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Linked Lists
For declarations like 
double doubleVar; // initial value 
char charVar = 'A'; 
int intVar = 1234; 
the compiler constructs the object being declared 
1. Allocates memory needed for that type of object 
2. Associates the object's name with that memory 
3. and, possibly, initializes that memory
& is the address operator in C++ 
&variable is the address (actual memory location) of variable 
To make addresses more useful, C++ provides pointer variables. 
Definition: A pointer variable (or simply pointer) is a variable 
whose value is a memory address. 
Type * pointerVariable 
declares a variable named pointerVariable 
that can store the address of an object of type Type.
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
int i = 11, j = 22; 
double d = 3.3, e = 4.4; 
// pointer variables that: 
int *iptr, *jptr; // store addresses of ints 
double *dptr, *eptr; // store addresses of doubles 
iptr = &i; // value of iptr is address of i 
jptr = &j; // value of jptr is address of j 
dptr = &d; // value of dptr is address of d 
eptr = &e; // value of eptr is address of e 
cout << "&i = " << (void*)iptr << endl 
<< "&j = " << (void*)jptr << endl 
<< "&d = " << (void*)dptr << endl 
<< "&e = " << (void*)eptr << endl; 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
int i = 11, j = 22; 
double d = 3.3, e = 4.4; 
// pointer variables that: 
int *iptr, *jptr; // store addresses of ints 
double *dptr, *eptr; // store addresses of doubles 
iptr = &i; // value of iptr is address of i 
jptr = &j; // value of jptr is address of j 
dptr = &d; // value of dptr is address of d 
eptr = &e; // value of eptr is address of e 
cout << "&i = " << (void*)iptr << endl 
<< "&j = " << (void*)jptr << endl 
<< "&d = " << (void*)dptr << endl 
<< "&e = " << (void*)eptr << endl; 
dereferencing (or indirection) operator * 
used to access value stored in a location. 
For an expression of the form 
the value produced is the 
value stored in the address held in pointerVariable 
int value = 101; 
int *valueptr = &value; 
(*valueptr)++; // what’s value now?
Anonymous variables 
A variable is a memory location 
A named variable has a name associated with its memory location, 
so that this memory location can be accessed conveniently. 
int count = 0; 
An anonymous variable has no name associated with its memory 
if the address of that memory location is stored in a pointer variable, 
then the variable can be accessed indirectly using the pointer. 
int *intptr = new int(12); // pointer variable 
//is a named variable 
//the integer whose value (12) it holds is not
new operator 
new Type 
when executed, this expression: 
i. allocates a block of memory big enough for object of type Type, 
ii. returns the starting address of that block of memory. 
int *ptr1 = new int; // integer allocated 
int *ptr2; // no integer allocated 
*ptr1 = 103; // anonymous integer initialized 
ptr2 = new int(104); // anonymous integer allocated 
// and initialized!
new operator 
new must be used each time a memory allocation is needed. 
double *dptr, *eptr; 
dptr = eptr = new double; // one double allocated 
eptr = new double allocates memory for a double 
and assigns its address to eptr, 
dptr = eptr simply assigns this same address to dptr 
does not allocate new memory 
*dptr = 3.14159; // initializes double whose 
*eptr = 0.1423; // address held in dptr & eptr 
cout << *dptr << *eptr << endl; 
What’s output? (0.1423 0.1423)
new operator 
new receives its memory allocation from pool of available memory 
called the heap or free store 
usually located between a program and its run-time stack 
run-time stack grows each time a function is called, 
possible for it to overun the heap 
usually due to infinite or too deeply nested recursion 
also possible for the heap to overun the run-time stack 
due to too many (or too large) new operations 
new operator 
When the heap has been exhausted, new returns the value 0 
(called the null address or null pointer). 
Common to picture a null pointer variable 
using the electrical engineering ground symbol: 
double *dptr = new double; 
if (dptr == 0) // check if pointer has null value 
cerr << "n*** No more memory!n"; 
}// dereferencing a null pointer 
// produces a segmentation fault!!
delete operator 
Run-time stack grows each time a function is called 
shrinks again when that function terminates. 
An analogous method needed to reclaim memory allocated by new, 
i.e. shrink the heap when an anonymous variable is no longer needed. 
Otherwise a memory leak (memory allocated but not usable) results. 
For this, C++ provides the delete operation: 
delete pointerVariable 
which deallocates the block of memory 
whose address is stored in pointerVariable
Run-time arrays 
double a[50]; // capacity fixed at compile time 
// declares an array with exactly 50 elements. 
adequate if a fixed-capacity array can be used to store all needed data 
often is not true because the size of needed data sets vary. 
So, either: 
— Make array's capacity large enough to handle biggest data set 
— an obvious waste of memory for smaller data sets. 
— Change capacity in array's declaration in source code and 
recompile (yuck!).
Run-time arrays 
specify capacity of the array at run time 
array of that capacity then allocated and used. 
new Type[N] 
where N is an integer expression, 
allocates an array with N elements, each of type Type; 
returns the base address of that array. 
0 1 2 3 4 . . . N-1 
Returned by new 
This allocation occurs when this expression is executed, 
i.e. at run-time, not at compile-time. 
 user can input a capacity 
 program can allocate an array with exactly that many elements!
Run-time arrays 
declaration of a run-time-allocated array is simply a pointer declaration: 
Type * arrayPtr; 
int numItems; 
double dub[20]; // fixed-size compile-time array 
double *dubPtr; // a pointer to a (run-time)array 
cout << "How many numbers do you have to process? "; 
cin >> numItems; 
dubPtr = new double[numItems]; // dynamic array 
address returned by new must be assigned to a pointer of type Type 
int *intptr; 
intptr = new double[numItems]; //error!!
Run-time arrays 
use the delete operation in the form 
delete[] arrayPtr; 
to return to the heap memory allocated to array pointed to by arrayPtr. 
memory leaks involving arrays can result in considerable loss of memory 
int n; 
cout << "Size of array (0 to stop): "; 
cin >> n; 
if (n == 0) break; 
double * arrayPtr = new double[n]; 
// process arrayPtr 
. . . 
Each new allocation of memory to arrayPtr maroons old memory block
Run-time allocation in classes 
Classes that use run-time allocated storage require 
some new members functions and 
modifications of others: 
1. Destructors: To "tear down" the storage structure and 
deallocate its memory. 
2. Copy constructors: To make copies of objects (e.g., value parameters) 
3. Assignment: To assign one storage structure to another.
Stack with run-time array 
#ifndef RTSTACK 
#define RTSTACK 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
template <typename StackElement> 
class Stack 
{ /***** Function Members *****/ 
. . . 
/***** Data Members*****/ 
StackElement *myArrayPtr; 
// run-time allocated array (not fixed-sized array) 
int myCapacity_, // capacity of stack - variable 
myTop_; // top of stack 
Stack constructors 
Want to permit declarations such as 
Stack<int> s1, s2(n); 
construct s1 as a stack with some default capacity, 
construct s2 as a stack with capacity n. 
 declare a constructor with a default argument 
/* --- Class constructor --- 
Precondition: A stack has been defined. 
Receive: Integer numElements > 0; 
(default = 128) 
Postcondition: stack constructed with 
capacity numElements. 
Stack(int numElements = 128);
Stack constructors 
constructor must really construct something 
not just initialize data members 
template <class StackElement> 
Stack<StackElement>::Stack(int numElements) 
assert (numElements > 0); // check precondition 
myCapacity_ = numElements; // set stack capacity 
// allocate array of this capacity 
myArrayPtr = new StackElement[myCapacity_]; 
if (myArrayPtr == 0) // memory available? 
cerr << "Inadequate memory to allocate stack n"; 
} // or assert(myArrayPtr != 0); 
myTop_ = -1; 
Stack with run-time array 
push(), top(), pop(), and operator<<() 
access elements of the array data member. 
Use the subscript operator [] as with fixed-sized arrays 
 except for name changes (myArray to myArrayPtr) 
the definitions of these functions are the same as before 
template <class StackElement> 
void Stack<StackElement>::push(const StackElement & value) 
if (myTop_ < myCapacity_ - 1) 
myArrayPtr[myTop_] = value; 
} // or simply, myArrayPtr[++myTop_] = value; 
cerr << "Stack full -- can't add new value ***n"; 
Stack<double> st(num); 
. . . 
compiler knows size of data members 
myCapacity_, myTop_, and myArrayPtr of st 
 allocates memory for them: 
The array to store stack elements is created by the constructor 
 memory for it isn't allocated until run-time: 
0 1 2 3 4 . . . num-1 
When the lifetime of st ends, 
memory allocated to myCapacity_, myTop_, and myArrayPtr 
automatically reclaimed, but not for the run-time allocated array: 
0 1 2 3 4 . . . num-1 
 add a destructor member function to avoid this memory leak. 
• Destructor's role: Deallocate memory allocated at run-time 
(the opposite of the constructor's role). 
• At any point in a program where an object goes out of scope, 
the compiler inserts a call to this destructor. 
When an object's lifetime is over, its destructor is called first.
• Name is the class name preceded by a tilde (~). 
• It has no arguments or return type 
template <class StackElement> 
delete[] myArrayPtr; 
// note the [] must be used with delete 
// to deallocate the entire array
Copy constructor 
Is needed whenever a copy of a class object must be built 
• When a class object is passed as a value parameter 
• When a function returns a class object 
• If temporary storage of a class object is needed 
• In initializations 
If a class has no copy constructor, 
the compiler uses a default copy constructor 
 byte-by-byte copy of the object. 
adequate for classes without dynamically allocated data 
not adequate for classes containing 
pointers to run-time allocated arrays (or other structures) 
such bitwise copying would result in 
aliases to the dynamically allocated data
Copy constructor 
a byte-by-byte copying of st to produce a copy stCopy gives 
0 1 2 3 4 
a b c 
myCapacity_ 5 
not correct!! 
copies of myCapacity_, myTop_, and myArrayPtr made 
but not a copy of the run-time allocated array. 
Modifying stCopy.myArrayPtr[i] 
will also modify st.myArrayPtr[i]!!!!
Copy constructor 
Need to create a distinct (deep) copy of st, 
in which the array in stCopy has exactly 
the same elements as the array in st: 
myCapacity_ 5 
0 1 2 3 4 
a b c 
0 1 2 3 4 
a b c 
The copy constructor must be designed to do this.
Copy constructor 
• like other constructors, it is a member function 
its name is the class name 
it has no return type. 
• It needs a single parameter (source of copy) of same type 
this parameter must be a reference parameter 
and should be const 
Why? The copy constructor does not change this "source" parameter 
or pass information back through it. 
Stack(const Stack<StackElement> & original);
Copy constructor 
template <class StackElement> 
Stack<StackElement>::Stack(const Stack<StackElement> & 
myCapacity_ = original.myCapacity_; 
// copy myCapacity_ member 
myArrayPtr = new StackElement[myCapacity_]; 
// allocate array in copy 
if (myArrayPtr == 0) // check if memory available 
cout << "*Inadequate memory to allocate stack ***n"; 
for (int pos = 0; pos < myCapacity_; pos++) 
// copy array member 
myArrayPtr[pos] = original.myArrayPtr[pos]; 
myTop_ = original.myTop_ ; 
// copy myTop_ member 
Overloaded assignment operator 
Like the default copy constructor, 
the default assignment operation does byte-by-byte copying. 
With bitwise copying, the assignment statement 
s2Copy = s2; 
will yield aliases as before, i.e. 
the myArrayPtr data members of both s2 and s2Copy 
would both point to the same anonymous array. 
Need to overload the assignment operator (operator=) 
so that it creates a distinct copy of the stack being assigned. 
operator= must be a member function. So an assignment 
stLeft = stRight; 
will be translated by the compiler as 
Overloaded assignment operator 
operator=(const Stack<StackElement> & original); 
return type is a reference to a Stack 
since operator=() must return object on the left side of the 
assignment and not a copy of it (to make chaining possible). 
Differences from copy constructor: 
1. Object on the left side of the assignment may already have a value. 
Must destroy old object —deallocate the old so no memory leak 
and allocate a new one 
2. Assignment must be concerned with self-assignments: st = st; 
Can't destroy the right old value in this case. 
3. operator=() must return the Stack containing this function.
this pointer 
Every member function of a class has access to 
a (hidden) pointer constant this 
The value of this is 
the address of the object containing the member function. 
The expression *this refers to the object itself
Overloaded assignment operator 
template <class StackElement> 
Stack<StackElement>& Stack<StackElement>::operator= 
(const Stack<StackElement>& original) 
if (this != &original) // check that not st = st 
delete[] myArrayPtr; // destroy previous array 
myArrayPtr = new StackElement[myCapacity_]; 
if (myArrayPtr == 0) // check if memory available 
cerr << "*** Inadequate memory to allocate stack ***n"; 
myCapacity_ = original.myCapacity_; // copy myCapacity_ 
for (int pos = 0; pos < myCapacity_; pos++) 
// copy array member 
myArrayPtr[pos] = original.myArrayPtr[pos]; 
myTop_ = original.myTop_ ; // copy myTop_ member 
return *this; // return reference to this object 
Linked Lists 
As an abstract data type, 
a list is a finite sequence (possibly empty) of elements with basic operations 
that vary from one application to another. 
