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SD5528 Graduate Studio Workshop II
International Collaboration Project with QUT

Design Report

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University           School of Design   MDes Interaction Design 2010-2011
collaboration with
Brian Chan Shek Chuen (10625289G)
Gu Pan (10535211G)                  Henry Kaschig
                                    Alyssa Hodgen
MDes Interaction Design 2010-2011
School of Design                    Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering

Introduction                   User Experience
   Assignment                     Scenario 1 - Create archive
   Progress                       Scenario 2 - Exploration
                                  Scenario 3 - Contribution
Research                       Information Architecture
  Analysis of Library          Public wall user Interface
  Key insights of Brisbane
  User activities at HSW     Architecture
                               Spacial arrangement
Understanding Design           People flow
  Concept statement            Flood
  disappearing knowledge
  Subculture                 Conclusion
MAIA                           Developing plan
 The basis                     Personal reflections
 Interaction model                Brian
 System diagram                   Gu Pan

In this international collaboration project, you will be partnering with 3rd year      tial boundaries, programme lifecycle and/or lifespan
Architecture students from the school of Design at the Faculty of Built Environ-    5. Augmenting physical spaces with digital technologies (supporting performa-
ment and Engineering of the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane,           tive qualities of architectural programme)
Australia. Together, you will be challenged to design a library and its pro-        6. Psycho-social needs of vulnerable groups in crisis situations: disaster relief
gramme of services which will be built in a designated site in Brisbane.               and intervention
You should work in close collaboration with your QUT partners right from the
beginning, to define the desired library programme for both an everyday sce-        DELIVERABLES
nario and one that is under emergency situations. In the latter part of the pro-    A holistic, integrated design proposal outlining the library programme and its
ject during design implementation and visualization, your QUT partners will be      supporting system of services and products (hardware/ software). The following
more concerned with designing the formal qualities of the architectural entities,   deliverables are expected from your proposal to communicate the viability of
while you will contribute more in terms of crafting and communicating the user      your design:
experience, and designing a system of services and hardware/software prod-          •	 Information flow models as study diagrams and/or to communicatehow
ucts. When appropriate, you should also be designing visual interfaces to some          your design works
of the software products you propose as well.                                       •	 System diagram, information architecture, and interaction models illustrat-
NOTIONS TO EXPLORE                                                                      ing component elements and their inter-relationships
Below are some of the ideas that teams should be investigating in this project:     •	 User interface design showing key screens and functionality
1. In architecture, performative versus formal and aesthetic invention: ‘what it    •	 A Flash interactive demo or animated sequences showing key interaction
     does’ versus ‘what it is’                                                          design
2. A library programme versus a library building: multiple purpose versus sin-      •	 User experience scenarios in video format
     gular identity                                                                 •	 Any other representations that will help communicate values of your design
3. Planned programme versus ad-hoc/on-demand/temporary/ spontaneous                 •	 Self-reflection on learning experience in this collaboration
     programme                                                                      •	 A project website that showcases details of the proposed library programme
4. Notion of time having a bearing on programme design: temporal and spa-               design (to be uploaded one week after final presentations)

                                                                       Week 1   Week 2   Week 3   Week 4   Week 5   Week 6    Week 7


This actually was six weeks project from 29 March to     Idea
12 May, the seventh week was only for report. There      generation
were two presentations during the time, the middle
presentation was at week4 and final presentation at      development
week6. We met with tutors 2 times a week.
We have spent almost two-thirds on research.             Design
Because the users and site are in Australia, we didn’t
understand the actual situation on every aspects, so     Scenaria
we have to do the research on and off during the
whole project.                                           Information
We only have two weeks for the execution. Because        Design
the limitation of time, We have started the interface    Interface
design last 3 days.                                      Design
We have also used the weeks 7 to refine the details of
system design, user experience, interface etc.           Report

                                                                                                                March 29 – May 12, 2011
Analysis of Library

Thought the secondary research, we came up these following points which are         Below Statement is our analysis of library:
the generic and traditional meaning of library.

•	 A place in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals,
   newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading,
   reference, or lending.
•	 A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged.
                                                                                         Collect & store the data,
•	 A room in a private home for such a collection.
•	 An institution or foundation maintaining such a collection.
                                                                                         information & knowledge. To
•	 A commercial establishment that lends books for a fee.
                                                                                         give people access, in order
   A series or set of books issued by a publisher.
   A collection of recorded data or tapes arranged for ease of use.                      to create wisdom.
•	 A set of things similar to a library in appearance, function, or organization:
   a library of computer programs.
•	 Genetics A collection of cloned DNA sequences whose location and identity
   can be established by mapping the genome of a particular organism
This interaction model of a generic library, it showed the relationships between   users’ action in this model. The green boxes are the new technologies which
users and users, staffs, information, facility, environment etc. when they are     have been applied and developed for the new generation library.
using the resources from library. You can also find people’s behaviour and the
Key insights of Brisbane

Location                                                                        History
•	 Centre of the Brisbane, it is on the edge of four distinct areas. Brisbane   The wharves were built in the 1930’s when the Story Bridge was built.
   City , New Farm, Fortitude Valley and Kangaroo Point                         It was used by Howard Smith Co. Ltd (the company) from mid-1930s
•	 Multiple People use site: business people, runners/cyclists, residents,      until early 1960s; during this time storage sheds and other buildings
   students and possible tourists.                                              were constructed there. It is a historical site; it shows Brisbane’s past
•	 HSW is an area for people to pass through. People just cycling and           and how we were very reliable on the river when Brisbane was a young
   running                                                                      settlement.
•	 Less people go there at night, and more people go there for run on
Art & Culture                                                               Flood
•	 Brisbane will be Australia’s next cultural centre                        •	 So Call ’100year flood’ happened at January 2011. All of it covered
•	 The Queensland Cultural Centre, located at South Bank, within               by Flood.
   the suburb of South Brisbane is the cultural hub of Brisbane. The        •	 At 1974 another flood a little bit worse than this one, not even in
   Queensland Cultural Centre contains the Queensland Museum, the              100 years.
   Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, the State Library of      •	 The floods in January 2011 have caused significant damage to the
   Queensland and the Queensland Performing Arts Centre.                       site.
•	 “Brisbane’s	 startling	 cultural	 renaissance	 has	 Melbourne’s	 arts	   •	 People will face periodic flooding positively, it becomes an Event.
   mandarins	worried.”
User activities at HSW

In the participant research, we identified the
relationship between people and Howard
Smith Wharves.
The diagram illustrated how people are using
the Howard Smith Wharves previously. The
divided in 4 periods by time of a day such as
morning, afternoon, evening and night. The
black colours are about the current activity
and the read colour represented the future
Understanding Design
Concept statement

      Document, Save and Share
      disappearing Knowledge in
      order to protect minority, and
      cultural Knowledge.
This is s new definition for our library. This basic value still the same as   disappearing.
traditional library, but the content would be provide by user and context      User could use this place to teach and share their special knowledge,
would be the minority, cultural and traditional knowledge.                     everyone can hold a class. For example, if I am willing to teach people
                                                                               a traditional technique, I can go to library and post this message on the
This idea aimed to personal impartation, keep unique and special               interactive wall. If people interest in it, and gather enough people. Then
technique. Globalization, urbanization and digitalization make people          I can hold a class at the library.
life easier, however minority, cultural and traditional knowledge is also
disappearing knowledge

During the design development, we spent a lot of time to figure out what    Australia Society
is culture and disappearing knowledge. We started at understand the         •	 The initial population of Australia was made up of Aborigines and
Australia Society, Australia Culture and Queensland & Brisbane culture,        people of British and Irish descent.
on the other hand we researched for the definition of culture.              •	
After this we came up some different ideas and moved round in between       •	 In the last thirty years, Australia has liberalized its immigration policy
the Australia indigenous culture, Brisbane subculture and contemporary         and opened its borders to South East Asia.
culture back and forth. Those ideas faced to totally different problems,    •	 With changing times, the culture of Australia became Americanized
but they all also could fit in our concept statement and framework.            in terms of food, dress, lifestyle, and celebrations.
Those ideas leaded me to the final solution, in this report I couldn’t go
through every single details of each idea. It only showed the key points.   Australia Culture
The details development process please read our online project log.         •	 The culture of Australia is essentially a Western culture influenced
                                                                               by the unique geography of the Australian continent and by the
                                                                               diverse input of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and
                                                                               various waves of multi-ethnic migration which followed the British
                                                                               colonization of Australia.
                                                                            •	 Australia has a vivacious artistic and cultural prospect in music,
                                                                               theatre and dance.
Indigenous Culture                                                         Brisbane’s Contemporary Library
population:                                                                This Library belongs to and created by every Brisbane residents. It is all
•	 550,000, 2.7% of Australia’s population,                                about Brisbane and its people.
•	 146,400 at Queensland                                                   The collections would include every period of the city development
 languages:                                                                from Brisbane early settlement, modern to present. It still divided into
•	 200 of these remain in use,                                             two sections which are ’self-created’ and ‘normal collection’. The ’self-
•	 20 are considered to be endangered                                      created’ sections mean sharing, impartation and Recording. The ‘normal
•	 Aboriginal people today mostly speak English,                           collection’ means collect material from other library and museum.
•	 Belief, however 72% is Christian                                        Here is the Library categories basically divided into :
•	 Music, Astronomy, Literature,Film                                       Literature –Books, Film, Art, Music, Design, Culture, Oral (History)
                                                                           Collection, Electronic Databases and Others.
•	 There are no specific Indigenous museum in Australia
                                                                           All of those things should belongs to or created by every Brisbane.
But i quite worry about there are not enough Indigenous people to share.

Definition of Culture                                                     Definition of Subculture

        The	cultivation	of	individuals	through	the	agency	                         which	passively	accepted	commercially	provided	
        of	external	forms	which	have	been	objectified	in	                          styles	and	meanings,	and	a	‘subculture’	which	
        the	course	of	history.	                                                    actively	sought	a	minority	style	…	and	interpreted	
                                      ——	Georg	Simmel                              it	in	accordance	with	subversive	values.	
                                                                                                                 ——	David	Riesman
                                                                                                        <Subculture	the	Meaning	of	Style>	
        Culture	 included	 written	 &	 spoken	 language,	
        region,	Music,	Literature,	Art,	movie,	living	style	              •	 In sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, a subculture is a
        and	so	on.	                                                          group of people with a culture (whether distinct or hidden) which
                                 ——	Raymond	Williams                         differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong.
                                                                          •	 Subculture should also distinguish from countercultures based on the
                                                                             level of immersion in society. If it can get exposure in its society, it
•	 “culture” to refer to a universal human capacity.                         would become pop culture, then culture.
•	 The distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world   •	 Subculture can be interpreted as a starting period of a new culture.
   classified and represented their experiences, and acted creatively.       If it can get popular, it would survive in a small scale and hard
•	 Culture is describing the existence of a person or a group of people      situation. It would die out easily in any moment, it there don’t any
•	 Culture is common, a serine of common concepts, values, lines of          document. It just like never happened.
   conducts, it is a acceptable standard of individual behaviour.
•	 Culture is the thing we have to learn but not by instinct.
Subculture represent minority, it always disappear easily.
It could completely echo to our concept statement
The basis

                                    The library consists of three sections, it react with each others to form the
                                    basic system:
                                    •	 Section1
                                       public space, for people to share their knowledge and vote for
                                       their favorites
                                    •	 Section2
                                       Programme space, people can impart their unique techniques at this
                                       area, recording system is situated in each ‘room’ such as camera,
                        Programme      motion capture etc.
Public Wall                         •	 Section3
                                       Archive space, it will use to store the records, and will be accessible
                                       to all library users

                                    •	 Interactive system to share and vote
                                    •	 Provide an impartation, sharing area, when it gathers enough people
                                    •	 A record service to save it into the library database
              Archive               •	 System for user to access the old record
                                    •	 Outward team, they would record the thing that couldn’t happen in a
Interaction model

                    The purpose of drawing an Interaction Model is to show the relationship
                    between five key elements of the interaction: Agent, Agency, Act, Scene
                    and Purpose. In this case, it is a relationship between people, library system
                    and the information of subculture knowledge. Specifically, there are three
                    circles in the diagram to show this relationship.

                    The first one is between the people and library system. It included
                    contributors and normal users while the library system has three sections.
                    They are Public wall, Archive and Program space. So, we can know how
                    contributors and normal users use these three sections of the library system.
                    For example, Contributors contribute things onto the public wall then the
                    normal users can vote, explore, and browse the post on it.

                    The second circle is between the library system and subculture knowledge.
                    The subculture knowledge is one kind of information. This information flows
                    in the system. At first, it is presented on the public wall and showed in the
                    program space. The video of the program can be saved into the archive as
                    well as some text data.

                    The third circle is between the people and knowledge. People can view
                    the knowledge from public wall and archive or join in the program in the
        Browse                              Contribute

                                    Knowledge Add
Users                                                                              Contributor

                           Learn                                       Share
                           Watch                                       Impart
                           Listen                                    Demonstrate
System diagram

                 The system of MAIA subculture library consists of three sections. They all
                 have different functionality, but it also inked up and react with each other
                 when different people interact with it.

                 The public wall is big interactive multi-touch wall screen, it divided in two
                 parts. The Core UI which is for all users to access to whole library system
                 and archive, we have talked about details on later chapter. The other part
                 is the programme notice wall, it shows the upcoming programme, and
                 users could interact with it to search, bookmark and join the programme
                 by using it.

                 The programme section is also divided in two parts. The management parts
                 is for library to management the spaces, schedule, student, contributor
                 etc. Because all the programmes are created by user, so library only have
                 to organize it well. The other part is record services, which is one of the
                 most important services of the library, recording system is situated in each
                 ‘room’. It would record the entire programme, digitalize it and put in into
                 the library archive.

                 The last section is the Archive, it only store digital material, and all the
                 knowledge and information will be digitalized. The collection included the
                 ‘collect from outside’ and ‘self-created’ two parts. Library would collaborate
                 with others museum and library, record or borrow their collocation. Self-
                 created mean the knowledge that created by the library itself.
                                                                                                                                                 Meeting room
                                                                                                                                   Offer Space   Public space
     By Date                                                                                                      Management       Contributor

By Categories   Programme Notice                                                                      Programme
                                       Public Wall                                                                Record Service    Document
                     Core    Core UI                                                                                                Video

                                                        Categories   Collection            lend & Return
                                                          Art           Self created
                                                      Design                       Video
                                                     Fashion                       Audio
                                                       Music                       Written material
                                                         Film                      Art Piece
                                                                                   Designed Object
                                              Oral Collection
                                                                                   Written material
User Experience                                                                      Scenario 1     Create Archive
                                                                                     In the scenario, it generally explains MAIA’s operation. It is about a normal
                                                                                     user recommend a contributor to library. Showed the interaction between
                                                                                     referee, contributor, library, library services and other users

              Brisbane                                                                                                              Vote
    New Farm resident

             He likes                                                                                                        Vote       Vote
    local fas                        Cool Stuff !!                                                                    Vote       Vote

1. Paul lives in New Farm. He likes local handmade fashion                                 4. Jacqueline’s information will appear on the library public wall.
                                                                                           5. People like to know more about hers and vote for hers.




3. He recommends and put her stuffs on the library public wall by online platform.         6. Once Jacqueline’s specialty get enough votes.
                                                                                           7. Library will tell her that some people are interested in her designs.

                                       Document                                                                  Add

          she is welcome to this and going to put her design into library archive

8. And ask her to contribute to the library archives.                                12. Her contribution to Brisbane subculture has been well documented.
9. Jacqueline is welcome to that and going to put her design into library archive.




10. Library well document her design, interview her and digitalize everything.
11. Jacqueline and her XIOUX have been added into library archive.
Scenario 2        Exploration

This scenario is more about the general user, it showed how is he explore the
library. It included all 3 sections experiences of the library, vote for contribution,
Join programme, access to archive and loaded up his personal record.
It also introduced the key frame of the public wall interface.

           Tom Parker
            University student
                  l Music                                                                                                            Public wall
        Like Loca

1. Tom, a Brisbane university student, likes local music a lot.                          3. Using the public wall to search for music.


2. He likes to go to the subculture library.                                             4. Today Tom wants to listen to funky music.
5. First he find some interesting posts on the contribution.   7. And if there’s any upcoming programs.

6. He likes to see more about this and vote for it.            8. browse for the archive and find Yeo Choong.
9. This sounds good, add to favorites.   11. Then leaves the public wall and find a seat.

10. He feels a bit tired and logout.     12. Click Box.
13. Load up the Yeo Choong from the archive favorites
14. Listen

         the music at


15. Enjoying the music at Lounge.
Scenario 3       Contribution
This illustrated the experience of a contributor. It talked about how is the
contribution become a part of the library archive. and also mentioned how
are the programmes be formed.

            Anna Day
               Tattoo artist


1. Anna, a Brisbane tattoo artist, her works is quite unique.                  3. And put her works into the library collection.



                                                 Brisbane’s people

2. She wants to share her designs to Brisbane’s people.                        4. Anna uploads her specialty onto library public wall though the online platform.
Exhibition space

                                                Vote                               offer
                                  Vote       Vote                Library

                           Vote       Vote                                                        Lecture room

5. People like her works a lot and vote for her.       8. Library offers her an exhibition space and a lecture room.


6. once Anna’s specialty get enough votes.             9. Anna can has a personal exhibition at the library.
7. Library will contact Her to understand her need.

                                Record               Archive

10. She also gives a talk at the opening ceremony.

11. At the meantime, Anna’s stuff have been documented and added into the library
Information architecture

There are two main ways to access the library system by using the user       In the part of Contribute, people can post their own special subculture
interface. One is on the Public wall in the library. Another is an online    skills or recommend a person who has special subculture skills to the
website. People can visit it anywhere and do almost everything like the      library system. No matter the skill will be showed through some archives
Public wall version.                                                         or a program such as a speech, some impartations or an exhibition, it
                                                                             must get enough votes to become an available project. So, users can
On the Public wall, library visitors can find a Program notice board.        vote any other projects that they support in the Contribute part.
It presents recent activities, and the information can be arranged by
different categories or different data type like month, week or last three   Sometimes, people do not know what they want to get, so they can
days.                                                                        seek the information in the part of Seek. The archives and programs are
                                                                             classified into nine kinds, for example literature, art, design, fashion and
Since the public wall is a multi touch screen, there are more important      so on. Users can also seek the programs by schedule.
functions. Each person can start a personal interface on the public wall
after login. There are four main functions of the personal part. They are    The functions of Search and My Box will be explained with the prototype
Search, Contribute, Seek and reviewing the information in My Box.            of Public wall user interface below.
Public Wall                  Online Version

                                          Login                                                                Programme
                                                                                                               Notice Board

                                                                                                        By Categories      By Date
            CONTRIBUTE                   SEARCH                          SEEK
                                                                                                      Show              Three Days
                                                                                                      Exhibition        Week
                                                                                                      Speech            Month
Recommend      Vote      Contribute      Push news            Categories        Schedule              Sharing
                                                            Oral Collection

               Post                       Archive                             Programme

                                  VOTE     SAVE      JOIN

                                         MY BOX
Public wall - User Interface

                                                                      This is the prototype of Public wall user interface. After logging the system,
                                  Sign out                            people can start the personal interface (see Illustration1). The system will
                                                                      push some news that you may interested in and offer a search bar in the
                              Pan, Good afternoon!
                                                                      center, because most people go to the library with clear purposes and want

