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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Nursing
‫ة‬ ‫عودي‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫عرب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫كة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫مم‬ ‫ال‬
‫يم‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وزارة‬
‫ل‬ ‫ـائ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫عـة‬ ‫امـ‬ ‫ج‬
‫ض‬ ‫تمري‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ك‬
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) - Emergency Nursing
Exam Begins: Saturday 09/05/2020 -10:00 pm
Exam Ends: Monday 11/05/2020 - 10:00 pm
Exam Duration: 48 hours
Section: Male &Female side
Final Exam of Theoretical Foundation for Nursing (NURS 501)
Semester :2nd semester 2019-2020
Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet
Student Name: -------------------
ID: ---------------------------
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Financial statement analysis is the way toward breaking
down an organization's fiscal reports for dynamic purposes.
Outside partners use it to comprehend the general soundness of
an association just as to assess budgetary execution and
business esteem. Interior constituents use it as an observing
apparatus for dealing with the accounts (KENTON, 2019).
Investigating Financial Statements
The fiscal reports of an organization record significant
monetary information on each part of a business' exercises.
Accordingly they can be assessed based on past, current and
anticipated execution.
Task 1
1) The board of the company: The administration of the
organization is the above all else client of the fiscal reports. In
spite of the fact that, they are the ones who set up the fiscal
reports the board and the administration all in all need to allude
to them while thinking about the advancement and development
of the organization. The administration of the organization takes
a gander at the budget report from the point of view of
liquidity, benefit, incomes, resources and liabilities, money
adjusts, support necessities, obligation to be paid, venture
financing and different days to day operational action.
Basically, the executives of the organization needs budget
summaries to settle on choices about the business.
2) Speculators: are the proprietors of the organization, they
might want to comprehend keep update with the money related
execution of the organization. They might want to settle on the
choice dependent on the fiscal report whether they have to keep
contributed or move out of the organization dependent on its
3) Clients: Clients need to see the budget summaries of the
organization from which they are acquiring merchandise or
administrations. Enormous customers might want to have a long
haul organization or agreement with the organization along
these lines they might want to work with an organization that is
monetarily steady. Further, a monetarily solid organization can
give its clients credit deals and can convey items and
administrations at a rebate than the market.
4) Contenders: might want to know the monetary status of
the contending organization. They might want to keep up a
serious edge on their rivals and henceforth, might want to know
the monetary wellbeing of the other organization. Further, they
could choose to change their methodology taking a gander at the
5) Government and Government Agencies: Government
organizations like the Income-charge division, the business
charge office might want to experience the organization's
budget reports to stay with a check if the made good on fitting
duties. They might want to do future duty expectations
dependent on the exhibition of the organization and industry
6) Workers: take a gander at the budget summary of the
organization from alternate points of view. They might want to
know whether the organization is doing as their reward and
augmentations rely upon the money related execution of the
organization. Additionally, they would hope to have a profound
comprehension of the business and the present business
circumstance which will be accessible in the budget reports.
The organization may decide to include workers in dynamic
henceforth, it might want the representatives to know and
comprehend the financials of the organization.
7) Investment analysts: watch out for the fiscal summaries of
the organization. They have great industry information and be
refreshed about how the organization is performing. In view of
their investigation from the budget reports, the speculation
experts settle on the choice whether to prescribe the load of the
Company to their customers or not.
8) Loan specialists: like conventional banks, money related
establishments; leasers might want to check the capacity of the
organization to pay the obligation. In this manner, they
experience the fiscal summaries of the organization and check
whether they would give an advance.
9) Rating agency: A FICO assessment office audits the
budget report of the organization to give FICO score to the
obligation instruments of the organization. The giving
organization needs to give all data to the FICO assessment
office to get a rating of the protections it is giving to raise
reserves. The speculators of these protections can settle on an
educated choice once a rating organization has given a rating
which is clearly founded on the financials of the organization.
10) Providers: like the clients might want to manage
organizations that have great monetary wellbeing. Along these
lines, they are additionally clients of budget reports and settle
on choices to give credit to the organization.
Limitation of Financial Statement
The limitations of fiscal reports are those elements that
a client ought to know about before depending on them to an
inordinate degree. Information on these components could bring
about a decrease of put assets in a business, or activities taken
to research further. Coming up next are largely restrictions of
fiscal reports:
· Reliance on verifiable expenses. Exchanges are at first
recorded at their expense. This is a worry while investigating
the accounting report, where the estimations of advantages and
liabilities may change after some time. A few things, for
example, attractive protections, are adjusted to coordinate
changes in their reasonable valuations, yet different things, for
example, fixed resources, don't change. Accordingly, the
accounting report could be misdirecting if an enormous piece of
the sum introduced depends on recorded expenses.
· Inflationary impacts. In the event that the swelling rate is
generally high, the sums related with resources and liabilities in
a critical position sheet will show up extremely low, since they
are not being balanced for expansion. This for the most part
applies to long haul resources.
· Impalpable resources not recorded. Numerous elusive
resources are not recorded as resources. Rather, any uses made
to make an elusive resource are promptly charged to cost. This
approach can definitely think little of the estimation of a
business, particularly one that has spent an enormous add up to
develop a brand picture or to grow new items. It is a specific
issue for new businesses that have made licensed innovation;
however which have so far produced insignificant deals.
· In view of explicit timeframe. A client of fiscal summaries can
increase an inaccurate perspective on the monetary outcomes or
incomes of a business by just seeing one revealing period. Any
one period may differ from the typical working aftereffects of a
business, maybe because of an unexpected spike in deals or
regularity impacts. It is smarter to see countless back to back
fiscal summaries to increase a superior perspective on
progressing results.
· Not constantly practically identical across organizations. On
the off chance that a client needs to look at the consequences of
various organizations, their budget reports are not constantly
equivalent, in light of the fact that the substances utilize diverse
bookkeeping rehearses. These issues can be situated by looking
at the revelations that go with the fiscal summaries.
· Subject to misrepresentation. The supervisory crew of an
organization may purposely slant the outcomes introduced. This
circumstance can emerge when there is undue strain to report
astounding outcomes, for example, when a reward plan calls for
payouts just if the announced deals level increments. One may
associate the nearness with this issue when the detailed
outcomes spike to a level surpassing the business standard.
· No conversation of non-budgetary issues. The fiscal reports
don't address non-monetary issues, for example, the natural
mindfulness of an organization's tasks, or how well it works
with the nearby network. A business detailing magnificent
budgetary outcomes may be a disappointment in these different
Exhaustive list and explanation for each user and the limitations
of financial statements.
· Not checked. In the event that the budget summaries have not
been reviewed, this implies nobody has analyzed the
bookkeeping approaches, practices, and controls of the
guarantor to guarantee that it has made precise fiscal reports. A
review conclusion that goes with the budget summaries is proof
of such an audit.
· No prescient worth. The data in a lot of fiscal reports gives
data about either authentic outcomes or the money related status
of a business starting at a particular date. The announcements
don't really give any an incentive in anticipating what will
occur later on. For instance, a business could report brilliant
outcomes in a single month, and no deals at all in the following
month, on the grounds that an agreement on which it was
depending has finished.
Task 2
Cross-sectional analysis is a sort of examination where
a speculator, expert or portfolio chief thinks about a specific
organization to its industry peers. Cross-sectional investigation
may concentrate on a solitary organization for no holds barred
examination with its greatest rivals or it might move toward it
from an industry-wide focal point to distinguish organizations
with a specific quality. Cross-sectional analysis is regularly
conveyed trying to survey execution utilizing information
focuses that are beyond the typical asset report numbers. (Chen,
Cross-sectional investigations are done at one time
point or over a brief period. They are typically led to gauge the
predominance of the result of enthusiasm for a given populace,
regularly for the reasons for general wellbeing arranging.
Information can likewise be gathered on singular attributes,
including presentation to hazard factors, close by data about the
result. Right now sectional examinations give a 'depiction' of
the result and the qualities related with it, at a particular point
in time. (Levin, 2006)
· How Cross-Sectional Analysis Works After briefly
explaining the concepts of time series and the cross sectional
data, you may have to in detail throw some insight of the help
of those in interpreting and analysing the financial statements..
When leading a cross-sectional investigation, the
examiner utilizes near measurements to recognize the valuation,
obligation load, future standpoint as well as operational
proficiency of an objective organization. This permits the
examiner to assess the objective organization's productivity in
these zones, and to settle on the best venture decision among a
gathering of contenders inside the business overall.
Experts actualize a cross-sectional examination to
distinguish exceptional qualities inside a gathering of similar
associations, instead of to set up connections. Frequently cross-
sectional investigation will underscore a specific territory, for
example, an organization's stash, to uncover shrouded zones of
solidarity and shortcoming in the division. This kind of
examination depends on data assembling and looks to
comprehend the "what" rather than the "why." Cross-sectional
investigation permits an analyst to shape suspicions, and
afterward test their theory utilizing research strategies.
Not much of their statistical implications.
Time series analysis, centers in around a solitary
organization after some time. Right now, organization is being
decided with regards to its past exhibition. Time arrangement
examination shows a financial specialist whether the
organization is improving or more regrettable than before by the
measures she thinks about. Frequently these will be works of art
like procuring per share (EPS), obligation to-value, free income,
etc. By and by, financial specialists will generally utilize a mix
of time arrangement examination and cross-sectional
investigation before settling on a choice. For instance, taking a
gander at the EPS additional time and afterward likewise
checking the business benchmark EPS.
Task 3
Data mining is a procedure utilized by organizations to
transform raw data into valuable information. By utilizing
programming to search for designs in huge bunches of
information, organizations can get familiar with their clients to
grow increasingly successful showcasing techniques, increment
deals and diminishing expenses. Information mining relies upon
successful information assortment, warehousing, and PC
preparing. (TWIN, 2019)
How Data Mining Works:
Data mining includes investigating and breaking down
enormous squares of data to gather important examples and
patterns. It very well may be utilized in an assortment of ways,
for example, database advertising, credit chance administration,
misrepresentation recognition, spam Email separating, or even
to recognize the assumption or assessment of clients.
The data mining process separates into five stages. To start
with, associations gather information and burden it into their
information stockrooms. Next, they store and deal with the
information, either on in-house servers or the cloud. Business
investigators, supervisory crews and data innovation experts get
to the information and decide how they need to sort out it. At
that point, application programming sorts the information
dependent on the client's outcomes; lastly, the end-client
presents the information in a simple to-share position, for
example, a diagram or table.
(Alexander, Doug, 2020) For businesses, information mining is
utilized to find examples and connections in the information so
as to assist settle on with bettering business choices.
Information mining can help spot deals patterns, create more
intelligent showcasing efforts, and precisely anticipate client
devotion. Explicit employments of information mining include:
· Market division - Identify the normal attributes of clients who
purchase similar items from your organization.
· Client stir - Predict which clients are probably going to leave
your organization and go to a contender.
· Misrepresentation recognition - Identify which exchanges are
well on the way to be false.
· Direct advertising - Identify which possibilities ought to be
remembered for a mailing rundown to get the most elevated
reaction rate.
· Intelligent advertising - Predict what every individual getting
to a Web website is no doubt keen on observing.
· Market container analysis - Understand what items or
administrations are ordinarily bought together; e.g., lager and
· Pattern examination - Reveal the contrast between normal
clients this month and last.
Write more details in these points
Task 4
· Opinions of knowledgeable personnel. This depends on the
assessments of those having the best and most top to bottom
information on the data being gauge. For instance, the senior
supervisory crew may infer figures dependent on their insight
into the business. Or on the other hand, the business staff may
get ready deals estimates that depend on their insight into
explicit clients. A bit of leeway of utilizing the business staff
for anticipating is that they can give nitty gritty gauges, perhaps
at the degree of the individual client. There is a propensity for
the business staff to make excessively idealistic gauges.
Financial statement of the organization is the most
significant data about the organization. It gives an away from of
the monetary issues of the organization, its presentation which
can be contrasted and the contenders and companions.
Therefore, different clients as talked about in the article peruse
and comprehend the budget report of the organization for their
own motivations.
FSA Assignment 2
by Wejdan AL Yaqoobi
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FSA Assignment 2by Wejdan AL YaqoobiFSA Assignment
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
University of Hail
College of Nursing
‫ة‬ ‫عودي‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫عرب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫كة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫مم‬ ‫ال‬
‫يم‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وزارة‬
‫ل‬ ‫ـائ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫عـة‬ ‫امـ‬ ‫ج‬
‫ض‬ ‫تمري‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ك‬
Answer all the questions:
First Question: Essay 1 Point for Each Level of Proficiency
(Total 5 Marks).
Read the article entitled, ‘From Novice to Expert’ by Patricia
Benner found in
Then summarize the theory.
1- Make a COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY of this theory in
YOUR OWN WORDS. Focus on the five levels of proficiency
from novice to expert.
2- Your comprehensive summary should range between 500 to
1,000 words.
3- No copy and pasting of sentences from the article.
Paraphrase sentences you will include in your comprehensive
Second Question: Making a Theory Evaluation -1 Point for Each
item (Total 5 Marks).
Fawcett’s framework for conceptual models separates questions
for analysis from those intended for evaluation. For the
evaluation, she proposed evaluation (judgment based on
criteria) of the origins of the model, the degree of
comprehensiveness of content, the logical congruence of its
internal structure, the ability of the model to generate and test
theories, the degree to which it is credible as demonstrated in
its social utility (use, implementation), social congruency, and
significance to society.
Read Chapter 10 A Model for Evaluation of Theories:
Description, Analysis, critique, testing and Support from the e-
book Theoretical Nursing Development and Progress 5th
Edition, By Afaf Meleis. Then, MAKE COMPREHENSIVE
ADAPTATION MODELUsing the Fawcett’s Criteria of Nursing
Models Evaluation, which includes:
· Origins
· Content
· Logicalcongruency
· Generation
· Credibility
Instructions: Make your evaluation of the Sister Callista Roy’s
Adaptation Modelusing a Fawcett’s criteria of Nursing Models
Third Question: Making a Theory Critique (Total 10 Marks).
Read Chapter 4: Florence Nightingale's Legacy of Caring and
Its Applications from the e-book Nursing Theories and Nursing
Practice, Fourth Edition by Marlaine Smith and Marilyn Parker.
Instructions: Make a COMPREHENSIVE CRITIQUE of
by combining inputs from at least two (2) critique articles from
the internet and your own viewpoint based on the following
criteria and units of analysis:
(1) Relationship between structure and function
(1.1) Clarity
(1.2) Consistency
(1.3) Simplicity/Complexity
(1.4) Tautology/Teleology
(2) Diagram of the Theory
(2.1) Visual and Graphic Presentation
(2.2) Logical Representation
(2.3) Clarity
(3) Circle of Contagiousness
(3.1) Graphical origin of theory and geographical spread
(3.2) Influence of theorist versus theory
(4) Usefulness
(4.1) Practice
(4.2) Research
(4.3) Education
(4.4) Administration
(5) External Components of Theory
(5.1) Personal Values
(5.2) Congruence with other Professional Values
(5.3) Congruence with Social Values
(5.4) Social Significance
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  • 1. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education University of Hail College of Nursing ‫ة‬ ‫عودي‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫عرب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫كة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫مم‬ ‫ال‬ ‫يم‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وزارة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ـائ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫عـة‬ ‫امـ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ض‬ ‫تمري‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ك‬ Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) - Emergency Nursing Exam Begins: Saturday 09/05/2020 -10:00 pm Exam Ends: Monday 11/05/2020 - 10:00 pm Exam Duration: 48 hours Section: Male &Female side Final Exam of Theoretical Foundation for Nursing (NURS 501) Semester :2nd semester 2019-2020 Answer Sheet Answer Sheet Student Name: ------------------- ID: --------------------------- Page 1 of 1 Introduction Financial statement analysis is the way toward breaking down an organization's fiscal reports for dynamic purposes. Outside partners use it to comprehend the general soundness of an association just as to assess budgetary execution and business esteem. Interior constituents use it as an observing apparatus for dealing with the accounts (KENTON, 2019). Investigating Financial Statements
  • 2. The fiscal reports of an organization record significant monetary information on each part of a business' exercises. Accordingly they can be assessed based on past, current and anticipated execution. Task 1 1) The board of the company: The administration of the organization is the above all else client of the fiscal reports. In spite of the fact that, they are the ones who set up the fiscal reports the board and the administration all in all need to allude to them while thinking about the advancement and development of the organization. The administration of the organization takes a gander at the budget report from the point of view of liquidity, benefit, incomes, resources and liabilities, money adjusts, support necessities, obligation to be paid, venture financing and different days to day operational action. Basically, the executives of the organization needs budget summaries to settle on choices about the business. 2) Speculators: are the proprietors of the organization, they might want to comprehend keep update with the money related execution of the organization. They might want to settle on the choice dependent on the fiscal report whether they have to keep contributed or move out of the organization dependent on its presentation. 3) Clients: Clients need to see the budget summaries of the organization from which they are acquiring merchandise or administrations. Enormous customers might want to have a long haul organization or agreement with the organization along these lines they might want to work with an organization that is monetarily steady. Further, a monetarily solid organization can give its clients credit deals and can convey items and administrations at a rebate than the market.
  • 3. 4) Contenders: might want to know the monetary status of the contending organization. They might want to keep up a serious edge on their rivals and henceforth, might want to know the monetary wellbeing of the other organization. Further, they could choose to change their methodology taking a gander at the announcements. 5) Government and Government Agencies: Government organizations like the Income-charge division, the business charge office might want to experience the organization's budget reports to stay with a check if the made good on fitting duties. They might want to do future duty expectations dependent on the exhibition of the organization and industry rehearses. 6) Workers: take a gander at the budget summary of the organization from alternate points of view. They might want to know whether the organization is doing as their reward and augmentations rely upon the money related execution of the organization. Additionally, they would hope to have a profound comprehension of the business and the present business circumstance which will be accessible in the budget reports. The organization may decide to include workers in dynamic henceforth, it might want the representatives to know and comprehend the financials of the organization. 7) Investment analysts: watch out for the fiscal summaries of the organization. They have great industry information and be refreshed about how the organization is performing. In view of their investigation from the budget reports, the speculation experts settle on the choice whether to prescribe the load of the Company to their customers or not.
  • 4. 8) Loan specialists: like conventional banks, money related establishments; leasers might want to check the capacity of the organization to pay the obligation. In this manner, they experience the fiscal summaries of the organization and check whether they would give an advance. 9) Rating agency: A FICO assessment office audits the budget report of the organization to give FICO score to the obligation instruments of the organization. The giving organization needs to give all data to the FICO assessment office to get a rating of the protections it is giving to raise reserves. The speculators of these protections can settle on an educated choice once a rating organization has given a rating which is clearly founded on the financials of the organization. 10) Providers: like the clients might want to manage organizations that have great monetary wellbeing. Along these lines, they are additionally clients of budget reports and settle on choices to give credit to the organization. Limitation of Financial Statement The limitations of fiscal reports are those elements that a client ought to know about before depending on them to an inordinate degree. Information on these components could bring about a decrease of put assets in a business, or activities taken to research further. Coming up next are largely restrictions of fiscal reports: · Reliance on verifiable expenses. Exchanges are at first recorded at their expense. This is a worry while investigating the accounting report, where the estimations of advantages and liabilities may change after some time. A few things, for
  • 5. example, attractive protections, are adjusted to coordinate changes in their reasonable valuations, yet different things, for example, fixed resources, don't change. Accordingly, the accounting report could be misdirecting if an enormous piece of the sum introduced depends on recorded expenses. · Inflationary impacts. In the event that the swelling rate is generally high, the sums related with resources and liabilities in a critical position sheet will show up extremely low, since they are not being balanced for expansion. This for the most part applies to long haul resources. · Impalpable resources not recorded. Numerous elusive resources are not recorded as resources. Rather, any uses made to make an elusive resource are promptly charged to cost. This approach can definitely think little of the estimation of a business, particularly one that has spent an enormous add up to develop a brand picture or to grow new items. It is a specific issue for new businesses that have made licensed innovation; however which have so far produced insignificant deals. · In view of explicit timeframe. A client of fiscal summaries can increase an inaccurate perspective on the monetary outcomes or incomes of a business by just seeing one revealing period. Any one period may differ from the typical working aftereffects of a business, maybe because of an unexpected spike in deals or regularity impacts. It is smarter to see countless back to back fiscal summaries to increase a superior perspective on progressing results. · Not constantly practically identical across organizations. On the off chance that a client needs to look at the consequences of various organizations, their budget reports are not constantly equivalent, in light of the fact that the substances utilize diverse bookkeeping rehearses. These issues can be situated by looking at the revelations that go with the fiscal summaries.
  • 6. · Subject to misrepresentation. The supervisory crew of an organization may purposely slant the outcomes introduced. This circumstance can emerge when there is undue strain to report astounding outcomes, for example, when a reward plan calls for payouts just if the announced deals level increments. One may associate the nearness with this issue when the detailed outcomes spike to a level surpassing the business standard. · No conversation of non-budgetary issues. The fiscal reports don't address non-monetary issues, for example, the natural mindfulness of an organization's tasks, or how well it works with the nearby network. A business detailing magnificent budgetary outcomes may be a disappointment in these different regions. Exhaustive list and explanation for each user and the limitations of financial statements. · Not checked. In the event that the budget summaries have not been reviewed, this implies nobody has analyzed the bookkeeping approaches, practices, and controls of the guarantor to guarantee that it has made precise fiscal reports. A review conclusion that goes with the budget summaries is proof of such an audit. · No prescient worth. The data in a lot of fiscal reports gives data about either authentic outcomes or the money related status of a business starting at a particular date. The announcements don't really give any an incentive in anticipating what will occur later on. For instance, a business could report brilliant outcomes in a single month, and no deals at all in the following month, on the grounds that an agreement on which it was depending has finished. Task 2 Cross-sectional analysis is a sort of examination where
  • 7. a speculator, expert or portfolio chief thinks about a specific organization to its industry peers. Cross-sectional investigation may concentrate on a solitary organization for no holds barred examination with its greatest rivals or it might move toward it from an industry-wide focal point to distinguish organizations with a specific quality. Cross-sectional analysis is regularly conveyed trying to survey execution utilizing information focuses that are beyond the typical asset report numbers. (Chen, 2019) Cross-sectional investigations are done at one time point or over a brief period. They are typically led to gauge the predominance of the result of enthusiasm for a given populace, regularly for the reasons for general wellbeing arranging. Information can likewise be gathered on singular attributes, including presentation to hazard factors, close by data about the result. Right now sectional examinations give a 'depiction' of the result and the qualities related with it, at a particular point in time. (Levin, 2006) · How Cross-Sectional Analysis Works After briefly explaining the concepts of time series and the cross sectional data, you may have to in detail throw some insight of the help of those in interpreting and analysing the financial statements.. When leading a cross-sectional investigation, the examiner utilizes near measurements to recognize the valuation, obligation load, future standpoint as well as operational proficiency of an objective organization. This permits the examiner to assess the objective organization's productivity in these zones, and to settle on the best venture decision among a gathering of contenders inside the business overall. Experts actualize a cross-sectional examination to distinguish exceptional qualities inside a gathering of similar associations, instead of to set up connections. Frequently cross- sectional investigation will underscore a specific territory, for example, an organization's stash, to uncover shrouded zones of
  • 8. solidarity and shortcoming in the division. This kind of examination depends on data assembling and looks to comprehend the "what" rather than the "why." Cross-sectional investigation permits an analyst to shape suspicions, and afterward test their theory utilizing research strategies. Not much of their statistical implications. Time series analysis, centers in around a solitary organization after some time. Right now, organization is being decided with regards to its past exhibition. Time arrangement examination shows a financial specialist whether the organization is improving or more regrettable than before by the measures she thinks about. Frequently these will be works of art like procuring per share (EPS), obligation to-value, free income, etc. By and by, financial specialists will generally utilize a mix of time arrangement examination and cross-sectional investigation before settling on a choice. For instance, taking a gander at the EPS additional time and afterward likewise checking the business benchmark EPS. Task 3 Data mining is a procedure utilized by organizations to transform raw data into valuable information. By utilizing programming to search for designs in huge bunches of information, organizations can get familiar with their clients to grow increasingly successful showcasing techniques, increment deals and diminishing expenses. Information mining relies upon successful information assortment, warehousing, and PC preparing. (TWIN, 2019) How Data Mining Works: Data mining includes investigating and breaking down enormous squares of data to gather important examples and patterns. It very well may be utilized in an assortment of ways, for example, database advertising, credit chance administration, misrepresentation recognition, spam Email separating, or even to recognize the assumption or assessment of clients. The data mining process separates into five stages. To start with, associations gather information and burden it into their
  • 9. information stockrooms. Next, they store and deal with the information, either on in-house servers or the cloud. Business investigators, supervisory crews and data innovation experts get to the information and decide how they need to sort out it. At that point, application programming sorts the information dependent on the client's outcomes; lastly, the end-client presents the information in a simple to-share position, for example, a diagram or table. (Alexander, Doug, 2020) For businesses, information mining is utilized to find examples and connections in the information so as to assist settle on with bettering business choices. Information mining can help spot deals patterns, create more intelligent showcasing efforts, and precisely anticipate client devotion. Explicit employments of information mining include: · Market division - Identify the normal attributes of clients who purchase similar items from your organization. · Client stir - Predict which clients are probably going to leave your organization and go to a contender. · Misrepresentation recognition - Identify which exchanges are well on the way to be false. · Direct advertising - Identify which possibilities ought to be remembered for a mailing rundown to get the most elevated reaction rate. · Intelligent advertising - Predict what every individual getting to a Web website is no doubt keen on observing. · Market container analysis - Understand what items or administrations are ordinarily bought together; e.g., lager and diapers. · Pattern examination - Reveal the contrast between normal clients this month and last. Write more details in these points Task 4 · Opinions of knowledgeable personnel. This depends on the assessments of those having the best and most top to bottom information on the data being gauge. For instance, the senior
  • 10. supervisory crew may infer figures dependent on their insight into the business. Or on the other hand, the business staff may get ready deals estimates that depend on their insight into explicit clients. A bit of leeway of utilizing the business staff for anticipating is that they can give nitty gritty gauges, perhaps at the degree of the individual client. There is a propensity for the business staff to make excessively idealistic gauges. Conclusion: Financial statement of the organization is the most significant data about the organization. It gives an away from of the monetary issues of the organization, its presentation which can be contrasted and the contenders and companions. Therefore, different clients as talked about in the article peruse and comprehend the budget report of the organization for their own motivations. FSA Assignment 2 by Wejdan AL Yaqoobi Submission date: 14-May-2020 01:19AM (UTC+0400) Submission ID: 1323605934 File name: FSA-Dr.Shetty.docx (98.32K) Word count: 2767 Character count: 15554
  • 12. 38% STUDENT PAPERS 1 9% 2 5% 3 5% 4 5% 5 4% 6 3% 7 3% 8 2% FSA Assignment 2 ORIGINALITY REPORT PRIMARY SOURCES Submitted to Gulf College Oman Student Paper Submitted to Management Development Institute Of Singapore Student Paper Submitted to College of Banking and Financial Studies Student Paper Submitted to Wentworth Institute Student Paper Submitted to Regenesys Business School Student Paper
  • 13. Submitted to International Business School Student Paper Submitted to RDI Distance Learning Student Paper Submitted to Stratford University Student Paper 9 1% 10 <1% Exclude quotes Off Exclude bibliography Off Exclude matches Off Submitted to University of Cumbria Student Paper Submitted to Taylor’s Education Group Student Paper FSA Assignment 2by Wejdan AL YaqoobiFSA Assignment 2ORIGINALITY REPORTPRIMARY SOURCES Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education University of Hail College of Nursing ‫ة‬ ‫عودي‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫عرب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫كة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫مم‬ ‫ال‬ ‫يم‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وزارة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ـائ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫عـة‬ ‫امـ‬ ‫ج‬
  • 14. ‫ض‬ ‫تمري‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ية‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ك‬ Answer all the questions: First Question: Essay 1 Point for Each Level of Proficiency (Total 5 Marks). Read the article entitled, ‘From Novice to Expert’ by Patricia Benner found in %20Benner%20-%20Novice%20to%20Expert-1.pdf Then summarize the theory. Instructions: 1- Make a COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY of this theory in YOUR OWN WORDS. Focus on the five levels of proficiency from novice to expert. 2- Your comprehensive summary should range between 500 to 1,000 words. 3- No copy and pasting of sentences from the article. Paraphrase sentences you will include in your comprehensive summary. _____________________________________________________ _____________ Second Question: Making a Theory Evaluation -1 Point for Each item (Total 5 Marks). Fawcett’s framework for conceptual models separates questions for analysis from those intended for evaluation. For the
  • 15. evaluation, she proposed evaluation (judgment based on criteria) of the origins of the model, the degree of comprehensiveness of content, the logical congruence of its internal structure, the ability of the model to generate and test theories, the degree to which it is credible as demonstrated in its social utility (use, implementation), social congruency, and significance to society. Read Chapter 10 A Model for Evaluation of Theories: Description, Analysis, critique, testing and Support from the e- book Theoretical Nursing Development and Progress 5th Edition, By Afaf Meleis. Then, MAKE COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION of THE SISTER CALLISTA ROY’S ADAPTATION MODELUsing the Fawcett’s Criteria of Nursing Models Evaluation, which includes: · Origins · Content · Logicalcongruency · Generation · Credibility Instructions: Make your evaluation of the Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Modelusing a Fawcett’s criteria of Nursing Models Evaluation. Third Question: Making a Theory Critique (Total 10 Marks). Read Chapter 4: Florence Nightingale's Legacy of Caring and Its Applications from the e-book Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice, Fourth Edition by Marlaine Smith and Marilyn Parker. Then Make a COMPREHENSIVE CRITIQUE of FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE's ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY. Instructions: Make a COMPREHENSIVE CRITIQUE of FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE's ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY
  • 16. by combining inputs from at least two (2) critique articles from the internet and your own viewpoint based on the following criteria and units of analysis: CRITERIA UNITS OF ANALYSIS (1) Relationship between structure and function (1.1) Clarity (1.2) Consistency (1.3) Simplicity/Complexity (1.4) Tautology/Teleology (2) Diagram of the Theory (2.1) Visual and Graphic Presentation (2.2) Logical Representation (2.3) Clarity (3) Circle of Contagiousness (3.1) Graphical origin of theory and geographical spread (3.2) Influence of theorist versus theory (4) Usefulness (4.1) Practice (4.2) Research (4.3) Education (4.4) Administration (5) External Components of Theory (5.1) Personal Values (5.2) Congruence with other Professional Values
  • 17. (5.3) Congruence with Social Values (5.4) Social Significance Page 1 of 3