Basic operations commonly include: 
Construction: Allocate and initialize a list object (usually empty) 
Empty: Check if list is empty 
Traverse: Visit each element of the list in order stored 
Insert: Add an item to the list (at any point) 
Delete: Remove an item from the list (at any point)
Linked Lists 
Minimal requirements: 
1. Locate the first element. 
2. Given the location of any list element, find its successor. 
3. Determine if at the end of the list. 
For the array/vector-based implementation: 
1. first element is at location 0 
2. Successor of item at location i is at location i + 1 
3. At location size – 1 
A gross inefficiency is caused by #2 -- insertions and deletions requires one 
to shift elements; 
Remove requirement that list elements be stored in consecutive location 
 need a "link" that connects each element to its successor 
 linked lists
Linked Lists 
A linked list is an ordered collection of elements called nodes each of 
which has two parts: 
(1) Data part: Stores an element of the list; 
(2) Next part: Stores a link (pointer) to the next list element. 
If there is no next element, a special null value is used. 
Additionally, an external link must be maintained: 
that to the location of the node storing the first list element, 
This value will be null, if the list is empty. 
Example: A linked list storing 9, 17, 22, 26, 34: 
first 9 17 22 26 34 
Linked List Basic Operations 
Construction: first = null_value; 
Empty: return (first == null_value) 
Traverse: ptr = first; 
while (ptr != null_value) 
Process data part of 
node pointed to by ptr; 
ptr = address of next element; 
// contained in next part of 
// node pointed to by ptr; 
Insert & Delete: Both operations necessitate the changing of links. 
The address of the predecessor of the node to be added or removed 
needs to be known.
Linked List Traversal 
first 9 17 22 26 34 
first 9 17 22 26 34 
first 9 17 22 26 34 
first 9 17 22 26 34 
Linked List Insert 
To insert 20 after 17 in the preceding linked list 
 Need address of item before point of insertion 
 predptr points to the node containing 17 
(1) Get a new node pointed to by newptr and store 20 in it 
9 17 22 29 34 
(2) Set the next pointer of this new node equal to the next pointer in predptr 
thus making it point to its successor. 
9 17 22 29 34 
Linked List Insert 
(3) Reset the next pointer of predptr to point to newptr 
9 17 22 29 34 
Same process works at the end of the list, e.g. insert 55. 
(1) as before 
(2) as before — sets next link to null pointer 
(3) as before 
first 9 17 20 22 29 34 
Linked List Insert 
Inserting at the beginning of the list requires a modification of step 3: 
Example: Insert a node containing 5 at the beginning of the list. 
(1) as before 
(2) sets next link to first node in the list 
(3) set first to point to new node. 
first 9 17 20 22 29 55 
Linked List Delete 
Delete 22: Need predecessor in linked list 
(1) Do a bypass operation: Set the next pointer in the predecessor 
to point to the successor of the node to be deleted 
predptr ptr 
first 5 9 17 20 22 29 34 
(2) Deallocate the node being deleted. 
free store 
first 5 9 
17 20 22 29 34 
predptr ptr
Linked List Delete 
Same process works for deleting the end of the list, e.g. delete 34. 
(1) as before — sets next link to null pointer 
(2) as before 
predptr ptr 
first 5 9 17 22 29 
free store 
Deleting at the beginning of the list requires a modification of step 1: 
(1) reset first 
(2) as before 
Example: Delete 5 from the previous list 
predptr ptr 
first 5 9 17 22 29
Linked List 
Advantanges of linked lists: 
· store items "sequentially" without restrictions on location 
· access any item as long as external link to first item maintained 
· insert new item without shifting 
· delete existing item without shifting 
· size can expand/contract throughout use 
· overhead of links: used only internally, pure overhead 
· if dynamic, must provide destructor, copy constructor 
· no longer have direct access to each element of the list 
· O(1) access becomes O(n) access since we must go through 
first element, and then second, and then third, etc. 
List-processing algorithms that require fast access to each element 
cannot (usually) be done as efficiently with linked lists, e.g.: 
· Binary search 
· Sorting 
· Append item (add to end of list)
Linked List Implementation 
//node definition 
class Node 
DataType data; 
Node *next; 
Node is a recursive (or self-referential) definition because it uses the name 
Node in its definition: 
the next member is defined as a pointer to a Node. 
// link definition 
Node *ptr; or typedef Node *NodePointer; 
NodePointer ptr; 
//Allocate // Deallocate: 
ptr = new Node; delete ptr;
Linked List Implementation 
To access the data and next part of node: 
(*ptr).data and (*ptr).next 
or better, use the -> operator 
ptr->data and ptr->next 
Why make data members public in class Node? (Node could also be a struct) 
This class declaration will be placed inside class declaration for LinkedList. 
Data members data and next of struct Node will be public inside LL class 
and thus will accessible to the member and friend functions of the class, 
but they will be private outside the class.
