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10/11/2011 - ONE Talks

                 Machine Learning
                Learning with Data
André Lourenço
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa,
Instituto de Telecomunicações,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

                                           © 2005, it - instituto de telecomunicações. Todos os direitos reservados.

    • Introduction
       • Examples
    • What does it mean to learn?
       • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
       • Types of Learning
       • Classification Problem
    • Text Mining Example
    • Conclusions (and further reading)


What is Machine Learning?

                               • A       branch    of     artificial
                                  intelligence (AI)
                               • Arthur Samuel (1959)
                                  Field of study that gives
                                  computers the ability to
                                  learn without being explicitly

      From: Andrew NG – Standford Machine Learning Classes

     4 09-11-2011
What is Machine Learning?

    • Tom    Mitchell   (1998)   Well-posed   Learning
      A computer program is said to learn from
      experience E with respect to some class of
      tasks T and performance measure P, if its
      performance at tasks in T, as measured by P,
      improves with experience E.
    • Mark Dredze
      Teaching a computer about the world

     5 09-11-2011
What is Machine Learning?

    • Goal:
      Design and development of algorithms that allow
      computers to evolve behaviors based on
      empirical data, such as from sensor data or

    • How to apply machine Learning?
       •   Observe the world
       •   Develop models that match observations
       •   Teach computer to learn these models
       •   Computer applies learned model to the world

     6 09-11-2011
Example 1:
Prediction of House Price

       From: Andrew NG – Standford Machine Learning Classes

      7 09-11-2011
Example 2:
Learning to automatically classify text documents


      8 09-11-2011
Example 3:
Face Detection and Tracking


     9 09-11-2011
Example 4:
        Social Network Mining


                             Group &

                                                           U1                   U5

             Hidden Information ?
                                                                U2         U4
From: Exploit of Online Social Networks with Community-Based
Graph Semi-Supervised Learning, Mingzhen Mo and Irwin King                           Group
ICONIP 2010, Sydney, Australia                                       Network

                    10 09-11-2011
Example 5:
Biometric Systems

                     1. Physical
                     2. Behavioral

     11 09-11-2011

  12 09-11-2011
What does it mean to learn?

    • Learn patterns in data

            z              Decision        ẋ

                     z : observed signal
                     ẋ Estimated output

     13 09-11-2011
Unsupervised Learning

    • Look for patterns in data
    • No training Data (no examples of output)
    • Pro:
       • No labeling of examples for output
    • Con:
       • Cannot demonstrate specific types of output
    • Applications:
       • Data mining
       • Finds interesting patterns in data
     From: Mark Dredze
     Machine Learning - Finding Patterns in the World

     14 09-11-2011
Supervised Learning

    • Learn patterns to simulate given output
    • Pro:
       • Can learn complex patterns
       • Good performance
    • Con:
       • Requires many examples of output for examples
    • Applications:
       • Classification
       • Sorts data into predefined groups

     From: Mark Dredze
     Machine Learning - Finding Patterns in the World

     15 09-11-2011
Types of Learning: Output
  • Classification
     •   Binary, multi‐class, multi‐label, hierarchical, etc.
     •   Classify email as spam
     •   Loss: accuracy
  • Ranking
     •   Order examples by preference
     •   Rank results of web search
     •   Loss: Swapped pairs
  • Regression
     •   Real‐valued output
     •   Predict the price of tomorrow’s stock price
     •   Loss: Squared loss
  • Structured prediction
     •   Sequences, trees, segmentation
     •   Find faces in an image
     •   Loss: Precision/Recall of faces

                       From: Mark Dredze
     16 09-11-2011     Machine Learning - Finding Patterns in the World
Classification Problem

    • Classical Architecture

    z                    Feature         y                            ẋ

          z : observed signal
          y : feature vector (pattern)       y   S
          ẋ Estimated output (class)         ẋ   {1,2,…,c}

        17 09-11-2011
Classification Problem

• Example with 1 feature
• Problem: classify people in non-obese or obese by
  observation of its weight (only 1 feature)

   • Is it possible to classify without without making any

Classification Problem

• Example with 2 features

     z                    Feature     y = {weight,                        ẋ = non-obese
                         Extraction       Height}                           or obese

           z : observed signal
           y : feature vector (pattern)        y     S
           ẋ Estimated output (class)         ẋ      {1: non-obese, 2: obese}

         19 09-11-2011
Classification Problem

• Example with 2 feature
  • Problem: classify people in non-obese or obese by
    observation of its weight and height

  • Now the decision appears more simple!
Classification Problem

• Example with 2 feature
  • Problem: classify people in non-obese or obese by
    observation of its weight and height

  • Regiões de decisão: R1 : non-obese; R2 : obese
Classification Problem

• Decision Regions
  • Goal of the classifier: define a partition of the feature space with
      c disjoint regions, called decision regions: : R1, R2, …, Rc


  23 09-11-2011
Text Mining Process

              Adapted from: Introduction to Text Mining,
                     Yair Even-Zohar, University of Illinois
     24 09-11-2011
Text Mining Process
•    Text preprocessing
      •   Syntactic/Semantic text
•    Features Generation
      •   Bag of words
•    Features Selection
      •   Simple counting
      •   Statistics
•    Text/Data Mining
      •   Classification- Supervised
      •   Clustering- Unsupervised
•    Analyzing results

            25 09-11-2011
Syntactic / Semantic text analysis

    • Part Of Speech (pos) tagging
               • Find the corresponding pos for each word
                      e.g., John (noun) gave (verb) the (det) ball (noun)

    • Word sense disambiguation
               • Context based or proximity based

    • Parsing
               • Generates a parse tree (graph) for each sentence
               • Each sentence is a stand alone graph

      26 09-11-2011
Feature Generation: Bag of words

    • Text document is represented by the words it
      contains (and their occurrences)
        •   e.g., “Lord of the rings”  {“the”, “Lord”, “rings”, “of”}
        •   Highly efficient
        •   Makes learning far simpler and easier
        •   Order of words is not that important for certain applications
    • Stemming: identifies a word by its root
       • e.g., flying, flew  fly
       • Reduce dimensionality
    • Stop words: The most common words are unlikely
      to help text mining
        •   e.g., “the”, “a”, “an”, “you” …

     27 09-11-2011

   Here is your weekly update (that unfortunately hasn't gone
   out in about a month). Not much action here right now.

   1) Due to the unwavering insistence of a member of the
   group, the ncsa.d2k.modules.core.datatype package is month).
              hi, weekly update (that unfortunately gone out
   now completely independent of now. d2k application.
              much action here right the 1) due unwavering insistence
   2) Transformations are now handled differently in Tables. package
              member group, ncsa.d2k.modules.core.datatype
   Previously, transformations were done using a
              now completely independent d2k application. 2)
   TransformationModule. That handled could thentables. previously,
              transformations now module differently be added
   to a list that an ExampleTable kept. transformationmodule. module
              transformations done using Now, there is an
   interfaceadded list exampletable kept. sub-interface called
               called Transformation and a now, interface called
   ReversibleTransformation. unfortunate go out month much action here
                    hi week update
              transformation sub-interface called
                    right now 1 due unwaver insistence member group ncsa
                    d2k modules core datatype package now complete
                    independence d2k application 2 transformation now handle
                    different table previous transformation do use
                    transformationmodule module add list exampletable keep
                    now interface call transformation sub-interface call

     28 09-11-2011
Feature Generation: Weighting

                                                                   • Term Frequency

                                                Bag of Words

                                 Lorem                         1

                                                                     term ti, document dj
                                 dolor                         1

                                 Praesent                      1
                                                                   • Inverse Document Frequency
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit
   amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Praesent       iaculis                       1
  et quam sit amet diam
      porttitor iaculis.
 Vestibulum ante ipsum           Vestibulum                    1

  primis in faucibus orci
luctus et ultrices posuere
                                 ipsum                         2
       cubilia Curae;

                                 consectetuer                  2
                                                                   • TF-IDF

                     29 09-11-2011
Feature Generation: Vector Space Model

                             Documents as vectors

     30 09-11-2011
Feature Selection

    • Reduce dimensionality
      • Learners have difficulty addressing tasks with high
    • Irrelevant features
       • Not all features help!
              • e.g., the existence of a noun in a news
                 article is unlikely to help classify it as
                 “politics” or “sport”
        •   Stop Words Removal

     31 09-11-2011

        hi            core
        week          datatype
        update        package
        unfortunate   complete
        go            independence
        out           application
        month         2             hi               do
        much          transformationweek             core
        action        handle        update           datatype
        here          different     unfortunate      package
        right         table         go               complete
        now           previous      out              independence
        1             use           month         hi application datatype
        due                         much
                      transformationmodule           transformation
                                                  week             package
        unwaver       add           action           handle
                                                  update           complete
        insistence    list          here             different
                                                  unfortunate independence
        member        exampletable right             table
                                                  month            application
        group         keep          now              previous
        ncsa          interface     due           action
                                                     use           transformation
        d2k           call          insistence    right
                                                     add           handle
        modules       sub-interface member        duelist          different
        do                          group
                      reversibletransformation       keep
                                                  insistence       table
                                    ncsa             interface
                                                  member           previous
                                    d2k              call
                                                  group            add
                                    modules          sub-interface
                                                  ncsa           list
                                                  d2k            interface
                                                  modules        call
                                                  core           sub-interface

    32 09-11-2011
Document Similarity

                      • Dot Product – cosine

     33 09-11-2011
Text Mining: Classification definition

    • Given: a collection of labeled records
       (training set)
         •   Each record contains a set of features (attributes), and
             the true class (label)
    • Find: a model for the class as a function
       of the values of the features
    • Goal: previously unseen records should be
       assigned a class as accurately as possible
         •   A test set is used to determine the accuracy of the
             model. Usually, the given data set is divided into training
             and test sets, with training set used to build the model
             and test set used to validate it

      34 09-11-2011
Text Mining: Clustering definition

    • Given: a set of documents and a similarity
       measure among documents
    • Find: clusters such that:
       • Documents in one cluster are more similar to one another
       • Documents in separate clusters are less similar to one another
    • Goal:
       • Finding a correct set of documents

      35 09-11-2011
Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning

    • Supervised learning (classification)
      • Supervision: The training data (observations,
            measurements, etc.) are accompanied by labels
            indicating the class of the observations
        •   New data is classified based on the training set

    • Unsupervised learning (clustering)
      • The class labels of training data is unknown
      • Given a set of measurements, observations, etc. with the
            aim of establishing the existence of classes or clusters in
            the data

     36 09-11-2011

  37 09-11-2011

   • Survey Books in Machine Learning
     • The Elements of Statistical Learning
              • Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman
   • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
     • Bishop
   • Machine Learning
     • Mitchell
   • Questions?

     38 09-11-2011

    • Final year and MSc supervised students (Tony Tam, ...)
    • Students of Digital Signal Processing
    • Artur Ferreira
 • Instituto Telecomunicações (IT)

 David Coutinho, Hugo Silva,     Ana Fred,    Mário Figueiredo
 • Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)

     39 09-11-2011

Thank you for the attention!
André Ribeiro Lourenço
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Machine Learning: Learning with data

  • 1. 10/11/2011 - ONE Talks Machine Learning Learning with Data André Lourenço Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal © 2005, it - instituto de telecomunicações. Todos os direitos reservados.
  • 2. Outline • Introduction • Examples • What does it mean to learn? • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning • Types of Learning • Classification Problem • Text Mining Example • Conclusions (and further reading) 2
  • 4. What is Machine Learning? • A branch of artificial intelligence (AI) • Arthur Samuel (1959) Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed From: Andrew NG – Standford Machine Learning Classes 4 09-11-2011
  • 5. What is Machine Learning? • Tom Mitchell (1998) Well-posed Learning Problem: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E. • Mark Dredze Teaching a computer about the world 5 09-11-2011
  • 6. What is Machine Learning? • Goal: Design and development of algorithms that allow computers to evolve behaviors based on empirical data, such as from sensor data or databases • How to apply machine Learning? • Observe the world • Develop models that match observations • Teach computer to learn these models • Computer applies learned model to the world 6 09-11-2011
  • 7. Example 1: Prediction of House Price From: Andrew NG – Standford Machine Learning Classes 7 09-11-2011
  • 8. Example 2: Learning to automatically classify text documents From: 8 09-11-2011
  • 9. Example 3: Face Detection and Tracking face-detection-and-tracking/ 9 09-11-2011
  • 10. Example 4: Social Network Mining Users’ Profile Friendship Group & Network U3 U1 U5 Hidden Information ? U2 U4 From: Exploit of Online Social Networks with Community-Based Graph Semi-Supervised Learning, Mingzhen Mo and Irwin King Group ICONIP 2010, Sydney, Australia Network 10 09-11-2011
  • 11. Example 5: Biometric Systems 1. Physical 2. Behavioral 11 09-11-2011
  • 12. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LEARN? 12 09-11-2011
  • 13. What does it mean to learn? • Learn patterns in data z Decision ẋ System z : observed signal ẋ Estimated output 13 09-11-2011
  • 14. Unsupervised Learning • Look for patterns in data • No training Data (no examples of output) • Pro: • No labeling of examples for output • Con: • Cannot demonstrate specific types of output • Applications: • Data mining • Finds interesting patterns in data From: Mark Dredze Machine Learning - Finding Patterns in the World 14 09-11-2011
  • 15. Supervised Learning • Learn patterns to simulate given output • Pro: • Can learn complex patterns • Good performance • Con: • Requires many examples of output for examples • Applications: • Classification • Sorts data into predefined groups From: Mark Dredze Machine Learning - Finding Patterns in the World 15 09-11-2011
  • 16. Types of Learning: Output • Classification • Binary, multi‐class, multi‐label, hierarchical, etc. • Classify email as spam • Loss: accuracy • Ranking • Order examples by preference • Rank results of web search • Loss: Swapped pairs • Regression • Real‐valued output • Predict the price of tomorrow’s stock price • Loss: Squared loss • Structured prediction • Sequences, trees, segmentation • Find faces in an image • Loss: Precision/Recall of faces From: Mark Dredze 16 09-11-2011 Machine Learning - Finding Patterns in the World
  • 17. Classification Problem • Classical Architecture z Feature y ẋ Classification Extraction z : observed signal y : feature vector (pattern) y S ẋ Estimated output (class) ẋ {1,2,…,c} 17 09-11-2011
  • 18. Classification Problem • Example with 1 feature • Problem: classify people in non-obese or obese by observation of its weight (only 1 feature) • Is it possible to classify without without making any mistakes? 18 18
  • 19. Classification Problem • Example with 2 features z Feature y = {weight, ẋ = non-obese Classification Extraction Height} or obese z : observed signal y : feature vector (pattern) y S ẋ Estimated output (class) ẋ {1: non-obese, 2: obese} 19 09-11-2011
  • 20. Classification Problem • Example with 2 feature • Problem: classify people in non-obese or obese by observation of its weight and height • Now the decision appears more simple! 20 20
  • 21. Classification Problem • Example with 2 feature • Problem: classify people in non-obese or obese by observation of its weight and height • Regiões de decisão: R1 : non-obese; R2 : obese 21 21
  • 22. Classification Problem • Decision Regions • Goal of the classifier: define a partition of the feature space with c disjoint regions, called decision regions: : R1, R2, …, Rc 22 22
  • 23. TEXT MINING EXAMPLE 23 09-11-2011
  • 24. Text Mining Process Adapted from: Introduction to Text Mining, Yair Even-Zohar, University of Illinois 24 09-11-2011
  • 25. Text Mining Process • Text preprocessing • Syntactic/Semantic text analysis • Features Generation • Bag of words • Features Selection • Simple counting • Statistics • Text/Data Mining • Classification- Supervised learning • Clustering- Unsupervised learning • Analyzing results 25 09-11-2011
  • 26. Syntactic / Semantic text analysis • Part Of Speech (pos) tagging • Find the corresponding pos for each word e.g., John (noun) gave (verb) the (det) ball (noun) • Word sense disambiguation • Context based or proximity based • Parsing • Generates a parse tree (graph) for each sentence • Each sentence is a stand alone graph 26 09-11-2011
  • 27. Feature Generation: Bag of words • Text document is represented by the words it contains (and their occurrences) • e.g., “Lord of the rings”  {“the”, “Lord”, “rings”, “of”} • Highly efficient • Makes learning far simpler and easier • Order of words is not that important for certain applications • Stemming: identifies a word by its root • e.g., flying, flew  fly • Reduce dimensionality • Stop words: The most common words are unlikely to help text mining • e.g., “the”, “a”, “an”, “you” … 27 09-11-2011
  • 28. Example Hi, Here is your weekly update (that unfortunately hasn't gone out in about a month). Not much action here right now. 1) Due to the unwavering insistence of a member of the group, the ncsa.d2k.modules.core.datatype package is month). hi, weekly update (that unfortunately gone out now completely independent of now. d2k application. much action here right the 1) due unwavering insistence 2) Transformations are now handled differently in Tables. package member group, ncsa.d2k.modules.core.datatype Previously, transformations were done using a now completely independent d2k application. 2) TransformationModule. That handled could thentables. previously, transformations now module differently be added to a list that an ExampleTable kept. transformationmodule. module transformations done using Now, there is an interfaceadded list exampletable kept. sub-interface called called Transformation and a now, interface called ReversibleTransformation. unfortunate go out month much action here hi week update transformation sub-interface called right now 1 due unwaver insistence member group ncsa reversibletransformation. d2k modules core datatype package now complete independence d2k application 2 transformation now handle different table previous transformation do use transformationmodule module add list exampletable keep now interface call transformation sub-interface call reversibletransformation 28 09-11-2011
  • 29. Feature Generation: Weighting • Term Frequency Bag of Words Lorem 1 term ti, document dj dolor 1 Praesent 1 • Inverse Document Frequency Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent iaculis 1 et quam sit amet diam porttitor iaculis. Vestibulum ante ipsum Vestibulum 1 primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ipsum 2 cubilia Curae; consectetuer 2 • TF-IDF 29 09-11-2011
  • 30. Feature Generation: Vector Space Model Documents as vectors 30 09-11-2011
  • 31. Feature Selection • Reduce dimensionality • Learners have difficulty addressing tasks with high dimensionality • Irrelevant features • Not all features help! • e.g., the existence of a noun in a news article is unlikely to help classify it as “politics” or “sport” • Stop Words Removal 31 09-11-2011
  • 32. Example hi core week datatype update package unfortunate complete go independence out application month 2 hi do much transformationweek core action handle update datatype here different unfortunate package right table go complete now previous out independence 1 use month hi application datatype due much transformationmodule transformation week package unwaver add action handle update complete insistence list here different unfortunate independence member exampletable right table month application group keep now previous ncsa interface due action use transformation d2k call insistence right add handle modules sub-interface member duelist different do group reversibletransformation keep insistence table ncsa interface member previous d2k call group add modules sub-interface ncsa list d2k interface modules call core sub-interface 32 09-11-2011
  • 33. Document Similarity • Dot Product – cosine similarity 33 09-11-2011
  • 34. Text Mining: Classification definition • Given: a collection of labeled records (training set) • Each record contains a set of features (attributes), and the true class (label) • Find: a model for the class as a function of the values of the features • Goal: previously unseen records should be assigned a class as accurately as possible • A test set is used to determine the accuracy of the model. Usually, the given data set is divided into training and test sets, with training set used to build the model and test set used to validate it 34 09-11-2011
  • 35. Text Mining: Clustering definition • Given: a set of documents and a similarity measure among documents • Find: clusters such that: • Documents in one cluster are more similar to one another • Documents in separate clusters are less similar to one another • Goal: • Finding a correct set of documents 35 09-11-2011
  • 36. Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning • Supervised learning (classification) • Supervision: The training data (observations, measurements, etc.) are accompanied by labels indicating the class of the observations • New data is classified based on the training set • Unsupervised learning (clustering) • The class labels of training data is unknown • Given a set of measurements, observations, etc. with the aim of establishing the existence of classes or clusters in the data 36 09-11-2011
  • 37. CONCLUDING REMARKS 37 09-11-2011
  • 38. Readings • Survey Books in Machine Learning • The Elements of Statistical Learning • Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning • Bishop • Machine Learning • Mitchell • Questions? 38 09-11-2011
  • 39. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • ISEL – DEETC • Final year and MSc supervised students (Tony Tam, ...) • Students of Digital Signal Processing • Artur Ferreira • Instituto Telecomunicações (IT) David Coutinho, Hugo Silva, Ana Fred, Mário Figueiredo • Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) 39 09-11-2011
  • 40. Thank you for the attention! André Ribeiro Lourenço Mail to: 40