                                                                      to get the information quickly by searching. The push news and search
             Click here to search
                                                                      results will be divided into three categories: Post, Archive and Program, so
             You maybe interested in                                  users can clearly know what kind of the information is.
                  Post            Archive        Programme
                                                                      We can see three big buttons around the center part as well. They are
             6    Alyssa            WOW!         18 The S             Contribute, Seek and My Box. The detail information of Post, Archive and
CONTRIBUTE                                                     SEEK
             25   TOP L...          White
                                                 18 Matrix            Program will be showed on the opening sub-user interface of Contribute on
             17   Henry             Chords       MAY                  the left and the Seek one on the right (see Illustration2).
                                                 29 Value...
                                                                      My Box is a place where people can review the information. This function
             36   Brian             History...
                                                 2 FUNZ
                                                                      is divided into three parts: Join, Vote and Save. This classification method
                                                                      is based on human activities, because when people go to the library, they
                                  MY BOX
                                                                      actuality do three things: joining in the program, voting for post (The post
                                                                      can be divided into two kinds: Archive and Program) and saving the data
Illustration1                                                         (The data can be divided into three kinds: Post, Archive and Program). This
                                                                      method gives more concern on human behavior, so the interaction will be
                                                                      more natural.
Sign out

                                                                     3    Pan, Good afternoon!
                     Georia                                                                                                                    Yeo Choong
                     Funky music                                                                                                               MUM
                     Experimental music
                                                        funky music
                     Soul music
                                                             Post              Archive           Programme
                                                        21   Georia                Wild C        20 MUM
                       21   VOTE                                                                                                                     39   JOIN
                                                         6   Alyssa                WOW!          25   The G

     Archive             Programme        CONTRIBUTE                                            JUN               SEEK        Archive                 Programme
                                                        25   T-Show                White         2 FUNZ
   They were words                                      17   Henry                 Chords                                T   Show                           DETAIL

   Take it down                                         36   Brian                 History...                                Complex room                    MAP

   Freedom without reason                                                                                                    14:00   MAY. 20, 2011         SCHEDULE

                                                                               MY BOX

                                                  JOIN                                                SCHEDULE

                                                       MAY   Yeo Choong                                   39
                                                       20 MUM
                                                       MAY   Scott Spark                                  19
                                                       25 The Globe Theatre

                                                  VOTE                   Archive                 Programme

                                                       21    Georia

                                                       52    Peter

                                                  SAVE              Post               Archive        Programme

                                                       21    Anna Day

                                                       26    Peter
                                                             Hand-made craft show
Spacial arrangement

                      This figure showed interior
                      arrangement on each zones of
                      library. it talked about the facilities,
                      functionality and user action.
Multipurpose hall                Pods

                                                   Computer Room

Multipurpose classroom   Interactive public wall
People Flow

•	 Total people flow within the library.
•	 Car park     •	 People who pass by, little/no action with library.

•	 Night time

Response to the possibility of flooding
During times when flooding is an issue within Brisbane city, the bottom level
will get flooded while the second level should remain untouched, thus the
reason why the computer room and pods are raised as these rooms will
probably be the most expensive to clean out and fix after a flood situation.

•	 Sharing has become a part of Brisbane culture. By enabling people
   to easily tap into this sharing of information and entertainment, it
   is hoped that the library will become an important part of Brisbane

•	 While the library will be constantly adapting and changing with
   the times, having an archive will enable users to also access past
   exhibitions and information

•	 Basically the new library will create an area which draws people
   to the site as well as becoming a resource for those who already
   venture through the site

•	 It is hoped that after a period of time, this library will add to the
   culture of Brisbane while creating a new space for the people of
   Brisbane, increasing the range of entertainment activates within the
   city, and encouraging a wave of learning

•	 If some of it can get popular, we still would keep in the library
   collection. Because it still can represent it was a subculture particular
Developing plan

The library will be established and operated by the local youth; There
will be a strong collaboration between the library and the surrounding

Phase 1 – A year before it opens
Material is collected from other libraries and museums
Material is collected from the local community
The library is opened and an opening ceremony is performed

Phase 2 – First year
People are invited to hold programs within the library
Various different events are held by the library
The library is promoted throughout the city

Phase 3 - Sustainable strategy
Continue to use library to collect and share information while also putting
on a range of events and entertainment for users

Project review                                                                   better solution if this project could has one more week.
During the project, we nine groups all were facing to similar problem
such as the site and users are in Australia, we don’t know too much of           Collaboration
them. We can’t do participant research by ourselves. Every part just re-         Honestly, I have felt quite frustrated and angry about the collaboration
lied on internet and our partner. But most of our partners seem didn’t very      with QUT. We actually didn’t get any collaboration; they didn’t have
helpful. So most of the term can’t general idea from research insights,          any idea and suggestion, they just received to our order. At first 5 weeks
most of our initial idea were quite generic and similar to each other.           they almost disappeared, most of the in-depth research data came from
                                                                                 Jackson’s group. Pan and I only worked with the most helpful partner
Our approach was spilt the development into two parts, once we came              Internet. One of our QUT partner came back at the last week, but didn’t
up the concept statement, we stuck on it and did the system design. On           follow our path.
the other hand we have kept on explore different context to fit in our
framework. It seem quite work in this short project. However the problem         This time ours and QUT actually in different level, they are undergraduate
was there was not easy to find a right context to fit, even the final subcul-    student, my QUT partners don’t believe in research, they don’t read, no
ture idea; it still has some problem to be fixed. Sharing, minority, culture     matter how I explain, they seem didn’t understand what were we doing.
and disappearing knowledge, these are the key term of our concept, it            But they also didn’t listen to us.
actually a little bit conflict to the other. In the process, we found out that
the Indigenous Culture was quite match to our statement and very mean-           If they are my junior at my previous job, I could blame them at least. But
ingful to Australian society. We dropped this idea, because we worry             I think i will fire them in a week.
about there are not enough Indigenous people to share.
We tried to make our idea look more different than other team, so we             I was an industrial designer and worked for local industrial for a long
have focused more on the system instead of the context. I think we did           while. Everything of this cause to me is completely new. This is the first
a good job on the overall system, which was reason why we didn’t well            system that I design for a tangible stuff. I think it would be related to my
consider how to match it with subculture. I am quite sure we could do a          future career. It was fun; I quite enjoy the project.
Gu Pan
Two years ago, I was very lucky to join in the collaborative project be-         do work together, our site has more responsibility to describe our pro-
tween PolyU and Tsinghua University, so I got to know this Interaction           gram clearly since Architecture Design is more familiar than Interaction
Design program. It is very important to my life, because it is the original      Design in the society. Another is that we are postgraduate student when
reason why I can be here today. After two years, when I become one               they are undergraduate one, so our method of working maybe some
member of this collaborative course again, and we finish it now, I have          different, for example we will pay more attention on the research. Un-
many things to reflect on.                                                       fortunately, the QUT students do not have enough passion to this subject
                                                                                 all the time. Thinking back, it may be partly because that we did not de-
I feel very different between these two times. Firstly, to be honest, in the     scribe our specialties and research methods very clearly and infectiously
first cooperation, I was totally a follower while the PolyU students were        in advanced. So, we need to show ourselves better next time.
leaders in the project. At this time, in our team, PolyU students still act as
an engine in the project. The different is that I am one part of the engine      On the other hand, I think the cooperation between Brian and me is very
now. I pretty feel that the mentation is very different when you play differ-    happy and efficient.The most important reason is that we always keep a
ent roles in the project. In my opinion, everyone needs to finish personal       relax atmosphere when we do brainstorming or other parts of the work.
tasks at each point of the project. In addition, the engine part needs to        Although showing an idea with passion is very important to a designer,
guarantee that the whole subject is always on a right track as well. It may      relax and listening to others can create a good cooperation environment.
bring more pressure but as well as more sense of achievement to us.              Therefore, every people can concentrate on the work itself more.

