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• Begin with the Topic/Key sentence.
• Supporting details to establish your point of view.
• Conclude with a sentence summarizing the whole
Q. Paragraph on
Football is a game that was invented centuries ago and was named football, not just because it was played with the feet. It was still one of
the games which were not played on foot and not on horseback like other popular royal games by the elite Englishmen back then.
In modern football, two teams are competing with each other in a match, out of which one emerges as a winner. Each team consists of 11
players. This game is played on both national and international levels, and unlike other games, football lovers from various countries have
given unique names to their favorite sports
Football is one of the most famous games played and watched worldwide, and people do not mind spending thousands of bucks to watch a
live game. The booking for the matches start months ago, and people are ready to shell a huge amount of money to see their favorite team
playing in the field.
Although the football is a game which is liked by all peoples around the world.
1. Title
(Give a title showing the theme. The topic given in the question paper is a pointer to
the title.)
2. By-line
(Write an imaginary name for the author of the article)
3. Introduction
(Introduce the topic in a proper perspective)
4. Development of topic
(Develop ideas using facts, quotations, etc. Discuss the merits and demerits,
advantages and disadvantages in an order)
5. Sum up
(Summarize the ideas with your comments, suggestions, recommendations, etc.)
6. Conclusion
(Conclude with hope/warning/appeal/call for an action)
• Question
The number of women in the police force seems insufficient especially when we see the increasing involvement of
women in terrorist activities. Write an article in 150-200 words for The Hindustan Chronicle’, on the need of having
more women in the police force. (2010)
• Need Of Having More
Women In The Police Force
• Women empowerment and participation has seen a radical improvement in the recent few decades. Women are no
longer confined to their homes and have come forward to excel in almost all fields, at par with men. But it has been
observed that the number of women in the police force seems insufficient especially when we compare their
increasing number in terrorist activities. Women are sure to prove their worth in the police force as they are more
committed to the cause they work for and less corrupt, two qualities that are lacking in policemen. The government
needs to increase the reserved quota for recruitment of women in the police force. Women need to be given
incentives to join the police force and this is sure to prove favourable as they bring with them a distinctly different
and valuable set of skills that is bound to change the way the police is perceived in our community. As the job
description of the police expands beyond crime-fighting into community service the presence of more women in the
police force is sure to help to burnish the tarnished image of the police officers, improve community relations and
foster a more flexible and less violent approach to maintaining law and order.
1. sender's address,
2. date,
3. receiver's address,
4. subject/heading,
5. salutation,
6. Complimentary close.
• Question
• Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in class 12 board exam.
• Answer:
B-32, sector-11
New Delhi-110034
January 10, 2021
Dear Rahul
My happiness knew no bounds when I got to know that you have topped your school and achieved your dream. I felt so
pleased that I wish I were there to congratulate you personally.
The result has proved that hard work, determination, and perseverance bring good results. You were so laborious and
passionate about it. I know you were very nervous too, but I was always very confident that you would come out with flying
colors. I apologize that I couldn’t even attend the celebration party despite my wishes.
Hope to see you soon. Please be encouraged and continue your hard work. Your future is very bright. My parents and elder
sister have sent lots of love and heartiest congratulations.
With lots of love and best wishes.
Yours lovingly
• From Address
• Date
• To Address
• Sir/madam
• Introduction & Reason for writing letter [1st para]
• Feeling and argument[2nd para]
• Suggestion / Opinion[3rd para]
• Your faithfully/Your hopefully…etc
• Sd/-
• Senders name
Q. “There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs.
Women will enjoy the same right as men……………. This is the India of my dreams”. Gandhiji has said.
Do you think that women enjoy the same right as men? Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper about your
concern on “The place of women in the society”.
The Editor
The Hindu Daily
Sub: Place of women in society, reg:-
I would like to express my strong resent over the degradation of women’s status in society. Atrocities against
women are on the rise nowadays. Each and every day we wake up to hear the frightening news of rapes, murders,
dowry deaths and crimes upon women. It seems media do not give due importance to reveal the story. The
presentation finally takes away the honor of women.
The columns and editorial notes do not give adequate coverage to create awareness on this issue. I strongly
believe that as an advocate of public opinion media can perform this mammoth task by detailing the women’s
I request that more of this paper’s pages may be reserved to present these issues so that general public may give
women deserving status and privilege.
Yours sincerely,
• Format
• From Address
• Date
• To Address
• Dear sir/madam
• Sub :-
• Ref :-
• Introduction [1st para]
• Our qualifications[2nd para]
• Requesting for selection[3rd para]
• Your faithfully/Your hopefully
• Sd/-
• Senders name
Q. Read the advertisement given below and draft an application letter and resume
Nihal Krishna
18, Gandhi Nagar
10 December 2020
SammaN Foundation
Dear Sir,
Sub : Application for the post of HR Manager in SammaN Foundation, reg:-
Ref : Advt dated 9/12/2020 in Hindu Daily
With reference to the advertisement cited above, I wish to offer myself as a candidate for the post of HR Manager in
your enterprise. It would be an honour and privilege to hold such a post in your esteemed institution.
After my graduation, I took my MBA in HR Management from a prestigious institution. We were given an exceptional
training in
Team recruitment, Corporate Social Responsibilities and Intercultural Management. The biggest asset of any
organization is human resource. Moreover, I would like to utilize my talents to render better service to the
I may assure that, if selected, I shall serve with devotion and sincerity. I request that I
may be selected for this post.Looking forward to a positive response
Yours faithfully,
• Date
• Oh what a good day……………….
Oh, What a good day! At school read the story of a young seagull. He wastoo diffident to recognize the power of
his wings. If and only if he could make an attempt, he could have joined his brothers and sister earlier. Now I
realize that I too act like the same seagull. I also have wings. But I don’t understand the lot of power and potential
in me. Instead, I sit idle in my own comfort zone. If I am going like this my life would never become successful.
Moreover, my life would end in a disastrous failure. No…. I am not going to be like this. Surely, I will fly. My aim is
the top of the mountains. My dreams are sky high. ‘Who I am’ is enough for me. With these unique qualities in me
I will conquer this world and become the most successful man in this world.
• To : Recipient's mail id
• Subject : Reason for writing the mail
• Greeting/Salutation : Use words like Dear Sir/Madam, Sir/Madam, Hi,
Hello, …..
(This varies according to the relationship with the person
• Main Body : Always devote one email to one topic.
Explain what you are writing about
Make it short and simple.
Structure your message into paragraphs
• Closing : Make it clear and specific
• Signature : Best regards, Kind regards, Yours faithfully,
• Yours sincerely, Yours truly, Respectfully etc
Example –
Write a congratulatory email to your friend about getting a new job.
• From:
• To:
• Subject: Congratulations on your new job
• Hello Sumit,
• I just heard that you got a new job. I am very happy about this. Congratulation! I know it is very difficult to get a superior
position in this unemployment era.
• It is especially difficult for class 12th students without any work experience. However, the zeal and hard work shown in
your job search are commendable. You have motivated many other students of our school and me
• You have inspired all of us to walk on a different path. I am sure that your computer knowledge and software
development will make you a humble person in the future.
• In the next session, I hope that I will get a chance to hear good news from many students by being beyond
you. So, fulfill all your dreams and brighten your name in this field. My best wishes are with you.
• Sincerely,
• Karan
Q. You are asked to interview a famous personality. Write four questions and four possible responses.
• 1. What is the secret of your success?
Ans : Hard work, dedication, sincerity and will power. Make your passion, your career. Do
what excites us. And success will be ours.
• 2. Who is behind your success?
Ans : My parents, teachers, elders and my friends encouraged me a lot.
• 3. What is your future project?
Ans : I have conceived it only. It is still in the workshop.
• 4. What is your message to the future generation?
Ans : Nothing can be done alone. No story of success is made alone
• 1. Heading (Name of the person and you may add an attribute to him)
Eg: Shakuntala Devi, The Human Computer
• 2. Develop the given hints in simple sentences.
• 3. Use appropriate linkers like prepositions.
Eg: on 22 nd August, in 2019, at Mumbai, in India.
• 4. Use Simple Past for past events.
Eg: He completed his education. She was awarded
Introduction (First Sentence)
_________ is a famous personality who made a positive difference in the
lives of many.
Conclusion (Last sentence)
It is true that his/her life gives great inspiration and motivation
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist who served as the 11th president of
India from 2002 to 2007.
He was born on15 October 1931 and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied physics and aerospace
He spent the next four decades as a scientist and science administrator, mainly at the Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and was intimately involved in
India's civilian space programme and military missile development efforts.
He thus came to be known as the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch
vehicle technology.
He also played a pivotal organisational, technical, and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998, the first
since the original nuclear test by India in 1974.
Kalam was elected as the 11th president of India in 2002 with the support of both the ruling Bharatiya Janata
Party and the then-opposition Indian National Congress.
Widely referred to as the "People's President", he returned to his civilian life of education, writing and public service
after a single term.
He was a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour.
While delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Kalam collapsed and died from an
apparent cardiac arrest on 27 July 2015, aged 83.
Thousands, including national-level dignitaries, attended the funeral ceremony held in his hometown of Rameswaram,
where he was buried with full state honours.[8]
• • An interesting headline
• • Break into short paragraphs
• • A beginning, middle and end
• • Write in simple style
• • Write in an informal style
Justice Denied
• 20.06.2021, Malar
• Today, my teacher taught me the lesson The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu in our English textbook. Maidens in Namuana
village in the Fijian island still practise the ritual of turtle calling because of their belief in a legend.
• According to the legend, many years ago, two women Tinaicoboga and her daughter Raudalice often went fishing on the
reefs near their home. One day they went far away.
• They were so engrossed in fishing. They did not notice the secret approach of war canoe filled with fishermen. They were
the warriors from the village of Nabukalevu. These men seizedthe women and tossed into the canoe. The two women
pleaded for mercy. But they didn’t show any kindness.
• But the sea gods came for their rescue. A great storm arose and the canoe tossed about by waves. The canoe was filled
with water.
• The two women were transformed into giant turtles. The fishermen were frightened. They threw these turtles into the sea.
The women escaped. The weather changed and the fishermen continued their journey.
• The women did not get back their human form. They lived on in the water of the bay. They didn’t return to their homeland.
• Yes, the same deplorable condition happens in the present-day society too.
• Women who are molested lose their identity and are bound to live in seclusion, whereas the culprits live in dignity. We can
see that justice is denied in many cases of atrocities against women. In Nirbhaya case the culprits were hanged to death
only years later.
• The case concluded with justice extended to the victim’s family because her parents fought a hard battle.
• I think it is high time we implemented a stringent defence mechanism to mitigate this.
• The victims of abuse should be rehabilitated with kindness and compassion. They should be sheltered in security
and safety. They must be provided with further education and employment.
• Their confidence should be boosted up through empowering them.
• They should be taught that survival is the solution.
• Facing the challenge is better than fleeing. Let us brighten our women’s lives!
• Greeting.
• A note of thanks
• Introduction of the topic
• Development of the content.
• A suitable conclusion
Q. Your class conducts a panel discussion on the topic ‘the relevance of Gandhian ideas in the modern world’. Write
the script of the panel talk as the first panelist in this panel discussion.
A warm good morning to the entire team!
Thanks teacher, for giving me an opportunity to talk on this relevant topic, ‘the relevance of Gandhian in the modern
First of all, let me analyse the present global scenario. Twenty first century world is a world of wars and revolutions.
Man hates man. He is in a mad race to achieve money, power and other material benefits. In this journey he forgets
his parents, siblings, teachers, elders and every other human being. He is always motivated by selfish interests.
Crimes and violence are on the rise. Women and even little children are not spared from his acts of brutality. It is at
this juncture, Gandhian ideas become all the more relevant. Gandhiji won independence for us through his ideals of
Ahimsa, Nirbhaya, Religious
tolerance etc.
Let us work for global peace with Gandhian ideas of sathyagraha and
Q. Write your experiences about a trip you have made.
Trip to __________
Travel is an eye opener. It provides new, refreshing experiences before us and often helps us to change our vision and
outlook towards life. As the Greek hero Ulysses speaks, going beyond the horizons helps ‘to strive, to seek,
to find and not to yield.’
I like travel and I never miss an opportunity whenever I get a chance to travel. Hence when I heard a tour is being
arranged to (place) I immediately utilized the chance.
To see rivers, flowers, and birds makes one happy. So is it with ___(place)___
It was a tour from our school. We departed from (school or house) in a tourist bus at 8 a.m. The journey was all the
more jovial with lot of fun, songs and games.
On our way we stopped at (place) for lunch. _____ is known for its _____. We enjoyed sightseeing and shopping
there. At night we stayed at KTDC Hotel.
Next day we left for ___(place)___. It was very beautiful. It was a thrilling
experience. We visited (place). It was highly informative.
It was for the first time I have seen these places. I enjoyed all the sights. In the evening we had boating. It was a nice
experience. At night we returned to our home
This trip gave me a chance for an admiration of natural beauty, love for adventure and exploration of new cultures,
customs and traditions.
