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                               Feature Story:

                            700 WEST 8                           TH

                             quality WITH SHOTCRETE

                                           Five Things More Important
                                           Than Price
                                           CEO Column
                                           Spotlight on China


 Compared to membrane solutions, Kryton protects even better with time.
 Our self-sealing technology and comprehensive support system transform
 concrete into a permanent waterproof barrier. Short term, you’ll shave weeks
 off construction schedules, cut waterproofing costs by up to 40%, and build
 your footprint to the property line. Long term, you’ll avoid leaks, discoloration
 and costly callbacks. And have the peace of mind of an industry-best
 25-year warranty.

 Kryton takes the risk out of concrete waterproofing.

                                                                                              700 West 8th in Vancouver, Canada

4                                                                                                     Editor: Jillian Turner
                                                                                                   Art Director: Sarah Rippin
             Consider these points when selecting your concrete waterproofing product
                                                                                                            Ali Biparva
                                                                                                           Jackson So
                                                                                                            Kari Yuers
6    FEATURE ARTICLE                                                                                       Kevin Yuers
     700 West 8th: Uncompromising quality with shotcrete                                                Stephanie Thatcher

                                                                                                 Krystol® Magazine is printed by
                                                                                                     Kryton International Inc.
                                                                                                    1645 East Kent Avenue
9    CEO COLUMN                                                                                     Vancouver, BC, V5P 2S8
     Kari Yuers asks: Can the concrete community unite to                                                    Canada
     share the accumulated knowledge of the industry?
                                                                                                     For information about
10   LAB & PLANT TRIALS                                                                                  this publication,
     From paper to pour - the R&D lab takes us through                                               or call 1.800.267.8280
     the Lab and Plant trials of a concrete mix design                                                or +1.604.324.8280

                                                                                                       Copyright ©2012
                                                                                                    Kryton International Inc.
12   Kryton News                                                                                      All rights reserved.

     New Booth! New Distributors! New Contest!
     Will yours will be the next business featured on our website?

13   Ask a Kryton Expert
     All about Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

14   Regional Spotlight on CHINA
     Five projects in China that are shining through

                                                                                    Krystol® Magazine    Volume 15 | Issue 2       3
CityCenter, Las Vegas used Kryton’s Concrete Waterproofing System.


        Price is important. There is no getting around it. But price is seldom the most important part of a buying decision. If it was, then everyone
        would drive a Lada. When people purchase a vehicle, they first consider factors like carrying capacity, performance, design and reliability.
        For example, it makes no sense to buy a low-price car when what you really need is a truck. Price is considered only after a product is
        found to meet your needs. And even if you do just need an economy car, you are probably making a smarter decision by spending more
        to buy a Honda. This is generally the case when purchasing most products – including concrete waterproofing.

        When selecting your concrete waterproofing product, consider these five points that are more important than price.

        1. Performance
        Probably the most important factor
        in your buying decision is going to be
        performance. The product must be
        capable of doing the job that you intend
        it to do. At the most basic level, this is not
        even negotiable. Spending less money
        to buy a product that does not do the job
        does not save you any money at all. In fact,
        it is a waste of money. At a higher level, it
        is usually worthwhile to choose a better
        performing product, even if the price is
        higher. Better performance will normally
        offset a higher price by providing other
        benefits, such as reliability and longer life.
                                                              Sometimes you need to spend a little more to get a better product (and avoid leaks).

Using Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane saves you time on the jobsite because it combines the waterproofing and concrete pour in one step.

2. Time                                          4. Service and Support
Products that save time are nearly always        Do not overlook the value you get from a
worth more than products that do not.            quality manufacturer who provides good
The saying goes that Time Is Money, and          service and technical support. There is
that is true. In fact, on most construction      an enormous difference between simply
projects, time can be worth a lot of money.      making concrete less permeable and
Waiting for an old-style waterproofing           actually building a completely waterproof
installation can put your project behind         concrete structure. Concrete structures
the competition. You will see increased          are extremely complex assemblies of
site costs, prolong project financing and        concrete and steel with varying degrees
possibly delay the realization of revenue        of consolidation, numerous joints,
from your project. Just as it is important       penetrations, and cracks. Making such
to consider the final delivered or installed     structures water tight in the face of high
cost of any product, don’t forget to             hydrostatic pressure takes a high degree
calculate the cost of waiting for installation   of skill, knowledge and experience. These
to be completed.                                 are things that a low-price manufacturer is
                                                 simply not able to provide.
3. Warranty
No product or application can be perfect         5. Trust
every time and there is always the               Most people will only buy from someone
possibility that you will need to ask the        they trust. Trust is so important that
manufacturer to address a problem you            sometimes people will make a purchasing       period. You must trust that a manufacturer
are experiencing. This is when you find          decision based on trust alone. On the         has the knowledge and experience to help
out who really stands behind their product       other hand, if you cannot be sure of          you build a waterproof structure. Choose
and who does not. Anybody can say                getting what you are paying for, then a       a manufacturer that has a dedicated staff
they provide a warranty, but a warranty is       purchase is not a good deal no matter         of technical support people with plenty of
only as good as the actions taken by the         how low the price. Trust touches on           experience in your type of project.
warranty giver. A good manufacturer will         each of the factors mentioned above.
be responsive and address your problem           You must trust that the product will
quickly and fairly. If you find yourself in      perform and save you time as claimed          Consider each of the factors above along
this situation, you will want to be sure that    by the manufacturer. Be sure to choose        with the price to calculate the true cost of
you have chosen a manufacturer with              a reputable manufacturer that is open         your purchasing decision. What you are
an excellent history of warranty service.        and forthcoming with independent proof        ultimately going to determine is the overall
Someone who has been in business at              of their performance claims. You must         value that each of your choices would give
least as long as their warranty period. A        trust that the manufacturer will be there     you. Naturally, you should choose the option
low-price manufacturer is very unlikely to       to stand behind their product warranty.       that gives you the best and greatest value.
be there for you when you really                 Choose a manufacturer that has projects       And it is not necessarily the one with the
need them.                                       that have already outlived their warranty     lowest price.

                                                                                                  Krystol® Magazine    Volume 15 | Issue 2    5
Waterproofing was essential for
    700 West 8th’s underground parking.

