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Launch of First of its kind….The Human Resource Calendar
                     …….The ZOOBIE DO Calendar
                                                                                        Date: 3rd March 2012
                                                                                               Time: 6.00 PM
                                                                 Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi
                                           Greeting Seasons!
    “HR is not a profession of one season but a profession of all seasons”

It was the launch of first HR calendar depicting various seasons of work life and the significant role
played by HR towards achieving success beyond imagination. The conceptual calendar is an amalgam
of poetry, illustrations and a story describing various moods and perspectives of work life with the
emergence of HR as the main driver for success.

It was the day when I took the first step towards my vision of creating an era of success through
creativity and innovation in Human resource Management.

                                                It was a warm and a pleasant evening that witnessed
                                                various experiences and emotions of being anxious,
                                                excited, afraid, happy, and delighted.

The day witnessed the arrival of distinguished leaders
in the field of Human Resource Management.

     Dignitaries who graced the occasion with their
                 presence at the launch
 Ms. Deepa, Chief People officer, Group Head HR, SMC Group
 Mr. Devashish Banerji, Country Manager, Crown Agents
 Mr. Sumit Chaudhuri, Chairman and MD, Third Millennium
 Business Resource Associates Private Limited
 Mr. Sushil Baveja, Head - Corporate HR, DSCL                                      Launch of First HR calendar
 Mr. Manmohan Bhutani,Vice President,people&ops,Fiserv
                                                                                                      Date: 3rd March 2012
 Mr. R.P Ojha, Senior consultant, Ex- Executive Director (HR),
                                                                                                             Time: 6.00 PM
 Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd,
                                                                               Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi
 Colonel D.P. Dimri, ED & Chief Executive, Delhi Management
 Ms Chandni Sahai, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
 Mr Debasis Satapathy, Head HR, Bharti Foundation
The event started with the brief introduction to the concept of work seasons and the formal launch of
the First HR calendar with the support from Ms Deepa, Mr Devashish Banerji, Mr. Sumit Chaudhuri,
Mr Sushil Baveja and Mr Manmohan Bhutani .

It was followed by the detailed introduction to all the work seasons captured every month laying the
significance of customized seasoned approach.

I wondered why seasons are only associated with weather conditions or temperature or the
atmospheric pressure and why not the situations that we face everyday at workplace.
There are days when we are extremely happy and feel like on the top the world at work while some
days we are overloaded. There are days when we are anxious about our career growth or the
performance review and some days we observe change in our perspectives and the strategies at
workplace. That was how the idea of describing various work seasons or situations at work came to
my mind and I developed the First of its kind...the HR calendar.

                                                      It looks like a calendar ……..
                                             When you take it closer, you see illustrations
                                                    When you read, you find poetry
                                         When you relate...its Human resource Management
                                         When you turn the sheets, you unfold work seasons
                                    When you flip the calendar other side, it’s a story of a new hire
                                           When you finish reading it, it’s a success story….

The “Zoobie Do” calendar

Our work life visualizes various seasons, situations and perspectives throughout the year and to
achieve the organizational success, we need to win each day in every season. Human Resource
Management has a significant role to play in terms of managing the daily work situations via
customized seasoned approach.

There is no single magical Human resource management universal strategy that can be applied in all
situations to engage the employees and taste the flavor of success and infact the magic lies in the
“seasoned approach”
The character Zoobie was introduced.

The Story…….

It’s the journey of a new hire
“ Zoobie” who enters the
organization of his dreams “The
employer of choice” and explores
the way to succeed beyond
imagination overcoming mental
barriers and challenges through
his sharp eyes, strive for value
addition and influencing power.
During his journey he discovers
the extraordinary power of
Human Resource Management.

 We have a vast resource of talent within the organization and tapping the hidden resource requires
 connecting with the hearts of employees. To achieve the goal, the human resource unit has to play
 additional role in meeting the expectations of new hire by laying a strong path, connecting the hearts
 of employee and the leader, adopting encouraging leadership style , providing space and freedom to
 employees and act as a boost to their growth leading to the growth of organization.

 A deeper understanding requires description of work situations as closer to reality as possible,
 capturing the emotions as well. There are many situations which can be best described through
 illustrations than words, through poetry than story and through story than illustrations. The calendar
 is a unique combination of all three that makes it interesting and effectively communicates the

 The development of HR calendar is the first step towards creating an era where the role of Human
 resource management is not only operational, but seasonal.
The dignitaries shared their views on the calendar.

                            Ms. Deepa Mohamed
                            Chief People officer, Group Head (HR), SMC Group

Ms Deepa expressed her views first. “The concept of the HR Calendar is very good in the sense that
something is happening in the field of Human Resource Management otherwise HR is a thankless job
but the way Garima has come up, one can see a rosy picture in her eyes. She firmly believes that HR
should be there all the way so that at the end of the day when we talk about productivity or a
productive employee, HR supports all the way and employee also grabbed it”, Ms Deepa says

She summarised the whole concept and said “It was a symbiotic and a synergistic harmonious
relationship which led to the final culmination in December. Although I liked the entire Calendar, her
concept for the months of March and October has appealed to me the most”.

She turned the calendar pages and while referring to the March Month’s illustration, she read, “I am
the only leader left here as i didn’t develop any”. She further explains, “The way we learn from our
seniors we should also share the same with our juniors, otherwise the baton will not be passed on to
the next generation. It will encourage people to share new ideas. I think the old timers must learn
from it because unless we share our ideas with our juniors the baton will not be passed.”

She further referred the October month, “See talent, speak talent and let the talent speak. How many
of us are really encouraged people to share their ideas contrary to what the Supervisor or the boss is
saying so that at times talent also gets very claustrophobic or we just don’t let our talent speak , so
the interpretation of three monkeys is a very good one, an excellent thought. Overall I am very much
Mr. Devashish Banerji
                               Country Manager, Crown Agents (India) Pvt Ltd

“I am not a core HR person but I have been at better end of HR always. This Calendar reminds me if
not seasons but of my various stages in life in my whole career. I definitely remember HR persons
who have been hand holders and seen talent in us and nurtured us. Earlier, it was the Personnel
Department which was dominating but over the years HR has gained importance in the Industry. It is
really fortunate that so early on in your life you are able to think so innovatively which speaks
volumes why Indians are called Innovative these days. It is a wonderful effort” Mr Devashish says.

                              Mr. Sumit Chaudhuri, Chairman and MD,
                              Third Millennium Business Resource Associates Pvt Ltd

“I am delighted to be here today . When Garima was explaining the significance of each month in her
HR Calendar, She reminded me of my day one, first class of HRM in the Faculty of Management
Sciences at University of Delhi where the Late Professor Mr Ghosh told that in his view HRM means
womb to Tomb ie just as a mother takes care of the child in the womb till the time child grows it is
the HRD which takes care of an employee right from his entering the organisation till his resignation
or retirement”.

Today’s HR has become strategic function, every CEO has to rely on HR and this transition I have seen
with my own eyes. So far today what Garima has said I would like to summarise by saying that HR
Profession of today is the whole field of strategic HRM which has come up. This means to align your
policies and practices with business objectives which is the basic intent of strategic HRM. Start with
the business objectives and then say what you can do in HR to help. So 5 or 6 qualities that an HR
Professional of today must , have been beautifully summed up through one way or the other in the
First quality refers to the negotiating skills of Mahatma Gandhi. Second quality refers to Care and
Compassion of Mother Teresa. This is reflected beautifully by Garima in some of the months. Third
quality refers to the Big Picture Mentality- Do you think big and encourage others to think big? Fourth
quality refers to Brain – We need to be sharp, we need to be data based , We should have
brainpower .Fifth- you must also have charm and Charisma like Saina Nehwal who at such a young
age has done so well for herself and the last quality refers to the hide of rhinoceros , the reason is
that the first five characters are needed to deal with others and when you are dealing with others
you need to negotiate , you need to have care and compassion and also need big picture mentality of
the brain , you need to have charm and charisma but at the end of the day it is a thankless function ,
therefore you have to have the hide of a rhinoceros.

My last sentence would be that we need to have flexible approach. To me a CEO has to be Chief
Ethical Officer. Ethics is very important, although in today’s world it may sound funny but I am a
strong votary of Ethics, so flexible mind with Ethics that has again got reflected in some of the
months. It is a wonderful creation.

                               Mr. Sushil Baveja
                               Head, HR ,DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd

“It is a Great occasion, Great effort, great initiative. I don’t think personnel of such young age with
such little experience in the corporate world can... put together such a brilliant effort full of
imagination, full inspiration, full of ideas and thoughts. I must appreciate the passion and
commitment with which Garima has come out about the whole concept. This Calendar in a way
connects to me in a very nice manner. My take away from this Calendar would be that HR is not a
profession of one season rather HR is a profession of all seasons and secondly HR is a end to end
solution provider . All HR professionals need to keep in mind when we are working at our work place
in various organisations we have seen, HR playing the role of a power Centre”

Today the time has changed. HR has to project itself as a strong business partner Many times in many
forums we get to know that HR professionals are treated as service providers and treated as
secondary to business matters.
The fact of the matter is that HR has evolved and transformed itself. I feel that HR has to step away
from the normal administrative role and evolve itself playing a more strategic role. There is need to
do a lot of retrospection and when we talk of developing people in other functions and in business as
a whole ,Attention has to be paid in terms of one zone ie Self development . HR has to lead from the
front. When you are able to pay attention to competency building I am sure everyone else will follow
the same path. So again I will say it has been a great occasion, very inspiring to see a youngster like
Garima coming with such brilliant ideas.”

                                    Mr. Manmohan Bhutani
                                    Vice President, People and Operations, Fiserv India

“Congratulations Garima, This is an innovative concept. We should all appreciate Gen Y . It is not
easy coming out with such concept and making it Public. It requires guts and confidence as well. So
from the HR perspective we find that many people are having lot of ideas but how to convert these
ideas and bring it out and run with it is what makes the difference between success and failure most
of the times. So I think you have the next step how your ideas can be converted into business ideas
today it is the business part which is very critical because , if HR does not understand business I think
you are not able to make the right decision . So that is where Garima you have a good sense there ,
what you have brought out and converting it and now running it as business , you have to think
about. If you are able to make proper convergence, you can go places.

We were talking about the transformation of HR particularly till the journey is on going. In India
companies are still struggling , we have the service Industry and the manufacturing Industry and you
see there is big difference , how the HR behaves , how HR is treated and how people perceive it. I
have always been in service Industry and seen HR as very responsive and those days have gone when
people talked about HR in a humorous way . Things are changing, we are dealing with young crowd
like Garima and those people are having a totally different attitude and the way they expect things to
happen and the way they derive things, we have seen that change. if we have to manage Gen Y , it
requires a different mindset and you can’t change them, Gen X has to change and that is what we are
trying to do and understand how GenY behaves , what are their aspirations and challenges and
accordingly make changes in Company culture or policies so that we are able to adapt to their line of
thinking and channelize their energy in a positive way .
Mr. Bhutani while quoting a Professor from IIM Bangalore, said, “It is easier said than done, we are
doing 100 things for each and every employee so that company engages with them but if they decide
not to engage with the Company then what will you do”.

He further says, “Company makes lot of efforts come out with unique programmes but the
employees are not reacting. They still do not take interest and they do not come forward. So the
Professor advised that 50% of your efforts should go into how you involve the employee in terms of
reacting to your programmes and it depends more on the individuals. So when you are hiring people
ensure that they have the positive attitude or the right attitude. So spend lot of time interviewing
only for attitude rather than skills or knowledge and if you find such persons who do not bring out
positive energy or enthusiasm into job , don’t hire”.

Explaining about the implementation, he further explains, “ Delegate powers down to certain level
and over a period of time ensure that these decisions are taken at a lower level. They might make
certain mistakes .Live with it Give them feedback , they will understand and you will see they are
taking better decisions than the management. Just give them the idea and they will come out with
the programmes much better in terms of design because they bring innovative energy into it . You
will find that they will take care of the implementation issues once you decide to implement that
programme. So empowering, involving and letting them do it help the organization take care of issues
when we try to push these programmes from Top to bottom. This is where we are realizing the power
of Gen Y on some of these aspects that their involvement , thinking and the approach which Garima
has adopted will surely benefit the Organisation.
How will the calendar benefit the employees and the organization

   •   Design effective strategies : The calendar will motivate the human resource Team to think
       differently and understand emotions of employees with every passing work season and with
       every fold of the calendar month to devise effective strategies .

   •   Training Tool: The calendar may be used as training tool to understand various seasons of
       work life to impart appropriate training towards organizational efficiency

   •   Instill self responsibility : It will motivate the internal employees to meet the targets beyond
       expectations and work efficiently by inculcating the feeling of self responsibility that prevails

   •   Motivational Object: It can be used as a motivational object that can be kept on the
       workstations of all the employees to be constantly put in front of the eyes that propels every
       employee to think differently and work efficiently. Every change in work season or the month
       brings fresh perspective towards organizational efficiency.

   •   Springboard for creativity and Innovation : It will also motivate the employees to think
       beyond the ordinary shells and use creativity and innovation as yardsticks for future growth
       and development

“Very Imaginative and Innovative concept. Simply impressive and inspiring”

                                                                               Sushil Baveja
                                                   Head, HR ,DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd

To come out with such an innovative concept at such a young age is really
remarkable. Wonderful thinking augmented beautifully by creative illustrations.

                                                                       Chief People officer
                                                     Group Head HR,SMC Group of companies

Excellent effort. Infinite Congrats. Keep it up actively and spread the message..

                                                                            Sumit Chaudhuri
                                                                           Chairman and MD
                                        Third Millennium Business Resource Associates Pvt Ltd

*Innovative concept *Brings positive energy *Might choose different themes for
each year going forward* Convert this to business idea

                                                                          Manmohan Bhutani
                                             Vice President, People and Operations,Fiserv India

Eye Opener . Very wonderful effort. Try selling this to a big corporate as an internal

                                                                         Devashish Banerji
                                                Country Manager,Crown Agents (India) Pvt Ltd
A very innovative method to create the story and explaining the HR theory so far
sought in million of pages
                                                                                       R.P. Ojha
                                                                              Senior consultant
                                 Ex- Executive Director (HR), Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd

Excellent! Keep it up. All the best .You have great future as CEO someday.

                         Colonel D.P. Dimri, ED & Chief Executive, Delhi Management Association

I am delighted and honoured that I was present here today. Your Calendar form is yet
one more wonderful concept of reminding the geniuses of being an HR throughout
the year. I drew from it that if we treat each human in our firm as an individual ,
recognise his uniqueness , give him the encouragement and fearless and doubt free
environment to apply his strengths , not only the firm will touch new heights but it
will ride on the wings of each of its employee.
                                                                                  Chandni Sahai
                                                                        Rajiv Gandhi Foundation

I think it is a very good and innovative idea to capture a new hire journey into an
organisation and how he completes his development journey
                                                                               American Express

I personally feel that the calendar overcomes different thoughts and barriers which
an organisation has . It is a wonderful approach and is very influencing
                                                                     Nutrihealth Systems Pvt Ltd
It is a unique and wonderful idea of depicting that HR people are also creative. Best
way of showing Corporate Culture
                                                                        Cannon India Pvt Ltd

It is very excellent and innovative endeavour in the field of HR.

                                                                      Pramod Kumar Samal
                                                      Ministry of Home Affairs , Govt of India

Presently I am preparing for M Tech but this concept has made me change my mind
to go for MBA in HR
                                                                 Engineering Institute ,Noida

A novel concept. Pl market it in organisations. It gave different insights towards HR
                                                                         ST Microelectronics

A novel idea beautifully transformed into a practical tool, one can keep it at his desk
to be reminded of motivational points throughout the year everyday
                                                                              Rohit Tawakley
                                                                                  Rabo Bank

The conceptual calendar is very inspiring and motivational. It has actually changed
my way of thinking about HR
                                                                                Ozone Group
A very innovative concept .Well presented and can be easily related to our
professional life
                                                                           Educom Raffles

Really appreciated the concept of presenting an employee’s work life into various
seasons I especially liked creativity of July month where employee rated himself as 5
                                                                                 SONALI ,
                                                                                 Citi Bank

For me it was a very wonderful & more precious moment than any other
professionals there, as we been a colleague i also had come across several thought &
stage of HR activities / approaches but have never been able to portrait it the way
you have today, but to an extend i felt & feel that i also did something today as
someone from the same vintage, especially a colleague have did it so beautifully & i
also feel honored from the depth of my heart.
                                                                               Lijo Joseph

Really glad to see an innovation of this sort would love to place it on my table top.

                                                                           Monika Lohani
                                                                            Iris software

It was a great learning experience and Iam extremely glad to learn about the HR
calendar. I am sure this will be a game changer in the field of HR.
If one self responsible, innovative and creative employee
(represented by the character “Zoobie” ) can gift the organization
 with revenue , customer delight Ideas, innovation …………………

  Imagine the effect of all the employees or colleagues in your
             organization turning into Zoobies……

                     I took the first little step
Would you like to join hands and take big leaps forward by gifting
              this calendar to all the employees…

           Lets Do
         The ZOOBIE DO

                                                          Garima Mathur

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Launch Report

  • 1. Launch of First of its kind….The Human Resource Calendar …….The ZOOBIE DO Calendar Date: 3rd March 2012 Time: 6.00 PM Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi Greeting Seasons! “HR is not a profession of one season but a profession of all seasons” It was the launch of first HR calendar depicting various seasons of work life and the significant role played by HR towards achieving success beyond imagination. The conceptual calendar is an amalgam of poetry, illustrations and a story describing various moods and perspectives of work life with the emergence of HR as the main driver for success. It was the day when I took the first step towards my vision of creating an era of success through creativity and innovation in Human resource Management. It was a warm and a pleasant evening that witnessed various experiences and emotions of being anxious, excited, afraid, happy, and delighted. The day witnessed the arrival of distinguished leaders in the field of Human Resource Management. Dignitaries who graced the occasion with their presence at the launch Ms. Deepa, Chief People officer, Group Head HR, SMC Group Mr. Devashish Banerji, Country Manager, Crown Agents Mr. Sumit Chaudhuri, Chairman and MD, Third Millennium Business Resource Associates Private Limited Mr. Sushil Baveja, Head - Corporate HR, DSCL Launch of First HR calendar Mr. Manmohan Bhutani,Vice President,people&ops,Fiserv Date: 3rd March 2012 Mr. R.P Ojha, Senior consultant, Ex- Executive Director (HR), Time: 6.00 PM Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd, Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi Colonel D.P. Dimri, ED & Chief Executive, Delhi Management Association Ms Chandni Sahai, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Mr Debasis Satapathy, Head HR, Bharti Foundation
  • 2. The event started with the brief introduction to the concept of work seasons and the formal launch of the First HR calendar with the support from Ms Deepa, Mr Devashish Banerji, Mr. Sumit Chaudhuri, Mr Sushil Baveja and Mr Manmohan Bhutani . It was followed by the detailed introduction to all the work seasons captured every month laying the significance of customized seasoned approach. IDEA BEHIND THE CALENDAR I wondered why seasons are only associated with weather conditions or temperature or the atmospheric pressure and why not the situations that we face everyday at workplace. There are days when we are extremely happy and feel like on the top the world at work while some days we are overloaded. There are days when we are anxious about our career growth or the performance review and some days we observe change in our perspectives and the strategies at workplace. That was how the idea of describing various work seasons or situations at work came to my mind and I developed the First of its kind...the HR calendar. It looks like a calendar …….. When you take it closer, you see illustrations When you read, you find poetry When you relate...its Human resource Management When you turn the sheets, you unfold work seasons When you flip the calendar other side, it’s a story of a new hire When you finish reading it, it’s a success story…. The “Zoobie Do” calendar Our work life visualizes various seasons, situations and perspectives throughout the year and to achieve the organizational success, we need to win each day in every season. Human Resource Management has a significant role to play in terms of managing the daily work situations via customized seasoned approach. There is no single magical Human resource management universal strategy that can be applied in all situations to engage the employees and taste the flavor of success and infact the magic lies in the “seasoned approach”
  • 3. The character Zoobie was introduced. The Story……. It’s the journey of a new hire “ Zoobie” who enters the organization of his dreams “The employer of choice” and explores the way to succeed beyond imagination overcoming mental barriers and challenges through his sharp eyes, strive for value addition and influencing power. During his journey he discovers the extraordinary power of Human Resource Management. We have a vast resource of talent within the organization and tapping the hidden resource requires connecting with the hearts of employees. To achieve the goal, the human resource unit has to play additional role in meeting the expectations of new hire by laying a strong path, connecting the hearts of employee and the leader, adopting encouraging leadership style , providing space and freedom to employees and act as a boost to their growth leading to the growth of organization. A deeper understanding requires description of work situations as closer to reality as possible, capturing the emotions as well. There are many situations which can be best described through illustrations than words, through poetry than story and through story than illustrations. The calendar is a unique combination of all three that makes it interesting and effectively communicates the message. The development of HR calendar is the first step towards creating an era where the role of Human resource management is not only operational, but seasonal.
  • 4. The dignitaries shared their views on the calendar. Ms. Deepa Mohamed Chief People officer, Group Head (HR), SMC Group Ms Deepa expressed her views first. “The concept of the HR Calendar is very good in the sense that something is happening in the field of Human Resource Management otherwise HR is a thankless job but the way Garima has come up, one can see a rosy picture in her eyes. She firmly believes that HR should be there all the way so that at the end of the day when we talk about productivity or a productive employee, HR supports all the way and employee also grabbed it”, Ms Deepa says She summarised the whole concept and said “It was a symbiotic and a synergistic harmonious relationship which led to the final culmination in December. Although I liked the entire Calendar, her concept for the months of March and October has appealed to me the most”. She turned the calendar pages and while referring to the March Month’s illustration, she read, “I am the only leader left here as i didn’t develop any”. She further explains, “The way we learn from our seniors we should also share the same with our juniors, otherwise the baton will not be passed on to the next generation. It will encourage people to share new ideas. I think the old timers must learn from it because unless we share our ideas with our juniors the baton will not be passed.” She further referred the October month, “See talent, speak talent and let the talent speak. How many of us are really encouraged people to share their ideas contrary to what the Supervisor or the boss is saying so that at times talent also gets very claustrophobic or we just don’t let our talent speak , so the interpretation of three monkeys is a very good one, an excellent thought. Overall I am very much impressed.”
  • 5. Mr. Devashish Banerji Country Manager, Crown Agents (India) Pvt Ltd “I am not a core HR person but I have been at better end of HR always. This Calendar reminds me if not seasons but of my various stages in life in my whole career. I definitely remember HR persons who have been hand holders and seen talent in us and nurtured us. Earlier, it was the Personnel Department which was dominating but over the years HR has gained importance in the Industry. It is really fortunate that so early on in your life you are able to think so innovatively which speaks volumes why Indians are called Innovative these days. It is a wonderful effort” Mr Devashish says. Mr. Sumit Chaudhuri, Chairman and MD, Third Millennium Business Resource Associates Pvt Ltd “I am delighted to be here today . When Garima was explaining the significance of each month in her HR Calendar, She reminded me of my day one, first class of HRM in the Faculty of Management Sciences at University of Delhi where the Late Professor Mr Ghosh told that in his view HRM means womb to Tomb ie just as a mother takes care of the child in the womb till the time child grows it is the HRD which takes care of an employee right from his entering the organisation till his resignation or retirement”. Today’s HR has become strategic function, every CEO has to rely on HR and this transition I have seen with my own eyes. So far today what Garima has said I would like to summarise by saying that HR Profession of today is the whole field of strategic HRM which has come up. This means to align your policies and practices with business objectives which is the basic intent of strategic HRM. Start with the business objectives and then say what you can do in HR to help. So 5 or 6 qualities that an HR Professional of today must , have been beautifully summed up through one way or the other in the calendar.
  • 6. First quality refers to the negotiating skills of Mahatma Gandhi. Second quality refers to Care and Compassion of Mother Teresa. This is reflected beautifully by Garima in some of the months. Third quality refers to the Big Picture Mentality- Do you think big and encourage others to think big? Fourth quality refers to Brain – We need to be sharp, we need to be data based , We should have brainpower .Fifth- you must also have charm and Charisma like Saina Nehwal who at such a young age has done so well for herself and the last quality refers to the hide of rhinoceros , the reason is that the first five characters are needed to deal with others and when you are dealing with others you need to negotiate , you need to have care and compassion and also need big picture mentality of the brain , you need to have charm and charisma but at the end of the day it is a thankless function , therefore you have to have the hide of a rhinoceros. My last sentence would be that we need to have flexible approach. To me a CEO has to be Chief Ethical Officer. Ethics is very important, although in today’s world it may sound funny but I am a strong votary of Ethics, so flexible mind with Ethics that has again got reflected in some of the months. It is a wonderful creation. Mr. Sushil Baveja Head, HR ,DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd “It is a Great occasion, Great effort, great initiative. I don’t think personnel of such young age with such little experience in the corporate world can... put together such a brilliant effort full of imagination, full inspiration, full of ideas and thoughts. I must appreciate the passion and commitment with which Garima has come out about the whole concept. This Calendar in a way connects to me in a very nice manner. My take away from this Calendar would be that HR is not a profession of one season rather HR is a profession of all seasons and secondly HR is a end to end solution provider . All HR professionals need to keep in mind when we are working at our work place in various organisations we have seen, HR playing the role of a power Centre” Today the time has changed. HR has to project itself as a strong business partner Many times in many forums we get to know that HR professionals are treated as service providers and treated as secondary to business matters.
  • 7. The fact of the matter is that HR has evolved and transformed itself. I feel that HR has to step away from the normal administrative role and evolve itself playing a more strategic role. There is need to do a lot of retrospection and when we talk of developing people in other functions and in business as a whole ,Attention has to be paid in terms of one zone ie Self development . HR has to lead from the front. When you are able to pay attention to competency building I am sure everyone else will follow the same path. So again I will say it has been a great occasion, very inspiring to see a youngster like Garima coming with such brilliant ideas.” Mr. Manmohan Bhutani Vice President, People and Operations, Fiserv India “Congratulations Garima, This is an innovative concept. We should all appreciate Gen Y . It is not easy coming out with such concept and making it Public. It requires guts and confidence as well. So from the HR perspective we find that many people are having lot of ideas but how to convert these ideas and bring it out and run with it is what makes the difference between success and failure most of the times. So I think you have the next step how your ideas can be converted into business ideas today it is the business part which is very critical because , if HR does not understand business I think you are not able to make the right decision . So that is where Garima you have a good sense there , what you have brought out and converting it and now running it as business , you have to think about. If you are able to make proper convergence, you can go places. We were talking about the transformation of HR particularly till the journey is on going. In India companies are still struggling , we have the service Industry and the manufacturing Industry and you see there is big difference , how the HR behaves , how HR is treated and how people perceive it. I have always been in service Industry and seen HR as very responsive and those days have gone when people talked about HR in a humorous way . Things are changing, we are dealing with young crowd like Garima and those people are having a totally different attitude and the way they expect things to happen and the way they derive things, we have seen that change. if we have to manage Gen Y , it requires a different mindset and you can’t change them, Gen X has to change and that is what we are trying to do and understand how GenY behaves , what are their aspirations and challenges and accordingly make changes in Company culture or policies so that we are able to adapt to their line of thinking and channelize their energy in a positive way .
  • 8. Mr. Bhutani while quoting a Professor from IIM Bangalore, said, “It is easier said than done, we are doing 100 things for each and every employee so that company engages with them but if they decide not to engage with the Company then what will you do”. He further says, “Company makes lot of efforts come out with unique programmes but the employees are not reacting. They still do not take interest and they do not come forward. So the Professor advised that 50% of your efforts should go into how you involve the employee in terms of reacting to your programmes and it depends more on the individuals. So when you are hiring people ensure that they have the positive attitude or the right attitude. So spend lot of time interviewing only for attitude rather than skills or knowledge and if you find such persons who do not bring out positive energy or enthusiasm into job , don’t hire”. Explaining about the implementation, he further explains, “ Delegate powers down to certain level and over a period of time ensure that these decisions are taken at a lower level. They might make certain mistakes .Live with it Give them feedback , they will understand and you will see they are taking better decisions than the management. Just give them the idea and they will come out with the programmes much better in terms of design because they bring innovative energy into it . You will find that they will take care of the implementation issues once you decide to implement that programme. So empowering, involving and letting them do it help the organization take care of issues when we try to push these programmes from Top to bottom. This is where we are realizing the power of Gen Y on some of these aspects that their involvement , thinking and the approach which Garima has adopted will surely benefit the Organisation.
