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Literature	Review	
Introducing	a	culture	of	creativity	and	innovation	in	twentieth	century	
born	corporations
Sau-Yeng	Dixon	
2017-HS2-DDD40001-Methods	for	Design	Research	(Semester	2)	
Master	of	Design	Strategy	and	Innovation	
Swinburne	University	of	Technology
pg.	2	
Literature	Review	
Every	 single	 industry	 in	 all	 sector	 without	 exception	 is	 going	 through,	 or	 will	 imminently	 go	
through	an	inevitable	transition	into	the	digital	economy.	This	transition	is	more	so	an	earthquake	
with	the	impact	equivalent	to	a	tsunami	rather	than	a	steady	evolution.	This	transition	is	so	
impactful	in	fact,	that	economists	are	calling	the	phenomenon	the	fourth	industrial	revolution	or	
“Industry	4.0”	(Stăncioiu	A,	2017).	
The	strength	of	the	impact	follows	the	velocity	of	disruptions	and	innovations	in	each	industry.	
The	bigger	the	innovation	and	the	faster	the	disruption,	the	more	likely	the	industry	will	be	
distorted,	flooded	by	digitally	native	corporations	able	to	reinvent	products,	services	and	even	
entire	systems.	Left	behind	are	the	twentieth	century	born	dinosaurs	who	live	with	the	illusion	
that	they	are	too	big	to	be	killed,	and	keep	operating	under	the	old	rules	of	standardization	
(Johnson	NJ.,	2007).		
Can	the	twentieth	century	born	corporations	be	saved?	In	recent	years,	we	have	seen	many	
collapses	(entire	media	industry	distorted	in	less	than	ten	years),	predicting	a	trend	which	pace	
seems	to	be	inevitably	increasing.	And	if	they	can	be	saved,	how?	How	can	they	become	part	of	
the	tsunami?	One	way	to	do	so	would	be	to	essentially	adopt	the	ways	of	the	digital	native	
companies:	being	agile,	flexible,	experimental,	technology	enabled,	able	to	deliver	a	high	velocity	
of	 successful	 innovations	 by	 breaking	 the	 old	 models.	 Many	 pre-digital	 organizations	 have	
attempted	 to	 turn	 towards	 technology	 innovations	 to	 mimic	 the	 millennials	 with	 debatable	
success.	 Indeed,	 despite	 the	 massive	 investments,	 dinosaurs	 behave	 like	 giant	 oil	 tankers,	
investing	in	advanced	and	more	powerful	engines	to	race	a	hydro	speed	boat:	it	is	doomed	to	
Research	in	fields	of	economics	and	business	innovation	suggests	that	one	of	the	key	attributes	
for	 success	 in	 the	 digital	 age	 is	 creativity.	 Employee	 creativity	 is	 an	 important	 source	 of	
organizational	 innovation	 and	 competitive	 advantage	 (Amabile,	 1988,	 1996;	 Oldham	 &	
Cummings,	1996;	Shalley,	1991;	Zhou,	2003).	Creativity,	enabled	by	the	power	of	technologies	
fuels	innovations	and	disruptions.		
So,	rather	than	to	expect	to	transform	from	the	outside-in	by	injecting	new	technologies,	there	
are	 evidences	 that	 pre-digital	 organizations	 could	 bet	 on	 transforming	 from	 the	 inside	 by	
adopting	a	culture	of	creativity.		
Looking	 through	 literature	 across	 multiple	 disciplines	 of	 social	 sciences	 regarding	 business	
management,	 economics	 and	 behavioral	 psychology,	 this	 article	 aims	 to	 explore	 and	 verify	
methods	that	can	be	applied	to	large	corporations	in	order	to	introduce	a	durable	culture	of	
creativity	and	influence	innovation	production.
pg.	3	
Creativity	and	innovation:	innate	qualities	or	abilities	one	can	gain?		
Tan	(2015)	quotes	Kaufman	(2015)	and	declares	that	creativity	is	life.	It	is	a	manifestation,	it	is	
generative	 and	 induced	 by	 faith.	 It	 grows	 with	 life	 experience,	 self-reflection	 and	 repetitive	
practice	of	imagination	and	is	part	of	the	self-enquiry	process.	
Creativity	is	about	bringing	something	into	being	or	becoming	(Rogers,	1961).	By	definition,	it	is	
deeply	human	and	closely	linked	to	innovation.	What	is	deeply	human	and	what	is	related	to	
innovation,	often	holds	a	part	of	mystery	or	magic:	either	something	innate,	a	gift	of	nature	or	a	
However,	according	to	research	conducted	by	Perry-Smith	and	Mannucci	(2017)	from	the	London	
Business	School,	there	is	a	creative	process	that	innovative	organizations	follow.	The	“creator”	
goes	through	a	“journey”	or	a	process	from	idea	generation	to	idea	implementation	and	hence	
converts	the	idea	into	a	new	tangible	outcome.	This	outcome	is	an	innovation.		
The	research	challenges	previous	views	that	creativity	is	a	function	of	innate	personality	trait	and	
hence	cannot	be	learnt,	developed	and	strengthened.	Indeed,	it	introduces	the	concept	that	
external	factors,	such	as	the	physical	environment	or	the	collaboration	system,	can	influence	
creativity	and	hence	innovation	production.		
It	opens	the	opportunity	to	explore	to	what	extent	creativity	can	be	introduced	and	developed	
at	 an	 individual	 level	 similarly	 to	 more	 traditional	 technical	 skills,	 and	 hence	 transition	 an	
individual	from	a	standardized	to	a	creative	way	of	working.		
Creativity	at	the	organization	level	
There	 is	 also	 interest	 in	 exploring	 how	 creativity	 operates	 (or	 not)	 at	 an	 organization	 level.	
Organizations	are	alive	and	moving	systems	independent	from	individuals	who	constitute	it.	If	
creativity	can	be	characterized	as	“life”	for	an	individual,	for	organizations,	creativity	can	be	
defined	as	employees’	generation	of	novel	and	useful	ideas	concerning	products,	procedures,	
and	processes	at	work	(Amabile,	1988;	Oldham	&	Cummings,	1996).		
To	 optimize	 the	 level	 of	 creativity	 within	 an	 organization,	 research	 conducted	 by	 Hirst,	
Knippenberg	and	Zhou	(2009)	looks	at	individuals’	systems	of	interactions,	organizations’	context	
and	settings.	Essentially,	an	organization	is	a	complex	structure	and	a	large	number	of	factors	
could	influence	the	level	of	creativity	of	each	individual	and	the	group	as	a	whole.	Some	factors	
tested	 in	 research	 include	 goal	 orientation,	 team	 learning	 behavior	 and	 individual	 intrinsic	
motivation.	While	correlations	are	found	between	these	afore	mentioned	factors	and	the	level	
of	creativity,	results	suggest	that	there	are	limits	when	these	factors	are	mixed.
pg.	4	
Leadership	and	culture	
In	addition,	research	conducted	by	Sehrish	and	Sarfraz	(2016)	aims	to	demonstrate	a	positive	
correlation	between	ethical	leadership	and	employees’	creativity.	Ethical	leadership	is	defined	as	
“The	 demonstration	 of	 normatively	 appropriate	 conduct	 through	 personal	 actions	 and	
interpersonal	relationships,	and	the	promotion	of	such	conduct	to	followers	through	two-way	
communication,	reinforcement,	and	decision-	making”	(Brown,	Trevina	&	Harrison,	2005	p.	120).		
Their	findings	support	that	ethical	leadership	influences	positively	employee	creativity	through	
cognitive	 and	 motivational	 mechanism.	 In	 contrast,	 uncertainty	 avoidance	 weakens	 the	
relationship	between	leaders	and	employees	and	has	a	negative	impact	on	creativity.		
Leaders	are	found	to	be	the	gate	keepers	to	the	culture	of	an	organization	and	greatly	influence	
shared	values	and	behaviors.	This	is	again	corroborated	by	research	conducted	by	Michaelis,	
Stegmaier	 and	 Sonntag	 (2009):	 “Innovation	 implementation	 behavior	 is	 significantly	 and	
positively	 correlated	 with	 charismatic	 leadership,	 trust	 in	 top	 management,	 and	 affective	
commitment	to	change.	Affective	commitment	to	change	is	significantly	and	positively	correlated	
with	charismatic	leadership	and	trust	in	top	management.”	
Since	 multiple	 research	 findings	 suggest	 the	 importance	 of	 trust,	 transparency	 and	 positive	
leadership	in	the	success	of	an	organization’s	ability	to	create	and	innovate,	corporations	will	
want	to	consistently	increase	this	factor	for	competitive	advantage.	
Design	for	sustainable	behavioral	change	
Whilst	individual	behavioral	change	is	well	covered	by	scientific	literature	with	a	plethora	of	
empirical	data,	it	is	not	the	case	when	it	comes	to	organizations.	Most	corporations	struggle	with	
sustaining	 innovations	 that	 require	 a	 major	 shift	 in	 behavior	 from	 their	 employees	 and	
sometimes	 their	 ecosystem	 stakeholders.	 What	 differentiates	 these	 corporations	 with	 the	
market	disruptors	that	sway	collective	behaviors	faster	than	ever	in	history?	When	the	telephone	
took	seventy-five	years	to	reach	fifty	million	customers,	it	took	facebook	only	three	and	a	half	
A	research	on	behavioral	change	in	the	public	and	private	sector	published	in	the	journal	of	
change	management	in	2016	(Niedderer,	K.,	Ludden,	G.,	Clune,	S.	J.,	Lockton,	D.,	J.	Mackrill,	A.	
Morris,	R.	Cain,	E.	Gardiner,	M.	Evans,	R.	Gutteridge,	P.	Hekkert,	2016),	suggests	that	the	difficulty	
encountered	by	pre-digital	corporations	is	due	to	the	lack	of	cognitive	model	addressing	the	
contextual	aspects	of	large	organizations.	Instead	of	models	and	theories,	change	practitioners	
use	 intermediate	 level	 knowledge	 in	 the	 form	 of	 toolkits	 and	 guidelines	 and	 do	 not	 prove	
effective.	Whilst	there	is	a	high	level	of	understanding	and	clear	interest	from	corporate	and
pg.	5	
public	 sector	 stakeholders	 on	 the	 theory	 of	 behavioral	 change,	 there	 is	 limited	 amount	 of	
evidence	based	examples	and	academic	research	done.	There	are	significant	opportunities	to	
conduct	work	in	this	area.	
This	literature	review	references	and	highlights	the	key	ideas	and	some	of	the	existing	researches	
conducted	as	well	as	the	gaps	to	be	filled	in	order	to	properly	address	the	need	that	twentieth	
century	born	organizations	have	to	become	more	competitive	through	creativity	and	innovation.		
Creativity	is	a	broad	domain	but	has	also	been	vastly	researched	and	documented	with	a	clear	
link	to	innovation.	Areas	that	deserve	more	focus	and	work	are	on	driving	large	organizations	
through	behavioral	and	cultural	change,	to	adapt	and	remain	competitive	in	a	context	of	rapid	
distortion.	In	the	era	of	exponential	growth,	nothing	can	be	predicted.	It	is	thus	a	pressing	need	
to	find	the	most	appropriate	and	flexible	behavioral	change	model,	because	of	the	high	velocity	
of	changes	and	the	volatility	of	systems	and	contexts	we	are	part	of.		
This	context	offers	a	perfect	opportunity	to	create	a	joint	academic	and	corporate	collaboration	
as	a	majority	of	organizations	have	high	stake	in	finding	the	way	forward	to	regain	control	over	
the	inevitable	transition	to	the	digital	age	they	have	been	forced	to	embark	in.		
Word	count:	1424
pg.	6	
Synthesis	Matrix	
	 Digital	economy	 Psychology	of	
motivation	and	
Leadership	 Behavioral	change	
Celaschi,	F.	(2017)	
Definition	Industry	
Leadership	in	
Industry	4.0	
design	of	
behavioural	change	
Hirst,	G.,	Van	
Knippenberg,	D.,	
Zhou,	J.	(2009)	
Intrinsic	and	
extrinsic	motivation		
Role	of	leadership	
in	creativity	
Motivation	for	
innovation	adoption	
Johnson,	NJ.	(2007)	
Pre-digital	versus	
digital	native	
Adapting	to	digital	
Majovski,	I.,	
Davitkovska,	E.	
Impact	of	
Digital	skills	
Michaelis,	B.	&	
Stegmaier,	R.,	
Sonntag	K.	(2009)	
leadership	and	
impact	on	creativity	
Adoption	levers	
Niedderer,	K.,	
Ludden,	G.,	Clune,	
S.	J.,	Lockton,	D.,	J.	
Mackrill,	A.	Morris,	
R.	Cain,	E.	Gardiner,	
M.	Evans,	R.	
Gutteridge,	P.	
Hekkert	(2016)	
Models,	guidelines,	
Role	of	leadership	
Behavioral	change	
at	the	organization	
Pandarakalam,	JP.	
Definition	of	
	 Purpose	for	change	
Perry-Smith,	J.E.,	
Mannucci,	P.V.	
Network	as	enabler	
to	innovation	and	
Context	and	
systems	that	
motivate	creativity	
Sehrish	A.	K.,	
Sarfraz,	S.U.	(2016)	
Role	of	ethical	
Stăncioiu,	A.	(2017)	
Industry	4.0	
Drivers,	social	and	
economic	impacts	
Tan,	AG.	(2015)	 	
Definition	of	
pg.	7	
Celaschi,	F.	(2017),	‘Advanced	design-driven	approaches	for	an	Industry	4.0	framework:	The	human-
centred	dimension	of	the	digital	industrial	revolution’,	Strategic	Design	Research	Journal,	May-August	
2017,	pp	97-104.	
Hirst,	G.,	Van	Knippenberg,	D.,	Zhou,	J.	(2009),	‘A	cross-level	perspective	on	employee	creativity:	goal	
orientation,	team	learning	behavior,	and	individual	creativity’,	Academy	of	Management	Journal,	Vol.	
52,	No.	2,	pp	280-293.	
Johnson,	NJ.	(2007),	‘21st
	century	business:	managing	and	working	in	the	new	digital	economy’,	Choice,	
June	2007,	pp	1674.	
Majovski,	I.,	Davitkovska,	E.	(2017),	‘Human	resource	prerequisite	for	digital	economy	development’,	
Economic	Development	/	Ekonomiski	Razvoj,	Vol.	19,	No.	1/2,	pp	181-198.	
Michaelis,	B.	&	Stegmaier,	R.,	Sonntag	K.	(2009),	‘Affective	Commitment	to	Change	and	Innovation	
Implementation	Behavior:	The	Role	of	Charismatic	Leadership	and	Employees’	Trust	in	Top	
Management’,	Journal	of	change	management,	Vol.	9,	No.	4,	pp	399-417.	
Niedderer,	K.,	Ludden,	G.,	Clune,	S.	J.,	Lockton,	D.,	J.	Mackrill,	A.	Morris,	R.	Cain,	E.	Gardiner,	M.	Evans,	R.	
Gutteridge,	P.	Hekkert	(2016),	‘Design	for	Behaviour	Change	as	a	Driver	for	Sustainable	Innovation:	
Challenges	and	Opportunities	for	Implementation	in	the	Private	and	Public	Sectors’,	International	
Journal	of	Design,	Vol.	10,	No.	2,	pp	67-85.	
Pandarakalam,	JP.	(2017),	‘A	Deeper	Understanding	of	Consciousness	through	Study	of	Creativity’,	
NeuroQuantology,	Vol.	15,	No.	2,	pp	171-185.	
Perry-Smith,	J.E.,	Mannucci,	P.V.	(2017),	‘From	creativity	to	innovation:	the	social	network	drivers	of	the	
four	phases	of	the	idea	journey’,	Academy	of	Management	Review,	Vol.	42,	No.	1,	pp	53-79.	
Sehrish	A.	K.,	Sarfraz,	S.U.	(2016),	‘Creativity	is	everyone’s	business:	how	to	enhance	employee	creativity	
in	telecommunication	sector?’,	Annals	of	the	University	of	Oradea,	Economic	Science	Series,	Vol.	25,	No.	
1,	pp	515-524.	
Stăncioiu,	A.	(2017),	‘The	fourth	industrial	revolution:	industry	4.0’,	Fiability	&	Durability	/	Fiabilitate	si	
Durabilitate,	2017,	Issue	1,	pp	74-78.	
Tan,	AG.	(2015),	‘Connecting	Theory,	Research,	and	Practice	in	the	Psychology	of	Creativity:	An	
Introduction	to	a	Special	Issue’,	Journal	of	Creative	Behavior,	Vol.	49,	No.	3,	pp	157-164.

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