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       OF HAWAII
       November 2009

   Jodo Mission of Hawaii
                                                   Announcements                 Pages 2-5
      1429 Makiki St.
     Honolulu HI 96814                             Mochi Order Form               Page 2
                                                   Perpetual Memorial Service     Page 7
    Address Correction Requested                   Calendar                       Page 8

                                                        Visit our web site:

      CONGRATULATIONS                                  2010 Jodo Shu Calendar
    Long-time resident minister of the Lahaina
                                                    Live the Jodo Shu style each and every
Jodo Mission was elected as our Bishop during
                                                      day, sharing in the love and compas-
our Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions Conven-
                                                     sion of Amida Buddha year round with
tion on September 19, 2009. Bishop Gensho
Hara’s many years in Hawaii will provide a
                                                       messages of distinguished priests.
smooth cultural and religious continuity. He is
highly respected throughout our Hawaii Jodo            Calendar is for January through
Shu community as well as Japan. His son John                   December 2010
is an ordained minister at the Wailuku and Kahu-          Free calendar is available.
lui Jodo Missions. Daughter Maya is also an or-        Please order your calendar now
dained minister. They have two other daughters                before we run out
living abroad. Supporting this religious family
is the Bishop’s better half, Mrs. Setsuko Hara.        Please call Jodo Mission
    We look forward to Bishop Hara’s wisdom              of Hawaii at 949-3995
and leadership for a bright and enlightening fu-
ture of Jodo Shu in Hawaii. Onegai Shimasu                 by November 10.

                                                                                      Page 1
MOCHI (Dec. 27) ORDER FORM おもち注文表
                      Deadline for order is Thursday, December 10, 2009

 PLEASE PRINT NAME 名前                                     HOME PHONE NO. 電話番号

    OKASANE おかさね                       KOMOCHI こもち                            TOTAL
     $3.25/SET 3” SIZE                  $3.00/POUND                            合計

                           SETS                               LBS

                       DOLLARS                           DOLLARS                          DOLLARS

Order accepted by: _______________      Date accepted: _____/_____/_2009 (In person/ Mail / Phone)
     Received by: _______________           Date paid: _____/_____/_2009 (Cash / Check#          )



  With the New Year just around the corner it is once again time to order our delecta-
  ble mochi. This year, we will be selling Okasane and Komochi. Please fill out the
  mochi order form above. The deadline to submit your mochi order form is
  Thursday, December 10th.

                                  Mochi is to be picked up on:
                                  Sunday, December 27, 2009
                                   From 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

  And to those who would like to learn and make mochi with us, we will be making
  mochi on Sunday, December 27th from 7:00 am. This is a fun and memorable
  experience for all, especially families (a family who makes mochi together sticks
  together). Please come and join us. We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you for your KOKUA!
        The 37th Biennial Convention of Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions went smoothly thanks to various
volunteers. At 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 17th, Travis and Dustin Morita came out after their
school to set up tables and chairs in the Social Hall. Thank you very much.
        On Friday, Golfers had a good time at Hickam Golf Course. We thank Clifford Miyamoto for coor-
dinating the game. Also, our appreciation goes to Glenn Matsumoto as transportation chairperson, and
David Miyamoto for the hotel accommodations. At night, we enjoyed delicious food. We thank Aki Nishi-
yama and her helpers for preparing such gourmet treats during this convention.
        On Saturday, we had the exciting vote for our next Bishop. We thank Rev. Hara and Rev. Narashiba
for being candidates for this election. Those who missed this excitement, please make sure you will come
for the next chance in 2011. At night, everybody enjoyed Bingo and Karaoke. We thank Donald Koga for
being the entertainment chairperson.
        We also would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all other helpers to make this conference
successful. Thank you very much for your Kokua!
           Thank You Letters from Candidates for Minister in Hawaii
From Hiroshi Marumoto:                                      people do not know the meaning of the Sutra
                                                            except a few people who study them,. I believe
    The experience I had in this Hawaii Seminar will
                                                            it is very important to explain the meaning of
stay with me for the rest of my life. The reason why
                                                            Sutras. I was very happy when I saw this
I participated in this seminar was because a former
                                                            “Otsutome” prayer book.
minister suggested that I go to Hawaii. I said “Yes”
right away because I have been interested in ministe-           These are my impressions of Hawaii as a
rial work abroad.                                           participant of Hawaii Seminar. Though I was
                                                            disappointed with my ability with English, by
    I was very impressed with what I saw in Hawaii
                                                            attending this seminar, my vague image of a
with my own eyes!
                                                            minister abroad became much clearer than be-
    First of all, ministers in Hawaii are very close to     fore. I really recommend those who are inter-
their members. Nothing is done by a minister alone.         ested in the ministry abroad participate in this
Everything is done together with their members, dis-        seminar.
cussing with each other. The scene in which minis-
                                                                I would like to close by extending my heart-
ters eat together with their members shows the
                                                            felt appreciation to all the people who spend
peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. In Japan, I
                                                            their precious time and energy for us. Thank
have never seen ministers and members enjoy eating
                                                            you very much.
together, telling jokes, drinking beer, and talk stories.
    Second, I felt Jodo Shu and the other sects work        Hiroshi Marumoto, Student of Bukkyo University
closely with each other. Of course, Buddhist sects          **************************
communicate with each other in Japan, too. How-             From Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe:
ever, in Hawaii, all Buddhist sects are helping each
other to make various activities successful as same            I really appreciated Rev. Narashiba, Bishop
Japanese Buddhists. Since I am very interested in           Nakamura, and all of the members of the Tem-
the teaching of other sects, I was very impressed by        ple. Thanks to a hearty welcome from every-
with the attitude of working together with different        one, I had a valuable experience. During my
sects. I want to learn more about other sects next          stay in the Temple, I learned a lot through daily
time.                                                       activities and memorial services. Also dinner
                                                            party provided an opportunity for us to ex-
    Lastly, I want to mention the Sutra Chanting.
                                                            change views and I was impressed that people
When I read the “Otsutome” prayer book used in Ha-
                                                            of different generations happily communicated
waii, the daily prayers, five precepts, eight fold path,
                                                            with each other. May peace be upon all of you
Dhammapada and other scriptures are all translated
                                                            and May our paths cross again. NAMU
into English. By reading this book, even the first
timers will be able to understand the meaning of the
Chanting which they are listening to. In Japan, lay
                                                                                                    Page 3
         NO CHICKEN SALE                                O-Juya Family Service
                                                           Will be held on Sunday,
            THIS YEAR                                    November 8 at 10:00 a.m.
    For those wondering why you did not             Please do not forget your sweet treats
 receive your chicken tickets this year, it is   to share with everyone. (But not leftovers
 because we are not having a chicken sale.       from Halloween.)
 We have not found a good vendor for this
 chicken sale. Suggestions are welcome!
 Please send your comments to Jodo Mis-                      THANK YOU
 sion. Thank you.
                                                   A big THANK YOU to Myron
                                                 Mitsuyasu for donating a 2006 Volks-
         MAHALO NUI LOA                          wagen Passat 4-door sedan to the
   Thank you, thank you to everyone who          Temple. Myron is a member of our
volunteered their precious time to make          Board of Directors and said he did not
our annual Bazaar a great success. It was        need a second car. Such a wonderful
an event of dedicated members and friends        gift is very much appreciated!
who unselfishly came for days to prepare
the merchandise for the Bazaar. The
preparation involved the donations by                        Sunday School
members and friends; the collecting/
                                                     We welcome children to join our
storage of these donations, the sorting, dis-
                                                   Sunday School. Let’s enjoy studying
playing, pricing, selling and the overall
                                                   Onembutsu by doing various activities.
clean-up; the parking attendants; the plan-
ning and coordination of every phase of                      11/1/09 at 10:30 am
the Bazaar; the pre-Bazaar preparation, i.e.,
the buying of foods for the pickles and          Fujinkai Meeting
meals for the volunteers for the whole           (Women’s Association)
week; and all the other incidentals that                                   Sewing Circle
come with a great project.                        11/1/09 8:30 am
                                                                           11/14/09 &
    It may have been a little overwhelming                                  11/28/09
                                                   YBA Meeting
but the camaraderie, the fellowship, the re-                             8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
newing of old friends; the meeting of new         No YBA Meeting
friends, the sharing of stories and meals          in November
more than anything overcame all the sweat
and hard work. Thank you again for your            NO CLASSES IN NOVEMBER
tremendous sacrifice to this Bazaar, an-
other winner. ARIGATO!                                       Saturday Class
                                                               Sarana Class

Page 4
On Sunday October 4, 2009, the YBA,
                                                    Intermediate YBA and Sunday School
                                                    honored our Keiro members (all those 80
                                                    years old and older) with a special pres-
                                                    entation of Sekihan, handmade leis, enter-
                                                    tainment and special refreshments.
                                                       How nice to see the younger genera-
                                                    tion honor the older generation.!! The
                                                    oldest member was 97 year old Tamayo
                                                       For those who are 80 years old and
                                                    over who did not attend this service, look
Sunday School Students:
                                                    what you missed!!
Takeru, Himowari, Sophie and Amarie
singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to our Keiro        For those who are younger than 80
Kai group.                                          years old, look what we can look forward
                                                                                       Page 5
What is “Perpetual Memorial                             Obituaries
              Service?” (Eitaikyo)
                                                      The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends
      A perpetual memorial service is             its sincere condolences to the family
   called Eitaikyo in Japanese. When the          members and loved ones of the follow-
   date of death occurs for a person listed       ing members who have recently left this
   on our record, the ministers pray for that     world for the Pure Land.
   individual during the morning service.
   The prayers will continue each year for        Mrs. Leah Yoko Takabayashi             67*
   as long as Jodo Mission exists.                Mr. Royden Yet Chong Lau               62
                                                  Mr. Kazuma Takeuchi                    87
      Anyone can be included in it. You           Mr. Francis Kiyoshi Furutani           87
   may put your own name on the list, too.
   This also helps when it is difficult to        *We apologize for the misprint in
   have memorial services. We also wel-           Mrs. Takabayashi’s age at death.
   come you to attend the morning service
   at 8:30am.                                                Lift is available
                How to apply                      When you come to the temple and/or
       Stop by the office, and fill out the ap-   columbarium, you can use the lift. The lift
   plication form. Each name costs $200.          is located outside, on the right side of the
   After the application is accepted, the         temple. There is a buzzer on the wall near
   name will be listed on the record.             the lift and stairs. Please press the buzzer
                                                  and ask a minister for assistance.

                                                                 Wedding Service is available
                            J odo Mission Office Hours:
                                                                   As a Buddhist, to pledge the
                               Monday to Saturday
                                                                eternal love between husband
                                  8am—5pm                       and wife to Amida Buddha, is
                               Sunday & Holidays                very important. If you are getting
                                   8am—3pm                      married or know a couple who
                                                                are planning a wedding, please
                              Telephone: 949-3995               recommend our temple for the
                                                                ceremony. Please call at 949-
Rev. Yubun Narashiba                                            3995 for an appointment.
         Head Minister             Your Opinions
                                 Your opinions are im-                     Baby Blessing
                              portant to us. Please feel             We all hope our children
                              free to send opinions to             will live their lives happily.
                              Jodo Mission of Hawaii,              Let’s have them blessed by a
                              1429 Makiki Street.                  minister of Jodo Mission!
                              Honolulu HI 96814.                   May Amida Buddha’s love
 Rev. Dwight Nakamura         Your opinions will be                surround them forever. Please
         Retired Minister     treated confidentially.              call at 949-3995 for an ap-
Page 6
Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo) for November
1 Gensaku Nakagawa              The Iwamoto Family                The Fukuda Family
 The Nakagawa Family            Natsu Kanemoto                    Mamu Iwasaki
 Hidetsugu Kanai                The Kanemoto & Miyamoto
 Sadao Hedani                       Family                      20 Naka Iwamoto
 Masao Takeda                   Otome Sugiyama                    The Iwamoto Family
                                Yoshio Kanehira                   Totaro Nomiyama
2 Koichi Yoshiumi                                                 Toyo Terada
 The Yoshiumi Family          10 Yoshisuke Miyakawa               Yoshi Yamanaka
 Koichi Nakamura                 The Miyakawa Family              Taru Namihira
 Jiro Masuda                     Shinayo Kano
 Kenjiro Ishii                   The Kano & Watabe Family       21 Bishop Kyokujo Kubokawa
 Tari Sato                       Rev. Myoshun Hayashi
                                 The Hayashi Family             22 Wasa Hamada
3 Fuji Yoshisaki                 Shuichi Ota                      The Hamada Family
 The Yoshisaki Family                                             Shina Karamatsu
 Tsurue Hayase                11 Tsuru Teramoto                   The Karamatsu Family
                                The Teramoto Family               Minnosuke Ebisugawa
4 Kiichi Saiki                  Tamotsu Sugiyama                  Mamoru Tatei
 Kanji Kimoto                   Soyo Nishida
 Emi Taira                      Yonoichi Kitagawa               23 Matsue Inoue
                                Herbert H. Kano                   The Inoue Family
5 Kanichi Iwamoto                                                 Sano Matsumoto
 The Iwamoto Family           12 Tomohei Tejima                   Yutaka Matsumoto
 Matsutaro Tanimura             The Tejima Family                 Yoshiichi Takemoto
 The Tanimura Family            Sueji Yano                         Kinji Yamamoto
 Yuriko Sano                                                       Takami Aoki
 Yasuichi Hamasaki            13 Matsujiro Tsurusaki
 Katajiro Yamamoto              The Tsurusaki & Inada Family    24 Tatsuo Tsuda
                                                                  Yonezo Kitagawa
6 Kinroku Morita              14 Shiro Fukunaga
 The Morita Family                                              25 Tadao Nakamura
 Jihei Shimokawa              15 Gentaro Arita                    Matsuyo Yamamoto
 The Shimokawa Family           The Arita Family                   Tsutomu Kuniyuki
 Tokizo Fujita                  Toyomi Moritsugu
 Tomi Tominaga                  Kana Teruya                     26 Asako Yamamoto
                                Enosuke Kawasugi                  Kieko "Kay" Fuse
7 Taeko Mizuno                  Rosalie Katsuko Nishimura         Miyoko Matsumura
 Mizuno & Ota Family                                              Noboru Tarumoto
 Tadahito Sakuda              16 Tora Otani
 The Sakuda Family              The Otani & Yanagihara Family   27 Chisaburo Azuma
 Shoichi Hisamura               Shosaku Yagi                      The Azuma Family
 Kimiko Nobuji                  The Yagi & Okada Family           Jane Hatsuko Higa
 Hatsue Gonhata                 Kazuo Hayashi                     Hisako Kurakake
 Aki Ikeda                      The Hayashi Family
 Kenji Sano                     Koichi Ono                      28 Tameno Fujimoto
                                The Ono & Yamada Family           The Fujimoto Family
8 Machida's Baby                Mitsuko Yanagihara                 Murao Hatsuo
 Masao Uno                      Fumi Miyamoto
 The Uno Family                                                 29 Junichi Oki
 Bansuke Tomai                18 Jinkichi Tanaka                  Heizo Furukawa
 The Tomai Family               The Tanaka & Noda Family
 Tsutomu Hanano                 Kimie Hashimoto                 30 Tsuma Ishida
 Kazuo Gonhata                                                     The Ishida & Aimoto Family
 Kazo Kubota                  19 Onsho Chinen                      Shizu Shigeoka
                                 The Chinen Family                 Usanosuke Otani
9 Iwao Iwamoto                   Saku Fukuda
Jodo Mission of Hawaii
     8:30am Morning Service                                      November                                             Phone: 949-3995

                Sun                     Mon                Tue                Wed                   Thu                  Fri                       Sat

1        8:30   Fujinkai Meeting   2               3                     4              5                        6                      7
         10:00 Sunday Service                      10:30am Maunalani                      **3:15 pm Jodo Shu
         10::30 Sunday School                              Visitation                               Hour

8                                  9               10                    11             12                       13                     14
10:00 O-Juya Family Service                                                                                                                  8:30 Sewing Class
                                                   10am CCH visitation

15                                 16              17                    18             19                       20                     21
         10:00 Sunday Service                                                               **3:15 pm Jodo Shu

22                                 23              24                    25             26                       27                     28
          10:00 Sunday Service
                                                                                                                                             8:30 Sewing Class

29                                 30
          10:00 Sunday Service

    HEALTH TIPS:                                                                                       COMING EVENT: Mochi Preparation/Mochitsuki
    1)     Wash your hands frequently.                                                                 12/26: 9:00 am—Mochitsuki preparation
    2)     Drink lots of water; eat lots of fruits and vegetables.                                     12/27: 7:00 am Mochitsuki; Pickup: 12 noon to 4pm
    3)     If you cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth, use a Kleenex and then throw it away.
           If you cover your mouth with your hands, please be sure to wash it right away or use a     Tea Ceremony Class is canceled in October. For more
           hand sanitizer.                                                                            info, call Jodo Mission office (949-3995)
    4)     Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
    5)     If you are sick, stay home or try not to go to crowded areas where you may make others     **Jodo Shu Hour Radio K-ZOO (AM1210Khz, Japanese sta-
           sick.                                                                                      tion)

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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - June 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - September 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2011
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2011Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2011
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2011
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2014
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2014Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2014
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2014
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - March 2014
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - March 2014Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - March 2014
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - March 2014
Jodo Mission Bulletin - February 2015
Jodo Mission Bulletin - February 2015Jodo Mission Bulletin - February 2015
Jodo Mission Bulletin - February 2015
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - April 2015
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - April 2015Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - April 2015
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - April 2015
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2014
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2014Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2014
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2014
Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2013
Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2013Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2013
Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2013
Jodo Mission Bulletin - September 2011
Jodo Mission Bulletin - September 2011Jodo Mission Bulletin - September 2011
Jodo Mission Bulletin - September 2011
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2010Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - October 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - October 2010Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - October 2010
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - October 2010
Jodo Mission Bulletin - November 2015
Jodo Mission Bulletin - November 2015Jodo Mission Bulletin - November 2015
Jodo Mission Bulletin - November 2015
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Newsletter for February 2018
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Newsletter for February 2018Jodo Mission of Hawaii Newsletter for February 2018
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Newsletter for February 2018
Jodo Mission Bulletin - April 2017
Jodo Mission Bulletin - April 2017Jodo Mission Bulletin - April 2017
Jodo Mission Bulletin - April 2017
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2011
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2011Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2011
Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2011
Jodo Mission Bulletin - March 2015
Jodo Mission Bulletin - March 2015Jodo Mission Bulletin - March 2015
Jodo Mission Bulletin - March 2015
Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2017
Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2017Jodo Mission Bulletin - August 2017
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Jodo Mission Of Hawaii Bulletin November 2009

  • 1. JODO MISSION OF HAWAII BULLETIN November 2009 (#1157-1109) Jodo Mission of Hawaii Announcements Pages 2-5 1429 Makiki St. Honolulu HI 96814 Mochi Order Form Page 2 Perpetual Memorial Service Page 7 Address Correction Requested Calendar Page 8 Visit our web site: and CONGRATULATIONS 2010 Jodo Shu Calendar Long-time resident minister of the Lahaina Live the Jodo Shu style each and every Jodo Mission was elected as our Bishop during day, sharing in the love and compas- our Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions Conven- sion of Amida Buddha year round with tion on September 19, 2009. Bishop Gensho the Hara’s many years in Hawaii will provide a messages of distinguished priests. smooth cultural and religious continuity. He is highly respected throughout our Hawaii Jodo Calendar is for January through Shu community as well as Japan. His son John December 2010 is an ordained minister at the Wailuku and Kahu- Free calendar is available. lui Jodo Missions. Daughter Maya is also an or- Please order your calendar now dained minister. They have two other daughters before we run out living abroad. Supporting this religious family is the Bishop’s better half, Mrs. Setsuko Hara. Please call Jodo Mission We look forward to Bishop Hara’s wisdom of Hawaii at 949-3995 and leadership for a bright and enlightening fu- ture of Jodo Shu in Hawaii. Onegai Shimasu by November 10. Page 1
  • 2. MOCHI (Dec. 27) ORDER FORM おもち注文表 Deadline for order is Thursday, December 10, 2009 注文締め切り12月10日 PLEASE PRINT NAME 名前 HOME PHONE NO. 電話番号 OKASANE おかさね KOMOCHI こもち TOTAL $3.25/SET 3” SIZE $3.00/POUND 合計 SETS LBS DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Order accepted by: _______________ Date accepted: _____/_____/_2009 (In person/ Mail / Phone) Received by: _______________ Date paid: _____/_____/_2009 (Cash / Check# ) Cut MOCHI With the New Year just around the corner it is once again time to order our delecta- ble mochi. This year, we will be selling Okasane and Komochi. Please fill out the mochi order form above. The deadline to submit your mochi order form is Thursday, December 10th. Mochi is to be picked up on: Sunday, December 27, 2009 From 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm And to those who would like to learn and make mochi with us, we will be making mochi on Sunday, December 27th from 7:00 am. This is a fun and memorable experience for all, especially families (a family who makes mochi together sticks together). Please come and join us. We look forward to seeing you.
  • 3. Thank you for your KOKUA! The 37th Biennial Convention of Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions went smoothly thanks to various volunteers. At 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 17th, Travis and Dustin Morita came out after their school to set up tables and chairs in the Social Hall. Thank you very much. On Friday, Golfers had a good time at Hickam Golf Course. We thank Clifford Miyamoto for coor- dinating the game. Also, our appreciation goes to Glenn Matsumoto as transportation chairperson, and David Miyamoto for the hotel accommodations. At night, we enjoyed delicious food. We thank Aki Nishi- yama and her helpers for preparing such gourmet treats during this convention. On Saturday, we had the exciting vote for our next Bishop. We thank Rev. Hara and Rev. Narashiba for being candidates for this election. Those who missed this excitement, please make sure you will come for the next chance in 2011. At night, everybody enjoyed Bingo and Karaoke. We thank Donald Koga for being the entertainment chairperson. We also would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all other helpers to make this conference successful. Thank you very much for your Kokua! Thank You Letters from Candidates for Minister in Hawaii From Hiroshi Marumoto: people do not know the meaning of the Sutra except a few people who study them,. I believe The experience I had in this Hawaii Seminar will it is very important to explain the meaning of stay with me for the rest of my life. The reason why Sutras. I was very happy when I saw this I participated in this seminar was because a former “Otsutome” prayer book. minister suggested that I go to Hawaii. I said “Yes” right away because I have been interested in ministe- These are my impressions of Hawaii as a rial work abroad. participant of Hawaii Seminar. Though I was disappointed with my ability with English, by I was very impressed with what I saw in Hawaii attending this seminar, my vague image of a with my own eyes! minister abroad became much clearer than be- First of all, ministers in Hawaii are very close to fore. I really recommend those who are inter- their members. Nothing is done by a minister alone. ested in the ministry abroad participate in this Everything is done together with their members, dis- seminar. cussing with each other. The scene in which minis- I would like to close by extending my heart- ters eat together with their members shows the felt appreciation to all the people who spend peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. In Japan, I their precious time and energy for us. Thank have never seen ministers and members enjoy eating you very much. together, telling jokes, drinking beer, and talk stories. Second, I felt Jodo Shu and the other sects work Hiroshi Marumoto, Student of Bukkyo University closely with each other. Of course, Buddhist sects ************************** communicate with each other in Japan, too. How- From Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe: ever, in Hawaii, all Buddhist sects are helping each other to make various activities successful as same I really appreciated Rev. Narashiba, Bishop Japanese Buddhists. Since I am very interested in Nakamura, and all of the members of the Tem- the teaching of other sects, I was very impressed by ple. Thanks to a hearty welcome from every- with the attitude of working together with different one, I had a valuable experience. During my sects. I want to learn more about other sects next stay in the Temple, I learned a lot through daily time. activities and memorial services. Also dinner party provided an opportunity for us to ex- Lastly, I want to mention the Sutra Chanting. change views and I was impressed that people When I read the “Otsutome” prayer book used in Ha- of different generations happily communicated waii, the daily prayers, five precepts, eight fold path, with each other. May peace be upon all of you Dhammapada and other scriptures are all translated and May our paths cross again. NAMU into English. By reading this book, even the first AMIDABUTSU. timers will be able to understand the meaning of the Chanting which they are listening to. In Japan, lay Page 3
  • 4. Announcements NO CHICKEN SALE O-Juya Family Service Will be held on Sunday, THIS YEAR November 8 at 10:00 a.m. For those wondering why you did not Please do not forget your sweet treats receive your chicken tickets this year, it is to share with everyone. (But not leftovers because we are not having a chicken sale. from Halloween.) We have not found a good vendor for this chicken sale. Suggestions are welcome! Please send your comments to Jodo Mis- THANK YOU sion. Thank you. A big THANK YOU to Myron Mitsuyasu for donating a 2006 Volks- MAHALO NUI LOA wagen Passat 4-door sedan to the Thank you, thank you to everyone who Temple. Myron is a member of our volunteered their precious time to make Board of Directors and said he did not our annual Bazaar a great success. It was need a second car. Such a wonderful an event of dedicated members and friends gift is very much appreciated! who unselfishly came for days to prepare the merchandise for the Bazaar. The preparation involved the donations by Sunday School members and friends; the collecting/ We welcome children to join our storage of these donations, the sorting, dis- Sunday School. Let’s enjoy studying playing, pricing, selling and the overall Onembutsu by doing various activities. clean-up; the parking attendants; the plan- ning and coordination of every phase of 11/1/09 at 10:30 am the Bazaar; the pre-Bazaar preparation, i.e., the buying of foods for the pickles and Fujinkai Meeting meals for the volunteers for the whole (Women’s Association) week; and all the other incidentals that Sewing Circle come with a great project. 11/1/09 8:30 am 11/14/09 & It may have been a little overwhelming 11/28/09 YBA Meeting but the camaraderie, the fellowship, the re- 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. newing of old friends; the meeting of new No YBA Meeting friends, the sharing of stories and meals in November more than anything overcame all the sweat and hard work. Thank you again for your NO CLASSES IN NOVEMBER tremendous sacrifice to this Bazaar, an- other winner. ARIGATO! Saturday Class Sarana Class Page 4
  • 5. On Sunday October 4, 2009, the YBA, Intermediate YBA and Sunday School honored our Keiro members (all those 80 years old and older) with a special pres- entation of Sekihan, handmade leis, enter- tainment and special refreshments. How nice to see the younger genera- tion honor the older generation.!! The oldest member was 97 year old Tamayo Nakamura. For those who are 80 years old and over who did not attend this service, look Sunday School Students: what you missed!! Takeru, Himowari, Sophie and Amarie singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to our Keiro For those who are younger than 80 Kai group. years old, look what we can look forward to!! Page 5
  • 6. What is “Perpetual Memorial Obituaries Service?” (Eitaikyo) The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends A perpetual memorial service is its sincere condolences to the family called Eitaikyo in Japanese. When the members and loved ones of the follow- date of death occurs for a person listed ing members who have recently left this on our record, the ministers pray for that world for the Pure Land. individual during the morning service. The prayers will continue each year for Mrs. Leah Yoko Takabayashi 67* as long as Jodo Mission exists. Mr. Royden Yet Chong Lau 62 Mr. Kazuma Takeuchi 87 Anyone can be included in it. You Mr. Francis Kiyoshi Furutani 87 may put your own name on the list, too. This also helps when it is difficult to *We apologize for the misprint in have memorial services. We also wel- Mrs. Takabayashi’s age at death. come you to attend the morning service at 8:30am. Lift is available How to apply When you come to the temple and/or Stop by the office, and fill out the ap- columbarium, you can use the lift. The lift plication form. Each name costs $200. is located outside, on the right side of the After the application is accepted, the temple. There is a buzzer on the wall near name will be listed on the record. the lift and stairs. Please press the buzzer and ask a minister for assistance. Wedding Service is available J odo Mission Office Hours: As a Buddhist, to pledge the Monday to Saturday eternal love between husband 8am—5pm and wife to Amida Buddha, is Sunday & Holidays very important. If you are getting 8am—3pm married or know a couple who are planning a wedding, please Telephone: 949-3995 recommend our temple for the ceremony. Please call at 949- Rev. Yubun Narashiba 3995 for an appointment. Head Minister Your Opinions Your opinions are im- Baby Blessing portant to us. Please feel We all hope our children free to send opinions to will live their lives happily. Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Let’s have them blessed by a 1429 Makiki Street. minister of Jodo Mission! Honolulu HI 96814. May Amida Buddha’s love Rev. Dwight Nakamura Your opinions will be surround them forever. Please Retired Minister treated confidentially. call at 949-3995 for an ap- pointment. Page 6
  • 7. Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo) for November 1 Gensaku Nakagawa The Iwamoto Family The Fukuda Family The Nakagawa Family Natsu Kanemoto Mamu Iwasaki Hidetsugu Kanai The Kanemoto & Miyamoto Sadao Hedani Family 20 Naka Iwamoto Masao Takeda Otome Sugiyama The Iwamoto Family Yoshio Kanehira Totaro Nomiyama 2 Koichi Yoshiumi Toyo Terada The Yoshiumi Family 10 Yoshisuke Miyakawa Yoshi Yamanaka Koichi Nakamura The Miyakawa Family Taru Namihira Jiro Masuda Shinayo Kano Kenjiro Ishii The Kano & Watabe Family 21 Bishop Kyokujo Kubokawa Tari Sato Rev. Myoshun Hayashi The Hayashi Family 22 Wasa Hamada 3 Fuji Yoshisaki Shuichi Ota The Hamada Family The Yoshisaki Family Shina Karamatsu Tsurue Hayase 11 Tsuru Teramoto The Karamatsu Family The Teramoto Family Minnosuke Ebisugawa 4 Kiichi Saiki Tamotsu Sugiyama Mamoru Tatei Kanji Kimoto Soyo Nishida Emi Taira Yonoichi Kitagawa 23 Matsue Inoue Herbert H. Kano The Inoue Family 5 Kanichi Iwamoto Sano Matsumoto The Iwamoto Family 12 Tomohei Tejima Yutaka Matsumoto Matsutaro Tanimura The Tejima Family Yoshiichi Takemoto The Tanimura Family Sueji Yano Kinji Yamamoto Yuriko Sano Takami Aoki Yasuichi Hamasaki 13 Matsujiro Tsurusaki Katajiro Yamamoto The Tsurusaki & Inada Family 24 Tatsuo Tsuda Yonezo Kitagawa 6 Kinroku Morita 14 Shiro Fukunaga The Morita Family 25 Tadao Nakamura Jihei Shimokawa 15 Gentaro Arita Matsuyo Yamamoto The Shimokawa Family The Arita Family Tsutomu Kuniyuki Tokizo Fujita Toyomi Moritsugu Tomi Tominaga Kana Teruya 26 Asako Yamamoto Enosuke Kawasugi Kieko "Kay" Fuse 7 Taeko Mizuno Rosalie Katsuko Nishimura Miyoko Matsumura Mizuno & Ota Family Noboru Tarumoto Tadahito Sakuda 16 Tora Otani The Sakuda Family The Otani & Yanagihara Family 27 Chisaburo Azuma Shoichi Hisamura Shosaku Yagi The Azuma Family Kimiko Nobuji The Yagi & Okada Family Jane Hatsuko Higa Hatsue Gonhata Kazuo Hayashi Hisako Kurakake Aki Ikeda The Hayashi Family Kenji Sano Koichi Ono 28 Tameno Fujimoto The Ono & Yamada Family The Fujimoto Family 8 Machida's Baby Mitsuko Yanagihara Murao Hatsuo Masao Uno Fumi Miyamoto The Uno Family 29 Junichi Oki Bansuke Tomai 18 Jinkichi Tanaka Heizo Furukawa The Tomai Family The Tanaka & Noda Family Tsutomu Hanano Kimie Hashimoto 30 Tsuma Ishida Kazuo Gonhata The Ishida & Aimoto Family Kazo Kubota 19 Onsho Chinen Shizu Shigeoka The Chinen Family Usanosuke Otani 9 Iwao Iwamoto Saku Fukuda
  • 8. Jodo Mission of Hawaii 8:30am Morning Service November Phone: 949-3995 Everyday Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:30 Fujinkai Meeting 2 3 4 5 6 7 10:00 Sunday Service 10:30am Maunalani **3:15 pm Jodo Shu 10::30 Sunday School Visitation Hour 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10:00 O-Juya Family Service 8:30 Sewing Class 10am CCH visitation 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10:00 Sunday Service **3:15 pm Jodo Shu Hour 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10:00 Sunday Service 8:30 Sewing Class 29 30 10:00 Sunday Service HEALTH TIPS: COMING EVENT: Mochi Preparation/Mochitsuki 1) Wash your hands frequently. 12/26: 9:00 am—Mochitsuki preparation 2) Drink lots of water; eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 12/27: 7:00 am Mochitsuki; Pickup: 12 noon to 4pm 3) If you cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth, use a Kleenex and then throw it away. If you cover your mouth with your hands, please be sure to wash it right away or use a Tea Ceremony Class is canceled in October. For more hand sanitizer. info, call Jodo Mission office (949-3995) 4) Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. 5) If you are sick, stay home or try not to go to crowded areas where you may make others **Jodo Shu Hour Radio K-ZOO (AM1210Khz, Japanese sta- sick. tion)