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S.No.                         Particulars                    Page
 1      Air Pollution Impact on Flowers                      01-24
        1.1    Introduction
        1.2    Selection and Description of Test Species
   Caesalpinia pulcherrima Swtz. (Swartz)
   Cassia fistula Linn.
   Cassia siamea Lamk. Syn.
      Delonix regia Hook (Bojer ex Hook)
      Peltophorum inerme Roxb.
            1.2.2      Flowering Time
   Air Pollutants
   Sources of Air Pollution
   Sources of Air Pollutants
   Effects of Air Pollution
      Need of Air Quality Monitoring
            1.2.3      Soil Pollution
   Types of Soil Pollution
   Causes of Soil Pollution
   Pollution Due to Urbanisation
   Effects of Soil Pollution
   Long Term Effects of Soil Pollution
   Control of soil pollution
            1.2.4      Noise Pollution
   Sources of noise
   Measures of noise
   Effects of noise pollution
   Causes and Effects of Noise Pollution
        1.3    Results
            1.3.1      Flowering Time
            1.3.2      Floral Morphology
            1.3.3      Flower Colour
            1.3.4      Floral Biomass
            1.3.5      Pollen Germination
            1.3.6      Pollen Size
            1.3.7      Pollen Tube Length
            1.3.8      Pollen Viability
        1.4    Discussion
            1.4.1      Time of Flowering
            1.4.2      Morphology of Flowers
            1.4.3      Flower Colour
            1.4.4      Floral Biomass
            1.4.5      Pollen Characters

2   Air Pollution Impact on Fruits                         25-36
    2.1    Introduction
    2.2    Experimental
        2.2.1      Colour of Pods
        2.2.2      Size of Pods
        2.2.3      Weight of Pods
        2.2.4      Seed Count
        2.2.5      Seed Viability
    2.3    Results
        2.3.1      Colour of Pods
        2.3.2      Size of Pods
        2.3.3      Weight of Pods
        2.3.4      Seed Count
        2.3.5      Seed Viability
    2.4    Discussion
3   Air Pollution Impact on Seed Quality and Germination   37-47
    3.1    Introduction
    3.2    Experimental
        3.2.1      Seed Colour
        3.2.2      Seed Weight
        3.2.3      Seed Density
        3.2.4      Seed Soundness
        3.2.5    Seed Germination
    3.3    Results
        3.3.1      Seed Colour
        3.3.2      Seed Weight
        3.3.3      Seed Density
        3.3.4      Seed Soundness
        3.3.5      Seed Germination
    3.4    Discussion
    Acknowledgement                                         48
    References                                             49-57

Air Pollution Impact on Reproductive Behaviour of Few
                     Tropical Trees

       Dr. Kishore Pawar, Dr. O.P.Joshi and Dr. Hema Swami
                          Department of Environment
                 Holkar Science College, Indore – 452 017- India

                  Air Pollution Impact on Flowers

1.1   Introduction
      To survive and do well, flowering plants have to reproduce themselves
      successfully. It is beneficial to the species if reproduction is carried out by
      sexual means, because this introduces greater variability in to the resulting
      offspring‟s, which in turns allow more opportunity for the species to evolve
      with its environment. The most colourful and spectacular aspects of plant
      growth are associated with development of flowers and fruits. Flower formation
      signifies a transition from vegetative to the reproductive phase of development.
      The shoot meristem is induced to develop sepals, petals, stamens and carpels
      instead of leaves. This transition can only occur at a particular time in the life of
      plants, which within certain limits, is determined genetically. Infect
      reproductive growth is certainly a complex process and physiologists have
      recognized a number of partial processes, which have been intensively studied.

      Ordinarily in thinking of reproductive growth, flower formation and fruit
      development come to mind. These events are obvious to the naked eye.
      However, each of these processes is the culmination of a number of other
      events, many of which are microscopic or submicroscopic. The reproductive
      growth is complex and encompasses a variety of anatomical, morphological,
      physiological and bio-chemical processes.

      After the plant attains the ripe to flower condition further progress towards
      flower initiation depends on the environment, both temperature and light are
      involved. Infect reproductive growth is certainly a complex processes, which
      have been intensively studied.

In this process two stages must be distinguished from each other, the induction
       of flowering and the differentiation of flowers and inflorescence. Everyone is
       familiar with flowers. Botanically flower is a modified shoot consisting of
       protective leaves, i.e. sepals and decorative coloured petals. These represent the
       parts of the flowers that is most familiar and indeed, generally thought of „the
       flower‟. Sepals and petals protect essential parts of the flowers, the male and
       female organs. The female part of the flower usually forms the central portion
       and it consists of one or more carpels, each of which contains one or more egg
       or ovules, mounted by a style and stigma. The stigma is the receptive surface on
       which pollen grains can land and grow, while the style is simply its stalk.

       The male parts are usually found in a ring around the central female parts, and
       they consist of pollen bearing stamens. Flowers may be produced singly or in-
       group known as inflorescence. The purpose of these aggregations normally
       seems to be an aid in attracting potential pollinators. During postembryonic
       development in higher plants, the shoot apex undergoes three discernible phases
       - juvenile vegetative, adult and reproductive. The transition from the juvenile to
       adult phase is usually gradual and involves subtle changes in shoot morphology
       and physiology (Poethig 1990). The intermediate developmental patterns are
       common during the transition from vegetative to reproductive stages.
       Infect, differentiation of the reproductive organ is preceded by formation of
       sepals and petals. That has a combination of vegetative and non-vegetative
       characters (Shrivastava and Iqbal 1994).

       For flowering the size of the shoot is more important than its age. In several
       species, shoot undergoes flowering on reaching a certain stage of development
       (Robinson and Warening 1969). The regulatory mechanism ensures that the
       plant does not flower until it has attained the requisite size. This holds true even
       in plants requiring a specific day length or chilling.

1.2.   Selection and Description of Test Species
       The five tree species selected for the present study belongs to family- Fabaceae.
       These trees are of good ornamental value. They are planted on roadside, in
       gardens and even in home gardens. They give a good colour effect; attract birds,
       bees and butterflies, which pollinate them. They are important component of

urban ecosystem and presently facing threat due to harmful and toxic effect of
      urban air pollutants. A brief taxonomic description of these plants is presented
      below: Caesalpinia pulcherrima Swtz. (Swartz)

      A glabrous shrub or a small tree unarmed or with a few weak prickles,
      cultivated in gardens, generally throughout India (Plate 1.1). It is commonly
      known as Shankhasur, Gultora, Chhoti-gulmohar and Krishna chura.

      Leaves- 15-30 cm. Long, alternate, pinnae 6-8, leaflets, 8-12 in pairs, sessile
      and oblong.
      Flowers- Scarlet yellow or red in elongate auxiliary and terminal racemes.
      Total five petals sub-equal, transversely oblong.
      Stamens- 10, free, filament long, petaloid.
      Pods- Oblong and flat, glabrescent, narrower and thinner than those of any of
      the genus.
      Seeds- 8-10 obviate – oblong and glabrous.
      Flowering- Nearly throughout the year.

         Plate 1.1: Caesalpinia pulcherrima in flowering at Low Pollution Area Cassia fistula Linn.
      A very handsome tree 20-30 feet high, trunk straight, bark smooth and pale gray
      when young, rough and dark-brown, when old, branches spreading, slender
      (Plate 1.2). This is a well-recognized avenue tree, occasionally found in
      deciduous forest also, commonly known as Amaltas.

Leaves- 9-16 inches long main rachis pubescent, stipules minute, linear oblong,
obtuse, pubescent.

Leaflets- 4-8 pairs, ovate or ovate-oblong, acute, bright green, glabrous and
silvery-pubescent beneath when young, the midrib densely pubescent at the
underside, base cuneate.

 Plate 1.2: Cassia fistula with developing pods showing flowers in inset.

Flowers- In racemes 12-20 inches long, pedicels 1½ - 2 ¼ inches long, slender,
pubescent and glabrous.

Sepals- 5, pubescent, oblong.

Petals- 5, sub-equal obovate, shortly clawed, veined.

Stamens- 10, the 3 longest stamens are much curved and bear large, oblong
curved anthers, the 4 median stamens are straight and 3 remaining are very short
and erect staminode, dehiscing longitudinally by pores.

Pods- 2-3 feet long, 1-3/4 inches in diameter, pendulous, cylindrical, nearly
straight, smooth, shining, brown-black, not torulose, indehiscent with numerous
(40-100) horizontal seeds immersed in a dark coloured sweetish pulp, and
completely separated by transverse partition.

Flowering- April-June.

Fruiting- Persisting throughout the year.

                                      4 Cassia siamea Lamk. Syn.

      Evergreen tree of moderate size having nearly smooth, gray bark marked with
      slight longitudinally fissures (Plate 1.3). The Cassia siamea is a native of South
      India and Burma. It is now grown throughout the India planted on roadside and
      in gardens for its shade and showy flowers. Its dark green, glossy leaves are
      divided into two rows of narrow, pointed leaflet arranged in opposite pairs on
      the slender midrib.

        Plate 1.3: Cassia siamea with flowers and fruits at Low Pollution Area.

      Leaves- Peripinnate about 12 inches long, leaflets 12 to 20, elliptical-oblong,
      mucronate, glabrous.

      Flowers- Yellow grow in large, open clusters at the ends of the branches about
      1 ¼ inches, each of the flower having five almost equal petals and perfect seven
      stamens nearly unequal that produce pollen, the remaining three stamens being
      wanting, or small and sterile.

      Pods- The flat pods are purplish or brown, when ripe and contain a number of
      seeds. When young, they are soft, ribbon-like, minutely velvety, 6 to 9 inches

      Flowering– Throughout the year, maximum flush is observed in October.

      Fruiting- April and throughout the year. Delonix regia Hook (Bojer ex Hook)
      Delonix is a quick growing evergreen tree with slightly rough, grayish, brown
      bark, and a rather slender trunk, which usually soon divides into a number of

spreading, limb, bearing delicate feathery foliage 7-12 meter tall (Plate 1.4). It is
      planted in gardens, roadsides and at public places, as an ornamental shade tree.

       Plate 1.4: Delonix regia growing in Low Pollution Area with flowers in inset.

      Leaves - 15- 40 cm long, alternate, bipinnate compound, pinnae 8-20 pairs,
      leaflet 15-20 pairs.

      Flowers- 3 to 4 inches across petal, obviate, clawed, in terminal, simple or
      branched racemes, flowers red or orange in colour, the upper petal striped with
      yellow or white.

      Stamens- 10, exerted, red.

      Pods- 30-40 x 3 - 4.5 cm broadly linear, flat woody beaked, dark brown in

      Seeds– Numerous, oblong, glabrous, smooth, white or creamy, mottled.

      Flowering- April-July.

      Fruiting - December. Peltophorum inerme Roxb.
      Peltophorum is evergreen tree, 8-20 meter tall, handsome, dark foliaged
      younger parts rusty brown or grayish tomentose, panicles of showy yellow
      flowers (Plate 1.5). It is usually planted in gardens and along the roadsides as an
      ornamental shade tree.

      Leaves –12-30 cm long, alternate, pinnae, 6-13 pairs.

Leaflets - 6-17 pairs, oblong, glabrous.

     Flowers- Bright yellow, in terminal racemose panicles.

         Plate 1.5: Blooming Peltophorum inerme growing in Low Pollution Area

     Stamens- 10, free, hairy at base golden-yellow.

     Pods- Lanceolate, 5-10 x 1.6 –2.2 cm, oblong, flat, hard, narrowed at both ends,
     indehiscent, woody, margin winged, rusty red in colour.

     Seeds– Usually 3-5, brown, obovate, oblong, compressed, smooth, flat and

     Flowering- April-June.
     Fruiting– December- January.

1.2.2 Flowering Time

     The data of intiating flowering for Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Cassia fistula,
     Cassia siamea, Delonix regia and Peltophorum inerme was noted for two
     consecutive years 2002 and 2003.

1.2.3 Floral Morphology

     To study the floral morphology flowers were collected in between 9 to 11 AM
     from the height of 3 to 5 meters from the ground level. Hundred flowers were

collected from each plant species (25 flowers each from four different trees)
     from sampling sites in polythene bag sealed with adhesive tape and were
     brought to the laboratory. Measurement of length and breadth of sepals, petals,
     stamens and carpel were taken with a standard scale.

1.2.4 Flower Colour

     The anthocyanin content of flowers, growing in different areas was determined
     following Drumm and Mohr (1978). For floral estimation 200 mg of petals were
     dipped into 5 cm3 of methanolic HCl (1%) v/v and kept overnight at 5 to 10 C
     (Stafford 1966).

     After centrifugation, the absorbance of supernatant was measured at 525 nm, in
     spectrophotometer. The anthocyanin content was expressed as absorbance per
     100 mg fresh weight. Each mean value represent an average of three
     independent replicates.

1.2.5 Floral Biomass

     Floral biomass was determined by collecting 100 flowers from each site from
     the height of 3 to 5 meters. Sampling was done in the morning hours between 9
     to 10 am. Flowers were brought to the laboratory in polythene bags sealed with
     adhesive tape. After taking their fresh weight flowers placed in an oven at 80 C
     for 24 hours and later on the dry weight was recorded.

1.2.6 Pollen Germination

     Freshly opened flowers were collected during 9 to 10 AM in polythene bags
     from Industrial Pollution Area (IPA), Vehicular Pollution Area (VPA) and Low
     Pollution Area (LPA) for pollen germination studies. Sucrose and boric acid
     solutions of different grades were prepared following Brewbakar and Kwack
     (1963). Pollen grains were placed in most suitable concentrations, i.e. (8%
     sucrose and 200 g of boric acid) on cavity slides, which were kept in petridish
     containing moist filter paper inside to maintain the appropriate relative
     humidity. The slides were observed under microscope at every one-hour
     interval to record the results. Pollen grains were considered germinated only,

when pollen tubes attained a size doubled of the grains. Ten random
         microscopic fields (10 x 10 X) in each of the slides were examined to determine
         the pollen germination. Pollen tube length and pollen diameter was measured
         using an Ocular Micrometer.

1.2.7 Pollen Viability

         Pollen viability was determined by using 1 % TTC [2, 3, 5–Triphenyl-
         tetrazolium chloride] following Norton (1966). Pollen grains were incubated in
         1 % TTC for 60 minutes at room temperature. The pollen grains were placed in
         a drop of this solution on a glass slides, with cover slip and these slides were
         kept in petriplates lined with moist filter paper and stored in a dark place. The
         numbers of pollen grains, which became reddish in colour, were recorded as

1.3      Results

1.3.1 Flowering Time

         A delay in flowering time from 7 to 20 days was observed in all plants species
         in both IPA and VPA as compared to LPA. Maximum delayed flowering was
         noted in Cassia fistula. However, Caesalpina pulcherrima was found to be
         relatively unaffected (Table 1.1).
 Table 1.1: Delay in flowering period of tree species growing in different polluted
             areas of Indore city in comparison to Low Pollution Area
                             Industrial Pollution Area        Vehicular Pollution Area
                               TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                TPL 506.81 g/ m3
        Name of plant
          species            Delay in         Delay in        Delay in         Delay in
                            Flowering        Flowering       Flowering       Flowering
                               2003                2004        2003             2004
      C. fistula            12-15 days        14-16 days    11-14 days       15-20 days
      C. siamea             15-20 days        16-18 days    10-12 days        8-10 days
      C. pulcherrima         7-10 days         5 -7 days     8-11 days       11-14 days
      D. regia              10-12 days        15-18 days    12-18 days       10-12 days
      P. inerme              8-10 days         9-11 days    15-18 days       18-21 days
  *TPL -Total Pollution Load (SO2 + NOx + SPM)

1.3.2 Floral Morphology
         Flowers collected from polluted sites showed reduction in length and breadth of
         sepals and petals. Length of stamens and carpel was also noted reduced (Table

