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Secure your automatic backups by
transferring them to the cloud on
Amazon S3 with Akeeba Backup
Table of contents
 Introduction
 Objectives
 The tools
 General procedure
 Very briefly (simplified case) | video version
 Briefly | text version
 Detailed procedure | screenshots version
 Configuration of Amazon S3
 Configuration of Akeeba Backup
 Fetch backups from Amazon S3 with Akeeba
 Encryption
 Go further with Amazon S3
 Interface / Permissions / Logging / Events / Versioning / LifeCycle
 Applications to easily manage your files > Cyberduck
 Create notifications
 Sources
 Conclusion
 Marc Dechèvre | marc |
 Member of FeWeb - Belgian Federation of Web
 Happy and proud member of the Joomla® Community
 Joomla!® Certified Administrator (#16, first French-speaking)
 Co-organiser of Joomla User Group (JUG) Wallonie
 Founder & organiser of Joomla User Group (JUG) Ouagadougou
 Member of Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Joomla!TM
 Member of Joomla Certification Marketing Team
 Regular speaker
 @ JoomlaDays France & JoomlaDays Pays-Bas
 @ JUG Wallonie & JUG Vlaanderen
 Author of articles on and on
Objective > share a best practice
 The objective of this presentation is to share a best practice in terms of BACKUPS
 You make regular backups (and you test them) ? Great!
 These backups are triggered automatically ? Even better!
 But is it enough ? NO!
 what if your hosting company has a technical problem?
 what if the renewal date of your hosting has been forgotten and if the Hosting Cy has deleted your account?
 what if you make a mistake on your website?
 and above all: what if a hacker gains access to your site and destroys all your backups?
 In all these cases, not only you would lose your site... but also all your backups at the same time!
So that is why automatic and regular backups to the Cloud are a must.
But you should configure that properly and not too quickly, in order to avoid compromising all the websites
and *increase* your risk/exposure instead of *mitigating* it.
This is precisely the purpose of this presentation...
Objective > share the Joomla love
 Why sharing my experience ?
 My answer with few keywords : #OpenSource #Joomla #Jpositive #JoomlaUserGroups #JoomlaDays
With other words, what makes Joomla different is its active Community ☺
 Everything that can contribute to improve the quality of the sites we all deliver with Joomla has a positive
impact on the Community
 You too, share your experience ! ☺
Note :
I have absolutely no stake in Akeeba Backup and in Amazon S3 ☺ (I am not sponsored, I have no affiliation, I have no personal
advantage, …)
If this presentation is based on those two tools, it is just because they are probably the best of their kinds
Objective > backup… but also security
 Last remark
 A good backup strategy(on the server AND in the cloud) is a must…
 … but it is complementary to a good security strategy (it does not replace it !)
 Indeed, if a site is infected, its backup will also be infected…
 Therefore, typically a hacker likes to work in two phases
 First get access to the site and put in place a backdoor
 But only some time later activate the attack
… so that even if you have a good old backup of a few months ago (which you think is "clean"), even that one is very likely to
be infected as well
 NB : how to check if your site is clean ?
See for example the presentation given at JoomlaDay France 2016
« Est-ce que mon site a été hacké ? Est-il propre ? Comment m’en assurer »
The tools
You will need…
 Akeeba Backup is probably the best Backup tool for Joomla
 The free version is already very powerful
 But for Cloud Backup (FTP, Dropbox, Amazon S3, …), PRO version is necessary
 General comparison between free/pro versions :
 > Feature Comparison
You will need…
 Amazon S3 is a (very well know) storage service in the Cloud
 The advantage compared to other possibilities (FTP of competitors)
 It allows to manage user rights (“write-only” for more security) and other things
 Is infinitely “scalable” : absolutely no size limit (but you pay for the volume you use of course)
 Description >
 Free tier >
 Tariff >
 Tarif varies according Region, Volume et type of storage (max. $ 0,03 par Go / month)
 But « free tier » for 12 months with 5Gb
 Direct link to the Console >
You will need…
 Alternatives to Amazon S3
 Of course, Akeeba Backup is compatible not
only with Amazon S3, but also with DropBox,
Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, etc (see
 If your favourite Cloud solution also allows to
create “write-only” users, then your backups will
be protected from any person having
(legitimately or not) access to your website
 Otherwise, we recommend Amazon S3 for the
reasons explained before
 Anyway, whatever your Cloud solution, this
presentation will serve you as a guide
Simplified case (if only one site)
 The next video gives an excellent overview of the configuration of Cloud Backup
Nevertheless, it is a simplified case in the sense that it does not tackle the issue of Access Rights
 If you only manage one website (or if you create a separate Amazon S3 account for each site), then it is
 But if you manage several sites, then you want to avoid that a user (and even more : a hacker !) of a
given site could access / read / download / delete backups of your other sites by using the Amazon S3
credentials* mentioned on that site !
* These credentials are indeed not encrypted : they have to be written in plain text at least in the database in order to let your site connect to
Amazon S3
1. Configure Amazon S3
1. Create an account on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
2. Create a « bucket » (the equivalent of a folder in S3 terminology) and give it a name (without
capital letters, without points, without underscore)
3. Choose your preferred « Amazon S3 Region », for example « EU-Frankfurt »
4. Go to the « AWS Management Console » and then in the menu IAM
5. Create a User and generate its Keys (Access Key ID & Secret Access Key)
6. Create a Group of users & assign the created user
7. For that Group, attach a « Policy » (that policy should only allow the user to write, not to
download, delete or whatever), either by using the Policy generator or by using the example of
policy described hereafter in this presentation
2. Configure Akeeba Backup
 Create a new profile
1. Make sure that your existing profile does indeed what you want (for example, check potential folder
exclusions, options, …)
2. Click on « profiles management »
3. Check the existing profile and click on the Copy button in order to duplicate it
 Click on the Configuration button for the newly created profile
2. Configure Akeeba Backup
 Configure the new profile
1. Click on the Configuration button
2. Change the name of the Profile (« Profile Description »), for example : Amazon S3
3. Check (if you wish) the option « one-click backup icon »
4. For the field « Post-processing Engine », choose « Upload to Amazon S3 »
5. Click on the “Configure” button next to it
1. Enter the Access Key and the Secret Key for the "write-only" user
2. Make sure that the option « Use SSL » is checked (for your own security)
3. Enter the name of the « Bucket » you created
4. Select the « Amazon S3 Region » you have chosen
5. If you wish the backup to be stored in a subfolder of the Bucket, enter its name in the field « Directory »
Otherwise, leave that field empty
6. If you wish, check the following options « Delete archive after processing » and/or « Disable Multipart Upload »
6. If you like, check « Archive Integrity Check » for extra quality control
2. Configure Akeeba Backup
 Save and close configuration
 Test it by launching a backup with this new profile
 Check in Akeeba Backup and on Amazon S3 that the backup has run and has been transferred
 Like for any backup, download it and install it on you local server in order to check that everything is OK
3. File Management in Amazon S3
 It is also possible to make use of more advanced functionalities proposed by Amazon S3
1. Permissions
2. Logging
3. Events
4. Versioning
5. Lifecycle
 If you want to manage your backups from time to time, …
1. Go to the Console of Amazon S3
2. Or install for example Cyberduck (then you can manage and even sort your files)
of Amazon S3
Amazon S3 > create an account
 Go to Amazon S3 website
 (English)
 (Français)
 Click on "Sign In to the Console"
 Enter your email and password
 Tip : please, choose a strong password
Want to check whether your passwords are robust enough ?
Just play with and you will
understand ☺
Amazon S3 > create a Bucket
 In the menu, select "Services > Storage >S3"
 Click on the button "Create Bucket"
 Enter the name of your choice
 Given our strategy of a unique “write-only” user for
all the websites (see hereafter), we make the
choice of putting the backups of all the sites in the
same Bucket… but you could make other choices
 Choose your preferred Region
 attention, the tariff could be slightly different from
region to region. If you wish a European server (be
it for legal or personal reasons), choose for
example Frankfurt
 Click on “Next” or "Create“
Amazon S3 > IAM
 You don't want to use your own root account
(“root access keys”, giving all the powers)
when configuring Akeeba Backup. So you
want to create “sub-accounts"
 In Amazon S3 terminology, this is called IAM
Users (IAM = “Identity and Access
Management”). With other words, access
 To do that, go to Services > IAM
(or –as shown on the screenshot- click on the
suggestion “Get Started with IAM Users”)
Amazon S3 > create a User
 On the page Services > IAM, click on the side
menu "Users"
 Click on the button "Create New Users"
 Enter the name of the User and check the
option “Programmatic access” (see
 Click on “Next: Permissions“
 (so far, we don’t have Groups or Policies, so
just keep clicking on Next until you can
Create User)
Amazon S3 > save “Credentials”
 Save your credentials (in a safe place *)
 The Access Key ID
 The Secret Access Key
 (or click on “Download” in order to have them in
a file)
* Use for example a Passwords Manager like or
Amazon S3 > create Policy
 Click on the side menu "Policies"
 Click on the button “Create Policy”
 On the next screen select “Policy Creator”
Amazon S3 > configure Policy
 At the step “Set Permissions”, check
 Effect > Allow
 AWS Service > Amazon S3
 Action > PutObject
 ARN > arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/site-*
where you adapt the name of mybucket
(and where site-* entails that all our backups
have a name starting with “site-”)
 So, that way the created user will only be
allowed to store backups of your different
websites, but will not be allowed
 To list the files
 To download the files
 Or to delete the files !
Amazon S3 > validate Policy
 After that, you get the following screen
 Click on the button “Next Step”
Amazon S3 > edit Policy even afterwards
You can see and edit any Policy via the side menu Policies
Example of « write-only » policy here, with
where mybucket is replaced by the name of your bucket
and where site-* means that only files starting with « site-»
can be uploaded
NB : this "policy” can be adapted (even afterwards) according to
your needs. For example you could to give more rights (like the right
to delete backups if you want to use Akeeba's quota management
which allows to keep the last X backups). But again, beware : in that
case a hacker could get access to your bucket and delete the
backups of all your sites…
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowUploadOfMyBackups",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Amazon S3 > create Group + associate Policy
 Still on the page Services > IAM
 Choose side menu "Groups"
 Click on the button "Create New Group"
 Go further with creation by attaching the
policy you just created at the previous step
 … and of course associate the created User
to that Group
of Akeeba
Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (profile)
 Creating a new Profile in Akeeba Backup will give you the possibility of launching quickly
 The "traditional” backup (being saved on the server itself)
 The backup "in the cloud" (in the present case, in Amazon S3)
 Go to you site's Administration, go to Components > Akeeba Backup
 Click on the button "Profiles Management". Then choose between
 Clicking on the "New" button if you want to start from an empty profile
 Selecting an existing Profile and clicking on "Copy"
 Choose a name for that new Profile
Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (config)
 Then see in the previous chapter for the text-explanation of Akeeba Backup's configuration for
Cloud Backup
 Want to know more about Cloud Backup ?
See also the slide “Sources” at the end of the presentation for links giving more explanations on
the website of Akeeba
Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (config)
 Eventually, your configuration will look like
this (see screenshot)
Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (details)
 Test if the backup file is correctly uploaded after a
backup is taken
If you get an error message at that stage, try to check
the option "Disable Multipart uploads"* in the Profile
Configuration of Akeeba Backup
 An interesting option (for your regular backups and of
course also for your cloud backups) : check the option
"Archive Integrity Check", which will consume memory
and CPU but will give you extra confidence that your file
is fine.
But don't forget : at the of the day, it is always your
responsibility to regularly check that your backups are
working (a backup configured to ignore some files
and/or tables will perfectly pass the integrity test… but
will not enable you to restore a site !)
* Excerpt from the Manual : If you get a RequestTimeout warning while Akeeba Solo / Akeeba
Backup is trying to upload your backup archive to the cloud, you MUST go to the
Configuration engine and enable the "Disable multipart uploads" option of the S3 engine. If
you don't do that, the upload will not work. You will also have to use a relatively small part size
for archive splitting, around 10-20Mb (depends on the host, your mileage may vary).
NB : during one of our chats with Akeeba, they advised me 50Mb
Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (details)
 There is a nice option within Akeeba allowing to
manage Quotas (for example, keep only the last
X backups and delete older backups)
 For the backups which stay on your server, this
makes perfect sense
 But for backups you send to the Cloud this makes
no sense, as by definition you connect to Amazon
S3 with credentials allowing to upload… but not to
list / download / delete.
So, in practise and in our case, we make sure that
the option "Enable remote file quotas" is disabled
Akeeba Backup & Amazon S3 > troubleshooting
 Having some issues during the upload of your backups to Amazon S3 ?
 See the following page from the Documentation of Akeeba Backup
“My backup files are not being uploaded to Amazon S3”
Particular case of Backup OK / Upload NOK
 If a backup to Amazon S3 is executed but not uploaded (for different reasons, see above), the
CRON Task “check backup” will not send an error message. Nor the Control Panel.
It is only when you manually go to the list of backups that you would see that (if you look at the
text mentioned on the buttons "upload to (…)").
 In a ticket with Akeeba, they confirmed that there is no CRON task that can be put in place in
order to detect a backup which has run but has NOT been uploaded
 QUESTION : The only question left : could a CRON job be created (probably a new feature I guess) in
order to check those sites with
- backup OK
- but upload to cloud NOK
 ANSWER : No. We had very very few reports about this issue (about 2-3) on all the thousands of
installation we have. Implementing such script could cause more issues instead of removing them.
Amazon S3
with Akeeba
Fetch the backup from the Cloud
 Need to reinstall a
site from a backup
stored on Amazon S3
 Easy : on the page
listing the backups,
just click on the
button “Manage
remotely stored files”
Fetch the backup from the Cloud
 Then a popup
window appears,
giving 3 possibilities
 Fetch back to
 Delete
 Download to your
Fetch the backup from the Cloud
 But of course, if you have done things properly, the
“credentials” entered in the Configuration only allow
to write on Amazon S3
 Therefore, when clicking on “Fetch back to server”,
you'll get an error message (see screenshot)
 Then how to do it ? Here are 3 methods :
1. The easiest and quickest way : click on the button
“Import Archives from S3” (next slide)
2. Simply change the “credentials” in the Profile
Configuration (only during the download, right
afterwards you don't forget to put back in place the
« write-only » credentials !)
3. Or you manually download the file from S3 and upload
it to your site
Fetch the backup from the Cloud
 Import the backup from the Cloud directly from the Control
Panel of Akeeba
 Click on the button "Import Archives from S3"
 On the new page, enter the “credentials” of a User having all
 If needed, see hereafter in the Cyberduck chapter how to
create such a User
 IN all cases, by principle never use the “credentials” of the “root”
 Click on the button "Connect to S3"
 You can then navigate within the Buckets and the files (choose
Bucket, then click on the button "Change bucket")
 Click on the chosen file in order to fetch it
 Then the file becomes available in the list of all backups, just like
the local backup files
 NB : How to delete/reinitialize those Access Key et Secret Key
after use? Easy : nothing to do : the keys are stored in the
Session. So they are automatically deleted as soon as you
Encryption via Akeeba Backup
 A backup done with Akeeba Backup has
typically a “.jpa” extension
 The format “.jpa” has no encryption, so
anybody having a copy of a .jpa file (be it on
your computer, your server or your Amazon S3)
can read and install it
 Therefore, if you want to go one step beyond
for security reasons, you can use the encrypted
format “.jps” which will require a password
(which you should not loose for future use)
Encryption via Akeeba Backup
 Beware, do not confuse the encrypted “.jps” format with
the famous “ANGIE Password”
 ANGIE is indeed the restoration script of a backup
 So, in practice, if your are restoring a backup "live" on a
website, that password will avoid that a visitor would take
your role and access the installation screens
 With other words, the ANGIE Password does not encrypt
your file
 By the way, if you forgot yourself your ANGIE Password
required for restoration, don't worry : just delete the
following file in order to skip the protection !
 installationpassword.php
Encryption via Amazon S3
 Note that Amazon S3 also offers encryption possibilities
Do more
Amazon S3
AWS > interface customisation
 Amazon Web
Services covers tens
of different Services
 To have your own
shortcuts for the
Services you use
 Click on the Edit
 Drag & Drop the
icons in the menu
Bucket > Logging, Events, Versioning, Lifecycle
 First open your
Bucket, then click on
 You can configure
 Permissions
 Logging
 Events
 Versioning
 Lifecycle
 Just try !
AS3 > Lifecycle rules
 Very useful: Lifecycle
 For example, you can
have your files deleted
automatically after X
 You can also transfer you
files to other intermediate
storage servers (for
example Glacier, which is
cheaper but does not
give instant access to the
files : a few of hours of
patience explain the
price difference)
AS3 > make file(s) public
 To give access to
 Select the file(s)
 Go to the menu
Actions > Make
 On the right, when
the button
Properties is
enabled, you see
the direct url of the
Do more
Amazon S3
Efficient management of files
 The web interface of Amazon S3 is made to create & configure the Buckets, but not really to manage
your files on a day-to-day basis
For example, you can not even sort the files by Date of Name…
 In order to manage your Amazon S3 (ie upload/sort/delete/change rights/…), it is therefore better to
use dedicated solutions :
 Either software (FileZilla or WinSCP, well-known FTP clients, do NOT manage the S3 protocol)
 (Mac & Windows)
 (free/pro)
 Either for example browser extensions
 S3fox for Firefox seems to be well-known, but I am not sure if it is still developed
 (demo)
 But in all cases, make sure you configure your tool with a dedicated IAM User having only the
appropriate rights (read/write/…) according to what you want to do with it
Cyberduck > create new user
 Of course if you use
a software, it means
that you will
potentially want to
d/delete files
 So you should first
create a new user
who will receive only
the wished rights
 Save your
Cyberduck > new User > Policy
 Go to the menu
Services > Users
 Open the user
created for
 Click on the tab
 Click on the button
"Attach Policy"
Cyberduck > new user > Policy > detail
 A (very) long list of
standard Policies is
 To make it simple
here, just check
and validate
 NB : in order to find it
quickly, use the
search filter
Cyberduck > configuration
 In Cyberduck, click
on the button "Open
 Choose S3
 Enter the credentials
 Connect
Cyberduck > create a shortcut (Favourite)
 The list of files is shown
 You can
 Sort (what is impossible with the web
interface of Amazon S3…)
 Upload
 Delete
 Configure the Bucket
 Etc
 Go to the menu Favourites > New
Favourites if you don't want to re-enter
you credentials every time
Cyberduck > get access to the shortcut
 Thanks to the Favourites, the
connexion will be directly available
for future uses (see screenshot)
Cyberduck > advanced configuration of AS3
 NB : from Cyberduck, you can also
directly configure Permissions,
Lifecycle etc
Do more
Amazon S3
Amazon S3 > create notifications (SNS)
 You want to be notified for example when one of your websites has uploaded its backup to
Amazon S3 ?
 This is of course just a nice to have, not a must…
 … but it is feasible
 It is the purpose of this chapter, based on a very simple example of notification by email that you can refine
according to your needs
 But it is also possible to go further by using APIs or by integrating notifications in your applications
SNS > create new Topic
 Go to
Services > SNS
 Create a new Topic
 Give it a name
 Validate
SNS > edit topic
 Still from Services >
SNS you can edit
SNS > edit Topic Policy
 You need to create
a Topic Policy in
order to authorise
your Bucket to post
to SNS
 To keep it simple, just
choose “Everyone”
for the Users who are
allowed to published
on this Topic
SNS > subscribe to Topic
 Subscribe to your
own topic
 Choose Email as
 Enter your email
address as
EndpointSubscribe to
your own topic
SNS > confirmation message
 An automatic
confirmation email is
SNS > confirmation message
 Example of that
message as received
by the recipient
SNS > subscription confirmed
 By clicking on the link
in the message, the
recipient gets the
confirmation of
his/her subscription
SNS > add notification
 Go back to the
 Click on the button
 In Events, click on
Add Notification
SNS > create Event for Bucket
 Fill in the fields
 Choose which
events will trigger the
notification (in this
example, only “Put”)
 For the field “SNS
Topic”, you get
directly in the
dropdown menu the
names of the
created Topics (no
need to write the
ARN manually)
SNS > example of notification
 On this screenshot, example
of notification email sent
automatically after a backup
is uploaded to the le Bucket
 This being said, Amazon Web
Services has even more
possibilities, like
 Notification by SMS
 Integration with other
services (SQS, …)
Alternative with Installatron
 Personally, I am very happy of the combination Akeeba + Amazon S3
 But of course, it is possible to find alternatives
 For example, the Joomla User Group Vlaanderen has made an interesting topic about Installatron,
which can also be used remotely (« IR ») to create and restore backups
Here is some more detailed procedure :
Sources > Documentation & Support Akeeba
 General explanations of Cloud Backup
 Explanations about security in particular when you manage several sites
 An « open guide » about AWS
 + all the links mentioned all along the slides
Most interesting excepts from these sources
 That post describes how to give only the PutObject privilege to the user. You should also add
the DeleteObject privilege for quotas to work :)
 The other possibility is to create a write-only Amazon S3 user and use that instead. As you
observed, that would render the quotas ineffective, as the user would be unable to delete old
backups. However this is the most secure option, as a potential hacker can never access your
backups (download or delete).
 The only thing you can't do is to transfer the backup archives from S3 to your server for easy
restoration. But this is easy to work around; just go to the Configuration page and enter your
regular access credentials before using the Manage Remote Files feature of Akeeba Backup :)
A complete backup stragegy
 Here we are ! Now you know all you need to know to improve your backup strategy (part of the
security strategy) of your site by having backups which are totally independent of your site
 You are now protected from technical problems, from mistakes… or from hackers
 But don't forget that the security of a site also entails many other dimensions than the backup
strategy. See for example
 Suggestions, ideas for improvement, corrections about this presentation ?
Don't hesitate to let me know !
Thank you
 Don't hesitate to get in touch !
 Marc Dechèvre
 +32 474 37 13 12
 marc
 Skype : woluweb
Oh, one more thing…
Hidden heart in the Joomla!® logo – sources
Joomla! Magazine – august 2014

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Joomla : Akeeba backup and Amazon S3 (new version)

  • 2. Table of contents  Introduction  Objectives  The tools  General procedure  Very briefly (simplified case) | video version  Briefly | text version  Detailed procedure | screenshots version  Configuration of Amazon S3  Configuration of Akeeba Backup  Fetch backups from Amazon S3 with Akeeba  Encryption  Go further with Amazon S3  Interface / Permissions / Logging / Events / Versioning / LifeCycle  Applications to easily manage your files > Cyberduck  Create notifications  Sources  Conclusion 2
  • 3. Introduction  Marc Dechèvre | marc |  Member of FeWeb - Belgian Federation of Web  Happy and proud member of the Joomla® Community  Joomla!® Certified Administrator (#16, first French-speaking)  Co-organiser of Joomla User Group (JUG) Wallonie  Founder & organiser of Joomla User Group (JUG) Ouagadougou  Member of Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Joomla!TM  Member of Joomla Certification Marketing Team  Regular speaker  @ JoomlaDays France & JoomlaDays Pays-Bas  @ JUG Wallonie & JUG Vlaanderen  Author of articles on and on 3
  • 4. Objective > share a best practice  The objective of this presentation is to share a best practice in terms of BACKUPS  You make regular backups (and you test them) ? Great!  These backups are triggered automatically ? Even better!  But is it enough ? NO!  what if your hosting company has a technical problem?  what if the renewal date of your hosting has been forgotten and if the Hosting Cy has deleted your account?  what if you make a mistake on your website?  and above all: what if a hacker gains access to your site and destroys all your backups?  In all these cases, not only you would lose your site... but also all your backups at the same time! So that is why automatic and regular backups to the Cloud are a must. But you should configure that properly and not too quickly, in order to avoid compromising all the websites and *increase* your risk/exposure instead of *mitigating* it. This is precisely the purpose of this presentation... 4
  • 5. Objective > share the Joomla love  Why sharing my experience ?  My answer with few keywords : #OpenSource #Joomla #Jpositive #JoomlaUserGroups #JoomlaDays #Community With other words, what makes Joomla different is its active Community ☺  Everything that can contribute to improve the quality of the sites we all deliver with Joomla has a positive impact on the Community  You too, share your experience ! ☺ Note : I have absolutely no stake in Akeeba Backup and in Amazon S3 ☺ (I am not sponsored, I have no affiliation, I have no personal advantage, …) If this presentation is based on those two tools, it is just because they are probably the best of their kinds 5
  • 6. Objective > backup… but also security  Last remark  A good backup strategy(on the server AND in the cloud) is a must…  … but it is complementary to a good security strategy (it does not replace it !)  Indeed, if a site is infected, its backup will also be infected…  Therefore, typically a hacker likes to work in two phases  First get access to the site and put in place a backdoor  But only some time later activate the attack … so that even if you have a good old backup of a few months ago (which you think is "clean"), even that one is very likely to be infected as well  NB : how to check if your site is clean ? See for example the presentation given at JoomlaDay France 2016 « Est-ce que mon site a été hacké ? Est-il propre ? Comment m’en assurer » 6
  • 8. You will need…  Akeeba Backup is probably the best Backup tool for Joomla  The free version is already very powerful  But for Cloud Backup (FTP, Dropbox, Amazon S3, …), PRO version is necessary  General comparison between free/pro versions :  > Feature Comparison 8
  • 9. You will need…  Amazon S3 is a (very well know) storage service in the Cloud  The advantage compared to other possibilities (FTP of competitors)  It allows to manage user rights (“write-only” for more security) and other things  Is infinitely “scalable” : absolutely no size limit (but you pay for the volume you use of course)  Description >  Free tier >  Tariff >  Tarif varies according Region, Volume et type of storage (max. $ 0,03 par Go / month)  But « free tier » for 12 months with 5Gb  Direct link to the Console > 9
  • 10. You will need…  Alternatives to Amazon S3  Of course, Akeeba Backup is compatible not only with Amazon S3, but also with DropBox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, etc (see screenshot)  If your favourite Cloud solution also allows to create “write-only” users, then your backups will be protected from any person having (legitimately or not) access to your website  Otherwise, we recommend Amazon S3 for the reasons explained before  Anyway, whatever your Cloud solution, this presentation will serve you as a guide 10
  • 12. Simplified case (if only one site)  The next video gives an excellent overview of the configuration of Cloud Backup  backup-amazon-s3.html Nevertheless, it is a simplified case in the sense that it does not tackle the issue of Access Rights  If you only manage one website (or if you create a separate Amazon S3 account for each site), then it is fine  But if you manage several sites, then you want to avoid that a user (and even more : a hacker !) of a given site could access / read / download / delete backups of your other sites by using the Amazon S3 credentials* mentioned on that site ! * These credentials are indeed not encrypted : they have to be written in plain text at least in the database in order to let your site connect to Amazon S3 12
  • 14. 1. Configure Amazon S3 1. Create an account on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 2. Create a « bucket » (the equivalent of a folder in S3 terminology) and give it a name (without capital letters, without points, without underscore) 3. Choose your preferred « Amazon S3 Region », for example « EU-Frankfurt » 4. Go to the « AWS Management Console » and then in the menu IAM 5. Create a User and generate its Keys (Access Key ID & Secret Access Key) 6. Create a Group of users & assign the created user 7. For that Group, attach a « Policy » (that policy should only allow the user to write, not to download, delete or whatever), either by using the Policy generator or by using the example of policy described hereafter in this presentation 14
  • 15. 2. Configure Akeeba Backup  Create a new profile 1. Make sure that your existing profile does indeed what you want (for example, check potential folder exclusions, options, …) 2. Click on « profiles management » 3. Check the existing profile and click on the Copy button in order to duplicate it  Click on the Configuration button for the newly created profile 15
  • 16. 2. Configure Akeeba Backup  Configure the new profile 1. Click on the Configuration button 2. Change the name of the Profile (« Profile Description »), for example : Amazon S3 3. Check (if you wish) the option « one-click backup icon » 4. For the field « Post-processing Engine », choose « Upload to Amazon S3 » 5. Click on the “Configure” button next to it 1. Enter the Access Key and the Secret Key for the "write-only" user 2. Make sure that the option « Use SSL » is checked (for your own security) 3. Enter the name of the « Bucket » you created 4. Select the « Amazon S3 Region » you have chosen 5. If you wish the backup to be stored in a subfolder of the Bucket, enter its name in the field « Directory » Otherwise, leave that field empty 6. If you wish, check the following options « Delete archive after processing » and/or « Disable Multipart Upload » 6. If you like, check « Archive Integrity Check » for extra quality control 16
  • 17. 2. Configure Akeeba Backup  Save and close configuration  Test it by launching a backup with this new profile  Check in Akeeba Backup and on Amazon S3 that the backup has run and has been transferred  Like for any backup, download it and install it on you local server in order to check that everything is OK 17
  • 18. 3. File Management in Amazon S3  It is also possible to make use of more advanced functionalities proposed by Amazon S3 1. Permissions 2. Logging 3. Events 4. Versioning 5. Lifecycle  If you want to manage your backups from time to time, … 1. Go to the Console of Amazon S3 2. Or install for example Cyberduck (then you can manage and even sort your files) 18
  • 19. Detailed procedure Configuration of Amazon S3 DETAILED VERSION (WITH SCREENSHOTS STEP BY STEP) 19
  • 20. Amazon S3 > create an account  Go to Amazon S3 website  (English)  (Français)  Click on "Sign In to the Console"  Enter your email and password  Tip : please, choose a strong password Want to check whether your passwords are robust enough ? Just play with and you will understand ☺ 20
  • 21. Amazon S3 > create a Bucket  In the menu, select "Services > Storage >S3"  Click on the button "Create Bucket"  Enter the name of your choice  Given our strategy of a unique “write-only” user for all the websites (see hereafter), we make the choice of putting the backups of all the sites in the same Bucket… but you could make other choices  Choose your preferred Region  attention, the tariff could be slightly different from region to region. If you wish a European server (be it for legal or personal reasons), choose for example Frankfurt  Click on “Next” or "Create“ 21
  • 22. Amazon S3 > IAM  You don't want to use your own root account (“root access keys”, giving all the powers) when configuring Akeeba Backup. So you want to create “sub-accounts"  In Amazon S3 terminology, this is called IAM Users (IAM = “Identity and Access Management”). With other words, access rights  To do that, go to Services > IAM (or –as shown on the screenshot- click on the suggestion “Get Started with IAM Users”) 22
  • 23. Amazon S3 > create a User  On the page Services > IAM, click on the side menu "Users"  Click on the button "Create New Users"  Enter the name of the User and check the option “Programmatic access” (see screenshot)  Click on “Next: Permissions“  (so far, we don’t have Groups or Policies, so just keep clicking on Next until you can Create User) 23
  • 24. Amazon S3 > save “Credentials”  Save your credentials (in a safe place *)  The Access Key ID  The Secret Access Key  (or click on “Download” in order to have them in a file) * Use for example a Passwords Manager like or 24
  • 25. Amazon S3 > create Policy  Click on the side menu "Policies"  Click on the button “Create Policy”  On the next screen select “Policy Creator” 25
  • 26. Amazon S3 > configure Policy  At the step “Set Permissions”, check  Effect > Allow  AWS Service > Amazon S3  Action > PutObject  ARN > arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/site-* where you adapt the name of mybucket (and where site-* entails that all our backups have a name starting with “site-”)  So, that way the created user will only be allowed to store backups of your different websites, but will not be allowed  To list the files  To download the files  Or to delete the files ! 26
  • 27. Amazon S3 > validate Policy  After that, you get the following screen  Click on the button “Next Step” 27
  • 28. Amazon S3 > edit Policy even afterwards You can see and edit any Policy via the side menu Policies Example of « write-only » policy here, with "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/site-*" where mybucket is replaced by the name of your bucket and where site-* means that only files starting with « site-» can be uploaded NB : this "policy” can be adapted (even afterwards) according to your needs. For example you could to give more rights (like the right to delete backups if you want to use Akeeba's quota management which allows to keep the last X backups). But again, beware : in that case a hacker could get access to your bucket and delete the backups of all your sites… { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowUploadOfMyBackups", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/site-*" ] } ] } 28
  • 29. Amazon S3 > create Group + associate Policy  Still on the page Services > IAM  Choose side menu "Groups"  Click on the button "Create New Group"  Go further with creation by attaching the policy you just created at the previous step  … and of course associate the created User to that Group 29
  • 31. Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (profile)  Creating a new Profile in Akeeba Backup will give you the possibility of launching quickly  The "traditional” backup (being saved on the server itself)  The backup "in the cloud" (in the present case, in Amazon S3)  Go to you site's Administration, go to Components > Akeeba Backup  Click on the button "Profiles Management". Then choose between  Clicking on the "New" button if you want to start from an empty profile  Selecting an existing Profile and clicking on "Copy"  Choose a name for that new Profile 31
  • 32. Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (config)  Then see in the previous chapter for the text-explanation of Akeeba Backup's configuration for Cloud Backup  Want to know more about Cloud Backup ? See also the slide “Sources” at the end of the presentation for links giving more explanations on the website of Akeeba 32
  • 33. Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (config)  Eventually, your configuration will look like this (see screenshot) 33
  • 34. Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (details)  Test if the backup file is correctly uploaded after a backup is taken If you get an error message at that stage, try to check the option "Disable Multipart uploads"* in the Profile Configuration of Akeeba Backup  An interesting option (for your regular backups and of course also for your cloud backups) : check the option "Archive Integrity Check", which will consume memory and CPU but will give you extra confidence that your file is fine. But don't forget : at the of the day, it is always your responsibility to regularly check that your backups are working (a backup configured to ignore some files and/or tables will perfectly pass the integrity test… but will not enable you to restore a site !) * Excerpt from the Manual : If you get a RequestTimeout warning while Akeeba Solo / Akeeba Backup is trying to upload your backup archive to the cloud, you MUST go to the Configuration engine and enable the "Disable multipart uploads" option of the S3 engine. If you don't do that, the upload will not work. You will also have to use a relatively small part size for archive splitting, around 10-20Mb (depends on the host, your mileage may vary). NB : during one of our chats with Akeeba, they advised me 50Mb 34
  • 35. Akeeba Backup > Cloud Backup (details)  There is a nice option within Akeeba allowing to manage Quotas (for example, keep only the last X backups and delete older backups)  For the backups which stay on your server, this makes perfect sense  But for backups you send to the Cloud this makes no sense, as by definition you connect to Amazon S3 with credentials allowing to upload… but not to list / download / delete. So, in practise and in our case, we make sure that the option "Enable remote file quotas" is disabled 35
  • 36. Akeeba Backup & Amazon S3 > troubleshooting  Having some issues during the upload of your backups to Amazon S3 ?  See the following page from the Documentation of Akeeba Backup “My backup files are not being uploaded to Amazon S3” 36
  • 37. Particular case of Backup OK / Upload NOK  If a backup to Amazon S3 is executed but not uploaded (for different reasons, see above), the CRON Task “check backup” will not send an error message. Nor the Control Panel. It is only when you manually go to the list of backups that you would see that (if you look at the text mentioned on the buttons "upload to (…)").  In a ticket with Akeeba, they confirmed that there is no CRON task that can be put in place in order to detect a backup which has run but has NOT been uploaded s3.html  QUESTION : The only question left : could a CRON job be created (probably a new feature I guess) in order to check those sites with - backup OK - but upload to cloud NOK  ANSWER : No. We had very very few reports about this issue (about 2-3) on all the thousands of installation we have. Implementing such script could cause more issues instead of removing them. 37
  • 38. Fetch backups from Amazon S3 with Akeeba REPLACE THE LIVE SITE BY THE BACKUP STORED IN AMAZON S3 38
  • 39. Fetch the backup from the Cloud  Need to reinstall a site from a backup stored on Amazon S3 ?  Easy : on the page listing the backups, just click on the button “Manage remotely stored files” 39
  • 40. Fetch the backup from the Cloud  Then a popup window appears, giving 3 possibilities  Fetch back to server  Delete  Download to your desktop 40
  • 41. Fetch the backup from the Cloud  But of course, if you have done things properly, the “credentials” entered in the Configuration only allow to write on Amazon S3  Therefore, when clicking on “Fetch back to server”, you'll get an error message (see screenshot)  Then how to do it ? Here are 3 methods : 1. The easiest and quickest way : click on the button “Import Archives from S3” (next slide) 2. Simply change the “credentials” in the Profile Configuration (only during the download, right afterwards you don't forget to put back in place the « write-only » credentials !) 3. Or you manually download the file from S3 and upload it to your site 41
  • 42. Fetch the backup from the Cloud  Import the backup from the Cloud directly from the Control Panel of Akeeba documentation/ch03s02s05s03.html  Click on the button "Import Archives from S3"  On the new page, enter the “credentials” of a User having all rights  If needed, see hereafter in the Cyberduck chapter how to create such a User  IN all cases, by principle never use the “credentials” of the “root” user  Click on the button "Connect to S3"  You can then navigate within the Buckets and the files (choose Bucket, then click on the button "Change bucket")  Click on the chosen file in order to fetch it  Then the file becomes available in the list of all backups, just like the local backup files  NB : How to delete/reinitialize those Access Key et Secret Key after use? Easy : nothing to do : the keys are stored in the Session. So they are automatically deleted as soon as you disconnect… 42
  • 44. Encryption via Akeeba Backup  A backup done with Akeeba Backup has typically a “.jpa” extension  The format “.jpa” has no encryption, so anybody having a copy of a .jpa file (be it on your computer, your server or your Amazon S3) can read and install it  Therefore, if you want to go one step beyond for security reasons, you can use the encrypted format “.jps” which will require a password (which you should not loose for future use)  n/akeeba-backup/archiver-engines.html  n/akeeba-backup-documentation/jps-archive- format.html 44
  • 45. Encryption via Akeeba Backup  Beware, do not confuse the encrypted “.jps” format with the famous “ANGIE Password”  ANGIE is indeed the restoration script of a backup  a-backup/angie-joomla.html  So, in practice, if your are restoring a backup "live" on a website, that password will avoid that a visitor would take your role and access the installation screens  With other words, the ANGIE Password does not encrypt your file  By the way, if you forgot yourself your ANGIE Password required for restoration, don't worry : just delete the following file in order to skip the protection !  installationpassword.php 45
  • 46. Encryption via Amazon S3  Note that Amazon S3 also offers encryption possibilities  46
  • 48. AWS > interface customisation  Amazon Web Services covers tens of different Services  To have your own shortcuts for the Services you use  Click on the Edit button  Drag & Drop the icons in the menu bar 48
  • 49. Bucket > Logging, Events, Versioning, Lifecycle  First open your Bucket, then click on Properties  You can configure  Permissions  Logging  Events  Versioning  Lifecycle  Just try ! 49
  • 50. AS3 > Lifecycle rules  Very useful: Lifecycle Rules  For example, you can have your files deleted automatically after X days  You can also transfer you files to other intermediate storage servers (for example Glacier, which is cheaper but does not give instant access to the files : a few of hours of patience explain the price difference) 50
  • 51. AS3 > make file(s) public  To give access to file(s):  Select the file(s)  Go to the menu Actions > Make Public  On the right, when the button Properties is enabled, you see the direct url of the file 51
  • 53. Efficient management of files  The web interface of Amazon S3 is made to create & configure the Buckets, but not really to manage your files on a day-to-day basis For example, you can not even sort the files by Date of Name…  In order to manage your Amazon S3 (ie upload/sort/delete/change rights/…), it is therefore better to use dedicated solutions :  Either software (FileZilla or WinSCP, well-known FTP clients, do NOT manage the S3 protocol)  (Mac & Windows)  (free/pro)  Either for example browser extensions  S3fox for Firefox seems to be well-known, but I am not sure if it is still developed   (demo)  But in all cases, make sure you configure your tool with a dedicated IAM User having only the appropriate rights (read/write/…) according to what you want to do with it 53
  • 54. Cyberduck > create new user  Of course if you use a software, it means that you will potentially want to list/upload/downloa d/delete files  So you should first create a new user who will receive only the wished rights  Save your credentials 54
  • 55. Cyberduck > new User > Policy  Go to the menu Services > Users  Open the user created for Cyberduck  Click on the tab "Permissions"  Click on the button "Attach Policy" 55
  • 56. Cyberduck > new user > Policy > detail  A (very) long list of standard Policies is available  To make it simple here, just check AmazonS3FullAccess and validate  NB : in order to find it quickly, use the search filter 56
  • 57. Cyberduck > configuration  In Cyberduck, click on the button "Open Connexion"  Choose S3  Enter the credentials  Connect 57
  • 58. Cyberduck > create a shortcut (Favourite)  The list of files is shown  You can  Sort (what is impossible with the web interface of Amazon S3…)  Upload  Delete  Configure the Bucket  Etc  Go to the menu Favourites > New Favourites if you don't want to re-enter you credentials every time 58
  • 59. Cyberduck > get access to the shortcut  Thanks to the Favourites, the connexion will be directly available for future uses (see screenshot) 59
  • 60. Cyberduck > advanced configuration of AS3  NB : from Cyberduck, you can also directly configure Permissions, Lifecycle etc 60
  • 62. Amazon S3 > create notifications (SNS)  You want to be notified for example when one of your websites has uploaded its backup to Amazon S3 ?  This is of course just a nice to have, not a must…  … but it is feasible  It is the purpose of this chapter, based on a very simple example of notification by email that you can refine according to your needs  But it is also possible to go further by using APIs or by integrating notifications in your applications 62
  • 63. SNS > create new Topic  Go to Services > SNS  Create a new Topic  Give it a name  Validate 63
  • 64. SNS > edit topic  Still from Services > SNS you can edit topics 64
  • 65. SNS > edit Topic Policy  You need to create a Topic Policy in order to authorise your Bucket to post to SNS  To keep it simple, just choose “Everyone” for the Users who are allowed to published on this Topic 65
  • 66. SNS > subscribe to Topic  Subscribe to your own topic (Subscription)  Choose Email as Protocol  Enter your email address as EndpointSubscribe to your own topic 66
  • 67. SNS > confirmation message  An automatic confirmation email is sent 67
  • 68. SNS > confirmation message  Example of that Subscription Confirmation message as received by the recipient 68
  • 69. SNS > subscription confirmed  By clicking on the link in the message, the recipient gets the confirmation of his/her subscription 69
  • 70. SNS > add notification  Go back to the Bucket  Click on the button Properties  In Events, click on Add Notification 70
  • 71. SNS > create Event for Bucket  Fill in the fields  Choose which events will trigger the notification (in this example, only “Put”)  For the field “SNS Topic”, you get directly in the dropdown menu the names of the created Topics (no need to write the ARN manually) 71
  • 72. SNS > example of notification  On this screenshot, example of notification email sent automatically after a backup is uploaded to the le Bucket  This being said, Amazon Web Services has even more possibilities, like  Notification by SMS  Integration with other services (SQS, …) 72
  • 74. Alternative with Installatron  Personally, I am very happy of the combination Akeeba + Amazon S3  But of course, it is possible to find alternatives  For example, the Joomla User Group Vlaanderen has made an interesting topic about Installatron, which can also be used remotely (« IR ») to create and restore backups Here is some more detailed procedure : simpel-backupen-restoren 74
  • 76. Sources > Documentation & Support Akeeba  General explanations of Cloud Backup    Explanations about security in particular when you manage several sites     An « open guide » about AWS   + all the links mentioned all along the slides 76
  • 77. Most interesting excepts from these sources  That post describes how to give only the PutObject privilege to the user. You should also add the DeleteObject privilege for quotas to work :)  The other possibility is to create a write-only Amazon S3 user and use that instead. As you observed, that would render the quotas ineffective, as the user would be unable to delete old backups. However this is the most secure option, as a potential hacker can never access your backups (download or delete).  The only thing you can't do is to transfer the backup archives from S3 to your server for easy restoration. But this is easy to work around; just go to the Configuration page and enter your regular access credentials before using the Manage Remote Files feature of Akeeba Backup :) 77
  • 79. A complete backup stragegy  Here we are ! Now you know all you need to know to improve your backup strategy (part of the security strategy) of your site by having backups which are totally independent of your site  You are now protected from technical problems, from mistakes… or from hackers  But don't forget that the security of a site also entails many other dimensions than the backup strategy. See for example  Suggestions, ideas for improvement, corrections about this presentation ? Don't hesitate to let me know ! 79
  • 80. Thank you  Don't hesitate to get in touch !  Marc Dechèvre  +32 474 37 13 12  marc  Skype : woluweb     80
  • 81. Oh, one more thing… 81 Hidden heart in the Joomla!® logo – sources Joomla! Magazine – august 2014