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Health, Diseases and Immune System Wars!
At times it feels like life is just too busy to eat what we need to. New health
information about foods may get placed in the "to-do once I find the time" file and
your body overlooks the positive aspects. Reaping the benefits of some of the most
recent health trends is fast and simple, though. Here are a few trendy foods to start
eating now.
Cinnamon was making headlines recently, and for good reason. It may make a huge
impact on your health. A study published in the June 2007 edition of the Journal of
Clinical Nutrition found that subjects that ate more than a teaspoon of cinnamon a day
lowered their regular elevations of blood glucose.
Many specialists agree that adding at least ? ? ? tsp to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon per day
to your daily diet may speed up your body's metabolism. Additionally, it stabilizes
blood glucose levels by stimulating the release of insulin. It also decreases the build-
up of plague, which may cause clogs in the center. Employed as an antioxidant,
cinnamon can slow mobile damage, destroy free radicals and enhance immunity to
chronic illness.
Better Meat
Red meat is full of fat and heart damaging properties. A great alternative is white
meat. White meat was in the news for many years, so it's time to get on the boat!
Some great alternatives for white meats include poultry, chicken (that the breast meat)
, and fish. All these are often lower in fat and calories than fatty red or dark meats.
My regional supermarket sells Laura's Lean Ground Beef. It comes in 4% fat and 8
percent fat. That is awesome. The four % amount gets me mainly protein and hardly
any fat. Your shop may have similar varieties.
When shopping for pork, look for cuts using the words "loin" or "around" in their
name. These are leaner cuts of meat compared to the others.
"Eat more fish" is one of the greatest healthy eating newsflashes today. Why? Fish
contain a massive amount of essential fatty acids like omega 3 and omega-6, which
help with great brain function. Fish can do a lot more than that, however! Fish oils
may be used to prevent, cure, and treat angina, arteriosclerosis, congestive heart
failure, heart attack, arrhythmias, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke. How does it
function? Fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids also does a great deal for your body
like improving the cardiovascular system. Fish can also be low in fat.
A?a? Berry
The tropical a???? berry (pronounced ahh-sigh-ee) made headlines when it became
touted by Oprah because the new "super food". This little berry is a very powerful,
and delicious, little food that should find its way into your diet for a number of
The purple a??a??? berry from the Amazonian rain forests has a number of the
greatest amounts of antioxidants found in foods. It also contains fatty acids, protein,
and fiber. A study by the University of Florida found that, in an cell-culture model,
a???? berries caused leukemia cells kill themselves at 86 percent of their evaluations,
so that they are an effective preventative of some forms of cancer.
The fresh form of a???? berries cannot be found beyond the Amazon since the berry
becomes rancid very quickly. It is possible to purchase a?a? berries in a dry powder
form which may be added to smoothies, milkshakes, juice, and other types of foods at
many health food stores and online.
What to Boost in SEO Articles
Although keyword choice is vital to your high rankings on search engines, useful info
is perhaps the most important key to SEO success. The Building of SEO articles about
health-related topics must supply reliable and Responsible advice for readers.
Don't advertise your organization, services or display self-promotion. However,
provide your readers with fresh and significant topics that relate to your company,
products or services. As an example, if your website provides products that are helpful
for diabetics, then advise readers on useful subjects that can help them in the
management of the disorder. Useful articles could be on topics such as:
Product reviews on Unique glucometers
Latest advice on diabetic neuropathy
Children and diabetes
Foot and skin care for diabetics
Potential side-effects of new diabetic drugs
Choose Interesting Headlines that Deliver Sound Info
You want to catch your readers' attention; however, you must also give the
information which the headline promises. For instance, the name Living with Crohn's
Disease may be too broad and could not possibly cover all the issues of the
devastating disease. Narrowing your topic may be more helpful to your readers for
What is a therapeutic diet for Crohn's Disease?
Decrease Your fiber content during a flare-up of Crohn's
What is the distinction between colitis and Crohn's disease?
