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Fall 2015
Sérénité. Bio
Dithurbide Dominic
Mechin Justine
Rodriguez Léonard
Sugiyama Ryoch
Table of contents:
Executive Summary........................................................................................................................................................3
Current Market Environment...................................................................................................................................4
SWOT analysis....................................................................................................................................................................7
Objectives and Issues:................................................................................................................................................10
The budget........................................................................................................................................................................13
Customer Driven Marketing Strategy...............................................................................................................14
The marketing Mix .......................................................................................................................................................16
Control and Evaluation..............................................................................................................................................24
Executive Summary
Sérénité is a new company that will provide high quality and high priced bio chocolate,
and is made from organic and natural ingredients. Sérénité will penetrate the chocolate
market with innovative, first to market, chocolate tablets that will be introduced in
major supermarkets to start with in the Alpes Maritimes, France; these supermarkets
include: Carrefour, Monoprix, Casino, and Intermarché. In terms of long-term goal, the
company will introduce its chocolate tablets throughout the entire country of France.
The company has 10 employees, five of which are top management positions: Leonard
Rodriguez is the Chief Executive Officer, Julie Bertagna is the Chief Operating Officer,
Justine Mechin is the Chief Financial Officer, Dominic Dithurbide is the Production
Manager, and Ryohei Sugiyama as Marketing Manager; the other five are customer
support phone agents.
Sérénité’s mission statement is to provide organic bio quality chocolate at an average
and accessible price and to enhance the consumer’s mind, body, and soul. The company
is based in the south of France. The short-term objective is to position Sérénité as the
premier organic bio chocolate company amongst its competitors.
Sérénité chocolate consumers will have the option between two chocolate tablets. One
tablet contains tiny pieces of banana and is infused with the equivalent to one cup of
coffee. The second chocolate tablet will contain pieces of red berries and is infused with
the equivalent amount of one glass of red wine. The variations in chocolate tablets allow
consumers to eat a chocolate tablet that gets them ready for the day, the coffee and
banana tablet, and a chocolate tablet that then unwinds them at the end of the day, the
red berries and red wine tablet.
Current Market Environment
Market analysis is something essential because it allows us to understand the external
and the internal factor, which influence the market of chocolate.
A) Microenvironment: Internal Environment
That correspond to all the internal factors that the company must take into account
finally to promote the company success.
 Internal strength
Company: We are self-entrepreneurs, who created the Sérénité brand. It is small
organizations that count only 10 people, including 5 manager and 5-customer support
phone agent. Our stock is stored in a warehouse in Sophia-Antipolis, the manager is in
charge of the warehouse. It is they who send products to supermarket. We start to sell
the product in Alpes Maritimes , with the supermarket Monoprix, Casino, Carrefour and
Stakeholder: Our goal in time that self-entrepreneur is to satisfy everyone: customers
such as suppliers, which are why we will regularly asked the opinion of our suppliers
and customers on our chocolate. Our goal being supposed to improve our product, we
want to communicate the maximum with our supplier and our customers to respond to
their needs.
Customers: Our chocolate will be distributed in supermarkets; they will therefore carry
hand to everyone. Our chocolate is a black and organic chocolate but also gluten free.
Our customer will be consolidated into a population giving importance to organic and
gluten free chocolate.
Suppliers: Sérénité is a brand of chocolate which products exclusively dark, organic and
free gluten chocolate, their distributions will be via the supermarket. Our partners will
therefore exclusively organic producers for all of our product, our will work with a
winemakers who produces organic wines, a farmer who produces organic fruit, an
organic coffee producer and a producer of organic chocolate, because we attach great
importance to respect the environment.
Internal Weaknesses:
Sérénité is a new brand that will offer a new product to the chocolate market. It is a
product that is not yet well known and its name to the consumer is initially foreign.
Reputation: In time the new product, Sérénité has not reputation but we wanted with
time, acquiring a good reputation, we want to be seen as a brand that proposed
innovative product while respecting the environment. We will have a good ethic.
Competitors: Sérénité faces several competitors; they have direct and indirect
competitors. Direct competitors are offering all brands of chocolate like lindt, carte d’or,
milka…,but mostly organic chocolate. After they are all of indirect competitor, it is all
brand offering sweet products such as desserts. For example, any kind of product that
we eat for pleasure, such as cake, but they still organic, because the person who eat
organic food, are affected by all organic products and avoid industrial products.
B) Macro-environment: External environment (PESTEL analysis
After the microenvironment analysis, it’s important to do the macro-environment
analysis. It brings together the entire external factor. The purpose of this analysis is to
identify all threats and opportunities related to Sérénité that are outside.
Demographic: Chocolate is a very popular product in France. There are a lot of
consumers for this product; France is the 7th cocoa bean consuming country. In France,
44% of its habitants eat chocolate every day, 97% of the population eats chocolate every
week and 60% prefer dark chocolate. This equates to 387 200 tones of chocolate eaten
every year or about 6.6kg per person a year. Therefore, we see the market of chocolate
is really large. Furthermore the product that our brand Sérénité offers is a black and
organic chocolate bar. And according to a survey 60% of French prefer dark chocolate,
33,4% buy chocolate bars be third market and 75% of French consume organic food. .
This chocolate is created for adults as a tablet possess the aroma of wine and another
tablet coffee aroma, which is not recommended for children. The French population
increases over the years, so we can have an evolution of the market on the long term.
Economic environment: The French remains also gourmand with the years. We can see
below that the turn over of chocolate stagnates.
Products Consumed in France (1) 2011 2012 2013
Value (net sales in millions) € 2, 2721 € 2, 762 € 2, 761
Tonnage (tonnes) - 392 300 389 900
Political and legal environment: Chocolate and cocoa are regulated and governed by the
EU Directive; many laws and regulations are in place to control these two items. The
regulation is defined within 10 major categories, for dark chocolate that is “fine
chocolate” or “superior”, it must contain at least 43%cocoa with at least 26% cocoa
butter and 14% dry defatted cocoa.
Natural environment: Sérénité is a brand that cares about the environment. To limit CO2
emissions, we will work with local producers in order to reduce emissions caused by
transporting goods. Social and Cultural environment. We also attach great importance to
the environment, because we will take a biodegradable packaging but also the fact that
our product an organic chocolate.
SWOT analysis
A) Strengths:
Coffee: One of our two flavors is centered on coffee beans. There is a growing
dependence of coffee drinkers, and its use has become an everyday ritual for many
people within France. We believe that combining coffee with the great taste of chocolate
gives consumers a new and unique way of enjoying their daily dose of caffeine.
Additionally many French people enjoy the taste of coffee, and are looking for new ways
to add the flavor into their diet. Adding coffee into the bars appeals to frequent caffeine
users, and coffee enthusiasts. Both aspects are frequently added into the daily routines
of consumers, therefore it is likely that the use of coffee in the candy bars will increase
the chances of daily use and dependence on the bar.
Wine: The second flavor we are offering is centered on wine. Wine is another substance
that many French people use in their daily lives. Whether it is for relaxing after a long
day, or enjoying the company of friend’s wine is used as a form of relaxation. Our candy
bars aspire to help people relax, and the wine is the main attribute to meet that goal. The
candy bars can be enjoyed with a glass of wine or alone, and can be used as a way for
people to unwind.
Organic: In a increasingly health conscious world many consumers focus on purchasing
all organic products. More and more people are consuming all organic products due to
the reported health benefits, and are willing to pay a higher price for the products. All of
the ingredients in our candy bars will be organic which includes; bananas, coffee beans,
cacao, strawberries, wine, sugar, and more. We believe that producing a fully organic
product will appeal to a growing market that is dedicated to feeding their body only the
highest quality foods.
Health Benefits: Both flavors of our candy bar will be made with dark chocolate which
contains many health benefits. Some of the benefits that dark chocolate has includes;
great source of antioxidants, improves all around health, and decreases the risk of heart
disease. Unlike many other kinds of chocolates it is recommended that a person takes in
some dark chocolate everyday to maintain a balanced diet. In addition the bars contain
real fruit; one flavor including bananas, and the other containing strawberries. Also wine
is reported to have many health benefits when consumed in moderation.
Gluten Free: Both the coffee flavor as well as the wine flavor of the candy bar will be
completely gluten free. Many consumers today choose to eat only gluten free food items
because of the health benefits associated with the diet. Also an there are many chocolate
lovers that are unable to enjoy the candy because so many bars contain gluten which can
cause many people to become ill. Creating a gluten free candy bar gives the enjoyment of
chocolate without the risks of eating a gluten filled product.
Relaxing: One of the main strengths of both flavors is that they give our consumers the
opportunity to relax and unwind from the troubles of everyday life. The combination of
natural sugar and caffeine in the coffee flavor gives the consumer a shot of energy when
in a tiresome or stressful situation. In contrary the wine and berries allows the
consumer to unwind after a long day. Our bars give the ability to relax and handle
everyday life better regardless of the situation or time of day.
Real Fruit: As stated earlier all bars will contain real fruit. The coffee will be matched
with bananas, and the wine will be paired with strawberries. The use of real fruit gives
an obvious advantage of many health benefits. Bananas are filled with potassium and
vitamins, which are both crucial for a healthy diet; where as strawberries are packed
with antioxidants, as well as many vitamins. Adding real fruit into the candy bars adds
nutritional value to the product. This aspect makes the candy bars as healthy as they are
B) Weaknesses
Start up: Like many products Sérénité faces the obstacle of being a start up. Our brand is
new, and therefore lacks awareness and recognition. Consumers are still getting to know
our products, and developing a trust for our company. We believe with time and proper
marketing we will be able to surpass our initial struggles and develop a strong sense of
brand awareness.
High Costs: Similar to starting any company our initial costs are relatively high, and
risky. Especially with fluctuating costs of agriculture the cost of some of our ingredients
can get high.
Only Two Flavors: Unlike many other chocolate brands that have a broad range of
flavors, we will only offer two distinct flavors. This allows us to focus on producing the
best product possible, however some consumers may decide they do not like the only
two flavors we offer. Also consumers may become bored with the product and seek a
brand that offers more options.
Only Dark Chocolate: Many chocolate bars offer several types of chocolate, which could
include: white, milk, semi-sweet, or dark chocolate. This gives the consumer options,
and appeals to a larger audience with a wider range of preferences. Our bars only come
in dark chocolate, which some people find bitter.
C) Opportunities:
Health Conscious Trend: In today’s world there is an increasing number of people who
value their health. We are seeing more and more people opt for more wholesome food
items that not only taste good but that also benefits their health. Our bars appeal to both
mental and physical health concerns, and will target that market.
Late Entry Advantages: The candy market today has been around for an extremely long
time; therefore many companies have already paved the way for start-ups like Sérénité.
Grocery stores, convenience stores, gas stations, vending machines, retail stores, and
many more are packed with candy products. There is already a very strong demand for
chocolate, therefore a new a different product can stand out amongst a group of classic
well known candy brands.
Increase in Gluten Free: More and more people are finding out that their previous health
issues have been caused by the consumption of gluten products. Therefore there is a
large number of people that are no longer eating gluten, but still have the desire for
something sweet. Our product can target that group and offer them a product that can
meet both their health and taste needs.
Increase in Dark Chocolate: Recent studies have shown the many health benefits of
consuming dark chocolate. Therefore many consumers are choosing to purchase dark
chocolate over its sweeter counterparts.
Increase in Coffee Consumption: With huge brands such as Starbucks becoming some of
the most dominant firms in the world coffee consumption is at a high. Many people who
previously did not consume coffee have acquired a taste for the sweeter options. The
candy bar is exactly that, and can appeal to that new market.
D) Threats
Saturated Market: The candy industry is already filled with brands that have already
established themselves as dominant players. There are constantly new firms attempting
to enter the market, and constantly new products being launched. It is extremely
difficult for a start up to create brand awareness in a market that is already so filled.
Strong Competition: The candy industry is extremely competitive and filled with brands
that have already established themselves as dominant players. Many chocolate
consumers maintain loyalty to their favorite brands, therefore they are likely to choose
the well-known candy that they know they will enjoy rather then try a new option.
Draught: Many of our ingredients are heavily dependent upon agriculture. Our bars
contain bananas, strawberries, grapes for wine, and coffee beans; all of which are
naturally grown. A natural occurrence like a draught could greatly impact the quality of
the product, as well as the prices of the ingredients. Furthermore if the ingredients
become more expensive, then we will be forced to increase the prices of the candy bars
which could greatly impact revenue.
Objectives and Issues:
We live in a stressful and chaotic world, and people are constantly trying to find
something to relax them. At Serenite.Bio we offer a quality product that gives our
consumers the opportunity to relax both their body and mind. Whether it is an early
morning that needs some extra energy to help you wake up, or after a long day when
you are need of something to help you unwind our candy bars are sure to ease any
situation. Serenite.Bio offers an all-organic candy bar that is equipped with real fruit and
either coffee beans or wine, and is sold at a reasonable price. We understand the
struggles of everyday life, and hope that adding our treat into your daily routine can
help you deal with any tension you may face.
Short Term Objectives: Our short term goals are to create a quality product that obtains
brand awareness and recognition.
Long Term Objectives: Our long term objectives are to establish us as a dominant firm
on the market and create long-term customer relationships.
Communication Factors:
Website: We have created a website to reach our customers. On our site consumers
can research our company, products, and even make purchases. The site is constantly
updated with the latest company news and information.
Facebook: In addition to the website, we have created a Facebook account for the
company. The account allows for our customers to like our page, as well as inform
there friends of our products. The page also gives information on the company,
products, and upcoming events.
Billboards: We have developed two billboards to advertise our candy bars. The
billboards will be used to reach a vast amount of customers and create brand
awareness. The billboards will be found on frequently viewed areas in order to get the
maximum amount of exposure possible.
Brand Image: Serenite.Bio strives to create an image of relaxation, and peace of mind.
Our focus is to give our consumers a delicious treat that is good for both the body, mind
and soul. Our slogan is “Prenez une pause avec Sérénité”, meaning take a break with
Sérénité. We want to encourage consumers to use our bars as a quick break, and way to
refocus themselves. As stated previously the name of the brand is Serenite.Bio, which
encompasses tranquility and healthy state of mind. Our brand represents a product that
can be used to ease the everyday struggles of life, and give consumers a delicious and
healthy treat.
Positioning: We plan on positioning our bars on the candy aisle of grocery stores and
convenient stores. Our strategy is to place our bars in the center of the aisle, and eye
level. In doing so our candy bars will be the first thing that consumers see, and will make
it stand out against the competition. Also the wrapping of the bars will be white, and will
stand out against the other bars, which are typically dark colored.
Profits: Initially we expect moderate revenues to cover costs. Once we obtain a loyal
customer base we believe that our profits will rise exponentially. We are using a
pricing strategy, and will alter the strategy if needed.
Current Issues: The candy bar industry is extremely competitive, and highly saturated.
Therefore entering the market will be difficult. Our greatest issue is beating out strong
competition as a new firm, and being able to establish brand loyalty. However our
product is unique to many other chocolate bars because of the nutritional and mental
benefits, therefore we are not facing any immediate issues.
The budget.
Customer Driven Marketing Strategy
A) Segmentation
Our targeting market is France, especially the place in which the salary is high
comparatively, for example, Paris and Nice. (Geographic segmentation). In this age,
although in the developed countries, the people pay more attention to the healthy and
safe products than ever, as you can see the bio products and organic products, we
sometimes hear about the news that some of the products are dubious. In these
situations, many elderly people feel anxious about the safety of foods, because they hope
to live longer. Also, parents who have the little baby and children also are sensitive to
the food safety. Moreover, the students who are learning food additives or other
substances also are careful about what kinds of materials are included into each food. So
far, although we mentioned about the mainly three categories, which are the elderly and
parents, and students, we do not categorize our potential customers by their age,
because food is for everyone and therefore everyone should keep attention on healthy
products for their lives. So, the importance for us is to distribute real organic foods and
convey the information about the correct knowledge about health and foods. As a matter
of fact, the attention on healthy and organic food is widespread more than ever through
events, like Natexpo trade fair in 2015 in Paris (check the web page:, which have the purposes to show the trendy organic health
food and ecological products. As additional information, it seems that these events will
welcome 600 exhibitors mainly for the business organizations with 4 sectors. It is
representing that organic and ecological products will be more centered on our life in
On a Psychographic level, our targeted customers also need to be “Achievers” and
Strivers”, because our targeting customers are everyone who are love their life and
being healthy and active, based on our ideas that everyone have goals or dreams, no
matter how small or whatever. The situation might be that a little boys want to do pul
lover, practicing it every single days and one day they did it well. Then, as a reward,
their parents may give our chocolates to them with praise. Then, to encourage the boys
more, we will prepare the words from the great people so that they can see them, when
they open our packaging. For example, in this case, we had better use the words from
athletes. These words can be applied to the adults like workers who are striving for their
goals and achievement. Like this, we are hoping to motivate people, not only contribute
to their health
B) Targeting
We are hoping our product becomes national brands as our final stage. However, we
understand that it is not wise to introduce our products to our entire countries from
scratch. So, at first, we confine our introductory places to Paris and Nice or other
metropolis to be knowledgeable to actual purchase behavior and the scale of sales,
depending on areas and how old people purchase our product, in order to guess which
age people prefer our products, and decide whether we remake our taste for the age
people and search for the common taste to be loved by all people, because we are trying
to distribute our products to the people who love to be healthy. After the test marketing
at microenvironment, we will spread the area to sell our products. However, we do not
rush to be national brands, because we are taking in our mind that if we cannot be
successful at certain areas, we will fail at other areas too. In other words, we believe that
if we succeed at Nice or Paris, we can expand our possibilities to better brand images
and to become national brands, because in this age, people can communicate and share
their ideas and values on SNS. If people recognize the benefits of organic products more
and become to love them, the custom to eat organic foods will be called one of French
cultures. In that case, other companies will enter into this market and gradually it will be
saturated. Then, we need to differentiate our products with competitors.
C) Positioning:
For the French market’s consumers, we provide the healthiest, and safe products at the
grocery stores mainly. However, we need to prove our authenticity. So, we negotiated
with the farmers who have been excused to put the fair trade mark on their packages. If
consumers encounter the mark at supermarkets, they can trust the quality of our
products. At the same time, the importance of this mark is not just for trust or qualities
of the materials, but for securing the environments of the farmers, because although the
developed countries like France or other EU countries, for example, benefit from the
production of cacao beans, actually the farmers have been required to work hard at low
wages and children also are forced to work without reward illegally in the long history,
even not knowing how their materials, cacao beans will be used and chocolate itself. So,
to change these situations, the attempt of fair trade enables the farmers to receive the
fair reward for their materials and sustainable productions and their life. Then, farmers
will not need the children workforce and therefore their children can go to school. Also,
they can get fair-trade-premium through production without dangerous pesticides,
following the other rules. Therefore, farmers also have motivation to produce organic
materials. Like these, farmers and consumers can establish the win-win relationship,
which means that through our products, consumers can choose the safe products and
farmers can get enough reward. We are hoping that we can contribute to society by our
products in order to make better world.
The marketing Mix
A) Product:
Our product is a bio chocolate tablet that is entirely made from organic and natural
ingredients. The goal is to offer a product that they know the product is eco-friendly
while they enjoy it.
Inside both chocolate tablets, there will be organic cocoa, fruits, and locally made wine
and coffee. These all-organic ingredients allow for health conscious individuals to still
enjoy the pleasures of eating chocolate. It is said that by eating dark chocolate it can
lower the risk of heart disease. So, with this in mind, consumers will want to eat our
organic product even more.
B) Price:
For our product, we used a premium pricing strategy. This means we offer a higher
quality chocolate tablet, as compared to our competitors, for a higher price than
compared to a normal chocolate tablet. We believe, for those individuals who wish to
enjoy a higher end chocolate bar, they will pay the premium price to do just that. By
buying a higher priced chocolate, consumers can be assured that there are quality and
organic ingredients. Our main goal is to have the consumer feeling better all around, and
to do this, it is necessary to have all organic ingredients, however, this is why the price
will be more expensive; in order to compensate the costs and to be able to make a profit,
this is why the price is high. We figured the suggested amount this bar would cost is
$5.49 for a 100 gram chocolate bar.
C) Place:
Our product will be sold, in the beginning, throughout the Alpes-Maritimes region of
France. We will offer our products at supermarkets like Casino, Monoprix, Carrefour,
and Intermarché. Another place that would be good to sell this product is at airports.
The reason we chose to sell at supermarkets is because it is the easiest place to provide
consumers the option of the chocolate product. Because the consumer is already in the
store, there is half the battle right there. All our company will need to do is be enticing
enough to consumers so they will choose us over competitors. Also, by selling in a
supermarket, we have the advantage of using resources, such as storage space that is
already available. In addition, we have special promotions, with help from the
supermarket, like buying so many chocolate bars; you receive a 10% discount of your
next purchase of this chocolate product at this store.
The reason being for selling our product at airports is because chocolate makes a great
gift. Whether if the gift is last minute, or well though out, this is the perfect gift to give
someone when you return from your travels. Nothing else is better than receiving some
organic, authentic French chocolate. Also, by doing this, people will bring the chocolate
internationally and will expose the product to new people; these new people could be
possible future investors who wish to expand the product in that specific region of the
D) Promotion:
In order to effectively promote our product, we have decided that it will be beneficial for
our chocolate product to be displayed on billboards along highways. The billboard will
have a woman that is doing yoga during sunset, this product is for someone in the
evening, she feels serenity, and has a glass of wine in one hand and a berry in the other,
the ingredients in our one chocolate tablet. We will have another billboard along
highways that promotes our other chocolate tablet. In this advertisement, it is a man
that has just woken up and is drinking coffee and has a banana, which he will eat; as
well, these are the ingredients in our second chocolate product. Just below are both of
the advertisements. Also, we have a functioning website that will give consumers
information about our company and our products. They are able to leave comments or
any concerns they may have. This is helpful because communication between the
consumers and the business becomes more efficient and easier. In addition, we offer our
consumers a Facebook page that they can like and view what our company is about.
1.) In this photo, the woman is doing
yoga, an activity that brings serenity,
and shealso has the ingredients of the
productin her hands.
Website Link:
2.) In this photo, the man has justwoken up and is taking his morning coffee and banana,
presented in this photo and are ingredients of the product. He is at serenity because he is
having his morning caffeine fix.
Facebook Link:
People will play an important part in our product’s existence. Due to the fact that we will
not have a physical store, it is important that our chocolate company provides excellent
customer services. For example, there will be five customer service phone agents that
act at the forefront of the company. In addition, there are five top management roles.
The roles are: Leonard Rodriguez is the Chief Executive Officer, Julie Bertagna is the
Chief Operating Officer, Justine Mechin is the Chief Financial Officer, Dominic Dithurbide
is the Production Manager, and Ryohei Sugiyama as Marketing Manager. By having these
roles in place, the company is able to withhold a positive business to consumer
relationship, which will result in customer satisfaction and company success.
In order to answer to the customer’s questions, to receive comments or complaints,
there will be a phone number provided on the back of the packaging so customers can
do just that. By providing this service, customers can give their input on whether if they
enjoy the product, what they would improve, and anything else they may wish to
If there is any issue that cannot be directly solved with the customer service phone
agents, then the customer is able to either do one and/or both options: (1) leave a
voicemail and wait 2-3 business days to receive a call back regarding possible
resolution(s) to the unsolved issue (2) Write a letter or an email that states what the
issue is and wait 2-3 business days for top management to write back possible solutions
to the i
1.) 2.)
Physical Environment:
This is an important factor because this can affect whether if the consumer can easily
detect the product. If the product is not in plain sight, then the consumer will not know
where to find the product and then will not be able to consumer the product as a result
of this. We have decided that it would be best that we place the chocolate bar right in the
center of the rest of the competitor bars. With this, we will be in the sight of consumers’
eyes before they have the opportunity to see other competitors’ bars. This will result in
higher success for the company and the brand will be well known and recognizable.
Below, it is an example of how a consumer will be able to be seeing to specific products.
Control and Evaluation
Following implementation it is crucial to follow up and review the standings of all
strategies and products. It is important to use Marketing Control Techniques to measure
and evaluate our marketing strategies in order to determine what strategies are
effective and what needs to be changed. It is expected that some of the strategies will not
be as effective as planned, therefore it is necessary to determine which strategies are
failing, and what needs to be adjusted. Monitoring and altering our plan will increases
our chances of success, and improve the overall ability to achieve both business and
marketing goals.
We plan on monitoring the following areas:
-Revenue Streams
-Highest Selling Stores
-Highest Selling Product
-Website Activity
-Facebook Activity
-Frequent and Returning Customers
Sales Analysis
Monitoring sales is extremely important, and is a top indicator of how successful the
product is. We plan on measuring units sold, revenue, fixed costs, overhead costs, and
net profits. From this analysis we will be able to determine which bars are selling, and
generating profits; as well as which bars are struggling.
Sérénité is a new company that provides high quality products with a high price
strategy. Our products are comprised of high quality and organic and locally grown
products. We will introduce our products in supermarkets like Monoprix, Casino,
Carrefour, and Intermarché within the Alpes-Maritimes region in France. Our ultimate
goal is to sell our chocolate products throughout the entire country of France; this will
maximize the company’s recognition and success.
Sérénité’s mission statement is to provide organic bio quality chocolate at a higher price,
but better which will enhance the customer’s mind, body, and soul. Our company’s
headquarters is in Sophia-Antipolis in the south of France. Along with the long-term
goal, the short-term goal is to have Sérénité’s name to be recognizable by chocolate
The chocolate bars will be available throughout the Alpes-Maritimes region. The main
seller of the chocolate bars will be grocery stores like Monoprix, Carrefour, Casino, and
Intermarché. By selling the chocolate bars, the battle of getting customers to enter the
physical store is not a factor for us. Although, because we do not have a physical store,
our dedicated customer service phone agents must present consumers high quality
customer service.
The other chocolate brands are highly competitive, and it is necessary our brand is able
to stand out, especially because our brand is entering an already heavily saturated
chocolate market. Our main way of making sure we stick out from the others is through
our website and through the Facebook page we have create. Here, consumers are able to
leave their thoughts, concerns, or any questions they may have concerning the products.
Due to the fact that many people nowadays heavily use a web-inated device, it is easy to
target consumers.
With our suggest price of €5.99 per bar, this price includes all the factors of making the
chocolate bar and getting the product from point A to point B. The point that our initial
capital investment of €148,999 will be able to reach the break even point by selling
about 24,875 chocolate bars in one year, or about 20,73 chocolate bars in one month. As
a new company, this goal can be achieved because the innovators will wish to try our
product and will be willing to pay no matter what the price.

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  • 1. 1 MARKETING PRINCIPLES PROJECT Fall 2015 Sérénité. Bio Bertagna Julie Dithurbide Dominic Mechin Justine Rodriguez Léonard Sugiyama Ryoch
  • 2. 2 Table of contents: Executive Summary........................................................................................................................................................3 Current Market Environment...................................................................................................................................4 SWOT analysis....................................................................................................................................................................7 Objectives and Issues:................................................................................................................................................10 The budget........................................................................................................................................................................13 Customer Driven Marketing Strategy...............................................................................................................14 The marketing Mix .......................................................................................................................................................16 Control and Evaluation..............................................................................................................................................24 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................................................25
  • 3. 3 Executive Summary Sérénité is a new company that will provide high quality and high priced bio chocolate, and is made from organic and natural ingredients. Sérénité will penetrate the chocolate market with innovative, first to market, chocolate tablets that will be introduced in major supermarkets to start with in the Alpes Maritimes, France; these supermarkets include: Carrefour, Monoprix, Casino, and Intermarché. In terms of long-term goal, the company will introduce its chocolate tablets throughout the entire country of France. The company has 10 employees, five of which are top management positions: Leonard Rodriguez is the Chief Executive Officer, Julie Bertagna is the Chief Operating Officer, Justine Mechin is the Chief Financial Officer, Dominic Dithurbide is the Production Manager, and Ryohei Sugiyama as Marketing Manager; the other five are customer support phone agents. Sérénité’s mission statement is to provide organic bio quality chocolate at an average and accessible price and to enhance the consumer’s mind, body, and soul. The company is based in the south of France. The short-term objective is to position Sérénité as the premier organic bio chocolate company amongst its competitors. Sérénité chocolate consumers will have the option between two chocolate tablets. One tablet contains tiny pieces of banana and is infused with the equivalent to one cup of coffee. The second chocolate tablet will contain pieces of red berries and is infused with the equivalent amount of one glass of red wine. The variations in chocolate tablets allow consumers to eat a chocolate tablet that gets them ready for the day, the coffee and banana tablet, and a chocolate tablet that then unwinds them at the end of the day, the red berries and red wine tablet.
  • 4. 4 Current Market Environment Market analysis is something essential because it allows us to understand the external and the internal factor, which influence the market of chocolate. A) Microenvironment: Internal Environment That correspond to all the internal factors that the company must take into account finally to promote the company success.  Internal strength Company: We are self-entrepreneurs, who created the Sérénité brand. It is small organizations that count only 10 people, including 5 manager and 5-customer support phone agent. Our stock is stored in a warehouse in Sophia-Antipolis, the manager is in charge of the warehouse. It is they who send products to supermarket. We start to sell the product in Alpes Maritimes , with the supermarket Monoprix, Casino, Carrefour and Inter-marche. Stakeholder: Our goal in time that self-entrepreneur is to satisfy everyone: customers such as suppliers, which are why we will regularly asked the opinion of our suppliers and customers on our chocolate. Our goal being supposed to improve our product, we want to communicate the maximum with our supplier and our customers to respond to their needs. Customers: Our chocolate will be distributed in supermarkets; they will therefore carry hand to everyone. Our chocolate is a black and organic chocolate but also gluten free. Our customer will be consolidated into a population giving importance to organic and gluten free chocolate.
  • 5. 5 Suppliers: Sérénité is a brand of chocolate which products exclusively dark, organic and free gluten chocolate, their distributions will be via the supermarket. Our partners will therefore exclusively organic producers for all of our product, our will work with a winemakers who produces organic wines, a farmer who produces organic fruit, an organic coffee producer and a producer of organic chocolate, because we attach great importance to respect the environment. Internal Weaknesses: Sérénité is a new brand that will offer a new product to the chocolate market. It is a product that is not yet well known and its name to the consumer is initially foreign. Reputation: In time the new product, Sérénité has not reputation but we wanted with time, acquiring a good reputation, we want to be seen as a brand that proposed innovative product while respecting the environment. We will have a good ethic. Competitors: Sérénité faces several competitors; they have direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors are offering all brands of chocolate like lindt, carte d’or, milka…,but mostly organic chocolate. After they are all of indirect competitor, it is all brand offering sweet products such as desserts. For example, any kind of product that we eat for pleasure, such as cake, but they still organic, because the person who eat organic food, are affected by all organic products and avoid industrial products. B) Macro-environment: External environment (PESTEL analysis tool) After the microenvironment analysis, it’s important to do the macro-environment analysis. It brings together the entire external factor. The purpose of this analysis is to identify all threats and opportunities related to Sérénité that are outside. Demographic: Chocolate is a very popular product in France. There are a lot of consumers for this product; France is the 7th cocoa bean consuming country. In France, 44% of its habitants eat chocolate every day, 97% of the population eats chocolate every week and 60% prefer dark chocolate. This equates to 387 200 tones of chocolate eaten
  • 6. 6 every year or about 6.6kg per person a year. Therefore, we see the market of chocolate is really large. Furthermore the product that our brand Sérénité offers is a black and organic chocolate bar. And according to a survey 60% of French prefer dark chocolate, 33,4% buy chocolate bars be third market and 75% of French consume organic food. . This chocolate is created for adults as a tablet possess the aroma of wine and another tablet coffee aroma, which is not recommended for children. The French population increases over the years, so we can have an evolution of the market on the long term. Economic environment: The French remains also gourmand with the years. We can see below that the turn over of chocolate stagnates. Products Consumed in France (1) 2011 2012 2013 Value (net sales in millions) € 2, 2721 € 2, 762 € 2, 761 Tonnage (tonnes) - 392 300 389 900 Political and legal environment: Chocolate and cocoa are regulated and governed by the EU Directive; many laws and regulations are in place to control these two items. The regulation is defined within 10 major categories, for dark chocolate that is “fine chocolate” or “superior”, it must contain at least 43%cocoa with at least 26% cocoa butter and 14% dry defatted cocoa. Natural environment: Sérénité is a brand that cares about the environment. To limit CO2 emissions, we will work with local producers in order to reduce emissions caused by transporting goods. Social and Cultural environment. We also attach great importance to the environment, because we will take a biodegradable packaging but also the fact that our product an organic chocolate.
  • 7. 7 SWOT analysis A) Strengths: Coffee: One of our two flavors is centered on coffee beans. There is a growing dependence of coffee drinkers, and its use has become an everyday ritual for many people within France. We believe that combining coffee with the great taste of chocolate gives consumers a new and unique way of enjoying their daily dose of caffeine. Additionally many French people enjoy the taste of coffee, and are looking for new ways to add the flavor into their diet. Adding coffee into the bars appeals to frequent caffeine users, and coffee enthusiasts. Both aspects are frequently added into the daily routines of consumers, therefore it is likely that the use of coffee in the candy bars will increase the chances of daily use and dependence on the bar. Wine: The second flavor we are offering is centered on wine. Wine is another substance that many French people use in their daily lives. Whether it is for relaxing after a long day, or enjoying the company of friend’s wine is used as a form of relaxation. Our candy bars aspire to help people relax, and the wine is the main attribute to meet that goal. The candy bars can be enjoyed with a glass of wine or alone, and can be used as a way for people to unwind. Organic: In a increasingly health conscious world many consumers focus on purchasing all organic products. More and more people are consuming all organic products due to the reported health benefits, and are willing to pay a higher price for the products. All of the ingredients in our candy bars will be organic which includes; bananas, coffee beans, cacao, strawberries, wine, sugar, and more. We believe that producing a fully organic product will appeal to a growing market that is dedicated to feeding their body only the highest quality foods. Health Benefits: Both flavors of our candy bar will be made with dark chocolate which contains many health benefits. Some of the benefits that dark chocolate has includes; great source of antioxidants, improves all around health, and decreases the risk of heart disease. Unlike many other kinds of chocolates it is recommended that a person takes in some dark chocolate everyday to maintain a balanced diet. In addition the bars contain real fruit; one flavor including bananas, and the other containing strawberries. Also wine is reported to have many health benefits when consumed in moderation.
  • 8. 8 Gluten Free: Both the coffee flavor as well as the wine flavor of the candy bar will be completely gluten free. Many consumers today choose to eat only gluten free food items because of the health benefits associated with the diet. Also an there are many chocolate lovers that are unable to enjoy the candy because so many bars contain gluten which can cause many people to become ill. Creating a gluten free candy bar gives the enjoyment of chocolate without the risks of eating a gluten filled product. Relaxing: One of the main strengths of both flavors is that they give our consumers the opportunity to relax and unwind from the troubles of everyday life. The combination of natural sugar and caffeine in the coffee flavor gives the consumer a shot of energy when in a tiresome or stressful situation. In contrary the wine and berries allows the consumer to unwind after a long day. Our bars give the ability to relax and handle everyday life better regardless of the situation or time of day. Real Fruit: As stated earlier all bars will contain real fruit. The coffee will be matched with bananas, and the wine will be paired with strawberries. The use of real fruit gives an obvious advantage of many health benefits. Bananas are filled with potassium and vitamins, which are both crucial for a healthy diet; where as strawberries are packed with antioxidants, as well as many vitamins. Adding real fruit into the candy bars adds nutritional value to the product. This aspect makes the candy bars as healthy as they are delicious. B) Weaknesses Start up: Like many products Sérénité faces the obstacle of being a start up. Our brand is new, and therefore lacks awareness and recognition. Consumers are still getting to know our products, and developing a trust for our company. We believe with time and proper marketing we will be able to surpass our initial struggles and develop a strong sense of brand awareness. High Costs: Similar to starting any company our initial costs are relatively high, and risky. Especially with fluctuating costs of agriculture the cost of some of our ingredients can get high. Only Two Flavors: Unlike many other chocolate brands that have a broad range of flavors, we will only offer two distinct flavors. This allows us to focus on producing the best product possible, however some consumers may decide they do not like the only
  • 9. 9 two flavors we offer. Also consumers may become bored with the product and seek a brand that offers more options. Only Dark Chocolate: Many chocolate bars offer several types of chocolate, which could include: white, milk, semi-sweet, or dark chocolate. This gives the consumer options, and appeals to a larger audience with a wider range of preferences. Our bars only come in dark chocolate, which some people find bitter. C) Opportunities: Health Conscious Trend: In today’s world there is an increasing number of people who value their health. We are seeing more and more people opt for more wholesome food items that not only taste good but that also benefits their health. Our bars appeal to both mental and physical health concerns, and will target that market. Late Entry Advantages: The candy market today has been around for an extremely long time; therefore many companies have already paved the way for start-ups like Sérénité. Grocery stores, convenience stores, gas stations, vending machines, retail stores, and many more are packed with candy products. There is already a very strong demand for chocolate, therefore a new a different product can stand out amongst a group of classic well known candy brands. Increase in Gluten Free: More and more people are finding out that their previous health issues have been caused by the consumption of gluten products. Therefore there is a large number of people that are no longer eating gluten, but still have the desire for something sweet. Our product can target that group and offer them a product that can meet both their health and taste needs. Increase in Dark Chocolate: Recent studies have shown the many health benefits of consuming dark chocolate. Therefore many consumers are choosing to purchase dark chocolate over its sweeter counterparts. Increase in Coffee Consumption: With huge brands such as Starbucks becoming some of the most dominant firms in the world coffee consumption is at a high. Many people who previously did not consume coffee have acquired a taste for the sweeter options. The candy bar is exactly that, and can appeal to that new market.
  • 10. 10 D) Threats Saturated Market: The candy industry is already filled with brands that have already established themselves as dominant players. There are constantly new firms attempting to enter the market, and constantly new products being launched. It is extremely difficult for a start up to create brand awareness in a market that is already so filled. Strong Competition: The candy industry is extremely competitive and filled with brands that have already established themselves as dominant players. Many chocolate consumers maintain loyalty to their favorite brands, therefore they are likely to choose the well-known candy that they know they will enjoy rather then try a new option. Draught: Many of our ingredients are heavily dependent upon agriculture. Our bars contain bananas, strawberries, grapes for wine, and coffee beans; all of which are naturally grown. A natural occurrence like a draught could greatly impact the quality of the product, as well as the prices of the ingredients. Furthermore if the ingredients become more expensive, then we will be forced to increase the prices of the candy bars which could greatly impact revenue. Objectives and Issues: We live in a stressful and chaotic world, and people are constantly trying to find something to relax them. At Serenite.Bio we offer a quality product that gives our consumers the opportunity to relax both their body and mind. Whether it is an early morning that needs some extra energy to help you wake up, or after a long day when you are need of something to help you unwind our candy bars are sure to ease any situation. Serenite.Bio offers an all-organic candy bar that is equipped with real fruit and either coffee beans or wine, and is sold at a reasonable price. We understand the struggles of everyday life, and hope that adding our treat into your daily routine can help you deal with any tension you may face. Short Term Objectives: Our short term goals are to create a quality product that obtains brand awareness and recognition.
  • 11. 11 Long Term Objectives: Our long term objectives are to establish us as a dominant firm on the market and create long-term customer relationships. Communication Factors: Website: We have created a website to reach our customers. On our site consumers can research our company, products, and even make purchases. The site is constantly updated with the latest company news and information. Facebook: In addition to the website, we have created a Facebook account for the company. The account allows for our customers to like our page, as well as inform there friends of our products. The page also gives information on the company, products, and upcoming events. Billboards: We have developed two billboards to advertise our candy bars. The billboards will be used to reach a vast amount of customers and create brand awareness. The billboards will be found on frequently viewed areas in order to get the maximum amount of exposure possible. Brand Image: Serenite.Bio strives to create an image of relaxation, and peace of mind. Our focus is to give our consumers a delicious treat that is good for both the body, mind and soul. Our slogan is “Prenez une pause avec Sérénité”, meaning take a break with Sérénité. We want to encourage consumers to use our bars as a quick break, and way to refocus themselves. As stated previously the name of the brand is Serenite.Bio, which encompasses tranquility and healthy state of mind. Our brand represents a product that can be used to ease the everyday struggles of life, and give consumers a delicious and healthy treat. Positioning: We plan on positioning our bars on the candy aisle of grocery stores and convenient stores. Our strategy is to place our bars in the center of the aisle, and eye level. In doing so our candy bars will be the first thing that consumers see, and will make it stand out against the competition. Also the wrapping of the bars will be white, and will stand out against the other bars, which are typically dark colored. Profits: Initially we expect moderate revenues to cover costs. Once we obtain a loyal customer base we believe that our profits will rise exponentially. We are using a pricing strategy, and will alter the strategy if needed.
  • 12. 12 Current Issues: The candy bar industry is extremely competitive, and highly saturated. Therefore entering the market will be difficult. Our greatest issue is beating out strong competition as a new firm, and being able to establish brand loyalty. However our product is unique to many other chocolate bars because of the nutritional and mental benefits, therefore we are not facing any immediate issues.
  • 14. 14 Customer Driven Marketing Strategy A) Segmentation Our targeting market is France, especially the place in which the salary is high comparatively, for example, Paris and Nice. (Geographic segmentation). In this age, although in the developed countries, the people pay more attention to the healthy and safe products than ever, as you can see the bio products and organic products, we sometimes hear about the news that some of the products are dubious. In these situations, many elderly people feel anxious about the safety of foods, because they hope to live longer. Also, parents who have the little baby and children also are sensitive to the food safety. Moreover, the students who are learning food additives or other substances also are careful about what kinds of materials are included into each food. So far, although we mentioned about the mainly three categories, which are the elderly and parents, and students, we do not categorize our potential customers by their age, because food is for everyone and therefore everyone should keep attention on healthy products for their lives. So, the importance for us is to distribute real organic foods and convey the information about the correct knowledge about health and foods. As a matter of fact, the attention on healthy and organic food is widespread more than ever through events, like Natexpo trade fair in 2015 in Paris (check the web page:, which have the purposes to show the trendy organic health food and ecological products. As additional information, it seems that these events will welcome 600 exhibitors mainly for the business organizations with 4 sectors. It is representing that organic and ecological products will be more centered on our life in France. On a Psychographic level, our targeted customers also need to be “Achievers” and Strivers”, because our targeting customers are everyone who are love their life and
  • 15. 15 being healthy and active, based on our ideas that everyone have goals or dreams, no matter how small or whatever. The situation might be that a little boys want to do pul lover, practicing it every single days and one day they did it well. Then, as a reward, their parents may give our chocolates to them with praise. Then, to encourage the boys more, we will prepare the words from the great people so that they can see them, when they open our packaging. For example, in this case, we had better use the words from athletes. These words can be applied to the adults like workers who are striving for their goals and achievement. Like this, we are hoping to motivate people, not only contribute to their health B) Targeting We are hoping our product becomes national brands as our final stage. However, we understand that it is not wise to introduce our products to our entire countries from scratch. So, at first, we confine our introductory places to Paris and Nice or other metropolis to be knowledgeable to actual purchase behavior and the scale of sales, depending on areas and how old people purchase our product, in order to guess which age people prefer our products, and decide whether we remake our taste for the age people and search for the common taste to be loved by all people, because we are trying to distribute our products to the people who love to be healthy. After the test marketing at microenvironment, we will spread the area to sell our products. However, we do not rush to be national brands, because we are taking in our mind that if we cannot be successful at certain areas, we will fail at other areas too. In other words, we believe that if we succeed at Nice or Paris, we can expand our possibilities to better brand images and to become national brands, because in this age, people can communicate and share their ideas and values on SNS. If people recognize the benefits of organic products more and become to love them, the custom to eat organic foods will be called one of French cultures. In that case, other companies will enter into this market and gradually it will be saturated. Then, we need to differentiate our products with competitors.
  • 16. 16 C) Positioning: For the French market’s consumers, we provide the healthiest, and safe products at the grocery stores mainly. However, we need to prove our authenticity. So, we negotiated with the farmers who have been excused to put the fair trade mark on their packages. If consumers encounter the mark at supermarkets, they can trust the quality of our products. At the same time, the importance of this mark is not just for trust or qualities of the materials, but for securing the environments of the farmers, because although the developed countries like France or other EU countries, for example, benefit from the production of cacao beans, actually the farmers have been required to work hard at low wages and children also are forced to work without reward illegally in the long history, even not knowing how their materials, cacao beans will be used and chocolate itself. So, to change these situations, the attempt of fair trade enables the farmers to receive the fair reward for their materials and sustainable productions and their life. Then, farmers will not need the children workforce and therefore their children can go to school. Also, they can get fair-trade-premium through production without dangerous pesticides, following the other rules. Therefore, farmers also have motivation to produce organic materials. Like these, farmers and consumers can establish the win-win relationship, which means that through our products, consumers can choose the safe products and farmers can get enough reward. We are hoping that we can contribute to society by our products in order to make better world. The marketing Mix A) Product: Our product is a bio chocolate tablet that is entirely made from organic and natural ingredients. The goal is to offer a product that they know the product is eco-friendly while they enjoy it.
  • 17. 17 Inside both chocolate tablets, there will be organic cocoa, fruits, and locally made wine and coffee. These all-organic ingredients allow for health conscious individuals to still enjoy the pleasures of eating chocolate. It is said that by eating dark chocolate it can lower the risk of heart disease. So, with this in mind, consumers will want to eat our organic product even more. B) Price: For our product, we used a premium pricing strategy. This means we offer a higher quality chocolate tablet, as compared to our competitors, for a higher price than compared to a normal chocolate tablet. We believe, for those individuals who wish to enjoy a higher end chocolate bar, they will pay the premium price to do just that. By buying a higher priced chocolate, consumers can be assured that there are quality and organic ingredients. Our main goal is to have the consumer feeling better all around, and to do this, it is necessary to have all organic ingredients, however, this is why the price will be more expensive; in order to compensate the costs and to be able to make a profit, this is why the price is high. We figured the suggested amount this bar would cost is $5.49 for a 100 gram chocolate bar. C) Place: Our product will be sold, in the beginning, throughout the Alpes-Maritimes region of France. We will offer our products at supermarkets like Casino, Monoprix, Carrefour, and Intermarché. Another place that would be good to sell this product is at airports. The reason we chose to sell at supermarkets is because it is the easiest place to provide consumers the option of the chocolate product. Because the consumer is already in the store, there is half the battle right there. All our company will need to do is be enticing enough to consumers so they will choose us over competitors. Also, by selling in a supermarket, we have the advantage of using resources, such as storage space that is already available. In addition, we have special promotions, with help from the
  • 18. 18 supermarket, like buying so many chocolate bars; you receive a 10% discount of your next purchase of this chocolate product at this store. The reason being for selling our product at airports is because chocolate makes a great gift. Whether if the gift is last minute, or well though out, this is the perfect gift to give someone when you return from your travels. Nothing else is better than receiving some organic, authentic French chocolate. Also, by doing this, people will bring the chocolate internationally and will expose the product to new people; these new people could be possible future investors who wish to expand the product in that specific region of the world. D) Promotion: In order to effectively promote our product, we have decided that it will be beneficial for our chocolate product to be displayed on billboards along highways. The billboard will have a woman that is doing yoga during sunset, this product is for someone in the evening, she feels serenity, and has a glass of wine in one hand and a berry in the other, the ingredients in our one chocolate tablet. We will have another billboard along highways that promotes our other chocolate tablet. In this advertisement, it is a man that has just woken up and is drinking coffee and has a banana, which he will eat; as well, these are the ingredients in our second chocolate product. Just below are both of the advertisements. Also, we have a functioning website that will give consumers information about our company and our products. They are able to leave comments or any concerns they may have. This is helpful because communication between the consumers and the business becomes more efficient and easier. In addition, we offer our consumers a Facebook page that they can like and view what our company is about.
  • 19. 19 1.) 1.) In this photo, the woman is doing yoga, an activity that brings serenity, and shealso has the ingredients of the productin her hands.
  • 20. 20 Website Link: 2.) In this photo, the man has justwoken up and is taking his morning coffee and banana, presented in this photo and are ingredients of the product. He is at serenity because he is having his morning caffeine fix.
  • 21. 21 Facebook Link: People: People will play an important part in our product’s existence. Due to the fact that we will not have a physical store, it is important that our chocolate company provides excellent customer services. For example, there will be five customer service phone agents that act at the forefront of the company. In addition, there are five top management roles. The roles are: Leonard Rodriguez is the Chief Executive Officer, Julie Bertagna is the Chief Operating Officer, Justine Mechin is the Chief Financial Officer, Dominic Dithurbide is the Production Manager, and Ryohei Sugiyama as Marketing Manager. By having these roles in place, the company is able to withhold a positive business to consumer relationship, which will result in customer satisfaction and company success.
  • 22. 22 Process: In order to answer to the customer’s questions, to receive comments or complaints, there will be a phone number provided on the back of the packaging so customers can do just that. By providing this service, customers can give their input on whether if they enjoy the product, what they would improve, and anything else they may wish to provide. If there is any issue that cannot be directly solved with the customer service phone agents, then the customer is able to either do one and/or both options: (1) leave a voicemail and wait 2-3 business days to receive a call back regarding possible resolution(s) to the unsolved issue (2) Write a letter or an email that states what the issue is and wait 2-3 business days for top management to write back possible solutions to the i OR 1.) 2.) 3.)
  • 23. 23 Physical Environment: This is an important factor because this can affect whether if the consumer can easily detect the product. If the product is not in plain sight, then the consumer will not know where to find the product and then will not be able to consumer the product as a result of this. We have decided that it would be best that we place the chocolate bar right in the center of the rest of the competitor bars. With this, we will be in the sight of consumers’ eyes before they have the opportunity to see other competitors’ bars. This will result in higher success for the company and the brand will be well known and recognizable. Below, it is an example of how a consumer will be able to be seeing to specific products.
  • 24. 24 Control and Evaluation Following implementation it is crucial to follow up and review the standings of all strategies and products. It is important to use Marketing Control Techniques to measure and evaluate our marketing strategies in order to determine what strategies are effective and what needs to be changed. It is expected that some of the strategies will not be as effective as planned, therefore it is necessary to determine which strategies are failing, and what needs to be adjusted. Monitoring and altering our plan will increases our chances of success, and improve the overall ability to achieve both business and marketing goals. We plan on monitoring the following areas: -Revenue Streams -Highest Selling Stores -Highest Selling Product -Website Activity -Facebook Activity -Frequent and Returning Customers Sales Analysis Monitoring sales is extremely important, and is a top indicator of how successful the product is. We plan on measuring units sold, revenue, fixed costs, overhead costs, and net profits. From this analysis we will be able to determine which bars are selling, and generating profits; as well as which bars are struggling.
  • 25. 25 Conclusion Sérénité is a new company that provides high quality products with a high price strategy. Our products are comprised of high quality and organic and locally grown products. We will introduce our products in supermarkets like Monoprix, Casino, Carrefour, and Intermarché within the Alpes-Maritimes region in France. Our ultimate goal is to sell our chocolate products throughout the entire country of France; this will maximize the company’s recognition and success. Sérénité’s mission statement is to provide organic bio quality chocolate at a higher price, but better which will enhance the customer’s mind, body, and soul. Our company’s headquarters is in Sophia-Antipolis in the south of France. Along with the long-term goal, the short-term goal is to have Sérénité’s name to be recognizable by chocolate consumers The chocolate bars will be available throughout the Alpes-Maritimes region. The main seller of the chocolate bars will be grocery stores like Monoprix, Carrefour, Casino, and Intermarché. By selling the chocolate bars, the battle of getting customers to enter the physical store is not a factor for us. Although, because we do not have a physical store, our dedicated customer service phone agents must present consumers high quality customer service. The other chocolate brands are highly competitive, and it is necessary our brand is able to stand out, especially because our brand is entering an already heavily saturated chocolate market. Our main way of making sure we stick out from the others is through our website and through the Facebook page we have create. Here, consumers are able to leave their thoughts, concerns, or any questions they may have concerning the products. Due to the fact that many people nowadays heavily use a web-inated device, it is easy to target consumers. With our suggest price of €5.99 per bar, this price includes all the factors of making the chocolate bar and getting the product from point A to point B. The point that our initial capital investment of €148,999 will be able to reach the break even point by selling
  • 26. 26 about 24,875 chocolate bars in one year, or about 20,73 chocolate bars in one month. As a new company, this goal can be achieved because the innovators will wish to try our product and will be willing to pay no matter what the price.
  • 27. 27 http://imyTXQWSwCoBM&ei=4A5bVq_aOYKcaKabvYgL&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&pa ge=1&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=0ahUKEwivyp_-7rXJAhUCDhoKHaZND7EQrQMIITAA 200-tonnes-de-chocolat-par-an.html sir_itw.htm france.html chocolat-fait-toujours-fondre-les-francais.phpés-chocolat- 2013.pdf`égislation