       700 west 8th
        Uncompromising quality with shotcrete

        Vancouver, Canada, is often hailed          McFarlane Green Biggar Architecture +
        as one of the most beautiful and liveable   Design to ensure the homes at 700 West
        cities in the world. On the edge of the     8th feature a top quality finish, setting 700
        Pacific Ocean and nestled against           West 8th apart from the competition.
        the Rocky Mountains, there is limited
        space to build and it is in great demand.   To complete the development, the team
                                                                                                     Using Kryton’s
        When it comes to developing premium         had to overcome some significant site              KIM in the
        residential property, developers must       challenges and work to a tight deadline.
        build quickly without compromising          With quality and corporate reputation             shotcrete as
        quality, and maximize space in tight        paramount, Westbank and contractor                the concrete
        locations. These were the challenges        ICON Pacific turned to the experts at
        for one of Vancouver’s latest premium       Kryton International Inc. to ensure high         waterproofer
        developments: 700 West 8th.                 quality, leak-proof construction of the
                                                    development’s below grade parking facility.
                                                                                                        helped us
        Completed fall 201 this 4,680 sq.
                            1,                                                                       complete the
        m (52,000 sq. ft.) development was          Waterproofing was essential for 700 West
        designed by Henriquez Partners              8th’s underground parking.                      project on time
        Architects and has 128 units arranged                                                          with a fast
        over 19 floors. A mix of one, two and       From the start, waterproofing was
        three bedroom units, the development        recognized as critical because of the site’s    paced schedule.
        features condos, townhouses and             location in the path of continuous run-off
        penthouses. Owner/developer Westbank        at the base of a long steep slope starting
        Projects Corp. appointed award-winning      some thirty blocks to the south and ending

The homes at 700 West 8th feature a top quality finish,
setting 700 West 8th apart from the competition.

in False Creek. Another significant challenge to effective
waterproofing was the tight location of the site, which
would make waterproofing using surface-applied methods
difficult. There was no time to waste: with a demanding
schedule, shotcrete was the chosen construction method
and an integrated system to provide waterproofing was
required. That’s where Westbank and Icon Pacific worked
with Kryton to find a system to meet their needs.

On the Pacific west coast, structural shotcrete is fast
becoming the preferred material in the construction of
foundations, building tanks, and many other structures.
Shotcrete is attractive because it saves time and money,
with half the forming and equipment of regular cast-in-
place methods. Kryton has an impressive track record of
successfully applying its expertise to other local waterproof
shotcrete projects, including residential developments by
White Water and Onni at Ora in Richmond, and Aragon’s
The Station St John’s in Port Moody. Many commercial
and industrial projects also rely on shotcrete solutions and
Kryton products for below grade tanking. For example,
Kryton worked with Whitewater/Conshot on shotcrete
around an electrical room and pits at a new IKEA store
in Richmond; a 30 ft. high, two ft. thick wall at the Mount
Pleasant Power Substation; and a cistern at popular visitor
attraction, Van Dusen Gardens.

The Quorum Group applying shotcrete at 700 West 8th for
ICON Pacific is the latest example of constructing below
grade parking without cast-in-place forms and externally
applied membranes. There are two levels of below grade
parking facilities, and Kryton’s Krystol Waterproofing
Systems were used to tank the below grade concrete that
was placed. Noting that traditional membranes can be a
challenge because the high speed in which the concrete is
forced out of the nozzle can displace or tear conventional
surface-applied systems, the team opted for Kryton’s
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) to ensure a leak-proof,
high quality, waterproofing solution.

KIM Admixture is integrated with the concrete mix at the
ready-mix facility. This provided several clear cost and time
advantages to the project team:
  • Eliminated on-site preparation for applying external
    waterproofing membranes
  • Increased jobsite productivity by having the
    waterproofing already in the shotcrete mix

                                                                Krystol® Magazine   Volume 15 | Issue 2   7
Features of 700 West 8th:

                                                                                                            pails of Krystol
                                                                                                            Waterstop Treatment

                                                                                                            pails of Krystol
                                                                                                            Waterstop Grout

                                                                                                            cubic meters of
    A tight building footprint made waterproofing with   Shotcrete was the method used to construct the     perimeter walls
    surface-applied membranes difficult.                 foundation at 700 West 8th.

           • Mitigated concerns over damaging
            external waterproofing membranes
                                                             Waterstop Joint System
                                                           • Quality Assurance
                                                                                                            kilograms of
            during the shotcrete application                                                                KIM Admixture
           • Eliminated the need for detailing           Vancouver’s housing market is dominated
            around soil nails                            by condo-style developments and
                                                         developers will continue to face the               DID YOU
         KIM was used to tank over 700 cubic
         meters of concrete perimeter walls. In
                                                         challenge of building quality product
                                                         in a fast, efficient way to stay ahead             KNOW?
         addition, Kryton’s Krystol Waterstop            of the competition. 700 West 8th is
         System was used on the vertical and             the latest development to show how
         horizontal construction joints to keep them     opting for shotcrete and a best-in-class
         as water tight as the shotcrete itself.         waterproofing solution can deliver the
                                                         desired results.
         For complete peace of mind, ICON Pacific
         and Westbank chose to use Kryton’s              Bryan Tucker, VP of Construction for ICON
         Krystol Assurance Program (KAP) to              Pacific, notes “Using Kryton’s KIM in the
         mitigate risk and provide a better end          shotcrete as the concrete waterproofer
         product for their shareholders. While           helped us complete the project on time
         all Kryton products are covered by a            with a fast paced schedule. Due to our
         standard material warranty, the KAP is          success on 700 West 8th, we have been
                                                                                                            While Vancouver enjoys the mildest
         a performance-based guarantee with a            using Kryton’s Krystol Waterproofing               climate in Canada, it receives an
         robust, all-inclusive material and labor        System on a variety of other projects              average of over 125 cm (49.5 in.) of rain
         warranty combined with a comprehensive          in different parts of the lower mainland           per year and December is typically the
         quality control service.                        of BC.” ICON has since used the same               rainiest month. Vancouver’s sea breezes
                                                         shotcrete and waterproofing system for             and mountainous terrain creates a
         The KAP guarantees Krystol-treated              60 West Cordova, 6th and Fir, and the              series of microclimates with significant
         areas remain watertight for 10 years from       Avra in White Rock, with more projects to          differences in rainfall measured within
         the day the system is completed and dry.        come in the future.                                just a few kilometres.
         It also provided the team at 700 West                                                              Some of Vancouver’s most torrential
         8th the enhanced quality control and                                                               rains are caused by a meteorological
         supervision they were looking for:                                                                 phenomenon known as the Pineapple
            • Mix Design review                                                                             Express. This weather system carries
            • Construction detail review                                                                    a strong and persistent flow of
            • Supervision during placement of KIM                                                           atmospheric moisture and associated
              treated concrete                                                                              heavy rain from the waters around the
            • On-site training for Kryton’s Krystol                                                         Hawaiian Islands up to locations along
                                                                                                            the Pacific coast of the US and Canada.



It seems like every-other week you           together to create new masterpieces for      construction practices that saved thousands
hear about the state of our failing          the 21st Century.                            of lives in Chile.
infrastructure, the crumbled aftermath
from a recent earthquake or litigation for   Europe is home to internationally            With so much successful concrete
shoddy construction.                         renowned bridge designers such as            construction, it makes me wonder about
                                             Professor Michel Virlogeux who has           what we can do as a concrete community
Concrete has been around for                 designed more than 100 bridges               to help developing nations and share the
thousands of years, but over the last        including the record breaking Normandy       accumulated knowledge of the industry.
few decades, we have seen significant        Bridge, the pre-stressed concrete
improvements and technologies that are       Avignon Viaducts for the French High         I’m new in the role of Chair of the
changing how we build and what we            Speed Train, and the celebrated cable-       American Concrete Institute’s International
build with concrete.                         stayed Millau Viaduct, designed with         Advisory Committee, but I can see a great
                                             architect Sir Norman Foster which has        opportunity for the Institute to continue to
While I write this, I am spending some       received several awards.                     foster relationships in the global concrete
significant time in Europe with my                                                        community that helps to add value. Our part
family. I can’t help but be amazed by        Looking back a couple years to 2010,         in this will be to seek out and listen to what
the design and age of the infrastructure     within two months both Haiti and Chile       is needed and to find meaningful ways to
surrounding me. And although you see         were rocked by earthquakes. The              deliver and connect this message.
stone everywhere you look, there are         earthquake in Haiti devastated much of
exceptional concrete structures created      the country’s buildings and infrastructure   The concrete community has many global
by the artisans of the region today.         and killed more than 200,000; while the      challenges, but there are passionate
Artisans are engineers and architects,       500 times more powerful earthquake           concrete professionals who are making
and they have harnessed the knowledge        in Chile killed 800 people and left most     a difference and would like to continue
past down over the centuries including       of the country’s buildings standing.         to contribute and give back to the global
an appreciation of art, beauty, form and     There were many reasons for the              concrete community. This is an exciting time
design and fused it with cutting edge        greater damage in Haiti but a couple         for the concrete industry.
contemporary science and engineering         of the contributing factors were better
to create outstanding structures.            implementation of building codes             Kari Yuers, FACI
Somehow they seem to blend these             and the execution of more disciplined
                                                                                             Krystol® Magazine   Volume 15 | Issue 2       9
Kryton International Inc.’s Concrete Laboratory at Kryton’s
 Technical Headquarters, Vancouver B.C.

     R&D: TRIALS

     Concrete is made up of cement, water, aggregate,                         The Lab Trial
     SCMs and admixtures. Before you can pour your concrete and               The purpose of a lab trial is to test for compatibility and make
     build your structure you need to determine the quantities of the         adjustments to the mix design. Lab trials are beneficial because
     aforementioned components for your mix, this is your mix design.         you can make adjustments to the mix design without being
     The mix design process starts on paper then moves to the lab for         restricted by the number of trials you can perform; in the lab
     trial batches followed by field trials.                                  setting you can perform hundreds of trials if needed while in the
                                                                              plant you are usually restricted to one or two trials.

      • Confirm                            • Test for                   • Test in uncontrolled               • Using all the data
        components                           compatibility and            conditions, and                      collected, the mix
        of mix                               make adjustments             adjust accordingly                   design is ready
      • Determine the                                                     to wind and                          to be batched and
        quantities                                                        humidity variences                   used in the field

Measuring the compressive strength of a concrete
                     cylinder in a lab trial

Lab trials are not the time for mix design experimentation or
development, this work happens long before lab trials. Trials are
performed to verify the properties of fresh concrete such as workability
and finishing and adjust the mix design in order to obtain the best
combination of fresh concrete properties.

If possible it is best to use the same materials that will be used in the
real world pour for the lab trial.

Lab Trials Versus Plant Trials
Even if you are able to use the same raw materials in your lab trial that
will be used on-site there are still variables that cannot be duplicated
from the field. These differences include:
  • Air temperature in the lab is always controlled (23° +/- 2° C)
  • The wind and humidity are controlled
  • Materials are used when ready – there is no delay in driving the
    concrete to the site
  • Timing is controlled – you can add materials when you want
  • Time of day variance is not present – on the jobsite properties such     Plant trials verify
    as temperature and moisture content of materials can change from         that a concrete
                                                                             mixture meets
    morning to night
Because of the above differences it is always good practice to perform       prior to use in
a plant trial following a lab trial.                                         construction

Between lab and plant trials the types of testing are similar; most
commonly slump, air content and compressive strength tests are
performed on each batch of concrete over three days.

The sampling frequency for some tests in plant trials is different
than lab trials due to the volume of concrete produced. For example,
samples of concrete are taken at the beginning, middle, and end point
of the discharge from the mixer for testing. At a plant where concrete
is batched in a central mixer and mixed in a truck mixer, testing should
be performed on several different truck mixers to evaluate consistency.
                                                                             Trials can prevent future
No Trials                                                                    problems on-site.
One of the main performance requirements in determining a suitable
mix design is compressive strength. When a ready-mix company
submits a mix design for engineering approval, strength test results
from previous projects can be used in place of trial data, provided that
the ready-mix company has a standard mix design and consistent
material source that meets the project specifications. There are
guidelines published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) that
engineers and concrete producers can use to determine appropriate
concrete mixtures using statistical analysis of past field data or
conducting laboratory trials. However, for new mix designs that require
validation of mix proportioning, there is no substitute for trials either
in a laboratory or in a plant. Testing will determine the compatibility of
materials and can mitigate potential other problems.
                                                                                                   Krystol® Magazine   Volume 15 | Issue 2   11

     Al Jaber Structural           JIT (Cambodia) Co., Ltd
     Protection Co.                Cambodia
     00974 5588 2371
                                                                         Kryton attended World of Concrete 2012 in January.
                                                                         We debuted our new booth complete with a simulated
                                                                         concrete column with a working leak.

     Fernco Environmental          Organizarte, S.A
     UK & Ireland                  Guatemala

     Al-HanDsya for                tO FIND A DISTRIBUTOR
     Construction and              NEAR YOU, PLEASE VISIT:
     Real Estate
     Egypt                         KRYTON.COM
     002 02330 4664
                                                                         Kryton representatives at the International Concrete
                                                                         Repair Institute’s Spring Convention in Quebec City.

