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Volume 2 Issue 10             CONNECT                                                                                 December 2011
                                                                                                                   For limited circulation
                                                                                                                 A JustBooks Publication

       2011: A year for books                                                                           Pg 10

                                                                                                                              Pg 11

                                                   attention is the semi-autobiographical
Pushpa Achanta                                     novel Noon (Faber and Faber, 304 pages) by
                                                   Aatish Taseer. It has won praise from

                                                                                                        Pg 12
                                                   readers and reviewers alike. Taseer's first
                                                   fictional work The Temple Goers
Pushpa Achanta finds out the
                                                   (Viking, 304 pages) was nominated for the
response to English books that were
published in 2011 and penned by
                                                   Costa First Novel Award (formerly called              Just
                                                   the Whitbread Award) in 2010.
writers from South Asia.                             Approached for her opinion on which                 Kids
                                                   South Asian English books or authors
                                                   were a hit in 2011, Annie Zaidi, a journal-

         mitav Ghosh's River of Smoke              ist, blogger, poet and author shared, "I
         (Viking/Penguin, 528 pages) gener-        have not read most of the hundreds of South
         ated much interest in the literary        Asian books written in English this year. But
world this year. Ghosh won the Blue                one of the books that I remember as a definite
Metropolis International Literary Grand            hit is A Free Man (Random House, 240             and insightful book titled The Emperor
Prix earlier this year at an annual literary       pages) by Aman Sethi, journalist and writer."    of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
festival of the same name being organ-               Incidentally, Zaidi and her friend Smriti      (Scribner, 592 pages) by Siddhartha
ized in Montreal, Canada since 1999.               Ravindra, a columnist, short story writer        Mukherjee stands out. It brought its
According to the festival website, this            and teacher of creative writing from             writer (an oncologist or cancer physician)
prize "is awarded annually to a writer of          Nepal co-authored the book The Bad               into the limelight when he was conferred
international stature and accomplishment as        Boy’s Guide To The Good Indian Girl or           the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction
a celebration of a lifetime of literary achieve-   The Good Indian Girl's Guide To                  this year.
ment".                                             Loving, Living And Having Fun                      A debut novel of this Rhodes Scholar, it
  Some foreign newspapers opined that              (Zubaan, 224 pages).                             also won the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary
Ghosh was probably been conferred the                This book reportedly attracted young           Science Writing Award for 2011 and was
award as the focus of the 2011 edition of          men to its launches in a few Indian cities       one of those works that were nominated
the festival was on India. Although the            earlier this year. Manu Joseph's Serious         for the National Book Critics Circle
author's great reputation indicates that he        Men (John Murray, 310 pages) is worth            Award this year.
deserves it.                                       mentioning here as it was the winner of            "A book that I read and liked is The Book
  Another book of 2011, set in India and           the PEN Open Book Award in 2011.
Pakistan that got plenty of worldwide                                                                                       contd on pg 2...
                                                     In the non-fiction category, the realistic
2                                                                                                    JustBooks Connect - December 2011
                                              contd from pg 1...
     From the Editor’s

             id you read our new maga-
             zine INK, a magazine for
             you, dear book lovers? If
    not, then look in your library's
    magazine section for it. We hope
    you will like our inaugural issue.
    We have a long way to go but with
    your support and encouragement,
    we are sure we will evolve INK into
    a true magazine about our book
    industry. Don't forget to send your       of Memory (Penguin, 318                                          sentimentality and narrow
    feedback and suggestions to our           pages) by psychoanalyst and                                    world view. I was also amused
    editor.                                   writer Sudhir Kakar.                                           to see so many women writers
      The last two months of this year        The other books I read this                                    up in arms about it.
    saw many interesting literary festi-      year were all released much                                      I think I am far too confident
    vals and fairs being hosted across        earlier than 2011", said                                       as a writer, as are many other
    India. The Hay Festival in                columnist and novelist C K                                     women writers in this, to even
    Thiruvananthapuram, Bookaroo              Meena, when asked to                                           give his statements a credible
    Children Literature Festival in           name South Asian English                                       thought.
    Delhi, the Bangalore Book Fair, the       books or authors (pub-                                           I mention this controversy
    Just Write Workshop and the               lished this year) that she                                     because I hope women writers
    Strand Book Festival. And lest we         enjoyed reading in 2011.                                       in the future can roll their eyes
    forget, Year 2012 will be welcomed           Annie Zaidi picked Jaane                                    and laugh at things like this
    by the biggest literary festival of       Bhi Do Yaaro - Seriously                                       instead of validating such opin-
    India- the Jaipur Literary festival!      Funny Since 1983 by                                            ions through anger."
      Some exciting developments are          Jaiarjun Singh (Harper
    happening at JustBooks, too. We           Collins, 300 pages) among                                          Some unique books of
    have opened more than 40 branch-          the non-fiction works that                                                2011
    es, have spread to seven cities           delighted her.                                                  Retired Pakistani civil ser-
    across India and now provide
                                                                                                              vant Jamil Ahmad made a
    access to four Lakh books. You                  Misses and                                                literary debut at the age of
    must have seen or read about
                                               Controversies of 2011                                          78 with The Wandering
    JustBooks in different Medias.
                                                 On the subject of books of                                    Falcon (Penguin, 192 pages),
    Many branches are conducting
                                              2011 that were "misses"                                          which is set in Pakistan
    JustBooks Events that includes sto-
                                              Annie Zaidi remarked,                                            and Afghanistan.
    rytelling, essay writing, book read-
                                              "How do you judge who                                              Oluguti Toluguti: Indian
    ing. All this to be better connected
                                              missed what, and who knows                                       Rhymes to Read and Recite
    with its members.
                                              what it was aiming for any-                                      (Tulika) by Radhika Menon,
      At JustBooks we are happy that
                                              way?"                                                            Sandhya Rao has 54 Indian
    we are on our way to realise our
                                                 Rheaa Mukherjee, co-                                          poems in 18 languages in
    vision of - Get every book a reader and
                                              founder and editor of                                            the original tongue, English
    get every reader his or her book. And
                                              Urban Confustions, a jour-                                       translations and English
    to achieve our vision we need
                                              nal of art and literature,                                       and Hindi transliterations.
    active participation from all book
                                              added, “It's hard for me to                                        Rakshanda Jalil's short fic-
                                              choose books that were misses.                                   tion anthology Release and
      We call all our members to con-
                                              I think that the relationship a                                  Other     Stories     (Harper
    tribute regularly, and especially
                                              reader has with a piece of text is substantiat-   Collins India) is probably the first one fea-
    our young readers to send in their
                                              ed and validated through a personal experi-       turing Indian middle class muslim char-
    stories, poems, book reviews or any
                                              ence."                                            acters.
    other interesting article for our Just
                                                 It is pertinent to state that despite the        I, Lalla: The Poems of Lal Ded
    Kids pages.
                                              large number of English books being               (Penguin, 328 pages) - verses of the epony-
      In this last edition of Year 2011
                                              released in this country, many of them            mous 14th century Kashmiri woman
    JustBooks Connect, let's find out
                                              have done well either in terms of com-            mystic also known as Lalleshwari, ren-
    from some literary figures what
                                              merce or critical response or both. Small         dered in English by Ranjit Hoskote.
    books of 2011 they liked or did not
                                              wonder as India is amongst the top ten              Narayan's Kocharethi, The Arayar
    like. And also look into some
                                              nations in the world in publishing.               Woman (Oxford University Press, 264
    unique titles.
                                                 Mukherjee opined about a distasteful           pages)     translated      by     Catherine
      Tell us what you think of this edi-
                                              literary incident in 2011, "I thought it          Thankamma is perhaps the first work by
    tion and write in your thoughts and
                                              funny that V S Naipaul said that women's          a tribal man from Kerala.
    contributions      to    editor@just-
                                              writing is different, partly because of their       Let's see now what 2012 will bring! 
JustBooks Connect - December 2011                                                                                                        3

 Stealing Karma                                                       Selected Poems
 Aneesha Capur                                                        Pablo Neruda
 Harper Collins                                                       Penguin Books

Reshmi Chakraborty                                                    Pushpa Achanta

                        A                                                                        W
                                 neesha Capur's Stealing Karma                                              riting substantive poetry
                                 is based in Nairobi where Mira                                             does not come easily to all.
                                 Sharma lives a luxurious but dis-                                          Understanding what the
                         contented life with her husband and                                     poet is trying to convey may take
                         daughter. History fogs up the present as                                more than one reading. More so, in
                         Mira keeps slipping into bouts of depres-                               the case of translated verses. But not
                         sion despite her determination to be a                                  so, when one is reading the leg-
                         better wife and mother. When things go                                  endary poet Pablo Neruda.
                         wrong, Mira has to survive for the sake                                   Pablo Neruda (the pen name of
                         of her daughter.                                                        Neftali Reyes) started writing verses
                           Together with their African house-                                    when he was around ten and his first
                         keeper, mother and daughter form an                                     collection was published when he
                         unusual family as Mira tries to battle her                              was about sixteen years old under
demons and her daughter Shanti tries to get through to a moth-         the nom de plume that he chose for himself.
er lost in the stupor of memories.                                       One of the few poets who won the Nobel Prize for
  This is a novel that piques curiosity if only for the unusual        Literature, Neruda wrote many verses in Spanish that had
Karmic angle to the mother-daughter saga. It is moving and             depth amidst simplicity. The sea, women, love, death, ships,
poignant despite the problems in its plot.                             factory workers and cities and countries that he visited
  Capur is a gifted writer and creates some truly touching             inspired him to pen lines that reflected his feelings about
moments out of simple situations.                                      them. Selected Poems consists of some of Neruda's poetic
  The book works on many levels and addresses several issues           expressions that were translated into English.
including familial relations and racial prejudice but despite its        The presence of the Spanish and English versions on adja-
flaws, Stealing Karma is a novel that piques curiosity if only for     cent pages of this collection may be distracting to some read-
the unusual Karmic angle to the mother-daughter saga.                  ers irrespective of the languages they know.
  Written beautifully, Stealing Karma, is assured and sharp for          However, anyone who enjoys poetry should definitely
a debut novel.                                                        read this master.                                               

Maverick: The Success Story Behind The                                Geek Nation
World's Most Unusual Workplace                                        Angela Saini
Ricardo Semler                                                        Hodder & Stoughton
Random House

Manjula Sundharam                                                     Dr. Rajagopalan

                          R                                                                     W
                                 icardo Semler narrates his                                                ill India regain its pre-renais-
                                 change management story as a                                              sance position in global sci-
                                 leader at one of Latin                                                    ence and technology? Why
                          America's fastest growing companies.                                   did it not live it up to its promise since
                          He describes how his unconventional                                    independence? Is it because of the
                          leadership changed the environment                                     stranglehold of its traditions and super-
                          in the company from autocratic to                                      stitions? Or is it because of penny
                          participative and made it the most                                     pinching in funding R&D? Did the IT
                          preferred workplace in Brazil.                                         boom raise India's profile in the global
                            If employees are asked to blindly                                    markets while ironically diverting its
                          follow instructions without question-                                  top talent into mindless coding? What
                          ing, how can they be encouraged to                                     are some of the valiant and significant
                          think, innovate and act as human                                       R&D happening in India?
beings?                                                                  The author defines 'Geekiness' as one's 'passion about an intel-
  Following this thought Semler allowed his employees at the          lectual pursuit'. Indian civilization was once arguably way
manufacturing plant to dress as they please, enter the work-          ahead of the western world in science and technology.
place at a time they thought was reasonable for themselves and        European renaissance helped the western world make rapid sci-
their teams, pick a task that excited them, and choose a salary       entific and technological progress. Colonialism fueled western
that they thought they deserved. Fixed working hours, rigid           capitalism with cheap raw materials, captive markets and mili-
organizational charts, and policy manuals strip away freedom          tary might. Was the decline in Indian science and technology a
and give a false feeling of discipline. By allowing employees to      natural consequence? If so, how come India failed to regain its
speak their minds and letting them determine their own way            ('rightful'?) place, even after six decades of independence? This
of achieving goals, Semler persuaded his employees to work as         book explores this failure of post-independence India, from the
responsible adults and increased productivity at the work             perspective of an U.K born Indian.                                 
place.                                                        
                                          For the full reviews check out
4                                                                                                  JustBooks Connect - December 2011

The abcd of Bengali detectives

                  Sleuthing Bengali Style
                                               - including the guests, Agarwal's secre-       also worried about the marriage of his
The All Bengali Crime Detectives               tary and an itinerant seller of collectibles   daughter and how he will pay for that.
                                               who had come to show Agarwal his                 One of the sub-plots is the search for a
Suparna Chatterjee                             wares. The 'not ready for retirement' stal-    groom for this daughter Pia. And
Rupa and Co                                    warts - ABCD, who are also miffed at           although this is the major preoccupation
                                               being forced to take a back seat in the        of the mother, the father aside from
                                               local organization of the Puja pandal by a     sleuthing, also gets involved in the inter-
                                               younger gang of the para or neighbour-         actions. Pia goes through the habitual tea
Geetanjali Singh Chanda                        hood youth, take up the challenge of solv-     and "seeing" of the girl but does not hesi-
                                               ing the crime.                                 tate to speak her mind and swiftly dis-
                                                 The retired judge is definitely the          misses each suitor with her outspoken-
                                               'brains' of the group and orchestrates the     ness. Pia is possibly the only female char-

                                               others. But each one plays their part in       acter with guts in this novel. For the rest,
       his debut novel is an ethno-detec-
                                               tracking down suspects and applying            all four wives are non-differentiable from
       tive thriller, and as much a medita-
                                               their sleuthing skills. One of the four is a   each other and presented as stereotypical
       tion on retirement and
                                                                                                         Bengali wives whose lives
Bengaliness as it is a 'whodunit'. But
                                                                                                         revolve around the kitchen,
often the tension of a thriller looses
                                                                                                         procuring the right fish for the
out to wonderful snippets and
                                                                                                         day, nagging their husbands
foibles of the Bengalis ranging from
                                                                                                         and finding suitable matches
ruminations on the adda culture,
                                                                                                         for their daughters.
pet names like Poltu, Bhombol or
                                                                                                           As the plot evolves, the chase
Kaltu that can ruin the amorous
                                                                                                         for the criminal results in vari-
advances of many a roadside
                                                                                                         ous red herrings and unexpect-
Romeo, to delicious snippets of
                                                                                                         ed twists. Finally it is the
why the simple gulab jamun is
                                                                                                         retired judge who calls a meet-
called ledikeni in Bangla.
                                                                                                         ing at Mr. Agarwal's house and
   The four retirees "with receding
                                                                                                         unravels the various threads to
hairlines and protruding bellies" are
                                                                                                         reveal who actually stole the
hardly detective material but then
                                                                                                         priceless diamond that may not
they also feel too young to opt out
                                                                                                         have been so priceless after all.
of life as such. They gather in the
                                                                                                           The      author,      Suparna
park, ostensibly to exercise, but
                                                                                                         Chatterjee was born and
mainly to participate in the particu-
                                                                                                         brought up in Calcutta but now
larly Bengali pastime of adda.
                                                                                                         lives in Bangalore. This proba-
   For the non-initiates, an adda is a
                                                                                                         bly accounts for the nostalgia
gathering (mainly of men), who
                                                                                                         that imbues this first novel. The
meet to chat. The topics range from
                                                                                                         loving descriptions of things
the price of fish, to local gossip to
                                                                                                         Bengali are one of the rare
politics to comparisons between the
                                                                                                         charms of the book.
filmic genius of Satyajit Ray and
                                                                                                           There is even a fascinating
Jean-Luc Godard, to Marxist philos-
                                                                                                         historical anecdote that attrib-
ophy. The latest to join the group of
                                                                                                         utes the change of Durga Puja
senior citizens is Akhil Bannerjee, a
                                                                                                         from a spring festival to an
recently retired judge, who com-
                                                                                                         autumnal one back to the battle
pletes the ABCD series of - Akhil,
                                                                                                         of Plassey in 1757. (I cannot
Bibhuti, Chandan and Debdas.
                                               potential suspect himself as not only was      account for the veracity of the story but
   One day, unexpectedly, they all receive
                                               he the last to see the diamond but he is       why not?) There is also a hilarious
an invitation to dinner from a rather aloof
                                                                                                description of the competition among
Mr. Agarwal who lives in the same
                                                                                                various paras for the best Durga Puja
neighbourhood. They spend a convivial
evening together but the next day they
                                               The loving descriptions of things                pandals.
are in for a shock when they discover         Bengali are one of the rare charms                   Chatterjee acknowledges her debt to
                                                                                                "Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie and Satyajit
that Mr. Agarwal's prize collector's          of the book. There is even a fasci-               Ray - three writers who planted in me a
item, a diamond, the size of a pigeon’s
egg, has gone missing. They had seen
                                              nating historical anecdote that                   burning desire to become a sleuth" but her
the exquisite jewel just that evening and     attributes the change of Durga                    real talent is not so much in weaving a
                                                                                                detective story, which is almost inci-
are horrified at how it could have disap-     Puja from a spring festival to an                 dental here, but in recounting and
peared from under their collective
noses. Immediately the first suspects are
                                              autumnal one back to the battle of                transporting one into a fun and ethno-
the servants and then the various others      Plassey in 1757.                                  graphic account of Bengalis. This is just
who could have had access to the jewel                                                          the book for a long plane journey.      
JustBooks Connect - December 2011                                                                                                    5

The Gandhi way

Of idealism and loving those we change
Bharathipura                                   Jagannath's complex but naïve faith is     form of creation, but our hero does not
                                             moving. He believes that his iconoclasti-    see himself as an anarchist but one with a
UR Ananthamurthy                             cism will somehow free the spirit of the     vision       of   a     dynamic      modern
                                             town towards a new creative impulse. To      Bharathipura. He does not have a clear
Translated from Kannada by
                                             him, the image of the deity Manjunatha,      idea of what kind of a practical change
Susheela Punitha                             is a symbol of an ignorant, superstitious,   this notion of modernity would shape
Oxford University Press                      apathetic society, with its unjust value     itself into.

Dr. Rajeshwari Ghose
                                             system. By breaking the superstitions
                                             surrounding its "purity" and the
                                             entrenched fears which stop the untouch-
                                                                                          W       hat he does have are a number of
                                                                                                  questions reeling in his head.
                                                                                          Inactivity, to him is no option. He must
                                             ables from entering its divine precincts,    act or he must die. The stance is dramat-
                                             he hopes to free the townspeople from        ic. He is young; western educated and is

       ike Ananthamurthy's earlier novel     the constrictions of the womb space.         full of anxiety of the existentialist, a
       Samskara, this novel too, was orig-     Breaking iconic sanctity is an age old     trendy school of thought in his student
       inally written in Kannada. We are     historical phenomenon-the images are         days. His rather quaint friend Adiga, the
fortunate to have English transla-                                                                        temple priest, warns him
tions of at least these two of his                                                                        that it could be his ego that
major works.                                                                                              is playing up. Could it?
  The central character in this                                                                           Our hero has no sure
novel, Jagannath is a person with                                                                         answers. His friend Rayaru
whom it is easy for a candid mod-                                                                         warns him that sustaining
ern Indian reader, to identify. He                                                                        idealism in the real world
feels like many of us, impotent                                                                           is only for the very brave.
with rage at the appalling treat-                                                                         His own Gandhian ideals
ment of the underdogs of society,                                                                         have left him a pauper and
in this case, specifically the pari-                                                                      at odds with his wife and
ahs.                                                                                                      family in a world that idol-
    Even more important, he sees                                                                          izes Gandhi but nourishes
himself as a non-person, some-                                                                            unbridled greed and cor-
how inauthentic, if he does noth-                                                                         ruption.
ing to change the social order                                                                              When Jagannath finally
which he confronts all around                                                                             accomplishes what he sets
him in his mofussil temple town                                                                           out to do and makes the
of Bharathipura. He can smell its                                                                         untouchables touch the
stench and see its dark alleys,                                                                           sacred Saligrama, in his
both in a literal and metaphoric                                                                          own domestic shrine, and
sense. The revolutionary in him                                                                           breaks the taboo of the
wants to get rid of the "age old                                                                          untouchable entering the
superstitions" and substitute it                                                                          temple, he feels he has
with the "scientific temper", and                                                                         finally acted. But where is
thereby extricate the inhabitants                                                                         the creative impulse that
of the town from the "womb of                                                                             this act of destruction was
Manjunatha", the local all encom-                                                                         supposed to unleash?
passing deity.                                                                                              The untouchables are
  He works out a simple prioriti-                                                                         ideological and mental
zation for his revolutionary agen-                                                                        constructs for Jagannath;
da. If the central ideology of the                                                                        they are not real individu-
town—its faith in a pure temple,                                                                          als whom he knows. Is that
unpolluted by the entry of                                                                                what leads to the rather
untouchables can be shaken—and                                                                            outlandish ending of the
if the collective of "untouchables"                                                                       tale? He observes that it is
can be made "touchable" a rational socio-                                                                 only those we can change
economic order will inevitably follow.       either reinvested with a new garb of         that we can love. Was he trying to change
  The book was first published in 1973       sacredness or are replaced by other icons.   the pariahs into images of himself with
and was written when temple entry was        What exactly is to replace Manjunatha?       their clean shirts and white dhothis? Was
still a social issue, especially in South    Will the creative impulse automatically      such a transformation possible or even
India. Though the specific issue may be      follow the destruction? The famous           desirable? The novel, to quote
dated, the social realities still persist    Russian anarchist and iconoclast Bakunin     A.K.Ramanujan, in another context, ends
much in the same mangled fashion.            believed that destruction itself was a       but does not conclude.                     
6                                                                                              JustBooks Connect - December 2011

In conversation

    The art of making children read
                                               your children discover the pleasures of     for decades, are being made attractive
Ram Mohan Susarla
                                               reading. Making the books meant for         and relevant to the times that we live in.
                                               children into movies is yet another good    Overall there is no shortage of good

                                               news.                                       books.

