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Historia de la Iglesia
Dr. John Oakes
Sociedad de Investigación Apologética
¿Por qué estudiamos la Historia de la
 ¿Para aprender de los Errores de la Historia
→ para evitarlos? Aquellos que no pueden aprender
de la historia están condenados a repetirla.
 Descubrir nuestros propias raices
(Movimiento de Restauración, Ministerios Universitarios,
 Evitar columpiar el péndulo
Gracia ↔ Legalismo
Doctrina ↔ Celo, Emoción, Corazón
Ascetismo ↔ Libertad
¿Cómo se perdió el Verdadero
 Crecimiento de grupos separados, grupos
heréjes con falsas enseñanzas.
 Desvío gradual de la “verdadera iglesia”, de
las prácticas bíblicas, por razones buenas y
Cismas y Herejías tempranos
 Judaizantes legalismo
 Gnósticos humanidad de Jesus, conocimiento profundo
 Marcionitas Jehova un Dios Malo
 Montanistas carismáticos
 Novatianistas, Donatistas pureza de la iglesia
 Arianes deidad de Jesus
El Evangelio de Judas
El desvío de la Iglesia
 Liderazgo/ Organización de la Iglesia
 Doctrina del Bautismo
 Ascetismo, Monasticismo
 Credos, Liturgia, Calendario de la iglesia,
 Sacerdotalismo/Sacerdocio La Cena del Señor se
convirtió en un sacrificio
 Hermeneutica
Lecciones Aprendidas de la iglesia
 Evitar estructura organizacional convenientes pero
 Resistir la tendencia hacia el ritualismo en nuestras
 No sobre-reaccionar a las falsas doctrinas.
 Evitar depender de credos para defender la verdad.
 No sobre-enfatizar la importancia del sacrificio físico,
oración o cualquier otra buena actividad espiritual.
 Enfatizar los métodos buenos de la exégesis de Biblia
¿Verdadero Cristianismo en la Edad
 Paulicianos 650-900’s Asia Menor
 Albigenses, Cathars 1000’s-1200’s Sur de Francia
 Arnoldo de Brescia 1100 Italia
 Pedro de Bruys 1110 Norte de Italia
 Valdenses 1175-1500’s Peter Waldo, Suiza
La Reforma
 John Wyclif Inglaterra, 1324-1384
 John Huss Bohemia, 1374-1415
 Martin Lutero Alemania, 1483-1546
 Ulrich Zwingli Suiza, 1484-1531
 William Tyndale Inglaterra, 1494-1536
 Juan Calvino Francia, 1509-1564
 John Knox Escocia, 1505-1572
John Wyclif 1324-1384
Tradujo la Vulgata al Inglés
Se opuso a las
indulgencias, idolos, sacerdocio.
El Papa es el anticristo.
Sus seguidores
fueron conocidos como Lollards
Se le declaró hereje en 1401
John Huss 1374-1415 Bohemia
Influenciado por Wyclif
La Biblia es la única
Solo Dios puede perdonar los pecados
Quemado en la estaca
Los Hussitas fueron
virtualmente aniquilados por la Inquisición
Iglesias Brethren y Moravian
John Huss, quemado en la estaca, en el
año 1415
Martin Lutero 1483-1546
Monje Agustiano
95 Tesis en Wittenburg
Estudio de Romanos
Solo la Fe
Solo las Escrituras
Libro de Santiago, un “Libro de
Mantuvo muchas de las practicas
de los Católicos en el culto
Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)
Reformista suizo
Más radical que Lutero
Rechazó casi todas las formas de
adoración de los católicos.
Difiere en cuanto a la Cena del Señor
Su influencia dio origen a los
Principal influencia en Juan Calvino
El Movimiento Anabaptista (1530’s y después)
La Reforma Radical
Menno Simmons 1496-1561
Martirio de los Anabaptistas
El Movimiento Anabaptista (cont.)
