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Human Loneliness
"Friends wanted" is a new research by psychologists. It mentioned about the health risks of loneliness and the benefits of strong social connections.
While research on relationships has skirted adult friendships. They are tending to focus on adolescent friendships and adult romances. Psychologist
agree that the importance of strong social connections throughout life is gaining scientific clout, having been linked with such benefits as a greater
pain tolerance, a stronger immune system, and a lower risk of depression and early death. According to psychologist Andrew Steptoe, PhD, of the
University College London and colleagues found that, both feeling lonely and being socially isolated raised the risk of death. People do not have
friends. They always stay at home. They do not want to have new relationships. This is abnormal idea. Indeed, if you live far from your family, you
should have some new friends near your place. It is good idea because you should need their help sometime. For example, a lack of friends is not
simply an inconvenience when you want a movie partner or a ride to the hospital. Most research indicates that feeling isolated is more dangerous than
being isolated. Psychologist John Cacioppo, PhD and co–author of the 2008 book "Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection." In
one 2012 study, he more content...
As the people, they should have more relationship. The more relationship which they have, the more friendship they gain. People should understand
that there is the link between friendship and health. Psychologist agree that the importance of strong social connections throughout life is gaining
scientific clout, having been linked with such benefits as a greater pain tolerance, a stronger immune system, and a lower risk of depression and early
death. Therefore, people should be more open–minded, more socialite. They will have more relationships; even thought, they live far from their
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Loneliness And Isolation
In Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson, the author creatively develops the story of different individuals living in Ohio at the turn of the century.
The wide multitude of characters developed throughout the twenty four stories in the complete piece, all have lives slightly deformed by the loneliness
and isolation they feel. His unique characterization by uniting the seemingly different stories through a common theme create an intense impact as a
whole that immerses the reader in the peculiar lives of the community's inhabitants. The first story, The Book of the Grotesque, serves as a "prologue"
to the story, even though it is not addressed as such. The main character, a nameless elderly writer, describes his visions of these different individuals in
relation to his theory more content...
The reader by the end of the piece can assume that each story is drawn from a character of this unnamed author. This first story introduces many of
the common themes to be included throughout the story including isolation and lives corrupted by loneliness, as characterized by the author
through the narrator. In the story Surrender, the characterization of Louise Bentley encompasses the carried theme of loneliness. Not only is Louise
somewhat alienated from her family due to her lack of relationship with her father, she is "stuck" in a failing marriage due to her impulsive craving
for love at a young age. We see her character turned bitter and angry as a result of her life choices. The reader essentially experiences a "slice" of
each character's life, in an effort to understand how their particular isolation has impacted their life. In a story later in Winesburg, Loneliness, we see a
character affected by his loneliness to the point of near
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Loneliness Essay
Loneliness is an emotion that people know all too well, and it is different for each person While many people see loneliness akin or solitude or the
act being alone, it is more of a state of mind. It causes people to feel alone, empty, and unwanted. People who are lonely want to make a connection
with others, but due to their state of mind it is difficult to make friends. While spending time alone can offer a rich psychological experience, too
much isolation can have a negative impact on one's life. An unhealthy amount of solitude will lead to many illnesss and ravage one's physical health.
In the past loneliness was viewed as a social problem. Today aloneness is considered a health crisis that spreads to others. The UCLA Loneliness Scale more content...
Lonesomeness can also lead to depression. When someone is lonely, their natural responses to positive image and events become suppressed.
People see the world through a negative filter and may think life is hopeless, which makes it more difficult to summon up energy and bravery to
find happiness and change. Loneliness is such a huge problem that even books have been written about the health crisis. One example is the
novella, "Of Mice and Men", written by John Steinbeck. Steinbeck's central theme throughout the entirety of the short story is loneliness and how
it can change people's minds and bodies in extreme ways. Many characters in the book are plagued with lonesomeness. For example, George, one
of the main characters, goes around to different farms looking for work with his friend, Lennie. He is talking to Slim, who is also one of the many
working hands on the ranch, "I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone... After a long time they get mean. They get wantin to fight"
(Steinbeck). These ranchers have been alone for so long that they're desperate to make any connection, even a violent one. While many people
believe spending time alone is terrible for one's health and emotional status, it is necessary for our brains to unwind and recharge and is crucial to
certain areas of brain activity. Let's face it, people can be pretty distracting. "When one removes as many distractions and interruptions as they can from
a day," says Dr. Carter, "You
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Theme Of Loneliness
Have you ever been lonely? When someone is lonely, it means that he or she does not have any friends to talk to. In the novella, Of Mice and Men,
John Steinbeck helped us as readers, to understand that loneliness hurts and everyone needs a friend. Steinbeck illustrates the isolation of people
living at the ranch in the 1930s. I feel that loneliness can make a person feel empty. Obviously, no one would want to feel this way. In this book,
several characters went through loneliness. Some characters that present the theme of loneliness are Curley's wife, Crooks, and Candy. Through
characterization, Steinbeck explains how loneliness can change a person. Along with loneliness of individuals, Steinbeck uses an allegory to
emphasize the setting that surrounds the characters. For example, the name of the town where the story took place is "Soledad" translated from
Spanish to English is "loneliness." By creating this atmosphere, Steinbeck shows that men who work and live on ranches are lonely. Loneliness can
lead to many feelings such as loss of hope. He also shows that some main characters are more lonely or isolated than others around more
Crook's lives alone in the barn because other white men don't like him. In addition to this, he is not allowed to do many things that other workers
can do, such as take part in social activities. Crook illustrates his loneliness through the quote: "A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make
any difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. I tell ya,"..."I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick." (Of Mice and Men, p. 36). In other
words, Crook is telling us that every man needs a someone to talk to once in awhile. It doesn't matter if the person is listening or not, sometimes, just
getting your feelings out is very relieving. Like other men on the ranch, Crook is in need of a friend who he can talk
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Essay On Loneliness
Everyone feels lonely at some point in their life. Whether they have lost a friend, family member, or loved one. Loneliness can have many negative
effects on a person's well–being. Some results could be craziness, depression, or even sickness. These effects could lead to even worse mental health
issues. In order for humans to be happy, friendships and connections are vital; as well as never keeping isolated from the world. The characters
George, Lennie and Crooks were all affected by loneliness. All these characters were affected in different ways. In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men,
loneliness has a prominent affect on the characters' mental health, as well as illustrate why friendships are vital. First of all, loneliness more
Secondly, Lennie suffered from loneliness because he was different. He had trouble making friends because he wasn't like everyone else. Lennie
always counted on George to be his guardian. He always knew that George would keep him safe. In contrast to George, Lennie loved George's
company. The presence of George is what made Lennie feel safe. All of Lennie's life, George was the only person he could remember. The
dangerous thought that always filled Lennie's mind was the thought of losing George. All these years, Lennie always had George to keep him
company. This idea is what drove him insane. Although, Lennie's mental stability is already poor, this fear made it worse. Lennie was always
trying to be nice and apologetic to George, just so Lennie could stay with him. To show George that he cares, Lennie reassures, "But I wouldn't eat
none, George. I'd leave it all for you. You could cover your beans with it and I wouldn't touch none of it." This shows how Lennie wanted only the
best for George.The fear of being lonely one day was Lennie's weakness. Lennie's mental health was greatly affected by the thought of losing
George. Lastly, Crooks struggled with loneliness because he was heavily discriminated against. Crooks was the only black worker on the ranch. He
had no friends or family to keep him company. All Crooks has are his possessions to help him cope with his loneliness. Friendships were something
that Crooks lacked. He was
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Loneliness Essay
What is loneliness? Loneliness is a kindergartener missing her mom so much she walks in front of a train, leaving only a note that read "I wanted to
be with my mom." It is the new kid sitting in the bathroom for lunch because they have yet to make any friends. Steinbeck understands what
loneliness is. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck illustrates that loneliness is different for everyone, including how people are affected by it and react to
it. To illustrate this, Steinbeck uses two characters, Curley's wife and Crooks, to demonstrate different ways people can be lonely, how it affects them,
and how they or others react to it. In Steinbeck's book, these characters come from different places and are immensely different, so as a result, they more content...
How'd you like that? S'pose you had to sit out here and read books'" (Steinbeck 72). Because of his race, Crooks is left to sit alone in his room with
nothing but the sweet companionship of a book. Steinbeck shows the readers Crooks's loneliness by giving examples of how he lives. "And
scattered about the floor were a number of personal possessions; for, being alone, Crooks could leave his things about, and being a stable buck and a
cripple, he was more permanent than the other men, and he had accumulated more possessions than he could carry on his back" (66–67). The passage
above shows that Crooks is alone; he is separated from everyone else. He doesn't care if his stuff is put neatly in one area, because he doesn't have
to. There's no one else sharing the space with him that would cause Crooks to live a neater lifestyle. Crooks is lonely because of his race, which in
turn means he is separated from the other men Curley's wife and Crooks may both be lonely, but they are lonely in different ways. Not only does
Steinbeck show the readers that loneliness can differ from person to person, but he illustrates the different characters' reactions to loneliness as well.
Before getting married to Curley, Curley's wife had a dream of a bright, famous future. She went on with her story quickly, before she should be
interrupted. ' 'Nother time I met a guy, an' he was in pitchers. Went out to the Riverside Dance Palace with him.
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Loneliness Essay
To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one must understand the difference between loneliness
and being alone. To be alone means that your are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere. You
can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a
feeling of being alone. As thought you were one and you feel as though you will always be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most destructive
feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide, and even to raging out and hurting friends and/ more
Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self–esteem. Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of
themselves. They may think of themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good, unable to do anything
right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people, the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others
they don't believe they can do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self–esteem, they may also believe they are not worth of happiness.
It takes the strong support of a good friend(s) or other loved one(s) to help the lonely conquer their feelings. Simply trying to counteract the low
self–esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. The lonely
must be shown in more subtle, yet clear ways that they are not the useless person they perceive themselves to be. For example, with a person who
feels particularly unloved and unwanted, someone close to them should try to take a little extra time to spend with that person and try to set aside a
little extra time to talk to the person.
Nothing special needs to be said or done, simply spending time, willing and without having been asked, allows the lonely one to see that they are
loved. That they are worthy of being associated with and that there are
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Loneliness And Isolation
In of Mice and Men, the men working on a ranch communicates a sense of loneliness and isolation. First, they are there by themselves with no
families or good friends. Second, they have got no real homes, nor a permanent job. Third, they have concerns about being kicked out of a job, if
anything goes wrong. In addition, Curley's wife is lonely because she has no one to talk with sincerity, nor someone who listens to her sincerity. The
people in ranch try not to imply with any matter of her; meanwhile, she isolates herself from other people by showing herself as a flirty and mean
women, and she longs for attention. On the other hand, Crooks is an older man who lives by himself in his own bunk; he takes care of the horses on
the ranch, and he
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Great Gatsby
Loneliness Essay In the book The Great Gatsby, almost all the characters deal with loneliness in their lives at some point or another. Jay Gatsby
started his life lonely, lived his life lonely and died lonely. "He had never really accepted...his parents." (pg.99). At a young age he began his
journey to make something out of himself. He never got along with his parents so he left the house and started to make money so he could win
Daisy back. He lived by himself and was involved in illegal activities such as bootlegging. In the middle of his life, he lived by himself in a beautiful
house and dreamed everyday of Daisy. He lived each day dreaming of the day he was going to rekindle what he had with Daisy.Jay Gatsby faced many more content...
At his parties he never met anyone and never tried to form any friendships. He was very "self–centered" in the way that he only cared about his dreams
of meeting Daisy. His "self–centeredness" did lead him to a very lonely life. He made decisions to live for Daisy and only Daisy. Gatsby did become
friends with Nick but in a way, he only used Nick as a way of getting closer to Daisy. I'm sure he cared about Nick and was a true friend but he might
have only become friends at first with him because he knew Daisy. Gatsby pretty much only cared and about his dreams and because of it his life was
really lonely and not fun at all.
At the end of the book Jay Gatsby paid for his consequences for living all his life with one dream. He did get close with Daisy but because he did
he had his life taken away from him. He was murdered because Daisy was too conceded to admit to her mistake of hitting Wilson's wife Myrtle.
Gatsby paid for her mistakes. If Gatsby had not become close with Daisy, Tom would never have hated him so much. "I suppose the latest thing is
to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Well, if that's the idea you can count me out" (pg.137). Tom did not like the
idea one bit, that Daisy was getting closer and closer with Gatsby. If Gatsby had stayed away from Daisy, Tom would have never hated him and
probably wouldn't have told Wilson that it was Gatsby's car that hit Myrtle. Gatsby made an enemy with
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Stress In Loneliness
The answer for how to deal with stress in loneliness can only be found by the one who is suffering from it, although support from others may help.
Loneliness may be due to numbness, devoid of human activity. Indignation, uneasiness and depression follow loneliness. Pessimism is the main factor
that causes it. Reasons may include loss of someone, financial problem, quarrels, health issue, failure, etc. Some people like to spend some time alone,
mainly just to relax or to analyze the situations silently. Nothing is wrong in doing so, but loneliness killing oneself from inside is dangerous. An
individual is unable to understand what he/she is doing. Everything starts seeming badly and things become worse when loneliness turns into more content...
Following the below mentioned tips with positive attitude will be helpful:
Be calm. Do not indulge in any activity so deeply that you start ignoring others in the process. Do not be impulsive and an introvert. Stay away from
fights. Argue only when required and make sure you do not ignore the point of view of the person with whom you are conversing. Listen to him/her
properly and then react positively. Whenever you are angry, control it, as reacting aggressively inanger may spoil your relations with others.
Health plays a vital role in controlling loneliness. Exercise for at least 30–45 minutes daily in a group. Involve in any sport. Eat healthy. Have fruits,
eggs, milk, oats, sprouted pulses, green vegetables, dry fruits, grains, etc. Eating such stuffs will never make you feel dull. Although fast food is quite
tasty, you must try to avoid it as it has low–nutritional value. Drink at least 3–4 liters of water a day to stay fresh and glow throughout the day. Stay
away from alcohol, caffeine, and cigarette. Sleeping for at least 7–8 hours a day is required to work effectively the next day. Take a shower in cold
water, as it will relax your body and produce a soothing effect on your
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Human Loneliness

  • 1. Human Loneliness "Friends wanted" is a new research by psychologists. It mentioned about the health risks of loneliness and the benefits of strong social connections. While research on relationships has skirted adult friendships. They are tending to focus on adolescent friendships and adult romances. Psychologist agree that the importance of strong social connections throughout life is gaining scientific clout, having been linked with such benefits as a greater pain tolerance, a stronger immune system, and a lower risk of depression and early death. According to psychologist Andrew Steptoe, PhD, of the University College London and colleagues found that, both feeling lonely and being socially isolated raised the risk of death. People do not have friends. They always stay at home. They do not want to have new relationships. This is abnormal idea. Indeed, if you live far from your family, you should have some new friends near your place. It is good idea because you should need their help sometime. For example, a lack of friends is not simply an inconvenience when you want a movie partner or a ride to the hospital. Most research indicates that feeling isolated is more dangerous than being isolated. Psychologist John Cacioppo, PhD and co–author of the 2008 book "Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection." In one 2012 study, he more content... As the people, they should have more relationship. The more relationship which they have, the more friendship they gain. People should understand that there is the link between friendship and health. Psychologist agree that the importance of strong social connections throughout life is gaining scientific clout, having been linked with such benefits as a greater pain tolerance, a stronger immune system, and a lower risk of depression and early death. Therefore, people should be more open–minded, more socialite. They will have more relationships; even thought, they live far from their Get more content on
  • 2. Loneliness And Isolation In Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson, the author creatively develops the story of different individuals living in Ohio at the turn of the century. The wide multitude of characters developed throughout the twenty four stories in the complete piece, all have lives slightly deformed by the loneliness and isolation they feel. His unique characterization by uniting the seemingly different stories through a common theme create an intense impact as a whole that immerses the reader in the peculiar lives of the community's inhabitants. The first story, The Book of the Grotesque, serves as a "prologue" to the story, even though it is not addressed as such. The main character, a nameless elderly writer, describes his visions of these different individuals in relation to his theory more content... The reader by the end of the piece can assume that each story is drawn from a character of this unnamed author. This first story introduces many of the common themes to be included throughout the story including isolation and lives corrupted by loneliness, as characterized by the author through the narrator. In the story Surrender, the characterization of Louise Bentley encompasses the carried theme of loneliness. Not only is Louise somewhat alienated from her family due to her lack of relationship with her father, she is "stuck" in a failing marriage due to her impulsive craving for love at a young age. We see her character turned bitter and angry as a result of her life choices. The reader essentially experiences a "slice" of each character's life, in an effort to understand how their particular isolation has impacted their life. In a story later in Winesburg, Loneliness, we see a character affected by his loneliness to the point of near Get more content on
  • 3. Loneliness Essay Loneliness is an emotion that people know all too well, and it is different for each person While many people see loneliness akin or solitude or the act being alone, it is more of a state of mind. It causes people to feel alone, empty, and unwanted. People who are lonely want to make a connection with others, but due to their state of mind it is difficult to make friends. While spending time alone can offer a rich psychological experience, too much isolation can have a negative impact on one's life. An unhealthy amount of solitude will lead to many illnesss and ravage one's physical health. In the past loneliness was viewed as a social problem. Today aloneness is considered a health crisis that spreads to others. The UCLA Loneliness Scale more content... Lonesomeness can also lead to depression. When someone is lonely, their natural responses to positive image and events become suppressed. People see the world through a negative filter and may think life is hopeless, which makes it more difficult to summon up energy and bravery to find happiness and change. Loneliness is such a huge problem that even books have been written about the health crisis. One example is the novella, "Of Mice and Men", written by John Steinbeck. Steinbeck's central theme throughout the entirety of the short story is loneliness and how it can change people's minds and bodies in extreme ways. Many characters in the book are plagued with lonesomeness. For example, George, one of the main characters, goes around to different farms looking for work with his friend, Lennie. He is talking to Slim, who is also one of the many working hands on the ranch, "I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone... After a long time they get mean. They get wantin to fight" (Steinbeck). These ranchers have been alone for so long that they're desperate to make any connection, even a violent one. While many people believe spending time alone is terrible for one's health and emotional status, it is necessary for our brains to unwind and recharge and is crucial to certain areas of brain activity. Let's face it, people can be pretty distracting. "When one removes as many distractions and interruptions as they can from a day," says Dr. Carter, "You Get more content on
  • 4. Theme Of Loneliness Have you ever been lonely? When someone is lonely, it means that he or she does not have any friends to talk to. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck helped us as readers, to understand that loneliness hurts and everyone needs a friend. Steinbeck illustrates the isolation of people living at the ranch in the 1930s. I feel that loneliness can make a person feel empty. Obviously, no one would want to feel this way. In this book, several characters went through loneliness. Some characters that present the theme of loneliness are Curley's wife, Crooks, and Candy. Through characterization, Steinbeck explains how loneliness can change a person. Along with loneliness of individuals, Steinbeck uses an allegory to emphasize the setting that surrounds the characters. For example, the name of the town where the story took place is "Soledad" translated from Spanish to English is "loneliness." By creating this atmosphere, Steinbeck shows that men who work and live on ranches are lonely. Loneliness can lead to many feelings such as loss of hope. He also shows that some main characters are more lonely or isolated than others around more content... Crook's lives alone in the barn because other white men don't like him. In addition to this, he is not allowed to do many things that other workers can do, such as take part in social activities. Crook illustrates his loneliness through the quote: "A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make any difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. I tell ya,"..."I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick." (Of Mice and Men, p. 36). In other words, Crook is telling us that every man needs a someone to talk to once in awhile. It doesn't matter if the person is listening or not, sometimes, just getting your feelings out is very relieving. Like other men on the ranch, Crook is in need of a friend who he can talk Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Loneliness Everyone feels lonely at some point in their life. Whether they have lost a friend, family member, or loved one. Loneliness can have many negative effects on a person's well–being. Some results could be craziness, depression, or even sickness. These effects could lead to even worse mental health issues. In order for humans to be happy, friendships and connections are vital; as well as never keeping isolated from the world. The characters George, Lennie and Crooks were all affected by loneliness. All these characters were affected in different ways. In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, loneliness has a prominent affect on the characters' mental health, as well as illustrate why friendships are vital. First of all, loneliness more content... Secondly, Lennie suffered from loneliness because he was different. He had trouble making friends because he wasn't like everyone else. Lennie always counted on George to be his guardian. He always knew that George would keep him safe. In contrast to George, Lennie loved George's company. The presence of George is what made Lennie feel safe. All of Lennie's life, George was the only person he could remember. The dangerous thought that always filled Lennie's mind was the thought of losing George. All these years, Lennie always had George to keep him company. This idea is what drove him insane. Although, Lennie's mental stability is already poor, this fear made it worse. Lennie was always trying to be nice and apologetic to George, just so Lennie could stay with him. To show George that he cares, Lennie reassures, "But I wouldn't eat none, George. I'd leave it all for you. You could cover your beans with it and I wouldn't touch none of it." This shows how Lennie wanted only the best for George.The fear of being lonely one day was Lennie's weakness. Lennie's mental health was greatly affected by the thought of losing George. Lastly, Crooks struggled with loneliness because he was heavily discriminated against. Crooks was the only black worker on the ranch. He had no friends or family to keep him company. All Crooks has are his possessions to help him cope with his loneliness. Friendships were something that Crooks lacked. He was Get more content on
  • 6. Loneliness Essay What is loneliness? Loneliness is a kindergartener missing her mom so much she walks in front of a train, leaving only a note that read "I wanted to be with my mom." It is the new kid sitting in the bathroom for lunch because they have yet to make any friends. Steinbeck understands what loneliness is. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck illustrates that loneliness is different for everyone, including how people are affected by it and react to it. To illustrate this, Steinbeck uses two characters, Curley's wife and Crooks, to demonstrate different ways people can be lonely, how it affects them, and how they or others react to it. In Steinbeck's book, these characters come from different places and are immensely different, so as a result, they more content... How'd you like that? S'pose you had to sit out here and read books'" (Steinbeck 72). Because of his race, Crooks is left to sit alone in his room with nothing but the sweet companionship of a book. Steinbeck shows the readers Crooks's loneliness by giving examples of how he lives. "And scattered about the floor were a number of personal possessions; for, being alone, Crooks could leave his things about, and being a stable buck and a cripple, he was more permanent than the other men, and he had accumulated more possessions than he could carry on his back" (66–67). The passage above shows that Crooks is alone; he is separated from everyone else. He doesn't care if his stuff is put neatly in one area, because he doesn't have to. There's no one else sharing the space with him that would cause Crooks to live a neater lifestyle. Crooks is lonely because of his race, which in turn means he is separated from the other men Curley's wife and Crooks may both be lonely, but they are lonely in different ways. Not only does Steinbeck show the readers that loneliness can differ from person to person, but he illustrates the different characters' reactions to loneliness as well. Before getting married to Curley, Curley's wife had a dream of a bright, famous future. She went on with her story quickly, before she should be interrupted. ' 'Nother time I met a guy, an' he was in pitchers. Went out to the Riverside Dance Palace with him. Get more content on
  • 7. Loneliness Essay To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one must understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. To be alone means that your are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere. You can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a feeling of being alone. As thought you were one and you feel as though you will always be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most destructive feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide, and even to raging out and hurting friends and/ more content... Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self–esteem. Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of themselves. They may think of themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good, unable to do anything right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people, the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others they don't believe they can do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self–esteem, they may also believe they are not worth of happiness. It takes the strong support of a good friend(s) or other loved one(s) to help the lonely conquer their feelings. Simply trying to counteract the low self–esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. The lonely must be shown in more subtle, yet clear ways that they are not the useless person they perceive themselves to be. For example, with a person who feels particularly unloved and unwanted, someone close to them should try to take a little extra time to spend with that person and try to set aside a little extra time to talk to the person. Nothing special needs to be said or done, simply spending time, willing and without having been asked, allows the lonely one to see that they are loved. That they are worthy of being associated with and that there are Get more content on
  • 8. Loneliness And Isolation In of Mice and Men, the men working on a ranch communicates a sense of loneliness and isolation. First, they are there by themselves with no families or good friends. Second, they have got no real homes, nor a permanent job. Third, they have concerns about being kicked out of a job, if anything goes wrong. In addition, Curley's wife is lonely because she has no one to talk with sincerity, nor someone who listens to her sincerity. The people in ranch try not to imply with any matter of her; meanwhile, she isolates herself from other people by showing herself as a flirty and mean women, and she longs for attention. On the other hand, Crooks is an older man who lives by himself in his own bunk; he takes care of the horses on the ranch, and he Get more content on
  • 9. Great Gatsby Loneliness Essay In the book The Great Gatsby, almost all the characters deal with loneliness in their lives at some point or another. Jay Gatsby started his life lonely, lived his life lonely and died lonely. "He had never really accepted...his parents." (pg.99). At a young age he began his journey to make something out of himself. He never got along with his parents so he left the house and started to make money so he could win Daisy back. He lived by himself and was involved in illegal activities such as bootlegging. In the middle of his life, he lived by himself in a beautiful house and dreamed everyday of Daisy. He lived each day dreaming of the day he was going to rekindle what he had with Daisy.Jay Gatsby faced many more content... At his parties he never met anyone and never tried to form any friendships. He was very "self–centered" in the way that he only cared about his dreams of meeting Daisy. His "self–centeredness" did lead him to a very lonely life. He made decisions to live for Daisy and only Daisy. Gatsby did become friends with Nick but in a way, he only used Nick as a way of getting closer to Daisy. I'm sure he cared about Nick and was a true friend but he might have only become friends at first with him because he knew Daisy. Gatsby pretty much only cared and about his dreams and because of it his life was really lonely and not fun at all. At the end of the book Jay Gatsby paid for his consequences for living all his life with one dream. He did get close with Daisy but because he did he had his life taken away from him. He was murdered because Daisy was too conceded to admit to her mistake of hitting Wilson's wife Myrtle. Gatsby paid for her mistakes. If Gatsby had not become close with Daisy, Tom would never have hated him so much. "I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Well, if that's the idea you can count me out" (pg.137). Tom did not like the idea one bit, that Daisy was getting closer and closer with Gatsby. If Gatsby had stayed away from Daisy, Tom would have never hated him and probably wouldn't have told Wilson that it was Gatsby's car that hit Myrtle. Gatsby made an enemy with Get more content on
  • 10. Stress In Loneliness The answer for how to deal with stress in loneliness can only be found by the one who is suffering from it, although support from others may help. Loneliness may be due to numbness, devoid of human activity. Indignation, uneasiness and depression follow loneliness. Pessimism is the main factor that causes it. Reasons may include loss of someone, financial problem, quarrels, health issue, failure, etc. Some people like to spend some time alone, mainly just to relax or to analyze the situations silently. Nothing is wrong in doing so, but loneliness killing oneself from inside is dangerous. An individual is unable to understand what he/she is doing. Everything starts seeming badly and things become worse when loneliness turns into more content... Following the below mentioned tips with positive attitude will be helpful: Be calm. Do not indulge in any activity so deeply that you start ignoring others in the process. Do not be impulsive and an introvert. Stay away from fights. Argue only when required and make sure you do not ignore the point of view of the person with whom you are conversing. Listen to him/her properly and then react positively. Whenever you are angry, control it, as reacting aggressively inanger may spoil your relations with others. Health plays a vital role in controlling loneliness. Exercise for at least 30–45 minutes daily in a group. Involve in any sport. Eat healthy. Have fruits, eggs, milk, oats, sprouted pulses, green vegetables, dry fruits, grains, etc. Eating such stuffs will never make you feel dull. Although fast food is quite tasty, you must try to avoid it as it has low–nutritional value. Drink at least 3–4 liters of water a day to stay fresh and glow throughout the day. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and cigarette. Sleeping for at least 7–8 hours a day is required to work effectively the next day. Take a shower in cold water, as it will relax your body and produce a soothing effect on your Get more content on