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Joshua Lange
. .
New Orleans, LA
rev (for FBI): 24 - 12/2021
To whom it may concern,
I was targeted by a really crazy and completely unreportable Putin drug abuse extortion program that is employing a few drug
traffickers and some of their customers in San Francisco’s LGBT community. The group goes after people from extremely wealthy
families and they might only do fewer and larger extortions (5 successful extortions per year might make them over $100 million
dollars). They target individuals in San Francisco, who do drugs and they execute on the common complaints of drug addicts when
they target those individuals, so that people assume that their victims are self-victimizing, with a drug problem, as the victims are
being put into a Putin “drug addict” conspiracy. The victims only get blackmailed for “drug concerns from friends” before the group
does something so insane that it is impossible to get anything reported. The victims get dosed with Putin’s top secret spy technology
which is used to actively drive them erratic and is used to prevent them from sleeping as those victims get stalked by an
organization. The victims can only find psychiatrists to help them solve what is fundamentally a technology and harassment
problem, because all of their complaints mirror the complaints of drug addicts. I have included a video of some of the
nanotechnology I was dosed with rebuilding itself in the toilet, which I peed it out after I broke down structures that exited my nasal
cavity and glided across my cheekbones to harass me (nanotechnology has no medical uses yet), proof of being chased across the
country and months of scientific sleep data on being prevented from sleeping when I’m not around my family, which drove my life
into the ground behind my family’s back. I have found that having a narrative which would make headline news has become a major
barrier for getting any help on fixing this problem. I’ve been stuck lying in bed, almost everyday, for most of the day, for a whole
year having trouble sleeping as I’m being harassed by Putin’s top secret system.
The two nearly identical narratives for the Putin “drug addict” conspiracy that I am stuck in (a conspiracy between my family and me)
● A Drug Problem (I am to blame): I think I’m being stalked and I have psychosis. I think I’m being harassed with spy
technology and I’ve started to withdraw from talking to other people and stopped being able to work or do many basic
tasks due to the drug problem. I think there is a big conspiracy and I think I need to talk to the CIA.
● A Drug Abuse Extortion Program (an extortion group is to blame; an execution on the complaints of drug addicts): I’m
being stalked by people who are framing me for psychosis. I’m being harassed with spy technology and I’ve started to
withdraw from talking to other people and stopped being able to work or do many basic tasks due to being harassed with
top secret technology as I’m lying in bed unable to sleep. There is a big conspiracy and I need to talk to the CIA.
They were clearly originally intending to steal my estate, my inheritance, and donations from others by making me into one of their
charity cases. For me, that number would be over $15 million (It’s pretty clear to me that Putin’s extortion group intended to use me
as a dispensable pawn to extort my father, a former VP at Fidelity Investments that was running the Magellan fund). Putin’s extortion
group recorded two blackmail videos where I was lectured by “friends” about my “drug problem”. They clearly intended to use them
when approaching my family, to establish their friendship connection to me and to shock my family into giving their support for
setting up fraudulent charity, as “my concerned friends from San Francisco”, after they cause me to die.
My problem mostly started on November 27, 2020 and I have yet to come to a solution. I had two guests over at my apartment in
San Francisco for lunch. One was a homeless kid that I helped in the months prior and the other was someone that targeted me on
Grindr named Carlo Martin. The two of them tampered with a few things in my apartment using cautious handling procedures (like
using paper towels instead of touching things directly), one I noticed was that they added a cloudy mixture to the nicotine vape oil I
had in my cupboard. I discovered this a little late and my life suddenly changed for the worse. Pretty much overnight my life changed
from being a working professional to wanting to get the FBI’s attention, but it took me almost a year to figure out what exactly
happened. After they dosed me with an unknown substance, I started having trouble sleeping. A few strange patterns emerged: my
problems went away when I visited my family and other close family friends and antipsychotics, Xanax, Ambien, otc remedies, etc all
didn’t work (even overdosing any of these).
I also had more people obviously targeting me on dating apps, trying to bring me drugs over to me and I had people shining lasers in
my windows from vacant units nearby, etc. I even had people harass me, at an inopportune time that they chose, halfway across the
country in Little Rock, Arkansas in a very strange way, which got me admitted into a psychiatric facility. I did a scientific examination
of the situation from the event because I wasn’t sure if I was having psychosis and I really needed to be sure I understood what was
going on. The scary thing I discovered when I did this analysis was: I determined that people actually harassed me in a very strange
way halfway across the country and then tampered with data. I wasn’t having psychosis and people probably followed me to Little
Rock, presumably at great expense, to do it. That might sound like paranoia, but it actually happened. That is a big problem. It
should also be apparent that this has to be a $15 million dollar extortion to justify the criminals’ expenses in following me around the
country. I was back in the San Francisco Bay Area shortly after that and people showed up at a hotel I was at and I was again
psychotically harassed by others. In that incident, it wouldn’t surprise me if I was the only one at the hotel I was at that was startled
out of bed by gunshots when people were shooting pop-guns in front of the hotel.
latest pdf:
I ended up moving to New York for 8 months to avoid people who were chasing me around to frame me for psychosis, but my
pattern of sleep remained erratic and I basically became bedridden. I had to go to the hospital a few times for strange sets of issues
like not being able to control my bladder and several other symptoms. The first time it happened I ended up in another psychiatric
facility, for drug abuse, with urine all over myself, with a negative drug test (page 17). I didn’t quite know at the time what was going
on, but after analyzing the situation, it became pretty obvious that I was dosed with some sort of top secret “spy technology” when I
was visited by those guests because I’ve had events where I can pee some of the technology out (;
spy technology is not a passive thing when you are in a drug addict conspiracy). Now, I have a set of people tracking me and
creating situations, like sending me to the hospital and then manipulating people to get me admitted into the psychiatric ward.
I have had to deal with a ridiculous pattern of sleep where I am mostly incapacitated when I’m alone and my life suddenly and fully
returns to normal when I visit others. I realized that the people keeping track of me through Putin’s spy technology system are
dialing-in their harassment through this system when I’m alone and they turn it off on occasions where I have family obligations
(because I was alive and well around my family they had no clue why I was trying to contact the CIA). I started documenting my
sleep patterns, which my family was somewhat oblivious to as I wasn’t having these issues around them
I avoided using Grindr, a casual encounters LGBT dating app, in San Francisco until September when I visited, because I knew the
extortion group was targeting me on Grindr. In September, in the first few days of using Grindr, I was drugged and date-raped by a
guest and then it was suggested to me I was on a bender which I told others while I was intoxicated on the date-rape drug. After
that, the group prevented me from getting REM sleep for several days with the technology I was dosed with and I had to make an
emergency visit to my sister’s house to resolve the simulated bender they gave me and prevent myself from a psychotic break while
I was lying in bed. I think they planned on discrediting me in this incident, but I was prepared for something like this happening and I
have scientific data from this incident (the scientific sleep data on pages 20-22 should serve as a case-in-point example of why the
CIA needs to be called and is representative of the problems that drove my life into the ground, behind my family’s back).
My sleep dataset is a little skewed, because I wasn’t initially recording data when I’m with my family or when I was not at home,
which are situations where I didn’t have any of the issues that you see in the dataset. Later in my dataset I tried to correct this by
recording data while I’m with family, so I could show the differences, but this isn’t a controlled scientific experiment as I have people
that are actually monitoring me, through Putin’s technology, to make changes to my sleep schedule, that are out of my control, who
have knowledge of me recording scientific data (you can see an example of this external variable in play several days into my visit to
my sister’s house in October 2021 and now my family is starting to visibly see the sleeping problems that I’ve experienced all year
long in their absence).
Putin is dropping people from wealthy families in “drug addict” conspiracies (a conspiracy between the victim and the victim’s family)
and killing them in his drug abuse extortion program. Most of his victims probably start filing a lot of police reports and end up
figuring out that they were dosed with some sort of spy technology that is harassing them and is preventing them from sleeping.
They then start trying to contact the CIA to report the Putin program that they are stuck in as they are lying in bed. They eventually
learn that the CIA isn’t going to help them. Putin’s extortion group slams their victims so hard with technology and harassment that
what they do looks like a drug problem when the victims are trying to report Putin’s program to the CIA (and because the victim is
fine when they visit their family, their family won’t understand why they wanted to contact the CIA). After the victim gives up on
reporting Putin’s program (they probably had too little detail anyway), the victim’s “friends'' in SF (that are part of Putin’s extortion
group and are probably even in some of the victim’s police reports) can then approach the family, with drug concern blackmail and
can confirm to the family that it was a drug problem all along. I’m fortunate to have moved away from San Francisco in January
2021. After leaving the city of San Francisco I at least didn't have people following me everywhere I went. I didn’t have to look out
my apartment as window to see 3-4 people on various balconies in the opposing building in vacant units, at night, very obviously
taking flash camera pictures with telephoto lenses pointed at me and I didn’t have cars follow me down the road to parking lots so
that their drivers could dramatically stare at me when I stop. I’m at least glad that I caught them on this psychotic harassment piece
when they chased me across the country to frame me for psychosis in Little Rock. Even though I left San Francisco, I wasn’t able to
eliminate their technology piece. I still spent most of the last year mostly lying in bed, unable to sleep, being exhausted when I get
up and getting sent to the hospital when I’m not with my family.
I’ve tried to document everything as accurately as possible, so I can prove conspiracy and report the Putin program that killed me. I
have not had an event that has allowed me to trigger a scientific evaluation of my data, so that people can see that Putin’s extortion
group has built an extremely sophisticated conspiracy against me. His extortion group was doing something ridiculous to me behind
everyone’s back. I have included a video of some of Putin’s technology that I was dosed with in the toilet, proof of being chased
around the country to be locked in psychiatric facilities and months of scientific data on being prevented from sleeping, which
has destroyed my life (and the extortion group members are calling this a drug problem; page 9). The whole timeline needs to be
re-evaluated to be a drug abuse extortion program where the drug problem is a Putin conspiracy. There shouldn’t be situations
where people are stuck begging for the CIA's help in disabling the Putin technology that they were dosed with for a year, so that they
can sleep normally. These drug traffickers that are working for Putin need to get arrested.
Joshua Lange I’m peeing out nanotechnology and I can’t sleep when I’m not around my family.
Table of Contents
Timeline 4
November and December 2020 (San Francisco) 5
December 11th 2020 Amazon Order Compromise Incident 12
January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident 13
January 24th 2021 Menlo Park, CA Incident (James Park Hotel) 16
Negative Drug Tests and Visits to The Emergency Room 16
Date-Raped on 9/27/2021 to 9/28/2021 in Menlo Park 19
Suspects 23
Important Information 28
(clickable in the PDF)
Harry W. Lange
● Father; Previously a VP at Fidelity Investments running the Magellan Fund.
● Likely Putin’s primary extortion target by making me into a charity case.
My Data
Data for CIA
● Request access from google.
● There are drug traffickers in San Francisco that are undermining national security by helping Putin extort people.
● Putin only blackmails his victims before doing something absolutely insane and non-reportable to them in his extortion
program. The victims only get nonsensical evidence that they can bring forward like pictures of reflections to try to prove
that they were targeted by an extortion campaign. They all know they have to get the CIA’s attention due to harassment by
top secret technology. There has to be a point in time where 1 victim breaks through his glass conspiracy wall and can get
his extortion program reported.
● Putin uses people trying to report his extortion program to the CIA as evidence of a drug problem in his conspiracy with
his victims’ families.
● Being actively harassed by Putin’s top secret system while I’m lying in bed trying to sleep is the biggest problem I’m
having in my life right now and after a year I still don’t have a solution. I’m hoping that when people see that I’m actually
lying in bed and I’m trying to sleep that they realize this actually happened. It is absolutely ridiculous that he can get away
with this, because the people he is going after for extortion purposes have no avenue for reporting his system.
● I realized that Calo Martin intended to give me a death sentence when he dosed me with Putin’s top secret technology for
extortion purposes.
● I have a document which contains some of Putin's Spy Technology’s top secret capabilities which can be used to confirm
what you already know about his technology. The document might even offer you more information if you don’t already
know those capabilities. Many of his top secret capabilities become painfully apparent when you are stuck in a “drug
addict” conspiracy and you are lying in bed being actively harassed by his top secret system without being able to do a
thing about it for a year.
● There is absolutely no way out of Putin’s extortion program. Putin is not the type of person that just lets people out of
programs like this. My guess is that they are just buying time until they find a way to get me discredited. ”Putin just tried to
steal money from your family. That didn’t work. Now he’s going to try to get you arrested instead".
The checklist is for analyzing blame when comparing a “drug problem” (imagined issues) to a drug abuse extortion program.
I was blackmailed. Carlo Martin told me I was a drug addict (page 9) and then I started to lie in bed unable to sleep. I started getting
harassed, then I got stalked across the country to get thrown in a psychiatric facility with extremely sophisticated harassment, then I
peed out some nanotechnology and got thrown in another psychiatric facility and now I’m mostly lying in bed recording scientific data
for the sleep patterns that have completely destroyed my life, behind my family’s back. From an outside perspective this looks like a
drug problem, but I’m mostly lying in bed. Also, the issue didn’t change mid-flight from actual harassment into a drug problem…
Me Them ?
● 10/8/2020: Drug concern blackmail video with mis-stated facts by Daniel Rico
○ I thought he was trying to get me fired and I didn’t think it was part of a bigger plot
○ I warned HR that they might get content. it was obvious I that was being secretly recorded
Documented as a trouble ticket in Corelight’s help desk system
● 12/03/2020: Bought cameras and changed locks to keep Christian Mayo away
○ He said he didn’t have a key, but a set was unaccounted for
● 12/05/2020: San Francisco Police Report #206167470
- Calo Martin & Christian Mayo; see police report write up; based on events from 11/27/2021
○ Extortion suspected (tampered with a lot of things in my house and were up to no good)
● 12/06/2020: Marc Gersen, a major drug trafficker I have never met, has a clearly angry tone and
threatens that someone is coming to my apartment with a gun over facebook message (page 10)
○ I call 911; Leave the area for my safety
Documented through facebook messages included in this packet (account: jhlange)
☐ ☐ ☐
● 12/11/2020: December 11th Amazon Order Compromise Incident (page 12)
○ Likely attempt to cancel my order for a faraday cage to protect my phone from tampering
○ Resulted in an empty box being delivered to my house (this should not be possible)
Documented through discrepancies in Amazon web interface included in this packet
● 12/18/2020: San Francisco Police Report (Unknown #) (page 9)
○ Stolen iPhone 10 from house (either by Carlo or Christian)
○ Unauthorized accounts access (possibly stole passwords from this phone)
Documented unauthorized accounts access through text messages (bragging by carlo) in this packet
☐ ☐ ☐
● 12/21/2020: San Francisco Police report # 200770651 (PSA WEST 4865) (pages 6-11)
○ Drugging and Texting harassment with the texts in this packet
○ Fake RentMen profile made of me with stolen/unauthorized photos of me
☐ ☐ ☐
● 12/23/2020: San Francisco Police Report # 206175326
○ Stolen US passport card (unknown stolen date). Also reported to CBP.
● 12/24/2020: Email to Christian Mayo
○ Never return or contact me. Return stolen items to door-man at apartment complex
● 12/29/2020: Started restraining order process on Christian Mayo with lpslaw
○ Never finished due to priorities getting shifted due to harassment
● 1/11/2021: January 11th Little Rock, AR Incident (pages 13-15)
○ I was chased across the country to be framed for psychosis in Little Rock; I call 911
○ First psychiatric lockup: Neighbors were tricked after they tampered with my data on facebook
Documented facebook tampering (deleted photos; account: jhlange)
☐ ☐ ☐
● 1/24/2021: January 24th Menlo Park, CA Incident (James Park Hotel) (page 16)
○ I was framed psychosis at my hotel; I call 911; Moved to New York the same day
Documentation should be available through police records for initial 911 call
☐ ☐ ☐
● 3/15/2021: Last day at my job
○ I am in a Putin “drug addict” conspiracy. I’m lying in bed being actively harassed by the top secret
capabilities of Putin’s spy technology.
● 3/31/2021: Peed out nanotechnology after breaking down structures in my body (see online link)
○ Some of their nanotechnology exited my nasal cavity and glided across my cheekbones to harass me
Documented in a video here:
☐ ☐ ☐
● 4/02/2021: Visit to ER in NYC due to a medical emergency caused by their technology (page 17)
○ Second psychiatric lockup: For drug abuse, after they manipulated people at the hospital
Documented with the drug-free test result in this packet
☐ ☐ ☐
● 9/10/2021: Visit to ER in NYC due to a medical emergency caused by their technology (page 18)
● 9/27/2021: Menlo Park Police Report # Unknown (pages 19-22)
○ Date-raped and then couldn’t get REM sleep at all until I went to my sister’s house.
○ Review my data for being prevented from sleeping, which drove my life into the ground behind my
family’s back.
November and December 2020 (San Francisco)
See texts and timeline below. More texts exist than just these. Other similar documents exist like screenshots of logins with the 13”
mbp etc.
● 11/27/2020: A person reached out to me on a social chatting app (This was the first time I had met), and we hung out at
my place the Friday after thanksgiving. When they came over, Christian (not invited or expected; showed up with them;
This was clearly targeted).
○ I felt uncomfortable enough with the situation to file a police report for a stolen items that disappeared, and
included some other concerning details of the encounter
○ Christian went through an old phone box of mine (he did not ask to go through our closets; he just did it without
permission; having my old cell phones dating back to 2008 and also including a newer iPhone intended for
Joseph. He took that phone out of the box, and asked if he could have it. I said no. I later noticed it was gone
from the box. It turned out he "left it" under a couch cousin in the apartment; I'm assuming he did that to see if I
would notice and try to take it on a later date)
○ I'm assuming at this time my old, broken iPhone X was taken. I had not noticed it was gone because it was just
a broken old cell phone. It did have access to all my accounts though. It was gone when I explicitly searched it
out later.- I filed a police report for it later once I had realized his friend Carlo had access to all of my accounts
and realized that all my passwords would have been on this one.
● 11/30/2020:
○ A MacBook pro 13" (I don't own one) was added to my gmail account. They would have needed my passwords,
which they probably took from the old iPhone. This was done with my IP address, so it was on my wireless
network.- I had given the password to Christian when we let him stay for 2 weeks on our couch.- It is unclear
whose macbook this was
○ A Citibank card of mine was added to apple pay. This was discovered to be stolen from my apartment.- One of
the harassers (Carlo) sent me a picture by text saying it was in Christian’s wallet. I assumed the opposite (e.g.
he stole it) because he apparently had possession to take a photo.
● 12/03/2020:
○ Christian said he didn't have a key to my apartment. Since he was staying with us prior, he had a key at one
point. I thought he still had it.
○ I told the apartment complex to change the locks
○ I bought ring cameras to make sure he didn't come to the apartment (on amazon).
○ I was having trouble sleeping for an unknown reason.
● 12/04/2020-12/05/2020:
○ Christian insisted on coming over. To the point of saying he was a block away and will be there shortly after I
kept repeatedly texting him and saying 'no'.
○ He told me in these texts that he had been hanging out with his friend Carlo prior to coming
● 12/06/2020
○ I got bombarded by texts from his friends he made, including Carlo.
○ Carlo asked me why I unplugged my new cameras at one point (he should not have had access to my account). I had realized they still had access to my gmail account, and I saw a ring authentication
email/password reset sent there (since was deleted).
○ Later the password reset email was deleted.- They had deleted that to try to hide their tracks
○ The texts included (from 4 individuals; In a very short time window):
■ Insistence that I had a drug problem (from people like Carlo that I met for about an hour over lunch on
one occasion prior and Marc Gerson who I've never met and don't know)
■ Were demands for payments to be made (Including a gun threat from Marc Gerson; Who I later have
found out to be on parole)
■ Insistence that Christian had been at my place and dropped off a bag
■ Insistence that Christian actually lived at my place.- The two weeks he was given to sleep on the
couch at my place were 10/24/2020 - 11/7/2020.
○ They clearly expected him to get in on 12/05/2020 and did not get the message that he failed to get access to
my place the prior night (and early morning of 12/06/2020)
November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page →
November and December 2020 (continued)
○ I left San Francisco for safety concerns for the day (to stay in menlo park)
● I made a facebook post to my friends saying I was harassed and what was going on at a high level.
○ Carlo (even though I didn't know him, had shared his location with me on ‘find my friends’ on 11/17/2020. After
making this public post I had realized he unshared)
○ I realized that I probably was not safe after learning about some of the backgrounds of these guys.
○ I had realized there was other tampering at my apartment,
■ Advil was mixed into a container of Walgreens brand diuretic pills Joseph has. Joseph is allergic to
ibuprofen and this could cause him serious harm.- The pills looked almost identical.
■ I had trouble sleeping for several days by this point. I couldn't sleep.
■ At one point I had to call my work and report a family emergency because I couldn't think at
all and was becoming really anxious.
■ I got unexpectedly high and euphoric. I had to call & text my mother because I couldn't
figure out what in my apartment was doing this to me.
■ I realized that something was put in my nicotine vape liquid I had. I threw it all away.
● 12/05/2020
Christian previously texted himself from my phone. He texts me screenshots of what he texted himself from my phone back to me to
brag about tampering with my device and concern me.
Tampering and access to my phone
November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page →
November and December 2020 (continued)
November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page →
November and December 2020 (continued)
After him harassing me and insisting on coming over: I gave Christan Mayo $200 for a hotel and incidentals to make
him go away.
November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page →
November and December 2020 (continued)
● 12/06/2020
I invited this person for lunch over a ~50 minute period and only met once. He makes me sound like a drug addict, despite not
knowing me at all.
● In a later iMessage he acknowledges not knowing me.
● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep…
● I only met him once and that message came out of the blue and I didn’t understand what it’s purpose was. I already put
him in a police report the day prior, for a suspected extortion.
● “Is that why you decided to turn your cameras off?”
○ Hacked account.
○ Days after buying cameras to keep these people out.
Admission that he compromised my digital accounts and committed wiretapping (ring cameras record audio).
The dialog makes it very clear that the access was unauthorized.
Contextually, he made a weird threat-like message that I didn’t understand the context to and then he started accessing and
tampering with my private digital accounts. This was probably intended for a police report or my letter to the CIA that would be
reviewed after my death where it could be interpreted as a concerned friend and help him when he’s approaching my family (e.g.
because my drug problem is so bad that I’m putting my concerned friends in my letters that I’m sending to the CIA), instead of “a
person I met once, that tampered with things in my apartment, dosed me with an unknown substance, and is now threatening me
and accessing my accounts”.
November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page →
November and December 2020 (continued)
● “The best approach would be for Kevin to be compensated for his loss by electronic transfer”
● “I heard that that boy carries a pistol” (at the end of the texts in the third screenshot)
● gun threat. I made a 911 call; Left the area for my safety. I believe Marc Gersen is on house arrest
I’ve never met the guy. He preconditioned the message thread with friend-like messages by asking for his Pyrex cookware back that
he might have left in my apartment (for context: I was out of town for quite a while over COVID and I had a friend staying in my
apartment). I don’t even know if he has ever even been in my apartment and his cookware was not there. He also pretends to be a
friend from time to time. This might have been done to lower the severity of the threat and show our friendship connection (basically
“we’re just friends joking around” and I overreacted) when people review the data (which I’m assuming he intended to happen after
I’m dead and I can’t make a rebuttal argument; because they pretty much know that no one will look into this until I die).
His writing style is very interesting because:
● If you are good friends with him: it’s clearly a joke
● If you don’t know him: it’s clearly a threat
November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page →
November and December 2020 (continued)
● 12/7/2020: Drugging made me unable to work. Something in my apartment made me really high, likely from
the tampering with things in my cupboards by Calo and Christian. Because I couldn’t find the source of what
was keeping me drugged I started staying at hotels (it could have just been the harassment by technology
before I figured it out; I’m unsure. It was likely a combination of drugging and technology)
December 11th 2020 Amazon Order Compromise Incident
● I started noticing that my devices and online accounts were all compromised (some examples are in the previous texts).
● To better protect myself, I ordered a faraday cage
(a special bag to protect my phone when it is not in use from receiving wifi or cellular data)
● I got an empty box instead in the mail from Amazon of this faraday cage (I was shipped a quantity 0)
Amazon shouldn’t be shipping empty boxes
This was likely an attempt to cancel the order using a non-standard method or hacking
● The actual amazon website properly reflects 0 quantity (see below screenshot)
● (I previously said the discrepancy was on the invoice; This was an error; The included invoice was for the ‘replacement’
($49.99 x displayed quantity of 0)
January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident
Someone projected a video that was previously recorded in my apartment into my apartment on the window glass with the intent of
getting me put in a psychiatric facility. The group also tampered with data on my facebook profile when they did it. The result was
that my neighbors were tricked and I was brought to a psychiatric facility.
● I have a few poor-quality photos and a poor-quality video of it.
○ All photos/etc I took were completely deleted off my phone (which was in my condo for 5 days) and facebook
account by someone.
○ Only a few photos and a video were recovered (the facebook data export contained one which they deleted).
○ They swapped out at least one photo of their harassment on my facebook profile with another photo that was
just a reflection of vases that I have in my apartment (the facebook ‘visibility’ settings on everything might have
changed during the event too; I do not know what type of ‘post’ they made, but after I deleted their vases photo,
I could not recover their photo in the data dump…but people saw their photo while I was in psychiatric care).
● The group accessed my Facebook account and swapped my data in parallel to make their harassment look like a drug
● I happened to test positive for drugs when I was admitted, because the extortion group scheduled their harassment for a
time that I would test positive for drugs.
● I can scientifically prove that I was harassed in an extremely sophisticated way this night. I have included the proof on the
following pages and in my google drive. My data is timestamped in an email to LRPD (on their ingress side, because they
later deleted my outbound email; The envelope information is in a forwarded copy that was emailed shortly after) and the
deleted Facebook photo should also be timestamped in the Facebook system as well.
● My neighbors were tricked into being concerned about my mental health fitness after I was anxious from being harassed
and everyone thought that this event was related to me doing drugs.
~12:00am (Midnight) through morning (prevented me from sleeping)
● A red laser pointer is projected into my condo’s plate-glass windows
● I heard noise similar to:
○ Hitting on boxes
○ Gun shots (probably was made to simulate that sound)
● I believe someone might have climbed down from the above floor onto my balcony, then down to the floors below. I was
(mostly) standing back from my windows because I was unsure what projected the laser, so I can’t be sure.
● Someone projects a video in my window which appears to look like a child is being murdered and then the scene being
cleaned up
○ I thought it was actually a reflection from the neighboring unit initially
○ I called 911 and reported that the neighbor might have fallen in their condo and might need help.
○ Police check but nothing is off. I show them the projection.
○ I get out on the patio and notice it’s actually on my window glass, and not just a reflection from next door. Police
leave, projection remains a mystery at the point.
● I ended up exiting to a parking lot across the street and could see people either cleaning their windows (~4am in the
morning) or holding an LCD screen up to the window glass several floors down (could be related or not).- I could not see
clearly.- This might be viewable if any street cameras recorded video of the first and second or third residential floor (I
don’t remember which) on the north side of RMT.
● My neighbors, who were tricked into thinking I was experiencing mental health issues, brought me to a psych facility
(Bridgeway in North Little Rock) where I stayed until Friday.
Later Analysis
● I realized that it was a projected video of something happening in my condo (it was done to look like a reflection).
● See attached photos and diagram on the next pages
● Most of the lights (beyond the entry-door light) in my apartment remained off because I thought someone may have had a
weapon. I was already being harassed in SF prior to this by people that were coming after me, so I was a little on edge.
● They probably projected their harassment through reflective optical prisms to make their harassment look and behave like
a reflection (and 3-dimensionally refract light from their projected video). It was projected in such a sophisticated way that
analyzing white-balance might be the only way to positively confirm this was projected harassment and not just psychosis.
(beyond Facebook account tampering, which is how you are going to confirm that this event happened).
● One original (attached here) is in an email to LRPD that early morning.
Please review the README:
diagram on the next page →
January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident (continued)
They did something really sophisticated to project this.
I did not notice a visible projector and thought it was happening next door.
photos on the next page →
January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident (continued)
I was put in a psychiatric unit after being harassed in this strange way because neighbors were concerned about my mental health
fitness after people were projecting lasers, videos, etc into my window.
The video appeared to be cleaning up a crime scene and I thought it was happening next door (it is a bit strange to get a reflection
projected in your window). I called the cops, especially since the accompanying noises appeared to depict a crime in progress.
● This was projected in such a sophisticated way that analyzing white-balance might be the only way to confirm that it is a
projection (they probably used reflective optical prisms in their projection strategy to make their harassment look and
behave like a reflection that would have been in the same spot on the window).
similar photos: actual (with the relevant lights on) vs projection/conspiracy (with the relevant lights off)
The perpetrators had the clear intention of getting me put in a psychiatric unit with the set of harassment they did that night.
Querying facebook for the deleted photo and replacement post details might be the easiest way to prove framing for
psychosis, where they swapped one photo of reflections with another (account jhlange; deleted photo:
138201558_10105460022982035_4184409446484032081_n_10105460022977045.jpg )
January 24th 2021 Menlo Park, CA Incident (James Park Hotel)
People showed up at my hotel (The James Park) in the morning to harass me.
● I hear gunshots and see a group of 4-5 people firing off some sort of pop-guns/mock pistols at each other in
close proximity to each other (2-3 foot range from each other) on the downward ramp into the parking
garage under the building. They were simulating a gun fight.
○ Call 911
■ Police come quickly, pull up on El Camino Real and yell at the people
There is likely documentation with the police which can reviewed from this 911 call
● I hear a low rumbling boom similar to a pretty hefty weapon like a shotgun being discharged.
○ Call 911
■ Police come, interview me at my hotel room and then check it out
● I start hearing something like pistol gunshots in the rooms around me.
○ Call 911
■ Dispatcher takes my ID info and no more follow-up
● I leave the hotel. I use the hand sanitizer in the elevator, but otherwise exit the hotel immediately.
I moved to New York the same day to avoid harassment.
Police will not be able to verify the source of the sound I heard for the subsequent calls and it is a waste of time to
investigate them. For the first police call, I hope the Menlo Park police records for the event are good enough. I'm
certain I was the only caller at the hotel that was startled out of bed at the hotel by gunshots when people were
actually shooting popguns in a mock gun fight in front of the hotel.
This should be documented through Menlo Park police records for the initial 911 call
Negative Drug Tests and Visits to The Emergency Room
Drug Test Prior to April 2nd 2021 Mental Health Lockup for Drug Abuse
● Walked into the emergency room reporting sharp pain in my head and symptoms such as blurred vision,
loss of sensation in my right hand and arm and loss of bladder control and partial loss of control of one leg.
● A hospital worker at NYP-Cornell medicine in Manhattan told me I tested positive for methamphetamine. I
disputed this.
● Fred Von Mame (based in NYC) came to the hospital with me (Previously: Fred Mameri and previously
based in Seattle working for Microsoft and then HBO).
● Eventually redirected to a drug abuse lockup for 2 weeks.
● Negative drug test:
Negative Drug Tests and Visits to The Emergency Room (continued)
Drug Test on September 10th 2021 During a Medical Emergency
● Walked into the emergency room after seeing flashes as I blink and an extremely slowed thought process (I
couldn’t spell ‘world’ backwards and couldn't recall who the president of the United States was). This
probably mirrored what severe dehydration might have done.
● A hospital worker at NYP-Cornell medicine in Manhattan told me I tested positive for methamphetamine. I
was quite concerned I was going to get locked in a psychiatric facility for drug abuse again, so I admitted to
using even though I didn’t. I made sure they knew I had a psychiatrist already and anything I could do to
make sure this visit didn’t end like my first visit.
● Negative drug test:
Date-Raped on 9/27/2021 to 9/28/2021 in Menlo Park
After I reinstalled Grindr, I almost immediately had a set of individuals insisting on bringing drugs to me and when I invited someone
to come over for a casual encounter, I was date raped, drugged and then manipulated into telling my family I was on a bender. This
effort was coordinated very well with psychologists designing the situation. After that I almost had a psychotic break as I was lying in
bed. I'm concerned that this incident was an attempt at trying to discredit me.
9/26/2021 - 9/27/2021
After not doing any hard drugs since January, some brain imbalance really triggered
me to really want to do hard drugs this night. I then had someone message me on
grindr who basically insisted on bringing drugs over to me. I am unsure if they are
related to the program or not. I was very tempted, but I eventually declined the offer
and stopped talking to the guy. I stayed with a friend in the city over the weekend for
the Folsom Street Fair directly prior to this and did not bring my camera and EEG but
was sleeping normally as I do when others are watching.
+1 (650) 334-8381
9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021
I ordered an Uber to have someone to come over at 12:34AM pacific time on 9/28/2021 off of Grindr. Because it was taking a long
time to confirm I ended up ordering a Lyft. I eventually cancelled the Lyft. The guy date-raped me and my memory is bad after this
event. He drugged me up my rectum while we were engaged in sexual activity. It was then suggested to me I was on a bender
which I repeated to others while I was intoxicated on a date-rape drug. After this, the crazy Putin experiment completely prevented
me from getting REM sleep for several days in a row.
I almost had a psychotic break while I was lying in bed trying to sleep for several days and I had to make an emergency visit to my
sister's house in New Orleans to get my much needed rest. My EEG data corroborates this timeline.
scientific sleep data on next page →
Sleep Data After Date-rape Incident on 9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021
After the date-rape incident, Putin’s group completely blocked my REM sleep for several days and I almost had a psychotic break as
I was trying to sleep in bed during the ‘bender’ they gave me. They stopped blocking my REM sleep when I arrived at my sister’s
house in New Orleans, as they do not affect my sleep cycles when my family is watching. They’ve used their technology to keep
close tabs on me and they caused this to happen. This is scientific and unbiased documentation of me sleeping on video with an
EEG headband on my head which shows that I almost had a psychotic break as I was lying in bed and had to visit my sister’s house
to resolve my sleep cycle. I have months of data available and these crazy sleeping patterns have been going on for a full year and
ran my life into the ground, behind my family’s back:
The sleep data cycle I backed up might have to be decoded by InteraXon Inc:
Note the ‘Time in bed’ times are different from the ‘time asleep’. Also note REM sleep times. REM sleep is important for the brain
to recharge and is the most important part of your sleep cycle for keeping you psychologically sane.
Sep 28 (In Menlo Park; 10 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep)
Sep 29 (In Menlo Park; 22 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep, continued on next page)
scientific sleep data continued on next page →
Sleep Data After Date-rape Incident on 9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021 (Continued)
Sep 29 Continued (In Menlo Park; 22 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep)
Sep 30 - Oct 1 (In Menlo Park and In Transit; 10 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep)
scientific sleep data continued on next page →
Sleep Data After Date-rape Incident on 9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021 (Continued)
Oct 1st I arrived at my sister’s house and began sleeping normally and could achieve REM sleep just fine. I was clearly extremely
tired and fell asleep within 3 minutes of lying down on her very uncomfortable futon.
Oct 1-2 (At sister’s house. 2.25 hours of REM sleep)
Oct 2 - 4 (At sister’s house. 6 hours of REM sleep)
This is something the CIA needs to look into and Putin needs to get into a lot of trouble for this. This group is doing something so
insane that it is basically unbelievable. That’s why I’m collecting real data and I’m even trying my best to record myself on video with
an EEG headband on when I try to sleep.
Carlo Andre Martin (San Francisco)
● Works for Putin: Directly involved in the extortion ring (he is going to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about
my drug problem. I am going to say that he is involved in a Putin extortion ring).
● Possibly arrestable: I’ve learned that he is in the drug trade. The DEA might be interested.
● Arrestable: Committed computer tampering and wiretapping: accessed my accounts and
cameras which record audio and admitted to it on iMessages included in this packet. The dialog makes it
clear that the account access was unauthorized.
● Committed treason: dosed me with top secret spy technology.
● Directly harassed me in this conspiracy with wrongdoing: accessed my private accounts.
● Committed the crime of ‘conspiracy’. He offered premonitions of being a drug addict over iMessages in this
packet and then I got stalked by people in his organization that were attempting to get me locked in
psychiatric facilities and then my life went downhill because of the technology that his organization uses
(conspiracy should be provable with the stalking alone or technology alone or possibly my sleep data).
● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep when I’m not around my family.
suspects continued on next page →
Suspects (continued)
Marc Avery Gersen (San Francisco)
● Never met the guy, but vaguely knew of him from the local community (from people who didn’t like him)
● Involved in texting (facebook)
● Involved in felony drug crimes in SF
● Arrestable: gun threats in this packet. He’s on house arrest.
● Probably works for Putin. (he is going to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about my drug problem. I am going to say
that he is involved in a Putin extortion ring).
● If he is involved, the guidance he gave in turning in fellow drug traffickers, while on house arrest, may have
only targeted non-extortion ring members.
● Directly harassed me in this conspiracy with wrongdoing: Threatened someone showing up with a gun; I
believe he’s on house arrest
● Committed the crime of ‘conspiracy’. He offered premonitions of being a drug addict over Facebook
messages and then I got stalked by people in his organization that were attempting to get me locked in
psychiatric facilities and then my life went downhill because of the technology that his organization uses
(conspiracy should be provable with the stalking alone or technology alone or possibly my sleep data).
● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep when I’m not around my family.
drug arrest on next page →
Suspects (continued)
Marc Avery Gersen
suspects continued on next page →
Suspects (continued)
Christian Mayo
134 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA (Administration: Larkin Street Youth Services (415) 673-0911)
129 Hyde St, San Francisco, CA (permanent housing with Larkin Street Youth Services)
1 (415) 529 7966 (has gone through many phone numbers; as of 12/24/2020)
old: 415 547 9573
old: 479 633 7419
old: 469 799 9087 (listed DOB on facebook is 8/5/2001)
● Kid we helped from Little Rock
● Learned he is a felon:
● Heavily drugged me through tampering in my house (altered nicotine vape oil; Likely other unknown
● Stole a bunch of stuff (credit cards, old phones, etc)
● Entered my house without my permission after his time on my couch was up
○ (had to change locks and buy cameras 12/03/2020; incidentally, they gained access to the cameras
pretty quickly and even harassed me on text about it).
● Started restraining order process prior to moving out of CA
● Email to say never to return or contact and leave stolen items with the door-man of my apartment
complex (12/24/2020). He called and I hung up on him- Last known phone number above
● Blocked on facebook. Made himself a friend after that (likely logged in to my account)
● Drugged me to record a drug concern blackmail video. It was pretty obvious I was being secretly
● Works for Putin: Became directly involved in the extortion ring when he moved to San Francisco (he is going
to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about my drug problem. I am going to say that he is involved in a Putin extortion
● Possibly arrestable: He said he skipped a court date for stealing cash from an Arkansas Walmart he
worked at. He’s admitted his guilt to me. He actually did it.
● Committed treason: dosed me with top secret spy technology with Carlo Martin.
● Committed the crime of ‘conspiracy’. He offered premonitions of being a drug addict over email and then I
got stalked by people in his organization that were attempting to get me locked in psychiatric facilities and
then my life went downhill because of the technology that his organization uses (conspiracy should be provable
with the stalking alone or technology alone or possibly my sleep data).
● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep when I’m not around my family.
suspects continued on next page →
Suspects (continued)
Daniel Rico (San Francisco)
Lives on Ellis St
● I believe he may have copied my phone when I visited his house to provide him technical support after he
said his AppleID was compromised. This was after a secure enclave vulnerability was announced on the
iPhone 10 and it is possible that it was used against my device. I got a notification on my mac hours later
saying a new device was set up for FaceTime, but the account history in Apple’s GDPR data dump did not
reflect that any new devices were ever added to the account. He had a technical friend that looked strikingly
similar to a friend I have in Seattle that performed the attack on my device. More information and a picture of
his friend’s doppelganger are in my google drive.
● He recorded a drug concern blackmail video by mis-stating facts about an encounter I had with his friends. I
originally thought he was just being a prick and might have wanted to try to get me fired from my job or
something along those lines with it. I gave HR a vague warning that people in my community might send
them some content in October 2020 after it was pretty obvious that I was being secretly recorded.
● Works for Putin: Directly involved in the extortion ring (he is going to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about
my drug problem. I am going to say that he is involved in a Putin extortion ring).
● Possibly arrestable: Has bragged about defrauding the California EDD system for fraudulent disabilities.
● There is probably not enough evidence to arrest him on conspiracy.
Important Information
Recommendation for the CIA
Putin is running an extortion program that uses his spy technology and he goes after people from extremely wealthy families that do
drugs. The program is centered around the psychiatric process, so universally checking for or disabling spyware upon a patient's
admittance to the psychiatric arms of the hospitals in San Francisco could almost completely shut his program down. This is
probably your best choke-point to find potentially affected individuals. He will probably change the program dynamically based on
what you do, so you might not find cases this way, but you will basically be shutting his program down. For the patients, even if they
tell their psychiatrists that they were dosed with spy technology when they are admitted, in the cases where it actually happened, the
problem would be solved on their first visit. Sane people are going to be careful about admitting to many people that they are being
harassed with spy technology (because it makes you sound crazy and you can get stuck in the looney bin), especially in a hospital
lock-up type of environment when there are doctors or psychiatric microphones in the room. It took me 6 months, after I figured it
out, even to get to a point where I really just needed to get this solved and I’m more openly admitting it. Since this is probably the
funding side of Putin’s R&D program, the budget for the special equipment that you need to do this in a few hospitals should be
easily justified as part of your national security plan.
Even the passive features of Putin’s technology are essentially being show-cased to the people that he is actively harassing. If your
resources are limited, I suggest you look for cases like mine, where you have a working professional that suddenly had an
unexplained downfall in their life. Ask if anyone tampered with things in their apartment or if they were dosed with unknown
substances. You might even consider sending them home from their visit with a night vision camcorder and EEG headband, if they
say they are having problems sleeping, as you are collecting data. My skin legions went away and I stopped being able to sleep
properly in front of my family when I started to record my sleep in front of them (they are probably trying to pivot the issue in
response), so they do pay attention to these things.
You need to figure out where Carlo Martin gets his paycheck, he is one of the drug traffickers that is committing treason by dosing
wealthy individuals with Putin’s spy technology in Putin’s extortion program. You should also follow the money from fraudulent
drug-abuse charities. Figure out which families were shown blackmail (such as videos, etc), depicting concerns over drug problems
after-the-fact (obviously, the “friends” should have come to the family earlier if they were actually concerned).
The earlier revisions of my letter have many incorrect details, because I was fed a lot of false information as something really crazy
was happening to me and my sleep was being severely limited. You will probably want to see my first letter that I drafted to you, to
give you an idea of what this program does to people as they are driven erratic with technology (I even grouped other life issues into
my letter, because I couldn’t figure out where the divide was between my normal life issues and their absolutely insane campaign).
Notes on the Little Rock Incident
I didn’t know when I was going to return to Little Rock from Kansas City by car and I was pushing out my return trip day by day (the
days leading up to the harassment). People might have flown down from the San Francisco Bay Area to Little Rock to harass me
and they may have intended for it to happen over or before Christmas (I was originally planning on staying in Little Rock for 2 weeks
prior to Christmas, but ended up staying a few days which they did not elect to do the harassment. They were likely waiting for a
time when they would try to get me to test positive for drugs when they made their attempt to get me admitted to a psychiatric
facility). This isn’t a common route of travel so if you can cross-reference hotel stays where people who have extended their stays
with plane travel from the San Francisco Bay Area over the holiday, you might be able to figure out if anyone made this trip. They
clearly had access to my apartment prior to the harassment to pre-record the video I captured a part of on my camera phone. I don’t
know when that would have happened. On the day of the harassment I noticed 2 people on the first or second residential floor acting
suspiciously. One was holding an LCD screen up to the window glass above their head and the other was sliding a lighted cone
across the floor to change the shading gradient of the light in the apartment they entered. I think that the people on that floor were
probably related to this issue, but they probably weren’t actually projecting the video that I captured that small part of on my camera
phone. It’s more likely they had people on that floor for me to see when I exited the building to analyze the situation from across the
street when I saw the mysterious projection on my window glass. This group is doing something absolutely ridiculous to simulate
mental health issues. If those people were related to the issue, they actually entered the building and they might be able to be
Data Sharing Agreement
The CIA, FBI and all other federal authorities, including congress, Fred Von Mame and all of the following listed organizations all
have my explicit permission to access my personal data at Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple, NYP-Cornell Medicine and all other
organizations. This includes HIPAA, CPNI and any other restricted data types. You also have my permission to freely share or grant
access to other organizations and individuals that help you investigate this issue at your discretion without court orders or any other
legal process. My google account ( has more data in my google drive under the ‘2021 HarassmentData
for CIA’ directory for you. If that magically gets deleted or tampered with, I have sent offline backups to others. You should review
these offline backups anyway, to ensure that no tampering has happened. I’m reporting on a Putin program.
Recommendations for Others in the Program
My biggest advice for others in the program is to document everything. Make sure you sleep on video wearing a sleep tracker. I
bought a cheap night vision camcorder that allows for 1 second time-lapse video, a tripod, an IR illuminator and a couple MUSE
headbands (they only have a 10 hour battery life). You could probably do what I did and take screenshots and plot all of the numbers
from your sleep sessions in excel grouped by day.
From my experience in tracking my sleep (as Putin’s group is affecting it in various ways), deep sleep is good for recharging myself
and making myself not feel so tired. A lack of REM sleep makes me feel really tired, but not “ready to pass out” tired and allows me
to go to a bar and get a drink (as long as I’m just sticking to myself). The lack of REM sleep makes my brain hurt when I am holding
a conversation with someone or I am trying to do difficult tasks. Depending on the day, they’ve altered both of these things for me
independently. Preventing REM sleep seems to be their primary method of making people recede from talking to others.
I would recommend that you get a small lab setup (a 2000x digital microscope, microscope slides, pipettes, formaldehyde and
various staining solutions) to capture, stain, preserve and document samples of Putin’s technology if you have any events that allow
you to expel the technology. I do not know if it is organic or not (I originally assumed that there was no chance Putin’s spy
technology is organic), but I was forwarded an interesting article on that matter: World's first living robots can now reproduce,
scientists say. It’s possible that Putin’s spy technology multiplies in your body after you are dosed. That would also explain why the
drug traffickers (like Calo Martin) that visited my apartment didn’t even want to get even a single bit of this stuff on him when he
dosed me with Putin’s spy technology.
I didn’t personally invest in a faraday tent for a long time, because the technology seems to at least partially work offline (by
preventing sleep). You might want to invest in one, but another solution could be to go with a family member to the National Radio
Quiet Zone and have them drop you off there. The radio rules vary throughout the National Radio Quiet Zone. Snowshoe is the
biggest small town that is nearest to the Green Bank Observatory, but apparently it still allows limited cellular connectivity. You would
probably want to try a place closer to the Green Bank Observatory where they don’t even allow microwaves in your kitchen. There
are a few small Motel/AirBnbs/Bed and Breakfasts that are in this exclusion zone (if you are in tech, you will have to plug in your
laptop, because they have enforcement trucks driving around that monitor for radio waves and someone will actually knock on your
door if you have a Wi-Fi router or you use a microwave in your kitchen). It is worth a try.
It is also possible that the CIA actually secretly monitors for this stuff on some of the National Tours that you can take (they are
pretty easy to book through your congressperson’s website, but they are all closed for COVID). I was looking to tour the White
House, Pentagon or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (where they print the money) to see if I could get the CIA’s attention by
getting arrested for espionage, so that I could trigger a scientific evaluation of my data.
You also need to update the letter you are constantly drafting with more specific detail, so it is able to trigger a real investigation. Do
your best to outline everything so that you can prove conspiracy and can get people to take it seriously. You would think that people
would realize that when you are constantly drafting a single letter on a single issue that people might think that it might have actually
happened. That is not the case. Most people don’t notice the difference between people who are randomly scared about things that
are happening around them and people who continue to constantly draft a letter on a single issue with the same data. The extortion
group intentionally harrasses people in ways that make your data look nonsensical. I realized a long time ago that showing a huge
amount of harassment that people are doing overwhelms readers. Make sure that you make it clear where the blame lies for each
piece of harassment you get. You might want to create a checklist, like what I have on my timeline, so that people reviewing the data
actually realize that it’s not you, but it’s other people doing everything to you.
Obviously, regular doctors are not going to be able to help you with this. If you tell someone at the hospital that you are dosed with
nanotechnology, you are probably going to end up in redirected to psychiatric care. Doctors don’t look at scientific data while you are
at the hospital, so even if you have video or other content to show them they are not going to have the bandwidth to look into it. I’ve
avoided discussing it with doctors for this reason and have only explained the symptoms both times they sent me to the hospital.
Until the CIA realizes that Putin is dropping regular civilians into “drug addict” conspiracies with his technology your options are very
limited. Just the fact that you know that you are in a “drug addict” conspiracy will probably help you a small amount, because most
victims to this point probably haven’t gained enough information to even know that. Document what you can and maybe find a place
off the grid (in a national park, the NRQZ, Alaska, etc) to be dropped off by your family (or maybe, just start recording data while in
the presence of your family). Unfortunately for me, ever since I started recording data, the group has started restricting and making
my sleep patterns erratic around my family too, so that isn’t an option for me anymore.
You should not be doing drugs if you are in a Putin program. If he drives you to suicide make sure you hang yourself, instead of
overdosing. I know that’s a lot harder, but Putin needs to get caught on this.
If the CIA finally gets involved on this matter with my case like they should, you will probably want to get in touch with my family (as
long as you are not currently doing drugs): Diane Lange (MI) or Jayne Lange (CA) to refer your case to the CIA, so that you can get
exited from Putin’s disgusting program.

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Letter to Dianne Feinstein on a San Francisco Drug Abuse Extortion Program

  • 1. phone: . e-mail: . Joshua Lange . . New Orleans, LA 70112 rev (for FBI): 24 - 12/2021 To whom it may concern, I was targeted by a really crazy and completely unreportable Putin drug abuse extortion program that is employing a few drug traffickers and some of their customers in San Francisco’s LGBT community. The group goes after people from extremely wealthy families and they might only do fewer and larger extortions (5 successful extortions per year might make them over $100 million dollars). They target individuals in San Francisco, who do drugs and they execute on the common complaints of drug addicts when they target those individuals, so that people assume that their victims are self-victimizing, with a drug problem, as the victims are being put into a Putin “drug addict” conspiracy. The victims only get blackmailed for “drug concerns from friends” before the group does something so insane that it is impossible to get anything reported. The victims get dosed with Putin’s top secret spy technology which is used to actively drive them erratic and is used to prevent them from sleeping as those victims get stalked by an organization. The victims can only find psychiatrists to help them solve what is fundamentally a technology and harassment problem, because all of their complaints mirror the complaints of drug addicts. I have included a video of some of the nanotechnology I was dosed with rebuilding itself in the toilet, which I peed it out after I broke down structures that exited my nasal cavity and glided across my cheekbones to harass me (nanotechnology has no medical uses yet), proof of being chased across the country and months of scientific sleep data on being prevented from sleeping when I’m not around my family, which drove my life into the ground behind my family’s back. I have found that having a narrative which would make headline news has become a major barrier for getting any help on fixing this problem. I’ve been stuck lying in bed, almost everyday, for most of the day, for a whole year having trouble sleeping as I’m being harassed by Putin’s top secret system. The two nearly identical narratives for the Putin “drug addict” conspiracy that I am stuck in (a conspiracy between my family and me) are: ● A Drug Problem (I am to blame): I think I’m being stalked and I have psychosis. I think I’m being harassed with spy technology and I’ve started to withdraw from talking to other people and stopped being able to work or do many basic tasks due to the drug problem. I think there is a big conspiracy and I think I need to talk to the CIA. ● A Drug Abuse Extortion Program (an extortion group is to blame; an execution on the complaints of drug addicts): I’m being stalked by people who are framing me for psychosis. I’m being harassed with spy technology and I’ve started to withdraw from talking to other people and stopped being able to work or do many basic tasks due to being harassed with top secret technology as I’m lying in bed unable to sleep. There is a big conspiracy and I need to talk to the CIA. They were clearly originally intending to steal my estate, my inheritance, and donations from others by making me into one of their charity cases. For me, that number would be over $15 million (It’s pretty clear to me that Putin’s extortion group intended to use me as a dispensable pawn to extort my father, a former VP at Fidelity Investments that was running the Magellan fund). Putin’s extortion group recorded two blackmail videos where I was lectured by “friends” about my “drug problem”. They clearly intended to use them when approaching my family, to establish their friendship connection to me and to shock my family into giving their support for setting up fraudulent charity, as “my concerned friends from San Francisco”, after they cause me to die. My problem mostly started on November 27, 2020 and I have yet to come to a solution. I had two guests over at my apartment in San Francisco for lunch. One was a homeless kid that I helped in the months prior and the other was someone that targeted me on Grindr named Carlo Martin. The two of them tampered with a few things in my apartment using cautious handling procedures (like using paper towels instead of touching things directly), one I noticed was that they added a cloudy mixture to the nicotine vape oil I had in my cupboard. I discovered this a little late and my life suddenly changed for the worse. Pretty much overnight my life changed from being a working professional to wanting to get the FBI’s attention, but it took me almost a year to figure out what exactly happened. After they dosed me with an unknown substance, I started having trouble sleeping. A few strange patterns emerged: my problems went away when I visited my family and other close family friends and antipsychotics, Xanax, Ambien, otc remedies, etc all didn’t work (even overdosing any of these). I also had more people obviously targeting me on dating apps, trying to bring me drugs over to me and I had people shining lasers in my windows from vacant units nearby, etc. I even had people harass me, at an inopportune time that they chose, halfway across the country in Little Rock, Arkansas in a very strange way, which got me admitted into a psychiatric facility. I did a scientific examination of the situation from the event because I wasn’t sure if I was having psychosis and I really needed to be sure I understood what was going on. The scary thing I discovered when I did this analysis was: I determined that people actually harassed me in a very strange way halfway across the country and then tampered with data. I wasn’t having psychosis and people probably followed me to Little Rock, presumably at great expense, to do it. That might sound like paranoia, but it actually happened. That is a big problem. It should also be apparent that this has to be a $15 million dollar extortion to justify the criminals’ expenses in following me around the country. I was back in the San Francisco Bay Area shortly after that and people showed up at a hotel I was at and I was again psychotically harassed by others. In that incident, it wouldn’t surprise me if I was the only one at the hotel I was at that was startled out of bed by gunshots when people were shooting pop-guns in front of the hotel. latest pdf:
  • 2. I ended up moving to New York for 8 months to avoid people who were chasing me around to frame me for psychosis, but my pattern of sleep remained erratic and I basically became bedridden. I had to go to the hospital a few times for strange sets of issues like not being able to control my bladder and several other symptoms. The first time it happened I ended up in another psychiatric facility, for drug abuse, with urine all over myself, with a negative drug test (page 17). I didn’t quite know at the time what was going on, but after analyzing the situation, it became pretty obvious that I was dosed with some sort of top secret “spy technology” when I was visited by those guests because I’ve had events where I can pee some of the technology out (; spy technology is not a passive thing when you are in a drug addict conspiracy). Now, I have a set of people tracking me and creating situations, like sending me to the hospital and then manipulating people to get me admitted into the psychiatric ward. I have had to deal with a ridiculous pattern of sleep where I am mostly incapacitated when I’m alone and my life suddenly and fully returns to normal when I visit others. I realized that the people keeping track of me through Putin’s spy technology system are dialing-in their harassment through this system when I’m alone and they turn it off on occasions where I have family obligations (because I was alive and well around my family they had no clue why I was trying to contact the CIA). I started documenting my sleep patterns, which my family was somewhat oblivious to as I wasn’t having these issues around them ( I avoided using Grindr, a casual encounters LGBT dating app, in San Francisco until September when I visited, because I knew the extortion group was targeting me on Grindr. In September, in the first few days of using Grindr, I was drugged and date-raped by a guest and then it was suggested to me I was on a bender which I told others while I was intoxicated on the date-rape drug. After that, the group prevented me from getting REM sleep for several days with the technology I was dosed with and I had to make an emergency visit to my sister’s house to resolve the simulated bender they gave me and prevent myself from a psychotic break while I was lying in bed. I think they planned on discrediting me in this incident, but I was prepared for something like this happening and I have scientific data from this incident (the scientific sleep data on pages 20-22 should serve as a case-in-point example of why the CIA needs to be called and is representative of the problems that drove my life into the ground, behind my family’s back). My sleep dataset is a little skewed, because I wasn’t initially recording data when I’m with my family or when I was not at home, which are situations where I didn’t have any of the issues that you see in the dataset. Later in my dataset I tried to correct this by recording data while I’m with family, so I could show the differences, but this isn’t a controlled scientific experiment as I have people that are actually monitoring me, through Putin’s technology, to make changes to my sleep schedule, that are out of my control, who have knowledge of me recording scientific data (you can see an example of this external variable in play several days into my visit to my sister’s house in October 2021 and now my family is starting to visibly see the sleeping problems that I’ve experienced all year long in their absence). Putin is dropping people from wealthy families in “drug addict” conspiracies (a conspiracy between the victim and the victim’s family) and killing them in his drug abuse extortion program. Most of his victims probably start filing a lot of police reports and end up figuring out that they were dosed with some sort of spy technology that is harassing them and is preventing them from sleeping. They then start trying to contact the CIA to report the Putin program that they are stuck in as they are lying in bed. They eventually learn that the CIA isn’t going to help them. Putin’s extortion group slams their victims so hard with technology and harassment that what they do looks like a drug problem when the victims are trying to report Putin’s program to the CIA (and because the victim is fine when they visit their family, their family won’t understand why they wanted to contact the CIA). After the victim gives up on reporting Putin’s program (they probably had too little detail anyway), the victim’s “friends'' in SF (that are part of Putin’s extortion group and are probably even in some of the victim’s police reports) can then approach the family, with drug concern blackmail and can confirm to the family that it was a drug problem all along. I’m fortunate to have moved away from San Francisco in January 2021. After leaving the city of San Francisco I at least didn't have people following me everywhere I went. I didn’t have to look out my apartment as window to see 3-4 people on various balconies in the opposing building in vacant units, at night, very obviously taking flash camera pictures with telephoto lenses pointed at me and I didn’t have cars follow me down the road to parking lots so that their drivers could dramatically stare at me when I stop. I’m at least glad that I caught them on this psychotic harassment piece when they chased me across the country to frame me for psychosis in Little Rock. Even though I left San Francisco, I wasn’t able to eliminate their technology piece. I still spent most of the last year mostly lying in bed, unable to sleep, being exhausted when I get up and getting sent to the hospital when I’m not with my family. I’ve tried to document everything as accurately as possible, so I can prove conspiracy and report the Putin program that killed me. I have not had an event that has allowed me to trigger a scientific evaluation of my data, so that people can see that Putin’s extortion group has built an extremely sophisticated conspiracy against me. His extortion group was doing something ridiculous to me behind everyone’s back. I have included a video of some of Putin’s technology that I was dosed with in the toilet, proof of being chased around the country to be locked in psychiatric facilities and months of scientific data on being prevented from sleeping, which has destroyed my life (and the extortion group members are calling this a drug problem; page 9). The whole timeline needs to be re-evaluated to be a drug abuse extortion program where the drug problem is a Putin conspiracy. There shouldn’t be situations where people are stuck begging for the CIA's help in disabling the Putin technology that they were dosed with for a year, so that they can sleep normally. These drug traffickers that are working for Putin need to get arrested. Regards, Joshua Lange I’m peeing out nanotechnology and I can’t sleep when I’m not around my family. 2
  • 3. Table of Contents Timeline 4 November and December 2020 (San Francisco) 5 December 11th 2020 Amazon Order Compromise Incident 12 January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident 13 January 24th 2021 Menlo Park, CA Incident (James Park Hotel) 16 Negative Drug Tests and Visits to The Emergency Room 16 Date-Raped on 9/27/2021 to 9/28/2021 in Menlo Park 19 Suspects 23 Important Information 28 Links (clickable in the PDF) Harry W. Lange ● Father; Previously a VP at Fidelity Investments running the Magellan Fund. ● Likely Putin’s primary extortion target by making me into a charity case. My Data Data for CIA ● Request access from google. ● There are drug traffickers in San Francisco that are undermining national security by helping Putin extort people. ● Putin only blackmails his victims before doing something absolutely insane and non-reportable to them in his extortion program. The victims only get nonsensical evidence that they can bring forward like pictures of reflections to try to prove that they were targeted by an extortion campaign. They all know they have to get the CIA’s attention due to harassment by top secret technology. There has to be a point in time where 1 victim breaks through his glass conspiracy wall and can get his extortion program reported. ● Putin uses people trying to report his extortion program to the CIA as evidence of a drug problem in his conspiracy with his victims’ families. ● Being actively harassed by Putin’s top secret system while I’m lying in bed trying to sleep is the biggest problem I’m having in my life right now and after a year I still don’t have a solution. I’m hoping that when people see that I’m actually lying in bed and I’m trying to sleep that they realize this actually happened. It is absolutely ridiculous that he can get away with this, because the people he is going after for extortion purposes have no avenue for reporting his system. ● I realized that Calo Martin intended to give me a death sentence when he dosed me with Putin’s top secret technology for extortion purposes. ● I have a document which contains some of Putin's Spy Technology’s top secret capabilities which can be used to confirm what you already know about his technology. The document might even offer you more information if you don’t already know those capabilities. Many of his top secret capabilities become painfully apparent when you are stuck in a “drug addict” conspiracy and you are lying in bed being actively harassed by his top secret system without being able to do a thing about it for a year. ● There is absolutely no way out of Putin’s extortion program. Putin is not the type of person that just lets people out of programs like this. My guess is that they are just buying time until they find a way to get me discredited. ”Putin just tried to steal money from your family. That didn’t work. Now he’s going to try to get you arrested instead". 3
  • 4. Timeline The checklist is for analyzing blame when comparing a “drug problem” (imagined issues) to a drug abuse extortion program. I was blackmailed. Carlo Martin told me I was a drug addict (page 9) and then I started to lie in bed unable to sleep. I started getting harassed, then I got stalked across the country to get thrown in a psychiatric facility with extremely sophisticated harassment, then I peed out some nanotechnology and got thrown in another psychiatric facility and now I’m mostly lying in bed recording scientific data for the sleep patterns that have completely destroyed my life, behind my family’s back. From an outside perspective this looks like a drug problem, but I’m mostly lying in bed. Also, the issue didn’t change mid-flight from actual harassment into a drug problem… Me Them ? ● 10/8/2020: Drug concern blackmail video with mis-stated facts by Daniel Rico ○ I thought he was trying to get me fired and I didn’t think it was part of a bigger plot ○ I warned HR that they might get content. it was obvious I that was being secretly recorded Documented as a trouble ticket in Corelight’s help desk system ● 12/03/2020: Bought cameras and changed locks to keep Christian Mayo away ○ He said he didn’t have a key, but a set was unaccounted for ● 12/05/2020: San Francisco Police Report #206167470 - Calo Martin & Christian Mayo; see police report write up; based on events from 11/27/2021 ○ Extortion suspected (tampered with a lot of things in my house and were up to no good) ● 12/06/2020: Marc Gersen, a major drug trafficker I have never met, has a clearly angry tone and threatens that someone is coming to my apartment with a gun over facebook message (page 10) ○ I call 911; Leave the area for my safety Documented through facebook messages included in this packet (account: jhlange) ☐ ☐ ☐ ● 12/11/2020: December 11th Amazon Order Compromise Incident (page 12) ○ Likely attempt to cancel my order for a faraday cage to protect my phone from tampering ○ Resulted in an empty box being delivered to my house (this should not be possible) Documented through discrepancies in Amazon web interface included in this packet ● 12/18/2020: San Francisco Police Report (Unknown #) (page 9) ○ Stolen iPhone 10 from house (either by Carlo or Christian) ○ Unauthorized accounts access (possibly stole passwords from this phone) Documented unauthorized accounts access through text messages (bragging by carlo) in this packet ☐ ☐ ☐ ● 12/21/2020: San Francisco Police report # 200770651 (PSA WEST 4865) (pages 6-11) ○ Drugging and Texting harassment with the texts in this packet ○ Fake RentMen profile made of me with stolen/unauthorized photos of me ☐ ☐ ☐ ● 12/23/2020: San Francisco Police Report # 206175326 ○ Stolen US passport card (unknown stolen date). Also reported to CBP. ● 12/24/2020: Email to Christian Mayo ○ Never return or contact me. Return stolen items to door-man at apartment complex ● 12/29/2020: Started restraining order process on Christian Mayo with lpslaw ○ Never finished due to priorities getting shifted due to harassment ● 1/11/2021: January 11th Little Rock, AR Incident (pages 13-15) ○ I was chased across the country to be framed for psychosis in Little Rock; I call 911 ○ First psychiatric lockup: Neighbors were tricked after they tampered with my data on facebook Documented facebook tampering (deleted photos; account: jhlange) ☐ ☐ ☐ ● 1/24/2021: January 24th Menlo Park, CA Incident (James Park Hotel) (page 16) ○ I was framed psychosis at my hotel; I call 911; Moved to New York the same day Documentation should be available through police records for initial 911 call ☐ ☐ ☐ ● 3/15/2021: Last day at my job ○ I am in a Putin “drug addict” conspiracy. I’m lying in bed being actively harassed by the top secret capabilities of Putin’s spy technology. ● 3/31/2021: Peed out nanotechnology after breaking down structures in my body (see online link) ○ Some of their nanotechnology exited my nasal cavity and glided across my cheekbones to harass me Documented in a video here: ☐ ☐ ☐ ● 4/02/2021: Visit to ER in NYC due to a medical emergency caused by their technology (page 17) ○ Second psychiatric lockup: For drug abuse, after they manipulated people at the hospital Documented with the drug-free test result in this packet ☐ ☐ ☐ ● 9/10/2021: Visit to ER in NYC due to a medical emergency caused by their technology (page 18) ● 9/27/2021: Menlo Park Police Report # Unknown (pages 19-22) ○ Date-raped and then couldn’t get REM sleep at all until I went to my sister’s house. ○ Review my data for being prevented from sleeping, which drove my life into the ground behind my family’s back. Antip sych otics CIA / Putin 4
  • 5. November and December 2020 (San Francisco) See texts and timeline below. More texts exist than just these. Other similar documents exist like screenshots of logins with the 13” mbp etc. ● 11/27/2020: A person reached out to me on a social chatting app (This was the first time I had met), and we hung out at my place the Friday after thanksgiving. When they came over, Christian (not invited or expected; showed up with them; This was clearly targeted). ○ I felt uncomfortable enough with the situation to file a police report for a stolen items that disappeared, and included some other concerning details of the encounter ○ Christian went through an old phone box of mine (he did not ask to go through our closets; he just did it without permission; having my old cell phones dating back to 2008 and also including a newer iPhone intended for Joseph. He took that phone out of the box, and asked if he could have it. I said no. I later noticed it was gone from the box. It turned out he "left it" under a couch cousin in the apartment; I'm assuming he did that to see if I would notice and try to take it on a later date) ○ I'm assuming at this time my old, broken iPhone X was taken. I had not noticed it was gone because it was just a broken old cell phone. It did have access to all my accounts though. It was gone when I explicitly searched it out later.- I filed a police report for it later once I had realized his friend Carlo had access to all of my accounts and realized that all my passwords would have been on this one. ● 11/30/2020: ○ A MacBook pro 13" (I don't own one) was added to my gmail account. They would have needed my passwords, which they probably took from the old iPhone. This was done with my IP address, so it was on my wireless network.- I had given the password to Christian when we let him stay for 2 weeks on our couch.- It is unclear whose macbook this was ○ A Citibank card of mine was added to apple pay. This was discovered to be stolen from my apartment.- One of the harassers (Carlo) sent me a picture by text saying it was in Christian’s wallet. I assumed the opposite (e.g. he stole it) because he apparently had possession to take a photo. ● 12/03/2020: ○ Christian said he didn't have a key to my apartment. Since he was staying with us prior, he had a key at one point. I thought he still had it. ○ I told the apartment complex to change the locks ○ I bought ring cameras to make sure he didn't come to the apartment (on amazon). ○ I was having trouble sleeping for an unknown reason. ● 12/04/2020-12/05/2020: ○ Christian insisted on coming over. To the point of saying he was a block away and will be there shortly after I kept repeatedly texting him and saying 'no'. ○ He told me in these texts that he had been hanging out with his friend Carlo prior to coming ● 12/06/2020 ○ I got bombarded by texts from his friends he made, including Carlo. ○ Carlo asked me why I unplugged my new cameras at one point (he should not have had access to my account). I had realized they still had access to my gmail account, and I saw a ring authentication email/password reset sent there (since was deleted). ○ Later the password reset email was deleted.- They had deleted that to try to hide their tracks ○ The texts included (from 4 individuals; In a very short time window): ■ Insistence that I had a drug problem (from people like Carlo that I met for about an hour over lunch on one occasion prior and Marc Gerson who I've never met and don't know) ■ Were demands for payments to be made (Including a gun threat from Marc Gerson; Who I later have found out to be on parole) ■ Insistence that Christian had been at my place and dropped off a bag ■ Insistence that Christian actually lived at my place.- The two weeks he was given to sleep on the couch at my place were 10/24/2020 - 11/7/2020. ○ They clearly expected him to get in on 12/05/2020 and did not get the message that he failed to get access to my place the prior night (and early morning of 12/06/2020) November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page → 5
  • 6. November and December 2020 (continued) ○ I left San Francisco for safety concerns for the day (to stay in menlo park) ● I made a facebook post to my friends saying I was harassed and what was going on at a high level. ○ Carlo (even though I didn't know him, had shared his location with me on ‘find my friends’ on 11/17/2020. After making this public post I had realized he unshared) ○ I realized that I probably was not safe after learning about some of the backgrounds of these guys. ○ I had realized there was other tampering at my apartment, ■ Advil was mixed into a container of Walgreens brand diuretic pills Joseph has. Joseph is allergic to ibuprofen and this could cause him serious harm.- The pills looked almost identical. ■ I had trouble sleeping for several days by this point. I couldn't sleep. ■ At one point I had to call my work and report a family emergency because I couldn't think at all and was becoming really anxious. ■ I got unexpectedly high and euphoric. I had to call & text my mother because I couldn't figure out what in my apartment was doing this to me. ■ I realized that something was put in my nicotine vape liquid I had. I threw it all away. ● 12/05/2020 Christian previously texted himself from my phone. He texts me screenshots of what he texted himself from my phone back to me to brag about tampering with my device and concern me. Tampering and access to my phone November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page → 6
  • 7. November and December 2020 (continued) November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page → 7
  • 8. November and December 2020 (continued) ‘ After him harassing me and insisting on coming over: I gave Christan Mayo $200 for a hotel and incidentals to make him go away. November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page → 8
  • 9. November and December 2020 (continued) ● 12/06/2020 I invited this person for lunch over a ~50 minute period and only met once. He makes me sound like a drug addict, despite not knowing me at all. ● In a later iMessage he acknowledges not knowing me. ● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep… ● I only met him once and that message came out of the blue and I didn’t understand what it’s purpose was. I already put him in a police report the day prior, for a suspected extortion. ● “Is that why you decided to turn your cameras off?” ○ Hacked account. ○ Days after buying cameras to keep these people out. Admission that he compromised my digital accounts and committed wiretapping (ring cameras record audio). The dialog makes it very clear that the access was unauthorized. Contextually, he made a weird threat-like message that I didn’t understand the context to and then he started accessing and tampering with my private digital accounts. This was probably intended for a police report or my letter to the CIA that would be reviewed after my death where it could be interpreted as a concerned friend and help him when he’s approaching my family (e.g. because my drug problem is so bad that I’m putting my concerned friends in my letters that I’m sending to the CIA), instead of “a person I met once, that tampered with things in my apartment, dosed me with an unknown substance, and is now threatening me and accessing my accounts”. November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page → 9
  • 10. November and December 2020 (continued) ● “The best approach would be for Kevin to be compensated for his loss by electronic transfer” ● “I heard that that boy carries a pistol” (at the end of the texts in the third screenshot) ● gun threat. I made a 911 call; Left the area for my safety. I believe Marc Gersen is on house arrest I’ve never met the guy. He preconditioned the message thread with friend-like messages by asking for his Pyrex cookware back that he might have left in my apartment (for context: I was out of town for quite a while over COVID and I had a friend staying in my apartment). I don’t even know if he has ever even been in my apartment and his cookware was not there. He also pretends to be a friend from time to time. This might have been done to lower the severity of the threat and show our friendship connection (basically “we’re just friends joking around” and I overreacted) when people review the data (which I’m assuming he intended to happen after I’m dead and I can’t make a rebuttal argument; because they pretty much know that no one will look into this until I die). His writing style is very interesting because: ● If you are good friends with him: it’s clearly a joke ● If you don’t know him: it’s clearly a threat November and December 2020 timeline continued on next page → 10
  • 11. November and December 2020 (continued) ● 12/7/2020: Drugging made me unable to work. Something in my apartment made me really high, likely from the tampering with things in my cupboards by Calo and Christian. Because I couldn’t find the source of what was keeping me drugged I started staying at hotels (it could have just been the harassment by technology before I figured it out; I’m unsure. It was likely a combination of drugging and technology) 11
  • 12. December 11th 2020 Amazon Order Compromise Incident Backstory ● I started noticing that my devices and online accounts were all compromised (some examples are in the previous texts). ● To better protect myself, I ordered a faraday cage (a special bag to protect my phone when it is not in use from receiving wifi or cellular data) Issue ● I got an empty box instead in the mail from Amazon of this faraday cage (I was shipped a quantity 0) Amazon shouldn’t be shipping empty boxes This was likely an attempt to cancel the order using a non-standard method or hacking NOTE ● The actual amazon website properly reflects 0 quantity (see below screenshot) ● (I previously said the discrepancy was on the invoice; This was an error; The included invoice was for the ‘replacement’ order) ($49.99 x displayed quantity of 0) 12
  • 13. January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident Someone projected a video that was previously recorded in my apartment into my apartment on the window glass with the intent of getting me put in a psychiatric facility. The group also tampered with data on my facebook profile when they did it. The result was that my neighbors were tricked and I was brought to a psychiatric facility. ● I have a few poor-quality photos and a poor-quality video of it. ○ All photos/etc I took were completely deleted off my phone (which was in my condo for 5 days) and facebook account by someone. ○ Only a few photos and a video were recovered (the facebook data export contained one which they deleted). ○ They swapped out at least one photo of their harassment on my facebook profile with another photo that was just a reflection of vases that I have in my apartment (the facebook ‘visibility’ settings on everything might have changed during the event too; I do not know what type of ‘post’ they made, but after I deleted their vases photo, I could not recover their photo in the data dump…but people saw their photo while I was in psychiatric care). ● The group accessed my Facebook account and swapped my data in parallel to make their harassment look like a drug problem. ● I happened to test positive for drugs when I was admitted, because the extortion group scheduled their harassment for a time that I would test positive for drugs. ● I can scientifically prove that I was harassed in an extremely sophisticated way this night. I have included the proof on the following pages and in my google drive. My data is timestamped in an email to LRPD (on their ingress side, because they later deleted my outbound email; The envelope information is in a forwarded copy that was emailed shortly after) and the deleted Facebook photo should also be timestamped in the Facebook system as well. ● My neighbors were tricked into being concerned about my mental health fitness after I was anxious from being harassed and everyone thought that this event was related to me doing drugs. ~12:00am (Midnight) through morning (prevented me from sleeping) ● A red laser pointer is projected into my condo’s plate-glass windows ● I heard noise similar to: ○ Hitting on boxes ○ Gun shots (probably was made to simulate that sound) ● I believe someone might have climbed down from the above floor onto my balcony, then down to the floors below. I was (mostly) standing back from my windows because I was unsure what projected the laser, so I can’t be sure. ● Someone projects a video in my window which appears to look like a child is being murdered and then the scene being cleaned up ○ I thought it was actually a reflection from the neighboring unit initially ○ I called 911 and reported that the neighbor might have fallen in their condo and might need help. ○ Police check but nothing is off. I show them the projection. ○ I get out on the patio and notice it’s actually on my window glass, and not just a reflection from next door. Police leave, projection remains a mystery at the point. ● I ended up exiting to a parking lot across the street and could see people either cleaning their windows (~4am in the morning) or holding an LCD screen up to the window glass several floors down (could be related or not).- I could not see clearly.- This might be viewable if any street cameras recorded video of the first and second or third residential floor (I don’t remember which) on the north side of RMT. ● My neighbors, who were tricked into thinking I was experiencing mental health issues, brought me to a psych facility (Bridgeway in North Little Rock) where I stayed until Friday. Later Analysis ● I realized that it was a projected video of something happening in my condo (it was done to look like a reflection). ● See attached photos and diagram on the next pages Note ● Most of the lights (beyond the entry-door light) in my apartment remained off because I thought someone may have had a weapon. I was already being harassed in SF prior to this by people that were coming after me, so I was a little on edge. ● They probably projected their harassment through reflective optical prisms to make their harassment look and behave like a reflection (and 3-dimensionally refract light from their projected video). It was projected in such a sophisticated way that analyzing white-balance might be the only way to positively confirm this was projected harassment and not just psychosis. (beyond Facebook account tampering, which is how you are going to confirm that this event happened). ● One original (attached here) is in an email to LRPD that early morning. Please review the README: diagram on the next page → 13
  • 14. January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident (continued) They did something really sophisticated to project this. I did not notice a visible projector and thought it was happening next door. photos on the next page → 14
  • 15. January 11th 2021 Little Rock, AR Incident (continued) I was put in a psychiatric unit after being harassed in this strange way because neighbors were concerned about my mental health fitness after people were projecting lasers, videos, etc into my window. The video appeared to be cleaning up a crime scene and I thought it was happening next door (it is a bit strange to get a reflection projected in your window). I called the cops, especially since the accompanying noises appeared to depict a crime in progress. ● This was projected in such a sophisticated way that analyzing white-balance might be the only way to confirm that it is a projection (they probably used reflective optical prisms in their projection strategy to make their harassment look and behave like a reflection that would have been in the same spot on the window). similar photos: actual (with the relevant lights on) vs projection/conspiracy (with the relevant lights off) The perpetrators had the clear intention of getting me put in a psychiatric unit with the set of harassment they did that night. Querying facebook for the deleted photo and replacement post details might be the easiest way to prove framing for psychosis, where they swapped one photo of reflections with another (account jhlange; deleted photo: 138201558_10105460022982035_4184409446484032081_n_10105460022977045.jpg ) 15
  • 16. January 24th 2021 Menlo Park, CA Incident (James Park Hotel) People showed up at my hotel (The James Park) in the morning to harass me. Timeline ● I hear gunshots and see a group of 4-5 people firing off some sort of pop-guns/mock pistols at each other in close proximity to each other (2-3 foot range from each other) on the downward ramp into the parking garage under the building. They were simulating a gun fight. ○ Call 911 ■ Police come quickly, pull up on El Camino Real and yell at the people There is likely documentation with the police which can reviewed from this 911 call ● I hear a low rumbling boom similar to a pretty hefty weapon like a shotgun being discharged. ○ Call 911 ■ Police come, interview me at my hotel room and then check it out ● I start hearing something like pistol gunshots in the rooms around me. ○ Call 911 ■ Dispatcher takes my ID info and no more follow-up ● I leave the hotel. I use the hand sanitizer in the elevator, but otherwise exit the hotel immediately. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I moved to New York the same day to avoid harassment. Police will not be able to verify the source of the sound I heard for the subsequent calls and it is a waste of time to investigate them. For the first police call, I hope the Menlo Park police records for the event are good enough. I'm certain I was the only caller at the hotel that was startled out of bed at the hotel by gunshots when people were actually shooting popguns in a mock gun fight in front of the hotel. This should be documented through Menlo Park police records for the initial 911 call 16
  • 17. Negative Drug Tests and Visits to The Emergency Room Drug Test Prior to April 2nd 2021 Mental Health Lockup for Drug Abuse ● Walked into the emergency room reporting sharp pain in my head and symptoms such as blurred vision, loss of sensation in my right hand and arm and loss of bladder control and partial loss of control of one leg. ● A hospital worker at NYP-Cornell medicine in Manhattan told me I tested positive for methamphetamine. I disputed this. ● Fred Von Mame (based in NYC) came to the hospital with me (Previously: Fred Mameri and previously based in Seattle working for Microsoft and then HBO). ● Eventually redirected to a drug abuse lockup for 2 weeks. ● Negative drug test: 17
  • 18. Negative Drug Tests and Visits to The Emergency Room (continued) Drug Test on September 10th 2021 During a Medical Emergency ● Walked into the emergency room after seeing flashes as I blink and an extremely slowed thought process (I couldn’t spell ‘world’ backwards and couldn't recall who the president of the United States was). This probably mirrored what severe dehydration might have done. ● A hospital worker at NYP-Cornell medicine in Manhattan told me I tested positive for methamphetamine. I was quite concerned I was going to get locked in a psychiatric facility for drug abuse again, so I admitted to using even though I didn’t. I made sure they knew I had a psychiatrist already and anything I could do to make sure this visit didn’t end like my first visit. ● Negative drug test: 18
  • 19. Date-Raped on 9/27/2021 to 9/28/2021 in Menlo Park After I reinstalled Grindr, I almost immediately had a set of individuals insisting on bringing drugs to me and when I invited someone to come over for a casual encounter, I was date raped, drugged and then manipulated into telling my family I was on a bender. This effort was coordinated very well with psychologists designing the situation. After that I almost had a psychotic break as I was lying in bed. I'm concerned that this incident was an attempt at trying to discredit me. 9/26/2021 - 9/27/2021 After not doing any hard drugs since January, some brain imbalance really triggered me to really want to do hard drugs this night. I then had someone message me on grindr who basically insisted on bringing drugs over to me. I am unsure if they are related to the program or not. I was very tempted, but I eventually declined the offer and stopped talking to the guy. I stayed with a friend in the city over the weekend for the Folsom Street Fair directly prior to this and did not bring my camera and EEG but was sleeping normally as I do when others are watching. +1 (650) 334-8381 9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021 I ordered an Uber to have someone to come over at 12:34AM pacific time on 9/28/2021 off of Grindr. Because it was taking a long time to confirm I ended up ordering a Lyft. I eventually cancelled the Lyft. The guy date-raped me and my memory is bad after this event. He drugged me up my rectum while we were engaged in sexual activity. It was then suggested to me I was on a bender which I repeated to others while I was intoxicated on a date-rape drug. After this, the crazy Putin experiment completely prevented me from getting REM sleep for several days in a row. I almost had a psychotic break while I was lying in bed trying to sleep for several days and I had to make an emergency visit to my sister's house in New Orleans to get my much needed rest. My EEG data corroborates this timeline. scientific sleep data on next page → 19
  • 20. Sleep Data After Date-rape Incident on 9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021 After the date-rape incident, Putin’s group completely blocked my REM sleep for several days and I almost had a psychotic break as I was trying to sleep in bed during the ‘bender’ they gave me. They stopped blocking my REM sleep when I arrived at my sister’s house in New Orleans, as they do not affect my sleep cycles when my family is watching. They’ve used their technology to keep close tabs on me and they caused this to happen. This is scientific and unbiased documentation of me sleeping on video with an EEG headband on my head which shows that I almost had a psychotic break as I was lying in bed and had to visit my sister’s house to resolve my sleep cycle. I have months of data available and these crazy sleeping patterns have been going on for a full year and ran my life into the ground, behind my family’s back: The sleep data cycle I backed up might have to be decoded by InteraXon Inc: Note the ‘Time in bed’ times are different from the ‘time asleep’. Also note REM sleep times. REM sleep is important for the brain to recharge and is the most important part of your sleep cycle for keeping you psychologically sane. Sep 28 (In Menlo Park; 10 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep) Sep 29 (In Menlo Park; 22 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep, continued on next page) scientific sleep data continued on next page → 20
  • 21. Sleep Data After Date-rape Incident on 9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021 (Continued) Sep 29 Continued (In Menlo Park; 22 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep) Sep 30 - Oct 1 (In Menlo Park and In Transit; 10 hours in bed. 0 hours of REM sleep) scientific sleep data continued on next page → 21
  • 22. Sleep Data After Date-rape Incident on 9/27/2021 - 9/28/2021 (Continued) Oct 1st I arrived at my sister’s house and began sleeping normally and could achieve REM sleep just fine. I was clearly extremely tired and fell asleep within 3 minutes of lying down on her very uncomfortable futon. Oct 1-2 (At sister’s house. 2.25 hours of REM sleep) Oct 2 - 4 (At sister’s house. 6 hours of REM sleep) This is something the CIA needs to look into and Putin needs to get into a lot of trouble for this. This group is doing something so insane that it is basically unbelievable. That’s why I’m collecting real data and I’m even trying my best to record myself on video with an EEG headband on when I try to sleep. 22
  • 23. Suspects Carlo Andre Martin (San Francisco) ● Works for Putin: Directly involved in the extortion ring (he is going to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about my drug problem. I am going to say that he is involved in a Putin extortion ring). ● Possibly arrestable: I’ve learned that he is in the drug trade. The DEA might be interested. ● Arrestable: Committed computer tampering and wiretapping: accessed my accounts and cameras which record audio and admitted to it on iMessages included in this packet. The dialog makes it clear that the account access was unauthorized. ● Committed treason: dosed me with top secret spy technology. ● Directly harassed me in this conspiracy with wrongdoing: accessed my private accounts. ● Committed the crime of ‘conspiracy’. He offered premonitions of being a drug addict over iMessages in this packet and then I got stalked by people in his organization that were attempting to get me locked in psychiatric facilities and then my life went downhill because of the technology that his organization uses (conspiracy should be provable with the stalking alone or technology alone or possibly my sleep data). ● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep when I’m not around my family. suspects continued on next page → 23
  • 24. Suspects (continued) Marc Avery Gersen (San Francisco) ● Never met the guy, but vaguely knew of him from the local community (from people who didn’t like him) ● Involved in texting (facebook) ● Involved in felony drug crimes in SF ● Arrestable: gun threats in this packet. He’s on house arrest. ● Probably works for Putin. (he is going to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about my drug problem. I am going to say that he is involved in a Putin extortion ring). ● If he is involved, the guidance he gave in turning in fellow drug traffickers, while on house arrest, may have only targeted non-extortion ring members. ● Directly harassed me in this conspiracy with wrongdoing: Threatened someone showing up with a gun; I believe he’s on house arrest ● Committed the crime of ‘conspiracy’. He offered premonitions of being a drug addict over Facebook messages and then I got stalked by people in his organization that were attempting to get me locked in psychiatric facilities and then my life went downhill because of the technology that his organization uses (conspiracy should be provable with the stalking alone or technology alone or possibly my sleep data). ● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep when I’m not around my family. drug arrest on next page → 24
  • 25. Suspects (continued) Marc Avery Gersen suspects continued on next page → 25
  • 26. Suspects (continued) Christian Mayo 134 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA (Administration: Larkin Street Youth Services (415) 673-0911) 129 Hyde St, San Francisco, CA (permanent housing with Larkin Street Youth Services) 1 (415) 529 7966 (has gone through many phone numbers; as of 12/24/2020) old: 415 547 9573 old: 479 633 7419 old: 469 799 9087 (listed DOB on facebook is 8/5/2001) ● Kid we helped from Little Rock ● Learned he is a felon: ● Heavily drugged me through tampering in my house (altered nicotine vape oil; Likely other unknown sources) ● Stole a bunch of stuff (credit cards, old phones, etc) ● Entered my house without my permission after his time on my couch was up ○ (had to change locks and buy cameras 12/03/2020; incidentally, they gained access to the cameras pretty quickly and even harassed me on text about it). ● Started restraining order process prior to moving out of CA ● Email to say never to return or contact and leave stolen items with the door-man of my apartment complex (12/24/2020). He called and I hung up on him- Last known phone number above ● Blocked on facebook. Made himself a friend after that (likely logged in to my account) ● Drugged me to record a drug concern blackmail video. It was pretty obvious I was being secretly recorded. ● Works for Putin: Became directly involved in the extortion ring when he moved to San Francisco (he is going to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about my drug problem. I am going to say that he is involved in a Putin extortion ring). ● Possibly arrestable: He said he skipped a court date for stealing cash from an Arkansas Walmart he worked at. He’s admitted his guilt to me. He actually did it. ● Committed treason: dosed me with top secret spy technology with Carlo Martin. ● Committed the crime of ‘conspiracy’. He offered premonitions of being a drug addict over email and then I got stalked by people in his organization that were attempting to get me locked in psychiatric facilities and then my life went downhill because of the technology that his organization uses (conspiracy should be provable with the stalking alone or technology alone or possibly my sleep data). ● He called me a drug addict and now I’m lying in bed unable to sleep when I’m not around my family. suspects continued on next page → 26
  • 27. Suspects (continued) Daniel Rico (San Francisco) Lives on Ellis St ● I believe he may have copied my phone when I visited his house to provide him technical support after he said his AppleID was compromised. This was after a secure enclave vulnerability was announced on the iPhone 10 and it is possible that it was used against my device. I got a notification on my mac hours later saying a new device was set up for FaceTime, but the account history in Apple’s GDPR data dump did not reflect that any new devices were ever added to the account. He had a technical friend that looked strikingly similar to a friend I have in Seattle that performed the attack on my device. More information and a picture of his friend’s doppelganger are in my google drive. ● He recorded a drug concern blackmail video by mis-stating facts about an encounter I had with his friends. I originally thought he was just being a prick and might have wanted to try to get me fired from my job or something along those lines with it. I gave HR a vague warning that people in my community might send them some content in October 2020 after it was pretty obvious that I was being secretly recorded. ● Works for Putin: Directly involved in the extortion ring (he is going to say that he is my friend and that he is concerned about my drug problem. I am going to say that he is involved in a Putin extortion ring). ● Possibly arrestable: Has bragged about defrauding the California EDD system for fraudulent disabilities. ● There is probably not enough evidence to arrest him on conspiracy. 27
  • 28. Important Information Recommendation for the CIA Putin is running an extortion program that uses his spy technology and he goes after people from extremely wealthy families that do drugs. The program is centered around the psychiatric process, so universally checking for or disabling spyware upon a patient's admittance to the psychiatric arms of the hospitals in San Francisco could almost completely shut his program down. This is probably your best choke-point to find potentially affected individuals. He will probably change the program dynamically based on what you do, so you might not find cases this way, but you will basically be shutting his program down. For the patients, even if they tell their psychiatrists that they were dosed with spy technology when they are admitted, in the cases where it actually happened, the problem would be solved on their first visit. Sane people are going to be careful about admitting to many people that they are being harassed with spy technology (because it makes you sound crazy and you can get stuck in the looney bin), especially in a hospital lock-up type of environment when there are doctors or psychiatric microphones in the room. It took me 6 months, after I figured it out, even to get to a point where I really just needed to get this solved and I’m more openly admitting it. Since this is probably the funding side of Putin’s R&D program, the budget for the special equipment that you need to do this in a few hospitals should be easily justified as part of your national security plan. Even the passive features of Putin’s technology are essentially being show-cased to the people that he is actively harassing. If your resources are limited, I suggest you look for cases like mine, where you have a working professional that suddenly had an unexplained downfall in their life. Ask if anyone tampered with things in their apartment or if they were dosed with unknown substances. You might even consider sending them home from their visit with a night vision camcorder and EEG headband, if they say they are having problems sleeping, as you are collecting data. My skin legions went away and I stopped being able to sleep properly in front of my family when I started to record my sleep in front of them (they are probably trying to pivot the issue in response), so they do pay attention to these things. You need to figure out where Carlo Martin gets his paycheck, he is one of the drug traffickers that is committing treason by dosing wealthy individuals with Putin’s spy technology in Putin’s extortion program. You should also follow the money from fraudulent drug-abuse charities. Figure out which families were shown blackmail (such as videos, etc), depicting concerns over drug problems after-the-fact (obviously, the “friends” should have come to the family earlier if they were actually concerned). The earlier revisions of my letter have many incorrect details, because I was fed a lot of false information as something really crazy was happening to me and my sleep was being severely limited. You will probably want to see my first letter that I drafted to you, to give you an idea of what this program does to people as they are driven erratic with technology (I even grouped other life issues into my letter, because I couldn’t figure out where the divide was between my normal life issues and their absolutely insane campaign). Notes on the Little Rock Incident I didn’t know when I was going to return to Little Rock from Kansas City by car and I was pushing out my return trip day by day (the days leading up to the harassment). People might have flown down from the San Francisco Bay Area to Little Rock to harass me and they may have intended for it to happen over or before Christmas (I was originally planning on staying in Little Rock for 2 weeks prior to Christmas, but ended up staying a few days which they did not elect to do the harassment. They were likely waiting for a time when they would try to get me to test positive for drugs when they made their attempt to get me admitted to a psychiatric facility). This isn’t a common route of travel so if you can cross-reference hotel stays where people who have extended their stays with plane travel from the San Francisco Bay Area over the holiday, you might be able to figure out if anyone made this trip. They clearly had access to my apartment prior to the harassment to pre-record the video I captured a part of on my camera phone. I don’t know when that would have happened. On the day of the harassment I noticed 2 people on the first or second residential floor acting suspiciously. One was holding an LCD screen up to the window glass above their head and the other was sliding a lighted cone across the floor to change the shading gradient of the light in the apartment they entered. I think that the people on that floor were probably related to this issue, but they probably weren’t actually projecting the video that I captured that small part of on my camera phone. It’s more likely they had people on that floor for me to see when I exited the building to analyze the situation from across the street when I saw the mysterious projection on my window glass. This group is doing something absolutely ridiculous to simulate mental health issues. If those people were related to the issue, they actually entered the building and they might be able to be identified. Data Sharing Agreement The CIA, FBI and all other federal authorities, including congress, Fred Von Mame and all of the following listed organizations all have my explicit permission to access my personal data at Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple, NYP-Cornell Medicine and all other organizations. This includes HIPAA, CPNI and any other restricted data types. You also have my permission to freely share or grant access to other organizations and individuals that help you investigate this issue at your discretion without court orders or any other legal process. My google account ( has more data in my google drive under the ‘2021 HarassmentData for CIA’ directory for you. If that magically gets deleted or tampered with, I have sent offline backups to others. You should review these offline backups anyway, to ensure that no tampering has happened. I’m reporting on a Putin program. 28
  • 29. Recommendations for Others in the Program My biggest advice for others in the program is to document everything. Make sure you sleep on video wearing a sleep tracker. I bought a cheap night vision camcorder that allows for 1 second time-lapse video, a tripod, an IR illuminator and a couple MUSE headbands (they only have a 10 hour battery life). You could probably do what I did and take screenshots and plot all of the numbers from your sleep sessions in excel grouped by day. From my experience in tracking my sleep (as Putin’s group is affecting it in various ways), deep sleep is good for recharging myself and making myself not feel so tired. A lack of REM sleep makes me feel really tired, but not “ready to pass out” tired and allows me to go to a bar and get a drink (as long as I’m just sticking to myself). The lack of REM sleep makes my brain hurt when I am holding a conversation with someone or I am trying to do difficult tasks. Depending on the day, they’ve altered both of these things for me independently. Preventing REM sleep seems to be their primary method of making people recede from talking to others. I would recommend that you get a small lab setup (a 2000x digital microscope, microscope slides, pipettes, formaldehyde and various staining solutions) to capture, stain, preserve and document samples of Putin’s technology if you have any events that allow you to expel the technology. I do not know if it is organic or not (I originally assumed that there was no chance Putin’s spy technology is organic), but I was forwarded an interesting article on that matter: World's first living robots can now reproduce, scientists say. It’s possible that Putin’s spy technology multiplies in your body after you are dosed. That would also explain why the drug traffickers (like Calo Martin) that visited my apartment didn’t even want to get even a single bit of this stuff on him when he dosed me with Putin’s spy technology. I didn’t personally invest in a faraday tent for a long time, because the technology seems to at least partially work offline (by preventing sleep). You might want to invest in one, but another solution could be to go with a family member to the National Radio Quiet Zone and have them drop you off there. The radio rules vary throughout the National Radio Quiet Zone. Snowshoe is the biggest small town that is nearest to the Green Bank Observatory, but apparently it still allows limited cellular connectivity. You would probably want to try a place closer to the Green Bank Observatory where they don’t even allow microwaves in your kitchen. There are a few small Motel/AirBnbs/Bed and Breakfasts that are in this exclusion zone (if you are in tech, you will have to plug in your laptop, because they have enforcement trucks driving around that monitor for radio waves and someone will actually knock on your door if you have a Wi-Fi router or you use a microwave in your kitchen). It is worth a try. It is also possible that the CIA actually secretly monitors for this stuff on some of the National Tours that you can take (they are pretty easy to book through your congressperson’s website, but they are all closed for COVID). I was looking to tour the White House, Pentagon or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (where they print the money) to see if I could get the CIA’s attention by getting arrested for espionage, so that I could trigger a scientific evaluation of my data. You also need to update the letter you are constantly drafting with more specific detail, so it is able to trigger a real investigation. Do your best to outline everything so that you can prove conspiracy and can get people to take it seriously. You would think that people would realize that when you are constantly drafting a single letter on a single issue that people might think that it might have actually happened. That is not the case. Most people don’t notice the difference between people who are randomly scared about things that are happening around them and people who continue to constantly draft a letter on a single issue with the same data. The extortion group intentionally harrasses people in ways that make your data look nonsensical. I realized a long time ago that showing a huge amount of harassment that people are doing overwhelms readers. Make sure that you make it clear where the blame lies for each piece of harassment you get. You might want to create a checklist, like what I have on my timeline, so that people reviewing the data actually realize that it’s not you, but it’s other people doing everything to you. Obviously, regular doctors are not going to be able to help you with this. If you tell someone at the hospital that you are dosed with nanotechnology, you are probably going to end up in redirected to psychiatric care. Doctors don’t look at scientific data while you are at the hospital, so even if you have video or other content to show them they are not going to have the bandwidth to look into it. I’ve avoided discussing it with doctors for this reason and have only explained the symptoms both times they sent me to the hospital. Until the CIA realizes that Putin is dropping regular civilians into “drug addict” conspiracies with his technology your options are very limited. Just the fact that you know that you are in a “drug addict” conspiracy will probably help you a small amount, because most victims to this point probably haven’t gained enough information to even know that. Document what you can and maybe find a place off the grid (in a national park, the NRQZ, Alaska, etc) to be dropped off by your family (or maybe, just start recording data while in the presence of your family). Unfortunately for me, ever since I started recording data, the group has started restricting and making my sleep patterns erratic around my family too, so that isn’t an option for me anymore. You should not be doing drugs if you are in a Putin program. If he drives you to suicide make sure you hang yourself, instead of overdosing. I know that’s a lot harder, but Putin needs to get caught on this. If the CIA finally gets involved on this matter with my case like they should, you will probably want to get in touch with my family (as long as you are not currently doing drugs): Diane Lange (MI) or Jayne Lange (CA) to refer your case to the CIA, so that you can get exited from Putin’s disgusting program. 29