Even now the memories of this travel are fresh in my mind. I liked the trip. I would like to go once more

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Major discourses with their

  • 2. 1.PARAGRAPH WRITING • Begin with the Topic/Key sentence. • Supporting details to establish your point of view. • Conclude with a sentence summarizing the whole idea Format Example Q. Paragraph on football Football is a game that was invented centuries ago and was named football, not just because it was played with the feet. It was still one of the games which were not played on foot and not on horseback like other popular royal games by the elite Englishmen back then. In modern football, two teams are competing with each other in a match, out of which one emerges as a winner. Each team consists of 11 players. This game is played on both national and international levels, and unlike other games, football lovers from various countries have given unique names to their favorite sports Football is one of the most famous games played and watched worldwide, and people do not mind spending thousands of bucks to watch a live game. The booking for the matches start months ago, and people are ready to shell a huge amount of money to see their favorite team playing in the field. Although the football is a game which is liked by all peoples around the world.
  • 3. ARTICLE, ESSAY, WRITE UP 1. Title (Give a title showing the theme. The topic given in the question paper is a pointer to the title.) 2. By-line (Write an imaginary name for the author of the article) 3. Introduction (Introduce the topic in a proper perspective) 4. Development of topic (Develop ideas using facts, quotations, etc. Discuss the merits and demerits, advantages and disadvantages in an order) 5. Sum up (Summarize the ideas with your comments, suggestions, recommendations, etc.) 6. Conclusion (Conclude with hope/warning/appeal/call for an action)
  • 4. • Question The number of women in the police force seems insufficient especially when we see the increasing involvement of women in terrorist activities. Write an article in 150-200 words for The Hindustan Chronicle’, on the need of having more women in the police force. (2010) Answer: • Need Of Having More Women In The Police Force • Women empowerment and participation has seen a radical improvement in the recent few decades. Women are no longer confined to their homes and have come forward to excel in almost all fields, at par with men. But it has been observed that the number of women in the police force seems insufficient especially when we compare their increasing number in terrorist activities. Women are sure to prove their worth in the police force as they are more committed to the cause they work for and less corrupt, two qualities that are lacking in policemen. The government needs to increase the reserved quota for recruitment of women in the police force. Women need to be given incentives to join the police force and this is sure to prove favourable as they bring with them a distinctly different and valuable set of skills that is bound to change the way the police is perceived in our community. As the job description of the police expands beyond crime-fighting into community service the presence of more women in the police force is sure to help to burnish the tarnished image of the police officers, improve community relations and foster a more flexible and less violent approach to maintaining law and order.
  • 5. INFORMAL LETTER •Format 1. sender's address, 2. date, 3. receiver's address, 4. subject/heading, 5. salutation, 6. Complimentary close.
  • 6. • Question • Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in class 12 board exam. • Answer: B-32, sector-11 Rohini New Delhi-110034 January 10, 2021 Dear Rahul My happiness knew no bounds when I got to know that you have topped your school and achieved your dream. I felt so pleased that I wish I were there to congratulate you personally. The result has proved that hard work, determination, and perseverance bring good results. You were so laborious and passionate about it. I know you were very nervous too, but I was always very confident that you would come out with flying colors. I apologize that I couldn’t even attend the celebration party despite my wishes. Hope to see you soon. Please be encouraged and continue your hard work. Your future is very bright. My parents and elder sister have sent lots of love and heartiest congratulations. With lots of love and best wishes. Yours lovingly Aswin
  • 7. FORMAL LETTER OR LETTER TO THE EDITOR Format • From Address • Date • To Address • Sir/madam • Introduction & Reason for writing letter [1st para] • Feeling and argument[2nd para] • Suggestion / Opinion[3rd para] • Your faithfully/Your hopefully…etc • Sd/- • Senders name
  • 8. Q. “There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same right as men……………. This is the India of my dreams”. Gandhiji has said. Do you think that women enjoy the same right as men? Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper about your concern on “The place of women in the society”. Aswin Thalakkulathur Calicut 14.03.2016 The Editor The Hindu Daily Sir, Sub: Place of women in society, reg:- I would like to express my strong resent over the degradation of women’s status in society. Atrocities against women are on the rise nowadays. Each and every day we wake up to hear the frightening news of rapes, murders, dowry deaths and crimes upon women. It seems media do not give due importance to reveal the story. The presentation finally takes away the honor of women. The columns and editorial notes do not give adequate coverage to create awareness on this issue. I strongly believe that as an advocate of public opinion media can perform this mammoth task by detailing the women’s issues. I request that more of this paper’s pages may be reserved to present these issues so that general public may give women deserving status and privilege. Yours sincerely, Sd/- Aswin
  • 9. JOB APPLICATION AND RESUME • Format • From Address • Date • To Address • Dear sir/madam • Sub :- • Ref :- • Introduction [1st para] • Our qualifications[2nd para] • Requesting for selection[3rd para] • Your faithfully/Your hopefully • Sd/- • Senders name
  • 10. Q. Read the advertisement given below and draft an application letter and resume Nihal Krishna 18, Gandhi Nagar Paruthippara Trivandrum 10 December 2020 CEO, SammaN Foundation Mumbai Dear Sir, Sub : Application for the post of HR Manager in SammaN Foundation, reg:- Ref : Advt dated 9/12/2020 in Hindu Daily With reference to the advertisement cited above, I wish to offer myself as a candidate for the post of HR Manager in your enterprise. It would be an honour and privilege to hold such a post in your esteemed institution. After my graduation, I took my MBA in HR Management from a prestigious institution. We were given an exceptional training in Team recruitment, Corporate Social Responsibilities and Intercultural Management. The biggest asset of any organization is human resource. Moreover, I would like to utilize my talents to render better service to the underprivileged. I may assure that, if selected, I shall serve with devotion and sincerity. I request that I may be selected for this post.Looking forward to a positive response Yours faithfully,
  • 11. DIARY WRITING Format • Date • Oh what a good day………………. 13.12.2021 Oh, What a good day! At school read the story of a young seagull. He wastoo diffident to recognize the power of his wings. If and only if he could make an attempt, he could have joined his brothers and sister earlier. Now I realize that I too act like the same seagull. I also have wings. But I don’t understand the lot of power and potential in me. Instead, I sit idle in my own comfort zone. If I am going like this my life would never become successful. Moreover, my life would end in a disastrous failure. No…. I am not going to be like this. Surely, I will fly. My aim is the top of the mountains. My dreams are sky high. ‘Who I am’ is enough for me. With these unique qualities in me I will conquer this world and become the most successful man in this world.
  • 12. EMAIL • To : Recipient's mail id • Subject : Reason for writing the mail • Greeting/Salutation : Use words like Dear Sir/Madam, Sir/Madam, Hi, Hello, ….. (This varies according to the relationship with the person • Main Body : Always devote one email to one topic. Explain what you are writing about Make it short and simple. Structure your message into paragraphs • Closing : Make it clear and specific • Signature : Best regards, Kind regards, Yours faithfully, • Yours sincerely, Yours truly, Respectfully etc
  • 13. Example – Write a congratulatory email to your friend about getting a new job. • From: • To: • Subject: Congratulations on your new job • Hello Sumit, • I just heard that you got a new job. I am very happy about this. Congratulation! I know it is very difficult to get a superior position in this unemployment era. • It is especially difficult for class 12th students without any work experience. However, the zeal and hard work shown in your job search are commendable. You have motivated many other students of our school and me • You have inspired all of us to walk on a different path. I am sure that your computer knowledge and software development will make you a humble person in the future. • In the next session, I hope that I will get a chance to hear good news from many students by being beyond you. So, fulfill all your dreams and brighten your name in this field. My best wishes are with you. • Sincerely, • Karan
  • 14. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. You are asked to interview a famous personality. Write four questions and four possible responses. • 1. What is the secret of your success? Ans : Hard work, dedication, sincerity and will power. Make your passion, your career. Do what excites us. And success will be ours. • 2. Who is behind your success? Ans : My parents, teachers, elders and my friends encouraged me a lot. • 3. What is your future project? Ans : I have conceived it only. It is still in the workshop. • 4. What is your message to the future generation? Ans : Nothing can be done alone. No story of success is made alone
  • 15. PROFILE MAKING • 1. Heading (Name of the person and you may add an attribute to him) Eg: Shakuntala Devi, The Human Computer • 2. Develop the given hints in simple sentences. • 3. Use appropriate linkers like prepositions. Eg: on 22 nd August, in 2019, at Mumbai, in India. • 4. Use Simple Past for past events. Eg: He completed his education. She was awarded Introduction (First Sentence) _________ is a famous personality who made a positive difference in the lives of many. Conclusion (Last sentence) It is true that his/her life gives great inspiration and motivation
