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free press monthly / number 4 / May



Stories of Rome

                   Welcome         03

 W                                            mensile di
Chi siamo?                                    Numero 4 – May                                                   EVENTS
                                              Reg. Tribunale di Roma
                                              n˚ 93/2009 del 11/3/2009
                                              Editore: Melusina Edizioni
                                              Direttore editoriale:
                                              Fabrizio Sette
                                              Direttore responsabile:
                                              Simone Conte
                                              Traduzioni a cura di Tim Smit
                                              Progetto grafico: Empatic

                                              Sito Web:
                                              Stampa: Flyeralarm
                                              srl, via Pillhof 25, 39057,
                                              Frangarto (BZ)
                                              Redazione: Via F. Bonfiglio
                                              55, 00168, Roma

                                                                               in Rome
                                              Email: redazione@

Welcome è uno strumento mirato per ampliare la visibilità di
tutte quelle realtà che si occupano di turismo, intrattenimento
e prodotti made in Italy (abbigliamento, enogastronomia
                                                                              Date / Hours / Tickets
e artigianato di alta qualità). E’ un supporto innovativo e
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                                                                                                       Welcome        05
Ev                                May Events                        Addresses & Info                                             Ev
     Index                                                                                                                        A&I

Music                   Exhib                 Sport
                                                                    FUTURISM                 S.S. LAZIO VS          BUIkA
09       THE BAD
         BOYS OF
                        01   FUTURISM
                             Scuderie del
                                              10   S. S. LAZIO VS
                                                                    Scuderie del Quirinale
                                                                    10.00/20.00 E 7/10
                                                                                             Stadio Olimpico
                                                                                                                    Parco della musica
                                                                                                                    21.00 E 20
         PIANO               Quirinale             Football         Via XXIV Maggio 16       15.00 E 15/185         Viale P de Coubertin
         Teatro                                                     06 39967500              Via Foro Italico 1     199.109.783
                        01   GIOTTO E IL
                                              17   A. S. ROMA
                                                   VS CHIEVO        GIOTTO
                                                                                                                    UEFA CHAMPIONS
10       BROWNE
                             del Vittoriano
                                                   Football         Complesso del
                                                                                             U. UGHI, A. MADZAR
                                                                                             Parco della musica
                                                                                                                    LEAGUE FINAL
                                                                                                                    Stadio Olimpico
         Parco della
         Musica                               27   UEFA             09.30/19.30              20.30 E 18/33        20.30
                        01   VESPASIANUS
                                                   LEAGUE FINAL
                                                                    E 7.50/10
                                                                    Via di S. Pietro in
                                                                                             Viale P de Coubertin Via Foro Italico 1
                                                                                             199.109.783          WWW.UEFA.COM
13       UTO UGHI,
         ALEkSANDAR          Foro Romano           Football         Carcere
         MADZAR              Palatino                               06 3225380               S.S. ROMA VS           FRED FRITH
         Parco della                                                                         CHIEVO                 Parco della musica
         Musica                                                     VESPASIANUS              Stadio Olimpico        21.00 E 15
                                                                    Colosseo - Foro          15.00 E 15/185         Viale P de Coubertin
18       THE YELLOW-
                                                                    Romano - Palatino
                                                                                             Via Foro Italico 1
                                                                                                                    199 109 783
         Parco della                                                E 7.50 / 12
         Musica                                                     06 39967700              THE YELLOWJACkETS
                                                                                             Parco della musica
19       DEOLINDA
         Parco della
                                                                    THE BAD BOYS OF          21.00 E 15 / 20
                                                                                                                    TOURIST CALL CENTER
                                                                                                                  Answers calls every
                                                                    PIANO                    Viale P de Coubertin day from 9.00 am to
         Musica                                                     Teatro Nazionale         199.109.783          7.30 pm in English,
                                                                    18.00 E 20
23       FRANCA MASU,
         “HOY COMO                                                  Via del Viminale 51      DEOLINDA
                                                                                                                    Spanish, French, Ger-
                                                                                                                    man and Italian.
         AYER”                                                      06 48160255              Parco della musica
         Parco della                                                                         21.00 E 12
         Musica                                                     JACkSON BROWNE           Viale P de Coubertin
                                                                    Parco della musica       199.109.783
25       BUIkA
         Parco della
                                                                    21.00 E 30/40
                                                                    Viale P de Coubertin FRANCA MASU
         Musica                                                     199.109.783          Parco della musica
                                                                                         21.00 E 12
29       FRED FRITH
         Parco della
                                                                                         Viale P de Coubertin

06           Welcome                                                                                                   Welcome           07
Ex                                Giotto and the 14th century                                     Ex

 EXHIBIT                           Il più Sovrano Maestro stato in dipintura.

                                             iotto and      Over 150 works of
                                             the 14th       a very high level        MARCH 6TH
                                             century is     and undoubted            JUNE 29TH 2009
                                   the title of the         quality have been        Complesso del
                                   impressive exhibit       gathered to guide        Vittoriano
                                   on the Florentine        us through the           Opening Hours /
                                   master hosted            development              9.30 -19.30;
                                   between March 6th        of Giotto’s              Fri. Sat. 9.30 - 23.30;
                                   and June 29th 2009       figurative painting      Sun. 9.30 - 20.30
                                                                                     Tickets / E 7,50/10

                                   at the Vittoriano        style. Splendid
                                   complex on Rome’s        polyptyches,             Address / Via di San
                                   Piazza Venezia. The      priceless oil            Pietro in Carcere
                                   exposition shows         paintings, sculptures,   Telephone /
                                   us how Giotto,           manuscripts and          06 68809035

                     in Rome
                                                                                     Closed / Mondays
                                   maybe the first true     gold works testify
                                   “Italian” artist, has    the influence that
                                   become a symbol          Giotto had on
                                   for late medieval        many Italian arts
                                   art and highlights       and crafts of his
                     Review        the profound
                                   influence he would
                                                            time. Among the
                                                            exhibit’s rare works
                                   have on many             the main attraction
                                   artists in the Italian   will be made up by
                                   peninsula after          some 20 pieces by
                                   him. Over seventy        the master himself.
                                   years have passed        Being hard to move
                                   since the last great     due to conservation
                                   exhibition on            reasons this is
                                   Giotto and Italian       actually the first
                                   painting in his age,     time they’ll be
                                   held at the Uffizi in    exposed outside
                                   Florence in 1937 to      Florence in what
                                   commemorate the          is bound to be a
                                   600th anniversary of     unique event even
                                   the master’s death.      for Rome.

08         Welcome                                                                       Welcome            09
Ex           Il Bimillenario dei Flavi                                      Futurism                                                  Ex
     Art                                                                                                                                 Art

               Exposition on Emperor Vespasian.                              Avanguardia Avanguardie.

W                                                                            A
         ith the          Coliseum),               the “damnatio                    t the          along the lines of a   the exhibit boasts
         2000th           for the first time       memoriae” (the                   centennial     modern vision.         numerous historic
         anniversary      using this famous        cancellation of                  of the                                works coming from
of the progenitor         building to its full     anything that             publication of the  Interestingly, the       the most important
of the short-lived        potential, since         reminded of a             manifest – which    exhibit exalts the       international
imperial dynasty of       although being           person) cast on           appeared on the     cultural bonds           collections.
the Flavii (69-96 AD)     Italy’s most visited     the Flavii after Titus’   Parisian newspaper  and the tight
as a pretext, the city    tourist attraction,      brother Domitian,         “Le Figaro” on      formal relationships
of Rome dedicates         there was hardly         one of the most           February 20th       between cubism           FEBRUARY 20TH
an interesting            anything to see          prolific builders         1909 – the Quirinal and futurism, with       MAY 24TH 2009
exposition to             inside. The Coliseum     amongst the               Stables dedicate    a large selection        Scuderie del Quirinale
Emperor Vespasian.        was started by           Roman emperors,           a very important    of cubistic works
The lively portraits of   an already aged          was murdered in           exposition to       able to testify          Opening Hours / 10-20
the emperor himself,      Vespasian in 69 AD       96 AD. In a rare          Futurism.           the similarities         Tickets / E 7/10
of his sons Titus and     and inaugurated          demonstration of                              and differences          Address /
Domitian and of his       in 80 AD by his son      scientific rigour,        The exhibition      between the two          Via XXIV Maggio 16
beautiful nice Julia      Titus, with a full 100   the exposition            gathers an          artistic movements.      Telephone /
adorn the marbles,        days of gladiator        “Divus Vespasianus”       impressive number Amongst the most           06 39967500
coins and silver          games. In a way          divides attention         of masterpieces of famous works we           Closed / Mondays
mirrors we find here.     it’s the most ideal      evenly between            early Futurism, and may find: Le grand
Some 70 works of          place to host an         historical facts and      holds even those    nu by G. Braque, or
arts are hosted           exposition on the        the beauty of the         works exposed at    Picasso’s Femme
inside the “Flavian       Flavian family.          myth.                     the grand Futurism assise dans un
Amphitheatre”             The full extend                                    exhibition held in  fauteuil. U. Boccioni
(a.k.a. the               of the exposition                                  Paris in 1912, and  is present with
                          brings us outside        26 MARCH 2009             exhibition that     his Costruzione
                          of the Coliseum          10 JANUARY 2010           caused quite a      orizzontale and Le
                          as well, as we           Opening Hours /           rumour. In only     forze di una strada
                          necessarily pass by      8.30-19.15                a short time the    whereas we also
                          the arch of Titus,       Tickets / E 7,50/12       ideas of “speed”    see Le nuotatrici
                          masterpiece of           Address / Via di San      and ”dynamism”      by C. Carrà and
                          ancient Roman            Pietro in Carcere         were spread across Nu descendant
                          architecture. The        Telephone /               the world, helping  l’escalier of M.
                          arch is one of few       06 39967700               the redefine        Duchamp. Apart
                          buildings to survive     Closed / Mondays          contemporary art    from those masters,

10         Welcome                                                                                                           Welcome           11
 Ex                                        At the barbershop                                          Stories

 STORIES                                   Vanity in Ancient Rome.

                                                he earliest       women (especially
                                                Romans had        the rich ones) had
                                                never heard       specialised slaves
                                           of getting a           at home who
                                           haircut, let alone     would tend to their
                                           hairdressers or        locks.
                                           barbers. They let      Apart from cutting
                                           their hair and         hair and beards,
                                           beards grow long       barbers usually

                     Stories of
                                           and weren’t really     also cut nails and
                                           fond of elaborate      did a thing or
                                           hairstyles. Coming     two in manicure.
                                           from Sicily, the       Rich Romans with
                                           first hairdressers     enough time and

                                           probably arrived in    money on their
                                           Rome around 300        hands, could
                                           BC, and although       visit one of them
                                           the Romans             every day. Vanity?
                                           were somewhat          Undoubtedly so,
                     Legends and stories   distrustful at first
                                           they soon started
                                                                  but just like today
                                                                  ancient Rome’s
                                           using them. Some       barbershops were
                                           barbers worked         a great place for
                                           out in the open        gossip! Curiosity
                                           on squares or          and talkativeness
                                           near markets,          were considered
                                           whereas those          to be the barbers
                                           hairdressers with      “occupational
                                           clients of a higher    diseases”, and
                                           social level had       more than one
                                           their own shops,       client felt very
                                           called tonstrinae.     much at ease in
                                           In both cases their    these surroundings.
                                           clients were almost                                Photo by gutter - Flickr
                                           exclusively men,

12         Welcome                                                                      Welcome                   13
Ex St. Peter’s baldachin                                                                                         Ex
     Stories                                                                                                         Stories

                             The face of the woman in labour.

         hen                     by Pope Urban          Pantheon molten,       for poetry), lizards
         walking                 VIII (of the           which inspired the     (a symbol of rebirth
         into Saint              Barberini family)      famous line “Quod      and the search
Peter’s basilica                 it was designed        non fecerunt           for God) and
it’s rather hard                 by famed artist        barbari, fecerunt      bees, part of the
to overlook                      GianLorenzo            Barberini” (What       Barberini family’s
this impressive                  Bernini and            the barbarians         coat of arms.
bronze structure.                unveiled in 1633.      didn’t do, the         Few people know
Commissioned                                            Barberini family       the story of the
                                 The baldachin’s        did) criticizing not   decorations on the
                                 main function is to    only the Pope’s        frieze underneath
                                 indicate the place     crazy spending on      each column,
                                 where St. Peter the    auto-celebrative       where we see the
                                 apostle is buried, but monuments,             face of a woman
                                 was of course also     but mostly the         in labour. Walking
                                 meant to celebrate     fact that he had       clockwise around
                                 the greatness of the   no problems            the baldachin we
                                                        damaging what          see the growing
                                 Pope who had it        was left of ancient    agony on the
                                 built.                 Rome’s treasures.      woman’s face until,
                                                        The baldachins         on the last pillar,
                                 Apart from Bernini     characteristic         we find the smiling
                                 some rather            twisted columns        face of a newborn
                                 important artists      are some 11            child. The depicted
                                 like Borromini,        metres high and        woman was Pope
                                 Maderno and            made up of three       Urban VIII’s cousin
                                 Duquesnoy also         pieces each.           who had a child
                                 worked on the          Together with the      while Bernini was
                                 baldachin.             base and the top       working on the
                                 To create this         of the monument        baldachin, both
                                 rather unique          they’re covered in     immortalized in
                                 piece of art, the      plant and animal       bronze.
                                 Pope had the           motives, such as Ivy
                                 bronze flowers         (said to allude to
Photo by edwin.11 - Flickr       that adorned the       the Pope’s passion
                                                                                                           Photo by pdsphil - Flickr

                                 cupola of the

14                  Welcome                                                                           Welcome                   15
Ex                     Archangel Michael in Rome
     Stories                                                                                       Stories

                                 Saying “thanks” with a statue.

     he Castel                     what was left of        days, losing sick
     Sant’Angelo                   the distinct round      and dying people
     is probably                   building. Of course     on the way as
one of Rome’s                      most of this trivia     he went. When
best-known                         can be found in         the procession
monuments, built                   any guide-book          reached Hadrian’s
in ancient times as                or encyclopaedia,       mausoleum, the
a mausoleum for                    but few know            Pope had a vision
Emperor Hadrian                    the legend that         of a flaming angel
and his family.                    explains how            who put his sword
Its use changed                    the ancient             back in its sheathe,
radically in                       mausoleum got its       to symbolize
medieval times,                    modern name.            the end of the
when a much                        In the year 509 AD      epidemic.
feared fortress-                   little was left of      That same night
prison was built on                Rome’s imperial         the plague
                                   grandeur, only few      ceased, and to
                                   people were left        remind future
                                   living in the city,     generations of the
                                   one barbaric siege      miracle a wooden
                                   followed the other,     statue of an angel
                                   and to top it all off   was erected
                                   a terrible plague       on Hadrian’s
                                   ravaged the city.       monument.
                                   Numerous religious      From that day it
                                   processions were        became known as
                                   staged to invoke        the “castle of the
                                   God’s mercy upon        angel”. The statue
                                   the city.               itself was replaced
                                   On of these             a couple of times
                                   processions was         over the ages,
                                   led by Pope             and the current
                                   Gregory the Great       version was made
Photo by Alan Cordova - Flickr
                                   (590 - 604) and         by Flemish artist          Photo by lee ciaran - Flickr
                                   lasted three whole      Verschaffelt in 1753.

16                 Welcome                                                         Welcome                    17
                                        The senator-ghost
     Stories                                                                                                                                               Stories

                                                  Gold coins and bricks.

                                              he eternal          from the time of         calmly sitting there,   the boy is lying on
                                              city may not        Julius Caesar.           and he tells them       the floor in the dirt.
                                              be anything                                  about the old man.      Taken back to his
                                        like the Scottish         The barber’s assist-     At night, while         cell he then finds
                                        highlands, but in its     ant appears to be a      the boy eats his        three bricks where
                                        intricate network         nice lad and so the      dinner, the old man     the old man had
                                        of small streets and      old man gives him a      comes in his cell       put the bowls filled
                                        alleys, ghost and         gold coin. Stunned       again. The senator      with coins. After this
                                        spirits do fit in quite   and tempted by           rebukes the boy         episode the ghost
                                        well. The following                                for having told the     would visit and talk
                                                                  such generosity he
                                        story caused quite                                 guard about him,        to other inmates
                                        a stir, and can be
                                                                  immediately asks for     and tells him that      of Rome’s prison,
                                        found in many             more. The old man        he’s just wasted        each time arousing
                                        chronicles of the         doesn’t say no, but      his chance to get       their greed, and
                                        time. In the month        appears to be buying     rich. Then the ghost    leaving them
                                        of June 1731, a           time. He tells the boy   puts three bowls        useless bricks.
                                        barber’s assistant        that he’ll put away      filled with coins on
                                        was convicted for         the leftovers from       the floor of the cell
                                        assault and sent to       lunch first, and that    and, without saying
                                        prison in the Pal-        he would come back       another word, picks
                                        azzo Senatorio, on        later.                   them up again
                                        Rome’s Capitoline                                  and leaves. The
                                        hill. Once inside, he     Later when the           door remained
                                        met a well-dressed        guards pass by on        open and the
                                        old man with a            their inspection         barber’s assistant
                                        long white beard          round, they see the      runs after the old
                                        and asked him why         tableware from           man, but he falls
                                        on earth – judging        lunch standing           and shouts in pain.
                                        from his elegant          outside the cell         The guards come
                                        clothing and old          and think the            running and sound
                                        age - he was in           barber’s assistant       the alarm, but all
                                        there? The old            has been able to         they find is a white
                                        man then tells his        get out and fled.        robe, supposedly
                                        story, and says he        Checking inside          belonging to the
Photo by portableantiquities - Flickr   is a Roman senator        they see him             old man, While                                      Photo by rockmixer - Flickr

18                   Welcome                                                                                                                Welcome                   21
Ex             One very extravagant house                             “Si fueris Romae,
                                                                       Romano vivito more.”

                                          Palazzo Zuccari.

                                  lose to the   contemporary
                                  famous        artists. In his
                                  Spanish       testament Zuccari
                         Steps we find a        decided to leave
                         building that has      his palazzo at the
                         one of the most        disposal of foreign
                         interesting and        artists studying in
                         original facades       Rome. However his
                         in all of Rome: the    last wishes were
                         doorframe and          not respected and
                         the windows are        when he died the
                         actually monsters      building simply
                         with their mouths      passed to another
                         wide open!             owner. When the
                         Famous baroque         Queen of Poland
                         artist Federico        bought it in 1702,
                         Zuccari bought         it became a
                         the lot in 1590,       reference point for
                         and decided to         Rome’s socialites,
                         built himself a        which it remained
                         house and studio,      for a couple of
                         influenced by          decades. Finally
                         the “monstrous”        however Zuccari’s
                         building style         last wish was
                         of Bomarzo, a          fulfilled, when once
                         baroque park near      again changing
                         Viterbo.               owner, the house
                         At first Zuccari’s     became a hostel
                         architectural          for foreign artists
                         whim was harshly       studying in Rome.
                         criticized for just
                         being plain weird
                         but soon enough
                         became a dream
                         house for most
                                                                       photo by Luigig - Flickr
20             Welcome
Museums                                                              M
 M                                                                                                                     Info

                                                GALLERIA                    MUSEO DI ROMA              MUSEO NAZIONALE
                                                BORGHESE                    IN TRASTEVERE              DEGLI STRUMENTI
                                                Opening Hours /             Opening Hours /            MUSICALI
                                                8.30 - 19.30 closed         10.00 - 20.00, closed      Opening Hours /
                                                on Mondays                  on Mondays                 8.30 – 19.30, closed
                                                Address / Piazzale          Address / Piazza           on Mondays
                                                del Museo Borghese          Sant’Egidio 1/b            Address / Piazza
                                                Telephone / 06 32810        Telephone / 06 0608        Santa Croce in
                                                Ticket / E 8.50             Ticket / E 3               Gerusalemme, 9/a
                                                Tickets need to                                        Telephone / 06

                                                be booked by tel-           An interesting             7014796
                                                ephone in advance.          museum about life          Ticket / E 4
                                                                            in Rome at the end
                                                Possibly the finest         of the 18th and 19th       The National
                                                art-gallery in the          centuries.                 Museum of Musical
                                                world: sculptures and                                  Instruments is the

                     in Rome                    paintings by some of
                                                the greatest masters
                                                of all time, bas-reliefs,
                                                and antique mosaics.
                                                                                                       biggest of its kind
                                                                                                       in Europe and has
                                                                                                       some unique pieces.

                                                GALLERIA                    MUSEO NAZIONALE            MUSEO STORICO
                     Info / Hours / Tickets /   NAZIONALE                   ROMANO PALAZZO
                                                                                                       Opening Hours /
                                                DI ARTE MODERNA
                                     History    Opening Hours /
                                                8.30 – 19.30, closed
                                                                            Opening Hours /
                                                                            9 – 19.45, closed on
                                                                                                       9 – 12, closed on
                                                on Mondays                  Mondays                    Address / Piazza
                                                Address / Viale delle       Address / Via              San Giovanni in
                                                Belle Arti, 131             Sant’Apollinare 46         Laterano
                                                Telephone /                 Telephone / 06             Telephone / 06
                                                06 32298221                 39967700                   69886467
                                                Ticket / E 7 – 9            Ticket / E 7               Ticket / E 5

                                                An inspiring collec-        One of the most            This museum
                                                tion of modern of           important collections      conserves the legacy
                                                the work of modern          of ancient sculptures      of Papacy and it’s
                                                artists from the 19th       around, and a very         court with a collection
                                                and 20th centuries.         beautiful building, too.   of robes, arms,
                                                                                                       artefacts and more.

22         Welcome              Welcome   22                                                              23          Welcome
M                                         Museums                        Museums                                                       M
     Info                                                                                                                                 Info

D’ARTE ORIENTALE         D’ARTE MODERNA E D’ARTE ANTICA                   ANDERSEN                MEDIOEVO                 PALAZZO BRASCHI
Opening Hours /          CONTEMPORANEA Opening Hours /                    Opening Hours /         Opening Hours /          Opening Hours /
Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00-      Opening Hours /          8.30 – 19.30; closed    9 – 19, closed on       9 – 14; closed on        9 – 19; closed on
14:00; Thu, Sat,         Tue-Fri: 9.00 – 19.00;   on Mondays              Mondays                 Mondays                  Mondays
Sun- and holidays        Sundays and holi-        Address / Via delle     Address / Via P S.
                                                                                          .       Address / Viale          Address / Via di
9:00-19:30; closed       days: 9.00 – 14.00;      Quattro Fontane 13      Mancini 20              Lincoln 3                San Pantaleo (near
on Mondays               closed on Mondays.       Telephone / 06 32810    Telephone /             Telephone / 06           Piazza Navona)
Address /                Address / Via F.         Ticket / E 5 - 6        06 32 19 089            54228199                 Telephone / 06 0608
Via Merulana, 248        Crispi, 24                                       Ticket / Free entrace   Ticket / E 2             Ticket / E 6 - 8
Telephone / 06           Telephone / 06           This rich gallery in
46974832                 4742848                  the palazzo Barberini   H. C. Andersen’s        The Museum of            The Palazzo
Ticket / E 6             Ticket / E 2,60          has some splendid       home was turned         the Early Middle         Braschi collection
                                                  masterpieces of         into a museum after     Ages presents an         holds numerous
This museum              The museum’s             the 14th to 17th        his death, and now      interesting collection   manufactures
guards the findings      exhibit hosts some       centuries, including    holds a collection of   of materials dating      that tell Rome’s
of various Italian       4000 works of art        Raphael and             700 works to testify    from the 4th to the      story from the late
archaeological           by famous modern         Caravaggio.             the artistic genius     14th centuries.          medieval period
missions to Iran,        and contemporary                                 of this Norwegian                                until the second half
Pakistan and             Italian artists.                                 master.                                          of the 20th century.

Opening Hours / 10-17 DI PALAZZO CORSINI Opening Hours /                  CRYPTA BALBI     Opening Hours /                 CIVILTÀ ROMANA
Address / Via del        Opening Hours /          8.30 – 16.30            Opening Hours /         9 – 20; closed on        Opening Hours /
Corso, 305               8.30 – 19.30; closed     Address / Via di San    9-19.45; closed on      Mondays                  9 – 13.30; closed on
Telephone / 06 6797323   on Mondays               Gregorio 30             Mondays                 Address / Piazza del     Mondays
Ticket / E 9             Address / Via della      Telephone / 06          Address / Via delle     Campidoglio1             Address / Piazza G.
                         Lungara 10               39967700                Botteghe Oscure 31      Telephone / 06 0608      Agnelli, 10
The Doria Pamphilj       Telephone / 06 32810     Ticket / E 9 (valid     Telephone / 06          Ticket / E 6,50          Telephone / 06 32810
gallery is home to       Ticket / E 4             also for the Coliseum   39967700                                         Ticket / E 6.50
a grand number                                    and Roman Forum)        Ticket / E 7           Holds pieces of
of 17th century          The museum is home                                                      sculptural art of         The exposed materi-
masterpieces             to works by the likes    The museum hosts        Museum on urban ar- immeasurable                 als are reproduc-
including works by       of B. Angelico, Rubens   sculptures, frescoes    chaeology, with a very value, the statue of      tions of architectural
Bernini.                 and Luca Giordano        and findings of         clear explanation of   Oceanus, the Capi-        complexes and
                         and used to be the       the Archaic age         the development of     toline Venus and the      monuments of the
                         home of Queen            through to the time     the surrounding area   equestrian statue of      Roman Empire, very
                         Cristina of Sweden.      of the emperors.        through history.       Emperor M. Aurelius.      nicely done.

24          Welcome                                                                                                           Welcome            25
M                                          Museums                           Museums                                                           M
     Info                                                                                                                                         Info

MUSEO NAZIONALE DI MUSEO BARRACCO                 MUSEO D’ARTE                MUSEO NAZIONALE          MUSEO                      MERCATI
CASTEL SANT’ANGELO Opening Hours /                CONTEMPORANEA               ETRUSCO                  DELL’ARA PACIS             DI TRAIANO
Opening Hours /         9 – 19; closed on         ROMA – MACRO                Opening Hours /          Opening Hours /            Opening Hours /
9 – 19; closed on       Mondays                   Opening Hours /             8.30 – 19.30, closed     9 – 19, closed on          9 – 19, closed on
Mondays                 Address / Corso Vitto-    9 – 19, closed on           on Mondays               Mondays                    Mondays
Address / Lungote-      rio Emanuele 166/A        Mondays                     Address / Piazzale       Address / Lungote-         Address / Via IV
vere Castello, 50       Telephone / 06 0608       Address / Via Reg-          di Villa Giulia, 93      vere in Augusta            Novembre 94
Telephone / 06          Ticket / E 3              gio Emilia, 54              Telephone / 06 32810     Telephone / 06 0608        Telephone / 06 0608
6819111                                           Telephone / 06 0608         Ticket / E 4             Ticket / E 6.50            Ticket / E 6.50
Ticket / E 5            The museum holds a        Ticket / Free en-
                        prestigious collection    trance                      The Museum               The “altar of peace”       Trajan’s markets are
A place where present of antique sculptures,                                  holds some of the        is one of the finest       the main museum on
and past of the eternal given to the city      At this museum one             masterpieces of the      examples of antique        antique architecture
city are inseparably    council in 1904.       will find the works of         ancient Etruscan         art, beautifully           that offers the visitor
linked, due to how its                         Accardi, Schifano,             civilization, who        housed in this             a number of replicas
use changed over                               Festa, Rotella,                rose to greatness        modern building by         and reconstructions
the ages, some very                            Bianchi, and other             before the Romans        American architect         of a part of the
interesting pieces                             contemporary artists in        overpowered them.        Richard Meier.             ancient forum and
and a marvellous                               an extraordinary setting.                                                          its architectural
view at sundown.                                                                                                                  decorations.

GALLERIA SPADA          MUSEO DI PALAZZO          MUSEO                       PALAZZO MASSIMO          MUSEO                      MUSEO EBRAICO
Opening Hours /         VENEZIA                   MONTEMARTINI                ALLE TERME               DELLE MURA                 DI ROMA
8.30 – 19.30; closed    Opening Hours /           Opening Hours /             Opening Hours /          Opening Hours /            Opening Hours /
on Mondays              8.30 – 19.30; closed      9 – 19, closed on           9 – 19.45, closed on     9 – 14, closed on          10 – 16, Friday 9 - 13
Address / Piazza        on Mondays                Mondays                     Mondays                  Monday                     closed on Saturday
Capo di Ferro, 13       Address / Via del         Address / Via               Address / Largo di       Address / Via di Porta     Address /
Telephone / 06          Plebiscito, 118           Ostiense 106                Villa Peretti 1          San Sebastiano             Lungotevere Cenci
6832409                 Telephone / 06 32810      Telephone / 06 0608         Telephone / 06           Telephone / 06 0608        Telephone / 06
Ticket / E 5            Ticket / E 4              Ticket / E 4.50             39967700                 Ticket / E 6.50            68400661
                                                                              Ticket / E 7                                        Ticket / E 7.50
The gallery holds the   The museum                This ex-power plant still                            This fixed exposition in
private collection      conserves a number        has all its machinery in    At the Palazzo           one of Rome ancient        The Jewish Museum
of Cardinal Spada       of paintings dating       place, that, combined       Massimo one will         city gates tells the       in Rome hosts the
and has works by        back to the 15th - 18th   with the marvellous         find true treasures of   story the extensive        collections of Rome’s
Guercino, Baciccia      centuries.                exposition of ancient       Roman coins and          city walls.                much-troubled
and Guido Reni.                                   sculptures makes for        jewellery.                                          Jewish community.
                                                  a very interesting
26          Welcome                                                                                                                   Welcome            27
“Every instant of                                               En
time is a pinprick of                                           ENTERTAIN

Marcus Aurelius

                                in Rome
                               Food / Drink / Music
                                         / Shopping

Photo by il Quoquo - Flickr
                                                      Welcome          29
Only beer. Only quality food. Only Passion.
En                                                               Food

BIR E FUD                   RELAZIONI                    OSTERIA
                            CULINARIE                    DELL’ANGELO
Address / Via
Benedetta 23                Address / Via                Address / Via
Phone / 06 5894016          Panisperna 75                Bettolo 24/32

Medium Price / E 25         Phone / 06 48930554          Phone / 06 3729470
Closed / Never              Medium Price / E 30          Medium Price / E 25
*N1° on the map.            Closed / Never               Closed / on Sunday,
                            *N2° on the map.             Monday and
This interesting hotspot                                 Saturday (only dinner)
for lovers of good          Right in the heart of        *N3° on the map.
beer and good food          one of Rome’s oldest
gets its name from          quarters, Monti, you’ll      Close to metrostop

beer & food, albeit         find this lovely restau-     Ottaviano, this restau-
in phonetic Italian.        rant that offers some        rant offers you a place
It’s rather different       intriguing recipes from      to try some original
from your average           Southern Italy. The          Roman dishes. The

restaurant but home to      freshly made pasta           ambient is as typical
a very vast and ever-       everyday, served             as it gets for a Roman
changing choice of          with artichokes and          trattoria,simple and
excellent dishes and        salmon or sausage,           a bit rough around
pizza’s made from first     lemon and Parmesan           the edges, including
quality ingredients. Bir    cheese are worth             the well-known red-
& Fud always has at         trying, as are the           and-white cheq-
least ten craft beers       meat dishes (try the         uered tablecloths.
(artisanal, abbey,          pork with sun dried          The walls are lined
small breweries) on         tomatoes, pine nuts          with various items
draught, and an             and black olives) and        connected to both
impressive collection       the fish (swordfish with     boxing and rugby,
of bottled beers from       lemon). For dessert          the latter being the
all over the world.         the Relazioni Culinarie      sport practiced by
Situated right in the       offers a lovely chest-       its owner, Angelo
heart of Trastevere this    nut mousse or sorbets        Croce. The cuisine is
is really one to try out,   made with fresh fruit.       Roman, period, tasty
whether in romantic         The restaurant’s origi-      and rich in flavour,                            Restaurant
company or with             nal nature is reflected      no extravaganza’s
friends, to get a taste     in the continuous            or fancy things. The
of great beers and          contemporary art             price is fixed: 25 for a
equally good food.          exhibits inside its walls.   complete meal.

30          Welcome                                                                       Via Benedetta 23 (Trastevere) - Phone 06 5894016
                                                                                                                                     Welcome   31
En                                                     Drink

RGB46                   SENZA FONDO               MA CHE SIETE
                                                  VENUTI A FA
Opening Hours /         Opening Hours /
10 – 13 / 17 – 1        20.00 – 2.00              Opening Hours /
Address / Piazza        Address / Via             15.00 -2.00
Santa Maria Libera-     Germanico 168/c           Address / Via
trice 46                Phone / 06 3211415        Benedetta 25
Phone / 06 45421608     *N5° on the map.          Phone / 3805074938
*N4° on the map.                                  *N6° on the map.
                        This warm and wel-
This concept store      coming oasis for the      The “Ma che siete
offers its clients the  thirsty can be found      venuti a fà” can
chance to enjoy         in the basement           easily be called a
– without hurry         of a 1920’s build-        reference point for
- the many avail-       ing near St. Peter’s      all beer aficiona-
able books while        basilica. The ancient,    dos of Rome and
warming up with a       chestnut-covered          province. In the
nice cup of tea or      brick walls welcome       heart of Trastevere
having a glass of       those who enter to        we find this fine pub,
good wine. But not      quench their thirst       entirely dedicated
only the books are      on the wide range         to good, artisanal
for sale, you’ll also   of draught beers.         beer. They dispose of
find designer objects Apart from the              10 draughts and two
and furniture, made many abbey and                original English hand
by young crea-          trappist beers, Senza     operated pump-
tive artists from all   fondo (bottomless,        draughts, which
over the world. The     in Italian) also boasts   poor out unique
in-house gallery        a wide range of           beers of undisput-
provides room           traditional cheeses,      able quality. Some
for exhibits and        sausages, sliced          of the best Belgian,
performances by         meets and more. Of        German, Danish,
both emerging and       culinary intrest are      American and, more
acclaimed artists,      also the sandwiches,      interestingly, Italian
and proposes itself     salads, traditional br-   beers. The “Ma che
as a cultural meet-     uschette, and cold        siete venuti a fa” of-
ing point for painters, dishes. It also has a     fers a range of beers
photographers,          tearoom.                  that has no parallels
poets and actors.                                 in all of Rome.

32           Welcome                                                       Welcome   33
En                                                  Music               Shopping                                                       En
     Music                                                                                                                             Shopping

ALEXANDER PLATZ         BIG MAMA               FONCLEA                  ANTICA ERBORISTERIA AL SOGNO                     LIBRERIA DEL
                                                                        ROMANA                                           VIAGGIATORE
Hours / 20.00 – 2.00    Hours / 21 – 1.30      Hours / 19.00 – 2.00                             Address / Piazza
Address / Via Ostia 9   Address / Vicolo       Address / Via            Address / Via di        Navona 53                Address / Via del
Phone / 06 39742171     San Francesco a        Crescenzio 82/a          Torre Argentina         Phone / 06 6864198       Pellegrino 78
                        Ripa 18                Phone / 06 6896302       Phone / 06 6879493      *N10° on the map.        Phone / 06 68801048
*N6° on the map.
                        Phone / 06 5812551     *N8° on the map.         *N9° on the map.                                 *N11° on the map.
                                                                                                Since over five dec-
One of the better       *N7° on the map.
                                                                        The oldest herbalist    ades, right on one       The “traveller’s
known addresses                                For over the last 30     in Rome, this shop      of the world’s most      bookshop” is unique
in Rome famous for      Since March 30th       years Fonclea has        was founded in          beautiful squares,       in Rome, and ideal
it active concert-      1984 the Big Mama      been considered          1752. Noteworthy is     one can find the         for those who are
scene and its           has been an            one of the best          the original furniture  fairy-tale world of      about to go on
leading role in a       important reference known live music            in Italian walnut,      Al Sogno. This lovely    holiday, or visit places
number of great         point for the Roman clubs of Rome,              amongst which we        shop offers a range      they’ve never seen.
Jazz Festivals. The     music scene.           and an important         find a magnificent      of fluffy animals,       Or simply for the
ambient is distinctly   Known for its varied   reference point          cupboard with           collectable dolls        curious, who can
                        programming,           for lovers of music.     drawers where one       and gift items of        easily spend hours
international and
very warm, and the      crossing over to       Since its opening        can find 350 different extraordinary quality     between its many
                                                                        medicinal herbs,        and beauty. Passing      racks. At this lovely
old walls are lined     many different styles in ‘77 it has hosted
                                               (and will continue       and a beautifully       this shop’s threshold    libreria you will find
with the writings       with quality as its
                                               to do so) a music-       decorated panelled means entering a              tourist guides and
and autographs of       only criteria, you’ll                                                   fantasy-like dimen-
                                                                        ceiling. Apart from                              maps of every
the world’s most        regularly hear some related event every         the wide range of       sion in which you’ll     imaginable part of
famous jazz artists.    good old blues, but    night, ranging from                              come eye-to-eye
                                                                        herbs, one can also                              the world, but also
If you’re looking       don’t forget about     the many concerts                                with trolls, elves and
                                                                        find lovely fruited                              travel stories, foreign
for an interesting      jazz, rock, ethnic and to, presentations,       teas, essential oils,   fairies. If you happen   literature, essays and
night out, meeting      singer-songwriters.    festivals and            fluidextracts and       to be in the vicinity    even philosophical
new people and          Over its 25 year       retrospective            over 20 different       of Piazza Navona         writings. The racks
hearing new stories,    long history the Big   exhibits about blues     qualities of honey. The we highly recom-         are ordered by
Alexander Platz is      Mama has been          and soul music...        shop’s vast choice      mend you to make         geographic area but
the place to be.        more than just any     also songwriters,        is further completed    a little detour and      our advise would be
Clients are assured     place to go to a       rock and jazz. The       by products for         discover the magic       to just nose around
of cordial service,     concert, it has seen   Fonclea is more          aromatherapy and        world of Al Sogno.       everywhere; the
an international        many young artists     than just that           hydro massage as                                 choice of books is
kitchen with an         emerge and mature. however, presenting          well as liquors, herbal                          wide, varied and in
                                               a fine Italian kitchen   spirits, incense and a                           many cases quite
Italian touch and a
                                               and a broad choice       wide range of lovely                             original.
fine American Bar.                                                      gift items!
                                               of drinks.

34           Welcome                                                                                                         Welcome           35
W                    Useful Numbers                          Parteners Hotels                                                     W
     Info                                                                                                                           Info

ATAC                  CHILDREN         DRUG ADICT AID
06 64695444           EMERGENCY        06 65741188                    HOTEL ALIMANDI VATICANO
                      118                                     Viale Vaticano 99 – Phone +39 06 39745562 -
BUS                                    FIRST AID STATION
800 431784            POLICE           06 58201030                    RELAIS HOTEL ANTICO PALAZZO ROSPIGLIOSI
                      113                                     Via Liberiana 21 – Phone +39 06 48930495 –
TRAMBUS                                CHANGE BUREAU
06 46954695           CARABINIERI      06 722821                      HOTEL RESIDENZA PAOLO VI
                      112                                     Via Paolo VI 29 – Phone +39 06 684870 –
TAXI                                   ITALIAN AGENCY
06 3570               FIRE SERVICE     FOR TOURISM                    ROSCIOLI BEST WESTERN HOTEL UNIVERSO
                      115              06 49711               Via Principe Amedeo 5 B – Phone +39 06 476811 –

                                                                      ROSCIOLI BEST WESTERN HOTEL PRESIDENT
892021                TRAFFIC POLICE
                      06 67691         060606
                                       is the telephone
                                                              Via E.Filiberto 173 – Phone +39 06 770121 –

FIUMICINO AIRPORT                                                     ROSCIOLI HOTEL CLARIDGE
                                       number to call for
06 794941             FINANCIAL        information on the     Viale Liegi 62 – Phone +39 06 845441 –
                      POLICE           services provided
CIAMPINO AIRPORT      06 67691         by the City of                 ROSCIOLI HOTEL ROYAL SANTINA
                                       Rome. The service is
06 794941                                                     Via Marsala 22 – Phone +39 06 448751 –
                                       available in English
                    CREDIT CARD        from Monday to
ITALIAN ROAD RESCUE BLOCkING           Saturday, from 4pm             ROSCIOLI HOTEL ARIS GARDEN
803 116               800 822056       to 7pm.                Via Aristofane 101 – Phone +39 06 52362443 –

LOST AND FOUND        SANITARY                                      HOTEL VALLE
OFFICE (BUS)          EMERGENCY                               Via Cavour 134 – Phone +39 06 4815736 –

06 5816040            118
                                                                    HOTEL ALIMANDI TUNISI
                                                              Via Tunisi 8 – Phone + 39 06 39723948 -
OFFICE (SUBWAY)       HOSPITAL                                    HOTEL HADLER
06 57532264           06 3054343                              Via Modena 5 - Phone +39 06 484466 -

36          Welcome
 Map             5


                         11            2



center                             4

02     Welcome
Magazine Welcome 2009

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Magazine Welcome 2009

  • 1. free press monthly / number 4 / May LITTLE GUIDE TO EVENTS IN THE CITY ROME
  • 2. W WELCOME Index Events Exhib Stories of Rome Museums Entertainment Welcome 03
  • 3. WELCOME W mensile di informazione culturale. Ev Chi siamo? Numero 4 – May EVENTS 2009 Reg. Tribunale di Roma n˚ 93/2009 del 11/3/2009 Editore: Melusina Edizioni Direttore editoriale: Fabrizio Sette Direttore responsabile: Simone Conte Traduzioni a cura di Tim Smit Progetto grafico: Empatic Events Sito Web: Stampa: Flyeralarm srl, via Pillhof 25, 39057, Frangarto (BZ) Redazione: Via F. Bonfiglio 55, 00168, Roma in Rome Email: redazione@ Welcome Welcome è uno strumento mirato per ampliare la visibilità di tutte quelle realtà che si occupano di turismo, intrattenimento e prodotti made in Italy (abbigliamento, enogastronomia Date / Hours / Tickets e artigianato di alta qualità). E’ un supporto innovativo e accattivante, dedicato ai turisti ma in grado di incuriosire / Info anche i lettori italiani che, trovandolo nei luoghi più frequentati, conosceranno un prodotto editoriale senza precedenti. Pubblicizzare la propria attività su Welcome garantirà un notevole ritorno di immagine. MAGAZINE IN LINGUA INGLESE A DISTRIBUZIONE GRATUITA OLTRE 150 PUNTI DI DISTRIBUZIONE NEL CUORE DI ROMA HOTEL DI LUSSO HANNO SCELTO WELCOME PER INFORMARE I PROPRI CLIENTI SUGLI EVENTI CULTURALI PRESENTI IN CITTÀ TUTTI I NUMERI SONO SCARICABILI DA INTERNET Vuoi fare pubblicità su Welcome? Chiama il 393.8732511 o scrivi a Welcome 05
  • 4. Ev May Events Addresses & Info Ev Index A&I Music Exhib Sport FUTURISM S.S. LAZIO VS BUIkA 09 THE BAD BOYS OF 01 FUTURISM Scuderie del 10 S. S. LAZIO VS UDINESE Scuderie del Quirinale 10.00/20.00 E 7/10 UDINESE Stadio Olimpico Parco della musica 21.00 E 20 PIANO Quirinale Football Via XXIV Maggio 16 15.00 E 15/185 Viale P de Coubertin . Teatro 06 39967500 Via Foro Italico 1 199.109.783 Nazionale 01 GIOTTO E IL TRECENTO 17 A. S. ROMA VS CHIEVO GIOTTO 199.109.783 UEFA CHAMPIONS JACkSON 10 BROWNE Complesso del Vittoriano Football Complesso del Vittoriano U. UGHI, A. MADZAR Parco della musica LEAGUE FINAL Stadio Olimpico Parco della Musica 27 UEFA 09.30/19.30 20.30 E 18/33 20.30 01 VESPASIANUS Colosseo CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL E 7.50/10 Via di S. Pietro in Viale P de Coubertin Via Foro Italico 1 . 199.109.783 WWW.UEFA.COM 13 UTO UGHI, ALEkSANDAR Foro Romano Football Carcere MADZAR Palatino 06 3225380 S.S. ROMA VS FRED FRITH Parco della CHIEVO Parco della musica Musica VESPASIANUS Stadio Olimpico 21.00 E 15 Colosseo - Foro 15.00 E 15/185 Viale P de Coubertin . 18 THE YELLOW- JACkETS Romano - Palatino 08.30/19.15 Via Foro Italico 1 199.109.783 199 109 783 Parco della E 7.50 / 12 Musica 06 39967700 THE YELLOWJACkETS Parco della musica 060608 19 DEOLINDA Parco della THE BAD BOYS OF 21.00 E 15 / 20 TOURIST CALL CENTER Answers calls every PIANO Viale P de Coubertin day from 9.00 am to . Musica Teatro Nazionale 199.109.783 7.30 pm in English, 18.00 E 20 23 FRANCA MASU, “HOY COMO Via del Viminale 51 DEOLINDA Spanish, French, Ger- man and Italian. AYER” 06 48160255 Parco della musica Parco della 21.00 E 12 Musica JACkSON BROWNE Viale P de Coubertin . Parco della musica 199.109.783 25 BUIkA Parco della 21.00 E 30/40 Viale P de Coubertin FRANCA MASU . Musica 199.109.783 Parco della musica 21.00 E 12 29 FRED FRITH Parco della Viale P de Coubertin . 199.109.783 Musica 06 Welcome Welcome 07
  • 5. Ex Giotto and the 14th century Ex Art EXHIBIT Il più Sovrano Maestro stato in dipintura. G iotto and Over 150 works of the 14th a very high level MARCH 6TH century is and undoubted JUNE 29TH 2009 the title of the quality have been Complesso del impressive exhibit gathered to guide Vittoriano on the Florentine us through the Opening Hours / master hosted development 9.30 -19.30; between March 6th of Giotto’s Fri. Sat. 9.30 - 23.30; and June 29th 2009 figurative painting Sun. 9.30 - 20.30 Tickets / E 7,50/10 Exhibitions at the Vittoriano style. Splendid complex on Rome’s polyptyches, Address / Via di San Piazza Venezia. The priceless oil Pietro in Carcere exposition shows paintings, sculptures, Telephone / us how Giotto, manuscripts and 06 68809035 in Rome Closed / Mondays maybe the first true gold works testify “Italian” artist, has the influence that become a symbol Giotto had on for late medieval many Italian arts art and highlights and crafts of his Review the profound influence he would time. Among the exhibit’s rare works have on many the main attraction artists in the Italian will be made up by peninsula after some 20 pieces by him. Over seventy the master himself. years have passed Being hard to move since the last great due to conservation exhibition on reasons this is Giotto and Italian actually the first painting in his age, time they’ll be held at the Uffizi in exposed outside Florence in 1937 to Florence in what commemorate the is bound to be a 600th anniversary of unique event even the master’s death. for Rome. 08 Welcome Welcome 09
  • 6. Ex Il Bimillenario dei Flavi Futurism Ex Art Art Exposition on Emperor Vespasian. Avanguardia Avanguardie. W A ith the Coliseum), the “damnatio t the along the lines of a the exhibit boasts 2000th for the first time memoriae” (the centennial modern vision. numerous historic anniversary using this famous cancellation of of the works coming from of the progenitor building to its full anything that publication of the Interestingly, the the most important of the short-lived potential, since reminded of a manifest – which exhibit exalts the international imperial dynasty of although being person) cast on appeared on the cultural bonds collections. the Flavii (69-96 AD) Italy’s most visited the Flavii after Titus’ Parisian newspaper and the tight as a pretext, the city tourist attraction, brother Domitian, “Le Figaro” on formal relationships of Rome dedicates there was hardly one of the most February 20th between cubism FEBRUARY 20TH an interesting anything to see prolific builders 1909 – the Quirinal and futurism, with MAY 24TH 2009 exposition to inside. The Coliseum amongst the Stables dedicate a large selection Scuderie del Quirinale Emperor Vespasian. was started by Roman emperors, a very important of cubistic works The lively portraits of an already aged was murdered in exposition to able to testify Opening Hours / 10-20 the emperor himself, Vespasian in 69 AD 96 AD. In a rare Futurism. the similarities Tickets / E 7/10 of his sons Titus and and inaugurated demonstration of and differences Address / Domitian and of his in 80 AD by his son scientific rigour, The exhibition between the two Via XXIV Maggio 16 beautiful nice Julia Titus, with a full 100 the exposition gathers an artistic movements. Telephone / adorn the marbles, days of gladiator “Divus Vespasianus” impressive number Amongst the most 06 39967500 coins and silver games. In a way divides attention of masterpieces of famous works we Closed / Mondays mirrors we find here. it’s the most ideal evenly between early Futurism, and may find: Le grand Some 70 works of place to host an historical facts and holds even those nu by G. Braque, or arts are hosted exposition on the the beauty of the works exposed at Picasso’s Femme inside the “Flavian Flavian family. myth. the grand Futurism assise dans un Amphitheatre” The full extend exhibition held in fauteuil. U. Boccioni (a.k.a. the of the exposition Paris in 1912, and is present with brings us outside 26 MARCH 2009 exhibition that his Costruzione of the Coliseum 10 JANUARY 2010 caused quite a orizzontale and Le as well, as we Opening Hours / rumour. In only forze di una strada necessarily pass by 8.30-19.15 a short time the whereas we also the arch of Titus, Tickets / E 7,50/12 ideas of “speed” see Le nuotatrici masterpiece of Address / Via di San and ”dynamism” by C. Carrà and ancient Roman Pietro in Carcere were spread across Nu descendant architecture. The Telephone / the world, helping l’escalier of M. arch is one of few 06 39967700 the redefine Duchamp. Apart buildings to survive Closed / Mondays contemporary art from those masters, 10 Welcome Welcome 11
  • 7. Ex Ex At the barbershop Stories STORIES Vanity in Ancient Rome. T he earliest women (especially Romans had the rich ones) had never heard specialised slaves of getting a at home who haircut, let alone would tend to their hairdressers or locks. barbers. They let Apart from cutting their hair and hair and beards, beards grow long barbers usually Stories of and weren’t really also cut nails and fond of elaborate did a thing or hairstyles. Coming two in manicure. from Sicily, the Rich Romans with first hairdressers enough time and Rome probably arrived in money on their Rome around 300 hands, could BC, and although visit one of them the Romans every day. Vanity? were somewhat Undoubtedly so, Legends and stories distrustful at first they soon started but just like today ancient Rome’s using them. Some barbershops were barbers worked a great place for out in the open gossip! Curiosity on squares or and talkativeness near markets, were considered whereas those to be the barbers hairdressers with “occupational clients of a higher diseases”, and social level had more than one their own shops, client felt very called tonstrinae. much at ease in In both cases their these surroundings. clients were almost Photo by gutter - Flickr exclusively men, 12 Welcome Welcome 13
  • 8. Ex St. Peter’s baldachin Ex Stories Stories The face of the woman in labour. W hen by Pope Urban Pantheon molten, for poetry), lizards walking VIII (of the which inspired the (a symbol of rebirth into Saint Barberini family) famous line “Quod and the search Peter’s basilica it was designed non fecerunt for God) and it’s rather hard by famed artist barbari, fecerunt bees, part of the to overlook GianLorenzo Barberini” (What Barberini family’s this impressive Bernini and the barbarians coat of arms. bronze structure. unveiled in 1633. didn’t do, the Few people know Commissioned Barberini family the story of the The baldachin’s did) criticizing not decorations on the main function is to only the Pope’s frieze underneath indicate the place crazy spending on each column, where St. Peter the auto-celebrative where we see the apostle is buried, but monuments, face of a woman was of course also but mostly the in labour. Walking meant to celebrate fact that he had clockwise around the greatness of the no problems the baldachin we damaging what see the growing Pope who had it was left of ancient agony on the built. Rome’s treasures. woman’s face until, The baldachins on the last pillar, Apart from Bernini characteristic we find the smiling some rather twisted columns face of a newborn important artists are some 11 child. The depicted like Borromini, metres high and woman was Pope Maderno and made up of three Urban VIII’s cousin Duquesnoy also pieces each. who had a child worked on the Together with the while Bernini was baldachin. base and the top working on the To create this of the monument baldachin, both rather unique they’re covered in immortalized in piece of art, the plant and animal bronze. Pope had the motives, such as Ivy bronze flowers (said to allude to Photo by edwin.11 - Flickr that adorned the the Pope’s passion Photo by pdsphil - Flickr cupola of the 14 Welcome Welcome 15
  • 9. Ex Archangel Michael in Rome Ex Stories Stories Saying “thanks” with a statue. T he Castel what was left of days, losing sick Sant’Angelo the distinct round and dying people is probably building. Of course on the way as one of Rome’s most of this trivia he went. When best-known can be found in the procession monuments, built any guide-book reached Hadrian’s in ancient times as or encyclopaedia, mausoleum, the a mausoleum for but few know Pope had a vision Emperor Hadrian the legend that of a flaming angel and his family. explains how who put his sword Its use changed the ancient back in its sheathe, radically in mausoleum got its to symbolize medieval times, modern name. the end of the when a much In the year 509 AD epidemic. feared fortress- little was left of That same night prison was built on Rome’s imperial the plague grandeur, only few ceased, and to people were left remind future living in the city, generations of the one barbaric siege miracle a wooden followed the other, statue of an angel and to top it all off was erected a terrible plague on Hadrian’s ravaged the city. monument. Numerous religious From that day it processions were became known as staged to invoke the “castle of the God’s mercy upon angel”. The statue the city. itself was replaced On of these a couple of times processions was over the ages, led by Pope and the current Gregory the Great version was made Photo by Alan Cordova - Flickr (590 - 604) and by Flemish artist Photo by lee ciaran - Flickr lasted three whole Verschaffelt in 1753. 16 Welcome Welcome 17
  • 10. Ex The senator-ghost Ex Stories Stories Gold coins and bricks. T he eternal from the time of calmly sitting there, the boy is lying on city may not Julius Caesar. and he tells them the floor in the dirt. be anything about the old man. Taken back to his like the Scottish The barber’s assist- At night, while cell he then finds highlands, but in its ant appears to be a the boy eats his three bricks where intricate network nice lad and so the dinner, the old man the old man had of small streets and old man gives him a comes in his cell put the bowls filled alleys, ghost and gold coin. Stunned again. The senator with coins. After this spirits do fit in quite and tempted by rebukes the boy episode the ghost well. The following for having told the would visit and talk such generosity he story caused quite guard about him, to other inmates a stir, and can be immediately asks for and tells him that of Rome’s prison, found in many more. The old man he’s just wasted each time arousing chronicles of the doesn’t say no, but his chance to get their greed, and time. In the month appears to be buying rich. Then the ghost leaving them of June 1731, a time. He tells the boy puts three bowls useless bricks. barber’s assistant that he’ll put away filled with coins on was convicted for the leftovers from the floor of the cell assault and sent to lunch first, and that and, without saying prison in the Pal- he would come back another word, picks azzo Senatorio, on later. them up again Rome’s Capitoline and leaves. The hill. Once inside, he Later when the door remained met a well-dressed guards pass by on open and the old man with a their inspection barber’s assistant long white beard round, they see the runs after the old and asked him why tableware from man, but he falls on earth – judging lunch standing and shouts in pain. from his elegant outside the cell The guards come clothing and old and think the running and sound age - he was in barber’s assistant the alarm, but all there? The old has been able to they find is a white man then tells his get out and fled. robe, supposedly story, and says he Checking inside belonging to the Photo by portableantiquities - Flickr is a Roman senator they see him old man, While Photo by rockmixer - Flickr 18 Welcome Welcome 21
  • 11. Ex One very extravagant house “Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more.” Stories Palazzo Zuccari. C lose to the contemporary famous artists. In his Spanish testament Zuccari Steps we find a decided to leave building that has his palazzo at the one of the most disposal of foreign interesting and artists studying in original facades Rome. However his in all of Rome: the last wishes were doorframe and not respected and the windows are when he died the actually monsters building simply with their mouths passed to another wide open! owner. When the Famous baroque Queen of Poland artist Federico bought it in 1702, Zuccari bought it became a the lot in 1590, reference point for and decided to Rome’s socialites, built himself a which it remained house and studio, for a couple of influenced by decades. Finally the “monstrous” however Zuccari’s building style last wish was of Bomarzo, a fulfilled, when once baroque park near again changing Viterbo. owner, the house At first Zuccari’s became a hostel architectural for foreign artists whim was harshly studying in Rome. criticized for just being plain weird but soon enough became a dream house for most photo by Luigig - Flickr 20 Welcome
  • 12. Museums M M Info MUSEUMS GALLERIA MUSEO DI ROMA MUSEO NAZIONALE BORGHESE IN TRASTEVERE DEGLI STRUMENTI Opening Hours / Opening Hours / MUSICALI 8.30 - 19.30 closed 10.00 - 20.00, closed Opening Hours / on Mondays on Mondays 8.30 – 19.30, closed Address / Piazzale Address / Piazza on Mondays del Museo Borghese Sant’Egidio 1/b Address / Piazza Telephone / 06 32810 Telephone / 06 0608 Santa Croce in Ticket / E 8.50 Ticket / E 3 Gerusalemme, 9/a Tickets need to Telephone / 06 Museums be booked by tel- An interesting 7014796 ephone in advance. museum about life Ticket / E 4 in Rome at the end Possibly the finest of the 18th and 19th The National art-gallery in the centuries. Museum of Musical world: sculptures and Instruments is the in Rome paintings by some of the greatest masters of all time, bas-reliefs, and antique mosaics. biggest of its kind in Europe and has some unique pieces. GALLERIA MUSEO NAZIONALE MUSEO STORICO Info / Hours / Tickets / NAZIONALE ROMANO PALAZZO ALTEMPS VATICANO Opening Hours / DI ARTE MODERNA History Opening Hours / 8.30 – 19.30, closed Opening Hours / 9 – 19.45, closed on 9 – 12, closed on Sundays on Mondays Mondays Address / Piazza Address / Viale delle Address / Via San Giovanni in Belle Arti, 131 Sant’Apollinare 46 Laterano Telephone / Telephone / 06 Telephone / 06 06 32298221 39967700 69886467 Ticket / E 7 – 9 Ticket / E 7 Ticket / E 5 An inspiring collec- One of the most This museum tion of modern of important collections conserves the legacy the work of modern of ancient sculptures of Papacy and it’s artists from the 19th around, and a very court with a collection and 20th centuries. beautiful building, too. of robes, arms, artefacts and more. 22 Welcome Welcome 22 23 Welcome
  • 13. M Museums Museums M Info Info MUSEO NAZIONALE GALLERIA COMUNALE GALLERIA NAZIONALE MUSEO H. C. MUSEO DELL’ALTO MUSEO DI ROMA D’ARTE ORIENTALE D’ARTE MODERNA E D’ARTE ANTICA ANDERSEN MEDIOEVO PALAZZO BRASCHI Opening Hours / CONTEMPORANEA Opening Hours / Opening Hours / Opening Hours / Opening Hours / Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00- Opening Hours / 8.30 – 19.30; closed 9 – 19, closed on 9 – 14; closed on 9 – 19; closed on 14:00; Thu, Sat, Tue-Fri: 9.00 – 19.00; on Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays Sun- and holidays Sundays and holi- Address / Via delle Address / Via P S. . Address / Viale Address / Via di 9:00-19:30; closed days: 9.00 – 14.00; Quattro Fontane 13 Mancini 20 Lincoln 3 San Pantaleo (near on Mondays closed on Mondays. Telephone / 06 32810 Telephone / Telephone / 06 Piazza Navona) Address / Address / Via F. Ticket / E 5 - 6 06 32 19 089 54228199 Telephone / 06 0608 Via Merulana, 248 Crispi, 24 Ticket / Free entrace Ticket / E 2 Ticket / E 6 - 8 Telephone / 06 Telephone / 06 This rich gallery in 46974832 4742848 the palazzo Barberini H. C. Andersen’s The Museum of The Palazzo Ticket / E 6 Ticket / E 2,60 has some splendid home was turned the Early Middle Braschi collection masterpieces of into a museum after Ages presents an holds numerous This museum The museum’s the 14th to 17th his death, and now interesting collection manufactures guards the findings exhibit hosts some centuries, including holds a collection of of materials dating that tell Rome’s of various Italian 4000 works of art Raphael and 700 works to testify from the 4th to the story from the late archaeological by famous modern Caravaggio. the artistic genius 14th centuries. medieval period missions to Iran, and contemporary of this Norwegian until the second half Pakistan and Italian artists. master. of the 20th century. Afghanistan. GALLERIA D. PAMPHILJ GALLERIA NAZIONALE MUSEO PALATINO MUSEO NAZIONALE: MUSEI CAPITOLINI MUSEO DELLA Opening Hours / 10-17 DI PALAZZO CORSINI Opening Hours / CRYPTA BALBI Opening Hours / CIVILTÀ ROMANA Address / Via del Opening Hours / 8.30 – 16.30 Opening Hours / 9 – 20; closed on Opening Hours / Corso, 305 8.30 – 19.30; closed Address / Via di San 9-19.45; closed on Mondays 9 – 13.30; closed on Telephone / 06 6797323 on Mondays Gregorio 30 Mondays Address / Piazza del Mondays Ticket / E 9 Address / Via della Telephone / 06 Address / Via delle Campidoglio1 Address / Piazza G. Lungara 10 39967700 Botteghe Oscure 31 Telephone / 06 0608 Agnelli, 10 The Doria Pamphilj Telephone / 06 32810 Ticket / E 9 (valid Telephone / 06 Ticket / E 6,50 Telephone / 06 32810 gallery is home to Ticket / E 4 also for the Coliseum 39967700 Ticket / E 6.50 a grand number and Roman Forum) Ticket / E 7 Holds pieces of of 17th century The museum is home sculptural art of The exposed materi- masterpieces to works by the likes The museum hosts Museum on urban ar- immeasurable als are reproduc- including works by of B. Angelico, Rubens sculptures, frescoes chaeology, with a very value, the statue of tions of architectural Bernini. and Luca Giordano and findings of clear explanation of Oceanus, the Capi- complexes and and used to be the the Archaic age the development of toline Venus and the monuments of the home of Queen through to the time the surrounding area equestrian statue of Roman Empire, very Cristina of Sweden. of the emperors. through history. Emperor M. Aurelius. nicely done. 24 Welcome Welcome 25
  • 14. M Museums Museums M Info Info MUSEO NAZIONALE DI MUSEO BARRACCO MUSEO D’ARTE MUSEO NAZIONALE MUSEO MERCATI CASTEL SANT’ANGELO Opening Hours / CONTEMPORANEA ETRUSCO DELL’ARA PACIS DI TRAIANO Opening Hours / 9 – 19; closed on ROMA – MACRO Opening Hours / Opening Hours / Opening Hours / 9 – 19; closed on Mondays Opening Hours / 8.30 – 19.30, closed 9 – 19, closed on 9 – 19, closed on Mondays Address / Corso Vitto- 9 – 19, closed on on Mondays Mondays Mondays Address / Lungote- rio Emanuele 166/A Mondays Address / Piazzale Address / Lungote- Address / Via IV vere Castello, 50 Telephone / 06 0608 Address / Via Reg- di Villa Giulia, 93 vere in Augusta Novembre 94 Telephone / 06 Ticket / E 3 gio Emilia, 54 Telephone / 06 32810 Telephone / 06 0608 Telephone / 06 0608 6819111 Telephone / 06 0608 Ticket / E 4 Ticket / E 6.50 Ticket / E 6.50 Ticket / E 5 The museum holds a Ticket / Free en- prestigious collection trance The Museum The “altar of peace” Trajan’s markets are A place where present of antique sculptures, holds some of the is one of the finest the main museum on and past of the eternal given to the city At this museum one masterpieces of the examples of antique antique architecture city are inseparably council in 1904. will find the works of ancient Etruscan art, beautifully that offers the visitor linked, due to how its Accardi, Schifano, civilization, who housed in this a number of replicas use changed over Festa, Rotella, rose to greatness modern building by and reconstructions the ages, some very Bianchi, and other before the Romans American architect of a part of the interesting pieces contemporary artists in overpowered them. Richard Meier. ancient forum and and a marvellous an extraordinary setting. its architectural view at sundown. decorations. GALLERIA SPADA MUSEO DI PALAZZO MUSEO PALAZZO MASSIMO MUSEO MUSEO EBRAICO Opening Hours / VENEZIA MONTEMARTINI ALLE TERME DELLE MURA DI ROMA 8.30 – 19.30; closed Opening Hours / Opening Hours / Opening Hours / Opening Hours / Opening Hours / on Mondays 8.30 – 19.30; closed 9 – 19, closed on 9 – 19.45, closed on 9 – 14, closed on 10 – 16, Friday 9 - 13 Address / Piazza on Mondays Mondays Mondays Monday closed on Saturday Capo di Ferro, 13 Address / Via del Address / Via Address / Largo di Address / Via di Porta Address / Telephone / 06 Plebiscito, 118 Ostiense 106 Villa Peretti 1 San Sebastiano Lungotevere Cenci 6832409 Telephone / 06 32810 Telephone / 06 0608 Telephone / 06 Telephone / 06 0608 Telephone / 06 Ticket / E 5 Ticket / E 4 Ticket / E 4.50 39967700 Ticket / E 6.50 68400661 Ticket / E 7 Ticket / E 7.50 The gallery holds the The museum This ex-power plant still This fixed exposition in private collection conserves a number has all its machinery in At the Palazzo one of Rome ancient The Jewish Museum of Cardinal Spada of paintings dating place, that, combined Massimo one will city gates tells the in Rome hosts the and has works by back to the 15th - 18th with the marvellous find true treasures of story the extensive collections of Rome’s Guercino, Baciccia centuries. exposition of ancient Roman coins and city walls. much-troubled and Guido Reni. sculptures makes for jewellery. Jewish community. a very interesting museum. 26 Welcome Welcome 27
  • 15. “Every instant of En time is a pinprick of ENTERTAIN eternity”. Marcus Aurelius Entertainment in Rome Food / Drink / Music / Shopping Photo by il Quoquo - Flickr Welcome 29
  • 16. Only beer. Only quality food. Only Passion. En Food Food BIR E FUD RELAZIONI OSTERIA CULINARIE DELL’ANGELO Address / Via Benedetta 23 Address / Via Address / Via Phone / 06 5894016 Panisperna 75 Bettolo 24/32 bir Medium Price / E 25 Phone / 06 48930554 Phone / 06 3729470 Closed / Never Medium Price / E 30 Medium Price / E 25 *N1° on the map. Closed / Never Closed / on Sunday, *N2° on the map. Monday and This interesting hotspot Saturday (only dinner) for lovers of good Right in the heart of *N3° on the map. beer and good food one of Rome’s oldest gets its name from quarters, Monti, you’ll Close to metrostop & beer & food, albeit find this lovely restau- Ottaviano, this restau- in phonetic Italian. rant that offers some rant offers you a place It’s rather different intriguing recipes from to try some original from your average Southern Italy. The Roman dishes. The fud restaurant but home to freshly made pasta ambient is as typical a very vast and ever- everyday, served as it gets for a Roman changing choice of with artichokes and trattoria,simple and excellent dishes and salmon or sausage, a bit rough around pizza’s made from first lemon and Parmesan the edges, including quality ingredients. Bir cheese are worth the well-known red- & Fud always has at trying, as are the and-white cheq- least ten craft beers meat dishes (try the uered tablecloths. (artisanal, abbey, pork with sun dried The walls are lined small breweries) on tomatoes, pine nuts with various items draught, and an and black olives) and connected to both impressive collection the fish (swordfish with boxing and rugby, of bottled beers from lemon). For dessert the latter being the all over the world. the Relazioni Culinarie sport practiced by Situated right in the offers a lovely chest- its owner, Angelo heart of Trastevere this nut mousse or sorbets Croce. The cuisine is is really one to try out, made with fresh fruit. Roman, period, tasty whether in romantic The restaurant’s origi- and rich in flavour, Restaurant company or with nal nature is reflected no extravaganza’s friends, to get a taste in the continuous or fancy things. The of great beers and contemporary art price is fixed: 25 for a equally good food. exhibits inside its walls. complete meal. 30 Welcome Via Benedetta 23 (Trastevere) - Phone 06 5894016 Welcome 31
  • 17. En Drink Drink RGB46 SENZA FONDO MA CHE SIETE VENUTI A FA Opening Hours / Opening Hours / 10 – 13 / 17 – 1 20.00 – 2.00 Opening Hours / Address / Piazza Address / Via 15.00 -2.00 Santa Maria Libera- Germanico 168/c Address / Via trice 46 Phone / 06 3211415 Benedetta 25 Phone / 06 45421608 *N5° on the map. Phone / 3805074938 *N4° on the map. *N6° on the map. This warm and wel- This concept store coming oasis for the The “Ma che siete offers its clients the thirsty can be found venuti a fà” can chance to enjoy in the basement easily be called a – without hurry of a 1920’s build- reference point for - the many avail- ing near St. Peter’s all beer aficiona- able books while basilica. The ancient, dos of Rome and warming up with a chestnut-covered province. In the nice cup of tea or brick walls welcome heart of Trastevere having a glass of those who enter to we find this fine pub, good wine. But not quench their thirst entirely dedicated only the books are on the wide range to good, artisanal for sale, you’ll also of draught beers. beer. They dispose of find designer objects Apart from the 10 draughts and two and furniture, made many abbey and original English hand by young crea- trappist beers, Senza operated pump- tive artists from all fondo (bottomless, draughts, which over the world. The in Italian) also boasts poor out unique in-house gallery a wide range of beers of undisput- provides room traditional cheeses, able quality. Some for exhibits and sausages, sliced of the best Belgian, performances by meets and more. Of German, Danish, both emerging and culinary intrest are American and, more acclaimed artists, also the sandwiches, interestingly, Italian and proposes itself salads, traditional br- beers. The “Ma che as a cultural meet- uschette, and cold siete venuti a fa” of- ing point for painters, dishes. It also has a fers a range of beers photographers, tearoom. that has no parallels poets and actors. in all of Rome. 32 Welcome Welcome 33
  • 18. En Music Shopping En Music Shopping ALEXANDER PLATZ BIG MAMA FONCLEA ANTICA ERBORISTERIA AL SOGNO LIBRERIA DEL ROMANA VIAGGIATORE Hours / 20.00 – 2.00 Hours / 21 – 1.30 Hours / 19.00 – 2.00 Address / Piazza Address / Via Ostia 9 Address / Vicolo Address / Via Address / Via di Navona 53 Address / Via del Phone / 06 39742171 San Francesco a Crescenzio 82/a Torre Argentina Phone / 06 6864198 Pellegrino 78 Ripa 18 Phone / 06 6896302 Phone / 06 6879493 *N10° on the map. Phone / 06 68801048 *N6° on the map. Phone / 06 5812551 *N8° on the map. *N9° on the map. *N11° on the map. Since over five dec- One of the better *N7° on the map. The oldest herbalist ades, right on one The “traveller’s known addresses For over the last 30 in Rome, this shop of the world’s most bookshop” is unique in Rome famous for Since March 30th years Fonclea has was founded in beautiful squares, in Rome, and ideal it active concert- 1984 the Big Mama been considered 1752. Noteworthy is one can find the for those who are scene and its has been an one of the best the original furniture fairy-tale world of about to go on leading role in a important reference known live music in Italian walnut, Al Sogno. This lovely holiday, or visit places number of great point for the Roman clubs of Rome, amongst which we shop offers a range they’ve never seen. Jazz Festivals. The music scene. and an important find a magnificent of fluffy animals, Or simply for the ambient is distinctly Known for its varied reference point cupboard with collectable dolls curious, who can programming, for lovers of music. drawers where one and gift items of easily spend hours international and very warm, and the crossing over to Since its opening can find 350 different extraordinary quality between its many medicinal herbs, and beauty. Passing racks. At this lovely old walls are lined many different styles in ‘77 it has hosted (and will continue and a beautifully this shop’s threshold libreria you will find with the writings with quality as its to do so) a music- decorated panelled means entering a tourist guides and and autographs of only criteria, you’ll fantasy-like dimen- ceiling. Apart from maps of every the world’s most regularly hear some related event every the wide range of sion in which you’ll imaginable part of famous jazz artists. good old blues, but night, ranging from come eye-to-eye herbs, one can also the world, but also If you’re looking don’t forget about the many concerts with trolls, elves and find lovely fruited travel stories, foreign for an interesting jazz, rock, ethnic and to, presentations, teas, essential oils, fairies. If you happen literature, essays and night out, meeting singer-songwriters. festivals and fluidextracts and to be in the vicinity even philosophical new people and Over its 25 year retrospective over 20 different of Piazza Navona writings. The racks hearing new stories, long history the Big exhibits about blues qualities of honey. The we highly recom- are ordered by Alexander Platz is Mama has been and soul music... shop’s vast choice mend you to make geographic area but the place to be. more than just any also songwriters, is further completed a little detour and our advise would be Clients are assured place to go to a rock and jazz. The by products for discover the magic to just nose around of cordial service, concert, it has seen Fonclea is more aromatherapy and world of Al Sogno. everywhere; the an international many young artists than just that hydro massage as choice of books is kitchen with an emerge and mature. however, presenting well as liquors, herbal wide, varied and in a fine Italian kitchen spirits, incense and a many cases quite Italian touch and a and a broad choice wide range of lovely original. fine American Bar. gift items! of drinks. 34 Welcome Welcome 35
  • 19. W Useful Numbers Parteners Hotels W Info Info ATAC CHILDREN DRUG ADICT AID 06 64695444 EMERGENCY 06 65741188 HOTEL ALIMANDI VATICANO 118 Viale Vaticano 99 – Phone +39 06 39745562 - BUS FIRST AID STATION 800 431784 POLICE 06 58201030 RELAIS HOTEL ANTICO PALAZZO ROSPIGLIOSI 113 Via Liberiana 21 – Phone +39 06 48930495 – TRAMBUS CHANGE BUREAU 06 46954695 CARABINIERI 06 722821 HOTEL RESIDENZA PAOLO VI 112 Via Paolo VI 29 – Phone +39 06 684870 – TAXI ITALIAN AGENCY 06 3570 FIRE SERVICE FOR TOURISM ROSCIOLI BEST WESTERN HOTEL UNIVERSO 115 06 49711 Via Principe Amedeo 5 B – Phone +39 06 476811 – TRAINS ROSCIOLI BEST WESTERN HOTEL PRESIDENT 892021 TRAFFIC POLICE 06 67691 060606 is the telephone Via E.Filiberto 173 – Phone +39 06 770121 – FIUMICINO AIRPORT ROSCIOLI HOTEL CLARIDGE number to call for 06 794941 FINANCIAL information on the Viale Liegi 62 – Phone +39 06 845441 – POLICE services provided CIAMPINO AIRPORT 06 67691 by the City of ROSCIOLI HOTEL ROYAL SANTINA Rome. The service is 06 794941 Via Marsala 22 – Phone +39 06 448751 – available in English CREDIT CARD from Monday to ITALIAN ROAD RESCUE BLOCkING Saturday, from 4pm ROSCIOLI HOTEL ARIS GARDEN 803 116 800 822056 to 7pm. Via Aristofane 101 – Phone +39 06 52362443 – LOST AND FOUND SANITARY HOTEL VALLE OFFICE (BUS) EMERGENCY Via Cavour 134 – Phone +39 06 4815736 – 06 5816040 118 HOTEL ALIMANDI TUNISI Via Tunisi 8 – Phone + 39 06 39723948 - LOST AND FOUND POISON UNIT OFFICE (SUBWAY) HOSPITAL HOTEL HADLER 06 57532264 06 3054343 Via Modena 5 - Phone +39 06 484466 - 36 Welcome
  • 20. 3 W Map 5 6 8 10 11 2 9 1 7 Rome center 4 38 02 Welcome