                                                             Upload Your Video and you could receive a FREE
                                                             Kryton Technical Jacket, PLUS a chance to win a
                                                             Kryton branded iPad!
                                                              • It only takes 10 minutes!
                                                              • Upload your short video
                                                              • If your video is selected for our site, you will receive a
                                                               Kryton Technical Jacket, perfect for the jobsite
                                                              • PLUS One lucky video will win a new iPad, preloaded with
                                                               all our Kryton Technical Information.

                                                             LATEST VIDEOS
                                                             CYPRESS MOUNTAIN
                                                             CONCRETE PHILOSOPHER
      for contest information
      or to submit your video.                               CENTRAL COAST WATERPROOFING
                                                             Visit to view.

Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) are commonly added to today’s
concrete mixes. One common SCM is Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag.

Q: What is Ground Granulated                100 per cent of the price of cement. As
Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS)?                 a rule of thumb, the production of one ton
                                            of Portland cement will produce about
A: Blast Furnace Slag is a waste            one ton of carbon dioxide emissions.
product of iron and steel production and    Using GGBFS can lead to significant             Alireza Biparva
is used in the construction industry in a   reduction in those emissions. More              Research & Development Manager /
variety of ways. When granulated blast      importantly, a key premise of green             Concrete Specialist
furnace slag is ground to an appropriate    building is extending the long term             at Kryton International Inc.
fineness, it is called Ground Granulated    performance and health of structures.
Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS). It can
replace between 20 and 80 per cent of                                                    concrete is not adequately cured, adding
Ordinary Portland Cement needed             Q: Does GGBFS always make                    GGBFS can increase the permeability.
in concrete.                                concrete more durable?
                                                                                         While GGBFS reduces permeability
                                            A: As long as the correct proportions are    when used in the correct proportion, it
Q: Why use GGBFS?                           used when replacing Portland cement          is not the equivalent of a waterproofer.
                                            with GGBFS and the concrete is cured         Under hydrostatic pressure, other
A: The construction industry’s desire       properly, the durability of the structure    Permeability Reducing Admixtures
for cost savings, greener practices,        will be enhanced, leading to a longer life   for Hydrostatic Conditions (PRAHs)
and enhanced structural durability          for the concrete. Nevertheless, studies      are required to make concrete less
are driving factors in the adoption of      found that properly designed and cured       permeable and more durable.
GGBFS into more concrete mixtures.          concrete containing GGBFS has lower
                                            permeability than Ordinary Portland          Ask Kryton your concrete related questions!
Based on the availability and grade of      Cement concrete. However, studies by         Email:
GGBFS, its price is approximately 85 to     Toronto University have shown that if
                                                                                           Krystol® Magazine   Volume 15 | Issue 2     13

     China’s construction industry saw significant growth, going from $0.7 trillion USD in 2007 to $1.8 trillion USD in 201 and
     these numbers are expected to rise. China’s central government is planning to invest $160 billion USD in economy housing,
     that coupled with $1.03 trillion USD earmarked for infrastructure during 201  1-2015 has the China construction market poised
     for continued growth.

     China’s concrete and cement products grew over 30% from 2006-2010 and is one of the building material industry’s fastest
     growing sectors.

     Kryton has maintained a consistent presence in China since 1980 and in 2000 the first Kryton China office was opened. As
     China’s construction industry has grown significantly over the past decade the need for concrete and related waterproofing
     and repair products has grown exponentially. Kryton continues to invest heavily in this market with two new hires for the
     Beijing office in 2011.

     Shanghai Songjiang Villa                                           Vancouver Forest
     Sonjiang Villa is an upscale private residence located             Vancouver Forest is a unique 900-unit residential development
     in Shanghai. The sprawling 1500 square meter (16,000               designed to replicate a mini-Vancouver neighborhood complete
     square foot) home sits on 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) of land.        with Vancouver-style housing, natural landscaping and lots
     Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) and Krystol T1 &          of trees.
     T2 Waterproofing System were used to waterproof multiple
     elements of the estate including the washrooms, balcony,           The project was won with collaboration between our Beijing
     exterior walls, swimming pool and sauna. Then the entire villa     office, our head office in Vancouver, and Canada Mortgage and
     received an application of Hydrostop Sealer to protect the         Housing Corp (CMHC). In addition to the Kryton BC connection
     stone and maintain the original appearance of the high-end         the project was designed by Vancouver based architects,
     home. To date this was the largest application of Hydrostop        Ekistics and features BC wood in the framing.
     Sealer in China.
                                                                        Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) admixture was used to
                                                                        waterproof the below grade areas of the homes. The team also
                                                                        used Kryton’s Krystol Waterstop System for joints to ensure a
                                                                        fully tanked basement. The homes are being built in phases with
                                                                        an estimated completion date of 2015.

                                                                    Kryton has exclusive distributors throughout China.
                                                                    Contact the distributor in your region to find out more
                                                                    about Kryton’s waterproofing products or contact the
                                                                    Kryton Beijing office at or
                                                                    by phone at 010-51285665.

                                                                    Shanghai Supers Industrial Co. Ltd
                                                                    Beijing Haichuan Jincheng Science and Technology Ltd Co. 
Vancouver Pavilion                                                  86 1051285658
The Vancouver Pavilion was constructed for the 2010                 Dongguan Caili Building Maintenance Technique Ltd.
Shanghai Expo. The three-story pavilion was designed with           (Dongguan)
green materials and showcased Vancouver’s transformation  
from Expo 1986 into one of the world’s most desirable               Hunan Kaidun Waterproof Engineering Co. Ltd
cities today.                                                       (Hunan)
                                                                    86 73185862858
Kryton’s Krystol T1 & T2 and Krystol Bari-Cote products were
selected to waterproof the foundation and elevator pits of the      Suzhou GIFT Energy-Conservation Technology Co. Ltd.
Vancouver Pavilion.                                                 (Suzhou)
                                                                    86 5126515758
73 million people visited the 2010 Shanghai Expo.                   Nanjing Yunlv Building Materials Co. Ltd
                                                                    86 02586562973
                                                                    Dalian Kryton Waterproof System Co. Ltd.
                                                                    86 41183895657
                                                                    Dynamic New Style Waterproof Building Materials Co. Ltd
                                                                    86 5356649347
                                                                    Shanghai Beiyuan Industrial Co. Ltd.
                                                                    86 2165256529
                                                                    Chengdu Kaidun Underground Project Disease
                                                                    Prevent and Control Co. Ltd.
                                                                    86 2887076552
Guandi Hydropower Station                                           Tianjin Hong Ba Waterproofing Material Co. Ltd.
                                                                    (Tianjin City)
The Guandi Dam is part of the large Guandi Hydropower Station       86 2228229431
on the Yalong River (a tributary of the Yangtze River) in Sichuan   Hangzhou Guo Dian Dam Safety Engineering Co. Ltd.
Province. The Guandi Dam has a generating capacity of 2400          (Zheijang)
MW and will generate power for the Sichuan Province area. 
The 168 m (551 ft.) tall dam is a gravity dam constructed using
roller-compacted concrete (RCC). The entire face of the tall
dam was coated with Kryton’s Krystol T1 & T2 surface-applied
waterproofing system to protect the important structure from the
high water pressure.

