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Events are where it happens!
            Doc. v. 0.1 - 17/03/09

                       Wildan Maulana | wildan [at]
What this presentation Covers

• The event models as implemented by
  the browsers
• Using jQuery to bind event handlers
  to elements
• The Event object instance
• Triggering event handlers under script
The GUI Rule
1.Set up the user interface
2.Wait for something interesting to
3.React accordingly
Understanding the browser event model
The DOM Level 0 Event Model
                                <title>DOM Level 0 Events Example</title>
                                <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;>
Ready handlers defines
mouseover handlers
                                <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
                                   $('#vstar')[0].onmouseover = function(event) {
Utility function emits text
to console

                                 function say(text) {
                                   $('#console').append('<div>'+new Date()+' '+text+'</div>');
<div> element serve as
console                                                       <img> element is instrumented

                                <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot; onclick=quot;say('Vroom vroom!')quot;/>
                                <div id=quot;consolequot;></div>
Event Handler
onclick=quot;say('Vroom vroom!');quot;

                 an anonymous function is automatically created
                               using the value
                   of the attribute as the function body

             imageElement.onclick = function(event) {
               say('Vroom vroom!');
The DOM Level 0 Event Model In Action
The Event instance
Event Bubbling
• What is Event Bubbling ?
Event Bubbling in Action           <html id=quot;greatgreatgrandpaquot;>
                                         <title>DOM Level 0 Bubbling Example</title>
                                         <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;>
     Events propagating
•                                        </script>
     from the point of origin to the     <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
     top of the
     DOM tree                                 var current = this;
                                              this.onclick = function(event) {
                                                if (!event) event = window.event;
                                                var target = ( ?
                                                  : event.srcElement;
                                                say('For ' + current.tagName + '#'+ +
                                                    ' target is ' +;

                                          function say(text) {

                                        <body id=quot;greatgrandpaquot;>
                                         <div id=quot;grandpaquot;>
                                           <div id=quot;popsquot;>
                                            <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/>
                                         <div id=quot;consolequot;></div>
Affecting event propagation
• If we want to prevent an event from
  propagating, we can use :
  – stopPropagation() method of the Event
    instance (for standard compliant
    browser) or
  – In internet explore, we set a property
    named cancelBubble to true in the
    Event instance
Lack of DOM Level 0
• One severe shortcoming of the DOM Level 0 Event Model is
  that, because a property is used to store a reference to a
  function that’s to serve as an event handler,only one event
  handler per element can be registered for any specific event

   someElement.onclick = doFirstThing;
   someElement.onclick = doSecondThing;
                                                           Won't work !

    • Using Observable pattern that establishes
                                                   The solution
    a publish/subscribe schema for that handlers
    • Or using closure Or …
    • Using DOM Level 2 Event Model
The DOM Level 2 Event Model
Establishing events
• Rather than assigning a function reference to an
  element property, DOM Level 2 event handlers—
  also termed listeners—are established via an
  element method.
• Each DOM element defines a method named
  addEventListener() that’s used to attach event
  handlers (listeners) to the element



EventType is a string that identifies the type
of event to be handled
                                                            useCapture, is a Boolean

              The listener parameter is a reference
              to the function (or inline function) that’s to be
              established as the handler for the named
              event type on the element
Establishing event handlers with the DOM Level 2 Model
                                           <title>DOM Level 2 Events Example</title>
                                           <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;>
                                           <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
                                              var element = $('#vstar')[0];
                                              element.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
                                                say('Whee once!');
                                              element.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
                                                say('Whee twice!');
                                              element.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
                                                say('Whee three times!');

                                             function say(text) {
                                           <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/>
Remember : The Order of the execution      <div id=quot;consolequot;></div>
is not guaranteed ! It can be random !    </body>
Event Propagation

Propagation in the DOM Level 2 Event Model traverses the DOM
hierarchy twice: once from top to target during capture phase and
once from target to top during bubble phase.
<html id=quot;greatgreatgrandpaquot;>
   Tracking event propagation       <head>
with bubble and capture handlers     <title>DOM Level 2 Propagation Example</title>
                                     <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;>
                                     <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
                                          var current = this;
                                          this.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
                                            say('Capture for ' + current.tagName + '#'+ +
                                                ' target is ' +;
                                          this.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
                                            say('Bubble for ' + current.tagName + '#'+ +
                                                ' target is ' +;

                                      function say(text) {

                                    <body id=quot;greatgrandpaquot;>
                                     <div id=quot;grandpaquot;>
                                       <div id=quot;popsquot;>
                                        <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/>
                                     <div id=quot;consolequot;></div>
The Internet Explore Event Model

• Internet Explorer (both IE6 and, most
  disappointingly, IE7) doesn’t provide
  support for the DOM Level 2 Event

       addEventListener() → attachEvent(eventName,handler)
The jQuery Event Model
                        jQuery event implementation

    jQuery event implementation, exhibits the following features :
    – Provides a unified method for establishing event handlers
        Allows multiple handlers for each event type on each element
    – Uses standard event-type names: for example, click or
    – Makes the Event instance available as a parameter to the
    – Normalizes the Event instance for the most often used
    – Provides unified methods for event canceling and default action
Binding event handlers using jQuery

• Using the jQuery Event Model, we can establish
  event handlers on DOM elements with the bind()
  command :

Command syntax : bind

Establishes a function as the event handler for the specified event type on all elements in the
matched set.
                                                 (String) Specifies the name of the event type
                                                 for which the handler is to be established.
                                                 This event type can be namespaced with a
                                                 suffix separated
                                                 from the event name with a period character.
                                                 See the remainder of this
                                                 section for details.
                                                 (Object) Caller-supplied data that’s attached
                                                 to the Event instance as a
                                                 property named data for availability to the
                                                 handler functions. If omitted, the
                                                 handler function can be specified as the
                                                 second parameter.
                                                 (Function) The function that’s to be
                                                 established as the event handler.
The wrapped set
bind() in action    <head>
                     <title>jQuery Events Example</title>
                     <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;>
                     <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
                          .bind('click',function(event) {
                            say('Whee once!');
                          .bind('click',function(event) {
                            say('Whee twice!');
                          .bind('click',function(event) {
                            say('Whee three times!');

                      function say(text) {

                     <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/>
                     <div id=quot;consolequot;></div>
Also works on IE ...
Command syntax : specific event binding

Establishes the specified function as the event handler for the event type
named by the method’s name. The supported commands are as follows:
  blur                focus               mousedown            resize
●                   ●                   ●                    ●

● change            ● keydown           ● mousemove          ● scroll

● click             ● keypress          ● mouseout           ● select

● dblclick          ● keyup             ● mouseover          ● submit

● error             ● load              ● mouseup            ● unload

Note that when using these shortcut methods, we cannot specify a data value
to be placed in the property.
                    (Function) The function that’s to be established as the
                    event handler.
The wrapped set.
Command syntax: one

Establishes a function as the event handler for the specified event type on all
elements in the matched set. Once executed, the handler is automatically
eventType                 (String) Specifies the name of the event type for which
                          the handler is to be established.
data                      (Object) Caller-supplied data that’s attached to the
                          Event instance for availability to the handler functions.
                          If omitted, the handler function can be specified as the
                          second parameter.
listener                  (Function) The function that’s to be established as the
                          event handle
The wrapped set.
Removing event handlers
                          Command syntax: unbind

Removes events handlers from all elements of the wrapped set as specified by
the optional passed parameters. If no parameters are provided, all listeners are
removed from the elements.
eventType                 (String) If provided, specifies that only listeners
                          established for the specified event type are to be
listener                   (Function) If provided, identifies the specific listener
                          that’s to be remove
event                     (Event) Removes the listener that triggered the event
                          described by this Event instance.
The wrapped set.
Inspecting the Event instance
          Property                      Description
                     Set to true if the Alt key was pressed when the
                     event was triggered, false if not. The Alt key is
                     labeled Option on most Mac keyboards.
                     Set to true if the Ctrl key was pressed when the
                     event was triggered, false if not.
                     The value, if any, passed as the second
                     parameter to the bind() command when the
                     handler was established.
                     For keyup and keydown events, this returns the
                     key that was pressed. Note that for alphabetic
                     characters, the uppercase version of the letter will
                     be returned, regardless of whether the user typed
                     an uppercase or lowercase letter. For example,
                     both a and A will return 65. You can use
                     shiftKey to determine which case was entered.
                     For keypress events, use the which property,
                     which is reliable across browsers.
Inspecting the Event instance
metaKey                   Set to true if the Meta key was pressed
                         when the event was triggered, false if
                         not.The Meta key is the Ctrl key on PCs
                         and the Command key on Macs.
pageX                    For mouse events, specifies the
                         horizontal coordinate of the event
                         relative from the page origin.
pageY                    For mouse events, specifies the vertical
                         coordinate of the event relative from the
                         page origin.
relatedTarget            For some mouse events, identifies the
                         element that the cursor left or entered
                         when the event was triggered.
screenX                  For mouse events, specifies the
                         horizontal coordinate of the event
                         relative from the screen origin.
screenY                   For mouse events, specifies the
                         vertical coordinate of the event relative
                         from the screen origin.
Inspecting the Event instance
                         Set to true if the Shift key was pressed
                         when the event was triggered, false if
target                   Identifies the element for which the
                         event was triggered.
type                     For all events, specifies the type of
                         event that was triggered (for example,
                         click). This can be useful if you’re using
                         one event handler function for multiple
which                    For keyboard events, specifies the
                         numeric code for the key that caused
                         the event,and for mouse events,
                         specifies which button was pressed (1
                         for left, 2 for middle, 3 for right). This
                         should be used instead of button, which
                         can’t be relied on to function
                         consistently across browsers.
Affecting the event propagation
• stopPropagation() : Prevent the event from
  bubbling further up the DOM tree
• preventDefault() : cancel any semantic action
  that the event might cause
Triggering event handlers
                 Command syntax: trigger

Invokes any event handlers established for the passed event type for all
matched elements
eventType          (String) Specifies the name of the event type for
                   handlers which are to be invoked
The wrapped set
Command syntax: eventName

Invokes any event handlers established for the named event type for all
matched elements.

The supported commands are as follows:


● click 

● focus 

● select

● submit

The wrapped set.
Other event-related commands

• Toggling listener
Command syntax: toggle

Establishes the passed functions as click event handlers on all elements of the
wrapped set that toggle between each other with every other trigger of a click
listenerOdd                   (Function) A function that serves as the click
                              event handler for all odd-numbered clicks (the
                              first, the third, the fifth, and so on)
listenerEven                  (Function) A function that serves as the click
                              event handler for all even-numbered clicks (the
                              second, the fourth, the sixth, and so on)
The wrapped set
   <title>jQuery Toggle Command Example</title>
   <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;>
   <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
        function(event) {
        function(event) {

   <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/>
• jQuery in Action, Bear Bibeault,
  Yehuda Katz, Manning

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jQuery : Events are where it happens!

  • 1. #4 jQuery: Events are where it happens! Doc. v. 0.1 - 17/03/09 Wildan Maulana | wildan [at]
  • 2. What this presentation Covers • The event models as implemented by the browsers • Using jQuery to bind event handlers to elements • The Event object instance • Triggering event handlers under script control
  • 3. The GUI Rule 1.Set up the user interface 2.Wait for something interesting to happen 3.React accordingly 4.Repeat
  • 5. The DOM Level 0 Event Model <html> <head> <title>DOM Level 0 Events Example</title> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;> Ready handlers defines </script> mouseover handlers <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> $(function(){ $('#vstar')[0].onmouseover = function(event) { say('Whee!'); Utility function emits text } to console }); function say(text) { $('#console').append('<div>'+new Date()+' '+text+'</div>'); } <div> element serve as </script> console <img> element is instrumented </head> <body> <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot; onclick=quot;say('Vroom vroom!')quot;/> <div id=quot;consolequot;></div> </body> </html>
  • 6. Event Handler onclick=quot;say('Vroom vroom!');quot; an anonymous function is automatically created using the value of the attribute as the function body imageElement.onclick = function(event) {   say('Vroom vroom!'); }
  • 7. The DOM Level 0 Event Model In Action
  • 9. Event Bubbling • What is Event Bubbling ?
  • 10. Event Bubbling in Action <html id=quot;greatgreatgrandpaquot;> <head> <title>DOM Level 0 Bubbling Example</title> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;> Events propagating • </script> from the point of origin to the <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> $(function(){ top of the $('*').each(function(){ DOM tree var current = this; this.onclick = function(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; var target = ( ? : event.srcElement; say('For ' + current.tagName + '#'+ + ' target is ' +; } }); }); function say(text) { $('#console').append('<div>'+text+'</div>'); } </script> </head> <body id=quot;greatgrandpaquot;> <div id=quot;grandpaquot;> <div id=quot;popsquot;> <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/> </div> </div> <div id=quot;consolequot;></div> </body> </html>
  • 11. Affecting event propagation • If we want to prevent an event from propagating, we can use : – stopPropagation() method of the Event instance (for standard compliant browser) or – In internet explore, we set a property named cancelBubble to true in the Event instance
  • 12. Lack of DOM Level 0 • One severe shortcoming of the DOM Level 0 Event Model is that, because a property is used to store a reference to a function that’s to serve as an event handler,only one event handler per element can be registered for any specific event type someElement.onclick = doFirstThing; someElement.onclick = doSecondThing; Won't work ! • Using Observable pattern that establishes The solution a publish/subscribe schema for that handlers • Or using closure Or … • Using DOM Level 2 Event Model
  • 13. The DOM Level 2 Event Model
  • 14. Establishing events • Rather than assigning a function reference to an element property, DOM Level 2 event handlers— also termed listeners—are established via an element method. • Each DOM element defines a method named addEventListener() that’s used to attach event handlers (listeners) to the element addEventListener(eventType,listener,useCapture)
  • 15. addEventListener() addEventListener(eventType,listener,useCapture) EventType is a string that identifies the type of event to be handled useCapture, is a Boolean The listener parameter is a reference to the function (or inline function) that’s to be established as the handler for the named event type on the element
  • 16. Establishing event handlers with the DOM Level 2 Model <html> <head> <title>DOM Level 2 Events Example</title> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;> </script> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> $(function(){ var element = $('#vstar')[0]; element.addEventListener('click',function(event) { say('Whee once!'); },false); element.addEventListener('click',function(event) { say('Whee twice!'); },false); element.addEventListener('click',function(event) { say('Whee three times!'); },false); }); function say(text) { $('#console').append('<div>'+text+'</div>'); } </script> </head> <body> <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/> Remember : The Order of the execution <div id=quot;consolequot;></div> is not guaranteed ! It can be random ! </body> </html>
  • 17. Event Propagation Propagation in the DOM Level 2 Event Model traverses the DOM hierarchy twice: once from top to target during capture phase and once from target to top during bubble phase.
  • 18. <html id=quot;greatgreatgrandpaquot;> Tracking event propagation <head> with bubble and capture handlers <title>DOM Level 2 Propagation Example</title> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;> </script> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> $(function(){ $('*').each(function(){ var current = this; this.addEventListener('click',function(event) { say('Capture for ' + current.tagName + '#'+ + ' target is ' +; },true); this.addEventListener('click',function(event) { say('Bubble for ' + current.tagName + '#'+ + ' target is ' +; },false); }); }); function say(text) { $('#console').append('<div>'+text+'</div>'); } </script> </head> <body id=quot;greatgrandpaquot;> <div id=quot;grandpaquot;> <div id=quot;popsquot;> <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/> </div> </div> <div id=quot;consolequot;></div> </body> </html>
  • 19. The Internet Explore Event Model • Internet Explorer (both IE6 and, most disappointingly, IE7) doesn’t provide support for the DOM Level 2 Event addEventListener() → attachEvent(eventName,handler)
  • 20. The jQuery Event Model jQuery event implementation jQuery event implementation, exhibits the following features : • – Provides a unified method for establishing event handlers Allows multiple handlers for each event type on each element – – Uses standard event-type names: for example, click or mouseover – Makes the Event instance available as a parameter to the handlers – Normalizes the Event instance for the most often used properties – Provides unified methods for event canceling and default action blocking
  • 21. Binding event handlers using jQuery • Using the jQuery Event Model, we can establish event handlers on DOM elements with the bind() command : $('img').bind('click',function(event){alert('Hi  there!');});
  • 22. Command syntax : bind bind(eventType,data,listener) Establishes a function as the event handler for the specified event type on all elements in the matched set. Parameters (String) Specifies the name of the event type eventType for which the handler is to be established. This event type can be namespaced with a suffix separated from the event name with a period character. See the remainder of this section for details. (Object) Caller-supplied data that’s attached data to the Event instance as a property named data for availability to the handler functions. If omitted, the handler function can be specified as the second parameter. (Function) The function that’s to be listener established as the event handler. Returns The wrapped set
  • 23. <html> bind() in action <head> <title>jQuery Events Example</title> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;> </script> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> $(function(){ $('#vstar') .bind('click',function(event) { say('Whee once!'); }) .bind('click',function(event) { say('Whee twice!'); }) .bind('click',function(event) { say('Whee three times!'); }); }); function say(text) { $('#console').append('<div>'+text+'</div>'); } </script> </head> <body> <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/> <div id=quot;consolequot;></div> </body> </html>
  • 24. Also works on IE ...
  • 25. Command syntax : specific event binding eventTypeName(listener) Establishes the specified function as the event handler for the event type named by the method’s name. The supported commands are as follows: blur focus mousedown resize ● ● ● ● ● change ● keydown ● mousemove ● scroll ● click ● keypress ● mouseout ● select ● dblclick ● keyup ● mouseover ● submit ● error ● load ● mouseup ● unload Note that when using these shortcut methods, we cannot specify a data value to be placed in the property. Parameters (Function) The function that’s to be established as the listener event handler. Returns The wrapped set.
  • 26. Command syntax: one one(eventType,data,listener) Establishes a function as the event handler for the specified event type on all elements in the matched set. Once executed, the handler is automatically removed. Parameters eventType (String) Specifies the name of the event type for which the handler is to be established. data (Object) Caller-supplied data that’s attached to the Event instance for availability to the handler functions. If omitted, the handler function can be specified as the second parameter. listener (Function) The function that’s to be established as the event handle Returns The wrapped set.
  • 27. Removing event handlers Command syntax: unbind unbind(eventType,listener) unbind(event) Removes events handlers from all elements of the wrapped set as specified by the optional passed parameters. If no parameters are provided, all listeners are removed from the elements. Parameters eventType (String) If provided, specifies that only listeners established for the specified event type are to be removed. listener (Function) If provided, identifies the specific listener that’s to be remove event (Event) Removes the listener that triggered the event described by this Event instance. Returns The wrapped set.
  • 28. Inspecting the Event instance Property Description Set to true if the Alt key was pressed when the altKey event was triggered, false if not. The Alt key is labeled Option on most Mac keyboards. Set to true if the Ctrl key was pressed when the ctrlKey event was triggered, false if not. The value, if any, passed as the second data parameter to the bind() command when the handler was established. For keyup and keydown events, this returns the keyCode key that was pressed. Note that for alphabetic characters, the uppercase version of the letter will be returned, regardless of whether the user typed an uppercase or lowercase letter. For example, both a and A will return 65. You can use shiftKey to determine which case was entered. For keypress events, use the which property, which is reliable across browsers.
  • 29. Inspecting the Event instance metaKey Set to true if the Meta key was pressed when the event was triggered, false if not.The Meta key is the Ctrl key on PCs and the Command key on Macs. pageX For mouse events, specifies the horizontal coordinate of the event relative from the page origin. pageY For mouse events, specifies the vertical coordinate of the event relative from the page origin. relatedTarget For some mouse events, identifies the element that the cursor left or entered when the event was triggered. screenX For mouse events, specifies the horizontal coordinate of the event relative from the screen origin. screenY For mouse events, specifies the vertical coordinate of the event relative from the screen origin.
  • 30. Inspecting the Event instance Set to true if the Shift key was pressed shiftKey when the event was triggered, false if not. target Identifies the element for which the event was triggered. type For all events, specifies the type of event that was triggered (for example, click). This can be useful if you’re using one event handler function for multiple events. which For keyboard events, specifies the numeric code for the key that caused the event,and for mouse events, specifies which button was pressed (1 for left, 2 for middle, 3 for right). This should be used instead of button, which can’t be relied on to function consistently across browsers.
  • 31. Affecting the event propagation • stopPropagation() : Prevent the event from bubbling further up the DOM tree • preventDefault() : cancel any semantic action that the event might cause
  • 32. Triggering event handlers Command syntax: trigger trigger(eventType) Invokes any event handlers established for the passed event type for all matched elements Parameters eventType (String) Specifies the name of the event type for handlers which are to be invoked Returns The wrapped set
  • 33. Command syntax: eventName eventName() Invokes any event handlers established for the named event type for all matched elements. The supported commands are as follows:  blur ● ● click  ● focus  ● select ● submit Parameters none Returns The wrapped set.
  • 34. Other event-related commands • Toggling listener
  • 35. Command syntax: toggle toggle(listenerOdd,listenerEven) Establishes the passed functions as click event handlers on all elements of the wrapped set that toggle between each other with every other trigger of a click event Parameters listenerOdd (Function) A function that serves as the click event handler for all odd-numbered clicks (the first, the third, the fifth, and so on) listenerEven (Function) A function that serves as the click event handler for all even-numbered clicks (the second, the fourth, the sixth, and so on) Returns The wrapped set
  • 36. toggle() <html> <head> <title>jQuery Toggle Command Example</title> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot; src=quot;../scripts/jquery-1.2.1.jsquot;> </script> <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> $(function(){ $('#vstar').toggle( function(event) { $('opacity',0.4); }, function(event) { $('opacity',1.0); } ); }); </script> </head> <body> <img id=quot;vstarquot; src=quot;vstar.jpgquot;/> </body> </html>
  • 37. TODO
  • 38. Reference • jQuery in Action, Bear Bibeault, Yehuda Katz, Manning