 Bautismo por inmersion de adultos después de la
confesión de fe para la salvación.
 La Biblia es la única autoridad.
 Separación de la iglesia y el Estado.
 Enfatizó ambos, la vida y la doctrina
 Pacifistas (usualmente)
 Muchos martirios
 Comenzaron siendo evangelísticos, pero se
convirtieron en exclusivistas y retirados.
(Menonitas, Amish, Hutterites
 Tendió a dividirse constantemente sobre cosas no
Juan Calvino 1509-1564
 Influenciado muy fuertemente por Zwingli
 Fuertemente influenciado por la teología de
 El teólogo más influyente de la Reforma
 Enfatizó la Teología Historica/Testamentaria
 Escribio Institutos de la Religion Cristiana
 Estableció una gobierno eclesiastico en Ginebra.
 Mejor conocido por su fuerte enfasis en la
 Total depravity of mankind
(Depravación total de la humanidad)
 Unconditional election
(Elección incondicional)
 Limited atonement
(Expiación limitada)
 Irresistible grace
(Gracia irresistible)
 final Preservation of the
(la conservación final de los santos)
Otros importantes personajes de la Reforma
 William Tyndale Tradujo el NT desde el griego y el
AT desde el hebreo.
– KJV fue una revisión de Tyndale.
– Martirizado en 1536.
 John Knox 1505-1572. Llevó el Calvinismo a
Escocia. Dio origen a la iglesia Presbiterana.
 Puritanos. Inglaterra. Autonomía Congregacional.
Dio logar a la Iglesia Congregacional
 Bautistas. Agregaron el bautismo al Calvinismo.
 Quakers. Literalmente quaked (temblados).
Carismáticos, movimiento emocional.
Jacob Arminius (1569-1609)
 “Arminianism”
 Semi-Pelagianism?
 Opposed supralapsarianism
 Prevenient grace. God
foreknows, but does not
 Calvinism makes God the
author of sin.
 Methodists, Restoration
MovementMovementRestoration or Reformation?Restoration or Reformation?
 Francis Bacon and inductive logic: the scientificFrancis Bacon and inductive logic: the scientific
approach to the facts of the Bible.approach to the facts of the Bible.
 John Locke: the “Christian Philosopher”John Locke: the “Christian Philosopher”
 The Scottish school of Common Sense PhilosophyThe Scottish school of Common Sense Philosophy
(Adam Smith, Thomas Reid, etc.)(Adam Smith, Thomas Reid, etc.)
 The Seceder Presbyterians, the Sandemanians andThe Seceder Presbyterians, the Sandemanians and
other radical restorationist sects.other radical restorationist sects.
James O’Kelly
We are “Christians simply”
Rice Haggard 1769-1819Rice Haggard 1769-1819
“One thing I know, that whenever non-
essentials are made terms of communion, it
will never fail to have a tendency to
disunite and scatter the church of Christ.”
Barton W. Stone 1772-1844Barton W. Stone 1772-1844
The heart of the movementThe heart of the movement
The Cane Ridge Revival
The Last Will and Testament
of the Springfield Presbytery
“Let Christian Unity be our
Polar Star.”
“I do, so far as I see it
consistent with the word of
The Presbytery of Springfield, sitting at Cane Ridge,
in the county of Bourbon, being, through a gracious
Providence, in more than ordinary bodily health,
growing in strength and size daily; and in perfect
soundness and composure of mind; but knowing
what it is appointed for all delegated bodies once to
die: and considering that the life of every such body
is very uncertain, do take, and ordain this our Last
Will and Testament, in manner and following,….
And with that the Springfield Presbytery no longer
existed and the Stone movement began.