                                                                                         Krystol® Magazine   Volume 15 | Issue 2   15
        YOUR PLAN

              Kryton’s crystalline technology allows you to build right to the property line, so
              you have more space with which to create. Our superior products help bring
              even your most innovative designs to life. And our comprehensive system helps
              you avoid trade-offs between LEED certification and the realities of budget and
              schedule demands.

              Kryton takes the risk out of concrete waterproofing.


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Krystol Magazine 15.2

  • 1. Volume 15 | Issue 2 KRYSTOL ® THE CONCRETE WATERPROOFING MAGAZINE Feature Story: 700 WEST 8 TH Uncompromising quality WITH SHOTCRETE PLUS: Five Things More Important Than Price CEO Column Spotlight on China
  • 2. THE ATLANTIS HOTEL BUILDERS COULD RISK NOTHING. THEY CHOSE KRYTON WATERPROOFING. Compared to membrane solutions, Kryton protects even better with time. Our self-sealing technology and comprehensive support system transform concrete into a permanent waterproof barrier. Short term, you’ll shave weeks off construction schedules, cut waterproofing costs by up to 40%, and build your footprint to the property line. Long term, you’ll avoid leaks, discoloration and costly callbacks. And have the peace of mind of an industry-best 25-year warranty. Kryton takes the risk out of concrete waterproofing. +1.604.324.8280
  • 3. 6 700 West 8th in Vancouver, Canada 5 THINGS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PRICE 4 Editor: Jillian Turner Art Director: Sarah Rippin Consider these points when selecting your concrete waterproofing product Contributors: Ali Biparva Jackson So Kari Yuers 6 FEATURE ARTICLE Kevin Yuers 700 West 8th: Uncompromising quality with shotcrete Stephanie Thatcher Krystol® Magazine is printed by Kryton International Inc. 1645 East Kent Avenue 9 CEO COLUMN Vancouver, BC, V5P 2S8 Kari Yuers asks: Can the concrete community unite to Canada share the accumulated knowledge of the industry? For information about 10 LAB & PLANT TRIALS this publication, email From paper to pour - the R&D lab takes us through or call 1.800.267.8280 the Lab and Plant trials of a concrete mix design or +1.604.324.8280 Copyright ©2012 Kryton International Inc. 12 Kryton News All rights reserved. New Booth! New Distributors! New Contest! Will yours will be the next business featured on our website? 13 Ask a Kryton Expert All about Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag 14 Regional Spotlight on CHINA Five projects in China that are shining through Krystol® Magazine Volume 15 | Issue 2 3
  • 4. CityCenter, Las Vegas used Kryton’s Concrete Waterproofing System. FIVE THINGS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PRICE Price is important. There is no getting around it. But price is seldom the most important part of a buying decision. If it was, then everyone would drive a Lada. When people purchase a vehicle, they first consider factors like carrying capacity, performance, design and reliability. For example, it makes no sense to buy a low-price car when what you really need is a truck. Price is considered only after a product is found to meet your needs. And even if you do just need an economy car, you are probably making a smarter decision by spending more to buy a Honda. This is generally the case when purchasing most products – including concrete waterproofing. When selecting your concrete waterproofing product, consider these five points that are more important than price. 1. Performance Probably the most important factor in your buying decision is going to be performance. The product must be capable of doing the job that you intend it to do. At the most basic level, this is not even negotiable. Spending less money to buy a product that does not do the job does not save you any money at all. In fact, it is a waste of money. At a higher level, it is usually worthwhile to choose a better performing product, even if the price is higher. Better performance will normally offset a higher price by providing other benefits, such as reliability and longer life. Sometimes you need to spend a little more to get a better product (and avoid leaks). 4
  • 5. Using Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane saves you time on the jobsite because it combines the waterproofing and concrete pour in one step. 2. Time 4. Service and Support Products that save time are nearly always Do not overlook the value you get from a worth more than products that do not. quality manufacturer who provides good The saying goes that Time Is Money, and service and technical support. There is that is true. In fact, on most construction an enormous difference between simply projects, time can be worth a lot of money. making concrete less permeable and Waiting for an old-style waterproofing actually building a completely waterproof installation can put your project behind concrete structure. Concrete structures the competition. You will see increased are extremely complex assemblies of site costs, prolong project financing and concrete and steel with varying degrees possibly delay the realization of revenue of consolidation, numerous joints, from your project. Just as it is important penetrations, and cracks. Making such to consider the final delivered or installed structures water tight in the face of high cost of any product, don’t forget to hydrostatic pressure takes a high degree calculate the cost of waiting for installation of skill, knowledge and experience. These to be completed. are things that a low-price manufacturer is simply not able to provide. 3. Warranty No product or application can be perfect 5. Trust every time and there is always the Most people will only buy from someone possibility that you will need to ask the they trust. Trust is so important that manufacturer to address a problem you sometimes people will make a purchasing period. You must trust that a manufacturer are experiencing. This is when you find decision based on trust alone. On the has the knowledge and experience to help out who really stands behind their product other hand, if you cannot be sure of you build a waterproof structure. Choose and who does not. Anybody can say getting what you are paying for, then a a manufacturer that has a dedicated staff they provide a warranty, but a warranty is purchase is not a good deal no matter of technical support people with plenty of only as good as the actions taken by the how low the price. Trust touches on experience in your type of project. warranty giver. A good manufacturer will each of the factors mentioned above. be responsive and address your problem You must trust that the product will quickly and fairly. If you find yourself in perform and save you time as claimed Consider each of the factors above along this situation, you will want to be sure that by the manufacturer. Be sure to choose with the price to calculate the true cost of you have chosen a manufacturer with a reputable manufacturer that is open your purchasing decision. What you are an excellent history of warranty service. and forthcoming with independent proof ultimately going to determine is the overall Someone who has been in business at of their performance claims. You must value that each of your choices would give least as long as their warranty period. A trust that the manufacturer will be there you. Naturally, you should choose the option low-price manufacturer is very unlikely to to stand behind their product warranty. that gives you the best and greatest value. be there for you when you really Choose a manufacturer that has projects And it is not necessarily the one with the need them. that have already outlived their warranty lowest price. Krystol® Magazine Volume 15 | Issue 2 5
