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New York, NY

                                 H E AT H E R

marketing magazines books interactive

                                                A versatile designer with

                                                multi-platform specialties including

                                                marketing, magazine design, book

                                                jacket design, e-pub, website design,

                                                web animations, brochure design,

                                                posters, environmental graphics

                                                and print-to-web integration.

                               + 646.469.2221
1. Column. Second Site. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine.
                            2. Table of Contents. Photoshoot art direction. Silver Medal
                            Redesign. PIX Magazine. 3. Cover and Logo Design. Photoshoot
                            art direction. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine. 4. Column.

        H E AT H E R
                            E-Projects. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine.

+ 646.469.2221
+ 646.469.2221

1.   2.

3.    4.
aliving                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a Fine-Art Photographer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    By Roberta Bernstein
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Column. Portfolio. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2. Column. It’s a Living. Honorable Mention. Redesign. PDNedu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Magazine. 3. Digital Imaging Contest Insert. Honorable Mention.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PDN/PIX Magazine.

                                                                                 Small moments make for Elinor Carucci’s big pictures.
                                                                                                        Opposite page: “Kiss,” 1998.
                                                                                           Right: “Mother puts on my lipstick,” 1993.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 All photos © Elinor Carucci

                              Inside the mind of
                              a Fine-Art Photographer
                              By Roberta Bernstein

                                                                 elcome to the world of Elinor Carucci, an Israeli photog-                  Carucci landed in New York from Jerusalem in 1995, connec-
                                                                 rapher whose savvy, personal work blends a "this-is-life"               tionless and unknown. (She did have an aunt in Queens, with
                                                                 shrug with an edgy self-consciousness. Her sophisticated,               whom she lived.) She brought along a series she'd begun shooting
                                                        glib-free technique is a little bit Sally Mann (if Mann's kids, say,             at Jerusalem's Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design—some of the
                                                        were to turn the camera on their parent) and a little bit Nan                    work would eventually appear in Closer—and the naive expecta-
                                                        Goldin rock ’n’ roll. The power of Carucci’s work lies not only in its           tion that she'd swoop on in, get a book deal and swoop back out.
                                                        details, but in a bold vulnerability. Whether it's the artist and her               What she did next was as endearing as it was clueless: she hit
                                                        husband entwined, or she and her mother in towels on a hotel                     the Yellow Pages, writing to the publishers she found there. Only
                                                        room bed, there is an unspoken history hanging between her sub-                  when someone at Rizzoli kindly responded, explaining, among
                                                        jects. Not to mention lots of flesh.                                             other things, that, well, perhaps she should get her work into gal-
                                                           Nudity, says Carucci, "is not an issue with my family. It never               leries first, did she change tactics.
                                                        was.... I see something, like my mother naked, or my father in his                  "What they told me was so basic!" says Carucci, laughing at
                                                        underwear, and I think, here's an intimate, personal moment that                 herself. "So I started going to galleries, knocking on doors with
                                                        I want to shoot."                                                                my prints. But even the receptionists intimidated me."

                                                           Well, maybe it is that simple. But such overtly sensual work                     Her naivete, she says, was due in part to Bezalel, which dis-
                                                        seems to come from a deeper place or motive. Perhaps she's side-                 courages students from networking, making contacts or shooting

                  H E AT H E R
                                                        stepping, consciously or not, her work's loaded nature. Or maybe                 professionally. Its philosophy: Students need to be isolated from
                                                        she just doesn't want to talk about it; her work, smart and inter-               the "real" world, not thrown into it.
                                                        esting, is ultimately, of course, hers.                                             "I was against it at the time," she says, "but now I see its ben-
                                                           Warm and beautiful (her husband is beautiful, too, as is her                  efits. I teach at the School of Visual Arts [in New York; she also
                                                        entire family, which doesn't hurt her work's esthetic), Carucci,                 teaches a workshop at ICP and lectures] and the students are
                                                        only 32, is on a roll. The tip of her iceberg: representation by, and            obsessed about the market and their careers. That's important,
                                                        three solo shows at Ricco/Maresca Gallery; a 2002 Guggenheim                     but it's good to have time to concentrate on developing yourself
                                                        Fellowship; the 2001 ICP Infinity Award for young photographers;                 and your work. I think that, if I'd been one of those who knew
                                                        and a book, Closer, published in 2002.                                           how the market worked, I wouldn't have left my parents' house."
                                                           Carucci's resume belies the fact that eight years ago she had no                 Her break came thanks to a friend of a friend who introduced
                                                        idea how to start her career, which is why, after protesting that                Carucci to the director of the National Arts Club in 1996. He
                                                        she's not the one to ask, she offers the following advice: "Go                   quickly put her work in a small group show, for which she had
                                                        about your career however you want. I made mistakes out of igno-                 invites printed up (in Jerusalem, where it was cheaper). She
                                                        rance—and they worked. Like if you don't like to go to parties to                dropped them off at a long list of galleries, Ricco/Maresca came,

   + 646.469.2221
                                                        meet people, don't go. All the successful photographers I know                   and the rest, as they say, is history. This now includes several solo
                                                        have ‘done it' in different ways."                                               shows in Europe—most recently this past spring at the Gagosian

  elinorcarucci it's the artist and her husband entwined, or she and her
                                                        mother in towels on a hotel room bed, there is an unspoken history
                                                        hanging between her subjects. Not to mention lots of flesh.

                  pdnedu 22                                                                                                       pdnedu 23
+ 646.469.2221
1.                                                              MAGAZINES

              elcome to the world of Elinor Carucci, an Israeli photog-
              rapher whose savvy, personal work blends a "this-is-life"          tio
              shrug with an edgy self-consciousness. Her sophisticated,          wh
     glib-free technique is a little bit Sally Mann (if Mann's kids, say,        at
     were to turn the camera on their parent) and a little bit Nan               wo
     Goldin rock ’n’ roll. The power of Carucci’s work lies not only in its      tio
     details, but in a bold vulnerability. Whether it's the artist and her
     husband entwined, or she and her mother in towels on a hotel                th
     room bed, there is an unspoken history hanging between her sub-             wh
     jects. Not to mention lots of flesh.                                        ot
        Nudity, says Carucci, "is not an issue with my family. It never          ler
     was.... I see something, like my mother naked, or my father in his
     underwear, and I think, here's an intimate, personal moment that            he
     I want to shoot."                                                           my
        Well, maybe it is that simple. But such overtly sensual work
     seems to come from a deeper place or motive. Perhaps she's side-            co
     stepping, consciously or not, her work's loaded nature. Or maybe            pro
     she just doesn't want to talk about it; her work, smart and inter-          th
     esting, is ultimately, of course, hers.
        Warm and beautiful (her husband is beautiful, too, as is her             efi
     entire family, which doesn't hurt her work's esthetic), Carucci,            tea
     only 32, is on a roll. The tip of her iceberg: representation by, and       ob
     three solo shows at Ricco/Maresca Gallery; a 2002 Guggenheim                bu
     Fellowship; the 2001 ICP Infinity Award for young photographers;            an
     and a book, Closer, published in 2002.                                      ho
        Carucci's resume belies the fact that eight years ago she had no
     idea how to start her career, which is why, after protesting that           Ca
     she's not the one to ask, she offers the following advice: "Go              qu
     about your career however you want. I made mistakes out of igno-            inv
     rance—and they worked. Like if you don't like to go to parties to           dr
     meet people, don't go. All the successful photographers I know              an
     have ‘done it' in different ways."                                          sh

                            1. Column. One to Watch. Honorable Mention. Redesign. PDNedu Magazine.
                            2. Cover. Bronze Medal Redesign. Quarterly Magazine. ASMP (American Society
                            of Media Photographers) Bulletin. 3. Cover and Logo Design. DVNY Home
                            Magazine. 4. Cover. Digital Imaging Contest Insert. Honorable Mention. PDN/PIX
                            Magazine. 5 Column. Retail Corner. DVNY Home Magazine.

        H E AT H E R

+ 646.469.2221
+ 646.469.2221
2.   3.

1. Column. Domestic Trends. Redesign. Worklife Magazine.
                            2. Cover. Wedding Photography Contest Insert. Top Knots.
                            Honorable Mention. Photo District News/PDN Magazine. 3. Column.
                            Bronze Medal Redesign. Quarterly Magazine. ASMP (American
                            Society of Media Photographers) Bulletin. 4. Cover and logo

        H E AT H E R
                            design. Redesign. PDNedu Magazine.

+ 646.469.2221
+ 646.469.2221
1.                                                                                                                                                                     2.                                                        MAGAZINES

                                                                                                                                                                        top knots            the new school of wedding photography
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           pdn                 ®

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               © Wes Johnson
                                                                                                                                                                            getting ready   ceremonies   portraits   reception   details   candid

                                                                                                                                                     © Paul Seligman

     t wasn’t until after Brooklyn-born Paul Seligman first proved his    the tumultuous Sixties and Seventies, he documented not only a stu-
     worth as a political and sports cartoonist for the Atlanta           dent body at the cutting edge of a society in flux, but also the faculty
     Constitution and as a U.S. Army newspaper reporter in the South      and guest lecturers, Edward Albee, Thelonius Monk and Martha
 Pacific during World War II, that he turned his attentions to photog-    Graham among them, whose ideas helped foment that cultural shift.
 raphy. He sold his first photograph—of Andrei Vishinsky, the                For two decades, Seligman, who passed away in May of 2002, was
 Russian U.N. delegate, buying a suit at the luxe department store Saks   also given privileged access to photograph the Metropolitan Opera
 Fifth Avenue—to LIFE 200 in 1953.                                        Company, including the October 29, 1956 debut of diva Maria Callas,
    Seligman covered politics extensively, first on paper and then        pictured here after the historic performance with then-doting hus-
 behind the lens—four of his photographs from the 1964 presiden-          band Giovanni Meneghini—long before Greek tycoon Aristotle
 tial campaign now reside in the Museum of Modern Art’s perma-            Onassis swept her away.
 nent collection.
    As a photographer for the New School of Social Research during                                                                          —AB

                                                          ASMPBULLETIN         25

3.                                                                                                                                                                          4.

 1. Cover. and Logo Design. Green Matters Magazine. 2. Cover
 and Logo Design. DVNY Home Magazine. 3. Cover and logo
 design. Redesign. PDNedu Magazine. 4. Interior Spread.

 DVNY Home Magazine.
        H E AT H E R

+ 646.469.2221
+ 646.469.2221
2.    3.

1. Postcard. Hot Peas and Butter. SOPAC Performing Arts
                             Center. 2. Season Announcement Booklet. SOPAC Performing
                             Arts Center. 3. Membership Booklet. Jazz House Kids. 4. Powerpoint
                             Presentation. The Huffington Post.


         H E AT H E R

 + 646.469.2221
+ 646.469.2221
1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MAGAZINES

                                                                                                                                                                   Let your voice be heard

                                                                                   Award-winning Jazz House Big Band

                                                                  2 011 - 12                                                                                                                                         ZZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  K iDS
                                                                                                                             Jazz House Kids is a 501(c)(3)
                                                                                                                             non-profit organization. Your
                                                                                                                             contributions are tax-deductible to

                                                                                                                             the fullest extent allowed by law.


                                   S E E IT A L L
                                                                                         Photography by
                                                                                         Design by Heather
                                                                                                        Richard Conde

                                                                                                           Kern, Popshop

                                                                                                                                                                                                     JAUSE        A world-class music       rd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In your own backya
                                                                                                                                                                         FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                      and Chris Drukker

                                                                                                                                                                         Contact JAZZ HOUSE KIDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                     HO                                                    JAZZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HOUS E

2.                                                                                                                                                                                                           3.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      This is Who We Are                             Growth versus Other Major News Sites
                                                             THE HUFFINGTON POST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               THE HUFFINGTON POST

                                                                                    We speak with a unique
                                                                                    perspective and voice Macro
                                                                                    Advertiser Objectives

THE HUFFINGTON POST                                                                 	                     n                               Client Specific Ad Objectives
                      A Seriously Addictive Web Experience                          	                     n                               What HuffPost Stands For

                                                                                    	                     n                               HuffPost Audience Profiles

                                                                                    	                     n                               Audience Engagement Options
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Source: comScore MediaMetrix panel only

7pm   ab             al
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  R IlJ ULY                                                    gettin


    1. Poster. Art Direction Photoshoot. ArtWorks
    Education. SOPAC Performing Arts Center.

    2. GALA Save the Date. The Liberty Science
    Center. 3. Poster. 100 Year Anniversary. The
    New York Society of Ethical Culture. 4. Poster.
  New ORANGE Fair. The New York Society
    of Ethical Culture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        + 646.469.2221
             1.                                                                                                                                                              2.                                                               MARKETING

                                          ION                                                                8
                                UCAT                                                                   er 200                                                                                                                                 COCKTAILS
                  C ED                                             Summ

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IMAX® DOME EXPERIENCE

                                                                    Photo by Julia Larson Saperstein

                                                                                                                                                                             GA LA
                                                                                                 ction en
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                                                                             nd ori        o          o
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                    Il JULY                                   gettin


                                                                                                                                     Photo by Julia Larson Saperstein
                                                                                                                                                                             S A V E T H E D AT E
                                                                                                                                                                             F R I D AY A P R I L 2 7 , 2 012

                                                                                                                                                                             All gala proceeds will benefit Liberty Science Center’s exhibitions and programs,
                                                                                                                                                                             which offer exceptional experience for learners of all ages—onsite, offsite and online.

                                                                                                                  TICKETS $15,                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                 $8 for children under 18                                    Please contact Elizabeth Bennett                LIBERTY SCIENCE CENTER
                                                                                                                   (and students with ID)                                    at 908.322.1100 or
                                                                                                                  973.313.ARTS (2787)
                                                                                                                                                                             to inquire about ou r m a n y e xc i t i n g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ

                                                                                                                                                                             op p or t u n i t i e s for participation.                             BLACK TIE

   TICKETS $15,
 $8 for children under 18
   (and students with ID)
   973.313.ARTS (2787)
THREE comedy
            SOUTH ORANGE



                                1. Poster and Stage Graphics.
                                Concerts in the Park. SOPAC
                                Performing Arts Center. 2. Postcard.
                                Urban Bush Women Dance.
                                3. Brochure. Education School Time
                                Performances. SOPAC Performing
                                Arts Center. 4. Season Announcement
                                Brochure and Poster. SOPAC
                                Performing Arts Center.


+ 646.469.2221



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+ 646.469.2221

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                                                                                                                                                                                    TH AN
                                                                                                                                                                              JO ELDM
Healthy cooking for the whole family                                                                                                                                            F

                                                                                                                                                               THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!
                           Fredrica Syren
                                                                                           Through the L ooking Glass

                                                                                                                        COSIMO CLASSICS

           I        n 1865, English author CHARLES LUTWIDGE DODGSON (1832–
                    1898), aka Lewis Carroll, wrote a fantastical adventure story for
              the young daughters of a friend. The adventures of Alice—named for one
              of the little girls to whom the book was dedicated—who journeys down
              a rabbit hole and into a whimsical underworld realm instantly struck a
              chord with the British public, and then with readers around the world.

              In 1872, in reaction to the universal acclaim *Alice’s Adventures in
              Wonderland* received, Dodgson published this sequel. Nothing is quite
              what it seems once Alice journeys through the looking-glass, and Dodgson’s
              wit is infectious as he explores concepts of mirror imagery, time running
              backward, and strategies of chess—all wrapped up in the exploits of
              a spirited young girl who parries with the Red Queen, Tweedledee and
              Tweedledum, and other unlikely characters. In many ways, this sequel has
              had an even greater impact on today’s pop culture than the first book.

              This unabridged replica edition features the original illustrations by
              English artist SIR JOHN TENNIEL (1820–1914), and is sure to become
              a treasured volume in any library, and one turned to again and again for
              endless amusement.
                                                                                              LewIS CaRROLL

              COSIMO CLASSICS offers distinctive titles by the great authors and
              thinkers who have inspired, informed and engaged readers throughout the
              ages. For more Cosimo Classics titles, please visit
                                                                                                                          LewIS CaRROLL
                                                                                                                                I L Lu S t R at I O n S by
                                                                                                                                SIR JOhn tennIeL
        Cosimo Classics

        Children’s Literature                                                                    COSIMO

                                  5.5 x 8.5                                                 0.292                                              5.5 x 8.5
guide to the best for your family.
g                food & nutrition              child & baby care                              hom

       in my
    tummy                                            1. Website and Logo Design. valleyartsdistict.
    Healthy cooking for the whole family             org. 2. Website and Logo Design. Pediatrics
                                                     Northwest. 3. Website and Logo Design.
                                            4. Website and Logo
                                                     Design. 4. Website

                     Fredrica Syren
Home - Welcome

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          + 646.469.2221
1.                                                                                                                                  2.                                                                                                                              WEB
                                                                                                                                              NORTHWEST PS

                                                                                                                                          Home    About Us   Patient Services    Health Info      My Chart       Employment         Contact

                                                                                                                                           Home                             Welcome!                                                              your family’s
                                                                                                                                                                            We wish to welcome your family to our practice. It is the
                                                                                                                                                                            intent of Pediatrics Northwest, P.S. to insure every visit            medical
                                                                                                                                                                            with us is a quality experience.

                                                                                                                                                                            Please bring any forms and medical records with you to
                                                                                                                                                                            your visit. If you have questions about what to bring or
                                                                                                                                                                            need additional information, please call 253-383-5777
                                                                                                                                                                            during normal office hours.

                                                                                                                                                                            Items to bring to your visit:
                                                                                                                                             Available                      Any completed forms
                                                                                                                                                                            Your Insurance cards/coupons
                                                                                                                                             24 hours a day,                Any previous medical records and immunization records
                                                                                                                                             7 days a week.                 Your co pay
                                                                                                                                                                            Make a list of questions you wish to ask your provider.
                                                                                                                                                                            Northwest Welcome to Pediatrics Northwest Welcome to
                                                                                                                                                                            Pediatrics Northwest Welcome to Pediatrics Northwest
                                                                                                                                                                            Welcome to Pediatrics Northwest.

                                                                                                                                                                            Scheduling an Appointment
                                                                                                                                                                            Our providers are accepting new patients. If you have not
                                                                                                                                                                            chosen your child’s provider and would like additional
                                                                                                                                                                            information about our providers please view their
                                                                                                                                                                            biographies on this web site or call our schedulers. Our
                                                                                                                                                                            appointment schedulers can tell you what our providers
                                                                                                                                                                            have to offer and can assist you in scheduling your

                                                                                                                                                                            Our schedulers are trained to get your child in as soon
                                                                                                                                                                            as needed for every visit. At certain times of the year our
                                                                                                                                                                            appointment schedules are heavier than normal. We
                                                                                                                                                                            have established practices with our schedulers to always
                                                                                                                                                                            work with the providers to get your child in to be seen as
                                                                                                                                                                            soon as needed. In the event of an emergency or illness

3.                                                                                                                                  4.                                      we always leave some appointments open for scheduling

                                                                                                                                                                           Phone 253.383.5777 l Disclaimer l Privacy Policy l Employee Login

     your guide to the best for your family.
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            Healthy cooking for the whole family

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                                                   Time to turn it over!
                                                   by Fredrica on OCTOBER 12, 201    1
                                                   One of the school expenses I opt out of for my children are individual
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                                                   minimum package is $18. One of the school expenses I opt out of for my
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                                                   children are individual school pictures. I don’t mind buying thekage is $18.
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                                                   the same record of growing up with their classmates that I did. However, I’ve                                                                                                                        cosimo’s blog
                                                   decided to stop buying the individual portraits. The minimum package is $18                                                             about us
child &baby
               H E AT H E R

SOPAC                          Creative Director. Developed and managed design of a vibrant performing
Performing Arts Center         art center’s marketing materials, including invitations, advertisements,
South Orange, NJ               brochures, animations, posters, environmental graphics, flyers, vouchers,
June 2007-October 2011         direct mail and print-to-web newsletters. Supervised design staff and
                               collaborated with editorial, production, marketing, sales, and licensing
                               departments to build cohesive brand identities across all platforms in a
                               fast paced, lively artistic environment. Integrated with marketing team
                               to conceive, implement, and launch online/interactive campaigns.
                               Responsible for marketing logistics, including event production and
                               collateral coordination. Oversaw social media for the Executive Director,
                               including writing creative content, generating social media strategies,
                               executing contests and tracking analytics.

DVNY                           Art Director. Designed two monthly magazines for this trade magazine
Development NY Magazine        publisher. Responsible for art, photography and design of shelter and
Worklife Magazine              lifestyle magazines, shaping all issues from conception to completion.
Hoboken, NJ                    Managed art staff, interns and editorial budget. Directed all photo shoots
June 2005-May 2007             and commissioned illustrations. Designed special newsstand-only issues,
                               supplemental subscriber guides, collateral and tradeshow graphics.
                               Photographed covers, features and product reviews. Managed ad trafficking,
                               magazine production and marketing.

Popshop Design                 Creative Director. Founded this full-service multi-platform boutique design
New York, NY                   studio. Specialties include branding, magazine design, book jacket
July 2002-Present              design, e-pub, website design, web animations, brochure design,
                               posters, environmental graphics and print-to-web integration. Direct a team
                               of freelance designers, information architects, illustrators, interface developers
                               and flash artists. Expert level understanding of graphic design, information
                               architecture, usability, technology, and experience design.

PIX Magazine                   Art Director. Relaunched digital photography magazine with a national
Photo District News Magazine   award-winning redesign. Directed all photo shoots and commissioned
New York, NY                   illustrations. Designed special newsstand-only issues, supplemental
April 2000-June 2001           subscriber guides, collateral and tradeshow graphics. Photographed
                               covers, features and product reviews. Managed art staff, interns and editorial
                               budget. Managed ad trafficking, magazine production and marketing.

Photo District News Magazine   Associate Art Director. Developed feature and cover story design, text
New York, NY                   formatting, style sheets, photo research and selection for Photo District
April 2000-June 2001           News, the industry recognized magazine for professional photographers.
+ 646.469.2221

Random House              Senior Designer. Led jacket design of trade and mass market fiction for this
Ballantine Books          international publisher. Responsible for all phases of book jacket concept
New York, NY              development and quality control through final phases including art direction
April 1997-October 1999   of illustrators and photographers, creation of original hi-res digital illustration
                          in Photoshop, logo type and font manipulation in Illustrator, supervision of
                          design production staff in reprint and jacket mechanical stages.

Simon and Schuster        Designer. Performed book design—covers and interiors—of trade books
New York, NY              for this international publisher of trade fiction and nonfiction. All phases
June 1996-April1997       of concept development, including art direction of freelancers and daily back
                          and forth with editors during package development.

Henry Holt and Company    Junior Designer. Responsible for all stages of adult trade book jacket
New York, NY              development, from design origination to final phases of 4/C print production.
February 1994-June 1996   Daily interaction with the editors, authors, artists, and illustrators.

EDUCATION                 Parsons School of Design, NYC
                          Communication Design-Photography/B.F.A. Studies
                          Indiana University, English Literature/B.S.

PROGRAMS/TECHNICAL        CS5.5 InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, K4, W3C
                          standards, PHP, Mobile and HTML5
New York, NY

                                                       H E AT H E R

                                        + 646.469.2221
marketing magazines books interactive


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  • 1. New York, NY Kern H E AT H E R marketing magazines books interactive A versatile designer with multi-platform specialties including marketing, magazine design, book jacket design, e-pub, website design, web animations, brochure design, posters, environmental graphics and print-to-web integration. + 646.469.2221
  • 2. 1. Column. Second Site. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine. 2. Table of Contents. Photoshoot art direction. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine. 3. Cover and Logo Design. Photoshoot art direction. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine. 4. Column. Kern H E AT H E R E-Projects. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine. + 646.469.2221
  • 3. + 646.469.2221 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 4. aliving a Fine-Art Photographer By Roberta Bernstein 1. Column. Portfolio. Silver Medal Redesign. PIX Magazine. 2. Column. It’s a Living. Honorable Mention. Redesign. PDNedu Magazine. 3. Digital Imaging Contest Insert. Honorable Mention. PDN/PIX Magazine. Small moments make for Elinor Carucci’s big pictures. Opposite page: “Kiss,” 1998. Right: “Mother puts on my lipstick,” 1993. it’saliving All photos © Elinor Carucci Inside the mind of a Fine-Art Photographer By Roberta Bernstein W elcome to the world of Elinor Carucci, an Israeli photog- Carucci landed in New York from Jerusalem in 1995, connec- rapher whose savvy, personal work blends a "this-is-life" tionless and unknown. (She did have an aunt in Queens, with shrug with an edgy self-consciousness. Her sophisticated, whom she lived.) She brought along a series she'd begun shooting glib-free technique is a little bit Sally Mann (if Mann's kids, say, at Jerusalem's Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design—some of the were to turn the camera on their parent) and a little bit Nan work would eventually appear in Closer—and the naive expecta- Goldin rock ’n’ roll. The power of Carucci’s work lies not only in its tion that she'd swoop on in, get a book deal and swoop back out. details, but in a bold vulnerability. Whether it's the artist and her What she did next was as endearing as it was clueless: she hit husband entwined, or she and her mother in towels on a hotel the Yellow Pages, writing to the publishers she found there. Only room bed, there is an unspoken history hanging between her sub- when someone at Rizzoli kindly responded, explaining, among jects. Not to mention lots of flesh. other things, that, well, perhaps she should get her work into gal- Nudity, says Carucci, "is not an issue with my family. It never leries first, did she change tactics. was.... I see something, like my mother naked, or my father in his "What they told me was so basic!" says Carucci, laughing at underwear, and I think, here's an intimate, personal moment that herself. "So I started going to galleries, knocking on doors with I want to shoot." my prints. But even the receptionists intimidated me." Kern Well, maybe it is that simple. But such overtly sensual work Her naivete, she says, was due in part to Bezalel, which dis- seems to come from a deeper place or motive. Perhaps she's side- courages students from networking, making contacts or shooting H E AT H E R stepping, consciously or not, her work's loaded nature. Or maybe professionally. Its philosophy: Students need to be isolated from she just doesn't want to talk about it; her work, smart and inter- the "real" world, not thrown into it. esting, is ultimately, of course, hers. "I was against it at the time," she says, "but now I see its ben- Warm and beautiful (her husband is beautiful, too, as is her efits. I teach at the School of Visual Arts [in New York; she also entire family, which doesn't hurt her work's esthetic), Carucci, teaches a workshop at ICP and lectures] and the students are only 32, is on a roll. The tip of her iceberg: representation by, and obsessed about the market and their careers. That's important, three solo shows at Ricco/Maresca Gallery; a 2002 Guggenheim but it's good to have time to concentrate on developing yourself Fellowship; the 2001 ICP Infinity Award for young photographers; and your work. I think that, if I'd been one of those who knew and a book, Closer, published in 2002. how the market worked, I wouldn't have left my parents' house." Carucci's resume belies the fact that eight years ago she had no Her break came thanks to a friend of a friend who introduced idea how to start her career, which is why, after protesting that Carucci to the director of the National Arts Club in 1996. He she's not the one to ask, she offers the following advice: "Go quickly put her work in a small group show, for which she had about your career however you want. I made mistakes out of igno- invites printed up (in Jerusalem, where it was cheaper). She rance—and they worked. Like if you don't like to go to parties to dropped them off at a long list of galleries, Ricco/Maresca came, + 646.469.2221 meet people, don't go. All the successful photographers I know and the rest, as they say, is history. This now includes several solo have ‘done it' in different ways." shows in Europe—most recently this past spring at the Gagosian elinorcarucci it's the artist and her husband entwined, or she and her Whether 2. mother in towels on a hotel room bed, there is an unspoken history hanging between her subjects. Not to mention lots of flesh. pdnedu 22 pdnedu 23
  • 5. + 646.469.2221 1. MAGAZINES W elcome to the world of Elinor Carucci, an Israeli photog- rapher whose savvy, personal work blends a "this-is-life" tio shrug with an edgy self-consciousness. Her sophisticated, wh glib-free technique is a little bit Sally Mann (if Mann's kids, say, at were to turn the camera on their parent) and a little bit Nan wo Goldin rock ’n’ roll. The power of Carucci’s work lies not only in its tio details, but in a bold vulnerability. Whether it's the artist and her husband entwined, or she and her mother in towels on a hotel th room bed, there is an unspoken history hanging between her sub- wh jects. Not to mention lots of flesh. ot Nudity, says Carucci, "is not an issue with my family. It never ler was.... I see something, like my mother naked, or my father in his underwear, and I think, here's an intimate, personal moment that he I want to shoot." my Well, maybe it is that simple. But such overtly sensual work seems to come from a deeper place or motive. Perhaps she's side- co stepping, consciously or not, her work's loaded nature. Or maybe pro she just doesn't want to talk about it; her work, smart and inter- th esting, is ultimately, of course, hers. Warm and beautiful (her husband is beautiful, too, as is her efi entire family, which doesn't hurt her work's esthetic), Carucci, tea only 32, is on a roll. The tip of her iceberg: representation by, and ob three solo shows at Ricco/Maresca Gallery; a 2002 Guggenheim bu Fellowship; the 2001 ICP Infinity Award for young photographers; an and a book, Closer, published in 2002. ho Carucci's resume belies the fact that eight years ago she had no idea how to start her career, which is why, after protesting that Ca she's not the one to ask, she offers the following advice: "Go qu about your career however you want. I made mistakes out of igno- inv rance—and they worked. Like if you don't like to go to parties to dr meet people, don't go. All the successful photographers I know an have ‘done it' in different ways." sh 3.
  • 6. 1. 1. Column. One to Watch. Honorable Mention. Redesign. PDNedu Magazine. 2. Cover. Bronze Medal Redesign. Quarterly Magazine. ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) Bulletin. 3. Cover and Logo Design. DVNY Home Magazine. 4. Cover. Digital Imaging Contest Insert. Honorable Mention. PDN/PIX Magazine. 5 Column. Retail Corner. DVNY Home Magazine. Kern H E AT H E R + 646.469.2221
  • 7. + 646.469.2221 MAGAZINES 2. 3. 4. 5..
  • 8. 1. Column. Domestic Trends. Redesign. Worklife Magazine. 2. Cover. Wedding Photography Contest Insert. Top Knots. Honorable Mention. Photo District News/PDN Magazine. 3. Column. Bronze Medal Redesign. Quarterly Magazine. ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) Bulletin. 4. Cover and logo Kern H E AT H E R design. Redesign. PDNedu Magazine. + 646.469.2221
  • 9. + 646.469.2221 1. 2. MAGAZINES top knots the new school of wedding photography pdn ® © Wes Johnson getting ready ceremonies portraits reception details candid PARTINGSHOT PAUL SELIGMAN CAPTURED THE DRAMA BEHIND THE GLITTERING FOOTLIGHTS © Paul Seligman I t wasn’t until after Brooklyn-born Paul Seligman first proved his the tumultuous Sixties and Seventies, he documented not only a stu- worth as a political and sports cartoonist for the Atlanta dent body at the cutting edge of a society in flux, but also the faculty Constitution and as a U.S. Army newspaper reporter in the South and guest lecturers, Edward Albee, Thelonius Monk and Martha Pacific during World War II, that he turned his attentions to photog- Graham among them, whose ideas helped foment that cultural shift. raphy. He sold his first photograph—of Andrei Vishinsky, the For two decades, Seligman, who passed away in May of 2002, was Russian U.N. delegate, buying a suit at the luxe department store Saks also given privileged access to photograph the Metropolitan Opera Fifth Avenue—to LIFE 200 in 1953. Company, including the October 29, 1956 debut of diva Maria Callas, Seligman covered politics extensively, first on paper and then pictured here after the historic performance with then-doting hus- behind the lens—four of his photographs from the 1964 presiden- band Giovanni Meneghini—long before Greek tycoon Aristotle tial campaign now reside in the Museum of Modern Art’s perma- Onassis swept her away. nent collection. As a photographer for the New School of Social Research during —AB ASMPBULLETIN 25 3. 4.
  • 10. 1. 1. Cover. and Logo Design. Green Matters Magazine. 2. Cover and Logo Design. DVNY Home Magazine. 3. Cover and logo design. Redesign. PDNedu Magazine. 4. Interior Spread. Kern DVNY Home Magazine. H E AT H E R + 646.469.2221
  • 11. + 646.469.2221 MAGAZINES 2. 3. 4.
  • 12. 1. Postcard. Hot Peas and Butter. SOPAC Performing Arts Center. 2. Season Announcement Booklet. SOPAC Performing Arts Center. 3. Membership Booklet. Jazz House Kids. 4. Powerpoint Presentation. The Huffington Post. H ORANGE TS CENTER SOUT MING AR PERFOR Kern S H E AT H E R + 646.469.2221
  • 13. + 646.469.2221 1. MAGAZINES Let your voice be heard Award-winning Jazz House Big Band SEASON 2 011 - 12 ZZ JAUSE HO K iDS Jazz House Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to ANGE the fullest extent allowed by law. SOUTH ORING ARTS CENTER S E E IT A L L PERFORM Photography by Design by Heather Richard Conde initiative… Kern, Popshop ZZ JAUSE A world-class music rd In your own backya FOR MORE INFORMATION and Chris Drukker Studio Contact JAZZ HOUSE KIDS HO JAZZ KiDS 973.744.2273 HOUS E KiDS 2. 3. This is Who We Are Growth versus Other Major News Sites THE HUFFINGTON POST THE HUFFINGTON POST We speak with a unique perspective and voice Macro Advertiser Objectives THE HUFFINGTON POST n Client Specific Ad Objectives A Seriously Addictive Web Experience n What HuffPost Stands For n HuffPost Audience Profiles n Audience Engagement Options Source: comScore MediaMetrix panel only 4.
  • 14. 7pm ab al heir t e fast t 25 l t using g on th R IlJ ULY gettin F 1. Poster. Art Direction Photoshoot. ArtWorks Education. SOPAC Performing Arts Center. SOpAC 2. GALA Save the Date. The Liberty Science Center. 3. Poster. 100 Year Anniversary. The New York Society of Ethical Culture. 4. Poster. OUTH York/NPR Job pERFORmING ARTS CENTER ONE SOPAC WAY, SOUTH ORANGE, NJ New ORANGE Fair. The New York Society of Ethical Culture.
  • 15. track + 646.469.2221 1. 2. MARKETING AT Works ION 8 UCAT er 200 COCKTAILS C ED Summ SOpA AWARD-WINNING BE Art IMAX® DOME EXPERIENCE DINNER Photo by Julia Larson Saperstein DANCING GA LA ction en produ e ginal ose betw r nd ori o o tive a at must chater good nova nd th An in a ba g re . t for a fame 2012 pm t abou their talen st track to 25 l 7 using g on the fa Il JULY gettin FR Photo by Julia Larson Saperstein S A V E T H E D AT E F R I D AY A P R I L 2 7 , 2 012 All gala proceeds will benefit Liberty Science Center’s exhibitions and programs, which offer exceptional experience for learners of all ages—onsite, offsite and online. TICKETS $15, $8 for children under 18 Please contact Elizabeth Bennett LIBERTY SCIENCE CENTER (and students with ID) at 908.322.1100 or SOpAC SOUTH ORANGE pERFORmING ARTS CENTER ONE SOPAC WAY, SOUTH ORANGE, NJ 973.313.ARTS (2787) to inquire about ou r m a n y e xc i t i n g Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ op p or t u n i t i e s for participation. BLACK TIE TICKETS $15, $8 for children under 18 (and students with ID) 973.313.ARTS (2787) 3. 4.
  • 16. THREE comedy SEASON One SOPAC Way PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SOUTH ORANGE theater dance music family 08l09 1. Poster and Stage Graphics. Concerts in the Park. SOPAC Performing Arts Center. 2. Postcard. Urban Bush Women Dance. 3. Brochure. Education School Time Performances. SOPAC Performing Arts Center. 4. Season Announcement Brochure and Poster. SOPAC Performing Arts Center. SOUT NON PE U.S
  • 17. + 646.469.2221 MARKETING 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 18. g erinead will a iland is d sty l . Ap h H e ve r y na on And A N A TH AN N DM JO EL F
  • 19. + 646.469.2221 BOOKS yummy and ... dering wife... will a usb nd test ament ! in my h philan His deadsty last a very n A tummy one AN And TH AN NA JO ELDM Healthy cooking for the whole family F THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! Fredrica Syren Through the L ooking Glass COSIMO CLASSICS I n 1865, English author CHARLES LUTWIDGE DODGSON (1832– 1898), aka Lewis Carroll, wrote a fantastical adventure story for the young daughters of a friend. The adventures of Alice—named for one of the little girls to whom the book was dedicated—who journeys down a rabbit hole and into a whimsical underworld realm instantly struck a chord with the British public, and then with readers around the world. In 1872, in reaction to the universal acclaim *Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland* received, Dodgson published this sequel. Nothing is quite what it seems once Alice journeys through the looking-glass, and Dodgson’s wit is infectious as he explores concepts of mirror imagery, time running backward, and strategies of chess—all wrapped up in the exploits of a spirited young girl who parries with the Red Queen, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and other unlikely characters. In many ways, this sequel has had an even greater impact on today’s pop culture than the first book. This unabridged replica edition features the original illustrations by English artist SIR JOHN TENNIEL (1820–1914), and is sure to become a treasured volume in any library, and one turned to again and again for endless amusement. Through the LewIS CaRROLL L COSIMO CLASSICS offers distinctive titles by the great authors and thinkers who have inspired, informed and engaged readers throughout the ages. For more Cosimo Classics titles, please visit ooking Glass LewIS CaRROLL I L Lu S t R at I O n S by SIR JOhn tennIeL Cosimo Classics Children’s Literature COSIMO 5.5 x 8.5 0.292 5.5 x 8.5
  • 20. guide to the best for your family. g food & nutrition child & baby care hom yummy in my gardening tummy 1. Website and Logo Design. valleyartsdistict. Healthy cooking for the whole family org. 2. Website and Logo Design. Pediatrics Northwest. 3. Website and Logo Design. 4. Website and Logo Design. 4. Website Design. Fredrica Syren
  • 21. Home - Welcome + 646.469.2221 1. 2. WEB pediatrics NORTHWEST PS Home About Us Patient Services Health Info My Chart Employment Contact Home Welcome! your family’s Disclaimer We wish to welcome your family to our practice. It is the intent of Pediatrics Northwest, P.S. to insure every visit medical Privacy with us is a quality experience. Please bring any forms and medical records with you to home your visit. If you have questions about what to bring or need additional information, please call 253-383-5777 during normal office hours. Items to bring to your visit: Available Any completed forms Your Insurance cards/coupons 24 hours a day, Any previous medical records and immunization records 7 days a week. Your co pay Make a list of questions you wish to ask your provider. Northwest Welcome to Pediatrics Northwest Welcome to Pediatrics Northwest Welcome to Pediatrics Northwest Welcome to Pediatrics Northwest. Scheduling an Appointment Our providers are accepting new patients. If you have not chosen your child’s provider and would like additional information about our providers please view their biographies on this web site or call our schedulers. Our appointment schedulers can tell you what our providers have to offer and can assist you in scheduling your appointment. Our schedulers are trained to get your child in as soon as needed for every visit. At certain times of the year our appointment schedules are heavier than normal. We have established practices with our schedulers to always work with the providers to get your child in to be seen as soon as needed. In the event of an emergency or illness 3. 4. we always leave some appointments open for scheduling Phone 253.383.5777 l Disclaimer l Privacy Policy l Employee Login your guide to the best for your family. gardening food & nutrition child & baby care home book about food blog book yummy in my gardening tummy Healthy cooking for the whole family about Fredrica Syren food blog 5. gardening Phone: (212) 989-3616 Fax: (212) 989-3662 SIGNUP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER FOLLOW US JOIN US ON TWITTER ON FACEBOOK Time to turn it over! by Fredrica on OCTOBER 12, 201 1 One of the school expenses I opt out of for my children are individual school pictures. I don’t mind buying their class pictures because I want food & nutrition them to have the same record of growing up with their classmates that I did. However, I’ve decided to stop buying the individual portraits. The minimum package is $18. One of the school expenses I opt out of for my Be Inspired. Be Informed. children are individual school pictures. I don’t mind buying thekage is $18. One of the school expenses I opt out of for my children are individual school pictures. I don’t mind buying their class pictures because I want them to have home | get published | order books | about us | FAQ | shop the same record of growing up with their classmates that I did. However, I’ve cosimo’s blog decided to stop buying the individual portraits. The minimum package is $18 about us { 2 comments } child &baby home
  • 22. Kern H E AT H E R EXPERIENCE SOPAC Creative Director. Developed and managed design of a vibrant performing Performing Arts Center art center’s marketing materials, including invitations, advertisements, South Orange, NJ brochures, animations, posters, environmental graphics, flyers, vouchers, June 2007-October 2011 direct mail and print-to-web newsletters. Supervised design staff and collaborated with editorial, production, marketing, sales, and licensing departments to build cohesive brand identities across all platforms in a fast paced, lively artistic environment. Integrated with marketing team to conceive, implement, and launch online/interactive campaigns. Responsible for marketing logistics, including event production and collateral coordination. Oversaw social media for the Executive Director, including writing creative content, generating social media strategies, executing contests and tracking analytics. DVNY Art Director. Designed two monthly magazines for this trade magazine Development NY Magazine publisher. Responsible for art, photography and design of shelter and Worklife Magazine lifestyle magazines, shaping all issues from conception to completion. Hoboken, NJ Managed art staff, interns and editorial budget. Directed all photo shoots June 2005-May 2007 and commissioned illustrations. Designed special newsstand-only issues, supplemental subscriber guides, collateral and tradeshow graphics. Photographed covers, features and product reviews. Managed ad trafficking, magazine production and marketing. Popshop Design Creative Director. Founded this full-service multi-platform boutique design New York, NY studio. Specialties include branding, magazine design, book jacket July 2002-Present design, e-pub, website design, web animations, brochure design, posters, environmental graphics and print-to-web integration. Direct a team of freelance designers, information architects, illustrators, interface developers and flash artists. Expert level understanding of graphic design, information architecture, usability, technology, and experience design. PIX Magazine Art Director. Relaunched digital photography magazine with a national Photo District News Magazine award-winning redesign. Directed all photo shoots and commissioned New York, NY illustrations. Designed special newsstand-only issues, supplemental April 2000-June 2001 subscriber guides, collateral and tradeshow graphics. Photographed covers, features and product reviews. Managed art staff, interns and editorial budget. Managed ad trafficking, magazine production and marketing. Photo District News Magazine Associate Art Director. Developed feature and cover story design, text New York, NY formatting, style sheets, photo research and selection for Photo District April 2000-June 2001 News, the industry recognized magazine for professional photographers.
  • 23. + 646.469.2221 RESUME Random House Senior Designer. Led jacket design of trade and mass market fiction for this Ballantine Books international publisher. Responsible for all phases of book jacket concept New York, NY development and quality control through final phases including art direction April 1997-October 1999 of illustrators and photographers, creation of original hi-res digital illustration in Photoshop, logo type and font manipulation in Illustrator, supervision of design production staff in reprint and jacket mechanical stages. Simon and Schuster Designer. Performed book design—covers and interiors—of trade books New York, NY for this international publisher of trade fiction and nonfiction. All phases June 1996-April1997 of concept development, including art direction of freelancers and daily back and forth with editors during package development. Henry Holt and Company Junior Designer. Responsible for all stages of adult trade book jacket New York, NY development, from design origination to final phases of 4/C print production. February 1994-June 1996 Daily interaction with the editors, authors, artists, and illustrators. EDUCATION Parsons School of Design, NYC Communication Design-Photography/B.F.A. Studies Indiana University, English Literature/B.S. PROGRAMS/TECHNICAL CS5.5 InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, K4, W3C standards, PHP, Mobile and HTML5
  • 24. New York, NY Kern H E AT H E R + 646.469.2221 marketing magazines books interactive