  • 16. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist who served as the 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007. He was born on15 October 1931 and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied physics and aerospace engineering. He spent the next four decades as a scientist and science administrator, mainly at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and was intimately involved in India's civilian space programme and military missile development efforts. He thus came to be known as the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology. He also played a pivotal organisational, technical, and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974. Kalam was elected as the 11th president of India in 2002 with the support of both the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the then-opposition Indian National Congress. Widely referred to as the "People's President", he returned to his civilian life of education, writing and public service after a single term. He was a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour. While delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Kalam collapsed and died from an apparent cardiac arrest on 27 July 2015, aged 83. Thousands, including national-level dignitaries, attended the funeral ceremony held in his hometown of Rameswaram, where he was buried with full state honours.[8]
  • 17. BLOG • • An interesting headline • • Break into short paragraphs • • A beginning, middle and end • • Write in simple style • • Write in an informal style
  • 18. Justice Denied • 20.06.2021, Malar • Today, my teacher taught me the lesson The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu in our English textbook. Maidens in Namuana village in the Fijian island still practise the ritual of turtle calling because of their belief in a legend. • According to the legend, many years ago, two women Tinaicoboga and her daughter Raudalice often went fishing on the reefs near their home. One day they went far away. • They were so engrossed in fishing. They did not notice the secret approach of war canoe filled with fishermen. They were the warriors from the village of Nabukalevu. These men seizedthe women and tossed into the canoe. The two women pleaded for mercy. But they didn’t show any kindness. • But the sea gods came for their rescue. A great storm arose and the canoe tossed about by waves. The canoe was filled with water. • The two women were transformed into giant turtles. The fishermen were frightened. They threw these turtles into the sea. The women escaped. The weather changed and the fishermen continued their journey. • The women did not get back their human form. They lived on in the water of the bay. They didn’t return to their homeland. • Yes, the same deplorable condition happens in the present-day society too. • Women who are molested lose their identity and are bound to live in seclusion, whereas the culprits live in dignity. We can see that justice is denied in many cases of atrocities against women. In Nirbhaya case the culprits were hanged to death only years later. • The case concluded with justice extended to the victim’s family because her parents fought a hard battle.
  • 19. • I think it is high time we implemented a stringent defence mechanism to mitigate this. • The victims of abuse should be rehabilitated with kindness and compassion. They should be sheltered in security and safety. They must be provided with further education and employment. • Their confidence should be boosted up through empowering them. • They should be taught that survival is the solution. • Facing the challenge is better than fleeing. Let us brighten our women’s lives!
  • 20. PANEL DISCUSSION • Greeting. • A note of thanks • Introduction of the topic • Development of the content. • A suitable conclusion Q. Your class conducts a panel discussion on the topic ‘the relevance of Gandhian ideas in the modern world’. Write the script of the panel talk as the first panelist in this panel discussion. A warm good morning to the entire team! Thanks teacher, for giving me an opportunity to talk on this relevant topic, ‘the relevance of Gandhian in the modern world’. First of all, let me analyse the present global scenario. Twenty first century world is a world of wars and revolutions. Man hates man. He is in a mad race to achieve money, power and other material benefits. In this journey he forgets his parents, siblings, teachers, elders and every other human being. He is always motivated by selfish interests. Crimes and violence are on the rise. Women and even little children are not spared from his acts of brutality. It is at this juncture, Gandhian ideas become all the more relevant. Gandhiji won independence for us through his ideals of Ahimsa, Nirbhaya, Religious tolerance etc. Let us work for global peace with Gandhian ideas of sathyagraha and
  • 21. TRAVEL ESSAY Q. Write your experiences about a trip you have made. Trip to __________ Travel is an eye opener. It provides new, refreshing experiences before us and often helps us to change our vision and outlook towards life. As the Greek hero Ulysses speaks, going beyond the horizons helps ‘to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.’ I like travel and I never miss an opportunity whenever I get a chance to travel. Hence when I heard a tour is being arranged to (place) I immediately utilized the chance. To see rivers, flowers, and birds makes one happy. So is it with ___(place)___ It was a tour from our school. We departed from (school or house) in a tourist bus at 8 a.m. The journey was all the more jovial with lot of fun, songs and games. On our way we stopped at (place) for lunch. _____ is known for its _____. We enjoyed sightseeing and shopping there. At night we stayed at KTDC Hotel. Next day we left for ___(place)___. It was very beautiful. It was a thrilling experience. We visited (place). It was highly informative. It was for the first time I have seen these places. I enjoyed all the sights. In the evening we had boating. It was a nice experience. At night we returned to our home This trip gave me a chance for an admiration of natural beauty, love for adventure and exploration of new cultures, customs and traditions. Even now the memories of this travel are fresh in my mind. I liked the trip. I would like to go once more