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Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                    Spring 2011

Podcasting in a High School Spanish Language Class to Improve the
Speaking Skill: An Action Research Study

Maggie Brennan Juana and Deniz Palak
Blind Brook High School and North Carolina Central University
Using action research as a method of inquiry, a high school Spanish teacher undertook this study to
understand how podcasting could be used to help improve students’ Spanish speaking skills.
Multiple sources of data collected and analyzed by the teacher-researcher in collaboration with her
students and other collaborators reveal that the frequency and variety of carefully designed weekly
podcasting assignments over time helped improve student speaking skills. This paper provides a
framework of reference for other K-12 teachers as to how they could use new technologies
successfully and understand the effects in their classrooms.
Speaking in the target language tends to be the most degree program from New York Institute of
challenging aspect of second language learning and   Technology.
teaching (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986;
Pichette, 2009). Speaking produces more anxiety      The word “podcast” resulted from the joining of the
for most students compared to other skills such as   terms      “iPod” and “broadcasting” (Cruz &
reading, writing, and listening. Contemporary        Carvalho, 2007; Lim, 2005). According to the New
approaches to second language learning emphasize     Oxford American Dictionary, a podcast is "a digital
challenges associated with reducing student anxiety  recording of a radio broadcast or similar program,
in the classroom (Young, 1990; Frantzen & Magnan     made available on the Internet for downloading to a
2005, Pichette, 2009). For most students, however,   personal audio player.” The generally accepted
the classroom teaching environment is the only       definition has expanded to include the following: A
opportunity to practice speaking in the target       podcast is a compressed digital multimedia file
language. This limited opportunity to practice       (audio or video) that is made available on the
speaking       coupled with student anxiety about    Internet for download and playback using a
speaking in the target language are challenges for   computer or a mobile device such as an iPod. A
both students and teachers of language. Concerned    podcast file can also be uploaded to websites, linked
with improving students’ Spanish speaking skills,    to a blog, sent through email, or any other way that
this study is an account of Maggie Brennan Juana’s   a traditional computer file can be shared
experience using podcasting to aid students with     (Fontichiaro, 2007). The most advantageous aspect
speaking Spanish at the secondary level. Maggie is   of podcasts is their ease of distribution. They are
a high school Spanish teacher who teaches            not restricted to the iPod technology and are easily
Advanced Placement Spanish and other upper-level     downloadable on any MP3 device or onto a
honors courses at a suburban high school outside of  computer. Any person with a mobile device such as
New York City.         Using the action research     an iPod or any other MP3 player can listen to these
methodology (McNiff, Lomax, & Whitehead,             files anywhere once they download a podcast file
2003), the study was conducted to determine if and   onto their mobile device.
how the use of podcasting would help improve
student speaking abilities. Maggie conducted this    Considering the limited opportunities for practicing
study and wrote the article under the supervision of the speaking skill in her traditional classroom
Dr. Deniz Palak while taking a course in a graduate  environment, Maggie considered using podcasts as
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a supplement to her already existing practice. She         improve the speaking skill, Maggie undertook the
considered podcasting technology to help improve           study. She conducted this action research study, in
her students’ Spanish speaking skills for three            collaboration with her students and a colleague in
specific reasons: (1) podcasting made the                  her school, based on the action research framework
distribution and sharing of audio files or recorded        modeled by Dr. Deniz Palak while taking a course
speech files extremely easy; (2) podcasting eased          taught by this instructor. To comply with the ethics
student anxiety about speaking in the target               of research, Maggie filed an IRB protocol and
language and provided convenience as well as               received permission from the parents, as well as the
flexibility as to when and where students could            district, before conducting the study. We believe
listen and practice Spanish; and (3) podcasting            this study will contribute to the body of literature on
suited the lifestyle of the 21st century students with     action research conducted by K-12 classroom
its ease of distribution and flexibility of listening to   teachers themselves. Also, we believe the topic of
audio and video anywhere at any time. It provided          the study, the use of educational podcasting in a
a great alternative to the traditional method of           language classroom, will help others who are trying
listening and recording audio within the four walls        to integrate this technology into their day-to-day
of a typical second language classroom                     practices.
environment.                                                       The Research Context
Emerging research of this relatively new technology        The Teacher
also supported her assumptions that podcasting has         Maggie Brennan Juana is a high school Spanish
shown to improve pronunciation and speaking skills         teacher who undertook this study in an Advanced
among college students (Lord, 2008). Despite its           Placement Spanish Language class during the
great potential to bridge the gap between the content      school year of 2008-2009, over the course of two
delivery and the lifestyle of the students of the          semesters. Though not a native speaker of Spanish,
Millennial Generation across K-16, research is not         Maggie has been immersed in the Spanish language
yet available to help teachers gauge the benefits of       through her trips to Europe, Central and South
podcasting when it is used in traditional K-12             America and at home with her native Spanish-
teaching environments. Published research articles         speaking spouse. She has been teaching Spanish for
on the experience of using podcasting in a language        nine years.
class are few. Those who have used it consistently
expressed benefits of podcasting such as improving         The Students
student speaking skills and emphasized its ease of         The student participants of the inquiry were 10
use (Johnson, 2008; Lim, 2005; Lum, 2006). High            seniors from an Advanced Placement Spanish class.
school and middle school science teachers have             All of these students have excelled at Spanish in the
conducted studies indicating that podcasts increased       past and were responsible mature adults. They had
student motivation, technical skills sets, and content     engaging and intelligent commentary during the
knowledge in science (Piecka, Studnicki, &                 entire process. Extensive amounts of work were
Zuckerman-Parker, 2008; Putman & Kingsley,                 expected from them and they willingly complied.
2009). Other studies conducted in the area of              They provided interesting and informative feedback
educational podcasting within college settings have        on the podcasting and oral recordings done as part
focused on its use as a tool to supplement and             of this research study.
support content delivery in traditional college
lectures and e-learning environments (Ractham,
2006; Lee, McLoughlin, & Chan, 2008; Lord, 2008;           The School
Ormond, 2008; Parson, 2009; Oliver, Osborne, &             This research was conducted at Blind Brook High
Brady, 2009).                                              School, a small high school located in an upper
                                                           middle class community outside of New York City.
Charged by her concern about improving students’           For the last five years, this high school has
Spanish speaking skills and encouraged by the              consistently been listed as one of the top 100 high
potentials of podcasting as a tool to help students        schools in the nation by Newsweek magazine as

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well as US News and World Report. The high              phones. When given the signal, they recorded their
school also has an outstanding percentage of            voices by speaking over the phone and then posting
students going onto college. For the past 4 years,      the recording to gcast afterward.
99% of the students attended a 4-year university,
with the remaining 1% going to 2-year universities.     The current study included two types of oral
                                                        recordings: podcast recordings done via gcast and
                    Methodology                         Audacity recordings done in a language lab at
                                                        school. The concept map displayed in Figure 1
The purpose of this study was to investigate how        captures the image of the action research design for
podcasting, as a medium of oral recording, helped       both types of oral recordings. Once every two
improve students’ Spanish speaking abilities in a       weeks, students completed a traditional recording in
12th grade traditional face-to-face high school         the language lab on Audacity software, as done in
setting. The study started in November of 2008 and      the past. These traditional lab recordings were done
continued to May of 2009.                               in a group setting during class time. Typically, the
                                                        students were given a specific assignment, such as
Making oral recordings by other traditional methods     comparing and contrasting two similar Spanish
was an already existing practice in this particular     stories or completing a “simulated conversation”
language class. The use of other oral recording         with another recorded voice. They were given two
techniques, such as recording the student voices on     minutes to speak as clearly, concisely, and fluently
cassette tapes and CDs had been used in the past.       as possible in order to complete the assignment. By
Cassette tapes were abandoned long ago, and were        contrast, the weekly podcast recordings were to be
replaced by CDs. The CDs were slightly more             completed over the weekend by phone at any
convenient in terms of playback methods, but this       location. The type of assignments for the podcast
method still required the teacher to carry them from    recordings were similar to the language lab
one location to another. Recording on computer          recordings; they spoke for two minutes on such
software such as Audacity in a computer language        topics as comparing and contrasting different pieces
lab was a common practice for the last few years.       of literature, videos, or news topics.
Recording student voices using this software in the
computer lab was much more convenient and               The purpose of these oral recordings was to
reliable, yet still had many disadvantages.             improve students’ speaking skills. To assess the
Recording in a lab took valuable class time. Also,      extent to which students improved the speaking
the process of recording in a lab, in the presence of   skill, two rubrics were developed for the different
other students, created distraction since students      types of assignments (Appendix A & B). They were
could hear each other’s voices while their own was      both based on the following criteria:
being recorded. Podcasting, on the other hand,              • Task Completion – This refers to how well the
released class time for more learning and made              students answered the question or dealt with the
recording and listening far more convenient and             prompt. In other words, did they answer the
inexpensive for both the teachers and the students.         question or did they veer off onto another topic?
                                                            • Topic Development – This criterion referred to
The gcast ( was the website that              how well students developed the topic of the
was used to facilitate the sharing of weekly podcasts       recording. If they discussed the topic in a
among students and the teacher. Students recorded           thorough and relevant way, they were rated
their weekly podcasts over the phone. Recordings            highly. In order to receive consistently high
were then uploaded to and downloaded from this              marks in this category, they also needed to:
online podcasting site, where the teacher-researcher            (a) have a well-organized, cohesive,
had created a secure account for student use. This              accurate response,
account ensured the safety and privacy of the                   (b) synthesize the information from the
students since it only allowed access to the                    sources, and not just simply restate or
members of this closed group. The students                      summarize the sources, and
completed their podcasts by calling an 800 number               (c) have appropriate cultural references.
associated with this website, usually on their mobile