Thomas Campbell 1763-1851Thomas Campbell 1763-1851
Emigrated to Pennsylvania
Suspended by Presbyterian
The Declaration and Address
Principles for unity of
Alexander Campbell 1788-1866Alexander Campbell 1788-1866
The mind of the movementThe mind of the movement
Joined Thomas from
Scotland 1809
Believers only baptism 1812
Campbell/Walker Debate
The Millennial Harbinger
Bethany College 1840
Walter Scott (1796-1861)Walter Scott (1796-1861)
First evangelist in the movement
“Restored the gospel” in 1827
The five step “plan” of salvation
Scott’s: faith, repentance,
baptism, remission of sins, Holy
CoC today: hear, believe, repent,
confess, be baptized
The crowning event of the earlyThe crowning event of the early
1824 Stone and Campbell met for the first time
1831 Decided to form a unified movement
1.Christian (Stonites) or Disciple (Campbellites)
2. Emotional vs intellectual movements (preachers vs
3.Teaching on baptism
4.Ordination of ministers
5. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Hermeneutics of the MovementHermeneutics of the Movement
“Command, Example and Necessary Demonstrations.”
“Where the Bible speaks, we speak, where the Bible is
silent, we are silent”
Sought Bible “facts.” Weak on principles. Tended
toward legalism.
The Turning Point:The Turning Point:
Were they a unity movement (a reformation) or a restoration
Stone and Campbell favored reformation (example; the
Walter Scott, Benjamin Franklin, Tolbert Fanning, David Lipscomb and
others moved toward restoration. Sought “the perfect pattern.”
The Dominating Influences in theThe Dominating Influences in the
 The Colleges (Bethany College, David LipscombThe Colleges (Bethany College, David Lipscomb
College, etc.)College, etc.)
 The Periodicals (editor/bishops) (The MillennialThe Periodicals (editor/bishops) (The Millennial
Harbinger, The American Christian Review, TheHarbinger, The American Christian Review, The
Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation, etc.)Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation, etc.)
 These were forces for unity and for divisionThese were forces for unity and for division
Points of disunity/divisionPoints of disunity/division
 Evangelism and inter-church organization (the MissionaryEvangelism and inter-church organization (the Missionary
 The Civil War: pacifism, slavery, etc. (The Missionary SocietyThe Civil War: pacifism, slavery, etc. (The Missionary Society
supported the North)supported the North)
 The “instrument.” Moses Lard: “No preacher should enter aThe “instrument.” Moses Lard: “No preacher should enter a
church where an organ stands.”church where an organ stands.”
 Daniel Sommer and David Lipscomb.Daniel Sommer and David Lipscomb.
 1906 US Census acknowledged two separate groups: The1906 US Census acknowledged two separate groups: The
Church of Christ and the Christian Church/Disciples ofChurch of Christ and the Christian Church/Disciples of
David Lipscomb (1831-1917)
“Father” of the Church of Christ
Founder of Lipscomb University
Editor of the Gospel Advocate 1866-
Daniel Sommer
“Watchdog” for the brotherhood.
“Daniel Sommer was a militant who left a
legacy of legalistic wrangling and divided
Other ControversiesOther Controversies
 One cup, Sunday School, “anti” churchesOne cup, Sunday School, “anti” churches
 PremillennialismPremillennialism
 For the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ; TheFor the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ; The
Ecumenical Movement. Open Membership.Ecumenical Movement. Open Membership.
 UCMS (United Christian Missionary Society) vs.UCMS (United Christian Missionary Society) vs.
NACC (North American Christian Convention)NACC (North American Christian Convention)
 Two denominations by about 1950Two denominations by about 1950
Lessons to be learnedLessons to be learned
 Unity is extremely difficult to maintain without strongUnity is extremely difficult to maintain without strong
hierarchical structure.hierarchical structure.
 Separating essential matters from the non-essential isSeparating essential matters from the non-essential is
harder than we think.harder than we think.
 A movement without a strong hierarchical structure needsA movement without a strong hierarchical structure needs
instruments to maintain unity.instruments to maintain unity.
