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Learning Activity #1
Using the company you selected for the Week 3 Learning
Activity (Southwest Airlines or Subway), it is now time to
evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
you uncovered and determine what strategy is best suited based
on the outcome of the IFE and EFE.
Discuss which generic business-level strategy is best suited to
keep the company you selected competitive. Offer supporting
rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your
statements using proper APA formatting
The business-level strategies are based on competitive
advantage (cost and uniqueness) and scope of operations (broad
target and narrow target). These decisions occurred from: cost
leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, and focused
differentiation. Southwest is the focused cost leadership
because of the cost and narrow target.
Southwest uses one type of aircraft the Boeing 737 and not only
has rewards card, but also has low cost flights and include two
bags free. Using only one type of aircraft is cost effective for
maintenance costs and fuel. The routes that Southwest chooses
to use are high consumer demand and they have quick
turnaround time which allows them to be in the air more than
their competitors. This allows them to keep the maintenance
cost low and helps increase profit margin growth.
Pandora Group. (2006, April 12). Strategic report for Southwest
Airlines. Retrieved March 16, 2017, from http://economics-
Learning Activity #2
For the company chosen above, select one of the strategy
formulation analytic tools and complete based on the
information gathered in the Week 3 Learning Activities; the
tools to select from are:
Space Matrix
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix
IE Matrix
Once you have completed the tool discuss the outcome in terms
of what strategic direction the selected company should take
and why. As always, offer supporting rationale for your
explanation and be sure to reference your statement using
proper APA formatting.
I used the Internal-External Matrix (IE). The IE matrix is used
to analyze strategic position of a business and working
conditions. My EFE score was 1.33 and my IFE score was
1.49. The point falls under cell IX which is characterized with
harvest or exit strategy. I thought it would fall under grow and
build strategy. The harvest or exit strategy should have
Southwest to revitalize their business. I thought Southwest
would fall under grow and build because it has had strong
growth over the last 35 years. They provide point-to-point
operational strategy, low-cost, passenger friendly with great
staff. Even though other airlines have flounder, Southwest has
been able to continue to grow and remain profitable.
Pandora Group. (2006, April 12). Strategic report for Southwest
Airlines. Retrieved March16, 2017,
Maxi-Pedia. (2015). Internal-External (IE) matrix. Retrieved
March 16, 2017, from http://www.maxi-
Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Instructor Guidance
SOC 120 Ethics & Social Responsibility
Week 1 Guidance
Weekly Activities
Here is what you will be doing this week:
· Post your Introduction (Day 1, Tuesday),
· Read Chapter 1 in the text: Introduction to Ethics and Social
· Read Chapter 2 in the text: Ethical Questions in the Public
· Post to Discussion Board 1 on Theory, Evidence, Beliefs and
Bias (Day 3, Thursday)
· Post to Discussion Board 2 on Three Classical Ethical
Theories (Day 3, Thursday)
· Respond to two discussion posts by classmates in each
discussion (by Day 7, Monday)
· Week One Quiz (due by Day 7, Monday)
Brief Introduction to Sociology
For those who have not taken a Sociology course previously,
here is a brief introduction to the discipline...
Sociology is the study of the relationship between individuals
and their social contexts (Mills, 1959). Like other social
scientists, sociologists are interested in understanding human
behavior, and Sociology is focused on the social causes of
human behavior. Humans are by nature social beings; we cannot
survive unless we interact with other humans. But our
interactions are not random, they are shaped by our social
context, which consists of our relationships with others, our
cultural values and beliefs, the rules of institutions (e.g.,
family, religion, government, economy) we participate in, our
position in social hierarchies, and our experiences in previous
interactions, among other things. All of these exert influence
over our decisions and actions, by shaping how we perceive and
interpret the actions of others around us.
Our relationships, social groups, organizations, social class,
institutions, and culture―which taken together form the
structure of our society―are created as we interact with others.