         ne of the refrains heard often from                                                               ow books are becoming
         parents these days                                                                                available in the electronic
         is that their chil-                                                                         format, so children can be
dren do not have time to                                                                             encouraged to read the eBooks
read or are not interested                                                                           and utilize the time spent
in anything beyond their                                                                             browsing in a productive man-
course work and syllabus.                                                                            ner. Instead of using the internet
This is true to a certain                                                                            as a medium to just download
extent. The demands on                                                                               music and movies, the added
the present youngsters are                                                                           pleasure of making them read
more and the time avail-                                                                             would be akin to getting a dou-
able to pursue interests                                                                             ble Sundae for them. Reading is
other than their studies is                                                                          a wholesome entertainer and the
less. And when one con-                                                                              sheer volumes of titles available
siders the range of options                                                                          in the market for children must
that children have, to uti-                                                                          surely be an incentive for the
lize their spare time rang-                                                                          parents to take their kids on
ing from outdoor physical                                                                            weekends to bookstores where
activity to video games                                                                              they can get good bargains on
and browsing the internet,                                                                           children's books. Taking kids to
to make them read is                                                                                 books stores or library, asking
indeed a challenging task.                                                                                    them to pick their own
   However, before taking                                                                                     books, helps in expos-
them to task for their lack of                                                                                ing kids to the world of
interest in reading, it is worth-                                                                             books and ignites their
while to introspect about                                                                                     curiosity. Reading will
whether as parents, we have                                                                                   follow from this curios-
made efforts to inculcate the                                                                                 ity.
reading habit in them. How                                                                                       Talking about making
many of us as parents have actu-                                                                              children read reminds
ally taken the trouble to intro-                                                                              me of the grandmother
duce their wards to the joys and                                                                              tales that we used listen
pleasures of reading?                                                                                         as bedtime stories. It
   These are some observations on                                                                             always helps if parents
the changing trends in our                                                                                    can set aside some time
lifestyle that have occurred over                                                                             everyday to tell stories
the last couple of decades. When                                                                              or read to their children
we were growing up, the only                                                                                  and make them realize
alternative to outdoor activity                                                                               that there is a world
and reading was Doordarshan.                                                                                  beyond TV and the
Now, with the entire gamut of                                                                                 Internet. As the cliché
hundreds of channels and the                                                                                  goes, if you do not have
internet along with gaming con-                                                                               the time, you must cre-
soles vying for the children's                                                                                ate time. Bedtime read-
attention, reading has taken a                   Like the Tintin series —on which many     ing for young children and discussing
backseat.                                      of us grew up on—and the release of the     books with your teenagers and adoles-
   An exception is the runaway success of      movie by Steven Spielberg. Comics are       cents might be what is needed for your
the Harry Potter Phenomenon which has          any day a good enough reason for chil-      children to get hooked on to books. All in
given some hope. It has re-introduced the      dren to get out of bed and hence these      all, making reading a family affair will
generation of today to the pleasure of         developments must be welcomed.              provide the necessary impetus for your

reading. I call it a phenomenon as nothing         oung minds love interestingly illus-    kids to become full-fledged readers.
comes close to the impact that the Harry           trated good stories. And fortunately      Catch them young and watch them
Potter series has had on young minds and       publishers like Tulika, Tara Books, Young   grow. This must be the motto in all mat-
hearts and the way in which they               Zubaan, NBT, CBT and Scholastic India       ters and with reading as well. Once you
thronged the bookstores at dawn on the         are coming out with such books for          have the basics in place, rest assured
release day. It was indeed heart-warming       young readers. Old favourites like Amar     everything would follow. A good place
for a Gen X booklover like me. Books like      Chitra Katha, Tinkle, Chandamama and        to start would be your local library and a
these could be a starting point in letting     Champak, which held children in sway        good time to start is now.                 
JustBooks Connect - December 2011                                                                                                        7

 The Physics Formula

             Is the Future Already Here?
Physics of the Future                           our own genome sequence on a CD for as                Kaku claims that our
                                                little as $100. Tissue engineering and
                                                growing of organs from our own cells for      wants, dreams, personalities
Michio Kaku
                                                replacement in human body shop,               and desires haven't changed
Allen Pane                                      cloning, gene therapy, genetic enhance-       much in the last 100,000 years.
                                                ments etc., will become common place.
                                                   There are similar predictions in other     Like our cavemen ancestors, we
                                                areas. In IT, quantum computing might         still demand 'proof of the kill'.
                                                be the in-thing. While robots performing
Dr. Rajagopalan                                 routine tasks will be common place,           ing an end to the era of scarcity. Nor does
                                                humans will still man tasks requiring pat-    he explore the 'problem of the plenty',
                                                tern recognition and common sense.            though he rightly points out that the real
                                                Computer chips will become so embed-          bottleneck in the future will not be tech-
                                                ded into gadgets that we will no longer       nological hardware but the availability of
                                                be aware of them. Superconductors at          manual labour intensive software.
                                                room temperatures will enable trans-            It would have been very instructive if
                                                portation using magnetism.                    the author had taken the further step of
                                                   While these predictions may or may not     explicating the implications of the per-
                                                come true, Kaku points out that these are     sistence or otherwise of the so-called
                                                nevertheless based on current scientific      caveman principle. For example, how is
                                                work. One cannot help noticing the liber-     it that the author claims that we will
                                                al dose of optimism of the author, espe-             become a 'planetary civilization'
                                                                                                     but still will behave like cavemen?
                                                                                                     After all, a planetary civilization is
                                                                                                     supposed to be symbolized by the
                                                                                                     growing integration wrought by
                                                                                                     the internet, English language,
                                                                                                     globalized economy, universal cul-
                                                                                                     ture, a common environment,
                                                                                                     sports, tourism and even global
                                                                                                       Another major blind spot of the
                                                                                                     book is the absence of any discus-

                                                                                                     sion on what would happen to our
           e have consistently underes-
                                                                                                     flora and fauna in the light of such
           timated the power of science
                                                                                                     dramatic projections on scientific
           to revolutionalize society.
                                                                                                     developments and their impacts.
We get enamored by the achievements
                                                                                                       Then, the book would have been
of entrepreneurs, inventors and enter-
                                                                                                     much more interesting, even if at
tainers and ignore the importance of            cially on predicted developments in           the cost of leaving out predictions regard-
fundamental contributions of scientists.        exploring space and space travel. The         ing the far future. As it is, such predic-
In reality, it is only when we learnt to har-   author counters this by pointing out how      tions of the far future sound more iffy
ness a new force of nature - gravity, elec-     some of the common place technologies         and like flights of imagination.
tromagnetism, the weak nuclear force or         of today sounded like science fiction even      But nature can throw many surprises.
the strong nuclear force- human society         as recently as 1900s.                         Just recently, scientists have been puz-
underwent significant transformations.            The author zones in on the problem of       zled about some sub-atomic particles
What are such fundamental break-                adequate energy sources and their effi-       which apparently travel at speeds faster
throughs in the pipeline? How will they         cient use as the most crucial questions.      than light! They are frantically setting up
impact our lives?                               He hopes that a combination of nuclear        experiments at enormous costs to verify
  In contrast to the rapid advances in          fusion and solar energy will prove ade-       this claim. If this claim holds, how can
humanity's scientific and technological         quate. Nanotechnology, superconductivi-       one distinguish the past, present and
knowledge, Kaku claims that our wants,          ty at normal temperatures and other such      future? How will we define cause-effect
dreams, personalities and desires haven't       developments will vastly improve effi-        relationships?
changed much in the last 100,000 years.         ciency. There is in fact a possibility that     One interesting aspect of the book is the
Like our cavemen ancestors, we still            humanity will say goodbye to the era of       colorful characters working on the cut-
demand 'proof of the kill'. This 'caveman       scarcity.                                     ting edge of science. In contrast to popu-
principle' will continue to tilt the balance      However, his effort at incorporating the    lar notions, these scientists sound more
in favour of high-touch over the panacea        implications of social, economic and          like excited children, devoting entire
offered by high-tech.                           political factors on technological devel-     careers chasing a dream which may
  Just to get an idea, let us look at some of   opments and its deployment is at best         never materialize in their life time. What
the predictions for medicine. Biology will      spotty. For example, he does not consider     drives them to do this?                    
become information science. We can get          the impact of expanding wants in project-
8                                                                                                  JustBooks Connect - December 2011

      Reader’s                              Reader’s contribution

                                                The down payment for happiness
       Voice                                Sulekha Kumar

                                            Our Lady of Alice Bhatti

                                            Mohammed Hanif
                                            Jonathan Cape

                                                 n the colossal chaos that is Karachi
                                                 what chances does the junior nurse
                                                 Sister Alice Bhatti, a Catholic from
                                            the untouchable 'choohra' community
                                            have for protecting her body, her dignity
                                            and her dream.
                                               Alice's experiences in life have made
     Things that have changed               her bold and defiant, wise and cautious
                                            and yet 'givens' of the social set up are
     since I joined JustBooks               such that she is extremely vulnerable at

                                            the same time. "Every step forward in life
        long year has passed by since I     is preceded by a ritual humiliation. Every lit-
        took a membership at JustBooks.     tle happiness asks for a down payment."
        The books here are really inter-       Will Alice rise above her circum-              of the people, top it up with the police,
esting and come in a huge variety. This     stances, amid her past in Borstal jail, her       underworld, and the tragic set of events
has increased my appetite for reading       home in the squalor of French Colony,             is set into motion.
more and more.                              the filth of Sacred Heart Hospital and her          A sizzling satire in a crisp tight knit
  I have started exploring books written    marriage to a police tout?                        narrative; brings into focus the vices that
by new authors that I never knew               The bleak drama of Alice Bhatti's life is      grip the society in Karachi. Hanif has
before; this is giving me a great view      played out against the backdrop of cer-           penned it in brilliantly evocative prose
about the world around me and has also      tain motifs.                                      with wry humour and sparkling wit. The
improved my language. This obsession           First, vibrant presence of mindless vio-       story crackles all the way through with
of reading books is pretty infectious.      lence embodied in guns of various                 sharp and cutting irony. The novel enter-
  Whenever I have guests staying over       descriptions- Kalashnikovs, Mausers,              tains and depresses too. It is a sordid tale
at home, I get them to come to JustBooks    toysize pistols all find uses in settling         with no character in chaotic Karachi
with me and it so happens that they         scores, declaring love and possibly, get-         offering any hint or hope of redemption.
always step out with a book which turns     ting rid of boredom.
out to be a very enjoyable read.               Second, lusting and leering men
  All in all, JustBooks has added that                                                        Sulekha Kumar, a member of JustBooks
                                            abound, men who look upon women as
extra bit of spice to my life by offering                                                     RMV II Stage, is a freelance writer who
                                            'loose change in a street deal' or 'slaves
books that just pushes my imagination!                                                        has published short stories in Hindi and
                                            they bought in a clearance sale', men
                                                                                              English. A gold medalist in English
                                            who have no qualms about intimidating
    Ananth Kamath, Malleshwaram                                                               Literature and Russian from Bhopal
                                            women into sexual acts and then cutting
    Bangalore                                                                                University, she taught at MLB College
                                            them up.
                                                                                              before joining (and assisting) her husband
                                                Third, class hierarchy, caste prejudice,
                                                                                              in his diplomatic assignments. During
                                             clan clout and cold crass calculation
                                                                                              their home postings, she held many edito-
                                             play their game to the finish with a bru-
                                                                                              rial positions, of which she particularly
                                             tality and brazenness. Add to that the
                                                                                              enjoyed her stint at the Children's Book
                                             ignorance, gullibility and impulsiveness
                                                                                              Trust.                                   
JustBooks Connect - December 2011                                                                                                      9