 Careful thinking about theology, church structure andCareful thinking about theology, church structure and
history are required for long term growth and unity.history are required for long term growth and unity.
 It is extremely difficult to avoid overreacting to groups withIt is extremely difficult to avoid overreacting to groups with
whom we disagree.whom we disagree.
Book Recommendations:
Reviving the Ancient Faith (Hughes)
The Stone Campbell Movement (Garrett)
Into All Nations (Foster Stanback)
The Search for the Ancient Order (West)
 1960’s “College Chairs” Within CoC1960’s “College Chairs” Within CoC
 1967 Chuck Lucas 141967 Chuck Lucas 14thth
Street CoC (Crossroads CoC)Street CoC (Crossroads CoC)
 Soul talksSoul talks
 Prayer partnersPrayer partners
 Emphasis on evangelismEmphasis on evangelism
 After 1975 “campus ministries”After 1975 “campus ministries”
 Tom Brown, Andy Lindo, Kip McKean, etc…Tom Brown, Andy Lindo, Kip McKean, etc…
 Many church splits resultedMany church splits resulted
 1979 Kip McKean, Lexington/Boston CoC1979 Kip McKean, Lexington/Boston CoC
 ““sold out” disciples only in the churchsold out” disciples only in the church
 Amazing growthAmazing growth
 Emphasis on world evangelismEmphasis on world evangelism
 Vertical discipling trees, uniformity and simplicity ofVertical discipling trees, uniformity and simplicity of
Boston/LA/ICOC movementBoston/LA/ICOC movement
 Chuck Lucas resigns at Crossroads CoC 1985Chuck Lucas resigns at Crossroads CoC 1985
 Official split with CoC 1986Official split with CoC 1986
 Who’s fault was it?Who’s fault was it?
 Church Reconstructions 1988Church Reconstructions 1988
 You are in or you are outYou are in or you are out
 Evangelization Proclamation 1994Evangelization Proclamation 1994
 Kip McKean removed as world evangelist/head of theKip McKean removed as world evangelist/head of the
movement November, 2001movement November, 2001
 Kreite letter/ICOC structure falls apart Feb 2003Kreite letter/ICOC structure falls apart Feb 2003
 Attempts at para-church organization, the “unity letter”Attempts at para-church organization, the “unity letter”
Hermeneutics of CoC and ICOCHermeneutics of CoC and ICOC
 Alexander Campbell: “Where the Bible speaks,Alexander Campbell: “Where the Bible speaks,
we speak, where the Bible is silent, we are silent.”we speak, where the Bible is silent, we are silent.”
 Kip McKean: Where the Bible speaks, we areKip McKean: Where the Bible speaks, we are
silent, where the Bible is silent, we speak.”silent, where the Bible is silent, we speak.”
 CoC: Strong emphasis on Bible Study, BibleCoC: Strong emphasis on Bible Study, Bible
 Kip McKean: Anti-intellectual tendency andKip McKean: Anti-intellectual tendency and
skeptical of theological training.skeptical of theological training.
Where Should We Go FromWhere Should We Go From
Balance of autonomy and cooperationBalance of autonomy and cooperation
Finding a healthy model for “discipling”/implementing oneFinding a healthy model for “discipling”/implementing one
another passagesanother passages
Meeting the needs of mature disciples without losing ourMeeting the needs of mature disciples without losing our
simple evangelistic plea—continuing to raise up youngsimple evangelistic plea—continuing to raise up young
Appointing and finding the best role for elders and a balanceAppointing and finding the best role for elders and a balance
with the role of evangelists (and teachers as well)with the role of evangelists (and teachers as well)
Our formal and informal relationship with mainline CoC andOur formal and informal relationship with mainline CoC and
other groups.other groups.

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La Historia de la Iglesia

  • 1. Historia de la Iglesia Dr. John Oakes Sociedad de Investigación Apologética
  • 2. ¿Por qué estudiamos la Historia de la Iglesia?  ¿Para aprender de los Errores de la Historia → para evitarlos? Aquellos que no pueden aprender de la historia están condenados a repetirla.  Descubrir nuestros propias raices (Movimiento de Restauración, Ministerios Universitarios, ICOC)  Evitar columpiar el péndulo Gracia ↔ Legalismo Doctrina ↔ Celo, Emoción, Corazón Ascetismo ↔ Libertad
  • 3. ¿Cómo se perdió el Verdadero Cristianismo?  Crecimiento de grupos separados, grupos heréjes con falsas enseñanzas.  Desvío gradual de la “verdadera iglesia”, de las prácticas bíblicas, por razones buenas y sinceras.
  • 4. Cismas y Herejías tempranos  Judaizantes legalismo  Gnósticos humanidad de Jesus, conocimiento profundo  Marcionitas Jehova un Dios Malo  Montanistas carismáticos  Novatianistas, Donatistas pureza de la iglesia  Arianes deidad de Jesus
  • 6. El desvío de la Iglesia Apostólica…  Liderazgo/ Organización de la Iglesia  Doctrina del Bautismo  Ascetismo, Monasticismo  Credos, Liturgia, Calendario de la iglesia, Sacramentalismo  Sacerdotalismo/Sacerdocio La Cena del Señor se convirtió en un sacrificio  Hermeneutica
  • 7. Lecciones Aprendidas de la iglesia primitiva  Evitar estructura organizacional convenientes pero no-bíblica.  Resistir la tendencia hacia el ritualismo en nuestras reuniones.  No sobre-reaccionar a las falsas doctrinas.  Evitar depender de credos para defender la verdad.  No sobre-enfatizar la importancia del sacrificio físico, oración o cualquier otra buena actividad espiritual.  Enfatizar los métodos buenos de la exégesis de Biblia
  • 8. ¿Verdadero Cristianismo en la Edad Media?  Paulicianos 650-900’s Asia Menor  Albigenses, Cathars 1000’s-1200’s Sur de Francia  Arnoldo de Brescia 1100 Italia  Pedro de Bruys 1110 Norte de Italia  Valdenses 1175-1500’s Peter Waldo, Suiza
  • 9. La Reforma  John Wyclif Inglaterra, 1324-1384  John Huss Bohemia, 1374-1415  Martin Lutero Alemania, 1483-1546  Ulrich Zwingli Suiza, 1484-1531  William Tyndale Inglaterra, 1494-1536  Juan Calvino Francia, 1509-1564  John Knox Escocia, 1505-1572
  • 10. John Wyclif 1324-1384 Tradujo la Vulgata al Inglés Se opuso a las indulgencias, idolos, sacerdocio. El Papa es el anticristo. Sus seguidores fueron conocidos como Lollards Se le declaró hereje en 1401
  • 11. John Huss 1374-1415 Bohemia Influenciado por Wyclif La Biblia es la única autoridad Solo Dios puede perdonar los pecados Quemado en la estaca Los Hussitas fueron virtualmente aniquilados por la Inquisición Iglesias Brethren y Moravian
  • 12. John Huss, quemado en la estaca, en el año 1415
  • 13. Martin Lutero 1483-1546 Monje Agustiano 95 Tesis en Wittenburg Estudio de Romanos Solo la Fe Solo las Escrituras Predestinación Libro de Santiago, un “Libro de paja.” Mantuvo muchas de las practicas de los Católicos en el culto
  • 14. Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) Reformista suizo Más radical que Lutero Rechazó casi todas las formas de adoración de los católicos. Difiere en cuanto a la Cena del Señor Su influencia dio origen a los Anabaptistas Principal influencia en Juan Calvino
  • 15. El Movimiento Anabaptista (1530’s y después) La Reforma Radical Menno Simmons 1496-1561 Martirio de los Anabaptistas