Secondly, the specialties of PolyU and Tsinghua site are very closed in          Like what Catherine has said in the first class, this course is totally about
the first cooperation. However, we need to work with architecture under-         cooperation. My greatest harvest of this project is to learn the way of
graduate students at this time. There are two main challenges. One is that       communication and doing work with others. I believe we can do a suc-
they do not know what Interaction Design is. To a collaborative project, if      cessful design after we have a good cooperation.
people want to give full play in the process, members with different skills
need to clearly know others’ strong points at first. So, before we start to
collaboration with
Brian Chan Shek Chuen
Gu Pan                    Henry Kaschig
                          Alyssa Hodgen
MDes Interaction Design
School of Design          Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering

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  • 1. SD5528 Graduate Studio Workshop II International Collaboration Project with QUT Design Report The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design MDes Interaction Design 2010-2011
  • 2. collaboration with Brian Chan Shek Chuen (10625289G) Gu Pan (10535211G) Henry Kaschig Alyssa Hodgen MDes Interaction Design 2010-2011 School of Design Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering
  • 3. Content Introduction User Experience Assignment Scenario 1 - Create archive Progress Scenario 2 - Exploration Scenario 3 - Contribution Research Information Architecture Analysis of Library Public wall user Interface Key insights of Brisbane User activities at HSW Architecture Spacial arrangement Understanding Design People flow Concept statement Flood disappearing knowledge Subculture Conclusion Benefit MAIA Developing plan The basis Personal reflections Interaction model Brian System diagram Gu Pan
  • 5. Assignment In this international collaboration project, you will be partnering with 3rd year tial boundaries, programme lifecycle and/or lifespan Architecture students from the school of Design at the Faculty of Built Environ- 5. Augmenting physical spaces with digital technologies (supporting performa- ment and Engineering of the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, tive qualities of architectural programme) Australia. Together, you will be challenged to design a library and its pro- 6. Psycho-social needs of vulnerable groups in crisis situations: disaster relief gramme of services which will be built in a designated site in Brisbane. and intervention You should work in close collaboration with your QUT partners right from the beginning, to define the desired library programme for both an everyday sce- DELIVERABLES nario and one that is under emergency situations. In the latter part of the pro- A holistic, integrated design proposal outlining the library programme and its ject during design implementation and visualization, your QUT partners will be supporting system of services and products (hardware/ software). The following more concerned with designing the formal qualities of the architectural entities, deliverables are expected from your proposal to communicate the viability of while you will contribute more in terms of crafting and communicating the user your design: experience, and designing a system of services and hardware/software prod- • Information flow models as study diagrams and/or to communicatehow ucts. When appropriate, you should also be designing visual interfaces to some your design works of the software products you propose as well. • System diagram, information architecture, and interaction models illustrat- NOTIONS TO EXPLORE ing component elements and their inter-relationships Below are some of the ideas that teams should be investigating in this project: • User interface design showing key screens and functionality 1. In architecture, performative versus formal and aesthetic invention: ‘what it • A Flash interactive demo or animated sequences showing key interaction does’ versus ‘what it is’ design 2. A library programme versus a library building: multiple purpose versus sin- • User experience scenarios in video format gular identity • Any other representations that will help communicate values of your design 3. Planned programme versus ad-hoc/on-demand/temporary/ spontaneous • Self-reflection on learning experience in this collaboration programme • A project website that showcases details of the proposed library programme 4. Notion of time having a bearing on programme design: temporal and spa- design (to be uploaded one week after final presentations)
  • 6. Progress Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Research In-depth research This actually was six weeks project from 29 March to Idea 12 May, the seventh week was only for report. There generation were two presentations during the time, the middle Concept presentation was at week4 and final presentation at development week6. We met with tutors 2 times a week. System We have spent almost two-thirds on research. Design Because the users and site are in Australia, we didn’t understand the actual situation on every aspects, so Scenaria we have to do the research on and off during the whole project. Information We only have two weeks for the execution. Because Design the limitation of time, We have started the interface Interface design last 3 days. Design We have also used the weeks 7 to refine the details of system design, user experience, interface etc. Report March 29 – May 12, 2011
  • 8. Analysis of Library Thought the secondary research, we came up these following points which are Below Statement is our analysis of library: the generic and traditional meaning of library. • A place in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending. • A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged. Collect & store the data, • A room in a private home for such a collection. • An institution or foundation maintaining such a collection. information & knowledge. To • A commercial establishment that lends books for a fee. give people access, in order • • A series or set of books issued by a publisher. A collection of recorded data or tapes arranged for ease of use. to create wisdom. • A set of things similar to a library in appearance, function, or organization: a library of computer programs. • Genetics A collection of cloned DNA sequences whose location and identity can be established by mapping the genome of a particular organism
  • 9. This interaction model of a generic library, it showed the relationships between users’ action in this model. The green boxes are the new technologies which users and users, staffs, information, facility, environment etc. when they are have been applied and developed for the new generation library. using the resources from library. You can also find people’s behaviour and the
  • 10. Key insights of Brisbane Location History • Centre of the Brisbane, it is on the edge of four distinct areas. Brisbane The wharves were built in the 1930’s when the Story Bridge was built. City , New Farm, Fortitude Valley and Kangaroo Point It was used by Howard Smith Co. Ltd (the company) from mid-1930s • Multiple People use site: business people, runners/cyclists, residents, until early 1960s; during this time storage sheds and other buildings students and possible tourists. were constructed there. It is a historical site; it shows Brisbane’s past • HSW is an area for people to pass through. People just cycling and and how we were very reliable on the river when Brisbane was a young running settlement. • Less people go there at night, and more people go there for run on weekends.
  • 11. Art & Culture Flood • Brisbane will be Australia’s next cultural centre • So Call ’100year flood’ happened at January 2011. All of it covered • The Queensland Cultural Centre, located at South Bank, within by Flood. the suburb of South Brisbane is the cultural hub of Brisbane. The • At 1974 another flood a little bit worse than this one, not even in Queensland Cultural Centre contains the Queensland Museum, the 100 years. Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, the State Library of • The floods in January 2011 have caused significant damage to the Queensland and the Queensland Performing Arts Centre. site. • “Brisbane’s startling cultural renaissance has Melbourne’s arts • People will face periodic flooding positively, it becomes an Event. mandarins worried.”