Reader’s contribution

 Tamil stories and their controversies
                                                   Unable to bear the torture, the wife sets    Tamil stories and controver-
G Venkatesh                                      herself on fire and stealthily clutches
                                                 onto her husband tightly and has her          sies have always been Siamese
                                                 silent revenge. Writer Anuradha               twins. The Brahmin community

            e all agree that writing is a cre-   Ramanan alleged that this movie was           burnt copies of the magazine
            ative process. Most of the story     based on a story written by her.
            writers are able to visualize          Maharishi's Bhadrakali was another          that carried the controversial
something beyond the ordinary and pen            novel that ended up in a controversy but      story 'Chirai' by Anuradha
it in an eloquent form, and that results in      of a different kind.                          Ramanan. The story evidently
a work of fiction. Some of which can               The 1975 movie, also titled Bhadrakali
cause controversies.                             and based on the novel was about the          was semi-autobiographical; like
   Amongst the Indian literature, Tamil          travails of an impoverished Tamil             the heroine in the story,
literature has one of the richest legacies       Brahmin family where the married              Anuradha was deserted by her
created by its writers. But many of these        daughter ends up with mental sickness
writers have also faced a lot of flak for        after she witnesses a horrific rape and       husband, though the similarity
writing the unthinkable that the conser-         murder.                                       ends there.
vative Tamil society found difficult to            Deserted by her husband after she
digest. While some writers struggled             ends up killing her
with legal wrangles and court cases over         own child in a
credits, delayed payments and copyright          demented state, the
issues.                                          woman kills the vil-
   Writer K Jayalakshmi, it appears, was         lain in the end after
fighting a court case with producer-             donning the avatar
director K.S. Gopalakrishnan, for half of        of 'Bhadrakali'.
her life time. She had written a short             The actress playing
story about an impoverished family               the lead role unfortu-
where the daughter gets married to an            nately died in a
affluent man.                                    plane crash even
   Her brother goes to her house on an           before the movie was
invitation for a birthday party for his          released and sceptics
nephew and is outraged at
the treatment given to him.
While he leaves his sister's
place, his sister hurriedly
thrusts a bag in his hand.
   After returning home, the
brother, incensed at his
mother and wife for forcing                                                                        magazine that carried the controver-
him to attend the birthday                                                                         sial story 'Chirai' by Anuradha
party without a formal invi-                                                                       Ramanan. The story evidently was
tation, throws the bag. From                                                                       semi-autobiographical; like the hero-
the bag that was given by                                                                          ine in the story, Anuradha was
his sister, rupee notes and a                                                                      deserted by her husband, though the
letter hurl out. Allegedly,                                                                        similarity ends there.
the director lifted this story                                                                       With dwindling writing talent, the
and made it into a movie                                                                           controversies have also slowly died
that enraged the writer                                                                            down. But it is a comforting fact that
because there were no cred-                                                                        creativity in Tamil writing has been
its given to her in the movie.                                                                     of the highest order.
    Needless to add, the pay-
ment came to her only after
she filed a case in the court.                   A still from the movie Bhadrakali                  G Venkatesh lives in HAL stage
   In one other Tamil movie, there                                                              III and works for a private firm in
is a silently suffering woman (Revathi)          said that she had not followed proper          Indira Nagar. He is a voracious
from a very poor and downtrodden fam-            religious norms during her portrayal of        reader and an amateur writer.
ily, who marries a municipality worker           'Bhadrakali' and so she paid the price for
                                                                                                Essentially a Mumbaikar, he has
(Pandian). The torture of the poor               it.
woman begins right after marriage with              Thus, Tamil stories and controversies       shifted to Bangalore more than a
the drunkard husband bringing in a               have always been Siamese twins. The            year ago. Music, Gardening and
streetwalker into the house.                     Brahmin community burnt copies of the          Reading are his other hobbies.      
10                                                                                           JustBooks Connect - December 2011
                            1. Cricket writer Rahul             4. This is the first novel written by an Indian adivasi:
                            Bhattacharya bagged this award      Kocharethi
                            recently:                           Oluguti Toluguti
                            Castrol Awards for Cricketing      Chemmeen
                            The Hindu Literary Prize           5. 'Controversially Yours' is penned by:
                            Man Booker Prize                   Herschelle Herman Gibbs
                                                                Shoaib Akhtar
                                                                Vinod Kambli
2. Shakti Bhatt First Book Prize of 2011 was given to:
The Wandering Falcon
The Collaborator

3. Which volume of
the Ibis trilogy is
'River of Smoke'?

                                          The Hindu Literary Prize, The Wandering Falcon, Second, Kocharethi, Shoaib Akhtar

     JUSTBOOKS                                           Justbooks arrives in Mangalore
        TOP 5
                                                                 ur newest library - JustBooks Mangalore - opened yesterday
                                                                 to an ecstatic welcome by the reading community and citi-
                                                                 zens . It went on to create a record within the JustBook fran-
 N EW A RRIVALS                                          chisee community for the most memberships on the opening day!
1. 1Q84 by Haruki                                          It was an electrifying, exciting, fun filled and deeply satisfying
Murakami                                                 day. To us, the one picture that really epitomizes the arrival of
2. The Litigators by John                                JustBooks in the community of book lovers is this:
3. The Affair by Lee child
4. Lucknow Boy: A Memoir
by Vinod Mehta
5. A Shot at History by Abhinav

1. Pigeon English by Stephen
2. The Storyteller Of
Marrakesh By Joydeep-Roy
3. The Sari Shop by Rupa
4. Chasing The Monsoon by
Alexander Frater
5. Does He Know A Mother’s Heart?
by Arun Shourie

1. Revolution 2020 by Chetan
Bhagat                                                     Seeing this picture, we are reminded of the quote from Katherine
2. The Secret Of The Nagas by                            Patterson: "It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to
Amish Tripathi                                           give them something worth reading.
3. The Kane Chronicles (Book                               Something that will stretch their imaginations-something that will help
2) by Rick Riordan                                       them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward
4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Book                            people whose lives are quite different from their own."
3) by Jeff Kinney                                          Cheers!
5. Percy Jackson and the                                   From JustBooks blog -                     
Olympians(Book 2) by Rick Riordan
JustBooks Connect - December 2011                                                                                                        11

Author Profile

                                           Iris Murdoch
                                               unsympathetic and she does not
Anindita Sengupta                              spare us an unflinching view of the
                                                                                                     IN A NUTSHELL
                                               inner workings of their minds. Take
                                               Charles Arrowby from The Sea, the

                                                                                            Born On:
        here are novelists whom everyone       Sea, one of her most famous works.           July 15, 1919.
        agrees about and there are others      He starts off sounding eccentric,
        who incite such dissenting views       even amusing, but quickly tests              Born In:
that a room might contain both ardent          patience with a host of inexplicably         Dublin, Ireland.
fans and desperate denouncers. Of the          self-centred actions. Murdoch offers
two categories, Jean Iris Murdoch              elaborate insight into how he                 Parents:
belonged to the latter. A section have         arrives at his destructive decisions.         British of Irish origin; father worked in the
dismissed her as nothing better than a         Yet, there is a dark thread running         civil service.
romance novelist, speedy and sensation-        through the book that leaves no
al.                                            doubt that these actions cannot be            Education: Studied philosophy at Oxford
  But for her legions of fans, Murdoch is      justified.                                  and Cambridge.
a novelist who exercised immense con-            Some critics complain that the
trol over plot, character and situation, a     philosopher sometimes triumphs                Married To:
writer with great psychological insight,       over the novelist, reducing charac-           John Bayley, professor of English and nov-
stylistic beauty and wit, and a strong         ters to puppets thrown into situa-          elist.
moral core.                                    tions to make a point. The kinder
  It is certainly worth remembering that       way of looking at this is that what           Selected Bibliography:
despite being considered one of the            powers one forward through the                Under the Net (1954)
prominent writers in the ethical litera-       unsavoury actions of characters is            The Bell (1958)
ture movement, she maintained a fine           the coiled spring of dramatic ten-            A Severed Head (1961)
balance, an integrity within her novels,       sion. Murdoch believed that it was            The Unicorn (1963)
that prevented them from becoming              important to "invent characters and           The Italian Girl (1964)
didactic or preachy. Murdoch disliked          convey something dramatic, which at           The Red and the Green (1965)
the label of "philosophical novelist" and      the same time has deep spiritual signifi-     The Time of the Angels (1966)
preferred to see herself in the tradition      cance (The Paris Review)."                    The Nice and the Good (1968)
of the nineteenth-century masters-Sir            This dramatic momentum was                  Bruno's Dream (1969)
Walter Scott, Jane Austen, Lev Tolstoy-        crucial in gliding over the strange,          A Fairly Honourable Defeat (1970)
whom she found "to a staggering degree         bizarre and uncanny happenings in             An Accidental Man (1971)
better than the most praised of contemporary   the characters' lives. Despite dense          The Black Prince (1973), winner of the
novelists."                                    language in many places and rumi-           James Tait Black Memorial Prize
  For Murdoch, the task of the novel           nations on a variety of human and             The Sacred and Profane Love Machine
was concerned above all else with love,        metaphysical elements, Murdoch's            (1974), winner of the Whitbread Literary
that is, our "indefinitely extended capacity   novels are eminently readable.              Award for Fiction
to imagine the being of others." Her charac-   They're in her own words "jolly               A Word Child (1975)
ters are often deeply flawed, even             good yarns". Murdoch wanted peo-              Henry and Cato (1976)
                                                  ple to enjoy reading her books             The Sea, the Sea (1978), winner of the
                                                  and this is evident in the tight         Booker Prize
                                                  grip she maintains on plot and             Nuns and Soldiers (1980)
                                                  characters, both elements working          The Philosopher's Pupil (1983)
                                                  seamlessly to propel the novel             The Good Apprentice (1985)
                                                  forward. Her novels are hugely             The Book and the Brotherhood (1987)
                                                  enjoyable and often have the sus-          The Message to the Planet (1989)
                                                  pense and thrills one associates           The Green Knight (1993)
                                                  with crime fiction. She deftly bal-        Jackson's Dilemma (1995)
                                                  ances the slower, more mundane
                                                  details of a character's life--so nec-    Day Job:
                                                  essary and revealing--with drastic        Civil servant, lecturer at Oxford University.
                                                  events. There is a sense of the ter-
                                                  rible. Dreams, intense visions and        Influences:
                                                  illusions play an important part          Simon Weil, Plato, Sartre, Wittgenstein,
                                                  in heightening this sense. Her           Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, George Eliot, Marcel
                                                  plots are intricately patterned and      Proust, William Shakespeare.
                                                  there are symmetries within
                                                  them. Reading Murdoch is that              Awards:
                                                  rare experience-enlightening as            Dame Commander of the Order of the
                                                  well as entertaining.                    British Empire; on the 2008 Times list of "The
                                                                                           50 greatest British writers since 1945".   
12                                                                                                 JustBooks Connect - December 2011

                                                   Just Kids
Folk tales from Bhutan:
Room in your Heart

Kunzang Choden
Pema Tshering (Illustrator)
Age group: 6 - 11 years
Pages: 36

Jayanthi Harsha

         ne of the greatest and most terri-
         bly powerful things in the world
         is love. Love is the reason why
humanity is in harmony and not in
chaos today. Certain types of love, like
mother's love for her children are the
strongest. But, the purest type of love
has no barriers, encompassing the
whole of civilization itself.
Unfortunately, we all are too busy with
our own personal survival, success and        accepted cheerfully into the cottage by        They represent hospitality in its purest
glory, that we forget that there are oth-     the old woman. She manages to feed             form from which it later evolved to the
ers around us, apart from our own fami-       them all and give them space and shel-         forms we see everywhere round us. The
ly members to be loved as well.               ter for the night. Finally, when it is time    writer carefully weaves the story
Understanding this fact fully will take       to leave, the strangers begin to under-        towards the conclusion, which is neatly
us further on the path towards perfec-        stand the true essence of the old              and beautifully conveyed, taking in the
tion, rather than things like immortality     woman's kindness to them.                      reader along with the vistors them-
or great wealth.                                The most important thing about the           selves.
   "Neypo shong gna? Is there room for        story, apart from the moral itself is its        The book, despite its few pages, man-
me?"                                          simplicity, which is just as simple as the     ages to convey a lot of meaning to the
   This book showcases one such exam-         old woman herself. The author does not         reader. Young children understand not
ples of true love. An old woman lives         need to invoke complicated happenings          just the true meaning of welcoming
with a dog, cock and a cat in a cottage       like magic or even natural elements like       strangers, but caring and respecting
by the hills. She lives simply, enjoying      storms to head the story to its final con-     them as well. The children will also like
life without festivity or glamour. One        clusion. The pictures painted in water         the story for its simple language and its
day, when night has fallen, some travel-      colors help to bring the characters to life,   colorful descriptions. The paintings help
ers seek refuge in the tiny cottage.          in the progress bringing the story closer-     to convey the various traits of the
Without hesitation, the old woman             to the reader. The words - "Neypo shong        Bhutanese people in the form of the visi-
accepts them all. As the night passes,        gna? "and the response the old woman           tors to the old woman's cottage.        
more strangers come along and are             gives every time become quite symbolic.

     JustBooks Picks for Young Readers
 Mall Mania by Stuart J. Murphy                 In The Country Of Gold-digging Ants           The Adventures Of The New Cut
                                                by Anu Kumar                                  Gang by Philip Pullman
 Percy And The Rabbit by Nick
 Butterworth                                    Diary Of A Soccer Star by Shamini Flint Trouble At The Taj by Sonja
 The Shining Stones by Shanti Pappu             How To Save A Dragon by Annie
                                                Dalton                                  Skunk Girl by Sheba Karim
JustBooks Connect - December 2011                                                                                                  13

                                                  Just Kids
                                               Riding the mystery wave
                                                                                          on behalf of Scorpia to another mem-
                                               Alex Rider - Scorpia Rising
                                                                                          ber, Abdul Aziz al-Razim.
                                                                                             Since Alex Rider has had victorious
                                               Anthony Horowitz                           clashes with Scorpia which led to the
                                               Age Group: 12-18 years,                    downfall of its prestige and deaths of
                                               Pages: 431                                 very crucial members of Scorpia —read
                                               Publisher: Walker India                    fifth and seventh book— Razim
                                                                                          decides to use Alex Rider as a weapon
                                                                                          against the British government. Scorpia
                                                                                          kills one of its founding members, Levi

                                                                                          Kroll and dumps his body in the river
                                                      o enjoy this book fully, it is
                                                                                          Thames in London.
                                                      advisable to read the first eight
                                                                                              A message is found in his coat pock-
                                                      books in the Alex Rider series.
                                                                                          et which leads MI6 to Cairo in Egypt.
                                               After undergoing a variety of victori-
                                                                                          Once MI6 has taken the bait, it sends
                                               ous adventures, Alex Rider begins his
                                                                                                                    Alex Rider
                                               life as a normal
                                                                                                                    undercover as
                                               boy whose life
                                                                                                                    a student to
                                               revolves around
                                                                                                                    Cairo where
                                               school and home-
                                                                                                                    something big
                                                                                                                    is going to
                                                  The clashes with
                                               criminals and
                                                                                                                      Once Alex
                                               encounters with
                                                                                                                    Rider reaches
              My Parents                       assassins who
                                                                                                                    Cairo, Scorpia
                                               want to kill him
                                                                                                                    executes the
    You have always been there for us          are far from his
                                                                                                                    final phase of
   You have taught us right from wrong         mind. Alex starts
                                                                                                                    its plan. To
     You have taught us Gods words             believing that he
                                                                                                                    make this
       You have taught us his song             will ultimately
                                                                                                                    more interest-
                                               become a normal
                                                                                                                    ing Scorpia
         Everyday you teach us                 boy from a super
                                                                                                                    brings an old
  Goodness, Compassionate and Charity          spy, but that does
                                                                                                                    enemy of Alex
  You believe in the people of the world       not happen.
                                                                                                                    Rider back
   And, with kindness, what it could be           Very soon the
                                                                                                                    into his life. In
                                               criminal organisa-
                                                                                                                    Cairo it all
       I would like to thank God               tion "Scorpia" —to
                                                                                                                    comes to an
   Because we have been truly blessed          find out more
                                                                                                                    end as Scorpia
   There is no other way of putting it         about Scorpia read
                                                                                                                    is pulling the
       As both of you are the best             the fifth book—
                                                                                                                    strings and
                                               strikes a business
                                                                                                                    MI6 is just
         You give me education                 deal with an extremely wealthy man
                                                                                          dancing to their tune.
          And don't let me bore                from Greece named Yannis Ariston
                                                                                             The language in the book is very sim-
      As you both are the only one             Xenopolos.
                                                                                          ple and transports the reader to the
     After you there is nothing more              The deal is to bring back the exqui-
                                                                                          world of Alex Rider. It is definitely an
                                               site Elgin marbles from London to
                                                                                          irresistible book. To find out more read
 Janishjit Singh Bedi, Class V, Vibgyor High   Greece. Since the British government
                                                                                          the book.
               School , Mumbai                 had refused to return the Elgin marbles
                                               back to its rightful owners-the Greeks,
                                                                                          Rahul Rajpal, Class VIII, St. Joseph's
                                               Ariston who loves his country and its
                                                                                          Central School, Mysore
                                               heritage beyond limits decides to take
Janishjit is an avid reader especially of      it by force.
                                                                                          Rahul is a member of JustBooks KD
BONES from Justbooks Hiranandani,                 Ariston arranges for a secret meeting
                                                                                          Road, Mysore. He is a voracious reader
Powai, Mumbai. He loves to play tennis         with Zeljan Kurst, who is the current
                                                                                          and loves mimicry. He also likes to
and keyboard. During his free time he cre-     head of Scorpia to hatch an immaculate
                                                                                          swim and play badminton.
ates cartoon characters and games. He is a     plan to restore the heritage of the
                                                                                           He wants to become an actor when he
person who is always ready to help when        Greeks. Zeljan Kurst entrusts this
                                                                                          grows up.                           
someone needs him.                             responsibility of formulating the plan

                  Young Readers can send their contribution to
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JustBooks - December 2011 newsletter
JustBooks - December 2011 newsletter

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JustBooks - December 2011 newsletter

  • 1. Volume 2 Issue 10 CONNECT December 2011 For limited circulation A JustBooks Publication 2011: A year for books Pg 10 Quiz Pg 11 Author Profile attention is the semi-autobiographical Pushpa Achanta novel Noon (Faber and Faber, 304 pages) by Aatish Taseer. It has won praise from Pg 12 readers and reviewers alike. Taseer's first fictional work The Temple Goers Pushpa Achanta finds out the (Viking, 304 pages) was nominated for the response to English books that were published in 2011 and penned by Costa First Novel Award (formerly called Just the Whitbread Award) in 2010. writers from South Asia. Approached for her opinion on which Kids South Asian English books or authors were a hit in 2011, Annie Zaidi, a journal- A mitav Ghosh's River of Smoke ist, blogger, poet and author shared, "I (Viking/Penguin, 528 pages) gener- have not read most of the hundreds of South ated much interest in the literary Asian books written in English this year. But world this year. Ghosh won the Blue one of the books that I remember as a definite Metropolis International Literary Grand hit is A Free Man (Random House, 240 and insightful book titled The Emperor Prix earlier this year at an annual literary pages) by Aman Sethi, journalist and writer." of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer festival of the same name being organ- Incidentally, Zaidi and her friend Smriti (Scribner, 592 pages) by Siddhartha ized in Montreal, Canada since 1999. Ravindra, a columnist, short story writer Mukherjee stands out. It brought its According to the festival website, this and teacher of creative writing from writer (an oncologist or cancer physician) prize "is awarded annually to a writer of Nepal co-authored the book The Bad into the limelight when he was conferred international stature and accomplishment as Boy’s Guide To The Good Indian Girl or the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction a celebration of a lifetime of literary achieve- The Good Indian Girl's Guide To this year. ment". Loving, Living And Having Fun A debut novel of this Rhodes Scholar, it Some foreign newspapers opined that (Zubaan, 224 pages). also won the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Ghosh was probably been conferred the This book reportedly attracted young Science Writing Award for 2011 and was award as the focus of the 2011 edition of men to its launches in a few Indian cities one of those works that were nominated the festival was on India. Although the earlier this year. Manu Joseph's Serious for the National Book Critics Circle author's great reputation indicates that he Men (John Murray, 310 pages) is worth Award this year. deserves it. mentioning here as it was the winner of "A book that I read and liked is The Book Another book of 2011, set in India and the PEN Open Book Award in 2011. Pakistan that got plenty of worldwide contd on pg 2... In the non-fiction category, the realistic
  • 2. 2 JustBooks Connect - December 2011 contd from pg 1... From the Editor’s Desk D id you read our new maga- zine INK, a magazine for you, dear book lovers? If not, then look in your library's magazine section for it. We hope you will like our inaugural issue. We have a long way to go but with your support and encouragement, we are sure we will evolve INK into a true magazine about our book industry. Don't forget to send your of Memory (Penguin, 318 sentimentality and narrow feedback and suggestions to our pages) by psychoanalyst and world view. I was also amused editor. writer Sudhir Kakar. to see so many women writers The last two months of this year The other books I read this up in arms about it. saw many interesting literary festi- year were all released much I think I am far too confident vals and fairs being hosted across earlier than 2011", said as a writer, as are many other India. The Hay Festival in columnist and novelist C K women writers in this, to even Thiruvananthapuram, Bookaroo Meena, when asked to give his statements a credible Children Literature Festival in name South Asian English thought. Delhi, the Bangalore Book Fair, the books or authors (pub- I mention this controversy Just Write Workshop and the lished this year) that she because I hope women writers Strand Book Festival. And lest we enjoyed reading in 2011. in the future can roll their eyes forget, Year 2012 will be welcomed Annie Zaidi picked Jaane and laugh at things like this by the biggest literary festival of Bhi Do Yaaro - Seriously instead of validating such opin- India- the Jaipur Literary festival! Funny Since 1983 by ions through anger." Some exciting developments are Jaiarjun Singh (Harper happening at JustBooks, too. We Collins, 300 pages) among Some unique books of have opened more than 40 branch- the non-fiction works that 2011 es, have spread to seven cities delighted her. Retired Pakistani civil ser- across India and now provide vant Jamil Ahmad made a access to four Lakh books. You Misses and literary debut at the age of must have seen or read about Controversies of 2011 78 with The Wandering JustBooks in different Medias. On the subject of books of Falcon (Penguin, 192 pages), Many branches are conducting 2011 that were "misses" which is set in Pakistan JustBooks Events that includes sto- Annie Zaidi remarked, and Afghanistan. rytelling, essay writing, book read- "How do you judge who Oluguti Toluguti: Indian ing. All this to be better connected missed what, and who knows Rhymes to Read and Recite with its members. what it was aiming for any- (Tulika) by Radhika Menon, At JustBooks we are happy that way?" Sandhya Rao has 54 Indian we are on our way to realise our Rheaa Mukherjee, co- poems in 18 languages in vision of - Get every book a reader and founder and editor of the original tongue, English get every reader his or her book. And Urban Confustions, a jour- translations and English to achieve our vision we need nal of art and literature, and Hindi transliterations. active participation from all book added, “It's hard for me to Rakshanda Jalil's short fic- lovers. choose books that were misses. tion anthology Release and We call all our members to con- I think that the relationship a Other Stories (Harper tribute regularly, and especially reader has with a piece of text is substantiat- Collins India) is probably the first one fea- our young readers to send in their ed and validated through a personal experi- turing Indian middle class muslim char- stories, poems, book reviews or any ence." acters. other interesting article for our Just It is pertinent to state that despite the I, Lalla: The Poems of Lal Ded Kids pages. large number of English books being (Penguin, 328 pages) - verses of the epony- In this last edition of Year 2011 released in this country, many of them mous 14th century Kashmiri woman JustBooks Connect, let's find out have done well either in terms of com- mystic also known as Lalleshwari, ren- from some literary figures what merce or critical response or both. Small dered in English by Ranjit Hoskote. books of 2011 they liked or did not wonder as India is amongst the top ten Narayan's Kocharethi, The Arayar like. And also look into some nations in the world in publishing. Woman (Oxford University Press, 264 unique titles. Mukherjee opined about a distasteful pages) translated by Catherine Tell us what you think of this edi- literary incident in 2011, "I thought it Thankamma is perhaps the first work by tion and write in your thoughts and funny that V S Naipaul said that women's a tribal man from Kerala. contributions to editor@just- writing is different, partly because of their Let's see now what 2012 will bring! 
  • 3. JustBooks Connect - December 2011 3 Stealing Karma Selected Poems Aneesha Capur Pablo Neruda Harper Collins Penguin Books Reshmi Chakraborty Pushpa Achanta A W neesha Capur's Stealing Karma riting substantive poetry is based in Nairobi where Mira does not come easily to all. Sharma lives a luxurious but dis- Understanding what the contented life with her husband and poet is trying to convey may take daughter. History fogs up the present as more than one reading. More so, in Mira keeps slipping into bouts of depres- the case of translated verses. But not sion despite her determination to be a so, when one is reading the leg- better wife and mother. When things go endary poet Pablo Neruda. wrong, Mira has to survive for the sake Pablo Neruda (the pen name of of her daughter. Neftali Reyes) started writing verses Together with their African house- when he was around ten and his first keeper, mother and daughter form an collection was published when he unusual family as Mira tries to battle her was about sixteen years old under demons and her daughter Shanti tries to get through to a moth- the nom de plume that he chose for himself. er lost in the stupor of memories. One of the few poets who won the Nobel Prize for This is a novel that piques curiosity if only for the unusual Literature, Neruda wrote many verses in Spanish that had Karmic angle to the mother-daughter saga. It is moving and depth amidst simplicity. The sea, women, love, death, ships, poignant despite the problems in its plot. factory workers and cities and countries that he visited Capur is a gifted writer and creates some truly touching inspired him to pen lines that reflected his feelings about moments out of simple situations. them. Selected Poems consists of some of Neruda's poetic The book works on many levels and addresses several issues expressions that were translated into English. including familial relations and racial prejudice but despite its The presence of the Spanish and English versions on adja- flaws, Stealing Karma is a novel that piques curiosity if only for cent pages of this collection may be distracting to some read- the unusual Karmic angle to the mother-daughter saga. ers irrespective of the languages they know. Written beautifully, Stealing Karma, is assured and sharp for However, anyone who enjoys poetry should definitely a debut novel.  read this master.  Maverick: The Success Story Behind The Geek Nation World's Most Unusual Workplace Angela Saini Ricardo Semler Hodder & Stoughton Random House Manjula Sundharam Dr. Rajagopalan R W icardo Semler narrates his ill India regain its pre-renais- change management story as a sance position in global sci- leader at one of Latin ence and technology? Why America's fastest growing companies. did it not live it up to its promise since He describes how his unconventional independence? Is it because of the leadership changed the environment stranglehold of its traditions and super- in the company from autocratic to stitions? Or is it because of penny participative and made it the most pinching in funding R&D? Did the IT preferred workplace in Brazil. boom raise India's profile in the global If employees are asked to blindly markets while ironically diverting its follow instructions without question- top talent into mindless coding? What ing, how can they be encouraged to are some of the valiant and significant think, innovate and act as human R&D happening in India? beings? The author defines 'Geekiness' as one's 'passion about an intel- Following this thought Semler allowed his employees at the lectual pursuit'. Indian civilization was once arguably way manufacturing plant to dress as they please, enter the work- ahead of the western world in science and technology. place at a time they thought was reasonable for themselves and European renaissance helped the western world make rapid sci- their teams, pick a task that excited them, and choose a salary entific and technological progress. Colonialism fueled western that they thought they deserved. Fixed working hours, rigid capitalism with cheap raw materials, captive markets and mili- organizational charts, and policy manuals strip away freedom tary might. Was the decline in Indian science and technology a and give a false feeling of discipline. By allowing employees to natural consequence? If so, how come India failed to regain its speak their minds and letting them determine their own way ('rightful'?) place, even after six decades of independence? This of achieving goals, Semler persuaded his employees to work as book explores this failure of post-independence India, from the responsible adults and increased productivity at the work perspective of an U.K born Indian.  place.  For the full reviews check out
  • 4. 4 JustBooks Connect - December 2011 The abcd of Bengali detectives Sleuthing Bengali Style - including the guests, Agarwal's secre- also worried about the marriage of his The All Bengali Crime Detectives tary and an itinerant seller of collectibles daughter and how he will pay for that. who had come to show Agarwal his One of the sub-plots is the search for a Suparna Chatterjee wares. The 'not ready for retirement' stal- groom for this daughter Pia. And Rupa and Co warts - ABCD, who are also miffed at although this is the major preoccupation being forced to take a back seat in the of the mother, the father aside from local organization of the Puja pandal by a sleuthing, also gets involved in the inter- younger gang of the para or neighbour- actions. Pia goes through the habitual tea Geetanjali Singh Chanda hood youth, take up the challenge of solv- and "seeing" of the girl but does not hesi- ing the crime. tate to speak her mind and swiftly dis- The retired judge is definitely the misses each suitor with her outspoken- 'brains' of the group and orchestrates the ness. Pia is possibly the only female char- T others. But each one plays their part in acter with guts in this novel. For the rest, his debut novel is an ethno-detec- tracking down suspects and applying all four wives are non-differentiable from tive thriller, and as much a medita- their sleuthing skills. One of the four is a each other and presented as stereotypical tion on retirement and Bengali wives whose lives Bengaliness as it is a 'whodunit'. But revolve around the kitchen, often the tension of a thriller looses procuring the right fish for the out to wonderful snippets and day, nagging their husbands foibles of the Bengalis ranging from and finding suitable matches ruminations on the adda culture, for their daughters. pet names like Poltu, Bhombol or As the plot evolves, the chase Kaltu that can ruin the amorous for the criminal results in vari- advances of many a roadside ous red herrings and unexpect- Romeo, to delicious snippets of ed twists. Finally it is the why the simple gulab jamun is retired judge who calls a meet- called ledikeni in Bangla. ing at Mr. Agarwal's house and The four retirees "with receding unravels the various threads to hairlines and protruding bellies" are reveal who actually stole the hardly detective material but then priceless diamond that may not they also feel too young to opt out have been so priceless after all. of life as such. They gather in the The author, Suparna park, ostensibly to exercise, but Chatterjee was born and mainly to participate in the particu- brought up in Calcutta but now larly Bengali pastime of adda. lives in Bangalore. This proba- For the non-initiates, an adda is a bly accounts for the nostalgia gathering (mainly of men), who that imbues this first novel. The meet to chat. The topics range from loving descriptions of things the price of fish, to local gossip to Bengali are one of the rare politics to comparisons between the charms of the book. filmic genius of Satyajit Ray and There is even a fascinating Jean-Luc Godard, to Marxist philos- historical anecdote that attrib- ophy. The latest to join the group of utes the change of Durga Puja senior citizens is Akhil Bannerjee, a from a spring festival to an recently retired judge, who com- autumnal one back to the battle pletes the ABCD series of - Akhil, of Plassey in 1757. (I cannot Bibhuti, Chandan and Debdas. potential suspect himself as not only was account for the veracity of the story but One day, unexpectedly, they all receive he the last to see the diamond but he is why not?) There is also a hilarious an invitation to dinner from a rather aloof description of the competition among Mr. Agarwal who lives in the same various paras for the best Durga Puja neighbourhood. They spend a convivial evening together but the next day they The loving descriptions of things pandals. are in for a shock when they discover Bengali are one of the rare charms Chatterjee acknowledges her debt to "Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie and Satyajit that Mr. Agarwal's prize collector's of the book. There is even a fasci- Ray - three writers who planted in me a item, a diamond, the size of a pigeon’s egg, has gone missing. They had seen nating historical anecdote that burning desire to become a sleuth" but her the exquisite jewel just that evening and attributes the change of Durga real talent is not so much in weaving a detective story, which is almost inci- are horrified at how it could have disap- Puja from a spring festival to an dental here, but in recounting and peared from under their collective noses. Immediately the first suspects are autumnal one back to the battle of transporting one into a fun and ethno- the servants and then the various others Plassey in 1757. graphic account of Bengalis. This is just who could have had access to the jewel the book for a long plane journey. 
  • 5. JustBooks Connect - December 2011 5 The Gandhi way Of idealism and loving those we change Bharathipura Jagannath's complex but naïve faith is form of creation, but our hero does not moving. He believes that his iconoclasti- see himself as an anarchist but one with a UR Ananthamurthy cism will somehow free the spirit of the vision of a dynamic modern town towards a new creative impulse. To Bharathipura. He does not have a clear Translated from Kannada by him, the image of the deity Manjunatha, idea of what kind of a practical change Susheela Punitha is a symbol of an ignorant, superstitious, this notion of modernity would shape Oxford University Press apathetic society, with its unjust value itself into. Dr. Rajeshwari Ghose system. By breaking the superstitions surrounding its "purity" and the entrenched fears which stop the untouch- W hat he does have are a number of questions reeling in his head. Inactivity, to him is no option. He must ables from entering its divine precincts, act or he must die. The stance is dramat- he hopes to free the townspeople from ic. He is young; western educated and is L ike Ananthamurthy's earlier novel the constrictions of the womb space. full of anxiety of the existentialist, a Samskara, this novel too, was orig- Breaking iconic sanctity is an age old trendy school of thought in his student inally written in Kannada. We are historical phenomenon-the images are days. His rather quaint friend Adiga, the fortunate to have English transla- temple priest, warns him tions of at least these two of his that it could be his ego that major works. is playing up. Could it? The central character in this Our hero has no sure novel, Jagannath is a person with answers. His friend Rayaru whom it is easy for a candid mod- warns him that sustaining ern Indian reader, to identify. He idealism in the real world feels like many of us, impotent is only for the very brave. with rage at the appalling treat- His own Gandhian ideals ment of the underdogs of society, have left him a pauper and in this case, specifically the pari- at odds with his wife and ahs. family in a world that idol- Even more important, he sees izes Gandhi but nourishes himself as a non-person, some- unbridled greed and cor- how inauthentic, if he does noth- ruption. ing to change the social order When Jagannath finally which he confronts all around accomplishes what he sets him in his mofussil temple town out to do and makes the of Bharathipura. He can smell its untouchables touch the stench and see its dark alleys, sacred Saligrama, in his both in a literal and metaphoric own domestic shrine, and sense. The revolutionary in him breaks the taboo of the wants to get rid of the "age old untouchable entering the superstitions" and substitute it temple, he feels he has with the "scientific temper", and finally acted. But where is thereby extricate the inhabitants the creative impulse that of the town from the "womb of this act of destruction was Manjunatha", the local all encom- supposed to unleash? passing deity. The untouchables are He works out a simple prioriti- ideological and mental zation for his revolutionary agen- constructs for Jagannath; da. If the central ideology of the they are not real individu- town—its faith in a pure temple, als whom he knows. Is that unpolluted by the entry of what leads to the rather untouchables can be shaken—and outlandish ending of the if the collective of "untouchables" tale? He observes that it is can be made "touchable" a rational socio- only those we can change economic order will inevitably follow. either reinvested with a new garb of that we can love. Was he trying to change The book was first published in 1973 sacredness or are replaced by other icons. the pariahs into images of himself with and was written when temple entry was What exactly is to replace Manjunatha? their clean shirts and white dhothis? Was still a social issue, especially in South Will the creative impulse automatically such a transformation possible or even India. Though the specific issue may be follow the destruction? The famous desirable? The novel, to quote dated, the social realities still persist Russian anarchist and iconoclast Bakunin A.K.Ramanujan, in another context, ends much in the same mangled fashion. believed that destruction itself was a but does not conclude. 
  • 6. 6 JustBooks Connect - December 2011 In conversation The art of making children read your children discover the pleasures of for decades, are being made attractive Ram Mohan Susarla reading. Making the books meant for and relevant to the times that we live in. children into movies is yet another good Overall there is no shortage of good O news. books. N ne of the refrains heard often from ow books are becoming parents these days available in the electronic is that their chil- format, so children can be dren do not have time to encouraged to read the eBooks read or are not interested and utilize the time spent in anything beyond their browsing in a productive man- course work and syllabus. ner. Instead of using the internet This is true to a certain as a medium to just download extent. The demands on music and movies, the added the present youngsters are pleasure of making them read more and the time avail- would be akin to getting a dou- able to pursue interests ble Sundae for them. Reading is other than their studies is a wholesome entertainer and the less. And when one con- sheer volumes of titles available siders the range of options in the market for children must that children have, to uti- surely be an incentive for the lize their spare time rang- parents to take their kids on ing from outdoor physical weekends to bookstores where activity to video games they can get good bargains on and browsing the internet, children's books. Taking kids to to make them read is books stores or library, asking indeed a challenging task. them to pick their own However, before taking books, helps in expos- them to task for their lack of ing kids to the world of interest in reading, it is worth- books and ignites their while to introspect about curiosity. Reading will whether as parents, we have follow from this curios- made efforts to inculcate the ity. reading habit in them. How Talking about making many of us as parents have actu- children read reminds ally taken the trouble to intro- me of the grandmother duce their wards to the joys and tales that we used listen pleasures of reading? as bedtime stories. It These are some observations on always helps if parents the changing trends in our can set aside some time lifestyle that have occurred over everyday to tell stories the last couple of decades. When or read to their children we were growing up, the only and make them realize alternative to outdoor activity that there is a world and reading was Doordarshan. beyond TV and the Now, with the entire gamut of Internet. As the cliché hundreds of channels and the goes, if you do not have internet along with gaming con- the time, you must cre- soles vying for the children's ate time. Bedtime read- attention, reading has taken a Like the Tintin series —on which many ing for young children and discussing backseat. of us grew up on—and the release of the books with your teenagers and adoles- An exception is the runaway success of movie by Steven Spielberg. Comics are cents might be what is needed for your the Harry Potter Phenomenon which has any day a good enough reason for chil- children to get hooked on to books. All in given some hope. It has re-introduced the dren to get out of bed and hence these all, making reading a family affair will generation of today to the pleasure of developments must be welcomed. provide the necessary impetus for your Y reading. I call it a phenomenon as nothing oung minds love interestingly illus- kids to become full-fledged readers. comes close to the impact that the Harry trated good stories. And fortunately Catch them young and watch them Potter series has had on young minds and publishers like Tulika, Tara Books, Young grow. This must be the motto in all mat- hearts and the way in which they Zubaan, NBT, CBT and Scholastic India ters and with reading as well. Once you thronged the bookstores at dawn on the are coming out with such books for have the basics in place, rest assured release day. It was indeed heart-warming young readers. Old favourites like Amar everything would follow. A good place for a Gen X booklover like me. Books like Chitra Katha, Tinkle, Chandamama and to start would be your local library and a these could be a starting point in letting Champak, which held children in sway good time to start is now. 
  • 7. JustBooks Connect - December 2011 7 The Physics Formula Is the Future Already Here? Physics of the Future our own genome sequence on a CD for as Kaku claims that our little as $100. Tissue engineering and growing of organs from our own cells for wants, dreams, personalities Michio Kaku replacement in human body shop, and desires haven't changed Allen Pane cloning, gene therapy, genetic enhance- much in the last 100,000 years. ments etc., will become common place. There are similar predictions in other Like our cavemen ancestors, we areas. In IT, quantum computing might still demand 'proof of the kill'. be the in-thing. While robots performing Dr. Rajagopalan routine tasks will be common place, ing an end to the era of scarcity. Nor does humans will still man tasks requiring pat- he explore the 'problem of the plenty', tern recognition and common sense. though he rightly points out that the real Computer chips will become so embed- bottleneck in the future will not be tech- ded into gadgets that we will no longer nological hardware but the availability of be aware of them. Superconductors at manual labour intensive software. room temperatures will enable trans- It would have been very instructive if portation using magnetism. the author had taken the further step of While these predictions may or may not explicating the implications of the per- come true, Kaku points out that these are sistence or otherwise of the so-called nevertheless based on current scientific caveman principle. For example, how is work. One cannot help noticing the liber- it that the author claims that we will al dose of optimism of the author, espe- become a 'planetary civilization' but still will behave like cavemen? After all, a planetary civilization is supposed to be symbolized by the growing integration wrought by the internet, English language, globalized economy, universal cul- ture, a common environment, sports, tourism and even global pandemics. Another major blind spot of the book is the absence of any discus- W sion on what would happen to our e have consistently underes- flora and fauna in the light of such timated the power of science dramatic projections on scientific to revolutionalize society. developments and their impacts. We get enamored by the achievements Then, the book would have been of entrepreneurs, inventors and enter- much more interesting, even if at tainers and ignore the importance of cially on predicted developments in the cost of leaving out predictions regard- fundamental contributions of scientists. exploring space and space travel. The ing the far future. As it is, such predic- In reality, it is only when we learnt to har- author counters this by pointing out how tions of the far future sound more iffy ness a new force of nature - gravity, elec- some of the common place technologies and like flights of imagination. tromagnetism, the weak nuclear force or of today sounded like science fiction even But nature can throw many surprises. the strong nuclear force- human society as recently as 1900s. Just recently, scientists have been puz- underwent significant transformations. The author zones in on the problem of zled about some sub-atomic particles What are such fundamental break- adequate energy sources and their effi- which apparently travel at speeds faster throughs in the pipeline? How will they cient use as the most crucial questions. than light! They are frantically setting up impact our lives? He hopes that a combination of nuclear experiments at enormous costs to verify In contrast to the rapid advances in fusion and solar energy will prove ade- this claim. If this claim holds, how can humanity's scientific and technological quate. Nanotechnology, superconductivi- one distinguish the past, present and knowledge, Kaku claims that our wants, ty at normal temperatures and other such future? How will we define cause-effect dreams, personalities and desires haven't developments will vastly improve effi- relationships? changed much in the last 100,000 years. ciency. There is in fact a possibility that One interesting aspect of the book is the Like our cavemen ancestors, we still humanity will say goodbye to the era of colorful characters working on the cut- demand 'proof of the kill'. This 'caveman scarcity. ting edge of science. In contrast to popu- principle' will continue to tilt the balance However, his effort at incorporating the lar notions, these scientists sound more in favour of high-touch over the panacea implications of social, economic and like excited children, devoting entire offered by high-tech. political factors on technological devel- careers chasing a dream which may Just to get an idea, let us look at some of opments and its deployment is at best never materialize in their life time. What the predictions for medicine. Biology will spotty. For example, he does not consider drives them to do this?  become information science. We can get the impact of expanding wants in project-
  • 8. 8 JustBooks Connect - December 2011 Reader’s Reader’s contribution The down payment for happiness Voice Sulekha Kumar Our Lady of Alice Bhatti Mohammed Hanif Jonathan Cape I n the colossal chaos that is Karachi what chances does the junior nurse Sister Alice Bhatti, a Catholic from the untouchable 'choohra' community have for protecting her body, her dignity and her dream. Alice's experiences in life have made Things that have changed her bold and defiant, wise and cautious and yet 'givens' of the social set up are since I joined JustBooks such that she is extremely vulnerable at A the same time. "Every step forward in life long year has passed by since I is preceded by a ritual humiliation. Every lit- took a membership at JustBooks. tle happiness asks for a down payment." The books here are really inter- Will Alice rise above her circum- of the people, top it up with the police, esting and come in a huge variety. This stances, amid her past in Borstal jail, her underworld, and the tragic set of events has increased my appetite for reading home in the squalor of French Colony, is set into motion. more and more. the filth of Sacred Heart Hospital and her A sizzling satire in a crisp tight knit I have started exploring books written marriage to a police tout? narrative; brings into focus the vices that by new authors that I never knew The bleak drama of Alice Bhatti's life is grip the society in Karachi. Hanif has before; this is giving me a great view played out against the backdrop of cer- penned it in brilliantly evocative prose about the world around me and has also tain motifs. with wry humour and sparkling wit. The improved my language. This obsession First, vibrant presence of mindless vio- story crackles all the way through with of reading books is pretty infectious. lence embodied in guns of various sharp and cutting irony. The novel enter- Whenever I have guests staying over descriptions- Kalashnikovs, Mausers, tains and depresses too. It is a sordid tale at home, I get them to come to JustBooks toysize pistols all find uses in settling with no character in chaotic Karachi with me and it so happens that they scores, declaring love and possibly, get- offering any hint or hope of redemption. always step out with a book which turns ting rid of boredom. out to be a very enjoyable read. Second, lusting and leering men All in all, JustBooks has added that Sulekha Kumar, a member of JustBooks abound, men who look upon women as extra bit of spice to my life by offering RMV II Stage, is a freelance writer who 'loose change in a street deal' or 'slaves books that just pushes my imagination! has published short stories in Hindi and they bought in a clearance sale', men English. A gold medalist in English who have no qualms about intimidating Ananth Kamath, Malleshwaram Literature and Russian from Bhopal women into sexual acts and then cutting Bangalore  University, she taught at MLB College them up. before joining (and assisting) her husband Third, class hierarchy, caste prejudice, in his diplomatic assignments. During clan clout and cold crass calculation their home postings, she held many edito- play their game to the finish with a bru- rial positions, of which she particularly tality and brazenness. Add to that the enjoyed her stint at the Children's Book ignorance, gullibility and impulsiveness Trust. 
  • 9. JustBooks Connect - December 2011 9 Reader’s contribution Tamil stories and their controversies Unable to bear the torture, the wife sets Tamil stories and controver- G Venkatesh herself on fire and stealthily clutches onto her husband tightly and has her sies have always been Siamese silent revenge. Writer Anuradha twins. The Brahmin community W e all agree that writing is a cre- Ramanan alleged that this movie was burnt copies of the magazine ative process. Most of the story based on a story written by her. writers are able to visualize Maharishi's Bhadrakali was another that carried the controversial something beyond the ordinary and pen novel that ended up in a controversy but story 'Chirai' by Anuradha it in an eloquent form, and that results in of a different kind. Ramanan. The story evidently a work of fiction. Some of which can The 1975 movie, also titled Bhadrakali cause controversies. and based on the novel was about the was semi-autobiographical; like Amongst the Indian literature, Tamil travails of an impoverished Tamil the heroine in the story, literature has one of the richest legacies Brahmin family where the married Anuradha was deserted by her created by its writers. But many of these daughter ends up with mental sickness writers have also faced a lot of flak for after she witnesses a horrific rape and husband, though the similarity writing the unthinkable that the conser- murder. ends there. vative Tamil society found difficult to Deserted by her husband after she digest. While some writers struggled ends up killing her with legal wrangles and court cases over own child in a credits, delayed payments and copyright demented state, the issues. woman kills the vil- Writer K Jayalakshmi, it appears, was lain in the end after fighting a court case with producer- donning the avatar director K.S. Gopalakrishnan, for half of of 'Bhadrakali'. her life time. She had written a short The actress playing story about an impoverished family the lead role unfortu- where the daughter gets married to an nately died in a affluent man. plane crash even Her brother goes to her house on an before the movie was invitation for a birthday party for his released and sceptics nephew and is outraged at the treatment given to him. While he leaves his sister's place, his sister hurriedly thrusts a bag in his hand. After returning home, the brother, incensed at his mother and wife for forcing magazine that carried the controver- him to attend the birthday sial story 'Chirai' by Anuradha party without a formal invi- Ramanan. The story evidently was tation, throws the bag. From semi-autobiographical; like the hero- the bag that was given by ine in the story, Anuradha was his sister, rupee notes and a deserted by her husband, though the letter hurl out. Allegedly, similarity ends there. the director lifted this story With dwindling writing talent, the and made it into a movie controversies have also slowly died that enraged the writer down. But it is a comforting fact that because there were no cred- creativity in Tamil writing has been its given to her in the movie. of the highest order. Needless to add, the pay- ment came to her only after she filed a case in the court. A still from the movie Bhadrakali G Venkatesh lives in HAL stage In one other Tamil movie, there III and works for a private firm in is a silently suffering woman (Revathi) said that she had not followed proper Indira Nagar. He is a voracious from a very poor and downtrodden fam- religious norms during her portrayal of reader and an amateur writer. ily, who marries a municipality worker 'Bhadrakali' and so she paid the price for Essentially a Mumbaikar, he has (Pandian). The torture of the poor it. woman begins right after marriage with Thus, Tamil stories and controversies shifted to Bangalore more than a the drunkard husband bringing in a have always been Siamese twins. The year ago. Music, Gardening and streetwalker into the house. Brahmin community burnt copies of the Reading are his other hobbies. 
  • 10. 10 JustBooks Connect - December 2011 1. Cricket writer Rahul 4. This is the first novel written by an Indian adivasi: Bhattacharya bagged this award Kocharethi recently: Oluguti Toluguti Castrol Awards for Cricketing Chemmeen Excellence The Hindu Literary Prize 5. 'Controversially Yours' is penned by: Man Booker Prize Herschelle Herman Gibbs Shoaib Akhtar Vinod Kambli 2. Shakti Bhatt First Book Prize of 2011 was given to: The Wandering Falcon The Collaborator Chinaman 3. Which volume of the Ibis trilogy is 'River of Smoke'? First Last Second The Hindu Literary Prize, The Wandering Falcon, Second, Kocharethi, Shoaib Akhtar JUSTBOOKS Justbooks arrives in Mangalore TOP 5 O ur newest library - JustBooks Mangalore - opened yesterday to an ecstatic welcome by the reading community and citi- zens . It went on to create a record within the JustBook fran- N EW A RRIVALS chisee community for the most memberships on the opening day! 1. 1Q84 by Haruki It was an electrifying, exciting, fun filled and deeply satisfying Murakami day. To us, the one picture that really epitomizes the arrival of 2. The Litigators by John JustBooks in the community of book lovers is this: Grisham 3. The Affair by Lee child 4. Lucknow Boy: A Memoir by Vinod Mehta 5. A Shot at History by Abhinav Bindra R ECOMMENDED 1. Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman 2. The Storyteller Of Marrakesh By Joydeep-Roy Bhattacharya 3. The Sari Shop by Rupa Bajwa 4. Chasing The Monsoon by Alexander Frater 5. Does He Know A Mother’s Heart? by Arun Shourie R ENTALS 1. Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat Seeing this picture, we are reminded of the quote from Katherine 2. The Secret Of The Nagas by Patterson: "It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to Amish Tripathi give them something worth reading. 3. The Kane Chronicles (Book Something that will stretch their imaginations-something that will help 2) by Rick Riordan them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward 4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Book people whose lives are quite different from their own." 3) by Jeff Kinney Cheers! 5. Percy Jackson and the From JustBooks blog -  Olympians(Book 2) by Rick Riordan
  • 11. JustBooks Connect - December 2011 11 Author Profile Iris Murdoch unsympathetic and she does not Anindita Sengupta spare us an unflinching view of the IN A NUTSHELL inner workings of their minds. Take Charles Arrowby from The Sea, the T Born On: here are novelists whom everyone Sea, one of her most famous works. July 15, 1919. agrees about and there are others He starts off sounding eccentric, who incite such dissenting views even amusing, but quickly tests Born In: that a room might contain both ardent patience with a host of inexplicably Dublin, Ireland. fans and desperate denouncers. Of the self-centred actions. Murdoch offers two categories, Jean Iris Murdoch elaborate insight into how he Parents: belonged to the latter. A section have arrives at his destructive decisions. British of Irish origin; father worked in the dismissed her as nothing better than a Yet, there is a dark thread running civil service. romance novelist, speedy and sensation- through the book that leaves no al. doubt that these actions cannot be Education: Studied philosophy at Oxford But for her legions of fans, Murdoch is justified. and Cambridge. a novelist who exercised immense con- Some critics complain that the trol over plot, character and situation, a philosopher sometimes triumphs Married To: writer with great psychological insight, over the novelist, reducing charac- John Bayley, professor of English and nov- stylistic beauty and wit, and a strong ters to puppets thrown into situa- elist. moral core. tions to make a point. The kinder It is certainly worth remembering that way of looking at this is that what Selected Bibliography: despite being considered one of the powers one forward through the Under the Net (1954) prominent writers in the ethical litera- unsavoury actions of characters is The Bell (1958) ture movement, she maintained a fine the coiled spring of dramatic ten- A Severed Head (1961) balance, an integrity within her novels, sion. Murdoch believed that it was The Unicorn (1963) that prevented them from becoming important to "invent characters and The Italian Girl (1964) didactic or preachy. Murdoch disliked convey something dramatic, which at The Red and the Green (1965) the label of "philosophical novelist" and the same time has deep spiritual signifi- The Time of the Angels (1966) preferred to see herself in the tradition cance (The Paris Review)." The Nice and the Good (1968) of the nineteenth-century masters-Sir This dramatic momentum was Bruno's Dream (1969) Walter Scott, Jane Austen, Lev Tolstoy- crucial in gliding over the strange, A Fairly Honourable Defeat (1970) whom she found "to a staggering degree bizarre and uncanny happenings in An Accidental Man (1971) better than the most praised of contemporary the characters' lives. Despite dense The Black Prince (1973), winner of the novelists." language in many places and rumi- James Tait Black Memorial Prize For Murdoch, the task of the novel nations on a variety of human and The Sacred and Profane Love Machine was concerned above all else with love, metaphysical elements, Murdoch's (1974), winner of the Whitbread Literary that is, our "indefinitely extended capacity novels are eminently readable. Award for Fiction to imagine the being of others." Her charac- They're in her own words "jolly A Word Child (1975) ters are often deeply flawed, even good yarns". Murdoch wanted peo- Henry and Cato (1976) ple to enjoy reading her books The Sea, the Sea (1978), winner of the and this is evident in the tight Booker Prize grip she maintains on plot and Nuns and Soldiers (1980) characters, both elements working The Philosopher's Pupil (1983) seamlessly to propel the novel The Good Apprentice (1985) forward. Her novels are hugely The Book and the Brotherhood (1987) enjoyable and often have the sus- The Message to the Planet (1989) pense and thrills one associates The Green Knight (1993) with crime fiction. She deftly bal- Jackson's Dilemma (1995) ances the slower, more mundane details of a character's life--so nec- Day Job: essary and revealing--with drastic Civil servant, lecturer at Oxford University. events. There is a sense of the ter- rible. Dreams, intense visions and Influences: illusions play an important part Simon Weil, Plato, Sartre, Wittgenstein, in heightening this sense. Her Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, George Eliot, Marcel plots are intricately patterned and Proust, William Shakespeare. there are symmetries within them. Reading Murdoch is that Awards: rare experience-enlightening as Dame Commander of the Order of the well as entertaining. British Empire; on the 2008 Times list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945". 
  • 12. 12 JustBooks Connect - December 2011 Just Kids Folk tales from Bhutan: Room in your Heart Kunzang Choden Pema Tshering (Illustrator) Age group: 6 - 11 years Pages: 36 Jayanthi Harsha O ne of the greatest and most terri- bly powerful things in the world is love. Love is the reason why humanity is in harmony and not in chaos today. Certain types of love, like mother's love for her children are the strongest. But, the purest type of love has no barriers, encompassing the whole of civilization itself. Unfortunately, we all are too busy with our own personal survival, success and accepted cheerfully into the cottage by They represent hospitality in its purest glory, that we forget that there are oth- the old woman. She manages to feed form from which it later evolved to the ers around us, apart from our own fami- them all and give them space and shel- forms we see everywhere round us. The ly members to be loved as well. ter for the night. Finally, when it is time writer carefully weaves the story Understanding this fact fully will take to leave, the strangers begin to under- towards the conclusion, which is neatly us further on the path towards perfec- stand the true essence of the old and beautifully conveyed, taking in the tion, rather than things like immortality woman's kindness to them. reader along with the vistors them- or great wealth. The most important thing about the selves. "Neypo shong gna? Is there room for story, apart from the moral itself is its The book, despite its few pages, man- me?" simplicity, which is just as simple as the ages to convey a lot of meaning to the This book showcases one such exam- old woman herself. The author does not reader. Young children understand not ples of true love. An old woman lives need to invoke complicated happenings just the true meaning of welcoming with a dog, cock and a cat in a cottage like magic or even natural elements like strangers, but caring and respecting by the hills. She lives simply, enjoying storms to head the story to its final con- them as well. The children will also like life without festivity or glamour. One clusion. The pictures painted in water the story for its simple language and its day, when night has fallen, some travel- colors help to bring the characters to life, colorful descriptions. The paintings help ers seek refuge in the tiny cottage. in the progress bringing the story closer- to convey the various traits of the Without hesitation, the old woman to the reader. The words - "Neypo shong Bhutanese people in the form of the visi- accepts them all. As the night passes, gna? "and the response the old woman tors to the old woman's cottage.  more strangers come along and are gives every time become quite symbolic. JustBooks Picks for Young Readers Mall Mania by Stuart J. Murphy In The Country Of Gold-digging Ants The Adventures Of The New Cut by Anu Kumar Gang by Philip Pullman Percy And The Rabbit by Nick Butterworth Diary Of A Soccer Star by Shamini Flint Trouble At The Taj by Sonja Chandrachud The Shining Stones by Shanti Pappu How To Save A Dragon by Annie Dalton Skunk Girl by Sheba Karim
  • 13. JustBooks Connect - December 2011 13 Just Kids Riding the mystery wave on behalf of Scorpia to another mem- Alex Rider - Scorpia Rising ber, Abdul Aziz al-Razim. Since Alex Rider has had victorious Anthony Horowitz clashes with Scorpia which led to the Age Group: 12-18 years, downfall of its prestige and deaths of Pages: 431 very crucial members of Scorpia —read Publisher: Walker India fifth and seventh book— Razim decides to use Alex Rider as a weapon against the British government. Scorpia kills one of its founding members, Levi T Kroll and dumps his body in the river o enjoy this book fully, it is Thames in London. advisable to read the first eight A message is found in his coat pock- books in the Alex Rider series. et which leads MI6 to Cairo in Egypt. After undergoing a variety of victori- Once MI6 has taken the bait, it sends ous adventures, Alex Rider begins his Alex Rider life as a normal undercover as boy whose life a student to revolves around Cairo where school and home- something big work. is going to The clashes with happen. criminals and Once Alex encounters with Rider reaches My Parents assassins who Cairo, Scorpia want to kill him executes the You have always been there for us are far from his final phase of You have taught us right from wrong mind. Alex starts its plan. To You have taught us Gods words believing that he make this You have taught us his song will ultimately more interest- become a normal ing Scorpia Everyday you teach us boy from a super brings an old Goodness, Compassionate and Charity spy, but that does enemy of Alex You believe in the people of the world not happen. Rider back And, with kindness, what it could be Very soon the into his life. In criminal organisa- Cairo it all I would like to thank God tion "Scorpia" —to comes to an Because we have been truly blessed find out more end as Scorpia There is no other way of putting it about Scorpia read is pulling the As both of you are the best the fifth book— strings and strikes a business MI6 is just You give me education deal with an extremely wealthy man dancing to their tune. And don't let me bore from Greece named Yannis Ariston The language in the book is very sim- As you both are the only one Xenopolos. ple and transports the reader to the After you there is nothing more The deal is to bring back the exqui- world of Alex Rider. It is definitely an site Elgin marbles from London to irresistible book. To find out more read Janishjit Singh Bedi, Class V, Vibgyor High Greece. Since the British government the book. School , Mumbai had refused to return the Elgin marbles back to its rightful owners-the Greeks, Rahul Rajpal, Class VIII, St. Joseph's Ariston who loves his country and its Central School, Mysore heritage beyond limits decides to take Janishjit is an avid reader especially of it by force. Rahul is a member of JustBooks KD BONES from Justbooks Hiranandani, Ariston arranges for a secret meeting Road, Mysore. He is a voracious reader Powai, Mumbai. He loves to play tennis with Zeljan Kurst, who is the current and loves mimicry. He also likes to and keyboard. During his free time he cre- head of Scorpia to hatch an immaculate swim and play badminton. ates cartoon characters and games. He is a plan to restore the heritage of the He wants to become an actor when he person who is always ready to help when Greeks. Zeljan Kurst entrusts this grows up.  someone needs him. responsibility of formulating the plan Young Readers can send their contribution to