Our experiences within our social structures always guide us as
we interact with others, and by “acting normally” within the
parameters of our social context, we reinforce all of the
structures that constitute the context. Thus, our interactions are
both shaping our social context, and also shaping us at the same
time. Our social context and structures influence our own
personalities, identities and worldviews. And these guide us in
making decisions and in acting.
People experience interaction within these social structures over
the course of a lifetime, beginning with interaction in the
family, then among their neighbors, then with their teachers and
classmates at school, perhaps in their church, later in the
workplace, and so on. So, most of us do not think of ourselves
as constructing the institutions―they are already in place when
we are born and we live our lives within their rules. But, in fact,
every time we adhere to time-honored means of interaction, we
are essentially recreating that rule, and thus recreating the
Sociologists apply this logic of construction and socialization
(the effects that participating in social structures has on
individuals) to better understand human behavior, human
interaction, and social structures. Sociologists are particularly
interested in how our interaction creates institutions that are
unequal in nature―they are organized in hierarchies, with some
individuals getting more and others getting less of whatever is
valued in the society (money, prestige, material goods, or
power, for example). Some inequality is functional―societies
work better if some leaders make decisions, so everyone does
not have to do so. When inequality becomes too extreme, or
when it begins to serve the interests of particular individuals or
groups rather than the society as a whole, then inequality erodes
social functioning and individuals suffer.
For more information on the discipline of Sociology,
have a look at one of the following resources...
The American Sociological Association’s
definition of Sociology:
Some of the basics of Sociology from the
British Sociological Association:
A definition of Sociology from the Sociology Department
at the University of North Carolina:
Studying Ethics and Responsibility from a Sociological
SOC 120 addresses ethics and social responsibility, and while
much of the material from this course is drawn from the
perspective of Philosophy, we want to understand the social
functions of ethics and the importance of responsibility in
mitigating the negative effects of extreme inequality. While it is
philosophers who most directly study and write about issues
such as ethics, morality, and responsibility, these concepts are
also important social concepts and are fundamental to how we
interact with each other in social contexts. The topics of ethics
and social responsibility provide a great opportunity to examine
how our interaction with others both shapes and is shaped by
our social structure, which is one of the fundamental insights of
Sociology. How are individuals tied to their social settings?
Ethics help us to understand a part of this connection.
Sociologists study social interaction, social structures and
social change (how social structures evolve over time). Notice
that the emphasis is on studying society―this means that
sociologists do not write about their own feelings and beliefs;
rather, sociologists study social interaction to develop theories
(or explanations) about how and why people interact with each
other in the ways that they do (Ragin, 1994). In this course, you
will be provided with the opportunity to learn some of these
theories, particularly those related to ethics, and will be able to
apply these theories to real world situations.
In your posts to the Discussion Boards and in the papers you
write for this course, you should strive to take a sociological
perspective. That is to say, you should look at the topics as a
sociologist would, not simply as someone who lives in society
would look at things. For example, if the discussion asks you
about a particular situation, you should aim to go beyond your
own feelings and opinions, or even your own experiences
interacting with others in different contexts. Instead, you should
discuss the theories and ideas that you read about in the text,
and apply these to the discussion and paper topics. Remember
that you are not discussing the specific issue that is addressed
in the writing prompt or paper topic; instead, you should focus
on discussing the theoretical issues and concepts from the text,
and use the topic to illustrate your points.
Introduction to Ethics and Society
Ethics refers to a set of guiding principles that help individuals
negotiate their way through social settings without disrupting
social order and functions (Mosser, 2013). But when individuals
interact they apply various ethical principles to help them
understand their own social context and their actions within
their context, as well as the consequences of their choices and
actions. Many people think of ethics as an individual
characteristic or individual choice (e.g. to act in a way that is
either ethical or unethical), but ethics has a clear social
dimension as well. For one thing, although people may have
their own ethics, not every person is unique in this respect. In
fact, we can identify patterns that represent different ethical
views that people adhere to. These patterns are social
phenomena, and are elements that link people to each other.
So, ethics is not wholly a matter of personal choice. Rather,
ethics are embedded in social statuses and roles, and establish
the link to responsibilities attached to those statuses and roles.
Statuses and roles are elements of social institutions, such as
family, economy, government, and schools. Statuses are the
positions we hold within institutions; for example, statuses in a
family might be mother, brother, or cousin. Roles are the
expectations that others put on us based on a status. So in
school, in your status as student, a teacher has expectations that
you will pay attention to the lessons, that you will do your work
and submit it on time, and that you will ask questions if you
don’t understand something. All of these form the role of being
a student. Institutions create the statuses and roles that we
occupy in social life, and in so doing, institutions provide the
basis for social order and a smoothly functioning society. The
linkages and connections between various positions (statuses)
that make up an institution are shaped by ethics, which are
adopted by individual agents. Without ethics, institutions could
not function optimally.
There are various ways that we can think about and apply ethics
to real world situations. All of these have social aspects or raise
social questions. Utilitarianism argues that an ethical approach
maximizes the utility of the greatest number of people
(Bentham, 1776/1977). While this may be the best outcome for
the largest number of individuals in a particular setting, it may
or may not contribute to the overall social good. In contrast,
deontology focuses on rules and more directly addresses the
social good by focusing on common forms of social control
(Kant, 1785/2002); however, in some settings rules can also
constrain opportunities for some while reinforcing privileges for
others. Virtue ethics focuses on individual characteristics and
personal traits, and how these may shape the social good
(Anscombe, 1958; Slote, 2001). The focus on individuals makes
ethics a more concrete link between individuals and society than
the abstract frameworks under deontology and, to some extent,
under utilitarianism.
For more information on utilitarianism, see:
For more information on deontology, see:
For more information on virtue ethics, see:
The three alternative approaches discussed in the text also have
social dimensions. Like virtue ethics, relativism has a more
personal dimension, focusing on individual interpretations
rather than collective principles. But, what is sometimes
overlooked is that interpretations are socially constructed in a
given context, and have real consequences for individuals and
the social good. Emotivism also focuses on individuals, but sees
ethics in emotional terms, as a “feeling” of right or wrong.
Sociologists would argue that these feelings respond to external
conditions, and are internalized as byproducts of the processes
of socialization. Perhaps the most individualistic vision of
ethics is expressed in the ethical egoism approach. Ethical
egoism offers a vision of ethics that is similar to
utilitarianism―individuals should strive to maximize their well-
being―but the focus shifts from individual utility serving
collective interests to self-interest and individual needs.
Make sure you distinguish between the theories of
ethics―utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics―and the
three approaches to ethics―relativism, emotivism, and ethical
egoism. We will be using these concepts for the entire term and
they will reappear in each chapter of the text. It is important
that you develop an understanding of the theories and
approaches early in the term, and how these theories and
approaches are applied to real-world situations to analyze and
evaluate the ethical aspects of a given circumstance. As you
read about the topics in Chapter 1, such as in-vitro fertilization,
oil spills, immigration, bullying, and discrimination, pay close
attention to how the author applies the theories and approaches
to the specific cases. What questions is the author implicitly
addressing in his analysis? How does he apply the theories and
approaches to better understand the ethical aspects of the case?
As you read the cases, consider how you would apply ethical
theories and approaches to analyze the same case.
For more information on relativism, see:
For more information on emotivism, see:
For more information on ethical egoism, see:
Then, put these insights into practice by responding to the
discussion prompts. The best way to learn how to apply the
theories and approaches to the real world is to practice doing so
in your discussion posts. Remember, when creating your
discussion posts and your responses to classmates, you want to
focus on ethical theories and how to apply them. Mastering
these theories now will help you throughout the course.
Anscombe, G. E. M. (1958). Modern moral philosophy.
Philosophy, 33, 1–19.
Bentham, J. (1776/1977). A fragment on government. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Kant, I. (1785/2002). Groundwork for the metaphysics of
morals. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Mills, C. W. (1959). The sociological imagination. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Mosser, K. (2013) Introduction to ethics and social
responsibility. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Ragin, C. C. (1994). Constructing social research: The unity and
diversity of method. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Slote, M. (2001). Morals from motives. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Discussion 2
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and
you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates.
Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and
the depth of your responses.
Three Classical Ethical Theories
The purpose of this discussion is to help you investigate the
ethical theories of Western philosophical thought. Prepare and
post a response to the following prompt:
Identify and define each of the three dominant ethical theories
in Western philosophy. Describe a situation that you have faced
recently that presented an ethical dilemma. How would you
evaluate your actions in this situation to determine whether or
not they were good or virtuous?
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support
your claims with examples from the required resources and/or
other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in
APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond
to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the
criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.
Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Discussion 1
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and
you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates.
Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and
the depth of your responses.
Theory, Evidence, Belief, and Bias
The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence,
beliefs, and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following
Using concepts from the assigned readings, define what a theory
is. Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. Offer one
example of how a personal belief may differ from a theory.
Note: Do not use the same example that one of your classmates
has used in a previous post.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support
your claims with examples from the required resources and/or
other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references.
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the
criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.
Learning Activity #1
Now is the time to select a strategy (FINALLY!!), but before
you identify a specific strategy to implement, you have to create
a few alternatives to choose from. During the previous week
you identified the generic strategic direction for Southwest
airline. It is now time to identify specific alternative strategies
for implementation. Based on the strategic direction that you
identified in Week 4, create 2-3 strategic alternatives, i.e.,
actual strategies that the organization should pursue. Keep in
mind that these alternatives MUST fit under the umbrella
strategic direction you identified last week. Be sure to fully
explain each alternative and why its a good possibility including
supporting rationale.
Learning Activity #2
Use the QSPM tool to review the alternatives identified this
week in Learning Activity #1 to identify just ONE strategy to
move forward (please include the QSPM in your response).
Provide a detailed explanation of the ONE strategy identified
using this tool and explain why that strategy is critical to the
organizations future success; be sure to use the data from
previous weeks to support your explanation.
Offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to
reference your statements using proper APA formatting.
Information on QSPM

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Learning Activity #1Using the company you selected for the.docx

  • 1. Learning Activity #1 Using the company you selected for the Week 3 Learning Activity (Southwest Airlines or Subway), it is now time to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats you uncovered and determine what strategy is best suited based on the outcome of the IFE and EFE. Discuss which generic business-level strategy is best suited to keep the company you selected competitive. Offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statements using proper APA formatting Southwest The business-level strategies are based on competitive advantage (cost and uniqueness) and scope of operations (broad target and narrow target). These decisions occurred from: cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, and focused differentiation. Southwest is the focused cost leadership because of the cost and narrow target. Southwest uses one type of aircraft the Boeing 737 and not only has rewards card, but also has low cost flights and include two bags free. Using only one type of aircraft is cost effective for maintenance costs and fuel. The routes that Southwest chooses to use are high consumer demand and they have quick turnaround time which allows them to be in the air more than their competitors. This allows them to keep the maintenance cost low and helps increase profit margin growth. Reference Pandora Group. (2006, April 12). Strategic report for Southwest Airlines. Retrieved March 16, 2017, from http://economics-
  • 2. west.pdf Learning Activity #2 For the company chosen above, select one of the strategy formulation analytic tools and complete based on the information gathered in the Week 3 Learning Activities; the tools to select from are: Space Matrix Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix IE Matrix Once you have completed the tool discuss the outcome in terms of what strategic direction the selected company should take and why. As always, offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statement using proper APA formatting. Southwest I used the Internal-External Matrix (IE). The IE matrix is used to analyze strategic position of a business and working conditions. My EFE score was 1.33 and my IFE score was 1.49. The point falls under cell IX which is characterized with harvest or exit strategy. I thought it would fall under grow and build strategy. The harvest or exit strategy should have Southwest to revitalize their business. I thought Southwest would fall under grow and build because it has had strong growth over the last 35 years. They provide point-to-point operational strategy, low-cost, passenger friendly with great staff. Even though other airlines have flounder, Southwest has been able to continue to grow and remain profitable. Reference
  • 3. Pandora Group. (2006, April 12). Strategic report for Southwest Airlines. Retrieved March16, 2017, from pandora/reports/southwest.pdf Maxi-Pedia. (2015). Internal-External (IE) matrix. Retrieved March 16, 2017, from http://www.maxi- Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Instructor Guidance Source: SOC 120 Ethics & Social Responsibility Week 1 Guidance Source: content/uploads/2011/05/ethics-paid-for.jpg Weekly Activities Here is what you will be doing this week: · Post your Introduction (Day 1, Tuesday), · Read Chapter 1 in the text: Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility · Read Chapter 2 in the text: Ethical Questions in the Public Square · Post to Discussion Board 1 on Theory, Evidence, Beliefs and Bias (Day 3, Thursday) · Post to Discussion Board 2 on Three Classical Ethical Theories (Day 3, Thursday) · Respond to two discussion posts by classmates in each discussion (by Day 7, Monday) · Week One Quiz (due by Day 7, Monday)
  • 4. Brief Introduction to Sociology For those who have not taken a Sociology course previously, here is a brief introduction to the discipline... Sociology is the study of the relationship between individuals and their social contexts (Mills, 1959). Like other social scientists, sociologists are interested in understanding human behavior, and Sociology is focused on the social causes of human behavior. Humans are by nature social beings; we cannot survive unless we interact with other humans. But our interactions are not random, they are shaped by our social context, which consists of our relationships with others, our cultural values and beliefs, the rules of institutions (e.g., family, religion, government, economy) we participate in, our position in social hierarchies, and our experiences in previous interactions, among other things. All of these exert influence over our decisions and actions, by shaping how we perceive and interpret the actions of others around us. Our relationships, social groups, organizations, social class, institutions, and culture―which taken together form the structure of our society―are created as we interact with others. Our experiences within our social structures always guide us as we interact with others, and by “acting normally” within the parameters of our social context, we reinforce all of the structures that constitute the context. Thus, our interactions are both shaping our social context, and also shaping us at the same time. Our social context and structures influence our own personalities, identities and worldviews. And these guide us in making decisions and in acting. People experience interaction within these social structures over the course of a lifetime, beginning with interaction in the family, then among their neighbors, then with their teachers and classmates at school, perhaps in their church, later in the workplace, and so on. So, most of us do not think of ourselves as constructing the institutions―they are already in place when
  • 5. we are born and we live our lives within their rules. But, in fact, every time we adhere to time-honored means of interaction, we are essentially recreating that rule, and thus recreating the institution. Sociologists apply this logic of construction and socialization (the effects that participating in social structures has on individuals) to better understand human behavior, human interaction, and social structures. Sociologists are particularly interested in how our interaction creates institutions that are unequal in nature―they are organized in hierarchies, with some individuals getting more and others getting less of whatever is valued in the society (money, prestige, material goods, or power, for example). Some inequality is functional―societies work better if some leaders make decisions, so everyone does not have to do so. When inequality becomes too extreme, or when it begins to serve the interests of particular individuals or groups rather than the society as a whole, then inequality erodes social functioning and individuals suffer. For more information on the discipline of Sociology, have a look at one of the following resources... The American Sociological Association’s definition of Sociology: Some of the basics of Sociology from the British Sociological Association: A definition of Sociology from the Sociology Department at the University of North Carolina: sociology-major/what-is-sociology Source: philosophers-teach-us-to-be-happier-wise/ Studying Ethics and Responsibility from a Sociological
  • 6. Perspective SOC 120 addresses ethics and social responsibility, and while much of the material from this course is drawn from the perspective of Philosophy, we want to understand the social functions of ethics and the importance of responsibility in mitigating the negative effects of extreme inequality. While it is philosophers who most directly study and write about issues such as ethics, morality, and responsibility, these concepts are also important social concepts and are fundamental to how we interact with each other in social contexts. The topics of ethics and social responsibility provide a great opportunity to examine how our interaction with others both shapes and is shaped by our social structure, which is one of the fundamental insights of Sociology. How are individuals tied to their social settings? Ethics help us to understand a part of this connection. Sociologists study social interaction, social structures and social change (how social structures evolve over time). Notice that the emphasis is on studying society―this means that sociologists do not write about their own feelings and beliefs; rather, sociologists study social interaction to develop theories (or explanations) about how and why people interact with each other in the ways that they do (Ragin, 1994). In this course, you will be provided with the opportunity to learn some of these theories, particularly those related to ethics, and will be able to apply these theories to real world situations. In your posts to the Discussion Boards and in the papers you write for this course, you should strive to take a sociological perspective. That is to say, you should look at the topics as a sociologist would, not simply as someone who lives in society would look at things. For example, if the discussion asks you about a particular situation, you should aim to go beyond your own feelings and opinions, or even your own experiences interacting with others in different contexts. Instead, you should discuss the theories and ideas that you read about in the text, and apply these to the discussion and paper topics. Remember that you are not discussing the specific issue that is addressed
  • 7. in the writing prompt or paper topic; instead, you should focus on discussing the theoretical issues and concepts from the text, and use the topic to illustrate your points. Introduction to Ethics and Society Ethics refers to a set of guiding principles that help individuals negotiate their way through social settings without disrupting social order and functions (Mosser, 2013). But when individuals interact they apply various ethical principles to help them understand their own social context and their actions within their context, as well as the consequences of their choices and actions. Many people think of ethics as an individual characteristic or individual choice (e.g. to act in a way that is either ethical or unethical), but ethics has a clear social dimension as well. For one thing, although people may have their own ethics, not every person is unique in this respect. In fact, we can identify patterns that represent different ethical views that people adhere to. These patterns are social phenomena, and are elements that link people to each other. So, ethics is not wholly a matter of personal choice. Rather, ethics are embedded in social statuses and roles, and establish the link to responsibilities attached to those statuses and roles. Statuses and roles are elements of social institutions, such as family, economy, government, and schools. Statuses are the positions we hold within institutions; for example, statuses in a family might be mother, brother, or cousin. Roles are the expectations that others put on us based on a status. So in school, in your status as student, a teacher has expectations that you will pay attention to the lessons, that you will do your work and submit it on time, and that you will ask questions if you don’t understand something. All of these form the role of being a student. Institutions create the statuses and roles that we occupy in social life, and in so doing, institutions provide the basis for social order and a smoothly functioning society. The linkages and connections between various positions (statuses) that make up an institution are shaped by ethics, which are
  • 8. adopted by individual agents. Without ethics, institutions could not function optimally. There are various ways that we can think about and apply ethics to real world situations. All of these have social aspects or raise social questions. Utilitarianism argues that an ethical approach maximizes the utility of the greatest number of people (Bentham, 1776/1977). While this may be the best outcome for the largest number of individuals in a particular setting, it may or may not contribute to the overall social good. In contrast, deontology focuses on rules and more directly addresses the social good by focusing on common forms of social control (Kant, 1785/2002); however, in some settings rules can also constrain opportunities for some while reinforcing privileges for others. Virtue ethics focuses on individual characteristics and personal traits, and how these may shape the social good (Anscombe, 1958; Slote, 2001). The focus on individuals makes ethics a more concrete link between individuals and society than the abstract frameworks under deontology and, to some extent, under utilitarianism. For more information on utilitarianism, see: For more information on deontology, see: For more information on virtue ethics, see: Source: The three alternative approaches discussed in the text also have social dimensions. Like virtue ethics, relativism has a more personal dimension, focusing on individual interpretations rather than collective principles. But, what is sometimes overlooked is that interpretations are socially constructed in a given context, and have real consequences for individuals and
  • 9. the social good. Emotivism also focuses on individuals, but sees ethics in emotional terms, as a “feeling” of right or wrong. Sociologists would argue that these feelings respond to external conditions, and are internalized as byproducts of the processes of socialization. Perhaps the most individualistic vision of ethics is expressed in the ethical egoism approach. Ethical egoism offers a vision of ethics that is similar to utilitarianism―individuals should strive to maximize their well- being―but the focus shifts from individual utility serving collective interests to self-interest and individual needs. Make sure you distinguish between the theories of ethics―utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics―and the three approaches to ethics―relativism, emotivism, and ethical egoism. We will be using these concepts for the entire term and they will reappear in each chapter of the text. It is important that you develop an understanding of the theories and approaches early in the term, and how these theories and approaches are applied to real-world situations to analyze and evaluate the ethical aspects of a given circumstance. As you read about the topics in Chapter 1, such as in-vitro fertilization, oil spills, immigration, bullying, and discrimination, pay close attention to how the author applies the theories and approaches to the specific cases. What questions is the author implicitly addressing in his analysis? How does he apply the theories and approaches to better understand the ethical aspects of the case? As you read the cases, consider how you would apply ethical theories and approaches to analyze the same case. For more information on relativism, see: For more information on emotivism, see: For more information on ethical egoism, see: Source:
  • 10. Then, put these insights into practice by responding to the discussion prompts. The best way to learn how to apply the theories and approaches to the real world is to practice doing so in your discussion posts. Remember, when creating your discussion posts and your responses to classmates, you want to focus on ethical theories and how to apply them. Mastering these theories now will help you throughout the course. References Anscombe, G. E. M. (1958). Modern moral philosophy. Philosophy, 33, 1–19. Bentham, J. (1776/1977). A fragment on government. New York: Oxford University Press. Kant, I. (1785/2002). Groundwork for the metaphysics of morals. New Haven: Yale University Press. Mills, C. W. (1959). The sociological imagination. New York: Oxford University Press. Mosser, K. (2013) Introduction to ethics and social responsibility. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Ragin, C. C. (1994). Constructing social research: The unity and diversity of method. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. Slote, M. (2001). Morals from motives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Discussion 2 Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.
  • 11. Three Classical Ethical Theories The purpose of this discussion is to help you investigate the ethical theories of Western philosophical thought. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Identify and define each of the three dominant ethical theories in Western philosophy. Describe a situation that you have faced recently that presented an ethical dilemma. How would you evaluate your actions in this situation to determine whether or not they were good or virtuous? Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread. Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Discussion 1 Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Theory, Evidence, Belief, and Bias The purpose of this discussion is to contrast theories, evidence, beliefs, and biases. Prepare and post a response to the following questions. Using concepts from the assigned readings, define what a theory is. Describe how you can know if a theory is valid. Offer one example of how a personal belief may differ from a theory.
  • 12. Note: Do not use the same example that one of your classmates has used in a previous post. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread. Learning Activity #1 Now is the time to select a strategy (FINALLY!!), but before you identify a specific strategy to implement, you have to create a few alternatives to choose from. During the previous week you identified the generic strategic direction for Southwest airline. It is now time to identify specific alternative strategies for implementation. Based on the strategic direction that you identified in Week 4, create 2-3 strategic alternatives, i.e., actual strategies that the organization should pursue. Keep in mind that these alternatives MUST fit under the umbrella strategic direction you identified last week. Be sure to fully explain each alternative and why its a good possibility including supporting rationale. Learning Activity #2 Use the QSPM tool to review the alternatives identified this week in Learning Activity #1 to identify just ONE strategy to move forward (please include the QSPM in your response). Provide a detailed explanation of the ONE strategy identified using this tool and explain why that strategy is critical to the organizations future success; be sure to use the data from previous weeks to support your explanation. Offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statements using proper APA formatting.
  • 13. Information on QSPM matrix-qspm.html