Selecting Keywords with Google Keyword Planner
Google provides a superb tool for searching for the right keywords for SEO articles.
By adding a word or term, you can really see what health information people are
looking for on a daily or monthly basis. The Keyword Planner helps keep your
informational articles current and fresh.
Organic Insertion of Keywords
Your keywords should be equally SEO friendly, connected to this information and
valuable to your product or service promotion. Keywords which are used to create
attention and not deliver on information may increase your visitors, but you may lose
your readers' confidence in the long run. Ensure that you write SEO content for
readers rather than to get high positions or search engines.
In addition, ensure that your carefully chosen keywords are inserted into your posts
and do not detract from the purpose to inform. Awkward phrases or misused capital
letters may take away the credibility from your own information and ultimately your
business. Organic insertion supplies your prospective customers with a smooth read,
keeps them offers information they could trust. An example of a seamless key word
clipping for an advertisement to get a chiropractor's practice may be like:
As intense back pain may take months to resolve with conventional medical
interventions, chiropractors use their skilled hands to provide gentle, manual
adjustments that realign the natural structures of the spine and body.
New, Original and Engaging
Make sure your copy is original and not copied or pasted from other sites or articles.
When employing an independent author, demand that all content passes Copyscape or
other sentinel websites. Offer your readers with engaging and helpful information that
links back to your website or company services is vital to promoting successful search
engine optimization articles.
Next time you see a headline proclaiming a medical breakthrough, think of this
ancient Latin expression: Cum grano salis. It means using a grain of salt. That saying
began since salt used to be quite valuable. And, it had been in high demand as a food
preservative, as a poison antidote and a flavor enhancer. Salt was comparatively
scarce at one time. It was thought to have healing qualities. Now that is a laugh,
because in modern times it kills individuals who use it for long periods by raising
their blood pressure. However, to advocate taking something or another with a grain
of salt means to look upon a thing or proposition with a wholesome dose of doubt,
suspicion and caution.
Thus, where modern-day and headlines carnival barkers on TV send a message of
urgency or proclaim a breakthrough, recall cum grano salis. It's easy to get Excited at
a number of the headlines in daily newspapers, especially those heralding new
research findings. The media does this in part to market papers or get you to tune in.
Perhaps it's performed in a part by editors in newsrooms who simply don't have
enough time to read the complete studies. In any case, I've noticed a serious
disconnect between the promise and the truth in statements about the latest research
findings on health issues.
If you believe that you're easily fooled, you might be. I recommend an attitude of
bemused skepticism at all times, but particularly concerning newspaper accounts of
the latest discoveries from medical research. Don't place too much stock in these
improbable headlines, at least not before you read to the end of these stories or take a
look at the articles in respected journals. Adopt the perspective of Sherlock Holmes,
namely, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however unlikely,
has to be true.
Thing is, when you eliminate the impossible AND the unlikely, there is scarcely
anything left! Thus, don't be an easy mark for nonsensical things, whether they be
headlines in papers or spectacular stories. In the latter category would be the Indian
Monkey Man frighten, the Loch Ness monster, Big Foot, space traffic in New
Mexico, the Yeti, trolls under bridges as well as the candidacy of Sarah Palin for any
public office, let alone president of the United States. Tooth fairies? Well, that is
something else - there may be a tooth fairy, because where else would nickel have
come out of that I found under my pillow after a tooth extraction long ago?
Instead of credulity, place your faith in things solid, reputable, virtuous, wise and
above suspicion, such as the typical essay in an AWR. These essays are filled with
startling conclusions and partially-baked opinions based on irreproducible findings,
inspired hyperbole and treated data intermingled, intertwined and sometimes
intertwixed with abstract experience.
How do you top that? On many occasions, these expressions and surmises are shown
to contain elements of truth, yet elusive veracity in the health and medical area could
be. REAL wellness viewpoints always work, and that's the best step. If forced to pick
between statistical methodologies or functional discoveries, you are generally better
off using the latter but, fortunately, the option of positions is always wider!
I was thinking along these lines the other day when I came across the headline in a
study project at the conservative Wall Street Journal. The article described how a
favorite pain reliever might protect against Alzheimer's. The headline, however,
hinted that a CURE for Alzheimer's could have already been discovered! This gave
the impression that a breakthrough was at hand, that cheap, over-the-counter pain
relievers such as Advil and Motrin seem to prevent the body from producing a protein
which then induces brain-clogging deposits in Alzheimer sufferers.
The study described the scientists, within a four-year interval, noted that some men
and women who take considerable quantities of ibuprofen and other non-steroidal,
anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) meds appear to be at less risk of developing
Alzheimer's. These findings were supported by colleagues that worked with cells
obtained from mice that were genetically modified to have a disease similar to
Alzheimer's. However, the best that could be said by the scientists, instead of the WSJ
headline authors, was that this institution could one day lead to new treatments that
reduce the formation of brain deposits, or plaques, with no toxic side effects.
This was the very best that could be said of this study outcomes. Wait till you hear the
worst! The researchers also said (this Was discussed near the end of the WSJ article)
which further studies would take decades and that the potential advantages of the
medication have been subject to experiments just in cell cultures and laboratory
animals. In reality, doctors were warned NOT to prescribe large doses of NSAIDs as a
way to avoid Alzheimer's! The dosages used in the experiments were equivalent to
more than 16 Advils per day - enough to cause difficulties almost as bad as
Alzheimer's, if you're able to imagine . These hazards include kidney damage and
severe gastrointestinal ailments, both which can be fatal.
The lesson? As mentioned in the beginning, embrace an attitude of bemused
uncertainty and find out (and practice) the key REAL wellness skill of effective
Be well and look on the bright side. If you find that difficult, consider this: We discuss
99.6 percent of those active genes with the chimpanzees. We are more closely related
to chimps talk show for doctors than rats would be to mice. Recognizing this, how
could you possibly take yourself so badly as NOT to look on the bright side - while
controlling enthusiasm for any facet, of course.
Vitamin D is the new superstar of nourishment, having been observed in the last few
years to be correlated with lower levels of cancer, improved physical performance and
potency in elderly adults, improved mood and more powerful bones.People with low
levels of vitamin D- which includes nearly 80 percent of the US population- have
greater chance of death from all causes, meaning they're only more inclined to die for
any reason whatsoever than those with optimum amounts.
Vitamin D levels also forecast how well you'll do on a fat loss program-folks with
reduced levels do less well losing weight than those with optimal amounts. (About the
only thing vitamin D hasn't been demonstrated to do is correct the economy!)
So what is the deal on this latest headline?
Well, docs understood a while ago that one of the older population, compliance with
all pill-taking programs is - well, less than terrific. And they also realized that vitamin
D was incredibly important. They wanted to see whether there may be a much better
way with this at-risk people (over 70) to receive their vitamin D without needing to
take a daily pill or 2.
So Kerrie M. Sanders, Ph.D., of the University of Melbourne, Geelong, Australia and
colleagues conducted a study to test whether high-dose cholecalciferol (vitamin D)
given by injection once a year to elderly women would decrease falls and fractures.
The dose that they injected? Five hundred million IUs.
Think about that for a moment. That is a half million IUs of vitamin D, a dose the
docs apparently considered secure. (To put it in context, I recommend between 2,000
IUs and 6,000 IUs on a daily basis).
And for some reason not entirely understood, the girls getting this huge injection had
marginally more falls and fractures than the control group (roughly 15 percent more).
However, this dosing (as well as the delivery method of injection) bears zero
resemblance to the way people normally take vitamin D supplements. And in fact, two
previous studies with 300,000 IUs intramuscularly injected 4 times a year had the
opposite findings- fractures were decreased.
So clearly there's something about the massive dose or scheduling (500,000 1x
annually vs 300,000 IUs 4x a year) that accounts for this weird finding. The point is
that it has absolutely no bearing or relevance to folks just like me and you taking daily
oral doses of the incredibly important, crucial vitamin which protects bones, improves
mood, increases stamina, protects against diseases, assists with weight loss and could
even help protect against death from any cause.

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John Salley's Dramatic Health Shift

  • 1. Health, Diseases and Immune System Wars! At times it feels like life is just too busy to eat what we need to. New health information about foods may get placed in the "to-do once I find the time" file and your body overlooks the positive aspects. Reaping the benefits of some of the most recent health trends is fast and simple, though. Here are a few trendy foods to start eating now. Cinnamon Cinnamon was making headlines recently, and for good reason. It may make a huge impact on your health. A study published in the June 2007 edition of the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that subjects that ate more than a teaspoon of cinnamon a day lowered their regular elevations of blood glucose. Many specialists agree that adding at least ? ? ? tsp to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon per day to your daily diet may speed up your body's metabolism. Additionally, it stabilizes blood glucose levels by stimulating the release of insulin. It also decreases the build- up of plague, which may cause clogs in the center. Employed as an antioxidant, cinnamon can slow mobile damage, destroy free radicals and enhance immunity to chronic illness. Better Meat Red meat is full of fat and heart damaging properties. A great alternative is white meat. White meat was in the news for many years, so it's time to get on the boat! Some great alternatives for white meats include poultry, chicken (that the breast meat) , and fish. All these are often lower in fat and calories than fatty red or dark meats. My regional supermarket sells Laura's Lean Ground Beef. It comes in 4% fat and 8 percent fat. That is awesome. The four % amount gets me mainly protein and hardly any fat. Your shop may have similar varieties. When shopping for pork, look for cuts using the words "loin" or "around" in their name. These are leaner cuts of meat compared to the others. "Eat more fish" is one of the greatest healthy eating newsflashes today. Why? Fish contain a massive amount of essential fatty acids like omega 3 and omega-6, which help with great brain function. Fish can do a lot more than that, however! Fish oils may be used to prevent, cure, and treat angina, arteriosclerosis, congestive heart failure, heart attack, arrhythmias, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke. How does it
  • 2. function? Fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids also does a great deal for your body like improving the cardiovascular system. Fish can also be low in fat. A?a? Berry The tropical a???? berry (pronounced ahh-sigh-ee) made headlines when it became touted by Oprah because the new "super food". This little berry is a very powerful, and delicious, little food that should find its way into your diet for a number of factors. The purple a??a??? berry from the Amazonian rain forests has a number of the greatest amounts of antioxidants found in foods. It also contains fatty acids, protein, and fiber. A study by the University of Florida found that, in an cell-culture model, a???? berries caused leukemia cells kill themselves at 86 percent of their evaluations, so that they are an effective preventative of some forms of cancer. The fresh form of a???? berries cannot be found beyond the Amazon since the berry becomes rancid very quickly. It is possible to purchase a?a? berries in a dry powder form which may be added to smoothies, milkshakes, juice, and other types of foods at many health food stores and online. What to Boost in SEO Articles Although keyword choice is vital to your high rankings on search engines, useful info is perhaps the most important key to SEO success. The Building of SEO articles about health-related topics must supply reliable and Responsible advice for readers. Don't advertise your organization, services or display self-promotion. However, provide your readers with fresh and significant topics that relate to your company, products or services. As an example, if your website provides products that are helpful for diabetics, then advise readers on useful subjects that can help them in the management of the disorder. Useful articles could be on topics such as: Product reviews on Unique glucometers Latest advice on diabetic neuropathy Children and diabetes Foot and skin care for diabetics Potential side-effects of new diabetic drugs
  • 3. Choose Interesting Headlines that Deliver Sound Info You want to catch your readers' attention; however, you must also give the information which the headline promises. For instance, the name Living with Crohn's Disease may be too broad and could not possibly cover all the issues of the devastating disease. Narrowing your topic may be more helpful to your readers for example: What is a therapeutic diet for Crohn's Disease? Decrease Your fiber content during a flare-up of Crohn's What is the distinction between colitis and Crohn's disease? Selecting Keywords with Google Keyword Planner Google provides a superb tool for searching for the right keywords for SEO articles. By adding a word or term, you can really see what health information people are looking for on a daily or monthly basis. The Keyword Planner helps keep your informational articles current and fresh. Organic Insertion of Keywords Your keywords should be equally SEO friendly, connected to this information and valuable to your product or service promotion. Keywords which are used to create attention and not deliver on information may increase your visitors, but you may lose your readers' confidence in the long run. Ensure that you write SEO content for readers rather than to get high positions or search engines. In addition, ensure that your carefully chosen keywords are inserted into your posts and do not detract from the purpose to inform. Awkward phrases or misused capital letters may take away the credibility from your own information and ultimately your business. Organic insertion supplies your prospective customers with a smooth read, keeps them offers information they could trust. An example of a seamless key word clipping for an advertisement to get a chiropractor's practice may be like: As intense back pain may take months to resolve with conventional medical interventions, chiropractors use their skilled hands to provide gentle, manual adjustments that realign the natural structures of the spine and body. New, Original and Engaging
  • 4. Make sure your copy is original and not copied or pasted from other sites or articles. When employing an independent author, demand that all content passes Copyscape or other sentinel websites. Offer your readers with engaging and helpful information that links back to your website or company services is vital to promoting successful search engine optimization articles. Next time you see a headline proclaiming a medical breakthrough, think of this ancient Latin expression: Cum grano salis. It means using a grain of salt. That saying began since salt used to be quite valuable. And, it had been in high demand as a food preservative, as a poison antidote and a flavor enhancer. Salt was comparatively scarce at one time. It was thought to have healing qualities. Now that is a laugh, because in modern times it kills individuals who use it for long periods by raising their blood pressure. However, to advocate taking something or another with a grain of salt means to look upon a thing or proposition with a wholesome dose of doubt, suspicion and caution. Thus, where modern-day and headlines carnival barkers on TV send a message of urgency or proclaim a breakthrough, recall cum grano salis. It's easy to get Excited at a number of the headlines in daily newspapers, especially those heralding new research findings. The media does this in part to market papers or get you to tune in. Perhaps it's performed in a part by editors in newsrooms who simply don't have enough time to read the complete studies. In any case, I've noticed a serious disconnect between the promise and the truth in statements about the latest research findings on health issues. If you believe that you're easily fooled, you might be. I recommend an attitude of bemused skepticism at all times, but particularly concerning newspaper accounts of the latest discoveries from medical research. Don't place too much stock in these improbable headlines, at least not before you read to the end of these stories or take a look at the articles in respected journals. Adopt the perspective of Sherlock Holmes, namely, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, however unlikely, has to be true. Thing is, when you eliminate the impossible AND the unlikely, there is scarcely anything left! Thus, don't be an easy mark for nonsensical things, whether they be headlines in papers or spectacular stories. In the latter category would be the Indian Monkey Man frighten, the Loch Ness monster, Big Foot, space traffic in New Mexico, the Yeti, trolls under bridges as well as the candidacy of Sarah Palin for any public office, let alone president of the United States. Tooth fairies? Well, that is something else - there may be a tooth fairy, because where else would nickel have come out of that I found under my pillow after a tooth extraction long ago?
  • 5. Instead of credulity, place your faith in things solid, reputable, virtuous, wise and above suspicion, such as the typical essay in an AWR. These essays are filled with startling conclusions and partially-baked opinions based on irreproducible findings, inspired hyperbole and treated data intermingled, intertwined and sometimes intertwixed with abstract experience. How do you top that? On many occasions, these expressions and surmises are shown to contain elements of truth, yet elusive veracity in the health and medical area could be. REAL wellness viewpoints always work, and that's the best step. If forced to pick between statistical methodologies or functional discoveries, you are generally better off using the latter but, fortunately, the option of positions is always wider! I was thinking along these lines the other day when I came across the headline in a study project at the conservative Wall Street Journal. The article described how a favorite pain reliever might protect against Alzheimer's. The headline, however, hinted that a CURE for Alzheimer's could have already been discovered! This gave the impression that a breakthrough was at hand, that cheap, over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil and Motrin seem to prevent the body from producing a protein which then induces brain-clogging deposits in Alzheimer sufferers. The study described the scientists, within a four-year interval, noted that some men and women who take considerable quantities of ibuprofen and other non-steroidal, anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) meds appear to be at less risk of developing Alzheimer's. These findings were supported by colleagues that worked with cells obtained from mice that were genetically modified to have a disease similar to Alzheimer's. However, the best that could be said by the scientists, instead of the WSJ headline authors, was that this institution could one day lead to new treatments that reduce the formation of brain deposits, or plaques, with no toxic side effects. This was the very best that could be said of this study outcomes. Wait till you hear the worst! The researchers also said (this Was discussed near the end of the WSJ article) which further studies would take decades and that the potential advantages of the medication have been subject to experiments just in cell cultures and laboratory animals. In reality, doctors were warned NOT to prescribe large doses of NSAIDs as a way to avoid Alzheimer's! The dosages used in the experiments were equivalent to more than 16 Advils per day - enough to cause difficulties almost as bad as Alzheimer's, if you're able to imagine . These hazards include kidney damage and severe gastrointestinal ailments, both which can be fatal. The lesson? As mentioned in the beginning, embrace an attitude of bemused uncertainty and find out (and practice) the key REAL wellness skill of effective decision-making.
  • 6. Be well and look on the bright side. If you find that difficult, consider this: We discuss 99.6 percent of those active genes with the chimpanzees. We are more closely related to chimps talk show for doctors than rats would be to mice. Recognizing this, how could you possibly take yourself so badly as NOT to look on the bright side - while controlling enthusiasm for any facet, of course. Vitamin D is the new superstar of nourishment, having been observed in the last few years to be correlated with lower levels of cancer, improved physical performance and potency in elderly adults, improved mood and more powerful bones.People with low levels of vitamin D- which includes nearly 80 percent of the US population- have greater chance of death from all causes, meaning they're only more inclined to die for any reason whatsoever than those with optimum amounts. Vitamin D levels also forecast how well you'll do on a fat loss program-folks with reduced levels do less well losing weight than those with optimal amounts. (About the only thing vitamin D hasn't been demonstrated to do is correct the economy!) So what is the deal on this latest headline? Well, docs understood a while ago that one of the older population, compliance with all pill-taking programs is - well, less than terrific. And they also realized that vitamin D was incredibly important. They wanted to see whether there may be a much better way with this at-risk people (over 70) to receive their vitamin D without needing to take a daily pill or 2. So Kerrie M. Sanders, Ph.D., of the University of Melbourne, Geelong, Australia and colleagues conducted a study to test whether high-dose cholecalciferol (vitamin D) given by injection once a year to elderly women would decrease falls and fractures. The dose that they injected? Five hundred million IUs. Think about that for a moment. That is a half million IUs of vitamin D, a dose the docs apparently considered secure. (To put it in context, I recommend between 2,000 IUs and 6,000 IUs on a daily basis). And for some reason not entirely understood, the girls getting this huge injection had marginally more falls and fractures than the control group (roughly 15 percent more). However, this dosing (as well as the delivery method of injection) bears zero resemblance to the way people normally take vitamin D supplements. And in fact, two previous studies with 300,000 IUs intramuscularly injected 4 times a year had the opposite findings- fractures were decreased.
  • 7. So clearly there's something about the massive dose or scheduling (500,000 1x annually vs 300,000 IUs 4x a year) that accounts for this weird finding. The point is that it has absolutely no bearing or relevance to folks just like me and you taking daily oral doses of the incredibly important, crucial vitamin which protects bones, improves mood, increases stamina, protects against diseases, assists with weight loss and could even help protect against death from any cause.