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David	Williams		
Australian	Society	of	Knowledge	Management	
University	of	Canberra	
Presenta�on	to	KM	Middle	East		
March	2016	
Innova�on	Hubs	–	Fad	or	Fantas�c!		
Ge�ng	value	for	money	out	of	your	R&D	investment	
A	 fall	 in	 the	 price	 of	 oil,	 gas,	 iron	 ore	 and	 other	 commodi�es	 has	
decimated	 the	 GDP	 of	 Australia.	 Major	 LNG	 projects	 have	 recently	
been	put	on	hold	and	a	number	of	mines	and	processing	plants	have	
The	 Australian	 Government	 is	 now	 looking	 towards	 new	 ideas	 in	
innova�on	 and	 science	 to	 grow	 services	 in	 the	 ICT	 and	 engineering	
sectors	 to	 replace	 the	 income	 previously	 obtain	 from	 the	 minerals	
The		emphasis	is	on	start-ups	to	s�mulate	growth	through	innova�on,	
but	this	is	a	very	high	risk	ac�vity	with	most	start-ups	failing	within	5	
years.	Cri�cs	claim	that	innova�on	programs	should	require	a	robust	
business	 case,	 risk	 analyses	 and	 measures	 to	 indicate	 success.		
Measuring	the	return	on	investment	for	intangible	programmes	such	
as	innova�on	are	extremely	challenging	and	open	to	subjec�vity	and	
Keywords:	Innova�on,	social	capital,	knowledge	management,	
intellectual	capital,	future,	networks,	learning. 	 	 																													2	
  Types	of	hubs	
  Innova�on	Strategies	
  Return	on	Investment	
  Impact	on	the	organisa�ons	
1.  The	amalgama�on	of	two	separate	steps	of	
Crea�vity	and	Implementa�on	(Tushman	&	O’Rielly)	
2.  The	successful	exploita�on	of	new	ideas	(Dept	of	
Trade	and	Industry,	UK).	
3.  A	Quantum	improvement	for	the	organisa�on	(Peter	
Drucker,	1985)	
4.  Is	significant	posi�ve	change	(Sco�	Berkun,	2013)	
To	be	an	innova�on	means	not	only	the	crea�on	of	an	
idea,	but	the	successful	delivery	it	to	the	world	as	a	
product	that	makes	difference. 	 	 																													3	
Why	do	we	s�ll	invest	in	high-risk	ICT	start-ups? 	 	 																													4	
  90%	of	startups	fail	within	5	years		
	 	 	 	 	Forbes	2015	
– Incompetence	
– Unbalanced	Experience	or		
– Lack	of	Managerial	Experience	
Innova�on	Hubs	
A	physical	or	virtual	facility	that:		
  builds	collabora�ve	communi�es	with	
entrepreneurial	individuals	at	the	centre.		
  a�racts	diverse	members	with	heterogeneous	
  facilitates	crea�vity	and	collabora�on	in	a	
physical	and/or	virtual	space,	and	
  localizes	global	entrepreneurial	culture	
	 	 	Toivonen,	T.	and	N.	Friederici	(2015) 	 	 																													5	
Innova�on	Hub	
Case	Study	-	Inspire	
  INSPIRE	is	an	innova�on	hub	and	network	for	
new	approaches	to	learning,	communica�on	
and	collabora�on		
  It	applies	design	thinking	and	learning	design	
principles	for	educa�on	to	work	with:	
– Principals,	teachers	and	students		
– Learning	designers		
– Government	and	community	organisa�ons		
  INSPIRE	is	a	learning	commons,	a	place	to	
imagine,	experiment	and	design	new	ways	of	
working	and	learning	digitally. 	 	 																													6	
Case	Study	–	Rio	Tinto	
  Generally	do	not	engage	with	scien�sts	
  Creates	division	
  Dissuades	the	majority	of	workers	from	
  Creates	fights	for	funding	
  Requires	por�olio	management	
  Detracts	from	core	business 	 	 																													7	
  For	would-be	entrepreneurs	and	exis�ng	and	
external	Subject	Ma�er	Experts		
  Provides	facili�es	and	exper�se	to		address	their	
needs,	and		
  develop	their	business	ideas,	and	transform	them	
into	sustainable	reali�es.		
Case	Study	
MaRS	Toronto,	Canada	
  Brings	together	educators,	researchers,	social	
scien�sts,	entrepreneurs	and	business	experts	
under	one	roof.		
  Founded	by	civic	leaders,	with	a	mission	that	
is	equal	parts	public	and	private		
  An	entrepreneurial	venture	designed	to	bridge	
the	gap	between	what	people	need	and	what	
governments	can	provide. 	 	 																													8	
Are	similar	to	an	incubator	but	o�en	take	an	
equity	in	externally	developed	ideas	in	return	
for	providing	resources,	support,	small	amounts	
of	capital	and	mentorship.	
Case	Study	
GRIFFIN	Accelerator		
A	group	of	seasoned	entrepreneurs	who	invest	
in,	host,	guide	and	partner	with	the	founders	of	
selected	innova�ve	start-ups.		
3	month	intensive	program	gets	start-ups	
moving	fast	and	achieving	ini�al	business	
success. 	 	 																													9	
Organisa�onal	Success	
  Long	term	success	requires	streams	of	innova�ons	
  Need	to	create	ambidextrous	organisa�ons	
  Celebrate	stability	and	experimenta�on	
  Support	risk	taking	
  Tolerate	mistakes	
  Recognise/reward	a�empts	
	 	 	 												Tushman	and	O’Reilly	
Six	Lessons	for	Corpora�ons	building	
internal	Innova�on	Accelerators	
1.  Build	comprehensive	social	
networks,	internally	and	
Alasdair	Tro�er		(2013) 	 	 																													10	
Six	Lessons	for	Corpora�ons	
"Innova�on	has	nothing	to	do	with	
how	many	R&D	dollars	you	have.		
When	Apple	came	up	with	the	
Mac,	IBM	was	spending	at	least	
100	�mes	more	on	R&D.	It's	not	
about	money.		
It's	about	the	people	you	have,	
how	you're	led,	and	how	much	you	
get	it.“				
Steve	Jobs	1998	
2.	Do	not	throw	excessive	capital	at	early	stages	
Six	Lessons	for	Corpora�ons	
3.	Funding	and	poten�al	should	be	based	on	
tenacity	and	crea�vity	of	the	team	and	the	
iden�fica�on	of	a	significant	unsolved	problem,	
which	if	solved,	would	create	real	value.		
Alasdair	Tro�er		(2013) 	 	 																													11	
Six	Lessons	for	Corpora�ons	
4.	Develop	standard	prac�ces	for	entrepreneurial	
Alasdair	Tro�er		(2013)	
Define	the	problem/opportunity	
22 	 	 																													12	
Six	Lessons	for	Corpora�ons	
5.	create	a	network	of	mentors	and	champions	to	
support	their	entrepreneurs	
Alasdair	Tro�er		(2013)	
Six	Lessons	for	Corpora�ons	
6.	Focus	on	specific	business	func�ons	or	
exper�se	in	certain	areas	such	as	a	par�cular	
technology	or	an	industry	ver�cal.	
Alasdair	Tro�er		(2013) 	 	 																													13	
Issues	to	be	addressed	
  How	is	funding	provided?	
– by	whom?	
– how	much?	
– How	long?	
– Priority?	
  Who	controls	the	IP?	
  What	is	the	structure	of	the	legal	en�ty	
created	for	the	business?	
  What	liabili�es	are	created?	
High	velocity,	or	high	uncertainty	environments	
require	simple	rou�nes,	and	a	dependence	on	
people	over	process		
(Eisenhardt	and	Mar�n,	2000) 	 	 																													14	
We	can't	solve	
problems	by	using	
the	same	kind	of	
thinking	we	used	
when	we	created	
Albert	Einstein		
References	and	Reading	
  Leifer,	R.,	O'Connor,	G.	C.,	&	Rice,	M.	(2001).	Implemen�ng	radical	innova�on	in	mature	firms:	The	role	of	hubs.	
The	Academy	of	Management	Execu�ve,	15(3),	102-113.	
  Knight,	J.	(2011).	Educa�on	hubs:	A	fad,	a	brand,	an	innova�on?.	Journal	of	Studies	in	Interna�onal	Educa�on,	
15(3),	221-240.	
  Lange,	A.,	Handler,	D.,	&	Vila,	J.	(2010).	Next-Genera�on	Clusters	Crea�ng	Innova�on	Hubs	To	Boost	Economic	
Growth.	Cisco	Internet	Business	Solu�ons	Group.	
  Boardman,	C.,	&	Ponomariov,	B.	(2011).	A	preliminary	assessment	of	the	poten�al	for	“team	science”	in	DOE	
Energy	Innova�on	Hubs	and	Energy	Fron�er	Research	Centers.	Energy	Policy,	39(6),	3033-3035.	
  Da	Cunha,	I.	V.,	&	Selada,	C.	(2009).	Crea�ve	urban	regenera�on:	the	case	of	innova�on	hubs.	Interna�onal	
Journal	of	Innova�on	and	Regional	Development,	1(4),	371-386.	
  Tushman,	M.	L.	(1997).	Winning	through	innova�on.	Strategy	&	Leadership,	25(4),	14-19.	
  Leifer,	R.	(2001).	Implemen�ng	radical	innova�on	in	mature	firms:	The	role	of	hubs.	The	Academy	of	Management	
Execu�ve	(1993-2005),	15(3),	102-113.	
  Sta�s�c	Brain	Startup	(2016)	Business	Failure	Rate	By	Industry	
  The	Steve	Jobs	MBA	Unit	103:	Connect	your	people		
  Eisenhardt,	K.	M.,	&	Mar�n,	J.	A.	(2000).	Dynamic	capabili�es:	what	are	they?.	Strategic	management	journal,	
21(10-11),	1105-1121.	
  Crea�ng	the	future	of	mining	[Accessed	12	MAR	2016]	
  Tro�er,	A.	(2013)	Six	Lessons	for	Corpora�ons	Building	Innova�on	Accelerators	
  Toivonen,	T.	and	N.	Friederici	(2015)	Time	to	Define	What	a	“Hub”	Really	Is
	h�p://�cles/entry/�me_to_define_what_a_hub_really_is#sthash.V44W3vxB.dpuf 	 	 																													15	
Workshop	5:	Using	Social	Capital	to	
Build	Capability		
What	can	you	expect:	
  An	insight	of	my	study	on	leveraging	Social	
  2	collabora�ve	ac�vi�es	to	explore	techniques	
and	aspects	of	Social	Capital	
  Prizes	for	winning	teams	
  A	takeaway	of	the	results		
Ques�ons	and	Discussion	
will	be	at	this	a�ernoon’s	forum	 30

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KMME - Williams

  • 1. 1 David Williams Australian Society of Knowledge Management University of Canberra Presenta�on to KM Middle East March 2016 Innova�on Hubs – Fad or Fantas�c! Ge�ng value for money out of your R&D investment Abstract A fall in the price of oil, gas, iron ore and other commodi�es has decimated the GDP of Australia. Major LNG projects have recently been put on hold and a number of mines and processing plants have closed. The Australian Government is now looking towards new ideas in innova�on and science to grow services in the ICT and engineering sectors to replace the income previously obtain from the minerals industry. The emphasis is on start-ups to s�mulate growth through innova�on, but this is a very high risk ac�vity with most start-ups failing within 5 years. Cri�cs claim that innova�on programs should require a robust business case, risk analyses and measures to indicate success. Measuring the return on investment for intangible programmes such as innova�on are extremely challenging and open to subjec�vity and interpreta�on. Keywords: Innova�on, social capital, knowledge management, intellectual capital, future, networks, learning.
  • 2. 2   Types of hubs   Innova�on Strategies   Return on Investment   Impact on the organisa�ons Scope Innova�on 1.  The amalgama�on of two separate steps of Crea�vity and Implementa�on (Tushman & O’Rielly) 2.  The successful exploita�on of new ideas (Dept of Trade and Industry, UK). 3.  A Quantum improvement for the organisa�on (Peter Drucker, 1985) 4.  Is significant posi�ve change (Sco� Berkun, 2013) To be an innova�on means not only the crea�on of an idea, but the successful delivery it to the world as a product that makes difference.
  • 3. 3 Why do we s�ll invest in high-risk ICT start-ups?
  • 4. 4 Start-ups   90% of startups fail within 5 years Forbes 2015   Causes – Incompetence – Unbalanced Experience or – Lack of Managerial Experience h�p://www.sta�s� Innova�on Hubs A physical or virtual facility that:   builds collabora�ve communi�es with entrepreneurial individuals at the centre.   a�racts diverse members with heterogeneous knowledge   facilitates crea�vity and collabora�on in a physical and/or virtual space, and   localizes global entrepreneurial culture Toivonen, T. and N. Friederici (2015)
  • 5. 5 Innova�on Hub Case Study - Inspire   INSPIRE is an innova�on hub and network for new approaches to learning, communica�on and collabora�on   It applies design thinking and learning design principles for educa�on to work with: – Principals, teachers and students – Learning designers – Government and community organisa�ons   INSPIRE is a learning commons, a place to imagine, experiment and design new ways of working and learning digitally.
  • 6. 6 Case Study – Rio Tinto Cri�cism   Generally do not engage with scien�sts   Creates division   Dissuades the majority of workers from par�cipa�ng   Creates fights for funding   Requires por�olio management   Detracts from core business
  • 7. 7 Incubators   For would-be entrepreneurs and exis�ng and external Subject Ma�er Experts   Provides facili�es and exper�se to address their needs, and   develop their business ideas, and transform them into sustainable reali�es. Case Study MaRS Toronto, Canada   Brings together educators, researchers, social scien�sts, entrepreneurs and business experts under one roof.   Founded by civic leaders, with a mission that is equal parts public and private   An entrepreneurial venture designed to bridge the gap between what people need and what governments can provide.
  • 8. 8 Accelerators Are similar to an incubator but o�en take an equity in externally developed ideas in return for providing resources, support, small amounts of capital and mentorship. Case Study GRIFFIN Accelerator A group of seasoned entrepreneurs who invest in, host, guide and partner with the founders of selected innova�ve start-ups. 3 month intensive program gets start-ups moving fast and achieving ini�al business success.
  • 9. 9 Organisa�onal Success   Long term success requires streams of innova�ons   Need to create ambidextrous organisa�ons   Celebrate stability and experimenta�on   Support risk taking   Tolerate mistakes   Recognise/reward a�empts Tushman and O’Reilly Six Lessons for Corpora�ons building internal Innova�on Accelerators 1.  Build comprehensive social networks, internally and externally Alasdair Tro�er (2013)
  • 10. 10 Six Lessons for Corpora�ons "Innova�on has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 �mes more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it.“ Steve Jobs 1998 2. Do not throw excessive capital at early stages Six Lessons for Corpora�ons 3. Funding and poten�al should be based on tenacity and crea�vity of the team and the iden�fica�on of a significant unsolved problem, which if solved, would create real value. Alasdair Tro�er (2013)
  • 11. 11 Six Lessons for Corpora�ons 4. Develop standard prac�ces for entrepreneurial methodology Alasdair Tro�er (2013) Define the problem/opportunity 22
  • 12. 12 Six Lessons for Corpora�ons 5. create a network of mentors and champions to support their entrepreneurs Alasdair Tro�er (2013) Six Lessons for Corpora�ons 6. Focus on specific business func�ons or exper�se in certain areas such as a par�cular technology or an industry ver�cal. Alasdair Tro�er (2013)
  • 13. 13 Issues to be addressed   How is funding provided? – by whom? – how much? – How long? – Priority?   Who controls the IP?   What is the structure of the legal en�ty created for the business?   What liabili�es are created? Uncertainty High velocity, or high uncertainty environments require simple rou�nes, and a dependence on people over process (Eisenhardt and Mar�n, 2000)
  • 14. 14 Diversity We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein References and Reading   h�ps://�on   h�ps://�on+hubs   Leifer, R., O'Connor, G. C., & Rice, M. (2001). Implemen�ng radical innova�on in mature firms: The role of hubs. The Academy of Management Execu�ve, 15(3), 102-113.   Knight, J. (2011). Educa�on hubs: A fad, a brand, an innova�on?. Journal of Studies in Interna�onal Educa�on, 15(3), 221-240.   Lange, A., Handler, D., & Vila, J. (2010). Next-Genera�on Clusters Crea�ng Innova�on Hubs To Boost Economic Growth. Cisco Internet Business Solu�ons Group.   Boardman, C., & Ponomariov, B. (2011). A preliminary assessment of the poten�al for “team science” in DOE Energy Innova�on Hubs and Energy Fron�er Research Centers. Energy Policy, 39(6), 3033-3035.   Da Cunha, I. V., & Selada, C. (2009). Crea�ve urban regenera�on: the case of innova�on hubs. Interna�onal Journal of Innova�on and Regional Development, 1(4), 371-386.   Tushman, M. L. (1997). Winning through innova�on. Strategy & Leadership, 25(4), 14-19.   Leifer, R. (2001). Implemen�ng radical innova�on in mature firms: The role of hubs. The Academy of Management Execu�ve (1993-2005), 15(3), 102-113.   Sta�s�c Brain Startup (2016) Business Failure Rate By Industry h�p://www.sta�s�   The Steve Jobs MBA Unit 103: Connect your people h�p://   Eisenhardt, K. M., & Mar�n, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabili�es: what are they?. Strategic management journal, 21(10-11), 1105-1121.   Crea�ng the future of mining [Accessed 12 MAR 2016] h�p://advanceqld.ini�a�   Tro�er, A. (2013) Six Lessons for Corpora�ons Building Innova�on Accelerators h�p://�on-resources/strategy-innova�on/six-lessons-for-corpora�ons-building- innova�on-accelerators.cfm   Toivonen, T. and N. Friederici (2015) Time to Define What a “Hub” Really Is h�p://�cles/entry/�me_to_define_what_a_hub_really_is#sthash.V44W3vxB.dpuf
  • 15. 15 Workshop 5: Using Social Capital to Build Capability What can you expect:   An insight of my study on leveraging Social Capital   2 collabora�ve ac�vi�es to explore techniques and aspects of Social Capital   Prizes for winning teams   A takeaway of the results 29 Ques�ons and Discussion will be at this a�ernoon’s forum 30