Linked List Implementation 
typedef int DataType; 
class LinkedList 
class Node 
DataType data; 
Node * next; 
typedef Node * NodePointer; 
. . . 
// could also define a template taking DataType as its type 
// parameter and thus avoid the recompilation required when 
// typedef changes

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  • 2. Indirection For declarations like double doubleVar; // initial value unknown char charVar = 'A'; int intVar = 1234; the compiler constructs the object being declared 1. Allocates memory needed for that type of object 2. Associates the object's name with that memory 3. and, possibly, initializes that memory
  • 3. Addresses & is the address operator in C++ &variable is the address (actual memory location) of variable To make addresses more useful, C++ provides pointer variables. Definition: A pointer variable (or simply pointer) is a variable whose value is a memory address. Declarations: Type * pointerVariable declares a variable named pointerVariable that can store the address of an object of type Type.
  • 4. Pointers #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i = 11, j = 22; double d = 3.3, e = 4.4; // pointer variables that: int *iptr, *jptr; // store addresses of ints double *dptr, *eptr; // store addresses of doubles iptr = &i; // value of iptr is address of i jptr = &j; // value of jptr is address of j dptr = &d; // value of dptr is address of d eptr = &e; // value of eptr is address of e cout << "&i = " << (void*)iptr << endl << "&j = " << (void*)jptr << endl << "&d = " << (void*)dptr << endl << "&e = " << (void*)eptr << endl; }
  • 5. Pointers #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i = 11, j = 22; double d = 3.3, e = 4.4; // pointer variables that: int *iptr, *jptr; // store addresses of ints double *dptr, *eptr; // store addresses of doubles iptr = &i; // value of iptr is address of i jptr = &j; // value of jptr is address of j dptr = &d; // value of dptr is address of d eptr = &e; // value of eptr is address of e cout << "&i = " << (void*)iptr << endl << "&j = " << (void*)jptr << endl << "&d = " << (void*)dptr << endl << "&e = " << (void*)eptr << endl; }
  • 6. Dereferencing dereferencing (or indirection) operator * used to access value stored in a location. For an expression of the form *pointerVariable the value produced is the value stored in the address held in pointerVariable int value = 101; int *valueptr = &value; (*valueptr)++; // what’s value now?
  • 7. Anonymous variables A variable is a memory location A named variable has a name associated with its memory location, so that this memory location can be accessed conveniently. int count = 0; An anonymous variable has no name associated with its memory if the address of that memory location is stored in a pointer variable, then the variable can be accessed indirectly using the pointer. int *intptr = new int(12); // pointer variable //is a named variable //the integer whose value (12) it holds is not
  • 8. new operator new Type when executed, this expression: i. allocates a block of memory big enough for object of type Type, and ii. returns the starting address of that block of memory. int *ptr1 = new int; // integer allocated int *ptr2; // no integer allocated *ptr1 = 103; // anonymous integer initialized ptr2 = new int(104); // anonymous integer allocated // and initialized!
  • 9. new operator new must be used each time a memory allocation is needed. double *dptr, *eptr; dptr = eptr = new double; // one double allocated eptr = new double allocates memory for a double and assigns its address to eptr, dptr = eptr simply assigns this same address to dptr does not allocate new memory *dptr = 3.14159; // initializes double whose *eptr = 0.1423; // address held in dptr & eptr cout << *dptr << *eptr << endl; What’s output? (0.1423 0.1423)
  • 10. new operator new receives its memory allocation from pool of available memory called the heap or free store usually located between a program and its run-time stack run-time stack grows each time a function is called, possible for it to overun the heap usually due to infinite or too deeply nested recursion also possible for the heap to overun the run-time stack due to too many (or too large) new operations Run-Time Stack Heap Program statements
  • 11. new operator When the heap has been exhausted, new returns the value 0 (called the null address or null pointer). Common to picture a null pointer variable using the electrical engineering ground symbol: dptr double *dptr = new double; … if (dptr == 0) // check if pointer has null value { cerr << "n*** No more memory!n"; exit(-1); }// dereferencing a null pointer // produces a segmentation fault!!
  • 12. delete operator Run-time stack grows each time a function is called shrinks again when that function terminates. An analogous method needed to reclaim memory allocated by new, i.e. shrink the heap when an anonymous variable is no longer needed. Otherwise a memory leak (memory allocated but not usable) results. For this, C++ provides the delete operation: delete pointerVariable which deallocates the block of memory whose address is stored in pointerVariable
  • 13. Run-time arrays double a[50]; // capacity fixed at compile time // declares an array with exactly 50 elements. adequate if a fixed-capacity array can be used to store all needed data often is not true because the size of needed data sets vary. So, either: — Make array's capacity large enough to handle biggest data set — an obvious waste of memory for smaller data sets. or — Change capacity in array's declaration in source code and recompile (yuck!).