  • 12. User activities at HSW In the participant research, we identified the relationship between people and Howard Smith Wharves. The diagram illustrated how people are using the Howard Smith Wharves previously. The divided in 4 periods by time of a day such as morning, afternoon, evening and night. The black colours are about the current activity and the read colour represented the future possibility.
  • 14. Concept statement Document, Save and Share disappearing Knowledge in order to protect minority, and cultural Knowledge.
  • 15. This is s new definition for our library. This basic value still the same as disappearing. traditional library, but the content would be provide by user and context User could use this place to teach and share their special knowledge, would be the minority, cultural and traditional knowledge. everyone can hold a class. For example, if I am willing to teach people a traditional technique, I can go to library and post this message on the This idea aimed to personal impartation, keep unique and special interactive wall. If people interest in it, and gather enough people. Then technique. Globalization, urbanization and digitalization make people I can hold a class at the library. life easier, however minority, cultural and traditional knowledge is also
  • 16. disappearing knowledge During the design development, we spent a lot of time to figure out what Australia Society is culture and disappearing knowledge. We started at understand the • The initial population of Australia was made up of Aborigines and Australia Society, Australia Culture and Queensland & Brisbane culture, people of British and Irish descent. on the other hand we researched for the definition of culture. • After this we came up some different ideas and moved round in between • In the last thirty years, Australia has liberalized its immigration policy the Australia indigenous culture, Brisbane subculture and contemporary and opened its borders to South East Asia. culture back and forth. Those ideas faced to totally different problems, • With changing times, the culture of Australia became Americanized but they all also could fit in our concept statement and framework. in terms of food, dress, lifestyle, and celebrations. Those ideas leaded me to the final solution, in this report I couldn’t go through every single details of each idea. It only showed the key points. Australia Culture The details development process please read our online project log. • The culture of Australia is essentially a Western culture influenced by the unique geography of the Australian continent and by the diverse input of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and various waves of multi-ethnic migration which followed the British colonization of Australia. • Australia has a vivacious artistic and cultural prospect in music, theatre and dance.
  • 17. Indigenous Culture Brisbane’s Contemporary Library population: This Library belongs to and created by every Brisbane residents. It is all • 550,000, 2.7% of Australia’s population, about Brisbane and its people. • 146,400 at Queensland The collections would include every period of the city development languages: from Brisbane early settlement, modern to present. It still divided into • 200 of these remain in use, two sections which are ’self-created’ and ‘normal collection’. The ’self- • 20 are considered to be endangered created’ sections mean sharing, impartation and Recording. The ‘normal • Aboriginal people today mostly speak English, collection’ means collect material from other library and museum. Culture: • Belief, however 72% is Christian Here is the Library categories basically divided into : • Music, Astronomy, Literature,Film Literature –Books, Film, Art, Music, Design, Culture, Oral (History) Collection, Electronic Databases and Others. • There are no specific Indigenous museum in Australia All of those things should belongs to or created by every Brisbane. But i quite worry about there are not enough Indigenous people to share.
  • 18. SubCulture Definition of Culture Definition of Subculture The cultivation of individuals through the agency which passively accepted commercially provided of external forms which have been objectified in styles and meanings, and a ‘subculture’ which the course of history. actively sought a minority style … and interpreted —— Georg Simmel it in accordance with subversive values. —— David Riesman <Subculture the Meaning of Style> Culture included written & spoken language, region, Music, Literature, Art, movie, living style • In sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, a subculture is a and so on. group of people with a culture (whether distinct or hidden) which —— Raymond Williams differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong. • Subculture should also distinguish from countercultures based on the level of immersion in society. If it can get exposure in its society, it • “culture” to refer to a universal human capacity. would become pop culture, then culture. • The distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world • Subculture can be interpreted as a starting period of a new culture. classified and represented their experiences, and acted creatively. If it can get popular, it would survive in a small scale and hard • Culture is describing the existence of a person or a group of people situation. It would die out easily in any moment, it there don’t any • Culture is common, a serine of common concepts, values, lines of document. It just like never happened. conducts, it is a acceptable standard of individual behaviour. • Culture is the thing we have to learn but not by instinct.
  • 19. Subculture represent minority, it always disappear easily. It could completely echo to our concept statement
  • 20.
  • 21. The basis The library consists of three sections, it react with each others to form the basic system: • Section1 public space, for people to share their knowledge and vote for their favorites • Section2 Programme space, people can impart their unique techniques at this area, recording system is situated in each ‘room’ such as camera, Programme motion capture etc. Public Wall • Section3 Archive space, it will use to store the records, and will be accessible to all library users Services: • Interactive system to share and vote • Provide an impartation, sharing area, when it gathers enough people • A record service to save it into the library database Archive • System for user to access the old record • Outward team, they would record the thing that couldn’t happen in a library.
  • 22. Interaction model The purpose of drawing an Interaction Model is to show the relationship between five key elements of the interaction: Agent, Agency, Act, Scene and Purpose. In this case, it is a relationship between people, library system and the information of subculture knowledge. Specifically, there are three circles in the diagram to show this relationship. The first one is between the people and library system. It included contributors and normal users while the library system has three sections. They are Public wall, Archive and Program space. So, we can know how contributors and normal users use these three sections of the library system. For example, Contributors contribute things onto the public wall then the normal users can vote, explore, and browse the post on it. The second circle is between the library system and subculture knowledge. The subculture knowledge is one kind of information. This information flows in the system. At first, it is presented on the public wall and showed in the program space. The video of the program can be saved into the archive as well as some text data. The third circle is between the people and knowledge. People can view the knowledge from public wall and archive or join in the program in the space.
  • 23. Vote Explore Browse Contribute Join PROGRAMME SPACE Access Knowledge Add Users Contributor Learn Share Watch Impart Listen Demonstrate
