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Wikis in the Elementary Classroom
Presented by: Julie Myrmel and Diane Rich 3rd grade teachers Bauer Elementary School Hudsonville, MI 49426 email: [email_address] [email_address]
What’s a Wiki? WICK-ee or WEE-kee, Hawaiian for quick. It’s a webpage that lets contributors easily add, remove, edit, and change what is at the site. A wiki can be password protected or open to any user. Ours is hosted by our Intermediate School District
Michigan Curriculum Framework  Language Arts Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE’s) reading writing speaking listening  viewing National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) Wikis can be used to meet the:
Power   of an authentic audience for the students
What We’ve Tried--Our Wiki
Social Networking Start with something motivating! Hi Mrs. Rich my sleepover with Mckenna was great!We played some fun games,watched tv and we ate lots of snacks!:-D Bailey Hi mrs.Rich me and my family had a great time at the hotel! How was the pizza party? Heather 029008  Hi friends welcome to my just for friends page. You are free to leave a note to me and I will be sure to respond Kenzie Hi Kenzie!That would be cool if we could have a play date.So Mabey I should call you sometime?Bailey Hi Mackenzie! This is Rachel. I hope that you are not sick today. Rachel 2-13-08 HI Mckennzie It’s Taylor i would like to have you over some time so if you can call me that would be great.2-18-08  Hi Rachel! When will we have our next sleepover:?: -Nicole 158 Do you want to come to my sleepover? Taylor 2-1-08  When is your sleepover because if it is this week or next week I cannot come. Rachel Here is a page for my friends to send me messages and I will wright back as soon as I can!** PLEASE WRITE TO ME! Elena, cool wiki page!! Have a great day at school. - Mom. Elena yo i am so nervis about tonight and if you want to now way ask on my wiki love Rayleigh What does sup mean? Right me back. love,Rayley I got a hot mail and so I can still talk to you when you move my email HI ELENA THIS IS EMMA AND I WANTED TO SAY THAT i AM SORRY THAT I AM LATE TO GO ON YOUR WIKI THANKS FOR GETTING IN TUCH LOVE EMMA
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Allows us to assess the level of understanding  of all of the students Black history was a sad thing. Black pepole where kidnapt and got put in a auktion and sold to white pepole and they had to work for the white allday long and if they did stop they wou get wipped.Some got away by following the drinking gored to the U.G.R but it was not really under ground it was just some white pepole that thouht slavery wasent right so they would help the black get away to fedom some made it and some dident. Mass,means how much Matter is inside something. Matter, means how much space the object takes up.Volume, means how big is the object. Atom, is very little and it builds up to a Molecules. Solid,is something that if you put it in a container it does not form a new shape. Liquid, if you put in a container it changes to a new shape. Gas,is most likely is invisible but the is some that are not invisible. Properties,is like how something feels,smells,looks,sounds and taste. Evaporate,evaporate means when something goes invisible. Melting,when something is melting it means it is gaining heat. Freezing,freezing means something is loosing heat. Writer’s workshop is a very important thing you have to do.You need to practice and practice that way you can learn how to do it better!!!Like my teacher always saids is you need to try to do your best.That is the most important thing you need to do!And also I love to write personal narratives about me and what happened in my life.And you can ask questions and if you are reading someone elses work then you can give them comments or ask them some questions that you think are good to help there stories get better because that is very important to them if you don’t like a part.So those are some writing tips that you can use!!!!! Brainstorm a word bank on a topic of study, and the kids can use it to summarize their learning. When hot water gets mixed with even more hot water it evaporation. A solid can tern in to a liquid when the solid melts.Stem is water vapor.A solid has more mas then a liquid.A liquid can tern into a gas.A liquid can tern in to a solid when the molecules slow done.A solid takes more space then a liquid.
Shows teachers the skills that need to be targeted for individual and small groups of students. My Addition! My mom decided to add an addtion to our house and then I came up to my mom and I said, “mom I would like to move downstairs and have my own bedroom”. And so my mom said, " would you like to have your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. And so my mom said she will think about it. So I said, “ok”. The next day I woke up and I saw mom talking to the builder and then my mom came in and said to me, " would you really really want your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. Liquid, solid and gas are all states. Evaporation and vapor come from the same type. molecules and atoms work together to make things. loss and gains
Allows peers to collaborate with each other.  Matter is anything that takes up space.Volume is how much space that matter takes up. Mass is kind of like weight. It is how much matter that there is. Evaporation and vapor are alike because vapor forms when things evaporate. Freezing and melting happens when an ice cube melts or water freezes. The three states of matter are solids, liquids, and gas. A liquid doesn’t stay in the same shape. It can move on its own sometimes. A solid has its own shape because if you leave it there then it will do nothing. A gas can move around anywhere. A gas can be as free as it wants to be. The three states of matter are made up of atoms. When atoms join together they are called molecules. The three forms of matter are very important. Condensation is when vapor turns to a liquid. VERY NICE RACHEL BUT REMEMBER THAT MATTER HAS FOUR STATES SOLID, LIQUID, GAS AND PLASMA.I REALLY LIKED HOW YOU TALKED ABOUT VAPOR, CONDENSATION, EVAPORATION, FREEZING AND MELTING BECAUSE THEY EXPLAIN PHYSICAL CHANGES. YOU’RE RIGHT ABOUT MASS BEING LIKE WEIGHT BECAUSE IT IS LIKE WEIGHT A LOT. BAILEY Matter is anything that takes up space.Volume is how much space that matter takes up. Mass is kind of like weight. It is how much matter that there is. Evaporation and vapor are alike because vapor forms when things evaporate. Freezing and melting happens when an ice cube melts or water freezes.  That is what happens when physical changes happens.  The four states of matter are solids, liquids, and gas. A liquid doesn’t stay in the same shape. It can move on its own sometimes.  A solid has its own shape because if y ou leave it there then it will do nothing. A gas can move around anywhere. A gas can be as free as it wants to be. Plasma is not found on earth because it is too hot. Plasma is found in space. The sun is plasma because it is so hot.  The three states of matter are made up of atoms. When atoms join together they are called molecules. The three forms of matter are very important. Condensation is when vapor turns to a liquid. In content areas: Rachel’s original ideas a peer’s comments Rachel’s updated version
It was the best day of the year! My grandpa and I went to feed the fish hot dog buns. I went by a fallen down tree.There was absolutely no fish on the surface, then out of no ware a black Bass like one foot. It jumped and devoured five pieces of hot dog buns.I could just barely see all the blue gils by the shore. We were chatting about the black Bass the hole time we went back to his house. I LOVE THE OPENING SENTENCE. YOU PICKED A VERY INTERESTING TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT. :) YOU MIGHT WANT TO ADD IN WHERE YOU WERE WHILE YOU WERE FEEDING FISH- LIKE IN THE SECOND SENTENCE YOU COULD SAY MY GRANDPA AND I WENT TO FEED THE FISH HOT DOG BUNS AT _. IN THE 3RD SENTENCE, WHAT KIND OF TREE WAS THE FALLEN DOWN TREE? OR WHAT DID IT LOOK LIKE? IN THE 4TH SENTENCE, YOU SHOULD SAY THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO FISH ON THE SURFACE, BUT THEN OUT OF NO WHERE A BLACK BASS WAS ONE FOOT AWAY. IN THE LAST SENTENCE, WHOSE HOUSE DID YOU GO TO? YOU SHOULD SAY WE WERE CHATTING ABOUT THE BLACK BASS THE WHOLE TIME WE WALKED BACK TO __’S HOUSE.  Collaborate as peer editors: Casey’s story A 5th  grader’s comments and suggestions  Within our school building
Sixth Graders in another state One time we were at Florida,Then one night me and my Mom went to look for something..........Then we stop so fast,that we were as still as a flower!And guess what we saw a.............Lizard!!So we ran as fast as we could,to try and catch it,But we missed it. We tried to catch it again,But we still messed it. Then something very strange happen?..........It was a man in a go cart?And guess what he said,I won’t be in there if I were you because there’s rattle snakes in there!I said sadly,oh,man. So we left,for home,Very sad. When we got home it was very dark inside,So we went to sleepy time.  From, Keegan YOU MADE A FEW REPETITIVE MISTAKES FOR INSTANCE YOU USED CAPITALS AFTER SOME OF YOUR COMMAS AND YOU NEED TO ADD A SPACE AFTER YOUR COMMAS AND QUESTION MARKS AND YOU NEED QUOTATION MARKS AND FINALLY YOU HAVE BEEN USING QUESTION MARKS WHERE THEY DON’T BELONG SUCH AS: IT WAS A MAN IN A GO CART? SOME OF YOUR WORD ARE ALSO MIXED UP AND YOU NEED TO PUT THEM IN PAST TENSE BECAUSE YOU ARE TELLING A STORY THAT ALREADY HAPPENED. OTHERWISE YOUR STORY WAS QUITE FUNNY AND EASY TO FOLLOW AND REALLY LAID OUT I LIKED YOUR ANALOGIES AS WELL, THE ONLY THING WAS THAT YOU COULD HAVE USED SOME MORE DISCRIPTIVE WORDS TO TELL PEOPLE WHO YOU ARE AND THAT YOUR WRITING IT,BUT STILL, GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!
Interested adults help too Fishing With My Grandpa And Dad Me,dad and grandpa were fishing and my dad caught a first cast. Then my grandpa brought one in then my dad. I was not happy because I only caught two FISH. My dad and grandpa caught fifteen. The big ones were a pound or two. They fought hard. When we got back I was mad. I’d like to hear a little more about the fight they put up. Mrs. Rich Jason, I fish with my dad, too. I can’t believe they caught 15 fish. Cool. I think you need to tell people what a first cast is. Who had the fighting fish? I wondered that. And did you get mad because they e? Do you want some ideas for ading words too? Heres what I think. (in CAPs.) Me,dad and grandpa were fishing and my dad caught a FISH ON HIS first cast. THEN TELL ABOUT THIS, YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. Then my grandpa brought A FISH IN AND then my dad BROUGHT ANOTHER FISH IN. I was not happy because I only caught two FISH. (I LIKE THE WAY YOU MADE FISH ALL CAPS) My dad and grandpa caught fifteen FISH. The big ones were a pound or two. They fought hard. (TELL ABOUT THIS LIKE THE OTHER PERSON ASKED) When we got back TO SHORE I was mad. (TELL WHY.)  Make sure the editors use a bold font or all capitals
Allows parents to compare their child’s work to classmates. Matter is anything that takes up space.Volume is how much space that matter takes up. Mass is kind of like weight. It is how much matter that there is. Evaporation and vapor are alike because vapor forms when things evaporate. Freezing and melting happens when an ice cube melts or water freezes. That is what happens when physical changes happens. The four states of matter are solids, liquids, and gas. A liquid doesn’t stay in the same shape. It can move on its own sometimes. A solid has its own shape because if you leave it there then it will do nothing. A gas can move around anywhere. A gas can be as free as it wants to be. Plasma is not found on earth because it is too hot. Plasma is found in space. The sun is plasma because it is so hot. The three states of matter are made up of atoms. When atoms join together they are called molecules. The three forms of matter are very important. Condensation is when vapor turns to a liquid. Liquid, solid and gas are all states. Evaporation and vapor come from the same type. molecules and atoms work together to make things. loss and gains vs.
Shows teachers the skills that need to be targeted for individual and small groups of students, and provides opportunities for feedback. By Rayleigh Oh my gosh! There he is!I said to my dad. Mario Manningham and Coach car. I screamed two good guys at the same time! Cool. “Dad you go get coach car and I’ll get Manningam and then we’ll switch”. Ok lets go. Got them both how about you dad same with me he said. ‘‘Ok lets go and switch the helmets and get blank ones for guys to sigh them. I am so licensed that I got Mario Manningham and coach car all in the same day. No duty came out again they were all gone so I finely got one of the three good guys on the Michigan team. And that was the Michigan game. MAKE IT CLEAR WHO IS IN THE DIALOGUE. ALSO MAKE SURE YOU CAPITALIZE THE PROPER LETTERS. REMEMBER NOT TOO USE TO MANY EXCLAMATION MARKS BECAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU’RE YELLING AT THE READERS. MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING QUOTATIONS MARKS WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE TO YOU AND THE READERS. PUT YOUR NAME AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STORY. YOUR STORY SEEMS VERY INTERESTING. SARA AND MARIA REGIS MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS
Wow! I can’t beleve that it is almost my moms wedding. She is geting married on March 3rd. I am going to be the Maid of Honnor. [which is the first brids maid] :-D The color of my dress is perreywincle. I am so iksited!LOL They Are Excited to Share My Addition! My mom decided to add an addtion to our house and then I came up to my mom and I said, “mom I would like to move downstairs and have my own bedroom”. And so my mom said, " would you like to have your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. And so my mom said she will think about it. So I said, “ok”. The next day I woke up and I saw mom talking to the builder and then my mom came in and said to me, " would you really really want your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. So she went back outside and they both came in and went downstairs and into my new bedroom and then I followed them down the stairs and I peeked in and I heard the builder say “I will get started on it today”. I thought “Yipy!!LOL“. I was so excited to have my new bedroom because I used to sleep with my sister when I was about 5 years old and she would kick me like crazy. I could not go to sleep. Now I have my own bedroom!!! It was so much fun that I have my own bedroom. Thank you for listening to my page about my new bedroom!!!^_^  We just got done reading a book called Silver.It is about a girl named Rachel and her dog named Ruf and she has a liter of puppies and Rachel takes a dog for her self and names it Silver and Silver runns away and Rachel finds him. It was a good book. If you want to get it go to the libray and check it out. Trust me you will like it.
It’s perfect for sharing technology projects How to Run a Book Club Voicethread Parent Tutorials
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Other Ideas ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],For Students to Try
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],...For Teachers to Try
Collaboration The power of the wiki lies in the authentic audience that allows interaction with people other than the teacher.  Questions to ponder: What grades to go to for collaboration? How to find tech savvy teachers to collaborate with?
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M A C U L 08

  • 1. Wikis in the Elementary Classroom
  • 2. Presented by: Julie Myrmel and Diane Rich 3rd grade teachers Bauer Elementary School Hudsonville, MI 49426 email: [email_address] [email_address]
  • 3. What’s a Wiki? WICK-ee or WEE-kee, Hawaiian for quick. It’s a webpage that lets contributors easily add, remove, edit, and change what is at the site. A wiki can be password protected or open to any user. Ours is hosted by our Intermediate School District
  • 4. Michigan Curriculum Framework Language Arts Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE’s) reading writing speaking listening viewing National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) Wikis can be used to meet the:
  • 5. Power of an authentic audience for the students
  • 6.  
  • 7. What We’ve Tried--Our Wiki
  • 8. Social Networking Start with something motivating! Hi Mrs. Rich my sleepover with Mckenna was great!We played some fun games,watched tv and we ate lots of snacks!:-D Bailey Hi mrs.Rich me and my family had a great time at the hotel! How was the pizza party? Heather 029008 Hi friends welcome to my just for friends page. You are free to leave a note to me and I will be sure to respond Kenzie Hi Kenzie!That would be cool if we could have a play date.So Mabey I should call you sometime?Bailey Hi Mackenzie! This is Rachel. I hope that you are not sick today. Rachel 2-13-08 HI Mckennzie It’s Taylor i would like to have you over some time so if you can call me that would be great.2-18-08 Hi Rachel! When will we have our next sleepover:?: -Nicole 158 Do you want to come to my sleepover? Taylor 2-1-08 When is your sleepover because if it is this week or next week I cannot come. Rachel Here is a page for my friends to send me messages and I will wright back as soon as I can!** PLEASE WRITE TO ME! Elena, cool wiki page!! Have a great day at school. - Mom. Elena yo i am so nervis about tonight and if you want to now way ask on my wiki love Rayleigh What does sup mean? Right me back. love,Rayley I got a hot mail and so I can still talk to you when you move my email HI ELENA THIS IS EMMA AND I WANTED TO SAY THAT i AM SORRY THAT I AM LATE TO GO ON YOUR WIKI THANKS FOR GETTING IN TUCH LOVE EMMA
  • 9. Move into the Content Areas
  • 10. Allows us to assess the level of understanding of all of the students Black history was a sad thing. Black pepole where kidnapt and got put in a auktion and sold to white pepole and they had to work for the white allday long and if they did stop they wou get wipped.Some got away by following the drinking gored to the U.G.R but it was not really under ground it was just some white pepole that thouht slavery wasent right so they would help the black get away to fedom some made it and some dident. Mass,means how much Matter is inside something. Matter, means how much space the object takes up.Volume, means how big is the object. Atom, is very little and it builds up to a Molecules. Solid,is something that if you put it in a container it does not form a new shape. Liquid, if you put in a container it changes to a new shape. Gas,is most likely is invisible but the is some that are not invisible. Properties,is like how something feels,smells,looks,sounds and taste. Evaporate,evaporate means when something goes invisible. Melting,when something is melting it means it is gaining heat. Freezing,freezing means something is loosing heat. Writer’s workshop is a very important thing you have to do.You need to practice and practice that way you can learn how to do it better!!!Like my teacher always saids is you need to try to do your best.That is the most important thing you need to do!And also I love to write personal narratives about me and what happened in my life.And you can ask questions and if you are reading someone elses work then you can give them comments or ask them some questions that you think are good to help there stories get better because that is very important to them if you don’t like a part.So those are some writing tips that you can use!!!!! Brainstorm a word bank on a topic of study, and the kids can use it to summarize their learning. When hot water gets mixed with even more hot water it evaporation. A solid can tern in to a liquid when the solid melts.Stem is water vapor.A solid has more mas then a liquid.A liquid can tern into a gas.A liquid can tern in to a solid when the molecules slow done.A solid takes more space then a liquid.
  • 11. Shows teachers the skills that need to be targeted for individual and small groups of students. My Addition! My mom decided to add an addtion to our house and then I came up to my mom and I said, “mom I would like to move downstairs and have my own bedroom”. And so my mom said, " would you like to have your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. And so my mom said she will think about it. So I said, “ok”. The next day I woke up and I saw mom talking to the builder and then my mom came in and said to me, " would you really really want your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. Liquid, solid and gas are all states. Evaporation and vapor come from the same type. molecules and atoms work together to make things. loss and gains
  • 12. Allows peers to collaborate with each other. Matter is anything that takes up space.Volume is how much space that matter takes up. Mass is kind of like weight. It is how much matter that there is. Evaporation and vapor are alike because vapor forms when things evaporate. Freezing and melting happens when an ice cube melts or water freezes. The three states of matter are solids, liquids, and gas. A liquid doesn’t stay in the same shape. It can move on its own sometimes. A solid has its own shape because if you leave it there then it will do nothing. A gas can move around anywhere. A gas can be as free as it wants to be. The three states of matter are made up of atoms. When atoms join together they are called molecules. The three forms of matter are very important. Condensation is when vapor turns to a liquid. VERY NICE RACHEL BUT REMEMBER THAT MATTER HAS FOUR STATES SOLID, LIQUID, GAS AND PLASMA.I REALLY LIKED HOW YOU TALKED ABOUT VAPOR, CONDENSATION, EVAPORATION, FREEZING AND MELTING BECAUSE THEY EXPLAIN PHYSICAL CHANGES. YOU’RE RIGHT ABOUT MASS BEING LIKE WEIGHT BECAUSE IT IS LIKE WEIGHT A LOT. BAILEY Matter is anything that takes up space.Volume is how much space that matter takes up. Mass is kind of like weight. It is how much matter that there is. Evaporation and vapor are alike because vapor forms when things evaporate. Freezing and melting happens when an ice cube melts or water freezes. That is what happens when physical changes happens. The four states of matter are solids, liquids, and gas. A liquid doesn’t stay in the same shape. It can move on its own sometimes. A solid has its own shape because if y ou leave it there then it will do nothing. A gas can move around anywhere. A gas can be as free as it wants to be. Plasma is not found on earth because it is too hot. Plasma is found in space. The sun is plasma because it is so hot. The three states of matter are made up of atoms. When atoms join together they are called molecules. The three forms of matter are very important. Condensation is when vapor turns to a liquid. In content areas: Rachel’s original ideas a peer’s comments Rachel’s updated version
  • 13. It was the best day of the year! My grandpa and I went to feed the fish hot dog buns. I went by a fallen down tree.There was absolutely no fish on the surface, then out of no ware a black Bass like one foot. It jumped and devoured five pieces of hot dog buns.I could just barely see all the blue gils by the shore. We were chatting about the black Bass the hole time we went back to his house. I LOVE THE OPENING SENTENCE. YOU PICKED A VERY INTERESTING TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT. :) YOU MIGHT WANT TO ADD IN WHERE YOU WERE WHILE YOU WERE FEEDING FISH- LIKE IN THE SECOND SENTENCE YOU COULD SAY MY GRANDPA AND I WENT TO FEED THE FISH HOT DOG BUNS AT _. IN THE 3RD SENTENCE, WHAT KIND OF TREE WAS THE FALLEN DOWN TREE? OR WHAT DID IT LOOK LIKE? IN THE 4TH SENTENCE, YOU SHOULD SAY THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO FISH ON THE SURFACE, BUT THEN OUT OF NO WHERE A BLACK BASS WAS ONE FOOT AWAY. IN THE LAST SENTENCE, WHOSE HOUSE DID YOU GO TO? YOU SHOULD SAY WE WERE CHATTING ABOUT THE BLACK BASS THE WHOLE TIME WE WALKED BACK TO __’S HOUSE. Collaborate as peer editors: Casey’s story A 5th grader’s comments and suggestions Within our school building
  • 14. Sixth Graders in another state One time we were at Florida,Then one night me and my Mom went to look for something..........Then we stop so fast,that we were as still as a flower!And guess what we saw a.............Lizard!!So we ran as fast as we could,to try and catch it,But we missed it. We tried to catch it again,But we still messed it. Then something very strange happen?..........It was a man in a go cart?And guess what he said,I won’t be in there if I were you because there’s rattle snakes in there!I said sadly,oh,man. So we left,for home,Very sad. When we got home it was very dark inside,So we went to sleepy time. From, Keegan YOU MADE A FEW REPETITIVE MISTAKES FOR INSTANCE YOU USED CAPITALS AFTER SOME OF YOUR COMMAS AND YOU NEED TO ADD A SPACE AFTER YOUR COMMAS AND QUESTION MARKS AND YOU NEED QUOTATION MARKS AND FINALLY YOU HAVE BEEN USING QUESTION MARKS WHERE THEY DON’T BELONG SUCH AS: IT WAS A MAN IN A GO CART? SOME OF YOUR WORD ARE ALSO MIXED UP AND YOU NEED TO PUT THEM IN PAST TENSE BECAUSE YOU ARE TELLING A STORY THAT ALREADY HAPPENED. OTHERWISE YOUR STORY WAS QUITE FUNNY AND EASY TO FOLLOW AND REALLY LAID OUT I LIKED YOUR ANALOGIES AS WELL, THE ONLY THING WAS THAT YOU COULD HAVE USED SOME MORE DISCRIPTIVE WORDS TO TELL PEOPLE WHO YOU ARE AND THAT YOUR WRITING IT,BUT STILL, GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!
  • 15. Interested adults help too Fishing With My Grandpa And Dad Me,dad and grandpa were fishing and my dad caught a first cast. Then my grandpa brought one in then my dad. I was not happy because I only caught two FISH. My dad and grandpa caught fifteen. The big ones were a pound or two. They fought hard. When we got back I was mad. I’d like to hear a little more about the fight they put up. Mrs. Rich Jason, I fish with my dad, too. I can’t believe they caught 15 fish. Cool. I think you need to tell people what a first cast is. Who had the fighting fish? I wondered that. And did you get mad because they e? Do you want some ideas for ading words too? Heres what I think. (in CAPs.) Me,dad and grandpa were fishing and my dad caught a FISH ON HIS first cast. THEN TELL ABOUT THIS, YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. Then my grandpa brought A FISH IN AND then my dad BROUGHT ANOTHER FISH IN. I was not happy because I only caught two FISH. (I LIKE THE WAY YOU MADE FISH ALL CAPS) My dad and grandpa caught fifteen FISH. The big ones were a pound or two. They fought hard. (TELL ABOUT THIS LIKE THE OTHER PERSON ASKED) When we got back TO SHORE I was mad. (TELL WHY.) Make sure the editors use a bold font or all capitals
  • 16. Allows parents to compare their child’s work to classmates. Matter is anything that takes up space.Volume is how much space that matter takes up. Mass is kind of like weight. It is how much matter that there is. Evaporation and vapor are alike because vapor forms when things evaporate. Freezing and melting happens when an ice cube melts or water freezes. That is what happens when physical changes happens. The four states of matter are solids, liquids, and gas. A liquid doesn’t stay in the same shape. It can move on its own sometimes. A solid has its own shape because if you leave it there then it will do nothing. A gas can move around anywhere. A gas can be as free as it wants to be. Plasma is not found on earth because it is too hot. Plasma is found in space. The sun is plasma because it is so hot. The three states of matter are made up of atoms. When atoms join together they are called molecules. The three forms of matter are very important. Condensation is when vapor turns to a liquid. Liquid, solid and gas are all states. Evaporation and vapor come from the same type. molecules and atoms work together to make things. loss and gains vs.
  • 17. Shows teachers the skills that need to be targeted for individual and small groups of students, and provides opportunities for feedback. By Rayleigh Oh my gosh! There he is!I said to my dad. Mario Manningham and Coach car. I screamed two good guys at the same time! Cool. “Dad you go get coach car and I’ll get Manningam and then we’ll switch”. Ok lets go. Got them both how about you dad same with me he said. ‘‘Ok lets go and switch the helmets and get blank ones for guys to sigh them. I am so licensed that I got Mario Manningham and coach car all in the same day. No duty came out again they were all gone so I finely got one of the three good guys on the Michigan team. And that was the Michigan game. MAKE IT CLEAR WHO IS IN THE DIALOGUE. ALSO MAKE SURE YOU CAPITALIZE THE PROPER LETTERS. REMEMBER NOT TOO USE TO MANY EXCLAMATION MARKS BECAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU’RE YELLING AT THE READERS. MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING QUOTATIONS MARKS WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE TO YOU AND THE READERS. PUT YOUR NAME AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STORY. YOUR STORY SEEMS VERY INTERESTING. SARA AND MARIA REGIS MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS
  • 18. Wow! I can’t beleve that it is almost my moms wedding. She is geting married on March 3rd. I am going to be the Maid of Honnor. [which is the first brids maid] :-D The color of my dress is perreywincle. I am so iksited!LOL They Are Excited to Share My Addition! My mom decided to add an addtion to our house and then I came up to my mom and I said, “mom I would like to move downstairs and have my own bedroom”. And so my mom said, " would you like to have your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. And so my mom said she will think about it. So I said, “ok”. The next day I woke up and I saw mom talking to the builder and then my mom came in and said to me, " would you really really want your own bedroom?”. I said, “yes”. So she went back outside and they both came in and went downstairs and into my new bedroom and then I followed them down the stairs and I peeked in and I heard the builder say “I will get started on it today”. I thought “Yipy!!LOL“. I was so excited to have my new bedroom because I used to sleep with my sister when I was about 5 years old and she would kick me like crazy. I could not go to sleep. Now I have my own bedroom!!! It was so much fun that I have my own bedroom. Thank you for listening to my page about my new bedroom!!!^_^ We just got done reading a book called Silver.It is about a girl named Rachel and her dog named Ruf and she has a liter of puppies and Rachel takes a dog for her self and names it Silver and Silver runns away and Rachel finds him. It was a good book. If you want to get it go to the libray and check it out. Trust me you will like it.
  • 19. It’s perfect for sharing technology projects How to Run a Book Club Voicethread Parent Tutorials
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  • 23. Collaboration The power of the wiki lies in the authentic audience that allows interaction with people other than the teacher. Questions to ponder: What grades to go to for collaboration? How to find tech savvy teachers to collaborate with?
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