  • 14. Run-time arrays specify capacity of the array at run time array of that capacity then allocated and used. new Type[N] where N is an integer expression, allocates an array with N elements, each of type Type; returns the base address of that array. 0 1 2 3 4 . . . N-1 0x##### Returned by new This allocation occurs when this expression is executed, i.e. at run-time, not at compile-time.  user can input a capacity  program can allocate an array with exactly that many elements!
  • 15. Run-time arrays declaration of a run-time-allocated array is simply a pointer declaration: Type * arrayPtr; int numItems; double dub[20]; // fixed-size compile-time array double *dubPtr; // a pointer to a (run-time)array cout << "How many numbers do you have to process? "; cin >> numItems; dubPtr = new double[numItems]; // dynamic array address returned by new must be assigned to a pointer of type Type int *intptr; intptr = new double[numItems]; //error!!
  • 16. Run-time arrays use the delete operation in the form delete[] arrayPtr; to return to the heap memory allocated to array pointed to by arrayPtr. IMPORTANT!! memory leaks involving arrays can result in considerable loss of memory for(;;) { int n; cout << "Size of array (0 to stop): "; cin >> n; if (n == 0) break; double * arrayPtr = new double[n]; // process arrayPtr . . . } Each new allocation of memory to arrayPtr maroons old memory block
  • 17. Run-time allocation in classes Classes that use run-time allocated storage require some new members functions and modifications of others: 1. Destructors: To "tear down" the storage structure and deallocate its memory. 2. Copy constructors: To make copies of objects (e.g., value parameters) 3. Assignment: To assign one storage structure to another.
  • 18. Stack with run-time array #ifndef RTSTACK #define RTSTACK #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename StackElement> class Stack { /***** Function Members *****/ public: . . . /***** Data Members*****/ private: StackElement *myArrayPtr; // run-time allocated array (not fixed-sized array) int myCapacity_, // capacity of stack - variable myTop_; // top of stack }; #endif
  • 19. Stack constructors Want to permit declarations such as Stack<int> s1, s2(n); construct s1 as a stack with some default capacity, construct s2 as a stack with capacity n.  declare a constructor with a default argument /* --- Class constructor --- Precondition: A stack has been defined. Receive: Integer numElements > 0; (default = 128) Postcondition: stack constructed with capacity numElements. */ Stack(int numElements = 128);
  • 20. Stack constructors constructor must really construct something not just initialize data members template <class StackElement> Stack<StackElement>::Stack(int numElements) { assert (numElements > 0); // check precondition myCapacity_ = numElements; // set stack capacity // allocate array of this capacity myArrayPtr = new StackElement[myCapacity_]; if (myArrayPtr == 0) // memory available? { cerr << "Inadequate memory to allocate stack n"; exit(-1); } // or assert(myArrayPtr != 0); myTop_ = -1; }
  • 21. Stack with run-time array push(), top(), pop(), and operator<<() access elements of the array data member. Use the subscript operator [] as with fixed-sized arrays  except for name changes (myArray to myArrayPtr) the definitions of these functions are the same as before template <class StackElement> void Stack<StackElement>::push(const StackElement & value) { if (myTop_ < myCapacity_ - 1) { ++myTop_; myArrayPtr[myTop_] = value; } // or simply, myArrayPtr[++myTop_] = value; else cerr << "Stack full -- can't add new value ***n"; }
  • 22. Destructors Stack<double> st(num); . . . compiler knows size of data members myCapacity_, myTop_, and myArrayPtr of st  allocates memory for them: myCapacity_ myTop_ myArrayPtr st The array to store stack elements is created by the constructor  memory for it isn't allocated until run-time: 0 1 2 3 4 . . . num-1 myCapacity_ myTop_ myArrayPtr st
  • 23. Destructors When the lifetime of st ends, memory allocated to myCapacity_, myTop_, and myArrayPtr automatically reclaimed, but not for the run-time allocated array: 0 1 2 3 4 . . . num-1  add a destructor member function to avoid this memory leak. • Destructor's role: Deallocate memory allocated at run-time (the opposite of the constructor's role). • At any point in a program where an object goes out of scope, the compiler inserts a call to this destructor. When an object's lifetime is over, its destructor is called first.
  • 24. Destructors • Name is the class name preceded by a tilde (~). • It has no arguments or return type ~ClassName() template <class StackElement> Stack<StackElement>::~Stack() { delete[] myArrayPtr; } // note the [] must be used with delete // to deallocate the entire array
  • 25. Copy constructor Is needed whenever a copy of a class object must be built • When a class object is passed as a value parameter • When a function returns a class object • If temporary storage of a class object is needed • In initializations If a class has no copy constructor, the compiler uses a default copy constructor  byte-by-byte copy of the object. adequate for classes without dynamically allocated data not adequate for classes containing pointers to run-time allocated arrays (or other structures) such bitwise copying would result in aliases to the dynamically allocated data
  • 26. Copy constructor a byte-by-byte copying of st to produce a copy stCopy gives 0 1 2 3 4 a b c stCopy myCapacity_ myTop_ myArrayPtr st 5 2 myCapacity_ 5 myTop_ myArrayPtr 2 not correct!! copies of myCapacity_, myTop_, and myArrayPtr made but not a copy of the run-time allocated array. Modifying stCopy.myArrayPtr[i] will also modify st.myArrayPtr[i]!!!!
  • 27. Copy constructor Need to create a distinct (deep) copy of st, in which the array in stCopy has exactly the same elements as the array in st: stCopy myCapacity_ myTop_ myArrayPtr st 5 2 myCapacity_ 5 myTop_ myArrayPtr 2 0 1 2 3 4 a b c 0 1 2 3 4 a b c The copy constructor must be designed to do this.
  • 28. Copy constructor • like other constructors, it is a member function its name is the class name it has no return type. • It needs a single parameter (source of copy) of same type this parameter must be a reference parameter and should be const Why? The copy constructor does not change this "source" parameter or pass information back through it. Stack(const Stack<StackElement> & original);
  • 29. Copy constructor template <class StackElement> Stack<StackElement>::Stack(const Stack<StackElement> & original) { myCapacity_ = original.myCapacity_; // copy myCapacity_ member myArrayPtr = new StackElement[myCapacity_]; // allocate array in copy if (myArrayPtr == 0) // check if memory available { cout << "*Inadequate memory to allocate stack ***n"; exit(-1); } for (int pos = 0; pos < myCapacity_; pos++) // copy array member myArrayPtr[pos] = original.myArrayPtr[pos]; myTop_ = original.myTop_ ; // copy myTop_ member }
  • 30. Overloaded assignment operator Like the default copy constructor, the default assignment operation does byte-by-byte copying. With bitwise copying, the assignment statement s2Copy = s2; will yield aliases as before, i.e. the myArrayPtr data members of both s2 and s2Copy would both point to the same anonymous array. Need to overload the assignment operator (operator=) so that it creates a distinct copy of the stack being assigned. operator= must be a member function. So an assignment stLeft = stRight; will be translated by the compiler as stLeft.operator=(stRight);
  • 31. Overloaded assignment operator Stack<StackElement>& operator=(const Stack<StackElement> & original); return type is a reference to a Stack since operator=() must return object on the left side of the assignment and not a copy of it (to make chaining possible). Differences from copy constructor: 1. Object on the left side of the assignment may already have a value. Must destroy old object —deallocate the old so no memory leak and allocate a new one 2. Assignment must be concerned with self-assignments: st = st; Can't destroy the right old value in this case. 3. operator=() must return the Stack containing this function.
  • 32. this pointer Every member function of a class has access to a (hidden) pointer constant this The value of this is the address of the object containing the member function. The expression *this refers to the object itself
  • 33. Overloaded assignment operator template <class StackElement> Stack<StackElement>& Stack<StackElement>::operator= (const Stack<StackElement>& original) { if (this != &original) // check that not st = st { delete[] myArrayPtr; // destroy previous array myArrayPtr = new StackElement[myCapacity_]; if (myArrayPtr == 0) // check if memory available { cerr << "*** Inadequate memory to allocate stack ***n"; exit(-1); } myCapacity_ = original.myCapacity_; // copy myCapacity_ for (int pos = 0; pos < myCapacity_; pos++) // copy array member myArrayPtr[pos] = original.myArrayPtr[pos]; myTop_ = original.myTop_ ; // copy myTop_ member } return *this; // return reference to this object }
  • 34. Linked Lists As an abstract data type, a list is a finite sequence (possibly empty) of elements with basic operations that vary from one application to another. Basic operations commonly include: Construction: Allocate and initialize a list object (usually empty) Empty: Check if list is empty Traverse: Visit each element of the list in order stored Insert: Add an item to the list (at any point) Delete: Remove an item from the list (at any point)
  • 35. Linked Lists Minimal requirements: 1. Locate the first element. 2. Given the location of any list element, find its successor. 3. Determine if at the end of the list. For the array/vector-based implementation: 1. first element is at location 0 2. Successor of item at location i is at location i + 1 3. At location size – 1 A gross inefficiency is caused by #2 -- insertions and deletions requires one to shift elements; Remove requirement that list elements be stored in consecutive location  need a "link" that connects each element to its successor  linked lists
  • 36. Linked Lists A linked list is an ordered collection of elements called nodes each of which has two parts: (1) Data part: Stores an element of the list; (2) Next part: Stores a link (pointer) to the next list element. If there is no next element, a special null value is used. Additionally, an external link must be maintained: that to the location of the node storing the first list element, This value will be null, if the list is empty. Example: A linked list storing 9, 17, 22, 26, 34: data first 9 17 22 26 34 next
  • 37. Linked List Basic Operations Construction: first = null_value; Empty: return (first == null_value) Traverse: ptr = first; while (ptr != null_value) { Process data part of node pointed to by ptr; ptr = address of next element; // contained in next part of // node pointed to by ptr; } Insert & Delete: Both operations necessitate the changing of links. The address of the predecessor of the node to be added or removed needs to be known.