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   • Language Use – This criterion measured their        recording, they had to synthesize the three
   correct use of the Spanish language. In order to      previously mentioned sources in their presentation
   receive a high grade in this category, students       as well as add their own information and
   needed to:                                            commentary.        Because this was a formal
       (a) use advanced grammatical structures           presentation, the AP Rubric for Presentational Oral
       with very few errors,                             Recordings (Appendix B) was used to assess this
       (b) include rich and precise vocabulary,          type of lab or podcast recording.
       (c) have a high level of oral fluency with
       excellent pronunciation and the appropriate       Informal Presentations (IP) were much shorter and
       use of “register,” the manner in which one        used less formal speech. They were spontaneous
       addresses one’s audience.                         speeches regarding their opinion on a current event,
                                                         a pseudo-phone mail message to a friend or a story
Although both rubrics are divided into the same          they would tell regarding their vacation. These
three criteria, they also differ slightly.        The    types of recordings required a different type of
differences in the two rubrics reflect the differences   language skill, which is more informal and casual,
in the types of speech and language that are needed      but nevertheless is important to language
to effectively complete the different types of           development. A different rubric was necessary for
assignments. The rubric in Appendix A displays           this type of assignment. Therefore the AP Rubric of
the criteria and scales of measurement that were         Interpersonal Oral Recordings was used to assess
used to assess “Interpersonal Oral Recordings.”          these informal presentations (Appendix A).
The format of these recordings was meant to imitate
casual, friendly speech. The rubric in Appendix B        Simulated Conversations (SC) were assignments
was used to assess the “Presentational Oral              only completed in the language lab because they
Recordings,” which were meant to imitate much            required the students to listen to an external CD as
more formal types of speeches and presentations.         well as record their voices.         The Simulated
                                                         Conversation tried to simulate a real conversation
After Maggie assessed each of the recordings using       by having the students listen to one side of a
the appropriate rubric, she returned the feedback to     conversation on a CD, and then respond
the students before the next week’s assignment.          individually for approximately 20 seconds.
This formative assessment model allowed the              Although the students were notified in advance of
students to use this feedback as a way to recognize      the topic to be discussed, they are expected to
what they had not done well the previous week and        respond spontaneously to each exchange. This type
improve upon it for the following recording.             of assignment was also considered to be informal
                                                         speech and use informal language skills. Therefore
The types of assignments given were Formal               the AP Rubric of Interpersonal Oral Recordings
Presentations (FP), Informal Presentations (IP) and      (Appendix A) was used here also.
Simulated Conversations (SC).           The Formal
Presentations consisted of the students preparing for    The triangulation matrix below (Table 1) displays
their recordings by reading two written documents        the major research question in relation to the criteria
and listening to one oral recording. Afterward, they     for measurement and sources of data. Multiple
were given two minutes to plan their presentation.       sources of data were collected to help Maggie
After the two-minute planning time, they were            examine the effects of her undertakings. In addition
given two minutes to make an oral recording-             to the two rubrics that were used to assess different
speaking as if they were giving an oral presentation     types of podcast recordings, Maggie used a
to a specific audience. For example, the audience        researcher’s diary and pre/post student surveys. She
could be the School Board in their town, their           used the research diary as a way of recording
Spanish class, a town hall meeting, etc. In this         observations of student performance and note

Table 1: Triangulation Matrix

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      Research Question                         Criteria                         Data Sources
      What is the effect of   • Task Completion:                               • Two rubrics that
      podcasting to help       • Student fully completes the task                  assessed the
      improve student          • Student refers to and integrates well             speaking skill
      speaking abilities?         outside sources into the oral presentation   • Researcher’s
                            • Topic Development:                                   diary
                               • Treatment of topic is relevant and thorough • Pre and Post
                               • Response is very well organized and               student survey
                                  cohesive                                     • University
                               • All or almost all information is accurate         collaborators
                               • Comparison and contrast of information        • Student
                                  significantly outweighs summary or mere          discussions
                               • Accurate social and/or cultural references
                            • Language Use
                               • Use and control of complex structures;
                                  very few errors with no patterns
                               • Rich vocabulary used with precision
                               • High level of fluency
                               • Excellent pronunciation
                               • Register is highly appropriate
students’ comments and claims about the tools           subject matter of the podcast differed from
they used. She also used the diary to record            week to week, but included formal
questions or comments on the study to be later          presentations (FP) based on multiple sources,
discussed with Deniz. The surveys were                  such as newspaper articles, other podcasts,
distributed both at the beginning of the                short stories, and magazine articles. Informal
research study and the end. At the beginning            presentations (IP) included the expression of
of the research process, the “Pre-Research              personal opinions on current events, such as
Student Survey” (Appendix C) was filled out by          pseudo answering machine recordings. For
the students in order to gauge their opinions of        both of these assignments, students were given
their abilities. The purpose of the survey was to       a prompt on a specific topic and then were
have the students consider their strengths and          expected to record a podcast using vocabulary
weaknesses in Spanish. This survey queried              related to the prompt.
the students on many aspects of their Spanish
abilities, including their speaking, reading,           Occasionally, after making their recordings, the
writing and listening abilities, as well as their       students were instructed to go back to the
grammar, their ability to express their ideas           website and listen to the podcasts of their
and their anxiety in recording their voice. The         classmates. Afterward, there would be a class
pre-research survey gave a basis for                    discussion on what they learned or what they
comparison for the post-research survey                 heard in the podcasts of their classmates. High
(Appendix D) given at the end of the school             school students were extremely uncomfortable
year.                                                   with this aspect of podcasting due to the
             Implementation                             sensitive nature of one student giving their
                                                        opinion of the performance of another student.
Podcast recording assignments were given                To help aid the process, Maggie created
every Friday, and they were to be completed at          guidelines as to what format the commentary
home over the weekend. The format and                   should take. She required students to state two

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positive comments and one constructive              improved by 45 – 65% range. The other four
criticism. Although the students found it very      students have less dramatic improvements,
difficult to listen and comment on to other         reflecting their higher degree of ability at the
students’ recordings, the process proved itself     start of the study, continuing to the end.
to be highly beneficial. The opportunity to
reflect on another podcast affected their           A closer examination of students’ scores also
opinion on the quality of their own podcast.        revealed an incidental finding, which Maggie
When the students listened to themselves, they      had not anticipated at the beginning of the
self-evaluated how well they had answered the       study. The underlying assumption to use
questions and how thoroughly they had               podcasting in this particular classroom was to
completed the assignment. When they listened        simply increase the frequency of oral
to others’ voices, they were able to analyze how    recordings. Maggie assumed that this increase
well the other student had accomplished the         would give students more opportunities to
task and how thoroughly they had discussed          practice Spanish, and thus help them improve
the same prompt.                                    the speaking skill. However, the examination
                                                    of results revealed that the medium of oral
                 Results                            recording was just as important as the
                                                    frequency of recording. When the students
The purpose of this study was to assess how the     completed their oral recordings in the language
use of podcasting in this high school Spanish       lab via computer software, they were more
Language class helped improve the student’s         nervous, uncomfortable, and received lower
speaking skills in the target language. To assess   grades. They made comments such as “I feel
the extent to which podcasting helped improve       like everyone is listening to me,” “I can only
the speaking skills of the students, Maggie         hear Johnny talking, but I can’t hear myself!”
evaluated student performances in the               and “Hearing everyone else speak at the same
following three criteria: (1) Task Completion,      time is really distracting.”    However, when
(2) Topic Development, and (3) Language Use.        they completed their recordings via podcasts,
The results of the study are reported below         students produced higher quality recordings.
based on these criteria.                            Podcasting removed distractions from the
                                                    environment and put their anxieties about
The Task Completion criteria received the           speaking a second language at ease, which
highest ratings for all 10 students throughout      supported them in receiving better grades on
the implementation of this action research          their recordings.
study. Task Completion refers to whether the
student had fully addressed the task as it was      Maggie shared this incidental finding with the
assigned, and if they had incorporated all the      students at the end of the study. None were
sources that were indicated. All 10 students        surprised. They were unanimous in their
scored very highly in understanding,                opinions of how much the podcasting helped
completing, and thoroughly addressing the           their speaking abilities in a positive way.
topics, as well as integrating the sources into     Students    described     how     much     more
their recordings. As for the other two criteria,    comfortable they were speaking into their cell
Topic Completion and Language Use, the              phones, in the privacy of their own homes. The
overall improvement from the podcasting             improvement of the speaking skill was evident
recording assignments differed from student to      in the student commentary. One student said,
student. The improvement was most visible for       “my Spanish just exploded this year.” All ten
six out of the ten students. For example,           who ranked their speaking ability lower than
Student #3 started the study with 30 total          the other three skills (listening, reading, and
points on the first assignment and finished the     writing) in the pre-research study (Appendix
year with a 50 on the last assignment,              C), rated their speaking just as good or better
reflecting a 66% improvement for that student.      than the other three skills in the post-research
In addition to student #3, five other students      survey (Appendix D).

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                                                    was true because podcasting provided not only
The evidence in the data collectively pointed to    additional practice but also eased student
the fact that podcasting as a medium of digital     anxiety and boosted student confidence about
recording      technology       facilitated   the   speaking in the target language.
improvement of the speaking skill. It eased
student anxiety about speaking in the target        The Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish
language. In each of the data sources, the          Language exam, written and administered
theme of greater confidence in students’            nationwide by the College Board in May of
speaking ability was repeated. In the pre-          every year, provided factual support for these
research survey conducted with the students,        findings. A comparison of the AP test scores
the students rated their abilities in four          between those students who used podcasting in
categories: grammar, accent, fluidity, and          May of 2009 to those who did not in the
ability to express their ideas. At the end of the   previous two years revealed a 20 percent
study, students rated themselves in the same        increase between the two years.           The
categories. Without exception, each student         podcasting group had an average score of 4.2
indicated they had improved in each item. They      (out of 5) in comparison to non-podcast group
commented on the fact that doing the speaking       with a 3.6 (out of 5) average.
at home gave them confidence to do it in front
of others. They stated that podcasting gave                     Conclusions
them the opportunity to express more complex
ideas in a target language rather than simply       According to Schwab (1973), there are four
answering classroom questions for more than         commonplaces of educating – Teaching,
just a few sentences. One student said, “Before     Learning, Curriculum and Social Matrix, which
I spoke very haltingly, now I feel like I am more   later will be referred to as Governance. Schwab
fluid and can express my ideas better.”             believed that each commonplace was a piece of
Another student said, “podcasting helped me         the educating puzzle, together forming the
greatly with things like transition words,          shared experience of the teacher, student, and
making my speech more connected and                 social milieu. Like many others (Gowin, 1981;
smooth.”      Overall, it was a very positive       Gowin & Alvarez, 2005; Novak & Gowin, 1984;
experience, which they highly recommended to        Novak, 1998; Novak, 2010), we used these
be incorporated into all the classes for next       commonplaces as a “check list” to explain and
year.                                               understand the effectiveness our intervention:
                                                    use of podcasting in this second language
Maggie’s journal entries taken in the midst of      classroom.
the research process indicated her doubts as to
the effectiveness of podcast recordings aiding      Commonplace #1 - Teaching
the student’s speaking abilities. Here are some     As a language teacher, Maggie had been
examples of those comments that reflected her       puzzled by the challenges involved in teaching
doubts during the research process: “How will I     the speaking skill. Historically, speaking was
be able to compare the results of these             the lowest scoring section of all the
students, if the improvement I see is simply        standardized tests that her students took over
due to the increase in frequency of recordings,     the course of their high school years. As a
and not the act of podcasting itself?” “Is          result, she decided to use podcasting as a
recording your voice over the phone in the          means of increasing the frequency of oral
privacy of a bedroom truly a realistic way of       recordings and student practice of the speaking
practicing speaking in Spanish?” But after the      skill. Because students completed the podcasts
post-research study survey and extensive            assignments at home or elsewhere at one’s own
conversations with the students and Deniz, the      pace, it freed class time for other valuable
teacher-researcher confidently arrived at the       language work and increased the frequency of
conclusion that podcasting was beneficial to        student oral practice. Also, podcasting, as a
improving the Spanish speaking abilities. This      medium of oral recording, has been found to be
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more beneficial to the students compared to         Commonplace #3 - Curriculum
other traditional media. It suited the life style   The incorporation of podcasting has been so
of the Millennial Generation, eased student         successful, convenient and inexpensive, that it
anxiety about speaking in the target language,      has clearly changed the speaking aspect of this
and      facilitated    self-reflection      and    advanced Spanish curriculum. Through this
improvement.                                        study, Maggie is now able to move away from
                                                    just hoping the students could express their
Commonplace #2 - Learning                           ideas coherently by the end of the year, to being
                                                    able to “tweak” their speaking skills to improve
Through the student completion of weekly
                                                    them in specific ways. Rather than listening for
podcast assignments, receiving formative
                                                    grammar errors twice monthly as done in the
feedback about their work, and classroom
                                                    past, the teacher-researcher is now able to
discussions of the podcasting assignments,
                                                    apply the appropriate, specific rubric to the
students were able to improve their speaking
                                                    weekly recording assignment. This increase in
skills on a continuous basis. They were able to
                                                    frequency as well as the addition of the detailed
discuss techniques that aided them in
                                                    rubric has changed the way speaking is taught.
speaking, and they were able to employ those
                                                    Rather than being the most difficult second
techniques the following week in the next
                                                    language skill, it has become the skill that is
assignment. The students indicated that clarity
                                                    most improved. Maggie’s teaching curriculum
in the assessment criteria delineated in the
                                                    now includes weekly podcasts.
rubrics and classroom discussions on the
podcasts assignments guided them in the areas
where they needed to improve. Students were         Commonplace #4- Governance
able to see that they accomplished the task, but           This     study     positively   affected
that they still needed to incorporate one or two    communication and collaboration between
sub-areas associated with a criterion. The          Maggie and her students, as well as Maggie and
process of formative assessment guided them         her colleagues at school. We shared, analyzed,
to know where they were and what                    and made sense of the data together. We were
improvement was needed for the following            able to “unpack” what it is that we were trying
assignment.                                         to improve and how we progressed in improve
                                                    it. The improvement of student scores on the
The medium of oral recording, podcasting,           Advanced Placement exam at the end of the
proved also to be thoroughly enjoyable to the       year came as a by-product of our conversations
students. The privacy of the podcasting at          and efforts.
home greatly improved their confidence level
about speaking in the target language. By                      Implications
proving to themselves that they could do it at
home alone, they were more confident and less       As a result of this action research project,
nervous to speak in class. Students greatly         Maggie will incorporate podcasting into every
improved their accent and pronunciation -           level of Spanish taught. On a more personal
indicated by both their self-assessments as well    note, she has found success lay not only on the
as the teacher assessments. Podcasting allowed      technology used in the classroom but also in
the students to speak for a full two minutes        many of the techniques incorporated in the
comfortably about a topic, rather than what         course of this inquiry. Pre-determining and
was typical done in class, which was to answer      communicating the criteria for success with
a question in only a few sentences. This            students was one. Sharing data obtained on
extended amount of speaking time, coupled           student performance on these criteria and their
with the comfort and ease of this medium,           opinions was another. For example, presenting
helped students improve fluency and their           student progress in graphs and sharing this
ability to express themselves.                      visual data representation with students was a
                                                    very powerful motivator to show students their

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growth in specific areas. In the future, students
will be given their own personal graph at the            00711L040.pdf
end of the year showing them their             
improvement or lack thereof.                   
If this study were to be repeated, Maggie would
continue to integrate the different formats of      Fontichiaro, K. (2007). Podcasting 101. School
oral recordings such as Formal Presentations,            Library Media Activities Monthly . 23
Informal      Presentations    and     Simulated         (7),22-24.
Conversations. Yet, in order to effectively
compare the results of each format, there needs     Frantzen, D., Magnan, S. (2005). Anxiety and
to be more consistency in the total number of            the true beginner-false beginner dynamic
assignments in each category. Additionally, all          in beginning French and Spanish
assignments could be labeled in a more clear             classes. Foreign Language Annals,
fashion, so as to be able to refer to them more          38(2), 171-190.
easily when analyzing the data. Finally, Maggie
will be better prepared to deal with                Horwitz, E., Horwitz, M. & Cope, J. (1986).
technological problems experienced from time            Foreign language classroom anxiety. The
to time due to the open-source podcasting               Modern Language Journal . 70(2), 125 –
technology used in this study.          Although        132. as an open-source free podcasting
technology, it was no longer available as of Feb.   Johnson, S. (2008). Technology takes students
1st, 2010. There are numerous other podcasting          beyond the classroom. The Language
websites,       such       as,         Educator 3(6), 38-40. and, which are
available for use.                                  Lee, M., McLoughlin, C., & Chan, A. (2008).
                                                         Talk the talk: Learner-generated podcasts
Maggie is continuing her research in how to              as catalysts for knowledge creation.
create more effective and well-designed                  British Journal of Educational
podcasts. As Villano (2008) stated, “while               Technology, 39(3), 501-521.
anyone can podcast, creating podcasts with
true academic value can be tough.” Further          Lim, K. (2005). Now hear this: Exploring
concentration will be made in the future on              podcasting as a tool in geography
improving the assignments to make them even              education. Nanyang Technological
more student-centered and formative in                   University. Retrieved from the web on
orientation. Students will listen to each other’s        September 26, 2009
podcasts far more often; group podcasts will be
recorded - leading to group discussions; and             ane_kenlim.pdf
additional genres of podcasts will be included,
such as mock radio shows, music recordings or  
skits. The possibilities for podcasting in a             om/+podcasting+history&hl=en
second language classroom are only limited by
the creativity and willingness of the teacher.      Lord, G. (2008). Podcasting communities and
                                                         second language pronunciation. Foreign
                     References                          Language Annals, 41(2), 364-79.
Cruz, S.C., Carvalho, A.A. (2007). Podcast: A
                                                    Lum, L. (2006) Language, culture &
     powerful web tool for learning history.
                                                        technology. Diverse Issues in Higher
     Proceedings of the IADIS International
                                                        Education 23(16), 31-32.
     Conference on E-Learning. Retrieved on
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                                                    Gowin, B.D. (1981). Educating. Ithaca, N.Y.:

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       Cornell University Press.                        Technology, 34,. (3), 215.

Gowin, B.D. & Alvarez, M.C. (2005). The art of     Pichette, F. (2009). Second language anxiety
     educating with V diagrams. New York,               and distance language learning. Foreign
     N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.                  Language Annals. 42, (1), 77.

McNiff, J., Lomax, P. & Whitehead, J. (2003).      Piecka, D., Studnicki, E. & Zuckerman-Parker,
    You and your action research project, 2nd           M. (2008). A proposal for ozone science
    Ed. Routledge Falmer.                               podcasting in a middle science
                                                        classroom. AACE Journal. 16 (2),
Novak, J.D. & Gowin, B.D. (1984). Learning              203-233. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
      how to learn. New York,                           Retrieved from
      N.Y.:Cambridge University Press.                  24433
Novak, J. D. (1998). Learning, creating, and
      using knowledge: Concept maps as             Putman, S. M., Kingsley, T. (2009). The atoms
      facilitative tools in schools and                family: Using podcasts to enhance the
      corporations. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence             development of science vocabulary. The
      Erlbaum Associates.                              Reading Teacher. 63(2),100-108.

Novak, J.D. (2010). Learning, creating, and        Ractham, P., Zhang, X. (2006) Podcasting in
      using knowledge: Concept maps as                  academia: A new knowledge management
      facilitative tools in schools and                 paradigm within academic settings. The
      corporations. New York, N.Y.:                     DATA BASE for Advances in Information
      Routledge.                                        Systems, 13(15), 314-317.

Oliver, K., Osborne, J., & Brady,K. (2009).        Schwab, J. (1973). The practical 3: Translation
     What are secondary students’                      into curriculum. School Review
     expectations for teachers in virtual school       81(4),501-522.
     environments? Distance Education,
     30(1), 23-45.                                 Villano, M. (2008). Building a better podcast.
                                                         THE Journal, 35(1), 30-37.
Ormond, P. (2008). Podcasting enhances
    learning. Journal of Computing Sciences        Young, D. (1990). An investigation of students’
    in Colleges, 24(1), 232-258.                       perspectives on anxiety and speaking.
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Parson, V. (2009). Educating an IPod                   539-553.
     generation: undergraduate attitudes,
     experiences and understanding of vodcast
     and podcast use. Learning, Media and

Juana & Palak                                                                                   10
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                                 Spring 2011

Appendix A:

 SCORE       DESCRIPTION               TASK                    TOPIC                LANGUAGE USE
                                     COMPLETION             DEVELOPMENT

    5      HIGH                    ● Fully addresses     ● Relevant, thorough      ● Use and control of
           A speech sample           and completes         treatment of              complex structures,
           that demonstrates         the task              all/almost all            very few errors
           excellence in           ● Responds fully        elements of the         ● Rich vocabulary
           Interpersonal             and                   thread of the             used with precision
           Speaking                  appropriately to      conversation            ● High level of
           accomplishes the          all or almost all   ● Very well-organized       fluency
           following:                of the                and cohesive            ● Excellent
                                     parts/prompts of      responses                 pronunciation
                                     the conversation    ● Accurate social         ● Register is highly
                                                            and/or cultural          appropriate
                                                            references included

    4      MID-HIGH                ● Appropriately       ● Relevant, well-         ● Use of complex
           A speech sample           addresses and         developed treatment       structures, but may
           that demonstrates         completes the         of the elements of        contain more than
           command in                task                  the thread of the         a few errors
           Interpersonal           ● Responds              conversation            ● Very good
           Speaking                  appropriately to    ● Well-organized and        vocabulary
           accomplishes the          all or almost all     generally cohesive      ● Very good fluency
           following:                of the                responses               ● Very good
                                     parts/prompts of    ● Generally accurate        pronunciation
                                     the conversation       social and/or          ● Register is
                                                            cultural references      appropriate

    3      MID                     ● Addresses and       . ● Relevant treatment    ● Control of simple
           A speech sample           completes the          of the elements of       structures, with
           that demonstrates         task                   the thread of the        few errors
           competence in           ● Responds               conversation           ● Good range of
           Interpersonal             adequately to       ● Organized                 vocabulary, but
           Speaking                  most                   responses with           may have
           accomplishes the          parts/prompts of       adequate                 interference from
           following:                the conversation       cohesiveness             another language
                                                          ● Generally              ● Good fluency with
                                                             appropriate social      occasional
                                                             and/or cultural         hesitance
                                                             references included   ● Good
                                                                                   ● Register is

Juana & Palak                                                                                                      11
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                                     Spring 2011

    2       MID-LOW                 ● Partially            . ● May have              ● Limited control of
            A speech sample           addressees              irrelevant treatment     simple structures,
            that suggests lack of     and/or                  of the elements of       with errors
            competence in             completes the           the thread of the      ● Narrow range of
            Interpersonal             task                    conversation             vocabulary
            Speaking can be         ● Responds             ● Responses may           ● Labored
            described as the          inappropriately         have inadequate          expression,
            following:                to some                 organization             minimal fluency
                                      parts/prompts of      ● Inaccurate social      ● Fair pronunciation
                                      the conversation         and/or cultural         which may affect
                                                               references may be       comprehension
                                                               included              ● Register

    1       LOW                     ● Does not             ● Irrelevant treatment    ● Frequent errors in
            A speech sample           complete the           of the elements of        use of structures
            that demonstrates         task.                  the thread of the       ● Few vocabulary
            lack of competence      ● Responds               conversation              resources
            in Interpersonal          inappropriately      ● Responses may be        ● Little to no fluency
            Speaking can be           to most                disorganized            ● Poor pronunciation
            described as the          parts/prompts of     ● Inaccurate social         impedes
            following:                the                     and/or cultural          comprehension
                                      conversations           references included    ● Minimal to no
                                                                                       attention to register

    0       A speech sample that receives this score may be blank, off-task, completely irrelevant to the
            topic, spoken in a language other than Spanish or a mere verbatim restatement of what the
            interlocutor has said.

* Courtesy of the College Board, AP Spanish Language

Juana & Palak                                                                                                          12
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                                 Spring 2011

Appendix B:

SCORE   DESCRIPTION      TASK COMPLETION                    TOPIC               LANGUAGE USE
  5     HIGH             ● Fully addresses and      ● Treatment of topic     ● Use and control of
        A speech           completes the task         is relevant and          complex structures;
        sample that      ● Refers to and              thorough                 very few errors with no
        demonstrates       integrates well both     ● Response is very         patterns
        excellence in      sources into the oral      well organized and     ● Rich vocabulary used
        Presentational     presentation.              cohesive                 with precision
        Speaking                                    ● All or almost all      ● High level of fluency
        accomplishes                                  information is         ● Excellent
        the following:                                accurate                 pronunciation
                                                    ● Comparison and         ● Register is highly
                                                      contrast of              appropriate
                                                      summary or mere
                                                    ● Accurate social
                                                      and/or cultural
                                                      references included
  4     MID-HIGH         ● Appropriately            ● Treatment of topic     ● Use of complex
        A speech           addresses and              is relevant and well     structures; but may
        sample that        completes the task         developed                contain more than a
        demonstrates     ● Refers to and            ● Response is well         few errors
        command in         integrates both            organized and          ● Very good vocabulary
        Presentational     sources into the oral      generally cohesive     ● Very good fluency
        Speaking           presentation.            ● Information is         ● Very good
        accomplishes                                  generally accurate       pronunciation
        the following:                              ● Comparison and         ● Register is appropriate
                                                      contrast of
                                                      summary or mere
  3     MID              ● Addresses and            ● Treatment of topic     ● Control of simple
        A speech           completes the task         is relevant              structures with few
        sample that      ● Integrates one of the    ● Response is              errors; may use
        demonstrates       sources into the oral      organized with           complex structures
        competence in      presentation, with         adequate                 with little or no control
        Presentational     some or little             cohesiveness           ● Good range of
        Speaking           reference to the other   ● Information is           vocabulary, but may
        accomplishes       source.                    generally accurate,      have occasional
        the following:                                although there may       interference from
                                                      be some                  another language
                                                      inaccuracy or lack     ● Good fluency with
                                                      of precision             occasional hesitance;
                                                    ● Summary or mere          some successful self-
                                                      quotations of            correction
                                                      information may        ● Good pronunciation
                                                      outweigh               ● Register is generally
                                                      comparison and           appropriate
                                                    ● Generally
                                                      appropriate social
                                                      and/or cultural
                                                      references included

Juana & Palak                                                                                                      13
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                                     Spring 2011

   2        MID-LOW               ● Partially addressees  ● Treatment of topic     ● Limited control of
            A speech                and/or completes the    may be irrelevant        simple structures, with
            sample that             task                  ● Response may be          errors
            suggests lack of      ● May refer to only one   inadequately           ● Narrow range of
            competence in           of the sources into     organized                vocabulary; frequent
            Presentational          the oral presentation ● Information may          interference from
            Speaking can                                    be limited or            another language may
            be described as                                 inaccurate               occur
            the following:                                ● There is little        ● Labored expression;
                                                            comparison and           minimal fluency
                                                            contrast of the        ● Fair pronunciation,
                                                            information.             may affect
                                                          ● Inaccurate social        comprehension
                                                            and/or cultural        ● Register may be
                                                            references may be        appropriate
   1        LOW                 ● Does not complete       ● Treatment of topic     ● Frequent errors in use
            A speech               the task.                is irrelevant            of structures
            sample that         ● Refers poorly to only ● Response is              ● Few vocabulary
            demonstrates           one of the sources       disorganized             resources; constant
            lack of                into the oral          ● Information is very      interference from
            competence in          presentation.            limited and mainly       another language
            Presentational                                  inaccurate             ● Little to no fluency
            Speaking can                                  ● There may be no        ● Poor pronunciation
            be described as                                 comparison and           impedes
            the following:                                  contrast of the          comprehension
                                                            information.           ● Minimal to no
                                                          ● Inaccurate social        attention to register
                                                            and/or cultural
                                                            references included
   0        A speech sample that receives this score may be blank, off-task, completely irrelevant to the
              topic, spoken in a language other than Spanish or a mere verbatim restatement of what the
              interlocutor has said.

* Courtesy of the College Board, AP Spanish Language

Juana & Palak                                                                                                          14
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                          Spring 2011

Appendix C:
                                                                          Name: ________________________

                                             Pre-Research Study
                                               Student Survey

Directions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability, evaluating yourself on a scale
of 1 – 10. Please remember that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and will only be used
for the purposes of the Action Research Study.

On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being terrible, 5 being average and 10 being outstanding, how would you

   1.   Your grammar in Spanish (either written or spoken)                   ______
   2.   Your accent and pronunciation in Spanish                             ______
   3.   Your ability to comfortably express your ideas in Spanish            ______
   4.   Your fluidity or rate of speech                                      ______

On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being not at all nervous, 5 being averagely nervous and 10 being extremely
nervous, how would you rate the following?

   1. How do you feel about speaking out loud in Spanish?                    ______
   2. How do you feel about recording your voice in Spanish?                 ______
   3. How do you feel about listening to your voice recording?               ______
   3. How nervous do you think everyone else in the class is?                ______
   4. How nervous are you to listen to other student’s recordings?           ______
   5. How nervous are you to do any type of public speaking,
   in either your native language or Spanish?                                ______

If you had to give yourself an overall rating of your abilities, with 1 being very limited, 5 being average and
10 being extremely talented, what number would you assign the following general categories?

   1.   Speaking                                                             ______
   2.   Listening                                                            ______
   3.   Writing                                                              ______
   4.   Reading                                                              ______

Please go onto next page.

Juana & Palak                                                                                                 15
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                               Spring 2011

Have you had any experience speaking Spanish to a native speaker?
      Yes________ *
      No ________

       * If yes, when did you have this experience and how long did it last?

Have you ever traveled to a Spanish speaking country?
      Yes ______ *
      No ______

       * If yes, how much time did you spend there?

Do you have any other foreign language experience, other than Spanish? Please explain.

Do you consider yourself a creative person in any way?

Thank you for your participation.

Juana & Palak                                                                                    16
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                        Spring 2011

Appendix D:

                                                Post Research Study
                                 Student Self Evaluation of Spanish Speaking Skills

Directions: Now that our research study is over, please take a few minutes to evaluate your speaking skills in
Spanish. Please remember that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and will only be used
for the purpose of our action research study.

   1. Do you feel your Spanish accent and pronunciation has improved since Sept. of 2008?



           If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being
           a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being
           extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number.

           1     23          4        5      6      7      8      9      10

   2. Do you feel your Spanish grammar and vocabulary has improved (within the speaking skill) since
      Sept. of 2008?



           If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being
           a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being
           extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number.

           1     23          4        5      6      7      8      9      10

   3. Do you feel your Spanish fluidity or rate of speech has improved since Sept. of 2008?



           If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being
           a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being
           extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number.

           1     23          4        5      6      7      8      9      10

   4. Do you feel your Spanish ability to express your ideas has improved since Sept. of 2008?

Juana & Palak                                                                                               17
Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1                                                                       Spring 2011



           If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being
           a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being
           extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number.

           1    23           4   5       6      7       8      9       10

   5. Overall, do you feel your Spanish speaking abilities have improved since September of 2008?



           If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think it has improved, with 1 being a
           very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being
           extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number.

           1    23           4   5       6      7       8      9       10

   6. Do you have any other comments?

Juana & Palak                                                                                                18

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Jurnal kpr2

  • 1. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Podcasting in a High School Spanish Language Class to Improve the Speaking Skill: An Action Research Study Maggie Brennan Juana and Deniz Palak Blind Brook High School and North Carolina Central University Using action research as a method of inquiry, a high school Spanish teacher undertook this study to understand how podcasting could be used to help improve students’ Spanish speaking skills. Multiple sources of data collected and analyzed by the teacher-researcher in collaboration with her students and other collaborators reveal that the frequency and variety of carefully designed weekly podcasting assignments over time helped improve student speaking skills. This paper provides a framework of reference for other K-12 teachers as to how they could use new technologies successfully and understand the effects in their classrooms. Speaking in the target language tends to be the most degree program from New York Institute of challenging aspect of second language learning and Technology. teaching (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986; Pichette, 2009). Speaking produces more anxiety The word “podcast” resulted from the joining of the for most students compared to other skills such as terms “iPod” and “broadcasting” (Cruz & reading, writing, and listening. Contemporary Carvalho, 2007; Lim, 2005). According to the New approaches to second language learning emphasize Oxford American Dictionary, a podcast is "a digital challenges associated with reducing student anxiety recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, in the classroom (Young, 1990; Frantzen & Magnan made available on the Internet for downloading to a 2005, Pichette, 2009). For most students, however, personal audio player.” The generally accepted the classroom teaching environment is the only definition has expanded to include the following: A opportunity to practice speaking in the target podcast is a compressed digital multimedia file language. This limited opportunity to practice (audio or video) that is made available on the speaking coupled with student anxiety about Internet for download and playback using a speaking in the target language are challenges for computer or a mobile device such as an iPod. A both students and teachers of language. Concerned podcast file can also be uploaded to websites, linked with improving students’ Spanish speaking skills, to a blog, sent through email, or any other way that this study is an account of Maggie Brennan Juana’s a traditional computer file can be shared experience using podcasting to aid students with (Fontichiaro, 2007). The most advantageous aspect speaking Spanish at the secondary level. Maggie is of podcasts is their ease of distribution. They are a high school Spanish teacher who teaches not restricted to the iPod technology and are easily Advanced Placement Spanish and other upper-level downloadable on any MP3 device or onto a honors courses at a suburban high school outside of computer. Any person with a mobile device such as New York City. Using the action research an iPod or any other MP3 player can listen to these methodology (McNiff, Lomax, & Whitehead, files anywhere once they download a podcast file 2003), the study was conducted to determine if and onto their mobile device. how the use of podcasting would help improve student speaking abilities. Maggie conducted this Considering the limited opportunities for practicing study and wrote the article under the supervision of the speaking skill in her traditional classroom Dr. Deniz Palak while taking a course in a graduate environment, Maggie considered using podcasts as Juana & Palak 1
  • 2. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 a supplement to her already existing practice. She improve the speaking skill, Maggie undertook the considered podcasting technology to help improve study. She conducted this action research study, in her students’ Spanish speaking skills for three collaboration with her students and a colleague in specific reasons: (1) podcasting made the her school, based on the action research framework distribution and sharing of audio files or recorded modeled by Dr. Deniz Palak while taking a course speech files extremely easy; (2) podcasting eased taught by this instructor. To comply with the ethics student anxiety about speaking in the target of research, Maggie filed an IRB protocol and language and provided convenience as well as received permission from the parents, as well as the flexibility as to when and where students could district, before conducting the study. We believe listen and practice Spanish; and (3) podcasting this study will contribute to the body of literature on suited the lifestyle of the 21st century students with action research conducted by K-12 classroom its ease of distribution and flexibility of listening to teachers themselves. Also, we believe the topic of audio and video anywhere at any time. It provided the study, the use of educational podcasting in a a great alternative to the traditional method of language classroom, will help others who are trying listening and recording audio within the four walls to integrate this technology into their day-to-day of a typical second language classroom practices. environment. The Research Context Emerging research of this relatively new technology The Teacher also supported her assumptions that podcasting has Maggie Brennan Juana is a high school Spanish shown to improve pronunciation and speaking skills teacher who undertook this study in an Advanced among college students (Lord, 2008). Despite its Placement Spanish Language class during the great potential to bridge the gap between the content school year of 2008-2009, over the course of two delivery and the lifestyle of the students of the semesters. Though not a native speaker of Spanish, Millennial Generation across K-16, research is not Maggie has been immersed in the Spanish language yet available to help teachers gauge the benefits of through her trips to Europe, Central and South podcasting when it is used in traditional K-12 America and at home with her native Spanish- teaching environments. Published research articles speaking spouse. She has been teaching Spanish for on the experience of using podcasting in a language nine years. class are few. Those who have used it consistently expressed benefits of podcasting such as improving The Students student speaking skills and emphasized its ease of The student participants of the inquiry were 10 use (Johnson, 2008; Lim, 2005; Lum, 2006). High seniors from an Advanced Placement Spanish class. school and middle school science teachers have All of these students have excelled at Spanish in the conducted studies indicating that podcasts increased past and were responsible mature adults. They had student motivation, technical skills sets, and content engaging and intelligent commentary during the knowledge in science (Piecka, Studnicki, & entire process. Extensive amounts of work were Zuckerman-Parker, 2008; Putman & Kingsley, expected from them and they willingly complied. 2009). Other studies conducted in the area of They provided interesting and informative feedback educational podcasting within college settings have on the podcasting and oral recordings done as part focused on its use as a tool to supplement and of this research study. support content delivery in traditional college lectures and e-learning environments (Ractham, 2006; Lee, McLoughlin, & Chan, 2008; Lord, 2008; The School Ormond, 2008; Parson, 2009; Oliver, Osborne, & This research was conducted at Blind Brook High Brady, 2009). School, a small high school located in an upper middle class community outside of New York City. Charged by her concern about improving students’ For the last five years, this high school has Spanish speaking skills and encouraged by the consistently been listed as one of the top 100 high potentials of podcasting as a tool to help students schools in the nation by Newsweek magazine as Juana & Palak 2
  • 3. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 well as US News and World Report. The high phones. When given the signal, they recorded their school also has an outstanding percentage of voices by speaking over the phone and then posting students going onto college. For the past 4 years, the recording to gcast afterward. 99% of the students attended a 4-year university, with the remaining 1% going to 2-year universities. The current study included two types of oral recordings: podcast recordings done via gcast and Methodology Audacity recordings done in a language lab at school. The concept map displayed in Figure 1 The purpose of this study was to investigate how captures the image of the action research design for podcasting, as a medium of oral recording, helped both types of oral recordings. Once every two improve students’ Spanish speaking abilities in a weeks, students completed a traditional recording in 12th grade traditional face-to-face high school the language lab on Audacity software, as done in setting. The study started in November of 2008 and the past. These traditional lab recordings were done continued to May of 2009. in a group setting during class time. Typically, the students were given a specific assignment, such as Making oral recordings by other traditional methods comparing and contrasting two similar Spanish was an already existing practice in this particular stories or completing a “simulated conversation” language class. The use of other oral recording with another recorded voice. They were given two techniques, such as recording the student voices on minutes to speak as clearly, concisely, and fluently cassette tapes and CDs had been used in the past. as possible in order to complete the assignment. By Cassette tapes were abandoned long ago, and were contrast, the weekly podcast recordings were to be replaced by CDs. The CDs were slightly more completed over the weekend by phone at any convenient in terms of playback methods, but this location. The type of assignments for the podcast method still required the teacher to carry them from recordings were similar to the language lab one location to another. Recording on computer recordings; they spoke for two minutes on such software such as Audacity in a computer language topics as comparing and contrasting different pieces lab was a common practice for the last few years. of literature, videos, or news topics. Recording student voices using this software in the computer lab was much more convenient and The purpose of these oral recordings was to reliable, yet still had many disadvantages. improve students’ speaking skills. To assess the Recording in a lab took valuable class time. Also, extent to which students improved the speaking the process of recording in a lab, in the presence of skill, two rubrics were developed for the different other students, created distraction since students types of assignments (Appendix A & B). They were could hear each other’s voices while their own was both based on the following criteria: being recorded. Podcasting, on the other hand, • Task Completion – This refers to how well the released class time for more learning and made students answered the question or dealt with the recording and listening far more convenient and prompt. In other words, did they answer the inexpensive for both the teachers and the students. question or did they veer off onto another topic? • Topic Development – This criterion referred to The gcast ( was the website that how well students developed the topic of the was used to facilitate the sharing of weekly podcasts recording. If they discussed the topic in a among students and the teacher. Students recorded thorough and relevant way, they were rated their weekly podcasts over the phone. Recordings highly. In order to receive consistently high were then uploaded to and downloaded from this marks in this category, they also needed to: online podcasting site, where the teacher-researcher (a) have a well-organized, cohesive, had created a secure account for student use. This accurate response, account ensured the safety and privacy of the (b) synthesize the information from the students since it only allowed access to the sources, and not just simply restate or members of this closed group. The students summarize the sources, and completed their podcasts by calling an 800 number (c) have appropriate cultural references. associated with this website, usually on their mobile Juana & Palak 3
  • 4. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 • Language Use – This criterion measured their recording, they had to synthesize the three correct use of the Spanish language. In order to previously mentioned sources in their presentation receive a high grade in this category, students as well as add their own information and needed to: commentary. Because this was a formal (a) use advanced grammatical structures presentation, the AP Rubric for Presentational Oral with very few errors, Recordings (Appendix B) was used to assess this (b) include rich and precise vocabulary, type of lab or podcast recording. (c) have a high level of oral fluency with excellent pronunciation and the appropriate Informal Presentations (IP) were much shorter and use of “register,” the manner in which one used less formal speech. They were spontaneous addresses one’s audience. speeches regarding their opinion on a current event, a pseudo-phone mail message to a friend or a story Although both rubrics are divided into the same they would tell regarding their vacation. These three criteria, they also differ slightly. The types of recordings required a different type of differences in the two rubrics reflect the differences language skill, which is more informal and casual, in the types of speech and language that are needed but nevertheless is important to language to effectively complete the different types of development. A different rubric was necessary for assignments. The rubric in Appendix A displays this type of assignment. Therefore the AP Rubric of the criteria and scales of measurement that were Interpersonal Oral Recordings was used to assess used to assess “Interpersonal Oral Recordings.” these informal presentations (Appendix A). The format of these recordings was meant to imitate casual, friendly speech. The rubric in Appendix B Simulated Conversations (SC) were assignments was used to assess the “Presentational Oral only completed in the language lab because they Recordings,” which were meant to imitate much required the students to listen to an external CD as more formal types of speeches and presentations. well as record their voices. The Simulated Conversation tried to simulate a real conversation After Maggie assessed each of the recordings using by having the students listen to one side of a the appropriate rubric, she returned the feedback to conversation on a CD, and then respond the students before the next week’s assignment. individually for approximately 20 seconds. This formative assessment model allowed the Although the students were notified in advance of students to use this feedback as a way to recognize the topic to be discussed, they are expected to what they had not done well the previous week and respond spontaneously to each exchange. This type improve upon it for the following recording. of assignment was also considered to be informal speech and use informal language skills. Therefore The types of assignments given were Formal the AP Rubric of Interpersonal Oral Recordings Presentations (FP), Informal Presentations (IP) and (Appendix A) was used here also. Simulated Conversations (SC). The Formal Presentations consisted of the students preparing for The triangulation matrix below (Table 1) displays their recordings by reading two written documents the major research question in relation to the criteria and listening to one oral recording. Afterward, they for measurement and sources of data. Multiple were given two minutes to plan their presentation. sources of data were collected to help Maggie After the two-minute planning time, they were examine the effects of her undertakings. In addition given two minutes to make an oral recording- to the two rubrics that were used to assess different speaking as if they were giving an oral presentation types of podcast recordings, Maggie used a to a specific audience. For example, the audience researcher’s diary and pre/post student surveys. She could be the School Board in their town, their used the research diary as a way of recording Spanish class, a town hall meeting, etc. In this observations of student performance and note Table 1: Triangulation Matrix Juana & Palak 4
  • 5. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Research Question Criteria Data Sources What is the effect of • Task Completion: • Two rubrics that podcasting to help • Student fully completes the task assessed the improve student • Student refers to and integrates well speaking skill speaking abilities? outside sources into the oral presentation • Researcher’s • Topic Development: diary • Treatment of topic is relevant and thorough • Pre and Post • Response is very well organized and student survey cohesive • University • All or almost all information is accurate collaborators • Comparison and contrast of information • Student significantly outweighs summary or mere discussions quotations • Accurate social and/or cultural references included • Language Use • Use and control of complex structures; very few errors with no patterns • Rich vocabulary used with precision • High level of fluency • Excellent pronunciation • Register is highly appropriate students’ comments and claims about the tools subject matter of the podcast differed from they used. She also used the diary to record week to week, but included formal questions or comments on the study to be later presentations (FP) based on multiple sources, discussed with Deniz. The surveys were such as newspaper articles, other podcasts, distributed both at the beginning of the short stories, and magazine articles. Informal research study and the end. At the beginning presentations (IP) included the expression of of the research process, the “Pre-Research personal opinions on current events, such as Student Survey” (Appendix C) was filled out by pseudo answering machine recordings. For the students in order to gauge their opinions of both of these assignments, students were given their abilities. The purpose of the survey was to a prompt on a specific topic and then were have the students consider their strengths and expected to record a podcast using vocabulary weaknesses in Spanish. This survey queried related to the prompt. the students on many aspects of their Spanish abilities, including their speaking, reading, Occasionally, after making their recordings, the writing and listening abilities, as well as their students were instructed to go back to the grammar, their ability to express their ideas website and listen to the podcasts of their and their anxiety in recording their voice. The classmates. Afterward, there would be a class pre-research survey gave a basis for discussion on what they learned or what they comparison for the post-research survey heard in the podcasts of their classmates. High (Appendix D) given at the end of the school school students were extremely uncomfortable year. with this aspect of podcasting due to the Implementation sensitive nature of one student giving their opinion of the performance of another student. Podcast recording assignments were given To help aid the process, Maggie created every Friday, and they were to be completed at guidelines as to what format the commentary home over the weekend. The format and should take. She required students to state two Juana & Palak 5
  • 6. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 positive comments and one constructive improved by 45 – 65% range. The other four criticism. Although the students found it very students have less dramatic improvements, difficult to listen and comment on to other reflecting their higher degree of ability at the students’ recordings, the process proved itself start of the study, continuing to the end. to be highly beneficial. The opportunity to reflect on another podcast affected their A closer examination of students’ scores also opinion on the quality of their own podcast. revealed an incidental finding, which Maggie When the students listened to themselves, they had not anticipated at the beginning of the self-evaluated how well they had answered the study. The underlying assumption to use questions and how thoroughly they had podcasting in this particular classroom was to completed the assignment. When they listened simply increase the frequency of oral to others’ voices, they were able to analyze how recordings. Maggie assumed that this increase well the other student had accomplished the would give students more opportunities to task and how thoroughly they had discussed practice Spanish, and thus help them improve the same prompt. the speaking skill. However, the examination of results revealed that the medium of oral Results recording was just as important as the frequency of recording. When the students The purpose of this study was to assess how the completed their oral recordings in the language use of podcasting in this high school Spanish lab via computer software, they were more Language class helped improve the student’s nervous, uncomfortable, and received lower speaking skills in the target language. To assess grades. They made comments such as “I feel the extent to which podcasting helped improve like everyone is listening to me,” “I can only the speaking skills of the students, Maggie hear Johnny talking, but I can’t hear myself!” evaluated student performances in the and “Hearing everyone else speak at the same following three criteria: (1) Task Completion, time is really distracting.” However, when (2) Topic Development, and (3) Language Use. they completed their recordings via podcasts, The results of the study are reported below students produced higher quality recordings. based on these criteria. Podcasting removed distractions from the environment and put their anxieties about The Task Completion criteria received the speaking a second language at ease, which highest ratings for all 10 students throughout supported them in receiving better grades on the implementation of this action research their recordings. study. Task Completion refers to whether the student had fully addressed the task as it was Maggie shared this incidental finding with the assigned, and if they had incorporated all the students at the end of the study. None were sources that were indicated. All 10 students surprised. They were unanimous in their scored very highly in understanding, opinions of how much the podcasting helped completing, and thoroughly addressing the their speaking abilities in a positive way. topics, as well as integrating the sources into Students described how much more their recordings. As for the other two criteria, comfortable they were speaking into their cell Topic Completion and Language Use, the phones, in the privacy of their own homes. The overall improvement from the podcasting improvement of the speaking skill was evident recording assignments differed from student to in the student commentary. One student said, student. The improvement was most visible for “my Spanish just exploded this year.” All ten six out of the ten students. For example, who ranked their speaking ability lower than Student #3 started the study with 30 total the other three skills (listening, reading, and points on the first assignment and finished the writing) in the pre-research study (Appendix year with a 50 on the last assignment, C), rated their speaking just as good or better reflecting a 66% improvement for that student. than the other three skills in the post-research In addition to student #3, five other students survey (Appendix D). Juana & Palak 6
  • 7. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 was true because podcasting provided not only The evidence in the data collectively pointed to additional practice but also eased student the fact that podcasting as a medium of digital anxiety and boosted student confidence about recording technology facilitated the speaking in the target language. improvement of the speaking skill. It eased student anxiety about speaking in the target The Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish language. In each of the data sources, the Language exam, written and administered theme of greater confidence in students’ nationwide by the College Board in May of speaking ability was repeated. In the pre- every year, provided factual support for these research survey conducted with the students, findings. A comparison of the AP test scores the students rated their abilities in four between those students who used podcasting in categories: grammar, accent, fluidity, and May of 2009 to those who did not in the ability to express their ideas. At the end of the previous two years revealed a 20 percent study, students rated themselves in the same increase between the two years. The categories. Without exception, each student podcasting group had an average score of 4.2 indicated they had improved in each item. They (out of 5) in comparison to non-podcast group commented on the fact that doing the speaking with a 3.6 (out of 5) average. at home gave them confidence to do it in front of others. They stated that podcasting gave Conclusions them the opportunity to express more complex ideas in a target language rather than simply According to Schwab (1973), there are four answering classroom questions for more than commonplaces of educating – Teaching, just a few sentences. One student said, “Before Learning, Curriculum and Social Matrix, which I spoke very haltingly, now I feel like I am more later will be referred to as Governance. Schwab fluid and can express my ideas better.” believed that each commonplace was a piece of Another student said, “podcasting helped me the educating puzzle, together forming the greatly with things like transition words, shared experience of the teacher, student, and making my speech more connected and social milieu. Like many others (Gowin, 1981; smooth.” Overall, it was a very positive Gowin & Alvarez, 2005; Novak & Gowin, 1984; experience, which they highly recommended to Novak, 1998; Novak, 2010), we used these be incorporated into all the classes for next commonplaces as a “check list” to explain and year. understand the effectiveness our intervention: use of podcasting in this second language Maggie’s journal entries taken in the midst of classroom. the research process indicated her doubts as to the effectiveness of podcast recordings aiding Commonplace #1 - Teaching the student’s speaking abilities. Here are some As a language teacher, Maggie had been examples of those comments that reflected her puzzled by the challenges involved in teaching doubts during the research process: “How will I the speaking skill. Historically, speaking was be able to compare the results of these the lowest scoring section of all the students, if the improvement I see is simply standardized tests that her students took over due to the increase in frequency of recordings, the course of their high school years. As a and not the act of podcasting itself?” “Is result, she decided to use podcasting as a recording your voice over the phone in the means of increasing the frequency of oral privacy of a bedroom truly a realistic way of recordings and student practice of the speaking practicing speaking in Spanish?” But after the skill. Because students completed the podcasts post-research study survey and extensive assignments at home or elsewhere at one’s own conversations with the students and Deniz, the pace, it freed class time for other valuable teacher-researcher confidently arrived at the language work and increased the frequency of conclusion that podcasting was beneficial to student oral practice. Also, podcasting, as a improving the Spanish speaking abilities. This medium of oral recording, has been found to be Juana & Palak 7
  • 8. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 more beneficial to the students compared to Commonplace #3 - Curriculum other traditional media. It suited the life style The incorporation of podcasting has been so of the Millennial Generation, eased student successful, convenient and inexpensive, that it anxiety about speaking in the target language, has clearly changed the speaking aspect of this and facilitated self-reflection and advanced Spanish curriculum. Through this improvement. study, Maggie is now able to move away from just hoping the students could express their Commonplace #2 - Learning ideas coherently by the end of the year, to being able to “tweak” their speaking skills to improve Through the student completion of weekly them in specific ways. Rather than listening for podcast assignments, receiving formative grammar errors twice monthly as done in the feedback about their work, and classroom past, the teacher-researcher is now able to discussions of the podcasting assignments, apply the appropriate, specific rubric to the students were able to improve their speaking weekly recording assignment. This increase in skills on a continuous basis. They were able to frequency as well as the addition of the detailed discuss techniques that aided them in rubric has changed the way speaking is taught. speaking, and they were able to employ those Rather than being the most difficult second techniques the following week in the next language skill, it has become the skill that is assignment. The students indicated that clarity most improved. Maggie’s teaching curriculum in the assessment criteria delineated in the now includes weekly podcasts. rubrics and classroom discussions on the podcasts assignments guided them in the areas where they needed to improve. Students were Commonplace #4- Governance able to see that they accomplished the task, but This study positively affected that they still needed to incorporate one or two communication and collaboration between sub-areas associated with a criterion. The Maggie and her students, as well as Maggie and process of formative assessment guided them her colleagues at school. We shared, analyzed, to know where they were and what and made sense of the data together. We were improvement was needed for the following able to “unpack” what it is that we were trying assignment. to improve and how we progressed in improve it. The improvement of student scores on the The medium of oral recording, podcasting, Advanced Placement exam at the end of the proved also to be thoroughly enjoyable to the year came as a by-product of our conversations students. The privacy of the podcasting at and efforts. home greatly improved their confidence level about speaking in the target language. By Implications proving to themselves that they could do it at home alone, they were more confident and less As a result of this action research project, nervous to speak in class. Students greatly Maggie will incorporate podcasting into every improved their accent and pronunciation - level of Spanish taught. On a more personal indicated by both their self-assessments as well note, she has found success lay not only on the as the teacher assessments. Podcasting allowed technology used in the classroom but also in the students to speak for a full two minutes many of the techniques incorporated in the comfortably about a topic, rather than what course of this inquiry. Pre-determining and was typical done in class, which was to answer communicating the criteria for success with a question in only a few sentences. This students was one. Sharing data obtained on extended amount of speaking time, coupled student performance on these criteria and their with the comfort and ease of this medium, opinions was another. For example, presenting helped students improve fluency and their student progress in graphs and sharing this ability to express themselves. visual data representation with students was a very powerful motivator to show students their Juana & Palak 8
  • 9. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 growth in specific areas. In the future, students will be given their own personal graph at the 00711L040.pdf end of the year showing them their improvement or lack thereof. om/+podcasting+history&hl=en If this study were to be repeated, Maggie would continue to integrate the different formats of Fontichiaro, K. (2007). Podcasting 101. School oral recordings such as Formal Presentations, Library Media Activities Monthly . 23 Informal Presentations and Simulated (7),22-24. Conversations. Yet, in order to effectively compare the results of each format, there needs Frantzen, D., Magnan, S. (2005). Anxiety and to be more consistency in the total number of the true beginner-false beginner dynamic assignments in each category. Additionally, all in beginning French and Spanish assignments could be labeled in a more clear classes. Foreign Language Annals, fashion, so as to be able to refer to them more 38(2), 171-190. easily when analyzing the data. Finally, Maggie will be better prepared to deal with Horwitz, E., Horwitz, M. & Cope, J. (1986). technological problems experienced from time Foreign language classroom anxiety. The to time due to the open-source podcasting Modern Language Journal . 70(2), 125 – technology used in this study. Although 132. as an open-source free podcasting technology, it was no longer available as of Feb. Johnson, S. (2008). Technology takes students 1st, 2010. There are numerous other podcasting beyond the classroom. The Language websites, such as, Educator 3(6), 38-40. and, which are available for use. Lee, M., McLoughlin, C., & Chan, A. (2008). Talk the talk: Learner-generated podcasts Maggie is continuing her research in how to as catalysts for knowledge creation. create more effective and well-designed British Journal of Educational podcasts. As Villano (2008) stated, “while Technology, 39(3), 501-521. anyone can podcast, creating podcasts with true academic value can be tough.” Further Lim, K. (2005). Now hear this: Exploring concentration will be made in the future on podcasting as a tool in geography improving the assignments to make them even education. Nanyang Technological more student-centered and formative in University. Retrieved from the web on orientation. Students will listen to each other’s September 26, 2009 podcasts far more often; group podcasts will be recorded - leading to group discussions; and ane_kenlim.pdf additional genres of podcasts will be included, such as mock radio shows, music recordings or skits. The possibilities for podcasting in a om/+podcasting+history&hl=en second language classroom are only limited by the creativity and willingness of the teacher. Lord, G. (2008). Podcasting communities and second language pronunciation. Foreign References Language Annals, 41(2), 364-79. Cruz, S.C., Carvalho, A.A. (2007). Podcast: A Lum, L. (2006) Language, culture & powerful web tool for learning history. technology. Diverse Issues in Higher Proceedings of the IADIS International Education 23(16), 31-32. Conference on E-Learning. Retrieved on September 26, 2009 from Gowin, B.D. (1981). Educating. Ithaca, N.Y.: Juana & Palak 9
  • 10. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Cornell University Press. Technology, 34,. (3), 215. Gowin, B.D. & Alvarez, M.C. (2005). The art of Pichette, F. (2009). Second language anxiety educating with V diagrams. New York, and distance language learning. Foreign N.Y.: Cambridge University Press. Language Annals. 42, (1), 77. McNiff, J., Lomax, P. & Whitehead, J. (2003). Piecka, D., Studnicki, E. & Zuckerman-Parker, You and your action research project, 2nd M. (2008). A proposal for ozone science Ed. Routledge Falmer. podcasting in a middle science classroom. AACE Journal. 16 (2), Novak, J.D. & Gowin, B.D. (1984). Learning 203-233. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. how to learn. New York, Retrieved from N.Y.:Cambridge University Press. 24433 Novak, J. D. (1998). Learning, creating, and using knowledge: Concept maps as Putman, S. M., Kingsley, T. (2009). The atoms facilitative tools in schools and family: Using podcasts to enhance the corporations. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence development of science vocabulary. The Erlbaum Associates. Reading Teacher. 63(2),100-108. Novak, J.D. (2010). Learning, creating, and Ractham, P., Zhang, X. (2006) Podcasting in using knowledge: Concept maps as academia: A new knowledge management facilitative tools in schools and paradigm within academic settings. The corporations. New York, N.Y.: DATA BASE for Advances in Information Routledge. Systems, 13(15), 314-317. Oliver, K., Osborne, J., & Brady,K. (2009). Schwab, J. (1973). The practical 3: Translation What are secondary students’ into curriculum. School Review expectations for teachers in virtual school 81(4),501-522. environments? Distance Education, 30(1), 23-45. Villano, M. (2008). Building a better podcast. THE Journal, 35(1), 30-37. Ormond, P. (2008). Podcasting enhances learning. Journal of Computing Sciences Young, D. (1990). An investigation of students’ in Colleges, 24(1), 232-258. perspectives on anxiety and speaking. Foreign Language Annals, 23(6), Parson, V. (2009). Educating an IPod 539-553. generation: undergraduate attitudes, experiences and understanding of vodcast and podcast use. Learning, Media and Juana & Palak 10
  • 11. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Appendix A: AP RUBRIC FOR INTERPERSONAL ORAL RECORDINGS* SCORE DESCRIPTION TASK TOPIC LANGUAGE USE COMPLETION DEVELOPMENT 5 HIGH ● Fully addresses ● Relevant, thorough ● Use and control of A speech sample and completes treatment of complex structures, that demonstrates the task all/almost all very few errors excellence in ● Responds fully elements of the ● Rich vocabulary Interpersonal and thread of the used with precision Speaking appropriately to conversation ● High level of accomplishes the all or almost all ● Very well-organized fluency following: of the and cohesive ● Excellent parts/prompts of responses pronunciation the conversation ● Accurate social ● Register is highly and/or cultural appropriate references included 4 MID-HIGH ● Appropriately ● Relevant, well- ● Use of complex A speech sample addresses and developed treatment structures, but may that demonstrates completes the of the elements of contain more than command in task the thread of the a few errors Interpersonal ● Responds conversation ● Very good Speaking appropriately to ● Well-organized and vocabulary accomplishes the all or almost all generally cohesive ● Very good fluency following: of the responses ● Very good parts/prompts of ● Generally accurate pronunciation the conversation social and/or ● Register is cultural references appropriate included 3 MID ● Addresses and . ● Relevant treatment ● Control of simple A speech sample completes the of the elements of structures, with that demonstrates task the thread of the few errors competence in ● Responds conversation ● Good range of Interpersonal adequately to ● Organized vocabulary, but Speaking most responses with may have accomplishes the parts/prompts of adequate interference from following: the conversation cohesiveness another language ● Generally ● Good fluency with appropriate social occasional and/or cultural hesitance references included ● Good pronunciation ● Register is generally appropriate Juana & Palak 11
  • 12. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 2 MID-LOW ● Partially . ● May have ● Limited control of A speech sample addressees irrelevant treatment simple structures, that suggests lack of and/or of the elements of with errors competence in completes the the thread of the ● Narrow range of Interpersonal task conversation vocabulary Speaking can be ● Responds ● Responses may ● Labored described as the inappropriately have inadequate expression, following: to some organization minimal fluency parts/prompts of ● Inaccurate social ● Fair pronunciation the conversation and/or cultural which may affect references may be comprehension included ● Register inappropriate 1 LOW ● Does not ● Irrelevant treatment ● Frequent errors in A speech sample complete the of the elements of use of structures that demonstrates task. the thread of the ● Few vocabulary lack of competence ● Responds conversation resources in Interpersonal inappropriately ● Responses may be ● Little to no fluency Speaking can be to most disorganized ● Poor pronunciation described as the parts/prompts of ● Inaccurate social impedes following: the and/or cultural comprehension conversations references included ● Minimal to no attention to register 0 A speech sample that receives this score may be blank, off-task, completely irrelevant to the topic, spoken in a language other than Spanish or a mere verbatim restatement of what the interlocutor has said. * Courtesy of the College Board, AP Spanish Language Juana & Palak 12
  • 13. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Appendix B: AP RUBRIC FOR PRESENTATIONAL ORAL RECORDINGS SCORE DESCRIPTION TASK COMPLETION TOPIC LANGUAGE USE DEVELOPMENT 5 HIGH ● Fully addresses and ● Treatment of topic ● Use and control of A speech completes the task is relevant and complex structures; sample that ● Refers to and thorough very few errors with no demonstrates integrates well both ● Response is very patterns excellence in sources into the oral well organized and ● Rich vocabulary used Presentational presentation. cohesive with precision Speaking ● All or almost all ● High level of fluency accomplishes information is ● Excellent the following: accurate pronunciation ● Comparison and ● Register is highly contrast of appropriate information significantly outweighs summary or mere quotations ● Accurate social and/or cultural references included 4 MID-HIGH ● Appropriately ● Treatment of topic ● Use of complex A speech addresses and is relevant and well structures; but may sample that completes the task developed contain more than a demonstrates ● Refers to and ● Response is well few errors command in integrates both organized and ● Very good vocabulary Presentational sources into the oral generally cohesive ● Very good fluency Speaking presentation. ● Information is ● Very good accomplishes generally accurate pronunciation the following: ● Comparison and ● Register is appropriate contrast of information outweighs summary or mere quotations 3 MID ● Addresses and ● Treatment of topic ● Control of simple A speech completes the task is relevant structures with few sample that ● Integrates one of the ● Response is errors; may use demonstrates sources into the oral organized with complex structures competence in presentation, with adequate with little or no control Presentational some or little cohesiveness ● Good range of Speaking reference to the other ● Information is vocabulary, but may accomplishes source. generally accurate, have occasional the following: although there may interference from be some another language inaccuracy or lack ● Good fluency with of precision occasional hesitance; ● Summary or mere some successful self- quotations of correction information may ● Good pronunciation outweigh ● Register is generally comparison and appropriate contrast. ● Generally appropriate social and/or cultural references included Juana & Palak 13
  • 14. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 2 MID-LOW ● Partially addressees ● Treatment of topic ● Limited control of A speech and/or completes the may be irrelevant simple structures, with sample that task ● Response may be errors suggests lack of ● May refer to only one inadequately ● Narrow range of competence in of the sources into organized vocabulary; frequent Presentational the oral presentation ● Information may interference from Speaking can be limited or another language may be described as inaccurate occur the following: ● There is little ● Labored expression; comparison and minimal fluency contrast of the ● Fair pronunciation, information. may affect ● Inaccurate social comprehension and/or cultural ● Register may be references may be appropriate included 1 LOW ● Does not complete ● Treatment of topic ● Frequent errors in use A speech the task. is irrelevant of structures sample that ● Refers poorly to only ● Response is ● Few vocabulary demonstrates one of the sources disorganized resources; constant lack of into the oral ● Information is very interference from competence in presentation. limited and mainly another language Presentational inaccurate ● Little to no fluency Speaking can ● There may be no ● Poor pronunciation be described as comparison and impedes the following: contrast of the comprehension information. ● Minimal to no ● Inaccurate social attention to register and/or cultural references included 0 A speech sample that receives this score may be blank, off-task, completely irrelevant to the topic, spoken in a language other than Spanish or a mere verbatim restatement of what the interlocutor has said. * Courtesy of the College Board, AP Spanish Language Juana & Palak 14
  • 15. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Appendix C: Name: ________________________ Pre-Research Study Student Survey Directions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability, evaluating yourself on a scale of 1 – 10. Please remember that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and will only be used for the purposes of the Action Research Study. On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being terrible, 5 being average and 10 being outstanding, how would you describe: 1. Your grammar in Spanish (either written or spoken) ______ 2. Your accent and pronunciation in Spanish ______ 3. Your ability to comfortably express your ideas in Spanish ______ 4. Your fluidity or rate of speech ______ On a scale of 1 – 10, with 1 being not at all nervous, 5 being averagely nervous and 10 being extremely nervous, how would you rate the following? 1. How do you feel about speaking out loud in Spanish? ______ 2. How do you feel about recording your voice in Spanish? ______ 3. How do you feel about listening to your voice recording? ______ 3. How nervous do you think everyone else in the class is? ______ 4. How nervous are you to listen to other student’s recordings? ______ 5. How nervous are you to do any type of public speaking, in either your native language or Spanish? ______ If you had to give yourself an overall rating of your abilities, with 1 being very limited, 5 being average and 10 being extremely talented, what number would you assign the following general categories? 1. Speaking ______ 2. Listening ______ 3. Writing ______ 4. Reading ______ Please go onto next page. Juana & Palak 15
  • 16. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Have you had any experience speaking Spanish to a native speaker? Yes________ * No ________ * If yes, when did you have this experience and how long did it last? Have you ever traveled to a Spanish speaking country? Yes ______ * No ______ * If yes, how much time did you spend there? Do you have any other foreign language experience, other than Spanish? Please explain. Do you consider yourself a creative person in any way? Thank you for your participation. Juana & Palak 16
  • 17. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Appendix D: Post Research Study Student Self Evaluation of Spanish Speaking Skills Directions: Now that our research study is over, please take a few minutes to evaluate your speaking skills in Spanish. Please remember that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and will only be used for the purpose of our action research study. 1. Do you feel your Spanish accent and pronunciation has improved since Sept. of 2008? Yes No If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Do you feel your Spanish grammar and vocabulary has improved (within the speaking skill) since Sept. of 2008? Yes No If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Do you feel your Spanish fluidity or rate of speech has improved since Sept. of 2008? Yes No If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Do you feel your Spanish ability to express your ideas has improved since Sept. of 2008? Juana & Palak 17
  • 18. Networks: Vol. 13, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Yes No If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think they have improved, with 1 being a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. Overall, do you feel your Spanish speaking abilities have improved since September of 2008? Yes No If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 10 how much you think it has improved, with 1 being a very slight improvement, 5 being average or customary yearly improvement and 10 being extremely improved. Circle the appropriate number. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. Do you have any other comments? Juana & Palak 18