  • 16. El Movimiento Anabaptista (cont.)  Bautismo por inmersion de adultos después de la confesión de fe para la salvación.  La Biblia es la única autoridad.  Separación de la iglesia y el Estado.  Enfatizó ambos, la vida y la doctrina  Pacifistas (usualmente)  Muchos martirios  Comenzaron siendo evangelísticos, pero se convirtieron en exclusivistas y retirados. (Menonitas, Amish, Hutterites  Tendió a dividirse constantemente sobre cosas no importantes
  • 17. Juan Calvino 1509-1564  Influenciado muy fuertemente por Zwingli  Fuertemente influenciado por la teología de Agustin  El teólogo más influyente de la Reforma  Enfatizó la Teología Historica/Testamentaria  Escribio Institutos de la Religion Cristiana  Estableció una gobierno eclesiastico en Ginebra.  Mejor conocido por su fuerte enfasis en la Predestinación  TULIP
  • 18. TULIP  Total depravity of mankind (Depravación total de la humanidad)  Unconditional election (Elección incondicional)  Limited atonement (Expiación limitada)  Irresistible grace (Gracia irresistible)  final Preservation of the saints (la conservación final de los santos)
  • 19. Otros importantes personajes de la Reforma  William Tyndale Tradujo el NT desde el griego y el AT desde el hebreo. – KJV fue una revisión de Tyndale. – Martirizado en 1536.  John Knox 1505-1572. Llevó el Calvinismo a Escocia. Dio origen a la iglesia Presbiterana.  Puritanos. Inglaterra. Autonomía Congregacional. Dio logar a la Iglesia Congregacional  Bautistas. Agregaron el bautismo al Calvinismo.  Quakers. Literalmente quaked (temblados). Carismáticos, movimiento emocional.
  • 20. Jacob Arminius (1569-1609)  “Arminianism”  Semi-Pelagianism?  Opposed supralapsarianism  Prevenient grace. God foreknows, but does not predetermine.  Calvinism makes God the author of sin.  Methodists, Restoration Movement
  • 22. InfluencesInfluences  Francis Bacon and inductive logic: the scientificFrancis Bacon and inductive logic: the scientific approach to the facts of the Bible.approach to the facts of the Bible.  John Locke: the “Christian Philosopher”John Locke: the “Christian Philosopher”  The Scottish school of Common Sense PhilosophyThe Scottish school of Common Sense Philosophy (Adam Smith, Thomas Reid, etc.)(Adam Smith, Thomas Reid, etc.)  The Seceder Presbyterians, the Sandemanians andThe Seceder Presbyterians, the Sandemanians and other radical restorationist sects.other radical restorationist sects.
  • 23. James O’Kelly We are “Christians simply”
  • 24. Rice Haggard 1769-1819Rice Haggard 1769-1819 “One thing I know, that whenever non- essentials are made terms of communion, it will never fail to have a tendency to disunite and scatter the church of Christ.”
  • 25. Barton W. Stone 1772-1844Barton W. Stone 1772-1844 The heart of the movementThe heart of the movement The Cane Ridge Revival The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery “Let Christian Unity be our Polar Star.” “I do, so far as I see it consistent with the word of God.”
  • 26. The Presbytery of Springfield, sitting at Cane Ridge, in the county of Bourbon, being, through a gracious Providence, in more than ordinary bodily health, growing in strength and size daily; and in perfect soundness and composure of mind; but knowing what it is appointed for all delegated bodies once to die: and considering that the life of every such body is very uncertain, do take, and ordain this our Last Will and Testament, in manner and following,…. And with that the Springfield Presbytery no longer existed and the Stone movement began.
  • 27. Thomas Campbell 1763-1851Thomas Campbell 1763-1851 Emigrated to Pennsylvania 1807 Suspended by Presbyterian Church The Declaration and Address 1809 Principles for unity of Christians.
  • 28. Alexander Campbell 1788-1866Alexander Campbell 1788-1866 The mind of the movementThe mind of the movement Joined Thomas from Scotland 1809 Believers only baptism 1812 Campbell/Walker Debate 1820 The Millennial Harbinger 1830 Bethany College 1840
  • 29. Walter Scott (1796-1861)Walter Scott (1796-1861) First evangelist in the movement “Restored the gospel” in 1827 The five step “plan” of salvation Scott’s: faith, repentance, baptism, remission of sins, Holy Spirit CoC today: hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized
  • 30. The crowning event of the earlyThe crowning event of the early years:years: 1824 Stone and Campbell met for the first time 1831 Decided to form a unified movement Problems: 1.Christian (Stonites) or Disciple (Campbellites) 2. Emotional vs intellectual movements (preachers vs teachers) 3.Teaching on baptism 4.Ordination of ministers 5. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
  • 31. Hermeneutics of the MovementHermeneutics of the Movement “Command, Example and Necessary Demonstrations.” “Where the Bible speaks, we speak, where the Bible is silent, we are silent” Sought Bible “facts.” Weak on principles. Tended toward legalism.
  • 32. The Turning Point:The Turning Point: Were they a unity movement (a reformation) or a restoration movement? Stone and Campbell favored reformation (example; the Christadelphians) Walter Scott, Benjamin Franklin, Tolbert Fanning, David Lipscomb and others moved toward restoration. Sought “the perfect pattern.”
  • 33. The Dominating Influences in theThe Dominating Influences in the MovementMovement  The Colleges (Bethany College, David LipscombThe Colleges (Bethany College, David Lipscomb College, etc.)College, etc.)  The Periodicals (editor/bishops) (The MillennialThe Periodicals (editor/bishops) (The Millennial Harbinger, The American Christian Review, TheHarbinger, The American Christian Review, The Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation, etc.)Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation, etc.)  These were forces for unity and for divisionThese were forces for unity and for division
  • 34. Points of disunity/divisionPoints of disunity/division  Evangelism and inter-church organization (the MissionaryEvangelism and inter-church organization (the Missionary Society)Society)  The Civil War: pacifism, slavery, etc. (The Missionary SocietyThe Civil War: pacifism, slavery, etc. (The Missionary Society supported the North)supported the North)  The “instrument.” Moses Lard: “No preacher should enter aThe “instrument.” Moses Lard: “No preacher should enter a church where an organ stands.”church where an organ stands.”  Daniel Sommer and David Lipscomb.Daniel Sommer and David Lipscomb.  1906 US Census acknowledged two separate groups: The1906 US Census acknowledged two separate groups: The Church of Christ and the Christian Church/Disciples ofChurch of Christ and the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ.Christ.
  • 35. David Lipscomb (1831-1917) “Father” of the Church of Christ Founder of Lipscomb University Editor of the Gospel Advocate 1866- 1917 Daniel Sommer “Watchdog” for the brotherhood. “Daniel Sommer was a militant who left a legacy of legalistic wrangling and divided congregations.”
  • 36. Other ControversiesOther Controversies  One cup, Sunday School, “anti” churchesOne cup, Sunday School, “anti” churches  PremillennialismPremillennialism  For the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ; TheFor the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ; The Ecumenical Movement. Open Membership.Ecumenical Movement. Open Membership.  UCMS (United Christian Missionary Society) vs.UCMS (United Christian Missionary Society) vs. NACC (North American Christian Convention)NACC (North American Christian Convention)  Two denominations by about 1950Two denominations by about 1950
  • 37. Lessons to be learnedLessons to be learned  Unity is extremely difficult to maintain without strongUnity is extremely difficult to maintain without strong hierarchical structure.hierarchical structure.  Separating essential matters from the non-essential isSeparating essential matters from the non-essential is harder than we think.harder than we think.  A movement without a strong hierarchical structure needsA movement without a strong hierarchical structure needs instruments to maintain unity.instruments to maintain unity.  Careful thinking about theology, church structure andCareful thinking about theology, church structure and history are required for long term growth and unity.history are required for long term growth and unity.  It is extremely difficult to avoid overreacting to groups withIt is extremely difficult to avoid overreacting to groups with whom we disagree.whom we disagree.
