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Thank you for investing in something that will
outlive you and last for eternity.
Guatemala Clinic
Refugee Relief
Humanitarian Aid
Church Planting
Clean Water
In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. He prays, “your kingdom
come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, ESV)
We are called to bring the kingdom of heaven here on earth through our prayers
and through our actions. That is what Kingdom Partners is about and it is exactly
what you have continued to do.
Every year you take another step of faith, pouring into the lives of people you
might never meet. Because of you, men, women, and children have access to
food, clean water, and education. But, most importantly, you have demonstrated
Christ’s love through your actions.
Your dedication and passion for the world continue to inspire me and I am
proud to work alongside Kingdom Partners to transform this world for Christ.
Help for today ... Hope for tomorrow.
Vernon Brewer
Founder and President, World Help
Since Kingdom Partners first began partnering with World Help, you have
impacted approximately 1.8 million of the most vulnerable people on
earth. You have provided them with help for today and hope for tomorrow.
As we count down the days to a new year, I can’t help but think of the countless
people who will begin this next year with hope for a new life — all because
of Kingdom Partners. I am amazed at the hope and transformation you have
delivered to those in desperate need. You really are changing the world.
Because of you, children all around India are coming to know the love and
goodness of the Lord. In 2017, you sent hundreds of children to Vacation
Bible School where they received nutritious food and the chance to hear
that God loves them. You also raised the funds to renovate Gilgal Children’s
Home, making room for more children, like Nemlaldeih.
“I hope to become a doctor one day so
I can help sick people like my parents.
I believe that since God is with me, it is
OK to dream these big dreams. He will
help me reach them,” Nemlaldeih said.
By the age of 5, Nemlaldeih had lost both parents to illness. She went to live with her
grandparents, but they were unable to provide an education or food for her. A traveling
evangelist heard Nemlaldeih’s story and told her grandparents about Gilgal Children’s
Home. Nemlaldeih has now been at the home for more than 10 years. During those
years she has experienced the love of God through your compassionate gifts.
“I am forever grateful to Gilgal and our
donors for the love I receive. You have
never met me, but you love me anyway.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.”
Your investment in the Vernon Brewer Secondary School will make an eternal difference,
giving children the opportunity to learn and thrive. Construction is anticipated to be
completed by February 2018. Nemlaldeih is just one of the hundreds of children who
have been impacted by your generosity.
During recent years, Kingdom Partners has been the hands
and feet of Jesus to communities across Guatemala.
Thank you for your commitment to
transforming the lives of the people in
Tasharte. Because of you, many people
are open to the Gospel for the first time.
Your dedication to Village Transformation has provided physical help through clean-
water wells, medical clinics, feeding programs, and more. Because of you, villages
like Tasharte are experiencing the love of Jesus.
The people of Tasharte will now have hope for years to come as they experience
transformation on every level. With three new classrooms and new bathrooms in the
village school, there will be more room for children to learn and a playground will give
them a safe place to play. And the new church building and home for the pastor will
continue to grow their ministry in this village. More people will have a place to come and
hear about Jesus.
For the people of Guatemala, poverty and a lack of access to medical
care has created a devastating cycle. Many families do not have the
resources to care for their children. But you are changing their story.
Diabetes and immune disorders are common problems in rural areas of Guatemala.
Dialysis is expensive and inaccessible for most, but the medical clinic you provided will
give Guatemalans living in remote villages access to over 20 hemodialysis machines.
Families will finally be able to receive the help they need, when they need it. Through
those machines alone, you are changing the lives of thousands.
And by helping expand Kelly’s House, 40 more children like Daisy will receive the
specialized care they need!
Daisy came to Kelly’s House from an orphanage in Guatemala City. When the
orphanage closed down, Daisy had nowhere to go … until you stepped in. The five new
bedrooms, three bathrooms, and new therapy room you provided allow the staff to
provide more children like her with love and care.. Today Daisy is safe and happy and
has a hope for the future — all because you made room for her.
There are more refugees around the world today than any
other time since World War II, but nowhere is the situation
worse than the Middle East.
Your support allowed us to ship lifesaving
supplies such as water, food, warm clothes, and
shelter to refugees in need. You also funded a
mobile medical clinic that continues to meet
the needs of displaced people in the Middle
East. Children are able to go to school and many
have received Bibles in their own language.
Thank you for providing hope
for refugees as they continue
to face an uncertain future.
Abdel — whose name we’ve changed to protect his identity — and his family of nine fled
their war-torn village in Syria and settled in a refugee camp in Jordan. At 13, Abdel was the
breadwinner for his family.
He would hunt through the trash for scraps of rotten food to feed his family or sell as food for
livestock. The money from selling this stale bread was barely enough to live on.
But thanks to your generosity, families like Abdel’s received much-needed aid.
When disaster strikes, countless people experience dire circumstances
and are in urgent need of emergency supplies. You helped make sure
men, women, and children received food, clean water, medical supplies,
and more when they needed it most.
But because of the medical equipment and
the funds you provided to local hospitals in
Guatemala, Teresa is receiving the proper
treatments — for free!
This year, multiple hurricanes devastated countries such as Cuba and Puerto Rico.
Thousands were without access to food, clean water, shelter, and medical care. The
demand was great and you responded quickly, providing emergency supplies that
helped save lives.
You also helped send lifesaving supplies to places including Honduras, Guatemala, and
the Middle East. You made an eternal difference for people like the Paz family.
Teresa Paz has spent most of her young life battling major respiratory issues — but her
parents were too poor to afford the medical care she needed.
Your quick and generous
responses have been the
difference between life
and death for countless
people around the world.
In communities around Thailand and India, women bear the brunt
of their families’ financial responsibilities. From a young age, girls are
forced to believe that their only viable option is to sell their bodies. They
spend their lives exploited and abused, unaware of their own worth.
But because of your support, girls like Suda
can choose a better life. Suda became
connected with the Freedom Center in
Pattaya where she received an education
and emotional support. Today, she has
completed high school and dreams of
attending college and starting a new career.
But you have helped young women regain their freedom … you’ve helped show them
the love of Jesus.
Suda, whose name we’ve changed to protect her identity, has been sold five times — the first
when she was just 11 years old. She should have been playing with friends and attending
school. Instead, Suda had to sell her body to provide for her family. She was considered
property, her ability to choose completely taken from her. Without an education, Suda
would never have a chance at freedom.
Thank you for giving
freedom to Suda and
hundreds of girls like her.
The people of Nepal have remained close to your heart. You stepped in after the
devastating earthquake in 2015 to rebuild Grace Children’s Home in Chaku. You
provided for countless children when they felt all hope had been lost.
“We are very happy to live in such a beautiful and secure building. We now have space
for a separate study hall, dining hall, and larger rooms for both boys and girls. There’s a
compound where the children can play and solar panels to help heat water and provide
reliable electricity.” – Pastor Kam, director of Grace Children’s Home
Because of you, Grace Children’s
Home has brand new facilities that
are bigger and better than ever,
housing 60 orphaned children.
“I would like [to thank] God and Kingdom
Partners for providing this building. I feel
that I am a lucky person because my life is
totally changed by this children’s home.”
For the people of Uganda, hope is often a rare commodity. Poverty and
illness are all too common. But Destiny Villages of Hope is making a
difference thanks to the help of Kingdom Partners.
You helped complete a secondary boys home in Uganda and it is changing the life of
boys like Hassan. Hassan came to Destiny when he was 5 years old. He was one of eight
children living in the slums of Katwe, where even basic survival was not guaranteed. He
came to the Villages of Hope looking for just that — hope.
Even in its early years, there was rarely enough space at Destiny Villages of Hope to
accommodate all the children who needed help. Children came from all over Uganda,
each with different background stories and different needs. You helped ensure they were
able to take in more young boys in need.
Thank you for making room for
boys like Hassan. Because of you,
they have a safe place to live and
receive a quality education.
“We thank God that He has given us a
provision of this new dormitory. I have
a bed and plenty of space and we are
all very happy. Life here is wonderful.”
Kingdom Partners has always been passionate about caring for God’s
most precious possession — His children! This year, Kingdom Partners has
sponsored 95 children in 10 countries. Without your support, these children
would be susceptible to illness, malnutrition, and more. Most would be
unable to afford an education and would remain in a cycle of poverty.
Because of you, many children like Santosh
have a bright future. You provided them with
necessary education, but you also allowed
them to learn about the love of Jesus.
But you stepped in and are making a difference in the lives of these children. You are
letting boys and girls like Santosh know that they are valuable — to you and to God.
His father died of leprosy when Santosh was a young boy. His mother was unable to care
for her four children alone. But because of you, Santosh and his younger sister were able
to live at the children’s home in India. They were able to go to school, play sports with
friends, and above all learn about Jesus.
“I am very thankful for my
sponsors who supported
me through my education.”
At its core, Kingdom Partners has always been committed to sharing the
message of Christ. This year, you helped church planters around the
world establish more than 2,000 new churches.
When you plant a church in places such as India, Nepal, China, and Cuba, you give an
entire community access to true transformation. Through the local church, Kingdom
Partners has been able to reach countless lives. In rural communities, the church plant
becomes the home for feeding programs, school classrooms, medical clinics, and more.
As the church grows, more and more people are reached with the Gospel.
Your gifts empowered local pastors to
spread God’s love to the people in their
communities. You are making an eternal
impact and reaching the world for Christ.
The church in Cuba is growing and working hard to share the love of Christ with its
community — and it is changing the lives of people like Theo.
Theo, whose name we’ve changed to protect him and his family, labored long and hard
in a field to provide for his wife and children. One day Theo was attacked by a wild
animal. He survived but was hospitalized and unable to care for his children. He worried
a lot — how would his family survive?
That’s where the local church stepped in.
Believers began to visit Theo in the hospital
and made sure his children never went
hungry. Theo came to know the love of
Jesus as he watched them minister to his
family. When he came out of the hospital,
Theo even offered his home as a meeting
place for the church.
“Here is my family and
my humble house at the
service of the Lord.”
Thank you for showing the compassion of Jesus to the people of Cuba.
Your kindness and generosity are transforming the entire country.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
(Psalm 119:105, ESV)
In a world of great darkness, only God’s Word can bring light. Kingdom Partners is
dedicated to getting the Word of God into the hands of those who need it the most.
This year, you provided 325 Bibles, impacting 2,250 people! You helped distribute God’s
Word in places such as North Korea, the Middle East, and Cuba. When someone receives
a Bible for the first time, the joy that overcomes him is incredible. You have given eternal
hope to people like Min.
“I have no other wish in my life. I have
prayed for a Bible for so long.”
Thank you for giving Bibles to men,
women, and children in some of the
world’s darkest places. You are bringing
a light that will last for eternity.
From the very beginning, you committed to breaking the cycle of poverty
by providing clean water. This year, you provided 10 water projects in six
countries. You impacted 8,190 people with the gift of clean water!
Edith is 24 years old and a mother to 7-month-old twins. She was born and raised in Kenya,
where most young women walk long distances to collect water. But now, you provided her
with a clean-water well in her own village! You helped change her life!
I am grateful to World Help for the
clean water they provided us. We are
blessed as the water is abundant and
clean. This is a great blessing to the
whole Gilgal family.
You also helped provide a water filtration
system at Gilgal Children’s Home in India.
Now, they have clean water for drinking,
cooking, and cleaning. You have made a
huge impact with clean water.
We cannot thank you enough for the impact you are making!
Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the
chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set
the oppressed free and to break every yoke?
(Isaiah 58:6, NIV)
In 2017, you raised $1,497,594, impacting 182,347 lives.
We cannot wait to see what you will do in the years to come.
This year alone, Kingdom Partners collected over
$390,000 through fundraisers!
Turkey Wobble
Golf Tournament
Night of Freedom
Through your fundraising efforts, you reached people with
the good news that God sees them and He cares for them.
Through your dedication you are achieving just that. This
year you have been the hands and feet of Jesus in some of
the world’s most difficult places. You’ve defied the odds and
because of that, lives are being transformed.
Kingdom Partners is a dynamic group of passionate world changers. For nearly
two decades, you have worked tirelessly to meet the needs of the sick, the poor,
and the hungry, and the impact you’ve made around the world is incredible.
Thank you for fighting for hope in a world that’s often filled with darkness.
World Help is beyond grateful for your partnership during the past 18 years.
Because of your direct involvement since 1999, you have raised $10,286,757 to
provide help for today and hope for tomorrow.
Kingdom Partners Results in 2017

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Kingdom Partners 2017

  • 1. P.O. Box 501 Forest, VA 24551 800-541-6691 @world_help Thank you for investing in something that will outlive you and last for eternity. 2017
  • 2. India Guatemala Guatemala Clinic Refugee Relief Humanitarian Aid Freedom Nepal Uganda Sponsorship Church Planting Cuba Bibles Clean Water Fundraising Impact 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 30 In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. He prays, “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, ESV) We are called to bring the kingdom of heaven here on earth through our prayers and through our actions. That is what Kingdom Partners is about and it is exactly what you have continued to do. Every year you take another step of faith, pouring into the lives of people you might never meet. Because of you, men, women, and children have access to food, clean water, and education. But, most importantly, you have demonstrated Christ’s love through your actions. Your dedication and passion for the world continue to inspire me and I am proud to work alongside Kingdom Partners to transform this world for Christ. Help for today ... Hope for tomorrow. Vernon Brewer Founder and President, World Help CONTENTS LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Since Kingdom Partners first began partnering with World Help, you have impacted approximately 1.8 million of the most vulnerable people on earth. You have provided them with help for today and hope for tomorrow. As we count down the days to a new year, I can’t help but think of the countless people who will begin this next year with hope for a new life — all because of Kingdom Partners. I am amazed at the hope and transformation you have delivered to those in desperate need. You really are changing the world.
  • 3. Because of you, children all around India are coming to know the love and goodness of the Lord. In 2017, you sent hundreds of children to Vacation Bible School where they received nutritious food and the chance to hear that God loves them. You also raised the funds to renovate Gilgal Children’s Home, making room for more children, like Nemlaldeih. “I hope to become a doctor one day so I can help sick people like my parents. I believe that since God is with me, it is OK to dream these big dreams. He will help me reach them,” Nemlaldeih said. By the age of 5, Nemlaldeih had lost both parents to illness. She went to live with her grandparents, but they were unable to provide an education or food for her. A traveling evangelist heard Nemlaldeih’s story and told her grandparents about Gilgal Children’s Home. Nemlaldeih has now been at the home for more than 10 years. During those years she has experienced the love of God through your compassionate gifts. “I am forever grateful to Gilgal and our donors for the love I receive. You have never met me, but you love me anyway. Thank you for giving to the Lord.” Nemlaldeih Your investment in the Vernon Brewer Secondary School will make an eternal difference, giving children the opportunity to learn and thrive. Construction is anticipated to be completed by February 2018. Nemlaldeih is just one of the hundreds of children who have been impacted by your generosity. 3 INDIA
  • 4. During recent years, Kingdom Partners has been the hands and feet of Jesus to communities across Guatemala. Thank you for your commitment to transforming the lives of the people in Tasharte. Because of you, many people are open to the Gospel for the first time. Your dedication to Village Transformation has provided physical help through clean- water wells, medical clinics, feeding programs, and more. Because of you, villages like Tasharte are experiencing the love of Jesus. The people of Tasharte will now have hope for years to come as they experience transformation on every level. With three new classrooms and new bathrooms in the village school, there will be more room for children to learn and a playground will give them a safe place to play. And the new church building and home for the pastor will continue to grow their ministry in this village. More people will have a place to come and hear about Jesus. 5 GUATEMALA
  • 5. For the people of Guatemala, poverty and a lack of access to medical care has created a devastating cycle. Many families do not have the resources to care for their children. But you are changing their story. Diabetes and immune disorders are common problems in rural areas of Guatemala. Dialysis is expensive and inaccessible for most, but the medical clinic you provided will give Guatemalans living in remote villages access to over 20 hemodialysis machines. Families will finally be able to receive the help they need, when they need it. Through those machines alone, you are changing the lives of thousands. And by helping expand Kelly’s House, 40 more children like Daisy will receive the specialized care they need! Daisy came to Kelly’s House from an orphanage in Guatemala City. When the orphanage closed down, Daisy had nowhere to go … until you stepped in. The five new bedrooms, three bathrooms, and new therapy room you provided allow the staff to provide more children like her with love and care.. Today Daisy is safe and happy and has a hope for the future — all because you made room for her. 7 GUATEMALA CLINIC
  • 6. There are more refugees around the world today than any other time since World War II, but nowhere is the situation worse than the Middle East. Your support allowed us to ship lifesaving supplies such as water, food, warm clothes, and shelter to refugees in need. You also funded a mobile medical clinic that continues to meet the needs of displaced people in the Middle East. Children are able to go to school and many have received Bibles in their own language. Thank you for providing hope for refugees as they continue to face an uncertain future. Abdel — whose name we’ve changed to protect his identity — and his family of nine fled their war-torn village in Syria and settled in a refugee camp in Jordan. At 13, Abdel was the breadwinner for his family. He would hunt through the trash for scraps of rotten food to feed his family or sell as food for livestock. The money from selling this stale bread was barely enough to live on. But thanks to your generosity, families like Abdel’s received much-needed aid. 9 REFUGEE RELIEF
  • 7. When disaster strikes, countless people experience dire circumstances and are in urgent need of emergency supplies. You helped make sure men, women, and children received food, clean water, medical supplies, and more when they needed it most. But because of the medical equipment and the funds you provided to local hospitals in Guatemala, Teresa is receiving the proper treatments — for free! This year, multiple hurricanes devastated countries such as Cuba and Puerto Rico. Thousands were without access to food, clean water, shelter, and medical care. The demand was great and you responded quickly, providing emergency supplies that helped save lives. You also helped send lifesaving supplies to places including Honduras, Guatemala, and the Middle East. You made an eternal difference for people like the Paz family. Teresa Paz has spent most of her young life battling major respiratory issues — but her parents were too poor to afford the medical care she needed. Your quick and generous responses have been the difference between life and death for countless people around the world. 11 HUMANITARIAN AID
  • 8. In communities around Thailand and India, women bear the brunt of their families’ financial responsibilities. From a young age, girls are forced to believe that their only viable option is to sell their bodies. They spend their lives exploited and abused, unaware of their own worth. But because of your support, girls like Suda can choose a better life. Suda became connected with the Freedom Center in Pattaya where she received an education and emotional support. Today, she has completed high school and dreams of attending college and starting a new career. But you have helped young women regain their freedom … you’ve helped show them the love of Jesus. Suda, whose name we’ve changed to protect her identity, has been sold five times — the first when she was just 11 years old. She should have been playing with friends and attending school. Instead, Suda had to sell her body to provide for her family. She was considered property, her ability to choose completely taken from her. Without an education, Suda would never have a chance at freedom. Thank you for giving freedom to Suda and hundreds of girls like her. 13 FREEDOM
  • 9. The people of Nepal have remained close to your heart. You stepped in after the devastating earthquake in 2015 to rebuild Grace Children’s Home in Chaku. You provided for countless children when they felt all hope had been lost. “We are very happy to live in such a beautiful and secure building. We now have space for a separate study hall, dining hall, and larger rooms for both boys and girls. There’s a compound where the children can play and solar panels to help heat water and provide reliable electricity.” – Pastor Kam, director of Grace Children’s Home Because of you, Grace Children’s Home has brand new facilities that are bigger and better than ever, housing 60 orphaned children. “I would like [to thank] God and Kingdom Partners for providing this building. I feel that I am a lucky person because my life is totally changed by this children’s home.” Pashi 15 NEPAL
  • 10. For the people of Uganda, hope is often a rare commodity. Poverty and illness are all too common. But Destiny Villages of Hope is making a difference thanks to the help of Kingdom Partners. You helped complete a secondary boys home in Uganda and it is changing the life of boys like Hassan. Hassan came to Destiny when he was 5 years old. He was one of eight children living in the slums of Katwe, where even basic survival was not guaranteed. He came to the Villages of Hope looking for just that — hope. Even in its early years, there was rarely enough space at Destiny Villages of Hope to accommodate all the children who needed help. Children came from all over Uganda, each with different background stories and different needs. You helped ensure they were able to take in more young boys in need. Thank you for making room for boys like Hassan. Because of you, they have a safe place to live and receive a quality education. “We thank God that He has given us a provision of this new dormitory. I have a bed and plenty of space and we are all very happy. Life here is wonderful.” Hassan 17 UGANDA
  • 11. Kingdom Partners has always been passionate about caring for God’s most precious possession — His children! This year, Kingdom Partners has sponsored 95 children in 10 countries. Without your support, these children would be susceptible to illness, malnutrition, and more. Most would be unable to afford an education and would remain in a cycle of poverty. Because of you, many children like Santosh have a bright future. You provided them with necessary education, but you also allowed them to learn about the love of Jesus. But you stepped in and are making a difference in the lives of these children. You are letting boys and girls like Santosh know that they are valuable — to you and to God. His father died of leprosy when Santosh was a young boy. His mother was unable to care for her four children alone. But because of you, Santosh and his younger sister were able to live at the children’s home in India. They were able to go to school, play sports with friends, and above all learn about Jesus. “I am very thankful for my sponsors who supported me through my education.” Santosh 19 SPONSORSHIP
  • 12. At its core, Kingdom Partners has always been committed to sharing the message of Christ. This year, you helped church planters around the world establish more than 2,000 new churches. When you plant a church in places such as India, Nepal, China, and Cuba, you give an entire community access to true transformation. Through the local church, Kingdom Partners has been able to reach countless lives. In rural communities, the church plant becomes the home for feeding programs, school classrooms, medical clinics, and more. As the church grows, more and more people are reached with the Gospel. Your gifts empowered local pastors to spread God’s love to the people in their communities. You are making an eternal impact and reaching the world for Christ. CHURCH PLANTING 21
  • 13. WhenCubaopeneditsbordersforthefirsttimeindecades,KingdomPartners wasquicktoreact.Youbegantomakeaneternalimpactbyhelpingplant churchesandsupportpastors.Whenthisyear’shurricanesdevastatedthe country,yourespondedbybeingthehandsandfeetofJesusontheground. The church in Cuba is growing and working hard to share the love of Christ with its community — and it is changing the lives of people like Theo. Theo, whose name we’ve changed to protect him and his family, labored long and hard in a field to provide for his wife and children. One day Theo was attacked by a wild animal. He survived but was hospitalized and unable to care for his children. He worried a lot — how would his family survive? That’s where the local church stepped in. Believers began to visit Theo in the hospital and made sure his children never went hungry. Theo came to know the love of Jesus as he watched them minister to his family. When he came out of the hospital, Theo even offered his home as a meeting place for the church. “Here is my family and my humble house at the service of the Lord.” Theo Thank you for showing the compassion of Jesus to the people of Cuba. Your kindness and generosity are transforming the entire country. 23 CUBA
  • 14. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105, ESV) In a world of great darkness, only God’s Word can bring light. Kingdom Partners is dedicated to getting the Word of God into the hands of those who need it the most. This year, you provided 325 Bibles, impacting 2,250 people! You helped distribute God’s Word in places such as North Korea, the Middle East, and Cuba. When someone receives a Bible for the first time, the joy that overcomes him is incredible. You have given eternal hope to people like Min. “I have no other wish in my life. I have prayed for a Bible for so long.” Min Thank you for giving Bibles to men, women, and children in some of the world’s darkest places. You are bringing a light that will last for eternity. 25 BIBLE DISTRIBUTION
  • 15. From the very beginning, you committed to breaking the cycle of poverty by providing clean water. This year, you provided 10 water projects in six countries. You impacted 8,190 people with the gift of clean water! Edith is 24 years old and a mother to 7-month-old twins. She was born and raised in Kenya, where most young women walk long distances to collect water. But now, you provided her with a clean-water well in her own village! You helped change her life! I am grateful to World Help for the clean water they provided us. We are blessed as the water is abundant and clean. This is a great blessing to the whole Gilgal family. Donald You also helped provide a water filtration system at Gilgal Children’s Home in India. Now, they have clean water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. You have made a huge impact with clean water. 27 CLEAN WATER
  • 16. 10 WATER PROJECTS We cannot thank you enough for the impact you are making! IMPACTFUNDRAISERS 182,347 Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and to break every yoke? (Isaiah 58:6, NIV) In 2017, you raised $1,497,594, impacting 182,347 lives. We cannot wait to see what you will do in the years to come. 6 COUNTRIES This year alone, Kingdom Partners collected over $390,000 through fundraisers! Turkey Wobble $61,221 Golf Tournament $262,475 IMPACTED 8,000 PROVIDED SAFE DRINKING WATER NEW CLEAN-WATER PROJECTS IN FUNDEDDISTRIBUTED Night of Freedom $66,777 AIDED WORLD HELP IN PLANTING Through your fundraising efforts, you reached people with the good news that God sees them and He cares for them. Through your dedication you are achieving just that. This year you have been the hands and feet of Jesus in some of the world’s most difficult places. You’ve defied the odds and because of that, lives are being transformed. Kingdom Partners is a dynamic group of passionate world changers. For nearly two decades, you have worked tirelessly to meet the needs of the sick, the poor, and the hungry, and the impact you’ve made around the world is incredible. Thank you for fighting for hope in a world that’s often filled with darkness. World Help is beyond grateful for your partnership during the past 18 years. Because of your direct involvement since 1999, you have raised $10,286,757 to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow. 325 BIBLES 2,142 20 COUNTRIES Kingdom Partners Results in 2017