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Key Elements Of Rhetorical Analysis
Key Elements of Rhetoric
Rhetoric is always situational and always has context context is the occasion or time and place it was written or spoken.
Rhetoric also includes a purpose, a goal that the speaker or writer wants to achieve
Lou Gehrig's purpose was to keep positive and always look on the bright sides of situation
Gehrig maintains focus, giving the word rhetoric a definition of sincerity
Identifying purpose and context in more complex situations can be very difficult
We first ask about the context then consider the purpose
Context can also arise from cultural bias
As a speaker he presents himself modestly and contented with his life
The Rhetorical Triangle (Aristotelian Triangle)
Triangle with speaker, audience, and subject on each corner
Writers or more content...
Speakers can appeal to ethos by stressing the concern of parents or adolescent behavior
Ethos emphasizes shared values between the speaker and the audience
A speaker's reputation could also establish ethos
Establishes ethos by making a good impression, reflecting off the tone of their voice
The speaker's ethos, knowledge, and experience gives the audience a reason for listening
Writers and speakers appeal to logos for logic and reason. Logos is very rational with a clear, main idea
The main idea must be logical
Counterargument is another way to appeal to logos, anticipating and opposing views
In an argument you first agree, then refute, strengthening your argument
Pathos can be very powerful, targeting emotion
Writing that consists of mainly pathos is hardly effective logically, but adds an important dimension
Strong, positive connotations are more effective to pathos for an audience
Pathos is propagandistic and polemical, evoking the emotions of the audience
Emotional appeals include vivid, concrete details, and a lot of
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Henry David Thoreau goes to live in a forest for a few years and writes about the philosophies and ideas he learns through experience in an excerpt
called Where I Lived and What I Lived For. Thoreau argues how life will be of much better quality if you reduce all the unnecessary luxuries from
your life; according to Thoreau living the simple life is in fact luxurious. Thoreau employs the rhetorical strategies of compare and contrast,
analogy, and aphorisms to demonstrate how technology hinders our ability to live a simple life. One rhetorical strategy Thoreau employs is the
mode of compare and contrast. Thoreau begins the second paragraph by saying, "like pygmies we fight with cranes..." comparing our lives to weak
soldiers at war fighting with cranes. Ordinary people go on in their mundane lives thinking they need something bigger and better to help them live
a perfect life, so to a weak soldier would need a crane to help them fight better soldiers on the other side. Additionally, Thoreau compares how life
could be if you reduce the excess unnecessary possessions from your life when saying, "Instead of three meals a day... eat but one." Thoreau says you
don't need to overeat but only eat enough to survive and it'll change your more content...
Thoreau begins the second paragraph by writing, "Still we live meanly like ants..." comparing our lives to ants considering ants like to work hard
for food just as we work hard to afford all the pretentious possessions which are unnecessary. An additional analogy Thoreau exploits compares our
life to German Confederacy when saying, "Our life is like a German Confederacy..." Thoreau states how we are "made up of petty states, with its
boundary forever fluctuating..." During this time period Germany was becoming a country and was trying to improve so to we try to improve with
technology such as
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Rhetorical Analysis Reflection
This semester has taught me a lot about the different types of writing. I have learned how to draft and compose a rhetorical analysis based off of
an author's ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. Not only have I been able to critically analyze rhetorical papers, but I have been able to search for
more information to support my ideas or beliefs. Even though this can be time consuming it is well worth it to have a lot of support and evidence to
back my ideas or beliefs on a topic. Throughout this semester I have more of a general knowledge on rhetorical goals, critical reading and writing skills,
my processes on how to write a paper, and learning a new way of creating an idea through electronical environments. Each assignment more
These cites that were used could be placed in my essay and the flow of the paper would not change but keep it more organized with my thought
process. From the rhetorical essay to the argument essay, the development of my citing or using references has greatly increased. When I started
with the rhetorical essay it was difficult to understand how to cite the author's work appropriately but when I moved to the argument essay it was
almost natural when citing work. I believe this is due to the practice that we have had in class. The strategies I find most useful when writing an
essay is having a topic that is of interest. When I wrote the argument essay, I already had a topic that interested me from the exploratory
assignment. Generating an outline was another beneficial strategy that I had used because I could see the gaps in my writing or where my ideas
did not flow together. Once I had an outline the rough draft was easy to create. I do not mind peer review but it becomes challenging when the
person who is reading your review might not have the same views as I do. This would mean they were over critical of the paper and made it seem
like I needed to change my entire essay to fit the standards of another classmate versus what the assignment was about. I did receive good constructive
feedback on all of the assignments, which did end up helping me adjust portions of my writing. I do believe I am the same way to others writing
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Two TED Talks
I watched two TED talk shows last night. One of the speeches is "Ten ways to have a better conversation" and it published in April 2015. The speaker
Celeste Headlee who is the host of the Georgia Public Broadcasting program "On Second Thought." The other speech titled "Why you think you're right
– even if you're wrong" by Julia Galef and it published in February 2016. She is a writer and public speaker also a co–founder of the Center for
Applied Rationality. Celeste Headlee shares 10 useful rules for having better conversations in this insightful talk. She demonstrates that she uses these
communication skills in professional interviews. Though she always talks to some people that she disagrees with deeply on a personal level, she still
has a great conversation with them. The most important rules is don't multitask. It's not mean just set down the cell phone or whatever in your hand. Be
present and be in that moment is the best way to pay attention in the conversation and respect others. A good conversation always makes us feeling
engaged and inspired, or you feel that you've more content...
She asked audience: "why are some people, some at least, able to cut through their own prejudices and biases and motivations and try to see facts
and the evidence as objectively as they can?" The answer is emotional. For example, most of us followed sports game, so we might have noticed that
when the referee judges that your team committed a foul, you are highly motivated to find reasons why he is wrong. But if he judges that the other
team committed a foul, we might think that is a good call. Her speech explains the reason our emotion with the judges when we watch the sports
game, even our attitude in politics and research studies that we agree or disagree. I really recommend this talk show because it truly shows the
psychological activity from our
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This particular video was interesting because it is about not demonizing stress. As an overworked college student, I badly need information like this.
Kelly McGonigal presented a TED Talk called "How to Make Stress Your Friend." Just as the title suggests, her talk centers on changing the way we
view stress. McGonigal exhibits excellent verbal and nonverbal communication skills. What make a person a good verbal communicator? Throughout
this semester, I have learned that verbal communication is not magic, nor is it just charisma. From the moment McGonigal begins to speak, she has
wonderful verbal communication. Everything was clearly practiced because it all comes out smoothly. I could not even tell if she was reading from the
teleprompter. Statistics are present in her speech, but not complicated ones. All of the statistics, facts, and studies are relevant and easy to understand.
Every single concept she introduces is thoroughly explained so that each person in the audience can comprehend the point she is trying more
In McGonigal's case, she was very well presented. The way she chose to dress was nice but not over the top, which made her feel more personable.
There was a certain connection with the audience because she had a wide range of facial expressions and smiled. Yet, her eye contact with the
audience was probably the most important piece of her nonverbal communication. Not only did she interact with the audience, but she focused on
each section of people. There was a sense of composure, yet passion in her speech. Her body language made me feel her enthusiasm. There so many
ways to analyze a speech. Kelly McGonigal's "How to Make Stress Your Friend" verbal and nonverbal communication created a connection while
ensnaring the attention of the audience. Altogether, her speech was as nicely presented as she
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Rhetorical Analysis Reflection
I had a lot of difficulty transitioning from the Rhetorical Analysis essay to the Rhetoric in Practice Project for the mere reason of the change in
dependency between the two projects, meaning, we spent so much time on the RA and we had all the necessary tools and time to perfect it and have a
good chance of writing a well written essay. Yet, in contrary, the RIP is all individual work, finding what you want to argue, your inspiration, your
sources, and where to even begin. The beginning, the very first day this was introduced, everyone was talking about the topic they were interested in
or they wanted to write about, that is the day I had no clue what I was interested in doing, my mind was literally blank. Throughout all the process work, more content...
Why? I do not know the outcome of this Project, I can make myself believe I'll do really good, but I will not know, because that's just how writing
works, there is always space to learn and improve. I know for a fact that although the RA and the RIP are two different assignments, both have vey
different techniques of writing and expression, however they are also very similar. Both are trying to make a point, both have the ability to
engage with the audience and allow for the author of the essay to express emotion on certain topics. My organization skills, were not the best, I
had great difficulty in mastering a smooth essay without confusing my readers so much. I was never able to revise my own writing, I never saw
anything wrong with it, I was also never taught what I was supposed to look for. But my peers, my peers are the ones that taught me what to look
for, they taught me how to turn a whole sentence around and and giving it a clearer meaning. Everyone that helped me on my essay were able to
teach me, so I can apply it myself. I have also been able to learn about argumentation and persuasion; two totally different things but in reality they
are two very similar things that correlate with one another in order to create a stronger essay. I learned this by working on the RIP, this project
allowed me to try and persuade my audience by using my feeling, emotions, experiences, and knowledge so I can articulate an argument that can be
debated, but won. There is no doubt that this project allowed me to grow as a writer and not only learn from my mistakes but to be able to recognize
them before it is too
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Rhetorical Speech Examples
Good morning, I hope you are well! I just wanted to say thank you for allowing Tara to assist me with commissions, and the programming of the ever
daunting task that is reoccurring. It is also to great benefit to Taconic to have another employee able to manage the system. It was a difficult job to get
them our management team to enable me to train others, but this is one of my 2016 goals and I am headed in the right direct and so is Taconic, as
overall everyone benefits.
Kind Regards and many thanks,
PS. Tara is a quick study!
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Motivational Speech Rhetorical Analysis
The speech I am analyzing was given by Jon Bowers, a UPS driving and delivery trainer, in Atlanta Georgia in July 2017. Bowers was giving a
motivational speech on why we should aim for perfection and not fear failure. He was giving this speech to an audience of listeners at a TED
convention. The audience appears to be composed of a wide variety of age groups from multiple different backgrounds. The audience likely already
had interest in the subject matter as they chose to attend speech knowing what it was about. The audience is rather large and likely contains several
hundred people. The target audience is unclear as the topic is so broad that it can apply to basically anyone. The speaker is clearly intending to
motivate the audience to achieve higher. This is clear as the entirety of the speech is dedicated to him trying to motivate everyone to shoot for
perfection and stop fearing failure. The speech opens by asking a rhetorical question, "Have you ever heard of typo–squatting?, he then informs the
audience on the subject. He does this because typo–squatting is a practice in which companies buy adds on websites that have very similar web
addresses to popular websites in other words they are betting on you not being perfect and making typos when working online. This allows him to
transition into the main topics of the speech which are perfection and failure. It is a decently memorable introduction as the question piques your
curiosity, and then he secures your attention
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Rhetorical Analysis On Ted Talk
She is a social worker and researcher. She talked about relationships with people and she defined that as connection. The topic is little bit
uncomfortable because she is telling about vulnerability and how people handle their vulnerability. But, she was a really good speaker. Her
introduction was great because she explained how she participated in TED talk with humorous attitude without overdoing it. Her attitude remained a
good connection with audiences. She used slides for bringing into her points. There were only simple words and pictures. It was delivered her main
points effectively. Also, she used paused effectively. She used pause with humorous joke or part of her speech. If she wanted to emphasize some part,
she used some pauses between
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The Great Gatsby Rhetorical Analysis
When Nick receives Wolfsheim's message that Wolfsheim, who was one of Gatsby's only friends, will not be coming to the funeral, Nick feels
that it is he and Gatsby against them all. Nick realizes that no one truly cares about him and his friend. After reaching out to people to encourage
them to come to the funeral and finally being rejected by someone who Nick thought Gatsby called a true friend, he experiences "a feeling of
defiance, of scornful solidarity." Because of Wolfsheim's close connection to Gatsby and his friendship and relationship with Gatsby, Nick believes
that he will at least be able to bring someone to Gatsby's funeral. However, when Wolfsheim says that he doesn't want to get mixed up with Gatsby's
murder, Nick senses that no one has really cared for Gatsby or for him. Nick feels that he is all alone, that everyone is against him and that there is no
one left who cares.
4.Nick described Henry Gatz as having "reached an age where death no longer has the quality of ghastly surprise." What Nick means by this is that more content...
The significance of this inscription only makes sense after you read the book. It symbolizes the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby, and
Gatsby's philosophy for winning her over. In the story Gatsby tried to "wear the gold hat, if that will move her," meaning that he tried to impress
with his wealth in order to move Daisy to love him again. Also the inscription states, "If you can bounce high, bounce for her too," which Gatsby
attempts to do by impressing Daisy with his achievements. Gatsby "bounces" for Daisy by showing her what he has done and how he has built
himself up and that she can come with him. The last two lines it state, "Till she cry 'Lover, gold–hatted, high–bouncing lover, I must have you!'" This
stanza is the most significant because it shows Gatsby's frame of mind when trying got win over Daisy. He tried to impress her with money and
achievements and wouldn't give up until she would say, "I must have
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Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay About Writing
The first paragraph in the essay takes a form of a vivid description. It starts with a quotation of a teacher giving instructions to start an exam. Then the
following phrases in the paragraph take a negative voice tone. The writer was worry about the exam, and he was sur that he is going to fail the exam.
All these details make the reader hook to the essay and want to know why the test is a source of struggle for the writer, and why he thinks he is going
to fail the exam.
In the next paragraph the writer starts adding more crucial details, he recalls his memory about school, and how good he was at English by getting As
and Bs in his tests. This details make the readers have more interest to know why his is facing problems in his English test now, since he was doing
good before, also why the writer tries to be perfect, and what perfection means for more content...
He explains why he is struggling to get good grades, and why the English test become a source of frustration for him. In addition, the writer poses
many questions in the paragraphs wish mane the essay more effective and easy to understand.
The writer ends the essay with a conclusion taking a form of reflection. The writer gives a different definition to perfection other than the one he uses
to consider before. So he decided Perfection doesn't mean getting good grades or having a good personality. Yet, perfection mean strong character and
good personnel
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Kairos Rhetoric
Kairos is a significance part of rhetoric because; certain oral or written materials have appropriate times to be shared. When it comes to kairos there
is a right time for everything, and unlike poetry, which is abstract form of art, it can be perceived in different ways. Poetry can be presented in
different forms of writing, and is not confined compared to Kariros. Kariros of the written or spoken form takes advantage of a particular moment in
time to grab an audience's attention. Kariros must be presented at the right moment or it won't be must as effected, it will miss the opportunity to
capture the moment. According to the textbook " Kairos, form this perspective, was the ... deliberation and thus for examining issues of good and bad,
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Rhetorical Analysis : My Life
Until I started this rhetorical analysis paper I wasn't aware that the things I display in my room say things about me. I never thought about how
they make me look as a person or what my audience would assume about me based on these items. When I started analyzing, all these questions
started popping up. I was finally able to step back and see myself how others might see me. When asked by my teacher to pick 3 items that describe
myself from my bedroom I didn't have any trouble picking them out. When it came down to it, I 'd always choose the same 3 items: A wall of family
pictures, a Pride flag and a mirror with notes and pictures all over it.
The first Item I chose from my bedroom was a wall of pictures displayed to the left of my more content...
My flag is 5 ft. by 4 ft. and made of very thin material. From top to bottom the colors go from red–purple in the same order as a rainbow. I got my flag
when I went to my first Pride Festival in 2016. Since then I 've used it for some of my favorite senior photos! My absolute favorite senior photo is one
of me in a blue Lexington Wildcats T–shirt and jeans and I 'm laying on top of my Pride flag with my head propped up on my hand. Now my flag
hangs proudly above my TV until its time for my next Pride Festival. This flag is very important to me because I want my audience to know how
far I 've come and how comfortable I am with who I am and what my sexual orientation is. I came out to the majority of my family and friends in
2015 around fall time. I went through a lot of stages where I felt bad about myself and who I was but through the support of my family and friends I
was finally able to become comfortable with who I am. So to show this, I leave my flag hanging as a reminder that I 'm perfect just the way I am!
The audience of this is also my friends, family, and even those in the LGBT community. I 'm lucky to have friends and family who are as supportive
as anyone can be, so it makes them very happy to see my flag hanging when they come into my room. I would say that I 'm using both ethos and pathos
in this, I 'm using pathos because my flag hanging evokes my audience to feel happy for me and how far I 've come since 2015. I also would say ethos,
ethos is
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Rhetorical Analysis Response
After the calibration process, along with juxtaposing the current timed write to my prior rhetorical analysis response, I now further comprehend my
strengths and weaknesses as a writer. My introduction paragraph has grown immensely in terms of my ability to fully express the topic which I will
address in response to the prompt. In my timed write, I open with a strong thesis statement in which I expeditiously identify the main theme of the
following speech as "the severe lack of labor laws." Although this is the paramount topic, I failed to address the underlying theme of women's rights
used by Florence Kelley to justify her view on labor laws while serving to strategically juxtapose the violation of women's rights and the infringement more content...
Why: In the first rhetorical analysis timed write, I struggled to identify which rhetorical strategies were used along with their connection to the theme of
each article. In the sentence above, my writing successfully identifies both the purpose and theme in a concise manner.
Revision: She implements anaphora along with asyndeton in the phrase "men increase, women increase, youth increase.. they are in commerce, in
office, in manufacturing." Through her use of literary devices, Kelley is able to identify the overarching issue of women's suffrage while enlightening
her audience as she expresses that once women are seen as strong, competent individuals, then, and only then, will there be a respect for the American
Reflection: In the following sentence, I am able to expand upon a major topic of discussion for Women's Rights Activist Florence Kelley. It is difficult
at first to identify the purpose behind the rhetorical strategies used by the speaker, but upon further examination it is apparent how Kelley's diction
comprehensively contributes to the integrity of her argument as a
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Over the course of this semester I learned several skills and techniques this semester to improve my writing skills for the future. This class has
helped me learn many skills that I did not know before I first walked in here. I personally feel that I have made an improvement in the
acknowledgment I had in writing. One of the major writing principles that I will never forget is the rhetorical triangle for example, logos, ethos, and
pathos make up the rhetorical triangle I used in my Rhetorical Analysis Essay. To illustrate this in the beginning of Tatum's article she attempts to use
logos to demonstrate her own view on racism. She believes racism is "a term used only for behaviors committed by whites in the context of a white more content...
This tells you the direction of my essay. Additionally, I learned the three types of keywords used in topic sentences which include the main idea,
directional elements, and newness. If you look at this thesis while Tatum and Kozol both successfully make emotional pleas about racism in public
schools in America, Tatum's and Kozol's arguments about racism in public education fails to convince general readers to their side of the argument
because of their unsupported claims, unclear generalities, and irrelevant examples (Synthesis, 2017, p.1). The main idea is Tatum and Kozol both
successfully make emotional pleas about racism in public schools in America. The directional elements are unsupported claims, unclear generalities,
and irrelevant examples. The newness in my thesis is Tatum's and Kozol's arguments about racism in public education fails to convince general
readers. When writing my research argument I included citations and quotes. I included citations to acknowledge the contribution of other writers in
my work and it provided evidence to support the assertions and claims in my paper. For instance, Fighting words and true threats to inflict injury are
types of speech that are more easily constrained than others (Ruane, 2014, p. 3). I cited Ruane's work at the end of the sentence to give her credit. I
also used quotes for important evidence. If you look at this quote the student had posted several statements and pictures to his
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Malala Yousafzai Pathos
Throughout this well–written, emotional and inspiring novel about Malala Yousafzai we have not only seen who she is as a person, but we have
seen the challenges in her life and we have come to learn her story due to the rhetorical strategies she has included all throughout the book. Malala
has shown us the use of pathos, logos and diatyposis. Malala has always been a different person in her family ever since she was little and that has
helped her become the women she is today, the woman who stood up to the Taliban and survived a head shot bullet, but most of all she is a girl who
stood up for children's right at a young age by simply going to school. Malala's story isn't about herself, it's about her country and what the Taliban are more content...
The pathos that have been shown throughout the novel and has been seen in powerful line of her story. In the novel, it shows us emotion for
everyone to see not just us, the readers. She wants the men the men in her country to notice that women should be allowed by their side so they
can make the right decision and get a point of view from a woman," No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with
men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. The third power stronger than both, that of women" (Yousafzai,
p.g 31). In her country women are portrayed as servants, housewives and treated badly by men and the society. Women can not go out of their house
without a male relative escort even if it is a five year old boy. They are expected to stay at home all day and cook for the male relatives, they aren't
allowed to go to school and get a career, they cannot include their voice in politics or in any problem. Women are seen as weak and so are the
husbands for asking for their help as seen in the novel, " Most Pashtun men never do this, as sharing problems with women is seen as weak" (
Yousafzai, p.g. 22). Pathos has and will continue to show throughout the novel because it is directing our attention to issues going on in other countries
that we have no idea
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Sample Of Rhetorical Analysis Papers
The rhetorical analysis was one of the first assignments in which we were allowed to have a peer review session, which was much required since this
was the first major assignment in which we were tasked to write at a more elevated style and language.
I assumed that since I had already written other reports in which I was tasked with analyzing the contents of a scientific research paper, I had ample
experience so that I could perform well in this assignment, however, I found that as I began analyzing the paper, that experience actually hindered me.
The primary goal of this assignment was to analyze the rhetorical techniques, especially their use of ethos, pathos, and logos, used by the authors. The
key factor was that we were instructed to
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Ted Talk
"Stop trying to be good people." It is only human to be biased. However, the problem begins when we allow our bigotry to manifest into an obstacle
that hinders us from genuinely getting to know people. Long time diversity lawyer, Verna Myers, in her 2014 Ted Talk, "How to overcome our
biases? Walk boldly toward them" discusses the implicit biases we may obtain when it comes torace, specifically black men. Myers purpose is quite
like the clichГ© phrase "Face your fears." Her goal is to impress upon us that we all have biases (conscious or unconscious). We just have to be aware
of them and face them head on, so that problems such as racism, can be resolved. Throughout the Ted Talk, Verna Myers utilizes an admonishing yet
entertaining tone more content...
That "contamination" is sheer narrow–mindedness. In relation to the "Implicit association test," which "measures unconscious bias," Myers
acknowledges that "Seventy percent of white people taking that test prefer white." Not only do "white people prefer" someone of their race, but "Fifty
percent of black people taking that test prefer white" as well. Informing us of the results from the "IAT (Implicit Association Test)" helps showcase
that there is a clear bias among us that "we've been schooled in." Myers provides this data in order to further justify that we all play a role in "the
prejudices that fuel those kinds of tragic incidents" that happened to the black men mentioned in the previous paragraph. Conversely with a grandiose
tone, the diversity advocate explains that the problem isn't so much that "we see color" it's "what we do when we see the color." Bringing this issue to
light is effective in the sense that it makes her audience re–evaluate their standpoint within these specific instances. Are their prejudices a part of the
problem?" Yes. Verna Myers is well aware that "we are not shooting people down in the street"; nonetheless, we still contribute to the issue until we are
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Margaret Thatcher's Rhetorical Analysis
June 11th, 2004, Margaret Thatcher, Great Britain's former prime minister, gave a eulogy for Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher
had worked together often during his presidency from 1981–1989. In the respectful and reminiscent eulogy, Margaret Thatcher utilizes rhetorical
appeals, anaphora, and counterpoints in order to honor Ronald Reagan as a great American leader. Thatcher uplifts American citizens by appealing to
their feelings about the former president. She describes Reagan as "[carrying] the American people" through the hardships the nation faced. This
reminds the audience of how much he cared about the citizens, and how he reacted when the nation needed him most. People should respect him
because of his great leadership and efforts to help his country. Thatcher also more content...
She describes Reagan as a "great president, a great American, and a great man" that she and America had lost. The repetition of "great" emphasizes
the roles she lists after, and that he fulfilled each well. She directs people's thoughts towards his accomplishments when he was alive. Thatcher also
discusses how he fought to establish the "free world, and to free the slaves" trapped in communism. This stresses the impact he was able to have, not
just in his country, but also all over the world. By saying he was "freeing" people from communism, she establishes the communist countries as an
evil that people need to be saved from, an idea which she continues later in the eulogy. Lastly, she details how Ronald Reagan won support from
"every class and every nation" for his policies. This creates a united support for Reagan and what he stood for from American citizens and those
throughout the world. It shows that he was such a great leader everyone, even people who weren't under his power, agreed with him. Thatcher uses
repetition to emphasize Reagan's impact on the nation and the
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Key Elements Of Rhetorical Analysis

  • 1. Key Elements Of Rhetorical Analysis Key Elements of Rhetoric Rhetoric is always situational and always has context context is the occasion or time and place it was written or spoken. Rhetoric also includes a purpose, a goal that the speaker or writer wants to achieve Lou Gehrig's purpose was to keep positive and always look on the bright sides of situation Gehrig maintains focus, giving the word rhetoric a definition of sincerity Identifying purpose and context in more complex situations can be very difficult We first ask about the context then consider the purpose Context can also arise from cultural bias As a speaker he presents himself modestly and contented with his life The Rhetorical Triangle (Aristotelian Triangle) Triangle with speaker, audience, and subject on each corner Writers or more content... Speakers can appeal to ethos by stressing the concern of parents or adolescent behavior Ethos emphasizes shared values between the speaker and the audience A speaker's reputation could also establish ethos Establishes ethos by making a good impression, reflecting off the tone of their voice The speaker's ethos, knowledge, and experience gives the audience a reason for listening Logos Writers and speakers appeal to logos for logic and reason. Logos is very rational with a clear, main idea The main idea must be logical Counterargument is another way to appeal to logos, anticipating and opposing views In an argument you first agree, then refute, strengthening your argument Pathos Pathos can be very powerful, targeting emotion Writing that consists of mainly pathos is hardly effective logically, but adds an important dimension Strong, positive connotations are more effective to pathos for an audience
  • 2. Pathos is propagandistic and polemical, evoking the emotions of the audience Emotional appeals include vivid, concrete details, and a lot of Get more content on
  • 3. Henry David Thoreau goes to live in a forest for a few years and writes about the philosophies and ideas he learns through experience in an excerpt called Where I Lived and What I Lived For. Thoreau argues how life will be of much better quality if you reduce all the unnecessary luxuries from your life; according to Thoreau living the simple life is in fact luxurious. Thoreau employs the rhetorical strategies of compare and contrast, analogy, and aphorisms to demonstrate how technology hinders our ability to live a simple life. One rhetorical strategy Thoreau employs is the mode of compare and contrast. Thoreau begins the second paragraph by saying, "like pygmies we fight with cranes..." comparing our lives to weak soldiers at war fighting with cranes. Ordinary people go on in their mundane lives thinking they need something bigger and better to help them live a perfect life, so to a weak soldier would need a crane to help them fight better soldiers on the other side. Additionally, Thoreau compares how life could be if you reduce the excess unnecessary possessions from your life when saying, "Instead of three meals a day... eat but one." Thoreau says you don't need to overeat but only eat enough to survive and it'll change your more content... Thoreau begins the second paragraph by writing, "Still we live meanly like ants..." comparing our lives to ants considering ants like to work hard for food just as we work hard to afford all the pretentious possessions which are unnecessary. An additional analogy Thoreau exploits compares our life to German Confederacy when saying, "Our life is like a German Confederacy..." Thoreau states how we are "made up of petty states, with its boundary forever fluctuating..." During this time period Germany was becoming a country and was trying to improve so to we try to improve with technology such as Get more content on
  • 4. Rhetorical Analysis Reflection This semester has taught me a lot about the different types of writing. I have learned how to draft and compose a rhetorical analysis based off of an author's ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. Not only have I been able to critically analyze rhetorical papers, but I have been able to search for more information to support my ideas or beliefs. Even though this can be time consuming it is well worth it to have a lot of support and evidence to back my ideas or beliefs on a topic. Throughout this semester I have more of a general knowledge on rhetorical goals, critical reading and writing skills, my processes on how to write a paper, and learning a new way of creating an idea through electronical environments. Each assignment more content... These cites that were used could be placed in my essay and the flow of the paper would not change but keep it more organized with my thought process. From the rhetorical essay to the argument essay, the development of my citing or using references has greatly increased. When I started with the rhetorical essay it was difficult to understand how to cite the author's work appropriately but when I moved to the argument essay it was almost natural when citing work. I believe this is due to the practice that we have had in class. The strategies I find most useful when writing an essay is having a topic that is of interest. When I wrote the argument essay, I already had a topic that interested me from the exploratory assignment. Generating an outline was another beneficial strategy that I had used because I could see the gaps in my writing or where my ideas did not flow together. Once I had an outline the rough draft was easy to create. I do not mind peer review but it becomes challenging when the person who is reading your review might not have the same views as I do. This would mean they were over critical of the paper and made it seem like I needed to change my entire essay to fit the standards of another classmate versus what the assignment was about. I did receive good constructive feedback on all of the assignments, which did end up helping me adjust portions of my writing. I do believe I am the same way to others writing Get more content on
  • 5. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Two TED Talks I watched two TED talk shows last night. One of the speeches is "Ten ways to have a better conversation" and it published in April 2015. The speaker Celeste Headlee who is the host of the Georgia Public Broadcasting program "On Second Thought." The other speech titled "Why you think you're right – even if you're wrong" by Julia Galef and it published in February 2016. She is a writer and public speaker also a co–founder of the Center for Applied Rationality. Celeste Headlee shares 10 useful rules for having better conversations in this insightful talk. She demonstrates that she uses these communication skills in professional interviews. Though she always talks to some people that she disagrees with deeply on a personal level, she still has a great conversation with them. The most important rules is don't multitask. It's not mean just set down the cell phone or whatever in your hand. Be present and be in that moment is the best way to pay attention in the conversation and respect others. A good conversation always makes us feeling engaged and inspired, or you feel that you've more content... She asked audience: "why are some people, some at least, able to cut through their own prejudices and biases and motivations and try to see facts and the evidence as objectively as they can?" The answer is emotional. For example, most of us followed sports game, so we might have noticed that when the referee judges that your team committed a foul, you are highly motivated to find reasons why he is wrong. But if he judges that the other team committed a foul, we might think that is a good call. Her speech explains the reason our emotion with the judges when we watch the sports game, even our attitude in politics and research studies that we agree or disagree. I really recommend this talk show because it truly shows the psychological activity from our Get more content on
  • 6. This particular video was interesting because it is about not demonizing stress. As an overworked college student, I badly need information like this. Kelly McGonigal presented a TED Talk called "How to Make Stress Your Friend." Just as the title suggests, her talk centers on changing the way we view stress. McGonigal exhibits excellent verbal and nonverbal communication skills. What make a person a good verbal communicator? Throughout this semester, I have learned that verbal communication is not magic, nor is it just charisma. From the moment McGonigal begins to speak, she has wonderful verbal communication. Everything was clearly practiced because it all comes out smoothly. I could not even tell if she was reading from the teleprompter. Statistics are present in her speech, but not complicated ones. All of the statistics, facts, and studies are relevant and easy to understand. Every single concept she introduces is thoroughly explained so that each person in the audience can comprehend the point she is trying more content... In McGonigal's case, she was very well presented. The way she chose to dress was nice but not over the top, which made her feel more personable. There was a certain connection with the audience because she had a wide range of facial expressions and smiled. Yet, her eye contact with the audience was probably the most important piece of her nonverbal communication. Not only did she interact with the audience, but she focused on each section of people. There was a sense of composure, yet passion in her speech. Her body language made me feel her enthusiasm. There so many ways to analyze a speech. Kelly McGonigal's "How to Make Stress Your Friend" verbal and nonverbal communication created a connection while ensnaring the attention of the audience. Altogether, her speech was as nicely presented as she Get more content on
  • 7. Rhetorical Analysis Reflection I had a lot of difficulty transitioning from the Rhetorical Analysis essay to the Rhetoric in Practice Project for the mere reason of the change in dependency between the two projects, meaning, we spent so much time on the RA and we had all the necessary tools and time to perfect it and have a good chance of writing a well written essay. Yet, in contrary, the RIP is all individual work, finding what you want to argue, your inspiration, your sources, and where to even begin. The beginning, the very first day this was introduced, everyone was talking about the topic they were interested in or they wanted to write about, that is the day I had no clue what I was interested in doing, my mind was literally blank. Throughout all the process work, more content... Why? I do not know the outcome of this Project, I can make myself believe I'll do really good, but I will not know, because that's just how writing works, there is always space to learn and improve. I know for a fact that although the RA and the RIP are two different assignments, both have vey different techniques of writing and expression, however they are also very similar. Both are trying to make a point, both have the ability to engage with the audience and allow for the author of the essay to express emotion on certain topics. My organization skills, were not the best, I had great difficulty in mastering a smooth essay without confusing my readers so much. I was never able to revise my own writing, I never saw anything wrong with it, I was also never taught what I was supposed to look for. But my peers, my peers are the ones that taught me what to look for, they taught me how to turn a whole sentence around and and giving it a clearer meaning. Everyone that helped me on my essay were able to teach me, so I can apply it myself. I have also been able to learn about argumentation and persuasion; two totally different things but in reality they are two very similar things that correlate with one another in order to create a stronger essay. I learned this by working on the RIP, this project allowed me to try and persuade my audience by using my feeling, emotions, experiences, and knowledge so I can articulate an argument that can be debated, but won. There is no doubt that this project allowed me to grow as a writer and not only learn from my mistakes but to be able to recognize them before it is too Get more content on
  • 8. Rhetorical Speech Examples Mike, Good morning, I hope you are well! I just wanted to say thank you for allowing Tara to assist me with commissions, and the programming of the ever daunting task that is reoccurring. It is also to great benefit to Taconic to have another employee able to manage the system. It was a difficult job to get them our management team to enable me to train others, but this is one of my 2016 goals and I am headed in the right direct and so is Taconic, as overall everyone benefits. Kind Regards and many thanks, Kelley PS. Tara is a quick study! Get more content on
  • 9. Motivational Speech Rhetorical Analysis The speech I am analyzing was given by Jon Bowers, a UPS driving and delivery trainer, in Atlanta Georgia in July 2017. Bowers was giving a motivational speech on why we should aim for perfection and not fear failure. He was giving this speech to an audience of listeners at a TED convention. The audience appears to be composed of a wide variety of age groups from multiple different backgrounds. The audience likely already had interest in the subject matter as they chose to attend speech knowing what it was about. The audience is rather large and likely contains several hundred people. The target audience is unclear as the topic is so broad that it can apply to basically anyone. The speaker is clearly intending to motivate the audience to achieve higher. This is clear as the entirety of the speech is dedicated to him trying to motivate everyone to shoot for perfection and stop fearing failure. The speech opens by asking a rhetorical question, "Have you ever heard of typo–squatting?, he then informs the audience on the subject. He does this because typo–squatting is a practice in which companies buy adds on websites that have very similar web addresses to popular websites in other words they are betting on you not being perfect and making typos when working online. This allows him to transition into the main topics of the speech which are perfection and failure. It is a decently memorable introduction as the question piques your curiosity, and then he secures your attention Get more content on
  • 10. Rhetorical Analysis On Ted Talk She is a social worker and researcher. She talked about relationships with people and she defined that as connection. The topic is little bit uncomfortable because she is telling about vulnerability and how people handle their vulnerability. But, she was a really good speaker. Her introduction was great because she explained how she participated in TED talk with humorous attitude without overdoing it. Her attitude remained a good connection with audiences. She used slides for bringing into her points. There were only simple words and pictures. It was delivered her main points effectively. Also, she used paused effectively. She used pause with humorous joke or part of her speech. If she wanted to emphasize some part, she used some pauses between Get more content on
  • 11. The Great Gatsby Rhetorical Analysis When Nick receives Wolfsheim's message that Wolfsheim, who was one of Gatsby's only friends, will not be coming to the funeral, Nick feels that it is he and Gatsby against them all. Nick realizes that no one truly cares about him and his friend. After reaching out to people to encourage them to come to the funeral and finally being rejected by someone who Nick thought Gatsby called a true friend, he experiences "a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity." Because of Wolfsheim's close connection to Gatsby and his friendship and relationship with Gatsby, Nick believes that he will at least be able to bring someone to Gatsby's funeral. However, when Wolfsheim says that he doesn't want to get mixed up with Gatsby's murder, Nick senses that no one has really cared for Gatsby or for him. Nick feels that he is all alone, that everyone is against him and that there is no one left who cares. 4.Nick described Henry Gatz as having "reached an age where death no longer has the quality of ghastly surprise." What Nick means by this is that more content... The significance of this inscription only makes sense after you read the book. It symbolizes the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby, and Gatsby's philosophy for winning her over. In the story Gatsby tried to "wear the gold hat, if that will move her," meaning that he tried to impress with his wealth in order to move Daisy to love him again. Also the inscription states, "If you can bounce high, bounce for her too," which Gatsby attempts to do by impressing Daisy with his achievements. Gatsby "bounces" for Daisy by showing her what he has done and how he has built himself up and that she can come with him. The last two lines it state, "Till she cry 'Lover, gold–hatted, high–bouncing lover, I must have you!'" This stanza is the most significant because it shows Gatsby's frame of mind when trying got win over Daisy. He tried to impress her with money and achievements and wouldn't give up until she would say, "I must have Get more content on
  • 12. Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay About Writing The first paragraph in the essay takes a form of a vivid description. It starts with a quotation of a teacher giving instructions to start an exam. Then the following phrases in the paragraph take a negative voice tone. The writer was worry about the exam, and he was sur that he is going to fail the exam. All these details make the reader hook to the essay and want to know why the test is a source of struggle for the writer, and why he thinks he is going to fail the exam. In the next paragraph the writer starts adding more crucial details, he recalls his memory about school, and how good he was at English by getting As and Bs in his tests. This details make the readers have more interest to know why his is facing problems in his English test now, since he was doing good before, also why the writer tries to be perfect, and what perfection means for more content... He explains why he is struggling to get good grades, and why the English test become a source of frustration for him. In addition, the writer poses many questions in the paragraphs wish mane the essay more effective and easy to understand. The writer ends the essay with a conclusion taking a form of reflection. The writer gives a different definition to perfection other than the one he uses to consider before. So he decided Perfection doesn't mean getting good grades or having a good personality. Yet, perfection mean strong character and good personnel Get more content on
  • 13. Kairos Rhetoric Kairos is a significance part of rhetoric because; certain oral or written materials have appropriate times to be shared. When it comes to kairos there is a right time for everything, and unlike poetry, which is abstract form of art, it can be perceived in different ways. Poetry can be presented in different forms of writing, and is not confined compared to Kariros. Kariros of the written or spoken form takes advantage of a particular moment in time to grab an audience's attention. Kariros must be presented at the right moment or it won't be must as effected, it will miss the opportunity to capture the moment. According to the textbook " Kairos, form this perspective, was the ... deliberation and thus for examining issues of good and bad, right Get more content on
  • 14. Rhetorical Analysis : My Life Until I started this rhetorical analysis paper I wasn't aware that the things I display in my room say things about me. I never thought about how they make me look as a person or what my audience would assume about me based on these items. When I started analyzing, all these questions started popping up. I was finally able to step back and see myself how others might see me. When asked by my teacher to pick 3 items that describe myself from my bedroom I didn't have any trouble picking them out. When it came down to it, I 'd always choose the same 3 items: A wall of family pictures, a Pride flag and a mirror with notes and pictures all over it. The first Item I chose from my bedroom was a wall of pictures displayed to the left of my more content... My flag is 5 ft. by 4 ft. and made of very thin material. From top to bottom the colors go from red–purple in the same order as a rainbow. I got my flag when I went to my first Pride Festival in 2016. Since then I 've used it for some of my favorite senior photos! My absolute favorite senior photo is one of me in a blue Lexington Wildcats T–shirt and jeans and I 'm laying on top of my Pride flag with my head propped up on my hand. Now my flag hangs proudly above my TV until its time for my next Pride Festival. This flag is very important to me because I want my audience to know how far I 've come and how comfortable I am with who I am and what my sexual orientation is. I came out to the majority of my family and friends in 2015 around fall time. I went through a lot of stages where I felt bad about myself and who I was but through the support of my family and friends I was finally able to become comfortable with who I am. So to show this, I leave my flag hanging as a reminder that I 'm perfect just the way I am! The audience of this is also my friends, family, and even those in the LGBT community. I 'm lucky to have friends and family who are as supportive as anyone can be, so it makes them very happy to see my flag hanging when they come into my room. I would say that I 'm using both ethos and pathos in this, I 'm using pathos because my flag hanging evokes my audience to feel happy for me and how far I 've come since 2015. I also would say ethos, ethos is Get more content on
  • 15. Rhetorical Analysis Response After the calibration process, along with juxtaposing the current timed write to my prior rhetorical analysis response, I now further comprehend my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. My introduction paragraph has grown immensely in terms of my ability to fully express the topic which I will address in response to the prompt. In my timed write, I open with a strong thesis statement in which I expeditiously identify the main theme of the following speech as "the severe lack of labor laws." Although this is the paramount topic, I failed to address the underlying theme of women's rights used by Florence Kelley to justify her view on labor laws while serving to strategically juxtapose the violation of women's rights and the infringement more content... Why: In the first rhetorical analysis timed write, I struggled to identify which rhetorical strategies were used along with their connection to the theme of each article. In the sentence above, my writing successfully identifies both the purpose and theme in a concise manner. Revision: She implements anaphora along with asyndeton in the phrase "men increase, women increase, youth increase.. they are in commerce, in office, in manufacturing." Through her use of literary devices, Kelley is able to identify the overarching issue of women's suffrage while enlightening her audience as she expresses that once women are seen as strong, competent individuals, then, and only then, will there be a respect for the American youth. Reflection: In the following sentence, I am able to expand upon a major topic of discussion for Women's Rights Activist Florence Kelley. It is difficult at first to identify the purpose behind the rhetorical strategies used by the speaker, but upon further examination it is apparent how Kelley's diction comprehensively contributes to the integrity of her argument as a Get more content on
  • 16. Over the course of this semester I learned several skills and techniques this semester to improve my writing skills for the future. This class has helped me learn many skills that I did not know before I first walked in here. I personally feel that I have made an improvement in the acknowledgment I had in writing. One of the major writing principles that I will never forget is the rhetorical triangle for example, logos, ethos, and pathos make up the rhetorical triangle I used in my Rhetorical Analysis Essay. To illustrate this in the beginning of Tatum's article she attempts to use logos to demonstrate her own view on racism. She believes racism is "a term used only for behaviors committed by whites in the context of a white more content... This tells you the direction of my essay. Additionally, I learned the three types of keywords used in topic sentences which include the main idea, directional elements, and newness. If you look at this thesis while Tatum and Kozol both successfully make emotional pleas about racism in public schools in America, Tatum's and Kozol's arguments about racism in public education fails to convince general readers to their side of the argument because of their unsupported claims, unclear generalities, and irrelevant examples (Synthesis, 2017, p.1). The main idea is Tatum and Kozol both successfully make emotional pleas about racism in public schools in America. The directional elements are unsupported claims, unclear generalities, and irrelevant examples. The newness in my thesis is Tatum's and Kozol's arguments about racism in public education fails to convince general readers. When writing my research argument I included citations and quotes. I included citations to acknowledge the contribution of other writers in my work and it provided evidence to support the assertions and claims in my paper. For instance, Fighting words and true threats to inflict injury are types of speech that are more easily constrained than others (Ruane, 2014, p. 3). I cited Ruane's work at the end of the sentence to give her credit. I also used quotes for important evidence. If you look at this quote the student had posted several statements and pictures to his Get more content on
  • 17. Malala Yousafzai Pathos Throughout this well–written, emotional and inspiring novel about Malala Yousafzai we have not only seen who she is as a person, but we have seen the challenges in her life and we have come to learn her story due to the rhetorical strategies she has included all throughout the book. Malala has shown us the use of pathos, logos and diatyposis. Malala has always been a different person in her family ever since she was little and that has helped her become the women she is today, the woman who stood up to the Taliban and survived a head shot bullet, but most of all she is a girl who stood up for children's right at a young age by simply going to school. Malala's story isn't about herself, it's about her country and what the Taliban are more content... The pathos that have been shown throughout the novel and has been seen in powerful line of her story. In the novel, it shows us emotion for everyone to see not just us, the readers. She wants the men the men in her country to notice that women should be allowed by their side so they can make the right decision and get a point of view from a woman," No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. The third power stronger than both, that of women" (Yousafzai, p.g 31). In her country women are portrayed as servants, housewives and treated badly by men and the society. Women can not go out of their house without a male relative escort even if it is a five year old boy. They are expected to stay at home all day and cook for the male relatives, they aren't allowed to go to school and get a career, they cannot include their voice in politics or in any problem. Women are seen as weak and so are the husbands for asking for their help as seen in the novel, " Most Pashtun men never do this, as sharing problems with women is seen as weak" ( Yousafzai, p.g. 22). Pathos has and will continue to show throughout the novel because it is directing our attention to issues going on in other countries that we have no idea Get more content on
  • 18. Sample Of Rhetorical Analysis Papers The rhetorical analysis was one of the first assignments in which we were allowed to have a peer review session, which was much required since this was the first major assignment in which we were tasked to write at a more elevated style and language. I assumed that since I had already written other reports in which I was tasked with analyzing the contents of a scientific research paper, I had ample experience so that I could perform well in this assignment, however, I found that as I began analyzing the paper, that experience actually hindered me. The primary goal of this assignment was to analyze the rhetorical techniques, especially their use of ethos, pathos, and logos, used by the authors. The key factor was that we were instructed to Get more content on
  • 19. Rhetorical Analysis Of Ted Talk "Stop trying to be good people." It is only human to be biased. However, the problem begins when we allow our bigotry to manifest into an obstacle that hinders us from genuinely getting to know people. Long time diversity lawyer, Verna Myers, in her 2014 Ted Talk, "How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them" discusses the implicit biases we may obtain when it comes torace, specifically black men. Myers purpose is quite like the clichГ© phrase "Face your fears." Her goal is to impress upon us that we all have biases (conscious or unconscious). We just have to be aware of them and face them head on, so that problems such as racism, can be resolved. Throughout the Ted Talk, Verna Myers utilizes an admonishing yet entertaining tone more content... That "contamination" is sheer narrow–mindedness. In relation to the "Implicit association test," which "measures unconscious bias," Myers acknowledges that "Seventy percent of white people taking that test prefer white." Not only do "white people prefer" someone of their race, but "Fifty percent of black people taking that test prefer white" as well. Informing us of the results from the "IAT (Implicit Association Test)" helps showcase that there is a clear bias among us that "we've been schooled in." Myers provides this data in order to further justify that we all play a role in "the prejudices that fuel those kinds of tragic incidents" that happened to the black men mentioned in the previous paragraph. Conversely with a grandiose tone, the diversity advocate explains that the problem isn't so much that "we see color" it's "what we do when we see the color." Bringing this issue to light is effective in the sense that it makes her audience re–evaluate their standpoint within these specific instances. Are their prejudices a part of the problem?" Yes. Verna Myers is well aware that "we are not shooting people down in the street"; nonetheless, we still contribute to the issue until we are Get more content on
  • 20. Margaret Thatcher's Rhetorical Analysis June 11th, 2004, Margaret Thatcher, Great Britain's former prime minister, gave a eulogy for Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had worked together often during his presidency from 1981–1989. In the respectful and reminiscent eulogy, Margaret Thatcher utilizes rhetorical appeals, anaphora, and counterpoints in order to honor Ronald Reagan as a great American leader. Thatcher uplifts American citizens by appealing to their feelings about the former president. She describes Reagan as "[carrying] the American people" through the hardships the nation faced. This reminds the audience of how much he cared about the citizens, and how he reacted when the nation needed him most. People should respect him because of his great leadership and efforts to help his country. Thatcher also more content... She describes Reagan as a "great president, a great American, and a great man" that she and America had lost. The repetition of "great" emphasizes the roles she lists after, and that he fulfilled each well. She directs people's thoughts towards his accomplishments when he was alive. Thatcher also discusses how he fought to establish the "free world, and to free the slaves" trapped in communism. This stresses the impact he was able to have, not just in his country, but also all over the world. By saying he was "freeing" people from communism, she establishes the communist countries as an evil that people need to be saved from, an idea which she continues later in the eulogy. Lastly, she details how Ronald Reagan won support from "every class and every nation" for his policies. This creates a united support for Reagan and what he stood for from American citizens and those throughout the world. It shows that he was such a great leader everyone, even people who weren't under his power, agreed with him. Thatcher uses repetition to emphasize Reagan's impact on the nation and the Get more content on