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Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By
Taylor Nieuwdorp)
By : TaylorNieuwdorp
Julie is a blind girl who is constantly bullied by the girls at her school, Cynthia and Hannah. They trip her in
the hallways, call her names, and tell her that sheâ ll never be able to find anyone to love her because of her
blindness. Julie thinks about this all the time and starts to have nightmares about it. One day, after being
tripped in the hallway, she meets a boy named Matt who helps her pick up her books. She starts to like Matt
and talks more and more to him. Matt turns out to be the boyfriend of the mean girl at school Cynthia. Julie is
devastated, and decides to switch schools and go to Browningâ s School for the Blind, which brings much
happiness to Julieâ s mother, Dana, who had been pressuring her to go there. Julie meets Headmaster
Browning who tells Julie that Browningâ s is a school for people that have nobody in their lives who can
help them. She also meets Amanda, a young blind girl, who has a story of her own. Julie then realizes that
Matt cares about her and when nobody else at Browning has the same privileges as her, she rushes back to her
old school to find him, only to find out that he moved schools as well. Julie finds Matt at their special park
and they both realize they cannot live without one another. Matt decides to take Julie to dinner, which is their
first date as a couple. But on the way, they get into a car crash, where Matt is blinded by shards of glass.

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Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor

Love is Blind

Written by Taylor Nieuwdorp

A Modern Drama

Drama 20
May 22, 2012

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Taylor Nieuwdorp
*******, *********, Canada
Phone: **********
Email: ***************


A high school girl, she doesnâ t want any special treatment. An average girl who just
wants to be normal, sheâ s worried that no one will ever
love her
because of her blindness.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
The most popular girl in high school, not very intelligent, easily distracted. Not very nice
or friendly, dating Matt.

Cynthiaâ s bully in training. Just wants to be popular. She puts her values behind
her to be popular. Sheâ s secretly very nice, and she puts up with
Cynthia to keep her
social status.

A well rounded boy, dating Cynthia. He is family friends of Cynthia and heâ
dating her because his parents approve of her. Heâ s good in school, and
good-hearted. Secretly likes Julie.

s only

Julieâ s mother, cares about her daughter and her well-being. She wants to send Julie
to a specialized school for blind students. She feels bad about
what is happening to
Julie, but she doesnâ t know how to make her feel better because she canâ t relate to her.

Headmaster Browning

Headmaster of Browningâ

s School for the Blind. He was blinded as

a child,
and has dedicated his life to help children who suffer the way he suffered, having to go to a
normal school where he was ridiculed.


A blind girl. Goes to Browningâ

s. Julieâ

s roommate. Has a very interesting story.

Scene 1: Blind
Scene 2: Special Treatment
Scene 3: Damaged Goods
Scene 4: Dreams
Scene 5: Let me Help You
Scene 6: Dear Diary
Scene 7: Donâ

t I Know You?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Scene 8: Give Me a Kiss
Scene 9: The Call
Scene 10: The Invisible Necklace
Scene 11: A Daughterâ
Scene 12: Browningâ

s Agreement

Scene 13: Amanda
Scene 14: Late Night Journey
Scene 15: Home Sweet Home
Scene 16: Mind if I Sit Next to You?
Scene 17: Crash
Scene 18: Irony

Julie is a blind girl who is constantly bullied by the girls at her school, Cynthia and Hannah. They trip her in
the hallways, call her names, and tell her that sheâ ll never be able to find anyone to love her because of her
blindness. Julie thinks about this all the time and starts to have nightmares about it. One day, after being
tripped in the hallway, she meets a boy named Matt who helps her pick up her books. She starts to like Matt
and talks more and more to him. Matt turns out to be the boyfriend of the mean girl at school Cynthia. Julie
is devastated, and decides to switch schools and go to Browningâ s School for the Blind, which brings
much happiness to Julieâ s mother, Dana, who had been pressuring her to go there. Julie meets Headmaster
Browning who tells Julie that Browningâ s is a school for people that have nobody in their lives who can
help them. She also meets Amanda, a young blind girl, who has a story of her own. Julie then realizes that
Matt cares about her and when nobody else at Browning has the same privileges as her, she rushes back to her
old school to find him, only to find out that he moved schools as well. Julie finds Matt at their special park
and they both realize they cannot live without one another. Matt decides to take Julie to dinner, which is their
first date as a couple. But on the way, they get into a car crash, where Matt is blinded by shards of glass.

Scene 1: Blind

(Julie is sitting on a bench in a park. Birds can be heard.)
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

That movie Matt took me to was awesome! Hammer 5. Have you seen it?

No, but I hear itâ

s really scary.

Oh, it is! It gave Matt a chance to act all tough and macho and (uses air quotes) protect me.

Cynthiaâ ¦isnâ

t Hammer 5 rated R?

Yeah, so what? (noticing Julie). Hey, isnâ

t that the blind chick from school? Whatâ

s she doing here?

Julie? (Motioning to Julie) What do you mean what is she doing here?


s blind Hannah. Why would she come to a park?

I donâ

t know. I think she comes here to listen to natureâ ¦orâ ¦something.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

s lame. Who goes to a park to listen to nature?

Blind people?

CYNTHIA (angrily)

Why does it bother you so much?

CYNTHIA (Angrily)
Because! Sheâ s blind! This park isnâ t for blind people! And why does she go to our school anyway?
Shouldnâ t she be in some blind school? She shouldnâ t be allowed to go to the same school as us. Or the
same park!

HANNAH (Noticing Julie listening)

CYNTHIA (Angrily)
They should deport her to blind island or something so that we donâ

t have to look at her.


CYNTHIA (Angrily)
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

HANNAH (Quietly)
I think she can hear us.


t be stupid Hannah. She canâ

t hear us â

JULIE (Angrily)

m blind, not deaf!

(Julie gets up and leaves)

Scene 2: Special Treatment

(In a quiet living room, Julieâ s mother, Dana, is sitting in an armchair reading a book.) (Julie storms in,
fumbling to slam the door behind her and then she falls to the floor crying.)

DANA (Runs to Julie)
Oh honey! Whatâ

s the matter?


s nothing mom, really!

What happened?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
I just overheard some girls from school at the park. Some of the things they said â ¦ I hate people!

See? This is why I suggested you go to Browningâ


JULIE (Angrily)
Mom! Iâ

m not switching schools!

At Browningâ s they know what youâ
people who you can relate to.

re going through. They can help you. And you can be friends with

I donâ

t want any special treatment. I just want to be normal! Everyone gets bullied as a kid. Iâ

ll be

I respect that decision honey. Just think about it okay?

Okay, Iâ

ll think about it. (They hug)

Scene 3: Damaged Goods

(In a hallway at school, Cynthia and Hannah are talking.)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
So Matt and I were thinking about going to Hawaii over the summer, but my parents were total jerks. They
said that I couldnâ t go to Hawaii with Matt because weâ d be alone together. Can you believe that? This
isnâ t the 50â s anymore! Itâ s like they donâ t even want me to have a life!

HANNAH (Sarcastically)
Yeah, thatâ

s super lame of them.

Are you being sarcastic?

HANNAH (Changing subject)
So, Julie was pretty mad at us the other day.

(Laughs) Sheâ

s just sensitive. The poor thing canâ

t take a joke!

You were joking?

Wellâ ¦noâ ¦but â ¦(Seeing Julie enter) Oh! Speak of the devil (Walking over to Julie). Hey Julie!


Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Uh huh! Hey Jules, listen.

(Cynthia places a hand on Julieâ

s shoulder. Julie flinches at her touch.)

You know I was just joking the other day, right?

Of course you were.

Good. I canâ t let it get out that I said those things. Some people wouldnâ
reputation to uphold.

t like it, and I have a

Which is?

To be loved by everyone of course!

â ¦Rightâ ¦

Are you being sarcastic?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
HANNAH (Changing the subject)
So Julie, do you have a boyfriend?

JULIE (Surprised)
Ohâ ¦uhâ ¦noâ ¦why?

Just making conversation.

Oh my gosh! Have you ever had a boyfriend?

Well, noâ ¦ Iâ ¦

Oh, I get it. Youâ

re a lesbian!


m not a lesbian. Iâ

ve just never had a boyfriend.

CYNTHIA (Laughing)

s sad and just a little pathetic.

I get how you wouldnâ

t understand. Youâ

ve probably had more boyfriends than you can count!
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

(Cynthia gasps. Julie heads to her locker.)

Did you hear what she said to me? How rude!

Yeah, I Heard. I was here. I heard everything that you heard Cynthia.

Are you being sarcastic?

HANNAH (Changing subject)
So, how weird is it that Julieâ

s never had a boyfriend?

I know right? So weird!

Right? I meanâ ¦sheâ

s pretty.

CYNTHIA (Laughs)

ve got to be kidding me. Sheâ

s blind.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Yeah. So?

So, who would want to date a blind girl? Poor girl will never find anyone to love her. Guyâ
want damaged goods.

s donâ


(Cynthia and Hannah leave)

JULIE (Aside)
Damaged goods?

Scene 4: Dreams

JULIE (Over speaker)
People always ask me if blind people can dream. I know I do. I was born blind, so I donâ t have any
memories to base things onâ ¦so I donâ t see much. But I dream every night. I even have nightmares.

PEOPLE (Ad-lib)
Blind girl! Blind girl! It sucks you canâ t see anything! Youâ re life is going to suck! What do you think
you look like? Youâ ll never find work. You canâ t see me! Youâ re nothing but damaged goods!

(Sound of thunder) (Laughter)

Scene 5: Let Me Help You

(Cynthia and Hannah are in the hallway) (Julie enters with her school books, Cynthia trips her) (Books fly
everywhere. Julie bends down to try and pick them up, but canâ t find them). (Cynthia runs off. Hannah
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
hesitates, but leaves)

(Matt enters, notices Julie, and walks up to her)

Whoa! What happened here? Are you okay?

Yeah. Somebody tripped me.

What? They tripped you? Why?

I donâ

t knowâ ¦because Iâ

m blind.

MATT (Pause)

s no reason to trip someone. Here (Starts picking up books), let me help you.

(Matt picks up books and hands them to Julie)

Here you go.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Donâ t mention it. And hey, donâ t let people get to you. Theyâ
you that way. Youâ re better than that.

re rubbish if theyâ

re going to treat

(Julie smiles, nods and leaves)

Wait! You didnâ

t tell me your name!

Scene 6: Dear Diary

(Julie is sitting on the bed in her bedroom with a tape recorder.)

Dear diary. I met someone todayâ ¦someone really nice. Lately Iâ ve been thinking that people suck. But
today, a boy helped me pick up my books. I didnâ t catch his name and Iâ ll probably never talk to him
ever againâ ¦but itâ s good to know that there are good-hearted people out there.

(Knock on bedroom door)

Come in.

DANA (Enters bedroom)
Hey honey. I know youâ

re still thinking about Browningâ

s, so I brought you something.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
(Dana hands a brochure to Julie)


s a brochure for Browningâ

s School for the Blind.

Mom, you know I canâ

t read this.


s written in Braille.

Of course it is.

Just take a read. You donâ

t have to decide right away. (Leaves room)

(Julie opens the brochure)

I guess it couldnâ

t hurt to read this.

(Julie runs her fingers over the brochure)


Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Wow. This does sound pretty nice. But I canâ
treat me like an equal.

t. Not when I know there are good people out there that can

Scene 7: Donâ

t I Know You?

(Julie is sitting on a bench in the park.) (Matt comes behind the bench.)
Excuse me. Can I sit here?

Go ahead.

(Matt is texting someone on his cell phone. He laughs at a message heâ

s received.)


s so funny?

Oh, I just got a text from someone with a funny picture. You want to see?

I canâ

tâ ¦ (Holding up her walking cane)

MATT (Embarrassed)
Oh, Iâ

m sorry. I didnâ

t know. (Recognizing her). Oh, Iâ

ve seen you before.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
You have?

Yeah, I helped you pick up your books at school.

Oh, that was you? Well thanks again, you really made my day.


t mention it. (Pause). Iâ

m Matt by the way.


(Julie reaches out for handshake) (Matt shakes her hand) (Lingers)
(Julie shakes Mattâ

s hand.)

(They continue shaking hands. It is very awkward and lengthy.)

JULIE (Breaking the silence, pulling away)
So what are you doing at the park?


s a little embarrassing.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Oh, come on. (Bumps him with shoulder)

Promise you wonâ

t laugh?

I promise.

Sometimes I come hereâ ¦just toâ ¦you knowâ ¦listen to nature.

(Julie is silent for a moment, then she laughs out loud)

Oh come on! You promised!

Sorry. Itâ

s just that I thought I was the only person who did that.

It seems we have a lot in common.

Scene 8: Give me a Kiss

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
(Cynthia and Hannah at a party muffled base music playing in the background and extras are doing stage
business behind them.)

CYNTHIA (Annoyed)
He hasnâ

t texted me for hours and he was supposed to be here! What could he possibly be doing?

Maybe his phoneâ

s dead?

Maybe. (Notices Matt enter) Oh, there he is. (Goes to Matt). Hey Matt!

Heyâ ¦Cynthia


t give me that. Iâ

m mad at you.


You havenâ

t texted me in four hours! Where were you?

I was with a friend okay?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

What friend?

You donâ

t know them. Just drop it.

Whatever! You just canâ

t ignore me for four hours.

Listen Cynthia.


re my boyfriend Matt. Youâ

re supposed to care about me!

I do care about you Cynthia. (Looks at Hannah)

HANNAH (Awkwardly)
I think Iâ

ll just go now. (Leaves)

Matt, this isnâ

t fair â

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Cynthia, I think we need to take a break.

What? Why?

There is this girlâ ¦you donâ t know her. I kind of like her but things areâ ¦complicated. Itâ
you if weâ re dating and I have feelings for someone else.

s not fair to

Youâ re just confused. Weâ ve been dating a while Matt. Our parents went to school together and
weâ re both going to go to Law school together. Weâ re perfect for each other. I donâ t want to break

But Cynthiaâ ¦I told youâ ¦itâ

s not fair to you.

Well I donâ

t care about that silly girl you think you like. Just think about the girl I know you loveâ ¦ Me.


re right. Iâ

m sorry Cynthia.

So weâ

re not breaking up?


Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
No, weâ

re good.

Good. Now give me a kiss.

(Cynthia leans in for a kiss but Matt turns his head and she kisses his cheek)

CYNTHIA (Awkwardly)
Now clean yourself up. Weâ

re going to dinner tonight.

(Matt leaves)

Scene 9: The Call

(Matt is sitting at home. He is wearing fancier clothes, ready to go to dinner with Cynthia.)

Dinnerâ ¦ with Cynthia. Again

(Phone rings. Matt answers it.)


CYNTHIA (Offstage)
Hey babe. You ready to go yet?
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Not yet. I need a little more time.

CYNTHIA (Offstage)
All right, but hurry up! Even my grandpa is ready to go. And we have reservations at Mange Bein in half an

You got it Cynthia.

CYNTHIA (Offstage)
Okay, well call me when youâ

re ready.

Okay. Bye Cynthia.

CYNTHIA (Offstage)
Bye babyâ


(Matt hangs up phone, interrupting her.)

(Sighs) If I love Cynthiaâ ¦why am I so bummed about having to go to dinner with her and her family?

(Matt picks up the phone and dials a number.) (Phone rings.)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
(Lights up on Dana on center stage.)


Hiâ ¦ Is Julie there?

DANA (Distracted)
Yes. Sheâ

s here.

Great! Can I talk to her please?

Oh! Oh, yes of course. (Places phone on chest so Matt canâ
(Runs off stage with phone)

t hear her) Julie! The phone! Itâ

(Lights up right extension.) (Julie is sitting on her bed.) (Dana runs into Julieâ
and hands it to Julie.)

s a boy!

s bedroom with the phone

Thanks mom. (Dana passes phone to Julie) Hello?

(Dana exits)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Hey Julie.

Heyâ ¦Matt?


Oh, hey.

(Long pause)

Is there something you wanted Matt?


Wellâ ¦you called me.

Ohâ ¦right. What are you doing right now?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Nothing really. Why?

I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie or something.

â ¦Mattâ ¦

Ohâ ¦sorry. Do you want to go to the park?

Yeah, Iâ

d like that.

Great! Iâ

ll see you thereâ ¦in sayâ ¦15 minutes?


(Matt and Julie exit)

Scene 10: Invisible Necklace

(Julie is sitting on a bench in the park. Matt enters and sits down beside her.)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Hey Julie!

JULIE (Startled)
Oh! You startled me!

Oh, Iâ

m sorry. Umâ ¦ Iâ

m going to hug you now.

JULIE (Laughing)

(Matt and Julie hug.) (Julie feels that Matt is wearing a tie.)


s this?

Ohâ ¦itâ

s a tie.

Why are you wearing a tie?

Oh, no reason. I was supposed to go out to dinner tonight.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Why didnâ

t you go?

MATT (Smiling)
I realized that I had better places to be tonight.

(Long pause)



You look really beautiful tonight.

I do?


Well thanks. I donâ

t hear that a lotâ ¦probably because Iâ

m not.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

I got you something.

You did?

Yeah. Itâ

s a necklace. Here, Iâ

ll help you put it on.

(Matt reaches as if to put a necklace on Julie.) (Julie lifts her hands to her neck to feel for the necklace, but
she canâ t find it.)

JULIE (Confused)
I donâ

t understand.


s an invisible necklace.

JULIE (Laughs)
Well thank you. Itâ

s beautiful.

Do you understand now?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Yeah! (Pause) Noâ ¦ not really.

You said the necklace was beautiful, even though you couldnâ

t see it.

Yeahâ ¦.

Donâ t you understand? When I say that youâ re beautiful, you donâ t believe me, because you
canâ t see it for yourself. But you said the necklace was beautiful, even though you canâ t see it. Julie,
you donâ t need to see your reflection to know youâ re beautifulâ ¦because you are. (Pause) You
donâ t have to see something to know itâ s beautiful.

Matt, thatâ

s the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me.

(Long pause) (Matt looks at Julie)

MATT (Joking)
You knowâ ¦that necklace looks pretty good on you.

(They laugh)

You know, Iâ ve never met anyone quite like you before. You treat me like any other normal person, not
like some sad blind girl whoâ s going nowhere in life. I really like spending time with you.
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

I donâ t see you as just some blind girl Julie, but I donâ
â ¦youâ re not like everyone else.

t see you as any other normal person either

(Julie starts to pull away)

Wellâ ¦if thatâ

s how you feel then â


re not like everyone else Julieâ


re better.


You heard me Julieâ


re better.

You donâ

t mean that!

I mean every word! You donâ t see me as just some guy at school. When Iâ m with you, I feel like
Iâ m so much more than that. I feel like myself when Iâ m with youâ ¦and when Iâ m not with you, I
think about you constantly andâ

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
(Shushes him) Just stop. Youâ

re going to make me cry. (Laughs)


You knowâ ¦youâ

re really quite handsome.

MATT (Laughs)
How could you possibly know that?

You donâ

t have to see something to know itâ

s beautiful.

(Matt brings his hand to Julieâ

s face)


m going to kiss you now.

JULIE (Laughing)

(Matt leans in for a kiss, but before their lips touch, Cynthia runs in.)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
There you are Matt! Iâ

ve been looking for you everywhere. You never called. I was worried!

Cynthia? Is that you?

Matt, whatâ

s this? Whatâ

s going on?

Wait. You two know each other?

Well of course I know her. Sheâ s the one blind chick at school. Why wouldnâ
you hanging out with her anyway? Sheâ s so annoying!

t I know her? Why are


t talk about her like that Cynthia.

Well, why the hellâ

Ohâ ¦I see. This blind chick is the slut youâ

ve been seeing behind my back isnâ


MATT (Standing up)
I told you not to talk about her like that!

CYNTHIA (To Julie)
Does that make you feel good? Huh, blindy? Whoring around with someone elseâ

s boyfriend?
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

(Cynthia walks up to Julie and slaps her in her face)

Cynthia! Thatâ

s it! Weâ

re over. (Goes to comfort Julie)

But Matt! She was just trying to steal you from me! Canâ

t you see that?

MATT (Angry)
Get out of here Cynthia!

Fine! (Storms off)

MATT (To Julie)
Are you okay?

JULIE (standing up)


You were dating her this whole time? But you were with me?
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Julieâ ¦itâ


No Matt! I meanâ ¦Cynthia is terribleâ ¦but I thought you were better than that. Those things you said to
meâ ¦

I meant every word I said Julie!

What about Cynthia Matt? What about the things you said to her when you were really with me? Did she
believe your excuses and lies? Did you mean those words too?

Julie, donâ

t be like this.

I thought you were different Matt, but youâ re just like everyone else! You treated me like a sad blind girl.
Someone you could take advantage ofâ ¦just because I couldnâ t see the lies that were going on right in
front of me.

(Matt is speechless)

Get out of here Matt.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
But Julieâ ¦Iâ ¦I. Please donâ

t do this.

I said get out of here!

(Matt goes to leave)

Wait! Matt.

MATT (Slightly hopeful)

(Julie mimes taking off her invisible necklace.)

Take this stupid necklace with you! (Throws invisible necklace at Matt.)

(Matt mimes picking up the necklace.)

MATT (Sad)
(Pause) Bye Julie.

(Matt leaves)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Scene 11: A Daughterâ

s Agreement

(Julie walks into her bedroom and goes to her bed. She lies down and starts to cry.)

(Rushes in) Julie? (Goes to Julie) Whatâ

s wrong dear?

Is it too late to go to Browningâ


Of course itâ

s not sweetie. Headmaster Browning has a spot lined up for you. You can start on Monday,

Thanks mom.

No problem honey. (Leans down and kisses Julieâ

s forehead.)

Scene 12: Browningâ

(Julie walks into Browningâ


s with a suitcase and a uniform. Headmaster Browning is waiting for her.)

Hello Julie.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Headmaster Browning?

Yes dear.

I read in the brochure for Browningâ

s that youâ

re blindâ ¦how did you know it was me?

I know all my students and teachers dear. The sounds of new footsteps never cease to fool me.


sâ ¦very impressive sir.

Please, call me Headmaster. So how do you like Browningâ

s so far?

Yes, it seems very nice. I met a lot of people on the way down the foyer. People here are very friendly.

Yes dear. Thatâ

s because they know how it feels.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
How what feels?

To be in your position. Youâ re brand new here, as everyone here once was. You just arrived here from a
dark place in your life, and just like everyone here, youâ re trying to find a better way. Everyone here has a


m not sure my story is a very good one.

(Laughs) Every story is a good one. Would you like to hear mine?


Take a seat dear.

(Headmaster Browning guides Julie to a school bench and they both take a seat.)

This school is very close to my heart. I feel like I have a responsibility to help others who have gone through
what I went through as a child. You seeâ ¦I wasnâ t born blind like you were. I lost my vision when I was a
young boy. When I was eleven, I was friends with a group of boys I probably shouldnâ t have been friends
with. The popular boys I suppose. One day, they invited me to set off some fireworks in the old school field. I
probably shouldnâ t have goneâ ¦but I was so obsessed with being acceptedâ ¦so I went. I had never seen
fireworks beforeâ ¦they were beautiful. I will never forget it. I wanted to try setting one off myself. But when
I set it off, somethingâ ¦went wrongâ ¦and it exploded back at me. I should have died that night, but I guess
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
some higher power had other plans for me. Instead of dying, plastic shrapnel lodged into my eyes. Quite the
coincidence Iâ d say. At first I thought it was a curse. When I returned to school that September, my old
friends would have nothing to do with me. None of them wanted to be friends with the blind boy. I was
harassed all throughout my school years. When I graduated, I realized that instead of a curseâ ¦my blindness
could be a blessing. I had a new lease on life. I decided that I couldnâ t let other children suffer the way I
had, so I founded this school on the belief that every person is equal, and that they all deserve a chance to
learn in a safe environment where their needs are met. Somewhere they can be happy. (Pause) So whatâ s
your story?

Well I donâ

t think I can follow that.

(Laughs) Well one day, your story will be heard, donâ

t worry.

Thanks Headmaster.

Donâ t mention it dear. Why donâ

t you go and find your room, itâ

s about time youâ

ve met your

Scene 13: Amanda

(Julie walks into her room, her roommate Amanda is sitting on her bed.)

Hello? Is someone there?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
Ohâ ¦hi. Iâ

m Julieâ ¦Iâ

m your new roommate.

Oh! Hey! Iâ

m Amanda

Soâ ¦Amandaâ ¦whatâ

s your story?

What do you mean?

Headmaster Browning saidâ ¦

Oh! Yeah, donâ t mind him. He means well. But the whole everybody-has-a story thing is just an excuse for
him to tell his own story. He really likes telling it. Heâ s a nice man though. My storyâ ¦is pretty standard.


Born blind. Put up for adoption by my parents who werenâ
and out of foster care. You knowâ ¦the usual.

t ready for the commitment of a blind child. In

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
The usual? Is that the usual around here?

Pretty much. How about you? Same thing?

Yeahâ ¦something like that.

All right students. It is now the scheduled bedtime. I advise you to go to bed. Thereâ
learning tomorrow.

s another long day of

Well I better get to bed. Itâ

s been a long day.

Yeah. Night Julie.

(Julie finds her bed and lies down)


And Julie?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Welcome to Browningâ


14: Late

s Journey

(Both Julie and Amanda are in bed. Julie wakes up and then leaves her room) (Lights come up on centre
stage) (Headmaster Browning is sitting on a school bench. Julie enters)

Julie? What are you doing up so late?

I couldnâ

t sleep.


s that?


s a long story.

You know I love stories. Have a seat.

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
(Julie sits next to Headmaster Browning on the bench)

I feel like my story is not good enough.

Your story will never be worth telling if you donâ

t believe itâ

s good enough to tell.

I feel like I donâ

t belong hereâ

in this school.

What makes you feel that way?

Donâ t get me wrong. People here have been very accepting. But I feel like everyone else has a
heart-breaking story and they deserve to be here. But I feel like my story isnâ t bad at all and that I donâ
have anything to complain about.


Everybody has his or her own troubles Julie. Itâ
here to benefit all blind children.

s not about whoâ

s troubles are worse. This school is

But donâ t you think it could benefit somebody else more? Somebody thatâ
than I have?

s been through a lot more

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
I suppose. But what makes you luckier than the other children here?

I have people in my life that care about me. Sure, I have a few people that treat me badly, but itâ s nothing
compared to what the other students have gone through. Coming here has made me realize that I havenâ t
appreciated the people who have made an impact in my life. Because of that, I feel that I should leave this
school and give someone else a chance to be cared for the same way that I have been.

That is one of the best stories that I have heard from a student in my school. Whether you leave or not is up to
you Julie. That is your own decision. Something I teach my students here in this school, is to make their own
decisions, and not to let their blindness affect the decisions they make in their life because they feel that it is
somehow holding them back. You have grasped that concept in less than a day here. If you still wish to
leave, I will call your mother to come and pick you up.

Thanks Headmaster.

Scene 15: Home Sweet Home

(School hallway, Cynthia and Hannah are talking)

So Garret and I were talking about going to see that new movie Pelicula thatâ
he said that he got an advanced movie-screening pass. Isnâ t that cool?

s coming out next week, and

Yeah, thatâ

s really cool.

(Julie enters)
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

(Noticing Julie) Well, would you look who it is!

Cynthiaâ ¦What a lovely surprise.

Are you beingâ

Sarcastic? Yesâ ¦I am.

(Hannah laughs. Cynthia lightly slaps Hannah on the arm and gives her a look telling her to stop laughing.)

I donâ

t have time for this Cynthia. Iâ

m looking for Matt. Do you know where he is?

Actually, no I havenâ

t seen Matt. And if I had seen him, I wouldnâ

t tell you.

This is more important than us fighting right now Cynthia. Can you just tell me where I can find him? Itâ
really important.


(Cynthia grunts and crosses her arms in front of her chest, saying nothing.)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

He moved schools. Nobodyâ s seen him. He doesnâ t hang out with his old friends any more. If I did
know where he was, I would tell youâ ¦but I donâ t know. Sorry.

Okay, thanks for your help Hannahâ ¦Cynthia.

(Julie leaves)

What did you think you were doing just then? Why were you being so nice to her? We hate her.

No Cynthiaâ ¦you hate her. I think sheâ s really nice. And frankly, Iâ m tired of putting up with you. I
spend all of my time putting on a fake smile, pretending to be interested in what youâ re saying. But the
truth is, you have nothing nice or intelligent to sayâ ¦ever. Iâ m tired of smiling and nodding through your
long rants about pointless things. Iâ ve had enough of you. Weâ re not friends anymore.

But Hannah, youâ re like my little apprentice. Iâ
Donâ t do this to yourself.

m teaching you how to be popular. You need me!

If being popular means following you around and acting like your rude little clone, then being popular isnâ
worth it. (Storms off)


CYNTHIA (Yelling after Hannah)
Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Scene 16: Mind if I Sit Next to You?

(Matt is sitting on the bench in the park. Julie enters behind the bench.)

Excuse me? Do you mind if I sit next to you?

(Turns to look at Julie) Julie?

Hi Matt.

I thought you were at Browningâ


Not any more.

(Julie sits down on the bench beside Matt)

How did you find me?

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)
I had a feeling that youâ

d be here.

I thought you didnâ

t want to speak to me ever againâ ¦

I had a change of heart.

Oh? Whyâ

s that?

At Browningâ s, I met a lot troubled peopleâ ¦people who had nobody in their lives to care about them and
support them. All of the people I met struggled to find somebody whoâ d treat them like a normal
personâ ¦the way that you treat me. When Iâ m with you, I feel like myself, but when I was at
Browningâ s, I just felt like one blind girl in a sea of other blind people. You taught me that I was special
and that Iâ m better than all the people who choose to put me down. Iâ ve had a change of heart because
Iâ ve realized that I canâ t survive in the real world without you.

I thought Iâ d never see you again. Itâ s only been a short while, but itâ s felt like a lifetime. Weâ
both been through so much. New schoolsâ ¦new friendsâ ¦new everything. I thought by making a


Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp)

Created from
Generated: 2013-12-17 02:23:31


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  • 1. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) By : TaylorNieuwdorp Julie is a blind girl who is constantly bullied by the girls at her school, Cynthia and Hannah. They trip her in the hallways, call her names, and tell her that sheâ ll never be able to find anyone to love her because of her blindness. Julie thinks about this all the time and starts to have nightmares about it. One day, after being tripped in the hallway, she meets a boy named Matt who helps her pick up her books. She starts to like Matt and talks more and more to him. Matt turns out to be the boyfriend of the mean girl at school Cynthia. Julie is devastated, and decides to switch schools and go to Browningâ s School for the Blind, which brings much happiness to Julieâ s mother, Dana, who had been pressuring her to go there. Julie meets Headmaster Browning who tells Julie that Browningâ s is a school for people that have nobody in their lives who can help them. She also meets Amanda, a young blind girl, who has a story of her own. Julie then realizes that Matt cares about her and when nobody else at Browning has the same privileges as her, she rushes back to her old school to find him, only to find out that he moved schools as well. Julie finds Matt at their special park and they both realize they cannot live without one another. Matt decides to take Julie to dinner, which is their first date as a couple. But on the way, they get into a car crash, where Matt is blinded by shards of glass. Published on Copyright © TaylorNieuwdorp, 2013 Publish your writing on Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) 1
  • 2. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Love is Blind Written by Taylor Nieuwdorp A Modern Drama Drama 20 May 22, 2012 Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) 2
  • 3. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Taylor Nieuwdorp ******************* *******, *********, Canada ********* Phone: ********** Email: *************** CHARACTERS Julie A high school girl, she doesnâ t want any special treatment. An average girl who just wants to be normal, sheâ s worried that no one will ever love her because of her blindness. 3
  • 4. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Cynthia The most popular girl in high school, not very intelligent, easily distracted. Not very nice or friendly, dating Matt. Hannah Cynthiaâ s bully in training. Just wants to be popular. She puts her values behind her to be popular. Sheâ s secretly very nice, and she puts up with Cynthia to keep her social status. Matt A well rounded boy, dating Cynthia. He is family friends of Cynthia and heâ dating her because his parents approve of her. Heâ s good in school, and good-hearted. Secretly likes Julie. s only Dana Julieâ s mother, cares about her daughter and her well-being. She wants to send Julie to a specialized school for blind students. She feels bad about what is happening to Julie, but she doesnâ t know how to make her feel better because she canâ t relate to her. Headmaster Browning Headmaster of Browningâ s School for the Blind. He was blinded as a child, and has dedicated his life to help children who suffer the way he suffered, having to go to a normal school where he was ridiculed. Amanda A blind girl. Goes to Browningâ s. Julieâ s roommate. Has a very interesting story. SCENE OUTLINE: Scene 1: Blind Scene 2: Special Treatment Scene 3: Damaged Goods Scene 4: Dreams Scene 5: Let me Help You Scene 6: Dear Diary Scene 7: Donâ t I Know You? 4
  • 5. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Scene 8: Give Me a Kiss Scene 9: The Call Scene 10: The Invisible Necklace Scene 11: A Daughterâ Scene 12: Browningâ s Agreement s Scene 13: Amanda Scene 14: Late Night Journey Scene 15: Home Sweet Home Scene 16: Mind if I Sit Next to You? Scene 17: Crash Scene 18: Irony STORY OUTLINE: Julie is a blind girl who is constantly bullied by the girls at her school, Cynthia and Hannah. They trip her in the hallways, call her names, and tell her that sheâ ll never be able to find anyone to love her because of her blindness. Julie thinks about this all the time and starts to have nightmares about it. One day, after being tripped in the hallway, she meets a boy named Matt who helps her pick up her books. She starts to like Matt and talks more and more to him. Matt turns out to be the boyfriend of the mean girl at school Cynthia. Julie is devastated, and decides to switch schools and go to Browningâ s School for the Blind, which brings much happiness to Julieâ s mother, Dana, who had been pressuring her to go there. Julie meets Headmaster Browning who tells Julie that Browningâ s is a school for people that have nobody in their lives who can help them. She also meets Amanda, a young blind girl, who has a story of her own. Julie then realizes that Matt cares about her and when nobody else at Browning has the same privileges as her, she rushes back to her old school to find him, only to find out that he moved schools as well. Julie finds Matt at their special park and they both realize they cannot live without one another. Matt decides to take Julie to dinner, which is their first date as a couple. But on the way, they get into a car crash, where Matt is blinded by shards of glass. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 1: Blind (Julie is sitting on a bench in a park. Birds can be heard.) 5
  • 6. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) CYNTHIA That movie Matt took me to was awesome! Hammer 5. Have you seen it? HANNAH No, but I hear itâ s really scary. CYNTHIA Oh, it is! It gave Matt a chance to act all tough and macho and (uses air quotes) protect me. HANNAH Cynthiaâ ¦isnâ t Hammer 5 rated R? CYNTHIA Yeah, so what? (noticing Julie). Hey, isnâ t that the blind chick from school? Whatâ s she doing here? HANNAH Julie? (Motioning to Julie) What do you mean what is she doing here? CYNTHIA Sheâ s blind Hannah. Why would she come to a park? HANNAH I donâ t know. I think she comes here to listen to natureâ ¦orâ ¦something. CYNTHIA 6
  • 7. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Thatâ s lame. Who goes to a park to listen to nature? HANNAH Blind people? CYNTHIA (angrily) Whatever! HANNAH Why does it bother you so much? CYNTHIA (Angrily) Because! Sheâ s blind! This park isnâ t for blind people! And why does she go to our school anyway? Shouldnâ t she be in some blind school? She shouldnâ t be allowed to go to the same school as us. Or the same park! HANNAH (Noticing Julie listening) Cynthia? CYNTHIA (Angrily) They should deport her to blind island or something so that we donâ t have to look at her. HANNAH Cynthia! CYNTHIA (Angrily) What? 7
  • 8. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) HANNAH (Quietly) I think she can hear us. CYNTHIA Donâ t be stupid Hannah. She canâ t hear us â JULIE (Angrily) Iâ m blind, not deaf! (Julie gets up and leaves) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 2: Special Treatment (In a quiet living room, Julieâ s mother, Dana, is sitting in an armchair reading a book.) (Julie storms in, fumbling to slam the door behind her and then she falls to the floor crying.) DANA (Runs to Julie) Oh honey! Whatâ s the matter? JULIE Itâ s nothing mom, really! DANA What happened? 8
  • 9. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE I just overheard some girls from school at the park. Some of the things they said â ¦ I hate people! DANA See? This is why I suggested you go to Browningâ s. JULIE (Angrily) Mom! Iâ m not switching schools! DANA At Browningâ s they know what youâ people who you can relate to. re going through. They can help you. And you can be friends with JULIE I donâ fine. t want any special treatment. I just want to be normal! Everyone gets bullied as a kid. Iâ ll be DANA I respect that decision honey. Just think about it okay? JULIE Okay, Iâ ll think about it. (They hug) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 3: Damaged Goods (In a hallway at school, Cynthia and Hannah are talking.) 9
  • 10. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) CYNTHIA So Matt and I were thinking about going to Hawaii over the summer, but my parents were total jerks. They said that I couldnâ t go to Hawaii with Matt because weâ d be alone together. Can you believe that? This isnâ t the 50â s anymore! Itâ s like they donâ t even want me to have a life! HANNAH (Sarcastically) Yeah, thatâ s super lame of them. CYNTHIA Are you being sarcastic? HANNAH (Changing subject) So, Julie was pretty mad at us the other day. CYNTHIA (Laughs) Sheâ s just sensitive. The poor thing canâ t take a joke! HANNAH You were joking? CYNTHIA Wellâ ¦noâ ¦but â ¦(Seeing Julie enter) Oh! Speak of the devil (Walking over to Julie). Hey Julie! JULIE Cynthia? CYNTHIA 10
  • 11. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Uh huh! Hey Jules, listen. (Cynthia places a hand on Julieâ s shoulder. Julie flinches at her touch.) CYNTHIA You know I was just joking the other day, right? JULIE Of course you were. CYNTHIA Good. I canâ t let it get out that I said those things. Some people wouldnâ reputation to uphold. t like it, and I have a JULIE Which is? CYNTHIA To be loved by everyone of course! JULIE â ¦Rightâ ¦ CYNTHIA Are you being sarcastic? 11
  • 12. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) HANNAH (Changing the subject) So Julie, do you have a boyfriend? JULIE (Surprised) Ohâ ¦uhâ ¦noâ ¦why? HANNAH Just making conversation. CYNTHIA Oh my gosh! Have you ever had a boyfriend? JULIE Well, noâ ¦ Iâ ¦ CYNTHIA Oh, I get it. Youâ re a lesbian! JULIE Iâ m not a lesbian. Iâ ve just never had a boyfriend. CYNTHIA (Laughing) Thatâ s sad and just a little pathetic. JULIE I get how you wouldnâ t understand. Youâ ve probably had more boyfriends than you can count! 12
  • 13. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) (Cynthia gasps. Julie heads to her locker.) CYNTHIA Did you hear what she said to me? How rude! HANNAH Yeah, I Heard. I was here. I heard everything that you heard Cynthia. CYNTHIA Are you being sarcastic? HANNAH (Changing subject) So, how weird is it that Julieâ s never had a boyfriend? CYNTHIA I know right? So weird! HANNAH Right? I meanâ ¦sheâ s pretty. CYNTHIA (Laughs) Youâ ve got to be kidding me. Sheâ s blind. HANNAH 13
  • 14. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Yeah. So? CYNTHIA So, who would want to date a blind girl? Poor girl will never find anyone to love her. Guyâ want damaged goods. s donâ t (Cynthia and Hannah leave) JULIE (Aside) Damaged goods? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 4: Dreams JULIE (Over speaker) People always ask me if blind people can dream. I know I do. I was born blind, so I donâ t have any memories to base things onâ ¦so I donâ t see much. But I dream every night. I even have nightmares. PEOPLE (Ad-lib) Blind girl! Blind girl! It sucks you canâ t see anything! Youâ re life is going to suck! What do you think you look like? Youâ ll never find work. You canâ t see me! Youâ re nothing but damaged goods! (Sound of thunder) (Laughter) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 5: Let Me Help You (Cynthia and Hannah are in the hallway) (Julie enters with her school books, Cynthia trips her) (Books fly everywhere. Julie bends down to try and pick them up, but canâ t find them). (Cynthia runs off. Hannah 14
  • 15. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) hesitates, but leaves) (Matt enters, notices Julie, and walks up to her) MATT Whoa! What happened here? Are you okay? JULIE Yeah. Somebody tripped me. MATT What? They tripped you? Why? JULIE I donâ t knowâ ¦because Iâ m blind. MATT (Pause) Thatâ s no reason to trip someone. Here (Starts picking up books), let me help you. (Matt picks up books and hands them to Julie) MATT Here you go. JULIE Thanks. 15
  • 16. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) MATT Donâ t mention it. And hey, donâ t let people get to you. Theyâ you that way. Youâ re better than that. re rubbish if theyâ re going to treat (Julie smiles, nods and leaves) MATT Wait! You didnâ t tell me your name! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 6: Dear Diary (Julie is sitting on the bed in her bedroom with a tape recorder.) JULIE Dear diary. I met someone todayâ ¦someone really nice. Lately Iâ ve been thinking that people suck. But today, a boy helped me pick up my books. I didnâ t catch his name and Iâ ll probably never talk to him ever againâ ¦but itâ s good to know that there are good-hearted people out there. (Knock on bedroom door) JULIE Come in. DANA (Enters bedroom) Hey honey. I know youâ re still thinking about Browningâ s, so I brought you something. 16
  • 17. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) (Dana hands a brochure to Julie) DANA Itâ s a brochure for Browningâ s School for the Blind. JULIE Mom, you know I canâ t read this. DANA Itâ s written in Braille. JULIE Of course it is. DANA Just take a read. You donâ t have to decide right away. (Leaves room) (Julie opens the brochure) JULIE I guess it couldnâ t hurt to read this. (Julie runs her fingers over the brochure) JULIE 17
  • 18. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Wow. This does sound pretty nice. But I canâ treat me like an equal. t. Not when I know there are good people out there that can _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 7: Donâ t I Know You? (Julie is sitting on a bench in the park.) (Matt comes behind the bench.) MATT Excuse me. Can I sit here? JULIE Go ahead. (Matt is texting someone on his cell phone. He laughs at a message heâ s received.) JULIE Whatâ s so funny? MATT Oh, I just got a text from someone with a funny picture. You want to see? JULIE I canâ tâ ¦ (Holding up her walking cane) MATT (Embarrassed) Oh, Iâ m sorry. I didnâ t know. (Recognizing her). Oh, Iâ ve seen you before. 18
  • 19. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE You have? MATT Yeah, I helped you pick up your books at school. JULIE Oh, that was you? Well thanks again, you really made my day. MATT Donâ t mention it. (Pause). Iâ m Matt by the way. JULIE Julie. (Julie reaches out for handshake) (Matt shakes her hand) (Lingers) (Julie shakes Mattâ s hand.) (They continue shaking hands. It is very awkward and lengthy.) JULIE (Breaking the silence, pulling away) So what are you doing at the park? MATT Itâ s a little embarrassing. 19
  • 20. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE Oh, come on. (Bumps him with shoulder) MATT Promise you wonâ t laugh? JULIE I promise. MATT Sometimes I come hereâ ¦just toâ ¦you knowâ ¦listen to nature. (Julie is silent for a moment, then she laughs out loud) MATT Oh come on! You promised! JULIE Sorry. Itâ s just that I thought I was the only person who did that. MATT It seems we have a lot in common. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 8: Give me a Kiss 20
  • 21. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) (Cynthia and Hannah at a party muffled base music playing in the background and extras are doing stage business behind them.) CYNTHIA (Annoyed) He hasnâ t texted me for hours and he was supposed to be here! What could he possibly be doing? HANNAH Maybe his phoneâ s dead? CYNTHIA Maybe. (Notices Matt enter) Oh, there he is. (Goes to Matt). Hey Matt! MATT Heyâ ¦Cynthia CYNTHIA Donâ t give me that. Iâ m mad at you. MATT Why? CYNTHIA You havenâ t texted me in four hours! Where were you? MATT I was with a friend okay? 21
  • 22. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) CYNTHIA What friend? MATT You donâ t know them. Just drop it. CYNTHIA Whatever! You just canâ t ignore me for four hours. MATT Listen Cynthia. CYNTHIA Youâ re my boyfriend Matt. Youâ re supposed to care about me! MATT I do care about you Cynthia. (Looks at Hannah) HANNAH (Awkwardly) I think Iâ ll just go now. (Leaves) CYNTHIA Matt, this isnâ t fair â MATT 22
  • 23. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Cynthia, I think we need to take a break. CYNTHIA What? Why? MATT There is this girlâ ¦you donâ t know her. I kind of like her but things areâ ¦complicated. Itâ you if weâ re dating and I have feelings for someone else. s not fair to CYNTHIA Youâ re just confused. Weâ ve been dating a while Matt. Our parents went to school together and weâ re both going to go to Law school together. Weâ re perfect for each other. I donâ t want to break up. MATT But Cynthiaâ ¦I told youâ ¦itâ s not fair to you. CYNTHIA Well I donâ t care about that silly girl you think you like. Just think about the girl I know you loveâ ¦ Me. MATT Youâ re right. Iâ m sorry Cynthia. CYNTHIA So weâ re not breaking up? MATT 23
  • 24. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) No, weâ re good. CYNTHIA Good. Now give me a kiss. (Cynthia leans in for a kiss but Matt turns his head and she kisses his cheek) CYNTHIA (Awkwardly) Now clean yourself up. Weâ re going to dinner tonight. (Matt leaves) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 9: The Call (Matt is sitting at home. He is wearing fancier clothes, ready to go to dinner with Cynthia.) MATT Dinnerâ ¦ with Cynthia. Again (Phone rings. Matt answers it.) MATT Hello? CYNTHIA (Offstage) Hey babe. You ready to go yet? 24
  • 25. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) MATT Not yet. I need a little more time. CYNTHIA (Offstage) All right, but hurry up! Even my grandpa is ready to go. And we have reservations at Mange Bein in half an hour. MATT You got it Cynthia. CYNTHIA (Offstage) Okay, well call me when youâ re ready. MATT Okay. Bye Cynthia. CYNTHIA (Offstage) Bye babyâ . (Matt hangs up phone, interrupting her.) MATT (Sighs) If I love Cynthiaâ ¦why am I so bummed about having to go to dinner with her and her family? (Matt picks up the phone and dials a number.) (Phone rings.) 25
  • 26. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) (Lights up on Dana on center stage.) DANA Hello? MATT Hiâ ¦ Is Julie there? DANA (Distracted) Yes. Sheâ s here. MATT Great! Can I talk to her please? DANA Oh! Oh, yes of course. (Places phone on chest so Matt canâ (Runs off stage with phone) t hear her) Julie! The phone! Itâ (Lights up right extension.) (Julie is sitting on her bed.) (Dana runs into Julieâ and hands it to Julie.) s a boy! s bedroom with the phone JULIE Thanks mom. (Dana passes phone to Julie) Hello? (Dana exits) MATT 26
  • 27. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Hey Julie. JULIE Heyâ ¦Matt? MATT Yeah. JULIE Oh, hey. (Long pause) JULIE Is there something you wanted Matt? MATT What? JULIE Wellâ ¦you called me. MATT Ohâ ¦right. What are you doing right now? JULIE 27
  • 28. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Nothing really. Why? MATT I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie or something. JULIE â ¦Mattâ ¦ MATT Ohâ ¦sorry. Do you want to go to the park? JULIE Yeah, Iâ d like that. MATT Great! Iâ ll see you thereâ ¦in sayâ ¦15 minutes? JULIE Okay! (Matt and Julie exit) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 10: Invisible Necklace (Julie is sitting on a bench in the park. Matt enters and sits down beside her.) 28
  • 29. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) MATT Hey Julie! JULIE (Startled) Oh! You startled me! MATT Oh, Iâ m sorry. Umâ ¦ Iâ m going to hug you now. JULIE (Laughing) Okay. (Matt and Julie hug.) (Julie feels that Matt is wearing a tie.) JULIE Whatâ s this? MATT Ohâ ¦itâ s a tie. JULIE Why are you wearing a tie? MATT Oh, no reason. I was supposed to go out to dinner tonight. 29
  • 30. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE Why didnâ t you go? MATT (Smiling) I realized that I had better places to be tonight. (Long pause) MATT Julie? JULIE Yes? MATT You look really beautiful tonight. JULIE I do? MATT Yeah. JULIE Well thanks. I donâ t hear that a lotâ ¦probably because Iâ m not. 30
  • 31. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) (Pause) MATT I got you something. JULIE You did? MATT Yeah. Itâ s a necklace. Here, Iâ ll help you put it on. (Matt reaches as if to put a necklace on Julie.) (Julie lifts her hands to her neck to feel for the necklace, but she canâ t find it.) JULIE (Confused) I donâ t understand. MATT Itâ s an invisible necklace. JULIE (Laughs) Well thank you. Itâ s beautiful. MATT Do you understand now? 31
  • 32. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE Yeah! (Pause) Noâ ¦ not really. MATT You said the necklace was beautiful, even though you couldnâ t see it. JULIE Yeahâ ¦. MATT Donâ t you understand? When I say that youâ re beautiful, you donâ t believe me, because you canâ t see it for yourself. But you said the necklace was beautiful, even though you canâ t see it. Julie, you donâ t need to see your reflection to know youâ re beautifulâ ¦because you are. (Pause) You donâ t have to see something to know itâ s beautiful. JULIE Matt, thatâ s the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me. (Long pause) (Matt looks at Julie) MATT (Joking) You knowâ ¦that necklace looks pretty good on you. (They laugh) JULIE You know, Iâ ve never met anyone quite like you before. You treat me like any other normal person, not like some sad blind girl whoâ s going nowhere in life. I really like spending time with you. 32
  • 33. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) MATT I donâ t see you as just some blind girl Julie, but I donâ â ¦youâ re not like everyone else. t see you as any other normal person either (Julie starts to pull away) JULIE Wellâ ¦if thatâ s how you feel then â MATT Youâ re not like everyone else Julieâ youâ re better. JULIE What? MATT You heard me Julieâ youâ re better. JULIE You donâ t mean that! MATT I mean every word! You donâ t see me as just some guy at school. When Iâ m with you, I feel like Iâ m so much more than that. I feel like myself when Iâ m with youâ ¦and when Iâ m not with you, I think about you constantly andâ 33
  • 34. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE (Shushes him) Just stop. Youâ re going to make me cry. (Laughs) MATT Sorry. JULIE You knowâ ¦youâ re really quite handsome. MATT (Laughs) How could you possibly know that? JULIE You donâ t have to see something to know itâ s beautiful. (Matt brings his hand to Julieâ s face) MATT Iâ m going to kiss you now. JULIE (Laughing) Okay. (Matt leans in for a kiss, but before their lips touch, Cynthia runs in.) CYNTHIA (Angry) 34
  • 35. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) There you are Matt! Iâ ve been looking for you everywhere. You never called. I was worried! JULIE Cynthia? Is that you? CYNTHIA (Upset) Matt, whatâ s this? Whatâ s going on? MATT Wait. You two know each other? CYNTHIA (Angry) Well of course I know her. Sheâ s the one blind chick at school. Why wouldnâ you hanging out with her anyway? Sheâ s so annoying! t I know her? Why are MATT Donâ t talk about her like that Cynthia. CYNTHIA Well, why the hellâ she? Ohâ ¦I see. This blind chick is the slut youâ ve been seeing behind my back isnâ t MATT (Standing up) I told you not to talk about her like that! CYNTHIA (To Julie) Does that make you feel good? Huh, blindy? Whoring around with someone elseâ s boyfriend? 35
  • 36. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) (Cynthia walks up to Julie and slaps her in her face) MATT Cynthia! Thatâ s it! Weâ re over. (Goes to comfort Julie) CYNTHIA But Matt! She was just trying to steal you from me! Canâ t you see that? MATT (Angry) Get out of here Cynthia! CYNTHIA Fine! (Storms off) MATT (To Julie) Are you okay? JULIE (standing up) Boyfriend? MATT What? JULIE You were dating her this whole time? But you were with me? 36
  • 37. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) MATT Julieâ ¦itâ sâ JULIE No Matt! I meanâ ¦Cynthia is terribleâ ¦but I thought you were better than that. Those things you said to meâ ¦ MATT I meant every word I said Julie! JULIE What about Cynthia Matt? What about the things you said to her when you were really with me? Did she believe your excuses and lies? Did you mean those words too? MATT Julie, donâ t be like this. JULIE I thought you were different Matt, but youâ re just like everyone else! You treated me like a sad blind girl. Someone you could take advantage ofâ ¦just because I couldnâ t see the lies that were going on right in front of me. (Matt is speechless) JULIE Get out of here Matt. 37
  • 38. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) MATT But Julieâ ¦Iâ ¦I. Please donâ t do this. JULIE I said get out of here! (Matt goes to leave) JULIE Wait! Matt. MATT (Slightly hopeful) Yeah? (Julie mimes taking off her invisible necklace.) JULIE Take this stupid necklace with you! (Throws invisible necklace at Matt.) (Matt mimes picking up the necklace.) MATT (Sad) (Pause) Bye Julie. (Matt leaves) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 38
  • 39. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Scene 11: A Daughterâ s Agreement (Julie walks into her bedroom and goes to her bed. She lies down and starts to cry.) DANA (Rushes in) Julie? (Goes to Julie) Whatâ s wrong dear? JULIE Is it too late to go to Browningâ s? DANA Of course itâ dear. s not sweetie. Headmaster Browning has a spot lined up for you. You can start on Monday, JULIE Thanks mom. DANA No problem honey. (Leans down and kisses Julieâ s forehead.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 12: Browningâ (Julie walks into Browningâ s s with a suitcase and a uniform. Headmaster Browning is waiting for her.) HEADMASTER BROWNING Hello Julie. 39
  • 40. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE Headmaster Browning? HEADMASTER BROWNING Yes dear. JULIE I read in the brochure for Browningâ s that youâ re blindâ ¦how did you know it was me? HEADMASTER BROWNING I know all my students and teachers dear. The sounds of new footsteps never cease to fool me. JULIE Thatâ sâ ¦very impressive sir. HEADMASTER BROWNING Please, call me Headmaster. So how do you like Browningâ s so far? JULIE Yes, it seems very nice. I met a lot of people on the way down the foyer. People here are very friendly. HEADMASTER BROWNING Yes dear. Thatâ s because they know how it feels. JULIE 40
  • 41. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) How what feels? HEADMASTER BROWNING To be in your position. Youâ re brand new here, as everyone here once was. You just arrived here from a dark place in your life, and just like everyone here, youâ re trying to find a better way. Everyone here has a story. JULIE Iâ m not sure my story is a very good one. HEADMASTER BROWNING (Laughs) Every story is a good one. Would you like to hear mine? JULIE Sure. HEADMASTER BROWNING Take a seat dear. (Headmaster Browning guides Julie to a school bench and they both take a seat.) HEADMASTER BROWNING This school is very close to my heart. I feel like I have a responsibility to help others who have gone through what I went through as a child. You seeâ ¦I wasnâ t born blind like you were. I lost my vision when I was a young boy. When I was eleven, I was friends with a group of boys I probably shouldnâ t have been friends with. The popular boys I suppose. One day, they invited me to set off some fireworks in the old school field. I probably shouldnâ t have goneâ ¦but I was so obsessed with being acceptedâ ¦so I went. I had never seen fireworks beforeâ ¦they were beautiful. I will never forget it. I wanted to try setting one off myself. But when I set it off, somethingâ ¦went wrongâ ¦and it exploded back at me. I should have died that night, but I guess 41
  • 42. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) some higher power had other plans for me. Instead of dying, plastic shrapnel lodged into my eyes. Quite the coincidence Iâ d say. At first I thought it was a curse. When I returned to school that September, my old friends would have nothing to do with me. None of them wanted to be friends with the blind boy. I was harassed all throughout my school years. When I graduated, I realized that instead of a curseâ ¦my blindness could be a blessing. I had a new lease on life. I decided that I couldnâ t let other children suffer the way I had, so I founded this school on the belief that every person is equal, and that they all deserve a chance to learn in a safe environment where their needs are met. Somewhere they can be happy. (Pause) So whatâ s your story? JULIE Well I donâ t think I can follow that. HEADMASTER BROWNING (Laughs) Well one day, your story will be heard, donâ t worry. JULIE Thanks Headmaster. HEADMASTER BROWNING Donâ t mention it dear. Why donâ roommate. t you go and find your room, itâ s about time youâ ve met your ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 13: Amanda (Julie walks into her room, her roommate Amanda is sitting on her bed.) AMANDA Hello? Is someone there? 42
  • 43. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE Ohâ ¦hi. Iâ m Julieâ ¦Iâ m your new roommate. AMANDA Oh! Hey! Iâ m Amanda JULIE Soâ ¦Amandaâ ¦whatâ s your story? AMANDA What do you mean? JULIE Headmaster Browning saidâ ¦ AMANDA Oh! Yeah, donâ t mind him. He means well. But the whole everybody-has-a story thing is just an excuse for him to tell his own story. He really likes telling it. Heâ s a nice man though. My storyâ ¦is pretty standard. JULIE Standard? AMANDA Born blind. Put up for adoption by my parents who werenâ and out of foster care. You knowâ ¦the usual. t ready for the commitment of a blind child. In JULIE 43
  • 44. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) The usual? Is that the usual around here? AMANDA Pretty much. How about you? Same thing? JULIE Yeahâ ¦something like that. HEADMASTER BROWNING (Offstage) All right students. It is now the scheduled bedtime. I advise you to go to bed. Thereâ learning tomorrow. s another long day of JULIE Well I better get to bed. Itâ s been a long day. AMANDA Yeah. Night Julie. (Julie finds her bed and lies down) JULIE Night. AMANDA And Julie? 44
  • 45. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) JULIE Yeah? AMANDA Welcome to Browningâ s. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14: Late Nightâ s Journey (Both Julie and Amanda are in bed. Julie wakes up and then leaves her room) (Lights come up on centre stage) (Headmaster Browning is sitting on a school bench. Julie enters) HEADMASTER BROWNING Julie? What are you doing up so late? JULIE I couldnâ t sleep. HEADMASTER BROWNING Whyâ s that? JULIE Itâ s a long story. HEADMASTER BROWNING You know I love stories. Have a seat. 45
  • 46. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) (Julie sits next to Headmaster Browning on the bench) JULIE I feel like my story is not good enough. HEADMASTER BROWNING Your story will never be worth telling if you donâ t believe itâ s good enough to tell. JULIE I feel like I donâ t belong hereâ in this school. HEADMASTER BROWNING What makes you feel that way? JULIE Donâ t get me wrong. People here have been very accepting. But I feel like everyone else has a heart-breaking story and they deserve to be here. But I feel like my story isnâ t bad at all and that I donâ have anything to complain about. t HEADMASTER BROWNING Everybody has his or her own troubles Julie. Itâ here to benefit all blind children. s not about whoâ s troubles are worse. This school is JULIE But donâ t you think it could benefit somebody else more? Somebody thatâ than I have? s been through a lot more HEADMASTER BROWNING 46
  • 47. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) I suppose. But what makes you luckier than the other children here? JULIE I have people in my life that care about me. Sure, I have a few people that treat me badly, but itâ s nothing compared to what the other students have gone through. Coming here has made me realize that I havenâ t appreciated the people who have made an impact in my life. Because of that, I feel that I should leave this school and give someone else a chance to be cared for the same way that I have been. HEADMASTER BROWNING That is one of the best stories that I have heard from a student in my school. Whether you leave or not is up to you Julie. That is your own decision. Something I teach my students here in this school, is to make their own decisions, and not to let their blindness affect the decisions they make in their life because they feel that it is somehow holding them back. You have grasped that concept in less than a day here. If you still wish to leave, I will call your mother to come and pick you up. JULIE Thanks Headmaster. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 15: Home Sweet Home (School hallway, Cynthia and Hannah are talking) CYNTHIA So Garret and I were talking about going to see that new movie Pelicula thatâ he said that he got an advanced movie-screening pass. Isnâ t that cool? s coming out next week, and HANNAH Yeah, thatâ s really cool. (Julie enters) 47
  • 48. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) CYNTHIA (Noticing Julie) Well, would you look who it is! JULIE Cynthiaâ ¦What a lovely surprise. CYNTHIA Are you beingâ JULIE Sarcastic? Yesâ ¦I am. (Hannah laughs. Cynthia lightly slaps Hannah on the arm and gives her a look telling her to stop laughing.) JULIE I donâ t have time for this Cynthia. Iâ m looking for Matt. Do you know where he is? CYNTHIA Actually, no I havenâ t seen Matt. And if I had seen him, I wouldnâ t tell you. JULIE This is more important than us fighting right now Cynthia. Can you just tell me where I can find him? Itâ really important. s (Cynthia grunts and crosses her arms in front of her chest, saying nothing.) 48
  • 49. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) HANNAH He moved schools. Nobodyâ s seen him. He doesnâ t hang out with his old friends any more. If I did know where he was, I would tell youâ ¦but I donâ t know. Sorry. JULIE Okay, thanks for your help Hannahâ ¦Cynthia. (Julie leaves) CYNTHIA What did you think you were doing just then? Why were you being so nice to her? We hate her. HANNAH No Cynthiaâ ¦you hate her. I think sheâ s really nice. And frankly, Iâ m tired of putting up with you. I spend all of my time putting on a fake smile, pretending to be interested in what youâ re saying. But the truth is, you have nothing nice or intelligent to sayâ ¦ever. Iâ m tired of smiling and nodding through your long rants about pointless things. Iâ ve had enough of you. Weâ re not friends anymore. CYNTHIA But Hannah, youâ re like my little apprentice. Iâ Donâ t do this to yourself. m teaching you how to be popular. You need me! HANNAH If being popular means following you around and acting like your rude little clone, then being popular isnâ worth it. (Storms off) t CYNTHIA (Yelling after Hannah) Fine! 49
  • 50. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scene 16: Mind if I Sit Next to You? (Matt is sitting on the bench in the park. Julie enters behind the bench.) JULIE Excuse me? Do you mind if I sit next to you? MATT (Turns to look at Julie) Julie? JULIE Hi Matt. MATT I thought you were at Browningâ s? JULIE Not any more. (Julie sits down on the bench beside Matt) MATT How did you find me? JULIE 50
  • 51. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) I had a feeling that youâ d be here. MATT I thought you didnâ t want to speak to me ever againâ ¦ JULIE I had a change of heart. MATT Oh? Whyâ s that? JULIE At Browningâ s, I met a lot troubled peopleâ ¦people who had nobody in their lives to care about them and support them. All of the people I met struggled to find somebody whoâ d treat them like a normal personâ ¦the way that you treat me. When Iâ m with you, I feel like myself, but when I was at Browningâ s, I just felt like one blind girl in a sea of other blind people. You taught me that I was special and that Iâ m better than all the people who choose to put me down. Iâ ve had a change of heart because Iâ ve realized that I canâ t survive in the real world without you. MATT I thought Iâ d never see you again. Itâ s only been a short while, but itâ s felt like a lifetime. Weâ both been through so much. New schoolsâ ¦new friendsâ ¦new everything. I thought by making a ve 51
  • 52. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) 52
  • 53. Love Is Blind: A Modern Drama. (Script By Taylor Nieuwdorp) Created from Generated: 2013-12-17 02:23:31 53