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Secrets of
Revelations about God’s love for his bride
Secrets of heaven unveiled
Published by:
Ade Yah Love Publishers
Address: P.O. Box 4916
Telephone and fax: +27 (0)21 914 0217
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Copyright © 2010 JSE Maritz
P.O. Box 4916
All rights reserved - no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing
from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review
in magazine or newspaper.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this book are taken from the New International
Version (NIV) of the Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.
Translation and editing: Rochelle Goosen and Genevieve Gooding
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Printed and bound by ..........................
First English Edition 2011
ISBN 978-0-620-49733-6
All the glory to my Father-God, my beloved Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit for these wonderful heavenly
revelations and the privilege to
write them in a book.
I dedicate this book to my husband, Frank, in gratitude and
appreciation for his selfless love and support
during challenging times.
Foreword – by pastor Hansa Underhay
God speaks to us
Prophecies that preceded this book and that have been fulfilled
The prophetic word on Friday 28 September 2007
Another prophetic word on Friday 5 October 2007
HEAVENLY VISITATIONS – secrets of heaven unveiled
1 Teaching: The almond sceptre
2 The wheel
3 The doors swing open
4 The rock
5 The preparations
6 The dress is made
7 God’s rest
8 Thoughtfulness
9 Music
10 The fragrances of the flower
11 Caught up like an eagle
12 The next dimension
13 The first dance lesson
14 Look up
15 The birth
16 The red mantle
17 Freedom
18 Taken higher
19 The baby room
20 The room of tears
21 A guard at the door
22 Further preparations
23 The garden in Eden
24 I am Yahweh
25 Healing
26 Healing water
27 The staircase
28 The small white stone
29 The ruby
30 The galaxy
31 Teaching: The sweet presence of the Father
32 The eye of an eagle
33 The nightly visitor
34 The eagle in the throne room
35 The cosmos
36 The narrow bridge
37 Cloak of obedience
38 The school of life
39 Flames in the palms of his hands
40 The day of the first fruits
41 Waters of wisdom
42 The golden city
43 The detour
44 Sabbath rest
45 Almond oil
46 Madonna lilies
47 Transfer
48 The seven waterfalls
49 The library
50 The valley of hope
51 The stirring of the wind
52 Green waterfalls
53 More rest
54 A conversation
55 Support
56 Green gardens
57 A deeper vision
58 Isha and Ishi
59 Cornerstones
60 The fountain of love
61 The microscopic implant
62 New Year’s Eve service
63 The crown, the oil and the cloak
64 The Master’s teaching
65 The dance
66 Another conversation
67 Wait
68 Silver bracelets
69 Confirmation
70 Barefoot
71 Choices
72 The covenant
73 The new dress
74 The new season
75 A vision
76 The eagle with six wings
77 The second dream
Blank page.
rom the Word of the Lord it is clear that God desires an intimate relationship with each of his children.
We read in James 4:8 that as we draw closer to him, he also draws closer to us and will reward us with
such an intimate relationship.
Secrets of heaven unveiled gives us an in-depth revelation of our Father’s desire to walk with each
of us through our life, and of all he wants to give and show to us. There is nothing more important in a
Christian’s life than to move into this deep, intimate relationship with our Father, because in this
relationship lies the power of God when he baptises us with his Spirit.
May this book inspire and encourage each person who reads it to desire and pursue such a
relationship with their entire being. The Amplified Bible says in Hebrews 11:6:
“He is a rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him.”
Hansa Underhay
Pastor at New Life Tygerberg
t is my exceptional privilege to share the revelations that I have received from my Father-God in the past
– revelations that I still receive today – with you. I accept that there will probably be people who doubt
the credibility of this book; there will be many for whom these revelations will appear entirely strange
and foreign.
All I ask is to share my experiences with you. What I have experienced is so indescribably special
and nothing anyone can say or think or do will detract from the incredible wonder that it holds for me as a
I know that the almighty Creator-God and our heavenly Father lives. I know that he speaks to me
and comes to fetch me to show me and let me experience heaven and the secrets of heaven. These
heavenly experiences and conversations I witnessed through the Spirit and in the spirit.
I believe it is my Father-God’s desire to teach his beloved children, through this book - the second
in a series of revelations - how deep his longing is to have a personal relationship with each and every
one of us.
I therefore invite you to join me on this wonderful path of revelations – and to know: heaven is an
inexplicable, beautiful reality. The heavenly hereafter has become a living reality for me.
During my heavenly journeys I pleaded with Jesus Christ on more than one occasion: “I want to stay
here in heaven with You, my dearest Jesus .” But I had to return to write everything down and convey the
message of our Father-God to his children. He gave me the assignment: “Go and tell my children that hell
exists. Somebody who chooses eternal death over eternal life will never be able to return from that
terrible damnation.”
Just as he said: “Heaven is a reality. I love you all very much and I am waiting to welcome my
children, my bride, into the eternal royal house.”
Perhaps I should first explain how it came to be that the Father showed me heaven. On 12 June
1960, as a 15-year-old girl, I accepted Jesus as my Saviour. But it was only in June 2005 that I was
baptized with the Holy Spirit. Thereafter the Father turned my whole life around.
During a visit to Israel in 2007 our group stayed in a guest house at the Sea of Galilee. One morning
around five o’clock the Father woke me, took me away in the Spirit and in a vision showed me the
entrance to hell (Hades). Next to a deep and dark hole that stretched down into the earth was a wall
several meters high. For approximately 20 minutes the Father let me undergo what it feels like to descend
into the darkness of Hades and experience the powerlessness of being trapped in there and never able to
return. It was the most horrifying experience I had ever known, and I will do everything to prevent anyone
from ending up there.
The Father’s voice was audible and clear when he said to me: “Those who go to the dark depths of
the eternal darkness will never be able to return from there. Go tell this to my children.”
Naturally, I was in a complete state of shock; I was traumatised for days on end and constantly in
tears. The morning of our departure from Israel I went and sat on the flat roof of the guest house, where
we had slept the last night in Jerusalem, and looked out over the city. Suddenly I saw a vision of Hades
again, but this time there was a difference: Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was standing on the edge of the
abyss. His back was turned to the entrance of hell. Again I could hear the following words: “It is only
Jesus who can prevent people from being lost. Go tell this to my children: Jesus Christ is the way, the
truth and the life. No one can come to me lest it be through him.”
Upon our return to South Africa I was still in a state of shock. I did not and could not talk to anyone
about the visions.
A few nights later, during a prophetic service, the following message was prophesied to me. It was
a confirmation that my Father-God was walking a road with me. The prophet’s words to me were:
“You’ve been through hell in your life, and in truth you recently were in hell. But in this hour
more will be added.”
It goes without saying, I was hysterically afraid to once again undergo the experience of hell, and I
was not even entirely sure what this prophecy would hold for me. However, little did I know that in the
next two months the Spirit of God would take me altogether seven times, accompanied by an angel, into
the depths of Hades so that I could return and write everything in a book as per Father’s instruction. You
can read about these experiences in the first book in this series: Revelations of hell revealed.
After experiencing complete terror for three months, the reality of hell among other things, the
Father blessed me with wonderful spiritual journeys to heaven which are recorded in this book.
At the beginning of my spiritual experiences the Father mainly spoke to me through visions and
dreams and his Word (Job 33:15). During the journeys to the underground depths of Hades I had to write
down my experiences afterwards. An angel always accompanied me. All through the deeper revelations
of the secrets of heaven, the Father spoke more directly to me. A relationship of personal communication
developed between us. These supernatural, spiritual experiences read like a love story – a story in which
I get to know my beloved Jesus really intimately and experience his indescribable love for his children.
Nothing will ever be the same again for me. I will always be convinced that my Father-God lives
and that Jesus Christ, the crucified Saviour, willingly died on the cross out of pure love for mankind so
that one day we can be part of the kingdom of heaven. Never again will I ever doubt the power and
working of the Spirit of God.
My prayer is that this story, these spiritual journeys, will be an unforgettable experience for you; a
revelation that will awaken in you a hunger to also get to know this Jesus Christ as intimately as I have.
Nothing anyone says or thinks will change anything about what I have experienced. I don’t ever look back.
Under no circumstances will I turn back again.
I know what awaits me in heaven. I know that I will be reunited with my daughter, Erika, who
passed away a long time ago, only three hours after she was born, because I saw her there, face to face. I
know that my parents are already waiting for me there, because I saw their heavenly dwelling. I know that
my Father is waiting for me, because I was taken into the throne room of the King of all kings many times.
I know that the Rider on the white horse is waiting for me, because my heavenly Groom cannot wait to
welcome his bride.
Why did the Father let me experience all of this? you may ask. I can only answer: I had to go
through the fire. I had to undergo hell in my life here on earth. I even had to go down into hell to be able to
convey the message of the Father to his beloved children.
Before I continue with the revelations I received, I want to give you, the reader, some more
background information.
God speaks to us
The Father-God mainly speaks to us through his Word and his prophets, but he also gives revelations
through dreams and visions. For example, read about Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28:10-15.
In the Bible there are also examples where the Father-God raptures people away to heaven and
takes them on spiritual journeys. Sometimes they received the specific command: “Write down what you
see.” In Revelation we read that the Father-God took John from the island of Patmos on a heavenly
journey. Another example is Paul on the road to Damascus. In Ezekiel 1:1 we read that the prophet
Ezekiel had similar experiences.
The Father’s assignment was also very specific in my life: “Write everything down and tell it to my
children.” According to the Father’s repeated instructions I had to write down all my experiences
faithfully, exactly as I experienced them. I usually first wrote every revelation in my notebook, often in the
dark hours of the night, and then later retyped them on my computer. In this way my beloved King’s book
progressed; journey after journey and conversation after conversation, because it was a daily journey and
a road that the Father-God is still walking with me.
To me, however, these experiences were endlessly more than simply heavenly revelations that I had
to write down, because in the process the Father walked a road of spiritual growth with me personally, a
road on which I had to be prepared to convey this utterly important prophetic message to his children. It is
striking that the heavenly encounters mostly coincide with praise and worship. Yet there were also times
during which raptures occurred while I was waiting on him with an expectation and he actually showed
up. Other times I was taken to heaven while I was walking on the treadmill in the gymnasium.
It is, however, impossible for me to bring to pass these raptures in the Spirit by myself. When the
Spirit takes me away, it is an action that is only possible through the will of God and is determined by
him. I am merely the participant.
Prophecies that preceded this book and that have been fulfilled
The Father often prophesied messages to me through his Spirit-filled children. These messages went hand
in hand with his great commission to me: “Go tell this to my children.” Mostly the pastors and prophets
involved knew little of what the Father had already revealed to me, and therefore it is very enlightening to
read these prophecies and to see how the prophetic words were brought to fulfilment.
The prophetic word on Friday 28 September 2007
I went to the prophetic school this morning. Within me there was an unstoppable excitement over what
was waiting for me. Before me secrets were stacked high on top of each other, waiting to be fitted
together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle in my life.
The Father-God once again surprised me with the prophecy our leader pastor conveyed to me:
“I experience that the Father blows over you and comes and wraps you in his perfect glory. It is
wonderful. In his creativity he breathes life over you, and says to you: ‘Daughter of Zion, exult and
rejoice with your whole heart because this season is over. Together you and I are going to experience
a very special and intimate relationship, a relationship that is more intense than ever before.
‘You were placed on earth for a special purpose, a higher calling. You have to carry out an
important assignment for my kingdom, and before long you will move to the next level of deeper
intimacy with me. I AM the One who is talking to you now. I am going to hold you to my chest and
receive you into my heart. This is important, because you have to testify about everything that the
Spirit will reveal to you, things that are currently stored in your spirit until the designated time when
you have to tell of my glory.
‘This is no ordinary story, but an intimate love story that will develop between you and me. I am
going to hand over a very special weapon, a powerful silver sword, to you. You will need it to be able
to write the book. This weapon is the sword of the Spirit that represents my Word. I am sharpening it
now. I will equip you with the gift of discernment, the gift to use this special weapon of the Spirit.
‘You are being sent out like a voice calling in the desert. This voice is part of the preparation to
announce my second coming. Your special gift and task will be to act as a prophet, but the prophetic
word will be readable. As someone blows over a sheet of paper, just so the prophetic word will flow
forth from your pen in written form. You will be the instrument that I am going to use to convey my
prophetic message to the people. This prophecy will appear in book form, and it will be legible for
many people and in many different languages and amongst several nations. It is spiritual food that my
children will be fed with. Those who accept the revelations of the written prophetic word will also
receive revelations themselves, and they will experience and witness the anointing presence of my
“I convey this word in the mighty Name of Jesus. It is the Father’s dream and wish for your life.
The Father will blow you into the next season, and you will enter into it swiftly. The Father gives you
the freedom of the Spirit, the freedom of creativity and the unbound Spirit to enable you to execute the
Father’s will and wishes. Within the next three days you will enter into your destination, your calling.
“There are two special angels, messengers of the Father, who have been assigned to you. These
angels will always be with you. I see one of them very clearly. He is wearing a cloak and he is the
dream angel. He lays the dreams in your heart. In his hand is a bucket full of dreams for you. The
other angel is also wearing a cloak, and he gives you the visions. The two are separate, because these
are two different experiences that are entwined.
“The Father’s words are as follows: ‘I will never call these angels back from you. They have
been set apart to accompany you on your path, because this special assignment will never end. It is
like a road that you will walk with me to carry out my assignment for me. You will experience more
spiritual things; see more indescribable things than you ever thought existed. More beautiful and
wonderful mysteries of heaven will be revealed to you, and it will flow forth from your pen. It will be
as though you will only have to blow over the sheet of paper.
‘I will give a third angel the task of protecting you like a bodyguard. He will be a special
soldier, a warrior that will engage in battle against the dark powers of Satan, because pandemonium
is reigning in the dark depths; there are dark powers that are rising up against you. This bodyguard
will strike down all the obstacles on your path and ensure you have a safe way. Doors that until now
have been closed to you will be flung open before you, and hindrances that prevent you from growing,
will be broken down. Nothing will prevent you from carrying out my Godly task.’
”The Father has spoken, and so it shall be. We give the Father-God all the glory for this
revelation in the Spirit.”
This prophetic word was too great for me to process. I could only write it down exactly as I had received
it. At that time, I could not fully grasp its content, but the wonder of it lay in my heart like a precious
pearl, enfolded and waiting. Waiting for the right moment and the right time when I could experience the
wonderful things in the spirit.
I was just so endlessly grateful that the Father promised to assign the special warrior angel to me,
because it helped me to relax. I was truly comfortable with the task I had received, and I was convinced
that the Father would see to it that I would not be hindered in writing his book. Only then did the full
meaning of the truth of his Word reach me: “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I
can scale a wall.” (2 Samuel 22:30)
The Father soon confirmed what my pastor had prophesied. Shortly after that day I awoke one night
and clearly heard the Father’s voice: “A third angel has been set aside for you.” Later that morning while
I was doing Bible study, I recognized his voice again. He said: “I sincerely love you, my daughter. I will
personally lead you to your true destination. The season for just waiting is now over. I have set you apart
for me and I expect you to be faithful to me.”
A week later another prophetic word followed.
Another prophetic word on Friday 5 October 2007
On this day at the prophetic school our leader once again had a message from the Father for me:
“It is as though the Father wants to come and wrap you in cotton wool. The Father will draw you into
his heart and protect you. He will take you to a new destination, a new calling with a deeper
dimension in the spiritual sphere. You are now in Canaan, your spiritual end-destination. The purpose
for which the Father created you is going into fulfilment.
“In the new book visions and dreams will be entwined and deeper mysteries of heaven will be
revealed to you. The two angels that have been assigned to you under the Father’s command will
accompany you everywhere. You will become one with the Father, one in Spirit and one in truth. The
revelations will be distributed in three languages. The Father will see to it that all doors open for this
This prophecy confirmed that which I heard in the spirit the previous night. The Father said to me: “I am
going to do something completely new. You will receive a new vision from me. It will be like a new
birth. Buy a brand new silver bracelet and engrave the following words on it: This is something new.” I
thought of Psalm 12:6: “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay,
purified seven times.” The following day my husband and I went to the store. He helped me look for a
suitable bracelet. After a long search I indeed found a silver bracelet that looked like the one I saw in the
spirit. On the inside I had the word Neos engraved. It means: ‘completely new’.
In truth, writing the revelations was no longer completely strange to me. I clearly recognized the
Father’s voice in my spirit, and I was also getting more used to the spiritual journeys. Meanwhile I was
very busy finishing off my first revelations, the journeys to the dark depths of hell. (I describe these
journeys in the book, Revelations of hell revealed.) It kept me very busy. Yet the prospect of the new
journeys was there, and it was a lovely and pleasant expectation. I was in a very short rest phase, a
Sabbath rest, before the new season would really start. It made it possible for me to distance myself from
the terror of the experiences of hell, which I had been exposed to.
At half past six on the morning of Tuesday 9 October 2007 I saw a vision of a book flying through
the air like a discus. I was throwing books into the air and they all spun like a discus. The books travelled
across incredible distances and where they landed, they exploded like mortars. The sparks created from
the explosions resulted in new explosions. “Write everything you see down immediately,” were the
Father’s words.
Dear reader, as I indicated earlier, this book is actually the second part of my spiritual experiences.
I describe the first part in a separate book, Revelations of hell revealed. I want to invite you now,
however, to join me on my spiritual journey. I believe the Father himself will reveal to you the purpose of
this book. I give him all the glory, because this book belongs to the Father. He is merely using me as a
channel through which his word must flow to you. For this reason I am not trying to convince you of the
credibility of these journeys. I am only sharing with you what I have experienced. And I trust that the Holy
Spirit will reveal it to whom and in whatever way he so chooses.
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Heavenly revelations ~
secrets of heaven unveiled
Friday 12 October 2007
awoke at three o’clock in the early morning hours, but it was actually only at about four-thirty when I was
accompanied to heaven. During this journey I had the experience of being simultaneously spectator and
participant. As in the past, I saw myself from behind; I was approximately 30 years old, considerably
younger than my actual age.
I found myself standing on a green hill. I was filled with joy, an inner happiness, when I saw Jesus
standing there. He was clothed in a long white robe that hung down to his feet. For a moment I stood
looking at my Saviour in awe before I started running towards him. He opened his arms and embraced me.
For a while I just stood pressed against him, deeply content to be with my beloved Jesus (Yeshua, as I
call him).
With our arms linked we strolled across the green hills. Then we sat down in a place from where
we could view the meadows. I had the almond sceptre, which had played such a large role during
previous revelations, with me.
On the opposite side of the hill, I saw a flock of sheep grazing peacefully. Psalm 23:1 came to my
mind, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads
me beside quiet waters …” I desired nothing more than to be in the wonderful, restful presence of my
Yeshua. For me it was enough; I did not long for anything more.
“I still have to teach you so many things, Hephzibah,” Jesus said softly after a while. (Hephzibah is
the name that my Father-God gave me on a previous occasion. It is the name by which Father, Son and
Spirit address me during spiritual revelations and conversations. During later journeys he gave me the pet
name ‘Hephzi’.)
“I understand, Lord,” I answered.
“You are now in a school and the Holy Spirit is the teacher. It is important that you understand all
the heavenly experiences and teachings.”
“Yes, Lord, I realize that perfectly well. During my previous heavenly journeys, you gave me quite
a few mantles, but I have to honestly admit: I still do not understand the meaning of it all. I do not know
what to do with them. At times I get completely panicky because I do not know whether, in my ignorance,
I neglected a specific assignment relating to these cloaks.”
Jesus suddenly became uneasy, and I sensed his mood changing and becoming more watchful.
“Come, I must explain something to you – carefully observe what you see,” Jesus said, pointing at
the flock of sheep. I could see the raised nail marks on his hands, and a deep compassion welled up in me,
but Jesus kept my attention focused on the scene before me.
I was shocked to see a furtive figure close to the sheep. He was wearing a long, dark coat with a
hood over his head to hide his face and all the while moving closer. A strong wind began to blow and
blew the hood off the figure’s head. To my bewilderment the thief was nothing other than a skeleton. He
sneaked up on the sheep, and it soon became obvious that he wanted to separate one of the sheep from the
“He is a villain, a robber and a deceiver who tries to steal my sheep even before they are in the
pen. If you watch carefully, you will understand everything.”
The thief crept closer and aimed to catch one of the sheep. I felt anger rising up inside me, but
before I could say anything, I saw hundreds of silver swords, sharp as arrows, come slicing through the
air. They penetrated the ground, pinned densely together and formed a fence around the sheep. This
reminded me of Jesus’ words in John 10:11, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his
life for the sheep.”
The prowler suddenly turned into a large, fat rat and started looking for an opening in the fence.
Jesus quickly rose and said, “Come, we have to go immediately. Bring your sceptre with you
because it is your weapon. Do you remember?”
“Yes, Master, but how shall I use it? It is covered in almonds, look; there are seeds in some of the
broken shells.”
Without responding to my question, he said, “Come quickly.”
Jesus walked swiftly towards the sheep, and I followed him. When we reached the fence, he
urgently commanded me, “Take the sceptre and use it like a weapon.”
Without really knowing what I was doing, I lifted the almond sceptre. It suddenly changed into a
sword with a sharp point. A power greater than my own took my hand and threw the sword towards the
rat. The razor-sharp point penetrated the rat’s head and pinned it to the ground. The sword remained
standing upright in the ground while the rat sprawled helplessly. Jesus said, “The sceptre is the Word. It
cuts through everything, through flesh and bone, and cleaves even bone and marrow. It is a powerful
weapon and has two cutting edges. With this you can defeat the enemy.” (Revelation 1:16: “… out of his
mouth came a sharp double-edged sword.”)
Only after the sheep were calmed down and returned to the pen, could we continue our stroll across
the meadows – Jesus carrying a shepherd’s staff, and the almond sceptre in my hand. (He gave me the
almond sceptre for the first time on a previous journey with the command, “Your strength is in the sceptre
– I am your sceptre and your strength is in me.”)
I became aware of an angel moving somewhere near us. This angel was bigger than the one who
accompanied me on my previous journeys, when I had to go to the dark depths of hell to expose the true
While we were walking, Jesus said, “My daughter, you asked me to teach you, and I can see that
you have a sincere longing for it. I have seen that you understood and carried out my assignments. I am so
happy about that, little one. You are making really good progress.”
“Thank You, Lord. I am really glad that You are pleased,” I replied.
“That is good. Come to me, and bring all your needs and desires to me, because I want to care for
you. That is a promise in my Word, do you remember?”
(Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”)
“Yes, Lord, You have already shown me that your ‘times’ and your ‘seasons’ are always perfect.
You are a master planner.”
“Yes, little one, it is because I care for you. There are still many things that you must learn. By the
time I send you to sow seed, you will be fully equipped for the task for which I want to use you. Stay in
my rest. I am happy and pleased with your progress.”
“Thank You, I love You dearly, beloved Jesus.”
“I can see that, my child. Your love is true and pure like the lily that I gave you during one of our
previous journeys. Share the love with which I have blessed you. I measured a double portion for you,
filled you to the brim so you will have enough to share with others. That is why I selected the lily of love
for you. Go and rest now, lovely child. You waited almost two hours for me – now I know your longing to
be with me is sincere. I know what goes on in your heart and that you truly want to be in my presence.”
I wrote everything down carefully and went back to bed contented. I fell asleep immediately.
Friday 12 October 2007
ater this morning, during my quiet time, I was once again transported by the Spirit and found myself in the
green pastures.
Jesus was already waiting for me. Joy bubbled up inside me like a fountain when I
approached him and saw the dear face of my beloved Yeshua. The gleam in his eyes was as soft as
Like an uninhibited child I started skipping and dancing around him. Deep down in my heart
everything was surging with bliss and joy. With hands raised I sang his praises.
As he beckoned me closer, I heard him laughing softly. Together we continued walking across the
green field.
As though I were a spectator, I was able to see us from behind; him with the shepherd’s crook in his
hand and me with the almond staff in mine. All was so blissful and peaceful as we walked on. We came
to a halt at a small stream flowing with clear, clean water.
He bent down, scooped water from the stream with his cupped hands and held it out to me: “Drink
my child, drink the water from the Fountain of Life, because it is good for you. I am the Water of Life.
Drink so that I can fill you and become everything to you.”
I drank much, because the water was deliciously sweet and fresh and cool.
(Revelation 7 verse 17: “For the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd; he will
lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” )
Later we continued walking peacefully and came to a beautiful sea of glass. It was the most lovely
blue-green colour; colours similar to that of a dragon-fly’s wings when touched by the rays of the sun. I
could not take my eyes off it, for it was exquisite; different from and more beautiful than any sea on earth.
Not only were the colours spectacular; the fact that the water was covered by a transparent sheet of glass
was unusual and supernatural.
I stood staring in wonder as something similar to a large wheel came rolling towards us. Jesus
climbed into the gap in the centre of the wheel and beckoned me to join him. The wheel resembled a large
car tyre with side walls as white as snow.
With both hands I held onto the sides as the wheel started moving, rolling across the sea of glass. I
was supremely happy, because I was in the presence of my beloved Jesus. That was all I longed for, all I
needed to give me a feeling of complete bliss.
Later the wheel took off like an airplane and started moving through the air. Higher and higher we
rose in the air until we were almost invisible to the naked eye.
(Ezekiel 1 verse 18-19: “Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes
all around. When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living
creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose.” )
Something indescribable happened high, high up in the sky. The wheel suddenly changed to the
white of an eagle’s eye. Both Jesus and I had been taken into the iris of an eagle’s eye!
(Isaiah 40 verse 31: “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar
on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” )
Inside the eye of the mighty eagle, I felt us gliding on the air currents.
“What’s going on Lord?” I asked, looking at him with expectation but without being afraid.
“Just wait a little while; I’ll explain shortly”, he replied.
I did not inquire again, although I very much wanted to know the purpose of the flight.
Without any further explanation we were carried on the air current for a while until the eagle slowly
descended and landed on the glass sea. Without talking we moved on to the pastures.
Later, Jesus remarked tenderly: “Because you are one in me, your vision has no limits, Hephzibah.
And neither can I be limited.
“In me, you too cannot be limited. You have everything, because you have me. Only trust in my
“Thank You very much Yeshua. I love You so much.”
“I love you too, my child. We will meet again, but now you must return.”
Before I could object, I was brought back by the Spirit of God.
Speechless and amazed at the revelations in the Spirit, I remained motionless in my chair.
God is faithful, I thought in wonderment. My beloved God is good. Note how concerned he is that
he values teaching and instructing me in particular. He is so considerate and has so much patience with
me. He is a true Lord and the ultimate Gentleman!
How will I ever be able to thank him enough for his benevolence toward me? I can merely sing him
a song of praise. Sing to his glory. Hallelujah. Great is my King and my God.
During our weekly prophet school this afternoon, our leading pastor once again ministered to me
“Father says to you: ‘I love you so much, so very much. I desire to have you close to me. I can see
that this is also your desire. I want a love relationship with you, my child. I would love to dance with
you. The music will be wonderful, because you will begin to dance to the beat of my heart.
‘Together we will dance in this beautiful hall. It will be a large hall that renders much space and
freedom of movement to us. We will dance barefoot, just me and you, me and you. It will be an intimate
dance of love.
‘I can share my hidden secrets with you; disclose my heart’s desires to you, my daughter.
‘I can make my promises to my children known to you, my heartache and my disappointments
because my children don’t believe my promises. What hurts me most is the fact that my children
disobey me. They grieve my Spirit; they distrust me, even though I love them immeasurably. Despite
everything, I love each one of my children very much, but they reject my love. Day after day they
grieve my Spirit and then go on with their lives as though it means nothing. I can share this pain with
you, my beloved daughter.
‘You are very precious to me, my child. I am going to take you on a Spiritual journey. Walk a
straight path and obey only me.
‘I will open new doors for you that will render you speechless. You will stand amazed at the
depth and riches of my undisclosed secrets.
‘I will speak to you plainly. Do not worry about that. Even when I whisper, you will recognize my
voice. You will recognize my voice and understand what I say even by the slightest prompting in your
‘You will know my voice, and identify it among a thousand other different voices.
‘I love you dearly, my precious daughter. Come with me; come with me on these wonderful
journeys. Together we will dance on the mountaintops. Together we will be in an intimate love
relationship with each other.’
These words I heard and I glorify and thank and praise Father, in the mighty Name of Jesus.”
This prophecy was extremely valuable to me and I took great care of it and guarded it like a
precious treasure.
I experienced an overwhelming expectation concerning the wonderful things Father had promised
me in his majesty and kindness. Promises that await me in the new season filled me with great excitement.
Saturday 13 October 2007
n the early hours I woke up. I had the feeling of being shaken awake. Immediately afterwards I heard a
voice in my spirit saying, “God himself will unlock the doors.”
I could not fall asleep again, and lay awake, thinking of all the wonderful revelations I had
experienced. How was it possible that I would be able to dance with Jesus? How? Where? When would
this come true?
At approximately five-thirty, in a vision, two huge doors swung open in front of me. The doors were
made of heavy, thick dark wood and almost square-shaped. They looked like the doors of wooden gates
from ancient times. I entered through the doors and found myself in a massive, dome-shaped hall. It was
gloomy and I could not see clearly what the surroundings looked like. I waited inside the open doors,
uncertain of what was expected of me. The inside of the hall was suddenly lit up and everything became
clearly visible.
“Wow!” I called out in ecstasy. I felt that this sight had been held as a surprise for me. The interior
was exceptionally beautiful. The floor was made of transparent crystal glass. It was like the floor of
God’s throne room where I had previously been – transparent crystal clear glass. Under the floor were
multitudes of flowers that illuminated the floor from underneath like pools of light. The colours were so
beautiful; purple, bright orange and pink. Many of these flowed into one another, like the colours of a
rainbow. Some of them were foreign to me.
The roof was very high and dome-shaped. The walls and the ceiling were lined with white almond
blossoms and had pinkish corollas. It was too heavenly for earthly words.
I heard my Father’s voice, “You are like a lovely rose, because I am the Rose of Sharon and we are
one. Until now you were a rosebud, but now you are unfolding as a lovely blossoming rose.
“I am composing music, heavenly music that we can dance to. You will see it happen, and
experience it, my beloved. You are going to look like a real princess, because I am preparing you to
dance with me.”
“Father-God, no one will accept the book as credible. People are going to view it as a flight of my
creative imagination,” I called out when I heard what he said.
He answered me, “Hephzibah, what you receive, is available to all my children. If they are willing
to dance to the rhythm of my heartbeat, they will enjoy the same privileges. I am available to everyone.
“My greatest sorrow is that they reject me. They cannot comprehend my love for them. But you, you
understand something of my heart. It is possible for you to comprehend my pain and grief. You know of
my deep sorrow, because your heart also reaches out to people. Therefore I can share the secrets of my
heart with you.
“I could see that the revelations of hell were extremely difficult for you; therefore it is now the time
to laugh and rejoice, my beautiful girl. In your lifetime you have been misunderstood by many, and people
hurt you deeply with words and conduct that left scars. They judged you, but I know the purity of your
heart. Your love for people is honest and sincere. Now it is your turn to be happy.
“Do you remember when you were a student at the dance school? You danced at championships and
I know all about it. I did not allow your heart to dance before strange gods, and therefore I kept your heart
shut, protected, to reveal your heart and soul to me. Now it is my turn to dance with you to heavenly
music. That is why I saved the best for now.
“I will provide the music, my beloved – we are composing the heavenly music right now. Just stay
in my rest, stay in me and drink water from the spring that gives eternal life. It will restore your joy,
happiness and inner beauty. All the pleasure and contentment the enemy has stolen from you ever since
your childhood, I have claimed back, my precious, beloved daughter. This lost joy and happiness I will
now transfer into a composition.
“You will not be called an outcast woman any more. That is why I changed your name to
‘Hephzibah’. You are my joy, the one I deeply and sincerely love … you will be called by a new name
that the mouth of the Lord will bestow … No longer will they call you Deserted … But you will be called
Hephzibah. (Isaiah 62:2, 4)
“I will confirm these things to you and it will be fulfilled very soon. Just be obedient and remain in
my rest.
“You must journal everything exactly as you hear it, my little one. My daughters will be jealous, and
desire to enjoy what you are privileged to experience. I would like them to desire the same relationship
you have with me.
“Only those who approach me with a pure heart will enjoy that privilege. I detest a proud and
haughty heart. My desire is that my sons and daughters must have ‘clean hands and a pure heart.’ (Psalm
24: 4)
“I will know whether they cherish pure heavenly love in their hearts, or whether it is false love that
comes from jealousy. I know everything.
“Go in peace, beloved child. Relax and be calm. I am with you and I will provide.”
Later, as I recorded these words, it all came rushing out like floodwaters so that my hand could
barely keep up the pace. God made every word of this revelation known to my spirit and let it flow
through me. I was merely the pen that had to write it down, like Ezekiel, ‘Write these down before them
….’ (Ezekiel 43:11)
When the stream of words began to subside, I called out in amazement, “Almighty God, how I love
You for these wonderful revelations. How deep is my admiration for You, Father, I honour You for who
You are. Thank You, Lord.”
Then I heard God’s voice in my spirit, “I am pleased that you hear and understand every word that I
reveal to you. You make me very happy.”
This assurance meant a great deal to me. At times I was concerned I was hearing things in my
Consequently, I daily asked the Father to give me a very refined gift of discernment so that no other
voice could infiltrate the truth and pollute the Rhemah word that was audible in my spirit. Only the pure
word of the Father should be perceptible. In truth, this is an incredible responsibility that rests on me, one
that I will have to be accountable for.
Sunday 14 October 2007
n this Sunday morning, during our church service, I was very aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. For
a brief moment it was as though a curtain was drawn back, when the Spirit took me to God’s throne room
in heaven where I had been before. However, this time I was taken straight into this spectacular room and
not to the foyer with the golden arch first from where Jesus and I entered the previous time. On my first
visit I was so filled with awe that I could not absorb everything I saw, but on this second visit it was as if
I was better prepared.
Before me was the beautiful, great golden throne covered by a silver-white cloud and a rainbow
which encircled the throne. The cloud represented the presence of my Father-God. Surrounding the throne
were big golden angels. I could not clearly distinguish everything, because the whole area surrounding the
throne was veiled in a glow of gold and light. On the right-hand side of the mighty golden throne was a
smaller throne also of pure gold, upon which Jesus sat. In my spirit I could observe something of his
magnificence, of the golden royal robe and the golden crown on his head. The whole place was shrouded
in a soft light and radiated a regal glory.
Splendours of flowers, a showcase of the most indescribable colours imaginable, softly lit the glass
floor from below. From somewhere soft, soothing music could be heard.
I saw myself standing there, dressed in a breath-taking light purple chiffon dress that wrapped softly
around me. It was a stunning dress that fell to my feet in soft frills and fanned about. Then it was as if the
curtain closed again, and I fell flat on my face in worship before God’s throne.
When I came to myself, the Spirit had brought me back to the reality of the church activities.
Later, when our pastor was pronouncing the blessings, I saw in a vision an incredible rock being
placed in my open hands. Amazed, I looked at the rock, and clearly heard the following words, “I am the
rock. Your rock. Your strength.”
I found this knowledge so incredibly encouraging and priceless that I kept this vision like a precious
jewel in my heart all day long.
Monday 15 October 2007
onday morning at nine o’clock I was lying down in silent prayer before God, acknowledging him as
Yahweh the almighty God of heaven and earth, when I clearly heard his voice: “I am preparing you for the
dance. Like Esther you will be, more beautifully than ever before, my daughter.”
“I desire to dance with Jesus in the breathtakingly dancehall. Never before have I seen such a
beautiful hall. Only your royal throne room is more spectacular than the dancehall, Father. I desire to taste
the new wine, Abba, Father, to drink wine from the new wineskins. To be able to dance with the Darling
of heaven is almost too great for me to understand. I cannot wait.”
He answered me: “I am busy with the final preparations, my love. Shortly we will be dancing.”
I was once again whisked away in the spirit and found myself standing on the sea of glass where I
had been with Jesus before. The strong colours were once more stunning, a deep emerald green, purple
and blue, flowing into one another. A slight mist suddenly surrounded me, and from the opposite horizon a
light, different from the usual soft light sheen in heaven, whirled down like coloured, shimmering dust
particles. A beautiful vision brightened the entire horizon and came like a search light across the sea to
fall on me. Reluctantly I took a first step into the light, and then waited. Another step, and waited again.
My Father-God’s voice was clear when he said: “These things will come into fulfilment very soon,
dear child. Just wait a little while longer. I have saved the best for last. I am going to lift the veil from the
bride’s face so she can see her Groom. You too will clearly see your Groom’s face, my child, and you
will grow to love him more than ever. You will behold and experience his love and passion, his glory;
you will know his love for you. Just stay humble of heart and as obedient as you are. Stay close to my
heart because you are incredibly precious to me. I know you have an expectation, a deep longing for me.”
“There is no one as wonderful as You and I honour You as my God.”
“We will speak again, my child,” my Father-God answered.
Afterwards the Spirit brought me back.
Dear reader, you will note that I had heavenly experiences almost daily. Sometimes I had more
than one revelation on the same day. I could never see the Father himself; I only heard his voice when
he spoke to me. His glory was always represented by a cloud.
Monday 15 October 2007
hile I was working out on the treadmill in the gymnasium later this morning and softly praying in my
special tongue, the Spirit took me to God’s throne room where I waited in the doorway.
God made it possible through his Spirit for me to see what the angels were busy with – and it was
almost too great to take in:
Firstly the wonderful rainbow around the mighty golden throne became clearly visible. Then I could
see how angels were scraping off and gathering the coloured dust from the rainbow in tiny skin pouches.
It is beyond words to describe the vibration of their wings in the light, when they took the pigment
they had collected to the weavers. From where I was standing I could see the weaving mill. There were
other angels at weaving chairs who wove the sparkling, coloured dust into fabric. The fabric was thin and
delicate and looked like snowy white chiffon with fine glittering and coloured dust woven into it.
When an angel lifted a piece of filmy material, I was speechless, in complete amazement, staring at
it as one dreaming.
I heard God’s voice in my spirit: “My child, I wanted to spoil you a bit and show you the material
and that the angels have started making the dance dress. Through this you can also realize that you can see
deep into the invisible.”
The Spirit returned me to where I was still working out on the treadmill in the gymnasium. I was
completely overwhelmed with joy, and the tears freely rolled down my cheeks. This experience was
almost too intense for my earthly body to absorb. Throughout the day I was as one dreaming, so much
beauty, and so much glory. What have I done to deserve to be so special and so spoiled?
“Almighty Father, I love You so incredibly much for all the goodness that You bestow on me,” I
cried out in tears.
The rest of the day I was like someone wrapped in a cloud of emotions. The things I saw and
experienced were so infinitely precious that I could not share it with anyone. Not even with my husband,
who is so close to me.
One morning, many months later the full meaning of this revelation filled my spirit:
“The bride will one day be clothed in The Seven Spirits of God, the completeness of the Holy
Wednesday 17 October 2007
hen I woke up, I clearly recognized the Father’s voice: “I see that you are struggling because you are
tired, and you find it difficult to handle these emotional things. Just remember, I will never let you go from
my heart. I AM with you. We are one. Just stay in my rest.”
“Thank You a thousand times, Abba, Father,” I whispered close to tears.
In a vision the Father-God showed me musical instruments. It was a clearly perceivable vision.
There were violins, tambourines, flutes and harps as well as other instruments I was not familiar with.
“The music is already being prepared, my child. Together you and I will dance on the sea of glass.
We will dance and become one. You are precious to me, dearest Hephzibah.”
“I can hardly wait to hear the music, precious Master, because I would love to dance with You,” I
I experienced an overwhelming expectation within me. Sometimes I really could not wait for God’s
promise to come to pass. I was, however, exceedingly busy with the editing of the first manuscript in
which I had recorded the journeys to the underground depths. Writing down the new heavenly revelations
while everything was still fresh in my mind and retyping it the next day also required a lot of my time.
Sometimes it was extremely difficult to be occupied with earthly, fleshly obligations while I was yearning
for the things of the spirit. And sometimes I was truly aware of the fact that I had been equipped with
supernatural strength, and that was a wonderful experience for me.
There was the desire to do only what the Father expected of me: Nothing more, nothing less. I
wanted to walk the road with him, step by step, in obedience – and find my joy in that.
Thursday 18 October 2007
fter Father’s invitation of the previous day to stay in his rest, I woke up early morning at about six and
was immediately taken into his heart where I saw myself resting beneath palm branches. I heard the
Father’s soft voice, as though he was talking to a child: “It will be good if you are at peace, because it
will help you to complete the book. I can see it is difficult for you to be busy with both books
simultaneously. You will have to be able to see deeply into the invisible, and your spiritual vision must
be fully developed so your vision will be like that of an eagle. I will allow you to see what I desire for
you to see. Do you understand that, my daughter?”
“Yes, Abba, I think I understand. You make me so happy, and I am sincerely grateful to You, dearest
“I also see that sometimes you are so worried about the safety of your grandchildren, but I promise
you that nothing will happen to them. They belong to me. I take care of them and I do not want you to be
concerned. My angels will watch over them.”
“Thank You very much, Father. You are so good to me. I do not deserve all your wonderful
kindness. I honour You and I admire your greatness.”
“Concentrate now on writing the books, Hephzibah. It is your assignment, my daughter.”
“I will gladly complete the books for You, Lord. I have such a longing to do everything You ask of
“Only remember to write down precisely everything you see and experience.”
Thereafter, the Spirit returned me. It was truly as though I had been endowed with new strength of
life, and the rest of the day glided past smoothly. The fact that the Father had promised me he would look
after my grandchildren meant a lot to me, because they are so infinitely precious to me.
Thursday 18 October 2007
ater while I was keeping my daily quiet time, I once again found myself in the Father-God’s throne room.
From there I was taken to the door of the incredibly large hall. It was quite dark inside, until suddenly
something resembling a search light was switched on and illuminated the hall. I sharply drew in my
breath, covered my mouth with my hand and stood there completely speechless. I remained fixed and
watched tenfold angels clothed in garments as white as snow, with golden trumpets in their hands. The
most pleasing, pure music from the trumpets filled the hall. An angel, very large in stature, let the
searchlight at the opposite side of the hall fall on the next group of angels. They were playing golden
harps, and the music was very soft and barely audible. As the light moved to the next group of angels I
could see them playing golden violins. Other groups of angels were playing flutes and yet others small
golden organs. There were also angels with tambourines, moving around the hall in circles. Some of the
instruments were foreign to me, but when I reflected on it later, I realized that some of the instruments
might have been cithers.
I called out in awe: “Abba, Father, how can I ever thank You enough for this? Everything is so
indescribably beautiful. Thank You so much!”
“I merely wanted to show you that the angels are already composing the music. All the joy and
happiness the enemy has stolen from you over the years, I have claimed back from him. It is being
converted into heavenly music to dance to. You and I are going to dance to the beat of that new music,
“My dearest Abba,” I replied, “it is all too much for me to take in. I still do not understand why You
are showing such favour towards me. I feel I do not deserve it, Father.”
“I do it only because I love you, my daughter, and because you are precious to me.”
“I too love You so much because You first loved me.”
Nonplussed I fell to the ground on my face with tears streaming from my eyes. “I have no words for
this, Lord,” I cried out.
“I want to see you laugh again and return your stolen happiness. You should be happy and sing and
dance before me, dearest daughter.”
“Father, I am so excited already, and cannot wait to hear the orchestra play. It will be exquisite. I
already know it,” I whispered.
“You must wait until I show you the secrets of heaven. You will see and experience much of it. You
only have to trust me.”
I thought of the Father’s words in Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you
great and unsearchable things you do not know”, and said: “I am already so excited about the prospect,
Father, but I will try to wait patiently.”
“Patience and trust is so important, dearest daughter. For this promise you have only my word to
hold on to. But I assure you it will soon come into fulfilment.”
I wished that the orchestra in our congregation could hear the heavenly music, because no matter
how hard I try, I will never be able to describe this great experience in words.
Thursday 18 October 2007
ater in the gymnasium I wished that I could have a recording of that heavenly music resound through the
building. As usual – because it had become a glory-laden experience for me – I quietly prayed while I
was exercising. I was still praying when I was raptured by the Spirit, this time right into the Father’s
My beloved Jesus suddenly stood before me. Between us, from top to bottom, a sticky, shiny fluid
was pouring down. It reminded me of anointing oil. But once again I was surprised with the unveiling
when I recognized his lovely voice: “This glue, the Holy Spirit, is the glue that binds us together, dearest
little one.”
I was speechless with astonishment; I could think of no answer to that. But then I remembered an
assignment about the lily of the valleys. As the lily of love I had to hand out the love of Jesus to others.
“Lord,” I said, “I have handed out the lily to my sisters at the prophetic school and blessed them all in
your Name. They were so happy and delighted with it.”
“Well done, my beloved daughter. Because you were faithful and carried out my instruction, you
may keep the lovely fragrance of the lily for yourself. The colour and the fragrance are synonymous with
one another. It is your special gift from me.”
Bliss leapt up inside me, deliciousness as sweet as the scent of the lily. Ecstatically, I cried out,
“Thank You so very much. I truly do not deserve something as special as the pleasant fragrance of the lily.
I do not know how to thank You, dearest Yeshua.”
“You can receive it because you stand in my righteousness, Hephzibah. I saw that you were very
fond of the fragrance and that made me happy too.”
“Oh yes, the fragrance is delightful, and I am incredibly fond of it,” I called out happily.
“Keep on loving me in this way, my dearest child.”
“Your love has no equal, Lord.”
“My love is meant for everyone, but so many of my children reject it and that hurts me deeply.”
“How is it possible that there are people who do not love You? How can they not want to enjoy
your countless love? I do not understand it.”
“It is because they do not know me, dear child.”
For a while he was quiet and then continued: “Just keep on loving me with the honesty and sincerity
of heart like a child. Do you remember that I told you this long ago? Trust me with simplicity of heart, just
like an innocent child. That is all I desire from you.”
“Yes, my Master, I still remember it very well.”
“Continue loving me in that way, because it is love that pleases me, Hephzibah.”
I could hear the sorrow in his voice. It distressed and grieved me.
How is it possible that there are people on this earth who will not accept the love of the Father-God,
Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit?
I ask nothing more than just that: to please the King of heaven. What more could any child of man on
this earth desire?
Friday 19 October 2007
woke just after midnight and was hardly awake when I got the strange sensation that I was being taken out
of my body to the heavenly sphere by the Spirit. I could see myself moving into the atmosphere, until
eventually I could perceive the earth’s globe from a distance. It felt as if I was flying, and I loudly
exclaimed: “Look! I can fly! I am flying like an eagle!”
Through the Spirit I was truly soaring through the air like an eagle and I called out in ecstasy: “It is
wonderful!” (Exodus 19:4: “You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on
eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.” )
I could feel how I was being tilted sideways in my flight by the air currents. My eyes became
focused so I could see all the way to earth.
Down below I could see a large forest. In the forest amongst the trees I could clearly see a woman,
with a scarf tied over her hair, scooping water with a bucket. Because she was bent over, I could not see
her face.
“What is happening, Lord? Why am I alone with the eagle?” I called out and felt a little frightened.
He answered immediately, “You are never alone, dearest child. You and I are one. Remember, we
are now glued together. The Holy Spirit is the glue. You can never again be detached from me, beloved
daughter. This exercise up here in the air is only to confirm to you that your spiritual eyes are now like
those of an eagle. Your spiritual sight is fully developed.”
We flew for a while longer before the Spirit brought me back. Because I was spiritually and
physically very tired from all the long hours spent in front of the computer, I fell asleep almost
Friday 19 October 2007
ater at the prophetic school the following was prophesied over me:
“The Father is going to take you deeper into the spiritual dimension and show you even more
secrets and hidden treasures of heaven. Your heavenly journeys are not over yet.”
I thought of Jesus’ words to his disciples in Matthew 13:11, “The knowledge of the secrets of the
kingdom of heaven has been given to you ….”
After the prophetic word each student could worship the Father in
his or her unique way. I separated myself before the Father by sitting apart on the carpet under a shawl. I
revelled in his presence, and was transported by the Spirit. I very clearly experienced the following
journey: Above me there was an opening that looked like a door. Jesus, clothed in shining white garments,
was standing in the doorway and held out his hand to assist me. I looked up at him, but could not see his
face; yet I was intensely aware of the power that flowed from his hand to mine when he pulled me up. It
felt as if we were moving through different floors or ceilings before I could have a moment’s rest on a
snow-white floor.
I did not linger there, because Jesus took me further. We proceeded through a square opening.
Above us there was a bright orange fire through which I had to move by myself with my arms stretched
sideways. The flames spread from my head, through my body and down to my feet. When the flames
disappeared, I found myself in an extraordinary place, swathed in gorgeous shades of bright purple. It was
as though I was taken into a coloured cloud.
Why am I alone? I wondered in surprise while looking at the lovely colours around me. Above me
something resembling an opening in the sky suddenly developed. A very bright light shone through, so
bright that I had to cover my face with my hands. I could sense Jesus coming towards me. He sat next to
me inside the purple cloud and drew me closer by the hand into the safety of his arms.
“What is happening?” I softly asked.
“You are now in the holy presence of the Father-God himself,” he quietly answered.
The moment was too holy for me, too great, and I just waited wordlessly in the circle of his arms.
The mere thought of us being in the Father’s presence was already sufficient for me; it was as though I
could desire nothing more than that. Neither Jesus nor I spoke again. We were still in the purple cloud,
when the anointing was disturbed by the movement and voices of the other students around me.
Approximately twenty minutes passed. During this time I remained lying under the Spirit’s
anointing; I was not capable of getting up and talking to the other students. When I came to I was very
emotional. The revelation was too great for me. I could hardly take it in. How do you explain to others
that the light of the Father’s presence alone is too great for a human being to handle? Where do you find
enough words to describe the absolute peace that you experience in the Father’s vicinity?
This experience in the spirit left me defenceless for the entire day. I was very fragile, tearful and
emotional. The memory of the revelation was invaluably precious; something I could share with no one. It
was nearly impossible to even capture in words.
Sunday 21 October 2007
hile getting dressed this morning to go to our congregation’s festival service, I heard Jesus calling,
”Come, I want to dance with you.”
My first reaction was one of exuberant joy, but I had to remind myself that there was little time left
to get ready for the festival service. I so badly wanted to spend plenty of time with my Saviour, not giving
up a second of this quality time – treasured time.
I heard the voice again, this time more urgently: ”Come, because you are going to miss your first
dance lesson.”
”No, anything but that! I will miss it for nothing in the world!” I whispered and put on my dressing
gown, wrapped a towel around my wet hair and hurried to my special place of prayer in my guest room. I
put the soft, light purple organza cloth that I bought especially for this purpose, over my head and prayed
in my heavenly tongue. I was taken by the Spirit into the Father-God’s heart, where my Jesus was already
waiting for me. He approached me and tenderly said, ”Dance with me.”
I laughed joyfully and cried out, ”My dress is not yet finished, nor the composing of the music.”
”We are going to dance in the Father’s heart, my beloved, because we have to start practicing
today,” he lovingly replied.
”I do not know how to dance with the Prince of Heaven!” I laughingly whispered and looked
worshipfully up at him.
”I will teach you, dear child.”
Once again I was simultaneously spectator and participant, and suddenly found myself clothed in a
simple white dress and standing on a sparkling glass floor. A beautiful cloak covered in almond blossoms
was draped around my shoulders. Over his white robe Jesus wore a sanguine mantle. He saw the way I
was looking at my cloak with the almond blossoms and said, ”I gave you this cloak a long time ago,
remember? It is the cloak of the first fruits.”
”Wow!” I cried out when I noticed the crown on my head. It was made up of almond blossoms.
How delicate and soft it looked!
”Yes, yes, I remember, it is magnificent and too beautiful for me to wear.”
Jesus started singing: ”We are going to dance barefoot. Barefoot we will dance. Barefoot we will
dance. Hai-lai-lai-lai-lai-la.”
The raised nail marks on his feet were clearly visible. I fell to the ground before him, kissed each
foot individually and tenderly touched the scars with my fingers. While I was lying on the ground a light
began to shine under the floor. ”Look, how wonderful!” I cried out, and stared at the play of colour
underneath the glass floor. The bright and shiny splash of colour from the flowers provided the light from
below. The splendour of the colours was inexplicably beautiful – light purple, soft orange and gold
flowed into one another. There were also many other colours that I was unfamiliar with.
”I have never experienced this before, Lord!” I said as I looked up at him.
”Do you know the names of the flowers?”
Before I could react, he answered the question himself: ”They are called: joy, peace, trust,
happiness and love. These flowers have been especially selected to brighten up your life. I handpicked
each one to decorate the dance floor.”
Jesus came and stood next to me. ”We will practice together, Hephzibah. You must learn to listen to
the music, because I want to let your heart dance, my beloved. There are still too many tears in your heart,
my dearest. My desire is that you should dance with joy.”
”I do not know what it is like to dance in my heart. I do not know inner, spiritual joy and happiness.
Will You please teach me?”
”That is why we should practice, because you must learn to dance to my heartbeat.”
”I love You, Yeshua,” I joyfully cried out.
”And I love you very much, Hephzibah.”
Jesus took my hands and drew me towards him, then went to stand behind me and stretched his arms
out sideways. He started teaching me quite ceremoniously. Dancing is a matter of the heart. Your heart
must dance with the music, my sister.”
While we were standing like that – me in front with Jesus behind me, our arms outstretched – we
started singing in a heavenly tongue. Our spiritual shape changed so that our outstretched arms looked like
the outspread wings of a dove. I looked at the scene in astonishment.
”I want to teach you to dance with your heart and spirit, dearest Hephzibah,” were the last
words I heard before I was returned to my room. For a moment I sat without stirring. Once again I was
infinitely surprised by Jesus’ endless patience and the tenderness with which he had taught me. We truly
serve the most magnificent God, I realized anew.
I had such a longing to remain in his loving presence, but it was time to get ready to go to the
festival service. During the service my thoughts kept wandering off. In my heart there was the longing to
be with my Jesus. That was all I desired.
Monday 22 October 2007
his morning during my quiet time I covered my head with my shawl and knelt before God. I sat before the
King of kings in quiet worship. The Spirit took me into the Father-God’s heart. With outstretched hands I
called out, ”Father-God, please wash me in the blood of the Lamb. I want to be purified, cleansed by the
blood of Jesus. Then, as one purified, I desire to approach You in worship.”
The angels escorted me to a pond in Father’s heart and allowed me to enter slowly. I lowered
myself into the bright, red blood in the pond until I was completely covered. When I emerged my whole
being was astonishingly white. Shining white. The angels drew near, undressed me and clothed me in a
new dress. The dress was white, but it had a soft green sheen.
”This is something new, new like a brand new dress,” I heard his voice say.
The Father showed me a picture of a small fresh green plant. ”The new beginning is like this new,
little green plant. Fresh and green and full of new life,” he said in a tranquil voice.
Then Jesus drew near. ”Your heart is too heavy inside you, dear daughter.”
I dropped my head and I knew: Without having to tell him anything, Jesus knows everything about
When he stood before me, his voice was infinitely tender: ”Lift up your head and look into my eyes.
Look at me, dearest girl. Look up and keep your shoulders straight.” His incredible love for me forced me
to look at him.
”Breathe deeply. Inhale the Ruag Ha Kodesh, the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit, into your lungs.”
I did as he told me and inhaled deeply. Then he softly continued, ”Dancing is a matter of the heart.
You and I must teach your heart to dance, teach your spirit to dance, beloved Hephzibah.”
He put his arms around my shoulders and said softly: ”Listen carefully to all the instructions. We
have to teach you a new song too, a song of joy and happiness. I have reclaimed all the happiness that
Satan has stolen from you. Now you must plant the new happiness in your heart like a fresh little plant.”
I nodded wordlessly, because I did not have the words to describe my gratitude.
”Look what I have brought you, my dearest.”
Jesus held out a ripe open pomegranate and put half a fruit in each hand. He took a red-ripe seed
and placed it in my mouth. ”Taste the sweetness of the fruit. It is especially for you.”
”Thank You very much. I love You,” I whispered, overcome with emotion.
”I love you too, my dearest sister. I really want to see you laugh and dance. You have to be joyful. I
can see that you are as one who is in mourning.”
I felt his hand resting on my shoulder. ”Eat of the fruit of love, the sweet, ripe fruit of the
pomegranate. When you eat this fully ripe fruit, you eat of my body. I am the full-ripe fruit; the fruit of
”I appreciate your love so much,” I whispered against his shoulder.
He embraced me. ”We will meet again, but now you must go and write everything down carefully.”
”I desire to stay a while longer with You, Yeshua,” I cried out in tears and fell before him. ”I want
to sit at your feet and learn about You. Teach me your precious Word, the Word of life. The new life.”
”I will teach you more, because I can see that you long to know more. Like a ripe pomegranate I
will break open the Word that gives life and share it with you.”
”Thank You a thousand times, beloved Master.”
”Only a little longer and you will taste and enjoy the sweetness of my fully ripe fruits,” he
Directly afterwards the Spirit brought me back.
Jesus’ words were like fresh dew on the leaf of a flower; bright, sparkling and exquisite. It left me
in silent astonishment; I so deeply desired to spend all day in his presence. Yet, the short time spent with
him was like a precious treasure that I carried in my heart. It is something nothing and no one can take
away from me.
How many years have I been searching for this precious pearl? How often have I wandered in my
search because I was looking in the wrong places? If only I knew then that Jesus was waiting for me to
discover him.
‘Lord God, thank You for allowing me to find You. Thank You for not giving up on waiting for me
to turn 180 degrees and find my way to your heart. How can I ever thank You for all your mercy towards
me? I want to sing You a song of praise; to proclaim your glory. I cannot wait for You to break open the
hard shell, hard like the shell of an almond, so that I can stand stripped before You. Cleansed. All the
layers of plaster that I used over the years to cover my wounded heart will be scraped off. You, and only
You, can bring total healing, Yeshua. It is You who will teach me to laugh. You alone can make my heart
dance, and set me free. Dearest Jesus, only your precious blood can redeem me from the jail in which
Satan has kept me chained. It is only You; only You. I honour You for that.”
Wednesday 24 October 2007
ast night I woke up twice. I was vaguely aware of something that had happened to me in a dream. At one
stage I was in an artery of the Father-God’s heart and I had to swim in the fresh blood all along the artery.
When I woke up and tried to recall the rest of the dream, I could not.
While I was doing Bible study a deep longing to be in the Father’s heart again surfaced in me. I
draped my prayer shawl (Israeli tallit) around me and began glorifying and praising God. I had barely
started with my praise when the Spirit transported me into the Father’s heart. As so often before, Jesus
was already waiting for me.
From above the most wonderful light shone on us, but it was as though the light had become alive. I
could see fine specks of gold glitter in the light whirling and fluttering down the shaft of light.
”I want to bless you today, dearest daughter. I long for my glory to descend on you.”
”Thank You, heavenly Lord, You are so good to me. Thank You so much.”
”Always be a reflector of my godly light. Carry my light out into the dark world.”
I had to lie on my back. Four angels brought a thin, transparent, white chiffon cloth to me; they
moved it up and down so that the delicate gold dust sifted through the fabric and created a thin layer over
me. The gold dust gradually disappeared into my body. After a while the angels took the sheet away.
When I sat up my body was brightly lit with a light gleam that beamed from inside outwards. I heard
Father say, ”The bright light of my presence will illuminate your entire being, because you are the
messenger of light and love. Allow my eternal light to illuminate your entire heart and spirit, and to banish
all dark shadows.”
Tears of gratitude rolled down my cheeks. ”I love You so deeply. My entire being longs and aches
for your presence.”
”This is only the beginning, because you are merely tasting something of my love and glory.”
”You are spoiling me with your goodness, dearest Lord.”
”Write down everything that you have seen and experienced. I am very proud of you and pleased
with your progress. Do not worry about the publication of the book. Everything is already in place. Be at
rest about it. I will take care of everything.”
It felt as though a soft breeze was blowing over me, and I could experience the sensation in my
body. Just then something very strange happened. Everything suddenly went dark around me. I was
amazed because never before had it gone dark in the Father-God’s heart.
”What is happening, Lord? Why is it so dark here in your heart? I do not understand it,” I
”You will see now, Hephzibah.”
Slowly the darkness lifted and an incredible bright light fell over me. I heard God’s voice say, ”I
had to take you through the birth passage to the new life so you could breathe the new, fresh breath. Today
you experience the first day of your new-found life. Look behind you, my daughter.”
Behind me was an image of me in the shape of an empty shell. The dark shell slowly fell to the
ground like a skeleton and turned to dust. ” ... for dust you are and to dust you will return,” the words of
Genesis 3:19 echoed in my thoughts. It was the dust of the old and worn out nature. When I looked at
myself again, my new body, the new nature, was brightly lit. Three angels drew near and started moving
with me in the new light. The tallest angel stood behind me, and the two smaller angels on either side of
me. Together we formed the image of a dove. The tallest angel formed the main body, and the smaller
angels the outspread wings. I melted somewhere into the body.
We moved high up into the incredible light and arrived at something that looked like a dense
membrane. Nothing was visible around us except the light in which we had been caught up. We waited a
moment at something resembling sliding gates. The gates opened silently. ”Where are we now? What is
inside?” I asked uncertainly.
”These are the gates that lead to the new journeys. Last night while you were sleeping I prepared
everything carefully, but I wanted to let you rest, because you were very tired and worn out. I see your
obedience and love, so I allowed you to rest. But you are now ready to move into a new dimension. I
want to show you the deeper mysteries of heaven, but you have to be purified and cleansed of the
pollution of all that you experienced in the place of darkness, hell, where you had to observe everything
and write it down. The time has now come for you to enter the new life. Fresh breath is being breathed
into you so you can enjoy the new life.”
I waited in anticipation, but nothing happened.
Again I heard the Father’s voice, ”Stay here on the inside of the gate until you are ready to step into
the new life. The veil that is still covering your eyes also has to be removed completely. It will be done
soon. Wait calmly here in my heart and do not worry about anything. My angels will protect you and your
family. You will be wrapped in a cloak of light, beloved daughter, and shine like a light in the darkness.
”You will carry the message to the nations and tell my children how much I want to be with them.
Hephzibah, you are like the voice that calls in the desert. You are my voice that calls out to my children. I
will bless you greatly, because I find joy in the fact that you are willing to do this work for me, my
beloved daughter.”
”Father-God, I long to see your heavenly kingdom where You live in all your glory and I can hardly
wait for You to remove the films over my eyes so that I can see everything You have told me about.
Father, let your will be done in my life, and do with me as You wish. I love You endlessly, heavenly
Just after that the Spirit brought me back.
I sat before God once again, small and insignificant, but soon after I was laying flat on my face in
worship before him. I felt so unworthy and insignificant; yet the road that God was walking with me was
so extremely precious. Like a small bird I wanted to crawl into the protection of his heart. All I wanted
was to feel his hands around me and experience his unbelievable presence. That would be enough for me.
How I wished to keep the incredible things that my Abba had shared with me to myself! It was so
infinitely precious; I did not want to pollute it with the opinions and doubtful commentary of people out
Thursday 25 October 2007
his morning I had to act as support-counsellor. I got up earlier than usual to be ready on time. During my
quiet time I read 2 Kings 6:5-7: “As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron axe-head fell into the
water. ’Oh, my lord,’ he cried out, ’it was borrowed!’ The man of God asked, ‘Where did it fall?’ When
he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. ’Lift it out,’ he
said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.”
”What is the message here, Father?” I asked.
I heard his voice say, ”Today is the day of small miracles. What you do today is good and right in
my eyes. I am going to open your eyes so you can see, dearest daughter. I want to help you to see into the
invisible. The axe will come to the surface as it is written in the Word. Stay focused and remain in my
rest. Today you have to use the mantle of healing that I gave you previously, Hephzibah. I will show you
when and how. I promise I will be with you until the end of your life. Only place your hand in mine,
precious daughter.”
I knelt before God and asked, ”Father-God, I will only go if You bless me, but without You I will
not set foot outside this house.”
”Use the red mantle today, my daughter. It is the mantle of healing, do you remember?”
I opened my hands and held them out to the Father-God. I saw Jesus place his hands over both my
hands. Then he pressed my palms together and held his hands on either side of mine so that the nail marks
on the outside of his hands were clearly visible. ”Go, and touch your sister so that she can be healed. I
will bring about the healing. I will be with you and bless you, lovely daughter. Let my light shine brightly
through your life.”
”Thank You, thank You very much, dear Yeshua,” I whispered.
”Go in peace, dearest daughter,” he comforted me.
It indeed turned out to be a day of miracles when we were able to counsel my friend and she was
set free from the years of hurt that had prevented her from growing spiritually.
Friday 26 October 2007
hile worshipping God this morning, I suddenly found myself in the Father-God’s heart. There I rested
under palm leaves. Jesus entered, pulled me up by my hand and said, ”Come, little one, today you must
learn the lesson of freedom.”
An unstoppable enthusiasm arose in me, because I was looking forward to our next lesson with
great expectation. I heard Jesus laugh softly.
We quickly went outside through a little corridor, where we were met by an immeasurably wide,
open space. Jesus and I once again passed through the membrane door and stood in the same place as
during my previous visit. This time we were in a membrane ball that made me think of the inside of a
gigantic, transparent balloon. The walls of the ball fell away, and we moved higher until there was
nothing around Jesus and me except soft coloured fleece clouds. I looked at the purple, pink and soft blue
clouds in wonder. The colours flowed into each other. Jesus stood behind me with outstretched arms and
stretched out my arms too so that together our bodies formed a cross. In a soft voice he sang these words:
”Barefoot we dance, barefoot we dance, barefoot, barefoot, barefoot we dance. Hai-lai-lai-lai-lai-la.”
With arms spread open Jesus and I danced in a circle. Later we started singing in our heavenly
tongue and moved to the rhythm of our own melody. Jesus whispered in my ear, ”Allow my light to shine
in your heart. Dance in the freedom with which I have set you free. Become like an eagle, and do not
allow anything to prevent you from feeling completely free, my dearest.”
”I desire to dance with You always and forever, Yeshua, because it is so fantastic,” I called out in
ecstasy. The freedom was indescribably blissful; nothing made me feel bound. It was a freedom that I did
not know.
I could hear soft, violin sounds coming from somewhere, blowing towards us through the silence.
”This is merely a taste of the true freedom that you can enjoy in me. In me you are completely free,
dearest child. Enjoy the absolute freedom that I give you.”
”I am so happy!” I called out.
Jesus drew near and our bodies merged so that we took the form of an eagle. The eagle soared
through the endless open space, through the light containing the most wonderful colours. He made gentle,
tilting movements, and then exuberantly sliced through the air again.
”I want to let you experience a higher freedom, my dearest child, the freedom with which I
redeemed you,” he whispered.
We ascended even higher, and when I looked down, there was only the endless freedom of nothing;
nothing but the colour play of the fleece clouds and the light.
Loud music outside our house broke the anointing, and I cannot put into words how deep the longing
for Jesus was when the Spirit returned me.
I plead with you, dear reader: search for the freedom with which Jesus has redeemed you, and
soar like an eagle on the winds of that complete freedom. Never again let yourself be caught in the
chains of Satan. Galatians 5:1 says, ”Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by
a yoke of slavery.”
Saturday 27 October 2007
t was still deep in the night when I woke up. I clearly recognized the Father’s voice, ”Hephzibah, I have
placed no restrictions on you. Nobody can ever limit you. Remember, you belong to me alone.”
I got up and picked up my notebook to write down this promise. While I was writing, the following
words, over which I had no control, flowed from my pen: ”I have bought you with my blood. The blood
on the cross. My blood is not cheap. I paid an expensive price, the full price. With my life I paid, and
lifeblood is a high price to pay. I attach value to my life. Obedience and honesty is the price you pay for
it. An infallible, honest, humble heart is what I ask of you. I hate a false heart. Disobedience is sin in my
”Father-God, I am so sorry for each time I was disobedient towards You and deeply grieved You. I
ask forgiveness for that,” I pleaded.
”I know your heart, my beloved child. You can be strong in me, because you and I are now one.
Never forget that. I chose you because I love you, Hephzibah. Your strength is in me alone. Be obedient in
the small things, so that I can also trust you with big things. Do not disregard small wonders, because
small wonders are the foothold for great wonders.”
”Why did You choose me to dance with, Yeshua? Why?” I whispered.
”I sowed that seed in your heart when you were only five years old. You were dancing on the porch
of your grandfather Du Preez’s house. Satan, however, came to steal your short-lived happiness and then
sowed weeds, the seed of shame, in your heart when some of your family members saw you and laughed
at you. My dearest child, you with your incredibly sensitive heart was deeply wounded. I could see your
pain and humiliation. I know about it. It also wounded me deeply. I saw your sadness and sent my angels
to wipe your tears. This is the reason why I am now going to accompany you to the most magnificent
dance. I will compensate you hundredfold for your loss, because I have claimed it back from Satan.”
”You are so good to me, Yeshua. May I call You by Your very special Name? You are the King of
heaven, but I really want to call You ’beloved Jesus’. You are wonderful and I love You just as You are.
I want to compare You to a crowned eagle, the most beautiful of all the eagles in nature. You are that
special to me, Yeshua.”
”Hephzibah, I want to take you even higher in the spiritual sphere, dearest child. Do not be afraid,
for I am with you. Just trust me.”
”I desire nothing more than to be with You, because in You I have everything. You are the crowned
of shalom, peace: I lack nothing, because You are perfect peace.”
I spontaneously began singing the following words to him, ”I trust in You alone, Lord, I believe in
You alone. In You alone, in You alone, in You alone.”
I heard him say, ”This is the reason why I love you so, my little one. You trust me with the honesty
and humility of a little girl.”
Once again I found myself in the image of an eagle with Jesus. We flew in the sky, dived and
soared. It was too wonderful for words. The eagle rose higher like a rocket, into the endless heaven. I
will never be able to describe the freedom I experienced. I remember not being scared at all. ”I feel so
safe and secure with You, Master,” I cried out.
Did I imagine it, or did I hear him laughing? I wondered afterwards. While we were still soaring
high on the air currents, I was returned in the Spirit. I lay in the dark for a while and thought about Jesus. I
realized anew how very privileged I am to be able to experience this freedom in him.
Monday 29 October 2007
The voice of the Spirit woke me during the night, saying, ”When God has set you free, you are truly free.
Wrap this freedom around you like a beautiful cloak. It is the cloak of joy and happiness.”
”Where are You, Yeshua, because I miss You?” I whispered.
”Just rest in me, my child,” I heard my Father-God answer. ”Be patient. If I say wait, you must
”Yes, Lord,” I replied guiltily, because the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had just been impatient
because I could not see Jesus immediately.
”Sometimes it is very difficult to be patient and wait,” the Father-God quietly said.
I lay there for a while, but I still experienced an urgent need to get up and wait on him. No sooner
had I sat down in my chair in the guest room when my expectation was fulfilled.
The eagle took me high up into the sky. Something that resembled a roof of clouds was above us.
However, we moved through an opening until we were above the clouds and the white mass seemed like
a floor beneath us. However strange this may sound, I saw myself walking out of the eagle. I looked
around, but saw no one else. The voice in my spirit spontaneously started to sing and repeated the words
again and again: ”Come, Lord Jesus, come.”
”I really do not understand what is happening now!” I eventually called out in bewilderment.
”Wait, my daughter, just wait a little while,” I heard Jesus answer.
I waited a while longer, but was returned by the Spirit just after that.
Back in bed sleep would not come immediately, and it gave me the chance to reflect on all the
lovely things that I had experienced.
During my quiet time, at ten o’clock in the morning, I was again caught up to where I had stood on
the white cloud floor. The eagle sat somewhere above, watching me.
Suddenly Jesus was beside me. He came closer, linked his arm with mine, and together we moved
”I have to show you something of the dark side of heaven too, dearest daughter.”
”I did not know that heaven had a dark side, Yeshua,” I answered.
”You have to know it. Come with me.”
We walked along until we came to a wide corridor. A dark grey fog shrouded everything. From the
corridor we moved into a massive dome-shaped hall, but lingered in the doorway for a moment. I had to
strain myself to be able to see why there was so much activity in the hall. Angels moved in and out. Some
stood bent over, while others were humming lullabies.
”Yeshua, it is not quite clear what is going on in here. May I see a clearer picture, please?” I
It was as though a layer was peeled from my eyes, and I could see everything very clearly. There
were babies everywhere, an innumerable amount of babies. Some were of a dark complexion and others
near milk-white. ”Yeshua, I was under the impression that everyone is glorified to adults when they come
to heaven. I do not understand what this is all about,” I whispered.
”These babies never saw the light of day. They were stillborn. Some were aborted, others died
during birth.” He hesitated for a moment before continuing. ”When a baby is born, I breathe the breath of
life, my Ruag, into him or her. I give life to each one. These babies never lived; therefore they remain
babies in heaven. As soon as a baby is aborted or dies in the womb, my angels go to fetch him or her.
They bring those babies here to their heavenly home. Here, in the heavenly nursery, they are continually
cared for by angels,” Jesus explained.
Jesus showed me how the babies utter cries of pleasure when beautiful rays of light began to play
through the heavenly chamber. Liquid rainbow colours melted into one another. Colours glittered
everywhere to entertain the babies. The angels played with them, tickled and pampered them.
”They look so happy,” I remarked.
”Oh, certainly! All the love they were supposed to receive on earth is poured out on them here.
They deserve it, therefore it has to be given to them,” Jesus explained.
We returned through the corridor to the white cloud floor.
”You are so good,” I whispered in worship. I looked up at his face. The light shining from his eyes
was almost blindingly bright. It forced me to look away.
Jesus softly touched my cheek and said, ”I know about your deep hurt and pain when you had a
miscarriage. Your babies died in the womb, and my angels fetched them too and brought them here.”
”Lord, I did not remember that while I was in the baby room. It happened such a long time ago,” I
remarked, deep in thought.
”I only want to see you happy. You must no longer grieve for them.”
”You talk about them all the time, Yeshua, what do You mean?”
”I just want to tell you that my angels are looking after your twin boys, Hephzibah.”
”I did not even know that they were boys.”
”Yes, I realize that. They were beautiful boys. But your life was in danger and you were not able to
carry them full-term. You were only three months pregnant when they were brought here, do you
”Yes, my Lord, I remember.” I looked away, because suddenly I clearly remembered how I cried
over them when I heard that the pregnancy had to be ended.
”Do not mourn for them anymore, precious daughter. I knew it would touch you deeply, because up
until now you have not processed that pain. It is time for you to know that your boys are safe here with
me, dearest daughter.”
I looked up, but could not speak. I was completely overwhelmed by the news that there had been
two baby boys.
”I did not mean to sadden you, dearest,” he said softly and took me by the hand. ”Come with me, I
want to show you something else.”
We ran across the cloud until we began laughing with pleasure. Jesus took me to a place where the
most beautiful little orange coloured flowers bloomed. He picked one and put it in my hair. Then he put
his arms around me and drew me close until I stood in the circle of his arms.
”You are so wonderful, dear Yeshua, and I deeply love You,” I said.
”I love you too, little one,” he answered.
Jesus took the colour from one of the small flowers and let it fall onto my hand like a drop of gold.
”Look, see the drop of pure gold in the flower’s colour!” I called out in ecstasy.
Again I heard him laugh softly.
“I so desire to return your joy and bliss to you, dear child.”
“Thank You, Yeshua,” I exclaimed.
We walked across stretches of flowers that reminded me of Namaqualand’s daisies during spring
when the landscape is covered with orange coloured splendour.
”Why do I not see angels? Where are they now?” I asked later.
”My angels are always near you, but the eagle is now guarding you, because his sight is very keen.
Today he is the guard, because I want to show you the hidden treasures of heaven.”
”Do not leave me,” I tried to stop Jesus when I realized he was moving away.
”Never doubt my promises, dearest child, because I can never break any one of them. Do you
remember I promised that I will never forsake you?”
”I am so sorry, Lord, but when I am not here in the heavenly sphere with You, I constantly long for
”We will meet again, dearest child.”
After this I was returned.
At this stage I should perhaps explain that it was a spontaneous curiosity on my part to
incessantly ask questions. Jesus was always patient with me, but sometimes he simply did not answer
some of the questions.
Secrets of heaven unveiled
Secrets of heaven unveiled
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Secrets of heaven unveiled
Secrets of heaven unveiled
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Secrets of heaven unveiled

  • 1.
  • 4. Revelations about God’s love for his bride HEPHZIBAH MARITZ Secrets of heaven unveiled Published by: Ade Yah Love Publishers Address: P.O. Box 4916 TYGER VALLEY 7536
  • 5. SOUTH AFRICA Telephone and fax: +27 (0)21 914 0217 Cell: 083 650 7727 Email: Web: Copyright © 2010 JSE Maritz P.O. Box 4916 TYGER VALLEY 7536 SOUTH AFRICA All rights reserved - no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review in magazine or newspaper. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this book are taken from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Translation and editing: Rochelle Goosen and Genevieve Gooding Set in....... By...... Printed and bound by .......................... First English Edition 2011 ISBN 978-0-620-49733-6 All the glory to my Father-God, my beloved Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for these wonderful heavenly revelations and the privilege to write them in a book.
  • 6. I dedicate this book to my husband, Frank, in gratitude and appreciation for his selfless love and support during challenging times.
  • 7. Contents Foreword – by pastor Hansa Underhay Introduction God speaks to us Prophecies that preceded this book and that have been fulfilled The prophetic word on Friday 28 September 2007 Another prophetic word on Friday 5 October 2007 HEAVENLY VISITATIONS – secrets of heaven unveiled 1 Teaching: The almond sceptre 2 The wheel 3 The doors swing open 4 The rock 5 The preparations
  • 8. 6 The dress is made 7 God’s rest 8 Thoughtfulness 9 Music 10 The fragrances of the flower 11 Caught up like an eagle 12 The next dimension 13 The first dance lesson 14 Look up 15 The birth 16 The red mantle 17 Freedom 18 Taken higher 19 The baby room 20 The room of tears 21 A guard at the door 22 Further preparations 23 The garden in Eden 24 I am Yahweh 25 Healing 26 Healing water 27 The staircase 28 The small white stone 29 The ruby 30 The galaxy 31 Teaching: The sweet presence of the Father 32 The eye of an eagle 33 The nightly visitor 34 The eagle in the throne room 35 The cosmos 36 The narrow bridge 37 Cloak of obedience 38 The school of life 39 Flames in the palms of his hands 40 The day of the first fruits 41 Waters of wisdom 42 The golden city 43 The detour 44 Sabbath rest 45 Almond oil 46 Madonna lilies 47 Transfer 48 The seven waterfalls 49 The library 50 The valley of hope
  • 9. 51 The stirring of the wind 52 Green waterfalls 53 More rest 54 A conversation 55 Support 56 Green gardens 57 A deeper vision 58 Isha and Ishi 59 Cornerstones 60 The fountain of love 61 The microscopic implant 62 New Year’s Eve service 63 The crown, the oil and the cloak 64 The Master’s teaching 65 The dance 66 Another conversation 67 Wait 68 Silver bracelets 69 Confirmation 70 Barefoot 71 Choices 72 The covenant 73 The new dress 74 The new season 75 A vision 76 The eagle with six wings 77 The second dream CONCLUSION
  • 11. FOREWORD F rom the Word of the Lord it is clear that God desires an intimate relationship with each of his children. We read in James 4:8 that as we draw closer to him, he also draws closer to us and will reward us with such an intimate relationship. Secrets of heaven unveiled gives us an in-depth revelation of our Father’s desire to walk with each of us through our life, and of all he wants to give and show to us. There is nothing more important in a Christian’s life than to move into this deep, intimate relationship with our Father, because in this relationship lies the power of God when he baptises us with his Spirit. May this book inspire and encourage each person who reads it to desire and pursue such a relationship with their entire being. The Amplified Bible says in Hebrews 11:6: “He is a rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him.” Hansa Underhay Pastor at New Life Tygerberg
  • 12. blank INTRODUCTION I t is my exceptional privilege to share the revelations that I have received from my Father-God in the past – revelations that I still receive today – with you. I accept that there will probably be people who doubt the credibility of this book; there will be many for whom these revelations will appear entirely strange and foreign. All I ask is to share my experiences with you. What I have experienced is so indescribably special and nothing anyone can say or think or do will detract from the incredible wonder that it holds for me as a person. I know that the almighty Creator-God and our heavenly Father lives. I know that he speaks to me and comes to fetch me to show me and let me experience heaven and the secrets of heaven. These heavenly experiences and conversations I witnessed through the Spirit and in the spirit. I believe it is my Father-God’s desire to teach his beloved children, through this book - the second in a series of revelations - how deep his longing is to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us. I therefore invite you to join me on this wonderful path of revelations – and to know: heaven is an inexplicable, beautiful reality. The heavenly hereafter has become a living reality for me.
  • 13. During my heavenly journeys I pleaded with Jesus Christ on more than one occasion: “I want to stay here in heaven with You, my dearest Jesus .” But I had to return to write everything down and convey the message of our Father-God to his children. He gave me the assignment: “Go and tell my children that hell exists. Somebody who chooses eternal death over eternal life will never be able to return from that terrible damnation.” Just as he said: “Heaven is a reality. I love you all very much and I am waiting to welcome my children, my bride, into the eternal royal house.” Perhaps I should first explain how it came to be that the Father showed me heaven. On 12 June 1960, as a 15-year-old girl, I accepted Jesus as my Saviour. But it was only in June 2005 that I was baptized with the Holy Spirit. Thereafter the Father turned my whole life around. During a visit to Israel in 2007 our group stayed in a guest house at the Sea of Galilee. One morning around five o’clock the Father woke me, took me away in the Spirit and in a vision showed me the entrance to hell (Hades). Next to a deep and dark hole that stretched down into the earth was a wall several meters high. For approximately 20 minutes the Father let me undergo what it feels like to descend into the darkness of Hades and experience the powerlessness of being trapped in there and never able to return. It was the most horrifying experience I had ever known, and I will do everything to prevent anyone from ending up there. The Father’s voice was audible and clear when he said to me: “Those who go to the dark depths of the eternal darkness will never be able to return from there. Go tell this to my children.” Naturally, I was in a complete state of shock; I was traumatised for days on end and constantly in tears. The morning of our departure from Israel I went and sat on the flat roof of the guest house, where we had slept the last night in Jerusalem, and looked out over the city. Suddenly I saw a vision of Hades again, but this time there was a difference: Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was standing on the edge of the abyss. His back was turned to the entrance of hell. Again I could hear the following words: “It is only Jesus who can prevent people from being lost. Go tell this to my children: Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to me lest it be through him.” Upon our return to South Africa I was still in a state of shock. I did not and could not talk to anyone about the visions. A few nights later, during a prophetic service, the following message was prophesied to me. It was a confirmation that my Father-God was walking a road with me. The prophet’s words to me were: “You’ve been through hell in your life, and in truth you recently were in hell. But in this hour more will be added.” It goes without saying, I was hysterically afraid to once again undergo the experience of hell, and I was not even entirely sure what this prophecy would hold for me. However, little did I know that in the next two months the Spirit of God would take me altogether seven times, accompanied by an angel, into the depths of Hades so that I could return and write everything in a book as per Father’s instruction. You can read about these experiences in the first book in this series: Revelations of hell revealed. After experiencing complete terror for three months, the reality of hell among other things, the Father blessed me with wonderful spiritual journeys to heaven which are recorded in this book. At the beginning of my spiritual experiences the Father mainly spoke to me through visions and dreams and his Word (Job 33:15). During the journeys to the underground depths of Hades I had to write down my experiences afterwards. An angel always accompanied me. All through the deeper revelations of the secrets of heaven, the Father spoke more directly to me. A relationship of personal communication
  • 14. developed between us. These supernatural, spiritual experiences read like a love story – a story in which I get to know my beloved Jesus really intimately and experience his indescribable love for his children. Nothing will ever be the same again for me. I will always be convinced that my Father-God lives and that Jesus Christ, the crucified Saviour, willingly died on the cross out of pure love for mankind so that one day we can be part of the kingdom of heaven. Never again will I ever doubt the power and working of the Spirit of God. My prayer is that this story, these spiritual journeys, will be an unforgettable experience for you; a revelation that will awaken in you a hunger to also get to know this Jesus Christ as intimately as I have. Nothing anyone says or thinks will change anything about what I have experienced. I don’t ever look back. Under no circumstances will I turn back again. I know what awaits me in heaven. I know that I will be reunited with my daughter, Erika, who passed away a long time ago, only three hours after she was born, because I saw her there, face to face. I know that my parents are already waiting for me there, because I saw their heavenly dwelling. I know that my Father is waiting for me, because I was taken into the throne room of the King of all kings many times. I know that the Rider on the white horse is waiting for me, because my heavenly Groom cannot wait to welcome his bride. Why did the Father let me experience all of this? you may ask. I can only answer: I had to go through the fire. I had to undergo hell in my life here on earth. I even had to go down into hell to be able to convey the message of the Father to his beloved children. Before I continue with the revelations I received, I want to give you, the reader, some more background information.
  • 15. God speaks to us The Father-God mainly speaks to us through his Word and his prophets, but he also gives revelations through dreams and visions. For example, read about Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28:10-15. In the Bible there are also examples where the Father-God raptures people away to heaven and takes them on spiritual journeys. Sometimes they received the specific command: “Write down what you see.” In Revelation we read that the Father-God took John from the island of Patmos on a heavenly journey. Another example is Paul on the road to Damascus. In Ezekiel 1:1 we read that the prophet Ezekiel had similar experiences. The Father’s assignment was also very specific in my life: “Write everything down and tell it to my children.” According to the Father’s repeated instructions I had to write down all my experiences faithfully, exactly as I experienced them. I usually first wrote every revelation in my notebook, often in the dark hours of the night, and then later retyped them on my computer. In this way my beloved King’s book progressed; journey after journey and conversation after conversation, because it was a daily journey and a road that the Father-God is still walking with me. To me, however, these experiences were endlessly more than simply heavenly revelations that I had to write down, because in the process the Father walked a road of spiritual growth with me personally, a road on which I had to be prepared to convey this utterly important prophetic message to his children. It is striking that the heavenly encounters mostly coincide with praise and worship. Yet there were also times during which raptures occurred while I was waiting on him with an expectation and he actually showed up. Other times I was taken to heaven while I was walking on the treadmill in the gymnasium. It is, however, impossible for me to bring to pass these raptures in the Spirit by myself. When the Spirit takes me away, it is an action that is only possible through the will of God and is determined by him. I am merely the participant. Prophecies that preceded this book and that have been fulfilled The Father often prophesied messages to me through his Spirit-filled children. These messages went hand in hand with his great commission to me: “Go tell this to my children.” Mostly the pastors and prophets involved knew little of what the Father had already revealed to me, and therefore it is very enlightening to read these prophecies and to see how the prophetic words were brought to fulfilment. The prophetic word on Friday 28 September 2007 I went to the prophetic school this morning. Within me there was an unstoppable excitement over what was waiting for me. Before me secrets were stacked high on top of each other, waiting to be fitted together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle in my life. The Father-God once again surprised me with the prophecy our leader pastor conveyed to me: “I experience that the Father blows over you and comes and wraps you in his perfect glory. It is wonderful. In his creativity he breathes life over you, and says to you: ‘Daughter of Zion, exult and rejoice with your whole heart because this season is over. Together you and I are going to experience a very special and intimate relationship, a relationship that is more intense than ever before. ‘You were placed on earth for a special purpose, a higher calling. You have to carry out an important assignment for my kingdom, and before long you will move to the next level of deeper intimacy with me. I AM the One who is talking to you now. I am going to hold you to my chest and receive you into my heart. This is important, because you have to testify about everything that the Spirit will reveal to you, things that are currently stored in your spirit until the designated time when
  • 16. you have to tell of my glory. ‘This is no ordinary story, but an intimate love story that will develop between you and me. I am going to hand over a very special weapon, a powerful silver sword, to you. You will need it to be able to write the book. This weapon is the sword of the Spirit that represents my Word. I am sharpening it now. I will equip you with the gift of discernment, the gift to use this special weapon of the Spirit. ‘You are being sent out like a voice calling in the desert. This voice is part of the preparation to announce my second coming. Your special gift and task will be to act as a prophet, but the prophetic word will be readable. As someone blows over a sheet of paper, just so the prophetic word will flow forth from your pen in written form. You will be the instrument that I am going to use to convey my prophetic message to the people. This prophecy will appear in book form, and it will be legible for many people and in many different languages and amongst several nations. It is spiritual food that my children will be fed with. Those who accept the revelations of the written prophetic word will also receive revelations themselves, and they will experience and witness the anointing presence of my Spirit.’” “I convey this word in the mighty Name of Jesus. It is the Father’s dream and wish for your life. The Father will blow you into the next season, and you will enter into it swiftly. The Father gives you the freedom of the Spirit, the freedom of creativity and the unbound Spirit to enable you to execute the Father’s will and wishes. Within the next three days you will enter into your destination, your calling. “There are two special angels, messengers of the Father, who have been assigned to you. These angels will always be with you. I see one of them very clearly. He is wearing a cloak and he is the dream angel. He lays the dreams in your heart. In his hand is a bucket full of dreams for you. The other angel is also wearing a cloak, and he gives you the visions. The two are separate, because these are two different experiences that are entwined. “The Father’s words are as follows: ‘I will never call these angels back from you. They have been set apart to accompany you on your path, because this special assignment will never end. It is like a road that you will walk with me to carry out my assignment for me. You will experience more spiritual things; see more indescribable things than you ever thought existed. More beautiful and wonderful mysteries of heaven will be revealed to you, and it will flow forth from your pen. It will be as though you will only have to blow over the sheet of paper. ‘I will give a third angel the task of protecting you like a bodyguard. He will be a special soldier, a warrior that will engage in battle against the dark powers of Satan, because pandemonium is reigning in the dark depths; there are dark powers that are rising up against you. This bodyguard will strike down all the obstacles on your path and ensure you have a safe way. Doors that until now have been closed to you will be flung open before you, and hindrances that prevent you from growing, will be broken down. Nothing will prevent you from carrying out my Godly task.’ ”The Father has spoken, and so it shall be. We give the Father-God all the glory for this revelation in the Spirit.” This prophetic word was too great for me to process. I could only write it down exactly as I had received it. At that time, I could not fully grasp its content, but the wonder of it lay in my heart like a precious pearl, enfolded and waiting. Waiting for the right moment and the right time when I could experience the wonderful things in the spirit. I was just so endlessly grateful that the Father promised to assign the special warrior angel to me, because it helped me to relax. I was truly comfortable with the task I had received, and I was convinced that the Father would see to it that I would not be hindered in writing his book. Only then did the full
  • 17. meaning of the truth of his Word reach me: “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” (2 Samuel 22:30) The Father soon confirmed what my pastor had prophesied. Shortly after that day I awoke one night and clearly heard the Father’s voice: “A third angel has been set aside for you.” Later that morning while I was doing Bible study, I recognized his voice again. He said: “I sincerely love you, my daughter. I will personally lead you to your true destination. The season for just waiting is now over. I have set you apart for me and I expect you to be faithful to me.” A week later another prophetic word followed. Another prophetic word on Friday 5 October 2007 On this day at the prophetic school our leader once again had a message from the Father for me: “It is as though the Father wants to come and wrap you in cotton wool. The Father will draw you into his heart and protect you. He will take you to a new destination, a new calling with a deeper dimension in the spiritual sphere. You are now in Canaan, your spiritual end-destination. The purpose for which the Father created you is going into fulfilment. “In the new book visions and dreams will be entwined and deeper mysteries of heaven will be revealed to you. The two angels that have been assigned to you under the Father’s command will accompany you everywhere. You will become one with the Father, one in Spirit and one in truth. The revelations will be distributed in three languages. The Father will see to it that all doors open for this purpose.” This prophecy confirmed that which I heard in the spirit the previous night. The Father said to me: “I am going to do something completely new. You will receive a new vision from me. It will be like a new birth. Buy a brand new silver bracelet and engrave the following words on it: This is something new.” I thought of Psalm 12:6: “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.” The following day my husband and I went to the store. He helped me look for a suitable bracelet. After a long search I indeed found a silver bracelet that looked like the one I saw in the spirit. On the inside I had the word Neos engraved. It means: ‘completely new’. In truth, writing the revelations was no longer completely strange to me. I clearly recognized the Father’s voice in my spirit, and I was also getting more used to the spiritual journeys. Meanwhile I was very busy finishing off my first revelations, the journeys to the dark depths of hell. (I describe these journeys in the book, Revelations of hell revealed.) It kept me very busy. Yet the prospect of the new journeys was there, and it was a lovely and pleasant expectation. I was in a very short rest phase, a Sabbath rest, before the new season would really start. It made it possible for me to distance myself from the terror of the experiences of hell, which I had been exposed to. At half past six on the morning of Tuesday 9 October 2007 I saw a vision of a book flying through the air like a discus. I was throwing books into the air and they all spun like a discus. The books travelled across incredible distances and where they landed, they exploded like mortars. The sparks created from the explosions resulted in new explosions. “Write everything you see down immediately,” were the Father’s words. Dear reader, as I indicated earlier, this book is actually the second part of my spiritual experiences. I describe the first part in a separate book, Revelations of hell revealed. I want to invite you now, however, to join me on my spiritual journey. I believe the Father himself will reveal to you the purpose of this book. I give him all the glory, because this book belongs to the Father. He is merely using me as a
  • 18. channel through which his word must flow to you. For this reason I am not trying to convince you of the credibility of these journeys. I am only sharing with you what I have experienced. And I trust that the Holy Spirit will reveal it to whom and in whatever way he so chooses. Blank Page
  • 19. Heavenly revelations ~ secrets of heaven unveiled . TEACHING: THE ALMOND SCEPTRE Friday 12 October 2007
  • 20. I awoke at three o’clock in the early morning hours, but it was actually only at about four-thirty when I was accompanied to heaven. During this journey I had the experience of being simultaneously spectator and participant. As in the past, I saw myself from behind; I was approximately 30 years old, considerably younger than my actual age. I found myself standing on a green hill. I was filled with joy, an inner happiness, when I saw Jesus standing there. He was clothed in a long white robe that hung down to his feet. For a moment I stood looking at my Saviour in awe before I started running towards him. He opened his arms and embraced me. For a while I just stood pressed against him, deeply content to be with my beloved Jesus (Yeshua, as I call him). With our arms linked we strolled across the green hills. Then we sat down in a place from where we could view the meadows. I had the almond sceptre, which had played such a large role during previous revelations, with me. On the opposite side of the hill, I saw a flock of sheep grazing peacefully. Psalm 23:1 came to my mind, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters …” I desired nothing more than to be in the wonderful, restful presence of my Yeshua. For me it was enough; I did not long for anything more. “I still have to teach you so many things, Hephzibah,” Jesus said softly after a while. (Hephzibah is the name that my Father-God gave me on a previous occasion. It is the name by which Father, Son and Spirit address me during spiritual revelations and conversations. During later journeys he gave me the pet name ‘Hephzi’.) “I understand, Lord,” I answered. “You are now in a school and the Holy Spirit is the teacher. It is important that you understand all the heavenly experiences and teachings.” “Yes, Lord, I realize that perfectly well. During my previous heavenly journeys, you gave me quite a few mantles, but I have to honestly admit: I still do not understand the meaning of it all. I do not know what to do with them. At times I get completely panicky because I do not know whether, in my ignorance, I neglected a specific assignment relating to these cloaks.” Jesus suddenly became uneasy, and I sensed his mood changing and becoming more watchful. “Come, I must explain something to you – carefully observe what you see,” Jesus said, pointing at the flock of sheep. I could see the raised nail marks on his hands, and a deep compassion welled up in me, but Jesus kept my attention focused on the scene before me. I was shocked to see a furtive figure close to the sheep. He was wearing a long, dark coat with a hood over his head to hide his face and all the while moving closer. A strong wind began to blow and blew the hood off the figure’s head. To my bewilderment the thief was nothing other than a skeleton. He sneaked up on the sheep, and it soon became obvious that he wanted to separate one of the sheep from the flock. “He is a villain, a robber and a deceiver who tries to steal my sheep even before they are in the pen. If you watch carefully, you will understand everything.” The thief crept closer and aimed to catch one of the sheep. I felt anger rising up inside me, but before I could say anything, I saw hundreds of silver swords, sharp as arrows, come slicing through the air. They penetrated the ground, pinned densely together and formed a fence around the sheep. This reminded me of Jesus’ words in John 10:11, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his
  • 21. life for the sheep.” The prowler suddenly turned into a large, fat rat and started looking for an opening in the fence. Jesus quickly rose and said, “Come, we have to go immediately. Bring your sceptre with you because it is your weapon. Do you remember?” “Yes, Master, but how shall I use it? It is covered in almonds, look; there are seeds in some of the broken shells.” Without responding to my question, he said, “Come quickly.” Jesus walked swiftly towards the sheep, and I followed him. When we reached the fence, he urgently commanded me, “Take the sceptre and use it like a weapon.” Without really knowing what I was doing, I lifted the almond sceptre. It suddenly changed into a sword with a sharp point. A power greater than my own took my hand and threw the sword towards the rat. The razor-sharp point penetrated the rat’s head and pinned it to the ground. The sword remained standing upright in the ground while the rat sprawled helplessly. Jesus said, “The sceptre is the Word. It cuts through everything, through flesh and bone, and cleaves even bone and marrow. It is a powerful weapon and has two cutting edges. With this you can defeat the enemy.” (Revelation 1:16: “… out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword.”) Only after the sheep were calmed down and returned to the pen, could we continue our stroll across the meadows – Jesus carrying a shepherd’s staff, and the almond sceptre in my hand. (He gave me the almond sceptre for the first time on a previous journey with the command, “Your strength is in the sceptre – I am your sceptre and your strength is in me.”) I became aware of an angel moving somewhere near us. This angel was bigger than the one who accompanied me on my previous journeys, when I had to go to the dark depths of hell to expose the true Satan. While we were walking, Jesus said, “My daughter, you asked me to teach you, and I can see that you have a sincere longing for it. I have seen that you understood and carried out my assignments. I am so happy about that, little one. You are making really good progress.” “Thank You, Lord. I am really glad that You are pleased,” I replied. “That is good. Come to me, and bring all your needs and desires to me, because I want to care for you. That is a promise in my Word, do you remember?” (Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”) “Yes, Lord, You have already shown me that your ‘times’ and your ‘seasons’ are always perfect. You are a master planner.” “Yes, little one, it is because I care for you. There are still many things that you must learn. By the time I send you to sow seed, you will be fully equipped for the task for which I want to use you. Stay in my rest. I am happy and pleased with your progress.” “Thank You, I love You dearly, beloved Jesus.” “I can see that, my child. Your love is true and pure like the lily that I gave you during one of our previous journeys. Share the love with which I have blessed you. I measured a double portion for you, filled you to the brim so you will have enough to share with others. That is why I selected the lily of love for you. Go and rest now, lovely child. You waited almost two hours for me – now I know your longing to be with me is sincere. I know what goes on in your heart and that you truly want to be in my presence.” I wrote everything down carefully and went back to bed contented. I fell asleep immediately.
  • 22. . THE WHEEL Friday 12 October 2007 L ater this morning, during my quiet time, I was once again transported by the Spirit and found myself in the green pastures. Jesus was already waiting for me. Joy bubbled up inside me like a fountain when I approached him and saw the dear face of my beloved Yeshua. The gleam in his eyes was as soft as velvet. Like an uninhibited child I started skipping and dancing around him. Deep down in my heart everything was surging with bliss and joy. With hands raised I sang his praises. As he beckoned me closer, I heard him laughing softly. Together we continued walking across the green field. As though I were a spectator, I was able to see us from behind; him with the shepherd’s crook in his hand and me with the almond staff in mine. All was so blissful and peaceful as we walked on. We came to a halt at a small stream flowing with clear, clean water. He bent down, scooped water from the stream with his cupped hands and held it out to me: “Drink my child, drink the water from the Fountain of Life, because it is good for you. I am the Water of Life. Drink so that I can fill you and become everything to you.” I drank much, because the water was deliciously sweet and fresh and cool. (Revelation 7 verse 17: “For the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” ) Later we continued walking peacefully and came to a beautiful sea of glass. It was the most lovely blue-green colour; colours similar to that of a dragon-fly’s wings when touched by the rays of the sun. I could not take my eyes off it, for it was exquisite; different from and more beautiful than any sea on earth. Not only were the colours spectacular; the fact that the water was covered by a transparent sheet of glass was unusual and supernatural. I stood staring in wonder as something similar to a large wheel came rolling towards us. Jesus climbed into the gap in the centre of the wheel and beckoned me to join him. The wheel resembled a large car tyre with side walls as white as snow. With both hands I held onto the sides as the wheel started moving, rolling across the sea of glass. I was supremely happy, because I was in the presence of my beloved Jesus. That was all I longed for, all I needed to give me a feeling of complete bliss. Later the wheel took off like an airplane and started moving through the air. Higher and higher we
  • 23. rose in the air until we were almost invisible to the naked eye. (Ezekiel 1 verse 18-19: “Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around. When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose.” ) Something indescribable happened high, high up in the sky. The wheel suddenly changed to the white of an eagle’s eye. Both Jesus and I had been taken into the iris of an eagle’s eye! (Isaiah 40 verse 31: “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” ) Inside the eye of the mighty eagle, I felt us gliding on the air currents. “What’s going on Lord?” I asked, looking at him with expectation but without being afraid. “Just wait a little while; I’ll explain shortly”, he replied. I did not inquire again, although I very much wanted to know the purpose of the flight. Without any further explanation we were carried on the air current for a while until the eagle slowly descended and landed on the glass sea. Without talking we moved on to the pastures. Later, Jesus remarked tenderly: “Because you are one in me, your vision has no limits, Hephzibah. And neither can I be limited. “In me, you too cannot be limited. You have everything, because you have me. Only trust in my Word.” “Thank You very much Yeshua. I love You so much.” “I love you too, my child. We will meet again, but now you must return.” Before I could object, I was brought back by the Spirit of God. Speechless and amazed at the revelations in the Spirit, I remained motionless in my chair. God is faithful, I thought in wonderment. My beloved God is good. Note how concerned he is that he values teaching and instructing me in particular. He is so considerate and has so much patience with me. He is a true Lord and the ultimate Gentleman! How will I ever be able to thank him enough for his benevolence toward me? I can merely sing him a song of praise. Sing to his glory. Hallelujah. Great is my King and my God. ***** During our weekly prophet school this afternoon, our leading pastor once again ministered to me prophetically: “Father says to you: ‘I love you so much, so very much. I desire to have you close to me. I can see that this is also your desire. I want a love relationship with you, my child. I would love to dance with you. The music will be wonderful, because you will begin to dance to the beat of my heart. ‘Together we will dance in this beautiful hall. It will be a large hall that renders much space and freedom of movement to us. We will dance barefoot, just me and you, me and you. It will be an intimate dance of love. ‘I can share my hidden secrets with you; disclose my heart’s desires to you, my daughter. ‘I can make my promises to my children known to you, my heartache and my disappointments because my children don’t believe my promises. What hurts me most is the fact that my children disobey me. They grieve my Spirit; they distrust me, even though I love them immeasurably. Despite everything, I love each one of my children very much, but they reject my love. Day after day they grieve my Spirit and then go on with their lives as though it means nothing. I can share this pain with you, my beloved daughter. ‘You are very precious to me, my child. I am going to take you on a Spiritual journey. Walk a
  • 24. straight path and obey only me. ‘I will open new doors for you that will render you speechless. You will stand amazed at the depth and riches of my undisclosed secrets. ‘I will speak to you plainly. Do not worry about that. Even when I whisper, you will recognize my voice. You will recognize my voice and understand what I say even by the slightest prompting in your spirit. ‘You will know my voice, and identify it among a thousand other different voices. ‘I love you dearly, my precious daughter. Come with me; come with me on these wonderful journeys. Together we will dance on the mountaintops. Together we will be in an intimate love relationship with each other.’ These words I heard and I glorify and thank and praise Father, in the mighty Name of Jesus.” This prophecy was extremely valuable to me and I took great care of it and guarded it like a precious treasure. I experienced an overwhelming expectation concerning the wonderful things Father had promised me in his majesty and kindness. Promises that await me in the new season filled me with great excitement. . THE DOORS SWING OPEN Saturday 13 October 2007 I n the early hours I woke up. I had the feeling of being shaken awake. Immediately afterwards I heard a voice in my spirit saying, “God himself will unlock the doors.” I could not fall asleep again, and lay awake, thinking of all the wonderful revelations I had experienced. How was it possible that I would be able to dance with Jesus? How? Where? When would this come true? At approximately five-thirty, in a vision, two huge doors swung open in front of me. The doors were made of heavy, thick dark wood and almost square-shaped. They looked like the doors of wooden gates from ancient times. I entered through the doors and found myself in a massive, dome-shaped hall. It was gloomy and I could not see clearly what the surroundings looked like. I waited inside the open doors, uncertain of what was expected of me. The inside of the hall was suddenly lit up and everything became clearly visible. “Wow!” I called out in ecstasy. I felt that this sight had been held as a surprise for me. The interior was exceptionally beautiful. The floor was made of transparent crystal glass. It was like the floor of God’s throne room where I had previously been – transparent crystal clear glass. Under the floor were multitudes of flowers that illuminated the floor from underneath like pools of light. The colours were so
  • 25. beautiful; purple, bright orange and pink. Many of these flowed into one another, like the colours of a rainbow. Some of them were foreign to me. The roof was very high and dome-shaped. The walls and the ceiling were lined with white almond blossoms and had pinkish corollas. It was too heavenly for earthly words. I heard my Father’s voice, “You are like a lovely rose, because I am the Rose of Sharon and we are one. Until now you were a rosebud, but now you are unfolding as a lovely blossoming rose. “I am composing music, heavenly music that we can dance to. You will see it happen, and experience it, my beloved. You are going to look like a real princess, because I am preparing you to dance with me.” “Father-God, no one will accept the book as credible. People are going to view it as a flight of my creative imagination,” I called out when I heard what he said. He answered me, “Hephzibah, what you receive, is available to all my children. If they are willing to dance to the rhythm of my heartbeat, they will enjoy the same privileges. I am available to everyone. “My greatest sorrow is that they reject me. They cannot comprehend my love for them. But you, you understand something of my heart. It is possible for you to comprehend my pain and grief. You know of my deep sorrow, because your heart also reaches out to people. Therefore I can share the secrets of my heart with you. “I could see that the revelations of hell were extremely difficult for you; therefore it is now the time to laugh and rejoice, my beautiful girl. In your lifetime you have been misunderstood by many, and people hurt you deeply with words and conduct that left scars. They judged you, but I know the purity of your heart. Your love for people is honest and sincere. Now it is your turn to be happy. “Do you remember when you were a student at the dance school? You danced at championships and I know all about it. I did not allow your heart to dance before strange gods, and therefore I kept your heart shut, protected, to reveal your heart and soul to me. Now it is my turn to dance with you to heavenly music. That is why I saved the best for now. “I will provide the music, my beloved – we are composing the heavenly music right now. Just stay in my rest, stay in me and drink water from the spring that gives eternal life. It will restore your joy, happiness and inner beauty. All the pleasure and contentment the enemy has stolen from you ever since your childhood, I have claimed back, my precious, beloved daughter. This lost joy and happiness I will now transfer into a composition. “You will not be called an outcast woman any more. That is why I changed your name to ‘Hephzibah’. You are my joy, the one I deeply and sincerely love … you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow … No longer will they call you Deserted … But you will be called Hephzibah. (Isaiah 62:2, 4) “I will confirm these things to you and it will be fulfilled very soon. Just be obedient and remain in my rest. “You must journal everything exactly as you hear it, my little one. My daughters will be jealous, and desire to enjoy what you are privileged to experience. I would like them to desire the same relationship you have with me. “Only those who approach me with a pure heart will enjoy that privilege. I detest a proud and haughty heart. My desire is that my sons and daughters must have ‘clean hands and a pure heart.’ (Psalm 24: 4) “I will know whether they cherish pure heavenly love in their hearts, or whether it is false love that comes from jealousy. I know everything. “Go in peace, beloved child. Relax and be calm. I am with you and I will provide.”
  • 26. Later, as I recorded these words, it all came rushing out like floodwaters so that my hand could barely keep up the pace. God made every word of this revelation known to my spirit and let it flow through me. I was merely the pen that had to write it down, like Ezekiel, ‘Write these down before them ….’ (Ezekiel 43:11) When the stream of words began to subside, I called out in amazement, “Almighty God, how I love You for these wonderful revelations. How deep is my admiration for You, Father, I honour You for who You are. Thank You, Lord.” Then I heard God’s voice in my spirit, “I am pleased that you hear and understand every word that I reveal to you. You make me very happy.” This assurance meant a great deal to me. At times I was concerned I was hearing things in my imagination. Consequently, I daily asked the Father to give me a very refined gift of discernment so that no other voice could infiltrate the truth and pollute the Rhemah word that was audible in my spirit. Only the pure word of the Father should be perceptible. In truth, this is an incredible responsibility that rests on me, one that I will have to be accountable for. . THE ROCK Sunday 14 October 2007 O n this Sunday morning, during our church service, I was very aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. For a brief moment it was as though a curtain was drawn back, when the Spirit took me to God’s throne room in heaven where I had been before. However, this time I was taken straight into this spectacular room and not to the foyer with the golden arch first from where Jesus and I entered the previous time. On my first visit I was so filled with awe that I could not absorb everything I saw, but on this second visit it was as if I was better prepared. Before me was the beautiful, great golden throne covered by a silver-white cloud and a rainbow which encircled the throne. The cloud represented the presence of my Father-God. Surrounding the throne were big golden angels. I could not clearly distinguish everything, because the whole area surrounding the throne was veiled in a glow of gold and light. On the right-hand side of the mighty golden throne was a smaller throne also of pure gold, upon which Jesus sat. In my spirit I could observe something of his magnificence, of the golden royal robe and the golden crown on his head. The whole place was shrouded in a soft light and radiated a regal glory. Splendours of flowers, a showcase of the most indescribable colours imaginable, softly lit the glass floor from below. From somewhere soft, soothing music could be heard. I saw myself standing there, dressed in a breath-taking light purple chiffon dress that wrapped softly around me. It was a stunning dress that fell to my feet in soft frills and fanned about. Then it was as if the curtain closed again, and I fell flat on my face in worship before God’s throne. When I came to myself, the Spirit had brought me back to the reality of the church activities. Later, when our pastor was pronouncing the blessings, I saw in a vision an incredible rock being placed in my open hands. Amazed, I looked at the rock, and clearly heard the following words, “I am the rock. Your rock. Your strength.” I found this knowledge so incredibly encouraging and priceless that I kept this vision like a precious jewel in my heart all day long.
  • 27. . THE PREPARATIONS Monday 15 October 2007 M onday morning at nine o’clock I was lying down in silent prayer before God, acknowledging him as Yahweh the almighty God of heaven and earth, when I clearly heard his voice: “I am preparing you for the dance. Like Esther you will be, more beautifully than ever before, my daughter.” “I desire to dance with Jesus in the breathtakingly dancehall. Never before have I seen such a beautiful hall. Only your royal throne room is more spectacular than the dancehall, Father. I desire to taste the new wine, Abba, Father, to drink wine from the new wineskins. To be able to dance with the Darling of heaven is almost too great for me to understand. I cannot wait.”
  • 28. He answered me: “I am busy with the final preparations, my love. Shortly we will be dancing.” I was once again whisked away in the spirit and found myself standing on the sea of glass where I had been with Jesus before. The strong colours were once more stunning, a deep emerald green, purple and blue, flowing into one another. A slight mist suddenly surrounded me, and from the opposite horizon a light, different from the usual soft light sheen in heaven, whirled down like coloured, shimmering dust particles. A beautiful vision brightened the entire horizon and came like a search light across the sea to fall on me. Reluctantly I took a first step into the light, and then waited. Another step, and waited again. My Father-God’s voice was clear when he said: “These things will come into fulfilment very soon, dear child. Just wait a little while longer. I have saved the best for last. I am going to lift the veil from the bride’s face so she can see her Groom. You too will clearly see your Groom’s face, my child, and you will grow to love him more than ever. You will behold and experience his love and passion, his glory; you will know his love for you. Just stay humble of heart and as obedient as you are. Stay close to my heart because you are incredibly precious to me. I know you have an expectation, a deep longing for me.” “There is no one as wonderful as You and I honour You as my God.” “We will speak again, my child,” my Father-God answered. Afterwards the Spirit brought me back. Dear reader, you will note that I had heavenly experiences almost daily. Sometimes I had more than one revelation on the same day. I could never see the Father himself; I only heard his voice when he spoke to me. His glory was always represented by a cloud.
  • 29. . THE DRESS IS MADE Monday 15 October 2007 W hile I was working out on the treadmill in the gymnasium later this morning and softly praying in my special tongue, the Spirit took me to God’s throne room where I waited in the doorway. God made it possible through his Spirit for me to see what the angels were busy with – and it was almost too great to take in: Firstly the wonderful rainbow around the mighty golden throne became clearly visible. Then I could see how angels were scraping off and gathering the coloured dust from the rainbow in tiny skin pouches. It is beyond words to describe the vibration of their wings in the light, when they took the pigment they had collected to the weavers. From where I was standing I could see the weaving mill. There were other angels at weaving chairs who wove the sparkling, coloured dust into fabric. The fabric was thin and delicate and looked like snowy white chiffon with fine glittering and coloured dust woven into it. When an angel lifted a piece of filmy material, I was speechless, in complete amazement, staring at it as one dreaming. I heard God’s voice in my spirit: “My child, I wanted to spoil you a bit and show you the material and that the angels have started making the dance dress. Through this you can also realize that you can see deep into the invisible.” The Spirit returned me to where I was still working out on the treadmill in the gymnasium. I was completely overwhelmed with joy, and the tears freely rolled down my cheeks. This experience was almost too intense for my earthly body to absorb. Throughout the day I was as one dreaming, so much beauty, and so much glory. What have I done to deserve to be so special and so spoiled? “Almighty Father, I love You so incredibly much for all the goodness that You bestow on me,” I cried out in tears. The rest of the day I was like someone wrapped in a cloud of emotions. The things I saw and experienced were so infinitely precious that I could not share it with anyone. Not even with my husband, who is so close to me. One morning, many months later the full meaning of this revelation filled my spirit: “The bride will one day be clothed in The Seven Spirits of God, the completeness of the Holy Spirit.”
  • 30. . GOD’S REST Wednesday 17 October 2007 W hen I woke up, I clearly recognized the Father’s voice: “I see that you are struggling because you are tired, and you find it difficult to handle these emotional things. Just remember, I will never let you go from my heart. I AM with you. We are one. Just stay in my rest.” “Thank You a thousand times, Abba, Father,” I whispered close to tears. In a vision the Father-God showed me musical instruments. It was a clearly perceivable vision. There were violins, tambourines, flutes and harps as well as other instruments I was not familiar with. “The music is already being prepared, my child. Together you and I will dance on the sea of glass. We will dance and become one. You are precious to me, dearest Hephzibah.” “I can hardly wait to hear the music, precious Master, because I would love to dance with You,” I whispered. I experienced an overwhelming expectation within me. Sometimes I really could not wait for God’s promise to come to pass. I was, however, exceedingly busy with the editing of the first manuscript in which I had recorded the journeys to the underground depths. Writing down the new heavenly revelations while everything was still fresh in my mind and retyping it the next day also required a lot of my time. Sometimes it was extremely difficult to be occupied with earthly, fleshly obligations while I was yearning for the things of the spirit. And sometimes I was truly aware of the fact that I had been equipped with supernatural strength, and that was a wonderful experience for me. There was the desire to do only what the Father expected of me: Nothing more, nothing less. I wanted to walk the road with him, step by step, in obedience – and find my joy in that.
  • 31. . THOUGHTFULNESS Thursday 18 October 2007 A fter Father’s invitation of the previous day to stay in his rest, I woke up early morning at about six and was immediately taken into his heart where I saw myself resting beneath palm branches. I heard the Father’s soft voice, as though he was talking to a child: “It will be good if you are at peace, because it will help you to complete the book. I can see it is difficult for you to be busy with both books simultaneously. You will have to be able to see deeply into the invisible, and your spiritual vision must be fully developed so your vision will be like that of an eagle. I will allow you to see what I desire for you to see. Do you understand that, my daughter?” “Yes, Abba, I think I understand. You make me so happy, and I am sincerely grateful to You, dearest Father.” “I also see that sometimes you are so worried about the safety of your grandchildren, but I promise you that nothing will happen to them. They belong to me. I take care of them and I do not want you to be concerned. My angels will watch over them.” “Thank You very much, Father. You are so good to me. I do not deserve all your wonderful kindness. I honour You and I admire your greatness.” “Concentrate now on writing the books, Hephzibah. It is your assignment, my daughter.” “I will gladly complete the books for You, Lord. I have such a longing to do everything You ask of me.” “Only remember to write down precisely everything you see and experience.” Thereafter, the Spirit returned me. It was truly as though I had been endowed with new strength of life, and the rest of the day glided past smoothly. The fact that the Father had promised me he would look after my grandchildren meant a lot to me, because they are so infinitely precious to me. . MUSIC Thursday 18 October 2007 L ater while I was keeping my daily quiet time, I once again found myself in the Father-God’s throne room. From there I was taken to the door of the incredibly large hall. It was quite dark inside, until suddenly something resembling a search light was switched on and illuminated the hall. I sharply drew in my breath, covered my mouth with my hand and stood there completely speechless. I remained fixed and watched tenfold angels clothed in garments as white as snow, with golden trumpets in their hands. The most pleasing, pure music from the trumpets filled the hall. An angel, very large in stature, let the
  • 32. searchlight at the opposite side of the hall fall on the next group of angels. They were playing golden harps, and the music was very soft and barely audible. As the light moved to the next group of angels I could see them playing golden violins. Other groups of angels were playing flutes and yet others small golden organs. There were also angels with tambourines, moving around the hall in circles. Some of the instruments were foreign to me, but when I reflected on it later, I realized that some of the instruments might have been cithers. I called out in awe: “Abba, Father, how can I ever thank You enough for this? Everything is so indescribably beautiful. Thank You so much!” “I merely wanted to show you that the angels are already composing the music. All the joy and happiness the enemy has stolen from you over the years, I have claimed back from him. It is being converted into heavenly music to dance to. You and I are going to dance to the beat of that new music, Hephzibah.” “My dearest Abba,” I replied, “it is all too much for me to take in. I still do not understand why You are showing such favour towards me. I feel I do not deserve it, Father.” “I do it only because I love you, my daughter, and because you are precious to me.” “I too love You so much because You first loved me.” Nonplussed I fell to the ground on my face with tears streaming from my eyes. “I have no words for this, Lord,” I cried out. “I want to see you laugh again and return your stolen happiness. You should be happy and sing and dance before me, dearest daughter.” “Father, I am so excited already, and cannot wait to hear the orchestra play. It will be exquisite. I already know it,” I whispered. “You must wait until I show you the secrets of heaven. You will see and experience much of it. You only have to trust me.” I thought of the Father’s words in Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”, and said: “I am already so excited about the prospect, Father, but I will try to wait patiently.” “Patience and trust is so important, dearest daughter. For this promise you have only my word to hold on to. But I assure you it will soon come into fulfilment.” I wished that the orchestra in our congregation could hear the heavenly music, because no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to describe this great experience in words.
  • 33. . THE FRAGRANCES OF THE FLOWER Thursday 18 October 2007 L ater in the gymnasium I wished that I could have a recording of that heavenly music resound through the building. As usual – because it had become a glory-laden experience for me – I quietly prayed while I was exercising. I was still praying when I was raptured by the Spirit, this time right into the Father’s heart. My beloved Jesus suddenly stood before me. Between us, from top to bottom, a sticky, shiny fluid was pouring down. It reminded me of anointing oil. But once again I was surprised with the unveiling when I recognized his lovely voice: “This glue, the Holy Spirit, is the glue that binds us together, dearest little one.” I was speechless with astonishment; I could think of no answer to that. But then I remembered an assignment about the lily of the valleys. As the lily of love I had to hand out the love of Jesus to others. “Lord,” I said, “I have handed out the lily to my sisters at the prophetic school and blessed them all in your Name. They were so happy and delighted with it.” “Well done, my beloved daughter. Because you were faithful and carried out my instruction, you may keep the lovely fragrance of the lily for yourself. The colour and the fragrance are synonymous with one another. It is your special gift from me.” Bliss leapt up inside me, deliciousness as sweet as the scent of the lily. Ecstatically, I cried out, “Thank You so very much. I truly do not deserve something as special as the pleasant fragrance of the lily. I do not know how to thank You, dearest Yeshua.” “You can receive it because you stand in my righteousness, Hephzibah. I saw that you were very fond of the fragrance and that made me happy too.” “Oh yes, the fragrance is delightful, and I am incredibly fond of it,” I called out happily. “Keep on loving me in this way, my dearest child.” “Your love has no equal, Lord.” “My love is meant for everyone, but so many of my children reject it and that hurts me deeply.” “How is it possible that there are people who do not love You? How can they not want to enjoy your countless love? I do not understand it.” “It is because they do not know me, dear child.” For a while he was quiet and then continued: “Just keep on loving me with the honesty and sincerity of heart like a child. Do you remember that I told you this long ago? Trust me with simplicity of heart, just like an innocent child. That is all I desire from you.” “Yes, my Master, I still remember it very well.” “Continue loving me in that way, because it is love that pleases me, Hephzibah.” I could hear the sorrow in his voice. It distressed and grieved me. How is it possible that there are people on this earth who will not accept the love of the Father-God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit? I ask nothing more than just that: to please the King of heaven. What more could any child of man on
  • 34. this earth desire? . CAUGHT UP LIKE AN EAGLE Friday 19 October 2007 I woke just after midnight and was hardly awake when I got the strange sensation that I was being taken out of my body to the heavenly sphere by the Spirit. I could see myself moving into the atmosphere, until eventually I could perceive the earth’s globe from a distance. It felt as if I was flying, and I loudly exclaimed: “Look! I can fly! I am flying like an eagle!” Through the Spirit I was truly soaring through the air like an eagle and I called out in ecstasy: “It is wonderful!” (Exodus 19:4: “You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.” ) I could feel how I was being tilted sideways in my flight by the air currents. My eyes became focused so I could see all the way to earth. Down below I could see a large forest. In the forest amongst the trees I could clearly see a woman, with a scarf tied over her hair, scooping water with a bucket. Because she was bent over, I could not see her face. “What is happening, Lord? Why am I alone with the eagle?” I called out and felt a little frightened. He answered immediately, “You are never alone, dearest child. You and I are one. Remember, we are now glued together. The Holy Spirit is the glue. You can never again be detached from me, beloved daughter. This exercise up here in the air is only to confirm to you that your spiritual eyes are now like those of an eagle. Your spiritual sight is fully developed.” We flew for a while longer before the Spirit brought me back. Because I was spiritually and physically very tired from all the long hours spent in front of the computer, I fell asleep almost immediately.
  • 35. . THE NEXT DIMENSION Friday 19 October 2007 L ater at the prophetic school the following was prophesied over me: “The Father is going to take you deeper into the spiritual dimension and show you even more secrets and hidden treasures of heaven. Your heavenly journeys are not over yet.” I thought of Jesus’ words to his disciples in Matthew 13:11, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you ….” After the prophetic word each student could worship the Father in his or her unique way. I separated myself before the Father by sitting apart on the carpet under a shawl. I revelled in his presence, and was transported by the Spirit. I very clearly experienced the following journey: Above me there was an opening that looked like a door. Jesus, clothed in shining white garments, was standing in the doorway and held out his hand to assist me. I looked up at him, but could not see his face; yet I was intensely aware of the power that flowed from his hand to mine when he pulled me up. It felt as if we were moving through different floors or ceilings before I could have a moment’s rest on a snow-white floor. I did not linger there, because Jesus took me further. We proceeded through a square opening. Above us there was a bright orange fire through which I had to move by myself with my arms stretched sideways. The flames spread from my head, through my body and down to my feet. When the flames disappeared, I found myself in an extraordinary place, swathed in gorgeous shades of bright purple. It was as though I was taken into a coloured cloud. Why am I alone? I wondered in surprise while looking at the lovely colours around me. Above me something resembling an opening in the sky suddenly developed. A very bright light shone through, so bright that I had to cover my face with my hands. I could sense Jesus coming towards me. He sat next to me inside the purple cloud and drew me closer by the hand into the safety of his arms. “What is happening?” I softly asked. “You are now in the holy presence of the Father-God himself,” he quietly answered. The moment was too holy for me, too great, and I just waited wordlessly in the circle of his arms. The mere thought of us being in the Father’s presence was already sufficient for me; it was as though I could desire nothing more than that. Neither Jesus nor I spoke again. We were still in the purple cloud, when the anointing was disturbed by the movement and voices of the other students around me. Approximately twenty minutes passed. During this time I remained lying under the Spirit’s anointing; I was not capable of getting up and talking to the other students. When I came to I was very emotional. The revelation was too great for me. I could hardly take it in. How do you explain to others that the light of the Father’s presence alone is too great for a human being to handle? Where do you find enough words to describe the absolute peace that you experience in the Father’s vicinity? This experience in the spirit left me defenceless for the entire day. I was very fragile, tearful and emotional. The memory of the revelation was invaluably precious; something I could share with no one. It
  • 36. was nearly impossible to even capture in words. . THE FIRST DANCE LESSON Sunday 21 October 2007 W hile getting dressed this morning to go to our congregation’s festival service, I heard Jesus calling, ”Come, I want to dance with you.” My first reaction was one of exuberant joy, but I had to remind myself that there was little time left to get ready for the festival service. I so badly wanted to spend plenty of time with my Saviour, not giving up a second of this quality time – treasured time. I heard the voice again, this time more urgently: ”Come, because you are going to miss your first dance lesson.” ”No, anything but that! I will miss it for nothing in the world!” I whispered and put on my dressing gown, wrapped a towel around my wet hair and hurried to my special place of prayer in my guest room. I put the soft, light purple organza cloth that I bought especially for this purpose, over my head and prayed in my heavenly tongue. I was taken by the Spirit into the Father-God’s heart, where my Jesus was already waiting for me. He approached me and tenderly said, ”Dance with me.” I laughed joyfully and cried out, ”My dress is not yet finished, nor the composing of the music.” ”We are going to dance in the Father’s heart, my beloved, because we have to start practicing today,” he lovingly replied. ”I do not know how to dance with the Prince of Heaven!” I laughingly whispered and looked worshipfully up at him. ”I will teach you, dear child.” Once again I was simultaneously spectator and participant, and suddenly found myself clothed in a simple white dress and standing on a sparkling glass floor. A beautiful cloak covered in almond blossoms was draped around my shoulders. Over his white robe Jesus wore a sanguine mantle. He saw the way I was looking at my cloak with the almond blossoms and said, ”I gave you this cloak a long time ago,
  • 37. remember? It is the cloak of the first fruits.” ”Wow!” I cried out when I noticed the crown on my head. It was made up of almond blossoms. How delicate and soft it looked! ”Yes, yes, I remember, it is magnificent and too beautiful for me to wear.” Jesus started singing: ”We are going to dance barefoot. Barefoot we will dance. Barefoot we will dance. Hai-lai-lai-lai-lai-la.” The raised nail marks on his feet were clearly visible. I fell to the ground before him, kissed each foot individually and tenderly touched the scars with my fingers. While I was lying on the ground a light began to shine under the floor. ”Look, how wonderful!” I cried out, and stared at the play of colour underneath the glass floor. The bright and shiny splash of colour from the flowers provided the light from below. The splendour of the colours was inexplicably beautiful – light purple, soft orange and gold flowed into one another. There were also many other colours that I was unfamiliar with. ”I have never experienced this before, Lord!” I said as I looked up at him. ”Do you know the names of the flowers?” Before I could react, he answered the question himself: ”They are called: joy, peace, trust, happiness and love. These flowers have been especially selected to brighten up your life. I handpicked each one to decorate the dance floor.” Jesus came and stood next to me. ”We will practice together, Hephzibah. You must learn to listen to the music, because I want to let your heart dance, my beloved. There are still too many tears in your heart, my dearest. My desire is that you should dance with joy.” ”I do not know what it is like to dance in my heart. I do not know inner, spiritual joy and happiness. Will You please teach me?” ”That is why we should practice, because you must learn to dance to my heartbeat.” ”I love You, Yeshua,” I joyfully cried out. ”And I love you very much, Hephzibah.” Jesus took my hands and drew me towards him, then went to stand behind me and stretched his arms out sideways. He started teaching me quite ceremoniously. Dancing is a matter of the heart. Your heart must dance with the music, my sister.” While we were standing like that – me in front with Jesus behind me, our arms outstretched – we started singing in a heavenly tongue. Our spiritual shape changed so that our outstretched arms looked like the outspread wings of a dove. I looked at the scene in astonishment. ”I want to teach you to dance with your heart and spirit, dearest Hephzibah,” were the last words I heard before I was returned to my room. For a moment I sat without stirring. Once again I was infinitely surprised by Jesus’ endless patience and the tenderness with which he had taught me. We truly serve the most magnificent God, I realized anew. I had such a longing to remain in his loving presence, but it was time to get ready to go to the festival service. During the service my thoughts kept wandering off. In my heart there was the longing to be with my Jesus. That was all I desired.
  • 38. . LOOK UP Monday 22 October 2007 T his morning during my quiet time I covered my head with my shawl and knelt before God. I sat before the King of kings in quiet worship. The Spirit took me into the Father-God’s heart. With outstretched hands I called out, ”Father-God, please wash me in the blood of the Lamb. I want to be purified, cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Then, as one purified, I desire to approach You in worship.” The angels escorted me to a pond in Father’s heart and allowed me to enter slowly. I lowered myself into the bright, red blood in the pond until I was completely covered. When I emerged my whole being was astonishingly white. Shining white. The angels drew near, undressed me and clothed me in a new dress. The dress was white, but it had a soft green sheen. ”This is something new, new like a brand new dress,” I heard his voice say. The Father showed me a picture of a small fresh green plant. ”The new beginning is like this new, little green plant. Fresh and green and full of new life,” he said in a tranquil voice. Then Jesus drew near. ”Your heart is too heavy inside you, dear daughter.” I dropped my head and I knew: Without having to tell him anything, Jesus knows everything about me. When he stood before me, his voice was infinitely tender: ”Lift up your head and look into my eyes. Look at me, dearest girl. Look up and keep your shoulders straight.” His incredible love for me forced me to look at him. ”Breathe deeply. Inhale the Ruag Ha Kodesh, the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit, into your lungs.” I did as he told me and inhaled deeply. Then he softly continued, ”Dancing is a matter of the heart. You and I must teach your heart to dance, teach your spirit to dance, beloved Hephzibah.” He put his arms around my shoulders and said softly: ”Listen carefully to all the instructions. We have to teach you a new song too, a song of joy and happiness. I have reclaimed all the happiness that Satan has stolen from you. Now you must plant the new happiness in your heart like a fresh little plant.” I nodded wordlessly, because I did not have the words to describe my gratitude.
  • 39. ”Look what I have brought you, my dearest.” Jesus held out a ripe open pomegranate and put half a fruit in each hand. He took a red-ripe seed and placed it in my mouth. ”Taste the sweetness of the fruit. It is especially for you.” ”Thank You very much. I love You,” I whispered, overcome with emotion. ”I love you too, my dearest sister. I really want to see you laugh and dance. You have to be joyful. I can see that you are as one who is in mourning.” I felt his hand resting on my shoulder. ”Eat of the fruit of love, the sweet, ripe fruit of the pomegranate. When you eat this fully ripe fruit, you eat of my body. I am the full-ripe fruit; the fruit of life.” ”I appreciate your love so much,” I whispered against his shoulder. He embraced me. ”We will meet again, but now you must go and write everything down carefully.” ”I desire to stay a while longer with You, Yeshua,” I cried out in tears and fell before him. ”I want to sit at your feet and learn about You. Teach me your precious Word, the Word of life. The new life.” ”I will teach you more, because I can see that you long to know more. Like a ripe pomegranate I will break open the Word that gives life and share it with you.” ”Thank You a thousand times, beloved Master.” ”Only a little longer and you will taste and enjoy the sweetness of my fully ripe fruits,” he promised. Directly afterwards the Spirit brought me back. Jesus’ words were like fresh dew on the leaf of a flower; bright, sparkling and exquisite. It left me in silent astonishment; I so deeply desired to spend all day in his presence. Yet, the short time spent with him was like a precious treasure that I carried in my heart. It is something nothing and no one can take away from me. How many years have I been searching for this precious pearl? How often have I wandered in my search because I was looking in the wrong places? If only I knew then that Jesus was waiting for me to discover him. ‘Lord God, thank You for allowing me to find You. Thank You for not giving up on waiting for me to turn 180 degrees and find my way to your heart. How can I ever thank You for all your mercy towards me? I want to sing You a song of praise; to proclaim your glory. I cannot wait for You to break open the hard shell, hard like the shell of an almond, so that I can stand stripped before You. Cleansed. All the layers of plaster that I used over the years to cover my wounded heart will be scraped off. You, and only You, can bring total healing, Yeshua. It is You who will teach me to laugh. You alone can make my heart dance, and set me free. Dearest Jesus, only your precious blood can redeem me from the jail in which Satan has kept me chained. It is only You; only You. I honour You for that.”
  • 40. . THE BIRTH Wednesday 24 October 2007 L ast night I woke up twice. I was vaguely aware of something that had happened to me in a dream. At one stage I was in an artery of the Father-God’s heart and I had to swim in the fresh blood all along the artery. When I woke up and tried to recall the rest of the dream, I could not. While I was doing Bible study a deep longing to be in the Father’s heart again surfaced in me. I draped my prayer shawl (Israeli tallit) around me and began glorifying and praising God. I had barely started with my praise when the Spirit transported me into the Father’s heart. As so often before, Jesus was already waiting for me. From above the most wonderful light shone on us, but it was as though the light had become alive. I could see fine specks of gold glitter in the light whirling and fluttering down the shaft of light. ”I want to bless you today, dearest daughter. I long for my glory to descend on you.” ”Thank You, heavenly Lord, You are so good to me. Thank You so much.” ”Always be a reflector of my godly light. Carry my light out into the dark world.” I had to lie on my back. Four angels brought a thin, transparent, white chiffon cloth to me; they moved it up and down so that the delicate gold dust sifted through the fabric and created a thin layer over me. The gold dust gradually disappeared into my body. After a while the angels took the sheet away. When I sat up my body was brightly lit with a light gleam that beamed from inside outwards. I heard Father say, ”The bright light of my presence will illuminate your entire being, because you are the messenger of light and love. Allow my eternal light to illuminate your entire heart and spirit, and to banish all dark shadows.” Tears of gratitude rolled down my cheeks. ”I love You so deeply. My entire being longs and aches for your presence.” ”This is only the beginning, because you are merely tasting something of my love and glory.” ”You are spoiling me with your goodness, dearest Lord.” ”Write down everything that you have seen and experienced. I am very proud of you and pleased with your progress. Do not worry about the publication of the book. Everything is already in place. Be at rest about it. I will take care of everything.” It felt as though a soft breeze was blowing over me, and I could experience the sensation in my body. Just then something very strange happened. Everything suddenly went dark around me. I was
  • 41. amazed because never before had it gone dark in the Father-God’s heart. ”What is happening, Lord? Why is it so dark here in your heart? I do not understand it,” I whispered. ”You will see now, Hephzibah.” Slowly the darkness lifted and an incredible bright light fell over me. I heard God’s voice say, ”I had to take you through the birth passage to the new life so you could breathe the new, fresh breath. Today you experience the first day of your new-found life. Look behind you, my daughter.” Behind me was an image of me in the shape of an empty shell. The dark shell slowly fell to the ground like a skeleton and turned to dust. ” ... for dust you are and to dust you will return,” the words of Genesis 3:19 echoed in my thoughts. It was the dust of the old and worn out nature. When I looked at myself again, my new body, the new nature, was brightly lit. Three angels drew near and started moving with me in the new light. The tallest angel stood behind me, and the two smaller angels on either side of me. Together we formed the image of a dove. The tallest angel formed the main body, and the smaller angels the outspread wings. I melted somewhere into the body. We moved high up into the incredible light and arrived at something that looked like a dense membrane. Nothing was visible around us except the light in which we had been caught up. We waited a moment at something resembling sliding gates. The gates opened silently. ”Where are we now? What is inside?” I asked uncertainly. ”These are the gates that lead to the new journeys. Last night while you were sleeping I prepared everything carefully, but I wanted to let you rest, because you were very tired and worn out. I see your obedience and love, so I allowed you to rest. But you are now ready to move into a new dimension. I want to show you the deeper mysteries of heaven, but you have to be purified and cleansed of the pollution of all that you experienced in the place of darkness, hell, where you had to observe everything and write it down. The time has now come for you to enter the new life. Fresh breath is being breathed into you so you can enjoy the new life.” I waited in anticipation, but nothing happened. Again I heard the Father’s voice, ”Stay here on the inside of the gate until you are ready to step into the new life. The veil that is still covering your eyes also has to be removed completely. It will be done soon. Wait calmly here in my heart and do not worry about anything. My angels will protect you and your family. You will be wrapped in a cloak of light, beloved daughter, and shine like a light in the darkness. ”You will carry the message to the nations and tell my children how much I want to be with them. Hephzibah, you are like the voice that calls in the desert. You are my voice that calls out to my children. I will bless you greatly, because I find joy in the fact that you are willing to do this work for me, my beloved daughter.” ”Father-God, I long to see your heavenly kingdom where You live in all your glory and I can hardly wait for You to remove the films over my eyes so that I can see everything You have told me about. Father, let your will be done in my life, and do with me as You wish. I love You endlessly, heavenly Father.” Just after that the Spirit brought me back. I sat before God once again, small and insignificant, but soon after I was laying flat on my face in worship before him. I felt so unworthy and insignificant; yet the road that God was walking with me was so extremely precious. Like a small bird I wanted to crawl into the protection of his heart. All I wanted was to feel his hands around me and experience his unbelievable presence. That would be enough for me. How I wished to keep the incredible things that my Abba had shared with me to myself! It was so infinitely precious; I did not want to pollute it with the opinions and doubtful commentary of people out
  • 42. there. . THE RED MANTLE Thursday 25 October 2007 T his morning I had to act as support-counsellor. I got up earlier than usual to be ready on time. During my quiet time I read 2 Kings 6:5-7: “As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron axe-head fell into the water. ’Oh, my lord,’ he cried out, ’it was borrowed!’ The man of God asked, ‘Where did it fall?’ When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. ’Lift it out,’ he said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.” ”What is the message here, Father?” I asked.
  • 43. I heard his voice say, ”Today is the day of small miracles. What you do today is good and right in my eyes. I am going to open your eyes so you can see, dearest daughter. I want to help you to see into the invisible. The axe will come to the surface as it is written in the Word. Stay focused and remain in my rest. Today you have to use the mantle of healing that I gave you previously, Hephzibah. I will show you when and how. I promise I will be with you until the end of your life. Only place your hand in mine, precious daughter.” I knelt before God and asked, ”Father-God, I will only go if You bless me, but without You I will not set foot outside this house.” ”Use the red mantle today, my daughter. It is the mantle of healing, do you remember?” I opened my hands and held them out to the Father-God. I saw Jesus place his hands over both my hands. Then he pressed my palms together and held his hands on either side of mine so that the nail marks on the outside of his hands were clearly visible. ”Go, and touch your sister so that she can be healed. I will bring about the healing. I will be with you and bless you, lovely daughter. Let my light shine brightly through your life.” ”Thank You, thank You very much, dear Yeshua,” I whispered. ”Go in peace, dearest daughter,” he comforted me. It indeed turned out to be a day of miracles when we were able to counsel my friend and she was set free from the years of hurt that had prevented her from growing spiritually.
  • 44. . FREEDOM Friday 26 October 2007 W hile worshipping God this morning, I suddenly found myself in the Father-God’s heart. There I rested under palm leaves. Jesus entered, pulled me up by my hand and said, ”Come, little one, today you must learn the lesson of freedom.” An unstoppable enthusiasm arose in me, because I was looking forward to our next lesson with great expectation. I heard Jesus laugh softly. We quickly went outside through a little corridor, where we were met by an immeasurably wide, open space. Jesus and I once again passed through the membrane door and stood in the same place as during my previous visit. This time we were in a membrane ball that made me think of the inside of a gigantic, transparent balloon. The walls of the ball fell away, and we moved higher until there was nothing around Jesus and me except soft coloured fleece clouds. I looked at the purple, pink and soft blue clouds in wonder. The colours flowed into each other. Jesus stood behind me with outstretched arms and stretched out my arms too so that together our bodies formed a cross. In a soft voice he sang these words: ”Barefoot we dance, barefoot we dance, barefoot, barefoot, barefoot we dance. Hai-lai-lai-lai-lai-la.” With arms spread open Jesus and I danced in a circle. Later we started singing in our heavenly tongue and moved to the rhythm of our own melody. Jesus whispered in my ear, ”Allow my light to shine in your heart. Dance in the freedom with which I have set you free. Become like an eagle, and do not allow anything to prevent you from feeling completely free, my dearest.” ”I desire to dance with You always and forever, Yeshua, because it is so fantastic,” I called out in ecstasy. The freedom was indescribably blissful; nothing made me feel bound. It was a freedom that I did not know. I could hear soft, violin sounds coming from somewhere, blowing towards us through the silence. ”This is merely a taste of the true freedom that you can enjoy in me. In me you are completely free, dearest child. Enjoy the absolute freedom that I give you.” ”I am so happy!” I called out. Jesus drew near and our bodies merged so that we took the form of an eagle. The eagle soared through the endless open space, through the light containing the most wonderful colours. He made gentle, tilting movements, and then exuberantly sliced through the air again. ”I want to let you experience a higher freedom, my dearest child, the freedom with which I redeemed you,” he whispered. We ascended even higher, and when I looked down, there was only the endless freedom of nothing; nothing but the colour play of the fleece clouds and the light. Loud music outside our house broke the anointing, and I cannot put into words how deep the longing for Jesus was when the Spirit returned me.
  • 45. I plead with you, dear reader: search for the freedom with which Jesus has redeemed you, and soar like an eagle on the winds of that complete freedom. Never again let yourself be caught in the chains of Satan. Galatians 5:1 says, ”Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” . TAKEN HIGHER Saturday 27 October 2007 I t was still deep in the night when I woke up. I clearly recognized the Father’s voice, ”Hephzibah, I have placed no restrictions on you. Nobody can ever limit you. Remember, you belong to me alone.” I got up and picked up my notebook to write down this promise. While I was writing, the following words, over which I had no control, flowed from my pen: ”I have bought you with my blood. The blood on the cross. My blood is not cheap. I paid an expensive price, the full price. With my life I paid, and lifeblood is a high price to pay. I attach value to my life. Obedience and honesty is the price you pay for it. An infallible, honest, humble heart is what I ask of you. I hate a false heart. Disobedience is sin in my eyes.” ”Father-God, I am so sorry for each time I was disobedient towards You and deeply grieved You. I ask forgiveness for that,” I pleaded. ”I know your heart, my beloved child. You can be strong in me, because you and I are now one. Never forget that. I chose you because I love you, Hephzibah. Your strength is in me alone. Be obedient in the small things, so that I can also trust you with big things. Do not disregard small wonders, because small wonders are the foothold for great wonders.” ”Why did You choose me to dance with, Yeshua? Why?” I whispered. ”I sowed that seed in your heart when you were only five years old. You were dancing on the porch of your grandfather Du Preez’s house. Satan, however, came to steal your short-lived happiness and then sowed weeds, the seed of shame, in your heart when some of your family members saw you and laughed at you. My dearest child, you with your incredibly sensitive heart was deeply wounded. I could see your pain and humiliation. I know about it. It also wounded me deeply. I saw your sadness and sent my angels to wipe your tears. This is the reason why I am now going to accompany you to the most magnificent
  • 46. dance. I will compensate you hundredfold for your loss, because I have claimed it back from Satan.” ”You are so good to me, Yeshua. May I call You by Your very special Name? You are the King of heaven, but I really want to call You ’beloved Jesus’. You are wonderful and I love You just as You are. I want to compare You to a crowned eagle, the most beautiful of all the eagles in nature. You are that special to me, Yeshua.” ”Hephzibah, I want to take you even higher in the spiritual sphere, dearest child. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Just trust me.” ”I desire nothing more than to be with You, because in You I have everything. You are the crowned of shalom, peace: I lack nothing, because You are perfect peace.” I spontaneously began singing the following words to him, ”I trust in You alone, Lord, I believe in You alone. In You alone, in You alone, in You alone.” I heard him say, ”This is the reason why I love you so, my little one. You trust me with the honesty and humility of a little girl.” Once again I found myself in the image of an eagle with Jesus. We flew in the sky, dived and soared. It was too wonderful for words. The eagle rose higher like a rocket, into the endless heaven. I will never be able to describe the freedom I experienced. I remember not being scared at all. ”I feel so safe and secure with You, Master,” I cried out. Did I imagine it, or did I hear him laughing? I wondered afterwards. While we were still soaring high on the air currents, I was returned in the Spirit. I lay in the dark for a while and thought about Jesus. I realized anew how very privileged I am to be able to experience this freedom in him. . THE BABY ROOM Monday 29 October 2007 The voice of the Spirit woke me during the night, saying, ”When God has set you free, you are truly free. Wrap this freedom around you like a beautiful cloak. It is the cloak of joy and happiness.” ”Where are You, Yeshua, because I miss You?” I whispered. ”Just rest in me, my child,” I heard my Father-God answer. ”Be patient. If I say wait, you must wait.” ”Yes, Lord,” I replied guiltily, because the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had just been impatient because I could not see Jesus immediately. ”Sometimes it is very difficult to be patient and wait,” the Father-God quietly said. I lay there for a while, but I still experienced an urgent need to get up and wait on him. No sooner had I sat down in my chair in the guest room when my expectation was fulfilled. The eagle took me high up into the sky. Something that resembled a roof of clouds was above us.
  • 47. However, we moved through an opening until we were above the clouds and the white mass seemed like a floor beneath us. However strange this may sound, I saw myself walking out of the eagle. I looked around, but saw no one else. The voice in my spirit spontaneously started to sing and repeated the words again and again: ”Come, Lord Jesus, come.” ”I really do not understand what is happening now!” I eventually called out in bewilderment. ”Wait, my daughter, just wait a little while,” I heard Jesus answer. I waited a while longer, but was returned by the Spirit just after that. Back in bed sleep would not come immediately, and it gave me the chance to reflect on all the lovely things that I had experienced. &&& During my quiet time, at ten o’clock in the morning, I was again caught up to where I had stood on the white cloud floor. The eagle sat somewhere above, watching me. Suddenly Jesus was beside me. He came closer, linked his arm with mine, and together we moved on. ”I have to show you something of the dark side of heaven too, dearest daughter.” ”I did not know that heaven had a dark side, Yeshua,” I answered. ”You have to know it. Come with me.” We walked along until we came to a wide corridor. A dark grey fog shrouded everything. From the corridor we moved into a massive dome-shaped hall, but lingered in the doorway for a moment. I had to strain myself to be able to see why there was so much activity in the hall. Angels moved in and out. Some stood bent over, while others were humming lullabies. ”Yeshua, it is not quite clear what is going on in here. May I see a clearer picture, please?” I asked. It was as though a layer was peeled from my eyes, and I could see everything very clearly. There were babies everywhere, an innumerable amount of babies. Some were of a dark complexion and others near milk-white. ”Yeshua, I was under the impression that everyone is glorified to adults when they come to heaven. I do not understand what this is all about,” I whispered. ”These babies never saw the light of day. They were stillborn. Some were aborted, others died during birth.” He hesitated for a moment before continuing. ”When a baby is born, I breathe the breath of life, my Ruag, into him or her. I give life to each one. These babies never lived; therefore they remain babies in heaven. As soon as a baby is aborted or dies in the womb, my angels go to fetch him or her. They bring those babies here to their heavenly home. Here, in the heavenly nursery, they are continually cared for by angels,” Jesus explained. Jesus showed me how the babies utter cries of pleasure when beautiful rays of light began to play through the heavenly chamber. Liquid rainbow colours melted into one another. Colours glittered everywhere to entertain the babies. The angels played with them, tickled and pampered them. ”They look so happy,” I remarked. ”Oh, certainly! All the love they were supposed to receive on earth is poured out on them here. They deserve it, therefore it has to be given to them,” Jesus explained. We returned through the corridor to the white cloud floor. ”You are so good,” I whispered in worship. I looked up at his face. The light shining from his eyes was almost blindingly bright. It forced me to look away. Jesus softly touched my cheek and said, ”I know about your deep hurt and pain when you had a miscarriage. Your babies died in the womb, and my angels fetched them too and brought them here.”
  • 48. ”Lord, I did not remember that while I was in the baby room. It happened such a long time ago,” I remarked, deep in thought. ”I only want to see you happy. You must no longer grieve for them.” ”You talk about them all the time, Yeshua, what do You mean?” ”I just want to tell you that my angels are looking after your twin boys, Hephzibah.” ”I did not even know that they were boys.” ”Yes, I realize that. They were beautiful boys. But your life was in danger and you were not able to carry them full-term. You were only three months pregnant when they were brought here, do you remember?” ”Yes, my Lord, I remember.” I looked away, because suddenly I clearly remembered how I cried over them when I heard that the pregnancy had to be ended. ”Do not mourn for them anymore, precious daughter. I knew it would touch you deeply, because up until now you have not processed that pain. It is time for you to know that your boys are safe here with me, dearest daughter.” I looked up, but could not speak. I was completely overwhelmed by the news that there had been two baby boys. ”I did not mean to sadden you, dearest,” he said softly and took me by the hand. ”Come with me, I want to show you something else.” We ran across the cloud until we began laughing with pleasure. Jesus took me to a place where the most beautiful little orange coloured flowers bloomed. He picked one and put it in my hair. Then he put his arms around me and drew me close until I stood in the circle of his arms. ”You are so wonderful, dear Yeshua, and I deeply love You,” I said. ”I love you too, little one,” he answered. Jesus took the colour from one of the small flowers and let it fall onto my hand like a drop of gold. ”Look, see the drop of pure gold in the flower’s colour!” I called out in ecstasy. Again I heard him laugh softly. “I so desire to return your joy and bliss to you, dear child.” “Thank You, Yeshua,” I exclaimed. We walked across stretches of flowers that reminded me of Namaqualand’s daisies during spring when the landscape is covered with orange coloured splendour. ”Why do I not see angels? Where are they now?” I asked later. ”My angels are always near you, but the eagle is now guarding you, because his sight is very keen. Today he is the guard, because I want to show you the hidden treasures of heaven.” ”Do not leave me,” I tried to stop Jesus when I realized he was moving away. ”Never doubt my promises, dearest child, because I can never break any one of them. Do you remember I promised that I will never forsake you?” ”I am so sorry, Lord, but when I am not here in the heavenly sphere with You, I constantly long for You.” ”We will meet again, dearest child.” After this I was returned. At this stage I should perhaps explain that it was a spontaneous curiosity on my part to incessantly ask questions. Jesus was always patient with me, but sometimes he simply did not answer some of the questions.