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                                   BULLETIN - MAY 2011

Jodo Mission of Hawaii
1429 Makiki St.
Honolulu HI 96814

Address Service Requested

                Hawaii Buddhist Council’s Memorial Day Service
        Everyone is cordially invited to the Memorial Day Service, sponsored by the Hawaii
  Buddhist Council:

             When:           Monday, May 23, 2011
                             at 10:00 a.m.
             Where:          Punchbowl Cemetery
  Hawaii Buddhist Council is made up of seven (7) Buddhist denominations: Higashi Hongwanji
  Mission of Hawaii, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Koyasan Shingon
  Mission of Hawaii, Nichiren Mission of Hawaii, Soto Mission of Hawaii and Tendai Mission of Hawaii.

                 Flowers Needed for Lei Making
                    on Friday, May 27, 2011
      Please bring Plumeria or other small flowers for leis to
   Jodo Mission on Thursday, May 26, 2011.
      Sr. YBA is inviting everyone to join us on May 27, 2011
   beginning at 8 am for our Memorial Day lei making project. Please come and help us
   sew leis for our veterans at Punchbowl Cemetery. Lunch will be provided.
Sermon: Power of Unity
         Given Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe on Sunday, March 27, 2011

       First of all, I would like to offer my deepest condolences to the
victims of the tsunami and quake in the northeast of Japan. As you
know, the Japanese are patient and polite. Even though they had such a
major disaster, they behave calmly and orderly and are taking the first step on the road
of recovery. Their attitude is praised by people all over the world. I’m proud of the
Japanese spirit. Today, I’d like to talk about the power of unity and send great encour-
agement to the Japanese.
         A researcher at Columbia University said, “Japanese have a sense of being first
and foremost responsible to the community. This communitarian spirit at the foundation
of Japanese culture seems to function even more efficiently under the stress of disas-
ter.” If the Japanese are asked the reason for devotion to community, they often answer
by saying a phrase, “Komattatoki ha Otagaisama.” It means that, when we have trou-
ble, let’s help each other. It is natural for us to share hardships and help each other. This
is a virtue and a kind of justice which all people in Japan share equally. I’m sure that
this spirit of mutual aid will continue to work effectively in today’s difficult situation.
        In fact, Japanese cooperation has deep cultural roots. In Japanese, we call a
sense of unity “Wa.” It is one of the most important words for understanding our spirit.
At the beginning of the seventh century, Prince Shotoku established the first constitu-
tion called the Seventeenth-Article Constitution. His face is well known on the former
¥10,000 bill. He wrote in Article I, “Wa or harmony is to be valued,” and declared his
policy that cooperation was fundamental to our society. Since then, Wa, or cooperative
work, has been deeply kept in our hearts. With this historical background, we still feel
that harmony is more important than self-assertion, argument or confrontation.
        This spirit has been handed down for generations. Now, I’ll show you a wonder-
ful example. In January, the Japanese national soccer team, “Samurai Blue,” won the
2011 Asian Cup at Doha. In soccer, we kick and pass the ball to our teammate to get a
goal. One goal is very precious and the result of players’ team work. I heard most Japa-
nese really enjoyed this exciting tournament. Actually, all the games were very close. In
the final, Japan beat sports super-power, Australia, in extra time. A substitute player,
Lee, fired a volley with his left foot in the corner, leaving the Australian goal keeper
motionless. I have never seen such a beautiful goal in Japanese soccer history. The Ital-
ian manager, Alberto Zaccheroni, pointed out that unity was the biggest reason for vic-
tory. He said, “The team effort and team spirit pulled us through. The whole of Japan
can be proud of having a team like this.” The great performance of Samurai Blue is a
strong message for us that the Japanese team spirit, cooperation and devotion, is very
effective in overcoming hardships. I hope that the entire nation of Japan continue to
show us exceptional team work in the recovery from this tsunami and quake.

Page 2
Vision for the Future (2)
   Do you want to hire a super secretary who works 24/7 for your temple
only for $250 a month? She will never ask you any other benefits for her
hard work. Her name is Miss Home Page!
  If you are new to Hawaii and if you want to buy a car, what will you do?
You go onto the internet and try to find a car dealer, right?
    How about yourself? Is there any single day passes by without using the internet? In US,
239,232,863 people are using internet. Amazingly, it’s 7 people out of 10. How about in
Japan? 99,143,700 people are using internet. Again, it’s 7 people out of 10! If this statistics
is applied to Hawaii, 906,625 people are using internet in Hawaii. Therefore, if we have a
good Home Page in the web, 906,625 people will be able to find us with a very small cost!
How much is the cost? Let’s say $1,000 at the beginning to make a home page, $100 a
month for a rental server, and $150 per month to maintain the home page. It’s only 0.14
cents per person for the first month, and 0.028 cents from the second month. Don’t you think
it’s a good deal? With the expense of $1, more than 3000 people may be able to find who
we are.
   Imagine that you go to a supermarket and ask somebody if he or she knows Jodo Mis-
sion. Do you think one person say, “Yes” out of 100 people? Jodo Mission does not exist to
other 99 people.
  There are many things we can do for the future of our temple. Why don’t we make our
home page, now?!      (Your comments are always welcome to

          Bits of Knowledge about Buddhism
             Vol.06 “Flower for the Buddhist”
                   By Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe

       On the altar of Jodo Mission, you can see some
golden flowers on either side of Amida Buddha. They are in
the shape of lotus flowers because a lotus flower is the most
precious to us as the Buddhists. According to the Sutra, by
the 49th day when a person passed away, the deceased will
be born from a lotus bud in the Pure Land. When the flower
comes into bloom, he/she will start a new life in the Pure Land.
        The Lotus also represents the ideal of Buddhist. It grows and flowers only in mud
water, but it is never stained by the mud and produces a white beautiful flower. Mud water is
a metaphor for this world. The flower symbolizes that the Buddhist should live the right way
in the real world. Buddha’s dharma adapts to meet our needs in daily life.
        In this way, the lotus is the most meaningful flower for Buddhists. So, we have im-
ages of the lotus on the altar. And you may find a lotus pond in some other temples.     Page 3
Dear Members and Friends of Jodo Mission of Hawaii:

    Once again, I would like to thank you from
the bottom of my heart for the kind and gener-
ous monetary donations.
    As you can see on T.V. or newspaper, Ja-
pan is recovering quickly and steadily from
the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disas-
ter. However, since 13,392 people died and
15,133 are still missing, the reconstruction of
the community will take a long, long time, and
the mental and spiritual pain of losing family
members or friends will last even longer.
    Now, I am very proud to announce that we
have collected $36,220 for the victims as of
March 31, and more donations are coming in
everyday. Your donations and messages will
be sent to Japan by the end of this month. I
am sure that this will bring a hope to the resi-
dents of the disaster-stricken area.
     Thank you very much for your help.

     In Gassho,
     Rev. Yubun Narashiba
                                                      Above: Grave site at Senkoji Temple in
                                                      Iwanuma City, South of Sendai

800 Grand Memorial Services at Chio-nin Postponed:
   Due to the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disasters in Japan, the ceremonies which
were to be held in early April 2011 were cancelled. Bishop Gensho Hara indicated they
will be rescheduled October 2 to 16, however, he will find out in May whether the Octo-
ber dates are firm dates. We will let you know as soon as we find out. Thank you.

Some Information Re Jodo Shu Temples in Japan:
    Did you know that Jodo Shu has approximately 257 temples in the various affected
areas in Japan, which are recovering from earthquake, tsunami and radio activity? In the
Miyagi Prefecture alone, which includes Sendai, there are 56 Jodo Shu Temples. In Iwate
thee are 34 Jodo Shu Temples. In Fukushima Prefecture there are approximately 167
Jodo Shu Temples. SEE some photos on next page.
Page 4
            [Copied from Northeast Japan Jodo Shu Young Ministers Association Website]

 Above: Joshoji Temple in Miyagi Prefecture.
 Right photo shows how high the water came at
     Joshoji Temple.
 Below: Grave stones at Joshoji Temple

Right top: Saikoji Temple in Ishinomaki City, north of
    Sendai Mud & debri inside Saikoji Temple
Right: outside Saikoji Temple

 Above: Temple Bell among debri at Shotokuji Temple in
 Sendai.                                                                                 Page 5
Miso Helps Protect Body Against Atomic Radiation and Heavy Metal
     What is miso? Miso is a fermented soy food and is one of the world’s most delicious,
versatile and medicinal foods. Miso for centuries has been known as a folk remedy for
weak digestion, cancer, radiation sickness, tobacco poisoning, acidic conditions, low
libidio, and several types of intestinal infections. Miso’s reputation as one of nature’s most
healing foods is being confirmed by modern medical science. These studies show what
folk healers have known for centuries. It is not any one particular component of miso that
makes it such an effective healing food but rather a complex combination of ingredients
and a unique double fermentation process that transforms soybeans and grains into a potent
     Dr. Shinichiro Akizuki, director of St. Francis Hospital in Nagasaki during World War II
who spent years treating atomic bomb victims just a few miles from ground zero did not
suffer the usual effects of radiation.. Dr. Akizuki hypothesized that he and his associates
were protected from the deadly radiation because they drank miso soup every day.
    It has been reported that European countries imported truckloads of miso from Japan af-
ter the Chernobyl nuclear plant incident.
                          Pork Miso Soup
                                                        Serves: 2
 4 cups     water
 1 pkg.     dashi no moto               1/2 lb. pork, sliced sukiyaki
 1 1/2 c. daikon, sliced into rectangles      1/2 pkg bean sprouts
 1 med. carrot, sliced into rectangles        1/4 c. shiro miso
 4 oz.    konnyaku, sliced into rectangles        green onions, chopped

 1. Place 4 cups of water into a pot and add one pkg. of dashi no moto.
 2. Prepare vegetables:
      Peel daikon and carrot
      Cut daikon into slices approximately 1” x 1.5”
      Cut carrot into slices approximately 1.5” x .5”
      Slice konnyaku into rectangles similar to carrot.
      Add them to the pot of water and dashi no moto.
 3. Bring pot to a boil and let vegetables cook for approximately
       4 minutes.
 4. Skim the foaming bubbles off the surface of the mixture.
 5. Separating the slices, add the pork to the boiling mixture
       and cook for 30 seconds.
 6. Skim the foaming bubbles from the surface once again.
 7. Add half a package of bean sprouts. Heat for another 30
 8. Lower heat and add 1/4 cup miso, stirring miso until it is dissolved into
    the soup.
 Serve in bowls, garnishing with chopped green onions.
Page 6
Sunday School Excursion
     to Honolulu Zoo
   On January 30, 2011, Sunday
went to the Honolulu Zoo. Looks
like they are enjoying themselves.
   Photo on right features Rev. Wa-
tanabe, advisors and mothers.
  Back row; Yukari Narashiba, Rev.
Watanabe, Kay Oshiro, JoAnn Matsuo,
Makoh Nii, Hitomi Paraso.
   Front row; Takeru Nii, Sophie
Narashiba, A’Marie Paraso and Strider

  Note of Appreciation from Makoh Nii (Takeru's mother):


  We are so fortunate to have opportunities to learn various things such as manners in temples
  and cultures in Japan in addition to having fun with friends through the Sunday School at Jodo

  We had an excursion to the Honolulu Zoo from the Sunday School on January 30,
  2011 and we enjoyed visiting the zoo from different way than we go there by ourselves.

  Although my son and I had been to the zoo before, we enjoyed so much with all Sunday School
  friends. Unexpectedly, we had a shower (like a storm!) and that was also a fun experience.

  Thank you very much.

  Hello Everyone!
  Would you like to have some fun with us? We have Sunday School Class 1-2 times in each
  month. Besides attending Sunday Service and learning about Buddhism, we also go on picnics,
  have birthday parties, Christmas party, and do fun things together!! Please call Jodo Mission of
  Hawaii at 949-3995 if you would like to know more about us. We are looking forward to seeing
  more new students!
                  In Gassho, Rev. Watanabe                                                  Page 7

     On Sunday, April 10, the Hawaii Buddhist Council held its Buddha Day or Hana-
  matsuri Service at Jodo Mission. We wish to thank the Fujinkai ladies, led by Carol
  Yanagihara, who helped put together two beautiful hanamidos for this service The
  hanamidos are pagoda like structures, with the Baby
  Buddha in the center surrounded by beautiful flowers
  and amacha or sweet tea. Everyone coming to the Ser-
  vice was able to pour the sweet tea over the Baby Bud-
  dha statute. THANK YOU also for the many people
  who brought flowers from their yards for us to use. See
  more Hanamatsuri photos on next page.

                Sunday School
                   5/8/11                      Two students from Punahou came to help:
                                               Courtney Kaneshiro and Carli Matsuoka. As part of
         Mother’s Day Service 10 a.m.          their Japanese class, they came to participate in our ha-
            5/22/11 after choir class          namido creation. Now, they will go back and give their
                                               presentation of what they did and what they learned.
                                               THANK YOU COURTNEY and CARLI for coming to
                                               help. Hope you found it interesting.!

  ♫Children’s Choir “Malama”♫
              5/1/11 at 10:40 a.m.
             5/22/11 at 10:40 a.m.
Any child ages 5 to 8 years old can join.
Children will sing mainly Japanese songs
and Buddhist gathas. Practice will be in
Japanese. ♫ ♫
                                                    May 8th is Mother’s Day (Haha No Hi)
Fujinkai Meeting
(Women’s association)
                           YBA Meeting           What do you remember most about your
           5/1/11               5/22/11       Mother, Mom, Mama, Okaa-san? Was it the
         8:30 a.m.             8:30 a.m.      delicious food she prepared, the clothes she made for
                                              you, the wonderful words of wisdom she had, the
                 Sewing Circle                encouragement she gave for studying hard, for doing
                                              the best you can, for enjoying life to the fullest, etc.
               5/14 and 5/28/11                   In 100 words or less, please send in your
            8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.           thoughts to Jodo Mission of Hawaii by Saturday,
                                              May 7th. No age requirement on entering this
         Any interested person is welcome     contest.
                   to participate                 Please come to our Mother’s Day Service on
                                              May 8th at 10:00 a.m.
Page 8
[Hawaii Buddhist Council sponsored Hanamatsuri Service on April 10, 2011]

                                             Guest Speaker was Dr. George Tanabe. Congregation is
                                             listening to his talk. Congregation included members of seven
                                             Buddhist denominations: Higashi Hongwanji Mission of Ha-
                                             waii, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Jodo Mission of
                                             Hawaii, Koyasan Shingon Mission of Hawaii, Nichiren Mis-
                                             sion of Hawaii, Soto Mission of Hawaii and Tendai Mission of
                     Left: Closeup of        Hawaii.
                     inside one of           Left: Our beautiful altar with one of the Hanamidos with
                     the Hanamidos.          Baby Buddha inside surrounded with sweet tea and flowers.

                     Right: Jodo
                     Mission’s Chil-
                     dren’s Choir

                     Below: Audi-
                     ence enjoyed
                     the entertain-
                     ment by Koboji

                                        Right: Even Bishop
                                        Dean Okimura of
                                        Koboji Temple
                                        danced and was MC
                                        for the entertainment

                                        Left: Koboji dancer
                                        Dazman even got Ha-
                                        namatsuri MC up to

                                                                                                   Page 9
                                 OF JODO SHU TEMPLES
   Island         Temple          Phone No.              Dates                Times
   Oahu           Betsuin               949-3995         Aug 19 to 20         7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
                  Haleiwa               637-4382         July 22 to 23        7/22: 8 pm – 10 pm
                                                                              7/23: 8 pm – 11 pm
   Big Island     Kurtistown                             August 6             8:00 pm
   [Hawaii]                       Call Rev. Miyazaki
                  Hilo                                   July 8 to 9          7/8:   7:30 pm
                                  (808) 935-6996                              7/9:   8:00 pm
                  Hakalau                                August 20            8:00 pm
                  Hamakua                                August 13            6:30 pm
                                  Call Rev. Wansa
                  Kohala                                 July 9               6:30 pm
                                  (808) 775-0965
                  Hawi                                   August 6             6:30 pm
   Maui           Kahului         Call Rev. John Hara    June 24 to 25        7:00 pm

                  Wailuku         (808) 244-0066         June 17              7:00 pm

                  Lahaina         (808) 661-4304         July 2               7:00 pm
   Kauai          Kapaa           (808) 822-4319         July 22 to 23        7:30 pm

                  Koloa           (808) 742-6735         June 17 to 18        7:30 pm

                                                        NOKOTSUDO (Columbarium) Vases:
   The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere       We need to clean the Nokotsudo which has
condolences to the family members and loved             many, many vases. Saturday, June 4th is
ones of the following members who have recently         our target date. If you have any personal
left this world for the Pure Land.                      vases, artificial plants and flowers, would
                                                        you please take them home. We realize that
   Masato Okimura                      91               you may bring a special vase for your use
                                                        and then when you come the next time, you
                                                        cannot find it so you bring another one.
       Jodo Mission Office Hours:
                                                              We do not want to break your special
                Monday to Saturday                      vase and that may happen when the No-
                   8am—5pm                              kotsudo people are cleaning the vases or if
                Sunday & Holidays
                    8am—3pm                             thee are too many vases on the shelves.
                 Phone: 949-3995                        Thank you.

   Rev. Yubun Narashiba        Rev. Kanjun Nakano        Rev. Yasuhiro        Rev. Dwight
          Head Minister          Resident Minister         Watanabe           Nakamura
                                                         Resident Minister    Retired Minister
Page 10
EITAIKYO (Perpetual Memorial Service) for May

1 Tome Iwamoto                          Hikoichi Hirai
  Tome Toishigawa                       The Hirai Family
                                        Moushi Uehara                      24 Zensuke Yokomichi
 2 Bishop Buntetsu Miyamoto             Teruo Sawamura                       The Yokomichi Family
   Etsuo Nakagawa                       Fumiko Yogi                          The Kondo Family
                                        Kenichi Hayashi                      Kaizo Goto
 3 Mitsuyo Nakahara                                                          The Goto Family
   The Fukunaga Family                  Teruo Sawamura
                                        The Sawamura Family                  Kichizo Yamamoto
   Mitsuko Sakai                                                             The Miyashige Family
                                        Betty Oshita
 4 Eikichi Hirouji                      Katsutoshi Kano                      The Yamamoto Family
   The Miyamasu Family                                                       Takeji Ogata
   Tamotsu Takaoka                    14 Kiku Miyashige                      Kiseno Nakano
   Toshio Yoshioka                      The Goto Family                      Satsuki Nakano
                                        The Miyashige Family                 Kamazo Teruya
 5 Sadaichi Mito                        Fui Yamato                           Natsu Muramoto
   The Mito Family                      The Yamato Family
   Michie Makino                        Toshio Karamatsu                   25 Keiichi Mineishi
   The Makino & Okamura Family          Kiku Matsumoto                       The Mineishi Family
   Morita Kokubun                       Kura Harada                          Kazuo Shidaki
                                        Shinichi Yanagihara                  The Shidaki Family
 6 Tokusaburo Fukuda (2)                                                     Yoshio Nishimura
   The Fukuda Family (2)              16 Kamekichi Hayashi                   Shinsuke Uchiumi
   Tora Kanayama (2)                    The Hayashi Family                   Minoru Yamane
   The Kanayama Family                  Kozo Okamoto                         Yonosuke Ikuta
   Hitoshi Nitta                        Peggy Miyako Ogi                     The Takazawa Family
   Kamato Uyehara
   Tamayo Matsumori                   17 Hiromu Hayashi                    26 Senkichi Fukuda
   Laurie T. Cho                         Wallace Kazuyo Sakai                The Fukuda Family
   Kazuo Karimoto                        Helen Miyoko Fujikami Tamashiro     Fukuji Muranaka
   Kuma Tatei                                                                Rikio Kunihisa
                                      18 Hatsuyo Yamamoto                    Mitsuki Kimoto
   Masaru Morimoto                      The Yamamoto Family                  Toshiko Higa
 7 Minetaro Katagiri                    Tadami Uemoto
   The Katagiri Family                  Chizuko Koto                       27 Kichi Hisamura
   Tsuyako Kishii                       Haru Shimizu                         Torakichi Miyao
   The Imamiya Family                   The Kawabe Family                    Takashi Saiki
   Kiyoshi Hirano                       The Mitsujiro Kurashige Family
                                        Kiyoshi Narahara                   28 Iro Yamane
   Satoru Miura                                                               Misao Yasuda
                                        Kayoko Miyamoto
                                        Toshiko Yamanaka                      Shuso Gushikuma
 8 Toshiko Kusunoki                                                           Shurei Gushikuma
   Tami Kawasaki                      19 Kamechiyo Uyehara                    Kamaru Gushikuma
   The Kusunoki Family                   Fumio Fujiwara                       Kama Gushikuma
   Tsuru Kitamura
   The Kawasaki Family               20 Sukeo Matsuno                      29 Mayo Yamamoto
   Yasuo Kagihara                       The Matsuno Family                    The Yamamoto Family
   The Nakagawa Family                  Hatsue Tsuda                          The Suzukawa Family
   The Kitamura Family                  The Tsuda Family                      Yazaburo Shoji
   Seki Tamura                          Kamei Akamine                         Tohe Shoji Family
                                        Haruyo Iwamoto                        Joji Sakaguchi
10 Sada Kurihara                        Koan Takara                           Tomiko Yamanaka
   The Kurihara Family                  Benzo Takahashi                       Haruo Kito
   The Ajimura Family                                                         The Kito Family
   The Ito Family (Stillborn)         21 Fuji Yamamoto                        Hatsuko Toishigawa
                                        The Yamamoto Family                   Sumie Ito
11 Masataka Fukuda                      Shigeko Fujikami
   The Fukuda Family                    The Fujikami Family                30 Tamezo Yanagihara
   Shuzo Mitsutani                                                            The Yanagihara Family
   The Mitsutani Family               22 Tsunekichi Tamanaha                  Heikichi Ichida
   Ayataro Nanbu                        The Tamanaha Family                   The Ichida Family
   The Nanbu Family                     Masuo Tomita                          Setsu Yamamoto
   Kimiko Fujii                         Haruo Nakagawa                        Mackay Umeichi Yanagisawa
   Kikuyo Hayashi                                                             Tsunejiro Iwamoto
   Kinuyo Matsui                      23 Hichizo Nishimura                    Yoshiko Moritsugu
   Matsuichi Onaga                      The Nishimura Family
                                        The Aoki Family                    31 Hideo Kuniyuki
12 Konosuke Tsuda                       Harukichi Hirohama                    Ichiro Obara
   The Tsuda Family                     The Hirohama Family                   Tahei Harada
   Kimie Takaoka                        Ishi Onaga
   Mieko Takara                         The Onaga Family
   Yasu Ogi                             The Nakamura Family
   Kenji Otani                          Tomoko Hayashi
                                        Kenzo Hashimoto
13 Konzo Nakai                           Hichizo Nishimura
  The Nakai Family

                                                                                                    Page 11
8:30am Morning Service                                            May 2011                                                Jodo Mission of Hawaii
      Everyday                                                                                                                      Phone: 949-3995

                 Sun                           Mon                    Tue           Wed                   Thu                     Fri                   Sat

1        8:30am Fujinkai Meeting         2                   3                 4               5                           6                 7
                                                             10:30am Maunalani                     ***3:15 pm Jodo Shu
        10:00am Obetsuji Service
                                                                     Visitation                                hour

8                                        9                   10                11              12                          13                14
       10am Mother’s Day Service
                                                                                                                                                 8:30 am Sewing Class
                                                             10am CCH visitation
        10:30am Sunday School

        11:45am Board Meeting

15                                       16                  17                18              19                          20                21
          10am Sunday Service
                                                                                                 **3:15 pm Jodo Shu hour

22       8:30am YBA Meeting              23                  24                25              26                          27                28
        10am Juzukuri Service            10:00 HBC Me-                                                                     8am Sr. YBA Lei       8:30 am Sewing Class
                                         morial Day Ser-                                                                   Making Event
     10:40am Children’s Choir;
        then Sunday School               vice at Punchbowl

29                                        30                     31
    10am Memorial Day Service
     Baccalaureate Service will follow                                                       ***Jodo Shu Hour Radio K-ZOO (AM1210Khz, Japanese station)

    Coming Events:                                                                   July 22-23: Haleiwa O-Bon Services
    July 3: General Cleanup & O-Toba Set up—We need your help
    July 15, 16: O-Bon Services; 10:00 am Hatsubon only                              Aug 19-20: Our Bon Dance
                                  2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
    Julu 17: O-Bon Service: 10:00 am

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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - May 2011

  • 1. JODO MISSION OF HAWAII BULLETIN - MAY 2011 (#1174-0511) Jodo Mission of Hawaii 1429 Makiki St. Honolulu HI 96814 Address Service Requested Hawaii Buddhist Council’s Memorial Day Service Everyone is cordially invited to the Memorial Day Service, sponsored by the Hawaii Buddhist Council: When: Monday, May 23, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Where: Punchbowl Cemetery Hawaii Buddhist Council is made up of seven (7) Buddhist denominations: Higashi Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Koyasan Shingon Mission of Hawaii, Nichiren Mission of Hawaii, Soto Mission of Hawaii and Tendai Mission of Hawaii. Flowers Needed for Lei Making on Friday, May 27, 2011 Please bring Plumeria or other small flowers for leis to Jodo Mission on Thursday, May 26, 2011. Sr. YBA is inviting everyone to join us on May 27, 2011 beginning at 8 am for our Memorial Day lei making project. Please come and help us sew leis for our veterans at Punchbowl Cemetery. Lunch will be provided.
  • 2. Sermon: Power of Unity Given Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe on Sunday, March 27, 2011 First of all, I would like to offer my deepest condolences to the victims of the tsunami and quake in the northeast of Japan. As you know, the Japanese are patient and polite. Even though they had such a major disaster, they behave calmly and orderly and are taking the first step on the road of recovery. Their attitude is praised by people all over the world. I’m proud of the Japanese spirit. Today, I’d like to talk about the power of unity and send great encour- agement to the Japanese. A researcher at Columbia University said, “Japanese have a sense of being first and foremost responsible to the community. This communitarian spirit at the foundation of Japanese culture seems to function even more efficiently under the stress of disas- ter.” If the Japanese are asked the reason for devotion to community, they often answer by saying a phrase, “Komattatoki ha Otagaisama.” It means that, when we have trou- ble, let’s help each other. It is natural for us to share hardships and help each other. This is a virtue and a kind of justice which all people in Japan share equally. I’m sure that this spirit of mutual aid will continue to work effectively in today’s difficult situation. In fact, Japanese cooperation has deep cultural roots. In Japanese, we call a sense of unity “Wa.” It is one of the most important words for understanding our spirit. At the beginning of the seventh century, Prince Shotoku established the first constitu- tion called the Seventeenth-Article Constitution. His face is well known on the former ¥10,000 bill. He wrote in Article I, “Wa or harmony is to be valued,” and declared his policy that cooperation was fundamental to our society. Since then, Wa, or cooperative work, has been deeply kept in our hearts. With this historical background, we still feel that harmony is more important than self-assertion, argument or confrontation. This spirit has been handed down for generations. Now, I’ll show you a wonder- ful example. In January, the Japanese national soccer team, “Samurai Blue,” won the 2011 Asian Cup at Doha. In soccer, we kick and pass the ball to our teammate to get a goal. One goal is very precious and the result of players’ team work. I heard most Japa- nese really enjoyed this exciting tournament. Actually, all the games were very close. In the final, Japan beat sports super-power, Australia, in extra time. A substitute player, Lee, fired a volley with his left foot in the corner, leaving the Australian goal keeper motionless. I have never seen such a beautiful goal in Japanese soccer history. The Ital- ian manager, Alberto Zaccheroni, pointed out that unity was the biggest reason for vic- tory. He said, “The team effort and team spirit pulled us through. The whole of Japan can be proud of having a team like this.” The great performance of Samurai Blue is a strong message for us that the Japanese team spirit, cooperation and devotion, is very effective in overcoming hardships. I hope that the entire nation of Japan continue to show us exceptional team work in the recovery from this tsunami and quake. Page 2
  • 3. Vision for the Future (2) Do you want to hire a super secretary who works 24/7 for your temple only for $250 a month? She will never ask you any other benefits for her hard work. Her name is Miss Home Page! If you are new to Hawaii and if you want to buy a car, what will you do? You go onto the internet and try to find a car dealer, right? How about yourself? Is there any single day passes by without using the internet? In US, 239,232,863 people are using internet. Amazingly, it’s 7 people out of 10. How about in Japan? 99,143,700 people are using internet. Again, it’s 7 people out of 10! If this statistics is applied to Hawaii, 906,625 people are using internet in Hawaii. Therefore, if we have a good Home Page in the web, 906,625 people will be able to find us with a very small cost! How much is the cost? Let’s say $1,000 at the beginning to make a home page, $100 a month for a rental server, and $150 per month to maintain the home page. It’s only 0.14 cents per person for the first month, and 0.028 cents from the second month. Don’t you think it’s a good deal? With the expense of $1, more than 3000 people may be able to find who we are. Imagine that you go to a supermarket and ask somebody if he or she knows Jodo Mis- sion. Do you think one person say, “Yes” out of 100 people? Jodo Mission does not exist to other 99 people. There are many things we can do for the future of our temple. Why don’t we make our home page, now?! (Your comments are always welcome to Bits of Knowledge about Buddhism Vol.06 “Flower for the Buddhist” By Rev. Yasuhiro Watanabe On the altar of Jodo Mission, you can see some golden flowers on either side of Amida Buddha. They are in the shape of lotus flowers because a lotus flower is the most precious to us as the Buddhists. According to the Sutra, by the 49th day when a person passed away, the deceased will be born from a lotus bud in the Pure Land. When the flower comes into bloom, he/she will start a new life in the Pure Land. The Lotus also represents the ideal of Buddhist. It grows and flowers only in mud water, but it is never stained by the mud and produces a white beautiful flower. Mud water is a metaphor for this world. The flower symbolizes that the Buddhist should live the right way in the real world. Buddha’s dharma adapts to meet our needs in daily life. In this way, the lotus is the most meaningful flower for Buddhists. So, we have im- ages of the lotus on the altar. And you may find a lotus pond in some other temples. Page 3
  • 4. Dear Members and Friends of Jodo Mission of Hawaii: Once again, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kind and gener- ous monetary donations. As you can see on T.V. or newspaper, Ja- pan is recovering quickly and steadily from the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disas- ter. However, since 13,392 people died and 15,133 are still missing, the reconstruction of the community will take a long, long time, and the mental and spiritual pain of losing family members or friends will last even longer. Now, I am very proud to announce that we have collected $36,220 for the victims as of March 31, and more donations are coming in everyday. Your donations and messages will be sent to Japan by the end of this month. I am sure that this will bring a hope to the resi- dents of the disaster-stricken area. Thank you very much for your help. In Gassho, Rev. Yubun Narashiba Above: Grave site at Senkoji Temple in Iwanuma City, South of Sendai 800 Grand Memorial Services at Chio-nin Postponed: Due to the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disasters in Japan, the ceremonies which were to be held in early April 2011 were cancelled. Bishop Gensho Hara indicated they will be rescheduled October 2 to 16, however, he will find out in May whether the Octo- ber dates are firm dates. We will let you know as soon as we find out. Thank you. Some Information Re Jodo Shu Temples in Japan: Did you know that Jodo Shu has approximately 257 temples in the various affected areas in Japan, which are recovering from earthquake, tsunami and radio activity? In the Miyagi Prefecture alone, which includes Sendai, there are 56 Jodo Shu Temples. In Iwate thee are 34 Jodo Shu Temples. In Fukushima Prefecture there are approximately 167 Jodo Shu Temples. SEE some photos on next page. Page 4
  • 5. PHOTOS OF JAPAN [Copied from Northeast Japan Jodo Shu Young Ministers Association Website] Above: Joshoji Temple in Miyagi Prefecture. Right photo shows how high the water came at Joshoji Temple. Below: Grave stones at Joshoji Temple Right top: Saikoji Temple in Ishinomaki City, north of Sendai Mud & debri inside Saikoji Temple Right: outside Saikoji Temple Above: Temple Bell among debri at Shotokuji Temple in Sendai. Page 5
  • 6. Miso Helps Protect Body Against Atomic Radiation and Heavy Metal Poisoning What is miso? Miso is a fermented soy food and is one of the world’s most delicious, versatile and medicinal foods. Miso for centuries has been known as a folk remedy for weak digestion, cancer, radiation sickness, tobacco poisoning, acidic conditions, low libidio, and several types of intestinal infections. Miso’s reputation as one of nature’s most healing foods is being confirmed by modern medical science. These studies show what folk healers have known for centuries. It is not any one particular component of miso that makes it such an effective healing food but rather a complex combination of ingredients and a unique double fermentation process that transforms soybeans and grains into a potent medicine. Dr. Shinichiro Akizuki, director of St. Francis Hospital in Nagasaki during World War II who spent years treating atomic bomb victims just a few miles from ground zero did not suffer the usual effects of radiation.. Dr. Akizuki hypothesized that he and his associates were protected from the deadly radiation because they drank miso soup every day. It has been reported that European countries imported truckloads of miso from Japan af- ter the Chernobyl nuclear plant incident. Pork Miso Soup Serves: 2 Ingredients: 4 cups water 1 pkg. dashi no moto 1/2 lb. pork, sliced sukiyaki style 1 1/2 c. daikon, sliced into rectangles 1/2 pkg bean sprouts 1 med. carrot, sliced into rectangles 1/4 c. shiro miso 4 oz. konnyaku, sliced into rectangles green onions, chopped Directions: 1. Place 4 cups of water into a pot and add one pkg. of dashi no moto. 2. Prepare vegetables: Peel daikon and carrot Cut daikon into slices approximately 1” x 1.5” Cut carrot into slices approximately 1.5” x .5” Slice konnyaku into rectangles similar to carrot. Add them to the pot of water and dashi no moto. 3. Bring pot to a boil and let vegetables cook for approximately 4 minutes. 4. Skim the foaming bubbles off the surface of the mixture. 5. Separating the slices, add the pork to the boiling mixture and cook for 30 seconds. 6. Skim the foaming bubbles from the surface once again. 7. Add half a package of bean sprouts. Heat for another 30 seconds. 8. Lower heat and add 1/4 cup miso, stirring miso until it is dissolved into the soup. Serve in bowls, garnishing with chopped green onions. Page 6
  • 7. Sunday School Excursion to Honolulu Zoo On January 30, 2011, Sunday went to the Honolulu Zoo. Looks like they are enjoying themselves. Photo on right features Rev. Wa- tanabe, advisors and mothers. Back row; Yukari Narashiba, Rev. Watanabe, Kay Oshiro, JoAnn Matsuo, Makoh Nii, Hitomi Paraso. Front row; Takeru Nii, Sophie Narashiba, A’Marie Paraso and Strider Paraso Note of Appreciation from Makoh Nii (Takeru's mother): 『サンデースクールでは、いつもお寺でのマナーや、日本の文化を学びつつ、楽しい 経験もさせていただき、感謝しています。 先日の遠足はZOOで、サンデースクールのメンバーと逝くZOOは、いつも見るZOOの 風景と違った、新鮮なものでした。 息子も私も、いつになく楽しい思いをいたしました。 思い掛けず雨にもふられましたが、それも楽しい思い出です。 どうもありがとうございました』 Translation: We are so fortunate to have opportunities to learn various things such as manners in temples and cultures in Japan in addition to having fun with friends through the Sunday School at Jodo Mission. We had an excursion to the Honolulu Zoo from the Sunday School on January 30, 2011 and we enjoyed visiting the zoo from different way than we go there by ourselves. Although my son and I had been to the zoo before, we enjoyed so much with all Sunday School friends. Unexpectedly, we had a shower (like a storm!) and that was also a fun experience. Thank you very much. Hello Everyone! Would you like to have some fun with us? We have Sunday School Class 1-2 times in each month. Besides attending Sunday Service and learning about Buddhism, we also go on picnics, have birthday parties, Christmas party, and do fun things together!! Please call Jodo Mission of Hawaii at 949-3995 if you would like to know more about us. We are looking forward to seeing more new students! In Gassho, Rev. Watanabe Page 7
  • 8. Announcements Hanamatsuri On Sunday, April 10, the Hawaii Buddhist Council held its Buddha Day or Hana- matsuri Service at Jodo Mission. We wish to thank the Fujinkai ladies, led by Carol Yanagihara, who helped put together two beautiful hanamidos for this service The hanamidos are pagoda like structures, with the Baby Buddha in the center surrounded by beautiful flowers and amacha or sweet tea. Everyone coming to the Ser- vice was able to pour the sweet tea over the Baby Bud- dha statute. THANK YOU also for the many people who brought flowers from their yards for us to use. See more Hanamatsuri photos on next page. Sunday School 5/8/11 Two students from Punahou came to help: Courtney Kaneshiro and Carli Matsuoka. As part of Mother’s Day Service 10 a.m. their Japanese class, they came to participate in our ha- 5/22/11 after choir class namido creation. Now, they will go back and give their presentation of what they did and what they learned. THANK YOU COURTNEY and CARLI for coming to help. Hope you found it interesting.! ♫Children’s Choir “Malama”♫ 5/1/11 at 10:40 a.m. 5/22/11 at 10:40 a.m. Any child ages 5 to 8 years old can join. Children will sing mainly Japanese songs and Buddhist gathas. Practice will be in Japanese. ♫ ♫ CONTEST May 8th is Mother’s Day (Haha No Hi) Fujinkai Meeting (Women’s association) YBA Meeting What do you remember most about your 5/1/11 5/22/11 Mother, Mom, Mama, Okaa-san? Was it the 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. delicious food she prepared, the clothes she made for you, the wonderful words of wisdom she had, the Sewing Circle encouragement she gave for studying hard, for doing the best you can, for enjoying life to the fullest, etc. 5/14 and 5/28/11 In 100 words or less, please send in your 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. thoughts to Jodo Mission of Hawaii by Saturday, May 7th. No age requirement on entering this Any interested person is welcome contest. to participate Please come to our Mother’s Day Service on May 8th at 10:00 a.m. Page 8
  • 9. HANAMATSURI PHOTOS [Hawaii Buddhist Council sponsored Hanamatsuri Service on April 10, 2011] Guest Speaker was Dr. George Tanabe. Congregation is listening to his talk. Congregation included members of seven Buddhist denominations: Higashi Hongwanji Mission of Ha- waii, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Koyasan Shingon Mission of Hawaii, Nichiren Mis- sion of Hawaii, Soto Mission of Hawaii and Tendai Mission of Left: Closeup of Hawaii. inside one of Left: Our beautiful altar with one of the Hanamidos with the Hanamidos. Baby Buddha inside surrounded with sweet tea and flowers. Right: Jodo Mission’s Chil- dren’s Choir performed. Below: Audi- ence enjoyed the entertain- ment by Koboji Temple. Right: Even Bishop Dean Okimura of Koboji Temple danced and was MC for the entertainment portion. Left: Koboji dancer Dazman even got Ha- namatsuri MC up to dance: Page 9
  • 10. 2011 BON DANCE SCHEDULE OF JODO SHU TEMPLES Island Temple Phone No. Dates Times Oahu Betsuin 949-3995 Aug 19 to 20 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm Haleiwa 637-4382 July 22 to 23 7/22: 8 pm – 10 pm 7/23: 8 pm – 11 pm Big Island Kurtistown August 6 8:00 pm [Hawaii] Call Rev. Miyazaki Hilo July 8 to 9 7/8: 7:30 pm (808) 935-6996 7/9: 8:00 pm Hakalau August 20 8:00 pm Hamakua August 13 6:30 pm Call Rev. Wansa Kohala July 9 6:30 pm (808) 775-0965 Hawi August 6 6:30 pm Maui Kahului Call Rev. John Hara June 24 to 25 7:00 pm Wailuku (808) 244-0066 June 17 7:00 pm Lahaina (808) 661-4304 July 2 7:00 pm Kauai Kapaa (808) 822-4319 July 22 to 23 7:30 pm Koloa (808) 742-6735 June 17 to 18 7:30 pm Obituaries NOKOTSUDO (Columbarium) Vases: The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sincere We need to clean the Nokotsudo which has condolences to the family members and loved many, many vases. Saturday, June 4th is ones of the following members who have recently our target date. If you have any personal left this world for the Pure Land. vases, artificial plants and flowers, would you please take them home. We realize that Masato Okimura 91 you may bring a special vase for your use and then when you come the next time, you cannot find it so you bring another one. Jodo Mission Office Hours: We do not want to break your special Monday to Saturday vase and that may happen when the No- 8am—5pm kotsudo people are cleaning the vases or if Sunday & Holidays 8am—3pm thee are too many vases on the shelves. Phone: 949-3995 Thank you. Rev. Yubun Narashiba Rev. Kanjun Nakano Rev. Yasuhiro Rev. Dwight Head Minister Resident Minister Watanabe Nakamura Resident Minister Retired Minister Page 10
  • 11. EITAIKYO (Perpetual Memorial Service) for May 1 Tome Iwamoto Hikoichi Hirai Tome Toishigawa The Hirai Family Moushi Uehara 24 Zensuke Yokomichi 2 Bishop Buntetsu Miyamoto Teruo Sawamura The Yokomichi Family Etsuo Nakagawa Fumiko Yogi The Kondo Family Kenichi Hayashi Kaizo Goto 3 Mitsuyo Nakahara The Goto Family The Fukunaga Family Teruo Sawamura The Sawamura Family Kichizo Yamamoto Mitsuko Sakai The Miyashige Family Betty Oshita 4 Eikichi Hirouji Katsutoshi Kano The Yamamoto Family The Miyamasu Family Takeji Ogata Tamotsu Takaoka 14 Kiku Miyashige Kiseno Nakano Toshio Yoshioka The Goto Family Satsuki Nakano The Miyashige Family Kamazo Teruya 5 Sadaichi Mito Fui Yamato Natsu Muramoto The Mito Family The Yamato Family Michie Makino Toshio Karamatsu 25 Keiichi Mineishi The Makino & Okamura Family Kiku Matsumoto The Mineishi Family Morita Kokubun Kura Harada Kazuo Shidaki Shinichi Yanagihara The Shidaki Family 6 Tokusaburo Fukuda (2) Yoshio Nishimura The Fukuda Family (2) 16 Kamekichi Hayashi Shinsuke Uchiumi Tora Kanayama (2) The Hayashi Family Minoru Yamane The Kanayama Family Kozo Okamoto Yonosuke Ikuta Hitoshi Nitta Peggy Miyako Ogi The Takazawa Family Kamato Uyehara Tamayo Matsumori 17 Hiromu Hayashi 26 Senkichi Fukuda Laurie T. Cho Wallace Kazuyo Sakai The Fukuda Family Kazuo Karimoto Helen Miyoko Fujikami Tamashiro Fukuji Muranaka Kuma Tatei Rikio Kunihisa 18 Hatsuyo Yamamoto Mitsuki Kimoto Masaru Morimoto The Yamamoto Family Toshiko Higa 7 Minetaro Katagiri Tadami Uemoto The Katagiri Family Chizuko Koto 27 Kichi Hisamura Tsuyako Kishii Haru Shimizu Torakichi Miyao The Imamiya Family The Kawabe Family Takashi Saiki Kiyoshi Hirano The Mitsujiro Kurashige Family Kiyoshi Narahara 28 Iro Yamane Satoru Miura Misao Yasuda Kayoko Miyamoto Toshiko Yamanaka Shuso Gushikuma 8 Toshiko Kusunoki Shurei Gushikuma Tami Kawasaki 19 Kamechiyo Uyehara Kamaru Gushikuma The Kusunoki Family Fumio Fujiwara Kama Gushikuma Tsuru Kitamura The Kawasaki Family 20 Sukeo Matsuno 29 Mayo Yamamoto Yasuo Kagihara The Matsuno Family The Yamamoto Family The Nakagawa Family Hatsue Tsuda The Suzukawa Family The Kitamura Family The Tsuda Family Yazaburo Shoji Seki Tamura Kamei Akamine Tohe Shoji Family Haruyo Iwamoto Joji Sakaguchi 10 Sada Kurihara Koan Takara Tomiko Yamanaka The Kurihara Family Benzo Takahashi Haruo Kito The Ajimura Family The Kito Family The Ito Family (Stillborn) 21 Fuji Yamamoto Hatsuko Toishigawa The Yamamoto Family Sumie Ito 11 Masataka Fukuda Shigeko Fujikami The Fukuda Family The Fujikami Family 30 Tamezo Yanagihara Shuzo Mitsutani The Yanagihara Family The Mitsutani Family 22 Tsunekichi Tamanaha Heikichi Ichida Ayataro Nanbu The Tamanaha Family The Ichida Family The Nanbu Family Masuo Tomita Setsu Yamamoto Kimiko Fujii Haruo Nakagawa Mackay Umeichi Yanagisawa Kikuyo Hayashi Tsunejiro Iwamoto Kinuyo Matsui 23 Hichizo Nishimura Yoshiko Moritsugu Matsuichi Onaga The Nishimura Family The Aoki Family 31 Hideo Kuniyuki 12 Konosuke Tsuda Harukichi Hirohama Ichiro Obara The Tsuda Family The Hirohama Family Tahei Harada Kimie Takaoka Ishi Onaga Mieko Takara The Onaga Family Yasu Ogi The Nakamura Family Kenji Otani Tomoko Hayashi Kenzo Hashimoto 13 Konzo Nakai Hichizo Nishimura The Nakai Family Page 11
  • 12. 8:30am Morning Service May 2011 Jodo Mission of Hawaii Everyday Phone: 949-3995 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:30am Fujinkai Meeting 2 3 4 5 6 7 10:30am Maunalani ***3:15 pm Jodo Shu 10:00am Obetsuji Service Visitation hour 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10am Mother’s Day Service 8:30 am Sewing Class 10am CCH visitation 10:30am Sunday School 11:45am Board Meeting 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10am Sunday Service **3:15 pm Jodo Shu hour 22 8:30am YBA Meeting 23 24 25 26 27 28 10am Juzukuri Service 10:00 HBC Me- 8am Sr. YBA Lei 8:30 am Sewing Class morial Day Ser- Making Event 10:40am Children’s Choir; then Sunday School vice at Punchbowl Cemetery 29 30 31 10am Memorial Day Service Baccalaureate Service will follow ***Jodo Shu Hour Radio K-ZOO (AM1210Khz, Japanese station) Coming Events: July 22-23: Haleiwa O-Bon Services July 3: General Cleanup & O-Toba Set up—We need your help July 15, 16: O-Bon Services; 10:00 am Hatsubon only Aug 19-20: Our Bon Dance 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm Julu 17: O-Bon Service: 10:00 am