  • 24. System diagram The system of MAIA subculture library consists of three sections. They all have different functionality, but it also inked up and react with each other when different people interact with it. The public wall is big interactive multi-touch wall screen, it divided in two parts. The Core UI which is for all users to access to whole library system and archive, we have talked about details on later chapter. The other part is the programme notice wall, it shows the upcoming programme, and users could interact with it to search, bookmark and join the programme by using it. The programme section is also divided in two parts. The management parts is for library to management the spaces, schedule, student, contributor etc. Because all the programmes are created by user, so library only have to organize it well. The other part is record services, which is one of the most important services of the library, recording system is situated in each ‘room’. It would record the entire programme, digitalize it and put in into the library archive. The last section is the Archive, it only store digital material, and all the knowledge and information will be digitalized. The collection included the ‘collect from outside’ and ‘self-created’ two parts. Library would collaborate with others museum and library, record or borrow their collocation. Self- created mean the knowledge that created by the library itself.
  • 25. Hall Meeting room Offer Space Public space Schedule Student By Date Management Contributor By Categories Programme Notice Programme Public Wall Record Service Document Audio Core Core UI Video Box others Seek Contribute Archive Categories Collection lend & Return Literature Art Self created Design Video Fashion Audio Music Written material Film Art Piece Living Designed Object Oral Collection Community others Collect Video Audio Written material
  • 26. User Experience Scenario 1 Create Archive In the scenario, it generally explains MAIA’s operation. It is about a normal user recommend a contributor to library. Showed the interaction between referee, contributor, library, library services and other users Paul Brisbane Vote New Farm resident Vote Vote He likes Vote Vote hion local fas Cool Stuff !! Vote Vote Vote Vote 1. Paul lives in New Farm. He likes local handmade fashion 4. Jacqueline’s information will appear on the library public wall. 5. People like to know more about hers and vote for hers. Suggest Library Library 3. He recommends and put her stuffs on the library public wall by online platform. 6. Once Jacqueline’s specialty get enough votes. 7. Library will tell her that some people are interested in her designs.
  • 27. OK! Document Add Archive Library she is welcome to this and going to put her design into library archive 8. And ask her to contribute to the library archives. 12. Her contribution to Brisbane subculture has been well documented. 9. Jacqueline is welcome to that and going to put her design into library archive. Document Interview Digitalize 10. Library well document her design, interview her and digitalize everything. 11. Jacqueline and her XIOUX have been added into library archive.
  • 28. Scenario 2 Exploration This scenario is more about the general user, it showed how is he explore the library. It included all 3 sections experiences of the library, vote for contribution, Join programme, access to archive and loaded up his personal record. It also introduced the key frame of the public wall interface. Tom Parker Brisbane University student Search in l Music Public wall Like Loca 1. Tom, a Brisbane university student, likes local music a lot. 3. Using the public wall to search for music. goes Library 2. He likes to go to the subculture library. 4. Today Tom wants to listen to funky music.
  • 29. 5. First he find some interesting posts on the contribution. 7. And if there’s any upcoming programs. 6. He likes to see more about this and vote for it. 8. browse for the archive and find Yeo Choong.
  • 30. 9. This sounds good, add to favorites. 11. Then leaves the public wall and find a seat. 10. He feels a bit tired and logout. 12. Click Box.
  • 31. 13. Load up the Yeo Choong from the archive favorites 14. Listen Enjoy the music at Pods 15. Enjoying the music at Lounge.
  • 32. Scenario 3 Contribution This illustrated the experience of a contributor. It talked about how is the contribution become a part of the library archive. and also mentioned how are the programmes be formed. Anna Day Brisbane Tattoo artist Contribute Document Library 1. Anna, a Brisbane tattoo artist, her works is quite unique. 3. And put her works into the library collection. Upload Share Brisbane’s people Library 2. She wants to share her designs to Brisbane’s people. 4. Anna uploads her specialty onto library public wall though the online platform.
  • 33. Exhibition space Vote Vote Vote offer Vote Vote Library Vote Vote Lecture room Vote Vote 5. People like her works a lot and vote for her. 8. Library offers her an exhibition space and a lecture room. Library 6. once Anna’s specialty get enough votes. 9. Anna can has a personal exhibition at the library. 7. Library will contact Her to understand her need.
  • 34. Add Record Archive 10. She also gives a talk at the opening ceremony. 11. At the meantime, Anna’s stuff have been documented and added into the library archives.
  • 35. Information architecture There are two main ways to access the library system by using the user In the part of Contribute, people can post their own special subculture interface. One is on the Public wall in the library. Another is an online skills or recommend a person who has special subculture skills to the website. People can visit it anywhere and do almost everything like the library system. No matter the skill will be showed through some archives Public wall version. or a program such as a speech, some impartations or an exhibition, it must get enough votes to become an available project. So, users can On the Public wall, library visitors can find a Program notice board. vote any other projects that they support in the Contribute part. It presents recent activities, and the information can be arranged by different categories or different data type like month, week or last three Sometimes, people do not know what they want to get, so they can days. seek the information in the part of Seek. The archives and programs are classified into nine kinds, for example literature, art, design, fashion and Since the public wall is a multi touch screen, there are more important so on. Users can also seek the programs by schedule. functions. Each person can start a personal interface on the public wall after login. There are four main functions of the personal part. They are The functions of Search and My Box will be explained with the prototype Search, Contribute, Seek and reviewing the information in My Box. of Public wall user interface below.
  • 36. Public Wall Online Version Login Programme Notice Board By Categories By Date CONTRIBUTE SEARCH SEEK Show Three Days Exhibition Week Speech Month Recommend Vote Contribute Push news Categories Schedule Sharing Impartation Literature Art Design Fashion Music Film Living Oral Collection Others Post Archive Programme VOTE SAVE JOIN MY BOX
  • 37. Public wall - User Interface This is the prototype of Public wall user interface. After logging the system, Sign out people can start the personal interface (see Illustration1). The system will push some news that you may interested in and offer a search bar in the Pan, Good afternoon! center, because most people go to the library with clear purposes and want 3 to get the information quickly by searching. The push news and search Click here to search results will be divided into three categories: Post, Archive and Program, so You maybe interested in users can clearly know what kind of the information is. Post Archive Programme MAY We can see three big buttons around the center part as well. They are 6 Alyssa WOW! 18 The S Contribute, Seek and My Box. The detail information of Post, Archive and CONTRIBUTE SEEK 25 TOP L... White MAY 18 Matrix Program will be showed on the opening sub-user interface of Contribute on 17 Henry Chords MAY the left and the Seek one on the right (see Illustration2). 29 Value... My Box is a place where people can review the information. This function JUN 36 Brian History... 2 FUNZ is divided into three parts: Join, Vote and Save. This classification method is based on human activities, because when people go to the library, they MY BOX actuality do three things: joining in the program, voting for post (The post can be divided into two kinds: Archive and Program) and saving the data Illustration1 (The data can be divided into three kinds: Post, Archive and Program). This method gives more concern on human behavior, so the interaction will be more natural.
  • 38. Sign out 3 Pan, Good afternoon! Georia Yeo Choong Funky music MUM Experimental music funky music Soul music Post Archive Programme MAY 21 Georia Wild C 20 MUM 21 VOTE 39 JOIN MAY 6 Alyssa WOW! 25 The G Archive Programme CONTRIBUTE JUN SEEK Archive Programme 25 T-Show White 2 FUNZ They were words 17 Henry Chords T Show DETAIL Take it down 36 Brian History... Complex room MAP Freedom without reason 14:00 MAY. 20, 2011 SCHEDULE MY BOX JOIN SCHEDULE MAY Yeo Choong 39 20 MUM MAY Scott Spark 19 25 The Globe Theatre VOTE Archive Programme 21 Georia 52 Peter SAVE Post Archive Programme 21 Anna Day 26 Peter Hand-made craft show Illustration2
  • 40. Spacial arrangement This figure showed interior arrangement on each zones of library. it talked about the facilities, functionality and user action.
  • 41. Multipurpose hall Pods Computer Room Multipurpose classroom Interactive public wall
  • 42. People Flow • Total people flow within the library.
  • 43. • Car park • People who pass by, little/no action with library. • Night time
  • 44. Flood Response to the possibility of flooding During times when flooding is an issue within Brisbane city, the bottom level will get flooded while the second level should remain untouched, thus the reason why the computer room and pods are raised as these rooms will probably be the most expensive to clean out and fix after a flood situation.
  • 46. Benefit • Sharing has become a part of Brisbane culture. By enabling people to easily tap into this sharing of information and entertainment, it is hoped that the library will become an important part of Brisbane culture. • While the library will be constantly adapting and changing with the times, having an archive will enable users to also access past exhibitions and information • Basically the new library will create an area which draws people to the site as well as becoming a resource for those who already venture through the site • It is hoped that after a period of time, this library will add to the culture of Brisbane while creating a new space for the people of Brisbane, increasing the range of entertainment activates within the city, and encouraging a wave of learning • If some of it can get popular, we still would keep in the library collection. Because it still can represent it was a subculture particular period.
  • 47. Developing plan The library will be established and operated by the local youth; There will be a strong collaboration between the library and the surrounding subculture. Phase 1 – A year before it opens Material is collected from other libraries and museums Material is collected from the local community The library is opened and an opening ceremony is performed Phase 2 – First year People are invited to hold programs within the library Various different events are held by the library The library is promoted throughout the city Phase 3 - Sustainable strategy Continue to use library to collect and share information while also putting on a range of events and entertainment for users
  • 48. Reflections Brian Project review better solution if this project could has one more week. During the project, we nine groups all were facing to similar problem such as the site and users are in Australia, we don’t know too much of Collaboration them. We can’t do participant research by ourselves. Every part just re- Honestly, I have felt quite frustrated and angry about the collaboration lied on internet and our partner. But most of our partners seem didn’t very with QUT. We actually didn’t get any collaboration; they didn’t have helpful. So most of the term can’t general idea from research insights, any idea and suggestion, they just received to our order. At first 5 weeks most of our initial idea were quite generic and similar to each other. they almost disappeared, most of the in-depth research data came from Jackson’s group. Pan and I only worked with the most helpful partner Our approach was spilt the development into two parts, once we came Internet. One of our QUT partner came back at the last week, but didn’t up the concept statement, we stuck on it and did the system design. On follow our path. the other hand we have kept on explore different context to fit in our framework. It seem quite work in this short project. However the problem This time ours and QUT actually in different level, they are undergraduate was there was not easy to find a right context to fit, even the final subcul- student, my QUT partners don’t believe in research, they don’t read, no ture idea; it still has some problem to be fixed. Sharing, minority, culture matter how I explain, they seem didn’t understand what were we doing. and disappearing knowledge, these are the key term of our concept, it But they also didn’t listen to us. actually a little bit conflict to the other. In the process, we found out that the Indigenous Culture was quite match to our statement and very mean- If they are my junior at my previous job, I could blame them at least. But ingful to Australian society. We dropped this idea, because we worry I think i will fire them in a week. about there are not enough Indigenous people to share. Personal We tried to make our idea look more different than other team, so we I was an industrial designer and worked for local industrial for a long have focused more on the system instead of the context. I think we did while. Everything of this cause to me is completely new. This is the first a good job on the overall system, which was reason why we didn’t well system that I design for a tangible stuff. I think it would be related to my consider how to match it with subculture. I am quite sure we could do a future career. It was fun; I quite enjoy the project.
  • 49. Gu Pan Two years ago, I was very lucky to join in the collaborative project be- do work together, our site has more responsibility to describe our pro- tween PolyU and Tsinghua University, so I got to know this Interaction gram clearly since Architecture Design is more familiar than Interaction Design program. It is very important to my life, because it is the original Design in the society. Another is that we are postgraduate student when reason why I can be here today. After two years, when I become one they are undergraduate one, so our method of working maybe some member of this collaborative course again, and we finish it now, I have different, for example we will pay more attention on the research. Un- many things to reflect on. fortunately, the QUT students do not have enough passion to this subject all the time. Thinking back, it may be partly because that we did not de- I feel very different between these two times. Firstly, to be honest, in the scribe our specialties and research methods very clearly and infectiously first cooperation, I was totally a follower while the PolyU students were in advanced. So, we need to show ourselves better next time. leaders in the project. At this time, in our team, PolyU students still act as an engine in the project. The different is that I am one part of the engine On the other hand, I think the cooperation between Brian and me is very now. I pretty feel that the mentation is very different when you play differ- happy and efficient.The most important reason is that we always keep a ent roles in the project. In my opinion, everyone needs to finish personal relax atmosphere when we do brainstorming or other parts of the work. tasks at each point of the project. In addition, the engine part needs to Although showing an idea with passion is very important to a designer, guarantee that the whole subject is always on a right track as well. It may relax and listening to others can create a good cooperation environment. bring more pressure but as well as more sense of achievement to us. Therefore, every people can concentrate on the work itself more. Secondly, the specialties of PolyU and Tsinghua site are very closed in Like what Catherine has said in the first class, this course is totally about the first cooperation. However, we need to work with architecture under- cooperation. My greatest harvest of this project is to learn the way of graduate students at this time. There are two main challenges. One is that communication and doing work with others. I believe we can do a suc- they do not know what Interaction Design is. To a collaborative project, if cessful design after we have a good cooperation. people want to give full play in the process, members with different skills need to clearly know others’ strong points at first. So, before we start to
  • 50. collaboration with Brian Chan Shek Chuen Gu Pan Henry Kaschig Alyssa Hodgen MDes Interaction Design School of Design Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering