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Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
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Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Power negotiations are team negotiations in which
representatives come together to make, renew or re-
negotiate important agreements affecting others. They
include wage bargaining, merger negotiations, and contracts
with suppliers and customers. The first phase of power
negotiations has a ritual to it. It consists of a formal
exchange of positions; a show of muscle-flexing as each side
hints at their power; and a process of sizing each other up.
In this phase power negotiators need to be unwaveringly
confident in their own case, whatever its merits, while
observing with great care what the other side's position is
and how willing they are to stick to it or move closer to
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
The opening rounds in a power negotiation give both sides
the chance to state their respective cases.
1. your case should be a general statement of the
background to the negotiations: it should be thick on
generalities and thin on detail.
2. stick to a few main themes and emphasise their
importance. Your argument becomes weaker if you are
forced to use many different points.
3. deliver your case briefly and assertively and then stop.
To say more than is necessary is a sign of uncertainty.
The Huthwaite organisation in their study of negotiations
found that the more reasons given in support of a case, the
more arguments the other side could find against them. You
should therefore be brief.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
When preparing your case, it is a good idea to think about
using a mixture of push and pull arguments, as you would
use when trying to influence someone.
1. a range of push and pull arguments to support your
main theme sounds thorough and convincing
2. in a presentation you will use more push than pull
arguments; in a discussion of each others' needs, you
will use more pull than push
3. your push arguments rely on being statistically and
factually correct, so check your research
4. your pull arguments rely on sounding out your
opponents' needs so you will need to listen carefully to
their case.
Bear in mind that people are rarely swayed by rational
arguments alone.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
"Push" arguments are those which aim to persuade people
to a viewpoint by sheer weight of reason.
There are three main kinds of Push argument:
1. Statistics, Facts and Evidence ("The facts are..."). These
are the facts that support your case. You can of course prove
anything with statistics and numbers.
2. Practical and Compelling Reasons ("It's obvious that...").
These arguments are based on a list of sensible reasons.
They are often cause-and-effect arguments of the "if this is
done...then the following will happen" type.
3. Rejection of Other Arguments ("There's no real
alternative..."). These arguments can be based on research.
You can use expert opinion, solutions that worked
elsewhere, the views of those in power, surveys.
"It's only the people with push that have pull." (Lord Dewar)
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
"Pull" arguments are those which draw a person towards
your point of view because they meet his or her needs.
There are three main kinds of Pull arguments...
1. Involving Them ("What do you think...?") These
arguments are based on drawing on the feelings of the
other person.
2. Needs and Drives ("What do you want...?") These
arguments are based on showing the benefits in the
proposals for the other person.
3. Goals ("I'm sure you want this as well...?") These
arguments coincide with what the other person wants.
"You can handle people more successfully by enlisting their
feelings than by convincing their reason." (Paul P. Parker)
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Martha smokes 15 cigarettes a day. Here's how you might
use Push and Pull arguments to influence her to stop.
"The facts are that 30,000 people in the UK die each year
from smoking-related diseases (statistics). If you gave up,
not only would your health improve, so would your bank
balance (practicalities). I know you say you enjoy it and I'm
sure you do for a while, but surely your health comes first
You say you smoke when you feel tense. Can't you try other
relaxation techniques (involve them). Don't you need to
save up for that trip to Jenny in Australia (needs)? Can't you
see how great it would feel to be free of the weed? (goal)"
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
The following arguments could be presented, using both
push and pull style in favour of a case for computerising the
"The fact is that Marshall's are computerised (fact) and if we
don't we'll become uncompetitive (practical problem). In
this day and age there is no other way to be as quick,
flexible and accurate (reject alternatives).
The software company says we can have a demonstration
first to see what we all think (involvement). If the main
worry is security of information, we can buy a package that
customises passwords (meeting needs). Marshall's say they
are more efficient with their machines (goal)."
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
The first phase of power negotiations is about jockeying for
position. Not knowing fully what position the other side are
going to take, nor knowing exactly what the demands,
claims and offers are going to be, there is a period of
shadow-boxing in which each side takes the measure of
their opponents. By the end of the first phase, however,
your opening positions and opening offers or demands
should be made clear.
There are some seven steps in this phase:
1. state your case briefly
2. listen to their case
3. adjourn to consider any new information
4. return and restate your case without making any move
5. listen to their reaction
6. now make your opening demand or offer and shock them
7. assess their response.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
The ritual of power negotiations requires you to sit and
listen to the other side's reply once you have made your
opening statement. Courtesy demands that you listen
without interruption, but you can signal your responses to
their points by the subtle use of body language.
There are seven cues that indicate disbelief in what they are
saying. These are:
1. the visual flinch
2. the frown
3. the sharp intake of breath at unreasonable demands
4. raised eyebrows
5. the shake of the head
6. a smile to oneself
7. silence.
All of these cues should be used in an understated way or
else they will look contrived.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Research by the Huthwaite organisation into the
characteristics of successful negotiators indicates that one
of their key features is that they don't argue, even though
they might disagree.
They recognise that in power negotiations arguing is mere
point-scoring. At best you might win an argument but
alienate the other side; at worst, you will end up in an
argument which the other side has researched more
thoroughly and most likely will win.
When the other side presents their arguments, it is more
effective to ignore anything you don't like and let it wither
on the vine, even if you dispute their facts. Instead, you can
acknowledge what they say and then shift the ground to
where you want it to be.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Once both sides in a power negotiation have made their
opening statements, you should adjourn.
You should adjourn because...
1. you need time to think
2. you owe it to the other side to consider their points
3. you need to find out what the rest of your team think
4. you may need to check your facts before responding
5. you may need to break off the drift of a discussion
which isn't going your way.
Whenever you ask for an adjournment, let the other side
know how long you expect to be (always add 20% to your
first guess to cover unexpected delays). Don't leave them
with the impression that you're only adjourning in order to
agree with what they want. From then onwards, always
adjourn when any new offer or information is put forward.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
You owe it to your own side and your opponents to never
accept a first offer - even if it is within your acceptable
settlement range.
1. firstly, because if you accept their first demand, they'll
be left thinking they under-estimated it. They'll kick
themselves that they could have been tougher and go
away disappointed.
2. secondly, because you'll wonder whether you couldn't
have pushed them harder and done better.
In power negotiations, both sides need to experience at
least the ritual of winning something from the other side.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Here are five timeless classic negotiation phrases that will
make the other side think again.
1. “That sounds a little low”. The golden rule here is to say
nothing else and wait for them to respond.
2. “To make it worth my while, I would need…” Don’t use
this unless you’ve done your homework and know what you
3. “Considering the amount of money/time/work etc this
needs, can we agree to…” This is a classic quid pro quo deal
4. “I’m expecting more for what you’re asking”. This one
suggests you could go elsewhere.
5. “Can we work on that?” The subtle use of the “we”
suggests there is the possibility of a deal.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
After the euphoria of presenting your respective cases, the
next stage in power negotiations is to respond by lowering
their expectations. This will inevitably provoke looks and
feelings of disappointment. You need to remind yourself
that, notwithstanding your past relationship, you are not
there to please them.
"Thank you for putting your points so well... We are very
hopeful that we will be able to come to an understanding
from our very different positions (dubious look, eyes down,
frown)...We on our side will try as much as we can to see
what is possible...(dubious look, eyes down, frown...)“
Remember that in the opening phase of a power
negotiation, your offer or counter-offer should shock the
other side.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Gambits are moves made in chess to secure a temporary
advantage over your opponent.
Two gambits which you can play in the opening phase of
power negotiations are "Mother Hubbard" and "Reluctant
Mother Hubbard: as the nursery rhyme recalls, the Mother
Hubbard gambit is to say "No" because "the cupboard is
Reluctant Buyer: likewise, Reluctant Buyer (or Seller) is a
gambit to let them know that, having heard their opening
statements, you are not at all sure whether there is any
chance of progress at all. Aim to use this gambit with a
straight face no matter how much you're aching to get your
hands on what they're selling.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
When you re-state your case for the second time in the
opening phase of power negotiations, you are signalling to
the other side your refusal to budge.
It is important to convince them that you mean it.
make no, absolutely no, concessions
practise using bland expressions. You can do this by thinking
about something extremely boring.
point out weaknesses in their case such as errors of fact,
omissions, misuse of statistics, faulty logic and
emotionalism. But do not imply you are interested in an
argument over their case.
You should now be signalling to the other side the position
you plan to take. In the context of the negotiations as a
whole, positioning is a tactical move aimed at showing the
other side your refusal to budge.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
There are three kinds of shock tactics to use in the opening
exchanges of power negotiations:
1. The shock opener: the shock opener should make your
opponents really sit up and think. It should shake them
out of their confident thinking and make them re-assess
where they expect to settle. As a seasoned diplomat
once said: "Be unreasonable; appear reasonable."
2. Ask for more than you expect to get: when you put in
your own proposal go way beyond what even you
would regard as reasonable, as long as it still is credible.
3. Reply with "you'll have to do better than that". These
were the words used by former US Secretary of State,
Henry Kissinger, on memos he hadn't even read.
Invariably they would come back to him with improved
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
At the end of the first phase of power negotiations, you
should return to your planning tools, such as the variables
see-saw, the butterfly diagram, and the "have-want" grid
and revise them in the light of the information you have
gathered from your opponents.
If you are still unsure about anything in your opponents'
case ask them outright, eg "What will it take for you to
settle?" Summarize what you understand their position to
be and get them to tell you if you are right. Keep
questioning them and reading their replies.
This revision places you in a good position to enter phase
two, the middle phase of negotiations.
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
Making Your Case in Negotiations
Influencing and Negotiating Skills
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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Making Your Case in Negotiations

  • 1. 1 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics INFLUENCING AND NEGOTIATING SKILLS Making Your Case in Negotiations
  • 2. 2 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION Power negotiations are team negotiations in which representatives come together to make, renew or re- negotiate important agreements affecting others. They include wage bargaining, merger negotiations, and contracts with suppliers and customers. The first phase of power negotiations has a ritual to it. It consists of a formal exchange of positions; a show of muscle-flexing as each side hints at their power; and a process of sizing each other up. In this phase power negotiators need to be unwaveringly confident in their own case, whatever its merits, while observing with great care what the other side's position is and how willing they are to stick to it or move closer to them.
  • 5. 5 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics STATE YOUR CASE BRIEFLY The opening rounds in a power negotiation give both sides the chance to state their respective cases. 1. your case should be a general statement of the background to the negotiations: it should be thick on generalities and thin on detail. 2. stick to a few main themes and emphasise their importance. Your argument becomes weaker if you are forced to use many different points. 3. deliver your case briefly and assertively and then stop. To say more than is necessary is a sign of uncertainty. The Huthwaite organisation in their study of negotiations found that the more reasons given in support of a case, the more arguments the other side could find against them. You should therefore be brief.
  • 6. 6 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics PUSH-PULL ARGUMENTS When preparing your case, it is a good idea to think about using a mixture of push and pull arguments, as you would use when trying to influence someone. 1. a range of push and pull arguments to support your main theme sounds thorough and convincing 2. in a presentation you will use more push than pull arguments; in a discussion of each others' needs, you will use more pull than push 3. your push arguments rely on being statistically and factually correct, so check your research 4. your pull arguments rely on sounding out your opponents' needs so you will need to listen carefully to their case. Bear in mind that people are rarely swayed by rational arguments alone.
  • 7. 7 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics PUSH ARGUMENTS "Push" arguments are those which aim to persuade people to a viewpoint by sheer weight of reason. There are three main kinds of Push argument: 1. Statistics, Facts and Evidence ("The facts are..."). These are the facts that support your case. You can of course prove anything with statistics and numbers. 2. Practical and Compelling Reasons ("It's obvious that..."). These arguments are based on a list of sensible reasons. They are often cause-and-effect arguments of the "if this is done...then the following will happen" type. 3. Rejection of Other Arguments ("There's no real alternative..."). These arguments can be based on research. You can use expert opinion, solutions that worked elsewhere, the views of those in power, surveys. "It's only the people with push that have pull." (Lord Dewar)
  • 8. 8 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics PULL ARGUMENTS "Pull" arguments are those which draw a person towards your point of view because they meet his or her needs. There are three main kinds of Pull arguments... 1. Involving Them ("What do you think...?") These arguments are based on drawing on the feelings of the other person. 2. Needs and Drives ("What do you want...?") These arguments are based on showing the benefits in the proposals for the other person. 3. Goals ("I'm sure you want this as well...?") These arguments coincide with what the other person wants. "You can handle people more successfully by enlisting their feelings than by convincing their reason." (Paul P. Parker)
  • 9. 9 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics GIVING UP SMOKING Martha smokes 15 cigarettes a day. Here's how you might use Push and Pull arguments to influence her to stop. "The facts are that 30,000 people in the UK die each year from smoking-related diseases (statistics). If you gave up, not only would your health improve, so would your bank balance (practicalities). I know you say you enjoy it and I'm sure you do for a while, but surely your health comes first (reject). You say you smoke when you feel tense. Can't you try other relaxation techniques (involve them). Don't you need to save up for that trip to Jenny in Australia (needs)? Can't you see how great it would feel to be free of the weed? (goal)"
  • 10. 10 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics THE CASE IN FAVOUR... The following arguments could be presented, using both push and pull style in favour of a case for computerising the office... "The fact is that Marshall's are computerised (fact) and if we don't we'll become uncompetitive (practical problem). In this day and age there is no other way to be as quick, flexible and accurate (reject alternatives). The software company says we can have a demonstration first to see what we all think (involvement). If the main worry is security of information, we can buy a package that customises passwords (meeting needs). Marshall's say they are more efficient with their machines (goal)."
  • 11. 11 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics THE STEPS IN PHASE ONE The first phase of power negotiations is about jockeying for position. Not knowing fully what position the other side are going to take, nor knowing exactly what the demands, claims and offers are going to be, there is a period of shadow-boxing in which each side takes the measure of their opponents. By the end of the first phase, however, your opening positions and opening offers or demands should be made clear. There are some seven steps in this phase: 1. state your case briefly 2. listen to their case 3. adjourn to consider any new information 4. return and restate your case without making any move 5. listen to their reaction 6. now make your opening demand or offer and shock them 7. assess their response.
  • 12. 12 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics LISTENING TO THEIR CASE The ritual of power negotiations requires you to sit and listen to the other side's reply once you have made your opening statement. Courtesy demands that you listen without interruption, but you can signal your responses to their points by the subtle use of body language. There are seven cues that indicate disbelief in what they are saying. These are: 1. the visual flinch 2. the frown 3. the sharp intake of breath at unreasonable demands 4. raised eyebrows 5. the shake of the head 6. a smile to oneself 7. silence. All of these cues should be used in an understated way or else they will look contrived.
  • 13. 13 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics DON’T ARGUE Research by the Huthwaite organisation into the characteristics of successful negotiators indicates that one of their key features is that they don't argue, even though they might disagree. They recognise that in power negotiations arguing is mere point-scoring. At best you might win an argument but alienate the other side; at worst, you will end up in an argument which the other side has researched more thoroughly and most likely will win. When the other side presents their arguments, it is more effective to ignore anything you don't like and let it wither on the vine, even if you dispute their facts. Instead, you can acknowledge what they say and then shift the ground to where you want it to be.
  • 14. 14 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics ADJOURN Once both sides in a power negotiation have made their opening statements, you should adjourn. You should adjourn because... 1. you need time to think 2. you owe it to the other side to consider their points 3. you need to find out what the rest of your team think 4. you may need to check your facts before responding 5. you may need to break off the drift of a discussion which isn't going your way. Whenever you ask for an adjournment, let the other side know how long you expect to be (always add 20% to your first guess to cover unexpected delays). Don't leave them with the impression that you're only adjourning in order to agree with what they want. From then onwards, always adjourn when any new offer or information is put forward.
  • 15. 15 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics NEVER ACCEPT A FIRST OFFER You owe it to your own side and your opponents to never accept a first offer - even if it is within your acceptable settlement range. Why? 1. firstly, because if you accept their first demand, they'll be left thinking they under-estimated it. They'll kick themselves that they could have been tougher and go away disappointed. 2. secondly, because you'll wonder whether you couldn't have pushed them harder and done better. In power negotiations, both sides need to experience at least the ritual of winning something from the other side.
  • 16. 16 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics FIVE THINK-AGAIN PHRASES Here are five timeless classic negotiation phrases that will make the other side think again. 1. “That sounds a little low”. The golden rule here is to say nothing else and wait for them to respond. 2. “To make it worth my while, I would need…” Don’t use this unless you’ve done your homework and know what you need. 3. “Considering the amount of money/time/work etc this needs, can we agree to…” This is a classic quid pro quo deal offer. 4. “I’m expecting more for what you’re asking”. This one suggests you could go elsewhere. 5. “Can we work on that?” The subtle use of the “we” suggests there is the possibility of a deal.
  • 17. 17 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics RESPONDING After the euphoria of presenting your respective cases, the next stage in power negotiations is to respond by lowering their expectations. This will inevitably provoke looks and feelings of disappointment. You need to remind yourself that, notwithstanding your past relationship, you are not there to please them. "Thank you for putting your points so well... We are very hopeful that we will be able to come to an understanding from our very different positions (dubious look, eyes down, frown)...We on our side will try as much as we can to see what is possible...(dubious look, eyes down, frown...)“ Remember that in the opening phase of a power negotiation, your offer or counter-offer should shock the other side.
  • 18. 18 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics OPENING GAMBITS Gambits are moves made in chess to secure a temporary advantage over your opponent. Two gambits which you can play in the opening phase of power negotiations are "Mother Hubbard" and "Reluctant Buyer". Mother Hubbard: as the nursery rhyme recalls, the Mother Hubbard gambit is to say "No" because "the cupboard is bare." Reluctant Buyer: likewise, Reluctant Buyer (or Seller) is a gambit to let them know that, having heard their opening statements, you are not at all sure whether there is any chance of progress at all. Aim to use this gambit with a straight face no matter how much you're aching to get your hands on what they're selling.
  • 19. 19 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics RE-STATING YOUR CASE When you re-state your case for the second time in the opening phase of power negotiations, you are signalling to the other side your refusal to budge. It is important to convince them that you mean it. make no, absolutely no, concessions practise using bland expressions. You can do this by thinking about something extremely boring. point out weaknesses in their case such as errors of fact, omissions, misuse of statistics, faulty logic and emotionalism. But do not imply you are interested in an argument over their case. You should now be signalling to the other side the position you plan to take. In the context of the negotiations as a whole, positioning is a tactical move aimed at showing the other side your refusal to budge.
  • 20. 20 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics SHOCK TACTICS There are three kinds of shock tactics to use in the opening exchanges of power negotiations: 1. The shock opener: the shock opener should make your opponents really sit up and think. It should shake them out of their confident thinking and make them re-assess where they expect to settle. As a seasoned diplomat once said: "Be unreasonable; appear reasonable." 2. Ask for more than you expect to get: when you put in your own proposal go way beyond what even you would regard as reasonable, as long as it still is credible. 3. Reply with "you'll have to do better than that". These were the words used by former US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, on memos he hadn't even read. Invariably they would come back to him with improved proposals.
  • 21. 21 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics RE-EVALUATING POSITIONS At the end of the first phase of power negotiations, you should return to your planning tools, such as the variables see-saw, the butterfly diagram, and the "have-want" grid and revise them in the light of the information you have gathered from your opponents. If you are still unsure about anything in your opponents' case ask them outright, eg "What will it take for you to settle?" Summarize what you understand their position to be and get them to tell you if you are right. Keep questioning them and reading their replies. This revision places you in a good position to enter phase two, the middle phase of negotiations.
  • 22. 22 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 23. 23 | Making Your Case in Negotiations Influencing and Negotiating Skills MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn