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Macbeth Gender Roles Essay
William Shakespeare's tragedy "Macbeth" completely challenges the idea of traditional gender roles and social norms during the renaissance period.
The male characters have many feminine traits while the female characters have many more masculine and manlier traits. This was going entirely
against the stereotypical outlook of the roles you're supposed to play as your gender during that time of history. During the renaissance period women
were only expected to clean, cook, and to have babies. Men on the other hand were typically expected to work hard and to provide for the home.
Socially women didn't have power or respect and men were the ones who were supposed to be brave and tough at the best of times and the worst of
times. That idea more content...
This is apparent when she deals with Macbeth leaving the gory daggers at the site of the murder, "Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead
/ Are but as pictures; 'tis the eye of childhood/ That fears a painted devil."(scene 2 act 2 56–58). Macbeth is portrayed as emotionally unstable and soft
as he is afraid to even go back into the room where the murder took place, "I'll go no more/ I am afraid to think what I have done"(scene 2 act 2
54–55). This interaction between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth really shows the unusual roles one another play in there relationship because in a
situation where someone is murdered or their is a serious crime, women aren't usually the ones who are brave and strong minded about it, men are.
As the play goes on, Lady Macbeth begins to lose her fierce and intimidating persona as Macbeth becomes the more assertive and dominant one. Lady
Macbeth starts losing her edge when it becomes less difficult to get Macbeth to follow through with his murderous acts. Anytime Macbeth thinks
you're interfering with his kinship, he'll have no problem taking you down and getting you out of his way. Macbeth no longer needs Lady Macbeth to
persuade him. This is very apparent when he shows no mercy planning the murder of Banquo, "There's comfort yet, they are assailable/ Then be thou
jocund: ere the bat hath flown/ His cloistered flight, ere to black Hecate's summons/ The shard–born beetle with his drowsy hums/ Hath rung night's
yawning peal, there shall be
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Essay on Macbeth: Summary
Macbeth: Summary
Macbeth and Banquo, Scottish generals, are returning after crushing a rebellion against Duncan ( King of Scotland ), when they are met by three
witches. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor , then later on he will become King. Banquo is told that he will never
become King, but will be the father of Kings. Macbeth is horrified, for shortly afterwards a messenger arrives to tell him that Duncan has created him
Thane of Cawdor as a reward for his services.
Macbeth writes the news to his wife. Lady Macbeth reads the letter from
Macbeth, telling her of the prophecies. With reading this she chooses to invite evil spirits into her to take away her womanhood, she wants to lose her
tenderness that more content...
After the Banquet when everyone goes off to bed, Macbeth murders Duncan. When finding out of the death, Duncan's two sons fled fearing for their
lives, Malcolm headed towards
England and Donabain to Ireland.
Macbeth sends two murderers to kill Banquo, for he fears that the witches prophecies about Banquo will come true too. Macbeth is scared and
confused at the second Banquet celebrating the coronation, for he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his seat, everyone thinks he is mad, though Lady
Macbeth saves her husband from revealing her guilt to the guests.
Macbeth goes and visits the witches again asking for another prophecy and they tell him three things. (1) to beware Macduff, (2) not to fear any man
born of women, (3) that he will not die unless Birnam Wood moves towards
Dunsaine Castle. Macbeth is later informed that Macduff has gone to England, so he then plans to kill all of Macduff's family. Macduffs family are
Macduff hears of the terrible news and plans revenge against Macbeth.
The Scottish contingent are marching to meet the English forces led by
Malcolm and Macduff, to make their attack on Macbeth. Macbeth learns that there are ten thousand soldiers after him and that his wife had died ( or
killed herself ). The English army arrives at Birnam Wood and Malcolm instructs each solider to cut down a branch and carry it in front of them to
disguise their approach. A servant tells Macbeth that
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Macbeth Act 1 Questions And Answers
1)the confrontation of banquo's ghost in front of macbeth.
2) The killing of Duncan.
3) Macbeth dies
1) "never shake Thy gory locks at me ."
2)"If it were done tis done,then 'twere well, it were done quickly"
3) "I throw my warlike shield: lay on, Macduff."
1) In this scene we examine the paranoia Macbeth is experiencing instead of just witnessing his strong character always.
2) This was one of the trigger points or rather one of the min stories that was included in the rising action.
3) Here, the story ends so this is important.
If Macbeth didn't have the encounter with the witches some events that occurred would've never happened. Macbeth was ruthless prior to meeting the
witches. Although Macbeth was ruthless he also
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Questions And Answers On Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'
Study Guides
Julius Caesar
King Henry IV
King Lear
Merchant of Venice
Romeo and Juliet
The Tempest
Twelfth Night
Bard Facts
Globe Theatre
Macbeth Summary provides a quick review of the play's plot including every important action in the play. Macbeth Summary is divided by the five
acts of the play and is an ideal introduction before reading the original text.
Act I.
Also known as "The Scottish play", Shakespeare's dark, grim tragedy begins with Three Witches in Scotland deciding to meet again after a battle being
fought nearby. Thunder, storms and the desolate heath paint a gloomy picture, setting the tone of this play and defining more content...
Banquo is suspicious of the Three Witches, remembering that they often trick men. Macbeth initially agrees but when Ross and Angus tell him he has
been made the new Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth in a very important aside (soliloquy), remarks, "Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor: / The greatest is behind."
Macbeth now first questions Banquo's on his feelings about his descendants becoming kings and then starts thinking of killing King Duncan to make
prophecy fact but later hopes fate alone will spare him the need to kill...
Macbeth meets King Duncan, thanking him for his new title. The also loyal Banquo receives nothing. King Duncan remarks how he completely
trusted the previous Thane of Cawdor.
King Duncan announces that his son, Malcolm will be the new Prince of Cumberland. Macbeth sees Malcolm as a threat to what he now takes
seriously as his destiny to be king, a major turning point in Macbeth's changing morality. Macbeth makes this clear by famously asking in an aside
(private speech) for the stars to hide their fires least they reveal his dark and deadly purpose or intention to kill King Duncan.
Lady Macbeth learns by letter from Macbeth of the Three Witches' prophecies for her
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Opinion of Macbeth
Question: Analyze how the writer influenced you to change your opinion throughout the text about a significant idea.
Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in the 16th century as tribute to king James the first. At the start of the text king Duncan made me believe that anyone
could be a good leader, Duncan effectively portrayed this idea because he put the needs of his country in front of his own. Throughout the text
Shakespeare influenced my opinion to change when Macbeth came into power as he cared about no one but himself; Shakespeare influences re seen
well through the techniques soliloquies, irony and contrast.
King Duncan is a good leader whose only concern is his country. Macbeth is the thane of Glamis; he is an more content...
Shakespeare purpose of this contrast is to show that not anyone can be a good leader and that it takes a good person to actually be a good leader.
After the death of Duncan, Macbeth looses all decency; he no longer consults with his wife who he describes as his partner in crime. He uses his
power for his own benefit and not for his country this shows that he is callous and will kill anyone who gets in his way. Shakespeare uses
soliloquies through out the text to reveal the inner workings of a characters mind; this technique shows that not anyone can be a good leader because
in order to be a good leader your thoughts have to be affirmative with your actions. Macbeths thoughts are often completely different to what he is
outwardly saying or doing this is seen when he claims to be Duncan's loyal subject but secretly is plotting to execute him, he says "the bell invites me,
hear it not, Duncan for it is a knell, that summons thee to heaven or to hell". Another example of soliloquies is when Macbeth pretends to be Banquos
friend when he says "fail it not our feast tonight" whilst in his mind he is delegating to get him killed. Throughout the text Shakespeare uses irony to
show that some people are not suited to wield power, irony gives the audience insight on something that the characters don't know, irony is well shown
after the death of Duncan,
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Duality In Macbeth
In Act one, scene five of Shakespeare's "Macbeth" the audience is introduced to Lady Macbeth, and a much more sinister part of the plot begins to
arise. At her castle in Dunsinane, Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband detailing the witches' prophecies and she immediately decides that
King Duncan must die. Enclosed in this scene is the importance of the relationship of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth as well as the themes of gender and
duality. These themes are an important part of the scene and are vital to the plot of the play.
The relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plays a very important part in this scene. The audience gets a very clear idea that the two are
equals to each other. Especially when Macbeth addresses Lady Macbeth in the letter as his "dearest partner of greatness". The two of them are equal in
ambition and this leads them to coming to the same conclusion of wanting to kill King Duncan. However, when Lady Macbeth begins more
This scene plays a lot with the theme of gender and how certain traits seem out of place with the characters. Macbeth is war hero and seemingly
tough and ambitious but his weakness is that he is far too kind as Lady Macbeth says, he say "too full of the milk of human kindness". This comes
across as a feminine trait in contrast to his ambition. Lady Macbeth is a very complicated character and possesses many Masculine qualities. In her
soliloquy she asks spirits to "unsex her" because she wants to kill King Duncan. She asks to be made cruel, strong and free of remorse. Her ambition
is her defining feature, which is a typically masculine quality, yet she is more ambitious than Macbeth himself. Neither Lady Macbeth nor Macbeth fit
the gender roles that society has placed on them, and from this scene the audience gets the idea that the plot and characters of Macbeth are not as
simple as they
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Deception in Macbeth by Shakespeare Essay
Deception is defined as "the act of tricking someone by telling them something that is not true". In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare,
deception is always present and things are not always what they appear to be. In this great work of literature, the three witches; the Thane of
Cawdor; and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are the very embodiments of trickery and show us the true effects deception can have on man. From the
first scene of the play, the reader immediately gets a glimpse of the deception meshed into Macbeth's world. The quote "Fair is foul and foul is fair" is
a commonly used by the three witches, spoken in their equivocal language. This same language of vagueness is used when the witches encounter
Macbeth and Banquo on more content...
The depiction of timeless issues such as these is what makes the storyline of the play compelling to me. Also, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both
strong conveyors of deceit. From the onset on the play, Macbeth is characterized as strong and loyal to his king and country. However, once the
witches' prophecy is planted in his head, his thirst for King is so intense that it cannot be quenched and slowly his admirable traits are erased.
When Macbeth is preparing for the King's arrival at his house, he starts to question his murderous thoughts. He states that the King will be here in
"double trust" , for Macbeth will be his hostess and will also be acting as a subject of the state. How can he possibly do such a grim task? The
answer is Lady Macbeth. She lusts after becoming Queen and living a life of fantasy and does everything in her power to persuade her husband to
kill the King. She questions his courage, she feeds his ego and she emasculates poor Macbeth all in an effort to get what she wants disguised as what
is best for him. When he agrees, she tells him to "look like th'innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" in order to commit this regicide. Lady
Macbeth, such a beautiful woman, is actually a cunning, strategic and determined lady – so determined that she's willing to risk everything and make
her husband lie to the king and betray him. It's funny how things are not always what they appear to be. In conclusion, the
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Questions Macbeth Essay
MacBeth Questions 1) The season that is described in the opening passage of The Canterbury Tales is spring. According to the narrator, when the
season comes the people long to go on pilgrammages. 2) English people want to go down to Canterbury to seek the holy martyr, St. Thomas a Becket.
3) The narrator claims he meets some twenty nine pilgrims. 4) The Knight has fought in Alexandria, Prussia, Lithuania, Granada, North Africa, and
Anatolia. 5) If the Knight beats his opponents in the tournament ring, he kills them. 6) According to the narrator, the Knight's conversation and speech
is honest. The Knight never said a boorish thing in all his life and he was true. 7) In appearance, the Knight's armor more content...
This seems strange for a monastic habit because the Monk has gray fur on the sleeves of his cope. 30) The Monk wears a gold pin on his habit. The
gold pin with a love knot at the end of the hood is strange because it indicates that he is not religious because instead of the gold pin, he should
have a rosary. The Friar pg 149 31) The Friar's name is Hubert. 32) The Friar frequently arranges marriages for young women, giving each of his
women what he could afford. You can interpret his generosity as being flirtatious, or you can assume that he is a genuinely nice man. 33) The
absolution the Friar grants to sinners is his absolution is pleasant since he easily grants pardon whenever he is certain of a good offering. He argues
that many hard–hearted men could not weep even if they are truly repentant for their sins. 34) He knew Taverns well in every town and he knew
Franklins and worthy women in the country very well. 35) Two ways of interpreting the phrase "love–days" is that it is a day to help people who need
it or you can interpret "love–days" as a scheme the Friar participates in to make himself look good to the public. The Merchant pg 148 36) The
Merchant wears a Flemish beaver hat. 37) The Merchant always talk about capital, and exchanges, basically money. 38) The narrator refers to the
Merchant as "he" therefore his name is unknown. The Oxford Clerk pg 148
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questions for scene 1 2 3 macbeth
Macbeth Act 1
1. What atmosphere is established in this scene?
Scary and bad and dark and rainy
2. What purpose does this scene serve?
Something bad is going to happen in the future
3. Explain the concluding heroic couplet?
Fair and foul are important throughout the story. it shows that somehow Macbeth and the witches are connected. Something good and bad could be
happening at the same time SCENE 2
1. Why is King Duncan so pleased with Macbeth?
Because he has won victory after victory
2. What does the Captain tell them about Macbeth, Banquo and the battle he was just in?
He tells them they both should be honored and also to kill the Thane of Cawdor
3. Who is "the Norweyan lord"?
He is Sweno
4. What news does Ross bring more content...
Explain Banquo's lines:
What, can the devil speak true? (112)
These lines mean the outcome will be involved with the devil. He's asking if the devil speaks the truth because sometimes he wins and the darkness
tells the truth.
Comparing the witches to the devil
. . . oftentimes, to win us to our harm, (135–6)
The instruments of darkness tell us truths.
10. Paraphrase Macbeth's short soliloquy.
More of an aside
Line 127 it starts
Imperial thane– it's going to come true that he is going to be king
It cannot be bad or good if it's good why is he thinking about killing his own king
11. Banquo comments to Ross and Angus that Macbeth seems lost in thought and distracted by his "new honors." How is Macbeth's response to
Banquo significant?
The power will get to his head and he will make the wrong decisions
12. Does Macbeth heed his warning? Why, or why not?
No Macbeth doesn't take notice his warning and he thinks everyone is going to be easy and he can handle it
Heed means like follow or listen too
Doesn't follow warning
Macbeth goes back and forth a lot
Macbeth says to Banquo that they are going to talk about it later
1.Why did the Thane of Cawdor die a noble death?
Because he confessed before he died and was forgiven
2.Explain the King's lines: "There's no art /To find the mind's construction in the face."
The king couldn't tell that the thane of Cawdor was a trader therefore he doesn't have good judge of character
3.How does Macbeth answer
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Essay about Macbeth Act 4 Questions
Act I Study QuestionsName __Sara Sirull__
1. What atmosphere is established in Scene 1?
A dark, creepy, evil atmosphere is established in Scene 1.
2. How does Banquo describe the Witches when he first sees them upon the heath?
He describes them as looking like Aliens. They look shriveled up and wrinkled and they have beards so he is not sure if they are male or female.
3. Macbeth is reported to be a valiant soldier in Act I. The line, "Till he unseamed him from the nave to th'chops And fixed his head upon our
battlements", paints a different Macbeth. What can you infer from that line? It is portraying Macbeth as a brave soldier.
4. In Scene 1 the Witches say, "Foul is fair and fair is foul." more content...
4. What does Macbeth decide to do with the information the Witches have given him?
5. What does Lady Macduff say is the reason for her husband leaving?
6. What does Lady Macduff tell her son about his father? How does he respond to her?
7. What happens to Lady Macduff and her son?
8. Why does Malcolm question Macduff?
9. What is Malcolm's reaction to the news? What is Macduff's?
10. What do Malcolm and Macduff plan to do?
Act V Study QuestionsName_________________________
1. What does the Doctor say to Macbeth about Lady Macbeth's condition? What is Macbeth's reaction?
2. What is the Doctor referring to when he says, "Therein the patient Must minister to himself?"
3. What does the Messenger tell Macbeth he sees coming toward Dunsinane? How does Macbeth respond?
4. What does Macduff vow to do to Macbeth and why? Cite an example from Act V.
5. What difference can you cite between Macbeth's army and Malcolm's army?
6. Whom does Macbeth kill in Act V? Do you feel that is important? State your reasons.
7. What does Macbeth say to Macduff about his mortality? What is Macduff's response? How does Macbeth react?
8. What does Ross tell Siward about Siward's son?
9. What does Malcolm say about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?
10. What title has never been used before in Scotland that Malcolm plans to use on his Thanes and
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Response to Shakespeare's Macbeth Essay
Response to Shakespeare's Macbeth
Look very carefully at Act 1, scene 3 (L.30 – 62) and comment on the significance of the witches' predictions. How do the witches affect what happens
in the play, and how do you visualise them on stage?
Throughout Shakespeare's life, witches and witchcraft were the objects of fevered fascination. Between 1560 and 1603 hundreds of people (nearly all
women) were convicted as witches and executed. Witches were credited with diabolical powers. They could predict the future, fly, sail in sieves, bring
on night in daytime and kill animals. They were thought to have cursed enemies with wasting diseases, induced nightmares and sterility, and could take
possession of more content...
Banquo describes the witches as, "The instruments of darkness tell us truths" (line123), "Win us with honest trifles, to betray 's" "In deepest
consequence." He thinks and says bad things of the witches. He calls them "instruments of darkness" and the "devil". He might believe that these
prophecies will only bring harm even before anything begins to happen. So Macbeth is warned by his best friend before he makes any decisions that the
witches are evil, and what they suggest is evil.
When the witches greet Macbeth and Banquo they do not know of the news to come. The audience know that the king has sent out a message via Ross
to rewarded Macbeth for his bravery in battle by making him Thane of Cawdor. To Macbeth and Banquo this means that the prophecy of the second
witch has come true. Macbeth tells himself "the greatest is behind", it brings to the surface his "vaulting ambition". He writes to his dearest lady
Macbeth, who immediately takes complete control of the situation and plots regicide against Macbeth's cousin, King Duncan. Macbeth refuses to have
any part in this crime, he says that Duncan is his "kinsman and subject" both of these against the deed. Macbeth continues by saying that he is Duncan's
"host" also against the deed. Lady Macbeth insults her husband's love for her and manhood, finally they both set out ensuring
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Essay On Macbeth Should Be Taught
To teach Macbeth, or not to teach Macbeth–– That is the question. Shakespeare has added over 1,700 words and phrases to English. With works
translated into almost every language, Shakespeare has a heavy influence on today's culture. But should we still be reading material that is over 400
years old? And which book from Shakespeare's collection should be taught? Students should be exposed to Shakespeare's Macbeth to refine analytical
skills, to understand difficult concepts, and to assess current history. Despite that, it is heavily debated whether or not Macbeth should be taught in
school. For people who don't think Macbeth should be taught, one argument could be the language in Macbeth is outdated.With that in consideration,
how could it more content...
There are two parallel perspectives to the situation occurring in Act 1, Scene 2. There is Macbeth who has just assassinated Duncan. And to contrast,
there is Banquo who is blissfully unaware that Macbeth has just assassinated Duncan. Banquo asks Macbeth why he is not asleep and states that
Duncan is (1.2.14). The audience knows that Duncan is actually dead. Even so, Banquo is oblivious, thus this scene is an example of dramatic irony.
Regardless, knowing and practicing are two different things. While a student may know of it, spotting dramatic irony is a skill that Macbeth puts into
practice. Dramatic irony can also be spotted outside of Macbeth in movies such as Jaws and the Lion King. Macbeth also effectively uses nuances.
Subtext can change depending on the thoughts the characters are having. A nuance is the variation in how a character delivers a line. To illustrate,
during Act 3, Scene 1, Macbeth is asking Banquo questions such as where he is going, who is he taking with him, and when will he be back. These
questions could come across as casual, interrogative, cautious, or some other variation. Nuances are especially important in texts such as Macbeth
where the whole tone of a scene can be determined by the
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Questions And Questions: The Tragedy Of Macbeth
(1) What does the story talk about? (at least 5 full lines)
Macbeth was the king's relative, he got a reward from king because he defeated allied. One day, three witches came to meet Macbeth, and tell him the
prophecies. When Macbeth was thinking about the prophecies is true or not, suddenly, the first prophecy came true.Macbeth gradually trust what three
witches said, and lead him has an appetency to become a new king. After Lady Macbeth knew the truth, she stimulated Macbeth to kill the king.
Macbeth was worried about what he saw in the phantom. However, Macbeth still decided to kill the king. He successfully killed the king, and then he
became a new king in Scotland. The second prophecy became the truth. Macbeth started worried about the third prophecy. The third prophecy was
imply that Banquo would deprive his power, which made him suspicious. In addition, Macbeth saw the Banquo's spirit in the feast, which made him got
crazy. Macbeth cannot under the more content...
In the story, it is imply that witches is the most evil person in the world. If three witches did not tell the prophecies to Macbeth, Macbeth will not
kill the king or became to a violent person. Maybe some of the readers did not notice about the three witches are the instigators. In the middle age,
clergy would bury the girl who has suspected of being witch. Some of them are not a real witch. They just made a little mistake, then people started
falsely accused she was a witch. Actually they are innocent. I think William Shakespeare cannot create witches to act the evil person in this play. It is
a kind of Female
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Essay On Macbeth
Macbeth Essay "Macbeth" is a tragic play that was written by William Shakespeare in the early 1600's. It revolved around the character Macbeth and
his urge to become king of Scotland. Macbeth had to do anything possible to become the king including murder, lying, and deception. However,
Macbeth committed these evil deeds due to some influential people in his life. Between Macbeth's wife persuading him to do anything to become king
and the witches prophesying over him causes Macbeth to try and bury the past and control the future. Lady Macbeth can be the blame for Macbeth
trying to control the future and bury the past. She motivates Macbeth to make decisions based on what she wants from him, which most of the time
are dangerous choices that could get Macbeth in serious trouble. If Macbeth does not go along with what she wants, she begins to question his
manhood and is very rude to him. By doing this, Lady Macbeth gets Macbeth to fall into her trap because he does not want to seem soft. "When you
durst do it, then you were a man: And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man."(Act I, Scene vii, Lines 50–53). She is
telling him that if he kills King Duncan he will be much more a man. This is making Macbeth take a present fatalistic approach on time because he
is unhappy with the present since Lady Macbeth is calling him a coward. This generally leads to risk taking and in this case it does because
Macbeth goes on to kill King Duncan due to the persuasion from Lady Macbeth. This is perfect for Lady Macbeth because she now gets to have a
royal status and cannot get in trouble because she did not kill the king. The killing of King Duncan led Macbeth to murder many more people that
could possibly stop Macbeth from being king. Anyone who could have had any knowledge of Macbeth killing King Duncan or could have taken the
throne from Macbeth was a threat, who needed to be murdered in his eyes. "Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reigns that
which would be feared. 'Tis much he dares, and to that dauntless temper of his mind he hath a wisdom that doth guide his valor to act in safety."(Act
III, Scene i, Lines 51–57). This quote shows just how nervous Macbeth was with in
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Macbeth: Critical Thinking Questions
This report offers critical thinking questions to assist writers in creating a descriptive paragraph on the two most complex characters in the play,
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Internally, Macbeth is reluctant to think of murder as the solution to any of his problems, but with the coax of Lady
Macbeth, he defies his morals and continues with the plan to assassinate Duncan.
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Essay about Macbeth Study Guide Questions
Macbeth Study Guide Questions
Act I Scenes 1 & 2 1. What is the meaning of "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"? Nothing is completely good; everything comes with a price. Nothing is
as it seems. It sets the deceptive tone of the whole play. 2. What description does the Captain (Sergeant) give to Duncan about battle? He tells about how
Macbeth and Banqumacbeth ao fought bravely in battle. Macbeth sliced up the enemy, Macdonwald, from his navel to his mouth. 3. What
characteristics of the King are evident? He is loving and appreciative of others and is a benevolent ruler. 4. What punishment is pronounced upon the
Thane of Cawdor? He will be executed. 5. What reward is bestowed upon Macbeth? He becomes the new Thane more content...
Then, they will spread the blood all over the drunk and sleeping chamberlains to make them appear guilty. 4. What is the result of the great influence
Lady Macbeth has over Macbeth? He succumbs to the temptation of power.
ACT II Scenes 1–4
Scene I – 1. What time is it at the beginning of this Act? Just past midnight 2. What does Banquo give Macbeth that is a present from the King? Why
did the King give this to Macbeth? He gives LMB a diamond for being a very kind hostess. 3. What did Banquo dream about? The Three Weird Sisters
and their prophecy. 4. What does Macbeth want to talk to Banquo about? MB claims he has not thought about the prophecy and that they can talk about
it later. 5. In Macbeth's soliloquy – what does he have delusions about? He sees his bloody dagger and talks to it. He is very worried about murdering
Scene 2 – 1. Why didn't Lady Macbeth kill the King? He looked like her father. 2. Why did Macbeth bring back the daggers to Lady Macbeth? Who
returns them? Macbeth forgot to leave them in the room and refuses to go back in. LMB goes in to put the daggers back. 3. What does the last line
(spoken by Macbeth) mean? He wishes Duncan was still alive and that the knocking sound would awaken him. This shows his guilty conscience about
killing the king.
Scene 3 – 1. What is the purpose of the porter scene? What is the condition of the porter? It is to inject some
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ACT I Questions 1 Macbeth
ACT I Questions
1. As the play opens, you find the witches casting spells, chanting "Fair is foul, and foul is fair./ Hover through the fog and filthy air." This paradox
will occur many times in the play. How can something be fair and foul at the same time? Situationally, I think this makes more sense when you
consider it in the sense of an outcome. War can be foul, but the outcome fair...depending what side you are on.
2. The reader 's first impression of Macbeth actually comes not from meeting him, but from hearing about him through the character of the captain.
What kinds of things does the captain reveal about Macbeth that make Macbeth an admirable character? He seems valiant. He is described to be a war more content...
Greddy, she wants the throne as much as her husband.
11. Lady Macbeth goes further in asking the spirits to "unsex me here,/ And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top–full / Of direst cruelty! Make
thblood, . . ." Why does she do this, and what does it show about her character? She asking to hve her character as a women removed and her self be
transformed into the man her husband cant be.
12. As Lady Macbeth proclaims "O, never Shall sun that morrow see!" in reference to killing King Duncan, how does Macbeth react? What does this
indicate about him? Weak spirit, guilty, regretful, also very bad poker player.
13. In Act I, scene vi, what irony do you see as Duncan admires the castle? It is a fair place, where there is no ledge that
14. In Act I, scene vii, this is one of Shakespeare 's great soliloquies in which Macbeth voices his indecision and possibly his conscience. What are his
four conflicts? To what conclusion does he come about killing Duncan?
15. What reasons does Macbeth give his wife as to why he will proceed no further? The king has honored him with so much, people have rtust and
respect now for him, he wants to enjoy what that feel like.
16. Lady Macbeth uses what points of woe to persuade her husband to change his mind? What "lies" does she resort to, and what does this show
about her character? She calls him a hypocrite and a women because he simply had a small drink
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Macbeth Equivocation Essay
The story of William Shakespeare's Macbeth is a classic one of betrayal and destiny. One of the major themes of the play is the use of equivocation to
create ambiguity. The definition of equivocation from the Oxford dictionary is: the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid
committing oneself; prevarication. The very definition of equivocation contains the use of ambiguity, thus making the two very connected in terms of
the story of the play. Equivocation is used multiple times throughout the piece to create a sense of uncertainty, which in turn makes the reader not sure
of what will happen next. This makes the reading of the play very compelling. Shakespeare uses equivocation to make the reader think one thing,
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Macbeth himself is written like a double meaning, having the characteristics of one personality, while possessing the features of another. Macbeth,
being the title character, is the main focus of the story. He is the protagonist. In the beginning, Shakespeare writes Macbeth as being the noblest of
warriors. It is only after Macbeth learns from the witches that he will become the King that his personality begins to change. He goes from being the
quintessential protagonist, to a scheming and paranoid villain. He schemes with Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan, who is portrayed as a kind and
just ruler. In the act of killing Duncan, Macbeth becomes the antagonist and Macduff, the one who makes it his mission to dethrone Macbeth. Because
of Macbeth's status as a tragic hero, he falls from grace and heroism to shame and villainy. These characteristics are conflicting, therefore making
Macbeth a walking equivocation, a living embodiment of a double meaning. This makes the reader unsure of Macbeth's fate. Shakespeare makes the
audience unsure of what Macbeth will do next, if he will redeem himself or continue on his downward spiral of darkness. William Shakespeare uses the
uncertainty and ambiguity that accompanies the theme of equivocation to make the reader not know what to expect. Equivocation is used to showcase
the tragic hero fall that Macbeth experiences. Without the use of equivocation, the story would be more predictable
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Body Paragraph On Macbeth
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Macbeth is the main character in this Play, he is at the beginning a guy who seems emotionless and cold. He wants to be king and to have the
ultimate power, he wants his wife to be happy and proud of him.To achieve all his goals he tries everything to become a friend of the king, duncan,
and is really nice to him even thought he just has the ultimate power in his mind. After a while Macbeth is getting tired of always being nice and
faking everything so his wife is trying to persuade him to keep doing everything to be king. Macbeth is getting help from three witches who set them all
the thoughts about being king in his mind, with his wife many people want to convince him to kill duncan, so Macbeth is under a lot of pressure. At the
end of the play when macbeth killed duncan and reached his goal to be king,he is really confident and full of himself what makes him think he can get
anything and win everything, but when he fights against Mcduff his head got cut off and he dies.
The witches tell banquo and macbeth but basically Macbeth that he can be king and show him how nice it would be to be king, they tell them they can more content...
The purpose of this essay is to examine Macbeth's choices and show how he is driven by choice and not by fate. I believe that the witches who
sent Macbeth the idea of having this beautiful life as a king what made him wants to be king and to kill Duncan.Macbeth was manipulated from the
three witches but he still hadn't to do it. Besides that Macbeth wives, Lady Macbeth, always forces him to keep trying his best to be king shows that
it's not all his free will and he maybe doesn't really feel like doing it. But through the play at the end you can realize that he got no problems with
killing these people and that he actually wants it and wants to reach his
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Macbeth Gender Roles Essay

  • 1. Macbeth Gender Roles Essay William Shakespeare's tragedy "Macbeth" completely challenges the idea of traditional gender roles and social norms during the renaissance period. The male characters have many feminine traits while the female characters have many more masculine and manlier traits. This was going entirely against the stereotypical outlook of the roles you're supposed to play as your gender during that time of history. During the renaissance period women were only expected to clean, cook, and to have babies. Men on the other hand were typically expected to work hard and to provide for the home. Socially women didn't have power or respect and men were the ones who were supposed to be brave and tough at the best of times and the worst of times. That idea more content... This is apparent when she deals with Macbeth leaving the gory daggers at the site of the murder, "Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead / Are but as pictures; 'tis the eye of childhood/ That fears a painted devil."(scene 2 act 2 56–58). Macbeth is portrayed as emotionally unstable and soft as he is afraid to even go back into the room where the murder took place, "I'll go no more/ I am afraid to think what I have done"(scene 2 act 2 54–55). This interaction between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth really shows the unusual roles one another play in there relationship because in a situation where someone is murdered or their is a serious crime, women aren't usually the ones who are brave and strong minded about it, men are. As the play goes on, Lady Macbeth begins to lose her fierce and intimidating persona as Macbeth becomes the more assertive and dominant one. Lady Macbeth starts losing her edge when it becomes less difficult to get Macbeth to follow through with his murderous acts. Anytime Macbeth thinks you're interfering with his kinship, he'll have no problem taking you down and getting you out of his way. Macbeth no longer needs Lady Macbeth to persuade him. This is very apparent when he shows no mercy planning the murder of Banquo, "There's comfort yet, they are assailable/ Then be thou jocund: ere the bat hath flown/ His cloistered flight, ere to black Hecate's summons/ The shard–born beetle with his drowsy hums/ Hath rung night's yawning peal, there shall be Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Macbeth: Summary Macbeth: Summary Macbeth and Banquo, Scottish generals, are returning after crushing a rebellion against Duncan ( King of Scotland ), when they are met by three witches. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor , then later on he will become King. Banquo is told that he will never become King, but will be the father of Kings. Macbeth is horrified, for shortly afterwards a messenger arrives to tell him that Duncan has created him Thane of Cawdor as a reward for his services. Macbeth writes the news to his wife. Lady Macbeth reads the letter from Macbeth, telling her of the prophecies. With reading this she chooses to invite evil spirits into her to take away her womanhood, she wants to lose her tenderness that more content... After the Banquet when everyone goes off to bed, Macbeth murders Duncan. When finding out of the death, Duncan's two sons fled fearing for their lives, Malcolm headed towards England and Donabain to Ireland. Macbeth sends two murderers to kill Banquo, for he fears that the witches prophecies about Banquo will come true too. Macbeth is scared and confused at the second Banquet celebrating the coronation, for he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his seat, everyone thinks he is mad, though Lady Macbeth saves her husband from revealing her guilt to the guests. Macbeth goes and visits the witches again asking for another prophecy and they tell him three things. (1) to beware Macduff, (2) not to fear any man born of women, (3) that he will not die unless Birnam Wood moves towards Dunsaine Castle. Macbeth is later informed that Macduff has gone to England, so he then plans to kill all of Macduff's family. Macduffs family are murdered, Macduff hears of the terrible news and plans revenge against Macbeth. The Scottish contingent are marching to meet the English forces led by Malcolm and Macduff, to make their attack on Macbeth. Macbeth learns that there are ten thousand soldiers after him and that his wife had died ( or killed herself ). The English army arrives at Birnam Wood and Malcolm instructs each solider to cut down a branch and carry it in front of them to disguise their approach. A servant tells Macbeth that
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  • 4. Macbeth Act 1 Questions And Answers 1)the confrontation of banquo's ghost in front of macbeth. 2) The killing of Duncan. 3) Macbeth dies . 1) "never shake Thy gory locks at me ." 2)"If it were done tis done,then 'twere well, it were done quickly" 3) "I throw my warlike shield: lay on, Macduff." 1) In this scene we examine the paranoia Macbeth is experiencing instead of just witnessing his strong character always. 2) This was one of the trigger points or rather one of the min stories that was included in the rising action. 3) Here, the story ends so this is important. If Macbeth didn't have the encounter with the witches some events that occurred would've never happened. Macbeth was ruthless prior to meeting the witches. Although Macbeth was ruthless he also Get more content on
  • 5. Questions And Answers On Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' Study Guides Hamlet Julius Caesar King Henry IV King Lear Macbeth Merchant of Venice Othello Romeo and Juliet The Tempest Twelfth Night Trivia Authorship Bard Facts Bibliography Biography FAQ Films Globe Theatre Pictures Quiz Timeline Macbeth Summary provides a quick review of the play's plot including every important action in the play. Macbeth Summary is divided by the five acts of the play and is an ideal introduction before reading the original text.
  • 6. Act I. Also known as "The Scottish play", Shakespeare's dark, grim tragedy begins with Three Witches in Scotland deciding to meet again after a battle being fought nearby. Thunder, storms and the desolate heath paint a gloomy picture, setting the tone of this play and defining more content... Banquo is suspicious of the Three Witches, remembering that they often trick men. Macbeth initially agrees but when Ross and Angus tell him he has been made the new Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth in a very important aside (soliloquy), remarks, "Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor: / The greatest is behind." Macbeth now first questions Banquo's on his feelings about his descendants becoming kings and then starts thinking of killing King Duncan to make prophecy fact but later hopes fate alone will spare him the need to kill... Macbeth meets King Duncan, thanking him for his new title. The also loyal Banquo receives nothing. King Duncan remarks how he completely trusted the previous Thane of Cawdor. King Duncan announces that his son, Malcolm will be the new Prince of Cumberland. Macbeth sees Malcolm as a threat to what he now takes seriously as his destiny to be king, a major turning point in Macbeth's changing morality. Macbeth makes this clear by famously asking in an aside (private speech) for the stars to hide their fires least they reveal his dark and deadly purpose or intention to kill King Duncan. Lady Macbeth learns by letter from Macbeth of the Three Witches' prophecies for her Get more content on
  • 7. Opinion of Macbeth Question: Analyze how the writer influenced you to change your opinion throughout the text about a significant idea. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in the 16th century as tribute to king James the first. At the start of the text king Duncan made me believe that anyone could be a good leader, Duncan effectively portrayed this idea because he put the needs of his country in front of his own. Throughout the text Shakespeare influenced my opinion to change when Macbeth came into power as he cared about no one but himself; Shakespeare influences re seen well through the techniques soliloquies, irony and contrast. King Duncan is a good leader whose only concern is his country. Macbeth is the thane of Glamis; he is an more content... Shakespeare purpose of this contrast is to show that not anyone can be a good leader and that it takes a good person to actually be a good leader. After the death of Duncan, Macbeth looses all decency; he no longer consults with his wife who he describes as his partner in crime. He uses his power for his own benefit and not for his country this shows that he is callous and will kill anyone who gets in his way. Shakespeare uses soliloquies through out the text to reveal the inner workings of a characters mind; this technique shows that not anyone can be a good leader because in order to be a good leader your thoughts have to be affirmative with your actions. Macbeths thoughts are often completely different to what he is outwardly saying or doing this is seen when he claims to be Duncan's loyal subject but secretly is plotting to execute him, he says "the bell invites me, hear it not, Duncan for it is a knell, that summons thee to heaven or to hell". Another example of soliloquies is when Macbeth pretends to be Banquos friend when he says "fail it not our feast tonight" whilst in his mind he is delegating to get him killed. Throughout the text Shakespeare uses irony to show that some people are not suited to wield power, irony gives the audience insight on something that the characters don't know, irony is well shown after the death of Duncan, Get more content on
  • 8. Duality In Macbeth In Act one, scene five of Shakespeare's "Macbeth" the audience is introduced to Lady Macbeth, and a much more sinister part of the plot begins to arise. At her castle in Dunsinane, Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband detailing the witches' prophecies and she immediately decides that King Duncan must die. Enclosed in this scene is the importance of the relationship of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth as well as the themes of gender and duality. These themes are an important part of the scene and are vital to the plot of the play. The relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plays a very important part in this scene. The audience gets a very clear idea that the two are equals to each other. Especially when Macbeth addresses Lady Macbeth in the letter as his "dearest partner of greatness". The two of them are equal in ambition and this leads them to coming to the same conclusion of wanting to kill King Duncan. However, when Lady Macbeth begins more content... This scene plays a lot with the theme of gender and how certain traits seem out of place with the characters. Macbeth is war hero and seemingly tough and ambitious but his weakness is that he is far too kind as Lady Macbeth says, he say "too full of the milk of human kindness". This comes across as a feminine trait in contrast to his ambition. Lady Macbeth is a very complicated character and possesses many Masculine qualities. In her soliloquy she asks spirits to "unsex her" because she wants to kill King Duncan. She asks to be made cruel, strong and free of remorse. Her ambition is her defining feature, which is a typically masculine quality, yet she is more ambitious than Macbeth himself. Neither Lady Macbeth nor Macbeth fit the gender roles that society has placed on them, and from this scene the audience gets the idea that the plot and characters of Macbeth are not as simple as they Get more content on
  • 9. Deception in Macbeth by Shakespeare Essay Deception is defined as "the act of tricking someone by telling them something that is not true". In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, deception is always present and things are not always what they appear to be. In this great work of literature, the three witches; the Thane of Cawdor; and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are the very embodiments of trickery and show us the true effects deception can have on man. From the first scene of the play, the reader immediately gets a glimpse of the deception meshed into Macbeth's world. The quote "Fair is foul and foul is fair" is a commonly used by the three witches, spoken in their equivocal language. This same language of vagueness is used when the witches encounter Macbeth and Banquo on more content... The depiction of timeless issues such as these is what makes the storyline of the play compelling to me. Also, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both strong conveyors of deceit. From the onset on the play, Macbeth is characterized as strong and loyal to his king and country. However, once the witches' prophecy is planted in his head, his thirst for King is so intense that it cannot be quenched and slowly his admirable traits are erased. When Macbeth is preparing for the King's arrival at his house, he starts to question his murderous thoughts. He states that the King will be here in "double trust" , for Macbeth will be his hostess and will also be acting as a subject of the state. How can he possibly do such a grim task? The answer is Lady Macbeth. She lusts after becoming Queen and living a life of fantasy and does everything in her power to persuade her husband to kill the King. She questions his courage, she feeds his ego and she emasculates poor Macbeth all in an effort to get what she wants disguised as what is best for him. When he agrees, she tells him to "look like th'innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" in order to commit this regicide. Lady Macbeth, such a beautiful woman, is actually a cunning, strategic and determined lady – so determined that she's willing to risk everything and make her husband lie to the king and betray him. It's funny how things are not always what they appear to be. In conclusion, the Get more content on
  • 10. Questions Macbeth Essay MacBeth Questions 1) The season that is described in the opening passage of The Canterbury Tales is spring. According to the narrator, when the season comes the people long to go on pilgrammages. 2) English people want to go down to Canterbury to seek the holy martyr, St. Thomas a Becket. 3) The narrator claims he meets some twenty nine pilgrims. 4) The Knight has fought in Alexandria, Prussia, Lithuania, Granada, North Africa, and Anatolia. 5) If the Knight beats his opponents in the tournament ring, he kills them. 6) According to the narrator, the Knight's conversation and speech is honest. The Knight never said a boorish thing in all his life and he was true. 7) In appearance, the Knight's armor more content... This seems strange for a monastic habit because the Monk has gray fur on the sleeves of his cope. 30) The Monk wears a gold pin on his habit. The gold pin with a love knot at the end of the hood is strange because it indicates that he is not religious because instead of the gold pin, he should have a rosary. The Friar pg 149 31) The Friar's name is Hubert. 32) The Friar frequently arranges marriages for young women, giving each of his women what he could afford. You can interpret his generosity as being flirtatious, or you can assume that he is a genuinely nice man. 33) The absolution the Friar grants to sinners is his absolution is pleasant since he easily grants pardon whenever he is certain of a good offering. He argues that many hard–hearted men could not weep even if they are truly repentant for their sins. 34) He knew Taverns well in every town and he knew Franklins and worthy women in the country very well. 35) Two ways of interpreting the phrase "love–days" is that it is a day to help people who need it or you can interpret "love–days" as a scheme the Friar participates in to make himself look good to the public. The Merchant pg 148 36) The Merchant wears a Flemish beaver hat. 37) The Merchant always talk about capital, and exchanges, basically money. 38) The narrator refers to the Merchant as "he" therefore his name is unknown. The Oxford Clerk pg 148 Get more content on
  • 11. questions for scene 1 2 3 macbeth Macbeth Act 1 SCENE 1 1. What atmosphere is established in this scene? Scary and bad and dark and rainy 2. What purpose does this scene serve? Something bad is going to happen in the future 3. Explain the concluding heroic couplet? Fair and foul are important throughout the story. it shows that somehow Macbeth and the witches are connected. Something good and bad could be happening at the same time SCENE 2 1. Why is King Duncan so pleased with Macbeth? Because he has won victory after victory 2. What does the Captain tell them about Macbeth, Banquo and the battle he was just in? He tells them they both should be honored and also to kill the Thane of Cawdor 3. Who is "the Norweyan lord"? He is Sweno 4. What news does Ross bring more content... Explain Banquo's lines: What, can the devil speak true? (112) These lines mean the outcome will be involved with the devil. He's asking if the devil speaks the truth because sometimes he wins and the darkness tells the truth. Comparing the witches to the devil . . . oftentimes, to win us to our harm, (135–6) The instruments of darkness tell us truths. 10. Paraphrase Macbeth's short soliloquy.
  • 12. More of an aside Line 127 it starts Imperial thane– it's going to come true that he is going to be king It cannot be bad or good if it's good why is he thinking about killing his own king 11. Banquo comments to Ross and Angus that Macbeth seems lost in thought and distracted by his "new honors." How is Macbeth's response to Banquo significant? The power will get to his head and he will make the wrong decisions 12. Does Macbeth heed his warning? Why, or why not? No Macbeth doesn't take notice his warning and he thinks everyone is going to be easy and he can handle it Heed means like follow or listen too Doesn't follow warning Macbeth goes back and forth a lot Macbeth says to Banquo that they are going to talk about it later SCENE IV 1.Why did the Thane of Cawdor die a noble death? Because he confessed before he died and was forgiven 2.Explain the King's lines: "There's no art /To find the mind's construction in the face." The king couldn't tell that the thane of Cawdor was a trader therefore he doesn't have good judge of character 3.How does Macbeth answer Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Macbeth Act 4 Questions Act I Study QuestionsName __Sara Sirull__ 1. What atmosphere is established in Scene 1? A dark, creepy, evil atmosphere is established in Scene 1. 2. How does Banquo describe the Witches when he first sees them upon the heath? He describes them as looking like Aliens. They look shriveled up and wrinkled and they have beards so he is not sure if they are male or female. 3. Macbeth is reported to be a valiant soldier in Act I. The line, "Till he unseamed him from the nave to th'chops And fixed his head upon our battlements", paints a different Macbeth. What can you infer from that line? It is portraying Macbeth as a brave soldier. 4. In Scene 1 the Witches say, "Foul is fair and fair is foul." more content... 4. What does Macbeth decide to do with the information the Witches have given him? 5. What does Lady Macduff say is the reason for her husband leaving? 6. What does Lady Macduff tell her son about his father? How does he respond to her? 7. What happens to Lady Macduff and her son? 8. Why does Malcolm question Macduff? 9. What is Malcolm's reaction to the news? What is Macduff's? 10. What do Malcolm and Macduff plan to do?
  • 14. Act V Study QuestionsName_________________________ 1. What does the Doctor say to Macbeth about Lady Macbeth's condition? What is Macbeth's reaction? 2. What is the Doctor referring to when he says, "Therein the patient Must minister to himself?" 3. What does the Messenger tell Macbeth he sees coming toward Dunsinane? How does Macbeth respond? 4. What does Macduff vow to do to Macbeth and why? Cite an example from Act V. 5. What difference can you cite between Macbeth's army and Malcolm's army? 6. Whom does Macbeth kill in Act V? Do you feel that is important? State your reasons. 7. What does Macbeth say to Macduff about his mortality? What is Macduff's response? How does Macbeth react? 8. What does Ross tell Siward about Siward's son? 9. What does Malcolm say about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? 10. What title has never been used before in Scotland that Malcolm plans to use on his Thanes and Get more content on
  • 15. Response to Shakespeare's Macbeth Essay Response to Shakespeare's Macbeth Look very carefully at Act 1, scene 3 (L.30 – 62) and comment on the significance of the witches' predictions. How do the witches affect what happens in the play, and how do you visualise them on stage? Throughout Shakespeare's life, witches and witchcraft were the objects of fevered fascination. Between 1560 and 1603 hundreds of people (nearly all women) were convicted as witches and executed. Witches were credited with diabolical powers. They could predict the future, fly, sail in sieves, bring on night in daytime and kill animals. They were thought to have cursed enemies with wasting diseases, induced nightmares and sterility, and could take possession of more content... Banquo describes the witches as, "The instruments of darkness tell us truths" (line123), "Win us with honest trifles, to betray 's" "In deepest consequence." He thinks and says bad things of the witches. He calls them "instruments of darkness" and the "devil". He might believe that these prophecies will only bring harm even before anything begins to happen. So Macbeth is warned by his best friend before he makes any decisions that the witches are evil, and what they suggest is evil. When the witches greet Macbeth and Banquo they do not know of the news to come. The audience know that the king has sent out a message via Ross to rewarded Macbeth for his bravery in battle by making him Thane of Cawdor. To Macbeth and Banquo this means that the prophecy of the second witch has come true. Macbeth tells himself "the greatest is behind", it brings to the surface his "vaulting ambition". He writes to his dearest lady Macbeth, who immediately takes complete control of the situation and plots regicide against Macbeth's cousin, King Duncan. Macbeth refuses to have any part in this crime, he says that Duncan is his "kinsman and subject" both of these against the deed. Macbeth continues by saying that he is Duncan's "host" also against the deed. Lady Macbeth insults her husband's love for her and manhood, finally they both set out ensuring Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Macbeth Should Be Taught To teach Macbeth, or not to teach Macbeth–– That is the question. Shakespeare has added over 1,700 words and phrases to English. With works translated into almost every language, Shakespeare has a heavy influence on today's culture. But should we still be reading material that is over 400 years old? And which book from Shakespeare's collection should be taught? Students should be exposed to Shakespeare's Macbeth to refine analytical skills, to understand difficult concepts, and to assess current history. Despite that, it is heavily debated whether or not Macbeth should be taught in school. For people who don't think Macbeth should be taught, one argument could be the language in Macbeth is outdated.With that in consideration, how could it more content... There are two parallel perspectives to the situation occurring in Act 1, Scene 2. There is Macbeth who has just assassinated Duncan. And to contrast, there is Banquo who is blissfully unaware that Macbeth has just assassinated Duncan. Banquo asks Macbeth why he is not asleep and states that Duncan is (1.2.14). The audience knows that Duncan is actually dead. Even so, Banquo is oblivious, thus this scene is an example of dramatic irony. Regardless, knowing and practicing are two different things. While a student may know of it, spotting dramatic irony is a skill that Macbeth puts into practice. Dramatic irony can also be spotted outside of Macbeth in movies such as Jaws and the Lion King. Macbeth also effectively uses nuances. Subtext can change depending on the thoughts the characters are having. A nuance is the variation in how a character delivers a line. To illustrate, during Act 3, Scene 1, Macbeth is asking Banquo questions such as where he is going, who is he taking with him, and when will he be back. These questions could come across as casual, interrogative, cautious, or some other variation. Nuances are especially important in texts such as Macbeth where the whole tone of a scene can be determined by the Get more content on
  • 17. Questions And Questions: The Tragedy Of Macbeth (1) What does the story talk about? (at least 5 full lines) Macbeth was the king's relative, he got a reward from king because he defeated allied. One day, three witches came to meet Macbeth, and tell him the prophecies. When Macbeth was thinking about the prophecies is true or not, suddenly, the first prophecy came true.Macbeth gradually trust what three witches said, and lead him has an appetency to become a new king. After Lady Macbeth knew the truth, she stimulated Macbeth to kill the king. Macbeth was worried about what he saw in the phantom. However, Macbeth still decided to kill the king. He successfully killed the king, and then he became a new king in Scotland. The second prophecy became the truth. Macbeth started worried about the third prophecy. The third prophecy was imply that Banquo would deprive his power, which made him suspicious. In addition, Macbeth saw the Banquo's spirit in the feast, which made him got crazy. Macbeth cannot under the more content... In the story, it is imply that witches is the most evil person in the world. If three witches did not tell the prophecies to Macbeth, Macbeth will not kill the king or became to a violent person. Maybe some of the readers did not notice about the three witches are the instigators. In the middle age, clergy would bury the girl who has suspected of being witch. Some of them are not a real witch. They just made a little mistake, then people started falsely accused she was a witch. Actually they are innocent. I think William Shakespeare cannot create witches to act the evil person in this play. It is a kind of Female Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Macbeth Macbeth Essay "Macbeth" is a tragic play that was written by William Shakespeare in the early 1600's. It revolved around the character Macbeth and his urge to become king of Scotland. Macbeth had to do anything possible to become the king including murder, lying, and deception. However, Macbeth committed these evil deeds due to some influential people in his life. Between Macbeth's wife persuading him to do anything to become king and the witches prophesying over him causes Macbeth to try and bury the past and control the future. Lady Macbeth can be the blame for Macbeth trying to control the future and bury the past. She motivates Macbeth to make decisions based on what she wants from him, which most of the time are dangerous choices that could get Macbeth in serious trouble. If Macbeth does not go along with what she wants, she begins to question his manhood and is very rude to him. By doing this, Lady Macbeth gets Macbeth to fall into her trap because he does not want to seem soft. "When you durst do it, then you were a man: And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man."(Act I, Scene vii, Lines 50–53). She is telling him that if he kills King Duncan he will be much more a man. This is making Macbeth take a present fatalistic approach on time because he is unhappy with the present since Lady Macbeth is calling him a coward. This generally leads to risk taking and in this case it does because Macbeth goes on to kill King Duncan due to the persuasion from Lady Macbeth. This is perfect for Lady Macbeth because she now gets to have a royal status and cannot get in trouble because she did not kill the king. The killing of King Duncan led Macbeth to murder many more people that could possibly stop Macbeth from being king. Anyone who could have had any knowledge of Macbeth killing King Duncan or could have taken the throne from Macbeth was a threat, who needed to be murdered in his eyes. "Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be feared. 'Tis much he dares, and to that dauntless temper of his mind he hath a wisdom that doth guide his valor to act in safety."(Act III, Scene i, Lines 51–57). This quote shows just how nervous Macbeth was with in Get more content on
  • 19. Macbeth: Critical Thinking Questions This report offers critical thinking questions to assist writers in creating a descriptive paragraph on the two most complex characters in the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Internally, Macbeth is reluctant to think of murder as the solution to any of his problems, but with the coax of Lady Macbeth, he defies his morals and continues with the plan to assassinate Duncan. Get more content on
  • 20. Essay about Macbeth Study Guide Questions Macbeth Study Guide Questions Act I Scenes 1 & 2 1. What is the meaning of "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"? Nothing is completely good; everything comes with a price. Nothing is as it seems. It sets the deceptive tone of the whole play. 2. What description does the Captain (Sergeant) give to Duncan about battle? He tells about how Macbeth and Banqumacbeth ao fought bravely in battle. Macbeth sliced up the enemy, Macdonwald, from his navel to his mouth. 3. What characteristics of the King are evident? He is loving and appreciative of others and is a benevolent ruler. 4. What punishment is pronounced upon the Thane of Cawdor? He will be executed. 5. What reward is bestowed upon Macbeth? He becomes the new Thane more content... Then, they will spread the blood all over the drunk and sleeping chamberlains to make them appear guilty. 4. What is the result of the great influence Lady Macbeth has over Macbeth? He succumbs to the temptation of power. ACT II Scenes 1–4 Scene I – 1. What time is it at the beginning of this Act? Just past midnight 2. What does Banquo give Macbeth that is a present from the King? Why did the King give this to Macbeth? He gives LMB a diamond for being a very kind hostess. 3. What did Banquo dream about? The Three Weird Sisters and their prophecy. 4. What does Macbeth want to talk to Banquo about? MB claims he has not thought about the prophecy and that they can talk about it later. 5. In Macbeth's soliloquy – what does he have delusions about? He sees his bloody dagger and talks to it. He is very worried about murdering Duncan. Scene 2 – 1. Why didn't Lady Macbeth kill the King? He looked like her father. 2. Why did Macbeth bring back the daggers to Lady Macbeth? Who returns them? Macbeth forgot to leave them in the room and refuses to go back in. LMB goes in to put the daggers back. 3. What does the last line (spoken by Macbeth) mean? He wishes Duncan was still alive and that the knocking sound would awaken him. This shows his guilty conscience about killing the king. Scene 3 – 1. What is the purpose of the porter scene? What is the condition of the porter? It is to inject some
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  • 22. ACT I Questions 1 Macbeth ACT I Questions 1. As the play opens, you find the witches casting spells, chanting "Fair is foul, and foul is fair./ Hover through the fog and filthy air." This paradox will occur many times in the play. How can something be fair and foul at the same time? Situationally, I think this makes more sense when you consider it in the sense of an outcome. War can be foul, but the outcome fair...depending what side you are on. 2. The reader 's first impression of Macbeth actually comes not from meeting him, but from hearing about him through the character of the captain. What kinds of things does the captain reveal about Macbeth that make Macbeth an admirable character? He seems valiant. He is described to be a war more content... Greddy, she wants the throne as much as her husband. 11. Lady Macbeth goes further in asking the spirits to "unsex me here,/ And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top–full / Of direst cruelty! Make thblood, . . ." Why does she do this, and what does it show about her character? She asking to hve her character as a women removed and her self be transformed into the man her husband cant be. 12. As Lady Macbeth proclaims "O, never Shall sun that morrow see!" in reference to killing King Duncan, how does Macbeth react? What does this indicate about him? Weak spirit, guilty, regretful, also very bad poker player. 13. In Act I, scene vi, what irony do you see as Duncan admires the castle? It is a fair place, where there is no ledge that 14. In Act I, scene vii, this is one of Shakespeare 's great soliloquies in which Macbeth voices his indecision and possibly his conscience. What are his four conflicts? To what conclusion does he come about killing Duncan? 15. What reasons does Macbeth give his wife as to why he will proceed no further? The king has honored him with so much, people have rtust and respect now for him, he wants to enjoy what that feel like. 16. Lady Macbeth uses what points of woe to persuade her husband to change his mind? What "lies" does she resort to, and what does this show about her character? She calls him a hypocrite and a women because he simply had a small drink
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  • 24. Macbeth Equivocation Essay The story of William Shakespeare's Macbeth is a classic one of betrayal and destiny. One of the major themes of the play is the use of equivocation to create ambiguity. The definition of equivocation from the Oxford dictionary is: the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication. The very definition of equivocation contains the use of ambiguity, thus making the two very connected in terms of the story of the play. Equivocation is used multiple times throughout the piece to create a sense of uncertainty, which in turn makes the reader not sure of what will happen next. This makes the reading of the play very compelling. Shakespeare uses equivocation to make the reader think one thing, more content... Macbeth himself is written like a double meaning, having the characteristics of one personality, while possessing the features of another. Macbeth, being the title character, is the main focus of the story. He is the protagonist. In the beginning, Shakespeare writes Macbeth as being the noblest of warriors. It is only after Macbeth learns from the witches that he will become the King that his personality begins to change. He goes from being the quintessential protagonist, to a scheming and paranoid villain. He schemes with Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan, who is portrayed as a kind and just ruler. In the act of killing Duncan, Macbeth becomes the antagonist and Macduff, the one who makes it his mission to dethrone Macbeth. Because of Macbeth's status as a tragic hero, he falls from grace and heroism to shame and villainy. These characteristics are conflicting, therefore making Macbeth a walking equivocation, a living embodiment of a double meaning. This makes the reader unsure of Macbeth's fate. Shakespeare makes the audience unsure of what Macbeth will do next, if he will redeem himself or continue on his downward spiral of darkness. William Shakespeare uses the uncertainty and ambiguity that accompanies the theme of equivocation to make the reader not know what to expect. Equivocation is used to showcase the tragic hero fall that Macbeth experiences. Without the use of equivocation, the story would be more predictable Get more content on
  • 25. Body Paragraph On Macbeth Body paragraph 1 Macbeth is the main character in this Play, he is at the beginning a guy who seems emotionless and cold. He wants to be king and to have the ultimate power, he wants his wife to be happy and proud of him.To achieve all his goals he tries everything to become a friend of the king, duncan, and is really nice to him even thought he just has the ultimate power in his mind. After a while Macbeth is getting tired of always being nice and faking everything so his wife is trying to persuade him to keep doing everything to be king. Macbeth is getting help from three witches who set them all the thoughts about being king in his mind, with his wife many people want to convince him to kill duncan, so Macbeth is under a lot of pressure. At the end of the play when macbeth killed duncan and reached his goal to be king,he is really confident and full of himself what makes him think he can get anything and win everything, but when he fights against Mcduff his head got cut off and he dies. The witches tell banquo and macbeth but basically Macbeth that he can be king and show him how nice it would be to be king, they tell them they can more content... The purpose of this essay is to examine Macbeth's choices and show how he is driven by choice and not by fate. I believe that the witches who sent Macbeth the idea of having this beautiful life as a king what made him wants to be king and to kill Duncan.Macbeth was manipulated from the three witches but he still hadn't to do it. Besides that Macbeth wives, Lady Macbeth, always forces him to keep trying his best to be king shows that it's not all his free will and he maybe doesn't really feel like doing it. But through the play at the end you can realize that he got no problems with killing these people and that he actually wants it and wants to reach his Get more content on