  • 38. Book Recommendations: Reviving the Ancient Faith (Hughes) The Stone Campbell Movement (Garrett) Into All Nations (Foster Stanback) The Search for the Ancient Order (West)
  • 39. Crossroads/Boston/ICOCCrossroads/Boston/ICOC MovementMovement  1960’s “College Chairs” Within CoC1960’s “College Chairs” Within CoC  1967 Chuck Lucas 141967 Chuck Lucas 14thth Street CoC (Crossroads CoC)Street CoC (Crossroads CoC)  Soul talksSoul talks  Prayer partnersPrayer partners  Emphasis on evangelismEmphasis on evangelism  After 1975 “campus ministries”After 1975 “campus ministries”  Tom Brown, Andy Lindo, Kip McKean, etc…Tom Brown, Andy Lindo, Kip McKean, etc…  Many church splits resultedMany church splits resulted  1979 Kip McKean, Lexington/Boston CoC1979 Kip McKean, Lexington/Boston CoC  ““sold out” disciples only in the churchsold out” disciples only in the church  Amazing growthAmazing growth  Emphasis on world evangelismEmphasis on world evangelism  Vertical discipling trees, uniformity and simplicity ofVertical discipling trees, uniformity and simplicity of methodologymethodology
  • 40. Boston/LA/ICOC movementBoston/LA/ICOC movement (cont.)(cont.)  Chuck Lucas resigns at Crossroads CoC 1985Chuck Lucas resigns at Crossroads CoC 1985  Official split with CoC 1986Official split with CoC 1986  Who’s fault was it?Who’s fault was it?  Church Reconstructions 1988Church Reconstructions 1988  You are in or you are outYou are in or you are out  Evangelization Proclamation 1994Evangelization Proclamation 1994  Kip McKean removed as world evangelist/head of theKip McKean removed as world evangelist/head of the movement November, 2001movement November, 2001  Kreite letter/ICOC structure falls apart Feb 2003Kreite letter/ICOC structure falls apart Feb 2003  Attempts at para-church organization, the “unity letter”Attempts at para-church organization, the “unity letter”
  • 41. Hermeneutics of CoC and ICOCHermeneutics of CoC and ICOC  Alexander Campbell: “Where the Bible speaks,Alexander Campbell: “Where the Bible speaks, we speak, where the Bible is silent, we are silent.”we speak, where the Bible is silent, we are silent.”  Kip McKean: Where the Bible speaks, we areKip McKean: Where the Bible speaks, we are silent, where the Bible is silent, we speak.”silent, where the Bible is silent, we speak.”  CoC: Strong emphasis on Bible Study, BibleCoC: Strong emphasis on Bible Study, Bible collegescolleges  Kip McKean: Anti-intellectual tendency andKip McKean: Anti-intellectual tendency and skeptical of theological training.skeptical of theological training.
  • 42. Where Should We Go FromWhere Should We Go From Here?Here? Balance of autonomy and cooperationBalance of autonomy and cooperation Finding a healthy model for “discipling”/implementing oneFinding a healthy model for “discipling”/implementing one another passagesanother passages Meeting the needs of mature disciples without losing ourMeeting the needs of mature disciples without losing our simple evangelistic plea—continuing to raise up youngsimple evangelistic plea—continuing to raise up young leadersleaders Appointing and finding the best role for elders and a balanceAppointing and finding the best role for elders and a balance with the role of evangelists (and teachers as well)with the role of evangelists (and teachers as well) Our formal and informal relationship with mainline CoC andOur formal and informal relationship with mainline CoC and other groups.other groups.