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          Dra Pilar Riobó MD, PhD
              Associate Head
  Endocrinology and Nutrition Department
  Hospital Fundacion Jimenez Diaz-Capio.

       FENS Meeting 2011
Overweight and
Obesity are Epidemic
Obesity and overweight have been reported to be
associated with decreases in life expectancy.
 Non-smoking women    Smoking women       Non-smoking men   Smoking men

      Framingham Heart Study

                                   Non-smoking women lost 7 years,
                            5.82   Non-smoking men 5.8 years



  0                    5                       10                     15

 Implications of obesity at age 40 on life
 expectancy.             Peeters, A, et al. Ann Int Med 2003;138:24-32
Obesity and other risk factors

          Blood       HDL-C     PCRP

  T-Cholesterol-t   OBESITY            factors

       Diabetes                   Resistance
Diabetes epidemic

                                                                       300 millions

  Millones de personas

                                                   154 millionsio
                           135 millions



                                   1995                  2000             2025
                                          King H. Diabetes Care 1998
Obesity is associated with increased risk
for most cancers (ACS)
                                                   Multiple myeloma (>35)
                                                     Colon & Rectum (>40)
Type of Cancer (Highest BMI category)

                                                               Ovary (>35)
                                                                Liver (>35)
                                                          All Cancers (>40)
                                          Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (>35)
                                                              Breast (>40)
                                                         Gallbladder (>30)
                                                    All Other Cancers (>40)
                                                        Oesophagus (>30)
                                                            Pancreas (>40)
                                                               Cervix (>35)
                                                              Kidney (>40)
                                                              Uterus (>40)

                                                                   0          1      2            3             4   5       6          7    8       9      10      11
                                                                                                                    Relative Risk of Death (95% Confidence Interval)
                                        Calle E et al. N Engl J Med 2003;348:1625-1638
                                        Mortality from Cancer According to BMI >30->40 for U.S.
                                        Women in the Cancer Prevention Study II, 1982 through 1998
The Rising
Rate of
Obesity is

    30% of children are overweight
        or at risk for overweight
Obesity Today: Future Impact

  “Because of increasing rates of
  obesity…we may see the first
  generation that will be less
  healthy and have a shorter life
  expectancy than their parents.”

     Surgeon General Richard Carmona
The Biological Cause of
Obesity is Simple

   An imbalance of calories IN
        and calories OUT!

…The Social Factors that lead
to the Imbalance are Complex
  • Changing food habits due to busy lifestyles (no family
  • Declining physical activity during work and leisure time
  • Changing physical environment (urban, safety)
  • Decreased sleep duration
  • Hedonic and reward aspects of food
  • Psychological problems
  • Side effects of common drugs
Weight Issues
   It’s Much More than

  Social factors play a
Food Selection:
What’s Important?

 Product Safety

         % Saying ”Very Important”

                      Source: FMI Trends, 2000
• Sweet taste permits the
                          identification of
                          energy-rich nutrients

                          • Umami (savoury/meaty taste)
                          allows recognition of protein

                          • Salty taste ensures proper
                          electrolyte balance

                          • Sour and Bitter tastes
                          warn against the intake of
                          potentially poisonous chemicals

Taste has the additional value of contributing to
  the overall pleasure and enjoyment of a food
Taste results from the stimulation of specialised
 cells (TRCs), grouped in clusters or taste buds,
  mainly located on the tongue, but also in gut.

                        Circumvallate papillae, contain
                        thousands of taste buds.

                        Foliate papillae, contain hundreds
                        of taste buds.

                        Fungiform papillae contain
                        one or a few taste buds
Structure of sucrose and various
     artificial sweeteners
Saccharin, discovered in 1878
Cyclamate in Europe (in 1969, banned in the US
due to association with bladder cancer in rats.
Subsequent review of the evidence raised questions
about the trials, but remained unapproved in USA
Aspartame, approved for use in food 1981,
Stevia, a herb with intense sweetness
Used worldwide in over 6000 products

ADI levels of 50 (FDA)and 40 mg/kg bw/day, (EFSA)

The rise in plasma levels of Phen and aspartic following
administration of aspartame at doses < 50 mg/kg do not
exceed those observed postprandially.

No credible evidence that aspartame is carcinogenic.

No evidence that aspartame will affect nervous system
function, learning or behavior.
What are the Consumption
    levels of LCS ?

Approved NNS are regarded as “GRAS”
     producers and manufacturers are not required to
     provide content data on food labels

Data on the amounts of NNS in foods not readily
Use of Sweetners in USA
(millions tons)
Artificial sweetener use and
obesity trends in the United States
Safety standards for
        consumption of NNS
European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) havs established
Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADI)

20 cans of diet cola for aspartame
 9 to 12 packets of sweetener for saccharin
30 to 32 cans of diet lemon soda for acesulfame-K
6 cans of diet cola for sucralose
Calorie savings available by
    choosing foods and drinks with LCS
                                          Calories (kcal)

        Product                    With sugar         Low calorie

Carbonated soft drinks   330 ml                 145                  2
Powdered soft drinks     240 ml                  86                  5
Desserts                 240 ml                 150                 75
Milk shake mix           180 ml                 110                 50
Fruit yoghurt            180 g                  207                 81
Table top sweetener      tablets                 16                  1
Table top sweetener      powder                  16                  2
Key questions
 Does the replacement of a high energy sweetener
  (such as sucrose) with an artificial sweetener (such
  as saccharine or aspartame) lead to weight loss?

 Substituting sugar with low calorie sweeteners
  may be an efficacious weight management

 Does sweetness (with or without energy)
  contribute to over-consumption?

     normal-weight subjects           Weight
     1 150 g /day soda sweetened
     with aspartame HFCS , for 3 wk

           7% decrease in
           calorie intake
           when subjects
            drank APM-
          sweetened soda
     Am J Clin Nutr 90
Energy and macronutrient intakes from
                                  ad libitum diet at 0, 5, 10 weeks
 After 10 wk, the
sucrose group had
increases in total
 energy, sucrose,
 and carbohydrate
 and decreases in
  fat and protein

   Raben A et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2002 ;76:721
Body weight and fat
                                                             mass increased in
                                                             the sucrose group
                                                              (1.6 and 1.3 kg)
                                                              and decreased in
                                                            the sweetener group
                                                             (-1.0 and -0.3 kg)

Raben A et al. Sucrose compared with artificial sweeteners: different effects on ad libitum food intake
and body weight after 10 wk of supplementation in overweight subjects. Am J Clin Nutr 2002 ;76:721
                          160 obese women randomly assigned to
                          consume or to abstain from aspartame-
                          sweetened foods and beverages during
                             16-wk weight-reduction program
                               a 1-y maintenance program,
                                and a 2-y follow-up period

no difference in weight loss between groups using
and avoiding aspartame, but the aspartame group
        regained significantly less weight
   during maintenance and follow-up ( 3 years)
                                      Blackburn et al. AJCN 1997
Do artificial sweeteners actually
help reduce weight?

 Replacement of sucrose with aspartame could
  result in a decrease in calorie intake, enough to
  produce a health benefit.

 Even modest reductions in the intake of calories
  can reduce the risk factors associated
  with diabetes and cardiovascular
 Epidemiologic data suggest the
 Several large scale prospective
  cohort studies found positive
  correlation between artificial
  sweetener use and weight gain.
Do LCS promote weight gain?
ACS survey
conducted over one year with 78,694 women 50–69 yo

After controlling for initial body weight, those who
used LCS were significantly more likely to gain weight
than non-users.

However, mean weight changes differed by less than
1Kg, so no conclusion was drawn

Despite the conservative interpretation of the data, the
hypothesis generated considerable debate.
6,814 adults, 45–84 years,
Diet soda consumption was assessed by food frequency
        questionnaire at baseline (2000–2002).

    At least daily consumption of diet soda was
                  associated with a
   36% greater relative risk of incident metabolic
   and a 67% greater relative risk of incident type 2
          compared with non consumption
                                   Diabetes Care 32:688–694, 2009
The San Antonio Heart Study

                                                 OR of becoming

                                                 OR of becoming

Fowler. SP. Et al. Fueling the Obesity Epidemic? Artificially Sweetened
Beverage Use and Long-term Weight Gain . Obesity (2008) 16, 1894–1900.
Fueling the Obesity Epidemic? Artificially
     Sweetened Beverage Use and Long-term Weight
     Gain in the San Antonio Heart Study

   Δ BMIs were 47%
greater among artificial
    sweetner users
    than nonusers
 (+1.48 kg/m2 vs. +1.01
  kg/m2, P < 0.0001).

Fowler. SP. Et al. Obesity (2008) 16, 1894–1900.
•These are observational studies, not
clinical trials

•The potential confounding of LCS use
for weight control cannot be ruled out

•Prevalence of obesity is higher among
Mexican Americans but use of AS is lower
Potential mechanisms blamed
  Dissociating sweetness from calories, LCS could
   interfere with physiological responses that control

  Changing the intestinal environment, LCS could affect
   the microbiota and, in turn, trigger inflammatory
   processes associated with metabolic disorders.

  Interacting with sweet-taste receptors discovered in
   the gut, LCS could affect glucose absorptive capacity
   and activate gut sweet-taste pathways that control
   incretin release and upregulate glucose transporters.
LCS and Appetite
Acute exposure to LCS in vehicles providing no
energy, augments hunger relative to effects of
exposure to the vehicle alone.

Similar effects in a study of comparable design,
using NaCl . 

The phenomenon may be attributable to oral
exposure to a palatable stimulus in the absence
of an energy load
Is there any compensation?
 It has been told that after ingestion of a
 sweetened, non-energy-yielding beverage one
 can “compensate” increasing energy intake

      •Estimated compensation rate of around
      one-third of energy substituted
      •Soft drinks around 15%. This is reasonable
      as it is likely that energy obtained from
      liquids is less satiating
 Nevertheless, these compensation values are
 derived from short-term studies
Effect of preloads containing stevia,
aspartame, or sucrose on food intake, satiety,
and postprandial glucose and insulin levels.

     19 healthy lean and 12 obese

     hunger and satiety levels were similar in all three

     In terms of hedonic ratings, participants rated the
       preloads containing aspartame as having a more
       pleasant taste than the preloads containing stevia
       or sucrose.
Anton et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and
postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite 2010 ; 55(1):37-43
Participants did not compensate
(food intake at subsequent lunch and dinner meals
   was not increased) when they consumed lower
 calorie preloads containing stevia or aspartame
              compared to sucrose.

 Anton et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and
 postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite 2010 ; 55(1):37-43
Consumption of stevia in
                                                  preloads significantly
                                                  lowered postprandial
                                                 insulin levels compared
                                                 to both aspartame and
                                                    sucrose, as well as
                                               postprandial glucose levels
                                                  compared to sucrose.

                                               Consumption of aspartame
                                                  in preloads reduced
                                                 postprandial glucose
                                                 compared to sucrose

Anton et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and
postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite 2010 ; 55(1):37-43
Is there any compensation?

 The preponderance of evidence in long-
 term feeding trials indicates that LCS
 results in no change or a reduction in
 energy intake

 16 studies
 Subjects in 3 trials
 were obese

 Significant reduction in
   energy intake with
 mean reduction of about
  10% of energy intake.

de La Hunty Br Nutr Found
Bull. 2006: 31; 115-128
Meta-analyses: 16 studies

       Significant reduction in weight
     about a 3% reduction in body weight

de La Hunty
Br Nutr Found
Nutr Bull. 2006
The meta-analyses demonstrate that using foods and
  drinks sweetened with aspartame instead of sucrose
results in a significant reduction in both energy intakes
                     and body weight.

         Rate of weight loss of about 0.2 kg/week.
This is a low but meaningful rate of weight loss and, more
 than sufficient to counteract the current average rate of
            weight gain of around 0.007 kg/week

 de La Hunty A, Gibson S, Ashwell M. A review of the effectiveness of aspartame in helping with weight
 control. Br Nutr Found Nutr Bull. 2006: 31; 115-128
Sweet taste receptors
a heterodimer of two transmembrane
proteins (T1R2 , T1R3 and gustducin)
   has several different binding sites

                                         Present in lingual taste buds, and
                                         GLP-1 secreting L cells of the gut

                                         Respond to caloric sugars and to LCS

                                         Serve as mediators of GLP-1
The Incretin Effect: insulin response is greater when
           glucose is administered orally vs. IV infusion.
                            Control Subjects                                                                      Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
                                     (n=8)                                                                                       (n=14)

                                                                         0.6                                                                            0.6
                   80                                                                                        80
                                               Incretin                                                                     The incretin effect
                                                Effect                   0.5                                                   is diminished            0.5
                                                                                                                            in type 2 diabetes.
                   60                                                                                        60

                                                                                          IR Insulin, mU/L
IR Insulin, mU/L

                                                                         0.4                                                                            0.4

                                                                               nmol / L

                   40                                                    0.3                                 40                                         0.3

                                                                         0.2                                                                            0.2
                   20                                                                                        20
                                                                         0.1                                                                            0.1

                    0                                                    0                                    0                                         0

                        0            60             120           180                                              0            60          120   180

                                     Time, min                                                                                  Time, min

                                                Oral glucose load                                             Intravenous (IV) glucose infusion

            IR=insulin resistance.
            Adapted from Nauck M et al. Diabetologia. 1986;29:46–52. Copyright © 1986 Springer-Verlag.                                                         12
Role of Incretins in Glucose Homeostasis

            Ingestion of food
                                                                   Insulin from β cells                   Glucose uptake
                                                                                                             by muscles
                                   Release of gut                   (GLP-1 and GIP)
                                    hormones —                                                                                  Blood glucose in
   GI tract                          incretins*                                                                                   fasting and
                                                               β cells                                                         postprandial states
                                      Active                   α cells
                                    GLP-1 & GIP                                                               Glucose
                                                   DPP-4            Glucose dependent                          by liver

                                                  enzyme              Glucagon from
                                                                          α cells
                                 Inactive       Inactive
                                  GLP-1           GIP
 *Incretins are also released throughout the day at basal levels.

 Adapted from Kieffer TJ, Habener JF. Endocr Rev. 1999;20:876–913; Ahrén B. Curr Diab Rep. 2003;2:365–372; Drucker DJ. Diabetes Care.
 2003;26:2929–2940; Holst JJ. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2002;18:430–441.                                                                           16
Effects of the Incretin Hormones
                          GLP-1                                                                  GIP
             Is released from L cells in ileum                                  Is released from K cells in
              and colon                                                           duodenum
             Stimulates insulin response from                                   Stimulates insulin response from
              β cells in a glucose-dependent                                      β cells in a glucose-dependent
              manner                                                              manner
             Inhibits gastric emptying                                          Has minimal effects on gastric
             Reduces food intake and                                             emptying
              body weight                                                        Has no significant effects on
             Inhibits glucagon secretion from                                    satiety or body weight
              α cells in a glucose-dependent                                     Does not appear to inhibit
              manner                                                              glucagon secretion from α cells
             Effect on β-cell turnover in                                       Effect on β-cell turnover in
              preclinical models                                                  preclinical models

Meier JJ et al. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;18:587–606; Drucker DJ. Diabetes Care. 2003;26:2929–2940;
Farilla L et al. Endocrinology. 2003;144:5149–5158.                                                                    14
GLP-1 secretion after diet soda ingestion in volunteers
due to stimulation of gut taste receptors by LCS synergizing with
         glucose-mediated stimulation of GLP-1 release.

in volunteers, consumption of diet soda before an oral
glucose challenge potentiates GLP-1 secretion, and insulin

Translating these results into the clinical setting,
consumption of a LCS in conjunction with a sugar
containing food or drink could lead to more rapid sugar
absorption, as well as increased GLP-1
and potentially altering both gastric emptying and insulin
sucralose given by intragastric infusion
                      does not stimulates GLP-1 or GIP
                         release in humans or slow
                              gastric emptying.

                         This implies that it may
                     have no therapeutic benefit in the
                         dietary management of
                       other than as a substitute for

But no GLP-1 increase with sucralose
The use of LCS instead of sucrose seems to maintain
and lose weight and to promote long-term dietary
compliance without losing the palatability of the diet

The decrease in energy intakes and the rate of weight
loss that can reasonably be achieved is low, but

There is no clear evidence that LCS augment appetite
or compensation

Indeed, there is emerging evidence that selected NNS
may stimulate the release of satiety hormones like
Conclusion II
LCS can help to reduce energy intake, without
compromising taste

LCS give people the opportunity to enjoy a sweet taste
without adding calories to their diet.

LCS, either as ingredients in foods and drinks or as table-
top products, can help people who are seeking to reduce
their energy and sugar intake as part of a healthy and
balanced diet.

Thank you very much
 for your attention

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Low calory sweetners fens

  • 1. LOW CALORY SWEETNERS AND WEIGHT Dra Pilar Riobó MD, PhD Associate Head Endocrinology and Nutrition Department Hospital Fundacion Jimenez Diaz-Capio. Madrid FENS Meeting 2011
  • 3. Obesity and overweight have been reported to be associated with decreases in life expectancy. Non-smoking women Smoking women Non-smoking men Smoking men Framingham Heart Study 13.7 Non-smoking women lost 7 years, 5.82 Non-smoking men 5.8 years 13.3 7.08 0 5 10 15 Implications of obesity at age 40 on life expectancy. Peeters, A, et al. Ann Int Med 2003;138:24-32
  • 4. Obesity and other risk factors Blood HDL-C PCRP pressure pro-thrombotic T-Cholesterol-t OBESITY factors Insulín Diabetes Resistance TG,Lp(a) sdLDL
  • 5. Diabetes epidemic 300 millions 300 250 Millones de personas 200 154 millionsio 135 millions 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2025 King H. Diabetes Care 1998
  • 6.
  • 7. Obesity is associated with increased risk for most cancers (ACS) 1.44 Multiple myeloma (>35) 1.46 Colon & Rectum (>40) Type of Cancer (Highest BMI category) 1.51 Ovary (>35) 1.68 Liver (>35) 1.88 All Cancers (>40) 1.95 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (>35) 2.12 Breast (>40) 2.13 Gallbladder (>30) 2.51* All Other Cancers (>40) 2.64* Oesophagus (>30) 2.76 Pancreas (>40) 3.20 Cervix (>35) 4.75 Kidney (>40) 6.25 Uterus (>40) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Relative Risk of Death (95% Confidence Interval) Calle E et al. N Engl J Med 2003;348:1625-1638 Mortality from Cancer According to BMI >30->40 for U.S. Women in the Cancer Prevention Study II, 1982 through 1998
  • 8. The Rising Rate of Childhood Obesity is Alarming 30% of children are overweight or at risk for overweight
  • 9. Obesity Today: Future Impact “Because of increasing rates of obesity…we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.” Surgeon General Richard Carmona
  • 10. The Biological Cause of Obesity is Simple An imbalance of calories IN and calories OUT! But…
  • 11. …The Social Factors that lead to the Imbalance are Complex • Changing food habits due to busy lifestyles (no family meals…) • Declining physical activity during work and leisure time • Changing physical environment (urban, safety) • Decreased sleep duration • Hedonic and reward aspects of food • Psychological problems • Side effects of common drugs
  • 12. Weight Issues It’s Much More than ENERGY BALANCE Social factors play a role
  • 13. Food Selection: What’s Important? 89% Taste 71% Nutrition 71% Product Safety 69% Price % Saying ”Very Important” Source: FMI Trends, 2000
  • 14. • Sweet taste permits the identification of energy-rich nutrients • Umami (savoury/meaty taste) allows recognition of protein • Salty taste ensures proper electrolyte balance • Sour and Bitter tastes warn against the intake of potentially poisonous chemicals Taste has the additional value of contributing to the overall pleasure and enjoyment of a food
  • 15. Taste results from the stimulation of specialised cells (TRCs), grouped in clusters or taste buds, mainly located on the tongue, but also in gut. Circumvallate papillae, contain thousands of taste buds. Foliate papillae, contain hundreds of taste buds. Fungiform papillae contain one or a few taste buds
  • 16. Structure of sucrose and various artificial sweeteners
  • 17. LCS Saccharin, discovered in 1878 Cyclamate in Europe (in 1969, banned in the US due to association with bladder cancer in rats. Subsequent review of the evidence raised questions about the trials, but remained unapproved in USA Aspartame, approved for use in food 1981, Acesulfame-K Sucralose Neotame Stevia, a herb with intense sweetness
  • 18. Aspartame Used worldwide in over 6000 products ADI levels of 50 (FDA)and 40 mg/kg bw/day, (EFSA) The rise in plasma levels of Phen and aspartic following administration of aspartame at doses < 50 mg/kg do not exceed those observed postprandially. No credible evidence that aspartame is carcinogenic. No evidence that aspartame will affect nervous system function, learning or behavior.
  • 19. What are the Consumption levels of LCS ? Approved NNS are regarded as “GRAS” producers and manufacturers are not required to provide content data on food labels Data on the amounts of NNS in foods not readily accessible.
  • 20. Use of Sweetners in USA (millions tons)
  • 21. Artificial sweetener use and obesity trends in the United States
  • 22. Safety standards for consumption of NNS European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) havs established Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADI) 20 cans of diet cola for aspartame  9 to 12 packets of sweetener for saccharin 30 to 32 cans of diet lemon soda for acesulfame-K 6 cans of diet cola for sucralose
  • 23. Calorie savings available by choosing foods and drinks with LCS Calories (kcal) Product With sugar Low calorie sweeteners Carbonated soft drinks 330 ml 145 2 Powdered soft drinks 240 ml 86 5 Desserts 240 ml 150 75 Milk shake mix 180 ml 110 50 Fruit yoghurt 180 g 207 81 Table top sweetener tablets 16 1 Table top sweetener powder 16 2
  • 24. Key questions  Does the replacement of a high energy sweetener (such as sucrose) with an artificial sweetener (such as saccharine or aspartame) lead to weight loss?  Substituting sugar with low calorie sweeteners may be an efficacious weight management strategy?  Does sweetness (with or without energy) contribute to over-consumption?
  • 25. 2. . normal-weight subjects Weight 1 150 g /day soda sweetened with aspartame HFCS , for 3 wk 7% decrease in calorie intake when subjects drank APM- sweetened soda Am J Clin Nutr 90
  • 26. Energy and macronutrient intakes from ad libitum diet at 0, 5, 10 weeks After 10 wk, the sucrose group had increases in total energy, sucrose, and carbohydrate intakes and decreases in fat and protein intakes Raben A et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2002 ;76:721
  • 27. Body weight and fat mass increased in the sucrose group (1.6 and 1.3 kg) and decreased in the sweetener group (-1.0 and -0.3 kg) Raben A et al. Sucrose compared with artificial sweeteners: different effects on ad libitum food intake and body weight after 10 wk of supplementation in overweight subjects. Am J Clin Nutr 2002 ;76:721
  • 28. PRCT, 160 obese women randomly assigned to consume or to abstain from aspartame- sweetened foods and beverages during 16-wk weight-reduction program a 1-y maintenance program, and a 2-y follow-up period no difference in weight loss between groups using and avoiding aspartame, but the aspartame group regained significantly less weight during maintenance and follow-up ( 3 years) Blackburn et al. AJCN 1997
  • 29. Do artificial sweeteners actually help reduce weight?  Replacement of sucrose with aspartame could result in a decrease in calorie intake, enough to produce a health benefit.  Even modest reductions in the intake of calories can reduce the risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • 30. But…  Epidemiologic data suggest the opposite.  Several large scale prospective cohort studies found positive correlation between artificial sweetener use and weight gain.
  • 31. Do LCS promote weight gain? ACS survey conducted over one year with 78,694 women 50–69 yo After controlling for initial body weight, those who used LCS were significantly more likely to gain weight than non-users. However, mean weight changes differed by less than 1Kg, so no conclusion was drawn Despite the conservative interpretation of the data, the hypothesis generated considerable debate.
  • 32. 6,814 adults, 45–84 years, Diet soda consumption was assessed by food frequency questionnaire at baseline (2000–2002). At least daily consumption of diet soda was associated with a 36% greater relative risk of incident metabolic syndrome and a 67% greater relative risk of incident type 2 diabetes compared with non consumption Diabetes Care 32:688–694, 2009
  • 33. The San Antonio Heart Study OR of becoming overweight OR of becoming obese Fowler. SP. Et al. Fueling the Obesity Epidemic? Artificially Sweetened Beverage Use and Long-term Weight Gain . Obesity (2008) 16, 1894–1900.
  • 34. Fueling the Obesity Epidemic? Artificially Sweetened Beverage Use and Long-term Weight Gain in the San Antonio Heart Study Δ BMIs were 47% greater among artificial sweetner users than nonusers (+1.48 kg/m2 vs. +1.01 kg/m2, P < 0.0001). Fowler. SP. Et al. Obesity (2008) 16, 1894–1900.
  • 35. Critics •These are observational studies, not clinical trials •The potential confounding of LCS use for weight control cannot be ruled out •Prevalence of obesity is higher among Mexican Americans but use of AS is lower
  • 36. Potential mechanisms blamed  Dissociating sweetness from calories, LCS could interfere with physiological responses that control homeostasis.  Changing the intestinal environment, LCS could affect the microbiota and, in turn, trigger inflammatory processes associated with metabolic disorders.  Interacting with sweet-taste receptors discovered in the gut, LCS could affect glucose absorptive capacity and activate gut sweet-taste pathways that control incretin release and upregulate glucose transporters.
  • 37. LCS and Appetite Acute exposure to LCS in vehicles providing no energy, augments hunger relative to effects of exposure to the vehicle alone. Similar effects in a study of comparable design, using NaCl .  The phenomenon may be attributable to oral exposure to a palatable stimulus in the absence of an energy load
  • 38. Is there any compensation? It has been told that after ingestion of a sweetened, non-energy-yielding beverage one can “compensate” increasing energy intake •Estimated compensation rate of around one-third of energy substituted •Soft drinks around 15%. This is reasonable as it is likely that energy obtained from liquids is less satiating Nevertheless, these compensation values are derived from short-term studies
  • 39. Effect of preloads containing stevia, aspartame, or sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels.  19 healthy lean and 12 obese  hunger and satiety levels were similar in all three conditions.  In terms of hedonic ratings, participants rated the preloads containing aspartame as having a more pleasant taste than the preloads containing stevia or sucrose. Anton et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite 2010 ; 55(1):37-43
  • 40. Participants did not compensate (food intake at subsequent lunch and dinner meals was not increased) when they consumed lower calorie preloads containing stevia or aspartame compared to sucrose. . Anton et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite 2010 ; 55(1):37-43
  • 41. Consumption of stevia in preloads significantly lowered postprandial insulin levels compared to both aspartame and sucrose, as well as postprandial glucose levels compared to sucrose. Consumption of aspartame in preloads reduced postprandial glucose compared to sucrose Anton et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite 2010 ; 55(1):37-43
  • 42. Is there any compensation? The preponderance of evidence in long- term feeding trials indicates that LCS results in no change or a reduction in energy intake
  • 43. Meta-analyses 16 studies Subjects in 3 trials were obese Significant reduction in energy intake with aspartame mean reduction of about 10% of energy intake. de La Hunty Br Nutr Found Bull. 2006: 31; 115-128
  • 44. Meta-analyses: 16 studies Significant reduction in weight about a 3% reduction in body weight de La Hunty Br Nutr Found Nutr Bull. 2006
  • 45.
  • 46. The meta-analyses demonstrate that using foods and drinks sweetened with aspartame instead of sucrose results in a significant reduction in both energy intakes and body weight. Rate of weight loss of about 0.2 kg/week. This is a low but meaningful rate of weight loss and, more than sufficient to counteract the current average rate of weight gain of around 0.007 kg/week de La Hunty A, Gibson S, Ashwell M. A review of the effectiveness of aspartame in helping with weight control. Br Nutr Found Nutr Bull. 2006: 31; 115-128
  • 47. Sweet taste receptors a heterodimer of two transmembrane proteins (T1R2 , T1R3 and gustducin) has several different binding sites Present in lingual taste buds, and GLP-1 secreting L cells of the gut Respond to caloric sugars and to LCS Serve as mediators of GLP-1 secretion
  • 48. The Incretin Effect: insulin response is greater when glucose is administered orally vs. IV infusion. Control Subjects Patients With Type 2 Diabetes (n=8) (n=14) 0.6 0.6 80 80 Incretin The incretin effect Effect 0.5 is diminished 0.5 in type 2 diabetes. 60 60 IR Insulin, mU/L IR Insulin, mU/L 0.4 0.4 nmol / L nmol/L 40 0.3 40 0.3 0.2 0.2 20 20 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 60 120 180 0 60 120 180 Time, min Time, min Oral glucose load Intravenous (IV) glucose infusion IR=insulin resistance. Adapted from Nauck M et al. Diabetologia. 1986;29:46–52. Copyright © 1986 Springer-Verlag. 12
  • 49. Role of Incretins in Glucose Homeostasis Ingestion of food Pancreas Glucose-dependent  Insulin from β cells Glucose uptake by muscles Release of gut (GLP-1 and GIP) hormones — Blood glucose in GI tract incretins* fasting and β cells postprandial states Active α cells GLP-1 & GIP Glucose production DPP-4 Glucose dependent by liver enzyme  Glucagon from α cells (GLP-1) Inactive Inactive GLP-1 GIP *Incretins are also released throughout the day at basal levels. Adapted from Kieffer TJ, Habener JF. Endocr Rev. 1999;20:876–913; Ahrén B. Curr Diab Rep. 2003;2:365–372; Drucker DJ. Diabetes Care. 2003;26:2929–2940; Holst JJ. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2002;18:430–441. 16
  • 50. Effects of the Incretin Hormones GLP-1 GIP  Is released from L cells in ileum  Is released from K cells in and colon duodenum  Stimulates insulin response from  Stimulates insulin response from β cells in a glucose-dependent β cells in a glucose-dependent manner manner  Inhibits gastric emptying  Has minimal effects on gastric  Reduces food intake and emptying body weight  Has no significant effects on  Inhibits glucagon secretion from satiety or body weight α cells in a glucose-dependent  Does not appear to inhibit manner glucagon secretion from α cells  Effect on β-cell turnover in  Effect on β-cell turnover in preclinical models preclinical models Meier JJ et al. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;18:587–606; Drucker DJ. Diabetes Care. 2003;26:2929–2940; Farilla L et al. Endocrinology. 2003;144:5149–5158. 14
  • 51. GLP-1 secretion after diet soda ingestion in volunteers due to stimulation of gut taste receptors by LCS synergizing with glucose-mediated stimulation of GLP-1 release.
  • 52. . in volunteers, consumption of diet soda before an oral glucose challenge potentiates GLP-1 secretion, and insulin secretion Translating these results into the clinical setting, consumption of a LCS in conjunction with a sugar containing food or drink could lead to more rapid sugar absorption, as well as increased GLP-1 and potentially altering both gastric emptying and insulin secretion
  • 53. sucralose given by intragastric infusion does not stimulates GLP-1 or GIP release in humans or slow gastric emptying. This implies that it may have no therapeutic benefit in the dietary management of diabetes, other than as a substitute for carbohydrate But no GLP-1 increase with sucralose
  • 54. Conclusions The use of LCS instead of sucrose seems to maintain and lose weight and to promote long-term dietary compliance without losing the palatability of the diet The decrease in energy intakes and the rate of weight loss that can reasonably be achieved is low, but meaningful. There is no clear evidence that LCS augment appetite or compensation Indeed, there is emerging evidence that selected NNS may stimulate the release of satiety hormones like GLP-1
  • 55. Conclusion II LCS can help to reduce energy intake, without compromising taste LCS give people the opportunity to enjoy a sweet taste without adding calories to their diet. LCS, either as ingredients in foods and drinks or as table- top products, can help people who are seeking to reduce their energy and sugar intake as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
  • 56. 56 Thank you very much for your attention