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Leħen Familji Nsara Ġunju 2015 ● Ħarġa Nru 26
Kummissjoni Familja Naxxar
żuru l-webpage tal-Kummissjoni Familja Naxxar Agħfas hawn biex tmur fil-paġna ● e-mail:
Merħba ħbieb!
Ir-rebbiegħa żmien mill-isbaħ, u bosta jagħżlu li jiżżewġu f’dan l-
istaġun. Dan l-aħħar, il-Papa fakkarna li ż-żwieġ huwa bil-bosta
isbaħ u wisq aktar miċ-ċerimonja tat-tieġ, il-fjuri, il-libsa u r-ritratti.
Iż-żwieġ nisrani huwa l-parteċipazzjoni fil-missjoni li Kristu ta lill-
Knisja. Kull żwieġ tajjeb li jirrifletti s-sbuħija tas-sagrament, ikattar il-
ħajja tal-Knisja. Is-sejħa nisranija għall-imħabba, mingħajr riserva
jew kejl, hija l-bażi tal-kunsens ħieles li fuqu jinbena żwieġ.
Għalkemm għandna l-limitazzjonijiet tagħna, nistgħu ngħixu din
is-sejħa, għaliex "hija mnaqqxa fid-disinn tal-ħolqien ta’ Alla." L-
għażla għal "żwieġ fil-Mulej" hija deċiżjoni b’dimensjoni
missjunarja, li nkunu strument ta’ grazzja u barka ta' Alla fid-dinja.
Koppja Kristjana huma parteċipanti fil-missjoni tal-Knisja, meta
dawn jgħixu għall-persuni kollha, mhux biss għalihom infushom.
"Aħna lesti li naċċettaw serjament din ir-responsabbiltà?" staqsa l-
Addatat minn artikul li deher fil-Christian Telegraph
Il-koppja Kristjana hija parteċipanti fil-missjoni tal-Knisja, meta jgħixu għas-soċjetà kollha, mhux biss
għalihom infushom. "Aħna lesti li naċċettaw serjament din ir-responsabbiltà?" staqsa l-Papa.
Minn artiklu li deher fil-Christian Telegraph
U int, kif turi mħabbtek lejn uliedek?
L-ikbar rigal li nagħtu lil uliedna hi l-imħabba. It-tfal jistagħnew u jiżviluppaw fil-personalità meta
jħossuhom maħbuba. Minkejja li verament inħobbu lit-tfal tagħna, bosta ċirkostanzi jżommuna
milli nesprimu din l-imħabba bħal meta ngħaddu minn xogħol għal xogħol, l-għaja, jew ħsibijiet
oħra. Għalhekk tajjeb li niftakru f’xi modi kif nuru din l-imħabba tagħna.
1. Li nilqgħu lil uliedna b’imħabba u affezzjoni
L-affezzjoni hija espressjoni tal-imħabba. Din tista’ tkun il-bonġu forma ta’ tgħanniqa filgħodu,
naqraw xi ktejjeb jew naraw it-televixin waqt li nitgeddsu magħhom. U x’hemm ħażin li kultant
tgħidilhom “inħobbok”?
2. Attivitajiet flimkien
It-tfal jirċievu ħafna mil-logħob mal-ġenituri. Meta kienet l-aħħar darba li ntfajt fl-art tagħmel xi
puzzle magħhom; xi biċċa “arti moderna” bis-swaba’ jew xi ġirja bir-roti? Anki jekk forsi mhux ta’
gost għalik għax għandek impenji oħrajn, qalbek tifraħ meta tara lil uliedek jieħdu gost.
3. Nagħtu widen
Wieħed mill-modi l-aktar qawwija biex it-tfal iħossuhom maħbuba, kif ukoll jaffermaw il-valur
tagħhom infushom, huwa billi nagħtuhom l-attenzjoni tagħna. Huma jkunu jridu li aħna
napprezzaw meta huma jagħmlu xi ħaġa ġdida! Jekk aħna distratti wisq, nitilfu dawn l-
opportunitajiet biex kulltant nidħlu daħla fid-dinja tagħhom.
4. Ngħidu “Le!”
Forsi l-akbar responsabbiltà tal-ġenituri hi li ngħallmu lit-tfal tagħna jagħrfu t-tajjeb mill-ħażin,
speċjalment fl-imġiba tagħhom. It-tfal jitgħallmu dan meta nikkomunikawlhom regoli u nżommu
magħhom. Xi drabi dan ifisser li inti tgħid “le” u lit-tfal din ma togħġobhomx.
5. Niffokaw fuq it-tajjeb
It-tfal verament jistagħnew u jiżviluppaw meta aħna nagħrfu u nfaħħru s-sabiħ fihom. Kultant
niffissaw wisq fuq l-imġiba negattiva b’mod li ninsew nagħrfu u ninkoraġġixxu dak li hu tajjeb. It-
tfal tagħna kollha għandhom kwalitajiet sbieħ li nistgħu nikkultivaw u nitpaxxew bihom kuljum.
Adattat minn artiklu ta’ Jodie Benveniste psikoloġista, fuq is-sit
Marriage is not a power struggle - it is
a power union!
God did not intend for either the husband or
wife to dominate one another nor for either to
passively let the other do whatever he or she
pleases. God’s intention for marriage was,
remains, and will always be partnership.
Therefore, the husband and wife must ensure
they are working for and with one another
rather than against each other.
Agreeing on the direction you’re both
The two of you cannot arrive at the same
destination when walking in two different
directions, neither can you do it in marriage.
Husbands and wives who start off in love
without first plotting a course will find
themselves disillusioned and out of love once
the routine of marriage sets in.
Do not get married just “trusting God that
everything is going to work out” without you
doing anything at all. Spend time talking about
everything that will affect your marriage: family,
friends, finances, sex, faith, in-laws, etc.
If you did not talk enough before marriage, it is
never too late to start. The key thing is to agree
on the direction you’re headed so the two of
you get there together.
Mutual submission to one another
Ephesians 5:21 indicates the husband and wife
are to practice mutual submission out of
reverence for Christ. That is both spouses
deferring to the other as the situation requires.
Neither spouse is always right, and neither
spouse should always get their way. There is a
give and take in marriage. God’s idea of
submission works when both the husband and
wife submit to God and one another. True
submission is always honouring, loving, offered,
faith-filled, selfless, authentic, and a win-win for
Defining roles that work for your marriage -
not society’s stereotypes
Roles in marriage should be delegated
according to who can do the best. However,
each spouse should assist the other in fulfilling
his/her role in an efficient way.
each spouse should assist the other in fulfilling
his/her role in an efficient way.
It’s important to remember that playing a role in
your marriage is not about fitting in with
society’s stereotypes or being like someone
else. It’s about forming a relationship that will
make your marriage work. It’s about helping.
It’s about supporting. It’s about partnership.
Both you and your spouse will have multiple
opportunities to be parasites in the marriage.
Refuse to do so. Instead, be partners by
agreeing on the direction you’re heading
together, submitting to one another out of
reverence for Christ, and defining roles
according to the Bible and each of your skills.
Doing this will help you have a working
marriage where you’re both contributing and
supporting one another. You’ll both find this to
be personally rewarding and enriching to your
Adapted from articles by Kevin & Cetelia Bullard on
21 ta’ Ġunju - Jum il-Missier
Nawguraw lill-missierijiet kollha
jum ta’ ferħ ma’ uliedhom
filwaqt li nitolbu għal dawk
mejtin biex il-Mulej jagħtihom il-
mistrieħ ta’ dejjem.
żuru l-webpage tal-Kummissjoni Familja Naxxar Agħfas hawn biex tmur fil-paġna ● e-mail:

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Lehen familji nsara gunju 2015 harga nru 26

  • 1. Leħen Familji Nsara Ġunju 2015 ● Ħarġa Nru 26 Kummissjoni Familja Naxxar żuru l-webpage tal-Kummissjoni Familja Naxxar Agħfas hawn biex tmur fil-paġna ● e-mail: Merħba ħbieb! Ir-rebbiegħa żmien mill-isbaħ, u bosta jagħżlu li jiżżewġu f’dan l- istaġun. Dan l-aħħar, il-Papa fakkarna li ż-żwieġ huwa bil-bosta isbaħ u wisq aktar miċ-ċerimonja tat-tieġ, il-fjuri, il-libsa u r-ritratti. Iż-żwieġ nisrani huwa l-parteċipazzjoni fil-missjoni li Kristu ta lill- Knisja. Kull żwieġ tajjeb li jirrifletti s-sbuħija tas-sagrament, ikattar il- ħajja tal-Knisja. Is-sejħa nisranija għall-imħabba, mingħajr riserva jew kejl, hija l-bażi tal-kunsens ħieles li fuqu jinbena żwieġ. Għalkemm għandna l-limitazzjonijiet tagħna, nistgħu ngħixu din is-sejħa, għaliex "hija mnaqqxa fid-disinn tal-ħolqien ta’ Alla." L- għażla għal "żwieġ fil-Mulej" hija deċiżjoni b’dimensjoni missjunarja, li nkunu strument ta’ grazzja u barka ta' Alla fid-dinja. Koppja Kristjana huma parteċipanti fil-missjoni tal-Knisja, meta dawn jgħixu għall-persuni kollha, mhux biss għalihom infushom. "Aħna lesti li naċċettaw serjament din ir-responsabbiltà?" staqsa l- Papa. Addatat minn artikul li deher fil-Christian Telegraph Il-koppja Kristjana hija parteċipanti fil-missjoni tal-Knisja, meta jgħixu għas-soċjetà kollha, mhux biss għalihom infushom. "Aħna lesti li naċċettaw serjament din ir-responsabbiltà?" staqsa l-Papa. Minn artiklu li deher fil-Christian Telegraph U int, kif turi mħabbtek lejn uliedek? L-ikbar rigal li nagħtu lil uliedna hi l-imħabba. It-tfal jistagħnew u jiżviluppaw fil-personalità meta jħossuhom maħbuba. Minkejja li verament inħobbu lit-tfal tagħna, bosta ċirkostanzi jżommuna milli nesprimu din l-imħabba bħal meta ngħaddu minn xogħol għal xogħol, l-għaja, jew ħsibijiet oħra. Għalhekk tajjeb li niftakru f’xi modi kif nuru din l-imħabba tagħna. 1. Li nilqgħu lil uliedna b’imħabba u affezzjoni L-affezzjoni hija espressjoni tal-imħabba. Din tista’ tkun il-bonġu forma ta’ tgħanniqa filgħodu, naqraw xi ktejjeb jew naraw it-televixin waqt li nitgeddsu magħhom. U x’hemm ħażin li kultant tgħidilhom “inħobbok”? 2. Attivitajiet flimkien It-tfal jirċievu ħafna mil-logħob mal-ġenituri. Meta kienet l-aħħar darba li ntfajt fl-art tagħmel xi puzzle magħhom; xi biċċa “arti moderna” bis-swaba’ jew xi ġirja bir-roti? Anki jekk forsi mhux ta’ gost għalik għax għandek impenji oħrajn, qalbek tifraħ meta tara lil uliedek jieħdu gost. 3. Nagħtu widen Wieħed mill-modi l-aktar qawwija biex it-tfal iħossuhom maħbuba, kif ukoll jaffermaw il-valur tagħhom infushom, huwa billi nagħtuhom l-attenzjoni tagħna. Huma jkunu jridu li aħna napprezzaw meta huma jagħmlu xi ħaġa ġdida! Jekk aħna distratti wisq, nitilfu dawn l- opportunitajiet biex kulltant nidħlu daħla fid-dinja tagħhom. 4. Ngħidu “Le!” Forsi l-akbar responsabbiltà tal-ġenituri hi li ngħallmu lit-tfal tagħna jagħrfu t-tajjeb mill-ħażin, speċjalment fl-imġiba tagħhom. It-tfal jitgħallmu dan meta nikkomunikawlhom regoli u nżommu magħhom. Xi drabi dan ifisser li inti tgħid “le” u lit-tfal din ma togħġobhomx. 5. Niffokaw fuq it-tajjeb It-tfal verament jistagħnew u jiżviluppaw meta aħna nagħrfu u nfaħħru s-sabiħ fihom. Kultant niffissaw wisq fuq l-imġiba negattiva b’mod li ninsew nagħrfu u ninkoraġġixxu dak li hu tajjeb. It- tfal tagħna kollha għandhom kwalitajiet sbieħ li nistgħu nikkultivaw u nitpaxxew bihom kuljum. Adattat minn artiklu ta’ Jodie Benveniste psikoloġista, fuq is-sit
  • 2. Marriage is not a power struggle - it is a power union! God did not intend for either the husband or wife to dominate one another nor for either to passively let the other do whatever he or she pleases. God’s intention for marriage was, remains, and will always be partnership. Therefore, the husband and wife must ensure they are working for and with one another rather than against each other. Agreeing on the direction you’re both headed The two of you cannot arrive at the same destination when walking in two different directions, neither can you do it in marriage. Husbands and wives who start off in love without first plotting a course will find themselves disillusioned and out of love once the routine of marriage sets in. Do not get married just “trusting God that everything is going to work out” without you doing anything at all. Spend time talking about everything that will affect your marriage: family, friends, finances, sex, faith, in-laws, etc. If you did not talk enough before marriage, it is never too late to start. The key thing is to agree on the direction you’re headed so the two of you get there together. Mutual submission to one another Ephesians 5:21 indicates the husband and wife are to practice mutual submission out of reverence for Christ. That is both spouses deferring to the other as the situation requires. Neither spouse is always right, and neither spouse should always get their way. There is a give and take in marriage. God’s idea of submission works when both the husband and wife submit to God and one another. True submission is always honouring, loving, offered, faith-filled, selfless, authentic, and a win-win for both. Defining roles that work for your marriage - not society’s stereotypes Roles in marriage should be delegated according to who can do the best. However, each spouse should assist the other in fulfilling his/her role in an efficient way. each spouse should assist the other in fulfilling his/her role in an efficient way. It’s important to remember that playing a role in your marriage is not about fitting in with society’s stereotypes or being like someone else. It’s about forming a relationship that will make your marriage work. It’s about helping. It’s about supporting. It’s about partnership. Both you and your spouse will have multiple opportunities to be parasites in the marriage. Refuse to do so. Instead, be partners by agreeing on the direction you’re heading together, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ, and defining roles according to the Bible and each of your skills. Doing this will help you have a working marriage where you’re both contributing and supporting one another. You’ll both find this to be personally rewarding and enriching to your marriage. Adapted from articles by Kevin & Cetelia Bullard on 21 ta’ Ġunju - Jum il-Missier Nawguraw lill-missierijiet kollha jum ta’ ferħ ma’ uliedhom filwaqt li nitolbu għal dawk mejtin biex il-Mulej jagħtihom il- mistrieħ ta’ dejjem. żuru l-webpage tal-Kummissjoni Familja Naxxar Agħfas hawn biex tmur fil-paġna ● e-mail: