercial transactions and how it will mandate the development of
                                    security features to protect and foster electronic commerce (Mathews, 1995).
                                    The delegates also noted that they would like to see the government step in
                                    and enact regulations that would protect the content of what goes onto the
                                    Net, and also some kind of penalty for those who manipulate, alter or delete
                                    information. Still, the level of government intervention is nebulous and data
                                    privacy is a gray area. However, these problems are becoming more
                                    prevalent and defined, and it is only a matter of time before the Internet
                                    users must follow a set of rules or face penalties.

                                    In the meantime, many software and high tech companies are investing by
                                    leaps and bounds to figure out what can be done to make interactive
                                    shopping on the Internet secure. Firewall is one such mechanism that is
                                    either in use now or is being implemented by many businesses to attain that
                                    goal. It is a device that allows consumers to shop, but prevents hackers from
                                    creating havoc. These are combinations of “security algorithms and router
                                    communications protocols” that are used to prevent outsiders from tapping
                                    into corporate databases and e-mail (Sales and Marketing Management,
                                    1995). They act as buffers between internal networks and larger external
                                    networks. Almost all companies that advertise on the Internet have firewall
                                    in place to protect their internal networks and databases (Pugh, 1995). The
                                    Sheraton is one prime example that uses a firewall to keep pranksters from
                                    accessing its reservations system.

       Digit scrambling
                                    Encryption is the scrambling of digits and the “secret” coding of numbers so
                                    that only the intended receiver will be able to translate the real credit card
                                    number, and in some cases, the real addresses and phone numbers of
                                    customers ordering through the Net. Mosaic, a translating program used by
                                    Netscape Corporation for its software, is the first such encryption program
                                    available to the sellers. However, Mosaic still has glitches and is not 100
                                    percent secure by any means (Computer World, 1994). Currently, Netscape is
                                    partnering with Mastercard, Bank of America and MCI to build encryption
                                    and validation into its popular Web browser, the most used browser on the
                                    Internet. If Netscape is successful in this endeavor, most transactions
                                    through the Net will be nearly 100 percent secure.

                                                                                          There are several other
                                                                                          companies who are developing
                                                                                          ways in which customers can
                                                                                          exchange payment for goods
                                                                                          over the Net. One such
                                                                                          company, Softlock Services,
                                                                                          has developed a proprietary
                                                                                          system for credit card
                                                                                          purchases. Shoppers obtain a
                                                                                          “personal payment password”
                                                                                          provided by the company for
                                                                                          all transactions. All purchases
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                                                                   made with these passwords are
                                                                   directly sent to Softlock and
                                                                   then billed to the customers’
                                                                   respective credit cards. Softlock
                                                                   makes transactions 100 percent
                                                                   secure by using passwords
                                                                   instead of credit card numbers
                                                                   (Direct Marketing Magazine,
                                                                   1995). The only problem with
                                                                   this service is that customers
                                                                   can only make transactions
                                                                   with sellers that use Softlock
                                                                   for their billing.
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                                     First Virtual is another company that offers a similar service. It collects the
                                     money for the products purchased through the Net. The buyer’s account is
                                     charged and the seller’s account is credited. For security purposes, each
                                     transaction takes place in a “closed loop” system so buyers’ credit card
                                     information is protected from being displayed on the Internet itself. To use
                                     this service, both buyers and sellers need a mailbox through First Virtual.

                                     Companies are also warned to protect themselves and their products/services
Infringement protection
                                     against infringement by others. A carefully worded copyright notice should
                                     appear on every screen and any logos and slogans should have Federal
                                     Trademark registration. Companies should also view e-mail, messages and
                                     documents as a postcard rather than a sealed envelope.

                                     High cost for the users
                                     Usage of the Net requires a hefty investment for common people. To access
                                     the Internet, a computer is needed with a minimum of 4Mb of RAM, a
                                     minimum 486SX-25 processor, and a 256 colored VGA monitor. Users also
                                     need a high-speed modem, an Internet connection, and a browser like
                                     Netscape or Mosaic, so that they can surf the Web.

                                     Most modems, to date, are slow and deter users from using the Web
                                     efficiently. Also, multimedia features such as audio and video displays that
                                     make the Web so exciting, consume a tremendous amount of memory that
                                     most PCs do not have. Therefore it is sometimes, if not always, impossible
                                     for many users to download information to see it in its full color, graphics
                                     and sound.

    Internet advertising             Advertisement over the Net reduces managers’ control considerably. Users
                                     of the Internet are difficult to target. Although 50 percent of the users are 25
                                     years or younger, there is still another 50 percent of users from ages 25 and
                                     up. It is possible to reach all age groups, yet targeting certain age groups
                                     may be difficult. First of all, it cannot be measured applying the
                                     conventional methods used for television or magazine advertisements. For
                                     example, television has the Nielsen ratings and magazines focus on specific
                                     interests of different segments. To date, the Net is so broad and unknown, a
                                     company cannot possibly determine easily who or where to advertise on the
                                     Net. Furthermore, there are so many resources on the Internet, it is probable
                                     that users will not see a company’s advertisement at all unless they are
                                     prompted to search for certain products/services offered by that company.
                                     This may require a company to promote a product using the conventional
                                     tools that are more proactive (television, print, radio, direct mail etc.) even
                                     while using the Internet.

                                                                                           Getting started
                                                                                           Unlike advertisement through
                                                                                           magazines and television,
                                                                                           companies do not need a license
                                                                                           from the Federal Trade
                                                                                           Communications Commission to
                                                                                           go online. Therefore, the first
                                                                                           step is simply to find an Internet
                                                                                           provider – a company that will
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                                                                   furnish a link to the Net. The
                                                                   second step is to find someone
                                                                   who will establish and maintain
                                                                   companies’ presence on the Net.
                                                                   There should be carefully
                                                                   drawn agreements with both
                                                                   entities establishing
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                                    rights and obligations. Costing and implementation of marketing on the
                                    Internet is relatively easy and very reasonable.

                                    Advertisers can buy advertisement space on the Net through a service
Buying space on the Net             provider, a private company set up to be a gateway to the system for a set of
                                    clients. Organizations can find individual consultants as easily as looking in
                                    the Yellow Pages. Many of these small firms actually advertise their services
                                    on the Internet. These specialized agencies will do everything from setting
                                    up, maintaining and promoting their clients’ advertisements. Monthly costs,
                                    depending on the complexity (color, graphics, sound and extent of content)
                                    are as little as $20 per month and average about $20,000 per year (Crain’s
                                    Chicago Business, 1994). Users need software such as Netscape, which
                                    gives them the capability of seeing the advertisement in full color, graphics,
                                    sound and video images. Netscape also helps users locate shopping networks
                                    through a user-friendly, Windows-compatible environment. The following
                                    are the primary shopping and advertising browsers available on the Net.

                                    Web shops. Web shops can easily be found through browsing the World
                                    Wide Web. It is the most well-known avenue for creating advertisements on
                                    what the Web calls “pages.” Companies with “T1” services and UNIX
                                    expertise should have no problem creating their own page in-house. Users
                                    simply access the advertisement by prompting a search that is related to the
                                    product. The Web shop currently serves 400 commercial enterprises, ranging
                                    from mom and pop flower shops to multinational companies such as AT&T.
                                    The cost is a flat fee of $25,000 per year (Computer World, 1994).

                                    Internet malls. Virtual shopping centers (e.g. Shopping 2000, Mecklermedia,
                                    Apple’s E-World, and AT&T’s E-Shop) advertise text, image or video to lure
                                    possible browsers of the Net. The cost to advertise on these electronic
                                    shopping malls is as little as $100/month to $25,000/year. This includes
                                    creating, maintaining and promoting the Internet advertisements.

     Creativeshopping               Downtown Anywhere. Downtown Anywhere is a shopping network on the
                                    Internet that is set up like a city. It actually simulates shopping through the
                                    stores of the products that the user chooses from the menu. It is by far the
                                    most creative shopping network on the Net, but is much more expensive
                                    (over $75,000/year minimum). However, it is a lot of fun for users and also
                                    grabs their attention better than the other shopping networks because of its
                                    creativity (Mayfield, 1994).

                                                                                          Internet Shopping Network. The
                                                                                          Internet Shopping Network (ISN),
                                                                                          recently purchased by the Home
                                                                                          Shopping Network, sells 20,000
                                                                                          products for 1,000 vendors. It
                                                                                          receives 250,000 orders per day
                                                                                          on average. This is the fastest
                                                                                          growing shopping network on the
                                                                                          Internet. It expected to advertise
                                                                                          100,000 products and services by
                                                                                          the end of 1995. The network is
                                                                                          extremely accessible to users and
                                                                                          is the best known shopping
                                                                                          network on the Net today. Cost to
                                                                                          advertise on the ISN ranges
J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996

                                                                   from $25,000 to $75,000 per
                                                                   year (Crain’s Chicago Business,

                                                                   Sales and marketing research
                                                                   Advertising is not the only
                                                                   benefit to using the Internet. It
                                                                   also serves as a huge database
                                                                   for research and demographic
                                                                   data. Each transaction that
                                                                   takes place on the Net can be
                                                                   tracked to the user. Therefore,
J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996
     Identifying product

                                     information about the purchaser can be collected to develop target-marketing

                                     Of equal importance, the Internet’s discussion boards and electronic mail
                                     provide marketing with a means to communicate directly with its customers.
                                     This capability provides organizations with the ability to identify product
                                     opportunities, changes in the competition, unaddressed customer needs,
                                     shifts in price/performance/value propositions, and a host of other
                                     indispensable information points that are difficult, if not impossible, to
                                     obtain through more traditional and more costly means.

                                     So far, the World Wide Web has proved to be the most popular medium for
                                     market intelligence, while CompuServe is known for offering the largest
                                     geographical spread – 2.4 million subscribers, 2,000 services, and 850
                                     databases. These networks provide customer support, research, and product
                                     development ideas through e-mail, discussion boards, and demonstration
                                     facilities. Many researchers have found that the quality and accuracy of
                                     these responses from the customers tends to be more accurate and honest
                                     than that obtained from traditional focus groups, personal or telephone
                                     interviews. Equally important to business needs is that the Internet provides
                                     an effective two-way communication vehicle through which marketing may
                                     test ideas and concepts while minimizing the investments needed to launch
                                     either pilot programs or full-scale product introductions (Internet Business
                                     Center, 1994).
Internet service provider
                                     The Microsoft Network is another medium for marketing purposes.
                                     Accessible through its Windows 95, it is more secure than existing services
                                     and more oriented toward business users. Its focus is on communications,
                                     sales and research. Since this software is part of the Windows 95, businesses
                                     do not have to pay for monthly dues. It is also in an easy user-friendly
                                     Windows format (Kirkpatrick, 1995).

                                     With the exception of the free access offered by Windows 95, the cost of
                                     marketing research and communication over the Net, which includes hook-
                                     up, is anywhere between $175 and $300 per month, depending on the
                                     company size. Businesses can hook up to services on the Internet through an
                                     Internet service provider, such as America online and CompuServe, among
                                     others. CommerceNet offers the first large-scale service for $15,000/year,
                                     including access to browse pages, place orders, coordinate production,
                                     schedule transportation, and provides many other business functions. Also
                                     included in this package is the Netscape browser, WWW servers, and all
                                     backbone and access equipment. This, however, does not include the cost of
                                     advertisement creation and space (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1994).

                                                                                            We argue that utilizing the
                                                                                            Internet as a marketing tool is
                                                                                            something that businesses today
                                                                                            must consider. Whether a
                                                                                            company is large or small, if it is
                                                                                            not using or seriously
                                                                                            considering the Internet as a
                                                                                            marketing avenue in the near
                                                                                            future, it will be at a competitive
                                                                                            disadvantage over time.
J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996

                                                                   However, companies should not
                                                                   limit themselves to just
                                                                   marketing on the Internet. They
                                                                   must also look at other traditional
                                                                   media of advertising and
                                                                   marketing research in order to
                                                                   meet their business goals and
                                                                   marketing objectives.
                                                                   Furthermore, when using the
                                                                   Internet, companies should use
                                                                   caution but at
J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996
Many benefits

                          the same time be assured that the Internet will reward the early adopters
                          rather than those who wait until the later part of the 1990s.

                          In closing, the Internet has many risks associated with its use, but it also has
                          many benefits that may outweigh the threats. Companies who do not use it
                          will be left out in the cold. An analyst from the Gartner Group summarizes
                          this issue with the following: “fire up your Internet engines and ease into
                          traffic – but drive slowly and don’t carry any valuables” (Computer World,

                          Boisseau, C. (1995), “Internet rife with cyberspace,” The Dallas Morning News, March 4,
                               p. 3C.
                          Business Europe (1995), “EU information technology: not yet on the Internet?”, Business
                               Europe, April 3.
                          Comp uter World (1994), “Corporations looking to do business on the Internet ...,”
                              Comp uter World, October 24, p. 79.
                          Crain’s Chicago Business (1994), “Technology and accessibility giving Internet global
                               impact,” Crain’s Chicago Business, November 14, p. T10.
                          Dedy, T. (1995), “Pioneering firms launch auto ads into cyberspace,” Los Angeles Business
                               Journal, April 10, p. 22.
                          Direct Marketing (1995), “How to market on the Internet,” Direct Marketing (Conference
                               Publication for the Marketing Advisory Board).
                          Direct Marketing Magazine (1995), “Successful marketing on the Internet,” Direct Marketing
                               Magazine, March, p. 39.
                          Internet Business Center (1994), “Marketing on the Internet,” Internet Business Center, The
                                Internet Group.
                          Kirkpatrick, D. (1995), “As the Internet sizzles online services battle for the stakes,” Fortune,
                              May 1, pp. 86-96.
                          Lipowitz, A. (1995), “FTC limits on phone calls hanging up telemarketers,” Crain’s New York
                               Business, May 1, p. 15.
                          Mathews, J. (1995), “Internet world ’94: growing and growing,” Searcher, March, p. 34.
                          Mayfield, D. (1994), “Forget lunch, let’s do the net,” The Virginia Pilot, April 18, p. 14.
                          Ohmae, K. (1995), “Letter from Japan,” Harvard Business Review, May, pp. 154-63.
                          Pugh, C. (1995), “A beginner’s guide to cyberspace,” The Houston Post, March 5, p. D1.
                          Sales and Marketing Management (1995), “Cerfin’ the net,” Sales and Marketing
                               Management, March, p. R18.
                          Seal, K. (1995), “Consumers browse through hotels on computer network,” Hotel and Motel
                                Management, February 6, pp. 3-3 0.
                          Wells, W., Burnett, J. and Moriarty, S. (1995), Advertising: Principles and Practice, Prentice-
                                Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

                          Pallab Paul is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Daniels College of Business of
                          the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA. Internet:
J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996

                                                                  Executive summary and implications for managers and
e. Those with a particular interest in the topic covered may then read the article in toto to take advantage of the more comprehensive description of the research u
                                                                  Interact, do not advertise: marketing on the Internet

                                                                  Will the “information superhighway” deliver? And, if it does, will it provide
                                                                  what most businesses now see as a promotional channel? Are traditional
                                                                  marketing management skills appropriate to the exploitation of the new

                                                                  These questions – and many others – should exercise the minds of marketing
                                                                  executives examining their organization’s presence on the Internet. It is not
                                                                  sufficient simply to put up a site (however pretty) and leave it at that.
                                                                  Businesses must assess what they will get from a presence on the Internet.
                                                                  This could be straightforward advertising; it could be distance selling,
                                                                  customer service or market research. A combination of these could prove the
                                                                  most effective mix.

                                                                                                                In making the choice, managers
                                                                                                                need to consider how the
                                                                                                                Internet might change over the
                                                                                                                coming decade. A great deal is
                                                                                                                written about the new media and
                                                                                                                much of it is contradictory. To
                                                                                                                assess what is needed, let us
                                                                                                                consider the competences that
                                                                                                                seem most appropriate to the
                                                                                                                Internet as a communications

                                                                                                                Direct marketing capability
                                                                                                                Businesses which do not
                                                                                                                appreciate the core skills and
                                                                                                                tactics of direct marketing are at
                                                                                                                a disadvantage. The best direct
                                                                                                                marketers have been on the
                                                                                                                Internet longer than any other
                                                                                                                marketing group. They see it
                                                                                                                (possibly wrongly) as another
                                                                                                                direct response medium where
                                                                                                                the tested tactics of copywriting,
                                                                                                                incentives and attention-getting
                                                                                                                will deliver business success.
                                                                                                                Furthermore, the principles of
                                                                                                                database marketing and
                                                                                                                relationship making – both
                                                                                                                emerging from the direct
                                                                                                                marketing concept – apply to
                                                                                                                marketing on the Internet.

                                                                                                                Public relations skills
                                                                                                                Boutié asserts, elsewhere in this
                                                                                                                issue of JCM, that PR
                                                                                                                professionals (along with
                                                                                                                politicians) have the appropriate
                                                                                                                skills to exploit the Internet.
J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996

                                                                News management, opinion-
                                                                former communications
                                                                campaign management and
                                                                writing skills all loom large in
                                                                this argument. The idea of
                                                                stakeholders and stakeholder
                                                                communication also applies to
                                                                this area of marketing

                                                                These competences, and the
                                                                evidence that mass marketing
                                                                techniques cannot work on the
                                                                Internet, suggest that the days of
                                                                traditional brand management
                                                                could be numbered. This is not
                                                                the same, please note, as saying
                                                                that the brand is no longer
                                                                relevant. It most certainly is, but
                                                                brand managers need to change
                                                                the basis of brand
                                                                communications to encompass
                                                                relationships and the dynamic
                                                                way in which opinions are
                                                                formed about a brand within the

                                                                As more “private” users come
                                                                onto the net, its role will change.
                                                                Users will be focused more on
                                                                interests and opinions rather
                                                                than the search for offers or
                                                                information. A home page
                                                                promoting a particular company
                                                                will need to be pretty special if it
                                                                is to deliver anything like the
                                                                returns posited in articles
J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996

                                                    such as this one. Communicators need to move toward asking “What do you
                                                    think?” rather than saying “here’s my product – buy it.” And Internet users
                                                    will want full disclosure rather than selected highlights. It will not be
                                                    sufficient simply to put up a brand; the rationale for a position and
                                                    background information normally rooted to the planner’s desk need to
                                                    emerge. Deception and secrecy are an anathema on the Net.

                                                    This takes us to the next important issue – an issue that Paul addresses in
                                                    some detail – security. I suspect that the Internet will never be wholly secure.
                                                    It is too unstructured and chaotic to respond well to active control. And
                                                    encryption techniques imply something to hide running against the “free
                                                    exchange of information” principle underlying the development of the
                                                    Internet. The idea of private information transmitted round the world on an
                                                    open system is not only daft but fundamentally unsustainable.

                                                    As more information goes online, the secrecy and privacy principles beloved
                                                    of big business and bureaucrats (when it suits them) must be undermined.
                                                    Only by excluding information from linked computers can any genuine
                                                    secrecy sustain. A new paradigm begins to emerge, driven by the interaction
                                                    of multiple individuals (and individual companies) rather than the decision
                                                    to “publish” made by organizations controlling the information. The power
                                                    transfers from managers to customers. The power lies with those best able to
                                                    search, assess and apply free information rather than those who can store
                                                    and control data. Or at least I hope so.

                                                    The danger is – and it is a very real one – that governments will try to
                                                    control the uncontrollable. How might they do this?
                                                    control who has access either via licensing or by restrictive legislation,
                                                    control the content through legislation – the attempted controls on
                                                         pornography recently overturned by Federal judges indicate the
                                                         willingness to act in this respect,
                                                    withdrawal of government from the Net into in-house systems to protect so-
                                                         called “secrets”,
                                                    nationalization or regulation of the Net itself.
                                                    Those who cherish the independence of the Internet must address these
                                                    problems. As the Economist recently observed, the Internet is not simply
                                                    another medium but a new platform on which media can grow. So long as
                                                    this platform is collectively owned and controlled, the prospect for the
                                                    Internet as a global communication revolution is bright. Any compromising
                                                    of its independence destroys its integrity and value.

                                                    Paul describes how the Net evolved and its rapid growth. He comments on
                                                    the small proportion of marketing expenditure dedicated to it and asserts
                                                    that businesses should get on the Net but act with caution. In this he is right,
                                                    but these same companies must also put something else into the Internet –
                                                    their commitment to unencumbered communications and free speech. If this
                                                    does not happen, and businesses allow the system to fall into the control of
                                                    regulators, it will act to reduce the trust that users have in other users’
                                                    fairness and openness.

                                                    (A précis of the article “Marketing on the Internet”. Supplied by Marketing
                                                    Consultants for MCB University Press)

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  • 1. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 pp. 27-39 ? M CB U N IVERSITY PRESS. 0736-3761 O M arketing on the cutive summary for managers and executive readers can be found at the end of this article Internet Pal ab Paul l s market opportunities Introduction With increased globalization of the world economies, for most enterprises, market opportunities seem to be endless these days. This in turn, of course, causes heightened competition among the players in order to achieve better performance. Consequently, departing from the traditional commercial strategies and tactics, innovative managers are looking for unique ways to compete more effectively on a local, regional and global basis. The information superhighway is what many business leaders say will make these visions a reality in everyday business. The information superhighway is being shaped by advances in digital telephone networks, interactive cable television, personal computers, online services and, finally, the Internet. These technological advances will inevitably change the face of business as we know it today. For most organizations, the information superhighway offers an abundance of opportunity. The Internet, in particular, provides corporate America with a broad and vast communications network that is driving the formation of a huge global electronic marketplace. The purpose of this article is to narrate the impact of the Internet on the marketing aspects of businesses as of today, its future, and how businesses can use its unlimited potential to their advantage. rk connection Background The Internet, also known as the “International electronic network,” began in 1968 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense. Originally, known as the ARPAnet, the Internet was started as an experimental network connecting different university computer centers throughout the country. In the 1 980s, ARPAnet was broken into two distinct networks called Milnet and NSFnet. Milnet was used primarily for government purposes, while NSFnet, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), was used to support education and research. The NSF promoted NSFnet’s use within the realm of higher education institutions and succeeded in establishing more than 3,000 institutional inter-networks by 1991. Its beginning as a not-for-profit facility intended to support the educational community has evolved into a global enterprise. The NSF continues to fund and promote the academic backbone which is now managed by Advanced Network Services, a consortium comprised of IBM, MCI and Merit. However, as a government agency, its charter makes it inappropriate for NSF to condone use of the NSFnet for the
  • 2. purposes of private business. This has resulted in a number of private concerns forming commercial network backbones. These network backbones provide access to the NSFnet but do not rely on it for connectivity. Commercial network backbones provided by The author wishes to thank Bridgid Roderick for her contribution to this article.
  • 3. Internet J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O UUNET Technologies International, Performance Systems, and General Atomics, are but a few of the providers in the USA through which companies may access backbone services that permit and promote business usage. The combination of NSFnet and commercially available backbone services forms what the Internet is today – the world’s largest collection of decentralized computer networks. There are over 30,000 estimated computer networks connecting more than 1.5 million computers to one another. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is used by all of these networks as the standard communication protocol through which data communication is accomplished. At least 20 million people (actually estimated at 30 million) in 135 countries send and receive information through the Internet (Direct Marketing Magazine, 1995). This international nonprofit network mainly links educational, research and Marketing on the Internet government facilities, but also increasingly ties in corporate research and development sites. The Internet is the model for the information highway of the future. It is relatively open, costs little, and provides information on everything imaginable. The Internet is said to be the most “democratic part of the cyberspace” and is a linkage between the user and every other computer in the world, containing information on every existing subject. The Internet represents the new wave of technological communication that has, according to some analysts, become the next best communications medium, second only to telecommunications. The Net represents a $300 billion market. Over 30 million companies and households around the world use the Internet as a communications link through e-mail, interactive advertisement, bulletin boards, research and online discussion groups. At its most basic level, the Internet serves as a seemingly endless catalog of marketing messages and advertising in an interactive fashion. Only two years ago, one would have to be a computer veteran even to contemplate using the Internet for anything but e-mail, but today even small businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and are investing in their own personal gateway to marketing on the Internet. Marketing analysts are calling the Internet a tool for “guerrilla marketing.” Even large computer software companies, like IBM, Apple, AT&T, Microsoft, and Lotus Development are investing millions of dollars to develop new state-of-the-art tools and services aimed at helping companies expand electronic business through the Internet. Future growth and opportunity In December 1993, only $100 million worth of goods were sold over the Internet. But by 1995, the Internet market had grown to over $300 billion in goods sold (Boisseau, 1995). Business is rapidly adopting the Internet as the means through which it can efficiently and economically conduct marketing, research and support. This process is being facilitated by the proliferation of software that is more user-
  • 4. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O friendly and makes information easily accessible to the users. With the number of users growing monthly at an estimated rate of 10 per cent and an average of one million people, the Internet is the fastest growing global telecommunications network in the world. Analysts have projected that 100 million will be using the Internet by the year 2000 (Direct Marketing, 1995).
  • 5. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Registered networks Businesses Nearly 75 percent of this astonishing growth is derived from the business community. More importantly, of the networks registered within the Internet worldwide, 63 percent are owned by businesses. The rate at which businesses are connecting to the Internet is accelerating – 2,000 per month and an increase of more than 260 percent between April 1994 and April 1995 (Kirkpatrick, 1995). The fact that the Net is relatively unregulated by the government and businesses do not need a license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to go online helps the proliferation of its usage. This helps reduce costs and cuts the red tape normally involved in advertising. Large and small companies are embracing the Internet as a fundamental communication tool used to conduct daily business. Fortune 500 companies such as Xerox, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, Intel, Digital Equipment, Sun, and Hewlett Packard, are using the Internet as an important tool through which they communicate internally with their business partners and with their customers. Smaller businesses are also discovering the Internet to be a cost-effective communications means through which they can conduct research activities relating to their products, customers, and markets, as well Growing business communication as conduct efficient product sales transactions. By the year 2000, a projected 60 percent of large companies and 30 percent of midsize companies around the world will use the Internet or its equivalent for marketing and business purposes (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1994). User demographics The demographics of the Internet population lend further support to the fact that it is now an accepted and growing business communications means. Of the 20 to 30 million Internet subscribers, approximately 50 percent are 25 years of age or younger. This is due to a large educational community using the Internet. It is important to note that even with such a large number of relatively young subscribers, a meaningful number of subscribers (30 percent) use the Internet as a tool for supporting business endeavors, as well as for finding information on certain products and services the user may be interested in. Even those who are 45 and over use the Internet, though on a much smaller scale, with approximately five million users. Furthermore, 31 percent of households owned PCs (personal computers) in 1995. That figure continues to grow as more and more people are investing in home offices so that they can work at home. Analysts have predicted that of the 31 percent of household PCs, 85 percent or 9.6 million households will use online services by the year 2000 (Kirkpatrick, 1995). In addition, catalog and home shopping sales, now a $60 billion market, could quintuple by 2000 due to sales through the Internet (Computer World, 1994).
  • 6. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Growth problems Despite its phenomenal growth, not everything looks bright for the Internet. The online industry is growing less quickly than the likes of the VCR and cable industries when they were introduced to the market. Furthermore, the industry is suffering from a high turnover. For instance, 40 percent of online customers discontinue service from the Internet each year (Kirkpatrick, 1995).
  • 7. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Internet pros and cons Businesses are also catching on relatively slowly to the Net. Only 1 percent of worldwide advertising dollars were spent on the Internet in 1994 (Lipowitz, 1995). But forecasters are quick to point out that the Net is a growing media form and, as technology advances, businesses and households will use it for advertising and home shopping, respectively. Major issues in using the Internet There are several pros and cons associated with using the Internet for marketing purposes. Some primary advantages to businesses using the Net are described next. Global opportunities The Net access delivers a company with an opportunity to implement highly cost-effective vehicles not only for their own marketing and customer support needs, but also for positioning themselves globally. It is especially beneficial to smaller companies who want to expand their businesses globally, but do not have the capital and resources to do so. In addition, the Internet helps ease the red tape surrounding the prospect of doing business overseas, thus avoiding regulations and restrictions that companies must follow who are physically present in other countries and who advertise in international journals. More and more businesses are discovering that they have the ability to reach and communicate with current and potential customers abroad through the Internet with the same cost and ease as in the USA. Business on a global spectrum The Net is also growing in popularity in other countries. Singapore, for example, promotes itself as the “Intelligent Island,” with a plan called IT2000 supported by its National Computer Board. The objective of this plan is to become Asia’s center for information technology with the Internet as its heart. The Net is therefore promoted heavily within Singapore as an essential resource for every business. PIPEX in the UK and Internet Initiative in Japan, are two examples of commercial Internet providers that are prospering tremendously in countries other than in the USA (Business Europe, 1995; Ohmae, 1995). Accessibility Companies who use the Internet, not only for advertising, but for e-mail and customer ordering, increase their hours of business on a global spectrum. Instead of a typical eight-hour day, businesses have increased their opportunities by providing 24-hour access for branch offices, business contacts, and shoppers – access that is important in conducting business across different time zones or internationally. Expanding access indeed increases the number and coverage of potential customers. Utility Providing appropriate form, place and time utility (i.e. giving customers the opportunity to decide what they want, where and when) may result in a competitive advantage for the marketers. Especially, the Net furnishes product and service information to current and potential customers when they
  • 8. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O want it (instead of bombarding and annoying them with mass marketing, direct marketing or telemarketing), and hence increasing the chances of trial/purchase/repurchase.
  • 9. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Advertisement effectiveness Traditionally, advertising has been one of the major forms of communication Major form of communication between a firm and its clients. Wells et al. (1995) reported eight basic types of advertising (brand, retail, political, directory, direct-response, business-to- business, institutional, and public service) designed to reach a diverse audience with varied objectives. In order to serve the desired role and function most effectively, advertisements may use many different types of media and vehicle for different target groups. For example, the media used for typical brand advertising may not be appropriate for business-to-business advertisements (see Table I). With the advent of technology, the Internet posits itself as one of the very few media alternatives that can be used for almost all advertising purposes across all possible market segments. Businesses/government/individual s can create and transmit advertisements on the Internet that can be accessed by anybody with a computer equipped with appropriate software. Such a convenience and marketing efficiency, both for the advertiser and the target audience, is making the Net popular for marketing practices all over the world. In addition, the Net has the capability to compile statistics regarding how many people viewed each advertisement on an hourly, daily, and monthly basis (reach), and for how long each viewer actually looked at an advertisement (exposure time). This helps companies track down the effectiveness of their advertisements in terms of the number of direct purchases – a much more effective mechanism than the existing ones for magazine advertisements or television commercials. Most of the Internet providers collect this information for companies who pay an extra fee. Furthermore, advertising on the Net is, on an average, costs merely a third of what it costs in the magazines and business journals, and a fraction of the price associated with television ads. This opens up avenues, particularly for smaller
  • 10. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O firms, to reach their potential clients more cost-effectively (with a lower cost per million). F u n c t i o n s o f a d v e r t i s i n g Direct action (primary or Indirect action (primary or selective, commercial or selective, commercial or Types of advertising noncommercial) noncommercial) Brand (national Newspaper, magazine, television, Newspaper, magazine, television, consumer) radio radio Retail Newspaper, Yellow Pages, direct Newspaper, television, radio mail, television, radio Political Television, radio Television, radio Directory Yellow Pages Direct response Direct mail, catalog Business to business Direct mail, catalog, individual Business publication, directory professional journal, magazine Institutional Newspaper, magazine, television, (Corporate) radio Public service Newspaper, magazine, television, Newspaper, magazine, television, radio radio Table I. A framework of
  • 11. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O commonly-used media for different types of advertising to serve various functions
  • 12. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Internet drawbacks Market research and analysis Although marketing on the Net can benefit companies of all sizes, smaller organizations may have the maximum gain. Small- to medium-sized enterprises across Europe, the USA, and the Far East have rushed to connect to the Net and should be able to communicate within the “global village” as effectively as major transnational corporations. The Internet furnishes direct customer contact, combined with the appropriate market and technical reference material, which gives organizations greater ability to identify earlier shifts in product and customer trends and to test new value propositions in response. This enables managers to recognize product and market opportunities sooner and to adopt more effective product, price, distribution and further promotion strategies relative to the customers’ needs. Ultimately, this ensues increased company revenue through elimination of uncompetitive product offerings and launching of new products better suited for the marketplace. As the above benefits suggest, there are several reasons why a company should advertise and/or market its products/services on the Internet. However, there are also several drawbacks to using the Net. Some of these disadvantages are described next. Protectingonlinesecurity Security The Net has very little security and any company using the Net risks disclosure of proprietary information. The Internet was originally designed for a free flow of communications – regulation and security were not considered when it was conceived and developed. However, with its increasing use for marketing and advertising, there is ample concern for security in terms of copyrights and other proprietary information. Because millions of users access the Internet everyday, it is a hot spot for computer hackers, pranksters and viruses. Anyone can go into the Net and change, manipulate or discard information, including advertisements. Although there are some basic safeguards to prevent this sort of practice, at best it can be described as inadequate. Even more threatening is that users can access businesses’ internal computer systems (if they are connected to the Net) and can find out classified information. Copyright protection is also in jeopardy when the creation of intellectual property and the upload of information, transmission, access and use of content occurs (Business Europe, 1995). Sheraton Hotels, for instance, learned the hard way when computer hackers booked every room in the world for them. The hotel chain lost millions of dollars in lost customers and in downtime to straighten the problem out. On another occasion, the Sheraton found that many of its customers’ reservations had been canceled by the pranksters on the Net. Since then, the hotel chain has taken significant measures in protecting its online security (Seal, 1995). Besides being successful in accessing businesses’ internal networks, computer hackers have also been known to access customers’ personal information (e.g. addresses and credit card numbers). As a consequence,
  • 13. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O shoppers are wary of making financial transactions over the Internet. Both sellers and buyers are uncertain about the security of this process. Although there are no published cases that the hackers have accessed and used