  • 9. How will the calendar benefit the employees and the organization • Design effective strategies : The calendar will motivate the human resource Team to think differently and understand emotions of employees with every passing work season and with every fold of the calendar month to devise effective strategies . • Training Tool: The calendar may be used as training tool to understand various seasons of work life to impart appropriate training towards organizational efficiency • Instill self responsibility : It will motivate the internal employees to meet the targets beyond expectations and work efficiently by inculcating the feeling of self responsibility that prevails throughout • Motivational Object: It can be used as a motivational object that can be kept on the workstations of all the employees to be constantly put in front of the eyes that propels every employee to think differently and work efficiently. Every change in work season or the month brings fresh perspective towards organizational efficiency. • Springboard for creativity and Innovation : It will also motivate the employees to think beyond the ordinary shells and use creativity and innovation as yardsticks for future growth and development
  • 10. v FEEDBACK “Very Imaginative and Innovative concept. Simply impressive and inspiring” Sushil Baveja Head, HR ,DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd To come out with such an innovative concept at such a young age is really remarkable. Wonderful thinking augmented beautifully by creative illustrations. Deepa Chief People officer Group Head HR,SMC Group of companies Excellent effort. Infinite Congrats. Keep it up actively and spread the message.. Sumit Chaudhuri Chairman and MD Third Millennium Business Resource Associates Pvt Ltd *Innovative concept *Brings positive energy *Might choose different themes for each year going forward* Convert this to business idea Manmohan Bhutani Vice President, People and Operations,Fiserv India Eye Opener . Very wonderful effort. Try selling this to a big corporate as an internal Calendar Devashish Banerji Country Manager,Crown Agents (India) Pvt Ltd
  • 11. A very innovative method to create the story and explaining the HR theory so far sought in million of pages R.P. Ojha Senior consultant Ex- Executive Director (HR), Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd Excellent! Keep it up. All the best .You have great future as CEO someday. Colonel D.P. Dimri, ED & Chief Executive, Delhi Management Association I am delighted and honoured that I was present here today. Your Calendar form is yet one more wonderful concept of reminding the geniuses of being an HR throughout the year. I drew from it that if we treat each human in our firm as an individual , recognise his uniqueness , give him the encouragement and fearless and doubt free environment to apply his strengths , not only the firm will touch new heights but it will ride on the wings of each of its employee. Chandni Sahai Rajiv Gandhi Foundation I think it is a very good and innovative idea to capture a new hire journey into an organisation and how he completes his development journey Nitin American Express I personally feel that the calendar overcomes different thoughts and barriers which an organisation has . It is a wonderful approach and is very influencing Divya Nutrihealth Systems Pvt Ltd
  • 12. It is a unique and wonderful idea of depicting that HR people are also creative. Best way of showing Corporate Culture SACHIN Cannon India Pvt Ltd It is very excellent and innovative endeavour in the field of HR. Pramod Kumar Samal Ministry of Home Affairs , Govt of India Presently I am preparing for M Tech but this concept has made me change my mind to go for MBA in HR MAYANK Engineering Institute ,Noida A novel concept. Pl market it in organisations. It gave different insights towards HR function Gaurav ST Microelectronics A novel idea beautifully transformed into a practical tool, one can keep it at his desk to be reminded of motivational points throughout the year everyday Rohit Tawakley Rabo Bank The conceptual calendar is very inspiring and motivational. It has actually changed my way of thinking about HR Soumya Ozone Group
  • 13. A very innovative concept .Well presented and can be easily related to our professional life Gauri Educom Raffles Really appreciated the concept of presenting an employee’s work life into various seasons I especially liked creativity of July month where employee rated himself as 5 SONALI , Citi Bank For me it was a very wonderful & more precious moment than any other professionals there, as we been a colleague i also had come across several thought & stage of HR activities / approaches but have never been able to portrait it the way you have today, but to an extend i felt & feel that i also did something today as someone from the same vintage, especially a colleague have did it so beautifully & i also feel honored from the depth of my heart. Lijo Joseph Really glad to see an innovation of this sort would love to place it on my table top. Monika Lohani Iris software It was a great learning experience and Iam extremely glad to learn about the HR calendar. I am sure this will be a game changer in the field of HR. KARTIK Deloitte
  • 14. If one self responsible, innovative and creative employee (represented by the character “Zoobie” ) can gift the organization with revenue , customer delight Ideas, innovation ………………… Imagine the effect of all the employees or colleagues in your organization turning into Zoobies…… I took the first little step Would you like to join hands and take big leaps forward by gifting this calendar to all the employees… Lets Do The ZOOBIE DO Garima Mathur