  • 38. Linked List Traversal first 9 17 22 26 34 ptr first 9 17 22 26 34 ptr ... first 9 17 22 26 34 ptr first 9 17 22 26 34 ptr
  • 39. Linked List Insert To insert 20 after 17 in the preceding linked list  Need address of item before point of insertion  predptr points to the node containing 17 (1) Get a new node pointed to by newptr and store 20 in it 9 17 22 29 34 20 predptr newptr first (2) Set the next pointer of this new node equal to the next pointer in predptr thus making it point to its successor. 9 17 22 29 34 20 predptr newptr first
  • 40. Linked List Insert (3) Reset the next pointer of predptr to point to newptr 9 17 22 29 34 20 predptr newptr first Same process works at the end of the list, e.g. insert 55. (1) as before (2) as before — sets next link to null pointer (3) as before first 9 17 20 22 29 34 55 predptr newptr
  • 41. Linked List Insert Inserting at the beginning of the list requires a modification of step 3: Example: Insert a node containing 5 at the beginning of the list. (1) as before (2) sets next link to first node in the list (3) set first to point to new node. first 9 17 20 22 29 55 5 predptr newptr 34
  • 42. Linked List Delete Delete 22: Need predecessor in linked list (1) Do a bypass operation: Set the next pointer in the predecessor to point to the successor of the node to be deleted predptr ptr first 5 9 17 20 22 29 34 (2) Deallocate the node being deleted. free store first 5 9 17 20 22 29 34 predptr ptr
  • 43. Linked List Delete Same process works for deleting the end of the list, e.g. delete 34. (1) as before — sets next link to null pointer (2) as before predptr ptr first 5 9 17 22 29 34 free store Deleting at the beginning of the list requires a modification of step 1: (1) reset first (2) as before Example: Delete 5 from the previous list predptr ptr first 5 9 17 22 29
  • 44. Linked List Advantanges of linked lists: · store items "sequentially" without restrictions on location · access any item as long as external link to first item maintained · insert new item without shifting · delete existing item without shifting · size can expand/contract throughout use Disadvantages · overhead of links: used only internally, pure overhead · if dynamic, must provide destructor, copy constructor · no longer have direct access to each element of the list · O(1) access becomes O(n) access since we must go through first element, and then second, and then third, etc. List-processing algorithms that require fast access to each element cannot (usually) be done as efficiently with linked lists, e.g.: · Binary search · Sorting · Append item (add to end of list)
  • 45. Linked List Implementation //node definition class Node { public: DataType data; Node *next; }; Node is a recursive (or self-referential) definition because it uses the name Node in its definition: the next member is defined as a pointer to a Node. // link definition Node *ptr; or typedef Node *NodePointer; NodePointer ptr; //Allocate // Deallocate: ptr = new Node; delete ptr;
  • 46. Linked List Implementation To access the data and next part of node: (*ptr).data and (*ptr).next or better, use the -> operator ptr->data and ptr->next Why make data members public in class Node? (Node could also be a struct) This class declaration will be placed inside class declaration for LinkedList. Data members data and next of struct Node will be public inside LL class and thus will accessible to the member and friend functions of the class, but they will be private outside the class.
  • 47. Linked List Implementation #ifndef LINKEDLIST #define LINKEDLIST typedef int DataType; class LinkedList { private: class Node { public: DataType data; Node * next; }; typedef Node * NodePointer; . . . }; #endif // could also define a template taking DataType as its type // parameter and thus avoid the recompilation required when // typedef changes