  • 6. Waterproofing was essential for 700 West 8th’s underground parking. 700 west 8th Uncompromising quality with shotcrete VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA | COMPLETED 2011 Vancouver, Canada, is often hailed McFarlane Green Biggar Architecture + as one of the most beautiful and liveable Design to ensure the homes at 700 West cities in the world. On the edge of the 8th feature a top quality finish, setting 700 Pacific Ocean and nestled against West 8th apart from the competition. the Rocky Mountains, there is limited space to build and it is in great demand. To complete the development, the team Using Kryton’s When it comes to developing premium had to overcome some significant site KIM in the residential property, developers must challenges and work to a tight deadline. build quickly without compromising With quality and corporate reputation shotcrete as quality, and maximize space in tight paramount, Westbank and contractor the concrete locations. These were the challenges ICON Pacific turned to the experts at for one of Vancouver’s latest premium Kryton International Inc. to ensure high waterproofer developments: 700 West 8th. quality, leak-proof construction of the development’s below grade parking facility. helped us Completed fall 201 this 4,680 sq. 1, complete the m (52,000 sq. ft.) development was Waterproofing was essential for 700 West designed by Henriquez Partners 8th’s underground parking. project on time Architects and has 128 units arranged with a fast over 19 floors. A mix of one, two and From the start, waterproofing was three bedroom units, the development recognized as critical because of the site’s paced schedule. features condos, townhouses and location in the path of continuous run-off penthouses. Owner/developer Westbank at the base of a long steep slope starting Projects Corp. appointed award-winning some thirty blocks to the south and ending 6
  • 7. The homes at 700 West 8th feature a top quality finish, setting 700 West 8th apart from the competition. in False Creek. Another significant challenge to effective waterproofing was the tight location of the site, which would make waterproofing using surface-applied methods difficult. There was no time to waste: with a demanding schedule, shotcrete was the chosen construction method and an integrated system to provide waterproofing was required. That’s where Westbank and Icon Pacific worked with Kryton to find a system to meet their needs. On the Pacific west coast, structural shotcrete is fast becoming the preferred material in the construction of foundations, building tanks, and many other structures. Shotcrete is attractive because it saves time and money, with half the forming and equipment of regular cast-in- place methods. Kryton has an impressive track record of successfully applying its expertise to other local waterproof shotcrete projects, including residential developments by White Water and Onni at Ora in Richmond, and Aragon’s The Station St John’s in Port Moody. Many commercial and industrial projects also rely on shotcrete solutions and Kryton products for below grade tanking. For example, Kryton worked with Whitewater/Conshot on shotcrete around an electrical room and pits at a new IKEA store in Richmond; a 30 ft. high, two ft. thick wall at the Mount Pleasant Power Substation; and a cistern at popular visitor attraction, Van Dusen Gardens. The Quorum Group applying shotcrete at 700 West 8th for ICON Pacific is the latest example of constructing below grade parking without cast-in-place forms and externally applied membranes. There are two levels of below grade parking facilities, and Kryton’s Krystol Waterproofing Systems were used to tank the below grade concrete that was placed. Noting that traditional membranes can be a challenge because the high speed in which the concrete is forced out of the nozzle can displace or tear conventional surface-applied systems, the team opted for Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) to ensure a leak-proof, high quality, waterproofing solution. KIM Admixture is integrated with the concrete mix at the ready-mix facility. This provided several clear cost and time advantages to the project team: • Eliminated on-site preparation for applying external waterproofing membranes • Increased jobsite productivity by having the waterproofing already in the shotcrete mix Krystol® Magazine Volume 15 | Issue 2 7
  • 8. Features of 700 West 8th: 36 pails of Krystol Waterstop Treatment 144 pails of Krystol Waterstop Grout 700 cubic meters of A tight building footprint made waterproofing with Shotcrete was the method used to construct the perimeter walls surface-applied membranes difficult. foundation at 700 West 8th. • Mitigated concerns over damaging external waterproofing membranes Waterstop Joint System • Quality Assurance 5600 kilograms of during the shotcrete application KIM Admixture • Eliminated the need for detailing Vancouver’s housing market is dominated around soil nails by condo-style developments and developers will continue to face the DID YOU KIM was used to tank over 700 cubic meters of concrete perimeter walls. In challenge of building quality product in a fast, efficient way to stay ahead KNOW? addition, Kryton’s Krystol Waterstop of the competition. 700 West 8th is System was used on the vertical and the latest development to show how horizontal construction joints to keep them opting for shotcrete and a best-in-class as water tight as the shotcrete itself. waterproofing solution can deliver the desired results. For complete peace of mind, ICON Pacific and Westbank chose to use Kryton’s Bryan Tucker, VP of Construction for ICON Krystol Assurance Program (KAP) to Pacific, notes “Using Kryton’s KIM in the mitigate risk and provide a better end shotcrete as the concrete waterproofer product for their shareholders. While helped us complete the project on time all Kryton products are covered by a with a fast paced schedule. Due to our standard material warranty, the KAP is success on 700 West 8th, we have been While Vancouver enjoys the mildest a performance-based guarantee with a using Kryton’s Krystol Waterproofing climate in Canada, it receives an robust, all-inclusive material and labor System on a variety of other projects average of over 125 cm (49.5 in.) of rain warranty combined with a comprehensive in different parts of the lower mainland per year and December is typically the quality control service. of BC.” ICON has since used the same rainiest month. Vancouver’s sea breezes shotcrete and waterproofing system for and mountainous terrain creates a The KAP guarantees Krystol-treated 60 West Cordova, 6th and Fir, and the series of microclimates with significant areas remain watertight for 10 years from Avra in White Rock, with more projects to differences in rainfall measured within the day the system is completed and dry. come in the future. just a few kilometres. It also provided the team at 700 West Some of Vancouver’s most torrential 8th the enhanced quality control and rains are caused by a meteorological supervision they were looking for: phenomenon known as the Pineapple • Mix Design review Express. This weather system carries • Construction detail review a strong and persistent flow of • Supervision during placement of KIM atmospheric moisture and associated treated concrete heavy rain from the waters around the • On-site training for Kryton’s Krystol Hawaiian Islands up to locations along the Pacific coast of the US and Canada. 8
  • 9. CEO COLUMN KARI YUERS, PRESIDENT & CEO | KRYTON INTERNATIONAL INC. It seems like every-other week you together to create new masterpieces for construction practices that saved thousands hear about the state of our failing the 21st Century. of lives in Chile. infrastructure, the crumbled aftermath from a recent earthquake or litigation for Europe is home to internationally With so much successful concrete shoddy construction. renowned bridge designers such as construction, it makes me wonder about Professor Michel Virlogeux who has what we can do as a concrete community Concrete has been around for designed more than 100 bridges to help developing nations and share the thousands of years, but over the last including the record breaking Normandy accumulated knowledge of the industry. few decades, we have seen significant Bridge, the pre-stressed concrete improvements and technologies that are Avignon Viaducts for the French High I’m new in the role of Chair of the changing how we build and what we Speed Train, and the celebrated cable- American Concrete Institute’s International build with concrete. stayed Millau Viaduct, designed with Advisory Committee, but I can see a great architect Sir Norman Foster which has opportunity for the Institute to continue to While I write this, I am spending some received several awards. foster relationships in the global concrete significant time in Europe with my community that helps to add value. Our part family. I can’t help but be amazed by Looking back a couple years to 2010, in this will be to seek out and listen to what the design and age of the infrastructure within two months both Haiti and Chile is needed and to find meaningful ways to surrounding me. And although you see were rocked by earthquakes. The deliver and connect this message. stone everywhere you look, there are earthquake in Haiti devastated much of exceptional concrete structures created the country’s buildings and infrastructure The concrete community has many global by the artisans of the region today. and killed more than 200,000; while the challenges, but there are passionate Artisans are engineers and architects, 500 times more powerful earthquake concrete professionals who are making and they have harnessed the knowledge in Chile killed 800 people and left most a difference and would like to continue past down over the centuries including of the country’s buildings standing. to contribute and give back to the global an appreciation of art, beauty, form and There were many reasons for the concrete community. This is an exciting time design and fused it with cutting edge greater damage in Haiti but a couple for the concrete industry. contemporary science and engineering of the contributing factors were better to create outstanding structures. implementation of building codes Kari Yuers, FACI Somehow they seem to blend these and the execution of more disciplined Krystol® Magazine Volume 15 | Issue 2 9
  • 10. Kryton International Inc.’s Concrete Laboratory at Kryton’s Technical Headquarters, Vancouver B.C. R&D: TRIALS LAB AND PLANT Concrete is made up of cement, water, aggregate, The Lab Trial SCMs and admixtures. Before you can pour your concrete and The purpose of a lab trial is to test for compatibility and make build your structure you need to determine the quantities of the adjustments to the mix design. Lab trials are beneficial because aforementioned components for your mix, this is your mix design. you can make adjustments to the mix design without being The mix design process starts on paper then moves to the lab for restricted by the number of trials you can perform; in the lab trial batches followed by field trials. setting you can perform hundreds of trials if needed while in the plant you are usually restricted to one or two trials. • Confirm • Test for • Test in uncontrolled • Using all the data components compatibility and conditions, and collected, the mix of mix make adjustments adjust accordingly design is ready • Determine the to wind and to be batched and quantities humidity variences used in the field 10
  • 11. Measuring the compressive strength of a concrete cylinder in a lab trial Lab trials are not the time for mix design experimentation or development, this work happens long before lab trials. Trials are performed to verify the properties of fresh concrete such as workability and finishing and adjust the mix design in order to obtain the best combination of fresh concrete properties. If possible it is best to use the same materials that will be used in the real world pour for the lab trial. Lab Trials Versus Plant Trials Even if you are able to use the same raw materials in your lab trial that will be used on-site there are still variables that cannot be duplicated from the field. These differences include: • Air temperature in the lab is always controlled (23° +/- 2° C) • The wind and humidity are controlled • Materials are used when ready – there is no delay in driving the concrete to the site • Timing is controlled – you can add materials when you want • Time of day variance is not present – on the jobsite properties such Plant trials verify as temperature and moisture content of materials can change from that a concrete mixture meets morning to night design requirements Because of the above differences it is always good practice to perform prior to use in a plant trial following a lab trial. construction Between lab and plant trials the types of testing are similar; most commonly slump, air content and compressive strength tests are performed on each batch of concrete over three days. The sampling frequency for some tests in plant trials is different than lab trials due to the volume of concrete produced. For example, samples of concrete are taken at the beginning, middle, and end point of the discharge from the mixer for testing. At a plant where concrete is batched in a central mixer and mixed in a truck mixer, testing should be performed on several different truck mixers to evaluate consistency. Trials can prevent future No Trials problems on-site. One of the main performance requirements in determining a suitable mix design is compressive strength. When a ready-mix company submits a mix design for engineering approval, strength test results from previous projects can be used in place of trial data, provided that the ready-mix company has a standard mix design and consistent material source that meets the project specifications. There are guidelines published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) that engineers and concrete producers can use to determine appropriate concrete mixtures using statistical analysis of past field data or conducting laboratory trials. However, for new mix designs that require validation of mix proportioning, there is no substitute for trials either in a laboratory or in a plant. Testing will determine the compatibility of materials and can mitigate potential other problems. Krystol® Magazine Volume 15 | Issue 2 11
  • 12. KRYTON NEWS WELCOME TO OUR NEW DISTRIBUTORS Al Jaber Structural JIT (Cambodia) Co., Ltd Protection Co. Cambodia Qatar 00974 5588 2371 Kryton attended World of Concrete 2012 in January. We debuted our new booth complete with a simulated concrete column with a working leak. Fernco Environmental Organizarte, S.A UK & Ireland Guatemala Al-HanDsya for tO FIND A DISTRIBUTOR Construction and NEAR YOU, PLEASE VISIT: Real Estate Egypt KRYTON.COM 002 02330 4664 Kryton representatives at the International Concrete Repair Institute’s Spring Convention in Quebec City. Upload Your Video and you could receive a FREE Kryton Technical Jacket, PLUS a chance to win a Kryton branded iPad! • It only takes 10 minutes! • Upload your short video • If your video is selected for our site, you will receive a Kryton Technical Jacket, perfect for the jobsite • PLUS One lucky video will win a new iPad, preloaded with all our Kryton Technical Information. LATEST VIDEOS CYPRESS MOUNTAIN Visit CONCRETE PHILOSOPHER for contest information or to submit your video. CENTRAL COAST WATERPROOFING Visit to view. 12
  • 13. ASK A KRYTON EXPERT INSIGHTS FROM THE LARGEST CONCRETE PERMEABILITY TESTING LABRATORY IN NORTH AMERICA. US E OF GG B FS (G ROU N D G RAN U LATE D B LAST FU R NACE S LAG) I N CONCR ETE M IXE S Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) are commonly added to today’s concrete mixes. One common SCM is Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag. Q: What is Ground Granulated 100 per cent of the price of cement. As Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS)? a rule of thumb, the production of one ton of Portland cement will produce about A: Blast Furnace Slag is a waste one ton of carbon dioxide emissions. product of iron and steel production and Using GGBFS can lead to significant Alireza Biparva is used in the construction industry in a reduction in those emissions. More Research & Development Manager / variety of ways. When granulated blast importantly, a key premise of green Concrete Specialist furnace slag is ground to an appropriate building is extending the long term at Kryton International Inc. fineness, it is called Ground Granulated performance and health of structures. Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS). It can replace between 20 and 80 per cent of concrete is not adequately cured, adding Ordinary Portland Cement needed Q: Does GGBFS always make GGBFS can increase the permeability. in concrete. concrete more durable? While GGBFS reduces permeability A: As long as the correct proportions are when used in the correct proportion, it Q: Why use GGBFS? used when replacing Portland cement is not the equivalent of a waterproofer. with GGBFS and the concrete is cured Under hydrostatic pressure, other A: The construction industry’s desire properly, the durability of the structure Permeability Reducing Admixtures for cost savings, greener practices, will be enhanced, leading to a longer life for Hydrostatic Conditions (PRAHs) and enhanced structural durability for the concrete. Nevertheless, studies are required to make concrete less are driving factors in the adoption of found that properly designed and cured permeable and more durable. GGBFS into more concrete mixtures. concrete containing GGBFS has lower permeability than Ordinary Portland Ask Kryton your concrete related questions! Based on the availability and grade of Cement concrete. However, studies by Email: GGBFS, its price is approximately 85 to Toronto University have shown that if Krystol® Magazine Volume 15 | Issue 2 13
  • 14. KRYTON IN CHINA China’s construction industry saw significant growth, going from $0.7 trillion USD in 2007 to $1.8 trillion USD in 201 and 1, these numbers are expected to rise. China’s central government is planning to invest $160 billion USD in economy housing, that coupled with $1.03 trillion USD earmarked for infrastructure during 201 1-2015 has the China construction market poised for continued growth. China’s concrete and cement products grew over 30% from 2006-2010 and is one of the building material industry’s fastest growing sectors. Kryton has maintained a consistent presence in China since 1980 and in 2000 the first Kryton China office was opened. As China’s construction industry has grown significantly over the past decade the need for concrete and related waterproofing and repair products has grown exponentially. Kryton continues to invest heavily in this market with two new hires for the Beijing office in 2011. Shanghai Songjiang Villa Vancouver Forest Sonjiang Villa is an upscale private residence located Vancouver Forest is a unique 900-unit residential development in Shanghai. The sprawling 1500 square meter (16,000 designed to replicate a mini-Vancouver neighborhood complete square foot) home sits on 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) of land. with Vancouver-style housing, natural landscaping and lots Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) and Krystol T1 & of trees. T2 Waterproofing System were used to waterproof multiple elements of the estate including the washrooms, balcony, The project was won with collaboration between our Beijing exterior walls, swimming pool and sauna. Then the entire villa office, our head office in Vancouver, and Canada Mortgage and received an application of Hydrostop Sealer to protect the Housing Corp (CMHC). In addition to the Kryton BC connection stone and maintain the original appearance of the high-end the project was designed by Vancouver based architects, home. To date this was the largest application of Hydrostop Ekistics and features BC wood in the framing. Sealer in China. Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) admixture was used to waterproof the below grade areas of the homes. The team also used Kryton’s Krystol Waterstop System for joints to ensure a fully tanked basement. The homes are being built in phases with an estimated completion date of 2015. 14
  • 15. CHINA DISTRIBUTORS Kryton has exclusive distributors throughout China. Contact the distributor in your region to find out more about Kryton’s waterproofing products or contact the Kryton Beijing office at or by phone at 010-51285665. Shanghai Supers Industrial Co. Ltd (Anhui) Beijing Haichuan Jincheng Science and Technology Ltd Co.  (Beijing) Vancouver Pavilion 86 1051285658 The Vancouver Pavilion was constructed for the 2010 Dongguan Caili Building Maintenance Technique Ltd. Shanghai Expo. The three-story pavilion was designed with (Dongguan) green materials and showcased Vancouver’s transformation from Expo 1986 into one of the world’s most desirable Hunan Kaidun Waterproof Engineering Co. Ltd cities today. (Hunan) 86 73185862858 Kryton’s Krystol T1 & T2 and Krystol Bari-Cote products were selected to waterproof the foundation and elevator pits of the Suzhou GIFT Energy-Conservation Technology Co. Ltd. Vancouver Pavilion. (Suzhou) 86 5126515758 73 million people visited the 2010 Shanghai Expo. Nanjing Yunlv Building Materials Co. Ltd (Nanjing) 86 02586562973 Dalian Kryton Waterproof System Co. Ltd. (Liaoning) 86 41183895657 Dynamic New Style Waterproof Building Materials Co. Ltd (Yantai) 86 5356649347 Shanghai Beiyuan Industrial Co. Ltd. (Shanghai) 86 2165256529 Chengdu Kaidun Underground Project Disease Prevent and Control Co. Ltd. (Sichuan) 86 2887076552 Guandi Hydropower Station Tianjin Hong Ba Waterproofing Material Co. Ltd. (Tianjin City) The Guandi Dam is part of the large Guandi Hydropower Station 86 2228229431 on the Yalong River (a tributary of the Yangtze River) in Sichuan Hangzhou Guo Dian Dam Safety Engineering Co. Ltd. Province. The Guandi Dam has a generating capacity of 2400 (Zheijang) MW and will generate power for the Sichuan Province area. The 168 m (551 ft.) tall dam is a gravity dam constructed using roller-compacted concrete (RCC). The entire face of the tall dam was coated with Kryton’s Krystol T1 & T2 surface-applied waterproofing system to protect the important structure from the high water pressure. Krystol® Magazine Volume 15 | Issue 2 15
  • 16. WHAT’S YOUR PLAN WHEN THE CONCRETE AND THE ENVIRONMENT NEED PROTECTING? ONLY KRYTON PROTECTS CONCRETE AND THE ENVIRONMENT PERMANENTLY. Kryton’s crystalline technology allows you to build right to the property line, so you have more space with which to create. Our superior products help bring even your most innovative designs to life. And our comprehensive system helps you avoid trade-offs between LEED certification and the realities of budget and schedule demands. Kryton takes the risk out of concrete waterproofing. +1.604.324.8280 16