  • 14. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O shoppers’ credit card numbers, analysts say that it is fairly common when sellers do not implement adequate security for their clients (Dedy, 1995). How the Internet will be regulated for security purposes is unclear to date. Securityand regulation At the recent Internet World Conference in 1994, security and regulation were the primary topics. Attendees discussed the rapid development of commercial transactions and how it will mandate the development of security features to protect and foster electronic commerce (Mathews, 1995). The delegates also noted that they would like to see the government step in and enact regulations that would protect the content of what goes onto the Net, and also some kind of penalty for those who manipulate, alter or delete information. Still, the level of government intervention is nebulous and data privacy is a gray area. However, these problems are becoming more prevalent and defined, and it is only a matter of time before the Internet users must follow a set of rules or face penalties. In the meantime, many software and high tech companies are investing by leaps and bounds to figure out what can be done to make interactive shopping on the Internet secure. Firewall is one such mechanism that is either in use now or is being implemented by many businesses to attain that goal. It is a device that allows consumers to shop, but prevents hackers from creating havoc. These are combinations of “security algorithms and router communications protocols” that are used to prevent outsiders from tapping into corporate databases and e-mail (Sales and Marketing Management, 1995). They act as buffers between internal networks and larger external networks. Almost all companies that advertise on the Internet have firewall in place to protect their internal networks and databases (Pugh, 1995). The Sheraton is one prime example that uses a firewall to keep pranksters from accessing its reservations system. Digit scrambling Encryption is the scrambling of digits and the “secret” coding of numbers so that only the intended receiver will be able to translate the real credit card number, and in some cases, the real addresses and phone numbers of customers ordering through the Net. Mosaic, a translating program used by Netscape Corporation for its software, is the first such encryption program available to the sellers. However, Mosaic still has glitches and is not 100 percent secure by any means (Computer World, 1994). Currently, Netscape is partnering with Mastercard, Bank of America and MCI to build encryption and validation into its popular Web browser, the most used browser on the Internet. If Netscape is successful in this endeavor, most transactions through the Net will be nearly 100 percent secure. There are several other companies who are developing ways in which customers can exchange payment for goods over the Net. One such company, Softlock Services, has developed a proprietary system for credit card purchases. Shoppers obtain a “personal payment password” provided by the company for all transactions. All purchases
  • 15. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O made with these passwords are directly sent to Softlock and then billed to the customers’ respective credit cards. Softlock makes transactions 100 percent secure by using passwords instead of credit card numbers (Direct Marketing Magazine, 1995). The only problem with this service is that customers can only make transactions with sellers that use Softlock for their billing.
  • 16. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O First Virtual is another company that offers a similar service. It collects the money for the products purchased through the Net. The buyer’s account is charged and the seller’s account is credited. For security purposes, each transaction takes place in a “closed loop” system so buyers’ credit card information is protected from being displayed on the Internet itself. To use this service, both buyers and sellers need a mailbox through First Virtual. Companies are also warned to protect themselves and their products/services Infringement protection against infringement by others. A carefully worded copyright notice should appear on every screen and any logos and slogans should have Federal Trademark registration. Companies should also view e-mail, messages and documents as a postcard rather than a sealed envelope. High cost for the users Usage of the Net requires a hefty investment for common people. To access the Internet, a computer is needed with a minimum of 4Mb of RAM, a minimum 486SX-25 processor, and a 256 colored VGA monitor. Users also need a high-speed modem, an Internet connection, and a browser like Netscape or Mosaic, so that they can surf the Web. Accessibility Most modems, to date, are slow and deter users from using the Web efficiently. Also, multimedia features such as audio and video displays that make the Web so exciting, consume a tremendous amount of memory that most PCs do not have. Therefore it is sometimes, if not always, impossible for many users to download information to see it in its full color, graphics and sound. Control Internet advertising Advertisement over the Net reduces managers’ control considerably. Users of the Internet are difficult to target. Although 50 percent of the users are 25 years or younger, there is still another 50 percent of users from ages 25 and up. It is possible to reach all age groups, yet targeting certain age groups may be difficult. First of all, it cannot be measured applying the conventional methods used for television or magazine advertisements. For example, television has the Nielsen ratings and magazines focus on specific interests of different segments. To date, the Net is so broad and unknown, a company cannot possibly determine easily who or where to advertise on the Net. Furthermore, there are so many resources on the Internet, it is probable that users will not see a company’s advertisement at all unless they are prompted to search for certain products/services offered by that company. This may require a company to promote a product using the conventional tools that are more proactive (television, print, radio, direct mail etc.) even while using the Internet. Implementation Getting started Unlike advertisement through magazines and television, companies do not need a license from the Federal Trade Communications Commission to go online. Therefore, the first step is simply to find an Internet provider – a company that will
  • 17. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O furnish a link to the Net. The second step is to find someone who will establish and maintain companies’ presence on the Net. There should be carefully drawn agreements with both entities establishing
  • 18. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O rights and obligations. Costing and implementation of marketing on the Internet is relatively easy and very reasonable. Advertising Advertisers can buy advertisement space on the Net through a service Buying space on the Net provider, a private company set up to be a gateway to the system for a set of clients. Organizations can find individual consultants as easily as looking in the Yellow Pages. Many of these small firms actually advertise their services on the Internet. These specialized agencies will do everything from setting up, maintaining and promoting their clients’ advertisements. Monthly costs, depending on the complexity (color, graphics, sound and extent of content) are as little as $20 per month and average about $20,000 per year (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1994). Users need software such as Netscape, which gives them the capability of seeing the advertisement in full color, graphics, sound and video images. Netscape also helps users locate shopping networks through a user-friendly, Windows-compatible environment. The following are the primary shopping and advertising browsers available on the Net. Web shops. Web shops can easily be found through browsing the World Wide Web. It is the most well-known avenue for creating advertisements on what the Web calls “pages.” Companies with “T1” services and UNIX expertise should have no problem creating their own page in-house. Users simply access the advertisement by prompting a search that is related to the product. The Web shop currently serves 400 commercial enterprises, ranging from mom and pop flower shops to multinational companies such as AT&T. The cost is a flat fee of $25,000 per year (Computer World, 1994). Internet malls. Virtual shopping centers (e.g. Shopping 2000, Mecklermedia, Apple’s E-World, and AT&T’s E-Shop) advertise text, image or video to lure possible browsers of the Net. The cost to advertise on these electronic shopping malls is as little as $100/month to $25,000/year. This includes creating, maintaining and promoting the Internet advertisements. Creativeshopping Downtown Anywhere. Downtown Anywhere is a shopping network on the Internet that is set up like a city. It actually simulates shopping through the stores of the products that the user chooses from the menu. It is by far the most creative shopping network on the Net, but is much more expensive (over $75,000/year minimum). However, it is a lot of fun for users and also grabs their attention better than the other shopping networks because of its creativity (Mayfield, 1994). Internet Shopping Network. The Internet Shopping Network (ISN), recently purchased by the Home Shopping Network, sells 20,000 products for 1,000 vendors. It receives 250,000 orders per day on average. This is the fastest growing shopping network on the Internet. It expected to advertise 100,000 products and services by the end of 1995. The network is extremely accessible to users and is the best known shopping network on the Net today. Cost to advertise on the ISN ranges
  • 19. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O from $25,000 to $75,000 per year (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1994). Sales and marketing research Advertising is not the only benefit to using the Internet. It also serves as a huge database for research and demographic data. Each transaction that takes place on the Net can be tracked to the user. Therefore, pertinent
  • 20. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Identifying product opportunities information about the purchaser can be collected to develop target-marketing strategies. Of equal importance, the Internet’s discussion boards and electronic mail provide marketing with a means to communicate directly with its customers. This capability provides organizations with the ability to identify product opportunities, changes in the competition, unaddressed customer needs, shifts in price/performance/value propositions, and a host of other indispensable information points that are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain through more traditional and more costly means. So far, the World Wide Web has proved to be the most popular medium for market intelligence, while CompuServe is known for offering the largest geographical spread – 2.4 million subscribers, 2,000 services, and 850 databases. These networks provide customer support, research, and product development ideas through e-mail, discussion boards, and demonstration facilities. Many researchers have found that the quality and accuracy of these responses from the customers tends to be more accurate and honest than that obtained from traditional focus groups, personal or telephone interviews. Equally important to business needs is that the Internet provides an effective two-way communication vehicle through which marketing may test ideas and concepts while minimizing the investments needed to launch either pilot programs or full-scale product introductions (Internet Business Center, 1994). Internet service provider The Microsoft Network is another medium for marketing purposes. Accessible through its Windows 95, it is more secure than existing services and more oriented toward business users. Its focus is on communications, sales and research. Since this software is part of the Windows 95, businesses do not have to pay for monthly dues. It is also in an easy user-friendly Windows format (Kirkpatrick, 1995). With the exception of the free access offered by Windows 95, the cost of marketing research and communication over the Net, which includes hook- up, is anywhere between $175 and $300 per month, depending on the company size. Businesses can hook up to services on the Internet through an Internet service provider, such as America online and CompuServe, among others. CommerceNet offers the first large-scale service for $15,000/year, including access to browse pages, place orders, coordinate production, schedule transportation, and provides many other business functions. Also included in this package is the Netscape browser, WWW servers, and all backbone and access equipment. This, however, does not include the cost of advertisement creation and space (Crain’s Chicago Business, 1994). Conclusion We argue that utilizing the Internet as a marketing tool is something that businesses today must consider. Whether a company is large or small, if it is not using or seriously considering the Internet as a marketing avenue in the near future, it will be at a competitive disadvantage over time.
  • 21. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O However, companies should not limit themselves to just marketing on the Internet. They must also look at other traditional media of advertising and marketing research in order to meet their business goals and marketing objectives. Furthermore, when using the Internet, companies should use caution but at
  • 22. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Many benefits the same time be assured that the Internet will reward the early adopters rather than those who wait until the later part of the 1990s. In closing, the Internet has many risks associated with its use, but it also has many benefits that may outweigh the threats. Companies who do not use it will be left out in the cold. An analyst from the Gartner Group summarizes this issue with the following: “fire up your Internet engines and ease into traffic – but drive slowly and don’t carry any valuables” (Computer World, 1994). References Boisseau, C. (1995), “Internet rife with cyberspace,” The Dallas Morning News, March 4, p. 3C. Business Europe (1995), “EU information technology: not yet on the Internet?”, Business Europe, April 3. Comp uter World (1994), “Corporations looking to do business on the Internet ...,” Comp uter World, October 24, p. 79. Crain’s Chicago Business (1994), “Technology and accessibility giving Internet global impact,” Crain’s Chicago Business, November 14, p. T10. Dedy, T. (1995), “Pioneering firms launch auto ads into cyberspace,” Los Angeles Business Journal, April 10, p. 22. Direct Marketing (1995), “How to market on the Internet,” Direct Marketing (Conference Publication for the Marketing Advisory Board). Direct Marketing Magazine (1995), “Successful marketing on the Internet,” Direct Marketing Magazine, March, p. 39. Internet Business Center (1994), “Marketing on the Internet,” Internet Business Center, The Internet Group. Kirkpatrick, D. (1995), “As the Internet sizzles online services battle for the stakes,” Fortune, May 1, pp. 86-96. Lipowitz, A. (1995), “FTC limits on phone calls hanging up telemarketers,” Crain’s New York Business, May 1, p. 15. Mathews, J. (1995), “Internet world ’94: growing and growing,” Searcher, March, p. 34. Mayfield, D. (1994), “Forget lunch, let’s do the net,” The Virginia Pilot, April 18, p. 14. Ohmae, K. (1995), “Letter from Japan,” Harvard Business Review, May, pp. 154-63. Pugh, C. (1995), “A beginner’s guide to cyberspace,” The Houston Post, March 5, p. D1. Sales and Marketing Management (1995), “Cerfin’ the net,” Sales and Marketing Management, March, p. R18. Seal, K. (1995), “Consumers browse through hotels on computer network,” Hotel and Motel Management, February 6, pp. 3-3 0. Wells, W., Burnett, J. and Moriarty, S. (1995), Advertising: Principles and Practice, Prentice- Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Pallab Paul is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Daniels College of Business of the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA. Internet:
  • 23. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O Executive summary and implications for managers and e. Those with a particular interest in the topic covered may then read the article in toto to take advantage of the more comprehensive description of the research u executives Interact, do not advertise: marketing on the Internet Will the “information superhighway” deliver? And, if it does, will it provide what most businesses now see as a promotional channel? Are traditional marketing management skills appropriate to the exploitation of the new medium? These questions – and many others – should exercise the minds of marketing executives examining their organization’s presence on the Internet. It is not sufficient simply to put up a site (however pretty) and leave it at that. Businesses must assess what they will get from a presence on the Internet. This could be straightforward advertising; it could be distance selling, customer service or market research. A combination of these could prove the most effective mix. In making the choice, managers need to consider how the Internet might change over the coming decade. A great deal is written about the new media and much of it is contradictory. To assess what is needed, let us consider the competences that seem most appropriate to the Internet as a communications tool. Direct marketing capability Businesses which do not appreciate the core skills and tactics of direct marketing are at a disadvantage. The best direct marketers have been on the Internet longer than any other marketing group. They see it (possibly wrongly) as another direct response medium where the tested tactics of copywriting, incentives and attention-getting will deliver business success. Furthermore, the principles of database marketing and relationship making – both emerging from the direct marketing concept – apply to marketing on the Internet. Public relations skills Boutié asserts, elsewhere in this issue of JCM, that PR professionals (along with politicians) have the appropriate skills to exploit the Internet.
  • 24. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L . 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O News management, opinion- former communications campaign management and writing skills all loom large in this argument. The idea of stakeholders and stakeholder communication also applies to this area of marketing communications. These competences, and the evidence that mass marketing techniques cannot work on the Internet, suggest that the days of traditional brand management could be numbered. This is not the same, please note, as saying that the brand is no longer relevant. It most certainly is, but brand managers need to change the basis of brand communications to encompass relationships and the dynamic way in which opinions are formed about a brand within the marketplace. As more “private” users come onto the net, its role will change. Users will be focused more on interests and opinions rather than the search for offers or information. A home page promoting a particular company will need to be pretty special if it is to deliver anything like the returns posited in articles
  • 25. J U RN AL O F CO N SU M ER M ARK ETIN G, VO L. 1 3 N O . 4 1 996 O such as this one. Communicators need to move toward asking “What do you think?” rather than saying “here’s my product – buy it.” And Internet users will want full disclosure rather than selected highlights. It will not be sufficient simply to put up a brand; the rationale for a position and background information normally rooted to the planner’s desk need to emerge. Deception and secrecy are an anathema on the Net. This takes us to the next important issue – an issue that Paul addresses in some detail – security. I suspect that the Internet will never be wholly secure. It is too unstructured and chaotic to respond well to active control. And encryption techniques imply something to hide running against the “free exchange of information” principle underlying the development of the Internet. The idea of private information transmitted round the world on an open system is not only daft but fundamentally unsustainable. As more information goes online, the secrecy and privacy principles beloved of big business and bureaucrats (when it suits them) must be undermined. Only by excluding information from linked computers can any genuine secrecy sustain. A new paradigm begins to emerge, driven by the interaction of multiple individuals (and individual companies) rather than the decision to “publish” made by organizations controlling the information. The power transfers from managers to customers. The power lies with those best able to search, assess and apply free information rather than those who can store and control data. Or at least I hope so. The danger is – and it is a very real one – that governments will try to c control the uncontrollable. How might they do this? c control who has access either via licensing or by restrictive legislation, control the content through legislation – the attempted controls on pornography recently overturned by Federal judges indicate the w willingness to act in this respect, withdrawal of government from the Net into in-house systems to protect so- c called “secrets”, nationalization or regulation of the Net itself. Those who cherish the independence of the Internet must address these problems. As the Economist recently observed, the Internet is not simply another medium but a new platform on which media can grow. So long as this platform is collectively owned and controlled, the prospect for the Internet as a global communication revolution is bright. Any compromising of its independence destroys its integrity and value. Paul describes how the Net evolved and its rapid growth. He comments on the small proportion of marketing expenditure dedicated to it and asserts that businesses should get on the Net but act with caution. In this he is right, but these same companies must also put something else into the Internet – their commitment to unencumbered communications and free speech. If this does not happen, and businesses allow the system to fall into the control of regulators, it will act to reduce the trust that users have in other users’ fairness and openness. (A précis of the article “Marketing on the Internet”. Supplied by Marketing Consultants for MCB University Press)