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Kronologis Pasien
Mr. D / 53 y.o / 11544503
Night shift
Friday, July 29th 2022
Time Subjective Objective Issue Action
Friday, 29 Jul
Handover from
morning duty to
night shift
Shortness of breath was
No chest pain nor
History of shortness of
breath the day before
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
BP: 120/80 mmHg
HR 80 bpm regular
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 99% on 3 lpm NC
Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/-
Sinus Rhytm, 95 bpm, FA LAD, HA CWR, PR Int. 120ms, QRS 80 ms,
QTc 394ms. Q patologis II, III, aVF, V3-V6 poor R wave progression.
UOP : 750cc/10 hr
IWL : 375 cc/10 hr
Intake : 1000/10 hr
BC : -125cc/10 hr
1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent
thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-
distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD
(overlapped) on 3VDCAD
2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD
3. Pneumonia CAP
4. History of VT with pulse
5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.47->2.75)
6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 2.74->3.87->3.68)
ECG/24jam or acute event
PTx :
O2 NC 3-4 lpm
IV plug
Total fluid 1500cc / 24hr on oral route
Equal fluid balance
DJ II 2000kkal/24hr, high protein diet
Inj. Meropenem 3x1 gr (H4)
ASA 0-0-80mg
Ticagrelor 2 x 90 mg
Atorvastatin 0-0-40mg
Valsartan 2x80mg
Bisoprolol 1,25mg-0-0
ISDN 3x5mg k/p
Laxadyn syr 0-0-CI
Lansoprazole 1x30mg
Alprazolam 0-0-0,5mg
NAC 3x200mg
Nebul Combivent 3x1 respule
P.Mo: S, VS, UOP
18.00 Mild SOB (+). No chest
pain nor palpitation.
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
TD: 118 /78 mmHg
HR 90 bpm
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 3 lpm NC
Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/-
1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent
thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-
distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD
(overlapped) on 3VDCAD
2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD
3. Pneumonia CAP
4. History of VT with pulse
5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7--> 2.8)
6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 -> 3.8 -> 3.7)
Continue observation and medication
Time Subjective Objective Issue Action
19.00 No chest pain nor
Patient in supine
position at 15 degree.
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
TD: 118 /78 mmHg
HR 90 bpm
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 3 lpm NC
Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/-
Oral intak 1350 cc/14jam
UOP 1100 cc/14 jam
IWL 525 cc/14 jam
BC -275 cc/14 jam
1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with
acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2
DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2
DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD
2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD
3. Pneumonia CAP
4. History of VT with pulse
5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7-->
6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 ->
3.8 -> 3.7)
Continue observation and medication
24.00 Patient can sleep at
flat position.
No chest pain nor
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
TD: 110 / 70 mmHg
HR: 92 bpm
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC
Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/-
1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with
acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2
DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2
DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD
2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD
3. Pneumonia CAP
4. History of VT with pulse
5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7-->
6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 ->
3.8 -> 3.7)
Continue observation and medication
Time Subjective Objective Issue Action
04.00 Intermitent mild SOB
(+). Patient complain
of bloating and
epigastric discomfort.
Defecation (+) twice
for last 24 hours.
No chest pain nor
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
TD: 110 / 70 mmHg
HR 98 bpm
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 99% on 4 lpm NC
K/L anaemic (+), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/--+, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, no edema
Sinus Rhytm, 95 bpm, FA N, HA CWR, PR Int. 120ms, QRS 80
ms, QTc 394ms. Q patologis II, III, aVF,V6. QS pattern V3-V4,
poor R wave progression (same as morning ECG)
1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with
acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA,
implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA
(overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD
(overlapped) on 3VDCAD
2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD
3. Pneumonia CAP
4. History of VT with pulse
5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 ->
2.7--> 2.8)
6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6
-> 3.8 -> 3.7)
Drink warm water
Continue observation and medication
Time Subjective Objective Issue Action
from night
shift to
morning Duty
Patient complaint of
shortness of breath
felt worsen than last
No chest pain nor
bloating and
epigastric discomfort
still persist  few
watery defecation (+)
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
TD: 140 / 86 mmHg
HR 122 bpm
RR 30 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC
Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/-
Sinus Rhytm, 95 bpm, FA N, HA CWR, PR Int. 120ms, QRS 80
ms, QTc 394ms. Q patologis II, III, aVF,V6. QS pattern V3-V4,
poor R wave progression (same as morning ECG)
UOP : 1700cc/24 hr
Intake : 2000cc/24 hr
IWL 525
BC : -225cc/24 hr
1. Impeding ALO
2. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with
acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA,
implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA
(overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD
(overlapped) on 3VDCAD
3. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD
4. Pneumonia CAP
5. History of VT with pulse
6. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 ->
2.7--> 2.8)
7. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6
-> 3.8 -> 3.7)
8. Dyspepsia
Lanzoprazole 3omg PO extra
BGA evaluation
Consult to Pulmonology depart.
Time Subjective Objective Issue Action
07.00 Shortness of breath
No chest pain nor
bloating and
epigastric discomfort
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
TD: 120 / 81 mmHg (post ISDN SL)
HR 114 bpm
RR 30 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC
Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/-
1. Impending ALO
2. Inferoposterior STEMI Killip IV post PPCI with
acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA,
implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA
(overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD
(overlapped) on 3VDCAD
3. History of VT with pulse
4. Pneumonia CAP
5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.47->2.75)
6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 2.74->3.87-
7. Dyspepsia
Continue observation and medication
07.10 Shortness of breath
No chest pain nor
Patient looks moderately ill
GCS 456
TD: 140 / 84 mmHg  113/76 mmHg (post Morphine IV)
HR 122  108 bpm
RR 30 25 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 99% on 5 lpm NC
Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-)
JVP R+0 cmH2O
Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-)
Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/--
Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal
Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/-
1. Impending ALO
2. Inferoposterior STEMI Killip IV post PPCI with
acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA,
implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA
(overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD
(overlapped) on 3VDCAD
3. History of VT with pulse
4. Pneumonia CAP
5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.47->2.75)
6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 2.74->3.87-
7. Dyspepsia
Inj Morphine 1 mg IV
200 200 100 50
180 180 90 45
160 160 80 40
140 140 70 35
120 120 60 30
100 100 50 25
80 80 40 20
60 60 30 15
40 40 20 10
20 20 10 5
0 0 0 0
Urine output (cc)
GCS 456
BP: 12/80 mmHg
HR 80 bpm regular
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 99% on 3 lpm NC
UOP : 750cc/10 hr
IWL : 375 cc/10 hr
Intake : 1000/10 hr
BC : -125cc/10 hr
GCS 456
TD: 118 /78 mmHg
HR 90 bpm
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 3 lpm NC
Oral intak 1350
UOP 1100 cc/14 jam
IWL 525 cc/14 jam
BC -275 cc/14 jam
15.00 18.00 19.00 24.00 12.00
04.00 06.50
GCS 456
TD: 110 / 70 mmHg
HR: 92 bpm
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC
UOP 270cc/5 jam
GCS 456
TD: 110 / 70 mmHg
HR 98 bpm
RR 22 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 99% on 4 lpm NC
UOP 500cc/ 9 jam
1700cc/24 hs
Friday, 29 July 2022
GCS 456
TD: 140 / 86 mmHg
HR 122 bpm
RR 30 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC
UOP : 1700cc/24 hr
Intake : 2000cc/24 hr
IWL 525
BC : -225cc/24 hr
GCS 456
TD: 101 / 60 mmHg
HR 75 bpm
RR 21 tpm
Temp 36.0 C
SaO2 99% on 4 lpm NC
UOP : 250 cc/3 h

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  • 1. Kronologis Pasien Mr. D / 53 y.o / 11544503
  • 3. Time Subjective Objective Issue Action Friday, 29 Jul 2022 15.00 Handover from morning duty to night shift Shortness of breath was reduced. No chest pain nor palpitation History of shortness of breath the day before Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 BP: 120/80 mmHg HR 80 bpm regular RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 99% on 3 lpm NC Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/- ECG: Sinus Rhytm, 95 bpm, FA LAD, HA CWR, PR Int. 120ms, QRS 80 ms, QTc 394ms. Q patologis II, III, aVF, V3-V6 poor R wave progression. UOP : 750cc/10 hr IWL : 375 cc/10 hr Intake : 1000/10 hr BC : -125cc/10 hr 1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal- distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD 3. Pneumonia CAP 4. History of VT with pulse 5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.47->2.75) 6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 2.74->3.87->3.68) Planning PDx: ECG/24jam or acute event PTx : O2 NC 3-4 lpm IV plug Total fluid 1500cc / 24hr on oral route Equal fluid balance DJ II 2000kkal/24hr, high protein diet Inj. Meropenem 3x1 gr (H4) PO: ASA 0-0-80mg Ticagrelor 2 x 90 mg Atorvastatin 0-0-40mg Valsartan 2x80mg Bisoprolol 1,25mg-0-0 ISDN 3x5mg k/p Laxadyn syr 0-0-CI Lansoprazole 1x30mg Alprazolam 0-0-0,5mg NAC 3x200mg Nebul Combivent 3x1 respule P.Mo: S, VS, UOP 18.00 Mild SOB (+). No chest pain nor palpitation. Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 TD: 118 /78 mmHg HR 90 bpm RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 3 lpm NC Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/- 1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal- distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD 3. Pneumonia CAP 4. History of VT with pulse 5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7--> 2.8) 6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 -> 3.8 -> 3.7) Continue observation and medication
  • 4. Time Subjective Objective Issue Action 19.00 No chest pain nor palpitation. Patient in supine position at 15 degree. Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 TD: 118 /78 mmHg HR 90 bpm RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 3 lpm NC Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/- Oral intak 1350 cc/14jam UOP 1100 cc/14 jam IWL 525 cc/14 jam BC -275 cc/14 jam 1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD 3. Pneumonia CAP 4. History of VT with pulse 5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7--> 2.8) 6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 -> 3.8 -> 3.7) Continue observation and medication 24.00 Patient can sleep at flat position. No chest pain nor palpitation. Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 TD: 110 / 70 mmHg HR: 92 bpm RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/- 1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD 3. Pneumonia CAP 4. History of VT with pulse 5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7--> 2.8) 6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 -> 3.8 -> 3.7) Continue observation and medication
  • 5. Time Subjective Objective Issue Action 04.00 Intermitent mild SOB (+). Patient complain of bloating and epigastric discomfort. Defecation (+) twice for last 24 hours. No chest pain nor palpitation. Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 TD: 110 / 70 mmHg HR 98 bpm RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 99% on 4 lpm NC K/L anaemic (+), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/--+, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, no edema ECG: Sinus Rhytm, 95 bpm, FA N, HA CWR, PR Int. 120ms, QRS 80 ms, QTc 394ms. Q patologis II, III, aVF,V6. QS pattern V3-V4, poor R wave progression (same as morning ECG) 1. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 2. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD 3. Pneumonia CAP 4. History of VT with pulse 5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7--> 2.8) 6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 -> 3.8 -> 3.7) Drink warm water Continue observation and medication
  • 6. Time Subjective Objective Issue Action 06.50 Handover from night shift to morning Duty Patient complaint of shortness of breath felt worsen than last night. No chest pain nor palpitation bloating and epigastric discomfort still persist  few watery defecation (+) Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 TD: 140 / 86 mmHg HR 122 bpm RR 30 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/- ECG: Sinus Rhytm, 95 bpm, FA N, HA CWR, PR Int. 120ms, QRS 80 ms, QTc 394ms. Q patologis II, III, aVF,V6. QS pattern V3-V4, poor R wave progression (same as morning ECG) UOP : 1700cc/24 hr Intake : 2000cc/24 hr IWL 525 BC : -225cc/24 hr 1. Impeding ALO 2. STEMI Inferoposterior Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 3. HF mr EF St.C FCIi dt. CAD HHD 4. Pneumonia CAP 5. History of VT with pulse 6. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.9 -> 2.4 -> 2.7--> 2.8) 7. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 3.0 -> 2.7 -> 2.6 -> 3.8 -> 3.7) 8. Dyspepsia PO ISDN 5mg SL Lanzoprazole 3omg PO extra BGA evaluation Consult to Pulmonology depart.
  • 7. Time Subjective Objective Issue Action 07.00 Shortness of breath decrease No chest pain nor palpitation bloating and epigastric discomfort relieve Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 TD: 120 / 81 mmHg (post ISDN SL) HR 114 bpm RR 30 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/- 1. Impending ALO 2. Inferoposterior STEMI Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 3. History of VT with pulse 4. Pneumonia CAP 5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.47->2.75) 6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 2.74->3.87- >3.68) 7. Dyspepsia Continue observation and medication 07.10 Shortness of breath (+) No chest pain nor palpitation Patient looks moderately ill GCS 456 TD: 140 / 84 mmHg  113/76 mmHg (post Morphine IV) HR 122  108 bpm RR 30 25 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 99% on 5 lpm NC Pale (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-) JVP R+0 cmH2O Cor: S1S2 regular, murmur (-) gallop (-) Pulmo: ves +++/+++, ronchi --+/---, wheezing --/-- Abd: soefl, bowel sound normal Ext: warm acral, edema arm +/- 1. Impending ALO 2. Inferoposterior STEMI Killip IV post PPCI with acute stent thrombosis at distal RCA, implanted 2 DES at proximal-distal RCA (overlapped) and 2 DES at osteal-distal LAD (overlapped) on 3VDCAD 3. History of VT with pulse 4. Pneumonia CAP 5. Moderate hypoalbuminemia (2.47->2.75) 6. Mild hypokalemia (perbaikan 2.74->3.87- >3.68) 7. Dyspepsia Inj Morphine 1 mg IV
  • 8. BP HR Sp O2 RR 200 200 100 50 180 180 90 45 160 160 80 40 140 140 70 35 120 120 60 30 100 100 50 25 80 80 40 20 60 60 30 15 40 40 20 10 20 20 10 5 0 0 0 0 Urine output (cc) 15.00 GCS 456 BP: 12/80 mmHg HR 80 bpm regular RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 99% on 3 lpm NC UOP : 750cc/10 hr IWL : 375 cc/10 hr Intake : 1000/10 hr BC : -125cc/10 hr BP HR 19.00 GCS 456 TD: 118 /78 mmHg HR 90 bpm RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 3 lpm NC Oral intak 1350 cc/14jam UOP 1100 cc/14 jam IWL 525 cc/14 jam BC -275 cc/14 jam 15.00 18.00 19.00 24.00 12.00 04.00 06.50 24.00 GCS 456 TD: 110 / 70 mmHg HR: 92 bpm RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC UOP 270cc/5 jam 04.00 GCS 456 TD: 110 / 70 mmHg HR 98 bpm RR 22 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 99% on 4 lpm NC UOP 500cc/ 9 jam 1700cc/24 hs Friday, 29 July 2022 06.50 GCS 456 TD: 140 / 86 mmHg HR 122 bpm RR 30 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 97% on 4 lpm NC UOP : 1700cc/24 hr Intake : 2000cc/24 hr IWL 525 BC : -225cc/24 hr 18.00 GCS 456 TD: 101 / 60 mmHg HR 75 bpm RR 21 tpm Temp 36.0 C SaO2 99% on 4 lpm NC UOP : 250 cc/3 h