1.2 to 1.6 and Fig. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). Maximum reduction was found in
        Peltophorum inerme, i.e. 26.71 and 59.0 %, 27.48 and 53.30 % in IPA and VPA
        respectively in length of sepals and petals. Whereas Caesalpinia pulcherrima
        showed minimum reduction, i.e. 3.27 % in sepals and 7.84, 13.27 % both in IPA
        and VPA.
       Table 1.2: Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Cassia fistula
                       LPA               IPA                               VPA
   Parameters          TPL*             TPL*            % Reduction        TPL*        % Reduction
                   308.02 g/ m3    539.15 g/ m3                      506.81 g/ m3
   Length of           1.22               1.14                             1.18
   sepals**            1.23               1.11                             1.14
                       1.26               1.10                             1.16
   Average ***      1.23±0.16          1.11±0.16          9.75 %        1.16±0.16         5.69 %
   Breadth of          0.48               0.27                             0.32
   sepals**            0.49               0.30                             0.36
                       0.47               0.32                             0.38
   Average***       0.48±0.08          0.29±0.20          39.58 %       0.35±0.21         27.0 %
   Length of           2.83               1.18                             1.87
   petals**            2.86               1.14                             1.74
                       2.84               2.20                             1.69
   Average***       2.84±0.14          2.17±1.16          23.59 %       1.76±0.20         28.87 %
   Breadth of          1.08               0.52                             0.92
   petals**            1.49               0.60                             0.69
                       1.08               0.94                             0.84
   Average***       1.21±0.60          0.68±0.57          43.25 %       0.81±0.41         32.25 %
   **Length            2.15               1.11                             1.98
   of stamens          1.87               1.12                             0.99
                       2.08               1.12                             1.24
   Average***       2.03±0.46          0.90±0.53          44.82 %       1.40±0.74         30.87 %
   Length of           1.97               0.96                             1.43
   Carpel**            1.70               0.92                             1.29
                       1.71               0.87                             1.20
   Average***       1.79±0.35          0.91±0.55          49.16 %       1.30±0.02         27.37 %
*TPL – Total Pollution Load, ** - Average of 100 flowers; *** - Average of 300 flowers
LPA - Low Pollution Area, IPA- Industrial Pollution Area; VPA- Vehicular Pollution Area
       Table 1.3 : Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Cassia siamea
                           LPA               IPA                           VPA
       Parameters          TPL*             TPL*              %            TPL*           %
                       308.02 g/ m3    539.15 g/ m3      Reduction   506.81 g/ m3   Reduction
      Length of            1.30              1.10                           1.12
      sepals**             1.31              0.99                           1.11
                           1.33              0.96                           1.18
      Average ***       1.31±0.14         1.01±0.20         22.90 %      1.13±0.57      13.74 %
      Breadth of           0.68              0.45                           0.48
      sepals**             0.67              0.46                           0.47
                           0.69              0.47                           0.49
      Average***        0.68±0.11         0.46±0.11         32.35 %      0.48±0.11      29.41 %
      Length of            2.43              0.97                           0.99
      petals**             2.40              0.98                           1.21
                           2.41              1.12                           1.10
      Average***        2.41±0.14         1.02±2.79         57.67 %      1.10±0.38      54.35 %

LPA               IPA                            VPA
     Parameters        TPL*             TPL*               %            TPL*           %
                   308.02 g/ m3    539.15 g/ m3       Reduction   506.81 g/ m3   Reduction
    Breadth of         1.20              0.60                           0.69
    petals**           1.21              0.58                           0.61
                       1.19              0.59                           0.59
    Average***      1.20±0.11         0.59±011          50.83 %      0.63±0.08       47.5 %
    **Length of        1.48              0.99                           0.87
    stamens            1.49              0.98                           0.90
                       1.48              0.97                           0.90
    Average***      1.48±0.08         0.98±0.11         33.78 %      0.90±0.08      39.18 %
    Length of          1.50              1.47                           1.48
    Carpel**           1.50              1.48                           1.49
                       1.49              1.46                           1.48
    Average***      1.50±0.08         1.47±0.11          2.0 %       1.48±0.08       1.33 %

Table 1.4: Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Caesalpinia pulcherrima
                      LPA               IPA                             VPA
    Parameters        TPL*             TPL*         % Reduction         TPL*           %
                  308.02 g/ m3    539.15 g/ m3                    506.81 g/ m3   Reduction
    Length of         1.22             1.18                             1.19
    sepals**          1.26             1.17                             1.18
                      1.20             1.20                             1.17
    Average ***    1.22±0.20        1.18±0.16           3.27 %       1.18±0.11       3.27 %
    Breadth of        0.58             0.48                             0.38
    sepals**          0.49             0.40                             0.47
                      0.48             0.46                             0.48
    Average***     0.51±0.20        0.47±0.18           7.84 %       0.44±0.29      13.27 %
    Length of         2.84             2.81                             1.90
    petals**          2.85             2.80                             1.99
                      2.82             2.82                             2.00
    Average***     2.83±0.16        2.81±0.11           0.70 %       1.96±0.29      30.74 %
    Breadth of        0.64             0.59                             0.48
    petals**          0.59             0.58                             0.61
                      0.62             0.60                             0.49
    Average***     0.61±0.21        0.59±0.11           3.27 %       0.52±0.25      14.75 %
    **Length           4.6              3.9                             4.00
    of stamens         4.4              4.1                              4.2
                       4.3              3.8                              3.9
    Average***      4.4±0.16         3.9±0.37           11.36 %       4.0±0.37       8.33 %
    Length of          4.2              4.0                              4.1
    Carpel**           4.1              3.7                              3.9
                       3.9              3.5                              3.7
    Average***      4.0±0.57         3.7±0.46            7.5 %        3.9±0.51       2.5 %

     Table 1.5 : Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Delonix regia
                      LPA               IPA                             VPA
    Parameters        TPL*             TPL*         % Reduction         TPL*           %
                  308.02 g/ m3    539.15 g/ m3                    506.81 g/ m3   Reduction
    Length of         2.30             2.00                             2.13
    sepals**          2.33             1.99                             2.00
                      2.45             1.98                             2.18
    Average ***    2.36±0.34        1.99±0.11           15.67 %      2.10±0.37      11.01 %
    Breadth of        0.88             0.70                             0.72
    sepals**          0.80             0.71                             0.71
                      0.69             0.69                             0.72
    Average***     0.79±0.85        0.70±0.11           11.39 %      0.71±0.11      10.12 %

LPA                IPA                              VPA
      Parameters         TPL*              TPL*           % Reduction        TPL*           %
                     308.02 g/ m3     539.15 g/ m3                     506.81 g/ m3   Reduction
      Length of           5.27              4.12                             4.25
      petals**            5.30              4.11                             4.33
                          5.54              4.28                             4.69
      Average***       5.37±0.47         4.17±0.66          22.34 %       4.42±0.59       17.69 %
      Breadth of          3.72              3.10                             3.41
      petals**            3.68              3.18                             3.20
                          3.67              3.04                             3.11
      Average***       3.69±0.20         3.10±0.30          15.98 %       3.57±0.21       3.25 %
      **Length            3.80              2.52                             3.20
      of stamens          3.70              3.60                             2.99
                          3.90              2.80                             3.40
      Average***       3.80±0.36         2.97±0.77          21.84 %       3.19±0.40       18.42 %
      Length of           4.30              4.70                             4.40
      Carpel**            3.90              2.87                             3.80
                          4.80              3.80                             4.40
      Average***       4.30±0.25         3.79±1.00          11.86 %       4.20±0.36       2.32 %

   Table 1.6 : Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Peltophorum inerme
                      LPA                 IPA                               VPA
 Parameters           TPL*               TPL*          % Reduction          TPL*         % Reduction
                  308.02 g/ m3      539.15 g/ m3                      506.81 g/ m3
Length of             1.31               0.99                               0.98
sepals**              1.32               0.96                               0.91
                      1.30               0.94                               0.98
Average ***        1.31±0.11          0.96±0.46           26.71 %        0.95±0.25         27.48 %
Breadth of            0.70               0.37                               0.30
sepals**              0.69               0.30                               0.36
                      0.67               0.32                               0.25
Average***         0.68±0.14          0.33±0.20           51.47 %        0.30±0.27         55.88 %
Length of             2.42               1.11                               1.12
petals**              2.41               0.99                               1.11
                      2.43               0.96                               1.18
Average***         2.42±0.11          0.99±0.34           59.0 %         1.13±0.23         53.30 %
Breadth of            1.21               0.38                               0.42
petals**              1.19               0.45                               0.47
                      1.42               0.46                               0.50
Average***         1.27±0.40          0.43±0.21           66.14 %        0.46±0.24         63.77 %
**Length of           1.40               0.86                               0.89
stamens               1.49               0.87                               0.87
                      1.50               0.88                               0.96
Average***         1.46±0.18          0.87±0.11           43.15 %        0.90±0.25         38.35 %
Length of             1.70               0.84                               0.85
Carpel**              1.50               0.86                               0.79
                      1.50               0.99                               0.95
Average***         1.56±0.23          0.89±0.34           42.94 %        0.86±0.37         44.87 %

       The response of petals to air pollution was also similar to the sepals. The
       perusal of tables clearly indicates that there was more reduction in length of
       sepals and petals as compared to their width. The size of stamens and carpel
       was also affected by pollution stress. Out of five test species maximum
       reduction in length of stamens was noted in Cassia fistula, i.e. 44.82 and
       30.87% in IPA and VPA respectively followed by Cassia siamea (Table 1.2 and

1.3), whereas minimum reduction in stamen size was found in Caesalpinia
pulcherrima, i.e. 11.36 and 8.33 % in IPA and VPA.

Regarding carpel, maximum reduction was found in Cassia fistula, where the
values were 49.16 and 27.37 % in IPA and VPA respectively. However the
minimum reduction in carpel length was observed in Cassia siamea (Table 1.3).
Overall it can be concluded that reduction in size of stamens and carpel was
more significant than sepals and petals. Flowers growing in IPA found to be
more affected than that of roadside plants (Fig. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3).

                       Fig 1.1: % reduction in length and breadth of sepals over LPA


         % Reduction


                        20                                                                                                C.fistula
                                   length of sepals                                      breadth of sepals
                                                           IPA                                                   VPA

                                                            Fig 1.2 : % reduction in length and breadth of petals over LPA.





                                               20                                                                             C.siamea
                                               10                                                                             P.inerme


                                                           IPAIPA                                                  VPA
                                              Length of Petals Breadth of Petals                   Length of Petals Breadth of Petals

                                                           Fig 1.3 : % reduction in length of stamens and carpel over LPA
                                              50                                                                               C.fistula


                         % Reduction






                                                         IPALength of stamens
                                                                  IPA                            Length of carpel VPA
                                                       Length of Stamens Length of Carpels Length of Stamens Length of Carpels

1.3.3 Flower Colour

         The anthocyanins are known to impart colour to the flowers along with
         carotenoids. In present study, it is visualized that air pollutants affected the
         colour of flowers adversely. In general, an overall reducing trend was observed
         in the floral colour in all the five test species in both the polluted sites as
         compared to the reference area (Table 1.7 to 1.11). The data clearly indicates
         that the flowers developing in vehicular pollution areas were affected more
         adversely than the Industrially Polluted Area.

         It is inferred that there was an overall increment in pigment content in all five
         species with their increasing exposure time. However, when compared with the
         pigment content of reference area a reduction was noted. The maximum
         reduction in anthocyanin content in third day flower stage was observed in P.
         inerme in VPA, which was 27.45% followed by C. fistula (18.46%); while it
         was minimum in C. siamea, i.e. only 3.15%.

         When compared to differently polluted area the floral pigment to be more
         sensitive to vehicular pollution than industrial. This is true for all the five
         species. Thus it appears that air around road side is more toxic to flower than
         other areas in spite of low pollution load as compared to industrial area.
                 Table 1.7 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Cassia fistula
                           LPA                                   IPA                                      VPA
                  TPL*308.02 g/ m3                       TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                        TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
     Time       Increase     Increase over     Increase      Increase over       %         Increase     Increase over      %
   exposure      (in mg)         0 day          (in mg)         0 day        Reduction      (in mg)        0 day       Reduction
     0 day        0.93                           0.94                                        0.87
                  0.94                           0.96                                        0.88
                  0.96                           0.95                                        0.87
    Average   0.95  0.16         0.00       0.95  0.11         0.00           0.00      0.87 0.08        0.00          8.42
     1 day        0.96                           0.98                                        0.94
                  0.95                           0.98                                        0.96
                  0.97                           0.97                                        0.95
    Average    0.96 0.11         0.01        0.98  0.08        0.03           2.08     0.95 0.11         0.08          1.04
    2ndday        1.24                           1.04                                        1.06
                  1.22                           1.06                                        1.06
                  1.23                           1.05                                        1.09
    Average    1.23 0.11         0.27       1.05  0.11         0.10          14.63      1.07 0.08        0.20         13.00
    3rd day       1.31                           1.20                                        1.05
                  1.29                           1.21                                        1.08
                  1.30                           1.20                                        1.07
    Average    1.30  0.11        0.35        1.20 0.08         0.25           7.69      1.06  0.16       0.19         18.46
    4th day       1.29                           1.09                                        0.99
                  1.26                           1.11                                        1.10
                  1.27                           1.10                                        0.98
    Average    1.27  0.14        0.28        1.10  0.11        0.15          13.38      1.05  0.34       0.13         21.25
*TPL -Total Pollution Load, LPA - Low Pollution Area, IPA- Industrial Pollution Area; VPA- Vehicular Pollution Area

Table 1.8 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Cassia siamea
                          LPA                                  IPA                                      VPA
                  TPL*308.02 g/ m3                     TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                        TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
  Time          Increase    Increase over     Increase     Increase over       %         Increase     Increase over      %
exposure         (in mg)        0 day          (in mg)        0 day        Reduction      (in mg)        0 day       Reduction
  0 day           0.89                          0.74                                       0.68
                  0.88                          0.75                                       0.68
                  0.89                          0.74                                       0.67
Average       0.89  0.08        0.00        0.74 0.08        0.00          16.85      0.67 0.08        0.00         23.59
 1 day            0.89                          0.94                                       0.89
                  0.91                          0.93                                       0.70
                  0.90                          0.95                                       0.70
Average        0.90 0.11        0.01       0.94  0.11        0.20            4.4     0.70  0.08        0.02         22.22
2ndday            0.89                          0.94                                       0.71
                  0.90                          0.96                                       0.72
                  0.90                          0.95                                       0.72
Average       0.90  0.08        0.01       0.95  0.11        0.21           5.55      0.72 0.08        0.04         20.00
3rd day           0.94                          0.96                                       0.98
                  0.96                          0.95                                       0.98
                  0.95                          0.97                                       0.97
Average       0.95  0.11        0.06        0.96 0.11        0.22           1.05      0.98 0.08        0.03          3.15
4th day           1.06                          1.04                                       1.07
                  1.06                          1.06                                       1.09
                  1.09                          1.03                                       1.08
Average        1.07 0.12        0.12        1.05 0.14         0.3           1.86      1.08 0.11         0.4          0.93

           Table 1.9 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Caesalpinia pulcherrima
                          LPA                                  IPA                                      VPA
                  TPL*308.02 g/ m3                     TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                        TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
  Time          Increase    Increase over     Increase     Increase over      %          Increase     Increase over     %
exposure         (in mg)        0 day          (in mg)        0 day        Reduction      (in mg)        0 day       Reduction
  0 day           0.98                          0.89                                       0.88
                  0.98                          0.91                                       0.89
                  0.97                          0.90                                       0.89
Average        0.98 0.08        0.00       0.90 0.11         0.00          8.16      0.89 0.08         0.00         9.18
 1 day            1.01                          0.91                                       0.98
                  1.03                          0.91                                       0.97
                  1.02                          0.90                                       0.98
Average       1.02  0.11        0.04       0.91  0.08        1.00          1.07       0.98 0.08        0.09         3.92
2ndday            1.03                          1.03                                       0.98
                  1.04                          1.02                                       0.99
                  1.04                          1.01                                       0.99
Average        1.04 0.08        0.06        1.02 0.11        12.0          1.92       0.99 0.08        0.10         4.80
3rd day           1.06                          1.09                                       0.99
                  1.06                          1.11                                       0.98
                  1.07                          1.10                                       0.99
Average       1.07  0.11        0.09        1.10 0.11        20.0          2.80      0.99  0.08        0.10         7.47
4th day           1.28                          1.20                                       1.20
                  1.27                          1.19                                       1.21
                  1.22                          1.19                                       1.20
Average       1.25  0.23        0.27       1.19  0.08        29.0           4.8       1.20 0.08        0.31          4.0

                Table 1.10 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Delonix regia
                          LPA                                  IPA                                      VPA
                    TPL*308.02 g/ m3                   TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                        TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
  Time          Increase    Increase over     Increase    Increase over        %         Increase    Increase over      %
exposure         (in mg)        0 day          (in mg)       0 day         Reduction      (in mg)       0 day       Reduction
  0 day           1.01                          0.89                                       0.89
                  0.02                          0.90                                       0.88
                  0.03                          0.90                                       0.89
Average        0.02 0.11        0.00        0.90 0.08       0.00           10.78      0.89 0.08       0.00         12.74
 1 day            1.03                          0.89                                       0.90
                  1.05                          0.91                                       0.89
                  1.04                          0.91                                       0.89
Average        1.04 0.08        0.02        0.91 0.08       0.20            12.5      0.90 0.08       0.01         13.46
2ndday            1.20                          1.19                                       0.90
                  1.22                          1.20                                       1.06
                  1.21                          1.21                                       1.07
Average       1.21 0.08         0.17       1.20 0.11        0.17            0.82      1.08 0.08       0.18          11.5
3rd day           1.20                          1.20                                       1.01
                  1.21                          1.21                                       1.02
                  1.20                          1.20                                       1.02
Average       1.20 0.08         0.16       1.20 0.08        0.16             00       1.02 0.08       0.13          15.0

LPA                                       IPA                                                  VPA
                    TPL*308.02 g/ m3                        TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                                    TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
    Time        Increase    Increase over           Increase   Increase over       %                      Increase    Increase over     %
  exposure       (in mg)        0 day                (in mg)      0 day         Reduction                   (in mg)      0 day       Reduction
   4th day        1.09                                1.00                                                   1.00
                  1.10                                1.01                                                   1.01
                  1.11                                1.00                                                   1.00
   Average     1.10 0.08        0.08             1.00 0.08       0.08            9.0                    1.00 0.08      0.11          9.0

             Table 1.11 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Peltophorum inerme
                          LPA                                        IPA                                                  VPA
                  TPL*308.02 g/ m3                           TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                                    TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
   Time         Increase    Increase over           Increase     Increase over      %                     Increase     Increase over       %
 exposure        (in mg)        0 day                (in mg)        0 day        Reduction                 (in mg)        0 day        Reduction
   0 day          0.78                                0.74                                                  0.67
                  0.78                                0.73                                                  0.68
                  0.79                                0.73                                                  0.68
 Average       0.78 0.08        0.00              0.73 0.08        0.00           6.4                  0.68 0.08        0.00           12.8
  1 day           0.79                                0.79                                                  0.69
                  0.80                                0.78                                                  0.70
                  0.80                                0.78                                                  0.70
 Average       0.80 0.08        0.02              0.78 0.08        0.05           2.5                  0.70 0.08        0.02           12.5
 2ndday           0.98                                0.98                                                  0.79
                  0.99                                0.97                                                  0.80
                  0.99                                0.98                                                  0.80
 Average       0.99 0.21        0.21              0.980.08         0.25           1.0                  0.80 0.08        0.10          19.19
 3rd day          1.01                                0.98                                                  0.73
                  1.02                                0.99                                                  0.74
                  1.03                                0.99                                                  0.75
 Average      1.02 0.14         0.24             0.99 0.08         0.26          2.94                 0.74 0.11         0.06          27.45
 4th day          0.99                                0.98                                                  0.74
                  0.98                                0.97                                                  0.76
                  0.99                                0.97                                                  0.75
 Average      0.99  0.11        0.21              0.97 0.08        0.24          2.02                  0.75 0.11        0.07          24.24

1.3.4 Floral Biomass
        Fresh and dry weights of flowers of different plant species are presented in
        Table 1.12 and % reduction is presented in Fig. 1.4. It is evident that maximum
        reduction in flower weight has taken place in vehicular area and minimum at
        industrial area. Out of five test species, it is observed that flowers of Delonix

                                            Fig 1.4 : % Reduction in fresh and dry weight of flower over LPA.




                         % REDUCTION

                                       25                                                                            C.pulcherrima




                                                        Fresh weight             IPA
                                            IPA                                              VPA
                          Fresh Weight               Dry Weight              Fresh Weight               Dry Weight

regia appeared to be more sensitive to air pollution, as regards the biomass, as
             there was 35.95 % and 43.77 % reduction in dry weight was noted respectively
             in both IPA and VPA. Minimum reduction was noted in Peltophorum inerme
             19.40% and 27.53% in both IPA and VPA in dry weight as compared to
             unaffected area, i.e. LPA. These results once again proved the toxicity of the air
             pollutants (Fig. 1.4).

                          Table 1.12 : Fresh and Dry weight (g) of 100 flowers
                    Low Pollution Area              Industrial Pollution Area                     Vehicular Pollution Area
Name of plant         TPL*308.02 g/m3                 TPL* 539.15 g/m3                            TPL* 506.81 g/m3
  species          Fresh wt.      Dry      Fresh wt.      %         Dry wt.      %        Fresh wt.       %        Dry wt.      %
                                  wt.                    Red.                    Red.                    Red.                  Red.
C. fistula           60.00        6.75       58.60                     5.30                 56.98                    4.60
                     65.50        7.36       54.00       12.71         4.88      29.78      54.05       13.93        4.36      38.20
                     68.00        7.65       56.30                     5.09                 55.51                    4.48
       Average    64.50±3.26 7.25 ±0.37   56.30±1.75               5.09±0.52             55.51±1.39              4.48±1.37
C. siamea            32.00        5.30       31.07                     4.13                 33.34                    3.74
                     35.50        5.87       28.00       15.17         3.72      31.84      28.50       12.53        3.19      40.72
                     37.50        6.21       30.00                     3.98                 30.00                    3.36
       Average    35.00±2.00 5.79±0.81    29.69±1.49               3.94±0.54             30.61±1.90              3.43±0.61
C. pulcherrima       25.00        3.19       24.61                     2.62                 24.82                    2.50
                     28.50        3.63       28.00       6.59          2.98     22.09       22.00       20.91        2.21      37.56
                     31.00        3.95       26.30                     2.79                 20.00                    2.01
       Average    28.16±2.05 3.59±1.00    26.30±1.50                2.79±.43             22.27±3.79              2.24±0.20
D. regia             200.0       43.72       198.01                    29.43               197.82                   27.53
                     215.0       46.99       195.05      5.18          28.99     35.95     175.00       11.68       24.35      43.77
                     211.0       46.12       196.53                    29.21               180.00                   25.05
       Average    208.66±2.90 45.61±1.35 196.53±1.40               29.21±0.54            184.27±3.51             25.64±1.67
P. inerme            35.00       11.64       33.46                     11.11                33.92                   10.42
                     40.50       13.46       30.00       19.32          9.96    19.40       28.00       21.24        8.60      27.20
                     42.50       14.13       31.73                     10.53                31.00                    9.52
       Average    39.33±2.40 13.07±1.35 31.73±1.51                 10.53±0.87            30.97±1.99                9.51±1.10

1.3.5 Pollen Germination
             Air pollution has also been found to affect pollen germination adversely in all
             test species (Table 1.13 and Fig. 1.5). The maximum reduction in percent
             germination of pollen grains was noted in Cassia siamea i.e. 31.51 in VPA, and
             minimum in Cistula fistula 19.15 % in IPA. Whereas maximum reduction was
             noted in C. pulcherrima 17.08% and minimum in Cassia siamea 0.97%. Thus
             different species respond differently two types of pollution.

Table 1.13 : Pollen germination of studied plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city
                              LPA                   IPA                                      VPA
    Name of plant          TPL* 308.02             TPL*            % Reduction               TPL*             % Reduction
        species               g/m3            539.15 g/m3                              506.81 g/m3
C. fistula                 74.33 2.03          60.09 1.93           19.15 %            63.00  4.66            15.24 %
C. siamea                  67.91 2.33          46.51  2.3           31.51 %             67.25 1.99             0.97 %
C. pulcherrima             65.83 1.23          51.58 1.95           21.64 %              54.58 2.1            17.08 %
D. regia                   84.04 7.08          63.68 4.33           24.22 %             73.11 7.08            13.00 %
P. inerme                  84.98 1.34          62.72 3.46           26.19 %             73.28 5.38            13.76 %

1.3.6 Pollen Size

        The size of pollen grains was found to be affected by pollution stress. (Table
        1.14 and Fig.1.6). Higher percentage reduction was noted in IPA than in
        roadside plants. Maximum reduction in pollen size was observed in Delonix
        regia, i.e. 48.83 and 42.48 % respectively in IPA and VPA sites. While
        minimum reduction was noted in Peltophorum inerme 15.54 and 13.26 %
        respectively at IPA and VPA sites. It is evident from data presented in Table
        1.6. that in IPA, air was more harmful for the pollens growth and development
        than VPA. A size wise reduction was also noted. The greater the size of the
        pollen, more was the reduction irrespective of the pollution area. Smaller size
        pollens were least affected like P. inerme.

    Table 1.14 : Pollen diameter () in plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city
                       LPA                            IPA                                                 VPA
  Name of plant    TPL* 308.02                       TPL*                  % Reduction                   TPL*               % Reduction
       species        g/m3                       539.15 g/m3                                        506.81 g/m3
C. fistula          53.1± 1.24                     43.5 ± 1.25                 18.07 %                 45.2 ± 1.23            14.87 %
C. siamea            57 ± 1.30                     38.1 ± 1.39                 33.15 %                 38.8 ± 1.28            31.92 %
C. pulcherrima       54 ± 1.20                     37.1 ± 1.38                 31.29 %                 38.7 ± 1.27            28.33 %
D. regia            64.5 ± 1.27                    33.0 ± 1.27                 48.83 %                 37.1 ± 1.38            42.48 %
P. inerme           52.1 ± 1.24                     44 ± 1.25                  15.54 %                 45.0 ± 1.22            13.62 %
                                                    Fig. 1.6 : % reduction in Pollen size over control.


                       % Reduction

                                     30                                                                     C.pulcherrima


                                      IPA   IPA                                 VPA

1.3.7 Pollen Tube Length
        Pollen tube length was found to be much lower in IPA as compared to VPA. A
        general reducing trend in pollen tube length in both polluted sites was recorded.
        (Table 1.15 and Fig. 1.7). The maximum reduction in pollen tube length was
        noted in Cassia siamea, i.e. 52.98, 46.51 % in IPA and VPA respectively.
        Whereas minimum reduction in IPA in Caesalpinia pulcherrima 19.17% and
        Delonix regia 16.16% in VPA respectively as compared to unaffected area.
        D. regia was least affected by pollution stress.

Table 1.15 : Pollen tube length () of studied plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city
                              LPA                        IPA                                                   VPA
 Name of Plant            TPL* 308.02                   TPL*                     % Reduction                   TPL*        % Reduction
      species                g/m3                  539.15 g/m3                                           506.81 g/m3
C. fistula                176.1 ± 21.22             137.1 ± 19.08                   22.20 %               138.5 ± 19.03      21.35 %
C. siamea                 218.0 ± 7.06               102.5 ± 8.23                   52.98 %               116.6 ± 19.61      46.51 %
C. pulcherrima            182.5 ± 30.41             147.5 ± 29.18                   19.17 %               138.5 ± 15.80      31.67 %
D. regia                  177.5 ± 30.76             143.3 ± 12.11                   19.26 %               148.0 ± 19.86      16.61 %
P. inerme                 182.6 ± 33.58             126.5 ± 22.76                   30.72 %               138.5 ± 22.5       24.15 %

                                                 Fig 1.7 : % reduction in pollen tube length over LPA.


                  % Reduction




                                     C.fistula     C.siamea      C.pulcherrima      D.regia        P.inerme

1.3.8 Pollen Viability

        Pollen viability is a very important character to assess reproductive behaviour of
        plants. In present study it was noted to be reduced in both the polluted sites
        (Table 1.16 and Fig. 1.8). There was more reduction in pollen viability in VPA
        as compared to IPA. The maximum reduction in pollen viability was found in
        Peltophorum inerme 38.27 % and Caesalpinia pulcherrima, i.e. 38.29% in IPA
        and VPA and minimum reduction was recorded in Cassia siamea, i.e. 20.73 %

and 17.07 % in both IPA and VPA. Thus it appears that to urban air pollutants
                the least affected pollens grains were of Cassia siamea.

     Table 1.16 : Percent viable pollens of studied plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city
                   Low Pollution Area                              Industrial Pollution Area                              Vehicular Pollution Area
                   TPL*308.02 g/ m3                                  TPL* 539.15 g/ m3                                    TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
Name of          Total no.                  Viable Non- Total no. Viable Non-viable % Red. in Total no.                       Viable Non-viable % Red. in
plant species    of pollens                 pollens viable of pollens pollens pollens viable  of pollens                      pollens pollens    viable
                                                    pollens                           pollens                                                   pollens
C. fistula          96                       83     13        79          63           16           24.09            69        61       08       26.50
C. siamea           90                       82     08        74          65           09           20.73            79        68       11       17.07
C. pulcherrima      98                       94     04        76          67           09           28.72            64        58       06       38.29
D. regia            84                       73     11        70          55           15           31.50            70        57       13       21.91
P. inerme           88                       81     07        60          50           10           38.27            71        61       10       24.69
                                                            Fig 1.8 : % reduction in pollen viabilty over LPA.


                                             40                                                      D.regia
                              % Reduction




                                                      IPA                                VPA

    1.4         Discussion

    1.4.1 Time of Flowering

                Air pollutants are influencing the plants in various ways. Apart from vegetative
                parts, reproductive parts are also showing significant variations under pollution
                stress. One of the most prominent features is delayed flowering in plants
                growing in polluted habitats. Pawar (1983) and Dubey (1985) have reported this
                in Mangferia indica, Delonix regia and Acacia arabica trees growing in
                industrially polluted area with predominance of SO2. Recently Chauhan et al.
                (2004) has also reported delayed flowering and reduced floral density in Cassia
                siamea growing along road side of Agra one of the highly polluted cities of our
                country. Thus the present findings are in confirmation with these earlier reports.
                Pawar and Dubey (1985) correlate this delay with air pollution stress because
                due to many physiological and bio-chemical alterations, less photosynthate is
                available for reproductive growth and development.

1.4.2 Morphology of Flowers

     Higher value of Length and Breadth ratio (L/B) clearly indicated that there was
     more reduction in length of sepals and petals as compared to their width.
     Generally reduction in length of both floral parts, i.e. sepals and petals results
     has been noted maximum.

     The reduction in number of flower size and cone development due to the air
     pollution specially SO2 has been reported by many workers (Houston and
     Dochinger 1977, Beda 1982 and Ernst et al. 1985) Flower size reduction in
     calendula due to SO2 exposure has been reported (Singh et al. 1985 and Yunus
     et al. 1985).

     Joshi and Sikka (2002) have reported reduced fresh and dry weight in flowers of
     Cassia fistula, Delonix regia and Peltophorum inerme growing in differently
     polluted are of Indore city. Pollution induced changes in floral morphology of
     Cassia siamea has been reported recently by Chauhan et al. (2004).

     Higher reduction in size of stamens and carpel in comparison to sepals and
     petals can be attributed to their more complex physiological and biochemical
     requirements. Maximum flower size reduction in C. fistula as compared to other
     species is a result of its higher sensitivity to air pollution, which has been
     reported earlier on the basis of various morphological and phytochemical
     observations by many workers (Pawar 1982, Joshi 1989, Singh and Rao 1983,
     Agrawal 1986). Thus it is obvious that C. fistula is a very sensitive plant to
     urban air pollution not only regarding its vegetative and biochemical aspects but
     reproductive behaviour as well.

1.4.3 Flower Colour

     Increment in floral pigment with their age can be attributed to the effect of light.
     Exposure of plants to white light increases the anthocyanin content in flowers
     resulted in their darkening (Stafford 1965 and Drumm and Mohr 1978). In the
     present study also the same pattern was observed. However the higher rates of
     reduction in anthocyanin pigment of flowers growing in polluted sites with their
     exposure time in comparison to low polluted area can be attributed to the
     phytotoxic activity of air pollutants. The decrease in floral colour in polluted

areas appears to be enzymatic in nature. Increased activities of glucosidase and
     poly-phenolonidase in the plant growing in mixed pollution area (Godzite 1967)
     and glycosidase (Bucher 1979) have been reported, which are known to reduce
     their pigments (Goodwin 1976). One of the reasons for plant wise variation in
     anthocyanin content reduction can be related to the thickness of petals. More
     reduction in P. inerme and C. fistula may be due their thin and delicates petals.
     Since the bright colour of flowers serve to attract the pollinators and thus ensure
     the pollination effectively. Fading of the flowers in such polluted habitats may
     also results in less fruiting and seed setting especially in entomophyllous

1.4.4 Floral Biomass

     Decrease flower weight in polluted sites is related to reduction in floral size.
     Such changes in floral biomass can be either indirect effect of air pollution due
     to less allocation of photosynthates (Lechowicz 1987) or a direct effect of toxic
     gases on floral parts during their growth and development. There observations
     are in confirmation with earlier reports (Joshi and Sikka 2002). Higher
     sensitivity of Cassia fistula flower in comparison to rest of the species can be
     attributed to its overall sensitivity of plant, and can be accounted to the delicacy
     of floral parts, which remained totally exposed to pollutants to right from their
     initiation to full bloom in absence of leaves. Minimum alteration in C. siamea
     and P. inerme can be account on their resistant nature of their plants. These two
     plants have also been reported to have higher value of Air pollution Tolerance
     Index (Singh and Rao 1983 and Agrawal 1986).

1.4.5 Pollen Characters

     The pollen grains are very sensitive to air pollution and thus have been used for
     monitoring of atmospheric pollution (Rosen 1983). The sensitivity of pollens to
     SO2 (Karmosky and Stairs 1974 and Varshney and Varshney 1981) and
     fluorides (Facteau and Rowe 1977) has been reported as poor germination and
     reduced tube growth.

     In present study also reduction in pollen grains size, viability, germination and
     tube length has been noted in all the plant species studied. These effects are

considered to be the influence of various air pollution combinations of IPA and
VPA sites, effect of other pollutants cannot be denied too.

Increased SO2 concentration is reported to reduce pollen germination
significantly (Dubey 1983 and Varshney and Varshney 1981, 1986). Similarly
Krishnayya and Bedi (1986) have reported reduced pollen germination and seed
viability in two species of Cassia growing near highways as a function of lead
accumulation thought they mainly consider it as an effect of lead. Reduction in
pollen size, viability and shape reduction in pine pollens have been reported by
Fedatov et al. (1983). Reduced pollen viability in some vegetables as a function
of SO2 pollution in the vicinity of Mathura refinery was also reported by
Bhardwaj and Chauhan (1990). The present findings regarding the interaction of
pollen characteristics and urban pollutants are in confirmation with findings of
Joshi and Sikka (2002) and Chauhan et al. (2004). The highest reduction in
pollen size in D. regia as compared to other fours species can be attributed to
the pollen size. Because D. regia pollens are bigger in their size and thus they
require more photosynthate to maintain it, which is poorly available under
pollution stress. This might have resulted in higher reduction in size. Reduction
in pollen size due to high pollution in Pinus sylvestris have been reported
(Mamajev and Shkarlet 1972). Recently Chauhan et al. (2004) has also reported
change in morphology especially in ornamentations of pollen grains of C.
siamea pollen collected from high vehicular load. Such pollen grains failed to
show distinct colpi and reticulate sculpturing with comparison to less polluted
sites. They opined that this is due to the deposition of pollutants particularly,
suspended particulates matter due to heavy movement of automobiles.

But this interpretation does not seem to be logical because change in surface
characteristic might be a result of overall pollution load. Actually during
development stage; pollen grains are concealed in anther lobe. Hence these are
not coming in direct contact with particulate matter. Ornamentation and other
morphological features have been taken shape prior to anthesis. So these
changes might have occurred before anthesis.

In most of the studies carried out in areas exposed to industrially polluted, yet in
most instance it is accompanied by other pollutants and additive effects must be
reckoned with Bonte (1982). Nakada et al. (1976) showed the in vitro studies

indicates that the addition of SO2 to NO2 or O3 or HCHO, considerably increase
the percentage inhibition compared with the action of each product examined

There is little information available on the mechanism of action of SO2 on the
pollen tube. However Ma et al. (1973) have measured the pollen mitotic index
of Tradescantia paludosa treated in vitro by SO2 they assumed the SO2 broke
down the chromosomes of the pollen tube. Delayed and reduced floral yield of
carnation and geranium species have been reported along with vegetative
growth retardation (Feder 1970). Ozone induced inhibition in pollen
germination and pollen tube growth has been observed (Feder 1981). Work
done by Mumford et al. (1972) suggests that O3 induces the autolysis of
structural glycoproteins and stimulates amino-acid synthesis in pollen and
inhibited germination by 40-90 %.

Thus it can be concluded that the changes observed in present study in flowers
and pollens grains are the results of cumulative effect of urban air pollutants, i.e.
SO2, NOX and Photochemical oxidants along with particulates.

Air Pollution Impact on Fruits
2.1   Introduction

      The union of the male and female generative cells, after pollination, to form the
      fertilized egg leads to the formation of fruits and seeds. A fruit is the mature
      female part specially ovary which may or may not include other parts of the
      flower. The seed is the ripened ovule contained within the fruit. Later on in due
      course of time germination of seeds give rise to new plants.

      Seeds are typically composed of three parts the embryo, endosperm and the
      seed coat. Fruits may contain one to several seeds. The term „fruit‟ and „seed‟
      are often used loosely, for example the so called „seeds‟ of many members of
      poaceae are actually one seeded fruits. There are different types of fruits,
      depending on how they are derived. They may be fleshy, dry indehiscent,
      dehiscent, aggregate etc. The fruits of Leguminoceae are derived from single
      carpel with marginal placentation having one to many seeds. These fruits are
      dry dehiscent or indehiscent and commonly called Pods.

      Most angiospermic seeds have a seed coat derived from either two integuments
      or single integument of the ovule. In bitegmic seeds the term „testa‟ is applied
      only to the outer layer, formed from outer integument, the part formed from the
      inner integument being the tegment.

      Seed coat may be complex multilayered tissue or simply enlarged ovule wall.
      This generally includes a hard, protective layer formed from all or part of the
      testa. Corner (1976) has classified seed coat according to the position of this
      mechanical layer. In exotestal seedcoat    the mechanical layer is formed from
      the outer epidermis of the outer integument and in endotegmic seed coat, it is
      derived from the inner wall of the inner integument. Some times the mechanical
      layer consists of one or more rows of elongated, palisade like cells, such as the
      macrosclerides in the exotesta of many leguminoceae, which is the family under
      study during the present research work.

      Apart from the obvious mechanical protective function, to prevent destruction
      of the seed by dehydration or predation, the seed coat often has important
      subsidiary functions, usually related to dispersal. These may bear corresponding

specialized structures. Like presence of wings in wind dispersal seeds and
      fleshy seeds for dispersal by animals.

      Of the many seeds produced by a plant, only a small proportion survives.
      Predation, rotting, falling in the wrong place or any of the many other natural
      and man made hazards besetting a seed. Those that do survive will sooner or
      later germinate.

      While the seed is dormant, all its processes are slowed down so as to utilize
      available limited food resources very economically to keep the embryo alive.
      When the dormancy is broken and the conditions are favorable for germination,
      the seed rapidly takes in water and the respiration rate rises back to normal as
      cell starts to grow and divide. The area of greatest growth at first is the root
      initial and young root soon pushes its way out through the seed coat. Such seeds
      are called as germinated.

      At germination the testa is ruptured and the radicle emerges through the
      micropyle. The seedling is the most Juvenile stage of the plant, immediately
      after germination, seedlings have a root (radicle) and a hypocotyls, which bears
      the cotyledons and plumules bud. This bud produces the stem and leaves, which
      soon resemble those of the mature plant. The cotyledons or seed leaves usually
      differ from the first foliage leaves. In large seeded dicotyledons such as the
      legumes the cotyledons are fleshy and swollen, with a food storage function.
      The overall physiology and biochemistry of sexual reproduction i.e. flowering,
      fruiting, seed setting and seed germination is influenced by various
      environmental constrains of which air pollution is one of the most significant
      factors. Looking to the deteriorating air quality the present study was planned to
      assess the impact of urban air pollution on fruits and seeds of the selected plant

2.2   Experimental
      Apart from foliar injury plants also show changes in their reproductive parts
      too, in response to polluted air. This study was aimed to know the effects of air
      pollution on fruit morphology and seed quality. The colour, size and weight of
      fruits and seeds along with seed count and viability were studied.

2.2.1 Colour of Pods

      Mature pods of C. fistula, C. siamea, C. pulcherrima, D. regia and P. inerme
      were collected during 2002, 2003and 2004 from the selected areas of Indore
      city from a height of 3 to 4 meter. Colour of pods and injury symptoms on them
      were recorded visually and compared with reference area.

2.2.1 Size of Pods

      Pod size measurement was performed by taking 20 pods from five trees of each
      test species brought to the laboratory in polythene bags. Thus 100 pods from
      each species from every study area were collected. Length and Breadth of pods
      were recorded with the help of a standards measuring tape. In case of C. fistula
      in place of breadth diameter was measured.

2.2.3. Weight of Pods

      Hundred pods each for year 2002, 2003 and 2004 were collected from different
      pollution areas along with Low pollution area were dried in oven at 80º C for 24
      hours and their dry weight was recorded using an electronic balance. The results
      are presented as grams per pod.

2.2.4 Seed Count

      The effect of airborne pollutants on seed per fruit of selected tree species was
      also studied. For this purpose seeds were taken out from the pods collected or
      dry weight measurement and seed number per pod was also recorded.

2.2.5 Seed Viability

      Seed viability was tested following Cottrell (1947) to test the viability imbibed
      seed were cut, so that the embryo is bisected and then seed were placed in a
      1.0% solution of 2,3,5 Triphenyl -2 H-tetrazolium chloride (TTC). Viable
      embryo releases hydrogen ion during respiration, which combines with TTC,
      imparting red or pink colour to seeds. The seeds in which embryo turned pink or
      red after 24 hours were considered as viable and their number were recorded.
      The test was conducted in petri plates containing filter paper. Four replicates of

25 seeds per petri plates were used for the study. The results are presented as
      percent viability.

      Like other aerial parts of the plant fruit are also remain exposed to polluted air
      throughout their developmental span. This ranges from few months to years
      depending upon the nature of plants. During this prolonged exposure they
      interact with air pollutants resulting in the variation in various morphological
      features like shape, size and colour.

2.3   Results

2.3.1 Colour of Pods

      Like leaves the fruit also remain exposed to the ambient air during their
      developmental period, thus they too showed response to polluted air. The pods
      of all the test species collected from polluted sites appeared dark in colour as
      compared to the pods collected from low pollution area, which were less dark
      and shiny.

      It was also observed that the colour of the pods growing in Industrial Pollution
      area affected more than pods collected from Vehicular Pollution Area. In most
      of pods their normal dark brown colour has turned in to dark brown to black due
      to the interaction of pollutants and deposition of particulate matter on them.
      Chlorotic and necrotic spots with tip burn were also observed in some pods of
      C. pulcherrima in the polluted areas (Table 2.1, Plate-2.1 to 2.5).

       Table 2.1: Colour of pods collected from different polluted areas of Indore city
          Name of Plant       Low Pollution Area     Industrial Pollution    Vehicular Pollution
            species           TPL* 308.02 g/m3             Area                   Area
                                                     TPL* 539.15 g/ m3     TPL* 506.81 g/ m3
       C. fistula            Blackish-brown         Dark black brown        Dark black brown
       C. siamea             Brownish               Light brown             Light brown
       C. pulcherrima        Brown                  Dark brown              Dark brown
       D. regia              Dark black             Dark black brown        Dark black brown
       P. inerme             Shiny blackish-brown   Blackish brown          Blackish brown
      *TPL -Total Pollution Load

Plate-2.1: Cassia fistula pods showing        Plate-2.2: Cassia siamea pods showing
         colour change and size reduction.             colour change and size reduction.

      Plate-2.3: Caesalpinia pulcherrima pods           Plate-2.4: Peltoforum inerme pods
          showing colour change and size                 showing colour change and size
                     reduction.                                     reduction.

                            Plate-2.5: Delonix regia pods showing
                                        size reduction.
2.3.2. Size of Pods

      The polluted air has affected the size of the pods. There was a reduction in
      length as well as breadth of the pods in plants growing in different polluted
      sites. It is evident from the data presented in Table 2.2 and Fig. 2.1 that the
      reduction in pod length was more in Industrial Polluted Area as compared to
      Vehicular Polluted Area.

Table 2.2 : Length and Breadth Ratio of pods collected from different polluted areas of Indore city
                Low Pollution Area          Industrial Pollution Area                Vehicular Pollution Area
Name of   Y     TPL*308.02 g/m3               TPL* 539.15 g/m3                       TPL* 506.81 g/m3
Plant     E
species   A     L       B     L/B       L      B      L/B        % % Red      L         B     L/B        %  % Red
          R                   Ratio                  Ratio      Red (B)                       Ratio     Red  (B)
                                                                (L)                                     (L)
C.        S1    41.00 8.00      5.12 34.85 7.34 4.74                         37.87   7.87     4.81
fistula   S2    40.32 7.99      5.04 38.92 7.54 5.16                         36.45   7.33     4.71
          S3    41.24 8.09      5.09 37.99 7.42 5.11                         39.20   8.13     4.82
          A     40.85 8.02      5.09 37.25 7.43 5.01            8.81 7.35    37.84   7.91     4.78     7.36     1.37
                ±0.24 ±0.10 ±0.20 0.20          ±1.10 ±0.48                  ±0.52   ±0.68    ±0.49
C.        S1 17.42 1.20         14.51 15.24 1.1       13.85                  16.27   1.20     13.5
siamea    S2 17.36 1.30         13.35 14.74 0.9       16.37                  16.98   1.10     15.4
          S3 17.28 1.20         14.40 16.40 0.8       20.50                  16.54   1.10     15.0
          A 17.35 1.20          14.08 15.46 0.9       16.90 10.89 18.18      16.59   1.10     14.67    4.38     8.33
                ±0.10 ±0.01 ±0.08 ±1.48 ±0.01 ±3.25                          ±0.59   ±0.01    ±0.67
C.        S1 10.1 1.5           6.73 9.54       1.1   6.81                   9.62    1.40     6.87
pulche- S2 9.74 1.4             6.95 8.99       1.3   6.91                   9.70    1.32     7.34
rrima     S3 10.3 1.6           6.27 9.39       1.5   6.26                   9.02    1.20     7.51
          A 10.04 1.5           6.65 9.30       1.4   6.66      7.37 6.66    9.44    1.30     7.2      5.97     13.3
                ±1.29 ±1.11 ±1.35 ±1.29 ±1.10 ±1.54                          ±1.78   ±1.15    ±1.29
D.        S1 39.25 3.15         12.46 37.46 3.10 12.08                       38.24   3.12     12.25
regia     S2 38.00 3.50         10.85 37.89 3.48 10.88                       38.43   3.34     11.50
          S3 37.75 3.60         10.48 38.20 3.56 10.73                       37.09   3.52     10.70
          A 38.33 3.48          11.05 37.85 3.43 11.06 1.25 1.45             37.42   3.31     11.5     1.06     4.88
                ±0.83 ±0.41 ±0.56 ±1.20 ±1.38 ±1.06                          ±0.42   ±0.08    ±1.08
P.        S1 9.60 2.2           4.36 7.43       1.7   4.36                   8.29    1.9      4.36
inerme    S2 9.77 2.0           4.88 8.24       2.00 4.12                    8.74    2.1      4.16
          S3 9.82 2.1           4.67 9.47       1.9   4.98                   9.59    1.9      5.04
          A 9.73 2.1            4.64 8.38       1.85 4.60      14.40 11.90   8.87    1.9      4.44     8.83     9.52
                ±0.43 ±0.02 ±0.58 ±1.28 0.42 0.28                          ±0.93   0.20    0.43
   *TPL -Total Pollution Load, L – Length, B – Breadth, Red – Reduction,
  Sampling year - S1 –2002, S2 –2003, S3–2004 ; A – Average Values

           Maximum reduction in pod length was noted in P. inerme where it was 14.40 %
           and 8.83% respectively in IPA and VPA with reference to LPA. Whereas
           minimum reduction was recorded in D. regia where the values were 1.25 % and
           1.06% respectively in IPA and VPA. The rest of two species of Cassia appeared
           more or less affected similarly at both sites.

           The breadths of the pods were also found decreased in all the species.
           Maximum reduction in breadth of the pod was recorded in C. siamea (18.18%)
           and C. pulcherrima (13.30%) respectively in IPA and VPA. Regarding breadth
           of pod C. fistula found to be affected least in VPA.

The L/B ratio of pods was also changed (Table 2.2). There was a slight increase
        in the ratio for C. siamea, C. pulcherrima and D. regia. However this ratio
        decreased in P. inerme and C. fistula showed that the pods breadth was
        comparatively more affected than length in most of the species studied. Thus it
        can be concluded that there was overall growth retardation in pods of all the test
        species growing in polluted areas.

2.3.3 Weight of Pods

        Dry weight of pods is presented in Table 2.3. It can be seen from the table that
        dry weight of pods has also been reduced in all the plant species. The maximum
        reduction was observed in C. siamea i.e. 44.0 % in IPA and 30.30 % in VPA
        and minimum in C. pulcherrima, i.e 8.96% in IPA and 8.79% in VPA
        respectively. Whereas D. regia and P. inerme showed more than 20 % reduction
        in dry weight. Areas wise there was more reduction in pod dry weight in
        Industrial area than Vehicular area (Fig. 2.3).

        Table 2.3 : Dry weight of pods collected from different polluted areas of Indore city
  Name of                    LPA             IPA                     VPA
    Plant         Year    TPL* 308.02     TPL* 539.15 % Reduction TPL* 506.81          % Reduction
   species                  g/m3           g/m3                   g/m3
  C. fistula     2002        67.92          51.78                   50.88
                 2003        65.70          54.48                   53.74
                 2004        63.82          52.72                   55.34
                 Avg.       65.81±2.80     52.99 ± 1.25       19.48 %   53.32 ± 3.40      18.97 %
 C. pulcherrima 2002         12.37            11.98                        9.09
                 2003        11.69            10.23                       10.87
                 2004        10.42             9.17                       11.48
                 Avg.      11.49±0.65        10.46 ± 1.34     8.96 %    10.48 ± 1.02      8.97%
  C. siamea      2002        12.97             7.28                        8.98
                 2003        13.11             7.39                        9.59
                 2004        13.53             7.47                        9.04
                 Avg.      13.20±0.05      7.38±0.006         44.0 %    9.20 ±0.05        30.30%
   D. regia      2002        77.93            51.27                       57.64
                 2003        68.43            54.25                       51.37
                 2004        67.71            56.79                       58.45
                 Avg.      71.35±2.95      54.10±5.08         24.17%    55.82  2.95      21.76%
  P. inerme      2002        10.37             8.52                        8.63
                 2003        10.87             6.56                        7.48
                 2004         9.24             7.88                        7.69
                 Avg.      10.16±0.09       7.65±0.66         24.70%    7.93  0.15       21.91%
* TPL - Total Pollution Load, ** Avg. - Average of 100 pods

Fig. 2.3 : % reduction in dry weight of pods over LPA.

                           45                                                                                   C.siamea








                                                   IPA                                              VPA

2.3.4. Seed count

      A perusal of Table 2.4 to 2.8 indicates that there was a reduction in seed
      number, which ranges from 20.55 % to 3.15 %. The maximum lowering in seed
      per pod was noted in C. siamea in Industrial area, while the minimum reduction
      was recorded for C. pulcherrima in VPA. The response of C. fistula, D. regia
      and P. inerme was almost same in both the polluted sites (Fig. 2.4).

                                                          Fig. 2.4 : % reduction in Seed/pod over LPA.


                          % Reduction




                                                         IPA                                              VPA

      Further it is also evident that number of unhealthy seeds per pod is high in both
      the polluted sites in comparison with reference area. It clearly indicates that
      whatever be the nature of the pollutant it adversely influenced the seed number
      and quality.

      On the overall basis it can be stated that the colour, size, shape, weight and
      number of seeds per pod all were adversely affected by air pollution prevailing

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  • 1. Contents S.No. Particulars Page No. 1 Air Pollution Impact on Flowers 01-24 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Selection and Description of Test Species Caesalpinia pulcherrima Swtz. (Swartz) Cassia fistula Linn. Cassia siamea Lamk. Syn. Delonix regia Hook (Bojer ex Hook) Peltophorum inerme Roxb. 1.2.2 Flowering Time Air Pollutants Sources of Air Pollution Sources of Air Pollutants Effects of Air Pollution Need of Air Quality Monitoring 1.2.3 Soil Pollution Types of Soil Pollution Causes of Soil Pollution Pollution Due to Urbanisation Effects of Soil Pollution Long Term Effects of Soil Pollution Control of soil pollution 1.2.4 Noise Pollution Sources of noise Measures of noise Effects of noise pollution Causes and Effects of Noise Pollution 1.3 Results 1.3.1 Flowering Time 1.3.2 Floral Morphology 1.3.3 Flower Colour 1.3.4 Floral Biomass 1.3.5 Pollen Germination 1.3.6 Pollen Size 1.3.7 Pollen Tube Length 1.3.8 Pollen Viability 1.4 Discussion 1.4.1 Time of Flowering 1.4.2 Morphology of Flowers 1.4.3 Flower Colour 1.4.4 Floral Biomass 1.4.5 Pollen Characters i
  • 2. 2 Air Pollution Impact on Fruits 25-36 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Experimental 2.2.1 Colour of Pods 2.2.2 Size of Pods 2.2.3 Weight of Pods 2.2.4 Seed Count 2.2.5 Seed Viability 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Colour of Pods 2.3.2 Size of Pods 2.3.3 Weight of Pods 2.3.4 Seed Count 2.3.5 Seed Viability 2.4 Discussion 3 Air Pollution Impact on Seed Quality and Germination 37-47 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Experimental 3.2.1 Seed Colour 3.2.2 Seed Weight 3.2.3 Seed Density 3.2.4 Seed Soundness 3.2.5 Seed Germination 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Seed Colour 3.3.2 Seed Weight 3.3.3 Seed Density 3.3.4 Seed Soundness 3.3.5 Seed Germination 3.4 Discussion Acknowledgement 48 References 49-57 ii
  • 3. Air Pollution Impact on Reproductive Behaviour of Few Tropical Trees Dr. Kishore Pawar, Dr. O.P.Joshi and Dr. Hema Swami Department of Environment Holkar Science College, Indore – 452 017- India Air Pollution Impact on Flowers 1.1 Introduction To survive and do well, flowering plants have to reproduce themselves successfully. It is beneficial to the species if reproduction is carried out by sexual means, because this introduces greater variability in to the resulting offspring‟s, which in turns allow more opportunity for the species to evolve with its environment. The most colourful and spectacular aspects of plant growth are associated with development of flowers and fruits. Flower formation signifies a transition from vegetative to the reproductive phase of development. The shoot meristem is induced to develop sepals, petals, stamens and carpels instead of leaves. This transition can only occur at a particular time in the life of plants, which within certain limits, is determined genetically. Infect reproductive growth is certainly a complex process and physiologists have recognized a number of partial processes, which have been intensively studied. Ordinarily in thinking of reproductive growth, flower formation and fruit development come to mind. These events are obvious to the naked eye. However, each of these processes is the culmination of a number of other events, many of which are microscopic or submicroscopic. The reproductive growth is complex and encompasses a variety of anatomical, morphological, physiological and bio-chemical processes. After the plant attains the ripe to flower condition further progress towards flower initiation depends on the environment, both temperature and light are involved. Infect reproductive growth is certainly a complex processes, which have been intensively studied. 1
  • 4. In this process two stages must be distinguished from each other, the induction of flowering and the differentiation of flowers and inflorescence. Everyone is familiar with flowers. Botanically flower is a modified shoot consisting of protective leaves, i.e. sepals and decorative coloured petals. These represent the parts of the flowers that is most familiar and indeed, generally thought of „the flower‟. Sepals and petals protect essential parts of the flowers, the male and female organs. The female part of the flower usually forms the central portion and it consists of one or more carpels, each of which contains one or more egg or ovules, mounted by a style and stigma. The stigma is the receptive surface on which pollen grains can land and grow, while the style is simply its stalk. The male parts are usually found in a ring around the central female parts, and they consist of pollen bearing stamens. Flowers may be produced singly or in- group known as inflorescence. The purpose of these aggregations normally seems to be an aid in attracting potential pollinators. During postembryonic development in higher plants, the shoot apex undergoes three discernible phases - juvenile vegetative, adult and reproductive. The transition from the juvenile to adult phase is usually gradual and involves subtle changes in shoot morphology and physiology (Poethig 1990). The intermediate developmental patterns are common during the transition from vegetative to reproductive stages. Infect, differentiation of the reproductive organ is preceded by formation of sepals and petals. That has a combination of vegetative and non-vegetative characters (Shrivastava and Iqbal 1994). For flowering the size of the shoot is more important than its age. In several species, shoot undergoes flowering on reaching a certain stage of development (Robinson and Warening 1969). The regulatory mechanism ensures that the plant does not flower until it has attained the requisite size. This holds true even in plants requiring a specific day length or chilling. 1.2. Selection and Description of Test Species The five tree species selected for the present study belongs to family- Fabaceae. These trees are of good ornamental value. They are planted on roadside, in gardens and even in home gardens. They give a good colour effect; attract birds, bees and butterflies, which pollinate them. They are important component of 2
  • 5. urban ecosystem and presently facing threat due to harmful and toxic effect of urban air pollutants. A brief taxonomic description of these plants is presented below: Caesalpinia pulcherrima Swtz. (Swartz) A glabrous shrub or a small tree unarmed or with a few weak prickles, cultivated in gardens, generally throughout India (Plate 1.1). It is commonly known as Shankhasur, Gultora, Chhoti-gulmohar and Krishna chura. Leaves- 15-30 cm. Long, alternate, pinnae 6-8, leaflets, 8-12 in pairs, sessile and oblong. Flowers- Scarlet yellow or red in elongate auxiliary and terminal racemes. Total five petals sub-equal, transversely oblong. Stamens- 10, free, filament long, petaloid. Pods- Oblong and flat, glabrescent, narrower and thinner than those of any of the genus. Seeds- 8-10 obviate – oblong and glabrous. Flowering- Nearly throughout the year. Plate 1.1: Caesalpinia pulcherrima in flowering at Low Pollution Area Cassia fistula Linn. A very handsome tree 20-30 feet high, trunk straight, bark smooth and pale gray when young, rough and dark-brown, when old, branches spreading, slender (Plate 1.2). This is a well-recognized avenue tree, occasionally found in deciduous forest also, commonly known as Amaltas. 3
  • 6. Leaves- 9-16 inches long main rachis pubescent, stipules minute, linear oblong, obtuse, pubescent. Leaflets- 4-8 pairs, ovate or ovate-oblong, acute, bright green, glabrous and silvery-pubescent beneath when young, the midrib densely pubescent at the underside, base cuneate. Plate 1.2: Cassia fistula with developing pods showing flowers in inset. Flowers- In racemes 12-20 inches long, pedicels 1½ - 2 ¼ inches long, slender, pubescent and glabrous. Sepals- 5, pubescent, oblong. Petals- 5, sub-equal obovate, shortly clawed, veined. Stamens- 10, the 3 longest stamens are much curved and bear large, oblong curved anthers, the 4 median stamens are straight and 3 remaining are very short and erect staminode, dehiscing longitudinally by pores. Pods- 2-3 feet long, 1-3/4 inches in diameter, pendulous, cylindrical, nearly straight, smooth, shining, brown-black, not torulose, indehiscent with numerous (40-100) horizontal seeds immersed in a dark coloured sweetish pulp, and completely separated by transverse partition. Flowering- April-June. Fruiting- Persisting throughout the year. 4
  • 7. Cassia siamea Lamk. Syn. Evergreen tree of moderate size having nearly smooth, gray bark marked with slight longitudinally fissures (Plate 1.3). The Cassia siamea is a native of South India and Burma. It is now grown throughout the India planted on roadside and in gardens for its shade and showy flowers. Its dark green, glossy leaves are divided into two rows of narrow, pointed leaflet arranged in opposite pairs on the slender midrib. Plate 1.3: Cassia siamea with flowers and fruits at Low Pollution Area. Leaves- Peripinnate about 12 inches long, leaflets 12 to 20, elliptical-oblong, mucronate, glabrous. Flowers- Yellow grow in large, open clusters at the ends of the branches about 1 ¼ inches, each of the flower having five almost equal petals and perfect seven stamens nearly unequal that produce pollen, the remaining three stamens being wanting, or small and sterile. Pods- The flat pods are purplish or brown, when ripe and contain a number of seeds. When young, they are soft, ribbon-like, minutely velvety, 6 to 9 inches long. Flowering– Throughout the year, maximum flush is observed in October. Fruiting- April and throughout the year. Delonix regia Hook (Bojer ex Hook) Delonix is a quick growing evergreen tree with slightly rough, grayish, brown bark, and a rather slender trunk, which usually soon divides into a number of 5
  • 8. spreading, limb, bearing delicate feathery foliage 7-12 meter tall (Plate 1.4). It is planted in gardens, roadsides and at public places, as an ornamental shade tree. Plate 1.4: Delonix regia growing in Low Pollution Area with flowers in inset. Leaves - 15- 40 cm long, alternate, bipinnate compound, pinnae 8-20 pairs, leaflet 15-20 pairs. Flowers- 3 to 4 inches across petal, obviate, clawed, in terminal, simple or branched racemes, flowers red or orange in colour, the upper petal striped with yellow or white. Stamens- 10, exerted, red. Pods- 30-40 x 3 - 4.5 cm broadly linear, flat woody beaked, dark brown in colour. Seeds– Numerous, oblong, glabrous, smooth, white or creamy, mottled. Flowering- April-July. Fruiting - December. Peltophorum inerme Roxb. Peltophorum is evergreen tree, 8-20 meter tall, handsome, dark foliaged younger parts rusty brown or grayish tomentose, panicles of showy yellow flowers (Plate 1.5). It is usually planted in gardens and along the roadsides as an ornamental shade tree. Leaves –12-30 cm long, alternate, pinnae, 6-13 pairs. 6
  • 9. Leaflets - 6-17 pairs, oblong, glabrous. Flowers- Bright yellow, in terminal racemose panicles. Plate 1.5: Blooming Peltophorum inerme growing in Low Pollution Area Stamens- 10, free, hairy at base golden-yellow. Pods- Lanceolate, 5-10 x 1.6 –2.2 cm, oblong, flat, hard, narrowed at both ends, indehiscent, woody, margin winged, rusty red in colour. Seeds– Usually 3-5, brown, obovate, oblong, compressed, smooth, flat and glabrous. Flowering- April-June. Fruiting– December- January. 1.2.2 Flowering Time The data of intiating flowering for Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Cassia fistula, Cassia siamea, Delonix regia and Peltophorum inerme was noted for two consecutive years 2002 and 2003. 1.2.3 Floral Morphology To study the floral morphology flowers were collected in between 9 to 11 AM from the height of 3 to 5 meters from the ground level. Hundred flowers were 7
  • 10. collected from each plant species (25 flowers each from four different trees) from sampling sites in polythene bag sealed with adhesive tape and were brought to the laboratory. Measurement of length and breadth of sepals, petals, stamens and carpel were taken with a standard scale. 1.2.4 Flower Colour The anthocyanin content of flowers, growing in different areas was determined following Drumm and Mohr (1978). For floral estimation 200 mg of petals were dipped into 5 cm3 of methanolic HCl (1%) v/v and kept overnight at 5 to 10 C (Stafford 1966). After centrifugation, the absorbance of supernatant was measured at 525 nm, in spectrophotometer. The anthocyanin content was expressed as absorbance per 100 mg fresh weight. Each mean value represent an average of three independent replicates. 1.2.5 Floral Biomass Floral biomass was determined by collecting 100 flowers from each site from the height of 3 to 5 meters. Sampling was done in the morning hours between 9 to 10 am. Flowers were brought to the laboratory in polythene bags sealed with adhesive tape. After taking their fresh weight flowers placed in an oven at 80 C for 24 hours and later on the dry weight was recorded. 1.2.6 Pollen Germination Freshly opened flowers were collected during 9 to 10 AM in polythene bags from Industrial Pollution Area (IPA), Vehicular Pollution Area (VPA) and Low Pollution Area (LPA) for pollen germination studies. Sucrose and boric acid solutions of different grades were prepared following Brewbakar and Kwack (1963). Pollen grains were placed in most suitable concentrations, i.e. (8% sucrose and 200 g of boric acid) on cavity slides, which were kept in petridish containing moist filter paper inside to maintain the appropriate relative humidity. The slides were observed under microscope at every one-hour interval to record the results. Pollen grains were considered germinated only, 8
  • 11. when pollen tubes attained a size doubled of the grains. Ten random microscopic fields (10 x 10 X) in each of the slides were examined to determine the pollen germination. Pollen tube length and pollen diameter was measured using an Ocular Micrometer. 1.2.7 Pollen Viability Pollen viability was determined by using 1 % TTC [2, 3, 5–Triphenyl- tetrazolium chloride] following Norton (1966). Pollen grains were incubated in 1 % TTC for 60 minutes at room temperature. The pollen grains were placed in a drop of this solution on a glass slides, with cover slip and these slides were kept in petriplates lined with moist filter paper and stored in a dark place. The numbers of pollen grains, which became reddish in colour, were recorded as viable. 1.3 Results 1.3.1 Flowering Time A delay in flowering time from 7 to 20 days was observed in all plants species in both IPA and VPA as compared to LPA. Maximum delayed flowering was noted in Cassia fistula. However, Caesalpina pulcherrima was found to be relatively unaffected (Table 1.1). Table 1.1: Delay in flowering period of tree species growing in different polluted areas of Indore city in comparison to Low Pollution Area Industrial Pollution Area Vehicular Pollution Area TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL 506.81 g/ m3 Name of plant species Delay in Delay in Delay in Delay in Flowering Flowering Flowering Flowering 2003 2004 2003 2004 C. fistula 12-15 days 14-16 days 11-14 days 15-20 days C. siamea 15-20 days 16-18 days 10-12 days 8-10 days C. pulcherrima 7-10 days 5 -7 days 8-11 days 11-14 days D. regia 10-12 days 15-18 days 12-18 days 10-12 days P. inerme 8-10 days 9-11 days 15-18 days 18-21 days *TPL -Total Pollution Load (SO2 + NOx + SPM) 1.3.2 Floral Morphology Flowers collected from polluted sites showed reduction in length and breadth of sepals and petals. Length of stamens and carpel was also noted reduced (Table 9
  • 12. 1.2 to 1.6 and Fig. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). Maximum reduction was found in Peltophorum inerme, i.e. 26.71 and 59.0 %, 27.48 and 53.30 % in IPA and VPA respectively in length of sepals and petals. Whereas Caesalpinia pulcherrima showed minimum reduction, i.e. 3.27 % in sepals and 7.84, 13.27 % both in IPA and VPA. Table 1.2: Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Cassia fistula LPA IPA VPA Parameters TPL* TPL* % Reduction TPL* % Reduction 308.02 g/ m3 539.15 g/ m3 506.81 g/ m3 Length of 1.22 1.14 1.18 sepals** 1.23 1.11 1.14 1.26 1.10 1.16 Average *** 1.23±0.16 1.11±0.16 9.75 % 1.16±0.16 5.69 % Breadth of 0.48 0.27 0.32 sepals** 0.49 0.30 0.36 0.47 0.32 0.38 Average*** 0.48±0.08 0.29±0.20 39.58 % 0.35±0.21 27.0 % Length of 2.83 1.18 1.87 petals** 2.86 1.14 1.74 2.84 2.20 1.69 Average*** 2.84±0.14 2.17±1.16 23.59 % 1.76±0.20 28.87 % Breadth of 1.08 0.52 0.92 petals** 1.49 0.60 0.69 1.08 0.94 0.84 Average*** 1.21±0.60 0.68±0.57 43.25 % 0.81±0.41 32.25 % **Length 2.15 1.11 1.98 of stamens 1.87 1.12 0.99 2.08 1.12 1.24 Average*** 2.03±0.46 0.90±0.53 44.82 % 1.40±0.74 30.87 % Length of 1.97 0.96 1.43 Carpel** 1.70 0.92 1.29 1.71 0.87 1.20 Average*** 1.79±0.35 0.91±0.55 49.16 % 1.30±0.02 27.37 % *TPL – Total Pollution Load, ** - Average of 100 flowers; *** - Average of 300 flowers LPA - Low Pollution Area, IPA- Industrial Pollution Area; VPA- Vehicular Pollution Area Table 1.3 : Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Cassia siamea LPA IPA VPA Parameters TPL* TPL* % TPL* % 308.02 g/ m3 539.15 g/ m3 Reduction 506.81 g/ m3 Reduction Length of 1.30 1.10 1.12 sepals** 1.31 0.99 1.11 1.33 0.96 1.18 Average *** 1.31±0.14 1.01±0.20 22.90 % 1.13±0.57 13.74 % Breadth of 0.68 0.45 0.48 sepals** 0.67 0.46 0.47 0.69 0.47 0.49 Average*** 0.68±0.11 0.46±0.11 32.35 % 0.48±0.11 29.41 % Length of 2.43 0.97 0.99 petals** 2.40 0.98 1.21 2.41 1.12 1.10 Average*** 2.41±0.14 1.02±2.79 57.67 % 1.10±0.38 54.35 % 10
  • 13. LPA IPA VPA Parameters TPL* TPL* % TPL* % 308.02 g/ m3 539.15 g/ m3 Reduction 506.81 g/ m3 Reduction Breadth of 1.20 0.60 0.69 petals** 1.21 0.58 0.61 1.19 0.59 0.59 Average*** 1.20±0.11 0.59±011 50.83 % 0.63±0.08 47.5 % **Length of 1.48 0.99 0.87 stamens 1.49 0.98 0.90 1.48 0.97 0.90 Average*** 1.48±0.08 0.98±0.11 33.78 % 0.90±0.08 39.18 % Length of 1.50 1.47 1.48 Carpel** 1.50 1.48 1.49 1.49 1.46 1.48 Average*** 1.50±0.08 1.47±0.11 2.0 % 1.48±0.08 1.33 % Table 1.4: Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Caesalpinia pulcherrima LPA IPA VPA Parameters TPL* TPL* % Reduction TPL* % 308.02 g/ m3 539.15 g/ m3 506.81 g/ m3 Reduction Length of 1.22 1.18 1.19 sepals** 1.26 1.17 1.18 1.20 1.20 1.17 Average *** 1.22±0.20 1.18±0.16 3.27 % 1.18±0.11 3.27 % Breadth of 0.58 0.48 0.38 sepals** 0.49 0.40 0.47 0.48 0.46 0.48 Average*** 0.51±0.20 0.47±0.18 7.84 % 0.44±0.29 13.27 % Length of 2.84 2.81 1.90 petals** 2.85 2.80 1.99 2.82 2.82 2.00 Average*** 2.83±0.16 2.81±0.11 0.70 % 1.96±0.29 30.74 % Breadth of 0.64 0.59 0.48 petals** 0.59 0.58 0.61 0.62 0.60 0.49 Average*** 0.61±0.21 0.59±0.11 3.27 % 0.52±0.25 14.75 % **Length 4.6 3.9 4.00 of stamens 4.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 3.8 3.9 Average*** 4.4±0.16 3.9±0.37 11.36 % 4.0±0.37 8.33 % Length of 4.2 4.0 4.1 Carpel** 4.1 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.5 3.7 Average*** 4.0±0.57 3.7±0.46 7.5 % 3.9±0.51 2.5 % Table 1.5 : Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Delonix regia LPA IPA VPA Parameters TPL* TPL* % Reduction TPL* % 308.02 g/ m3 539.15 g/ m3 506.81 g/ m3 Reduction Length of 2.30 2.00 2.13 sepals** 2.33 1.99 2.00 2.45 1.98 2.18 Average *** 2.36±0.34 1.99±0.11 15.67 % 2.10±0.37 11.01 % Breadth of 0.88 0.70 0.72 sepals** 0.80 0.71 0.71 0.69 0.69 0.72 Average*** 0.79±0.85 0.70±0.11 11.39 % 0.71±0.11 10.12 % 11
  • 14. LPA IPA VPA Parameters TPL* TPL* % Reduction TPL* % 308.02 g/ m3 539.15 g/ m3 506.81 g/ m3 Reduction Length of 5.27 4.12 4.25 petals** 5.30 4.11 4.33 5.54 4.28 4.69 Average*** 5.37±0.47 4.17±0.66 22.34 % 4.42±0.59 17.69 % Breadth of 3.72 3.10 3.41 petals** 3.68 3.18 3.20 3.67 3.04 3.11 Average*** 3.69±0.20 3.10±0.30 15.98 % 3.57±0.21 3.25 % **Length 3.80 2.52 3.20 of stamens 3.70 3.60 2.99 3.90 2.80 3.40 Average*** 3.80±0.36 2.97±0.77 21.84 % 3.19±0.40 18.42 % Length of 4.30 4.70 4.40 Carpel** 3.90 2.87 3.80 4.80 3.80 4.40 Average*** 4.30±0.25 3.79±1.00 11.86 % 4.20±0.36 2.32 % Table 1.6 : Length and breadth (cm) of different floral parts of Peltophorum inerme LPA IPA VPA Parameters TPL* TPL* % Reduction TPL* % Reduction 308.02 g/ m3 539.15 g/ m3 506.81 g/ m3 Length of 1.31 0.99 0.98 sepals** 1.32 0.96 0.91 1.30 0.94 0.98 Average *** 1.31±0.11 0.96±0.46 26.71 % 0.95±0.25 27.48 % Breadth of 0.70 0.37 0.30 sepals** 0.69 0.30 0.36 0.67 0.32 0.25 Average*** 0.68±0.14 0.33±0.20 51.47 % 0.30±0.27 55.88 % Length of 2.42 1.11 1.12 petals** 2.41 0.99 1.11 2.43 0.96 1.18 Average*** 2.42±0.11 0.99±0.34 59.0 % 1.13±0.23 53.30 % Breadth of 1.21 0.38 0.42 petals** 1.19 0.45 0.47 1.42 0.46 0.50 Average*** 1.27±0.40 0.43±0.21 66.14 % 0.46±0.24 63.77 % **Length of 1.40 0.86 0.89 stamens 1.49 0.87 0.87 1.50 0.88 0.96 Average*** 1.46±0.18 0.87±0.11 43.15 % 0.90±0.25 38.35 % Length of 1.70 0.84 0.85 Carpel** 1.50 0.86 0.79 1.50 0.99 0.95 Average*** 1.56±0.23 0.89±0.34 42.94 % 0.86±0.37 44.87 % The response of petals to air pollution was also similar to the sepals. The perusal of tables clearly indicates that there was more reduction in length of sepals and petals as compared to their width. The size of stamens and carpel was also affected by pollution stress. Out of five test species maximum reduction in length of stamens was noted in Cassia fistula, i.e. 44.82 and 30.87% in IPA and VPA respectively followed by Cassia siamea (Table 1.2 and 12
  • 15. 1.3), whereas minimum reduction in stamen size was found in Caesalpinia pulcherrima, i.e. 11.36 and 8.33 % in IPA and VPA. Regarding carpel, maximum reduction was found in Cassia fistula, where the values were 49.16 and 27.37 % in IPA and VPA respectively. However the minimum reduction in carpel length was observed in Cassia siamea (Table 1.3). Overall it can be concluded that reduction in size of stamens and carpel was more significant than sepals and petals. Flowers growing in IPA found to be more affected than that of roadside plants (Fig. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). Fig 1.1: % reduction in length and breadth of sepals over LPA 60 50 40 % Reduction 30 20 C.fistula C.siamea C.pulcherrima 10 D.regia P.inerme 0 length of sepals breadth of sepals IPA VPA Fig 1.2 : % reduction in length and breadth of petals over LPA. 70 60 50 Reduction 40 30 % C.fistula 20 C.siamea C.pulcherrima D.regia 10 P.inerme 0 IPAIPA VPA VPA Length of Petals Breadth of Petals Length of Petals Breadth of Petals Fig 1.3 : % reduction in length of stamens and carpel over LPA 50 C.fistula C.siamea 45 C.pulcherrima D.regia 40 P.inerme 35 30 % Reduction 25 20 15 10 5 0 IPALength of stamens IPA Length of carpel VPA Length of Stamens Length of Carpels Length of Stamens Length of Carpels 13
  • 16. 1.3.3 Flower Colour The anthocyanins are known to impart colour to the flowers along with carotenoids. In present study, it is visualized that air pollutants affected the colour of flowers adversely. In general, an overall reducing trend was observed in the floral colour in all the five test species in both the polluted sites as compared to the reference area (Table 1.7 to 1.11). The data clearly indicates that the flowers developing in vehicular pollution areas were affected more adversely than the Industrially Polluted Area. It is inferred that there was an overall increment in pigment content in all five species with their increasing exposure time. However, when compared with the pigment content of reference area a reduction was noted. The maximum reduction in anthocyanin content in third day flower stage was observed in P. inerme in VPA, which was 27.45% followed by C. fistula (18.46%); while it was minimum in C. siamea, i.e. only 3.15%. When compared to differently polluted area the floral pigment to be more sensitive to vehicular pollution than industrial. This is true for all the five species. Thus it appears that air around road side is more toxic to flower than other areas in spite of low pollution load as compared to industrial area. Table 1.7 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Cassia fistula LPA IPA VPA TPL*308.02 g/ m3 TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 Time Increase Increase over Increase Increase over % Increase Increase over % exposure (in mg) 0 day (in mg) 0 day Reduction (in mg) 0 day Reduction 0 day 0.93 0.94 0.87 0.94 0.96 0.88 0.96 0.95 0.87 Average 0.95  0.16 0.00 0.95  0.11 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.08 0.00 8.42 1 day 0.96 0.98 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.95 Average 0.96 0.11 0.01 0.98  0.08 0.03 2.08 0.95 0.11 0.08 1.04 2ndday 1.24 1.04 1.06 1.22 1.06 1.06 1.23 1.05 1.09 Average 1.23 0.11 0.27 1.05  0.11 0.10 14.63 1.07 0.08 0.20 13.00 3rd day 1.31 1.20 1.05 1.29 1.21 1.08 1.30 1.20 1.07 Average 1.30  0.11 0.35 1.20 0.08 0.25 7.69 1.06  0.16 0.19 18.46 4th day 1.29 1.09 0.99 1.26 1.11 1.10 1.27 1.10 0.98 Average 1.27  0.14 0.28 1.10  0.11 0.15 13.38 1.05  0.34 0.13 21.25 *TPL -Total Pollution Load, LPA - Low Pollution Area, IPA- Industrial Pollution Area; VPA- Vehicular Pollution Area 14
  • 17. Table 1.8 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Cassia siamea LPA IPA VPA TPL*308.02 g/ m3 TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 Time Increase Increase over Increase Increase over % Increase Increase over % exposure (in mg) 0 day (in mg) 0 day Reduction (in mg) 0 day Reduction 0 day 0.89 0.74 0.68 0.88 0.75 0.68 0.89 0.74 0.67 Average 0.89  0.08 0.00 0.74 0.08 0.00 16.85 0.67 0.08 0.00 23.59 1 day 0.89 0.94 0.89 0.91 0.93 0.70 0.90 0.95 0.70 Average 0.90 0.11 0.01 0.94  0.11 0.20 4.4 0.70  0.08 0.02 22.22 2ndday 0.89 0.94 0.71 0.90 0.96 0.72 0.90 0.95 0.72 Average 0.90  0.08 0.01 0.95  0.11 0.21 5.55 0.72 0.08 0.04 20.00 3rd day 0.94 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.98 0.95 0.97 0.97 Average 0.95  0.11 0.06 0.96 0.11 0.22 1.05 0.98 0.08 0.03 3.15 4th day 1.06 1.04 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.09 1.09 1.03 1.08 Average 1.07 0.12 0.12 1.05 0.14 0.3 1.86 1.08 0.11 0.4 0.93 Table 1.9 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Caesalpinia pulcherrima LPA IPA VPA TPL*308.02 g/ m3 TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 Time Increase Increase over Increase Increase over % Increase Increase over % exposure (in mg) 0 day (in mg) 0 day Reduction (in mg) 0 day Reduction 0 day 0.98 0.89 0.88 0.98 0.91 0.89 0.97 0.90 0.89 Average 0.98 0.08 0.00 0.90 0.11 0.00 8.16 0.89 0.08 0.00 9.18 1 day 1.01 0.91 0.98 1.03 0.91 0.97 1.02 0.90 0.98 Average 1.02  0.11 0.04 0.91  0.08 1.00 1.07 0.98 0.08 0.09 3.92 2ndday 1.03 1.03 0.98 1.04 1.02 0.99 1.04 1.01 0.99 Average 1.04 0.08 0.06 1.02 0.11 12.0 1.92 0.99 0.08 0.10 4.80 3rd day 1.06 1.09 0.99 1.06 1.11 0.98 1.07 1.10 0.99 Average 1.07  0.11 0.09 1.10 0.11 20.0 2.80 0.99  0.08 0.10 7.47 4th day 1.28 1.20 1.20 1.27 1.19 1.21 1.22 1.19 1.20 Average 1.25  0.23 0.27 1.19  0.08 29.0 4.8 1.20 0.08 0.31 4.0 Table 1.10 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Delonix regia LPA IPA VPA TPL*308.02 g/ m3 TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 Time Increase Increase over Increase Increase over % Increase Increase over % exposure (in mg) 0 day (in mg) 0 day Reduction (in mg) 0 day Reduction 0 day 1.01 0.89 0.89 0.02 0.90 0.88 0.03 0.90 0.89 Average 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.90 0.08 0.00 10.78 0.89 0.08 0.00 12.74 1 day 1.03 0.89 0.90 1.05 0.91 0.89 1.04 0.91 0.89 Average 1.04 0.08 0.02 0.91 0.08 0.20 12.5 0.90 0.08 0.01 13.46 2ndday 1.20 1.19 0.90 1.22 1.20 1.06 1.21 1.21 1.07 Average 1.21 0.08 0.17 1.20 0.11 0.17 0.82 1.08 0.08 0.18 11.5 3rd day 1.20 1.20 1.01 1.21 1.21 1.02 1.20 1.20 1.02 Average 1.20 0.08 0.16 1.20 0.08 0.16 00 1.02 0.08 0.13 15.0 15
  • 18. LPA IPA VPA TPL*308.02 g/ m3 TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 Time Increase Increase over Increase Increase over % Increase Increase over % exposure (in mg) 0 day (in mg) 0 day Reduction (in mg) 0 day Reduction 4th day 1.09 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.01 1.01 1.11 1.00 1.00 Average 1.10 0.08 0.08 1.00 0.08 0.08 9.0 1.00 0.08 0.11 9.0 Table 1.11 : Anthocyanin content (/mg fresh weight) of Peltophorum inerme LPA IPA VPA TPL*308.02 g/ m3 TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 Time Increase Increase over Increase Increase over % Increase Increase over % exposure (in mg) 0 day (in mg) 0 day Reduction (in mg) 0 day Reduction 0 day 0.78 0.74 0.67 0.78 0.73 0.68 0.79 0.73 0.68 Average 0.78 0.08 0.00 0.73 0.08 0.00 6.4 0.68 0.08 0.00 12.8 1 day 0.79 0.79 0.69 0.80 0.78 0.70 0.80 0.78 0.70 Average 0.80 0.08 0.02 0.78 0.08 0.05 2.5 0.70 0.08 0.02 12.5 2ndday 0.98 0.98 0.79 0.99 0.97 0.80 0.99 0.98 0.80 Average 0.99 0.21 0.21 0.980.08 0.25 1.0 0.80 0.08 0.10 19.19 3rd day 1.01 0.98 0.73 1.02 0.99 0.74 1.03 0.99 0.75 Average 1.02 0.14 0.24 0.99 0.08 0.26 2.94 0.74 0.11 0.06 27.45 4th day 0.99 0.98 0.74 0.98 0.97 0.76 0.99 0.97 0.75 Average 0.99  0.11 0.21 0.97 0.08 0.24 2.02 0.75 0.11 0.07 24.24 1.3.4 Floral Biomass Fresh and dry weights of flowers of different plant species are presented in Table 1.12 and % reduction is presented in Fig. 1.4. It is evident that maximum reduction in flower weight has taken place in vehicular area and minimum at industrial area. Out of five test species, it is observed that flowers of Delonix Fig 1.4 : % Reduction in fresh and dry weight of flower over LPA. 50 45 40 35 30 C.fistula % REDUCTION C.siamea 25 C.pulcherrima D.regia P.inerme 20 15 10 5 0 Fresh weight IPA IPA VPA Fresh Weight Dry Weight Fresh Weight Dry Weight 16
  • 19. regia appeared to be more sensitive to air pollution, as regards the biomass, as there was 35.95 % and 43.77 % reduction in dry weight was noted respectively in both IPA and VPA. Minimum reduction was noted in Peltophorum inerme 19.40% and 27.53% in both IPA and VPA in dry weight as compared to unaffected area, i.e. LPA. These results once again proved the toxicity of the air pollutants (Fig. 1.4). Table 1.12 : Fresh and Dry weight (g) of 100 flowers Low Pollution Area Industrial Pollution Area Vehicular Pollution Area Name of plant TPL*308.02 g/m3 TPL* 539.15 g/m3 TPL* 506.81 g/m3 species Fresh wt. Dry Fresh wt. % Dry wt. % Fresh wt. % Dry wt. % wt. Red. Red. Red. Red. C. fistula 60.00 6.75 58.60 5.30 56.98 4.60 65.50 7.36 54.00 12.71 4.88 29.78 54.05 13.93 4.36 38.20 68.00 7.65 56.30 5.09 55.51 4.48 Average 64.50±3.26 7.25 ±0.37 56.30±1.75 5.09±0.52 55.51±1.39 4.48±1.37 C. siamea 32.00 5.30 31.07 4.13 33.34 3.74 35.50 5.87 28.00 15.17 3.72 31.84 28.50 12.53 3.19 40.72 37.50 6.21 30.00 3.98 30.00 3.36 Average 35.00±2.00 5.79±0.81 29.69±1.49 3.94±0.54 30.61±1.90 3.43±0.61 C. pulcherrima 25.00 3.19 24.61 2.62 24.82 2.50 28.50 3.63 28.00 6.59 2.98 22.09 22.00 20.91 2.21 37.56 31.00 3.95 26.30 2.79 20.00 2.01 Average 28.16±2.05 3.59±1.00 26.30±1.50 2.79±.43 22.27±3.79 2.24±0.20 D. regia 200.0 43.72 198.01 29.43 197.82 27.53 215.0 46.99 195.05 5.18 28.99 35.95 175.00 11.68 24.35 43.77 211.0 46.12 196.53 29.21 180.00 25.05 Average 208.66±2.90 45.61±1.35 196.53±1.40 29.21±0.54 184.27±3.51 25.64±1.67 P. inerme 35.00 11.64 33.46 11.11 33.92 10.42 40.50 13.46 30.00 19.32 9.96 19.40 28.00 21.24 8.60 27.20 42.50 14.13 31.73 10.53 31.00 9.52 Average 39.33±2.40 13.07±1.35 31.73±1.51 10.53±0.87 30.97±1.99 9.51±1.10 1.3.5 Pollen Germination Air pollution has also been found to affect pollen germination adversely in all test species (Table 1.13 and Fig. 1.5). The maximum reduction in percent germination of pollen grains was noted in Cassia siamea i.e. 31.51 in VPA, and minimum in Cistula fistula 19.15 % in IPA. Whereas maximum reduction was noted in C. pulcherrima 17.08% and minimum in Cassia siamea 0.97%. Thus different species respond differently two types of pollution. Table 1.13 : Pollen germination of studied plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city LPA IPA VPA Name of plant TPL* 308.02 TPL* % Reduction TPL* % Reduction species g/m3 539.15 g/m3 506.81 g/m3 C. fistula 74.33 2.03 60.09 1.93 19.15 % 63.00  4.66 15.24 % C. siamea 67.91 2.33 46.51  2.3 31.51 % 67.25 1.99 0.97 % C. pulcherrima 65.83 1.23 51.58 1.95 21.64 % 54.58 2.1 17.08 % D. regia 84.04 7.08 63.68 4.33 24.22 % 73.11 7.08 13.00 % P. inerme 84.98 1.34 62.72 3.46 26.19 % 73.28 5.38 13.76 % 17
  • 20. 1.3.6 Pollen Size The size of pollen grains was found to be affected by pollution stress. (Table 1.14 and Fig.1.6). Higher percentage reduction was noted in IPA than in roadside plants. Maximum reduction in pollen size was observed in Delonix regia, i.e. 48.83 and 42.48 % respectively in IPA and VPA sites. While minimum reduction was noted in Peltophorum inerme 15.54 and 13.26 % respectively at IPA and VPA sites. It is evident from data presented in Table 1.6. that in IPA, air was more harmful for the pollens growth and development than VPA. A size wise reduction was also noted. The greater the size of the pollen, more was the reduction irrespective of the pollution area. Smaller size pollens were least affected like P. inerme. Table 1.14 : Pollen diameter () in plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city LPA IPA VPA Name of plant TPL* 308.02 TPL* % Reduction TPL* % Reduction species g/m3 539.15 g/m3 506.81 g/m3 C. fistula 53.1± 1.24 43.5 ± 1.25 18.07 % 45.2 ± 1.23 14.87 % C. siamea 57 ± 1.30 38.1 ± 1.39 33.15 % 38.8 ± 1.28 31.92 % C. pulcherrima 54 ± 1.20 37.1 ± 1.38 31.29 % 38.7 ± 1.27 28.33 % D. regia 64.5 ± 1.27 33.0 ± 1.27 48.83 % 37.1 ± 1.38 42.48 % P. inerme 52.1 ± 1.24 44 ± 1.25 15.54 % 45.0 ± 1.22 13.62 % Fig. 1.6 : % reduction in Pollen size over control. 60 50 40 % Reduction C.fistula C.siamea 30 C.pulcherrima D.regia P.inerme 20 10 0 IPA IPA VPA 18
  • 21. 1.3.7 Pollen Tube Length Pollen tube length was found to be much lower in IPA as compared to VPA. A general reducing trend in pollen tube length in both polluted sites was recorded. (Table 1.15 and Fig. 1.7). The maximum reduction in pollen tube length was noted in Cassia siamea, i.e. 52.98, 46.51 % in IPA and VPA respectively. Whereas minimum reduction in IPA in Caesalpinia pulcherrima 19.17% and Delonix regia 16.16% in VPA respectively as compared to unaffected area. D. regia was least affected by pollution stress. Table 1.15 : Pollen tube length () of studied plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city LPA IPA VPA Name of Plant TPL* 308.02 TPL* % Reduction TPL* % Reduction species g/m3 539.15 g/m3 506.81 g/m3 C. fistula 176.1 ± 21.22 137.1 ± 19.08 22.20 % 138.5 ± 19.03 21.35 % C. siamea 218.0 ± 7.06 102.5 ± 8.23 52.98 % 116.6 ± 19.61 46.51 % C. pulcherrima 182.5 ± 30.41 147.5 ± 29.18 19.17 % 138.5 ± 15.80 31.67 % D. regia 177.5 ± 30.76 143.3 ± 12.11 19.26 % 148.0 ± 19.86 16.61 % P. inerme 182.6 ± 33.58 126.5 ± 22.76 30.72 % 138.5 ± 22.5 24.15 % Fig 1.7 : % reduction in pollen tube length over LPA. 60 50 40 % Reduction IPA 30 VPA 20 10 0 C.fistula C.siamea C.pulcherrima D.regia P.inerme 1.3.8 Pollen Viability Pollen viability is a very important character to assess reproductive behaviour of plants. In present study it was noted to be reduced in both the polluted sites (Table 1.16 and Fig. 1.8). There was more reduction in pollen viability in VPA as compared to IPA. The maximum reduction in pollen viability was found in Peltophorum inerme 38.27 % and Caesalpinia pulcherrima, i.e. 38.29% in IPA and VPA and minimum reduction was recorded in Cassia siamea, i.e. 20.73 % 19
  • 22. and 17.07 % in both IPA and VPA. Thus it appears that to urban air pollutants the least affected pollens grains were of Cassia siamea. Table 1.16 : Percent viable pollens of studied plants growing in different polluted areas of Indore city Low Pollution Area Industrial Pollution Area Vehicular Pollution Area TPL*308.02 g/ m3 TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 Name of Total no. Viable Non- Total no. Viable Non-viable % Red. in Total no. Viable Non-viable % Red. in plant species of pollens pollens viable of pollens pollens pollens viable of pollens pollens pollens viable pollens pollens pollens C. fistula 96 83 13 79 63 16 24.09 69 61 08 26.50 C. siamea 90 82 08 74 65 09 20.73 79 68 11 17.07 C. pulcherrima 98 94 04 76 67 09 28.72 64 58 06 38.29 D. regia 84 73 11 70 55 15 31.50 70 57 13 21.91 P. inerme 88 81 07 60 50 10 38.27 71 61 10 24.69 Fig 1.8 : % reduction in pollen viabilty over LPA. 60 50 C.fistula C.siamea C.pulcherrima 40 D.regia P.inerme % Reduction 30 20 10 IPA VPA 0 IPA 1.4 Discussion 1.4.1 Time of Flowering Air pollutants are influencing the plants in various ways. Apart from vegetative parts, reproductive parts are also showing significant variations under pollution stress. One of the most prominent features is delayed flowering in plants growing in polluted habitats. Pawar (1983) and Dubey (1985) have reported this in Mangferia indica, Delonix regia and Acacia arabica trees growing in industrially polluted area with predominance of SO2. Recently Chauhan et al. (2004) has also reported delayed flowering and reduced floral density in Cassia siamea growing along road side of Agra one of the highly polluted cities of our country. Thus the present findings are in confirmation with these earlier reports. Pawar and Dubey (1985) correlate this delay with air pollution stress because due to many physiological and bio-chemical alterations, less photosynthate is available for reproductive growth and development. 20
  • 23. 1.4.2 Morphology of Flowers Higher value of Length and Breadth ratio (L/B) clearly indicated that there was more reduction in length of sepals and petals as compared to their width. Generally reduction in length of both floral parts, i.e. sepals and petals results has been noted maximum. The reduction in number of flower size and cone development due to the air pollution specially SO2 has been reported by many workers (Houston and Dochinger 1977, Beda 1982 and Ernst et al. 1985) Flower size reduction in calendula due to SO2 exposure has been reported (Singh et al. 1985 and Yunus et al. 1985). Joshi and Sikka (2002) have reported reduced fresh and dry weight in flowers of Cassia fistula, Delonix regia and Peltophorum inerme growing in differently polluted are of Indore city. Pollution induced changes in floral morphology of Cassia siamea has been reported recently by Chauhan et al. (2004). Higher reduction in size of stamens and carpel in comparison to sepals and petals can be attributed to their more complex physiological and biochemical requirements. Maximum flower size reduction in C. fistula as compared to other species is a result of its higher sensitivity to air pollution, which has been reported earlier on the basis of various morphological and phytochemical observations by many workers (Pawar 1982, Joshi 1989, Singh and Rao 1983, Agrawal 1986). Thus it is obvious that C. fistula is a very sensitive plant to urban air pollution not only regarding its vegetative and biochemical aspects but reproductive behaviour as well. 1.4.3 Flower Colour Increment in floral pigment with their age can be attributed to the effect of light. Exposure of plants to white light increases the anthocyanin content in flowers resulted in their darkening (Stafford 1965 and Drumm and Mohr 1978). In the present study also the same pattern was observed. However the higher rates of reduction in anthocyanin pigment of flowers growing in polluted sites with their exposure time in comparison to low polluted area can be attributed to the phytotoxic activity of air pollutants. The decrease in floral colour in polluted 21
  • 24. areas appears to be enzymatic in nature. Increased activities of glucosidase and poly-phenolonidase in the plant growing in mixed pollution area (Godzite 1967) and glycosidase (Bucher 1979) have been reported, which are known to reduce their pigments (Goodwin 1976). One of the reasons for plant wise variation in anthocyanin content reduction can be related to the thickness of petals. More reduction in P. inerme and C. fistula may be due their thin and delicates petals. Since the bright colour of flowers serve to attract the pollinators and thus ensure the pollination effectively. Fading of the flowers in such polluted habitats may also results in less fruiting and seed setting especially in entomophyllous flowers. 1.4.4 Floral Biomass Decrease flower weight in polluted sites is related to reduction in floral size. Such changes in floral biomass can be either indirect effect of air pollution due to less allocation of photosynthates (Lechowicz 1987) or a direct effect of toxic gases on floral parts during their growth and development. There observations are in confirmation with earlier reports (Joshi and Sikka 2002). Higher sensitivity of Cassia fistula flower in comparison to rest of the species can be attributed to its overall sensitivity of plant, and can be accounted to the delicacy of floral parts, which remained totally exposed to pollutants to right from their initiation to full bloom in absence of leaves. Minimum alteration in C. siamea and P. inerme can be account on their resistant nature of their plants. These two plants have also been reported to have higher value of Air pollution Tolerance Index (Singh and Rao 1983 and Agrawal 1986). 1.4.5 Pollen Characters The pollen grains are very sensitive to air pollution and thus have been used for monitoring of atmospheric pollution (Rosen 1983). The sensitivity of pollens to SO2 (Karmosky and Stairs 1974 and Varshney and Varshney 1981) and fluorides (Facteau and Rowe 1977) has been reported as poor germination and reduced tube growth. In present study also reduction in pollen grains size, viability, germination and tube length has been noted in all the plant species studied. These effects are 22
  • 25. considered to be the influence of various air pollution combinations of IPA and VPA sites, effect of other pollutants cannot be denied too. Increased SO2 concentration is reported to reduce pollen germination significantly (Dubey 1983 and Varshney and Varshney 1981, 1986). Similarly Krishnayya and Bedi (1986) have reported reduced pollen germination and seed viability in two species of Cassia growing near highways as a function of lead accumulation thought they mainly consider it as an effect of lead. Reduction in pollen size, viability and shape reduction in pine pollens have been reported by Fedatov et al. (1983). Reduced pollen viability in some vegetables as a function of SO2 pollution in the vicinity of Mathura refinery was also reported by Bhardwaj and Chauhan (1990). The present findings regarding the interaction of pollen characteristics and urban pollutants are in confirmation with findings of Joshi and Sikka (2002) and Chauhan et al. (2004). The highest reduction in pollen size in D. regia as compared to other fours species can be attributed to the pollen size. Because D. regia pollens are bigger in their size and thus they require more photosynthate to maintain it, which is poorly available under pollution stress. This might have resulted in higher reduction in size. Reduction in pollen size due to high pollution in Pinus sylvestris have been reported (Mamajev and Shkarlet 1972). Recently Chauhan et al. (2004) has also reported change in morphology especially in ornamentations of pollen grains of C. siamea pollen collected from high vehicular load. Such pollen grains failed to show distinct colpi and reticulate sculpturing with comparison to less polluted sites. They opined that this is due to the deposition of pollutants particularly, suspended particulates matter due to heavy movement of automobiles. But this interpretation does not seem to be logical because change in surface characteristic might be a result of overall pollution load. Actually during development stage; pollen grains are concealed in anther lobe. Hence these are not coming in direct contact with particulate matter. Ornamentation and other morphological features have been taken shape prior to anthesis. So these changes might have occurred before anthesis. In most of the studies carried out in areas exposed to industrially polluted, yet in most instance it is accompanied by other pollutants and additive effects must be reckoned with Bonte (1982). Nakada et al. (1976) showed the in vitro studies 23
  • 26. indicates that the addition of SO2 to NO2 or O3 or HCHO, considerably increase the percentage inhibition compared with the action of each product examined separately. There is little information available on the mechanism of action of SO2 on the pollen tube. However Ma et al. (1973) have measured the pollen mitotic index of Tradescantia paludosa treated in vitro by SO2 they assumed the SO2 broke down the chromosomes of the pollen tube. Delayed and reduced floral yield of carnation and geranium species have been reported along with vegetative growth retardation (Feder 1970). Ozone induced inhibition in pollen germination and pollen tube growth has been observed (Feder 1981). Work done by Mumford et al. (1972) suggests that O3 induces the autolysis of structural glycoproteins and stimulates amino-acid synthesis in pollen and inhibited germination by 40-90 %. Thus it can be concluded that the changes observed in present study in flowers and pollens grains are the results of cumulative effect of urban air pollutants, i.e. SO2, NOX and Photochemical oxidants along with particulates. 24
  • 27. Air Pollution Impact on Fruits 2.1 Introduction The union of the male and female generative cells, after pollination, to form the fertilized egg leads to the formation of fruits and seeds. A fruit is the mature female part specially ovary which may or may not include other parts of the flower. The seed is the ripened ovule contained within the fruit. Later on in due course of time germination of seeds give rise to new plants. Seeds are typically composed of three parts the embryo, endosperm and the seed coat. Fruits may contain one to several seeds. The term „fruit‟ and „seed‟ are often used loosely, for example the so called „seeds‟ of many members of poaceae are actually one seeded fruits. There are different types of fruits, depending on how they are derived. They may be fleshy, dry indehiscent, dehiscent, aggregate etc. The fruits of Leguminoceae are derived from single carpel with marginal placentation having one to many seeds. These fruits are dry dehiscent or indehiscent and commonly called Pods. Most angiospermic seeds have a seed coat derived from either two integuments or single integument of the ovule. In bitegmic seeds the term „testa‟ is applied only to the outer layer, formed from outer integument, the part formed from the inner integument being the tegment. Seed coat may be complex multilayered tissue or simply enlarged ovule wall. This generally includes a hard, protective layer formed from all or part of the testa. Corner (1976) has classified seed coat according to the position of this mechanical layer. In exotestal seedcoat the mechanical layer is formed from the outer epidermis of the outer integument and in endotegmic seed coat, it is derived from the inner wall of the inner integument. Some times the mechanical layer consists of one or more rows of elongated, palisade like cells, such as the macrosclerides in the exotesta of many leguminoceae, which is the family under study during the present research work. Apart from the obvious mechanical protective function, to prevent destruction of the seed by dehydration or predation, the seed coat often has important subsidiary functions, usually related to dispersal. These may bear corresponding 25
  • 28. specialized structures. Like presence of wings in wind dispersal seeds and fleshy seeds for dispersal by animals. Of the many seeds produced by a plant, only a small proportion survives. Predation, rotting, falling in the wrong place or any of the many other natural and man made hazards besetting a seed. Those that do survive will sooner or later germinate. While the seed is dormant, all its processes are slowed down so as to utilize available limited food resources very economically to keep the embryo alive. When the dormancy is broken and the conditions are favorable for germination, the seed rapidly takes in water and the respiration rate rises back to normal as cell starts to grow and divide. The area of greatest growth at first is the root initial and young root soon pushes its way out through the seed coat. Such seeds are called as germinated. At germination the testa is ruptured and the radicle emerges through the micropyle. The seedling is the most Juvenile stage of the plant, immediately after germination, seedlings have a root (radicle) and a hypocotyls, which bears the cotyledons and plumules bud. This bud produces the stem and leaves, which soon resemble those of the mature plant. The cotyledons or seed leaves usually differ from the first foliage leaves. In large seeded dicotyledons such as the legumes the cotyledons are fleshy and swollen, with a food storage function. The overall physiology and biochemistry of sexual reproduction i.e. flowering, fruiting, seed setting and seed germination is influenced by various environmental constrains of which air pollution is one of the most significant factors. Looking to the deteriorating air quality the present study was planned to assess the impact of urban air pollution on fruits and seeds of the selected plant species. 2.2 Experimental Apart from foliar injury plants also show changes in their reproductive parts too, in response to polluted air. This study was aimed to know the effects of air pollution on fruit morphology and seed quality. The colour, size and weight of fruits and seeds along with seed count and viability were studied. 26
  • 29. 2.2.1 Colour of Pods Mature pods of C. fistula, C. siamea, C. pulcherrima, D. regia and P. inerme were collected during 2002, 2003and 2004 from the selected areas of Indore city from a height of 3 to 4 meter. Colour of pods and injury symptoms on them were recorded visually and compared with reference area. 2.2.1 Size of Pods Pod size measurement was performed by taking 20 pods from five trees of each test species brought to the laboratory in polythene bags. Thus 100 pods from each species from every study area were collected. Length and Breadth of pods were recorded with the help of a standards measuring tape. In case of C. fistula in place of breadth diameter was measured. 2.2.3. Weight of Pods Hundred pods each for year 2002, 2003 and 2004 were collected from different pollution areas along with Low pollution area were dried in oven at 80º C for 24 hours and their dry weight was recorded using an electronic balance. The results are presented as grams per pod. 2.2.4 Seed Count The effect of airborne pollutants on seed per fruit of selected tree species was also studied. For this purpose seeds were taken out from the pods collected or dry weight measurement and seed number per pod was also recorded. 2.2.5 Seed Viability Seed viability was tested following Cottrell (1947) to test the viability imbibed seed were cut, so that the embryo is bisected and then seed were placed in a 1.0% solution of 2,3,5 Triphenyl -2 H-tetrazolium chloride (TTC). Viable embryo releases hydrogen ion during respiration, which combines with TTC, imparting red or pink colour to seeds. The seeds in which embryo turned pink or red after 24 hours were considered as viable and their number were recorded. The test was conducted in petri plates containing filter paper. Four replicates of 27
  • 30. 25 seeds per petri plates were used for the study. The results are presented as percent viability. Like other aerial parts of the plant fruit are also remain exposed to polluted air throughout their developmental span. This ranges from few months to years depending upon the nature of plants. During this prolonged exposure they interact with air pollutants resulting in the variation in various morphological features like shape, size and colour. 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Colour of Pods Like leaves the fruit also remain exposed to the ambient air during their developmental period, thus they too showed response to polluted air. The pods of all the test species collected from polluted sites appeared dark in colour as compared to the pods collected from low pollution area, which were less dark and shiny. It was also observed that the colour of the pods growing in Industrial Pollution area affected more than pods collected from Vehicular Pollution Area. In most of pods their normal dark brown colour has turned in to dark brown to black due to the interaction of pollutants and deposition of particulate matter on them. Chlorotic and necrotic spots with tip burn were also observed in some pods of C. pulcherrima in the polluted areas (Table 2.1, Plate-2.1 to 2.5). Table 2.1: Colour of pods collected from different polluted areas of Indore city Name of Plant Low Pollution Area Industrial Pollution Vehicular Pollution species TPL* 308.02 g/m3 Area Area TPL* 539.15 g/ m3 TPL* 506.81 g/ m3 C. fistula Blackish-brown Dark black brown Dark black brown C. siamea Brownish Light brown Light brown C. pulcherrima Brown Dark brown Dark brown D. regia Dark black Dark black brown Dark black brown P. inerme Shiny blackish-brown Blackish brown Blackish brown *TPL -Total Pollution Load 28
  • 31. Plate-2.1: Cassia fistula pods showing Plate-2.2: Cassia siamea pods showing colour change and size reduction. colour change and size reduction. Plate-2.3: Caesalpinia pulcherrima pods Plate-2.4: Peltoforum inerme pods showing colour change and size showing colour change and size reduction. reduction. Plate-2.5: Delonix regia pods showing size reduction. 2.3.2. Size of Pods The polluted air has affected the size of the pods. There was a reduction in length as well as breadth of the pods in plants growing in different polluted sites. It is evident from the data presented in Table 2.2 and Fig. 2.1 that the reduction in pod length was more in Industrial Polluted Area as compared to Vehicular Polluted Area. 29
  • 32. Table 2.2 : Length and Breadth Ratio of pods collected from different polluted areas of Indore city Low Pollution Area Industrial Pollution Area Vehicular Pollution Area Name of Y TPL*308.02 g/m3 TPL* 539.15 g/m3 TPL* 506.81 g/m3 Plant E species A L B L/B L B L/B % % Red L B L/B % % Red R Ratio Ratio Red (B) Ratio Red (B) (L) (L) C. S1 41.00 8.00 5.12 34.85 7.34 4.74 37.87 7.87 4.81 fistula S2 40.32 7.99 5.04 38.92 7.54 5.16 36.45 7.33 4.71 S3 41.24 8.09 5.09 37.99 7.42 5.11 39.20 8.13 4.82 A 40.85 8.02 5.09 37.25 7.43 5.01 8.81 7.35 37.84 7.91 4.78 7.36 1.37 ±0.24 ±0.10 ±0.20 0.20 ±1.10 ±0.48 ±0.52 ±0.68 ±0.49 C. S1 17.42 1.20 14.51 15.24 1.1 13.85 16.27 1.20 13.5 siamea S2 17.36 1.30 13.35 14.74 0.9 16.37 16.98 1.10 15.4 S3 17.28 1.20 14.40 16.40 0.8 20.50 16.54 1.10 15.0 A 17.35 1.20 14.08 15.46 0.9 16.90 10.89 18.18 16.59 1.10 14.67 4.38 8.33 ±0.10 ±0.01 ±0.08 ±1.48 ±0.01 ±3.25 ±0.59 ±0.01 ±0.67 C. S1 10.1 1.5 6.73 9.54 1.1 6.81 9.62 1.40 6.87 pulche- S2 9.74 1.4 6.95 8.99 1.3 6.91 9.70 1.32 7.34 rrima S3 10.3 1.6 6.27 9.39 1.5 6.26 9.02 1.20 7.51 A 10.04 1.5 6.65 9.30 1.4 6.66 7.37 6.66 9.44 1.30 7.2 5.97 13.3 ±1.29 ±1.11 ±1.35 ±1.29 ±1.10 ±1.54 ±1.78 ±1.15 ±1.29 D. S1 39.25 3.15 12.46 37.46 3.10 12.08 38.24 3.12 12.25 regia S2 38.00 3.50 10.85 37.89 3.48 10.88 38.43 3.34 11.50 S3 37.75 3.60 10.48 38.20 3.56 10.73 37.09 3.52 10.70 A 38.33 3.48 11.05 37.85 3.43 11.06 1.25 1.45 37.42 3.31 11.5 1.06 4.88 ±0.83 ±0.41 ±0.56 ±1.20 ±1.38 ±1.06 ±0.42 ±0.08 ±1.08 P. S1 9.60 2.2 4.36 7.43 1.7 4.36 8.29 1.9 4.36 inerme S2 9.77 2.0 4.88 8.24 2.00 4.12 8.74 2.1 4.16 S3 9.82 2.1 4.67 9.47 1.9 4.98 9.59 1.9 5.04 A 9.73 2.1 4.64 8.38 1.85 4.60 14.40 11.90 8.87 1.9 4.44 8.83 9.52 ±0.43 ±0.02 ±0.58 ±1.28 0.42 0.28 ±0.93 0.20 0.43 *TPL -Total Pollution Load, L – Length, B – Breadth, Red – Reduction, Sampling year - S1 –2002, S2 –2003, S3–2004 ; A – Average Values Maximum reduction in pod length was noted in P. inerme where it was 14.40 % and 8.83% respectively in IPA and VPA with reference to LPA. Whereas minimum reduction was recorded in D. regia where the values were 1.25 % and 1.06% respectively in IPA and VPA. The rest of two species of Cassia appeared more or less affected similarly at both sites. The breadths of the pods were also found decreased in all the species. Maximum reduction in breadth of the pod was recorded in C. siamea (18.18%) and C. pulcherrima (13.30%) respectively in IPA and VPA. Regarding breadth of pod C. fistula found to be affected least in VPA. 30
  • 33. The L/B ratio of pods was also changed (Table 2.2). There was a slight increase in the ratio for C. siamea, C. pulcherrima and D. regia. However this ratio decreased in P. inerme and C. fistula showed that the pods breadth was comparatively more affected than length in most of the species studied. Thus it can be concluded that there was overall growth retardation in pods of all the test species growing in polluted areas. 2.3.3 Weight of Pods Dry weight of pods is presented in Table 2.3. It can be seen from the table that dry weight of pods has also been reduced in all the plant species. The maximum reduction was observed in C. siamea i.e. 44.0 % in IPA and 30.30 % in VPA and minimum in C. pulcherrima, i.e 8.96% in IPA and 8.79% in VPA respectively. Whereas D. regia and P. inerme showed more than 20 % reduction in dry weight. Areas wise there was more reduction in pod dry weight in Industrial area than Vehicular area (Fig. 2.3). Table 2.3 : Dry weight of pods collected from different polluted areas of Indore city Name of LPA IPA VPA Plant Year TPL* 308.02 TPL* 539.15 % Reduction TPL* 506.81 % Reduction species g/m3 g/m3 g/m3 C. fistula 2002 67.92 51.78 50.88 2003 65.70 54.48 53.74 2004 63.82 52.72 55.34 Avg. 65.81±2.80 52.99 ± 1.25 19.48 % 53.32 ± 3.40 18.97 % C. pulcherrima 2002 12.37 11.98 9.09 2003 11.69 10.23 10.87 2004 10.42 9.17 11.48 Avg. 11.49±0.65 10.46 ± 1.34 8.96 % 10.48 ± 1.02 8.97% C. siamea 2002 12.97 7.28 8.98 2003 13.11 7.39 9.59 2004 13.53 7.47 9.04 Avg. 13.20±0.05 7.38±0.006 44.0 % 9.20 ±0.05 30.30% D. regia 2002 77.93 51.27 57.64 2003 68.43 54.25 51.37 2004 67.71 56.79 58.45 Avg. 71.35±2.95 54.10±5.08 24.17% 55.82  2.95 21.76% P. inerme 2002 10.37 8.52 8.63 2003 10.87 6.56 7.48 2004 9.24 7.88 7.69 Avg. 10.16±0.09 7.65±0.66 24.70% 7.93  0.15 21.91% * TPL - Total Pollution Load, ** Avg. - Average of 100 pods 31
  • 34. Fig. 2.3 : % reduction in dry weight of pods over LPA. 50 C.fistula 45 C.siamea C.pulcherrima D.regia 40 P.inerme 35 30 Reduction 25 % 20 15 10 5 0 IPA VPA 2.3.4. Seed count A perusal of Table 2.4 to 2.8 indicates that there was a reduction in seed number, which ranges from 20.55 % to 3.15 %. The maximum lowering in seed per pod was noted in C. siamea in Industrial area, while the minimum reduction was recorded for C. pulcherrima in VPA. The response of C. fistula, D. regia and P. inerme was almost same in both the polluted sites (Fig. 2.4). Fig. 2.4 : % reduction in Seed/pod over LPA. 25 C.fistula C.siamea C.pulcherrima D.regia 20 P.inerme 15 % Reduction 10 5 0 IPA VPA Further it is also evident that number of unhealthy seeds per pod is high in both the polluted sites in comparison with reference area. It clearly indicates that whatever be the nature of the pollutant it adversely influenced the seed number and quality. On the overall basis it can be stated that the colour, size, shape, weight and number of seeds per pod all were adversely affected by air pollution prevailing 32