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              We d ne s d ay, J une , 20 11 6 :0 0 PM Po s te d b y Sup e rb Site
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              seem excessive? It is. I commonly see older patients who are taking over a doz en drugs a day. One drug, to

              cover up a symptom and another to cover up the resultant side effect. The more drugs, the more risk of side

cover up a symptom and another to cover up the resultant side effect. The more drugs, the more risk of side


Each year, more than 9.6 million adverse drug reactions occur in older Americans. Experts at the Food and

Drug Administration (FDA) estimate that only 10% percent of adverse reactions are ever reported. As we age
we tend to process drugs at a slower rate. Our liver and detoxification mechanisms are easily compromised.
The risk of an adverse drug reaction is 33% percent higher in adults between ages 50 to 59 than it is in

folks aged 40 to 49.                                                                                               Furniture

Expert's reports that almost one- third of the drugs prescribed to the elderly aren't needed and pose severe       Games

health risks. This is especially true for the psychotropic drugs, known as benz odiaz epines (Xanax, Valium,       Insurance

Ativan, Serax, Klonopin, etc.). Benz odiaz epines are central nervous system depressants that act on the
neurotransmitter GABA (gamma- amino butyric acid). GABA acts as a calming chemical as it transmits
messages from one cell to another. Directly or indirectly, these drugs influence almost every brain function

and   most other bodily     systems    including   the   central   nervous, neuromuscular, endocrine, and          Maps

gastrointestinal systems.                                                                                          Loan

Benz odiaz epines have numerous side effects, including poor sleep, seiz ures, mania, depression, suicide,         Music

ringing in the ears, amnesia, diz z iness, anxiety, disorientation, low blood pressure, nausea, fluid retention,
sexual dysfunction (decreased desire and performance), weakness, somnolence (prolonged drowsiness or

a trance- like condition that may continue for a number of days), headaches and tardive dyskinesia. A mind

boggling 40% of adults, 60 or older experience drug- induced tics or tardive dyskinesia (tremors or

uncontrollable shakes) from taking a benz odiaz epine drug. Sadly, for many, these tremors are permanent.

Over 61,000 older adults have developed Parkinson's disease from using antipsychotic drugs

(benz odiaz epines and antidepressants).

The crippling side effects and addictive nature of these drugs has been known for at least 40 years, yet

doctors continue prescribe them at an ever- increasing rate. Surveys show that over 5.6 million adults over

the age of 65 are now taking benz odiaz epines. A mouth dropping 50% of all women 60 and older will be

prescribed a benz odiaz epine drug. And since addiction often occurs within 2 to 4 weeks of starting these

drugs, the majority of folks are now dependant on these drugs. Tolerance to the hypnotic (sleep) effects of

these drugs may occur within one week. Symptoms of tolerance are identical to drug withdrawal symptoms

and may include anxiety, panic, severe insomnia, muscle pain and stiffness, depression, suicidal thoughts,

rage, heart and lung problems, and agoraphobia (extreme fear of public or crowded spaces). Tragically,

only 10 to 30% are able to successfully stop taking these drugs, most are addicted for life.

How sad to live a productive, active life, only to become addicted to a life- draining, mind- numbing drug, all

because you couldn't sleep or were a little agitated when the doctor visited the assisted living home the

week before. Seventy five percent of long- term- care residents receive psychotropic drugs. These drugs can

severely impair mental clarity, especially in the elderly. In a study in the state of Washington, in 46% of the

patients with drug- induced mental impairment, the problem was caused by minor tranquiliz ers or sleeping

pills (benz odiaz epines, Ambien or Lunesta.); and in 11% , by antipsychotic drugs (antidepressants). How

many of these folks are then erroneously diagnosed as having senile dementia, Alz heimer's, or worse?

Seniors taking benz odiaz epines and tricyclic antidepressant medications (Elavil, Traz adone, Doxepin,

Tofranil, etc.) are involved in a conservative, 16,000 auto accidents each year. These same drugs cause

over 32,000 seniors to fall and suffer hip fractures each year. And sadly, this contributes to the death of more

than 1,500 seniors each year. And even though they are promoted as being safer than older drugs, SSRI's

aren't without risk. Elderly patients taking Z oloft and other serotonin re- uptake inhibitor drugs (SSRI's), had

80% percent more falls than those not on antidepressants.

Sleeping pills (hypnotics) such as Ambien and Lunesta are not technically benz odiaz epines, but they act

by the same mechanisms and have the same effects on the brain and body.

Each year Americans consume 5 billion sleeping pills and sadly, 15,000 Americans die from taking sleeping


Excuse me, but has anyone ever heard of the over- the- counter supplement, melatonin? Melatonin is the

sleep hormone! Studies show that declining levels of the sleep hormone melatonin is the cause of their

poor- sleep. As we age our melatonin levels begin to drop. Older adults have one- third to one quarter the

amount of melatonin as younger adults.

Neurotransmitters and Essential Nutrients

Our patients and the public at large should know that the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) come from the

vitamins, minerals and amino acids contained in our foods. A deficiency in any of these nutrients can cause

an assortment of health related illnesses, especially mood and sleep disorders. Inhibitory or relaxing

neurotransmitters include serotonin and gamma- amino butyric acid (GABA). The neurotransmitter serotonin

is produced from the amino acid 5- hydroxytryptophan (5HTP). GABA is mainly produced from the amino acid


GABA, 5HTP, and L- Theanine

Both GABA and 5HTP, have a calming effect on the brain. Benz odiaz epines work by increasing the

effectiveness of GABA. But, as we've learned these drugs have potentially lethal side effects. Instead of

using a GABA additive loaded with potentially dangerous side effects, why not use an over- the- counter

GABA or 5HTP supplement to reduce anxiety, stress, or help with sleep? Both work rather quickly, have few

side effects, and can be found at the local health food store. Usually only a small dose of GABA is needed,

500- 1,000 mg. taken twice daily on an empty stomach. The brain doesn't readily absorb GABA, but another

amino acid known as L- theanine, can boost GABA levels. I often recommend L- theanine, an amino acid

found in green tea. It has a calming effect on the brain. For anxiety related disorders the usual dose is 50-

100mg taken on an empty stomach, two to three times daily.

Research with human volunteers has demonstrated that L- theanine creates its relaxing effect in

approximately 30 to 40 minutes after ingestion. Supplementing with the supplement 5- hydroxytrryptophan

(5HTP), a form of the amino acid tryptophan, helps raise serotonin levels. Studies show that 5HTP is as

effective in normaliz ing moods as antidepressant drugs. 5HTP also boosts melatonin levels by 200 percent.

The recommended dose is 100mg three times a day.

B- Vitamins and Mood

Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of folic acid in reversing depression. One study

showed that 92% of the folic acid group made a full recovery compared with only 70% of the control group

who took the standard prescription drug therapy. Those who received the folic acid spent only 23 days in

the hospital while those on prescription therapy alone averaged 33 hospital days.

Vitamin B- 1, also known as Thiamin, is important for proper cell function, especially nerve cells. It is

involved in the production of acetylcholine. This nerve chemical is directly related to memory and physical,

as well as mental energy. A deficiency of Vitamin B- 1 can lead to fatigue, mental confusion, emaciation,

depression, irritability, upset stomach, nausea, and tingling in the extremities. Vitamin B- 1 has been

reported to be deficient in almost 50 percent of the elderly. Could this be one of the reasons pre- senile

dementia and Alz heimer's disease have increased so dramatically over the last few decades?

Vitamin B12 helps form the myelin sheath that insulates nerve processes. This sheath allows rapid

communication from one cell to another. A deficiency of B- 12 can cause a reduction in mental acuity,

evidenced by poor memory. Could this be the cause of their Alz heimer's or senile dementia? Both

Alz heimer's and senile dementia can be due to an overlooked deficiency of Vitamin B- 12. Calcium, which is

dependant on adequate stomach acid, is necessary for normal absorption of B- 12. A Vitamin B- 12

deficiency is usually caused by malabsorption and is mainly seen in elderly patients taking antacids or acid

blocking drugs (Tagament, Prilosec, Tums, Nexium, Z antac, etc.). Because this deficiency is routinely seen

in the elderly, I believe everyone over the age of 60 should be taking sublingual Vitamin B- 12.

Isn't it time we start Saving Our Seniors from life- draining, mind- numbing drugs?

By educating our patients and the public that the right nutrients add years to their lives and life to their

years, we could help Stop the Overdosing of our Seniors on dangerous drugs they don't need.

1. Wolfe s, et al. " Worst Pills Best Pills A Consumer's Guide To Avoiding Drug- Induced Death or Illness,"

Pocket Books New York, NY, 1999.

2. Ray WA, Griffin MR, Shorr RI. Adverse drug reactions and the elderly. Health Affairs 1990; 9: 114 - 122.

3. David N. Juurlink, M.D., Ph.D., et al., " The Risk of Suicide With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in

the Elderly," American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 163, No. 5, May 2006, pp. 813- 821.

4. Vestal RE;, ed. Drug Treatment in the Elderly. Sydney, Australia: ADIS Health Science Press, 1984.

5. Ray WA, Fought RL, Decker MD. Psychoactive drugs and the risk of injurious motor vehicle crashes in

elderly drivers. American Journal of Epidemiology Oct 1, 1992; 136: 873 - 883.

6. The estimate of 32,000 hip fractures in older adults is based on projecting the findings of this study of

drug- induced hip fractures in older Michigan Medicaid patients to the entire country.

7. Ray WA, Griffin MR, Schaffner W, Baugh DK, Melton LJ. Psychotropic drug use and the risk of hip fracture.

New England Journal of Medicine Feb 12, 1987; 316: 363 - 369.

8. Larson EB, Kukull WA, Buchner D, Reifler BV. Adverse drug reactions associated with global cognitive

impairment in elderly persons. Annals of Internal Medicine Aug 1987; 107: 169 - 173.

9. Fletcher SW, Colditz GA. Failure of estrogen plus progestin therapy for prevention. JAMA . 2002 Jul

17;288(3):366- 8.

10. Dealberto MJ, Seeman T, McAvay GJ, et al: Factors related to current and subsequent psychotropic

drug use in an elderly cohort. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 50:357- 364,1997.

11.Avorn J: Drug prescribing, drug taking, adverse reactions, and compliance in elderly patients, in Clinical

Geriatric Psychopharmacology. Edited by Salz man C. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.

12. Murphree, R. " Treating and Beating Anxiety and Depression with Orthomolecular Medicine," Harrison

and Hampton Publishing, Birmingham, AL. 2006.

13. Kelly, G.S. Folates: supplemental forms and therapeutic applications. Altern. Med. Rev. 1998 Jun; 3(3):

208- 20.

14. Carney, M.W. Neuropsychiatric disorders associated with nutritional deficiencies. Incidence and

therapeutic implications. CNS Drugs 1995; 3(4): 279- 90.

15. Coppen, A., Bailey, J. Enhancement of the antidepressant action of fluoxetine by folic acid: a

randomiz ed, placebo- controlled trial. J. Affect. Disorders 2000; 60: 121- 30.

16. Yokogoshi H, Kobayashi M, Mochiz uki M, et al. Effect of theanine, r- glutamylethylamide, on brain

monoamines and striatal dopamine release in conscious rats. Neurochem Res. 1998 May;23(5):667- 73.

17. Drs. PeterM. Brooks and Richard O. Day, New England Jour of Med, 1991;324(24): 1716- 25.

18. Evans LK. " Sundown syndrome in institutional elederly." Jour of Am Geri Soc. 1987; 35:101- 8.

              About Dr. Murphree

              Dr. Murphree is a board certified nutritional specialist and chiropractic physician who has been in private

              practice since 1990. He is the founder and past clinic director for a large integrated medical practice

              located on the campus of Brookwood Hospital in Birmingham Alabama. The clinic was staffed with medical

              doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, and massage therapists. The clinic combined

              prescription and natural medicines for acute and chronic illnesses. He is the author of 5 books for patients

              and doctors, including " Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," " " Heart

              Disease What Your Doctor Won't Tell You'" and " Treating and Beating Anxiety and Depression with

              Orthomolecular Medicine." His website is at

              klo no p in ave rag e d o se Inf o rmat io n

d eare a nipn lk
  g v oo
              We d ne s d ay,J une , 20 11 6 :0 0 PM Po s te d b y Sup e rb Site

Despite making up only 14% percent of the U.S. population, those 65 and over

consume more than one third of all prescription drugs. Senior citiz ens take an

average of 25 prescriptions a year. No one wants to go back to the days before

antibiotics, insulin, and other life- saving drugs, but doesn't 25 prescriptions a

year seem excessive?

                       CO PYRIG HT (C) 20 11 SUPERBSITE.INFO . ALL RIG HTS RESERVED.
                                    KLO NO PIN AVERAG E DO SE | PRIVACY


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  • 1. klonopin average dose d eare a nipn lk g v oo advertisement We d ne s d ay, J une , 20 11 6 :0 0 PM Po s te d b y Sup e rb Site Klo no pin (Ge ne ric) 2m g x 30 Brand Name and Generic pills No prior Prescription - FREE Doctor Consult - Secure & Discreet SOS - Save Our Seniors Worldwide Delivery... By Rodger Murphree Klo no pin 2m g x 30 pills $ 119 Buy Hight Quality Pills Without Prescription! We accept VISA, E- Despite making up only 14% percent of the Check. EMS/USPS, Express Airmail delivery 5- 8 days $34 U.S. population, those 65 and over consume more than one third of all Klo no pin (Clo naze pam ) 2m g x Klonopin (Clonaz epam) 1mg, 2mg. prescription drugs. Senior citiz ens take an VISA,E- Check accepted. Worldwide average of 25 prescriptions a year. No one Express Shipping 5- 8 days $34 wants to go back to the days before antibiotics, insulin, and other life- saving drugs, but doesn't 25 prescriptions a year search the web seem excessive? It is. I commonly see older patients who are taking over a doz en drugs a day. One drug, to cover up a symptom and another to cover up the resultant side effect. The more drugs, the more risk of side
  • 2. cover up a symptom and another to cover up the resultant side effect. The more drugs, the more risk of side effects. Each year, more than 9.6 million adverse drug reactions occur in older Americans. Experts at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimate that only 10% percent of adverse reactions are ever reported. As we age Finance we tend to process drugs at a slower rate. Our liver and detoxification mechanisms are easily compromised. Hotels The risk of an adverse drug reaction is 33% percent higher in adults between ages 50 to 59 than it is in folks aged 40 to 49. Furniture Expert's reports that almost one- third of the drugs prescribed to the elderly aren't needed and pose severe Games health risks. This is especially true for the psychotropic drugs, known as benz odiaz epines (Xanax, Valium, Insurance Ativan, Serax, Klonopin, etc.). Benz odiaz epines are central nervous system depressants that act on the Cars neurotransmitter GABA (gamma- amino butyric acid). GABA acts as a calming chemical as it transmits Movies messages from one cell to another. Directly or indirectly, these drugs influence almost every brain function and most other bodily systems including the central nervous, neuromuscular, endocrine, and Maps gastrointestinal systems. Loan Benz odiaz epines have numerous side effects, including poor sleep, seiz ures, mania, depression, suicide, Music ringing in the ears, amnesia, diz z iness, anxiety, disorientation, low blood pressure, nausea, fluid retention, Travel sexual dysfunction (decreased desire and performance), weakness, somnolence (prolonged drowsiness or a trance- like condition that may continue for a number of days), headaches and tardive dyskinesia. A mind boggling 40% of adults, 60 or older experience drug- induced tics or tardive dyskinesia (tremors or uncontrollable shakes) from taking a benz odiaz epine drug. Sadly, for many, these tremors are permanent. Over 61,000 older adults have developed Parkinson's disease from using antipsychotic drugs (benz odiaz epines and antidepressants). The crippling side effects and addictive nature of these drugs has been known for at least 40 years, yet doctors continue prescribe them at an ever- increasing rate. Surveys show that over 5.6 million adults over the age of 65 are now taking benz odiaz epines. A mouth dropping 50% of all women 60 and older will be
  • 3. prescribed a benz odiaz epine drug. And since addiction often occurs within 2 to 4 weeks of starting these drugs, the majority of folks are now dependant on these drugs. Tolerance to the hypnotic (sleep) effects of these drugs may occur within one week. Symptoms of tolerance are identical to drug withdrawal symptoms and may include anxiety, panic, severe insomnia, muscle pain and stiffness, depression, suicidal thoughts, rage, heart and lung problems, and agoraphobia (extreme fear of public or crowded spaces). Tragically, only 10 to 30% are able to successfully stop taking these drugs, most are addicted for life. How sad to live a productive, active life, only to become addicted to a life- draining, mind- numbing drug, all because you couldn't sleep or were a little agitated when the doctor visited the assisted living home the week before. Seventy five percent of long- term- care residents receive psychotropic drugs. These drugs can severely impair mental clarity, especially in the elderly. In a study in the state of Washington, in 46% of the patients with drug- induced mental impairment, the problem was caused by minor tranquiliz ers or sleeping pills (benz odiaz epines, Ambien or Lunesta.); and in 11% , by antipsychotic drugs (antidepressants). How many of these folks are then erroneously diagnosed as having senile dementia, Alz heimer's, or worse? Seniors taking benz odiaz epines and tricyclic antidepressant medications (Elavil, Traz adone, Doxepin, Tofranil, etc.) are involved in a conservative, 16,000 auto accidents each year. These same drugs cause over 32,000 seniors to fall and suffer hip fractures each year. And sadly, this contributes to the death of more than 1,500 seniors each year. And even though they are promoted as being safer than older drugs, SSRI's aren't without risk. Elderly patients taking Z oloft and other serotonin re- uptake inhibitor drugs (SSRI's), had 80% percent more falls than those not on antidepressants. Sleeping pills (hypnotics) such as Ambien and Lunesta are not technically benz odiaz epines, but they act by the same mechanisms and have the same effects on the brain and body. Each year Americans consume 5 billion sleeping pills and sadly, 15,000 Americans die from taking sleeping pills. Excuse me, but has anyone ever heard of the over- the- counter supplement, melatonin? Melatonin is the sleep hormone! Studies show that declining levels of the sleep hormone melatonin is the cause of their poor- sleep. As we age our melatonin levels begin to drop. Older adults have one- third to one quarter the
  • 4. amount of melatonin as younger adults. Neurotransmitters and Essential Nutrients Our patients and the public at large should know that the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) come from the vitamins, minerals and amino acids contained in our foods. A deficiency in any of these nutrients can cause an assortment of health related illnesses, especially mood and sleep disorders. Inhibitory or relaxing neurotransmitters include serotonin and gamma- amino butyric acid (GABA). The neurotransmitter serotonin is produced from the amino acid 5- hydroxytryptophan (5HTP). GABA is mainly produced from the amino acid glutamine. GABA, 5HTP, and L- Theanine Both GABA and 5HTP, have a calming effect on the brain. Benz odiaz epines work by increasing the effectiveness of GABA. But, as we've learned these drugs have potentially lethal side effects. Instead of using a GABA additive loaded with potentially dangerous side effects, why not use an over- the- counter GABA or 5HTP supplement to reduce anxiety, stress, or help with sleep? Both work rather quickly, have few side effects, and can be found at the local health food store. Usually only a small dose of GABA is needed, 500- 1,000 mg. taken twice daily on an empty stomach. The brain doesn't readily absorb GABA, but another amino acid known as L- theanine, can boost GABA levels. I often recommend L- theanine, an amino acid found in green tea. It has a calming effect on the brain. For anxiety related disorders the usual dose is 50- 100mg taken on an empty stomach, two to three times daily. Research with human volunteers has demonstrated that L- theanine creates its relaxing effect in approximately 30 to 40 minutes after ingestion. Supplementing with the supplement 5- hydroxytrryptophan (5HTP), a form of the amino acid tryptophan, helps raise serotonin levels. Studies show that 5HTP is as effective in normaliz ing moods as antidepressant drugs. 5HTP also boosts melatonin levels by 200 percent. The recommended dose is 100mg three times a day. B- Vitamins and Mood
  • 5. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of folic acid in reversing depression. One study showed that 92% of the folic acid group made a full recovery compared with only 70% of the control group who took the standard prescription drug therapy. Those who received the folic acid spent only 23 days in the hospital while those on prescription therapy alone averaged 33 hospital days. Vitamin B- 1, also known as Thiamin, is important for proper cell function, especially nerve cells. It is involved in the production of acetylcholine. This nerve chemical is directly related to memory and physical, as well as mental energy. A deficiency of Vitamin B- 1 can lead to fatigue, mental confusion, emaciation, depression, irritability, upset stomach, nausea, and tingling in the extremities. Vitamin B- 1 has been reported to be deficient in almost 50 percent of the elderly. Could this be one of the reasons pre- senile dementia and Alz heimer's disease have increased so dramatically over the last few decades? Vitamin B12 helps form the myelin sheath that insulates nerve processes. This sheath allows rapid communication from one cell to another. A deficiency of B- 12 can cause a reduction in mental acuity, evidenced by poor memory. Could this be the cause of their Alz heimer's or senile dementia? Both Alz heimer's and senile dementia can be due to an overlooked deficiency of Vitamin B- 12. Calcium, which is dependant on adequate stomach acid, is necessary for normal absorption of B- 12. A Vitamin B- 12 deficiency is usually caused by malabsorption and is mainly seen in elderly patients taking antacids or acid blocking drugs (Tagament, Prilosec, Tums, Nexium, Z antac, etc.). Because this deficiency is routinely seen in the elderly, I believe everyone over the age of 60 should be taking sublingual Vitamin B- 12. Isn't it time we start Saving Our Seniors from life- draining, mind- numbing drugs? By educating our patients and the public that the right nutrients add years to their lives and life to their years, we could help Stop the Overdosing of our Seniors on dangerous drugs they don't need. 1. Wolfe s, et al. " Worst Pills Best Pills A Consumer's Guide To Avoiding Drug- Induced Death or Illness," Pocket Books New York, NY, 1999. 2. Ray WA, Griffin MR, Shorr RI. Adverse drug reactions and the elderly. Health Affairs 1990; 9: 114 - 122. 3. David N. Juurlink, M.D., Ph.D., et al., " The Risk of Suicide With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in
  • 6. the Elderly," American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 163, No. 5, May 2006, pp. 813- 821. 4. Vestal RE;, ed. Drug Treatment in the Elderly. Sydney, Australia: ADIS Health Science Press, 1984. 5. Ray WA, Fought RL, Decker MD. Psychoactive drugs and the risk of injurious motor vehicle crashes in elderly drivers. American Journal of Epidemiology Oct 1, 1992; 136: 873 - 883. 6. The estimate of 32,000 hip fractures in older adults is based on projecting the findings of this study of drug- induced hip fractures in older Michigan Medicaid patients to the entire country. 7. Ray WA, Griffin MR, Schaffner W, Baugh DK, Melton LJ. Psychotropic drug use and the risk of hip fracture. New England Journal of Medicine Feb 12, 1987; 316: 363 - 369. 8. Larson EB, Kukull WA, Buchner D, Reifler BV. Adverse drug reactions associated with global cognitive impairment in elderly persons. Annals of Internal Medicine Aug 1987; 107: 169 - 173. 9. Fletcher SW, Colditz GA. Failure of estrogen plus progestin therapy for prevention. JAMA . 2002 Jul 17;288(3):366- 8. 10. Dealberto MJ, Seeman T, McAvay GJ, et al: Factors related to current and subsequent psychotropic drug use in an elderly cohort. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 50:357- 364,1997. 11.Avorn J: Drug prescribing, drug taking, adverse reactions, and compliance in elderly patients, in Clinical Geriatric Psychopharmacology. Edited by Salz man C. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998. 12. Murphree, R. " Treating and Beating Anxiety and Depression with Orthomolecular Medicine," Harrison and Hampton Publishing, Birmingham, AL. 2006. 13. Kelly, G.S. Folates: supplemental forms and therapeutic applications. Altern. Med. Rev. 1998 Jun; 3(3): 208- 20. 14. Carney, M.W. Neuropsychiatric disorders associated with nutritional deficiencies. Incidence and therapeutic implications. CNS Drugs 1995; 3(4): 279- 90. 15. Coppen, A., Bailey, J. Enhancement of the antidepressant action of fluoxetine by folic acid: a randomiz ed, placebo- controlled trial. J. Affect. Disorders 2000; 60: 121- 30. 16. Yokogoshi H, Kobayashi M, Mochiz uki M, et al. Effect of theanine, r- glutamylethylamide, on brain monoamines and striatal dopamine release in conscious rats. Neurochem Res. 1998 May;23(5):667- 73. 17. Drs. PeterM. Brooks and Richard O. Day, New England Jour of Med, 1991;324(24): 1716- 25.
  • 7. 18. Evans LK. " Sundown syndrome in institutional elederly." Jour of Am Geri Soc. 1987; 35:101- 8. About Dr. Murphree Dr. Murphree is a board certified nutritional specialist and chiropractic physician who has been in private practice since 1990. He is the founder and past clinic director for a large integrated medical practice located on the campus of Brookwood Hospital in Birmingham Alabama. The clinic was staffed with medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, and massage therapists. The clinic combined prescription and natural medicines for acute and chronic illnesses. He is the author of 5 books for patients and doctors, including " Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," " " Heart Disease What Your Doctor Won't Tell You'" and " Treating and Beating Anxiety and Depression with Orthomolecular Medicine." His website is at klo no p in ave rag e d o se Inf o rmat io n d eare a nipn lk g v oo We d ne s d ay,J une , 20 11 6 :0 0 PM Po s te d b y Sup e rb Site
  • 8. Despite making up only 14% percent of the U.S. population, those 65 and over consume more than one third of all prescription drugs. Senior citiz ens take an average of 25 prescriptions a year. No one wants to go back to the days before antibiotics, insulin, and other life- saving drugs, but doesn't 25 prescriptions a year seem excessive? CO PYRIG HT (C) 20 11 SUPERBSITE.INFO . ALL RIG HTS RESERVED. KLO NO PIN AVERAG E DO SE | PRIVACY