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                                                             Program on High

                                                             May 7th to May 11th 2011

Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
                                                                                HPG v3y-Feb 2011
Table of Contents

  1 Welcome to MILE                                                      3
  2 Our Approach, Program Overview and Program Synopsis                  4
  3 Our Speakers and Facilitators                                       14
  4 Extended Benefits for Participants                                  19
  5 Join the MILE Experience                                            21
  6 About MILE: Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship     22

Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 1 – Welcome to MILE

Welcome to MILE
 I would like to welcome you to Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE), a
 non-profit institution that aims to build leadership and entrepreneurial excellence in the Arab and
 Muslim world. MILE is a Savola Group Corporate Social Responsibility initiative founded in
 collaboration with Madinah Knowledge Economic City and the Saudi Arabian General Investment
 Authority (SAGIA).

 MILE provides world class executive education, working with top academic institutions, consulting
 organizations and professional groups from around the world. MILE programs delivered in Madinah
 offer an exciting and exceptional opportunity for senior high performance individuals to move their
 leadership skills to a global level.
 After the phenomenal success of MILE first two Programs for Advanced Leadership and
 Management, MILE is pleased to announce the launch of its very first program for government and
 public sector senior executives; The Leadership Program for High Performance Governments in                    Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud
 collaboration with The Saudi e-Government Program (Yesser).                                                    Executive Director

 Leadership roles with government, boards and agencies, commissions, and state-owned organizations require a unique set of skills. As leaders, priorities, and
 stakeholders in the public sector constantly evolve, governments must be agile, responsive and proactive. MILE’s aim is to prepare executives in the
 government and public sector for the now fast-paced and changing environment in which they work. We believe that government leaders who incorporate
 the best of today’s business practices into their management of public institutions will be able to then translate that knowledge so as to transform their
 cities, regions, and countries.

 The program combines top quality content, world-class speakers, and live regional case studies. Participants will have the opportunity to expand their
 repertoire to include new concepts, approaches and practices. We are delighted to have speakers and facilitators from Harvard Kennedy School of
 Government, Carnegie Mellon University, Robert Wagner School of Government - New York University, Maxell School of Government - Syracuse University,
 School of Public Administration - University of Toronto, National School of Government-UK, Institute of Public Administration-Singapore, United Nations
 Institute of Training and Research for Civil Servants, Dubai School of Government and various professional bodies who will surely contribute towards an
 enriching and rewarding program.

 We are also pleased to bring leaders from five of the top global management consulting firms (Deloitte, Bain & Company, Oliver Wyman, Monitor Group, and
 Accenture) who will discuss government best practices applied with their clients locally and regionally discussing the challenges and strategies adopted to
 bring about change.
   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments                                                                                                       2
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 2 - Our approach

Program Overview

 Program Date                                        :          7 May to 11 May 2011

 Venue                                               :          Madinah Oberoi Hotel

 Location                                            :          Madinah – al – Munawarah, Saudi Arabia

 # of participants                                   :          2 groups of 35 participants (30 to be sponsored by Yesser & 6 from outside KSA)

 Participants mix                                    :          Senior Civil Officers

 Seating arrangement                                 :          5 participants on 7 round tables

 # of total contact hours                            :          7 hours and 30 minutes per day

 Session breaks in a day                             :          2 coffee breaks of 30 min each
                                                                1 hour lunch break
                                                                2 prayer breaks of 30 min each

 Combined Sessions                                   :          Session D and Gala Dinners would be organized for Group 1 and Group 2 to attend
 them                                                           together

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 1 – Welcome to MILE

Why attend this program?

 The public sector is a dynamic and complex environment where there is a continuing demand for the skills and expertise to drive
 greater effectiveness, innovation and efficiency. Today’s government and public sector challenges demand strategic, responsible and
 ethical executive leadership. The Leadership Development Program on High Performance Governments offers the latest management
 concepts and tools, focused on transforming senior civil/ public service executives into leaders. Participants leave with a broader
 vision of success and equipped to make the tough decisions required to succeed in today’s global economy.

 Why attend this program?
   • Broader insight of up-to-date government and public sector fundamentals
   • Learn how to design, develop, and deploy high performance accountable public services.
   • Create an increasingly interoperable, responsive and cost effective government by bridging the gap between strategy and
       mission success.
   • IKeen understanding of value creation in the government and public sector environment
   • identify, evaluate, and disseminate best practices for information technology issues in the public sector.
   • Develop a leadership philosophy that is keeping with your values, expectations of your team, and your most critical leadership
   • Develop quality improvements by using data to identify service delivery weaknesses and to establish working models for
       immediate and on-going improvements.
   • Increased confidence to make better, more informed decisions at the top
   • International peer group network to benchmark skills and experiences
   • Enhanced leadership skills, increased confidence and self-awareness
   • Deeper awareness of the international culture and economic context

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 2 - Our approach

Program Contributors

     Categories of Speakers                                     Organizations

                                                                                University of Toronto

     Global Consulting Firms

     Regional Case Studies/
     Institutes of Public

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Program Schedule for Group 1

                                                         Morning 7:30 – 12:00                                     Afternoon 1:00- 5:00
                                                                                                                                                                GALA DINNERS
  DAY              DATE                     Session A                       Session B                    Session C                  Session D

                                       7:30 am to 9:30 am              10:00 am to 12:00 pm          1:00 pm to 3:00 pm         3:30 pm to 5:00 pm            8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

                  6th May
  Friday                                                                                                                                                  Inauguration

                                                                                                                            Case Study from ME by:
                  7h May                                       Immunity to Change in Government                             Mr. Gavin Maxwell, Head of         Keynote Speaker:
                   2011                          by Dr. Robert Kegan, Harvard Kennedy School of Government                  Public Sector Consulting           Governor, SAGIA
                                                                                                                            MENA, Accenture

                                                                                                                            Case Study from ME by:
                  8th May                                 High Performance Manpower in Government                           Mr. James Carty, Partner-
                   2011                     by Dr. Paul Light, Wagner School of Government, New York University             MENA, Public Sector
                                                                                                                            Consulting, Monitor Group

                                                                                                                            Case Study from ME by:             Keynote Speaker :
                  9th May                                    Collaboration and Managing Networks
 Monday                                                                                                                     Mr. Jean-Marie Pean,            Minister of International
                   2011                     By Dr. David Slyke, Maxell School of Government, Syracuse University            Chairman-MENA, Bain & Co.          Development, UK

                                                                                                                            Case Study from ME by:
                 10th May                        Operational Excellence , E-Govt, and Performance in Government             Mr. Jay Doeden, Head of
 Tuesday                                                                                                                    Public Sector Consulting,
                  2011                                by Dr. Andrew Wasser, Carnegie Mellon University                      Emerging Markets, Deloitte

                                                                                                                            Case Study from ME by:          Graduation and Keynote
                 11th May                             Developing and Deploying Strategy in Government                       Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze,               Speaker:
                  2011                    By Dr. Tony Dean, School of Public Administration, University of Toronto          Partner-MENA, Public Sector
                                                                                                                            Consulting, Oliver Wyman        Minister of Labor, KSA

     Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
     Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Program Schedule for Group 2

                                                          Morning 7:30 – 12:00                                     Afternoon 1:00- 5:00
                                                                                                                                                                 GALA DINNERS
  DAY`             DATE                     Session A                        Session B                    Session C                  Session D

                                       7:30 am to 9:30 am               10:00 am to 12:00 pm          1:00 pm to 3:00 pm         3:30 pm to 5:00 pm            8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

                  6th May
  Friday                                                                                                                                                   Inauguration

                                                                                                                             Case Study from ME by:
                   7h May                                 High Performance Manpower in Government                            Mr. Gavin Maxwell, Head of         Keynote Speaker:
                    2011                    by Dr. Paul Light, Wagner School of Government, New York University              Public Sector Consulting           Governor, SAGIA
                                                                                                                             MENA, Accenture

                                                                                                                             Case Study from ME by:
                  8th May                                      Immunity to Change in Government                              Mr. James Carty, Partner-
                   2011                          by Dr. Robert Kegan, Harvard Kennedy School of Government                   MENA, Public Sector
                                                                                                                             Consulting, Monitor Group

                                                                                                                             Case Study from ME by:             Keynote Speaker :
                  9th May                         Operational Excellence , E-Govt, and Performance in Government
 Monday                                                                                                                      Mr. Jean-Marie Pean,            Minister of International
                   2011                                by Dr. Andrew Wasser, Carnegie Mellon University                      Chairman-MENA, Bain & Co.          Development, UK

                                                                                                                             Case Study from ME by:
                  10th May                            Developing and Deploying Strategy in Government                        Mr. Jay Doeden, Head of
 Tuesday                                                                                                                     Public Sector Consulting,
                   2011                   By Dr. Tony Dean, School of Public Administration, University of Toronto           Emerging Markets, Deloitte

                                                                                                                             Case Study from ME by:          Graduation and Keynote
                  11th May                                   Collaboration and managing networks                             Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze,
Wednesday                                                                                                                                                           Speaker:
                   2011                     By Dr. David Slyke, Maxell School of Government, Syracuse University             Partner-MENA, Public Sector
                                                                                                                             Consulting, Oliver Wyman        Minister of Labor, KSA

      Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
      Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 2 - Our approach

                     Program Synopsis
                                                                                                                                                 Module 2:
                                                  Module 1:
                                                                                                                                  The Four Pillars of High Performance in
                                      Immunity to Change in Government
                       Dr. David Slyke                                                                                Dr. Paul Light,

                       Professor, Public Administration                                                               Paulette Goddard Professor of Public Service
                       Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs                                               Robert Wagner School of Public Service
                       Syracuse University                                                                            New York University
                      Why is it so difficult for us to bring about changes in ourselves and our work settings which
                      we genuinely intend? There are a host of usual answers: “lack of self-discipline”; “the         Governments are under increasing pressure to build an accountable, productive, and
                      incentives weren’t right”; “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks; “maybe I was not actually    efficient workforce. Doing so requires an intense focus on adopting and implementing a
                      committed enough to the change in the first place!”. But in too many instances the usual        robust manpower system designed to manage the the increasing uncertainty that
                      answers are not very good!                                                                      surrounds global governance. A robust manpower strategy focuses on four basic
                                                                                                                      components of a high-impact government:
                      In this fast-moving, experiential, and interactive workshop, Harvard professor Robert Kegan
                      will invite each of us to make use of our own experience to explore the concept of an           1.   the alertness that comes from recruiting and retaining high quality manpower,
                      “immunity to change” -- and what we can do about it. Having spent a lifetime researching
Module Description

                      the process by which adults gradually develop greater capacities by making previously           2.   the agility that comes from up-to-the-minute training, teamwork, and delegation,
                      invisible dynamics observable and engage-able, Kegan and his colleague Lisa Lahey (How
                      the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work, Jossey-Bass, 2001; Immunity to Change,              3.   the alignment that comes from strong leadership, measurement, and a strong link
                      Harvard Business School Press, 2009), have designed this “new lab for personal learning” in          between performance and rewards, and
                      order to incubate similar kinds of development in a briefer period of time.
                                                                                                                      4.   the adaptiveness that resides in creativity, the willingness to take risks, and incentives
                      The session you are about to experience has now been conducted throughout the world,                 for imagining new ways of performing old tasks.
                      with all manner of professional groups: bankers and beer-makers; K-12 and university
                      educators and administrators; CEOs and the CIA; physicians and firefighters; software           Building a robust manpower system involves a series of simple but reinforcing steps that
                      engineers and management students; psychologists and psychiatrists; human resource              helps workforce understand its obligations as essential elements of a high-impact
                      officers, government leaders, international business consultants, state judges, and             government.

                      Participants should come expecting to have a good time while doing some hard and
                      valuable introspective work. The process Kegan and Lahey have built emphasizes safety in
                      the process of personal discovery. Participants are not required to make any of their work
                      public, and are encouraged to set the pace that works best for them throughout the

                      •     Immunity to Change                                                                        •    The Four Pillars of High Performance
                          Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
                          Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 2 - Our approach

                     Program Synopsis
                                                 Module 3:                                                                                  Module 4:
                                    Managing Collaborative Networks and                                                         Operational Excellence , E-Govt, and
                                     Public‐Private Partnerships (PPPs)                                                            Performance in Government
                       Dr. Robert Kegan,                                                                          Dr. Andrew Wasser

                       Co-Director, Change Leadership Group                                                       Associate Dean
                       Harvard Kennedy School of Government                                                       The Heinz College’s School of Information Systems and Management
                       Harvard University                                                                         Carnegie Mellon University
                      Governments around the world manage collaboration through public‐private partnerships
                      (PPPs) to:                                                                                  Because of its ubiquitous nature, the Internet has become a successful medium for
                          •     Finance                                                                           facilitating interaction between businesses, government, suppliers, and the general public.
                          •     Build                                                                             This is a very active area for standards developers as well as system implementers. The
                          •     operate, and                                                                      registries that are the focus of this Open Forum play important roles in electronic business
                          •     maintain public projects.                                                         and some, e.g., XML registries and UDDI are direct results of efforts in this area.

                      The record of using PPPs is quite different depending on the countries varying contextual   This course presents and demonstrates work underway in the standards community as well
                      dimensions. As a result of this module, participants will be better equipped to identify,   as in government and private enterprise organizations. The emphasis on electronic
Module Description

                      develop, manage, and oversee collaborative and networked partnerships where risk,           business is expanding the concept of electronic commerce beyond the traditional
                      ownership, and structure are appropriately balanced in a manner in which                    perceptions of purchasing and paying using standard transaction sets. Implementation of
                      government‐business‐civil society relationships are productive, effective, and become       electronic business expands our thinking and opportunities to include the relationships
                      institutionalized in positive, transparent, and accountable ways. This will mean the        among buyers and sellers, their agents and third parties and takes advantage of the
                      development of a range of governance mechanisms to ensure that partnership                  significant process improvement and re-engineering opportunities available through the
                      performance leads to goal‐aligned results. Case studies will be used to reinforce the       implementation of electronic business concepts and technologies.
                      presentation content and module key topics.
                                                                                                                  Understanding the strategic opportunities, risks, challenges, and technology limitations is
                      Module Key Topics will cover:                                                               essential to building interesting business models. In this course, participants will learn
                         •    Key success factors of public‐private partnerships                                  about technologies used to implement E-commerce, E-business, M-commerce, and E-
                         •    Collaborative management strategies                                                 government solutions, and will analyze several business and government models from both
                         •    Risk management and stakeholder engagement                                          the strategic and technology perspective.
                         •    Managing government‐business‐civil society relationships

                      •     The Collaborative Public Manager                                                      •   Successful Performance Improvement Measures
                          Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
                          Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 2 - Our approach

                     Program Synopsis
                                                  Module 5:
                                     Developing and Deploying Strategy in                                                                     Case Study from MENA Region
                       Dr. Tony Dean                                                                                       Mr. Gavin Maxwell,

                       Professor, Public Administration                                                                    Head of Public Sector Consulting MENA
                       School of Public Administration                                                                     Accenture Middle East BV
                       University of Toronto                                                                               United Arab Emirates

                      We would be touching on:                                                                             Accenture has for some years provided services to clients in the Middle East and as a part of
                                                                                                                           their ongoing commitment to continue to do so, they have established business presences in
                                 •    Policy                                                                               a number of Middle East countries, including the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and the Kingdom of
                                 •    Strategy                                                                             Saudi Arabia.
                                 •    Service delivery
                                 •    Performance management                                                               They recognize that the Middle East is a critical and influential participant in the global
                                 •    Accountability and                                                                   economy and, as such, represents a critical component of their
                                 •    Measurement.                                                                         global strategy. Their mission and goal is to assist and support quality corporations in the
                                                                                                                           Middle East to continue to grow and to achieve and sustain
Module Description

                      His session will be based on:                                                                        high performance. This is consistent with the vision and strategies of the Middle East
                      :                                                                                                    countries that aim to ensure optimization and utilization of the country’s resources,
                                •     his experience in leading transformational change in Public sector organizations     diversifying sources of income, and creating development of local talent and opportunities for
                                •     International research on public service reforms and                                 the future generations.
                                •     teaching at the executive education level at the University of Toronto.
                                                                                                                           Accenture goes to great lengths to get to know and serve their clients and understand the
                      He will talk about concepts, principles and practice, and lead round-table assignments for           local business environment and community—a mission they take very seriously. Their
                      seminar participants. Dean will focus on global best practices, with an emphasis on policy           committed Middle East team brings a unique combination of local knowledge and experience
                      capacity, prioritization, and effective delivery. Two internationally recognized case studies will   with their global presence, industry assets and data, customer friendly approach and years of
                      be presented.                                                                                        experience working with leading companies around the world.

                                                                                                                           Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company.
                                                                                                                           Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and
                                                                                                                           business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies,
                                                                                                                           Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and
                                                                                                                           governments. Accenture provides consistent delivery through one global culture using more
                                                                                                                           than 186,000 people serving clients in over 120 countries. Its a US$21.6 billion (FY2010)
                                                                                                                           business Value to their clients.

                      •     The Four Pillars of High Performance                                                           •   Case study from MENA region
                          Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
                          Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 2 - Our approach

                     Program Synopsis

                                           Case Study from MENA Region                                                                      Case Study from MENA Region

                       Dr. William Miracky                                                                             Mr. Omar Al-Sharif

                       Senior Partner                                                                                  Director, Public Sector Consulting
                       Co-heads , National Economic Development and Security practice                                  Deloitte
                       Monitor Group                                                                                   Saudi Arabia
                      Large public sector organizations—government agencies, multilateral institutions, and non-       With 85 years of uninterrupted presence in the Middle East, Deloitte has played a vital role in the
                      profits—today face unprecedented management challenges, including entrenched                     growth of the region to date. They are also very much a part of its future. Deloitte has identified
                      organizational structures, complex stakeholder environments, and shifting regulatory regimes.    the Middle East as a priority market that represents superior growth opportunities. As such, their
                      Problems which result from these challenges have come to define the very meaning of the          firms are operating in 15 countries and employing more than 2400 professionals, have been
                      word “bureaucracy”: slow decision-making, high costs, and resistance to change. In               targeted for major investment. This is accompanied by a focused strategy of expansion in key
                      overcoming these challenges, organizations are aiming to transform themselves into High          business areas and a continued emphasis on recruiting and retaining the most talented
                      Performance Bureaucracies – highly effective internally with a equally strong external impact    professionals from the region and other countries to serve Middle East companies. The figures
                                                                                                                       already speak for themselves with impressive revenue growth of over 25% for the past three
                      on stakeholders and constituents. Senior Monitor partners Josh Lee and Bill Miracky will share
                                                                                                                       consecutive years, and a headcount that has increased by 50 percent.
                      insights from their work on High Performance Bureaucracy with government leaders around
                      the world. They will lead a discussion on:
Module Description

                                                                                                                       Their clients benefit from the breadth and diversity of our resources in helping them manage their
                                                                                                                       growth and broaden their presence in the global economy. Combining the global insight and
                            •    The meaning of high performance bureaucracy in a rapidly changing world               innovation of a worldwide firm with local knowledge and industry expertise, their people offer
                            •    Typical barriers to high performance in government                                    powerful business solutions that help their clients excel. To address the growing market needs,
                            •    Key drivers of high performance in government                                         they have expanded their specialized professional services in the Middle East, leveraging their local
                            •    Actionable improvement imperatives which can enable change within the                 and global talent in areas such as Financial Advisory Services, Enterprise Risk Services and
                                 organization                                                                          International Tax Services. They have also continued to play a pivotal role in serving the region’s
                                                                                                                       high-growth industry sectors such as tourism, hospitality and leisure, construction, telecoms and
                      The session will draw on insights derived from the survey conducted as part of the               financial services, as well as major sectors such as oil and gas, the public sector and the Gulf
                      preparation for the MILE Leadership Program on High Performance Governments and the              region’s sovereign wealth funds. Their Middle East knowledge centers are a testament to their
                      presenters will illustrate their discussion with examples from Monitor’s wide experience in      specialized capabilities in strategic services and industries.
                      government change programs within the MENA region and beyond. Monitor works with the
                      world’s leading corporations, governments and social sector organizations to drive growth in     Powering these initiatives are their people, who, every day in every one of their member firms,
                      ways that are most important to them. The firm offers a range of services—advisory,              strive to be the standard of excellence and, in so doing, to help their clients excel. With their
                      capability-building and capital services— designed to unlock the challenges of achieving         people representing the backbone of their organization and their ambassadors to their clients and
                                                                                                                       markets, they believe in making Deloitte in the Middle East the most sought after organization for
                      sustainable growth. Monitor’s High-Performance Bureaucracy™ practice works with leaders of
                                                                                                                       talent. In 2009, Deloitte & Touche (M.E.) received recognition as a Best Employer in the Middle East
                      government and public service organizations across the globe to identify precise mechanisms
                                                                                                                       from global human resources consulting firm Hewitt Associates, the only professional services firm
                      for these leaders to drive real change and improve the performance of their organizations –      in the region to receive this accolade.
                      and ultimately, to have a greater positive impact on the constituents they serve.

                      •     Case study on High Performance Bureaucracy from MENA region                                •    Case study from MENA region
                          Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
                          Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 2 - Our approach

Program Synopsis

                                                                                     Case Study from MENA Region

                Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze

                Partner-Public Sector Consulting
                Oliver Wyman (MENA)
                United Arab Emirates
                The Oliver Wyman Integrated Strategy Development Methodology applies lessons learned from strategy implementation work within the GCC Public
                Sector to address strategy failure factors and incorporates keys elements for successful strategy Integrated Strategy Developmentthe ability to cascade the top
                                                                                                       Oliver Wyman implementation. Without Methodology
                level strategy into the organization, the power of strategy to unlock the potential of the organization remains untapped. Now, through more than a
                decade of work with the GCC Government leadership, Oliver Wyman has discovered how to overcome this challenge. The module will discuss common
                pitfalls and discusses critical success factors to ensure effective execution.          Comprehensive coverage                                                      Cascading the Strategy
                                                                                                        delivers:                                                                   creates:
                  The module covers key topics:                                                          Strategic objectives that                                                  A ‘line of sight’ between the

                      • Common Pitfalls and reasons for strategy execution failures                       address all parts of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      strategic objectives and the
                                                                                                                                                                                      activities of the organization

                      • Critical success factors towards effective strategy deployment:                  Distinct areas of focus             Comprehensive         Cascaded to      The opportunity for the
                                                                                                                                                and Exclusive       create
                                                                                                          which complement, but do                                                    operational teams to make
                                                                                                                                              coverage of the       ‘Line-of-Sight’
                               • Ensuring comprehensive organizational coverage with                      not overlap                     entire Organization       visibility        a linear link to the strategy

                                   mutually exclusive strategic objectives
                               • Effective cascading of the objectives to create line-of-sight
                                                                                                                                                          Oliver Wyman
                                   visibility for the working teams                                                                                                                 Embedding with
                                                                                                                                                                                    operational systems and
                               • Embedding of the strategy into the operating systems, i.e.             Implementation via internal         Implementation           Embedded with  processes drives:
                                                                                                        capacity build-up leads to:               via internal       Performance,    Accountability for
                                   performance measurement, program management, and                      Increased buy-in and
                                                                                                                                                    Capacity         Program          performance at the working
                                                                                                                                                    Build-up         Management       levels of the organization
                                   budgeting, and                                                         ownership of strategy plan
                                                                                                          within operations
                                                                                                                                                   Approach          and Budgeting
                                                                                                                                                                                     Execution tracking of key
                               • Ensuring buy-in and internal capacity building approaches               Ability to drive strategy                                                   implementation milestones
                                                                                                          execution from within and                                                  Budget rationalization
                                   to ensure effective execution                                          ensure sustainability of change                                             decisions based on

                      • Strategy Planning and Execution Framework and Process                             improvement initiatives                                                     strategic impact

                •    Case study from MENA region

       Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
      Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Dr. Robert Kegan                    Dr. Essam Al-Rubaian
                                                       International Institute of
Section 3          Harvard Kennedy School of
                   Government                          Administrative Sciences

Our speakers and   Dr. Paul Light
                   Robert Warner School of Public
                   Service, New York University
                                                       Mr. David Waung
                                                       Commonwealth Association for
                                                       Public Administration and

facilitators       Dr. David Slyke
                                                       Dr. Hassan Abbas
                   Maxwell School of Government        SIPA, Columbia University
                   Syracuse University
                   Dr. Tony Dean                       Dr. Winston Sutherland
                   School of Public Administration,    National School of Government, UK
                   University of Toronto

                   HE Engr. Adil Fakieh                Mr. Ahmed Kamal
                   Minister of Labor, KSA              United Nations Institute of Training
                                                       and Research for Civil Servants
                   HE Amr A. Dabbagh                   Mr. Roger Tan
                   Saudi Arabian General Investment    Institute of Public Administration
                   Authority                           and Management, Singapore

                   Dr. William Miracky                 Mr. Jean-Marie Pean
                   Monitor Group                       Bain & Company

                   HE Shahid Malik                     Mr. Andrew Wasser
                   Minister of International           Carnegie Mellon University
                   Development, UK

                   Dr. Tarik Yousef                    Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze
                   Dubai School of Government          Oliver Wyman

                                               Strengthening leadership bench
Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators

HE Engr Adel                             HE Amr Dabbagh            HE Shahid Malik   Dr. Essam Sa’ad Al-          Dr. Robert Kegan
Fakieh                                   Governor                  Ex-Minister of    Rubaian                      Meehan Professor of
Minister of Labour                       SAGIA                     International     Regional Head-MENA,          Professional
Government of Saudi                                                Development, UK   International Institute of   Development
Arabia                                                                               Administrative Sciences      Harvard Kennedy
                                                                                                                  School of Government
                                                                                                                  Harvard University,

      Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
      Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators

Dr. Paul C Light                         Dr. David Slyke            Professor Tony           Professor Andrew     Dr. Hassan Abbas
Paulette Goddard                         Professor of Public        Dean                     Wasser               Quaid-e-Azam Professor
Professor of Public                      Administration             Professor of Public                           SIPA, Columbia
                                                                                             Associate Dean
Service                                  Birkhead-Burkhead          Administration                                University, USA
                                                                                             Heinz School of IS
Wagner School of Public                  Professor of Teaching      University of Toronto,                        Harvard Kennedy School
                                                                                             Carnegie Mellon
Service                                  Excellence                 Canada                                        of Government, USA
                                                                                             University, USA
New York University,                     Maxwell School of Public
USA                                      Affairs, Syracuse
                                         University, USA

      Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
      Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators

Dr. Tariq Yousef                        Mr. David Waung            Mr. Joern-Carlos           Mr. Chadi N.          Dr. William Miracky
Founding Dean                           Executive Director & CEO                                                    Senior Partner
                                                                   Kuntze                     Moujaes               National Economic
Dubai School of                         Commonwealth               Partner-MENA               Principal of Booz &   Development and Security
Government, United                      Association for Public     Public Sector Consulting   Company               Practice
Arab Emirates                           Administration &           Practice
                                        Management                 Monitor Group

    Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
    Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators

               Dr. Winston                                      Mr. Roger Tan            Mr. Ahmed Kamal
               Sutherland                                       Director, Institute of   Ambassador and Senior
               Principal OD Consultant                          Public Administration    Fellow,
               National School of                               and Management,          United Nations Institute
               Government, United                               Singapore                of Training and Research
               Kingdom                                                                   for Civil Servants, USA

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 4– Extended benefits for participants

Extended benefits for participants

Executive Coaching by Talent Q                                  Executive 2.0
Executive Coaching helps the best professionals get even        MILE will organize a complimentary crash course on
better. Primarily future-focused, executive coaching targets    leveraging web 2.0 technologies for the modern senior
techniques and insights that make a positive and profound       executive. This can help participants and their Ministries/
difference to personal effectiveness. Talent Q, a global        agencies improve their search engine listings and rankings and
consulting firm, will offer each participant an online          create a wider network for collaboration through social media
assessments using a unique ability testing system, along        channels.
with a one-on-one coaching session to discuss participant’s
profile in detail. Coaches will be scheduled during the
program for a limited number of participants on a first
come, first serve” basis

 Post-Event Continuous Development Resources                    Discover your Learning Journey
 Alumni of this program will receive complimentary access       All program participants will be invited to complete an online
 to:                                                            assessment to identify their Learning Style. Before the
                                                                program, participant will receive a personalized Learning Style
       • Short “Sharpen your Executive Saw” workshop            Report, this will help learn faster and choose the most
         sessions.                                              effective tools and methods of learning. A learning consultant
       • Online webinar series.                                 will be available during the program for personal coaching.
       • MILE newsletter on global economic, political, and
         technological trends.
       • Special discount to valuable learning resources.

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 4– Extended benefits for participants

Extended benefits for participants

Free Medical Check-up by International Medical Center           Gala Dinners
(IMC)                                                           Three gala dinners will be held, each with a keynote
MILE believes that executive develop should address all         presentation by a prominent speaker from the Government.
four aspects of personal development: intellectual,             These events offer participants an excellent platform to
physical, emotional and spiritual. IMC has generously           network with prominent local and regional businessmen and
extended an opportunity to all participants to have a           senior civil/ public service executives.
medical checkup during the program along with nutrition
and dietary advice.
 Successful Executive Handbook                                  Mindtools
 This handbook is an indispensable reference for all            Mindtools teach practical, proven skills which provide high
 executives. With more than one million copies in print, this   personal effectiveness, good leadership, career success-and
 handbook is a trusted favourite with leaders in                even happiness.
 fortune500, global 1000 companies, ministries and
 government agencies.

 KnowledgeWorld on Public Sector trends and benchmarks          5 Best-selling Books
 MILE would provide you soft copies of industry and             MILE would provide you 5 best selling books authored and
 functional specific “thought leadership publications and       signed by the speakers who we bring from various top ranked
 research on Public Sector/ Civil Service Reforms; High         universities.
 Performance Governments, etc” by various Global
 Management Consulting Firms.

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 5– Join the MILE experience

Join the MILE experience.......

Criteria                                                         Program Investment
This program is available only to senior civil/ public service   • Program investment is US$ 4,750 (almost 35% of
leaders holding Director and Deputy Director General/               comparable average program fees). This fee is
Secretary General/ Deputy Minister positions. We would              subsidized by the Knowledge Economic City and
also welcome high impact, fast track potential leaders who          inclusive of the fllowing:
have more than 15-18 years experience in roles of                • Full accommodation for 1 week at the 5-star Oberoi
                                                                    Hotel in Madinah including all meals and coffee breaks.
increasing responsibilities.                                     • Three online assessments: Talent Q, Learning Style, and
We would run parallel two separate groups with number of            Transformation in Government.
seats limited to 35 (7 groups of 5 individuals) for each         • Three gala dinners with role models from government.
group.                                                           • Medical check-up at IMC Mobile Clinic (optional)

Applications will be reviewed by the Admission Committee
to assess eligibility.

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 6 – About MILE

 The immense leadership deficit that our region suffers from (the demand side) is coupled with major
 limitation of our local training and education institutions in offering the needed development support
 required to upgrade the leadership and management capabilities of our senior executives (the supply side)
 both in public and private sectors. Below are the reasons of major limitations at the supply side:

To contribute to economical and social development of our region through empowering current and emerging leaders with the
right set of knowledge and competencies. MILE also seeks to be establish a platform that facilitate effective networking and
knowledge sharing among executives at private and public sectors.

MILE adopts a business model that ensures sustainability and provision of high quality, affordable and relevant life-long
development opportunities to our future leaders.

Our Destination
To become the premier executive, and entrepreneurship education provider in the Arab and Muslim world and beyond.

Our Journey
MILE contributes to executive education and development through effective collaboration, up to date information technology,
relevant and holistic life-long developmental services, sustainability, and continuous development of intellectual capital. Our goal
is to be a role model in applying the most advanced and ethical management practices.

KPI for 2020
To be ranked among the top 50 Global Executive Education Providers by 2020

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 6 – About MILE

The MILE Advantage: Our unique 7 Strategic Themes

                                                                                                        Operating Model

                                                                                                                          Role Modeling
                                        Leveraging ICT


                                                                Localized &


   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
Section 6 – About MILE

MILE Leadership: Global Academic Advisory Council for Public Sector Program

          Dr. Robert Kegan                                      Dr. Tarik Yousef                             Ms. Maha Taibah
          Harvard Kennedy School of                             Dean, Dubai School of Government             Head of Education Sector
          Government                                                                                         Saudi Arabian General Investment
          Dr. Winston Sutherland                                Dr. Bassil Yaghi                             Dr. Tommy Wier
          National School of Government, UK                     Partner, Public Sector Consulting            Head of Leadership Development
                                                                PricewaterhouseCoopers                       Solution, Kenexa MENA
          Dr. David Wuang                                       Dr. Dalia Mujahid                            Mr. Jean-Marie Pean
          CEO, Commonwealth Association of                      Advisor to Obama Administration,             Chairman-MENA, Bain & Company
          Public Administration & Management                    Director-MENA, Gallup Consulting

          Dr. Hassan Abbas                                      Dr. Essam Al-Rubaian                         Mr. Gassan Al-Kibsi
          SIPA, Columbia University                             Regional Head, International Institute of    Partner, McKinsey & Co., MENA
                                                                Administrative Sciences

          Dr. Thomas Gais                                       Datuk Dr. Mohamed Ghazali                    Mr. Roger Tan
          Director, Rockefeller Institute of                    Ex- Head of Organization Development,        Institute of Public Administration
          Government, State University of New York              Islamic Development Bank                     and Management, Singapore
          Dr. Ali Salmi                                                                                      Mr. Kirk-Dale Mcdowellrose
                                                                Professor Ahsan Iqbal (Alumnus Wharton 85)
          Ex-Minister of Public Sector Reforms,                                                              Partner Performance Improvement,
                                                                ex-Federal Minister of Education, Pak
          Govt of Egypt                                                                                      KPMG
           HE Shahid Malik                                      Ms. Toni Samuel                              Mr. Ahmed Kamal
           Minister of International                            Executive Director, American Society for     United Nations Institute of Training
           Development, UK                                      Public Administration                        and Research for Civil Servants

   Leadership Program on High Performance Governments
   Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)

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Leadership Program on High Performance Governments

  • 1. Leadership Program on High Performance Governments May 7th to May 11th 2011 Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) HPG v3y-Feb 2011
  • 2. Table of Contents Page 1 Welcome to MILE 3 2 Our Approach, Program Overview and Program Synopsis 4 3 Our Speakers and Facilitators 14 4 Extended Benefits for Participants 19 5 Join the MILE Experience 21 6 About MILE: Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship 22 Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
  • 3. Section 1 – Welcome to MILE Welcome to MILE I would like to welcome you to Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE), a non-profit institution that aims to build leadership and entrepreneurial excellence in the Arab and Muslim world. MILE is a Savola Group Corporate Social Responsibility initiative founded in collaboration with Madinah Knowledge Economic City and the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA). MILE provides world class executive education, working with top academic institutions, consulting organizations and professional groups from around the world. MILE programs delivered in Madinah offer an exciting and exceptional opportunity for senior high performance individuals to move their leadership skills to a global level. After the phenomenal success of MILE first two Programs for Advanced Leadership and Management, MILE is pleased to announce the launch of its very first program for government and public sector senior executives; The Leadership Program for High Performance Governments in Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud collaboration with The Saudi e-Government Program (Yesser). Executive Director Leadership roles with government, boards and agencies, commissions, and state-owned organizations require a unique set of skills. As leaders, priorities, and stakeholders in the public sector constantly evolve, governments must be agile, responsive and proactive. MILE’s aim is to prepare executives in the government and public sector for the now fast-paced and changing environment in which they work. We believe that government leaders who incorporate the best of today’s business practices into their management of public institutions will be able to then translate that knowledge so as to transform their cities, regions, and countries. The program combines top quality content, world-class speakers, and live regional case studies. Participants will have the opportunity to expand their repertoire to include new concepts, approaches and practices. We are delighted to have speakers and facilitators from Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Carnegie Mellon University, Robert Wagner School of Government - New York University, Maxell School of Government - Syracuse University, School of Public Administration - University of Toronto, National School of Government-UK, Institute of Public Administration-Singapore, United Nations Institute of Training and Research for Civil Servants, Dubai School of Government and various professional bodies who will surely contribute towards an enriching and rewarding program. We are also pleased to bring leaders from five of the top global management consulting firms (Deloitte, Bain & Company, Oliver Wyman, Monitor Group, and Accenture) who will discuss government best practices applied with their clients locally and regionally discussing the challenges and strategies adopted to bring about change. Leadership Program on High Performance Governments 2 Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 3
  • 4. Section 2 - Our approach Program Overview Program Date : 7 May to 11 May 2011 Venue : Madinah Oberoi Hotel Location : Madinah – al – Munawarah, Saudi Arabia # of participants : 2 groups of 35 participants (30 to be sponsored by Yesser & 6 from outside KSA) Participants mix : Senior Civil Officers Seating arrangement : 5 participants on 7 round tables # of total contact hours : 7 hours and 30 minutes per day Session breaks in a day : 2 coffee breaks of 30 min each 1 hour lunch break 2 prayer breaks of 30 min each Combined Sessions : Session D and Gala Dinners would be organized for Group 1 and Group 2 to attend them together Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 4
  • 5. Section 1 – Welcome to MILE Why attend this program? The public sector is a dynamic and complex environment where there is a continuing demand for the skills and expertise to drive greater effectiveness, innovation and efficiency. Today’s government and public sector challenges demand strategic, responsible and ethical executive leadership. The Leadership Development Program on High Performance Governments offers the latest management concepts and tools, focused on transforming senior civil/ public service executives into leaders. Participants leave with a broader vision of success and equipped to make the tough decisions required to succeed in today’s global economy. Why attend this program? • Broader insight of up-to-date government and public sector fundamentals • Learn how to design, develop, and deploy high performance accountable public services. • Create an increasingly interoperable, responsive and cost effective government by bridging the gap between strategy and mission success. • IKeen understanding of value creation in the government and public sector environment • identify, evaluate, and disseminate best practices for information technology issues in the public sector. • Develop a leadership philosophy that is keeping with your values, expectations of your team, and your most critical leadership objectives. • Develop quality improvements by using data to identify service delivery weaknesses and to establish working models for immediate and on-going improvements. • Increased confidence to make better, more informed decisions at the top • International peer group network to benchmark skills and experiences • Enhanced leadership skills, increased confidence and self-awareness • Deeper awareness of the international culture and economic context Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 5
  • 6. Section 2 - Our approach Program Contributors Categories of Speakers Organizations Universities University of Toronto Global Consulting Firms Regional Case Studies/ Institutes of Public Administration Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 6
  • 7. Program Schedule for Group 1 Morning 7:30 – 12:00 Afternoon 1:00- 5:00 GALA DINNERS DAY DATE Session A Session B Session C Session D 7:30 am to 9:30 am 10:00 am to 12:00 pm 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm 6th May Friday Inauguration 2011 Case Study from ME by: 7h May Immunity to Change in Government Mr. Gavin Maxwell, Head of Keynote Speaker: Saturday 2011 by Dr. Robert Kegan, Harvard Kennedy School of Government Public Sector Consulting Governor, SAGIA MENA, Accenture Case Study from ME by: 8th May High Performance Manpower in Government Mr. James Carty, Partner- Sunday 2011 by Dr. Paul Light, Wagner School of Government, New York University MENA, Public Sector Consulting, Monitor Group Case Study from ME by: Keynote Speaker : 9th May Collaboration and Managing Networks Monday Mr. Jean-Marie Pean, Minister of International 2011 By Dr. David Slyke, Maxell School of Government, Syracuse University Chairman-MENA, Bain & Co. Development, UK Case Study from ME by: 10th May Operational Excellence , E-Govt, and Performance in Government Mr. Jay Doeden, Head of Tuesday Public Sector Consulting, 2011 by Dr. Andrew Wasser, Carnegie Mellon University Emerging Markets, Deloitte Consulting Case Study from ME by: Graduation and Keynote 11th May Developing and Deploying Strategy in Government Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze, Speaker: Wednesday 2011 By Dr. Tony Dean, School of Public Administration, University of Toronto Partner-MENA, Public Sector Consulting, Oliver Wyman Minister of Labor, KSA Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
  • 8. Program Schedule for Group 2 Morning 7:30 – 12:00 Afternoon 1:00- 5:00 GALA DINNERS DAY` DATE Session A Session B Session C Session D 7:30 am to 9:30 am 10:00 am to 12:00 pm 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm 6th May Friday Inauguration 2011 Case Study from ME by: 7h May High Performance Manpower in Government Mr. Gavin Maxwell, Head of Keynote Speaker: Saturday 2011 by Dr. Paul Light, Wagner School of Government, New York University Public Sector Consulting Governor, SAGIA MENA, Accenture Case Study from ME by: 8th May Immunity to Change in Government Mr. James Carty, Partner- Sunday 2011 by Dr. Robert Kegan, Harvard Kennedy School of Government MENA, Public Sector Consulting, Monitor Group Case Study from ME by: Keynote Speaker : 9th May Operational Excellence , E-Govt, and Performance in Government Monday Mr. Jean-Marie Pean, Minister of International 2011 by Dr. Andrew Wasser, Carnegie Mellon University Chairman-MENA, Bain & Co. Development, UK Case Study from ME by: 10th May Developing and Deploying Strategy in Government Mr. Jay Doeden, Head of Tuesday Public Sector Consulting, 2011 By Dr. Tony Dean, School of Public Administration, University of Toronto Emerging Markets, Deloitte Consulting Case Study from ME by: Graduation and Keynote 11th May Collaboration and managing networks Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze, Wednesday Speaker: 2011 By Dr. David Slyke, Maxell School of Government, Syracuse University Partner-MENA, Public Sector Consulting, Oliver Wyman Minister of Labor, KSA Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
  • 9. Section 2 - Our approach Program Synopsis Module 2: Module 1: The Four Pillars of High Performance in Immunity to Change in Government Government Dr. David Slyke Dr. Paul Light, Speaker Professor, Public Administration Paulette Goddard Professor of Public Service Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Robert Wagner School of Public Service Syracuse University New York University Why is it so difficult for us to bring about changes in ourselves and our work settings which we genuinely intend? There are a host of usual answers: “lack of self-discipline”; “the Governments are under increasing pressure to build an accountable, productive, and incentives weren’t right”; “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks; “maybe I was not actually efficient workforce. Doing so requires an intense focus on adopting and implementing a committed enough to the change in the first place!”. But in too many instances the usual robust manpower system designed to manage the the increasing uncertainty that answers are not very good! surrounds global governance. A robust manpower strategy focuses on four basic components of a high-impact government: In this fast-moving, experiential, and interactive workshop, Harvard professor Robert Kegan will invite each of us to make use of our own experience to explore the concept of an 1. the alertness that comes from recruiting and retaining high quality manpower, “immunity to change” -- and what we can do about it. Having spent a lifetime researching Module Description the process by which adults gradually develop greater capacities by making previously 2. the agility that comes from up-to-the-minute training, teamwork, and delegation, invisible dynamics observable and engage-able, Kegan and his colleague Lisa Lahey (How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work, Jossey-Bass, 2001; Immunity to Change, 3. the alignment that comes from strong leadership, measurement, and a strong link Harvard Business School Press, 2009), have designed this “new lab for personal learning” in between performance and rewards, and order to incubate similar kinds of development in a briefer period of time. 4. the adaptiveness that resides in creativity, the willingness to take risks, and incentives The session you are about to experience has now been conducted throughout the world, for imagining new ways of performing old tasks. with all manner of professional groups: bankers and beer-makers; K-12 and university educators and administrators; CEOs and the CIA; physicians and firefighters; software Building a robust manpower system involves a series of simple but reinforcing steps that engineers and management students; psychologists and psychiatrists; human resource helps workforce understand its obligations as essential elements of a high-impact officers, government leaders, international business consultants, state judges, and government. attorneys. Participants should come expecting to have a good time while doing some hard and valuable introspective work. The process Kegan and Lahey have built emphasizes safety in the process of personal discovery. Participants are not required to make any of their work public, and are encouraged to set the pace that works best for them throughout the workshop. Book • Immunity to Change • The Four Pillars of High Performance Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 9
  • 10. Section 2 - Our approach Program Synopsis Module 3: Module 4: Managing Collaborative Networks and Operational Excellence , E-Govt, and Public‐Private Partnerships (PPPs) Performance in Government Dr. Robert Kegan, Dr. Andrew Wasser Speaker Co-Director, Change Leadership Group Associate Dean Harvard Kennedy School of Government The Heinz College’s School of Information Systems and Management Harvard University Carnegie Mellon University Governments around the world manage collaboration through public‐private partnerships (PPPs) to: Because of its ubiquitous nature, the Internet has become a successful medium for • Finance facilitating interaction between businesses, government, suppliers, and the general public. • Build This is a very active area for standards developers as well as system implementers. The • operate, and registries that are the focus of this Open Forum play important roles in electronic business • maintain public projects. and some, e.g., XML registries and UDDI are direct results of efforts in this area. The record of using PPPs is quite different depending on the countries varying contextual This course presents and demonstrates work underway in the standards community as well dimensions. As a result of this module, participants will be better equipped to identify, as in government and private enterprise organizations. The emphasis on electronic Module Description develop, manage, and oversee collaborative and networked partnerships where risk, business is expanding the concept of electronic commerce beyond the traditional ownership, and structure are appropriately balanced in a manner in which perceptions of purchasing and paying using standard transaction sets. Implementation of government‐business‐civil society relationships are productive, effective, and become electronic business expands our thinking and opportunities to include the relationships institutionalized in positive, transparent, and accountable ways. This will mean the among buyers and sellers, their agents and third parties and takes advantage of the development of a range of governance mechanisms to ensure that partnership significant process improvement and re-engineering opportunities available through the performance leads to goal‐aligned results. Case studies will be used to reinforce the implementation of electronic business concepts and technologies. presentation content and module key topics. Understanding the strategic opportunities, risks, challenges, and technology limitations is Module Key Topics will cover: essential to building interesting business models. In this course, participants will learn • Key success factors of public‐private partnerships about technologies used to implement E-commerce, E-business, M-commerce, and E- • Collaborative management strategies government solutions, and will analyze several business and government models from both • Risk management and stakeholder engagement the strategic and technology perspective. • Managing government‐business‐civil society relationships Book • The Collaborative Public Manager • Successful Performance Improvement Measures Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 10
  • 11. Section 2 - Our approach Program Synopsis Module 5: Developing and Deploying Strategy in Case Study from MENA Region Government Dr. Tony Dean Mr. Gavin Maxwell, Speaker Professor, Public Administration Head of Public Sector Consulting MENA School of Public Administration Accenture Middle East BV University of Toronto United Arab Emirates We would be touching on: Accenture has for some years provided services to clients in the Middle East and as a part of their ongoing commitment to continue to do so, they have established business presences in • Policy a number of Middle East countries, including the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and the Kingdom of • Strategy Saudi Arabia. • Service delivery • Performance management They recognize that the Middle East is a critical and influential participant in the global • Accountability and economy and, as such, represents a critical component of their • Measurement. global strategy. Their mission and goal is to assist and support quality corporations in the Middle East to continue to grow and to achieve and sustain Module Description His session will be based on: high performance. This is consistent with the vision and strategies of the Middle East : countries that aim to ensure optimization and utilization of the country’s resources, • his experience in leading transformational change in Public sector organizations diversifying sources of income, and creating development of local talent and opportunities for • International research on public service reforms and the future generations. • teaching at the executive education level at the University of Toronto. Accenture goes to great lengths to get to know and serve their clients and understand the He will talk about concepts, principles and practice, and lead round-table assignments for local business environment and community—a mission they take very seriously. Their seminar participants. Dean will focus on global best practices, with an emphasis on policy committed Middle East team brings a unique combination of local knowledge and experience capacity, prioritization, and effective delivery. Two internationally recognized case studies will with their global presence, industry assets and data, customer friendly approach and years of be presented. experience working with leading companies around the world. Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. Accenture provides consistent delivery through one global culture using more than 186,000 people serving clients in over 120 countries. Its a US$21.6 billion (FY2010) business Value to their clients. Book • The Four Pillars of High Performance • Case study from MENA region Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 11
  • 12. Section 2 - Our approach Program Synopsis Case Study from MENA Region Case Study from MENA Region Dr. William Miracky Mr. Omar Al-Sharif Speaker Senior Partner Director, Public Sector Consulting Co-heads , National Economic Development and Security practice Deloitte Monitor Group Saudi Arabia Large public sector organizations—government agencies, multilateral institutions, and non- With 85 years of uninterrupted presence in the Middle East, Deloitte has played a vital role in the profits—today face unprecedented management challenges, including entrenched growth of the region to date. They are also very much a part of its future. Deloitte has identified organizational structures, complex stakeholder environments, and shifting regulatory regimes. the Middle East as a priority market that represents superior growth opportunities. As such, their Problems which result from these challenges have come to define the very meaning of the firms are operating in 15 countries and employing more than 2400 professionals, have been word “bureaucracy”: slow decision-making, high costs, and resistance to change. In targeted for major investment. This is accompanied by a focused strategy of expansion in key overcoming these challenges, organizations are aiming to transform themselves into High business areas and a continued emphasis on recruiting and retaining the most talented Performance Bureaucracies – highly effective internally with a equally strong external impact professionals from the region and other countries to serve Middle East companies. The figures already speak for themselves with impressive revenue growth of over 25% for the past three on stakeholders and constituents. Senior Monitor partners Josh Lee and Bill Miracky will share consecutive years, and a headcount that has increased by 50 percent. insights from their work on High Performance Bureaucracy with government leaders around the world. They will lead a discussion on: Module Description Their clients benefit from the breadth and diversity of our resources in helping them manage their growth and broaden their presence in the global economy. Combining the global insight and • The meaning of high performance bureaucracy in a rapidly changing world innovation of a worldwide firm with local knowledge and industry expertise, their people offer • Typical barriers to high performance in government powerful business solutions that help their clients excel. To address the growing market needs, • Key drivers of high performance in government they have expanded their specialized professional services in the Middle East, leveraging their local • Actionable improvement imperatives which can enable change within the and global talent in areas such as Financial Advisory Services, Enterprise Risk Services and organization International Tax Services. They have also continued to play a pivotal role in serving the region’s high-growth industry sectors such as tourism, hospitality and leisure, construction, telecoms and The session will draw on insights derived from the survey conducted as part of the financial services, as well as major sectors such as oil and gas, the public sector and the Gulf preparation for the MILE Leadership Program on High Performance Governments and the region’s sovereign wealth funds. Their Middle East knowledge centers are a testament to their presenters will illustrate their discussion with examples from Monitor’s wide experience in specialized capabilities in strategic services and industries. government change programs within the MENA region and beyond. Monitor works with the world’s leading corporations, governments and social sector organizations to drive growth in Powering these initiatives are their people, who, every day in every one of their member firms, ways that are most important to them. The firm offers a range of services—advisory, strive to be the standard of excellence and, in so doing, to help their clients excel. With their capability-building and capital services— designed to unlock the challenges of achieving people representing the backbone of their organization and their ambassadors to their clients and markets, they believe in making Deloitte in the Middle East the most sought after organization for sustainable growth. Monitor’s High-Performance Bureaucracy™ practice works with leaders of talent. In 2009, Deloitte & Touche (M.E.) received recognition as a Best Employer in the Middle East government and public service organizations across the globe to identify precise mechanisms from global human resources consulting firm Hewitt Associates, the only professional services firm for these leaders to drive real change and improve the performance of their organizations – in the region to receive this accolade. and ultimately, to have a greater positive impact on the constituents they serve. Book • Case study on High Performance Bureaucracy from MENA region • Case study from MENA region Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 12
  • 13. Section 2 - Our approach Program Synopsis Case Study from MENA Region Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze Speaker Partner-Public Sector Consulting Oliver Wyman (MENA) United Arab Emirates The Oliver Wyman Integrated Strategy Development Methodology applies lessons learned from strategy implementation work within the GCC Public Sector to address strategy failure factors and incorporates keys elements for successful strategy Integrated Strategy Developmentthe ability to cascade the top Oliver Wyman implementation. Without Methodology level strategy into the organization, the power of strategy to unlock the potential of the organization remains untapped. Now, through more than a decade of work with the GCC Government leadership, Oliver Wyman has discovered how to overcome this challenge. The module will discuss common pitfalls and discusses critical success factors to ensure effective execution. Comprehensive coverage Cascading the Strategy delivers: creates: The module covers key topics:  Strategic objectives that  A ‘line of sight’ between the • Common Pitfalls and reasons for strategy execution failures address all parts of the organization strategic objectives and the activities of the organization Organization • Critical success factors towards effective strategy deployment:  Distinct areas of focus Comprehensive Cascaded to  The opportunity for the and Exclusive create which complement, but do operational teams to make coverage of the ‘Line-of-Sight’ • Ensuring comprehensive organizational coverage with not overlap entire Organization visibility a linear link to the strategy mutually exclusive strategic objectives • Effective cascading of the objectives to create line-of-sight Oliver Wyman Integrated Philosophy visibility for the working teams Embedding with operational systems and • Embedding of the strategy into the operating systems, i.e. Implementation via internal Implementation Embedded with processes drives: capacity build-up leads to: via internal Performance,  Accountability for performance measurement, program management, and  Increased buy-in and Capacity Program performance at the working Build-up Management levels of the organization budgeting, and ownership of strategy plan within operations Approach and Budgeting  Execution tracking of key • Ensuring buy-in and internal capacity building approaches  Ability to drive strategy implementation milestones execution from within and  Budget rationalization to ensure effective execution ensure sustainability of change decisions based on • Strategy Planning and Execution Framework and Process improvement initiatives strategic impact Case • Case study from MENA region Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 13
  • 14. Dr. Robert Kegan Dr. Essam Al-Rubaian International Institute of Section 3 Harvard Kennedy School of Government Administrative Sciences Our speakers and Dr. Paul Light Robert Warner School of Public Service, New York University Mr. David Waung Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and facilitators Dr. David Slyke Management Dr. Hassan Abbas Maxwell School of Government SIPA, Columbia University Syracuse University Dr. Tony Dean Dr. Winston Sutherland School of Public Administration, National School of Government, UK University of Toronto HE Engr. Adil Fakieh Mr. Ahmed Kamal Minister of Labor, KSA United Nations Institute of Training and Research for Civil Servants HE Amr A. Dabbagh Mr. Roger Tan Saudi Arabian General Investment Institute of Public Administration Authority and Management, Singapore Dr. William Miracky Mr. Jean-Marie Pean Monitor Group Bain & Company HE Shahid Malik Mr. Andrew Wasser Minister of International Carnegie Mellon University Development, UK Dr. Tarik Yousef Mr. Joern-Carlos Kuntze Dubai School of Government Oliver Wyman Strengthening leadership bench
  • 15. Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators HE Engr Adel HE Amr Dabbagh HE Shahid Malik Dr. Essam Sa’ad Al- Dr. Robert Kegan Fakieh Governor Ex-Minister of Rubaian Meehan Professor of Minister of Labour SAGIA International Regional Head-MENA, Professional Government of Saudi Development, UK International Institute of Development Arabia Administrative Sciences Harvard Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, USA Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE)
  • 16. Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators Dr. Paul C Light Dr. David Slyke Professor Tony Professor Andrew Dr. Hassan Abbas Paulette Goddard Professor of Public Dean Wasser Quaid-e-Azam Professor Professor of Public Administration Professor of Public SIPA, Columbia Associate Dean Service Birkhead-Burkhead Administration University, USA Heinz School of IS Wagner School of Public Professor of Teaching University of Toronto, Harvard Kennedy School Carnegie Mellon Service Excellence Canada of Government, USA University, USA New York University, Maxwell School of Public USA Affairs, Syracuse University, USA Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 16
  • 17. Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators Dr. Tariq Yousef Mr. David Waung Mr. Joern-Carlos Mr. Chadi N. Dr. William Miracky Founding Dean Executive Director & CEO Senior Partner Kuntze Moujaes National Economic Dubai School of Commonwealth Partner-MENA Principal of Booz & Development and Security Government, United Association for Public Public Sector Consulting Company Practice Arab Emirates Administration & Practice Management Monitor Group Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 17
  • 18. Section 3 – Our Speakers and Facilitators Dr. Winston Mr. Roger Tan Mr. Ahmed Kamal Sutherland Director, Institute of Ambassador and Senior Principal OD Consultant Public Administration Fellow, National School of and Management, United Nations Institute Government, United Singapore of Training and Research Kingdom for Civil Servants, USA Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 18
  • 19. Section 4– Extended benefits for participants Extended benefits for participants Executive Coaching by Talent Q Executive 2.0 Executive Coaching helps the best professionals get even MILE will organize a complimentary crash course on better. Primarily future-focused, executive coaching targets leveraging web 2.0 technologies for the modern senior techniques and insights that make a positive and profound executive. This can help participants and their Ministries/ difference to personal effectiveness. Talent Q, a global agencies improve their search engine listings and rankings and consulting firm, will offer each participant an online create a wider network for collaboration through social media assessments using a unique ability testing system, along channels. with a one-on-one coaching session to discuss participant’s profile in detail. Coaches will be scheduled during the program for a limited number of participants on a first come, first serve” basis Post-Event Continuous Development Resources Discover your Learning Journey Alumni of this program will receive complimentary access All program participants will be invited to complete an online to: assessment to identify their Learning Style. Before the program, participant will receive a personalized Learning Style • Short “Sharpen your Executive Saw” workshop Report, this will help learn faster and choose the most sessions. effective tools and methods of learning. A learning consultant • Online webinar series. will be available during the program for personal coaching. • MILE newsletter on global economic, political, and technological trends. • Special discount to valuable learning resources. Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 19
  • 20. Section 4– Extended benefits for participants Extended benefits for participants Free Medical Check-up by International Medical Center Gala Dinners (IMC) Three gala dinners will be held, each with a keynote MILE believes that executive develop should address all presentation by a prominent speaker from the Government. four aspects of personal development: intellectual, These events offer participants an excellent platform to physical, emotional and spiritual. IMC has generously network with prominent local and regional businessmen and extended an opportunity to all participants to have a senior civil/ public service executives. medical checkup during the program along with nutrition and dietary advice. Successful Executive Handbook Mindtools This handbook is an indispensable reference for all Mindtools teach practical, proven skills which provide high executives. With more than one million copies in print, this personal effectiveness, good leadership, career success-and handbook is a trusted favourite with leaders in even happiness. fortune500, global 1000 companies, ministries and government agencies. KnowledgeWorld on Public Sector trends and benchmarks 5 Best-selling Books MILE would provide you soft copies of industry and MILE would provide you 5 best selling books authored and functional specific “thought leadership publications and signed by the speakers who we bring from various top ranked research on Public Sector/ Civil Service Reforms; High universities. Performance Governments, etc” by various Global Management Consulting Firms. Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 20
  • 21. Section 5– Join the MILE experience Join the MILE experience....... Criteria Program Investment This program is available only to senior civil/ public service • Program investment is US$ 4,750 (almost 35% of leaders holding Director and Deputy Director General/ comparable average program fees). This fee is Secretary General/ Deputy Minister positions. We would subsidized by the Knowledge Economic City and also welcome high impact, fast track potential leaders who inclusive of the fllowing: have more than 15-18 years experience in roles of • Full accommodation for 1 week at the 5-star Oberoi Hotel in Madinah including all meals and coffee breaks. increasing responsibilities. • Three online assessments: Talent Q, Learning Style, and We would run parallel two separate groups with number of Transformation in Government. seats limited to 35 (7 groups of 5 individuals) for each • Three gala dinners with role models from government. group. • Medical check-up at IMC Mobile Clinic (optional) Applications will be reviewed by the Admission Committee to assess eligibility. Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 21
  • 22. Section 6 – About MILE The immense leadership deficit that our region suffers from (the demand side) is coupled with major limitation of our local training and education institutions in offering the needed development support required to upgrade the leadership and management capabilities of our senior executives (the supply side) both in public and private sectors. Below are the reasons of major limitations at the supply side: Aim To contribute to economical and social development of our region through empowering current and emerging leaders with the right set of knowledge and competencies. MILE also seeks to be establish a platform that facilitate effective networking and knowledge sharing among executives at private and public sectors. MILE adopts a business model that ensures sustainability and provision of high quality, affordable and relevant life-long development opportunities to our future leaders. Our Destination To become the premier executive, and entrepreneurship education provider in the Arab and Muslim world and beyond. Our Journey MILE contributes to executive education and development through effective collaboration, up to date information technology, relevant and holistic life-long developmental services, sustainability, and continuous development of intellectual capital. Our goal is to be a role model in applying the most advanced and ethical management practices. KPI for 2020 To be ranked among the top 50 Global Executive Education Providers by 2020 Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 22
  • 23. Section 6 – About MILE The MILE Advantage: Our unique 7 Strategic Themes Operating Model Role Modeling Leveraging ICT Development Collaboration Sustainable Localized & Relevant Learning Life-long Holistic Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 23
  • 24. Section 6 – About MILE MILE Leadership: Global Academic Advisory Council for Public Sector Program Dr. Robert Kegan Dr. Tarik Yousef Ms. Maha Taibah Harvard Kennedy School of Dean, Dubai School of Government Head of Education Sector Government Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority Dr. Winston Sutherland Dr. Bassil Yaghi Dr. Tommy Wier National School of Government, UK Partner, Public Sector Consulting Head of Leadership Development PricewaterhouseCoopers Solution, Kenexa MENA Dr. David Wuang Dr. Dalia Mujahid Mr. Jean-Marie Pean CEO, Commonwealth Association of Advisor to Obama Administration, Chairman-MENA, Bain & Company Public Administration & Management Director-MENA, Gallup Consulting Dr. Hassan Abbas Dr. Essam Al-Rubaian Mr. Gassan Al-Kibsi SIPA, Columbia University Regional Head, International Institute of Partner, McKinsey & Co., MENA Administrative Sciences Dr. Thomas Gais Datuk Dr. Mohamed Ghazali Mr. Roger Tan Director, Rockefeller Institute of Ex- Head of Organization Development, Institute of Public Administration Government, State University of New York Islamic Development Bank and Management, Singapore Dr. Ali Salmi Mr. Kirk-Dale Mcdowellrose Professor Ahsan Iqbal (Alumnus Wharton 85) Ex-Minister of Public Sector Reforms, Partner Performance Improvement, ex-Federal Minister of Education, Pak Govt of Egypt KPMG HE Shahid Malik Ms. Toni Samuel Mr. Ahmed Kamal Minister of International Executive Director, American Society for United Nations Institute of Training Development, UK Public Administration and Research for Civil Servants Leadership Program on High Performance Governments Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship (MILE) 24